#kokushibo with the tokito twins
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ft. their grandpeepaws
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i'm going to dump all (or maybe some) of the muichiro and yuichiro doodles i made for the past months so please enjoy! ❤️
this one's my personal fave 💙❤️ (yes them w their peepaws again)
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now muitan doodle dumps! some of them are inspired by ao3 fics i read!
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most of the fics were by @3rdgymbros on ao3! turns out they have tumblr so yeah! i love their muitan oneshots! (and the quotes they made on tumblr hehe)
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more soft muitan ❤️💙
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i would post more but i've reached the limit lmao i'll post the othes later on!, anyways pls enjoy and hbd yui and mui 💙💙
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six-eyed-samurai · 2 months
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Thinking about being such a Demon Slayer fan that you literally have every merchandise possible: posters, figurines, plushies, magnets, haori and even the character's accessories. You've even dyed your hair in (character)'s iconic colour scheme and style.
But that wasn't enough for you, so you decided to go to Japan. Hey, the tourism was good, and if you got to buy and explore more of your favourite anime, bonus!
So you arrive and wander the streets gawking in awe with full shopping bags in your hands, humming Gurenge under your breath. You were so lost in your daydreams you slam into someone - sorry, two people.
Cue your apologies as you scramble to your feet, but a melodic voice interrupts you with assurances that it was alright as two pairs of hands help pick up your fallen items. You look up to see a pair of petite sisters with matching blue-tinged hair and smiles.
"That's a nice hairpin!" Was what the elder and taller of the two called out as they continued to walk past you, and you self consciously raise a hand to the Kocho family butterfly pin in your hair.
You continue your walk downtown, strolling past screens with the world famous Tenma Uzui's face plastered on it as he lifted his latest medal and advertised products. At the toy store you had paused to look into, three youngsters rushed out with their newfound prizes in hand.
"Sabito! Give it back!"
"Hey, you already said we'd swap!"
"Until Makomo said she'd give me hers!"
You glance at them out of the corner of your eye and laugh seeing them fight over the colours of the warding masks. An old man with a red face mask stepped out of the shop shortly after and began to shepherd the trio away.
Seeing the Gashapon machines inside the store, you decide to step in too, but before you could the door flew open and a short, purple-haired man tumbled out. Clearly he had been kicked out but he wasn't taking the hint.
Inside the shop an exasperated but still polite voice echoed. "For the last time, Enmu, that toy train is for display only."
"I'll buy it someday!" Enmu declared cheerfully as if this were a regular occurrence and simply brushed himself off and headed to the direction of the nearest station.
You shrug and quit your side eyeing, venturing inside. The red haired shopkeeper looked up from the counter, his formerly poker face transforming into a bright smile that matched the red sun of his hanafuda earrings. "Hi, are you looking for anything? Tourist?"
Sheepishly you replied and casually asked Yoriichi, as he had introduced himself, for any recommendations on where to eat for lunch.
"Oh, you should try the diner down the road! It's family run - Mrs. Iguro is very sweet and they're very famous for their sakura mochi! My wife Uta and I frequent there, so just tell them I sent you."
That sounded good to you, so you thanked him along with your exchange of tokens, then asked for directions.
"It's right on front of where my brother works, Kibutsuji Enterprises. It's a huge office, you can't possibly miss it."
"Kibutsuji Enterprises...? I think I've heard of them, run by Kagaya Ubuyashiki right?"
"Oh, no, don't get confused, they're rival companies actually. The Ubuyashiki company has a wisteria as its logo."
A little confusing, but alright! You thanked him profusely once again and left, making your way through the busy streets to the diner.
You thanked your lucky stars you got there on one piece, for there was a motorbike zooming and booming through the crowds without a care for law or life just now as you were walking. Thankfully you had jumped back just in time before they could mow you down. From what you could see in the racing blur there appeared to be a green-haired young boy dressed in a crimson shirt with a manic smile on his face and a screaming white-haired girl clutching onto him for dear life driving. You hoped the two scarred faced policemen would catch them - no doubt, actually, seeing as they were both already brandishing guns and chasing after the two with furious speed .
"Yeah, that's right, Onii-chan!"
You pass a school bus dropping off a bunch of tiny preschoolers, herded and fretted over by their hulking giant of a teacher. His wooden bead necklace matched yours, clacking together as he urged the kids to stay together. How cute... although such a big man being so kindly was a little unnerving.
"Oh? Want to try our signature Eternal Paradise perfume? We guarantee you'll have anyone falling for you with it!'
You ignore the blonde salesman leaning outside his store. He peered over his rainbow tinted sunglasses to catch you rolling your eyes and with a fake gasp of hurt he grabbed his chest. You snort and continue walking.
Mrs. Iguro was just as welcoming as Yoriichi had promised, although you were rather caught off guard by her bright pink and green hair and the fact she was carrying a whole stack of plates and balancing a baby at the same time.
"Hi!!! Welcome, do take a seat, what can I get you? Obanai's special for today is Western food - oh wait, silly me, you're not from around here, are you? I expect you'd want something local! Coming right up!"
You can't help but be buoyed by her bubbly nature, waiting patiently with a contented grin. You look around the diner and while the snake ornament at the counter catches your eye you find yourself studying the other customers instead.
A pair of identical twin boys eat quietly, with a younger boy with rosy cheeks noisily chatting with them; evidently a playdate of some sort.
"Don't forget, Kotetsu, you're paying because you lost the last shoji match."
"Aw, Tokito, you're such a seaweed head. I'm just a beginner!"
"Brother's a seaweed head, not me."
You chuckle and your gaze strays to the other table, where a family of three ate their ramen. Their son seemed a little paler than normal and you couldn't help but overhear the mother's worrying.
"Darling Rui, don't eat so fast, you might choke and you just recovered!"
Embarrassed at your eavesdropping you duck your head and look at the other table where a group of rowdy students sit and snack.
"It was an accident, Toko! I can't control it!" Was the whining answer. "KANATA, DEFEND ME! OW! YOU'RE NOT A REAL FRIEND, KAMADO!"
Mrs. Iguro - or Mitsuri, as she had insisted you call her - arrived with towering plates and hell lot of topics to converse about. You happily indulged in their famous udon and her delighted talking while her husband glared at you from the window, although the threat was rather marred by the fact he was feeding a toddler at the same time.
You learnt Mitsuri - so cool! Her name was the exact one as the Love Pillar from the series! - had five kids (your head was still spinning over the fact) and that her hair had turned out that way from eating too much sakura mochi, which made you wonder what was happening to you after eating so much (favourite food) over the years.
After your meal you repeatedly thank Mitsuri for her meal and longingly promise to stop by again you leave for the last place on your agenda, Gyokko Art Studio.
The exhibitions mainly displayed brightly painted vases and scupltures; you had a lot of fun taking selfies with the gigantic koi fish statue and the one of a dozen blacksmiths forging swords. The studio also doubled as a pottery school, and when you enter you had immediately spotted the five rowdy teenage boys who were now arguing over a kiln and a broken vase at the back.
"Hey, Sekido, chill! Zohakuten pushed me!"
"Guys...quiet down....granddad is sleeping upstairs...."
"Nah, Aizetsu, I wanna see what happens!"
"Enough! All of you just clean that mess up! We have visitors! Your grandfather and I may be friends but I will never know what went wrong when he was raising all of you!"
Out of the back appeared the most flashy man you had ever met, eye catching with his coiffed purple hair and thick makeup, his scale tattoos catching your eye as he shooed the arguing brothers away. Eyes outlined with clashing green and red turned to you and he held out a stained hand. "Managi at your service! I run this humble store and I deeply apologize for the boys. Honestly, the Hantengu brothers are absolute menaces and I speak knowing the Shabana siblings."
Managi gave you a quick private tour of his studio, his arrogant but dramatic way of speech amusing you greatly, especially when he complained about a pair of twins who came in on the weekends, his two workers, children...well, Managi had an opinion on everything.
"Those Tokito whippersnappers have no appreciation for art! The only reason I haven't shooed them out with clay gluing their ill-mannered mouths shut is because their mother is a regular of mine."
"Haganezuka! Absolute concentration in what he does and a prodigy in vase making, but he is absolutely terrible with customer service! I usually leave that to Kanamori but we waste more time preventing Haganezuka from attacking customers than actually selling.
It was definitely a trip you'd like to remember, so you bought a small cup that had caught your eye and waved goodbye to Managi as you left for your final destination, your hotel.
You decide to take the longer way round to enjoy the picturesque walk beneath the sakura trees. Stopping to admire the pink fall you suddenly realize there's a couple beside you taking photos. Embarrassed that you might be unintentionally photo bombing, you move away, but a tap on your shoulder spins you back around.
"Hi, excuse me! Do you mind taking a picture of Hakuji and I? We tried taking a selfie but haha, the shot didn't cover the trees."
You oblige, secretly delighting in observing the young but loving couple interact with each other - especially when the punk-looking, tattoo-covered Hakuji was holding her so gently like that. You take their photo and after their grateful thanks you resumed making your way back.
Upon arriving at the lobby you were annoyed to say the least to find yourself stuck behind an irritatingly loud young man arguing with the poor receptionist. Of course, you couldn't actually see the receptionist's - Nakime, on her name tag, and that sounded rather familiar - face due to her long bangs but anyone would honestly be irritated with how obnoxiously he was talking.
"Sir, I have explained to you already, your booking was cancelled because you were late with your payment-"
"Oh come on, woman, it was just a day late!"
"You too are very late with your excuses."
The tall, tuxedoed man from the sofa had gotten up and was now towering over the younger man after politely excusing himself for getting in your way. "Miss, look for a room registered under Kokushibo. I suspected my fool of a secretary Kaigaku would make yet another mistake."
"Kaigaku, I really don't have time for this, my wife is going to be back soon from taking the kids to the zoo. Thank you, miss, and excuse us."
"That guy was irritating you, wasn't he?" You remarked, accidentally blurting out your thoughts. "I mean, I wasn't eavesdropping!"
The receptionist smiled faintly. "Don't worry, I'm used to him. Your name?"
And it was only when you flopped down on your hotel bed and stared at the ceiling did it occur to you that a lot of people had seemed very familiar to you today.
Perhaps fiction and reality weren't that far apart after all.
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sapphickocho · 6 months
✴Muichiro and Yuichiro are traitors....✴
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☾I finally began the multi-chaptered fanfic based off of my AU here.☀
Kokushibo stumbles upon Muichiro and Yuichiro in the midst of a desperate struggle-one battling a demon with little but his bare hands, and the other on the brink of death. Kokushibo impressed by Muichiro's skills, and recognizing them as his descendants, saves them, and they perceive him as their saviour. Initially contemplating turning them into demons, Kokushibo convinces them that embracing demonic nature is superior to remaining human. Yuichiro, enticed by the idea of becoming powerful enough to protect his brother, readily falls for the deception. However, Muzan seizes an opportunity. He will only allow Kokushibo to turn them into demons unless they infiltrate the Demon Slayer Corps and reveal there secrets and where the Ubuyashiki family is hiding. As they infiltrate the corps and become the newest Hashiras, Muichiro excelling in ‘Moon Breathing’ and Yuichiro adapting with his own breathing style “Eclipse Breathing” and sabotage missions. Muichiro begins to feel torn between loyalty to Kokushibo and newfound friendships with the other slayers, and grapples with a moral dilemma as he uncovers the truth that had been hidden from him, all the while the threat of being revealed as traitors looms closer.
First chapter is out on ao3 so check it out here! Leave a kudo or even a comment (That would make me smile so much) if you enjoy!
If your looking be a beta reader for future chapters and projects message me on tumblr or in my ask box.
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frostburn-shoto · 8 months
I absolutely love the twin Hashira AU for the Tokito twins, I love both Yuichiro and Muichiro and I feel they both deserved better.
But you know... so did everyone who fell victim to demons...
Anyways~ Twin Hashira AU is fun... but Demon Yuichiro Au? That's just as fun! I've already talked once about how A Twin Hashira AU could work but what about demon Yui?
One thing about it, is unlike with the Twin Hashira AU, even if he loses an arm or leg it won't hinder him what so ever since demons can regenerate. And this makes Muichiro's berserk moment just as intense, because you know... he saw his human brother lose a limb.
While he is going berserk mode on the demon, Yuichiro is slowly dying so what better time for him to be turned into a demon than when he's in the blink of death? I am like 100% sure Muzan would NOT give a shit about Muichiro either since he probably assumed Yuichiro will just kill him, alternatively, there's another timing that sort of fit.
When Muichiro returned, Yuichiro was still BARELY alive, he was clearly breathing his last breaths but he was alive nonetheless. Muichiro was also in death's door so it would explain why Muzan wouldn't do anything to him: whether because he was already dying and he had no interest in trying to turn him into a demon or again, he was keeping him as his Yuichiro's first meal. Likewise, with his connection to the twins, Kokushibo could be in an alternative too.
The issue with the idea is that it may start of VERY similar to how the storyline with Tanjiro and Nezuko started out but I do imagine I'll eventually take a different turn.
While Nezuko gets stronger by sleeping, Yuichiro could get stronger by eating (normal food mind you) or... we could go a genya route were he eats demons but something tells me Yuichiro wouldn't be too fond of the idea of eating demons for breakfast 🤣
And he'd obviously develop a different blood demon art, I imagine it being related to Mist maybe something like poisonous mist? Idk there's many abilities that may work for Yuichiro. One thing I do think though is unlike Nezuko, Yuichiro WON'T be able to overcome the sun, the reason for that is quite obvious but you know... that's what makes it different.
Anyways~ how do you think things would play out if Yuichiro turned into a demon instead?
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dragon-stones · 2 years
The boys when Kokushibo is injured or sick 
Kokushibo: You really put aside everything and came all this way for me? How did you even get here so fast? 
Yuichiro: Several traffic violations.
Muichiro: Three counts of resisting arrest 
Zenitsu: Roughly thirteen cans of energy drinks. 
Kaigaku: Also, that’s not our car. 
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cat dump :3 i drew a lot lol
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kakukat-lucky · 3 months
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Kokushibo and Muichiro
Part 1 | Part 2
It's Kimetsu Academy so no main story chaos.
My headcanon is Tokito twins and Tsugikuni twins are relatives in the Kimetsu Academy AU (Probably Uncles and Nephews).
Also I drew Kokushibo with his demon slayer mark because why not. He is not gonna die or anything, right?
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I'm still yet too see the Hashira Training arc but I read the new chapter of Kimetsu Academy, I hope Muichiro and Kokushibo meets in Kimetsu Academy.
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akazzzaa · 7 months
-All of these are with Fem!Reader. If otherwise it will be stated-
Unrequired love master list
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Upper ranks
Muzan Kibutsuji
HCs Merchai Fem reader slight nsfw
Reaction to reader from HXH universe
Reaction to hiccups
Saving reader from a forced marriage
''I was born with a sick body, I will die with a sick body''
HC's demon! vulture! harpy reader
Reaction to you finding the blue spider lily
What they would cook for you Thanksgiving
Non verbal reader uses art to express themselves
Getting hungry during sex NSFW
Love language
Virgin? NSFW
HCs Merchai Fem reader slight nsfw
Reaction to hiccups
Saving reader from a forced marriage
''I was born with a sick body, I will die with a sick body''
Reaction to you finding the blue spider lily
Kokushibo in his final form fucking you NSFW
What they would cook for you Thanksgiving
Interacting with a human child
Getting hungry during sex NSFW
Love language
Virgin? NSFW
Neurodivergent reader
HCs Merchai Fem reader slight nsfw
Watching you grow up
Reaction to hiccups
Saving reader from a forced marriage
Demon!Milf! reader with child
Douma x reader- getting older
Reaction to you finding the blue spider lily
What they would cook for you Thanksgiving
Interacting with a human child
Douma x reader with small boobs NSFW
Getting hungry during sex NSFW
Love language
Virgin? NSFW
Unriquted love
Relationship HCs (NSFW)
HCs Merchai Fem reader slight nsfw
Reaction to hiccups
Saving reader from a forced marriage
''I was born with a sick body, I will die with a sick body''
Reaction to you finding the blue spider lily
What they would cook for you Thanksgiving
Interacting with a human child
Akaza fights Kyojuro twin sister
Love language
Virgin? NSFW
Unriquited love
Reaction to you finding the blue spider lily (main body)
Interacting with a human child (main body)
Love language (main body)
Virgin? NSFW
Reaction to you finding the blue spider lily
Interacting with a human child
Love language
Virgin? NSFW
''I was born with a sick body, I will die with a sick body''
Gyutaro x Beautiful! Demon! Reader
Reaction to you finding the blue spider lily
Gyutaro x Simp! Reader
Love language
Virgin? NSFW
Reaction to you finding the blue spider lily
Interacting with a human child
Love language
Virgin? NSFW
Nothing yet
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Other Demons
What they would cook for you Thanksgiving
What they would cook for you Thanksgiving
Thick thighs NSFW
Nothing yet
Rui (Platonic)
''I was born with a sick body, I will die with a sick body''
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Demon slayers
Tengen Uzui
Reaction to reader being childish then serious
Gyomei Himejima
Nothing yet
Giyu Tomioka
Reaction to reader being childish then serious
Reaction to reader from HXH universe
Mitsuri Kanroji
Nothing yet
Obanai Iguro
Nothing yet
Sanemi Shinazugawa
Sanemi x Timid! Reader
Muichiro Tokito
Nothing yet
Shinobu kocho
Reaction to reader being childish then serious
Kyjuro Rengoku
Reaction to reader being childish then serious
With a reader who laughs about traumatic past
Rengoku x Kakushi!Reader
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Kamado squad
Tanjiro Kamado
Reaction to reader being childish then serious
Reaction to reader from HXH universe
Nezuko Kamado
Nothing yet
Zenitsu Agatsuma
Reaction to reader being childish then serious
Reaction to reader from HXH universe
Inosuke Hashibira
Reaction to reader being childish then serious
Reaction to reader from HXH universe
Reader turns into a demon and Inosuke kills them
Genya Shinazugawa
Nothing yet.
Kanao Tsuyuri
Nothing yet.
Nothing yet.
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Nothing yet.
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echantedtoon · 4 months
In The Moon's Shadow (Yandere Kokushibo x Reader) Ch14 Life Goes On
(Firstly a small shout out to my other new book. A Kagaya Ubuyashiki x Reader Soulmate au. If you're looking for something more light hearted then maybe you'll be interested in it.
IMPORTANT INFO REGARDING THE STORY!!!!: Tokito and his wife still sadly pass away but earlier than in the original timeline. Instead they pass away when the twins are 6 years old. Also both Yuichiro and Muichiro was born with markings similar to Muichiro's cannon demon slayer mark for story reasons. This will heavily reference s3 ep8. 
ALSO: Apparently according to Muichiro's wiki page he's able to pick up demon's presences. Similar abilities will be given to both twins for demon heritage reasons.
Warnings: Death, illness, etc.)
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A warm breeze blew across trees and ghosted over the beautiful leaves scattered across the ground, kissing the soft dirt from their fall. The brilliant summer weather was bold, bright, and as beautiful as the sun which shone brightly on the earth below. A series of rustles  kissed the clouds goodbye as they rolled across the sky to their destination.
A sound broke the silence sending a few birds scattering to the heavens overhead. Small hands pushed their body up from the ground with a small whimper of pain. 
"Ow. That hurt."
Shiny turquoise eyes blinked as footsteps approached and stopped as black boots stood a yard or two away. Turquoise orbs met soft red ones that smiled down at him with such gentleness. 
"I know you can do it, Muichiro. Now stand up."
Smaller eyes looked at him from the kneeling position on the ground before with a grunt the small boy pushed his body up and shifted the weight on his back. Hands finding his hold on the straps and balance for the heavy wood logs weighing down his back. Still he stood up strong and bounded up to the older man with a smile.
"There you go. See? I knew you could do it," he praised a hand reaching out to pat the happy boy's head. "Come along. Your mother and Auntie are probably wondering where we are, and I'm sure your brother is getting weary taking care of them both while we work."
"Ok! And then Mother can make us a pie right?," the boy asked excitedly bounding by the man's side like a newborn fawn following it's mother. "I love her apple pies!"
The man laughed a laugh that reminded him of wind chimes in the wind. "If she's feeling up to it! If not then we can make her a pie as a surprise for everyone!"
The two walked amongst the trees and falling leaves crunching under their footsteps each step of the way. Smiles given. The adult slowing his pace to allow the seven year old boy to keep pace with him with the heavy load he also carried. Through the mountain forest and up towards a clearing where a small house stood. Another young boy the same age and looking completely identical was in the doorway sweeping dirt out from the house but he stopped and looked up as his brother and the adult approached. 
"Yuichiro, being the little helper as always," the man complimented and greeted him with a smile, "Where's your mama and Auntie?"
The other boy frowned instantly. "Mother's in the garden behind the house and Auntie's cleaning. BUT THEY'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO!! THEY'RE BOTH SICK!! IM SUPPOSED TO BE THE ONE TO DO THAT AND YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO HELP ME!!" He looked desperate at the now softly frowning man. "PLEASE TALK TO THEM AND MAKE THEM LISTEN!! THEY NEED REST!" A hand softly placed itself on his head.
"Calm yourself. I'll talk to both of them after I put the wood somewhere dry. We'll even make dinner so the women don't have to. Come on now. Everything is going to be alright."
Years had passed since that fateful day you had stumbled over that mountain and was saved by the kind man by the name of Tokito and his caring wife. They had offered you shelter, and cared for you as you rested from the cold. Apparently you were so close to death that Tokito thought you'd slipped into a coma but luckily he just happened to come by you early that morning on his way to chop more firewood and quickly brought you back home quickly just in the nick of time. From there they had allowed you to stay as the long winter months rolled by and your stomach only got bigger and bigger. Making it harder to move on your own and bringing new aches and pains that you never wished to experience again. In fact...your stomach was getting oddly bigger very oddly fast. You thought that the baby was developing faster than normal and that worried you, but luckily it wasn't that at all.
You had gone into labor early at the start of spring (again another experience you never wanted to go through again) and had ended up birthing not one but two infants. Their tiny wails echoing forever in your mind. But during all those months you had felt nothing but anxiety over them both. Would they be born with demonic features? Would they have multiple eyes? Fangs?  Claws? Extra limbs? No. None of that happened. Both of your boys came into the world as normal as every other person. No fangs. No class. Two eyes. Ten fingers and toes. The cutest little chubbiest things you've ever seen. It melted your heart the first time you held them...in fact-
They looked absolutely nothing like their father.
There wasn't a single feature they had that resembled Kokushibo. They're eyes just like yours. They didn't have any mahogany hair. In fact their hair curiously was black that ended with turquoise green. The same color as their eyes. They were as normal as any other boy their age... Except for one single feature.
The strange markings on their faces. 
Both boys were born with strange reddish birthmarks on their faces resembling smoke or whips of mist. You were instantly reminded of Kokushibo and the strange flame like birthmarks on his own body. The one thing they had gotten from their father but you hadn't really minded. No one could tell anyways and you were grateful that they looked so much like you instead of Kokushibo as rude as the thought may be. You did not want them to be burdened by the decisions of their parents. Which was why you chose not to pass on your last name to them. 
Muichiro and Yuichiro Tokito.
A much better sounding last name than Haruhime. But also so you could protect them. If you were found out then that was on you, but if they didn't have your last name then they would have better chances of having a normal life. What followed by was as if the gods had blessed you with the better life you prayed that they would gift you. Tokito was honored that you'd want to pass on his own name and accepted considering he had no children of his own to pass it on. Both of them insisted on you staying with them until later into spring when the snow had fully melted to make sure it was safe to travel with Tokito down the mountain and to the town. Unfortunately the town was a useless endeavor. No one was willing to hire a woman let alone a single mother. No one wished to give housing to them either. No one was welcoming. No one wanted to open their doors. 
Except for the Tokitos.
They opened up their home and invited you to stay as long as you needed  with your boys. After all you were family now. They carried his name even. This with no where else to go, you stayed. Stayed and watched as your boys grew up to small children. Laughter filled the air and happiness filled your heart having feeling the happiest it had been in forever. ..But unfortunately not everything was to last peacefully. Tokito's wife had started to become ill slowly over time and about a month after she started getting sick you also fell ill. Getting worse and worse until you both feel bed ridden. Even with you giving Tokito all the money Kokushibo had given you, the doctors could do nothing. It was by chance that Tokito discovered that there was an herb on the very mountain you both lived on that could possibly cure whatever ailments you both were experiencing. Yuichiro had begged him and begged him and BEGGED him to not go out that night in the rain and to wait until morning instead. But sadly things were not in the boy's favor.
The rain was pouring down from the harsh night sky rattling the door on its very frame. No moon or stars to light the way through the woods. Trees screamed from the winds' torment pushing their branches about and making shadows dance. Rain pounded against the windows soaking the house to the bone and would've froze the occupants inside if not for the fire in the fireplace. A sickly chorus of coughs being the only thing that filled the air.
"Hang in there." Desperate small hands wrung out a dripping cloth shaking as it pressed to a burning forehead. Large turquoise eyes filled with worry and desperation staring down at her. "He just went out to get you some herbs so-"
"MOTHER!" One head went behind him to another already crying face. Identical twin clutching desperately onto the chest of a silent, pale woman. "S-S-She won't wake up..." Lips quivered as hands shook. Tears showing reflections of his sorrows streaming down his cheeks before falling being absorbed by the wrinkled sheets his hands clutched.
"Cold..." Muichiro turned back to the first woman. The weakest of whispers shaking her lips. ".. it's...so cold.." the other woman remained deathly silent..
A pair of footsteps ran away only to return dragging behind him two thick blankets tossing one to his brother and one over the woman who had resorted to coughing again. "Here. Take our blankets. This should help right?..." Coughing and silence was their only answer. "Please..hang on."
"I don't care about anyone else." Hands gripped the sheets harder and tears fell plentiful. "I don't care about anyone else. Please just don't take our mother. Don't take my mother away from me."
Whether it was just a coincidence or because the gods did hear Yuichiro's begging that night, his wishes were granted. Mrs. Tokito passed away hours before the sun rose the next day. Tokito himself was found later having fallen into a ravine the night before with the herbs needed still clutched within his hands. The herbs were taken from his hands and mixed into the tea the twins gently poured down your unconscious throat which awoken you. But it had taken days to fully recover and regain enough strength to walk about again-
"Good afternoon you two." 
You stared at the two graves that were just a little aways from the house you now lived in alone with your two boys. A small patch of flowers surrounding the rocks that marked their peaceful resting places. It had been almost two years now since that stormy night that claimed the both of your friends. Your boys now eight years old, were off gathering more firewood in the woods nearby. After Tokito's death, they had taken it up on their tiny selves to continue his work. They had to in order to make some kind of living. You no longer had any money so it was a bit of a struggle to get by especially during the winter months but somehow you managed. You made it a point every now and then to visit the graves to pay respect. It was the least you could do after they had done so much for you and your children. 
"I'm going to pick some wild berries today. Hopefully I won't take too long.  I'll bring you some flowers later today after dinner. Ok?"
With a bow you turned away and began walking towards the forest where you knew the berry bushes were. It wasn't too far from where your boys  were gathering wood, so you still felt safe knowing that if anything happened either of you could call out for help within hearing range. The bushes full of bright red berries were plump and ready to harvest for your pies. The basket you carried was big enough to carry enough berries for two pies. Your boys would like that after a hard day's work. Berry by berry was picked and placed into the basket by hands-
"Kindness does no good for anyone. If you try to help somebody in need you'll only get hurt."
You paused at the sudden voice. What the-
"That's not true. Whatever you do to help others has a way of coming around and helping yourself some day. That's what he said."
Your head turned blinking at a bush blocking your view of the voices as they continued to speak. Hey. Wait a minute. You knew who that was.
"You're regurgitating the words of a man who got himself killed trying to help someone else."
"How could you say something so cold?  He died trying to help our mother."
The branches of the bush was quietly grabbed and pulled away gently to cause as little noise as possible. Your eyes caught sight of two familiar boys walking through the trees, logs heavily stacked on the eight y.ear olds. They walked passing right in front of you. Yuichiro held a face of annoyance as Muichiro looked hurt and concerned at his older twin.
"As if a few herbs would've done anything to really heal her at that point. She ended up recovering fine without them. Don't be so stupid."
"Don't say such awful things!", Muichiro practically shouted hurt at him.
"If he hadn't gone out in the middle of a storm maybe we would've only lost one family that night." Your face dropped at his words.
"Please stop saying things like that! That's going too far!"
"I'm only telling you how it is, and stop being so noisy. You'll attract boars. I guess the Mui in Muichiro stands for incompetence." Muichiro stopped just..staring at his brother and you also looked shocked at your eldest. Before a deep scowl pierced your features. "This conversation is meaningless after all you can't change the past. ..Or maybe the Mui in Muichiro stands for meaningless-"
Both boys jumped startled whipping wide eyed as the bush rustled and their mother came pushing through the bush. Basket clutched in one hand with a scowl on her face as she marched from her hiding place and right up to her eldest.
"Mother?," Yuichiro blinked. "What are you doing out here by yourself? It's not safe with boars and other wild animals- OW!!"
Instead of answering him a hand snatched his ear and tugged harshly making him wince closing one eye. "I am your mother! I ask the questions here!" You spat at him tugging a bit harder. "I don't know what's gotten into you, but don't you DARE speak I'll of the dead like that again! Those people have done things for you that you don't even know about!"
"I was only stating facts- OW! LET GO LET GO LET GO!!"
"THOSE AREN'T FACTS!! THEY'RE OPINIONS!! OPINIONS THAT ARE WRONG!!," You hissed leaning in closer as Yuichiro attempted to pry your hand off him with a hand but failed. "AND DON'T. YOU. EVER!! Call your brother ANY names like that EVER again!! If I EVER catch you acting like this ever again you're going to be in big trouble, young man!! Do I make myself clear, Yuichiro?!"
You did and he pulled away with a scowl reaching out to rub his sore ear. "If you can't say something nice then keep it to yourself! Taking your anger out on others like that is wrong! You should know better by now!" You then pointed harshly back up the path. "Now march! You're grounded for the rest of the week!"
Yuichiro scowled but one warning look from your face had him turning away.
"Mother?," a gentle hand on your arm had you turning to Muichiro's face that looked lost. "The mui in my name doesn't really come from meaningless or incompetence does it?"
Your eyes dropped and heart shook from his hurt face. "Oh, Honey." He blinked as a hand cupped his face. "No, Baby. It doesn't mean anything like that."
"Then what does it mean? What do I mean?"
"I got your name from Mugen." You smiled gently at him to quell his fears. "Do you know what Mugen means?" he shook his head. "It means infinity. I chose that meaning because it's very special to me just like you are." You turned your head seeing the small tilt Yuichiro made with his head. "Just like yui. It translates roughly to Toki which means existence." A basket was placed down. Yuichiro turned as a hand pulled him over to a smiling face. "You both are my existence and my infinity for living, and you both are very special. Don't ever forget that." The basket was picked back up. "Now let's go home. I have dinner to make and we need plenty of rest if we want to sell wood in town tomorrow."
Yuichiro said nothing as he turned to stomp off back towards your home. Muichiro following him holding your hand and smiling up to your face. It was hard raising two boys on your own but you wouldn't have had your life going any other way. Although... sometimes you wondered what would've happened if you had decided to stay in your old village. Would you have been accepted? Would your children be happier running around playing with other children their age? Would Kokushibo have accepted them if he ever came back? You didn't know but it was better to not dwell on the past or what ifs. Now you had everything you needed in life in front of you and you couldn't be happier. 
''Firewood for sale!! Only two yen a log!!"
The town which was bigger than your old village by a lot was a buzz with life. People walked all over the place. Some stopped to stare at the two children with the piles of wood in front of them, others walked right on by ignoring them, and others took interest and bought a few pieces making the big likes just a little bit smaller than it was previously. There a woman was gently passing a few finely purchased logs to the local carpenter as two children waved their arms and shouted out trying to draw attention.
"Come get the best cut Birch this side of the mountain!," Yuichiro shouted cupping his hands around his mouth to better echo out his voice. "You won't find better wood anywhere else!"
"Thank you! Come again!," you thanked the man with a bow before he headed off. 
"FIREWOOD!! NICE DRY FIREWOOD!!" Muichiro blinked as a shadow suddenly looked over him. Blinking up to a large figure standing over him before smiling. "Hello, Sir! Do you want some firewood?"
The tall man was rather handsome. Reddish plum eyes smiled down at the boy as mahogany soft hair curled around his face and cascaded down his back in a long ponytail. A pair of earrings swayed as he tilted his head. A strange series of fire like birthmarks on his face. Making you stare at him for a long time. You didn't know why but he looked... Familiar somehow.
"I'm afraid not," he spoke gently with a smooth voice before pointing behind him. "But I am interested in those cravings there."
He was referring to a few logs cut directly in half before being sanded down before being carved into. Beautiful sceneries of flowers and skies and other things beautiful etched into the sanded inners. You had learnt long ago that it was a lot harder to carve directly into the wood but found out that you could use the carving tools to dig into the insides enough to etch designs into it like you would a candle from years ago only it took longer and was harder considering it was wood instead of soft wax or soap. So you only currently had four to sell from them taking so long to make. The man was looking right at them. 
"May I?"
Muichiro blinked again before smiling. "Yeah! Hold on!" The excited boy was quick to turn, grab the nearest art piece, and hold it up to the stranger. A perfectly carved mother bear and two Cubs carved beautifully into its surface. "Here! I chopped this one myself!"
The man couldn't help but chuckle before gently grabbing the birch wood and examining the carving carefully. "...This is a very beautiful piece."
"Our mother carved it!" The man tilted his head to you. "She can carve all kinds of things! You won't find anything like it anywhere else!"
"Is that so? Well then color me surprised. It's not everyday I meet a lady artist." Plum red eyes looked back to me log carving in thought. "...My brother would like something like this. He's been in a bad mindset for a long time. A gift might cheer him up. How much are you asking for it?"
Muichiro opened hid mouth- "Ten yen!" Yuichiro interrupted firmly crossing his arms. "No more no less! Take it or leave it!"
"Yuichiro, don't be so rude-"
"No, no." The man stopped you by holding up a hand. "It's alright. It's good to be firm in sales, and the price is more than reasonable. But I would like to have one other." He again pointed out a carved log. "The one with the butterflies and flowers. My wife would love that."
"Pay first! Twenty yen upfront!"
You shot Yuichiro a look but the man only patiently complied handing over a small jingling bag of coins before he was handed over the other cut log which he put both in a large leather bag around his shoulder. His movements even small were so graceful and so precise that it seemed so familiar....
"Have we met before?" The man turned back to you in question. A confused look on your face. "I'm sorry. It's just that you look oddly familiar somehow."
The man blinked looking you up and down... before shaking his head no. "No. I don't believe so. I've certainly never met you before. Perhaps you saw me walk through here earlier last month. I have been traveling."
"I.. suppose so. I'm sorry. I must be mistaking you for someone else."
He smiled again. "It's quite alright. Please have a good day."
With a bow the man turned to walk away as the funny feeling still stayed, but you brushed it off. It was nothing. You simply must've just mistook him for someone else. With most of the firewood sold and night going to fall soon, you ushered your boys to pack up what was left and take your hands to follow you back up the woods back home. You'd come back tomorrow to try and sell off all the extra wood you don't need even at a greatly reduced price. If not perhaps you could trade it for something else like food or more clothing.  It was going to be spring soon and you'd be needing all of it.
The sounds of logs being stacked on top of one another sounded out as Yuichiro placed one after another in the rack just next to your home. Birds sung loudly on the beautiful spring day as the breeze wafted over the pretty woods. A heavy axe in your hands as you raised it up before striking it back down. With some difficulty cutting a bigger log into two pieces but getting the job done nonetheless. A sigh escaped her mouth before an arm reached up to wipe her forehead. It was difficult work, but it's work that had to be done. 
"I'll be back. I'm going to go fetch some water." Your head turned to find Muichiro holding two large buckets. 
"You still haven't gotten any?" His twin frowned.
"Do you want some help, Honey?"
Muichiro shook his head at you both with a smile. "No. I can do it, Mother. I know you and Yuichiro are busy with the firewood."
"Well alright. But hurry back. Ok? I don't want you out by yourself for too long."
He nodded. "I will! Don't worry."
Muichiro left with the buckets and the rest of you went back to chopping wood and stacking it back away in the shed before you stopped and stretched out a bit. Your arms and back sore from the hard labor. THUNK, THUNK, THINK- You blinked turning your head to Yuichiro as the boy dropped what little wood he was holding onto. Head snapped to the right and alert. Like a deer sensing a predator coming. 
"Sweetheart? What's wrong?"
"Someone's coming!"
Your head turned to peer through the trees...but saw no one. "Who?"
"A man! There! A man!" He pointed right through the trees and you stared hard straining to see a glimmer of anything...but saw no one.
"Honey, no one's there. Maybe you're seeing wrong-" You blinked as the eight year old quickly ran to hide behind your legs peeking out with a scowl. 
"NO! A REALLY POWERFUL MAN IS COMING!," He insisted not budging from his hiding place.
Your brows furrowed before looking again at the empty space between the trees but there was still no one. You were beginning to wonder if he saw a shadow of maybe a deer he mistook for a figure when you saw him. Little Muichiro bounding through the trees with a smile on his face and next to him keeping pace was a rather tall man also smiling and carrying two large heavy buckets. You froze as they approached and Yuichiro scowled harder.
"MUICHIRO, GET AWAY FROM HIM!!," he shouted at his twin motioning for him to come towards the safety of their mother. "GET OVER HERE!"
"It's alright, Yui!," your other son called back with a smile and full arm wave, "He says he knows Mother!"
The man was instantly recognizable to you. Plum red eyes. Earrings swaying as he walked. Long mahogany hair blowing with the wind. He came to a stop in front of you both as Muichiro pointed at him excitedly.
"Look, Mother! Our Uncle came to visit! Isn't it wonderful?" You didn't look at the boy who slowly blinked. "Mother?"
"... Muichiro, come here."
"Huh? But what-"
"I said COME HERE!" The sweet boy jumped, not being used to his mother raising his voice to him. He looked back up to the man, then his mother.. before quickly walking to his mother. You grabbed him by the shoulders before pushing him towards the house never taking your eyes off the smiling man. "Both of you go inside. Now."
"NOW, Muichiro!"
Muichiro looked hurt but didn't argue. Mostly because Yuichiro roughly grabbed him and dragged his brother across the yard quickly and into the house. The door slamming shit behind them. A moment later two little heads poked out of a window to peep at the scene outside. The man only ever smiled patiently at you as you stared at him. There was silence for a long moment with nothing but the birds singing and leaves dancing with the wind. Before he spoke.
"I realized I never thanked you for your beautiful artwork," he spoke softly. "My wife loves it. It's still hanging on our mantle back home."
Your frown only hardened. "Who are you and why are you here?"
He smiled wider. "Forgive me for I hadn't introduced myself yet." He bowed slightly. "My name is Yorichii Tsugikuni. I'm actually here on behalf of my brother."
"Tsugikuni?" Your eyes widened in pure shock and horror. "As in the Tsugikuni Clan that rules over part of the east provinces?!"
"Well..not so much as rules anymore. After the war most of our people left for better lands so the east is more peaceful and less crowded now." He nodded. "Very perfect for quietly living."
This man, Yorichii, didn't even flinch as the sharp blade of an axe was raised and aimed directly at him. The scowl of a woman directed at him. "I don't know what THAT family wants with me but I will not let them you people bring your conflicts to my family. Now either tell me what you want or leave?!"
The man calmly regarded you, then the axe, the the boys watching in worry out the window, then calmly back to you. "Forgive me for not stating that sooner. I'm merely here to deliver a message from my brother, Michikatsu. You know him I'm sure."
Michikatsu? Who? You shook your head. "I don't know anyone by that name let alone anyone from your family!" You spoke firmly.
Yoriichi hummed lightly confused. "You don't? Are you sure? You've done business with him in the past. He looks very similar to me?" You again firmly shook your head no. Yorichii took the moment to think for a moment before looking back at your face. "Then maybe you know him by a different name. He also goes by Kokushibo."
The axe dropped to the ground. Your arm still raised. A frozen blank expression on your face. "....What did you just say to me?"
"Ah! That explains it!" He smiled politely instead. "I apologize on my brother's behalf. You see he goes by two names. Michikatsu is his actual name but a lot of our people refer to him as Kokushibo for his fighting style. He must've given that name to you."
Your mind went as blank as your face. "....What the hell do you want with me?"
"It's not what I want, it's what my brother wants."
"...And what the hell is that?"
"He wants you to come home to him." His gaze glanced over to the boys peeking out. "He wants to be with his family."
"....How did he find me?"
"Your artwork. He recognized your art form from the candles and soaps you sold him." He nodded at the house. "May we talk inside about this? I did bring your water." He held up the heavy buckets.
Again there was silence before you silently turned to walk back to the house, and silently this Yoriichi followed after. Both boys looked at one another before they disappeared from the window as you slid the door open and walked in. Both pairs of turquoise eyes blinked widely at you both from the other side of the house. Muichiro looking lost and Yuichiro scowling.  Yoriichi looked around the small home with a smile before gently placing down the buckets of water.
"You have a lovely home, Ms. Y/n. I assume that's your name."
"Thank you," you stared bluntly with a curt look, "But I'd rather get to the point."
"Of course. What would you like to know first?"
"For one what the absolute hell is he thinking sending you here to me?!," you shouted at him but he didn't flinch at your sudden burst of anger as if expecting it. "IT'S BEEN ALMOST TEN YEARS SINCE I LAST HEARD OF HIM AND HE COULDN'T BE BOTHERED TO COME HERE HIMSELF?!"
"You'll forgive him. He's been very stressed trying to fix all of our father's messes after the war on top of dealing with the aftermath of our mother's recent death." That had you surprised for a moment. "I've been helping him with regaining back some peaceful alliances with other provinces. You see that's also the reason why I was passing through."
...Your body deflated a little. "I apologize. That must be very difficult...but still it doesn't give him the right to just come demanding things of me after so many years. Especially when he left me without a word."
"He was only trying to protect you from those who wished to harm him. Please understand. He had full intentions of returning to you as soon as he had free time again." 
"Well it's a little late now. I'm sorry this is too much." You shook your head and held up your hands. "I think it'd be best if you left. My family can't be bothered with this." Before you pointed at the still open door. 
Yorichii calmly regarded you before just bowing. "I understand. I'm very sorry for dropping in like this." He looked back to you. "But still I think of it as a blessing to meet my nephews and the mother of my brother's children. If you should have a change of heart-"
"PLEASE...Just leave."
Yorichii complied. Turning and leaving without another word. You stayed in the doorway watching until his form completely disappeared before slamming the door shut probably harder than you had too. 
"Mama?" A little hand gently tugged on your Kimono. Two worried faces looking up at you. "I-Is everything ok?"
".... Everything is fine. But we are going to have a long talk about talking to strangers."
Things were always tense after that. You did NOT let either of your boys out of your sight let alone by themselves. It made chores longer but it was a small price to pay to ease your paranoia. Always looking over your shoulder. Always scanning the crowds. Always double locking the doors.
Oh fate had other plans. 
About three months passed. The twins turned one year older. One year stronger. No signs of anyone coming which was both a relief and a curse. As if something would happen soon. And happen it did-
Rain pelted everything and you jumped as the first clash of thunder crashed throughout the heavens- The last rays of the setting sun was dowsed by the watering night and all light finally left, making the shadows more powerful. More bigger. The outstretched hands of darkness caressed the world in its grip. You quickly stepped across the the muddy ground before being able to get back inside, arms full of wood for the fire. You took a moment to look back behind you. The wind picking up as the rain reigned supreme. The slight dampness of your kimono being proof of that. A shiver went down your spine. You hated raining nights. It reminded you too much of a bad ghost story. Back inside it was warm and safe. Your boys curled up snug and warm in bed fast asleep. Safe from any dangers. Your legs took you a step forward, your foot slowly slid the door closed- Only to meet resistance once it was almost closed.
Your head turned to the door. A light whistling noise was established by the wind blowing through a small space. The door was cracked open just about an inch. You tried pushing it closed all the way but it didn't budge. What the- Your other hand reached up to try and push it shut with both hands. It didn't budge. You started to push harder and harder to try and get it closed. It didn't move. Soon you were pushing it as hard as you could with both hands and a shoulder pressed against it but still it did not budge. With a grunt you stopped and stared at the door before looking at the very bottom of the door. There wasn't anything jammed there blocking the door from closing. So why wasn't it shutting all the way?... Perhaps the outside of the door was caught on something? The logs were quietly placed to the side to not wake the boys. You decided to open the door again to see if an outside factor was causing this problem. Your hand grabbed the door once again but instead of pushing you pulled...and was again met with the same unmoving resistance. You started pulling harder and harder. Nothing. What was going on? You reached out to slip your fingers through the small crack in the door to grab the door and began pulling with all your might. The door was still resisting. Why wasn't it budging? Surely it couldn't have gotten stuck. It was perfectly fine a few hours ago! What was wrong? This hadn't happened since that time when-...You completely froze..you looked at where your hands gripped the front of the door. Only to freeze ice cold at what turquoise irises saw. Your fingers gripped the doorway-
 But under them a third pair of fingers gripped the door slipped in through the small crack outside. The large fingers ended in sharpened nails jabbing themselves into the wood embedded themselves firmly into place.
You let out a silent scream and jumped back in fright falling over the logs and falling to the floor as another crash of thunder crashed overhead. Rain beared against the roof. Wind howled. Thunder crashed. And lightning flashed as you froze up. Your eyes shrinking to the size of pins as you stared at the hand clutched onto the door. It stayed like that for a long, long time. You couldn't move. Couldn't speak. Only stared in an unholy horror you've only once ever felt before as the hand and yourself remained unmoving as if in some staring match. 
The. Hand. Moved.
It physically tightened it's hold on the door before pulling back the door slowly. The door opened wider and wider revealing the outside. Your jaw fell open. Your eyes shrank as small as they could go. The door made a soft thud sound as it opened all the way and revealed the entity lurking on the other side.
A bolt of lightning lit up the dark figure now revealed to you in the doorway. Wind blew around mahogany colored hair wildly cascading down his back and framing his face. Pale skin akin to a corpse. The black hakama pants and purple haori coat blew around straining against the tall body that wore them against the wind. A flash of lightning. Bolt of thunder. And the lighting up of six irises. The figure remained unmoving for a solid second staring inside and directly into your eyes. Silence aside from the weather resumed...The large figure took one step into the home, the door slid all the way closed behind him.
"It took me long enough to find you."
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emiken-070907 · 1 year
I cannot express enough how much I love Yurichiro and Muichiro becoming twin hashiras au!! Like it has been in my mind all day and I dont think Ill stop thinking about it anytime soon. However it made me think of another au that Ive thought of for a while, where Yurichiro survives but is much more angstier. Because instead of Amane finding the twins, Kokushibo finds his twins first? I know this sounds stupid but hear me out, seeing that they are his descendants, takes them in as a sort of guardian figure.
I dont think he would turn them into demons, or atleast not right away and first manipulates them into believing the demonslayer corps is the reason they were attacked and yurichiro lost his arms. Despite not really beliving this as true, they grow wary of the corps and become loyal to kokushibo who they begin to love like a father one they desperately wish for. Kokushibo sends them into the demonslayer corps as spies for muzan and they still become hashira because kokushibo allows them to kill as many demons as they want since muzan sees them as expendable. Still despite betraying information about the hashira, muichiro grows attached to them and cant handle the fact that he will have to betray them... and things get messy.
anyway thats all I have I just thought it would be cool to hear your thoughts on it :)
OHHHH MY GOD THAT IS SUCH A COOL IDEA???? I love the idea of Kokushibo being their mentor it sounds so silly :]
I think it'd be interesting to see how different they'd become due to not only being raised by a demon, but one who's morals where from 300 so years ago. Hehe old timey Tokito twins, would be kinda funny
As for turning them against the slayers, I don't know Kokushibo not that well as a character, but I don't think he'd see a reason to make them hate the corps or keep them human (especially since Yuu lost his arm) unless Muzan tells him to which, yeah he'd do as long as he sees potential in the twins for a specific cause.
This would be interesting again since Muzan would have actively said "no, keep them human" which yeah these implications are open for LOTS of interpretation which I find neat :]
MUI HAVING A MORAL DILLEMA WE LOVE TO SEE <333 I think he isn't even that conflicted between the demon-slayer thing, but more if he'd betray his friends or the one he sees as father, since, well, his actual one is long gone and he grew immensely attached. He was just a lost and scared child and someone took him in I think for that alone he'd be loyal to Kokushibo (not Muzan, just him. Don't think they like him much lmao)
ANYWAYS I LOVE THAT IDEA SO MUCH???? I've been thinking about Kokushibo as a mentor figure even in the Hashira AU (don't ask me how it'd work I am simply being delusional) and the twins referring to him as "our Uncle"!!!!! >:D The argument between the twins must MMM TASTY
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larz-barz · 7 months
HIII CAN I GET A MUISATO?? (Maybe an AU of their young selfs?) And can you make a bad ending but really romantic one, like ex: “muichiro dies while holding kurisato’s necklace” or like “kurisato died thinking muichiro’s safe even though he wasn’t” or something that can actually tear me up since I feel like crying today🤭 btw kurisato’s young self has long brown hair with yellow strips of hair, and golden yellow eyes🙇 (make muichiro 10, kurisato is 11) and yes, can’t forget personality- kurisato is mostly calm, muichiro is mostly happy and cheerful, both of them don’t yell much, or never yelled, so just make them both lose temper-(I’m sorry if this is to much to ask for😭) and yes you can add your oc’s to this story👍
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okkk!! i gotchuuu!!<333
The necklace
Kurisato had been staying with the Tokito twins for the past few days.
This night seemed to have an ominous aura to it.
It started with Muichiro and Yuichiro arguing over whether or not they could be demon slayers.
Kurisato’s eyes fluttered open.
A mysterious figure stood at the door.
“Mui.. Yui..” She muttered, her heart rate speeding up.
The 2 boys woke up at the sound of her panicked voice.
They shot up at the sight of the mysterious figure.
“Kuri stay back..” Yuichiro spat out as he and Muichiro watched the figure, both keeping their guard up.
She frowned, she’s the older one, she should be protecting them.
“No. I’m older, the 2 of you need to stay back.” She said, coldly, getting in front of the 10 year old twins.
Muichiro frowns, getting angry at her persistence.
Kurisato always did this no matter what.
She always thought that since she’s the oldest of the 3 that she has to be the one to protect them.
“Kuri, let us protect you for once! Or better yet, let’s protect each other!!” He yelled angrily, making Kurisato spin around angrily.
“It’s my job to protect the 2 of you! I’m the oldest so it’s my responsibility!” She yelled back.
The figure took this as a chance to attack the 11 year old girl.
She screamed in pain. Blood spurted out of her back and dripped to the floor. “Kuri!!” Muichiro shrieked, dropping to the floor to check on her.
Before the demon could strike her once again, Yuichiro jumped in front of his brother and Kurisato.
Muichiro could see the girl’s breathing slow and tears entered his eyes.
He looked up at the sound of Yuichiro’s scream of pain.
He was too shocked to say anything as his brother’s left arm flew back into the wall, separate from the boy’s body.
He laid Kurisato down by Yuichiro and he fought against the monster, showing no mercy.
He lured it outside and managed to distract it until the sun started to rise, killing it quickly.
He slowly stumbled back to his and Yuichiro’s house, seeing his and Kurisato’s bodies where he’d left them.
He fell to the ground to check and see if they were still alive or not.
Yuichiro was but barely.
Kurisato however, wasn’t alive anymore.
“She told me to tell you she wants you to have her necklace, and she loves you..” Yuichiro muttered weakly.
Muichiro hugged Yuichiro tiredly, tears filling his mint green eyes.
He could no longer feel Yuichiro’s breath against his cheek.
Muichiro pulled away, eyes wide, and he screamed when he realized he had lost his brother and his long time crush to the same vicious monster.
As requested by Kurisato, Muichiro carefully unclasped the necklace that hung around her neck and put it on himself.
Approximately 4 years after that fateful day, the day that changed Muichiro Tokito for life, he found himself facing off against his ancestor, Kokushibo.
He fought for his and everyone else’s lives till the very end.
Kokushibo landed the finishing blow on the mist hashira.
Muichiro died slowly and painfully.
His final words that he uttered as his life force ebbed from his grasp were, “I love you too, Kurisato Tsuko..”
He died grasping necklace of the girl he loved.
~the end~
A/n: I hope this pleases you!<33
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since you seem interested in the "kokushibo adopts the totiko twins au" Ive decided to bombard you with some more of my thoughts on it (so sorry)
-I imagine kokushibo feels guilty for leaving his children and loves the totiko children to make up for that guilt. Still, when the twins ask about his children since they are naturally curious about there lineage, he lies to them and says that he was a good father so he hasn't partially taken the blame for it.
-However despite "hating his brother" he always tells the totiko stories about him, usually at first talking about his poweress, until later digressing into funny stories about him when they were kids because he like seeing yui and mui laugh.
-He sees the twins in different ways. yui he sees more in himself, the older more protective and harsher twin. In mui, he sees yoriichri, which I imagine makes him instinctly more protective of him even though he denies it.
-Yui loves most of the uppermoons specifically gyuratro when he com es out ad mui absolutely hates gyokko and has beef with him. Both decided that akaza is their designated favorite besides kokushibo obviously.
anyway sorry for bothering ^^
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Okay uhm anyways, yes the first one you said is basically my motive for him aswell Yoriichi prob said smtg to him before he died of old age like "I'm sorry for bringing you into this brother, if I didn't maybe you would live a happy life with your wife and kids.." and then say something after like "I envy you brother... You got to have a nice family.. though I am very happy for you.." and that's how Kokushibo felt horrible for leaving his kids in some way, but still "hates" Yoriichi. And so, after that he watches his family from afar, seeing his bloodline grow one by one, to Yui and Mui, and seeing a demon go to their house and save them was Parental instinct 😭😭😭
And yes I also thought he would tell stories of Yoriichi and how powerful he is, all of his accomplishments, etc. He still feels very conflicted about Yoriichi still but seeing Yui and Mui warms him for some reason 🥺
I also thought of their interactions with Upper Moons! But it's for the ones were Koku turns them both demons! I would find their interactions like this if they're both humans:
Doma: Since I'm sure they'll be 11 y.o. they would probably scared of him but think his eyes are pretty, and Doma would also love to play with them! Though Kokushibo really probably doesn't trust him but he knows that if he trusts the twins in Doma's care, the twins would have a safe and cozy place like the paradise and would provide food from his followers, plus Doma is second strongest after him, he trusts that Doma will protect them quickly. If the Twins aren't Demon slayers then they'll probably have a really good time with Doma, especially if Doma makes them ice statues of them!
Akaza: He would reluctantly do cause yk... Kokushibo and all that but I think he'll get along with them a lot later on, Akaza would probably show a very softer side of him to the twins and maybe train them a little.
Hantengu and His clones: I think they would make flowercrowns for Hantengu 🥺! I think the twins would atleast once make fun of his appearance and lump on his forehead but since Hantengu cries a lot the twins would feel bad afterwards and make it up to him by making flowercrowns!!! (They would probably still pick on him but not a much lol). For the clones, Urogi and Karaku would be the very playful ones, while Sekido and Aizetsu wouldn't be as much but would try their best.
Gyokko: HAHAHAHAHA OH BOY I KNOW THEY'LL MAKE FUN OF HIM A LOT, ESP FOR HIS ART SKHDKSJDKS- Kokushibo rlly need to cut off the fights and protect the twins from Gyokko. Also since they keep insulting his art, Gyokko would do all he can to pull smthing outta his pot to atleast impress them PFFT- I thought of a scenario that he thought to put one of his fish minions in his water prison pot and that's the "art" the tokito twins will be interested in, and Gyokko would snap and yell at them saying something like, "YOU BRATS, THAT'S THE THING YOU'RE IMPRESSED AT??? IT'S SO SIMPLE AND BORING, YOU BOTH HAVE NO TASTE WHATSOEVER!!!"
Daki and Gyutaro: I think they'll get a long well! Since they are siblings too! Daki would prob dress and make up Mui and Yui pretty lmao, and take them around the entertainment district haha- Idk abt Gyutaro but he would try his best, he would probably find it difficult since Daki is the only sibling he's had and she turned out to be like... That cuz of Gyutaro, so he'll need to find other ways. But I think the twins would be happy around them!!!
ANYWAYS THIS IS SO LONG I'M SO SORRY!!! I also wanted to draw something related to this but I didn't felt like it, so I found these old doodles I made back in April (?) that's quite similar-ish to what we're talking about, But it's mostlu for shits and giggles ahaha, anyways this has gone long enough, thank you user sapphickocho for stopping by and be my first question!!! 🥺🥺🥺
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kokunylou · 2 years
Ik im prob over analyzing things and this is a small detail i noticed in kny.
So we all know that muichirou is actually a descendant of kokushibo, meaning that they're related. And we all know that muichirou had a twin brother yuichirou and kokushibo's twin brother is actually yoriichi.
Keep in mind that kokushibo's human name is michikatsu
Yuichirou and yoriichi has a "y" in the first letter in their name while
Muichirou and michikatsu has a "m" in the first letter in their name aswell.
Yuichirou and Michikatsu being the older brothers they are, are more colder, mean(ish), and more serious.
Muichirou and Yoriichi being the younger brother they are, are more carefree, kind, and some what easygoing.
There is rarely any twins in kny and these two pairs of twins is actually related is really interesting.
the tsugikuni/tokito's bloodline of twins is pretty strong ig.
This is just a small detail I've noticed, and maybe I've over analyzed this a bit too much
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sapphickocho · 11 months
What if, instead of Amane finding Muichiro and Yuichiro, Kokushibo finds the twins first?
☾ A Tokito Traitor Au ☀
What if Kokushibo heard whispers of his descendants whereabouts and is interested to see where his family line has gone, and to see if he should end it once and for all. However when he arrives at their house, he finds Yuichiro on the brink of death and Muichiro who is holding his own against a demon. Impressed by his skills, Kokushibo effectively kills the demon and saves Yuichiro before he looses too much blood. He is very much intrigued by them, and Muichiro sees him as their savior figure which gives him an opening to properly manipulate them.
At first he want to turn them into demons immediately, since they do not seem threatened by his appearance. He even convinces them that being a demon is better then being human and that the demon that attacked them were not representative all demons and that demons like him did not eat human flesh because he was one of the chosen strong ones, uncorrupted. Yuichiro especially falls for that because therefore his arm can regenerate and he can protect his brother forever. However after Muichiro mentions Amane, and her offering them to join the demonslayer corps, Kokushibo decides to train them as slayers to infiltrate the corps as spies. By then both of the twins live with Kokushibo and see him as a second father figure, almost completely trusting him. Sadly the twins will not learn mist breathing, but instead Kokushibo trains them in moon breathing. Muichiro is able to master it, while Yuichiro struggles with only one arm, and instead creates a form known as eclipse breathing that works only for his body.
Muzan allows them to kill as many demons as they want to enter the final selection because he sees them as expendable, despite absolutely despising Kokushiobo's new set of twins. especially Muichiro, who reminds him too much of Yoriichri. Meanwhile Kokushibo is drawn to them because they subconsciously also remind him of his twin brother, even though he would never admit it. I do not think they would be able to become hashira, or at least not in less then six months like the original canon because Muichiro does not have his rage from his brother dying and Yuichiro, well, does not have his arm which is hard the adjust too, so they would be part of the kamaboko squad. Still they succeed to sabotaging many of the corps missions, causing the lives of many slayers.
Muichiro cant help but feel guilty, but he is loyal to Kokushibo (not Muzan, just him.) and the reward for trading information is that Kokushibo will give his blood so they can become demons like him. However in truth, unlike Yuichiro, he has no desire to become a demon. Soon he makes friends in the corps, with the other hashira and his fellow peers like Tanjiro and Genya. Soon, he begins to have a moral dilemma for betraying his friends. Therefore, Muichro begins to see the lies that Kokushibo has spun and is suddenly torn between two sides of people that he cares for.
I mean I just love the idea of bad guys becoming accidental parents. I think it'd be interesting to see how different they'd become due to not only being raised by a demon, but one who's morals were from 300 so years ago. old timey Tokito twins, would be kinda funny.
And imagine if they get invited to uppermoon meeting? Imagine how chaotic that would would be?
Akaza: Listen, you guys are too young for this. Kokushibo is not good with kids. Blink twice if you need help and I will get you both out of here.
Muichiro and Yuichiro: *continues to stare at him unnervingly without breaking contact*
Douma: Awww how cute Kokushibo I didnt know you had kids. They even have your eyes! who is the mother-
Koku: No
Kokushibo holding both of the twins upside down: I'm a single mother now
I just think all the uppermoons would be glorified babysitters for them and I cant help but think it would be hilarious seeing them all interact.
those two fighting some high-up demon, which obviously takes a while, only for the two to randomly stop cuz "dad said to be home by 10 or dinner will get cold". Just Kokushibo, being known as the worst father playing the role of father AGAIN.
Kokushibo to the twins: I am your great great great great great ancestor so just call me dad.
We just know the twins would talk shit about all the upper moons to there FACES and wont give two shits because that was just how they were raised. But not kokushibo-he could ground them.
(Anyway this Au has been consuming my mind lately so expect a fanfic coming out soon)
I mean Muichiro wont be the only one having a dilemma, what happens when Kokushkibos apathy starts to crack-and he begins to care for the twins?
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belovedmuichiro · 2 years
what do you think about the man the myth the legend : Yoiichiri
Space anon
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I am VERY normal about him
ON A SERIOUS NOTE oh my GOD I love him. Probably in my top 5 characters I love him so so much I don’t even have the WORDS but I will try !!
I also love Yoriichi’s relationships that he has in the series. I know it’s really just with Kokushibo/Michikatsu, a Rengoku ancestor, Uta and the Kamado family, but they leave an incredible impression on me. I love the parallels between him and Kokushibo as someone who was born gifted but had everything taken from him and still chose kindness until he died, vs someone who was born average but was given everything and still chose hatred until he died. They’re tragic, but I love what they represent as a demon slayer and a demon (I also love how they compare to the Tokito twins but that’s for another day). Him and Uta are also terribly tragic to me, but they were honestly such a beautiful love story before she died, and it really does strengthen my love for both of them since I really, really just wanted to see them happy.
The Kamado family gets a whole paragraph to themselves because GOD their relationship to Yoriichi is one of my absolute favorite parts of the series. Because Yoriichi doesn’t need to befriend them, they’re everything he doesn’t have literally living in his old home; a happy family including children living a humble, simple life. He doesn’t need to do anything beyond saving them, he could’ve been bitter and resentful, but he wasn’t, and in turn made one of the most beautiful friendships kny has to offer. He truly loves the Kamado family, and they are one of the only senses of normalcy he can have in his life. He visits them often enough that they feel comfortable leaving their child with him, they house him, they sit and listen to his problems with genuine care and love, they want to see him happy because he obviously makes them happy as well. Sumiyoshi obviously loves Yoriichi, as Tanjiro can feel in his inherited memories, and even if we weren’t told it then, we know it by the way he was determined to memorize and pass down sun breathing as a dance in their family to honor and remember him. LIKE TELL ME THAT ISN’T THE MOST BEAUTIFUL FORM OF LOVE!! He didn’t do it because Yoriichi was a god among them, he didn’t do it because Yoriichi commands respect, he did it because Yoriichi was his dear friend, and he loved him so much. And Yoriichi, as we know from him leaving his gifted earrings behind, loved him and his family right back. They helped him heal, they helped him accept himself, and he would unknowingly save not only their kin but the whole of humanity by that love.
The Kamado family gets a whole paragraph to themselves because GOD their relationship to Yoriichi is one of my absolute favorite parts of the series. Because Yoriichi doesn’t need to befriend them, they’re everything he doesn’t have literally living in his old home; a happy family including children living a humble, simple life. He doesn’t need to do anything beyond saving them, he could’ve been bitter and resentful, but he wasn’t, and in turn made one of the most beautiful friendships kny has to offer. He truly loves the Kamado family, and they are one of the only senses of normalcy he can have in his life. He visits them often enough that they feel comfortable leaving their child with him, they house him, they sit and listen to his problems with genuine care and love, they want to see him happy because he obviously makes them happy as well. Sumiyoshi obviously loves Yoriichi, as Tanjiro can feel in his inherited memories, and even if we weren’t told it then, we know it by the way he was determined to memorize and pass down sun breathing as a dance in their family to honor and remember him. LIKE TELL ME THAT ISN’T THE MOST BEAUTIFUL FORM OF LOVE!! He didn’t do it because Yoriichi was a god among them, he didn’t do it because Yoriichi commands respect, he did it because Yoriichi was his dear friend, and he loved him so much. And Yoriichi, as we know from him leaving his gifted earrings behind, loved him and his family right back. They helped him heal, they helped him accept himself, and he would unknowingly save not only their kin but the whole of humanity by that love.
So yeah, I’m pretty normal about Yoriichi :)
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dragon-stones · 2 years
Lecturing the boys be like...
Kokushibo: How did none of you hear what I just said? 
Muichiro: I’ve been zoned out for the past two and a half hours. 
Zenitsu: I got distracted about halfway through. 
Yuichiro + Kaigaku: Ignoring you was a conscious decision. 
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