#lancelot only boy with brain cells
charliewrites99 · 2 years
Things I see in a lot of of Merthur fanfics that I enjoy every single time:
- Merlin wearing long ass coats
- Morgana being a girlboss who will drink you under a table
- Arthur being delusional about how much of a disaster he actually is
- Morgana enjoying chaos she didn't cause but will watch it unfold
- Gwen and Lancelot as a couple
- Gwen and Merlin besfriend-ism
- Lancelot being the one in the couple that has to hold Gwen back so she doesn't slap a hoe
- Arthur at some point being Jealous of Gwaine
- Bi/pan Gwaine
- Morgana being the most helpfull person in the story
- Gwaine not really setting out to be helpful but saving the day non-the less
- Gwaine the party boy + Percival the stay at home and bake dynamics
- Leon either not realizing they like eachother or being the first one to notice. No inbetween.
- Elyan and Morgana low-key vibing by being the only ones with brain cells (this one isn't as common but it should be)
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tanoraqui · 3 years
(saw ur reblog about the kid who would be king, 2019—and out of curiosity, what would u say is ur favourite arthurian adaptations?)
The Squire’s Tales series by Gerald Morris, next question
ok I’ll elaborate. The Squire’s Tales series is a 10-book YA series by a man who imprinted on Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (the ancient poem) as a college student and never stopped stanning Gawain since (as is correct). The pivot character of the series, pov of the first two and final two books, is Terence, a boy/young man who shortly into the first book becomes squire to Gawain, who at that point is not in fact knighted yet. The books follow first their adventures and then a wide assortment of other, mostly more esoteric Arthurian tales, mostly during Camelot’s golden age, with the power move of leaving Arthur himself—and the Arthur/Guinevere/Lancelot triangle—mostly in the background. Other key features include but are not limited to:
Blithe disregard for historical accuracy is second only to T.H. White’s The Once and Future King (which iconically conflates Uther Pendragon with William the Conquerer)
The basic premise of every book is 2-3 people with probably one brain cell each go on a quest with 1-2 people with no brain cells whatsoever, and meet MANY more people with no brain cells whatsoever, and try to help them with kindness understanding, and a healthy amount of swords and fairy magic
Also every single POV character except one either starts out, becomes (usually by marriage), or is revealed to have secretly been the whole time part of the extended Orkney-Pendragon family
I wish the fairy worldbuilding was more complex than “Seelie good, Unseelie bad”, and Morgause and Mordred more complex than “ambitious and ruthless.” But the GOOD character tales include Gawain (natch), Arthur, Guinevere, my favorite Morgan le Fay in any Arthur retelling ever, Kay, Lancelot (redemption arc!), ALL the Orkney boys actually (Gawain + Agravain, Gaheris, Gareth), Parsifal (Percival), Dinadan who I wouldn’t otherwise know, Galahad, and also some fucking excellent OCs in Terence, Eileen, and Sarah…
Merlin is likewise mostly omitted; in fact he peaces out at the end of the first book to go have an extended honeymoon with the Lady of the Lake (here called Nimue)
Representation Roundup(TM): mostly white people but Palamedes is there (the one notably Moorish knight), and he’s one of the people with a brain cell. No queer people—it’s YA from the 90s/2000s—EXCEPT (light spoilers) Dinadan and Brangienne are as aro as they come, and best friends and it’s great. 3 of 7 pov characters (3 of 10 books) are women, and the other books are full of complex female characters. Literally book 1 is Gawain doing the hag/maiden “what all women want is to get what they want” quest and that sets the tone. Religion-wise, per aforementioned blithe disregard for historical accuracy, Christianity is encroaching awkwardly, mostly politely, into territory where fairy folk still roam; Sarah doesn’t identify as Jewish but the fact that her foster-father Mordecai very much was is a big part of her character and story.
Fair warning, it IS a “magic will now fade from the world” ending—but, per classic Arthurian legend, a return is promised…and the important thing, each book makes clear, was never the magic itself, but the people who met it. If the mother and father are loving, if the priest is good, and the storyteller sings his songs well of what was and what can be again…then we will all see tomorrow, and it may even be better than today.
Srsly, special mention to Morgan: She’s in love with Arthur but unfortunately a) he’s her brother and b) he doesn’t feel the same, so she just periodically drops in to bother her favorite nephew (Gawain), mentor young witches, and continue delaying her required-by-Fairy-law choice between the Seelie and Unseelie courts.
Also when Arthur is bored, he sometimes sneaks out of Camelot to anonymously challenge random knights to fights; and Kay is a bitch and I love him so much, and Gawain IS solar-powered thank you very much, and Terence avoids being knighted until Arthur practically pins him down in public, and Sarah has a vengeance quest, which is great because how often do you see a teenage girl on a vengeance quest? For the unjust deaths of her parents? Not often enough, I tell you. Not often enough.
The first book is called The Squire’s Tale and you can probably find it at your local library. Check it out!
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Dumb Luck
Prompt: the usual "Everyone knows Merlin has Magic but Merlin doesn't know they know" but Arthur's being really fucking thick about it. Everything that could possibly be magic Arthur has brushed off as luck or something. At some point Merlin realizes that the knights know (or maybe he's known all along) and the knights tell Merlin that Arthur knows but he's being stupid, which leads to Merlin performing increasingly extravagant/impressive/silly magic in front of Arthur until the point Arthur just asks if Merlin would like him to acknowledge the fact that he doesn't care that Merlin has magic
no brain cells for these boys, leon stop hoarding them
Read on Ao3
Warnings: none!
Pairings: merthur, can be platonic or romantic who tf knows
Word Count: 2943
Alright. Merlin’s going to be honest. Is the absolute best at hiding his magic from people? No. Is he a damn sight near better than some other bastards would be if they had his magic? Yes, yes, he is, thank you very much. They would do quite well to remember that he is magic, and he’s had it since he was born, so he knows what he’s doing when it comes to knowing that he has it. Yes, thank you, he doesn’t go around doing every single thing he could with magic because well, then he’d never get to do much of anything ever again.
And that would be boring.
But yes, maybe he’s a little petty or lazy sometimes. Honestly, he’s just being efficient. Yes, he can justify pettiness as efficient. He’s just getting them back for something that he would otherwise have to expend so much effort doing. It’s very handy.
So the knights work out he has magic. Big surprise there, he knows. Lancelot is Lancelot, Gwaine is Gwaine. Percival stumbles in on him lifting too much a little too easily and cracks a joke about having Merlin pull his weight more on hunting trips and patrols. Elyan watches him fix armor and immediately clamors to bring Merlin to his and Gwen’s forge so he can actually show him how to fix armor.
Leon takes him aside quietly one day and thanks him. Merlin doesn’t start crying, he doesn’t end up breaking down into Leon’s arms, and Leon definitely doesn’t promise that although Merlin may not have been knighted, he thinks of him as his brother in arms.
Leon is very rude sometimes, as a matter of fact.
But Arthur doesn’t seem to notice.
Now, Arthur doesn’t notice a lot. Doesn’t notice Merlin shifting his chair a little bit so he crashes onto the floor, doesn’t notice Gwen spending just a hair too much time with Morgana in the evenings, doesn’t notice the guards that don’t even pay attention to the dungeons. Like, at all.
But there are some things he…should notice.
Like when a branch suddenly lifts itself up from a forest floor to trip a bandit.
“Bandits,” Merlin mutters under his breath, “why is it always bandits?”
He deflects a blow and sends one of them flying into a tree. Behind him, Elyan parries a blow and deftly clubs the man over the head. Arthur is battling another bandit a few paces away as one tries to run up behind him.
Merlin’s hand is out in a flash and the tree branch right in front of Arthur wheels up and smacks the man across the face.
Arthur whirls around and cuts the other man down, successfully putting an end to the fight. Around the clearing, the knights shake their heads and go about picking up the rest of their camp. Really, being far too calm for men who just killed a bunch of people.
Except for Merlin.
Merlin, while this is happening, is slowly coming to the conclusion that he would like to be swallowed up by the ground and never emerge again.
He just used magic, very obviously, in front of Arthur.
Is this the first time he’s done it? No, not by a long shot, but it is the first time he’s done it without any regard for whether Arthur can see.
Arthur turns and Merlin’s heart drops to his stomach.
Arthur wrenches his sword out of the ground and stalks over to him.
Arthur roughly grabs his shoulder. Shakes. Hard.
“Merlin! Merlin, answer me?”
Arthur’s face is drawn. Grim. Almost his father’s. His grip hurts.
“Where are you hurt?”
Merlin blinks. What? Where is he what?
“Where is it, Merlin,” Arthur growls again, already looking him over, “where did they hurt you?”
“I’m—I’m not hurt.”
“You’re paler than a damn sheet, Merlin, you must be losing blood.” Arthur’s hand is…surprisingly gentle as it lifts his chin. “Tell me where. Come on. Now’s not the time for shame.”
“No, no,” Merlin mumbles, “I’m not—not hurt. Didn’t get hurt.”
Arthur slows, grim expression morphing to confusion. “Then why do you look so…”
If in doubt, poke fun at yourself.
“Just scared, I guess,” Merlin tries with a self-deprecating laugh, “wasn’t expecting bandits.”
Arthur huffs, lightly shoving his shoulder. “Leave it to you to be such a drama queen that I think you’re bleeding out.”
“’S nice of you to care.”
“Just glad I don’t have to drag your corpse back to Gaius.”
So that was…bizarre. Not the most bizarre thing that’s ever happened to Merlin, not at all, but bizarre. Arthur may be a little unobservant at times but he’s not that oblivious.
But, in fairness to him—which is something Merlin tries not to do too often—he was in the middle of a fight and had just killed a man. Knights may not be known for the smarts but they are known for their overprotectiveness.
Yes, he can hear you lot protesting over there, it’s true and you know it.
And maybe…maybe Merlin’s been getting a little sick of Gaius screaming about how secret his magic must be kept in broad daylight with the door wide open. Listen, if you think he’s about to get scolded by your parental unit and not immediately find some way to rebel, you don’t know Merlin very well.
And yes, maybe there’s a sick little thrill he gets out of doing magic in front of Arthur.
So. The next time they’re on a hunting trip and he’s as sure as he can be that there aren’t any bandits around, he decides to push a little bit.
Arthur is lounging around because you can take the prince out of the castle but you can’t take the castle out of the prince and he thinks he’s still about to receive the finest of dishes that Camelot’s kitchens can prepare. Well, no, but he is about to not have to cook it himself.
“Light the fire, Merlin, it’s not that hard.”
“Have you ever lit a fire a day in your life?”
“Sure, when I was training.”
“Training? You needed training to learn how to light a fire?”
“It was survival training, with the elder knights. Had to survive a night on my own.”
“On your own?”
“Well, my own campsite. They stayed about a league away.”
Merlin just sighs and crouches down. He eyes Arthur, who is tending to his sword, and then very slowly but pointedly sets the flint and steel aside. Arthur isn’t paying much attention to him.
Slowly, Merlin leans forward and lights the fire with his magic.
Arthur looks up. Merlin looks back at him. Arthur swings the sword off his lap. He sets it on the log, his hand still wrapped around the pommel. The tip of the blade points straight at Merlin’s chest. It gleams in the firelight.
“See? I told you it wasn’t hard.”
Is…is he serious?
As it turns out, yes. Arthur is completely serious.
And at this point, this is science, now, what Merlin’s doing. Experiments. He has to know the limits! He has a hypothesis, he has a method, he wants to reach a conclusion.
Hypothesis: Arthur is really, really oblivious to anything magical.
Method: do increasingly obvious magic in front of Arthur until he notices.
Conclusion: how oblivious is Arthur?
An important caveat: Merlin doesn’t know how Arthur will react to finding out he has magic, but he can burn that bridge when he gets there.
So when he wakes Arthur up the next morning, he draws the curtains with a flourish and when Arthur turns over and pulls the blanket up to his cheek in protest, he flicks his wrist and yanks the covers off the bed.
What does Arthur do?
Mumble and groan and stumble out of bed saying Merlin’s worse than his first governess.
“Wait, first?”
“Morgana and I snuck a toad into her bed. She quit after that.”
“You two did what?”
“Think there’s still frog spawn in that bed frame. Father had that chamber closed off for a while.”
“You—eat your breakfast, you prat.”
“You’re the one that pulled my blankets away!”
…okay, so he needs to take it up a notch.
One of the ones that pisses Gaius off the most is when Merlin uses magic to polish multiple pieces of Arthur’s armor at the same time. So when Arthur is at his desk, Merlin lays his shield across his lap and grabs two polishing rags. He sets the can of polish next to him and starts working on the shield. When he’s sure Arthur is focusing, he uses his magic to lift the breastplate up next to him and start to beat out the dents.
“Merlin,” Arthur sighs, “can you keep it down any?”
Showtime. “Don’t know what you mean, sire.”
“That bloody racket! Can you at least be a little quieter?”
“What racket?”
Arthur shoves the paper away from him and glares at the ceiling. “That banging! It’s so loud I can barely hear myself think!”
“It’s no louder than you normally are, sire.”
“Oh, you—I ought to—“ Arthur just mutters to himself as he claps his hands over his ears.
But he never looks toward Merlin.
So maybe Arthur isn’t ignoring him because he’s oblivious. Maybe…maybe he knows already and is…is trying to protect Merlin.
Uther is still King of Camelot. Morgana is outspoken against his cruelty but he is still very much in charge. There’s only so much protection the knights can afford him. There’s only so much protection Arthur can afford him.
So…so maybe Arthur is pretending he doesn’t see because he knows he can’t save Merlin if he has to acknowledge it.
Merlin takes a few days to process that. The knights are concerned, they ask him what’s wrong, what does he need, how can they help? He waves them off, says he’s just thinking.
“Maybe,” Lancelot says kindly, “but with you, Merlin, you’re never just thinking.”
“Or at least it doesn’t stay that way for very long,” Gwaine agrees, slinging an arm around Merlin’s shoulders, “and I don’t know about you lot but I like a little bit of forewarning before I wake up to ale in my shoes.”
“You asked for another round, you didn’t say where.”
“Why the hell would I want them in my shoes?”
Gwaine does what Gwaine always does and steers the attention away from Merlin, leaving Leon and Lancelot to carefully prod him a little more privately. He waves them off too, even though he’s sure he isn’t keeping as much as he would like to be from Leon.
Merlin stops using his magic as much. He does his chores as much as he can using his two hands, lugs buckets of water without complaint, polishes armor until his nose burns and his eyes sting. He uses his magic for particularly stubborn stains in his room and keeps a sharper eye out for how to move this bandit’s sword a little to the right, or how to make this knight’s staff a little heavier.
He thinks Arthur is trying to hide for him, so he hides for Arthur.
Then he can’t hide.
A sorcerer is threatening to collapse the walls of Camelot in on themselves. The entire citadel shakes as Merlin and the knights rush out, dragging as many people as they can. The stone trembles and the wood groans and there are screams. More screams than Merlin could ever bear to hear join the chorus of more than he could ever know that plague him every time he closes his eyes.
He shuts them anyway and runs.
He runs away from the knights, magic pushing him faster, faster, faster with the need to protect the castle, protect the people, protect Arthur. The sorcerer is pulling him away from his people and for that…for that, he must pay.
By the time he gets to the field, it is rippling with magic. Merlin’s fingertips, his ears, even his nose tingles as he rushes deeper, deeper, deeper, trying to get to the eye of the storm.
There, in the middle of a patch of grass, stands a sorcerer. In robes deeper than night and hair whipped up in the wind of the spell.
Merlin grits his teeth and says no.
And when the Greatest Sorcerer to Ever Walk the Earth calls, Magic answers.
The sorcerer is dust before he manages to open his mouth. The field settles. Magic returns to the earth. And Merlin collapses to his knees as the knights run up behind him.
He isn’t a fool, despite what others may have led you to believe. He knows this was magic, could only be magic, and could only be stopped by magic.
So when the knights rush up to him and collapse to their knees around him, muttering that he’s alright, he did it, he’s safe, he did it, is he hurt, all he can think of is how he’s going to have to explain this to Arthur.
They tell him he doesn’t need to explain anything. That Arthur already knows, that he doesn’t care.
Merlin doesn’t believe them. Even if he saved Camelot, which he’s already done, he has magic. He used magic to do it.
They tell him again that it doesn’t matter, that Arthur doesn’t, won’t care.
But Merlin still has to tell him.
“Tell me what?”
Arthur rushes into the clearing. He can hear him behind them. He can’t find it in him to get up. The knights are still around him, he can hear Lancelot’s voice in his ear, feel Leon’s hands on his shoulders, but he can’t move. Can’t speak.
“Tell me what,” Arthur repeats, and oh, he sounds angry, “what is it?”
“Merlin,” someone—Gwaine—is muttering, “Merlin, it’s alright, he won’t care, he doesn’t care—“
“Of course I care,” comes the cold, cold voice and Gwaine falters, “now move.”
Merlin’s chest clenches. There’s the sharp sing of steel as Gwaine draws his sword.
“Put it down.”
“Nope, can’t do that.”
Then Leon stands up. “Arthur, please think carefully about this.”
“I don’t have to think carefully about anything. Merlin is hurt, let me tend to him. He’s mine.”
“You won’t hurt him.”
“No, I certainly don’t intend to, so move.”
Lancelot’s hands are the last to leave him. Merlin is cold. It’s so cold. His magic buries deep inside his chest and it feels hard to breathe.
Boots. Boots on the ground in front of him. They flatten the grass as a shadow blocks the light. Armor creaks as the figure kneels down. A gauntleted hand cups his chin.
“Merlin,” comes a voice that’s soft, too soft, “Merlin, I need you to look at me.”
And what is he supposed to do, disobey?
Arthur’s face is too warm when Merlin looks up at him. His mouth tugs up into a little smile as Merlin finally makes eye contact with him.
“There you are,” he says, still in that soft voice that doesn’t make sense, “now, are you hurt?”
Merlin can only blink.
“Merlin,” he says, and his voice is a little firmer as he cups Merlin’s chin properly, “are you hurt? What happened?”
His throat is too dry. “Not hurt.”
Arthur relaxes, only marginally. “Then why do you look so upset?”
The world could collapse and Merlin would be frozen here, trapped in the silence of Arthur’s gaze.
Unbidden, his eyes flash gold.
Arthur takes a sharp breath in. Merlin braces for a hit only for—
“Oh, you idiot,” Arthur whispers, “do I actually need to tell you I don’t care if you have magic?”
Go back.
One more time.
“I don’t care, you idiot,” he says in a tone that is too fond, “I don’t care that you have magic. You have it, you’re still Merlin, I don’t care.”
Rough metal gauntlets cup his face and oh—it’s cold—
“Merlin, look at me.”
“I—I am.”
“No, look.”
He blinks and has to focus on looking at Arthur.
“I’m not mad,” Arthur says firmly, “and I don’t care that you have magic.”
Merlin starts to laugh. Because of course, of course, Arthur doesn’t care. He’s been so stupid. Arthur doesn’t care. Arthur doesn’t care. He’s doubled over before he can stop himself. The laughs keep pouring out of him, his magic rushing back to his fingers, his nose, his chest. He laughs long and loud and hard and then Arthur is murmuring at him again because no, no, he isn’t laughing anymore, he’s crying.
“Come here, you big baby,” Arthur murmurs, tucking him into the gentlest embrace he’s ever had from someone wearing armor, “yes, there you go, that’s it.”
He doesn’t care. He doesn’t care.
Arthur has known Merlin has magic and he doesn’t care.
…wait, does that make Merlin the oblivious one?
Nah, that couldn’t be it.
It’s not like Arthur is hiding anything else from Merlin.
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Ikerev Characters as Harry Potter Wands
NOTE: all of the below information about wands are taken from the Pottermore website. Go check it out for more information.
Ray: blackthorn (blackthorn wand owners are known to be warriors & needs to pass through dangers and hardships with their owners to be truly bonded. Ray is the King of Spades, and he has certainly passes through a lot of danger and hardship in his past. Also: Blackwell, blackthorn...)
Sirius: cedar (cedar wand owners possess strength of character and unusual loyalty, and Sirius is one of the more stable guys in the game, and he always cares about his friends. It’s also said that cedar wand owners shouldn’t be crossed, especially if their friends are hurt.)
Luka: ash (ash wand owners are usually stubborn and courageous, and Luka fits both of these, especially the stubborn part, since he’s not easily swayed from what he truly believes. Also, he’s neither brash nor overconfident, unlike someone else, so ash would be a great match for Luka!)
Fenrir: sycamore (sycamore wands are adventurers, and dislike mundane, everyday activities. Guess who jumped to my mind when I first saw those descriptions. Also, they tend to explode when they’re bored. Fenrir probably also explodes when he’s bored. Or at least cause something to explode.)
Seth: hawthorn (hawthorn wands are all about paradoxes, and Seth is all about paradoxes. They’re both pretty complex and conflicted. The entirety of Seth’s route is basically about him double-crossing the Black Army and then the Magic Tower There’s also a lot of that good-or-evil thing going on.)
Lancelot: elder (elder wands only select the most capable master who’s superior to their company, and who’s more capable and superior than the King of Hearts himself? It’s also said that elder wand owners have a special destiny, which certainly fits Lancelot. Plus, elder also has an affinity with rowan)
Jonah: rowan (rowan is a very protective wand, and Jonah is a very protective person. Just ask Luka. Moreover, no dark wizard has ever owned a rowan wand before. Jonah, as we know, has a diamond heart, and I can’t ever imagine a dark!Jonah, since he’s so noble and honorable and just super good. Rowan wand owners are also known to be good at duels, and we all love a strong Queen.)
Edgar: walnut (it’s a wand for the highly intelligent, and Edgar is the Red Army’s last remaining brain cell. It should be noted that walnut wands shouldn’t be in the hands of those without a conscience, and Edgar actually has a conscience despite often acting otherwise.)
Zero: aspen (aspen wands are particularly suited to martial magic, and aspen wand owners are often good duellist. Zero takes great pride in his swordwork, and I remember that one of his wishes was to find a worthy opponent. Aspen wand owners are also strong-minded and determined, just like Zero!)
Kyle: willow (willow wands have a lot of healing power, and it totally fits Kyle because he’s a genious doctor. Also, willow wand owners often have an unwarranted insecurity that they try to hide, and Kyle is pretty insecure about his ability to save people ever since his brother died, but he always covers it up.)
Harr Silver: pine (independent ✓, individual ✓, a loner ✓, intriguing ✓, mysterious ✓. It’s honestly the perfect wand for Harr. All of the personality traits match. Besides, pine wands like to be used creatively, and Harr can get pretty creative with some of his spells.)
Loki Genetta: dogwood (ik it’s kinda weird to give a cat a dogwood wand, but it works! Dogwood wands are usually quirky and playful, and so is Loki. However, they can be capable of serious magic as well, which kinda reminded me of how Loki also has hidden depths to his personality.)
Blanc Lapin: apple (apple wand owners are supposed to be well-loved and long-lived, and possess great personal charm. No one in Cradle seems to truly dislike Blanc. The long-lived part is obvious, since he’s like the oldest living guy in the game.)
Oliver Knight: hornbeam (people with hornbeam wands usually have one passion that they dedicate their lives to. Oliver has pretty much dedicated his life to inventing, especially so when it comes to hats. Boi literally ran away from home to make hats.)
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Watching (the Adventures of) Merlin season one on Netflix
Episode One: The Dragon's Call
. . . I feel like going to the capital of the kingdom indiscriminately slaughtering magic users wasn't the best idea.
Why? Well, that guy did just get executed.
And now his mom is mad. You tell that sorry excuse for a king, witch lady.
I don't like Uther, in case it was unclear.
Wait... if you could teleport why not just grab your son and ditch before he loses his head? Literally.
Oh, wow. Arthur is a dick.
Morgana. We have no choice but to stan tbh.
Dragon, you're really rubbing me the wrong way.
That's right Merlin! We need more than Because Destiny Says So!
Where did the spiderwebs come from? That sleeping spell gives me Sleeping Beauty vibes.
Ah, yes. The old drop-the- chandelier-on-the-villain trick. :(
If she went after Uther instead of Arthur I would have no complaints.
Manservant? You call that a reward for saving your son?
Episode Two: Valiant
Oh, he's gonna- Yup, dead. That's what happens when you deal with knights who cheat.
Where did that guy even get a magic shield in the first place?
Is there a thriving magic black market or something?
I love Guin.
. . . I feel like Sir Valiant didn't think this through. If bite marks are visible.
Ugh, you're the worst Uther.
It's only the second episode! Did you forget who saved your son already?
Stop being a jerk Arthur.
Lol. Merlin bringing a dog statue to life in order to practice for the Snake!Shield.
Bye Valiant!
Episode Three: The Mark of Nimueh
Whatcha up to with that egg, new witch lady?
You gonna poison the water of all of Camelot? Seems like a jerk move.
Dang that's a lot of dead bodies...
No, I like Guin's dad!
Yes! Cure him Merlin!
No! Stop arresting Guin, Uther!
You tell him, Morgana!
That plague monster that hatched from witch lady's egg is creepy.
Dead monster!
Arthur is kinda oblivious to Merlin's magic ngl.
Yay! Guin's free!
What do you know about witch lady Nimueh, Uther? Hmm? Why she want you dead? Besides the obvious reasons.
Episode Four: The Poisoned Chalice
Wow, Nimueh really doesn't like Merlin saving the day.
Wow, Nimueh really orchestrated an entire diplomatic incident in order to kill Merlin while also ensuring Camelot is destroyed by its neighbor. Impressive.
I really like Merlin and Guin's friendship.
Dang. Merlin really drank poison in order to save Arthur.
Merlin saved Arthur's life, Uther! Let him return the favor!
Oh, wow. Arthur really disobeyed his father in order to save Merlin's life.
I didn't know Merlin could cast spells while deathly delirious. And several miles away from him too.
Uther you b****! The antidote is right there! Let Arthur save his friend!
Putting your own son in a cell is such a jerk move.
At least Arthur and Guin manage to sneak the antidote to Merlin.
Quick aside: Internet spoilers say Uther needs to die for Arthur to complete his himbofication- I mean character development. So, if you could get on with that? Thanks!
Episode Five: Lancelot
Wow, that's a very CGI griffin.
Lancelot is so precious- Uh, I mean effective! Saving Merlin and all.
I know, Guin. I know.
Always thought it was a stupid rule to only let nobles be knights.
You're really going to commit magical forgery for someone you just met, Merlin?
I mean, Lancelot is earnest, hardworking, modest, kind despite his tragic backstory and it's his childhood dream to be a knight...
Yeah, I'd commit magical forgery too.
Lol, knocked you on your ass didn't he Arthur? (The second time at least)
I don't remember griffins being man-eaters!
Uther stop arresting people! Ugh, you're such a classist.
Let Lancelot help fight the griffin, Arthur! You need all the help you can get!
Well okay letting him go was nice of you.
Lancelot-Merlin tag team!
Wow. Lancelot really strode in with Camelot's singular braincell by figuring out Merlin has magic.
(The bar is low, okay.)
No, don't take away the braincell! Stay! The griffin was a team effort!
Okay, Lancelot's lawful good tendencies are a little annoying but, hey, nobody's perfect.
Episode Six: A Remedy to Cure All Ills
Edwin, no. Leave Morgana alone.
Oh, beetles! Curse beetles! That's not creepy at all.
Gaius how do you know Edwin?
What diabolical plot are you hatching Edwin? Oh, you're replacing Gaius in the royal court. That's kinda rude.
Merlin's so happy meeting another magic user that isn't trying to kill him (yet).
Le gasp! Uther's purge killed Edwin's parents? WhO cOuLd HaVe fOreSeEn tHis!?
But seriously. No wonder Edwin wants Uther dead.
I know Edwin blackmailed Gaius with exposing Merlin but he also wants to kill Uther!
That gives him a pass in my book.
Gaius no. Let Uther die.
Edwin stop trying to kill Gaius! You're going to-
Yup, here comes Merlin and-
Edwin's dead :(
Well he was trying to overthrow the kingdom. That's... bad... I guess.
Episode Seven: The Gates of Avalon
That title is misleading. It's more of a natural portal/magic lake type thing.
Arthur saves a father and daughter from bandits (Which they hired but shhh)
And they immediately try to put a love spell on Arthur
For human sacrifice purposes of course
Idk why the Sidhe want a human prince's soul -look at him, you don't know where he's been- but that's the price for readmission
I wonder how the dad killed one of his own kind? Was it an accident or...?
Exiling the daughter too makes me suspicious of Avalon's justice system
Evil laugh is a bit out of place for someone who is trying to restore his daughter's immortality
(They are so whiny about being mortal. Hey, we put up with it all the time!)
The fairy-like Sidhe moving in accelerated time so they just look like tiny orbs of light was an interesting touch. The blue faces and razor sharp teeth is not a good look for them, lol
They make Arthur ask to be married ('cause it takes a while for the love spell to go into full blown mind control or something)
Prompting Uther to threaten to kill both of them
(I feel like they didn't think this through)
Morgana admonishes Uther for being the worst
He replies that first love rarely lasts and that Arthur is inexperienced in such things. Plus that Arthur only met the girl yesterday
... I can't believe Uther is the voice of reason this episode
He doesn't get any points though. Due to the whole "threatening to execution his son's 'crush' " thing
The daughter is having second thoughts about using Arthur as a human sacrifice
Dear old dad puts those to rest and they try drowning Arthur in the lake that is/is the portal to, Avalon
Merlin's really leaning into the whole "Cool motive. Still murder.", thing huh?
Like, he did NOT hesitate to blow up both of them
Episode Eight: The Beginning of the End
Why do magic users keep going to Camelot!? The king is trying to KILL YOU!
Wow, this grown ass man is threatened by a literal child... I hate Uther so much
Morgana is the MVP of this episode. I love her
Protect that druid kid!
I feel like you're being paranoid Uther
You tell him Morgana!
Dragon, no. Stop prophesying death and destruction.
Wow, this grown ass dragon is threatened by a literal child...
Aaaand Morgana got caught sneaking the kid out of the city :(
Uther she is your adopted daughter! Stop putting people in cells!
Arthur is gonna sneak him out now?
While Morgana distracts the king?
Yes, excellent. What could possibly-
Merlin stop listening to that destiny dragon! Hearing his voice in your head is no basis for trust!
Cutting it close... Yay! They made it!
Mordred!? MORDRED!?
THAT little boy is Mordred!?
... Okay, I'm more inclined to believe the destiny dragon now
Still think letting him die would be a dick move
Episode Nine: Excalibur
What're you up to with that tomb Nimueh?
Oh! It's some kind of undead knight. Yes.
Throwing down the gauntlet. Pfft! Always thought that was a stupid idea.
Also: that Black Knight literally crashed your party!
Ugh, knights.
Nimueh if you can just teleport into the heart of Camelot while Uther is alone why don't you just stab him? Grab one of those pointy things he likes so much and stab him in the back. Easy peasy!
Stealing this joke but Don't do evil magic kids. It fries your brain cells.
Wait, the Black Knight is Uther's brother-in-law!?
Arthur's mother died in childbirth!?
Uther asked Nimueh to use her magic so he could have Arthur!?
Equivalent Exchange!?
Uther went on a genocidal rampage because he didn't bother with the instruction manual of ancient and powerful magic!?
Actually, that last one is not surprising at all.
I can't believe they're using the Wife in the Fridge trope. That appliance hasn't even been invented yet!
Ooh, Merlin's going to use his magic to destroy the Black Knight so Arthur doesn't have to fight him
As he's killed two knights already
Aaaaand, yup, he's still there. His cloak didn't even catch fire...
Arthur stop being a bastard. It doesn't suit you
Dragon forged sword! DRAGON FORGED SWORD!
Only Arthur can wield it. Yup, got it. How could this possibly go wrong?
Uther drugged Arthur and took his place in the fight... I have mixed feelings about this.
Wait, the dragon was very specific about only Arthur using that super special sword! Oh, snap.
Well at least the Black Knight is dead. Again.
Oh, dragon is not happy.
I know the dragon said "where no mortal soul could find it" but are you sure you wanna throw it into Avalon, Merlin?
Those people were gonna suck Arthur's soul out of his body
Episode Ten: The Moment of Truth
The way this episode title just lies to your face like that...
Oh, you're Merlin's mother! Thought we had an anime protagonists type thing going on
I... would like to say Uther is being unreasonable when he decides not to cross borders to get rid of some bandits. But I can totally see everyone hating him so that's a no go.
Lady, you were in a whole different kingdom. Why for the love of Merlin did you send him to Camelot!?
We're off to save the village! Morgana and Guin are coming too!
A wild Arthur appears!
Morgana better at swordplay than Arthur confirmed!
Merlin! I didn't know you had friends!
Granted he's a bit rough around the edges but
Okay. If it were literally anyone else besides Arthur. I'd say he was right about lords and knights being useless snobs.
Actually. He's right about lords and knights being useless snobs. Ah, that felt great.
Wow, the homosexual subtext is strong with this one.
The girls can tell Arthur came for Merlin.
But get your foot out of his face! I don't care how royal it is!
Look at Guin over here calling out Arthur for being a dick
And talking him into letting the women fight. She's on a roll
Aw, Merlin's friend died. :(
And he took credit for Merlin's tornado (so Arthur wouldn't find out about Merlin's magic)
Episode Eleven: The Labyrinth of Gedref
Lol, that unicorn could use a haircut.
No, Arthur. I said a haircut not an arrow to the chest!
Bad things? What kind of bad things Gaius?
Uther what's the point of having an expert in magical lore if you're not going to listen to him!
And all the crops are dead. Fantastic.
I know it's a magic thing but stating outright that the blight only targets edible plants is still really unsettling.
And the water's turned to sand. Great.
Who're you and how come Merlin is the only magic user that can't teleport?
What kind of tests mister Keeper of the Unicorns, sir?
Arthur I know you don't want to believe it's your fault... But it's totally your fault.
Uther no. People are starving.
You tell him Arthur.
Oh, the "theif" was a test!
Aaaaand he failed the second one. :(
Merlin's got a lot of faith in Arthur.
It's interesting how the Keeper can only direct the curse caused by the unicorn's death. Or rather the trials surrounding the curse, but can't break it himself.
Unicorns have some powerful magic.
The Labyrinth was barely on screen for five minutes! Surely something with Unicorn in the title would be more appropriate?
Arthur drinking a poisoned cup so Merlin could live?
That's some strong parallels right there.
The Keeper of the Unicorns is such a troll! Sleeping potion, hah!
The day is saved, Arthur lies to Uther's face about killing the Keeper and the unicorn resurrects itself.
Still needs a haircut though.
Episode Twelve: To Kill the King
Whatcha up to Guin's dad?
Oh that guy isn't suspicious at all.
You didn't think it was shady when he asked to meet in the middle of the night!?
Philosopher's Stone!?
Wow, the guards found him quickly.
What- No! Don't arrest Guin's dad!
Uther, he's a blacksmith! Stop being paranoid!
Will you stop executing people!? That inn keeper didn't know that guy was a dangerous sorcerer!
No, nononononono! He surrendered! Why did you do that!? Guin's father was important to Morgana!
That's why she gave him the key!
Dragon has his priorities straight.
Shut up, Merlin. You literally blew up a father and daughter for trying to kill one(1) person. (No really, you could see their hands flying off.)
Morgana deserves a little murder. As a treat.
Yes! Get him! Kill the bastard!
No! Why would you make GUIN say that!? Who are you and what have you done with Guin!?🔪🔪
UGH, he literally committed genocide!
The "that would make me as bad as he is" DOES NOT APPLY!
What- Oh, he still has the fairy's staff.
No. Stop it! Let Uther die!
Oh, God, Uther is such an abusive piece of GARBAGE!
Stop! Don't fall for it Morgana!
*sees dagger being pushed closer to Uther's "heart"* Yes! Yes! YES!
*Morgana saves him* NO!
*inarticulate ranting in the background*
Episode Thirteen:
Okay, the cgi might be getting a little better 'cause the Questing Beast is freaky
Old religion? What is that? And how come it's conveniently absent from the previous episodes?
Dang, they really here just casually gaslighting Morgana like that 😡
Merlin you know Morgana has visions! You couldn't have been a little more careful? She warned you. Now look at Arthur, he's got the heroic death disease
Granted that thing does seem like a handful
Why do you only act like a father when it's a matter of life and death? Why can't you be a father literally any other time!?
"The old religion is the magic of the Earth itself."
Well that sounds fascinating, dragon. Are you going to elaborate? No? Later then?
Soooooo, is the old religion actually a religion or is it a magic? It's really unclear...
"You will be a better king than your father could ever hope to be." Guin, you're back!
I expected a place called the Isle of the Blessed to be less... creepy
Nimueh! Whatcha up to girl? Plotting the demise of a kingdom? Not today it seems
Oh there some Equivalent Exchange type nonsense going on is there?
Arthur you were supposed to be in a coma not listening to Guin!
Oh. Oh, no.
Merlin saying goodbye as he prepares to trade his life for his mother's is 😢😭
Wow, that dragon really knew Nimueh would give Merlin's mother the curse and didn't say anything. The little b*****!
No wonder Merlin's mad at him. Stop breathing fire at him! It's your own fault!
Gaius, no! Not the dead mentor trope!
"You stood by and watched as our friends died." Damn, Nimueh isn't pulling her punches.
Merlin vs Nimueh! Ready? Fight!
Anime protagonist power up! Dang, Nimueh's dead... I feel like that wasn't supposed to happen.
At least no one else is dying. Since Nimueh's death appeased the Equivalent Exchange laws of the old religion.
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retvenkos · 4 years
i saw your merlin rant (i loved seeing your reactions) and just wanted to ask,, what do you think the dynamic between the knights of the round table is like? i feel like their bond wasn't touched on enough.
anon, you have just made my whole day. i hope you are ready, because, boy, do i have some HEADCANONS FOR YOU...
so, first of all, when arthur is not around to call the shots, someone has to take the helm
and, leon (who feels he holds the single brain cell of the group), is the one to take charge
BUT, he’s not the only one
lancelot, who was so eager to be a knight and have importance™ also wants to take the wheel
so they both start to give orders at once
and that is when leon (the most polite of the group) lets lancelot speak
and that is also when lancelot (the most noble of the group) lets leon speak
“you can go—”
“i’ll let you—”
“i wouldn’t want to—”
“it’s really not a problem—”
and in the end elyan just sighs and directs everyone
gwaine finds it very funny and percival is eternally grateful
the sad thing is, this wouldn’t be a problem for long.
but for a few times afterward, leon would wait for lancelot to say something - to stop him mid sentence.
he wasn’t there.
now, speaking of gwaine and percival...
these two are  c o n s t a n t l y  trying to show up one another
it all stemmed from lancelot’s comment, a while back, asking leon which one he thought was stronger - percival or gwaine
lancelot bet on percival
leon figured gwaine
elyan wagered that arthur could take them both
lancelot and leon tilted their heads and narrowed their eyes
arthur overheard them
so now the two of them try to outdrink each other
they try to see how many people they can ‘save’
they spar a lot
elyan said they should arm wrestle, but gwaine took one look at percival’s arms and said it wasn’t “a true test of strength”
percival and gwaine are definitely the one’s who tease each other way too much
leon and elyan just watch them, rolling their eyes
oh, and leon and lancelot were vvv close before lancelot sacrificed himself for the king
arthur knew how close they were, and to this day he still feels guilty when he looks at leon
they first became friends when lancelot became a knight the first time, when he lied about his identity and whatnot
and when he comes back leon is like !!! friend !!!!
they both religiously drink their respect arthur juice
but they also know that arthur is an idiot and the only one who can save him is merlin
which reminds me that all the knights just love merlin???
like,  c l e a r l y  gwaine, lancelot, and leon do
but elyan has heard so much about merlin from gwen? and merlin has saved gwen how many times? immediate respect.
and at first percival was like,,, who is this skinny, sarcastic servant that follows arthur around like his shadow???
but then he really loves how sassy merlin can be, despite caring so much, and he’s just like,,, “oh. it makes sense.”
also,,, the knights totally ship merthur you cannot convince me otherwise
but let’s not forget leon and elyan’s relationship!!!!
they were childhood friends and are honestly thicker than thieves
leon can always anticipate what elyan is going to do in battle
elyan can practically read leon’s thoughts during training
and for those ‘???’ or exasperated thoughts that leon has, elyan voices them
he is the bluntness to leon’s softness
and elyan also has a lot of street smarts that leon most likely lacks
leon is easily the most sheltered of all the knights, and sometimes it shows
gwaine will just laugh, and elyan will have to explain things in detail while leon has the shocked pikachu face
and since i’m talking about elyan,,, how about elyan and percival
these two are so in love ohmygod
if there was ever a dyanamic duo, it’s these two
elyan is the strategist and percival is the force
but percival also has so much heart???? and elyan loves it because it reminds him so much of gwen and his father???
these two together just make me very happy and pleased
also,,,, percival gives the best hugs
he is the only one that can hug elyan, and it’s so tender
gwaine is constantly giving percival hugs
he loves to make suggestive comments about percival’s arms just to watch elyan seethe, convince me otherwise
leon will 10/10 let percival give him a hug after a long day
leon will also give the knights kisses on the cheeks if they ever get close enough
elyan pretends to hate affection,,, but sometimes he needs it
he’s definitely the emo boi™ out of the bunch, and tries really hard to prove it.
but he’s been alone for so long and really, he craves affection. pls give it to him.
after elyan’s death, leon is really ripped up
he just looses so many people he cares about??? why is no one talking about how heavy the burden on his shoulders is???
gwaine is uncharacteristically quiet and takes them all out to go drinking
percival is also really upset because his whole thing is that he’s the strong, protector type.
and he couldn’t protect elyan
and he won’t be able to protect gwaine either...
which leads me to talk about arthur and gwaine’s death
because the whole squad really has to go, huh?
it hurts that the two softest knights are the ones who have to suffer the death of so many others
they were never the two closest, but both of them really lean on one another because they are all they have left
leon is so torn up,,, he’s been here the longest and he has watched everyone he’s ever grown close to die...
and percival just gives him all the hugs in the world, teary eyed
the two of them definitely cry together
and they talk about the good old days - before arthur died, before gwaine died, before elyan died, before lancelot died...
when they were all sitting at that first round table, some of them strangers, others of them acquaintances, all of them brothers
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Merlin season 4 episode 6:
Starting off strong with the boys (minus Elyan for some reason) riding. And immediately getting into a fight.
Well fuck, didn't see that coming. Arthur's look of fear at seeing Merlin on the ground...mmmm
I love Arthur protecting and taking care of merlin, but I am wondering where Leon, Percival and Gwaine are too.
Arthur is very worried for him. Hes not insulting him, in fact he's complimenting him
And hes refusing to leave him behind? The Merthur shipper in me is very gleeful
Morgana I swear....
Oh there's Elyan. Don't know where he came from, but happy to see all the boys
My baby is: in pain, scared, and angry. He should be none of those things.
Leon is the one with the braincell
*distressed noises*
.... let me get this straight. Arthur is presented with a competent manservant who does everything properly and thoroughly, and is for some reason very similar in appearance to merlin, which I assume the knights had something to do with
Very subtle Gwaine
:( he doesn't even sound like merlin. Personality and accent wise.
LOL. "You never know when you might need to kill someone" My baby has developed homicidal tendencies
He hurt Gwaine's feelings :(
..... why is Merlin displaying Morgana esque facial expressions?
I take it back: no one has the brain cell, it died with Lancelot.
The crossbow scene is a national treasure. Take aways include: Leon is a weapons nerd, specifically crossbows. He had a moment of struggle before giving it to merlin, because he treasures weapons. Aka: he is a weapon ace. Merlin banters about killing Arthur regularly enough that it is just an in joke. Gwaine probably also does it, and maybe Elyan once on a bad day. Percival laughs at the jokes, but doesn't make them. They are the only ones allowed to make those jokes without getting an instant sword to the throat. This became a head canon, but I've been informed that this is correct and canon soo.
The whole kill Arthur exchange is just... a work of art. Leon definitely sees himself as a big brother to Merlin and no one can change my mind
Omg "what do you think about Percival?" "Hes very big" "does that make him a traitor?" This is an actual exchange that actually happened. Also, I love how in this state, Merlin still defends Percival by reminding Arthur that his family was killed by Cenreds army and he hates anything to do with Morgana
This line makes me laugh with irony and awww with feels at the same time "in fact, I think you, Merlin, are the only person I can trust"
Why is Arthur literally the least observant person ever. And also why is Merlin the clumbsiest person ever. And why was Gwen knocking Merlin out with a metal vase so good
Arthur slowly side stepping to the screen with a pillow over his crotch is so fucking funny
The sword order surprised me a bit. Elyan drawing last didn't surprise me, Percival second didn't either, but I kinda expected Gwaine to draw before Leon. Though Leon was around for both past dragoon appearances
The boy's normal banter at the end is so funny
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Arthur’s secret twin brother
Inspired by if Arthur had a twin sister by @caffeinatedflumadiddlebutmerlin, I just thought of some loose headcanons on how events may have been if this were the case. Named him Kay after Arthur’s adopted brother from the original/older myths of Arthurian legend.
Uther decided to give him to another noble couple who were struggling to conceive like he and Ygraine were, he couldn’t have two heirs running around the castle. He covered it up enough so only Gaius and Geoffry know who the boy really is. 
The noble couple named him Kay, they don’t tell him the truth about his birth. They grow up thankfully for Uther there non-identical 
He turns out to one of the nicest guys anybody meets. He visits the castle every now and then, the staff love him as he helps them out and manages to convince Uther that they all should have a pay rise. They do.
One of the reasons Morgana loves him, like a little brother of course, he loves sparing with her as well and thinks Gwen is the best person ever.
Arthur hates the man with a burning passion, it's out of jealousy more than anything, but Kay tries so hard to get Arthur’s approval. It takes a long time but Kay and a select few others Arthur actually treats like people.
Kay tries to get Arthur to be nicer to everyone but fails, so when Merlin becomes Arthur’s servant and Arthur’s attitude problem improves. Kay dotes on him, they become best friends easily. Arthur hates this.
“Can I have the day off?” 
“Arthur, he works so hard for you, so give him the day off or I’ll tell Gana.”
When Gwen gets kidnapped he's gone to save before Uther even finishes telling Arthur that he can't go. Because one Gwen is the best two Uther can’t tell him he can’t and his parents aren’t there so...
That’s when he meets Lancelot for the first time and they hit it off after Lancelot figures out it is an undercover mission to rescue Gwen. It doesn’t go to plan so it is great that Arthur and Merlin show up. But he thinks that Merlin and Lancelot have something going on, so he teases Merlin without mercy.
Next time he's in Camelot the dragon attacks, he gets badly injured, severe burn marks on his left side which remain a permanent feature,  saving Merlin’s life causing him to get injured and Uther then reveals that he is actually Arthur’s younger brother. 
Arthur suddenly becomes all protective swearing to kill the dragon yet furious at everything after being denied a brother, another contender to the throne but he doesn’t care as much about that.
Merlin is confused about whether Kay could actually be the once and future king, seeing as previous behaviour from him showed that he couldn’t care less about magic, in terms of people having it and the fact he has never had a major classist view more ignorance to it really.
Morgana is pissed, at Uther even more (Kay hasn’t realised Morgana is going bad yet)
Gwen and Leon, the only rational people here don’t care what blood he has; he is still their friend, but annoyed that Kay was kept in the dark his whole life. They can’t say anything of course.
Kay doesn’t know how to process it. He’s made at his parents and Uther for lying, worried that Arthur will reject him. Morgana consoles him, that’s when he starts to notice something off with her.
Merlin tells Kay about his Magic, Kay accepts him easily. Merlin tells him almost everything they laugh and cry. He tries to convince Merlin to tell Arthur but its ultimately Merlin’s choice.
Next time he comes to Camelot Morgana takes over Camelot finds out she is his half sister, so is like :) Sister! :( Bad Sister! He also chews out merlin in private about the secrets and not telling him she has magic. 
Anyway this is how he Gwaine they should not be left alone together, mischief incarnate and brain cells should be separated. They are best friends and you can’t stop them, Arthur hates it when they talk in hushed whispers, usually cause it doesn’t end well for him
He also reunites with Elyan so casually, “Hey it's been a few years.” “Yeah sorry bout that, been busy.” “me too”
Meets Percival now known as Gwaine's future husband muscles  unlike his brother he doesn’t swoon over him. Just asks Percival to throw him, cause he thinks it's funny. Lancelot tells him off because you can’t just ask someone to throw you apparently.
They take back Camelot, Kay stays this time.
He does not trust Agravaine, he constantly tells Arthur not to trust him either but Arthur says he's family… “So was Morgana”. They don’t talk for a month
They forgive each other, Kay is still wary though
He accompanies the others to close the veil, with the intention to seal it himself but Lancelot punches him in the face to stop him and goes into the veil instead. He doesn’t forgive himself for a long time but focuses on being there for Merlin as much as he can.
Stops Merlin from killing Arthur with Gwen and Gaius. But not really because he is just laughing, but then Merlin tells him Morgana tortured him and Merlin has to stop him from trying to kill Morgana with his bare hands.
He stays with Arthur while the others go to cure the illness, since Arthur is even more protective after finding out that Kay was intending to sacrifice himself to save Camelot.
Then Shade!Lancelot comes and everything goes up in smoke and he and Merlin give a freed!Lancelot a funeral, they fail to stop Arthur from banishing Gwen causing more arguments between Arthur and Kay.
He does on a quest for a while just to take a breather for a while, he stays with the druids and teaches some how to use a sword while they teach him healing spells, the druids just love him because he’s that amusing mix between smart and incredibly stupid.
He comes back and finds Morgana took over Camelot again, with Agravaine’s help and he is PISSED. But hey Tristan and Isolde are new friends so that’s a perk to Kay. They love him.
I would like to think Kay saves Isolde so we can have just one couple alive by the end, and we can't have Kay sticking around for too long because we can’t have nice things.
Tristan and Isolde stay to honor Kay’s memory
Arthur grieves as he has just lost his little brother, only decent family member.
Merlin loses his last confidant and actually helpful advice giver
Leon loses another brother in arms
Percival talks even less
Elyan becomes wrathful
Gwaine drinks the tavern dry for a week then tries to sober up but fails, he does laugh as much
Camelot is never the same
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I’ve Got No Fucking Clue
The people have asked and the people shall now receive. Although I don’t have a title and if you would like to help me come up with one than plz do.
Warning: This chapter does have a rape scene, I don’t think it’s too graphic but if it triggers you than don’t read the italics part. There are also spoilers for Tales of Arcadia.
Chapter 1
Nick Fury was a mysterious man who knew mysterious people. He also knew Hisirdoux Casperan. Hisirdoux, or Douxie, wasn’t all that mysterious.
He wore his heart on his sleeve and wasn’t afraid to talk about feelings. There was one thing he hardly ever told anyone though. He was a wizard, he didn’t have a staff, but he was still pretty damn powerful.
It’s why he was chosen for the Avengers initiative. Douxie knew he was part of it, however, he didn’t think he’d ever be needed.
All of the apocalypses had started in Arcadia so far and they’ve all been taken care of. The last one happened about a year ago.
Douxie was still having nightmares from it, going back in time had brought back memories he had tried so hard to forget.
Luckily he now had friends that were willing to support him, other than Archie and Zoe that is. They were also very cuddly people too, Douxie didn’t mind though, he was extremely touch starved.
He was staying with Claire’s family while he was rebuilding his old bookshop. He was getting better too, it’s why he knew something bad was going to happen. Something new always came when he was finally allowed to relax.
He was teaching Claire the wizard language in the living room when there was a knock on the door. Claire got up to get it but looked confused when she looked through the peephole.
“Can I help you?” She asked politely.
“Yes, I’m looking for Hisirdoux Casperan. I was told he’s living here right now.” Douxie knew that voice, he also knew what it meant if he was here.
“What was stolen Fury?” Douxie asked. He had come up behind Claire and put a hand on her shoulder.
“It’s best if we talk inside.” Fury said. Douxie looked at Claire and she nodded. They both stepped back and walked back into the house.
“I assume you know why I’m here?” Fury asked. He sat down on the arm chair while Claire and Douxie took the couch.
“Not the details, but I read the stars last night like I do every night and they said something important’s going to be stolen.” Douxie replied. Archie was sitting on the back of the couch swatting at the back of Douxie’s head.
“Something was stolen and the person who stole it is also mind controlling several agents and scientists. We need your help.” Fury interlaced his fingers and set his forearms on his thighs.
“Fuzz buckets. Alright, sorry Claire but our lessons have to be put on hold for a while.” Douxie looked at Claire.
“But I can help! I’ve been training every day, and you even said I was getting better.” Claire protested.
“We just finished fighting our third apocalypse, you deserve to spend time with Jim and your family.” Douxie grabbed onto Claire’s shoulders.
“But who’s going to protect you?”
“I’ll have Archie, and a full team of other people.”
“Be careful, call whenever you can, and for the love of god don’t die again.” Douxie smiled at her before pulling her into a hug.
“I promise C-Bomb. Tell the others bye for me?” Douxie whispered into her hair. He felt her nod against his chest before he pulled away.
Douxie ruffles her hair and Claire laughed. Her eyes were watery but she wasn’t crying. Douxie might not have been able to leave if she had been crying.
“Go pack your things Casperan, I’ll be waiting I the car. You’ll be debriefed on the way.” Fury said, breaking the moment. Douxie smiled at Claire one last time before nodding and heading to his room.
He was done packing after 15 minutes. When he walked down the stairs he was pulled into a group hug. This caused Douxie to laugh.
“Guys I’m not going to be gone that long.” Douxie said.
“Yeah but you’re still leaving.” Krel replied.
“I’ll call whenever I can, but I really need to leave.” Douxie pushes everybody off of him.
“But why though, we just finished a war why do you need to go fight another one?” Seamus complained.
“It’s not fair Doux.” Jim said.
“I know Jim, but I made a promise a few years ago and I’m not going to back out of it now.” Douxie explained. Douxie smiled at all of his friends before exiting the house with Archie on his shoulders.
He opened the car door before he turned to where his friends were crowded around the door. Douxie stuck his tongue out and shot them the devils horns before getting in the car.
The car took off as soon as he was buckled. Fury was sitting next to him holding a file that he handed to Douxie.
“Two days ago, Loki stole the Tesseract. He also compromised Barton-“
“Wait Clint’s one of the brain washed agents?” Douxie cut Fury off.
“Yes, we need your help tracking Loki through his staff. We also need you to remove the magic Loki’s put over Barton’s and all the other agents minds.” Fury finished.
Douxie read through part of the file he was allowed. He nodded to what Fury said before he closed the file.
“Who’s all part of the team?” Archie asked.
“Besides you two; there’s Steve Rogers, Romanoff, Tony Stark, and Bruce Banner. Although Banner’s mainly there to find the tesseract, he’s a last resort fighter.” Fury answered.
It had been a while since Douxie had talked to Nat, but he still remembered her. He reopened the file and started reading what it said, it was all about the people on the team and astrophysics stuff.
Soon enough, the car pulled up to a jet and Fury, Douxie, and Archie got out of the car.
Grabbing his bags, Douxie walked over to the jet that Fury was boarding. Archie ran inside and jumped onto a seat, Douxie sat down next to him after putting his bags away.
The jet ride was quiet, and Douxie took that time to take a nap. He started dreaming.
Douxie was in Camelot, before the time traveling incident. He had only been Merlin’s apprentice for a short while, but it was the best time of his life.
That night he was so tired he didn’t feel Lancelot coming up behind him. Archie wasn’t with him either, having gone to bed earlier in the evening.
“Your Merlin’s new errand boy aren’t you?” He had asked.
“I’m his apprentice, not errand boy. Although you’d have to have a brain to know the difference.” Douxie had replied. He knew insulting a knight was a terrible idea, but he didn’t really care at the time.
Lancelot grabbed the collar of his tunic and shoved him against a castle wall. He looked pissed.
“What did you just say to me, I think I need to teach you a lesson. Show you who’s boss around here.” Lancelot said. Douxie’s breathing picked up.
“You’re very pretty, did you know that? If you weren’t a wizard, I would have thought about courting you.” Lancelot was staring at Douxie’s lips. Douxie could feel something poking his thigh and he started to panic.
“Hmm, I wonder. Have you ever been with someone before?” Douxie shook his head, too scared to speak. Lancelot smiled evilly before he let go of Douxie’s tunic.
Douxie let out a breath of relief but it was cut off by a yelp when he felt his hands being held above his head.
“Well, I guess it’s time to change that. And if you even think about trying to use magic, I’ll have you executed for attacking a knight.” Lancelot breathed against his neck, right before he started sucking on it.
Douxie started struggling, but he stopped when Lancelot punched him. He felt blood run down his face from his nose.
Lancelot shoved Douxie onto his knees before he undid the cord around his waist. Pulling his dick out of his pants he pumped it a few times to get it hard.
“Open wide, and if I feel teeth you’re losing your tongue.” Douxie stared wide eyed. Lancelot got impatient and forced Douxie’s mouth open.
He roughly thrust into Douxie’s mouth, until his nose touched Lancelot’s blonde pubes. Douxie gagged before Lancelot set up a brutal pace. Douxie started crying, and that must’ve turned Lancelot on even more because he started thrusting faster and harder.
Lancelot was moaning and groaning above him. Douxie kept gagging and spluttering while the knight harshly fucked his mouth. He felt cum shoot down his throat and he was forced to swallow lest he choke on it.
“Well, that was fun but it seems I’m still hard.” Lancelot picked Douxie up by the collar again before he forcefully turned him around and pinned him to the wall.
Lancelot groaned as his dick brushed against Douxie’s ass. Douxie whimpered, trying to stop crying.
“Please don’t.” Douxie begged. Lancelot just laughed before he shoved Douxie’s pants down. Lancelot used the cord from around his waist to gag Douxie.
Douxie felt his eyes widen as he felt a finger at his entrance. He screamed as it entered him but is was muffled by the gag.
Lancelot roughly shoved his finger in and out of Douxie’s hole with a wicked grin on his face. He soon added a second finger and then a third finger, Douxie screaming and sobbing the whole time.
By the time he finished preparing Douxie he was bleeding. Lancelot started kissing Douxie’s neck as he shoved his dick into Douxie’s hole.
Douxie screamed, but once again no one heard him. He could feel the blood dripping down his legs, and it puddled around his feet. It didn’t take long for Lancelot to cum, sucking bruises into his neck the entire time.
Lancelot dropped Douxie onto the floor before undoing the gag to wrap it around his pants he pulled up. He walked away leaving a sobbing Douxie on the floor.
Douxie woke up sobbing, with Archie in his lap and Fury looking at him with concern.
“Which one was it this time?” Fury asked. When they had first met, Douxie was in a cell. After he had woken up from nightmares three nights in a row Fury had come down to talk to him.
He ended up telling him everything, and he’s glad he did because it was one of the things that helped get him out of the cell. He had met Nat and Clint shortly after.
“La-Lancelot.” Douxie sobbed. Archie started purring, hoping it would help his friend. Fury got a blanket out from a compartment underneath the seats, which Douxie took gratefully.
Douxie stopped sobbing a few minutes before the jet landed. When it did land, it looked as though Douxie had never been crying at all and the blanket was back in the compartment.
“Everyone else isn’t arriving until tomorrow, Agent Jackson will show you to your temporary room.” Fury said as an agent walked up to them. He smiled at Douxie before leading him down a bunch of hallways and to a room.
He nodded at Douxie before he left again. Douxie entered the room and saw a bed, dresser, desk, and a door leading to a bathroom.
Douxie changed into pajamas before laying on the bed and closing his eyes. He didn’t fall asleep right away, but it made him feel better. Just lying there knowing Lancelot was dead, and had been for centuries.
I cried while writing this, and rereading it when making sure there were no mistakes. I’m sorry for starting out with angst but oh well.
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kyeshirosaki · 4 years
Cursed Episode 1
I watched the whole season despite being skeptical after the first episode because I wanted to like it and enjoy it and I very much did enjoy parts of it in spite of some of the show's bad aspects. Cursed has a lot of flaws, but I still plan on watching a second season if it’s renewed. I’ve never seen BBC’s Merlin, nor do I have much of a background in Arthurian legend like most folks that have been talking about the show. Anyway here are some of my thoughts about the show, good and bad, including spoilers for the whole season.
The first two episodes are rough, but it does get better. Likewise these posts will get more positive as it goes, I promise.
We’re introduced to Nimue, a teenager that suffers from bullying from her entire community except from her mother. They call her a witch and we see her cause vines to attack her tormentor, but later we see the village elders perform a ceremony that very much looks like magic and Nimue is chosen to be summoner. It’s understood that summoner is a respected spiritual position, but we aren’t told exactly what being summoner entails. We know that no one likes her or wants her to have the position and neither does she. In the show’s defense, defining the position is rendered moot since her village is destroyed before she has a chance to fulfill any aspects of it.
Her mom doesn’t understand why Nimue doesn’t want to be summoner and so she runs away with her concerned best friend coming along for the journey. I really hope we get some flashbacks of Pym defending Nimue or just a snippet of her choosing to stay Nimue’s friend after the village turns against her. Children can be fickle and I think it’s really something that Pym’s loyalty hasn’t shaken over the years.
Now we meet Father Carden, who acts as the season’s Big Bad. The scene was made to make you question what exactly the context is for this old religious man’s speech to this young boy. My first assumption was that Carden was trying to recruit the boy for his holy crusade against demons and trying to explain why the child shouldn’t be scared to murder “evil” people. I have mixed feelings about this scene. The reveal that the child was fey and therefore a demon needing to be expelled did have an impact, as did panning out to the child’s village being razed, but later scenes make Carden’s speech seem out of character. He doesn’t seem to have any issues killing or ordering children to be killed and doesn’t feel like the type to explain himself to a child or need to steel his own nerves.
The scene DOES make sense if the scene is actually a flashback and the little boy we’re seeing is actually the Weeping Monk receiving the beginning of his brainwashing. These are the only characters that we see have reactions to touching leaves, but there’s no specific scene identifying the two characters as the same and it’s implied that the little boy was taken away to be burned at the stake. I’m not entirely sure how Carden would have discovered his ability to locate other fey based on that scene alone, but it’s odd that no one else has been shown to have skin that reacts to foliage.
I love the design of the Moon Wing fey, but their design does leave a bit to be desired from other kinds of fey. There’s no other kind that has quite that much detail to their design save maybe Yeva, who’s supposedly also a Moon Wing despite being much more bird like. First Moon Wing we meet looks more like a traditional fairy - very petite, winged, blue skin, and with gemstone looking features around their face. Yeva doesn’t look similar in the slightest despite also having a great design.
And now we get to meet Merlin, the most well known Arthurian character alongside Arthur and Lancelot. On one hand, I’m a fan of meeting him as a jaded man, but I don’t quite understand why he’s got a shaved head as if he’s an infantry soldier. That style is known as the Ceasar and became popular among soldiers and wrestlers because it’s a lot harder to grab someone by the hair if it’s that short. I don’t hate it, I’m just curious about the decision.
I love the relationship between Merlin and Uther Pendragon. They aren’t confirmed in any way, but the relationship comes off as if Merlin is living in luxury off of his alimony settlement with his former lover, Uther, who decided to keep Merlin close if he was going to be footing the bill either way. We’re told that this country based in the British Isles is in a drought. By the end of the episode they receive rain that turns to blood and you’d assume Uther would be up Merlin’s butt about bringing actual rain. Uther tries but Merlin decides he has better things to do and there’s... no ramifications for blowing off the king of the country who will be facing a food shortage that could lead to a famine if he can’t get any rain. Granted, there are more immediate things that soon demands the king’s attention.
Nimue’s next actions don’t make sense to me without acknowledging her as a death seeker. Her runaway plan fails and she meets a man performing for coin and decides to go to a tavern with him after saying it’s a bad idea. I’m assuming they get drunk, despite none of them seeming particularly intoxicated in the next scene because Nimue, despite knowing that being discovered as a fey would put her life in danger, decides to use magic to cheat against a guy using loaded dice. If I remember correctly, this guy with guy with dice was getting ready to leave them alone when Nimue decided to challenge him AFTER finding out his game was rigged. She uses magic which makes vein-like vines appear very visibly on the sides of her head that distinguishes her as a fey in a bar crowded with humans that are hostile to fey. That kind of idiocy goes beyond being a drunk teenager, or at the very least you’d expect Pym, who knows better, to rush Nimue away immediately instead of letting her do it a second time - especially since they established that it’s too late in the day for them to get home before dark. You’d expect that their next move would be to find a place to sleep for a night in town, but Nimue’s recklessness ruins that option.
They’re saved by Arthur and properly introduce our protagonist to the treat of the Red Paladins, who are currently trying to hunt down Nimue to kill her and presumable anyone trying to help her. They decide to not only build a fire and make camp, but get drunker while Nimue decides to swing Arthur’s sword around and the two engage in flirty fight banter. A lit campfire is already a dead giveaway to your position, but if you don’t see that you can still listen out for them making all the noise that comes with sword fighting and they’d totally be in a good position to fight off any attackers with them getting drunk enough for Pym to wake up with a hangover. It’s as if Arthur had the one good braincell between them, but threw it into the fire. Nimue’s headbutt was an enjoyable moment though. Pym is nowhere to be seen during this scene, but the next establishes her asleep next to the campfire they were fighting near despite her not being visible from what I remember.
Legitimately a smart idea for the girls to ditch Arthur before heading back to their city. He’s still a human and it’s better safe than sorry before leading him back to a whole village of people being persecuted. Boy howdy did they need his one brain cell to keep them from walking into their village as it’s being massacred. I do understand that they’re both in shock and the goal may have been to highlight all the carnage around them, but after having her best friend ripped away and being caught and carried off twice and only escaping by dumb luck, it would have been nice to see her run away or successfully defend herself. I thought this might be the moment where we see her being the warrior  her mother claims her to be, but it isn’t. Nimue is resilient, but nothing about her seems like the warrior the trailers made her out to be.
Jump ahead to the wolf massacre that the Wolfblood Witch gets her namesake from. I can’t lie, it was pretty cheesy to watch and the wolves didn’t feel real; however it’s already expensive being a fantasy series and CGI is very costly. I get that if you’re going to do it you should do it right, but I forgive them for this scene and do my best to turn a blind eye to some of the cringey CGI used in some of the fight scenes. It’s bad, but not something I’d stop watching a show over.
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lyfrassirrrrrrrr · 5 years
Trying Times
Chapter 1: Gone.
Read it here on A03: not up yet
Work is dull. It’s something that ‘The General’ thought he would never say until 7 years ago. You see, General George Washington of Hero Corp loved his job. He saved people, ran the most successful hero agency, and kept people safe. Though, it wasn’t always easy for him. Especially on a day like today.
Seven years ago he lost his foster son. Reporters claimed it was a freak accident, a villain attack, but Washington knew better. Something had changed that day. In his son’s eyes. Those chocolate brown eyes became dead, and cold. He was gone the moment those eyes changed.
“Sir, are you okay?”
Ah. Right, he was in a meeting.
“I’m quite alright, sorry I, became distracted” he averted his gaze downward, not wanting painful eyes of a mourning father to be shown to his employees.
“Sir, It’s okay to take the day off, we know it is the anniversary of defeating true chaos-“
“Don’t call him that.” Washington snapped. He refused to call him that, even after all this time. The fact refuses to this day to implant in his mind. His mind denied that his son was some storybook character. He wasn’t the beast his family had fought for generations.
“Sir” his employee spoke up. “I know it’s hard but we have to remember this beast has evolved more and more, true chaos is no longer some mere beast told in fairytales anymore.. you know you must destroy him, containing him may fail soon enough, we don’t know the true extent to his powers”
There it was. Every year this conversation was had. Every year he refused to uncrystalize True chao- his son. He would always be his son. Deep down he wanted to believe that he was his son, and not some beast that evolved to take this form to trick him.
“I’m going to attend to training the junior heroes. Meeting adjourned.” The general said coldly as he stood up and walked out of his seat. When he was finally alone, he let himself sulk in the silence, the loss of his first son.
The ‘Revolutionary Set’ was comprised of four junior heroes. Aaron Burr, or Mysterium. The brains of the group, literally. His ability was telekinesis and other psychic powers. Next up was Hercules Mulligan, or ‘The Pants.” He could create and manipulate fabric from his hands. He got his name by losing a bet. Then there was Lancelot, or the madam Marquis de Lafayette. He was Washington’s adopted son and had the ability of enhanced vision and agility. Lastly was John Laurens. He wasn’t exactly a junior hero, rather he was part of the rehabilitation for young villains program. Despite this, he fit in well with the rag tag group of heroes and had a new home with Hero Corp.
Their ‘base’ was a hidden room at the bottom of the main campus. It looked like any other cell but contained a crystalized boy that looked about 16 in the center. This boy had long raven hair and bright neon eyes. He wore a green scarf and a black outfit with a brown utility belt and brown boots. He held a dagger and looked in a fighting stance.
They couldn’t tell you why they chose it, but they chose this place to hang out and eat lunch. They joked around, talked, laughed, and cried. This was like their home.
But sometimes there were days when all they could think about was the crystallized boy. This was one of those days.
“How could someone so young have gotten this punishment..” Laurens had leaned on the wall and curled up slightly into himself. These days were often the hardest for the makeshift family.
“mon petit, there must be a reason. Washington only crystallizes the worst of the worst.” Lafayette held an arm around Laurens as he hugged him.
“Yeah but he's so young, he deserves a second chance, doesn’t he?” He pushed Lafayette off and stared back at the crystal, his eyes were cold.
Burr gave a frown “Sometimes we just gotta trust him. I agree that second chances should be in order but-“
“Sometimes some people are just not fixable. Sometimes some people are too twisted. The general knows what he’s doing, I’m sure there was no other way” Hercules went on as he leaned on the crystal. Staring back at Laurens.
While Laurens began to retort a crack was heard. The four boys stared as Hercules moved to reveal the giant crack.
“What the fuck?”
“Washington’s crystals aren’t meant to break like that-“
“Ooooh~ you guys are in trouble”
The three boys stared over at laurens and gave him a glare. “What? Okay fine, oh noooo”
“Merde, papa va nous tuer!” Lafayette began to panic as he paced around. Hercules quickly grabbed him by the shoulders and relaxed him.
”Relax Laf, let's just out some duct tape on it.”
Burr rolled his eyes “That’s the stupidest idea I’ve ever-“
“THAT'S PERFECT HERCULES!” Lafayette hugged him, as Laurens gave a thumbs up.
Hercules pulled out some duct tape, sticking it on the crack.
“See? Good as new. Now c'mon, lunch is almost over” Hercules said as he grabbed the group and quickly walked out, shuttling the door.
What they didn’t know was the moment they left, the crack had expanded.
Ṫ̸̠̞͒͘h̷̨̘̽ę̶̛̬͇͔̮͊̈͝ ̷͎͇̞͗͌̀͘ť̵͚í̵̲͉͓͌̋̚͝m̶̨̡̙͎̞̈́̔̑e̴̮͒̚ ̷̛͔̂̀̚ī̶̙͙̬̋̈́͌s̵̝̙͙̄͑̓͐̄ͅ ̸͕̗̹̪͛̈́̀͋̕ç̸͓̟̺̠͌̂͠ơ̷̢̛͉̣͎͑̈̍m̴̧̼̻͓̋̍̐͜i̶̹̊͋͠n̷̙̈́͊̌g̴̤̼͖̦͓̓͛̕.̵̧̼̳̝̈́̚ ̶͎̣͇̀̽̓ ̸͉̤̈̀ ̴͍͖̖̐̆̍̏̽ ̵̰̀̅̔͝A̸̧̛̟̻̔̌̔r̵̛͇̻̰͂̐ȩ̵͈̒͗̒͛ ̴̯̮̆̀̈́͝ỹ̸̦̄̇͑͊o̵̢̖̣̗͍̎̄̐͘ư̶̫̪͚͈͛̈ͅ ̵̮̙̔̇͘g̶̹̩̒͒̚ó̵̬i̷̛̛̳͙̭̳̐̓͝ͅn̵̡̢̛͐̚g̷̦̖̿̔͂ ̸̻̩̐t̴̢̥͛̀̈o̸͙͇͔̪͗́̌ ̴̼͇̲̈́̾s̸̬̻̏̄̐̕͝t̵̰̭͌̽̿͛͝a̴̱͓̒̊̓n̸̨͎̝̪̫͗̾̂d̴̛̘͈͚ ̸̝̿̄́ḯ̷̳̳ͅḋ̸͈͎̗̕l̸͕̀̆͊͂͝ḙ̴̇̎͂͛ͅ?̵̫̜͈̎̑͊̍ ̶̡̟̻̜̘̈͋͂͝O̸̧͉̥̠͛͜r̸̨̝̹͈̻͛̐͂́ ̶̆͋͆ͅs̸̢̨͆h̶̘̫̬̳͙̉͂̑a̵̺͇͆̊̉̒l̸̛̗̅̈́̿͐l̴̢͔̓͑ ̶̲͒ẃ̸̧̹e̸͖͔͠ ̶̨̖͚̓̒̓̉̊f̶̢̩̘̐̋̆i̷̗̟̘̿̂n̵̝̠̊̀̈́̕ȋ̶̡͍̦͊̓s̶̢̬̗̱̊h̴̥͝ ̶͙͈̻̜̎͌́͛̕t̷̯̿̎̏h̴͎͕͊̒ḯ̸̼͋s̸͖̼̖͔͎͌.̴̧̡̗̙̤̾̍̓͑̑ ̶̧̫̥͒̔̽
“Someone’s late again, huh?” Jefferson taunted the group coming in, who responded by rolling his eyes. Well besides Laf who hugged His cousin tightly.
“Thomas! You are back from France!” he said brightly as he began to chatter with him.
“He’s still as cocky as ever.” Burr said blandly as he stood next to James Madison, who simply nodded.
Madison had the ability to manipulate water, and freeze it. He was known as ’Waterfall’ in the hero community. His best friend, Thomas Jefferson, was known as ‘Thorned Rose’ who had the ability to grow plants and make them do what he wanted.
The two had been inseparable as children, and had become a duo that no hero or villain could forget.
“Let me guess mon ami, you are still hung up on not having a nemesis?” Lafayette lightly teased, nudging him. Before he could respond the lights went down, and 5 seconds later the lockdown alarms went on.
“This is a lockdown, I repeat, a lockdown. I need all staff on deck!”
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ̷̖̹̳͖͝ ̷̢͓̬̱̄̍̈̑̂ ̷̘̿̾̒̋T̴̡͎̹̮̙̀̀͗ḥ̴͎̦̳̓̌̈́̾͘a̴̩̼̿͂ț̵̡̜̔̾͘͠͠ ̴̧̛̙̲͈̳̃̍̊p̵͚̐͗ả̸̬͛͠t̷͎͍̰̍̓́̄̚ḧ̸͎̞́e̴̝̫̟̕ṫ̵̚͜i̷̢͈͋̑̔c̶̝͙͔̕ ̷̛̖͔̯̹̯̾̕ĕ̵̙̳̻͙̠̈́͑ẋ̷̧̜͉̪̣͊c̷͈͎̓ừ̵̙͝s̷͇̩͑ê̶͈͓̭͈̳̔̊͠ ̴̤̃̿͘o̵̧̯̓͘f̵̪́͊͘͝ ̸̡͍͉̑a̸͓͔̒͊͒͠ ̶̡̖̗̥͌h̷̡̥̼̖̯̎͛̕e̴͓̗̓̿̃r̷̛̙͎̓̆͂͜͝ö̵̥͉͉́̀̌ ̴̧̱̝̐w̷̥͍͕̏̈ȋ̷̮̔l̷͍̮̥̱̅͛̃ͅl̵̻̱͚̫̓͜ ̵̡̻̞̐̚k̴͉͗̒̃n̷̟̥̄ǫ̷͐̎̆̉͝w̵͇͋͑ ̵̺͋̿y̷̧̢̪͋ơ̸͚̅̀ù̴̪̜͍̜͙͐̇̆͗ŕ̴̼ ̸͙̗̞̤́͜ṙ̷͇a̵͍̥͗̈͊̏ͅg̴̢̳̳̏e̷̝̱͚̽,̶̢̀̅́ ̸͓̝̻̍ỳ̴̢̪͉̈̊͋o̶͍̥͖̱̕u̵̠͉͂̑n̵͗̋̇̈͜g̸̭͇̭̅͜͝ ̷̖̒͆̈́̀͘ò̸̙͈̰́͂̋n̵̥̘̜͝ͅe̸͎͌̈́̈́͠.̷̺͕̓͐̿͜͠ ̶̗̩̹͍͑̄̔́
The General was walking down the hallway, intending to visit Alexander. He often went there to talk to him, despite him not being there for real. What he saw surprised him.
The door was blasted open.
Broken crystals were on the floor.
And Alexander was gone.
He pressed the emergency lockdown button as he ran upstairs, preparing to search the building. this was bad. If Alexander gets out, the junior heroes could be hurt, headquarters was at stake. How did he even get out? He thought to himself as he raced the halls and got onto the loud speakers
“This is a lockdown, I repeat, a lockdown. I need all staff on deck!”
̶̺͙̌̑͠C̵͔̜̦̽̽̈̀ǒ̶̧͚͓̰̫m̶͓̂͐͋̂ę̶͖̖͗̃̔ ̷͓̲̪́n̵͉͌͜o̶̧̻̭̙͍͒̾͋w̷̫̥̃̅,̶͕̣̻̿͗̀͜ͅ ̶̽̂̄͜w̶̙̫̖͂̓̌ȇ̵̪͚͍̟̅̓̿̉ ̵̧͇̣͚͆͆̿h̸̨́̾a̵̢̹̫̽̀v̵̨̟̠͖̥̔͒̌e̶̺̞͈̭̔̏̅͑ ̴̜̟͈́ͅw̴̤̎̓̕o̶̡̼̘̳͆͠r̷̛̫͚ķ̴̲̞̳͠ͅ ̸̳̘̭̠́͛t̵̢̮̰̮͇͊̑o̷̡̓̏̃̅͠ ̸̢̟̼̺̭̅̓͆͠f̸͉͖̫̌͜i̴̫̱̎͝n̸͖̿i̴̧̟̱͔͕͂̏́̕s̶̪̹̊̍͐̕h̵̢̼̼̠̝͌.̵̡͕̅ ̶̯̪̭̲͚̈̒
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thegeminisage · 4 years
Hoiii !! 01 / Pride and Prejudice ; 02 / Morgwen ; 003 / Ian Comb :3
THANK YOOOU u were the only one who sent one
from this meme:
Favorite character: well obviously it’s lizzie bennet who according to that personality quiz i am a lot like, so
Least Favorite character: for the first half of the movie it was darcy LMFAO now i think it’s that creepy preacher guy who proposed to lizzie out of nowhere
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): p&p doesn’t have that many ships so i can’t really answer this one...i liked lizzie/darcy in the end tho lowkey bingley’s sis and lizzie had some huuuge gay energy
Character I find most attractive: KEIRA KNIGHTLY NO CONTEST
Character I would marry: oh i’d marry darcy for that cashmoney 
Character I would be best friends with: i don’t know her name but the goth sister that inspired jane eyre
a random thought: what stupid fucker has a STATUE of himself IN HIS HOUSE? darcy what the fuck. oh also we call him mr. darcy so like whats his first name. i know its fitzgerald but doesnt he have another friend with that name. it didnt occur to me to ask until after the credits
An unpopular opinion: i don’t think i have one except for how i think the bust is stupid. also i don’t think that youngest sister should have married that gambling soldier dude but Values Were Different back then. i couldnt figure out why everyone was so relieved at first like GIIIRL she deserves better
My Canon OTP: lizzie/darcy obvs
My Non-canon OTP: goth sister/let her play the piano
Most Badass Character: LIZZIE
Most Epic Villain: darcy’s weird fucking aunt who came in like a wrecking ball at the end
Pairing I am not a fan of: probably that youngest girl and her fuckboy husband
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): GOTH SISTER
Favourite Friendship: lizzie and her big sis :(
Character I most identify with: gotta be lizzie, right. we even have a same name
Character I wish I could be: lizzie because now she’s rich with a husband who drinks respect women juice
When I started shipping them: i think like in the first episode or one of the first episodes when gwen brings her flowers to cheer her up
My thoughts: im sooo angry at the lack of good morgwen after The Poisoning morgana had NO REASON to turn on gwen and i think gwen was probably the only person she would have let pull her back from the edge but no we can’t have THAT
What makes me happy about them: like it’s a very similar dynamic to merlin/arthur isn’t it...less antgonism for the same loyalty, devotion, and intimacy, the same need to keep it hidden from prying eyes, the same longing and Keeping The Magic A Secret and wondering if your nonmagical bae will still love you after it all comes out...
What makes me sad about them: everything involving morgana going evil :(
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: i can’t think of any trope that i see specifically with these two that bugs me...there’s a lot of things people do with gwen or morgana separately that drive me bananas but generally if it’s gwen SLASH morgana the author does right by them. i guess making them a convenient bg ship rather than a ship in their own right...like of course it’s convenient but they have so much to offer...
Things I look for in fanfic: morgana NOT being evil >:(
My wishlist: a BETTER season 3!!!!
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: i’m happy to shop gwen with arthur, with arthur and merlin at the same time, or with lancelot...uh for morgana really there’s only one person i ship with her and it’s gwen! so!
My happily ever after for them: reverse stockholm beauty and the beast style. when morgana captures gwen she thinks she’s gonna brainwash her but what actually happens is that gwen is kind to her and the gap between them disappears and they fall in love all over again and morgana is like i must FREE you and gwen is like i wanna stay with YOU anyway they get married and help return magic to the world
IAN COMB!!! ah bless this boy
How I feel about this character: BABY. BABY BOY
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: BRIGITTA ONLY they were made 4 each other babey
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: i like to think the alpha djinn just lets him live because she thinks he’s really funny. i definitely think he’s really funny
My unpopular opinion about this character: all my opinions are the popular ones because i’m co-creator
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: just...more of him. i miss him
Favorite friendship for this character: aw ian and ben. what a pair of dumb fucks. not a single brain cell between them
My crossover ship: so this doesn’t count as a crossover but as for characters he never met...conceptually ian/jesse would be Incheresting
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