#kim answers things
mountainmaven · 5 months
Earl grey tea, Italian soda, and Flat White! For the cafe asks💜
Thank you so much!
Earl Grey Tea: The inevitable Zombie Apocalypse is upon us! What's your plan of action? LOL oh nothing exciting - I'm probably one of the first to die sadly LOL. Unless I'm with my hubby and then we'd last a lot longer. But I have no clue what I'd do!! I do not have a strong survival drive which is sad, but there it is. Too much anxiety and panic prevents me from thinking too clearly in such extreme situations.
Italian Soda: Describe your dream date: A lovely, sunny, warm day, walking outside somewhere holding hands, talking, cuddling. Eating somewhere or getting food and then going to a pretty, scenic, quiet spot for a picnic. Then either going to the movies, or going home to watch a movie. Later a fire in the fireplace, more cuddling and ...
Flat White: Coffee or Tea? I am a tea drinker 100% now. I used to drink coffee but gave it up off and on over the years. Then last year gave it up for good and have been drinking solely tea since then.
Thank you again so much!!
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dontrequireyourhelp · 11 months
Steve: "Do you think we'll find some sort of peace someday? I mean, can you imagine going back to a normal job? Maybe a house by a lake where we complain about mosquitos instead of people trying to shoot us? It's a wild thought."
Nat, with a wink: "What, you don't think that hot pink would be a good look on you? We are trying to make a distraction after all."
Clint: "I'm going to quit being an agent and become a professional dog adopter. That's totally a thing, right?"
Bucky: "Hey, c'mere, let me fix your hair. Don't look at me like that, I used to do it for Becca all the time, I know my way around a comb!"
Rumlow: "With the way Rogers is going, I'm pretty sure we can cut our parachute budget. I don't know whether to admire him or not, at this point."
// Hello lovely! I don't remember why I got all of these lovely things but I've given them their separate posts and queued them up so you'll be getting little surprises throughout the rest of the week :)
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teatimebanter · 7 months
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almost done, officer
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 8 months
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Gearing up for the stat boosts
MDZS Disco Elysium AU Part 3 (Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 4)
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kris-does-tomblr · 3 months
Disco Elysium X Inscryption :)
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57sfinest · 1 year
speaking as someone who played team sports for like 2/3rds of their life there's this thing that coaches universally do where if theyre pissed off at something a player does during a game they just start squatting on the sidelines. like if you look over and see your coach squatting you know you're fucked next practice. i think harry does this squat i think even after total brain reset he gets annoyed while on an investigation and just drops into The Squat and most people are like huh ok but anyone who's ever been subject to the whims of a gym teacher sees the stance and has an immediate fear response.
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lee-hakhyun · 5 months
i see people thinking that the side story is the bad ending for kim dokja. and don't get me wrong, he doesn't come back after the door opens, but that is because kimcom CHOSE that.
they had the option to open a door where kim dokja woke up, but they chose to go through the door where he doesn't wake up because they know that first door is a trap (like 49/51), and they want all of kim dokja. and when they go through, kim dokja is gone, but he's left a note. he is STILL OUT THERE (and part of him is with lhh right now. it's complicated)
anyway this is just to say KIM DOKJA IS BACK IN THE SIDE STORY. he is just not with kimcom *yet*. i need to make this clear because i keep seeing people saying things that sound like people think he's gone for real in the side story.
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sygneth · 1 year
*details below*
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this was supposed to be a phone wallpaper but things got way out of control (uhhh i just noticed how bad the quality got so i did split it eventually)
i still did the wallpaper (9:18) crops tho, feel free to use them!!
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stagefoureddiediaz · 11 days
mallen streaks/kim as a curse (Kurse?) vs. birth mark/angel kiss/ buck as a blessing?
Yes Nonnie
This is it exactly - you get it!!!
I really do love how the show has found a way to build something cool like this out of Oliver having a birthmark - to make it a part of the storytelling - it’s so good
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piningpercussionist · 3 months
Eh. Don't worry about showing Blaze or whatever he's called now. I'm a bit of a tattletale myself so I have no right to complain.
Also apologies that you don't like my energy yet it's not uncommon, and understandable.
- 💠 (ooc\\ yes I'm aware those were internal thoughts and this is intentional that they can hear them :3)
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(Oh fuck that, actually. What the hell??)
*Kim stares down at the new message with a fair bit of dread, blinking rapidly.*
(How did they know that? How are they doing that?!)
*She looks around nervously, despite knowing that Blaze is the only other person in the apartment, at the moment. She taps her fingers on the desk, repeatedly and quickly, trying to work out the burst of nerves.*
(This isn't like with Doc. This is-)
*Kim looks concerned, for a moment, before grimacing and rubbing at her temples as pain flares up yet again.*
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(I need to stop doing that. Whatever that is. At least that one wasn't as bad as- Kim, stop it. You're getting distracted.)
*Taking a somewhat shaky breath, she turns around in her chair, expression a little haunted.*
(( @matthewpatelaskbox ))
Hey, Blaze? Do you- come look at this, please. And the last ones, actually.
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*While she waits for him to walk over, she types out her response, though she doubts the necessity of the act as she does.*
I think I'll be doing just that, honestly. And... no need to apologize, I guess. On reflection, whatever's up with you might be... marginally less invasive than some things that have happened before. Maybe. Although if you're freaking me out on purpose, continue to apologize actually.
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mountainmaven · 7 months
weirdly specific and unrelated asks: 5, 7, 13, & 28, please!
Thank you so much!
5. favorite form of potato? I like potatoes in almost any form. But if I absolutely had to choose it would either be a REALLY good french fry, or mashed potatoes.
7. what animal do you look forward to seeing when you visit an aquarium? The really large sea creatures like manta rays, or Orca if they have them, or large sharks etc. oooh and jellyfish!!
13. first thing you’re doing in the purge? I don't know what that is.
28. last meal on earth? If I know it's my last meal, I'm not sure I'll care what I eat (I'm not really into food that much, like it's okay, I eat to live, but I've never really been a foodie but I'd probably be more focused on the fact that I'll be dead and not really give a crap about what I'm eating LOL), but it might be nice to eat something that I haven't been able to eat due to food sensitivities - so maybe a Reuben sandwich, a large, sweet cocktail, and a big piece of homemade vanilla cake with homemade chocolate frosting.
Thank you again!
Ask me something
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dontrequireyourhelp · 2 years
👀 for Nat, Steve, Brock, Bucky... any/all of my muses tbh?
//I know this has been sitting in my inbox for forever but ya girl has brought back COVID as a souvenir and I've been cooped up all day so here we go!
About Nat to Tony (around Iron Man 2):
"Why are you asking me? Of course, Pepper asked my opinion before she was hired. Pepper left big shoes to fill and Natalie seems like she's up to the challenge."
About Steve to Erskine:
"Will you stop dropping hints around Rogers? I swear you're worst than an old woman. Now is not the time for romance."
About Brock to Nat:
"You've worked with him more than I have, can I trust anything about him?"
About Bucky to Howard:
"We lost a good one today. I want everything you know about those damn weapons on my desk. We're not going to let his death or anyone else's be in vain."
About Clint to Fury:
"Is he always up there or can we have meetings in my office like normal people? I swear he plays hide and seek every time I need to tell him something."
About Tony to Jarvis:
"He's finally asleep. I wish I had been here more or that I could just zap away his pain. My sweet boy is hurt and I can't save him from it. I'm supposed to be able to save him from it."
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kitkatsudon · 7 months
A brief foray into the military ranks of TKEM characters…
It’s no secret that our favourite boys from the Kingdom of Corea have a history in the military - but apart from Gon being bottom of his class in the Naval Academy (as confirmed by Choi Gitae in Ep4), what else do we know? As with every tiny detail that sparks my interest in this show, I took it upon myself to find out, and gave myself a headache in the process. Let’s have a look, shall we?
Lee Jihun:
I’m starting with him because he’s the only one I could find a concrete answer for, thanks to him being from a universe very similar to ours. Though we only see him very briefly in Ep16, from that short scene we can glean a little bit of information about what he was doing:
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To find his rank, one needs only to look at his epaulettes. You can see that his are black, with three gold stripes: two thick ones, with a thin stripe in the middle. This identifies his rank as follows:
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He’s a Soryeong, which is the equivalent rank to a Lieutenant Commander.
However, what I find perhaps more interesting for Jihun is this badge he’s wearing:
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Though it’s blurry when you zoom in, I’m pretty sure it’s this one:
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You heard it here first, folks. Lee Jihun is a Navy SEAL. They didn’t have to include this detail - you’d probably have to be quite familiar with the military to recognise it straight away, and I doubt that even most Korean fans would be able to recognise it, because I can tell you for a fact that I wouldn’t be able to recognise the equivalent for my own country. Someone on the production team decided this, and I want to give them a big kiss on the mouth, because now it’s confirmed that the sweet little Jihun we saw grew up to be totally badass after his abusive father passed away. I sincerely hope that it was a good life that led him to joining this branch of the military, and not some combination of horrible factors that pushed him into joining one of the most intense and dangerous branches… hm. I’m not going to dwell on that, actually. You can all make your own conclusions here.
Now… to the Kingdom. *sigh.* This is where things start to get more vague and confusing. I’m going to start with ranks first, and then go onto what they were doing as one big section because, spoiler alert, I haven’t got any sort of concrete idea.
Lee Gon:
His rank is easiest to determine, because Choi Gitae says it explicitly when they met at his father’s funeral in Ep4. I cross-referenced this with the closed-caption Korean subtitles, and everything adds up nicely: though he’s the Commander-in-Chief of all the armed forces in the Kingdom, thanks to his position as the monarch, while he was actually serving, he rose to the rank of Daewi, or Lieutenant - the highest rank of the junior officers - before leaving the navy.
Jo Yeong:
When we see Yeong in his navy uniform in Ep6, this is what we can see:
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Once again, that same pattern emerges on his epaulettes of two thick stripes surrounding a thin stripe - he’s a Soryeong, a Lieutenant Commander. This means that Yeong ranked one rank higher than Gon before he left the navy, which is something that brings me quite a lot of joy.
However, something I like even more than that is Yeong’s current title, as the leader of the Royal Guard. We all know him and love him as Captain Jo, but in Korean he’s referred to as 조영 대장 - Jo Yeong Daejang. This is what Gon calls him in the iconic “Are you having fun, Captain Jo?” and you can also see that title of Daejang on his character page on the official TKEM website. On WordReference, this is what happens if I search for 대장:
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Ignoring the results about other things, it doesn’t seem to mean “Captain” explicitly, it’s more like a general kind of leader title. His rank isn’t necessarily “Captain,” it’s whatever Daejang is equivalent to. So… how good is a Daejang? Looking at the South Korean armed forces, in the army, air force, and marine corps, Daejang is equivalent to General, and in the navy, Daejang is equivalent to Admiral. To put this into context a little better, the only rank in the South Korean navy higher than Daejang is Wonsu, and this rank only exists on paper and has never been given to any officer of the South Korean armed forces. To achieve this rank of Wonsu, you’re appointed from the rank of Daejang when you have “distinguished achievements.”
In conclusion: Yeong has an incredibly high rank in the armed forces, second only really to Gon himself, assuming no one from the Kingdom has ever been appointed the rank of Wonsu either. However… there’s a first time for everything, and though I’m only speculating and of course could never say anything for sure, if anyone was going to get those distinguished achievements needed to be a Wonsu, it would be our Jo Yeong Daejang.
Choi Gitae:
I’m including him briefly because I have a bone to pick with the subtitles. In English, he’s Captain Choi. In Korean, Gon refers to him as Hamjang, which, as far as I can tell, doesn’t exist in the South Korean navy of our universe. In the Korean subtitles in Ep4, he’s named as 최 소령, Choi Soryeong, and he’s just… he’s not that. Let’s take a look at some pictures:
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The epaulettes on the first picture and the star badge on the second tell us that his rank should be this:
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He’s a Junjang, equivalent to a Rear Admiral (lower half). Not a Captain, and not a Lieutenant Commander. As for the Hamjang/Junjang disparity, I’m going to suggest that Hamjang is the Kingdom of Corea’s equivalent to the Republic’s Junjang.
So, what was everyone doing in the navy?
The only clue we have is a badge:
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This is from Yeong’s uniform, but in Ep6 Choi Gitae was wearing the same, and Gon was wearing a gold version of it. However, for the life of me, I can’t seem to figure out what it is! The design seems to be that of a ship sailing through the waters, but that just gives ✨navy✨ in a general sense. Browsing google images, I’ve noticed the same golden badge that Gon wears on other high ranking members of the South Korean navy, so maybe it signifies a high rank? Or maybe it just means that the wearer is in the navy? I don’t know! I can’t work it out! What it tells us at least is, if Yeong isn’t wearing a “specialised” badge like Jihun… it’s unlikely that he served in any kind of special forces… which I feel is a piece of information that might break some hearts in the fandom as their headcanons shatter into pieces. I’m disappointed too, because when I saw Yeong’s badge without paying attention to any of the other characters, I thought that the two shapes on the sides looked a little like submariner dolphins, so I’ve spent half a year or so thinking that’s what Yeong did in the navy, before I realised that Gon and Choi Gitae had the exact same badge.
So, if anyone has been bothered enough to read this far and also happens to be a Korean military buff, I would love you forever if you could tell me exactly what this badge means, and whether it gives us any indication of what Yeong or Gon or anyone else was doing in the navy. However, maybe it’s good that it’s unclear, because that leaves fic writers plenty of room to wonder about what Gon and Yeong were doing in the military - whether they were doing different things, strengthening their bond as best bros doing the same thing, and if you’re on the same side of this fandom as me, whether they were repressing some big feelings at seeing each other in their military uniforms, or whether they were engaging in certain activities that are maybe stereotypical of sailors cooped together on the same boat without women to spend their nights with… there’s plenty of room for interpretation :D
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kimslovebin · 5 months
hi! my name is Kim / Liam !
my carrd is here if you wanna read more info about me :]
im mainly hyperfixated on wdy rn and i love selfshipping !!
#kimmy talks about a thing - rambles
#kimmy art - art tag
#kimmy loveposting - selfshippy stuff
#kimmy answers a question - i answer stuff u say to me
#kims imagines n stuffs - selfship prompts/imagines
feel free to look around :) follow if you want
proship/comship/whatever dni
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dysphorie-draws · 2 years
Can't decide which i prefer
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bcbdrums · 5 months
For the fic writer asks - 2 & 21! 👀
Thank youuuuu Cherry! Answering from this list here.
2. How many fics did you work on this year? (They don’t have to be finished or published!)
Oh... Heavens to Betsy, you have no idea how long it took me to add that up! Thirty-five (and counting!) for Soul Eater, four for Star Trek, two for Steven Universe, and forty-two for Kim Possible, so a total of....83 that I actually, actively, worked on... Some way less than others, some way more... In fact one of the Soul Eater ones is sort of a one-shot anthology so I'm currently counting it as one story even tho each chapter is its own thing... I just have no clue how long it will be, ultimately. So yeah. Myyy gosh I worked on a lot and finished/published very little. I gotta do something about that, lol.
21. Share your favorite piece of dialogue
All right... I thought of a line, but...I don't want to post it out of context. So...I added some context. Full story excerpt under the cut. Major, major spoilers for I'll Break Your Fall (Soul Eater, young Spirit and Stein).
"Now you understand..." Stein murmured. The sadness that emanated from the boy was heartbreaking. "It's okay. You can leave me here. You'll be better off."
Spirit frowned, his jaw setting in stubborn defiance.
"I'm sorry, Spirit."
"No! You're coming with me!"
He reached down with his right hand and pulled Stein's up from where he was digging his fingers into his thigh, clutching it to his chest. Stein looked up in wary surprise.
"But...you'll be better off," the younger boy repeated slowly, still resigned. "If you leave me here then..." Stein lifted his free hand, but as it shook he dropped it and dug his fingers back into his flesh. He took a shuddering breath, his next words coming out in a frightened whisper. "I'll become a...a kishin... Death will send someone to destroy me. Then... I won't be able to hurt you."
Stein's gaze sank in defeat. The agony and fear radiated out of his soul in heavy black waves, weighing Spirit down as he still gripped his meister's hand to his chest, nothing being returned.
The fire, the pressure, the intermittent static, and the whirlwind of blood and horror... The fear that had finally been exposed, and the madness that was the reason for everything... Spirit ignored it all. It was for another time.
He wanted to question, to mourn, as the realization that he couldn't fix this caused his heart to ache. Not only was the madness borne of Stein's soul, he had probably suffered it his entire life. The grief tore at Spirit's heart as if it truly had been rend in two, not by a blade but with the pain of his partner's fears.
There was nothing he could do.
But his soul swelled in fierce determination.
"No. Stein, you're coming back with me."
Stein did glance up then, but his eyes were hollow, already having sunk back down to somewhere within himself. The boy shook his head slightly, sullen and resigned.
"Don't...don't try to save me," he whispered, an almost imperceptible quiver in his voice. "You can't."
Spirit's fingers clenched on his partner's hand as he blew air out through his nose in frustration.
"Well you know what, Stein?"
The boy's dour expression didn't change as he stared at him.
"I don't give a damn!"
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