#kind of a personal story but recently i sprained my leg and while talking with my physiotherapist she told me that her husband just
n4b3 · 6 months
and it seems to grow more and more. and it makes me question now how much truth is in that amount of people hating this specific section
expand on this
i mean like in a way that, it reached a point that at least for me, it became kind of unavoidable the amount of people that hate on dream, no matter how many "not interested" i hit, something always comes up. his situation is sadly a complex one that a person who isnt in the fandom will hardly believe even with all the context.
but its insane how many people dislike him overall, like a lot, even with new interest i developed joining new fandoms new faces new interest when the topic comes up, almost everyone dislikes him (in my personal experience)
i know everything he has done in the past is not something everyone would forgive and specially when then grooming allegation came, the stigma grew even more.
just makes me question overall how much truth is in that hatred, why so many friends turned their back on him... just overall thinking, its sad to see a person go through all of that. even with evidence proving his innocence, its not enough for this amount of disliking
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
Your ex taps you on the shoulder and says, “I still love you.” You say? That would never happen, but for the sake of this question I’d certainly be surprised and caught off guard to say the very least for a lot of reasons. I would just be like wtf?? Do you play video games? Sometimes.
Do you spend a lot of time with family? Yeah.
Is your house more than two stories tall? Nope.
Have you ever hit your significant other? Has he/she ever hit you? >> I've never been in a physically abusive relationship, thankfully. <<<
What makes you an attractive person? (Talk about your personality too!) Nothing.
What color is your hairbrush/comb? It’s rose gold.
What snacks do you have available in your household atm? Chips and dip, crackers, cookies...
Has anyone recently told you that they like you, or find you attractive? No.
Are you attracted to the last person you Facebook messaged? No.
Do you care about anyone that doesn’t care about you? I don’t think so.
Was your last Facebook friend requests from a male or female? I don't remember.
Which one of your relatives is most likely to embarrass you? None.
When was the last time you ate a bar of chocolate? I had a mini Kit Kat yesterday if that counts.
Do you play any games on Facebook? Nope.
What would you like to get a degree in? I have a degree in psych.
Do you wake up a lot in the middle of the night? I don’t even go to bed until the early morning hours.
Would you prefer to read a book, watch a movie or TV show, or play a video game? >> I mean, that obviously depends on what I'm in the mood for at the time. <<< Exactly. I enjoy all those things.
Do you usually get popcorn or soda at the movie theater? Both.
What genre of films do you like the best? I’ve listed this a few times recently and don’t feel like doing so now.
How many bank accounts do you have? Just one.
Have you ever had the flu? Yeah.
What is your goal for the next few months? Get through each day and try to improve some health stuff.
Have you ever had some kind of sleep-disorder? How did it affect your life? My sleep schedule is completely messed up.
Have you ever had food poisoning before? Describe the experience. Yes. It’s a very unpleasant experience.
Funny, charming, cute, romantic, smart - choose only 2 for the opposite sex. Funny and smart.
Have you ever let somebody use you? Why did you do it? :/
You can go back in time & change something in your mom’s past - what is it? I don’t want to share what, but there’s definitely something I would change for her.
Do you know anybody who is around the exact same size as you? Who? No.
Ever been to a haunted house? How scared were you? Yeah. I’m a big scardy cat and went through the whole thing having my friend push me through while I mostly kept my eyes closed lmaooo. I kept anticipating things or someone jumping out at me.
Been on any websites today you wouldn’t want your parents to see? No.
Which is worse: dusting or mopping? I would say dusting. Did you pull a senior prank? No.
Did you graduate? Yes.
Have you ever been unfaithful in a serious relationship? No.
What was the last song you listened to? I don’t remember.
Are you one of those lucky people with 20/20 vision? Nope, hence the glasses.
Is fashion one of your interests? >> It is, I think fashion is intensely interesting and fun.
Do you think you’ll eventually find that special someone? It’s hard to imagine that happening for me, honestly.
Do you care what people think? Yes, but not as much as I used to. 
Is acting something you enjoy? No.
What was the last thing you broke/sprained? My leg when I was a kid.
Have you ever fought with a friend because of their boyfriend/girlfriend? Because of yours? No.
Has a stranger ever yelled at you for your language? No.
Whose house, other than yours and your families’, are you most comfortable at? I’m most comfortable at my own house.
Has any of your friends’ family ever yelled at you? No.
Did you ever play a sport as a little kid? Did you enjoy it? Nope.
Did you ever watch the show Full House? Yeah.
Is there a celebrity you are just DETERMINED to marry? No.
Have you ever burned someone’s picture? No.
What’s the longest hike you’ve ever been on? I’ve never been on a hike.
Would you ever get a lip tattoo? No.
Who is the first person of the opposite sex that pops into your head? My ex.
Do your parents smoke cigarettes? Nope.
What does one of your T-shirts have written on it? I’m currently wearing an Hey Arnold shirt with Arnold and Helga plucking a flower on it and it has “I hate him” repeated a few times and then at the bottom it says, “I love him.” 
Name a pet you definitely wouldn’t want. Any reptile or insect.
Would you prefer your partner smaller or taller? Taller. Most people are taller than me anyway.
Do you enjoy going through old pictures? Yes.
Do you believe people when they say they don’t judge people? No.
What did you love the most about the town you grew up in? That my family was here.
What’s a movie that you laughed the hardest during? Hmm.
What’s a movie you cried the hardest during? The Fault in Our Stars is one that really, really got to me when I first saw it. I bawled. 
What’s your favorite restaurant? I don’t have a particular favorite.
Is there a dessert you don’t like? Not a pie fan.
Favorite album? Hybrid Theory and Meteora.
What’s a book that you read because everyone else was reading it? I got into Twilight and The Hunger Games that way. I ended up becoming really into both, though.
Underwater or outer space? Both terrify me.
Dogs or cats? Dogs.
Kittens or puppies? Puppies
Bird watching or whale watching? Bird. I have an irrational fear of whales.
What was your best subject in school? English.
What was your worst subject in school? Math.
What is one thing you wish you knew in high school? Uhhh.
Who is your fashion icon? I don’t have one. 
Diamonds or pearls? Both are nice.
What color dress did you wear to prom? It was white with gold flecks.
What’s your favorite plot-twist? Thats a broad question. There’s been a lot of plot twists in various movies, books, TV shows, and life itself, ha, that really got me.
Honestly, are you jealous of someone right now? No.
Honestly, when was the last time you REALLY cried your heart out? A few days ago. Had a full on panic attack, too, which was fun.
Ever pop someone else’s pimple? Ew, NO. I find that so disgusting.
Do you need to return anyone’s phone call? No.
Who are you closest to? My mom and brother.
Have you ever had a bad concert experience? No.
Are you currently sad about anything? Sad is just part of me.
Have you had any form of exercise today? I haven’t even gotten out of bed, yet, but I can assure you no exercising will be going on today.
Can you handle blood? Nooo.
Has any place hired you underage for a job? No. I didn’t try to apply for a job either though, so.
Have you ever carried a concealed weapon? No.
Are you currently searching for a job? No.
Does eating breakfast make you sick? >> Nah. There was a short period of time when it did, back in the day, but now eating shortly after waking is almost a necessity for me. <<< Same, actually. The past few months I’ve gotten into the regular routine of having breakfast. 
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redfoxwritesstuff · 4 years
Of Dust and Ashes, Chapter 29
Heeey, it’s not Friday and it’s a week late but, chapter 29 for you! I’m starting to write again, the routine and habits are still lost but we’re getting there. Please continue to be patient with me while I work on getting us back to biweekly updates. 
Chapter warnings: Non-graphic mentions of death, gore and dead babies. 
Series warnings: everything? 
Series rating: M for Mature. 
Clint Barton x OFC 
As a reminder, this runs the length of Endgame, filling in the 5 year time jump, shedding light on the environmental, economic, political and societal ramifications of removing 50% of the living population down to the bacterial level. In this series, we deal with topics such as suicide, mental health issues, depression, civil unrest, trauma, miscarriage and death. Not every character’s reactions will be logical however people don’t react logical to trauma. People make good and bad choices regardless of if they are a good or bad person. Every person has shades of gray and moral compasses can be swayed.
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Chapter 29: Story Time
Clint nestled down on the ground. His back was propped against the wall and he was slouched over. Long legs stretched out in front of him, crossed at the ankles. Dee watched in silence as he seemed to settle into sleep within seconds.
She could never fall asleep that fast. She’d always been a light sleeper but it’d gotten better since she’d joined up with him and they made it to the farmhouse. The firelight from the small propane burner danced over their faces as they sat.
Rachel seemed afraid to look at her or Clint, instead keeping her head down and her eyes on Elsa. No, her name is Elizabeth. Lizzy. That was her name and she no business holding onto the idea of Elsa the baby.
She knew better. She didn’t want the baby. She couldn’t stomach the idea of taking care of her. As much as she wanted to believe it was better that they found her, part of her mind still cried that Lizzy’s life would have been better if it had been cut short. She didn't deserve to live in this new world. It would have been better if she had died before they found her. Rachel didn’t have much milk and there wasn’t a lot of formula to be had. It wasn’t fair. It wasn’t right.
It wasn’t fair that her kids were not a part of the 50% that turned to dust in the decimation and yet, they were still gone. It wasn’t right that they had to experience the pain of burning to death. It wasn’t fair that she couldn’t have comforted them in their last moments. It wasn’t right that the sounds of their screams still haunted her nightmares.
“Are you okay?” Rachel’s voice snapped Dee out of her thoughts. Relaxing her fingers, she felt the joints creak. She couldn’t remember grabbing her pack but she had curled herself in on it and was clinging to it. The corners of her eyes were damp.
“I just want to go home.” Dee whispered.
“You will, soon. You two will abandon us and go safe behind the fence while we die outside. While everyone dies outside.”Dee was silent for a moment. She’d not been kind to Rachel and even now, she felt the annoyance prickle at her.
“It’s not that home I’m crying for.” Rachel hummed, for once minding her tongue or she was too tired to keep up the attitude. “I didn’t always live there.”
“Why are you there then? How did you convince him to take you in?”
“You can’t.”
“Help me. Woman to woman. If you had a child- maybe you’d understand.”
“You think I’m not a mother? You want to ‘mother to mother’ have a talk?” Deanna’s whisper was harsh.
“I mean- if you were you’d”
“I had two. In this bag-” Dee ripped open the zipper and reached in, under the bottles and cans to the bottom. Her fingers curled around the worn fabric. A small part of her relaxed as she pulled out the small tired blanket and stuffed fox. “A girl and a boy.”
“So you understand. So convince him to let us in. He trusts you, right? You can-”
“But we could die? She’ll die.”
“Maybe that’s better?” Dee snapped, checking her voice as she glanced at Clint. His foot twitched but he seemed to still be asleep.
“Do you know what I’ve seen in the last what, six months?”
“Did you not see what you just saved me from?”
“I’ll go from most recent to the start for you. I killed people to save you. Living people who had friends, families who may still be alive to miss them and who may have not had much of a choice in what they were doing.”
“Yeah, but-”
“I was attacked in front of a store, in a parking lot. I sprained my ankle and killed a man trying to protect myself. Trust killed another protecting me. Clint- He saved me. I didn’t trust him at first. He brought me to the farmhouse.”
“So, why won’t he-” Deanna kept talking, not caring that Rachel had spoke. Somehow, it felt good to say it. To tell her story to someone. How much she was going to tell, she hadn’t decided.
“Before that, I had stopped in Utah. I killed a man there, too. He scared me and seemed insane. I shot him and when I searched his backpack- there was cans of formula. Some were busted open. His ID showed a local address. God, I felt so guilty. I hadn’t seen formula when I’d go into stores for supplies.”
“You killed a man trying to feed his baby.” Rachel accused.
“That’s what I thought.” Deanna still wouldn’t look at her. “I went to the address. I don’t know, I expected the wife or mom to be there. Maybe I was going to beg for forgiveness or for her to kill me. I don’t know. When I got there, no one was there. I looked and looked. Then I found her.”
“What happened to her? Did you give her away?”
“She was already dead.”
“You should have been faster.”
“She’d been dead for days, maybe weeks. Before I killed her dad. I think- I think the grief drove him mad. She was in clean clothes in the middle of the bed. I don’t think he was willing to admit she wasn’t alive anymore.
That was a few months ago, closer to the beginning. Before that, I met up with a young man who helped me figure out how to survive. I don’t know if he was a doomsday guy or what, but he had a plan that seemed like a solid one. He helped me figure out how to start moving forward.
We stopped to get supplies before leaving our hometown in California. We were loading everything up in the motor homes we were planning to live in. His family had owned a dealership. He- we had a run in with a teacher from my daughter’s school. The teacher- he shot him. I was lucky to get away.”
“I’m sorry.” Rachel whispered. Dee wondered what Rachel thought the lives of people in other places were like.
“It’s a blur before that. There was a dead body in a gas station. The news TV station was taken over by someone calling themselves a king.”
“Another one?”
“There’s probably more than a few.” Dee glanced to Clint again. He still was sleeping, snoring lightly. “Before that, a news anchor’s sister committed suicide. Mr. Rick and Mr. Taft, teachers from my daughter’s school- the same ones who attacked us while loading the RVs- broke into my house to steal food and supplies.
That brings me to the start of it all. The moment the new world began and the old world ended. The sounds- god I can’t get them out of my head. The crunch of metal hitting metal. The squeal of tires. The smell- smoke thick. The sound of screams- god so much screaming and waiting for sirens that never came.”
“What happened?” Rachel’s face was pale as Deanna shook like a leaf while tears streamed down her face. In that moment, Dee was gone and all that was left was the woman she had been, Deanna morning the loss of the life she had once had. The strength she had learned was nowhere to be found.
“They went to a year around school- I was a single mother so it was easier and they were getting a good education. No summer slidebacks in their knowledge. Did you know that kids forget up to 20% of what they learned the prior year during summer break?
I put them on the school bus. It was sunny, a beautiful day. I should have kept them home and taken them to the beach or something. But I didn’t. I needed to go pick up her birthday cake and set everything up for the party. The bus turned and the fuel truck barreled through the red light. I’m pretty sure the driver had turned to dust.
I don’t know how many on that bus also were in the half that were decimated. But I saw their faces in the window as the fire spread. I couldn’t- people tried but the emergency exits were pinned. They couldn’t get out of the windows and the fire was hot- god it was so hot. The roar was deafening but I could still hear them. I could hear their screams. I could hear them yelling for me. I could see them and they could see me. I close my eyes and I see their faces.
I should have gone to them. I should have gotten closer. I should have tried to get them out. I should have done more than sit there, watching while others tried. I should have died trying.
But I didn’t.”
Rachel sat and picked at the blanket wrapped around Elizabeth as Deanna stopped and wiped the tears from her eyes. “I’m sorry. They should have survived. No one deserves to go through that.”
“I’m not sure.” Deanna whispered as she prepared to give voice to her greatest secret. “Maybe it was better that they died. I don’t know if I would have wanted them to live in this world. Maybe it’s better for all the kids that turned to dust to not have to know what came next. Maybe the next best thing for them is to die early, quickly and painlessly if possible and not watch their parents become murderers and thieves.”
“You don’t mean that.” Rachel said, holding Elizabeth tighter. A part of her wanted to believe that Dee hadn’t met what she had said but a larger part of her feared that she did. It occurred to her that this woman, who had been taking care of her baby, that she had been counting on for refuge and safety, was deeply broken.
“Maybe.” Deanna answered. “We’ve all lost things. It’s a dangerous idea to count on anyone.”
“You count on him.”
“And it could someday get me killed. Or I could get him killed. We cannot- will not be solely responsible for you. We can’t.”
“I need him and he needs me. That is the only reason we are together. That’s the only reason you should band together and trust anyone right now. Without that need, there is nothing to stop them from turning on you. Nothing stopped teachers from turning on their values, their morals. Anyone can turn.”
“How do you know the nurse won’t turn on me? I don’t have anything to offer her. I don’t have anything to offer anyone. Should I just give up, kill Lizzy then myself? Is that what you think would be the solution, the best course of action for me? Just end it because I’m too useless to be helpful?” Rachel’s voice was climbing some but the withering look Deanna gave her brought it down again.  
“When did I say that?” Dee snapped. “We saved your life. It’s not that we want you dead, it's that you are your own responsibility. We gave you a second chance, a second start at this new crappy world.
As for Sasha- You should be safe enough with her. She didn’t want to let us keep Lizzy at first. What she seems to need is someone to take care of. I get that, I needed that too. It’s how I ended up with Trust. What you need is someone to help support you and band together with you. You both have needs the other can meet and she’s helped us before.”
“So you trust her?” Rachel’s fire was dying and Dee was thankful for it.
“Well enough, I think. She needs food too. We’re supplementing her supplies so she’s got reason to keep us happy. She saved Lizzy, she had formula for her, checked her out and helped us warm her up. I still can’t believe she was still alive when we found her.”
“And that is good enough?” Rachel looked timid, scared in the darkness. She lacked to fire that seemed to hold back fear.Tears welled in her eyes.
Dee reminded herself that the woman had been through a lot of trauma. They all had been and each reacted differently. Some semblance of normal would do her good and hopefully Sasha could offer that.
“You should get some sleep. It’s a long walk back to the truck but once we get to it, it’ll be easy going.”
For once, Rachel didn’t argue. She nodded and curled herself around Lizzy on the ground with her back to the fire. She was cold but there wasn’t anything that could be done about it. Dee was cold too but that would only serve to help keep her awake.
Silence stretched on around her. Her heart ached and felt raw. Part of her wished she had never told her story to Rachel. Another part of her felt a weight off her shoulders to have finally said it, all of it.
“You should sleep.” Clint mumbled as he reached out for her. “It’s my turn.”
Deanna almost jumped out of her skin. She wasn’t sure how long she’d been sitting there, watching the fire and lost in her thoughts. Tears had long dried on her face and she had repacked her bag.
"I'm fine." She whispered.
"Fine is good. But you won't be in the morning and it's a long walk. Come here."
She didn't argue. She didn't want to argue. There was nothing in the world she wanted more than to be held by him. He was her sanctuary. As much as she wanted to be safe behind the gate at the farmhouse, what she needed to feel safe, to be safe, was him. Just him.
Curling herself around him, her fingers dug into the layers of coats that covered his body. He shifted and unzipped his coat and slipped it from his shoulders.
“You’ll get cold.”
“Take yours off too.” He answered with a sly smile.
With a sigh, she did. The bitter cold bit at her arms as she handed over her coat.  She watched as he spread it out on the ground and settled himself on it. When he again reached out for her, she went willingly enough. Her coat was still warm from her under them. She could feel the warmth of him as he spread his coat out over them.
“It’s not blankets but it’s better than nothing. We’ll be warmer this way.” He mumbled into the top of her head as he held her tightly to him.
“What if you fall asleep?” She mumbled, already dozing off.
“I won’t.” Clint promised as he watched her slip into sleep. Her protests were half hearted at best.
She felt so good pressed against him, warm and solid. He drank in the feeling. Even if he had nothing else, he had her. It wasn’t something he planned on giving up any time soon. It wasn’t something he’d be willing to give up, ever.
It was early when Clint nudged her awake. He didn’t want to, waking her meant facing the day. There was a deep ache in his back and shoulders, one he hadn’t felt in a long time. It’d been a few years since he’d been on a mission where he’d had to rough it this much.
“Come on.” He whispered when Dee’s groggy eyes blinked open. “Eat what we can and set out a share for her-” his eyes flicked over to Rachel, still sleeping and curled around Lizzy. “Get a bottle ready too and pack everything else up. We’ll let her sleep until we’re almost ready.”
“Will we make it back to the house tonight?”
“If we’re lucky.” Clint sighed. “Careful not to wake her- I’m not ready to listen to her yet.”
Dee laughed softly before leaning up and placing a soft kiss to his lips. Clint’s arms tightened around her, pulling her closer somehow. His breath washed over her. “If we’re not, I don’t wanna get up.” She mumbled against his lips.
“I know Babe, but we have to.”
She whined dramatically and he chuckled. He was right, she knew it but in that moment it was like they were in a little bubble. The bubble that seemed to surround the farmhouse was somewhere there, with them, in that abandoned office building. If the bubble could find them there, she decided it could find them anywhere. The bubble of happiness and safety wasn’t the farmhouse, it was him.
“I love you.” She whispered as if it was some great secret.
“I love you too.” He answered. “But up, now. I really need to piss.”
Tag List: @usedtobegoodfriend96​, @alcoholic-muffin​, @theoneanna​, @alexakeyloveloki​, @toozmanykids​, @j-u-s-t-4​, @missaphrodite23​, @winterisakiller​, @bambamwolf87​, @nonsensicalobsessions​, @tinchentitri​, @xoxabs88xox​, @queenoftheunderdark​, @carissime72​, @myoxisbroken​, @coyotesongwriting​, @wegingerangelica​, @faemapfae​, @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123​, @tnystrk-exe​
Tag list is always open. 
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pandawritespoorly · 4 years
With Time: Chapter 37 - Alya
Author’s Note: Happy St. Patrick's Day! 🍀 Today's the day that every American tells anyone who'll listen about how they're actually kind of, sort of, partially Irish, if you, like, go back far enough to their great grandmother's cousin's half-sister who married some guy who...
Alright, that's enough of teasing my country. This chapter being posted on a holiday is purely coincidental, so there's not really any mention of it in here, also it wouldn't have been relevant.
I don't know about you guys, but the state I live in is taking the self-quarantine thing pretty seriously. I hope my chapters can help you from going too stir-crazy. I have been writing and baking like crazy (and playing Plague Inc, because, come on, I can't not). Several colleges in Michigan are moving online.
Stay safe you guys! Be sure to disinfect whichever device you're reading this on if you haven't recently.
That's enough about the coronavirus. You're all here for Alya, and I'm prepared to deliver. Enjoy! 
Chapter Summary: Alya and Marinette have a very important (and long overdue) talk.
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Chloe: I heard that fake reporter was coming over to ‘apologize’ today, so here’s some stuff to really drive your point home.
 Marinette: wait where did you get those pictures
Marinette: have you had them this whole time???
 Chloe: I have my ways. Don’t question me Dupain-Cheng.
Adrien <3: Alya wants to know if it’s a good time for her to come over.
 Marinette: yeah
 Adrien <3: I can tell the others, we can come over.
Adrien <3: Make sure she doesn’t try anything.
 Marinette: kitty.
Marinette: she won’t try anything
Marinette: she just wants to talk i can handle myself
 Adrien <3: Of course, I know you can.
 Marinette: adrien
 Adrien <3: Anyway, she’s headed over. I’ll let the others know so we can wait in the park and glare at her. It’s the least we can do.
 Marinette: or you could go about your day as usual and not bother with needless interruptions
 Adrien <3: We were already going to hang out, now we’re just coming by earlier. You can’t run from our love and support.
 Marinette: You don’t need to do that.
 Adrien <3: I’ll make plans that have nothing to do with that then.
Hug This Boy: So who wants to go to the park outside of the bakery for reasons completely unrelated to the fact that Alya is coming over to talk to Marinette. It’s just a coincidence if we go to check on Marinette afterward and maybe hurt Alya if need be.
Hug This Boy: Completely unrelated. 
 Patisserie Princess: Adrien.
 Hug This Boy: It’s so fun watching the grass grow.
 Kid Mime: o absolutly
Kid Mime: its so green
 The Mom Friend: yep
 Melodie: So fascinating.
 Felix: Most definitely.
 Patisserie Princess: …
Patisserie Princess: this isn’t necessary
 Melodie: Well how else are we going to look at the grass that happens to be right outside your house?
 Kid Mime: yea mari
 Patisserie Princess: oh she’s here ive got to go
Patisserie Princess: all of you are to go about your day as usual
 Hug This Boy: Wow, the next event on my schedule is ‘watching grass grow at the park that happens to be outside of Mari’s place’.
 The Mom Friend: wat a coincdence same here
“Alya,” Marinette states, opening the door, “Let’s go to my room.”
She nods numbly, and the pair make their way upstairs, ignoring the glares from Tom and Sabine.
They both sit on the floor of her room, and they sit in silence for what feels like an eternity.
Alya breaks first.
“Mari- Marinette. I’m sorry. I was supposed to be a reporter and I didn’t even bother to fact check! I just believed her because I was so- so- so infatuated with her stories! She sounded so cool! She’d been everywhere and met everyone, and then… she hadn’t. It was all a lie. You were right. When the slides changed during the competition it felt like everything stopped. I couldn’t even process that everything she’d told us seemed to be a lie. Everyone apologized to you yesterday, and I should have the moment I knew the truth, but I wanted to process it first because… well I mean now I’m trying to avoid acting before thinking- Not that I’m suggesting that you made anything up, or something like that! I’m not! I just wanted to make sure I had all my thoughts in order. I’m so sorry,” Alya says hurriedly.
“You’re not wrong,” Marinette agrees, “You completely threw me out for someone you didn’t even know. The whole class hurt me, but Alya… you hurt me the most. More than Lila - sure, she tore me down enough that I was definitely in a bad place… but you?” she sighs, “Do you even- Alya, do you remember the first week of school? Do you remember Thursday? Can you just… go through it with me? How did we go from making plans to… that?”
Alya is tearing up, but nods. “I didn’t know anything was happening until I got there. Lila was sobbing hysterically, and she looked awful. A few of the class were already with her, and she said she had something to tell us, but wanted to wait for everyone. She said she’d already talked to Adrien. When everyone got there she said that she was being bullied. Regular insults, cyberbullying, attempts at isolating her, so much and it was all so awful. Afterwards, we were all obviously furious and spent at least five minutes convincing her to give us a name. All she managed was to say your name and then she started sobbing and wouldn’t speak anymore. Then class started, and you came in like everything was normal and just made me more mad, I absolutely hated you,” her voice cracks, “So when class was over we all confronted you. We thought you were lying, we thought you threw yourself down the stairs for pity points. We figured if Chloe was coming to your defense, then you must be a bully, and when you left and didn’t return we just took that as you running away. Going to start over in a new place.”
Alya is openly crying now, staying as quiet as she can.
“That’s not how I saw it. You know, to this day my memories of it are vague, and there’s like half of it I can’t remember period. I spent hours just dead, staring at nothing,” Marinette takes a shaky breath, preparing herself. That day is still the hardest part to talk or think about for her, even all these months later. “I went to school in a good mood, you know, because we’d talked for the first time in months and were making plans to hang out. Lila had been gone for a while and I figured that she wouldn’t be back and I could have more of a break. Everything seemed normal in class, I was worried about being late, especially with Adrien gone. Then class ended. You were yelling at me, maybe Nino too? I couldn’t breathe right, and I tried to leave. You grabbed my wrist and suddenly everyone was yelling, and then the door slammed. You were surprised and I twisted myself away, falling down the stairs. By then I’d realized the door slam was another person and I was scared, so I ran. Chloe and Sabrina found me in the bathroom, and from there I don’t know, but others have filled me in. Chloe brought me home and apparently took pictures. Then Maman must have had me go to my room. Chat Noir said he saw me on my balcony and I was completely unresponsive. He sent me to bed, and then it was the next day.” Somehow, Marinette manages to get through the story with minimal voice cracking and tears.
Alya makes a choked sound, more tears falling. After a moment she croaks, “Can I see the pictures?”
Marinette looks at her. “What? Why?” “I deserve it. I was the reason you fell and I need to see what I did.”
Marinette pauses. She didn’t intend to show anyone the pictures, they were obviously upsetting. She’s sitting on the counter, slumped and staring downward. She had expected her eyes to be haunted, or sad, or something like that, but they were just… empty. Nothing at all. Somehow it’s worse that way.
Her red-rimmed eyes and dried tear tracks are proof of her earlier crying.
Marinette is covered in fresh bruises, on her arms, legs, and the one on her face. She got scratches near most of them, the angry red of the skin outlining and accentuating the bruises. Her wrist is clearly sprained - swelled and bruised. Her Maman is in front of her, cleaning her up as best she can, applying bandages and putting an ice pack on the wrist.
“Are you sure? You don’t need to see them. They’re-”
Alya nods. “I deserve it.”
So Marinette turns the phone to her.
Alya covers her mouth in horror, fresh tears coming to her eyes. She won’t let herself look away. She flips through each picture repeatedly, growing more and more upset. Her expression changes momentarily, confusion to sickened understanding.
“I’m so sorry,” she sobs, “I’m so so so sorry. I never- There’s no excuse- I- I’m so sorry.”
Marinette takes the phone. Seeing the screenshots that Chloe sent, she winces. She still doesn’t like reading them, somehow the pictures of her are more bearable so she switches back to those before shutting the device off.
“Why?” Marinette asks, “What on Earth was going on that day that you thought I deserved to hear those things? I wa- n-need to know.”
Alya shakes her head. “There’s no excuse. I… I was having a bad day, and then Lila told us that Ladybug had sided with you and I j-j-just got so mad. It felt better than just wallowing in self-pity. You s-sent that text and I just u-used you as some sort of p-personal punching bag. I t-t-texted you for a while, and then Adrien, Chloe, and Sabrina showed up. I guess Sabrina grabbed my ph-phone when I was d-distracted with Chloe and deleted your contact. I sp-spe-spent the rest of the day mad at you.”
Marinette stares at a corner of her room, her voice soft. “I was at lunch. I was already having a bad day, and I had found out you deleted the Ladyblog so I was thinking about you and wondering where I went wrong and how much you guys hated me, which was honestly the usual, but moreso.” Alya barely stifles a cry. “I meant to text Allegra, but I’d taken the wrong phone to school. I made myself read each text, and it was everything I’d been t-telling myself, so that was…” Marinette looks away and takes a deep breath. “My friends found me, and somehow I got to the library. I don’t…. I don’t really remember much until I got home, and Adrien was there and I decided to tell them why I transferred.”
“I’m so sorry. I’m so so sorry.”
Marinette shakes her head. “I didn’t have you come over so we could compare events. Alya, you were my first friend, my best friend, and you just… left me. I don’t understand.” Her voice cracks.
Alya reaches toward her slightly, then remembers herself and draws back. Guilt claws at her inside, and it feels like it is coursing through her veins. “I- always thought that you had deceived us. That you had somehow faked kindness and that Lila was finally showing us the truth. I was d-disgusted with myself for ha-having ever called you my friend, and I just wanted t-to d-d-do everything I c-could to make it up to Lila for it. I thought- I started avoiding you near the end of school because you seemed like you were changing for the worse. Then that first week back just seemed to prove it. I’m so sorry, Marinette.”
Somehow, something about her words angers the designer. She’d been doing her best to stay calm, but something in her wants to make Alya understand how she was hurt and hurt her back.
“Oh?” Her voice is scathing, and she fakes disinterest, exaggeratingly inspecting her nails. “See, to me, I felt like I was losing my best friend. I had been so sure that Lila’s threat to take all my friends away would never come true. I told myself that sure, we weren’t as close, but you didn’t hate me. Then I returned to school. Wednesday we made plans to hang out, do you remember? I was so hopeful after that, and then you were the first to turn. All of you just threw me out - do you have any idea how badly that messed me up? How long it took me to believe I was worthy of being cared about after that?”
Like someone watching their neighbor’s house burn in the night, Alya stares as Marinette continues.
“I still haven’t recovered properly! My anxiety is so much worse now, because come on, look what Lila did in less than a year! Who knows what could happen! A part of my mind is still constantly waiting for people to leave me again, and while I no longer believe it- thank goodness- actually no! Thank my friends, because they stayed. They cared about me, when I didn’t even care about me and I would never have recovered without them! So yeah, while I no longer think that they’ll leave me, there’s a part of my mind forever wondering ‘what if they do’. I thought I’d lost them before. You met them after an akuma attack and Lila was with you, and I saw them talking to you and I was so sure that they would find out about everything and then they’d start looking at me in disgust too, that I’d be forced to watch more people drift away, to lose people again, and then I’d be alone again! They didn’t even know what happened yet! They found me having a panic attack and the first thing I said was that I’d prove to them that I wasn’t lying! I was so desperate! I didn’t want to lose them too! And…” Marinette exhales, fury dying down and giving way to exhaustion. “Look. We used to be so close, but no matter what, that can’t happen again. There’s a rift now. I don’t hate you, and I’m not saying I never want to speak to you, maybe years from now, we could maybe be some sort of friends, but we can never be best friends again, if we ever were.”
Alya nods. “Th-th-that’s fine. I don’t deserve you. Y-you’re b-be-being too nice as it i-is.”
Marinette’s heart breaks. She wants to comfort her so badly, but she won’t lie, and she’s beginning to feel that maybe it’s okay to think someone doesn’t deserve her. She has value, and if people don’t treat her that way, then she knows who isn’t worth her time. She won’t agree with the statement though, that just feels too mean, and she can’t bring herself to say it to her face.
The two sit in an awkward silence for some time, interrupted only by Alya’s barely stifled sniffling and sobbing. Marinette grabs her phone.
 Marinette: would you be up to talking with alya?
 Adrien <3: What did she do?
 Marinette: r talk went fine i meant for the way she treated u.
 Adrien <3: Oh.
Adrien <3: Sure.
 Marinette: well be on r way down
 “Alya? I think you should talk to Adrien. The way he was treated at school is inexcusable,” Marinette says coldly. She flips up on the messages app as she turns off her phone.
The other girl nods shakily, and they head downstairs. When they reach the entrance to the park, it’s not hard to spot her group of friends. The five of them are out on the grass, chatting with each other. Marinette walks over to them, staring down at them. “Watching the grass grow, huh?”
They all turn to look at her, there are several cries of ‘Mari!’ from everyone but Felix who just remarks, “Oh yes, it is indeed very intriguing.”
She can see the barely concealed smirk on his face, and she just rolls her eyes. “Goodness, you guys.”
“How did it go?” Allegra asks, eyeing Alya warily.
“It went fine. She’s here to talk with Adrien.”
Adrien nods, standing to give Marinette a quick hug before walking with Alya to the other side of the park.
“...I feel bad. She’s so upset,”  Marinette mumbles.
Allegra hugs her tightly, and Marinette can tell she’s scowling. “As she should, after what she did.”
“You care too much, that’s all,” Claude justifies, “Too much empathy, which isn’t the worst trait to have.”
“We can hate her enough for you,” Allegra growls, still watching Alya.
“She doesn’t deserve that. I don’t want her to hate herself for this, that’s not good.”
“Oh, ‘Nette. I’m sure she won’t hate herself, prob’ly just be pretty guilty for a while.” Allan reassures.
Felix adds, “Even if she did, it would not be your fault in the slightest. You cannot control what other people think.”
Marinette frowns, unconvinced.
Claude musses up her hair, earning an affronted squeak from the girl. He ignores her, saying, “Anyways, do you want to hear about the grass we’ve been watching? I swear it’s grown a whole one thousand twenty fourth of a millimeter.”
“Did you actually watch grass grow?”
“Well, that’s what we said we were gonna’ do, isn’t i’?” Allan teases.
Marinette shakes her head, sighing.
“Actually, it’s technically spring right now, how are you doing?” Allegra asks.
Marinette grins. “I’m back to normal, but in a few weeks? Once flowers start blooming I’m going to be a little hyper, so prepare yourself.”
“Wonderful,” Felix mutters, “Two Claudes.”
“You love meeeee!!” Claude flops towards him, teasing.
“I suppose.”
“So, is that from the same thing that makes you try to hibernate?” Allan checks.
“Yup! I really like spring! Flower crowns incoming.”
“I am all for flower crowns!” Claude crows.
“I’m guessing Adrien knows about this?” Allegra says, “He seemed to know something when spring was brought up, but decided he was going to be all cryptic about it.”
“It’s just more fun that way!” The boy in question returns, going next to Marinette.
“He’s not wrong.”
“Oh, of course you would agree with that, Claude.”
They bat their eyes innocently. “Why, Allegra, I have no idea what you are talking about.”
“Pfff. Yeah, you’re definitely the picture of innocence, buddy.” Allan rolls his eyes.
Claude gasps. “Allan! You’d betray me like this? Does our friendship mean nothing? Et tu, Brute?”
The boy puts the back of his hand on his forehead, falling backwards.
“Oh no! Claude feign-ted!” Adrien cries.
It takes a moment, but Claude is the first to get it, cracking up. Marinette just sighs wearily, soon followed by Felix. Allan and Allegra understand at the same time, the former laughing, and the latter groaning.
Author’s Note: How was that for a chapter? Originally, I was going to have her friends see the pictures, but it didn't quite fit in, and it wouldn't have led to anything big, so I dropped it.
Were you surprised there wasn't a strong language warning? I was when I was proofreading.
Hey, who wants to see the results of the survey? Do you want them later today or on Saturday (to give it a full week)? Also, there's some great extra responses from that bit at the end, so do you guys just want to see all of them or have me find some highlights? If you haven't taken it, please do, because I'm having a blast. Also, should I do another survey for a dumb debate like this, because I already found another great question.
(Can you tell I've been cooped up inside only leaving to walk the dog or get groceries? A little stir crazy here. My dog is just happy I'm home more.)
Regardless, I look forward to any and all comments you have for me! You guys make me smile!
P.S. I haven’t done a ‘things I’ve overheard’ in a while. I’ll probably post one soon.
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fleurie3am15inspo · 5 years
Work was slow so I started brainstorming and came up with this
Hey there, whoever happens to read this. I am a writer too. I just don’t normally post anything and whatever I do write is usually between me and a friend with whom I am partnering up for a project of sorts. I sometimes have story ideas and get started on creating characters, plots, backstories, etc. and just go off writing little snipets. Well, this is an excerpt from my most recent one. A bit of background. This excerpt is a “how they met” type of deal. It is between two of my characters, Ardmont and Rietta. Ardmont is a blind elf and Rietta is a pixie in a fantasy world that has elves, humans, orcs, pixies, you name it. Pixies are usually captured for a variety of reasons. They can be pets, assistants, informants, etc. There is a way to distinguish between a “tamed” or “wild” pixie, but more on that later..maybe. Who knows?  Anyway, I’ll stop talking now. Here is a bit showcasing their current relationship followed by how they met. @the-lupine-sojourner , this is what I had mentioned to you a while back. Sorry it took me so long. Midterms have devoured me and left me for dead. But thank goodness, I have a few days to relax and post this. Thanks for your patience.I’ll give more on the plot later. Here we go!
Thorne and Ardmont are riding out to the next town via horseback at the request of Ardmont’s father. Thorne is the son of one of the groundskeepers so he and Ardmont don’t speak very much. So, he uses the ride to get to know the son of his father’s employer. .........
“So, it’s true? You really are can’t see?”
“That’s right. At home is where I use my cane. That way, I don’t have to bother anyone with escorting me. It’s much easier to use than you think.”
“If it's easier for you to get around with your cane, why don't you use it more often?”
“Father doesn't think it's appropriate for me to use it in public. He thinks that I'm just announcing to the world that I'm disabled. An embarrassment, even.” “Well, I can see how it looks. A disability does tend to garner unwanted attention..” “...” “Sorry.” “It's fine. It doesn't matter to me anyhow. I've got Rietta.” “Who?” A flurry of light pops up in front of him and settles on his horse’s mane. A winged creature in a flower dress places her hands on her hips, smiling proudly up at the newcomer. “I believe he means me.” “Whoa! Ardmont, you have a pet pixie?” Her attitude changes immediately as her glow turns orange in annoyance.“Who are you calling a pet? Hold me back Monty! I'm about to shove some pollen up his nose!” She flies off in a huff. “Rietta, I told you not to call me that.” He sighs, “She's not a pet; she's my best friend. And she helps me get around.” Rietta flies back next to his face with an arm full of pollen.“In other words, I'm his eyes!” Ardmont sneezes, “Did you actually get it?” Rietta freezes and lets it fall in a small golden cloud, “Maybe.” His friend shakes his head in amazement, “Incredible. I’ve never seen a pixie who willingly listens to an elf. All the little creatures I’ve seen have been tamed and marketed as pets.” Rietta begins to glow red as she fumes in anger. Ardmont feels the heat and gently raises his hand to nudge her with his finger. “Actually, I find the whole idea of it detestable,” he began, “Pixies are not wild animals. They think and feel just like any human, elf, or orc. And still, they’re hunted, caged, and stripped of their free will. It’s not right.” Rietta’s glow dims back down to a pale yellow and she settles on his shoulder. “Rietta is with me because she chose to. I didn’t ask her to follow me everywhere I went to make my life easier. I met her in the forest and she offered to help me. And for that, I am forever grateful.” “Aww!” Rietta turns pink and hugs his neck, “I love you too, big guy!” “My apologies then,” his friend said, “I hadn’t meant to offend you in any way, miss. The idea is new, but, from now on, I will keep an open mind to it.” Rietta flips her braid over her shoulder and dusts the yellow powder off, “It’s okay. Not everyone can see like Monty. He might not be able to see people, but he can see you as a person.” Thorne chuckles a bit, “You’re a bit passive-aggressive, aren’t you?” “Am I really, good sir? I had no idea.” Admont laughs as well, “Be nice, Rietta. Not everyone is used to your little mood swings.” “I must admit, though, I am rather curious as to how you two came to meet,” Thorne began, “I understand that you found him first, Rietta?” She twirls up in the air, “You got it! I was just minding my business on a pretty little patch of lilies when all the birds started screaming...
Rietta is sitting on a mushroom amidst a small patch of lilies. She is humming quietly to herself as she sews lily petals together to make a skirt. It is a delicate garment and she is almost done. Suddenly, the ground rumbles and all the birds in the tree scatter, screeching a discord of noise. She looks around in confusion and sees a horse stampeding her way. She gasps and shoots up into the safety of the branches, dropping her skirt on accident. “No…!” She makes a grab for it, but the horse speeds ahead beneath her, and tramples the lily patch she was sitting in as well as her pretty skirt. She flits down and, with drooping wings, gently picks up the remains. She hugs the ruined garment and cries for a little when she is distracted by the horse once more. The horse has reared on its hind legs and thrown off it’s rider. An elf goes flying off his saddle and cries out in pain as he lands harshly on his right side. The horse neighs and takes off without the elf. Rietta burns bright red and flies up angrily, “What do you think you’re doing?!” Ardmont swivels his head around, trying to locate the source of the voice. “Who’s there? Please, can you help me? I don’t know where I am.” He tries to get up, but trips on a root and lands on his injured arm. “Aah..! They’re after me.” Rietta maintains her distance and looks in the direction he came, “Who is after you?” “Bandits,” he falls again and feels around for the tree trunk, “They attacked my caravan and my horse-” “Are you crazy! Why the heck would you lead bandits this way? You’ll lead them straight to the pixie meadows!” “I didn’t know. I’m sorry, miss. But please, I need help!” “Unbelievable… Ugh! Alright! Follow me, we’re gonna lead them away from here.” She flies off in a huff. “Miss, wait!” “Now what?” She flies back, getting up in his face, but he continues to look around frantically, feeling for another tree. “What the heck is wrong with you?” Ardmont is breathing quickly in a panic, “I’m blind, miss. I need you to guide me!” “Oh, for the love of-” Rietta springs down and grabs a stick, “Grab this and try to keep up.” He grabs hold with his left hand and they take off in a direction adjacent to where he had come from. Occasionally, he stumbles, but he never falls. Soon, the sound of crashing water is heard and the air turns salty. They have reached the ocean. Ardmont’s breathing has worsened and he collapses on his knees. ‘A-are they...are they g-gone…?” Rietta is panting as well. She drops the stick and settles down on a seashell, her wings drooping. “Yeah. We lost them.” Ardmont winces slightly as he puts both hands on the floor and leans forward in a deep bow. “T-thank you, m-miss,” he gasped between breaths, “I am...forever in debt to you.” “You’re facing the wrong way, you big oaf,” Rietta said dryly, “But, you’re welcome. Even if it was your fault to begin with.” She mutters the last part under her breath. Ardmont turns in the direction of her voice and bows again. “My most sincerest apologies, miss. I had not meant to lead them to your home. My horse was frightened and I let him take me.” He tries to sit up and take a deep breath, “I will burden you no more. I can find my way back from here.” Rietta raises an eyebrow, “Do you even know where we are?” “The Northern Shore. My mother brings me often so I know the way home from here. I just need a moment to recollect myself.” Cautiously, Rietta flies closer to his face noticing his skin was pale and tinged green. Hey, are you okay?” she asked, “You look like you’re going to be sick.” He shakes his head vigorously, “I-I’m fine. I j-just need-” he coughs harshly then empties the contents of his stomach on the sand. Rietta recoils but hesitantly moves closer. She tugs at a handkerchief stuffed in his shirt pocket. “Don’t move. I’ll be right back.” She leaves him resting in the sand and returns to the forest from which they came. There is a stream nearby, in which she dunks the handkerchief. Then she rises up to the branches of a nearby fruit tree, plucking a circular blue one. With both items in tow, she flies back to the beach to look for Ardmont. He is lying down with his arms resting on his torso. Rietta places the damp handkerchief on his forehead and he flinches from the sudden coolness. “What-?” “Relax, oaf,” Rietta says, surprisingly soothingly, “It’s just me. Can you sit up now?” “Yes.” He manages to sit up on his own, though still a little shaky. “Keep that on your head and eat this.” She plumps the blue fruit in his lap. “It’s an aquarine. Plenty of water pockets and it’s good for you.” “Thank you, miss. I will remember your kindness forever.” Tilting his head back slightly to balance the cloth, he uses his left hand to awkwardly eat his fruit. They sit in a small silence for a few minutes. The color is returning to his face and he is breathing easier now. Rietta notices that he is taking special care to not move his right side and how his arm is resting on his lap. “So...how’s your arm?” She asks, breaking the silence. Ardmont pauses from his fruit, “I don’t know. I am hoping it is only a sprain, but it pains me to move.” “Well, I’m already playing caretaker. Might as well finish the job.” She flies up to his neck and tugs at his scarf. “What are you doing?” “I’m going to make a sling. You shouldn’t be moving it if it hurts.” “You’ve done enough, miss. I will have it examined when I return home.” “That could take hours. Just shut up and let me fix it.” Ardmont concedes and removes his scarf for her. She flits about him and ties it securely around his neck. “There. You should be fine.” “Tha-” “And stop thanking me. Once was enough.” She rests on a seashell in front of him again, “Why are you so formal, anyway?” Ardmont bows his head slightly, “Apologies, miss. I just-” “Rietta.” “Pardon?” “That’s my name, I’m getting tired of hearing you call me ‘miss’.” Ardmont smiles, “It is a pleasure to meet you, Rietta. My name is Ardmont. My mannerism is so because my father raised me to treat all living creatures with respect.” Rietta sits cross-legged on the seashell and looks up at him skeptically. “...You do know I’m a pixie, right?” “Yes.” “So why are you being nice to me? Aren’t you going to try to capture me like everyone else?” A shocked look comes across his face, “Never! Do you not live, breathe, and think? You are a creature of free will, no different than I! Who am I to harm the lady who has saved my life?” Her glow fades back to yellow, “You mean you really don’t want to take me away?” “Never on my life.” “Wow...you’re...you’re different then…” Without realizing it, tears are falling down her face. She sniffs and tries to wipe them away quickly. “Are you crying, miss?” “No, I got sand in my eyes-Yes I’m crying!” She keeps trying to wipe them away to no avail. “And I said don’t call me that!” There is a slight pause, “Y-You’re the first elf I’ve met who hasn’t tried to hunt me down. I’m sorry! I didn’t help you because you asked me too…I didn’t want your kind to find us. And I thought that if I left you, you might have accidentally led the bandits to the meadows. I’m so selfish!” Ardmont smiles softly, “Rietta, you have nothing to apologize for. You are not selfish. In fact, you’re very brave. You acted in the best interests of your people and still found a way to help me. And even when you saw me as the enemy, you cared for me. I am forever in your debt.” He stands and stretches his side gently. “You are very kind, Rietta. I live in Ravenport, just off the coast. Should you ever need me, I will be more than happy to return the favor tenfold. I will make my way from here. It was an honor to meet you.” He bows once more and begins his trek down the beach. Rietta stays on her shell, still dumbfounded. Suddenly, she starts and flies to catch up to him. “Ardmont, wait!” He turns towards the sound of her voice, “Yes?” She takes a quick breath, “I want to go with you!” “What?” “Well, my life could use a little adventure in it. And you could use a guide. That way, we both get something out of this. Just make sure no one tries to steal me. I can take care of myself, but it’s nice to have a little more protection. That’s how you can repay me. Come on. I’ll even take you back.” “Are you sure? I can make the trip back on my own.” “I’m positive. I don’t have anything better to do anyway.” “In that case, I would be honored to have you accompany me.” There is a slight note of joy in his voice and a hint of excitement, “I will have a room set up for you right away!” “Eh, just give me a flowerbed and leave a window open at night. I’m not picky.” She settles on his shoulder, “Can I sit here?” “By all means.” “Great, thanks. And by the way, you’re going the wrong way.” Rietta gives a little well meaning ‘humph’ and nudges his chin so that he is facing the opposite direction. “Ravenport is that way.” Ardmont chuckles and makes a half rotation to walk in the correct direction, “It seems you are helping me already. Perhaps you and I could be friends, Rietta.” “As long as you don’t betray me, then maybe.” “I would never dream of it.” “Can I call you Monty?” “No.” “You wanted to be friends, so you’re stuck with it.” “Oh, dear…” The snippets of conversation and laughter fade away into the afternoon as the two embark on the journey back to town together: an unusual alliance between elf and pixie forming strong.
Sorry about the format. I just copy pasted from a google doc and I don’t know how to fix it. So yeah, this is just a little drabble from a random idea I had at the outlets a while back. I just liked the idea of a tiny pixie friend helping out her blind goliath. I found the description(?) I texted to my friend:
“He dreams of what it is like to see and she wonders what it is like to be big until BAM! They do too much exploring and stumble upon some magical cave (or some other cliche life changing accident/exchange) The magic is unleashed! The next morning they’ve switched bodies *insert shocked face* It is really disorienting because they both got what they wanted but with the disadvantages. Rietta is now big, but she’s always bumping into things or tripping over an animal. And now he can see, but he’s so small he knows he’s not getting an actual picture of what how things are. It’s amazing at first, but the world is kind of scary. Especially since he is now so small. Still, he offers to be his friend’s seeing eye friend just as he was for him. He’s kind of bad at it because he can’t describe what she’s going to walk into. But they have fun anyway. It is a new experience and they don’t know how long it’ll last, so might as well have fun with it. And maybe learn something new about each other in the meantime.”
If you made it to the end of this essay, thanks for sticking around. I don’t do this much so it’s a new experience for me. I had fun with it, though. Any criticism is welcome! 
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azuleif · 6 years
11 Questions!
I was tagged by @gardenoftulip, @nessajjewell and @rueitae to answer some questions. Thank you all, you made me feel special! 💚💙
1.always post the rules
2. Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you
3. Write 11 questions of your own
4. Tag 11 people you want to get to know better
Sorry this got a bit long!
Questions from @gardenoftulip
1. Name 3 things in nature you find the most beautiful? The sky, stars and animals.
2. What's the funniest way you've been injured? I'm clumsy. I could fill an entire post with stupid and funny ways I've gotten hurt! The most recent though, was probably trying to walk across a clear living room floor with a dead leg. I tripped over literally nothing and managed to sprain pretty much everything possible in my ankle! I spent 12 weeks in a walking cast... 
3. If you could ask your pet 3 questions, what would they be? Can you please exist? 😂 I don't have a pet, sadly. I would LOVE a cat though.
4. What are your pet peeves? Hmm, tough one. Maybe when people interrupt me for no reason when I'm watching or listening to something. Especially if I have headphones in. Can't you see I'm busy??? I'm 100% the kind of person that aggressively pauses my show until they're done.
5. What's the first thing you ate today? Toast! With marmite on.
6. What makes you laugh? A lot. It's not hard. But puns and bad jokes are especially a huge weakness of mine.
7. Do you have a hidden talent? If so, what? If I do, it must be really well hidden...
8. What's your zodiac sign? Does it fit your personality? I'll be honest, I have no idea about zodiac stuff. It's not something that interests me So I'm afraid I can't answer.
9. What is your favourite holiday? Any holiday that means I can stay home and not interact.... 😂
10. If you have one, who is your celebrity crush? Yoo Kihyun, the main vocalist from the Kpop group Monsta x. I think Jeremy Shada might be getting there too...
11. If you could be a genius at something, what would it be? Anything? Please? Okay seriously though, I'd have to say music. I love music, but I just don't have the skill for it myself.
Questions from @nessajjewell
1. What is your favourite food? My favourite food changes a lot. I guess the only consistent thing is fresh seasonal fruit?
2. place you've always wanted to go? A tour of Asia would be cool. Or France.
3. Favourite show? J-just one??! Voltron Legendary defender has to be my all time favourite, at the moment at least. But I also love shows like Scorpion, marvel's Gifted, miraculous ladybug, full metal alchemist and Teen titans.
4. Single or nah? Single!
5. Video game you last played? Monster Hunter.
6. Can you do a weird talent? Not that I can think of. What would even class as weird?
7. Tennis shoes or sneakers? Uh oh. I uh... what's the difference??
8. Soda or pop? As in fizzy drinks? I don't tend to drink any.
9. Favourite drink? Coffee! I live off the stuff!
10. What is your favourite hobby? Gaming. As much as I love drawing, it does sometimes get stressful, especially if it isn't working out how I want it too. Gaming is my stress relief and always fun~
11. Is there a store you go to frequently? I'm very introverted, and shops are sooooo stressful for me. I do all shopping online if I can! But I make exceptions for certain comic book, game and merch shops.
And finally, questions from @rueitae
1. Movies that had a great impact on you as a child - you know the ones you vividly remember watching as a kid? There are so many! Eldorado, Sinbad, Osmosis Jones and all the pokémon films really come to mind though.
2. What is your occupation? Or what do you want to do as a career? Tell me about it! My actual job is pretty boring, so I'll talk about my dream job instead! I've always wanted to be in game design. I love designing characters, and I would LOVE to be on a team that creates concept art for games.
3. Spinning rides or up and down rides? I get motion sickness really easily... But having said that, I love spinning rides for as long as I can enjoy them without feeling ill.
4. What is the most neat place you've ever visited? Would you live there? I haven't really travelled much, even within my own country. But I've been to Newcastle a few times to visit family, and I do love it there. I don't think I'd live there though, I'm a country girl and I think the city would overwhelm me too much after the novelty wore off.
5. How did you find your current fandom? My uncle watched Voltron before I did, when it first came out. We're really close and have similar tastes so when he got excited about it, I was definetly interested! I  kept putting it off though, and it wasn't until I kept seeing it on Tumblr through miraculous blogs I follow that I eventually watched it, only a month or two after my uncle did.
6. What's the hottest wing sauce you've ever eaten? I don't really know, sorry! But I do like spicy food.
7. What's the fic/art you've always wanted to write/draw but haven't gotten to for any reason. Oc? Original story? Tell me all about it! Oooh boy. I am ALWAYS coming up with story ideas. I have an entire universe of stories that I've wanted to write and draw since I was 13! I've got entire timelines and realities planned out, and even every single side character has concept art!
My favourite story of mine at the moment is probably Thieves Heart. It's so much fun to draw! And I love coming up with new ideas for it. I even love the designs I have for my main characters, Kyrad and Chiel, which is a rarity.
Kyrad is a thief because it's his family business.
Chiel is a thief because she loves the thrill of it all.
They keep crossing paths, and while Chiel adores the competition and might have a growing crush on her newfound rival, Kyrad isn't so keen. He'd much rather steal in peace.
He does have his eye on a cute but sassy civilian though, and has no idea she's actually the very same thief stealing all his hauls!
There's so much more I could say, amd although I really want to enthuse about all of my stories, its kind of nerve wracking and I also know that once I start, you literally can't shut me up. I get carried away easily...
I do keep toying with the idea of starting a webtoon, but my own lack of confidence holds me back I think.
8. Comfort food. if there is one snack/meal that is your go to- what is it? Maybe it's a drink? Any kind of hot food including rice, noodles or soup works for me. It could be my mum's chicken soup, it could be instant ramen. It depends a lot on my mood.
9. One person you really look up to as a role model. It's... really hard choosing just one person. I can't choose only one from my family, so I'll have to go for a friend of mine instead. She's a good 10 years older then me, but age doesn't matter. She's such a dear friend and I don't know what I'd do without her! She's helped me through so much. She has a lot of the same issues I have, and seeing how strong and amazing she is really inspires me. She's helped me with my anxiety in such a huge way, and if I could be a fraction of the person she is I'd be so happy. I want to help people like she's helped me through my problems. ❤
10. Favourite colour combination? Maybe pastel blue and silver?
11. What is your favourite outfit? That one clothing combination that makes you feel hip or comfortable or both. Just jeans and my Star Labs hoodie. My hoodie especially is my favourite piece of clothing and is so comfortable, it's baggy, it's soft and warm. I miss it every time it goes in the wash!
Again, thank you so much for this, it's been fun! I'm sorry it got so long.
I'd love to tag some people to answer some of my questions but not only have I spent a little too long on this already, but I'm a nervous wreck when it comes to tagging people So... oh well?
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izzy-b-hands · 6 years
Tagged by @sevdawn thank you so much!! I’ve been wanting to do something like this or an ask game thing for a while now; you’ve got good timing! 
Name: Aly
Star Sign: Virgo
Height: Haven’t really formally measured since like the beginning of high school, but about 5′3 (160 cm) ish? Short as fuck around most other people lol. 
Put your music on shuffle. What are the first 4 songs that pop up?
Quick warning again about my all over the place music taste, so this could be...interesting.
1. The Blinding--Babyshambles
2. We Both Go Down Together--The Decemberists
3. Gallows Strung--Snow Ghosts
4. Never Land (A Fragment)--The Sisters of Mercy
Ever had a song/poem written about you? Only a few that I know of--a close friend and I were always sorta/kinda crushing on each other thru middle and high school and were big time into wanting to start a band at the time (in addition to being in creative writing classes together) so we wrote lyrics and poems and stories that we occasionally would admit were about each other, or would avoid admitting it was about the other in the awkward way kids do lol. 
Last time you played the guitar: Oh god, not recently enough! I should be practicing way more than I am, but work has kept me kind of exhausted lately--so about two weekends ago, if you count a very quick solo jam session to work on the soundtrack for the TV series I’m writing. 
Celebrity crush: Y’all are evil. I kid, most of you who follow me can probably guess these already--the guys of Avatar (Tim and Kungen in particular tbh, not that they aren’t all gorgeous and talented of course!), Teemu and Jari of Wintersun, Janelle Monae, Tessa Thompson, Ville Valo, Jessica Chastain, Richard Ayoade, Daniel Dae Kim, and A$ap Rocky are the crushes I either A: never outgrew from my teens or B: acquired as a young adult and let myself daydream about because real life is crushing as fuck--may as well let daydream version of me have all their romantic dreams come true lol. 
A sound you hate + a sound you love?
Hate: Oh god my ASD comes into play here, there are so many I could list, but one of the absolute worst for me is the sound of someone scratching their nails along silk. I recently tried listening to a new band who had a sound like that incorporated into one of their songs and my ears basically died until I turned the song off. 
Love: I could easily list music here, but I wanted to go with a different sound instead--the caw of a crow. The sound is really soothing to me, and there’s usually always a ton near our building, so their cawing even wakes me up on the few mornings I can sleep in, and it is really nice calming sound to wake up to. The one thing that is probably really silly but that I haven’t looked up is if Gothenburg or Sweden in general are home to any sort of crows (or ravens, I love listening to them too.) If it isn’t, then that might be one of the few things I’ll miss from the US. 
Believe in ghosts? Kind of? Like, I want to think that there’s some way all of our minds and souls can keep communicating after death, floating around each other, getting to meet people we’d always wanted to in life, meeting up again with people we lost touch with while alive, etc. But then part of me knows how science plays into some of it (like certain vibrations and sound waves making it feel like we’re being watched, even if we aren’t) so I sometimes wonder if I’m not just being silly in wanting to believe. But then I also remember that someday I’ll be dead no matter what, so if I want to believe and it isn’t hurting anyone, then why not believe? Life is short and painful, take your joys where you can. 
Do you drive? Nope. Anxiety and what my doctor calls ‘PTSD-like symptoms’ from past driving accidents with family behind the wheel keeps me from it. I’ve tried, over the years, to get my permit and license, but it never happens, and I’ve really lost any urge to ever want to try again. I was once at a point where even being a passenger made me terrified--I’m past that now, but idk if I’ll ever drive. I’d rather, at this point, rely on public transit and learn to bike ride so I can use a bike once I move to a more bike-friendly locale. 
Last book you read? A random collection of poetry that I had to buy for a poetry class when I was in college. It is the huge tome, and I’ve been working my way through it to find all of my favorites. 
Do you like the smell of gasoline? Shouldn’t, but yup lol. I associate the smell of it with good things--my grandfather’s garage, going out on errands with him and getting treats at the gas station, going to car shows with him. In case it isn’t obvious, my grandfather is a ‘car guy’ in that he loves vintage cars and loves taking really good care of any cars he has, so all of my best memories with him revolve around times where we were around cars, and usually surrounded by the smell of gasoline.
Worst injury you’ve ever had: I’ve got a few; would probably be my left leg being broken as a kid, and all the damage I did to my ankles--I have flat feet that as an adult I found out I should have probably gotten physical therapy for when I was young, but I never did so they were constantly spraining really badly, to the point that I nearly broke both within a month of each other when I was about sixteen. Now they hurt if I wear shoes they don’t like, wear good shoes but for too many hours, walk for too long, don’t walk enough, or if the weather changes, and maybe just whenever the fuck they feel like bothering me tbh. If I could just have my feet float and be magically connected to the rest of my leg, I probably would lol.  
Do you have any obsessions right now? I have a hard time calling anything an obsession now--work ( both my day job and my writing and music work on the side) keeps me so busy that I don’t have time to ‘obsess’ as I did when I was a teen. But I guess you could toss Avatar and Ghost in as a kind of obsession, in that they’re two of the few bands I’m really following in terms of news and tour info right now. I’ve gotten really into Pokemon again, while trying to do my own version of a Nuzlocke run on Pokemon Y, so I guess that might count. I consume a shit ton of McElroy and Polygon content whenever I’m feeling terrible, so that could probably count too. Idk, having an ‘obsession’ as an adult doesn’t really feel like an obsession--it feels more like the only subjects/things you can escape to when the rest of life is busy sucking major ass. 
Do you tend to hold grudges towards people? I try my best not to, but there are a few I still hold. The biggest one is with my father, and my various issues with him, but I recently found out he told a family friend he’d disowned me (whoops, he never told me lol) so I don’t feel bad holding that one at all. Fuck him, and I know he has a tumblr and might well see this, so if you do, J (not gonna put his full name here of course, I’m only partially petty as fuck haha) , then guess what? I disown you too. My grandfather, for all his faults, was a better father figure even on his worst days, and the male celebrities I looked up to as father figures were better too--and they don’t even know I exist!!
In a relationship? ...no. But I talk to someone who I have some sort of feelings for, but we aren’t in anything other than a friendship (or if the other person considers it to be something more, than they haven’t said and we haven’t discussed it.) But still, that’s not technically a relationship, so no, still single. 
I tag: @plupluru, @calliopinot, @apineappleheart, @feathers-andflesh, @starmoonchildfromthebeamsabove, @silversatori, @fuckdensen, @skulldr0p, @vvitchimage, and @rammchickk 
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fortune-failing · 6 years
Pawdon - Pre-London Arc
(Session 83)
 It is an hour or two before noon. The group had just patched up a plan for Upper Keep and were now going their separate ways to prepare themselves before the planned infiltration of the prison at dusk. As Pawo began to walk his own direction, he felt a hand tug at the fabric of his large sleeve. 
"Can we talk?" London's voice was surprisingly quieter than usual.
Pawo stopped in his tracks. He glanced at London without any expression written on his face. Not uttering a word, he simply nods.
He lowered his hand. "Are you going to be alright?" His expression was one of pure concern for the shaman.
Pawo continued to stare stoically. "No choice but to keep my chin up."
It was a small and quiet port which made the sharp inhale of a gasp all the more clear. London scratched at his head and glanced around. "We can find a spot to sit. Come on." He led the way.
Pawo quietly follows London absentmindedly.
With a lack of formality, London brought Pawo to the docks. The sound of waves splashed against the beams beneath them. "Um, I've been thinking about some of the stuff you've said to me. It's been a few days, so it's okay if you forgot, but earlier you asked me what I thought the meaning of my life should be. I had said I wanted to use my extended lifespan to help people, but you pointed out not caring about whether I lived or died really contradicted that. The truth is, I'm not sure what I want..."
"I...I suppose it is all right to be confused for now. Thinking about your extended future is beyond the capabilities of any regular human being. I imagine it must be quite pressuring." Pawo responds, not looking at London. The sounds of the waves were relaxing and almost meditative.
"Heh. I'm sure I'll be fine. I just think.. if we are going to save Caila and stop Nonis, it'd be better to know that's what I want to do... We are all risking our lives for this, after all... So saying that... I'm not sure how to say this... but are you sure you want to go through with this, Pawo? No one could blame you if you want to leave right now.. with Beaford.." He takes a small glance towards Pawo's direction studying his face and eyes. He used to think they were so intimidating, but right now Pawo seemed so weak and small.
"I know people are going to worry about me from now on. I understand...but I am not going to back out of this task." Pawo avoids eye contact despite feeling London staring at him. "I apologize, London. At this point, I also have no idea what I am going to do once we save the younger princess. Maybe I am not the best person for advice." He let out a small sigh. It was hard to even think about the future
"So you still want to help Caila and the people of Litskaedun?" His voice spoke outside of Pawo's view.
"Yes. And the people of Yukar." Pawo added.
Pawo could hear a relieved sigh. "I'm glad.. It makes me happy knowing you still want to help people. I think I kind of idolize that side of you."
"I thought I told you it is better to not look up to me." His face cracks into a frown which he quickly tries to hide. "I am not keeping myself together for my sake. I do not think I am worthy of such a reputation."
London frowns in turn. "I mean.. You're still planning to help others even when things are this complicated.. Hm..." He grows quiet and turns his attention to the water ahead before changing the subject. "I'm not totally sure if I should say this, so you can walk away if you're not up for it or if it sounds too unpleasant.. and I'm not hoping for advice or anything. I guess.. I just wanted to talk."
The younger man takes a seat letting his legs hang off the edge of the pier. "All of my life, I feel like there has been something that has been keeping me from being truly happy. Even when I have everything I could truly ask for.. it's still not enough. So I always find myself feeling sad again or wanting more when I'm alone or even in the company of others. It's caused a lot of stress for others. Faelian more than anyone shouldn't have to deal with this.. But I guess after recent events, I've been thinking.. maybe the cause is something I've ignored for a really long time now.."
The shaman finally shifts his gaze to look at London. London's words did not resonate with Pawo. Though certain nerve wracking situations came up, Pawo never felt dissatisfied with the people that surrounded him. "I...I could not possibly know what could cause you to feel this way.." He said almost apologetically.
"It's okay if you can't relate." He smiled feeling a tinge of embarrassment. "So the thing is, after we visited Faelian's home and met his family, I realized how different our lives really were. It doesn't come down to just him being an elf and me being a human. When I talked with him a few nights ago, he joked and asked me 'Didn't your mom call you cute?,' as if it was the most natural thing in the world, and then I thought, 'Ah, I guess she didn't, huh?'"
He blinked and stopped himself before continuing. "Considering what happened, I really won't be upset if you want to walk away. I feel horrible for even bringing this up to you right now, but there's a reason for this... and I don't think I can bring myself to say it to anyone else.." The face London looked back at Pawo with was one in pain.
Pawo found himself understanding less of London's point. However, London's facial expression was telling enough that something in his past hurt him deeply. "It is all right. I will listen."
With Pawo's consent, London returns his gaze to the water beneath his feet and continues. "My relationship with my mother was always strangely distant." He takes a small breath to sigh. "It was strange because while she was the person I spent most of my life with, she also never let me too close. She said it was because she could get sick easily. So I spent most of my time doing what I could to help her but was never allowed to touch her."
London leaned back a bit to kick his legs and laugh. "One time, I even came home with a sprained ankle after a fight with some other kids. She must have been really sick that day because after failing to heal me, she sent me to the store to buy some milk. It was humiliating..." 
"But it was because my mother always said things like 'a good person always does what they can to help others, even at their own expense' that I became the kind of person I am today, so I can't be too upset about it."
"I had a feeling the conversation would be about your mother." Pawo sighs. "Having three different women nurture me, I can say that every woman has their own way of expressing their love to their child, even if it is..unethical." He paused briefly, a slight glint of sorrow shown in his eyes. London's laugh, while dry, reflected his feelings quite clearly and made Pawo lower his guard. "What your mother would tell you was something my mothers would never say to me and yet I have the same type of mentality that you mentioned. I understood that not through words, but through their actions. Even with the negative consequences of being selfless, the actions they took to preserve the well being of others was inspiring. The story about your childhood...I do not feel like it expresses something inspiring or positive." Pawo bluntly remarks. "At least that is what it seems like to me."
London stopped smiling to look back down at his feet again. "..Yeah, that's how I feel about it, too."
"My mother would always say the kindest things, but it was difficult to feel the warmth behind her words. A long time ago I mentioned that she was the one who introduced me to magic, but I never actually learned most of my basic spells until I lived on my own years later. When it came to magic and lots of stuff, it felt like she had no patience with me. The moment I made one mistake, she'd simply smile and say 'You did your best!' and never teach me again. I could ask her over and over again.. 'It was just too hard for you. Not everyone is good at this stuff.' Nothing could impress her.."
"I always thought she was trying to be nice to me because her father - or my grandfather - was too strict on her, or so I heard. But instead, it made every mistake I’d make feel like a knife. I wanted her to acknowledge me and give me the chance to prove myself, but nothing I did was ever good enough. Even now, I'm scared. If I make a mistake, will she hate me? If I don't do what she asks, will she not love me anymore?"
"I've only seen my parents once in the past six years, but for the longest time, they were the only people I could rely on, and I miss them... but I caused so many problems for them... and deep down, I know I only did everything that she asked hoping that maybe she'd give something in return. But that was selfish of me. My mother really is very frail.."
This was difficult to hear..but it was at this point that Pawo could finally begin to be more empathetic. "It is important to understand the difficulties of parenthood. Perhaps she felt distant because she did not think about the long term effect it would have on you as an adult. Or perhaps, she made mistakes in the past and has reflected on it since then. I do not think it is selfish..as a son, you have expectations as well. Regardless, it seems...this could be resolved if you visit your parents again. When I saw Drala again...she was so stern with me. I really felt like she did not love me anymore. I never thought she could hit me..it was.." Pawo scowled. He still hated that moment. "It was only later that I realised how much she truly cared about me...and maybe that we both made mistakes."
"Yeah... You're right." His shoulders relaxed some and there was finally a hint of relief in his voice. "I was always so scared of what I might see if I go back.. I've thought of so many different scenarios, and after what happened, I think I'm even more scared.. but I need to go home if I ever want to grow past this.." London's voice was so quiet, it was barely audible over the crash of the small waves.
"To tell you the truth, London, when I lashed back at Drala, it was thanks to our conversations. I do not think if I talked to you that I would be able to confidently hold my ground. A heavy weight was taken off my shoulders when I told her how I felt. It was...very scary for me to do something like that, but I was able to face my inner conflict much thanks to you." Pawo half smiled as best as he could.
London now turned back to look at Pawo with his mouth agape. Thinking back, that was a huge achievement for the rather passive and quiet shaman. His eyes narrowed and he smiled with a soft sigh. "I like seeing you happy.. I'm sure your mother would feel the same. She protected that smile, after all." 
He brought his focus back in front of him. Maybe it was too early to say that, but.. "All things considered, I think this really reveals how much you have grown. Despite how strong your feelings were, you maintained control of your powers enough to hold off the spirit with your subconcious powers alone. It was incredible. I'm sure both Mae and Drala were proud."
The idea of Mae being proud of her son felt like a hollow pit formed in Pawo's stomach. London changed the whole pace of the conversation when Pawo was attempting to relate to the younger man. There was a sudden tensing in Pawo's chest. "L-like I said, I am not keeping control of my composure for myself. I am not sure if my mother would react now."
Just going by the tremble in Pawo's voice, it was easy to tell that was a mistake. London kept his focus on the water. "Ah, yeah. Sorry... I shouldn't speak as if I knew her..." In a moment, he finally moved to stand up again, brushing any picked up dirt off his clothing. When he spoke again, it was as though the depressing conversation never happened. "So the reason I talked about all of this is.............. The forest we're going to is where I first met that deer spirit! We'll actually be really close to where I live, so I might stop by for a visit."
Pawo sighs. "It is fine. Maybe I will be able to process my feelings later." Pawo tried to smile faintly in reassurance. "Your old home? I am glad you are considering visiting. I will try to be respectful of course." He instinctually bows for no reason
The bow was met with a hand ruffling Pawo's hair and a laugh. "You don't need to try. Compared to the others, you'll already be the most respectful person there even without this knowledge... so don't worry about it." He moved his hand back in order to free Pawo. "I should really thank you for listening to me. With all that was happening, I was unsure whether I should go or not, but I think it really would help me to speak with them again.. whether it's good or bad. At the very least, it can give me some peace of mind.. so thank you."
Pawo was not used to having his hair touched by any other man besides Beaford. It was still quite pleasant. London and Beaford hands were more daintier than Drala oddly enough. "It is no problem for me. I enjoy talking to you and seeing you grow as well. The feeling is mutual."
The compliment was enough to bring a shy smile to the bard's now-embarrassed face. "Things might be complicated now, but in five years, I bet we'll both be happier. Maybe we'll find out what we want to live for by then, too. We'll have saved Caila and helped tons of people. It's nice to think about things that way, huh?"
There was something bittersweet about London's future ambition. Prior to finding out the death of his mothers, Pawo was already so happy to be with Beaford. London's words were fearful as much as they were hopeful. "I would like to believe that, London..but it is best to start making changes now to ensure your future is fulfilling. If you are determined to achieve happiness, then strive for it."
Ah. Now he was embarrassed for a different reason. London glances away debating what to say in response without losing his smile. "...We'll see. The first step is visiting my family, so I'll be sure to not run away from it this time.... Hm." With a deep breath, he crosses his arms. "But I was hoping to bring home lots of cash to clean up their debt... I guess that can wait until later."
With no explanation prior, London began digging in one of the bags he was carrying. "I almost forgot. This is yours. It's about time I returned it." He handed Pawo a familiar hot-selling book.
"Patience is a virtue, as the wise would say." Pawo nearly recited some old scripture poem. He looked at the book in London's hand. "Oh, one of my favourites." His eyes slightly light up. "Did you finish it?"
"Yep!" He grins. Seeing some life return to Pawo's eyes was the best thing to happen that day. "I've got to say... the book really saved me that night I was keeping everyone's illusion disguises up in Ars Abigor. I'm sure I would have fallen asleep without it."
"It is quite a compelling read. Word has it that the author is planning on a theatrical production of the story. Quite anticipating, truly." Pawo's pitch highers ever so slightly when he discusses the fantastical series.
"A theatrical production? Really?!" He blinked amazed. "I wonder where at.... Maybe the place we saw those dancers?... If you hear any news, keep me posted."
"Yes, of course. I would really love to see it." Pawo nods for no reason.
"Hehe, me too. Well... It's getting late.. I should give you some time to rest before we go... I should probably take some time to rest, too.... Thanks for listening to me." London smiles and looks at Pawo once more time before turning around. "I'm really glad I met you."
"Yes.." Pawo's grin is more genuine and less forced than before upon hearing that. "Likewise. Thank you as well." Pawo looks back at London wistfully before heading in opposite direction.
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