every time i think to myself: 'this sober shit is boring' i remember there were times, when i was willing to give up anything except my next dose, for a chance to be where i am today.
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cripp-tid · 2 years
I know this probably won't get much traction, but Iike. Y'all seriously have to start giving more attention and kindness to addicts. ESPECIALLY addicts still in recovery. Addicts that are actively using. Addicts that have a hard time staying clean. Yes, even the ones you don't like or the ones you think are "weird" or "gross". You bitches will take EVERY opportunity to jump on crackhead jokes and similar things but offer virtually no support to actual people suffering. fuck that.
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imperfect-opheliac · 1 year
Hey, I hate to ask but my fiance and I just got sick with covid. We are recovering addicts, he is on methadone and I was on suboxone but I recently took time off of work to taper off and withdraw from the suboxone. I'm in active withdrawal and now have covid and it's too much to deal with. I was doing sex work to help pay bills during this time but it's going to be a while before I can do anything since I'm this sick, and he's had to take time off work because of having covid since he works in the food industry. Any help would be so appreciated to help us pay rent and buy necessities
Cashapp: $MariahVickroy
Venmo: @MariahVickroy
!!!!!!!!! UPDATE!!!!!!!!
I hate to have to put this on here, but I was getting some art supplies off of a friend (I didn't come in contact with them they left them outside) and at a stop light, someone hit and run me in our only car. It's undriveable and no one can find the person who did it. My fiance can no longer get to his methadone treatments which he needs to go to every day. Please please any help is appreciated.
And thank you to the person named Jason that donated ❤️❤️❤️ I'm so thankful and your support means the absolute world to me. If anyone else donates, please send me a message with your username so I can thank you!
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random-xpressions · 7 months
Nudes? Girl, tell me the books you've completed & the bucket list of books you intend to finish during your retirement years. I've no better scales to measure your depths!
Random Xpressions
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pinballforever · 1 year
Lose the phone. Play some pinball.
Well, first go outside and enjoy nature, THEN play some pinball
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lilaceas · 9 months
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Tutto ciò che non ho mai avuto
Ciao mi chiamo Sarah e sono tossicodipendente, sono nata 3 giorni dopo l'undici settembre, i miei hanno passato 2 giorni in ospedale, coccolandomi sotto la luce soffusa della tv, mentre guardavano le torri che cadevano più e più volte, finché il lutto non ha lasciato il posto al dolore. Non ho subito abusi fisici, non mi mancava l'acqua pulita, nessuna molestia da parenti, ma sono affetta da il disturbo ossessivo compulsivo e bipolarità, mi era stata diagnosticata all'età di 4 anni. Mia madre mi diceva "Sai tesoro, è il modo in cui il tuo cervello è programmato, e molte persone fantastiche hanno avuto la tua stessa patologia, per esempio, la sua preferita, Britney spears". Ricordo poco da i 8 e i 12 anni, solo che il mondo era troppo veloce per me, e il mio cervello era troppo lento, e ogni tanto se mi concentravo troppo nel mio modo in cui respiravo, morivo, finché ogni secondo di ogni giorno provavo a fuggire dalla mia ansia, e sinceramente sono piuttosto esausta cazzo. Ed ad un certo punto fai una scelta, se chi sei e cosa vuoi, mi drogavo di nascosto, a me piace quel istante in cui il mio cuore rallenta, e ogni volta che respiri, respiri tutto l'ossigeno che hai, tutto si ferma, il tuo cuore, i tuoi polmoni e alla fine il tuo cervello, tutto quello che senti è quello che desideri e vuoi dimenticare sprofonda, e all'improvviso gli dai di nuovo aria, gli dai di nuovo vita. Ricordo che la prima volta che mi è successo ero talmente spaventata che volevo andare in ospedale ed essre tenuta in vita dalle macchine e succo di mela, ma non volevo sembrare un idiota o rovinare la serata agli altri. E con il tempo era tutto quello che volevo, quei due secondi di nulla.
Ho passato gran parte dell'estate, prima del terzo anno a disintossicarmi, poco dopo tornai a casa da mia sorella Tabità e da mia madre Malika.
Era la fine dell'estate, una settimana all'inizio della scuola, non avevo intenzione di restare pulita e Jules si era trasferita in città.
Io andai da Mason, detto anche il mio spacciatore di fiducia, mi presi della 2ct2.
Jules si era trasferita poco dopo che sua madre e suo padre divorziarono, non le piace parlarne, ma per dare l'affidamento esclusivo al padre di casino c'era stato. Aveva passato 3 settimane ai corsi estivi con Brecia, che era stata bocciata in introduzioni alle arti visive, quindi le due fecero molta amicizia.
Io ero pena tornata a casa, e mia madre mi chiese subito dove ero finita, io le dissi che ero a cena ma lei non mi credette, quindi io me ne andai in camera mia e lei voleva farmi un cazzo di test anti droga, ovviamente non potevo fare io pipì, perché se no mia madre lo vede che mi sono drogata. Quindi prima di entrare a casa andai a casa della mia migliore amica pulita Luna e le chiesi "puoi pisciare dentro questo barattolino" lei chiede " perché?" Io le avevo spiegato che se mia madre mi scopre sono fottuta e quindi lei era andata a farla nel barattolino. Nel mentre ho parlato con la madre di Luna, lei era molto ubriaca, e vidi Abby che era sul divano con la madre. Io e Luna ci conosciamo da quando eravamo piccole, ma con il tempo ci siamo allontanate. Ehm rieccoci alla parte del test antidroga, nel mentre mia madre mi disse: " il tuo overdose era stato il momento più spaventoso che una madre potesse vivere, e Tabita che ti adora come nessun altro, ti ha trovato priva di sensi" So che molti di loro ora mi odiano per questo, e lo capisco, se potessi essere una persona diversa giuro che lo sarei, non perché lo voglio io, ma perché lo vogliono loro, è questa la fregatura. Il test risultò negativo e io chiesi a mia madre se potevo andare a casa di Luna quella notte, ovviamente non ero andata a casa di Luna, ma ero andata al party night di Jacob. Jules andò nel hotel di un tipo che aveva conosciuto su Tinder, per fare...avete capito, e con il senno di poi, era meglio che andava alla festa di Jacob.
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chaosdisorganized · 2 years
If you don't support addicts you don't support recovering addicts.
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I would like to say that I'm doing well, but honestly... i was living without any drug or alcohol for over a year, and i was fine, until i decided to quit smoking as well. It went surprisingly good at first.
But one day i didn't feel well so i decided to borrow a friend's cigarette and my mind went... boom?
In 1 week, hookah. In 9 days, L-dopa. In 10 days, random mix of pills. In 12 days, kratom, in 3 weeks, smoking again and sniffing my brothers home made caffeine, however stupid it may seem. Today I had to control myself hard so i wouldn't have a drink.
Now I'm not saying that this is a game over for me, but it certainly doesn't feel like winning either. It's risky. And besides the obvious, relapsing drug addiction kind of risky - I am a bipolar patient with lithium treatment. And since lithium is a poison, it's also very dangerous. But my medication is my safety net. If i'd have to make the choice, i REALLY fucking hope that i would rather decide NOT to use hard drugs with it, than gamble and possibly die.
I know it's not that bad, well, i don't even do anything i would actually like you know... junkie-worthy.
But I went from "i don't want to take this allergy pill because it makes me feel a little dizzy" to "let's do some kratom and sniff this pile of caffeine" surprisingly too fast for me to not be concerned.
I don't really know how to want to stop it.
I guess i just forgot what it feels like... I guess i forgot the rush of losing control.
Ugh shut up and stop romanticizing the very same thing that almost killed you, sicko. (Save it for another post.)
413 days sober
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1introvertedsage · 1 year
dis and reconnect to the resonance now. you were never an island
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b0bthebuilder35 · 7 months
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vanx-97 · 7 months
I think you hate what I've become
I think you hate all that I've done
I think you hated the nothing that I started from
But all that hate wont stop me from getting all the things I truly want
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vizthedatum · 8 months
I went to my first Nar-Anon meeting today. Poised and then all of a sudden, ready to cry.
I think I’ll be coming back.
It’s not easy to feel so strongly and also know you’re powerless.
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rbfallingforever · 8 months
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Falling Forever RBKING 2023
(A Non-Fiction Graphic Novel)
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Enter the world of Drug Addiction how it has crippled people that were once top tier. Walk through their life in their shoes and how the day to day struggles you may think you have compare nothing to the lives that to many Americans live and seem to never escape. They wanted a life and got a RABIT HOLE FILLED WITH DRUGS ADDICTS AND A BALL AND CHAIN. Alter egos take over and you live in the darkness inside your mind while someone you don’t recognize is in control of your life hitting everything on its way Down to RB will you survive this in depth look and feel of loosing it all living in a car and being ok with it some how ?
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hislittleraincloud · 5 months
Yep. *irate*
And guess who gets to house sit/cat sit again, breaking the everloving shit out of the fragile creative roll that I JUST GOT BACK ON. It was asked of me the fucking night before she's fucking set to take off, too...just like fucking last time.
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I'm so mad I'm numb. I'm so fucking mad I'm numb, because I told someone that I hoped to get Part 2 out by Christmas.
Kids of this fandom: Don't you ever fucking drink or drug to excess. It's a HIGH RISK GAMBLE you're making with yourselves because you don't know if you're the type to get addicted to substances that will destroy you AND fuck up other peoples' lives/the other people around you.
Sure, it's genetics, but it's also not; even though alcoholism runs in my family, I didn't get addicted to alcohol and I didn't get addicted to any of the other illicit drugs I've done (❄️, LSD, MDMA, cannabis, methamphetamine). It's just not in me to get addicted to them.
I don't know what this means for the story. I'm going to try and just write as if none of this fucking shit was happening again.
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glosackmd · 1 year
PHILLY05 by a Psychiatrist's view Via Flickr: Shooting Heroine with XYLAZINE ( ANIMAL TRANQUILIZER ) aka TRANQ. Philadelphia's Kensington neighborhood looks like a scene from the WALKING DEAD as grim photos show 'tranq' addicts shooting up in broad daylight on sidewalks Many addicts are injecting themselves in broad daylight and lying passed out in the streets. More than 90 per cent of the heroin now found in Philadelphia contains xylazine, or 'tranq', which was developed in 1962 as an anesthetic for veterinary procedures, and its use has soared since the pandemic. Syringes used: 1ml 13mm 0.5inch syringes ( note all the orange caps on the floor ) Kensington Ave PHILLY Photography’s new conscience linktr.ee/GlennLosack
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