#kratom saves lives
You've got one life to live! How do you plan to optimize it?
The Kratom Company Review
Benefits of Kratom in 2024
What is Kratom?
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mitragaia · 2 years
Get your own ‘Kratom saves lives’ wristband from Mitragaia
Show your love for kratom and share the message with people you love. Kratom has a plethora of beneficial properties which range from sedation to energy booster. It can also help with serious complications like opioid withdrawal symptoms. So no wonder we want to spread the word that ‘kratom saves lives’. You can do that now with Mitragaia’s ‘kratom saves lives’ wristbands. Order yours now!
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horseknees · 1 month
I’m gonna keep it short but hi! I’m gonna try to be more active on here just posting art and thoughts and just sort of talking about life and stuff. But here’s the deal, I only want to make one donation post that I pin so anyone who feels generous enough to help us can, but to boil it down we are very poor and unemployed. We keep getting fucked over one way or another. We are trans sex workers just trying to make it you know how it is. Here’s a short list of things we need money for as we currently have $20 to our collective names.
•car payment//rent//kratom and weed (we have recently gotten off fentanyl this year and I don’t smoke weed because I’m schizophrenic but my girlfriends do for their chronic pain and we all need kratom as a means to self medicate off of fent)//savings! (We are a lot of people in a small shitty apartment with several to a room and we really want to move to a bigger place. There’s bigger housing available that is much nicer for about the same rent as where we live now, but it costs to move because of fees and having to have multiple months rent and security deposit and such, also my room mate is trying to get his child back and can’t do that with us in this apartment just because of the lack of room and our lifestyle. Absolutely no hard feelings he is amazing and and an amazing dad who just wants a place where his kid can be, so I also want to be able to give him a fair amount before we go so he can get his stuff in order and keep the apartment hopefully)//getting the car checked (it’s fucked up man)//my girlfriends cannabis license
If you want to help my cashapp is $horseknees but I also don’t expect money for free so if you want to help out and get lots of spice for it my linktree is https://linktr.ee/oopshorseknees?utm_source=linktree_profile_share&ltsid=1c94e771-c4f2-4a90-94c1-83245b5946ee
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I would like to say that I'm doing well, but honestly... i was living without any drug or alcohol for over a year, and i was fine, until i decided to quit smoking as well. It went surprisingly good at first.
But one day i didn't feel well so i decided to borrow a friend's cigarette and my mind went... boom?
In 1 week, hookah. In 9 days, L-dopa. In 10 days, random mix of pills. In 12 days, kratom, in 3 weeks, smoking again and sniffing my brothers home made caffeine, however stupid it may seem. Today I had to control myself hard so i wouldn't have a drink.
Now I'm not saying that this is a game over for me, but it certainly doesn't feel like winning either. It's risky. And besides the obvious, relapsing drug addiction kind of risky - I am a bipolar patient with lithium treatment. And since lithium is a poison, it's also very dangerous. But my medication is my safety net. If i'd have to make the choice, i REALLY fucking hope that i would rather decide NOT to use hard drugs with it, than gamble and possibly die.
I know it's not that bad, well, i don't even do anything i would actually like you know... junkie-worthy.
But I went from "i don't want to take this allergy pill because it makes me feel a little dizzy" to "let's do some kratom and sniff this pile of caffeine" surprisingly too fast for me to not be concerned.
I don't really know how to want to stop it.
I guess i just forgot what it feels like... I guess i forgot the rush of losing control.
Ugh shut up and stop romanticizing the very same thing that almost killed you, sicko. (Save it for another post.)
413 days sober
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mezmer · 7 months
All in all, bare bottom basics, kratom does save lives end of story
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mysticalmagician · 3 months
I saw this and had to share here
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Kratom saved my life and countless other lives, and we must protect it from further criminalization. Please consider donating to the AKA if you are able.
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cbdkratom · 5 months
The Advantages of Wholesale Kratom Powder A Comprehensive Guide
In recent years, the popularity of kratom has surged, and individuals are increasingly turning to wholesale kratom powder as a convenient and cost-effective way to incorporate this natural botanical into their lives. Kratom, derived from the leaves of the Mitragyna speciosa tree native to Southeast Asia, has been used for centuries for its potential health benefits. As demand for kratom continues to grow, consumers are discovering the advantages of purchasing wholesale kratom powder. This comprehensive guide explores the key benefits, uses, and considerations associated with wholesale kratom powder.
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Understanding Kratom:
Kratom, scientifically known as Mitragyna speciosa, is a tropical evergreen tree indigenous to countries like Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Myanmar. The leaves of the kratom tree contain alkaloids such as mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine, which interact with the body's receptors to produce various effects. Kratom has been traditionally used for its stimulant and analgesic properties, and its popularity in Western countries has grown in recent years as more people seek natural alternatives for wellness.
Advantages of Wholesale Kratom Powder:
Cost-Effective Solution:
Purchasing kratom in bulk is a cost-effective way for both businesses and individuals to access this botanical. Wholesale prices are generally lower than retail prices, allowing consumers to enjoy the benefits of kratom without breaking the bank. Whether you're a retailer, distributor, or an avid kratom enthusiast, buying wholesale can result in significant savings.
Versatility in Use:
Kratom powder is incredibly versatile and can be used in various ways. Individuals can mix it into their favorite beverages, create capsules, or even incorporate it into their cooking. Wholesale kratom powder provides the flexibility to experiment with different consumption methods, allowing users to find the most suitable option for their preferences.
Sustainability and Quality Control:
Reputable wholesale kratom suppliers often prioritize sustainability and quality control. By establishing relationships with reliable sources and adhering to ethical harvesting practices, wholesalers can ensure a consistent and high-quality product. This commitment to quality is essential for businesses aiming to build trust with their customers and for individuals seeking a reliable source of kratom.
Convenience for Businesses:
For businesses in the health and wellness industry, offering wholesale kratom powder can attract a broader customer base. It provides an opportunity to meet the increasing demand for natural products while offering a convenient and accessible option for customers. Additionally, businesses can establish long-term relationships with wholesale suppliers, ensuring a stable and consistent inventory.
Diverse Strain Selection:
Wholesale kratom suppliers often offer a wide range of strains, each with its unique properties and effects. This diversity allows users to explore and tailor their experience based on their specific needs. Whether seeking relaxation, energy, or pain relief, the availability of different strains enhances the overall appeal of kratom powder.
Considerations When Purchasing Wholesale Kratom Powder:
Supplier Reputation:
Researching and choosing a reputable wholesale kratom supplier is crucial. Look for suppliers with positive reviews, transparent sourcing practices, and a commitment to quality. Reliable suppliers often provide lab testing results to ensure the purity and potency of their products.
Regulatory Compliance:
Stay informed about the legal status of kratom in your region. Regulations regarding kratom can vary, so it's essential to comply with local laws and regulations to avoid any legal issues.
Strain Selection and Potency:
Consider the specific strains and potency levels offered by the wholesale supplier. Different strains have different effects, so understanding the characteristics of each strain can help you cater to your target audience.
Packaging and Labeling:
Pay attention to the packaging and labeling of the wholesale kratom powder. Clear and accurate labeling is crucial for both businesses and consumers. It should include information on the strain, potency, and any relevant instructions.
Wholesale kratom powder provides an economical and versatile solution for those interested in incorporating this natural botanical into their daily routine. Whether you are a business looking to diversify your product offerings or an individual seeking cost-effective access to kratom, purchasing in bulk offers numerous advantages. By understanding the benefits and considering important factors when selecting a wholesale supplier, consumers
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vapehk1 · 1 year
Top Benefits Of Buying Green Maeng Da Kratom Powder And Vape In Bulk
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Are you looking for a great way to save time and money on selecting the best-tasting kratom powder? Do you want to purchase it in bulk to never run out of some of your favorite strains? Then reading this blog post is the perfect solution! Here, we will go over 7 compelling reasons why buying premium green maeng da kratom powder and vape in bulk can help simplify your shopping experience. From getting access to larger quantities at wholesale prices to the convenience of having everything all packed up together – these are just some of the many benefits of purchasing kratom products in bulk. Keep reading if you’d like to learn more about this unique yet effective way of spending smartly when it comes to purchasing high-quality kratom blends.   7 Benefits Of Buying Green Maeng Da Kratom Powder And Vape In Bulk   1. Cost Savings If you regularly use Green Maeng Da Kratom powder and vape, buying in bulk may be the way to go. Not only does purchasing in larger quantities save you money in the long run, but it also means fewer trips to the store.    By stocking up, you won't have to worry about running out of your favorite products and can enjoy peace of mind knowing that you have a reliable supply. Additionally, buying in bulk allows for more flexibility in your usage, as you can experiment with different dosages and consumption methods without worrying about running low.    If you want to save money and streamline your purchasing process, buying Green Maeng Da Kratom powder and vape in bulk is worth considering.   2. Convenience For buyers of Green Maeng Da Kratom powder and vape, purchasing in bulk can tremendously simplify their lives. With bulk purchases, customers can save themselves the stress of frequently restocking their supplies since they would have more products at once.    Plus, less time and money are spent on repeated trips to the shops or websites to reorder items frequently. Bulk purchases also mean less packaging waste, which results in more eco-friendly practices by the buyer.    So, if buyers are looking for a reliable and practical solution to the often-tedious task of restocking their Green Maeng Da Kratom powder and vape, then buying in bulk offers the best convenience and value for their money.   3. Higher Quality Product For consumers looking for the best quality kratom powder and vape products, purchasing them in bulk is the way to go. Specifically, buying Green Maeng Da Kratom powder and vape in bulk is an especially smart decision.    Not only does this method save money in the long run, but it also guarantees a higher-quality experience for the user. When purchasing in bulk, consumers can rest easy knowing they are investing in products that have a consistent and reliable source and can access fresher batches of the products, as they are less likely to sit for long periods in storage.    Furthermore, this purchase method ensures users maintain a steady supply of their preferred products, eliminating the need to constantly reorder and go through the purchasing process.    By buying Green Maeng Da Kratom powder and vape in bulk, consumers can experience the satisfaction of having access to their products at all times, as well as the benefits of investing in higher quality products.   4. Sustainability Buying in bulk may be the perfect solution for those who frequently use Green Maeng Da Kratom powder and vape. Not only is this practical for those on a tight budget, but buying in bulk is also incredibly sustainable.    When purchasing larger quantities, the amount of packaging used will decrease, which minimizes waste in landfills. Additionally, ordering in bulk reduces shipping emissions by consolidating the number of orders sent out.    By taking these steps towards sustainability, consumers of Green Maeng Da Kratom powder and vape are saving money and helping promote a greener, healthier planet.   5. Availability Green Maeng Da Kratom, powder and vape products, have become increasingly popular among those looking for a natural solution to various conditions. If you use these products regularly, you know how important it is to have them readily available.    Buying these products in bulk is a great way to ensure you never run out. Not only is buying in bulk more cost-effective, but it also saves you the hassle of going to the store whenever you need to use them. This is especially true if you use these products in your daily routine.    By having a larger supply readily available, you can enjoy the benefits of these products without interruption. Whether you're looking for a way to manage occasional discomfort or simply want to promote a sense of well-being, buying Green Maeng Da Kratom powder and vape products in bulk is a wise choice for those who value availability and convenience.   6. More Versatile Buying Green Maeng Da Kratom powder and vape in bulk can be a wise investment. One of the key benefits of buying in bulk is its versatility. You can experiment with different dosages and consumption methods by purchasing a larger quantity.    For example, you may want to try making your capsules or incorporating the powder into recipes. With vape, buying in bulk also ensures you always have a ready supply, allowing for more experimentation with different flavors and devices. Overall, purchasing in bulk offers more flexibility and cost savings in the long run.   7. Better Value Buying Green Maeng Da Kratom powder and vape in bulk is an exceptional way to enjoy these products while minimizing costs. Buying in bulk is a practical choice for those who prefer Kratom powder or vaping.    Bulk purchases offer better value, providing significant savings over purchasing individual packages. By buying more, consumers can save money and ensure they always have a steady supply of their preferred products.    If you're looking for ways to reduce your costs while still enjoying the benefits of these products, buying in bulk is the way to go. Bottom Line There are numerous benefits to buying Green Maeng Da Kratom powder and vape in bulk. Not only does purchasing this product in bulk save you time and money, but you get access to the best quality available. Thanks to its rigorous production process, you can also ensure that your product is safe and free from contaminants. Additionally, buying in bulk reduces packaging, which results in fewer emissions being released into the environment. Read the full article
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lisamathew · 1 year
Testing Strips: A Quick and Easy Way to Test for Drugs and Alcohol
Testing strips have become increasingly popular in recent years as a quick and easy way to test for drugs and alcohol. These small strips are designed to provide accurate results in just a few minutes, making them ideal for use in a variety of settings, including at home, in the workplace, and in healthcare facilities. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at testing strips and how they can be used to test for drugs and alcohol.
Fentanyl Test Strips
Fentanyl is a potent synthetic opioid that has become a significant contributor to the opioid crisis in the United States. Fentanyl is so powerful that even a small amount can be deadly, making it crucial to detect and prevent overdoses. Fentanyl test strips are a simple and effective way to test for the presence of fentanyl in drugs such as heroin and cocaine. These strips work by detecting the presence of fentanyl metabolites in a sample, providing a result in just a few minutes. Using fentanyl test strips can help prevent accidental overdoses and save lives.
Alcohol Test Strips
Alcohol test strips are designed to test the blood alcohol content (BAC) of an individual quickly and easily. These strips work by detecting the presence of ethanol in a sample, providing a semi-quantitative result that indicates the individual’s BAC. Alcohol test strips can be used at home, in the workplace, or by law enforcement officials to determine if an individual is under the influence of alcohol. These strips are simple to use and can provide accurate results in just a few minutes.
Drug Test Strips: Detect a Wide Range of Drugs
Drug test strips are designed to test for a wide range of drugs, including marijuana, cocaine, opioids, and amphetamines. These strips work by detecting the presence of drug metabolites in a sample, providing a semi-quantitative result that indicates the individual’s drug use. Drug test strips are used in a variety of settings, including at home, in the workplace, and in healthcare facilities. These strips are simple to use and can provide accurate results in just a few minutes.
Alcohol Urine Test Strips: Test for Alcohol in Urine
Alcohol urine test strips are designed to test for the presence of alcohol in urine quickly and easily. These strips work by detecting the presence of ethanol metabolites in a sample, providing a semi-quantitative result that indicates the individual’s alcohol use. Alcohol urine test strips can be used at home or in healthcare facilities to determine if an individual has been drinking alcohol. These strips are simple to use and can provide accurate results in just a few minutes.
Kratom Drug Test
Kratom is a tropical tree native to Southeast Asia that has gained popularity in the United States as a natural alternative to prescription painkillers. Kratom contains alkaloids that can produce opiate-like effects, making it an attractive option for those looking to manage pain or withdrawal symptoms. Kratom drug tests are designed to test for the presence of kratom alkaloids in a sample, providing a semi-quantitative result that indicates the individual’s kratom use. These tests can be used at home or in healthcare facilities to determine if an individual has been using kratom.
Source URL: https://drug-test-cups-kits-cards-strips.blogspot.com/2023/04/testing-strips-Test-for-drugs-and-alcohol.html
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recentupdates · 1 year
Testing Strips: A Quick and Easy Way to Test for Drugs and Alcohol
Testing strips have become increasingly popular in recent years as a quick and easy way to test for drugs and alcohol. These small strips are designed to provide accurate results in just a few minutes, making them ideal for use in a variety of settings, including at home, in the workplace, and in healthcare facilities. In this article, we'll take a closer look at testing strips and how they can be used to test for drugs and alcohol.
Fentanyl Test Strips
Fentanyl is a potent synthetic opioid that has become a significant contributor to the opioid crisis in the United States. Fentanyl is so powerful that even a small amount can be deadly, making it crucial to detect and prevent overdoses. Fentanyl test strips are a simple and effective way to test for the presence of fentanyl in drugs such as heroin and cocaine. These strips work by detecting the presence of fentanyl metabolites in a sample, providing a result in just a few minutes. Using fentanyl test strips can help prevent accidental overdoses and save lives.
Alcohol Test Strips
Alcohol test strips are designed to test the blood alcohol content (BAC) of an individual quickly and easily. These strips work by detecting the presence of ethanol in a sample, providing a semi-quantitative result that indicates the individual's BAC. Alcohol test strips can be used at home, in the workplace, or by law enforcement officials to determine if an individual is under the influence of alcohol. These strips are simple to use and can provide accurate results in just a few minutes.
Drug Test Strips: Detect a Wide Range of Drugs
Drug test strips are designed to test for a wide range of drugs, including marijuana, cocaine, opioids, and amphetamines. These strips work by detecting the presence of drug metabolites in a sample, providing a semi-quantitative result that indicates the individual's drug use. Drug test strips are used in a variety of settings, including at home, in the workplace, and in healthcare facilities. These strips are simple to use and can provide accurate results in just a few minutes.
Alcohol Urine Test Strips: Test for Alcohol in Urine
Alcohol urine test strips are designed to test for the presence of alcohol in urine quickly and easily. These strips work by detecting the presence of ethanol metabolites in a sample, providing a semi-quantitative result that indicates the individual's alcohol use. Alcohol urine test strips can be used at home or in healthcare facilities to determine if an individual has been drinking alcohol. These strips are simple to use and can provide accurate results in just a few minutes.
Kratom Drug Test
Kratom is a tropical tree native to Southeast Asia that has gained popularity in the United States as a natural alternative to prescription painkillers. Kratom contains alkaloids that can produce opiate-like effects, making it an attractive option for those looking to manage pain or withdrawal symptoms. Kratom drug tests are designed to test for the presence of kratom alkaloids in a sample, providing a semi-quantitative result that indicates the individual's kratom use. These tests can be used at home or in healthcare facilities to determine if an individual has been using kratom. Source Url: https://drug-test-cups-kits-cards-strips.blogspot.com/2023/04/testing-strips-Test-for-drugs-and-alcohol.html
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Product Review: Ketum Superior Kratom - Plus Kratom Tips
I use Kratom every day to…
Increase energy
Improve mood
Pain relief / Anti-inflammatory
Mental clarity
Reduce anxiety
Settle down my restless legs
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mitragaia · 2 years
Get your own ‘Kratom saves lives’ wristband from Mitragaia
Show your love for kratom and share the message with people you love. Kratom has a plethora of beneficial properties which range from sedation to energy booster. It can also help with serious complications like opioid withdrawal symptoms. So no wonder we want to spread the word that ‘kratom saves lives’. You can do that now with Mitragaia’s ‘kratom saves lives’ wristbands. Order yours now!
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Kratom saves lives. A true miracle for those in need of rescuing their soul.I wish I could tell you the heartfelt stories I have heard. Today is your lucky day. The unicorn of the plants is here to remind you that the earth has all the answers to your prayers.
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kratomkittycat · 2 years
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It’s not a joke. It’s true…
I’ve been applying to jobs for the past month and a half, but still haven’t been hired by anyone. I can go into my savings account when this extract runs out, but that money was meant to be for getting a place to live to escape my parents.
My teachers and recruiter know that I will get a job as a lab tech eventually, and that with my skills it’s only a matter of time. But I think I am going to see a future where I will have to go some time without kratom extract. And that could really hurt.
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mezmer · 5 months
Tbh. Kratom could probably prevent crime. What’s that called when you get criminals to stop offending? I know for a fuckin fact it would save addict’s lives. Even if you gave it to 100, and within a year, 20 of them stayed clean, those are surely lives saved from fent overdose. That’s far greater than suboxone. What’s great about kratom too is how it gives hope to addicts. Suboxone treatment or cold Turkey sobriety feels completely hopeless to many. I am hopeful when I drink my kratom! And some days I take a lot, some days hardly any. You don’t need the same 5mg strip of suboxone every 12 hours, that doesn’t work after a week. I think it would be better to test kratom on prisoners rather than mental health patients if they’re gonna test for potential mental wellness improvements. Recidivism? Is that the word
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gold-slugs · 7 years
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