#kind of difficult to listen to
merge-conflict · 5 months
for el último shippy saturday, I bring you this snippet of an alternate ending to 'thread-safe' where goro ends up being captured by v and co, and *gestures* also ends up in her bed. also known as the snippet where I may have gotten very close to goro/v/johnny and I'm honestly not sure if it's even a joke anymore. I'm not fluent in spanish, but this should be more or less grammatically correct and the lack of polish here feels ok given that I don't consider that Johnny or Valentine are actually fluent either and are essentially just transliterating their English fight into Spanish so Goro doesn't understand.
Goro wakes to the sound of a whispered argument, and rolls to find Silverhand sitting on V’s other side. The man flashes him a smug smile, which lasts only a second before V flicks him in the knee, ineffectually trying to shove him further away with her palm against his thigh.
“What is it?” Goro demands, slipping his arm under V’s, tucking her in close to his chest. They’re both naked, the thin sheet slung just over their hips their only cover. Yet he can feel V’s muscles tensing, as though she is prepared to throw herself bodily at Silverhand, without even a thought for propriety. “How did you get in here?”
“Got the key,” Silverhand answers, wiggling his fingers.
“Not for long,” V growls.
“Hey, c’mon V–“ His pleading tone makes her sigh. “You can’t just kick me out. Kerry’s the one paying rent.”
“Then why aren’t you with Kerry?” she asks, and Silverhand makes a face.
“It’s nothing. He’s all pissed over nothing.”
“I doubt that,” Goro says, and V elbows him.
“Sleep on the floor,” she says.
“And mess up my back again?” Silverhand asks, patting down his pants before pulling out a cigarette. “I’ll be as quiet as a mouse.”
“No smoking in bed,” V snaps, her hoarse voice cutting in and out with the emphasis. Goro reaches to remove the cigarette from Silverhand’s grip, but V is already out from under the covers and sliding off the bed, grabbing his shirt collar to drag him out. Neither of them seem the least bit bothered by her state of undress. “If you think you’re going to amuse yourself by being an ass you’ve got another thing coming.”
“Oh yeah?” He grips her bicep, pulling her down closer. The smile on his face only grows as Goro moves to his side, reaching to grab the wrist that he is using to hold V. This close the smell of cannabis smoke is overwhelming– overpowering even the stench of sweat and unwashed hair. “You going to sic your guard dog on me?”
“Ayyy,” V exhales, switching to Spanish without ever taking her eyes off of Silverhand. With his translator disabled along with the most of his implants, Goro can only guess at the content of their conversation by tone and expression. The curl of V’s lip and her sardonic air is irritation. “Estás caliente, cabrón? Quizás debes ser mordido.”
“Solo si lo haces,” he replies, flashing Goro a look. Taunting bravado.
“V–“ Goro says, tightening his grip so that Silverhand winces.
“Sabes que me quieres,” Silverhand adds, making V scowl.
“Explícame,” she demands– it is definitely a demand. “Qué lo sigue? Me besas, entonces le besas? No puedes separarnos.”
“Huh.” Silverhand turns to look at Goro, smirking at his lack of comprehension. A child delighting in some simple mockery. “Por supuesto está celoso.”
“Huh,” V mocks in return. “Por supuesto estás drogado.”
“No me gusta el oler del perro.” Silverhand says dismissively, with the flick of his free wrist.
“Then get out of bed,” V snaps, “And get off my dick.”
“You won’t even know I’m here,” Silverhand says, deftly pulling out another cigarette, which Goro takes and tosses to the side with the first. “I’ll be good.”
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clockwork-carstairs · 2 months
i have to say seeing how popular jem is now, knowing he hasn't always been, is SO reassuring and relieving. not because other characters aren't great or have good values, but because it means jem's standout qualities – things like kindness, compassion, gentleness, being thoughtful – are being appreciated and seen as more important and that's SUCH a good thing. especially knowing ya's history of pushing forward the toxic-cocky-mysterious bad boy agenda… we're finally putting qualities like kindness above that, which is a really positive step forward. i know it's more nuanced than this, and tsc's characters are far more nuanced (jem's sole trait isn't being kind, for instance) but he wasn't always appreciated this much and as a longtime jem fan i truly love to see it. i grew up reading books where the mc always went for the mysterious bad boy character – ruder, testy, provocative – and often these characters were more popular because being kind was seen as 'boring' or meant you could only ever be in the friendzone. jem was one of the first characters i read who had this really horrible backstory, but throughout everything was genuinely just kind. it's really wonderful to see so many people appreciating that :)
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tarantula-hawk-wasp · 11 months
I think Shiro is bad at cooking in a “overcooks everything out of paranoia about raw food and giving someone food poisoning” combined with “I’m busy and need food cooked fast so we’re putting the stove burner on 7 instead of 5” way so everything he makes is a little charred and a little tough and dry and over cooked and he’ll eat it but no one wants him cooking for them ever. I think he does better when recipes have very specific descriptors of how you know it’s done. “Turn off when bubbles form” type things. He’s okay at baking when it has specific directions, or when it’s “when a toothpick comes out clean” but if it’s “golden brown around edges” he will second guess if it’s golden brown or not and burn the cookies. I think he loves appliances like instapot or rice cookers where you dump ingredients in and push settings and it comes out done. Don’t make him make decisions about if food is done he will overthink it and err on the side of caution and burn it.
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canisalbus · 7 months
My love mine all mine fits your boys so well in my opinion, especially that one line, so soft and tender, one waking up while the other still sleeps and seeing his peaceful face, feeling his warmth so close, watching a smile and a laugh, the sun reflecting off fur, eyes glowing in candlelight, nails (claws?) running through fur, melancholy as tears drip down the other's face, hands clenched too tight, jaw taut
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guccigarantine · 7 months
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the mongrel cat came home holding half a head
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quirinah · 3 months
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oomf was talking about this combi and I remembered the season 25 episode where they interact for like 30 seconds. and then i got progressively more invested
#quirinahdraws#WHATEVERRRR *exploding*#nintama#nintama rantarou#忍たま乱太郎#rkrn#nanamatsu koheita#tachibana senzou#i don’t know if i actually do ship them romantically but it’s a very fun idea to think about#Listen Listen Listen. Can anyone hear me. i just think koheita is way smarter than he looks (crazy person)#BUT REALLY. he’s quite knowledgeable and he’s very sincere and good and reading people but he’s also super intuitive#and makes most of his decisions on the spot based on how he reads a situation and how he feels so he’s difficult to keep up with#it would just be fun to see senzou whos also really smart! but likes being in control and looking unflappable and perfect#falling for a guy who he can’t read but who’s super sincere and encouraging nevertheless… (forlorn)#HE SAW THROUGH SABUROU’S DISGUISE OF SENZOU IN THE 5TH YEARS VS 6TH YEARS ARC CAN ANYONE HEAR MEEEEE (is dragged offstage)#こへ仙#kohesen#but i think they would be a fun duo nevertheless! I can’t write dialogue but i saw someone way long ago talking about how it would be fun t#see senzou as the planner/espionage kind of strategist and koheita as the guy who gets in and gets stuff done…#OR PLANNING TOGETHER I can’t write dialogue but I like to think about koheita already having assessed the circumstance and just#cooking up a plan on the fly…#I do think senzou is kind of like monjirou where he’s a little bit of a softie at heart but he isn’t around koheita all the time like monji#so it might be fun to see him more flustered/being unable to read kohe….i want to see them get along too…. (crazy person)#digital
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dalloneveryday · 6 months
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day 68. i love how theyre just 👍
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katierosefun · 3 months
[deep breath] not me suddenly getting hit by tcw feelings in this year 2024 but like. truly ough i love likening ahsoka and anakin and obi-wan's entire dynamic as tragic siblings because that's the closest approximation we have to it but also just like. there's tragic siblings because they're the ones you're supposed to joke with and play with and look up to when it seems like everything is falling apart.
and then there's the whole tragic student-teacher element to all of it and maybe it's just like. i look up to you i owe you so much i know you've only ever tried and wanted to make me better i know you saw something in me worth cultivating and keeping you exasperate me sometimes because why the hell do i need to know this kind of stuff why the hell are you nitpicking this kind of stuff why do you care so much about why i succeed or not you're not my parent and i don't want you to be my parent but also you helped me learn more about myself and the world than i've ever realized. can i ask for your opinion about this later. can i still ask you for help on this problem.
and then the whole flip side of that is like. you were someone who mentored me and taught me and now you're a monster i barely know or recognize and how could you do this how could you say that how could you hurt me like this i know you think you're doing the right thing and you're so much older and wiser and i'm still waiting at the door like a little kid but also i don't think being taught lessons is meant to feel like this and i can't tell if i'm still acting childish or if maybe, more horrifyingly, everyone who warned me about you was right and you really are a monster and you've taught me how to be a monster and what do i do now and i guess i just have to grapple with the fact that you molded me and shaped me and if you broke off one of my arms while doing that, then who am i to tell
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padfootastic · 8 months
I’m actually really fascinated by Jily and Lily now, precisely because it doesn’t look as if it bothered her that J and S were inseparable. She’s very clearly aware of how important they are to each other, she writes Sirius to tell him James needs to see him and it’s just like “yeah, this is How It Is,” no bitterness from James’s wife that James needs to see Sirius. She even signs it off with her love, she doesn’t resent Sirius’s place in James’s life in the slightest.
right?? it’s amazing and i think the only reason why i love jilypad as i do and can accept it wholeheartedly. i also think it speaks immensely to james potter’s capacity for love; it’s not easy to convince someone of their place on ur life, or to give them security and mental peace esp in times of extreme tensions, but that he was able to do that to the point that lily didn’t feel threatened? amazing.
i can see it happening bc lily accepts that her and sirius occupy different roles in james’ life and there truly is no competition. i think a fic once out it like? ‘sirius was his soul, but lily was his heart’ or sumn i’m not sure, and i do think that sums it up well. james has so much love in him, it overflows and fills in all the cracks and never makes the other feel inadequate. and i also see lily as coming into the relationship w an attitude of ‘i am finally ready for not just james but sirius as well’ bc she knows it s a duo, all jokes aside, which is the one thing most people don’t understand about them.
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nonasbirthday · 2 years
it took me a long time to realize that when Harrow said “death first to vultures and scavengers” in Gideon the Ninth she was referring to, like, vile opportunists. bc i read that line and was like :/ why do the vultures and scavengers need to die :/ they’re just little guys :// important to the ecosystem :/ not hurting anyone!! you’re gonna kill the helpful little guys first?? what is Harrow trying to say here, idgi
but i forgot that not everyone might have such positive associations with. vultures
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mossyvoidknight · 16 days
so I saw you mention wtnv and ik you listen to tma, do you listen to any other podcasts? if so, which ones?
Honestly, I've only recently started listening to podcasts so there's not very many XD. Fiction wise those two are the main ones, but there's also re dracula and eventually I'll get around to listening to malevolent ( but not until after I catch up on wtnv)
Uhhh nonfiction ones there's the queer movie podcast and high brow. I also kind of want to find ones on historical swords? there's probably some out there
How about you? Have you found any podcasts you like outside of tma??
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tomatoluvr69 · 3 months
What’s up tumblr hope you had a super fun leap day. sparkle on. big news my first seed start sprouted while I was at work ✨
#might have to change the url bc I’m in my collard era lol#my day was alright#I ate some shrimp curry that I’d accidentally left out all night and was fine bc I’m a scavenger of a person#then bc I started to feel PMDD fatigue I laid in bed with great elan til my shift started#then I spilled coffee all over my work clothes bc I stuck it in a very sketchy travel mug someone left in our house at the last party#and I listened to Screamin Jay Hawkins on the ride to work which was fun#work was a bit chaotic but uneventful and got to spend a huge chunk of it outside#it seems I have way better ball control than I did when I was a kid. whyyy now. i was such a loser I could have used some athleticism#but I’m so glad it’s the weekend so I can go palliative care mode which is what I call my lizard brumation pmdd phase#and stopped by a friend’s house after work which was nice#really rejuvenating#then made a sort of weird frittata w/ beets peppers and potatoes bc I was too tired to actually cook#watched sense and sensibility 1995 and really liked it although I found myself wishing for a bit more anguish. sorry#and I think I might set out one of the frozen almond croissants to proof overnight so I can bake it for bfast tomorrow#will go for a very short swim but probably only about 30 min bc of aforementioned fatigue. then pick up yogurt and a silly little treat#and will have ****** and **** for dinner either tomorrow or Saturday which will be nice#but really hoping Saturday because **** **** ** **** lol#and then Sunday I’m trepidatious about because **** was like what are you doing Sunday and I’m like well I guess having a fraught and#difficult conversation about our dynamic! lol#I’m very lucky to have proactive friends who are good communicators. truly I do not deserve his kindness. but like. god. let me retreat and#lick my wounds!#i shan’t get into it. but just know I know how S&G felt#and then another work week but I’m starting to really get a feel for the routine and what works and what doesn’t#and I’m excited for my next few meal preps we got millet and kale gratin#and a Lebanese chickpea dish the name of which unfortunately escapes me atm#but my mouth is watering thinking about it. saw a vid and was instantly influenced and went to the pantry to see if I had the stuff and I#dooooooooooo#and I do feel like I’m beginning to get past the worst of [event] and its sadness
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gojonanami · 5 months
people be like prof geto, geto this, geto that. SHUT UP HAVE U READ (i wanna show you off) SUGAR DADDY GOJO? BLOODSUCKER GOJO?? GOT YOU?? THE DOCTOR IS IN?? GO READ ASAP!!!!!
Sab's geto is good but gojo is better. FIGHT ME🤺🤺
Team sab's gojo♡~♡
-side note: I love prof geto.
ahhhh you're very sweet - I WILL CRY!! i'm glad you're team gojo!! i am also team gojo (i'm also team geto guys its ok)
sugar daddy gojo does hold a very special place in my heart haha - so do my other gojo fics because i adore that man and now he's very easy for me to write <333
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cookiecomics · 5 months
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bisexualamy · 4 months
#it actually makes me sick like physically ill how much praise is heaped onto goyishe american leftists#people who could not point to gaza on a map six months ago. whose knowledge of middle east history comes from outdated textbooks and twitte#for being anti imperial activists and well educated anti imperialists with all the right buzzwords and all the right opinions#meanwhile nothing i say will ever be good enough bc i'm jewish and palestinians are tokenized by people who care more about appearing#like someone who Listens to Palestinians as opposed to 1) doing anything material to help them (like donating money)#and 2) not spreading obvious misinformation. something that does material damage to the cause of liberation#AND further fuels the most insidious of zionist propaganda which relies on the antisemitism of ignorant western goys#this propaganda banks on their antisemitism bc it's that fucking reliable#every white western goy that harasses jews or spreads misinfo about jews or is straight up just racist towards random israeli immigrants#ppl living in the west like running coffee shops that are now having their windows smashed bc that what? supports palestinian liberation?#makes it that much easier for actual zionist propagandists to say 'see. this was never about imperialism. they want an excuse to harm you.'#'you are only safe with us'#i grew up in a cauldron of this kind of propaganda and i was playing on hard mode i got it from the orthodox#it took years of dutiful unlearning. of wrestling with some really difficult realities. of realizing that i'd been not only lied to#but information had been deliberately kept from me to keep me from knowing the true depths of the horror happening in gaza#i did not get the luxury of starting to care about this six months ago during a concerted effort to correct the record#i had to put in the effort to unlearn two decades of propaganda given to me so young i don't remember a time when i didn't know it#and i am by far not the only jew with this experience#i have put in way more effort to care about this than every white western goy with a megaphone posting palestinian flags on IG#but none of that matters bc i am a jew and for the last 5000+ years we don't get to decide how we're discussed or how we're remembered#never mind how many jewish voices (and yes! even israeli voices!) have been supporting liberation efforts in palestine for years.#who've done an amazing job reaching more people who need help seeing through the propaganda they were raised on#i can only be a token who speaks only in protest chants or i can be an evil zionist. the anti imperial work doesn't matter.#bc anti imperial work is hard and none of them actually want to do it they just want the protest photos#anyway this is why i don't discuss this on the piss on the poor website. tbh i don't trust y'all
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portuguesedisaster · 5 months
I don't know what I hate more: the fact that Jon is giving out ribs or whatever sound choice they put for Jared's voice.
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