#kou family
crunchkind · 1 year
I’m gonna give you guys my head cannons
We have a lot of gays ok
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I’m just gonna start off with Kou cause we got a lot of lgbtq going on pretty self explanatory but I’ll explain some of the flags
Kouha has the cupidromantic flag wich basically means they don’t feel romantic attraction but they want it
Then we got kouen we got Quoiromantic gosh wich means they don’t understand romance so there not sure if they experience romantic attraction or not
A lot of this is projecting my lack of ranntic attraction into charachters
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I feel like Sinbad no matter what you identify with or how you look would love anyone as long as they have been with him for awhile and he has feeling for them
idc if drakon has a wife and jafar is aroace cause I don’t think he wants or needs or feels any romantic or sexual attraction but would have a relationship with a man just in a more of a comfort way you now
Mystras being trans cause I said so
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We got my beloveds ok and yes I think alibabas trans cause why not he probably uses neos man and I believe alibaba has had a crush on everyone at least once that he finds pretty or amazing or admired
Hakaryuu probably spelt that wrong has Quaromantic wich BASICALLY fills the romantic wholes like of not feeling it into closeness so like it’s in the middle of romantic and platonic feeling ya now
I couldn’t fit them all but Morganas bisexual and sphintus and titus are both mlm but titus is a demiboy and then muu is demi sexual and mlm and myron is pan
Hinahohos an ally!!
And I think that’s it
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fleurdelily · 5 months
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me when diabolik boys :
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yanderederee · 29 days
Alright, let’s talk about Ken Wakui’s newest work
Negai no Astro
Or Astro Royal, whatever you prefer.
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I will be giving no blatant spoilers in this post, only speculations:)
Manga PV here; ITS SO GOOD!!!!
Let’s get the obvious out of the way, Ken Wakui has a very distinct art style. And I love it! A lot of people are making fun of it (mostly on Twitter/X), and it’s really sad. I love his style, and character development.
I have high hopes for this manga, and want to paint a picture of what to expect for those who also want to get into it♡
Let’s start Character Designs
—our main-trio—
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We’re only one chapter in so far, so we’ve only met the main two boys, Terasu and Hibaru (left to right).
Terasu Yotsurugi - 12th Son
Loving Terasu’s take-no-shit personality so far. Simultaneously, he seems very kind and loyal to Hibaru’s ideals.
Terasu is giving Ryusei/Chifuyu lovechild.
Hibaru Yotsurugi - only Biological Son
I love Hibaru’s chivalrous/“old-fashion” ideology. He may seem ‘generic shonen protagonist’ right now, but i don’t care. I will appreciate him.
Hibaru is giving Mikey/Takemitchi lovechild.
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As for our blue eyes beauty over here, we have yet to see her yet. She seems very cute though.
She’s also giving lovechild vibes; Senju/Hina specifically…
—The Yotsurugi family—
There are 13 Siblings of the Yotsurugi family, whom has a history of being Yakuza.
12/13 Siblings are adopted.
So far, we only have designs for 11 siblings.
We do not know a lot of names thus far, WHICH I NEED BTW, so let’s go over what we do have, and my first impressions of them.
—Names going Left to Right per image
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Shio Yotsurugi - Eldest Son
He’s giving Timeskip!Taiju vibes. Anyone who says he looks like Ran…. I can’t see it. He’s too beefy- sorry.
I just know I’m not going to like this guy.
Has a lot of the people’s support, but not mine.
Probably thinks he’s going to make the family better when he’s really ruining it:(
Unnamed Glasses Guy - maybe 2nd Son?
Mmmmm no thoughts.
Token megane character—
Probably corrupt.
I hope he proves me wrong.
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Kou Yotsurugi - 11th Son
Middle child vibes
He will be deranged and misguided.
Probably “hates” Hibaru because he’s so much like their father, who I assume he respects, but doesn’t agree with.
He probably secretly admires them both though.
Unnamed Hottie - maybe 9th Son?
Who is he. Where was he. I must know.
also lowkey giving Angry’s blue-ogre vibes…
Based on vibes alone, I lay claim. Awoogaawooga♡
Didn’t appear in chapter 1 though so:( </3
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Unnamed ScarGuy - maybe 10th Son?
Eyes always closed, speaks with ♡ at the end of his sentences…
Seems charming. I mean, look at those eyelashes…♡
Wanna give him a kith.
I have a feeling he and Unnamed Hottie are biological brothers… not sure.
Wakui please, sir, just one chance—-
Unnamed BraidGuy - maybe 8th Son?
Mr. I’ll just stay in my lane. Respect.
Realistically, I think he’ll be my first/second favorite eye candy, depending on how these characters personalities/canons end up being explored.
I’m sorry I have a thing for men with long hair!
Cool earrings too lol
Seems neutral to who’s in charge.
Wakui, seriously, I CAN TAKE HIM—!!!
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BENKEI???? - maybe 5th Son?
Has lion-like eyes and sharp canines….big nose
My size kink is acting up—no, please nO—!
Okay but seriously. I’m not sure what to expect from him yet.
He seems honest, but I can see him getting power hungry:(
Handsome Lady - Maybe 3rd Daughter?
Cooler older sister vibes.
Please be a lesbian or at least bisexual—
Seems logical and cool. Probably doesn’t coddle innocence.
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Mr.BigNose - Maybe 4th son?
Uh-uh. No thanks. Not bc of his appearance, but bc his character is depicted as insufferable so far.
Probably sexist.
Probably too coward to admit it, but if things with the family bond start turning south, he’s the first one OUT.
Hehe I may have left this screenshot wide to show off the One Panel that shows Mr. Unnamed Hottie *twirls hair*
I mean seriously look at him I’m going to scream without the s
Story Direction and Expectations
I trust Wakui. The way he explores his stories is through character bonds and personal ideals.
This is one of the reasons why I grew so fond of Tokyo Revengers.
Plus… it’s Found-Family Gang activity. It’s my soft spot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I would say Yakuza but I want to be respectful in how I throw that word around, so I’ll avoid it for now if I can.
The supernatural powers that get involved will surely lead to a type of succession war between the siblings.
“What it means to be strong” will probably be the fundamental lesson of the story.
I am so excited to see how Negai no Astro will progress!
Please support Ken Wakui however you can by reading Chapter 1 onwards!♡
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dochvada · 11 months
my grown up little children..
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nsfandomdump · 10 months
This is one of my favorite kinds of relationships tbh (romantic or platonic)
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Negai No Astro questions that will (hopefully) get answered as the story progresses:
- where do each of the adoptive siblings come from?
- why stop at 13 kids when clearly you don't care about having one more? (The answer to this one could be Wakui wanting to make sure they all had a distinct design and personality each, that's the one I'm getting anyway)
- was Hibaru born before or after Shio got adopted?
- is Hibaru's mom still around and if not (likely), did she die before Kongo started to massively adopt kids left and right?
- how do they all live being adopted? Which are the ones seeing themselves as worthy of their place in the family and those who don't – which ones feel as if they weren't part of the family, if there's any?
- who are the two missing siblings from chapter one and why weren't they there?
- what are the dynamics like? Which siblings are closer to which? Are they even that close? Did they all succeed to form 'diamond bonds' or do some of them have tensed relationships? Are there siblings which were close at some point until an event made them drift apart?
- How do they all feel about their biological family? Do they remember them?
- Which ones already knew each other before getting adopted? How did they meet, why did it happen?
- How did Kongo started to think about adopting (especially in Japan where it happens very rarely, even less in the past)?
- Was Kongo really a good father?
- Where is Ginji and will he come back in the story? What important information does he know of? Will he help?
- How many characters are we going to get attached to only to cry our eyes out when they die?
- Will attempted and successful fratricides happen?
- ...
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yame-o · 1 year
Diabolik Lovers stuff I made instead of working
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Sakamaki and Mukami cheating on s/o headcanons, please.
I want to say he wouldn’t cheat on his lovers because it’s too much effort but I also can’t see him having the attempt to upkeep a relationship. 
in a relationship with him sex is vital, and if he wasn’t sexually compatible with you he wouldn’t be dating you. 
However if whilst dating you he sees a woman who is more his type I wouldn’t be too surprised if he just ghosts you one day for someone else. It isn’t two-timing as much as it’s him getting bored of one woman to the next.
The only exceptions to this I see would be if he were really attached to you because abandonment issues are big with him, or if you have a family. I see him as someone whose epitomic goal in life is that big house with a yard and white fence with a caring wife and 2 kids and a dog, it’s an ideal he has made for himself even if it isn’t what’s best compatible for him.
If you can somehow give this man that idyllic scenario and become the mother of his children I think the chances of him getting distracted are extremely low, partially because you’ve proved to him you’re worthy of standing by his side through it emotionally and physically and you’ve helped him escape the hole he hid in.
I mean this man pulls, okay Shu gets women (and men - I’m not joking when I say he has top tier rizz when he wants) when I talk about him getting bored it doesn’t mean any woman will do it, he needs a trigger, a gesture that captures his attention and there is literally nothing bigger than this for him. 
So he can be loyal it just depends how much he values that woman
Adultery is not very gentlemanly, guys! Like hello, who do you think he is?
However he has nothing against having multiple wives, I mean his father had them, most vampire nobles have them, and it’s political gain at the end of the day. Unless you’re doubting his noble blood? 
This man has strived to be King for such a large portion of his life, if one political marriage is what he needs to set it in stone why wouldn’t he do it? But trust he won’t stand for all that messy fighting his stepmothers were into, he will be in control. He’s just not into all that like his reputation is based on you, so you better act like it; this also includes lovers his wives cannot have lovers like Cordelia, imagine how it would reflect on his image. Especially if one of them had something going on with his brothers? That’s mad bro. Like I would be surprised if he didn’t have them beheaded for immoral behaviour or divorced if her family was that important.
 Even if you’re the love of his life - yes -you would be his favourite wife and all the others could do whatever they wanted but if he needed an heir to solidify he will have relations with other women.
But again he's very prideful, so there's also the factor he believes he can fullfil his roles without these political relationships.
So loyalty has a high chance but it depends
I know, it's insane to imagine him having the highest chances of faithfulness out of his brothers. 
Just with a childhood like his and all the close-up drama and conflict that came with affairs, I feel like he would just feel general nausea towards two-timing. That doesn’t mean he’s against playing dickhead, where he pretends to flirt with others to get you jealous or compares you to others, or even kisses them and threatens to take them home. But he won’t sleep with another woman till he's out of that relationship.
May I just clarify he is an idiot and you will have to specify you are in a relationship, otherwise he will continue to view you as an on and off situationship and keep many side things? Only once you have established the fact you are in a relationship will he block them off.
However, this does mean you will have to be there for him hand to foot, whatever he wants without overwhelming him or his commitment issues have him one foot out the door. So I wouldn’t worry about cheating as much as I worry about commitment issues and just general jerk behaviour
Uhhh it’s a bit strange guys. I feel a lot of madonna-whore complexing here, along with parasocial relationships.
I don’t even know, what did you do to the teddy that he told him to go give back shots to another gal? Nah I’m joking although there is a decent chance of that scenario.
He has a very hypersexual drive, so I feel like if you can’t keep up rather than breaking up, he will just push past your limits till you break which is very unfortunate for him so he will find someone else. I think he has too much paranoia to cheat on someone, I mean finding one person who wants a genuine relationship is a lot can you imagine 2? Especially since he knows how many of his mother’s affairs were just so they could gain royal patronage. 
However he has this really strange Madonna whore thing, his dolls are usually his Madonna, he has this weird parasocial relationship where he devotes time, money, attention and affection whilst his dolls are just there, not leaving his side. Pure and untainted by their womanly wiles in their wedding dresses, they are the standard you will be compared to.
But I mean at least they aren’t alive?
I mean there is so much where do you even want me to start?
Yes. most definitely, there are other girls, why are you delusional, he is fucking other women and men.
 No, it is not just physical, one day you will randomly find his girlfriend of 3 years, his long-distance boyfriend of 5 years, the girl who he had been engaged to for 2 years and had a relationship with for 4 years, the 2 girls he has a ménage à trois for nearly a year now, the 16 one night stands in the past month.
Like I can’t even get into the psychology of it because would take up his own triple-part post, just know that if Laito is suspected of having an affair it is true.
There are very few chances of him being faithful.
My little slut. I love him, honestly, this man is so repressed you really can’t tell which way he is going to explode.
Personally, he isn’t going to cheat, it’s on his skewed moral code, but you never know. 
I feel like there was an incident; like it’s never happened before or after that day, an anomaly where he was so angry and furious he takes another woman to bed, it’s rough and mean and there is no intention of it but it happens.
The guilt the next morning destroys him, a part of that survived from when he was a tiny child, one that expects better of him, and continues to persevere no matter how hard it gets because that little boy inside him still believes he is better than the blood that flows in him is killed. 
One of the major reasons his mother tortured herself, was because she was the other woman, the third wife, he watched day by day how that title chipped away at her till her soul escaped in utterly miserable leaving behind an empty shell.
And he destroys that faith.
He envisions every scenario of how you would take the news, and it is unbearable, he sobs, he breaks things, and he returns back into his fortress built as a boy when he shows up at your door with the fact that your relationship is over, no explanation or reason. 
Just the cemented fact that someone like him is not just difficult to love, but a bad choice, someone who shouldn’t be loved. It is fracturing and disgusting but his solitude is so familiar there is no option but to believe someone like him, so undeserving of companionship much less affection belongs here.
No, but yes, but very strongly no.
Like it’s complicated, there are stages of mommy issues involved but he’s just so special he’s got them daddy issues too.
Look the chances are very low, his mother abandoned their family due to having an affair, which is what he views as utterly detestable and simply unacceptable as it is what he thinks is the first domino to go down in the chain of events that led to his tragic downfall from grace.
He’s like a jacobean man, back then women were more prone to mental health issues hence hysteria is a feminine trait, therefore, it is not something men should ever show or you might as well emasculate yourself.
The same thing with him, aside from the fact he knows the consequences of it first hand, he would never because he views it as a feminine trait to be unfaithful, his views on women aren’t very high at all. 
It makes sense for women to be flimsy, weak-minded, and easily led astray to unfaithfulness.
It’s just something he finds unpleasant so I don’t necessarily think it’s something he would indulge in; also there is the factor he is loyal to Karl and his main focus is the Eden plan so really since he wants to be Adam there isn’t much need to be sleeping or seeing any other woman, but the one he needs for his cause.
Yeah.  he’s got side hoes. Like just side hoes. The chances of him having anyone as a main hoe is unlikely, but the main gal? Forget it.
It’s just “ but I have so much love to give” and “it’s not my fault everyone wants me”, it’s like talking to a brick wall when it comes to loyalty, he thinks it’s so funny making people chase his affection knowing damn well from the beginning none of it would sway his distrust and paranoia when it came to relationships.
The chances of a faithful relationship are very one-sided, Kou expects the utmost loyalty from his counterpart but he will have no intention to return it.
No… leave my baby daddy alone guys.
No, I’m kidding. It’s very similar to Ayato, he will definitely checks out other girls when they walk past and get you jealous because he thinks it is so cute how much you like him. But he won’t actually cheat on you if you are in a relationship.
Especially, because he also likes the domesticated family idea, if you aren’t his ideal woman with who he wants to start a family; why wouldn’t he want to invest in an emotional relationship with that woman? 
This doesn’t mean he doesn’t fuck though, he fucks.
Just when he sees someone who fits his weird mental checklist and is feisty and resilient enough to keep up with him; he puts in so much effort to continue pursuing them and keep them by his side.
No. I mean come on it’s Azusa, no. you guys have too much PTSD from the Sakamakis.
Although he might propose you cheat on him because he’s heard how painful it can be, he seems like the type to have a cuckold kink.
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kittytheartist · 1 month
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diabolicalcosmos · 2 months
Please, author, if it's not a problem, can you give us a Mukami version of this post?
Hi! (⁠◉⁠‿⁠◉⁠)⁠つ Thank you for the idea!
★ Aftercare Mukami brothers ★
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After drinking your blood, your Master will lie you unconscious in his bed, then go to the kitchen for a glass of water and cook your favorite dish.
You can be sure that as your master, he will take good care of you after sex. He will tell you what a good livestock you are and how much he loves you. Will you be sore? Your master will wash you, lubricate you with various types of oils and dress you in comfortable pajamas. If you're really good, he'll read the book he's reading aloud to you.
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After drinking your blood, he won't actually do anything. If you behave, he take you to bed. nothing more.
This guy will tell you after sex what a good kitten you are. There will be lots of gentle kisses on your aching body. And hugging.
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He'll just take you to his room and put you to bed. When you wake up, he will comment on how troublesome you are and then give you a sugar cube.
His cock is really big! You'll be really sore after sex. He will be worried about you. He will run you a hot bath and bathe you himself.
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This cinnamon roll will be very protective after drinking your blood. From time to time he will ask you how you are feeling. He learned from Ruki that people need to stay well hydrated after losing a lot of blood. so it will give you plenty of water.
He will also be very protective after sex. He will ask how you are feeling and if everything is okay. there will be lots of hugs. He will tell you how much he loves you.
Thank you for reading. I'm very happy about every suggestion. They give me motivation. I'm happy to have 2 more suggestions in my inbox and can't wait to see more! I'm glad someone reads my blog <3
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honoviadakai · 5 months
Diaboys at a Carne Asada with Hispanic S/O/Reader: Mukami edition
The moment you tell him your family invited them to the family Carne Asada, he’s already mentally recalling any and all books he might have in his library about Hispanic culture
The ever well read eldest Mukami son will NOT attend any sort of event without proper preparations sooo…I’d give yourself a week in advance…minimum
He’s also gonna learn the language as best he can
He’s not gonna be 100% fluent but he’s gonna sound like he is and that’s what’s important to him
Once you both arrive he’s met with generally well reception
At least from the women in your family
He’s handsome, well educated and quite the gentleman from their perspective! So don’t be surprised if they start gushing and even asking when you two plan to tie the knot
Now the men in your family…that’s a different story all together…
Depending on how they are, at best they’re indifferent about him and at worst they wanna mess with the “smart boy”
For the love of all that is pure and holy in this world, keep an eye on him so he doesn’t verbally tear someone a new one! 🙏
He’s also not scoring a lot of points with the kids in your family.
He might indulge them in a board game but if they wanna play a physical game like soccer, he’s probably not gonna do it so your cousins think he’s a little lame
He won’t drink beer, it smells too cheap and gross for him
Flat out will not partake in most of the stuff the men do
For example
If they start talking about cars, at best he’s gonna start expositing the history of how cars came to be
They wanna talk about farming? He’s gonna teach them the entirety of this history of agriculture from EVERY culture
Yeeeah…he’s not popular with the guy and some of the kids…
BUT! As stated earlier, he’s a hit with the women in your family!
He’ll help with any cooking and cleaning that anyone needs help with
Might show off and make a few dishes of his own that will be an instant hit with everyone
The dotting and fawning the other women are having towards him might be annoying to a good chunk of your family though
This guy unfortunately radiates too much rich white boy privilege to be truly accepted
Honestly bringing him is so dividing amongst your family that you’re better off bringing him every other invite
This one’s gonna be fun 😈
This idea comes courtesy from @magnificentkidclamclod and I couldn’t agree more with her
The second you get the invite, sit Kou down and teach him about Selena (and really any Hispanic artists you can think of)
By the time the day ends, he’s a Selena Stan, memorizing her songs and dances and even thinking of writing a song of his own to honor her
If you show him a document about her life, keep an eye on him cuz the moment he finds out she was murdered and said murderer is alive, he’s gonna try to find her and start shit
As much as we’d all want him to…don’t, we don’t need a bloodbath on our hands here
Now to the party itself
If any family members of your family like J-pop…well I hope you liked hearing while it lasted, cuz the second he walks in, expect loud screams/squeals
He might get swarmed so help him by clearing a path and making it clear that he’s just here to enjoy the event and that he’s taken
He’s not very helpful in the kitchen or anything but your family thinks it’s kinda funny how useless this pop star is in the kitchen so they won’t complain
They’re also gonna tease his low spice tolerance but you and the younger kids will console him
He’s a hit with the kids since he’ll play with them and even perform silly little songs and dances for them
He doesn’t like beer, he prefers sweet, fruity cocktails
He might get teased for them but he’ll probably take the opportunity to drink some humans under the table as petty revenge
He’s gonna score some huge respect points with the men in your family
Now when it comes to the women, expect him to be an official member of the Chisme circle by the end of the night
He. LOVES. It.
It’s not only a good way to learn more about you and your family but it gives him a good space to vent with a genuine support group
This is a good thing for him but it’s kind of a weird thing for you
The reason is because he’s gonna know things about your family before YOU
Someone got a promotion? He knew hours ago
Someone went through a nasty break up? He sent them a gift basket days ago
Someone died? He had the funeral planned months in advance
It’s more than a little off putting…but you don’t have the heart to take that from him 😔
Now he’s canonical a pop idol, so there is no doubt in anyone’s minds that he’s gonna SLAY on the dance floor
But he’s surprisingly very good at singing along to songs, especially Selena songs
Don’t be fooled though, he doesn’t really understand the language, he’s just listened to the songs enough times to know the lyrics word for word 🤣
He’s not gonna learn the language fast but given enough time he’ll learn, eventually
He’s definitely gonna be someone your family hopes you bring at EVERY event
Yuma “Big Bear” Mukami…
Oh he’s gonna be welcomed with open arms
Now before he goes he genuinely might not go because it’s “too much of a hassle, I have gardening to do ya know!”
Tell him there’s free food, alcohol and if the even is gonna be at a ranch, tell him there’s animals and crops
He’s gonna change his tune real quick
Once he goes, he’s gonna have so much fun!
The moment he arrives…everyone is in awe at how big this dude is…it’s gonna boost his already huge ego
Expect him to flex and bost about his monstrous size, he’ll even put kids on his shoulders and spin them around for fun
Your family is gonna LOVE this rowdy man
Big dude in this case means big alcohol tolerance, he’s gonna drink your dad, uncles, grandfather and your neighbors under the table. They might end up adopting him by the time he wins 😆
He’s also very helpful in the kitchen and with cleaning.
He understands the importance of helping out to do hard work so if he sees your mom or someone else needs help, he’s getting off his ass to help
ALL the kids love him and want him to play with them
This dude is gonna become a human(vampiric) jungle gym so don’t get upset if your little cousin and siblings don’t wanna share him because he’s the perfect playmate for them
He’s not as good a dancer as Kou but you bet your bottom dollar he can throw down a good hoedown at least
His dancing style is powerful, aggressive and oddly sexy
Don’t be suprised if some of the women swoon over him
He’ll also help out with any crops and livestock
Hell, he’s even gonna share/swap farming/gardening advice
You might not see him again for a while once he starts talking about this tbh sooo…go get some food ^^;
Speaking of food, this guy eats like it’s the last meal he’s ever gonna eat
He’s also got a high spice tolerance that’s only rivaled by Azusa so the family will be impressed
They won’t be impressed with his Spanish skills but he’s stubborn and absolutely wants to learn for your sake and boy howdy does your family respect the effort
Honestly by the end of the night, it kinda feels like your family loves Yuma more than you 😂
Honestly they’re more excited for you two to get married that you two are soooo hop to it!
Oh Azusa…
Sweet little Azusa…
This one’s…gonna be tricky…
On one hand, you know how oh so sweet this man is and you know that he’d never intentionally hurt your family
On the other hand…it’s Azusa…
Listen, you gotta lay down the law with this guy
He’s a sweetheart that loves you with his whole undead heart but you NEED to let him know that he’s not allowed to play with knives or hurt himself in anyway on purpose
Even with a warning and some prep time, your family might not be super positively receptive to him
He’s tiny, looks frail(they bandages don’t help) and he speaks a tad slowly
Honestly your family might initially think he’s terminally ill or something
First thing they’re gonna do is sit him somewhere warm and give him a BIG plate of food
Ofc he’ll accept it gratefully, he’s gonna ask for hot sauce though
You told him about your tia’s extra spicy salsa and he really wants to try it
At first your family advises him not to, but he insists that he can
So they reluctantly give him some…
And he loves it! Hell he’s not even sweating!
That immediately impresses everyone and makes them less tense so they’re more comfortable with him being your lover
He’s gonna scare your little cousins though
Not because he’s being mean or hurting them
It’s cuz they asked him to play soccer…
The kids accidentally kicked the ball in his face and made his nose bleed, but Azusa didn’t even react much and even asked if they wanted to do that again but harder
This unnerves the kids but he’ll remember your words
He’s gonna try to be playful and act silly for them, it might not work for all of them but some of the kids will like him at least
He helps out when he can but…he’s just really accident prone…keep an eye on him when he’s washing dishes…please
He’s gonna drink with the men just to be polite, but he honestly doesn’t like beer
But if it’s to make your family happy, he’ll happily choke down the bitter beer
The men can tell but they honestly think it’s sweet that he’s enduring drinking with them just to keep everyone happy
They’ll eventually stop him and offer him some horchata or jamica instead
Azusa isn’t good at fast paced dancing, slow dancing is more his forte so get ready to be swept off your feet 😉
His Spanish skills….well they’re abysmal at best
He’s gonna eventually learn basic phrases like “Mi nombre es Azusa” or “¿Donde esta el baño?” But that’s about all he’s gonna know for a few years
Spanish is tricky for him so be patient
Over all your family does like him…but they think he’s odd…very sweet! But very odd…
Be careful when bringing him because he’s the one between the Mukami’s that might accidentally let them know he and his family are vampires
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Breaking your leg pt. 2 with Mukamis
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♧ RUKI ♧
-"Really livestock?"
-He takes care of you at least... because he sees you as an animal
-He secretly loves taking care of you though 😗
You were walking down the stairs at school when you twisted your ankle at the last step. "Ow..sh- wait.. Ruki I think I twisted it.." Ruki stopped and looked at you with his piercing glare, "Really livestock... you can't even go down the stairs?" You blushed in embarrassment, "I'm sorry-" Ruki cut you off. "If you want my help, then you should ask your master for it, right?" Your whole face turned red and the pain in your ankle was suddenly not on your mind at the moment. You tried to answer, but your flusteredness was affecting your speech. "Well livestock?" Looking at the floor, you quietly said "Please help me m-master..." A sly smirk crossed his face as he effortlessly picked you up and headed to the limo. You were extremely flushed from the looks you were getting from the others.
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♧ KOU ♧
-"My poor little kitten!!!"
-"I'll take care of you if you take care of me...."
-definately babies you.
It was lunchtime at school, and Kou had his entourage around him as usual. You kept your distance because they had some weird claim over him. Anyways, as you were walking past his table, one of them tripped you, causing you to fall on the floor covered in your lunch. Panic filled your body when you realized you couldn't get back up. Pushing his fangirls away, Kou arose and had fake worry written his face. "Oh no~ my poor little kitten! Are you okay?" Your face twisted in pain as you looked at your swollen ankle, "Y-yeah.. I think I just twisted it.." Kou let his mask drop a little before picking you up like you weighed nothing. "I'll be back, my little kittens! I have to get the clumsy cutie to the nurses' office!" As he was walking away, you looked over his shoulder at the disappointed girls starting up random gossip. He was humming softly as he carried you through the corridor to the nurses' room. "Kou, you didn't have to do that..." Placing you on the little gray table, he laughed, "Oh, don't worry, little maso-kitty~ I'll make sure you repay me~" You noticed his sweet smile turned to a sadistic one as he leaned in and bit your shoulder.
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- Laughs his ass off
-"Hahaha little pig stop your squealing... this is what happens when you're this weak."
- didn't even help you right away... he went to get his sugar cubes so he could have a snack and a show..
Helping Yuma in his garden was something you did regularly. Whether that'd be watering the plants, pruning the leaves, or digging holes; you still loved helping all the same. On rare occasions, he'd even reward you for your hard work. However, this particular time, your clumsiness got the best of you when you tripped over a pot in his green house. You hesitantly called out Yuma's name to no avail... so you did the next best thing. Crawled. You crawled all the way to the middle of the garden and stopped to take a breather. You looked over and saw Yuma's polished shoe in front of you. Trailing your gaze upward, you saw Yuma looking down at you with the biggest grin on his face as he popped another sugar cube in his mouth. "Poor little piggy... I heard you sqeaul earlier hehe.. what happened?" You embarrassingly fiddled with a leaf on the ground before mumbling out how you tripped over a pot. That sent him over the edge. He started laughing so hard at you that he nearly choked on a cube he had in his mouth. "Shit, little pig, how weak and stupid are you? Hahahaha-" You knew not to let his words get to you, but for some reason, they did sting this time.. "C-can you just help me out, please..." This wasn't good... you felt tears pricking at your cheeks, and the last thing you wanted to do was cry in front of him. Yuma stopped when he heard your quiet sniffle. He knealed down and placed his cool hand on your face, lifting it up to look at him. He had an amused smirk written on his face as he wiped off one of your tears. "I almost feel sorry for you, piggy. Say ahhh~" You were humiliated, but you did what he said nonetheless. He popped a sugar cube in your mouth before leaning in and giving you a kiss. The sugar cube melted between the heat of your kiss. He pulled away and then picked you up. "Consider that a reward for calling for your master to help you~ Now let's get you all fixed up."
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-"oh... no, are you... hurt? Did... the pain feel... good?"
-"Hurt me... too..."
-helps you but wants you to take out some of the pain on him as well.
Azusa was practically glued to you, and you didn't really mind... until you tripped over his foot from him being too close on the stairs. Falling down at least six steps, you landed directly on your leg and heard the most sicking crack ring through the silence. You immediately let out the most blood-curdling scream as you held your leg. Azusa looked down and saw your swollen leg. He ran his hand over it, "Wow. .. eve... it's burning... up..." You whimpered slightly at his touch, "Azu.. can you help me please -" It felt hard to breathe from the pain of your fall; the muscles in your leg were on fire. "Of course... eve.. any... thing for you..." Surprisingly, he was able to pick you up and carry you to Ruki's room so they could take you to the hospital. "Eve...? Do you... think you can hurt me.. like that... too?" He looked down at your face with puppy dog eyes only to see you passed out from the pain. Turns out you broke your leg in 3 places. Incredible.
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samsvenn · 1 year
I have been in and out of the diabolik lovers fandom for a few years (6) now but… I’ve not consumed any of the actual content except things I’ve seen online because in a huge procrastinator but one thing I’ve wanted to understand is the relationship they have with the Mukami’s like I know it’s not the best but like what exactly is it
The Mukamis bond with themselves is actually a pretty interesting one because personally, if they met through different circumstances, I don’t actually think they’d get along with each other. I think the reason for why the Mukamis get along so well is because they all have an intimate connection through the trauma they all experienced in the orphanage; simply what I’m trying is say is I think their family dynamic is much better than the Sakamakis because they found an opportunity to heal with each other, rather than be forced to somewhat heal individually, as what Karl did with the Sakamakis.
For each of the Sakamakis, they were all separated until the coming of age ceremony that happened in the Young Blood manga. They didn’t have a connection with each other, much less a sibling friendship at the least.
What makes the Mukamis and the Sakamakis vastly different is that the Mukamis had an idea of what being ‘Human’ (being vulnerable, feeling your emotions as raw as they are painful, etc) and don’t shun themselves away from it as much as the Sakamakis do. Until Yui came, the Sakamakis didn’t have the slightest clue of what togetherness meant. It was always an unconscious competition between who was the strongest, who was the fastest, who was the most superior son of their mothers, etc etc. The Sakamakis don’t know what being ‘human’ is, because they don’t know what it looks like nor do they understand what it is.
To them, it is a weakness. To the Mukamis, it is the past they want to run away from.
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Daibolik Lovers - Chaos League Jewelry 
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Previously Available - March 24, 2021-April 6, 2021(no longer available for order)
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incorrect-tbhk · 5 months
Kou: Shake it
Teru: *shimmies*
Kou: The container, Teru
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nsfandomdump · 1 month
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