#just them being so excited to share what they've done and to create together
abovetherainandroses · 8 months
“A lot of it is trying to impress each other,” Wentz admits. “I'll write something and think, ‘Oh, wait ‘til he sees this.’ Or I'll get a call at 1 o’clock in the morning and it's Patrick playing a riff into the phone while I'm half asleep.” -- Alternative Press #193 (August 2004)
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steddieunderdogfics · 4 months
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This week's writer spotlight feature is: @lexirosewrites! They have forty-four Stranger Things and forty-three Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson works on archive of our own!!
An anonymous nominator recommends the following works by lexirosewrites:
24-Hour Diner
On Thin Ice
And the Sun will Rise
Bandaids for the Heart
Waking Up In Vegas
A/B/O isn't for everyone, but Lexi writes it in a way that it IS. I've always been a fan of the trope, but Lexi writes A/B/O in a way that expands beyond the basics. They've expanded their universes to play with common A/B/O themes in ways I've never seen -- each one feels fresh and exciting. And yes, they're popular in their own right, but they have so many hidden gems!! I just adore them and the work they've done beyond the tropes and tags. They put so much work into their stories and building their community, pushing through all the fandom bullshit to bring joy to their bubble of fandom. They're easily my go-to author rec for anyone getting into steddie and/or A/B/O and they deserve all of the love!! And if you're seeing this Lexi, thank you for continuing to create and share your beautiful ideas with us. ♥ - anonymous
Below the cut, @lexirosewrites answered some questions about their writing process and some of their recommended work!
Why do you write Steddie?
I love the chemistry that Steve and Eddie have. They’re two people who make no sense together and yet they make so much sense together? They have a good mix of parental issues and they’re on opposite sides of the social spectrum, which makes for a lot of fun exploring their relationship.
What’s your favorite trope to READ?
I’m a sucker for soulmate fics. They’re my true weakness in life.
What’s your favorite trope to WRITE?
I love to write about mutual pining. I enjoy making it clear that both parties are pining and suffering under the delusion that their feelings are unrequited.
What’s your favorite Steddie fic?
This is such a hard question. I don’t read as much as I used to, but the one I reread the most is “Consummate Professional” by Eddywow for sure. It’s just a cute fic and the smut is A+ as well!
Is there a trope you’re excited to explore in a future work but haven’t yet?
I’ve worked through most of my favorite tropes at this point, but I’m excitedly planning a timeloop fic set in the omegaverse.
What is your writing process like?
It’s a bit of a mess, truthfully. I start with unorganized bullet points to brainstorm things I think will happen in the fic and slowly arrange that into a real plot with actual events and not just some loose threads of a story. Then, I just go chapter by chapter to put them in order and make changes as necessary after that.
Do you have any writing quirks?
I write omegaverse fics almost exclusively. Which I’d say probably qualifies as a quirk! I also just have a habit of writing recurring themes in many of my works. For the most part, they all have angst, lots of pining and miscommunication, and a perfectly cozy happy ending with a big bow on it.
Do you prefer posting when you’ve finished writing or on a schedule?
Oh, I hate waiting. The moment a chapter or fic is done and someone has at least skimmed it over for big issues, it gets formatted and posted. The only times I wait are for events like the Big Bang or a gift for someone’s birthday!
Which fic are you most proud of?
“Bandaids for the Heart” is the work closest to my heart because I’m a nurse and I got to use my love for nursing to write about my job and craft a whole story out of it. I’m very proud of how it turned out and the fact that I finished it despite some personal challenges along the way.
How did you get the idea for 24-Hour Diner?
I actually got an ask on tumblr with the prompt that inspired me to write it!
When writing 24-Hour Diner, what was something you didn’t expect?
I actually have a longer Mafia AU fic and I was worried they’d end up being too similar, but I enjoyed finding little ways to distinguish it as its own fic.
What inspired On Thin Ice?
I love to ice skate and a friend in my discord server was gushing about HexieWrites’ “Carve Your Name Into My Chest,” which made me want to explore my figure skating background.
What was your favorite part to write from On Thin Ice?
There’s a scene where Steve gets injured and Eddie has to carry him off the rink. Every story has at least one “that’s the scene I really want to write!” and that was the one for this fic. I love some good hurt/comfort!
Do you have a favorite scene and/or line from any of your fics?
That’s so hard to narrow down, but I’d have to say that it’s a scene from my fic “Bad Beat,” where Steddie are at prom and Eddie pulls out a granola bar from his tux pocket because he knows Steve likes them… even as Steve is fully planning on pranking him for a bet. It’s a heartbreaking scene and I think about it a lot.
Do you have any upcoming projects or fics you’d like to share/promote?
I’ve got lots of upcoming fics, but I can’t share most of the titles yet since they’re gifts! However, I have a The Greatest Showman inspired fic called “A Million Dreams” that’s getting posted in early January!
Outside of these questions, Is there anything YOU would like to add?
I’m honestly so grateful to have the support that I do for how niche most of my fics are. Most people in the Steddie community have been incredibly kind to me and I really appreciate it, even if omegaverse isn’t their cup of tea. I’m just here to have fun and make new friends!
Thank you to our author, @lexirosewrites, and our nominator! See more of @lexirosewrites' work featured on our page throughout the day!
Writer's Spotlight is every Wednesday! Want to nominate an author? You can nominate them here!
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youneedsomeprompts · 6 months
hi!! i’ve just started writing a fic and it’s going well (a friends to lovers) but i’m having trouble with the transition part of the story. the two have already confessed, but i don’t want them rushing into anything bc it just wouldn’t make sense. do you have any tips on how to ease them from just being friends to dating? i don’t want it to be super quick but i also don’t want to drag it on forever. thank you again!!💗
Points you could include to ease your characters from the friend phase into the dating phase:
trying to be extremely nice to the other because they're still unsure which extent of affection is "right" and feels "appropriate" for their relationship
getting used to sharing what used to be something they had/kept just to themselves (are there maybe certain parts they're struggling with?)
learning more intimate things/details about the other that maybe surprise them
having awkward moments when doing "couple things" they have never done before together (laughing about it together afterwards)
noticing that certain dynamics that their friendship used to have changed for new dynamics that came with dating. maybe they're missing what had been. maybe they're trying to get that back (they would probably have to mention it to the other. are they comfortable with that? do they feel the same way?) maybe they're learning to like the new version of their relationship
being unsure whether the other expects "more" from them now that they are dating
trying very hard to be good enough for the other but maybe this gets uncomfortable for the other as well because they've always been enough (maybe it's time for a talk about expectations)
being super excited/giddy whenever they see each other, maybe that means they need some time alone to calm down and relax again
trying things together and learning that they don't like them. so, they're trying something else
slowly being introduced to the other's friends and family as their new s/o (maybe feeling awkward and being happy when everyone knows it and becomes normal about it)
being happiest when being with the other just fills them with serenity, and they want that all the time, preferring it to the ecstatic and at times nauseating excitement of being freshly infatuated
Every relationship is different. Every couple goes through different things that lead them to a familiar and casual state of dating. But the list above contains a few things a fresh couple might experience in their first time together as a couple. Maybe some of these help you with your story.
In order to achieve this gradual progress from friends to dating to lovers, I would recommend including a few points similar to the ones above and showing how these single things bring them a bit closer together afterwards. With everything they experience as a couple, they create a new part/dimension of their identity as a couple. Show the smaller and bigger effects these shared new experiences have on their relationship. One step at a time (as slowly or quickly as you like), you can bring your couple closer together.
Hope this helps! <3
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peachpety · 5 months
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Upon reflecting this past year, I’m reminded of one area as a fandom citizen that i am lacking - reading fic. And so was born an idea to canvas my fandom family and friends to share with me a fic they've written, art they've created, a podfic they've recorded in 2023 of which they are most proud.
This two part 'rec yourself' list is the result.
Part One features Drarry creations (heavily featured since that's my OTP). Part Two (here) includes a kick-ass mix of various HP ships and ships from other fandoms, including Carry On, Check Please!, Good Omens, Teen Wolf, and Stranger Things. Also, and most importantly, each entry presents a smol blurb from the creator about why they chose their particular piece as their 2023 favorite.
For ease in reading, I've also placed all submitted works posted to AO3 into a filterable bookmark collection, Rec Yourself 2023. Be aware that there's a range of ratings and archive/creator tags, so please, take appropriate responsibility for your personal consumption. And please also be sure to shower the creators with kudos and lovely comments.
Y'all. This endeavor has been a fucking blast. One thing's for sure, I am blessed, humbled and honored to know a whole bunch of fantastic, brilliant, fun folks. Big love to you all, and thank you for participating.
So go forth. Indulge and enjoy! xo peach
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✩ @pato-roldnart ✩ Quiet as a mouse HP | Viktor Krum x Ron Weasely | ART | G rating | Unleashed!Fest 2023 I'm quite proud of this one, I don't know how I made it, I had never drawn them before! My mind went full "oh yeah ronvik " Also, I like the idea of them bonding over their pets and Ron seeing that Viktor cares about something else that is not Quidditch.
✩ @tontonguetonks ✩ Coffee and a Croissant HP Next Gen | Scorpius x Albus | 903 FIC | G rating There are parts of myself and my lived experience in every story and character I write—how I socialize, how I take my coffee… I can’t help it. In *Coffee and a Croissant*, I put a lot of myself in my ace and autistic Albus. He is very dear to me in this story, and in my Fizzy Lifting Drinks drabble. The fic is just a toe-dip in the Soulmate waters where Albus grapples with what to do if he is someone’s Soulmate, but they’re not his. Parts 2 and 3 are in the works, but there is no timeline on either of them. Maybe in 2024?
✩ @crazybutgood ✩ I Bloom Pink For You HP | Narcissa Malfoy x Pansy Parkinson | 993 FIC + ORIGAMI COMIC | M rating | HP Bodice Ripper Fest 2023 This whole idea came about because I got so excited to fold a corset for hp bodice ripper fest, realised I couldn't just submit that one thing, and started brainstorming more loose ideas. It all clicked together when I was inspired by a fic by @schmem14, whose writing I adore. I was so grateful and even more excited when Em gave permission to make this. From there started the self-indulgent process of folding fancy things with fancier papers for this origami comic, and I couldn't have done it without Em and my lovely support team.
✩ @seekercass ✩ Something Cosmic HP | Cedric x Draco x Harry | 1.7k FIC | M rating | Polyship Week 2022 A self-rec that I am still extremely proud of is a short fic written for Polyshipping Week 2022 called Something Cosmic. It's a small coda to Something Good to Always Keep, another fic that I wrote for Quidditch Fest 2021 that I cherish very much. Even though writing is still hard for me these days, I often think about this 'verse and what life is like for Harry, Draco and Cedric after they graduated from Oxford. These three and slice of life bring me such joy. I hope to write more of them.
✩ @roseharpermaxwell ✩ Sounds Worth It HP | Hermione x Draco | 5k FIC | T rating | D/Hr Advent 2023 Being nominated for d/hr advent was a sweet surprise. It gave me a good excuse to remember how to write and the nudge I needed to create something this year.
✩ @basicallyahedgehog ✩ (They) Keep Me Warm HP | Hermione x Harry x Ron | 5.8k FIC | E rating | HP Trans Fest 2023 This was my transfest fic - I wrote it as a love letter to all my trans and Enby friends and as a way of processing some of my own feelings. It’s my first (and so far only) foray into poly golden trio and I loved playing with their dynamics with that added layer to their relationship.
✩ @lumosatnight ✩ For I Have Found Salvation HP | Harry x Severus | 7.1k FIC | E rating | Snarry AUctoberfest 2023 Although this is a smut fic at its core, I tried really hard to make the pacing flow, bringing in background characters, and creating memorable imagery. I am very proud of how it turned out. However, this is probably my favorite fic from 2023 simply for the fact that I had the most fun writing it!
✩ @sugareey-makes-stuff ✩ Feel You Breathing Teen Wolf | Derek Hale x Stiles Stilinski | 8.4k TEXTING FIC | E rating | 2023 Year of the OTP This is my fav 2023 piece because I learned how to create a custom text message AO3 skin, stylize things for plain text reading, and I wrote a whole story  that had some plot that was told through text messages. Also, I did not know I could achieve so much spiciness and throw in so many bad pick-up lines through this medium, but hey, the more you know! XD
✩ @schmem14 ✩ Mastermind HP | Harry x Ron; Draco x Harry; Ron x Draco | 10.7k FIC | E rating | Dronarry Fest 2023 This is one of the few times a story just flew out of me. Possessive stalker Draco sets out to win over Ron in this creepy thriller, but there’s a catch: Ron is already in love with Draco’s boyfriend, Harry.
✩ @drwhoisginnyholmes & @fledglinger ✩ Not Bad, For A 6000 Year Old Classic! Good Omens | Aziraphale x Crowley | 11.8k FIC + ART | E rating | DIWS Reverse! Reverse! Mini Bang
✩ @sniperjade ✩ The Sounds of Us HP Marauders | Regulus x Remus | 20.4k FIC | M rating | Remus Lupin Fest 2023; HPFC Spring Fling 2023 I've been thinking about this for a couple of days and whilst I would really love to say it was the drarry I wrote for this fest last year my favourite would have to be this moonseeker I wrote for Remus Lupin Fest last year. It's my favourite because I lived this fic. It became the entirety of my personality for a whole month because I desperately needed to get to the chapter where Regulus was riding on Padfoots back, through the forbidden forest, with only the light of the full moon to guide them, just to try and help Remus. It's also just because it's very musical and I'm very musical so that makes me love it all the more.
✩ @ghaniblue ✩ Sleeping With Ghosts HP | Regulus x Draco x Harry | 21.9k FIC | M rating | Harry Potter Rare Pair Fest IV I posted a Regulus/Harry/Draco fic last month that I'm very fond of. I started writing it more than 1 1/2 years ago, before I ever read a single Regulus fic. It's triad fic, and I'm pretty proud of the way the individual relationships develop. That was important to me, and I think I succeeded. Posting the first fic on ao3 with this triad tag doesn't hurt either.
✩ @celilasart & @wolfspurr ✩ Shifted Teen Wolf | Derek Hale x Stiles Stilinski | 25k FIC + ART | T rating | Sterek Reverse Bang This work was created for sterek reverse bang, a collaboration fest where the artists create first and the writers write second. wolfspurr and I just clicked when we talked about my art and the things that it inspired in their writer brain ;D the result is just an amazingly sweet and wholesome fic, that is still set in the teenwolf universe as we know it. but unlike many other fics which are full of violence and danger, this one starts with a bang and then it is a beautifully woven story of two people who just complete each other. also... the working title for my art was: tiny fox & sour wolf.
✩ @orange-peony ✩ At the speed of light Carry On | Basilton Pitch x Simon Snow | 26.3k FIC | E rating I picked [this fic] because I had a lot of fun writing it! It started off as a drabble and ended up 26k because I just had a blast writing it and the fandom support was so lovely. Last but not least, Pato made an absolutely stunning art piece for this fic, and it was the best present ever.
✩ @wynnyfryd ✩ i don’t know, you figure it out Stranger Things | Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson | 35.4k WIP FIC | E rating bragging about yourself is difficult, but i’ll just say it’s my favorite because i’m proud of myself for sticking to one project for this long, i love all the artwork the fic has inspired, and i just think the line “the river styx must taste like pennies” fucks severely lmao.
✩ @decaflondonfog ✩ growing pains Check Please! | Eric Bittle x Kent Parson | 50k FIC | T rating i am not usually a long fic gal, which i think is in part lack of patience, but also how attached i get to a universe if i’m working on it for a longer period of time. i finished writing this back in june but this fic felt very “me” in many ways and i think about them so often still  so it’s definitely my 2023 creation i’m proudest of!
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flowercrown-bard · 3 months
Why is the Roche/Ciri ship always only crap for you all?
Hey, i once read a draco x apple fanfic. I have no room to judge anyone's ship and I don't think I ever did that (outside of private conversations). What i am judging is someone ruining the fandom experience for other people. If you really are as upset and hurt by people hating on your ship as you say, I'm sure you understand why people don't like you hating on their ship. (btw it's hilarious that you sent me hate for rorveth and cirys. Literally the only character included here that i even know is Ciri. If you sent me geraskier hate there would at least be context since i actually ship it, but i have absolutely no opinion on those ships you mentioned. I don't even know them) You've been told by others why they are annoyed by your asks and obviously it has no effect on you, so i won't bother repeating what they've already said, but i do occasionally love hearing myself talk so i wil still write a far longer response than i should So this isn't a hate response, it's a love letter to fandom. So here's what made being in a fandom so special to me:
The support.
Fandom to me is, at its core, strangers sharing their excitement, inspiring each other and admiring what other people do. When i started writing i was so self conscious, i couldn't sleep after posting a chapter because I was so anxious. And i received so much support even for works that are really not that great. There's something so wonderful about cheering others on and getting cheered on. That sort of open and heartfelt support is not something you experience in real life and it made some hard times much better for me. It's incredible knowing that people across the globe collaborate, send each other prompts or getting really excited about something someone else did.
2. The possibility to just…not engage in conversations i don't want to be in.
It's so freeing to have the option to block people of just not respond. There's always some sort of controversy or just some takes i don't like. How wonderful that i can just not look at those things
3. Getting to be creative and knowing it makes people happier
Your fic or art isn't brilliant? Who cares. It's so freeing to create something out of love, for people who love the same thing. I started writing for the first time since i was a child because of fandom. I dabbled in creating fanart (and realised the medium isn't for me, which is also great to find out), i wrote poetry (which I never wanted to do) and badly recorded songs (which i felt so self conscious about). Was it all good? Ha, absolutely not. But i got zo try it out and i wouldn't have done that without fandom. There is no external pressure to be good (or if there is pressure from other people to create and be good, there are always a ton of others telling you why this pressure is unfair and should be ignored). There are no grades, no deadlines. Just the love and joy of creating and sharing your creation. Or not sharing them, if that's what you want. Both is fine and that's the point
4. Seeing people of all skill levels share their works
And all of their art is beautiful and meaningful, no matter if they qre a master of their craft or someone who pickef up a pen for the first time to try out this medium
5. Seeing different interpretations
I don't like many of them but it's so interesting to see how others are interpreting something. That can be anything from the question of who's a top to some in depth meta analysis. People enjoy different things and it's so cool to see what they focus on
6. The people in general. I pretty much left the witcher fandom months ago (i tried writing for it again but it was so hard that I gave up) but through it, i met incredible people, some of who have become irreplaceable parts of my life and i am so thankful for fandom for bringing us together like this. When i was in the fandom, i got to know people are so talented, unbelievably creative, kind, funny, supportive and so many other wonderful things (even those i never talked to directly. If you left a comment on something i wrote or made my days brighter with your own creations, you are amazing and i appreciate you a lot)
Basically, fandom for me was an experience that brought me joy and a sense of community. It's on you to seek out the fandom experience you want to have. If you want that experience to be one of bitterness and hate, I'm really sorry for you. But more than anything I'm sorry for the people who you drag into this by harrassing them even after they blocked you. If you want to stew in bitterness over shipping a rarepair, that's your decision. But if other people want to enjoy the fandom in a more joyful way, then that should be their decision too and you don't get to take it away from them and ruin their love. Because ultimately that's what fandom is to me and i treasure the memory of that love more than I value the opinion of someone who apparently takes joy in trying (and hopefully failing) to take that love away
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tayley · 1 year
Ahhh!! I'm sorry but I don't have someone to tell all the feels I'm feeling so i thought i'd share here 😅
First of all, i'm sooo excited for the record that i'm bouncing in my seat! The written interview they posted yesterday was great made a lot of valid points and I really feel like they are in a healthy place as people (love that T is back in therapy) wich makes the music more meaningful, as we've seen so far they are the happiest the have ever been on stage and it shows 🥲( I was a hardcore fan of the AL era but seeing them this happy is far superior). Two, I reeealllly think thay are going more indie for the next record, they've talked around the topic of the record deal being done with this is why and I get the feel they are either going to start a record label or release under zac's ? Either way that is soo exciting they would have the means to do anything they want, sooo much freedom 🤩!!! , also on thr topic of the band, for some time I had my worries that zac was just gonna be third wheeling on the back now that tayley is out and even though it looks like that in pics, in terms of the music it feels like team effort everywhere(the sound, the writing, interviews) and I love to see it, for me this is they're best line up ♥️
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yes yes and yes!!! i do think it’s possible they may make their own label or create under zac’s. the creative control will definitely be a major freedom, but there’s also a lot of moving parts. excited to see what they do next. and i agree! i think they were partially worried about zac being the third wheel, but he still gets praise and love! he’s just there thriving and being happy for his two best friends and we love that for them. the release show was amazing! i definitely felt part of it even tho i wasn’t there. that’s the beauty of fans live-streaming these shows is that we are all together! that was my favorite part about last fall shows is being able to watch every show live and enjoy it with friends! so ready for this next era
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mellow-worlds · 10 months
I keep thinking about the video "Noel avec la famille". It's a strange and beautiful video and I wish I could live in that video. I wish I knew those people and I wish I was one of those people. They fit together so well. They're weird and they are able to casually film their interactions and I wish I lived in that video.
I do sometimes take videos. Sometimes I edit them. I never directly take videos of people and they're mostly not seen in those videos at all. My sibling is the only person I dare film directly like that. But I haven't done anything with files where you can see anybody's face, out of fear. But that's kind of besides the point. My point was not about it being a video, but about the people in the video.
I'm lonely and dissatisfied, aren't I?
I've also been thinking about D quiet a lot again. Occasionally about Snoopy, but I don't really care about that. I think that I'll never really see them again. Why? Well, let me tell you about how I'm the biggest bitch, backstabber and copycat. S decided to never really want to see Snoopy again, despite them sharing quiet a special connection in the past with them. Well, yeah, that's the story pretty much. Yeah. Aren't I the worst person ever? Well, maybe the story does go a little deeper than that, but still. Those are basically the facts. EEEHHH I don't really feel like talking about that :((((( I hate myself and I don't want to confront myself with more reasons to hate myself
Ok maybe it WOULD help if I explored that a little bit further. I do enjoy conversations with Snoopy, but I'm afraid of getting any closer to them. They already know a lot about me, but still, I do hide a lot of sides from me and it creates a version that nobody else knows has ever seen. I'm glad that it's over with Snoopy. We don't work well together. They're kind of super violent. I have nothing against violence per se (I mean it doesn't get you anywhere especially politically but ig it's fun), but they're angry violent. I remember they were telling me about how they were annoyed while waiting for a dentist appointment and literally throwing their chair around. They once lifted their hand pretty quickly while walking next to me and I kind of winced. They even noticed it and said that if there's something I wanted to talk about, domestic violence is not a joke, maybe it was a reflex because of my domestic life blablabla. They're just... So angry. They experience emotions kind of intensely, I think. Maybe not sadness, and definitely not stress, but even their excitement is violent. So yeah. Talking with S (and T) about that and seeing that V also distanced himself from them kind of gave me a push into that direction, making me realize that it's good that I'm walking away from them, despite enjoying spending time with them and finding them funny and interesting. It kind of really freaks me out that they know so much about me. Too much. I wonder how much they've talked about me to other people I really should get to know S better, shouldn't I?
Ok, thinking about D. It's mostly just that they're kind of at the back of my head and I miss doing things with them. I think about the crazy things we did together quiet a lot. I listen to quiet a lot of music similar to what they also might like. And the Beatles ofc. Ok, let's leave that topic behind us. I don't want to keep thinking about them more than I have to, I don't want to start missing them again like crazy because it really hurt and I don't want to hurt. I am sad but it could be so much worse so I'm glad I'm currently not missing them. I guess I do long for friends in general? Gosh I'm so sad and lonely. I guess it could be worse.
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muffindaddystyles · 3 years
A/N: I dunno if I've got any desi/brown/poc readers but if you're reading this I love you so much and you (us) deserve the same validation and representation others get.
Here's a blurb as to what it feels like celebrating Eid with Harry! Enjoy!
Warning: none — just loads of fluff.
More Inspos, Masterlist, Let's Talk
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The night's pretty with murky clouds and thick layer of moon's brightness as Y/N cleans her flat, from scrubbing her Persian rugs to deep cleansing her vases back from her homeland. The flame evaporating from her candles scented like springs of Kashmir, flickers from her blowing sheer curtains due to the zephyr flurring outside.
She feels content, at peace waiting for Harry who promised that he'll be at her place by 11. He always comes an hour early helping her in setting the table before the iftari, they've been doing it together since the start of ramdan until today when he texted her he's busy along with a sad smiley.
It was fun. He fasted with her once or twice and would make sure she's hydrated enough once they break it, his love for rooh-afzah (it's a drink red in color made from essence of roses and some sweet herbs) will never fail to make her giggle as he'd demand for more after gulping two glasses already.
Then showing her his tummy along with his food pregnant jokes.
Her classes are online so it gave her time to experiment some cooking. They'd make samosas together and she always had an urge to hold back her cooes as his tongue used to poke out in concentration everytime his diligent fingers folded the samosa sheets skillfully.
"Did a pretty go'job here, innit?" He'd grin raising it like a summat trophy.
The moment he used to leave her flat (ofcourse after giving a tight hug before doing so) they both missed eachother terribly, y/n doesn't like the way her home falls into an abyss without his presence.
He's like a sunshine that warms her insides up.
The whistle of kettle and several raps of knocks on her door drags her from her fond memories of them together, she slings her feet down from the coffee table rushing to open it.
Harry says breathlessly prolly because he climbed three flight of stairs to get to her or that he's utterly flustered.
Her eyes remain struck at the thingies piled in his arms, a box of chocolates, many brown bags and stems of freshly blood ripped roses tucked between his knuckles.
He bought all of these gifts for her.
To make her feel like home.
To be her home.
What the fuck, nobody has ever done that for her —-- she just mighty cry.
Her mouths gupples like a fish too overwhelmed to react her emotions out and he gives her a sweet smile kicking the door shut with his feet -- gestures her to wait when she almost jumps like a cub to hug him and puts everything on the sofa knowing the things inside them's too delicate.
"C'mere, baby." He grins and she doesn't waste a moment falling in his embrace. Her cheeks smashes against his taught chest and she fists the hem of his shirt smiling too hard for her own sake as he sways them with his own rosy cheek squished against her temple.
"I love you so much, thank you." She murmurs gazing up at him with glinting eyes -- arms still lopped around his waist and his chin doubles adorably as he gives her his signature bunny grin kissing the tip of her nose, "Love you too bubba ... don't want ya homesick, at alllll."
The aggressive whistle of kettle parts them away, "Cuppa cha? Then we'll unwrap these pleasanteris." She points at the paper bags.
He nods flopping onto the floor cushions beside the large oak window of the balcony where they could bathe in moonlight.
"Thank you." He quips, kissing her fingertips while slipping his fingers under the handle of mug and takes it from her as she sits infront of him. He admires her for a second —- fawning over how she's looking so soft and cuddle-able wearing a baggy mauve kurta and some mismatched shalwar.
The tearing open of the stuffing tissue brings him back to focus --- this, he wanted to see this happiness dance over her features as she clutches the ethnic traditional dress he bought for her infront of her and when lifts it down he's met by overly excited eyes.
It's ethereal with golden details, handmade wire work and sheer fabric.
"It's gorgeous, pups." She squeezes his hand and he takes the sip of his cha smiling against the rim of the mug shyly, "Wasn't s' sure -- Sarah helped me in collecting stuff." Sarah's Y/N's bestfriend who was the only desi/brown in her filming class.
"No wonder she was being a lil sneak." Y/N chuckles already rummaging for what comes next.
He wanted to make sure he gets her everything they do traditionally in her culture and ate Sara's ears off to help him buy the most special thing and it's right there creating sweet noise when they touch eachother, dangling from her fingers.
"Churiyan .... " She whispers bitting down a smile. She loves glass bangles. Their colourfulness cheers her mood up and she'd always go with her Nani a night prior eid to select the most flamboyant pair of them from a bazar (market).
"This -— " She gestures to the gifts scattered around them, " —-- all of this and you, means alot to me." She sighs giving him a wet smile and he smoothes his thumb against her cheek like she's the most fragile thing to exist.
He watches her in a tad confusion when she stands up with a giggly squeal putting everything away and comes back with a tube of henna in her hand.
"It's chand raat t'night 'cos tommorrow is eid -- usually I spend it with Sarah and we apply henna to eachother, we're horrible at it honestly but now she isn't here 'm gonna bite yours ears —-" He cuts her off. Ushering her to sit back on her spot. He couldn't be more glad to spend all of his time with her whether it's just watching her make designs on her hand with henna.
"Your cha's waftin'." He shakes his head bringing it to her lips, "It's hot." She tells him drawing a circle on her palm and filling it with beautiful darkness of henna.
"Okie then ... " He blows at the hot beverage to cool it down and again brings it to her lips, "Now." He croons softly to her. She holds his wrist taking a sip from it -- he tucks the strand of her hair back and she smiles up at him making him chuckle when she takes a huge sigh as if her soul just woke up.
"What do we d'tommorrow?" He asks. Knowing most of the time they went to Zayn's house on Eids his mother used to fill the whole table with delicious dishes and the whole day was spent having fun.
"We do nothing but have loads of nice time -- I already made a dessert 'cos I know I'll be too lazy in the mornin', and invited your friends if that's okay?" She glances up at him done with her left palm.
"Perfect then," He nods, "D'ya need help with the other one?" He asks grabbing her right hand and the tube of henna from her.
"Yes, please." She shows him her hand covered with with henna and since it's wet she could do one thing wait or let him do it. The second options sounds more good.
"Not on me if it gets messed up." He warns her nonchalantly following the same pattern of her left hand. Stealing glances of her attractive face every now and then, dotting her moles with his intense gaze, he just thinks her brown eyes look more intricate – it's specks as if the forests soil on the first rains when they dilate with her racing heartbeat.
They're like an open book to him and at the same time mysteriously dark that he feels like burning a match to melt in them.
"You did it way better than me," She snorts examining it closely and turns the other way round to lay down on the carpeted floor and rest her head in his lap. He wipes his own hands watching the dark henna leaving a swipe of color on his fingertips.
He pets her hair, dimples milking into his cheeks when she raises her both hands infront of him -- blocking the moonlight that's falling on her, "When I was small I always used to end up getting it on my face and lemme tell ya. Having a yellow blotch isn't even a tiny bit fascinating on the only day you could dress up fancy."
His chest rumbles with giggles and he brings her hands closer to her lips blowing raspberries at them to get them dry early.
Comfortable silence envelopes them in to the point where they could hear crickets singing outside and moonlight sparkling on their skin —- she breaks it cuddling up into his chest.
"I really appreciate this, Harry." Her voice hushed whisper and her cherry stained lips couldn't resist but to patch kisses where his heart lays and she could sense it kicking a pace, "The fact that you did so much just for me -- is beyond my thought. I really feel like home." He let her speak. Squeezing her shoulders to convey the fierceness of his emotions he holds for her. His silken lips pressed to her temple and his eyelids flutters with each spurt of breath she inhales.
"I'll keep making you feel like home, till the day you'll allow me." Today. He for actually felt that his home was never a building or the luxurious furniture adorned inside it, but her. It's always gonna be her.
Because the moment he gets lost in those eyes all he come across is their shared laughter, their moments spent on this balcony right outside sipping onto their chas and watching the city wake up infront of their eyes, going to places he has never been to before, doing things he never thought he'd do in hundered years —- he isn't a big fan of spices but he still pretends like a big boi infront of her while eating pani puri she's oh so obsessed with.
The times she was never embarrassed to introduce him to her community or her friends, and getting soaked into rains even though they could've just used his car, having days planned to make him try new desi dishes, going to buy candles of many scent and shapes with him but then never feeling like leaving the store until he warns her that he'll throw her on his shoulder infront of everyone.
Going to Turkish markets together. He's a bread lover and so all this time he doesn't feel like leaving the shops filled with different kiln and tandoori breads. Eating Simit and drinking black tea in the amardu cups sitting outside the cafe –- he likes it with cheese while she might sound bland she just likes a bit of butter.
Them deciding for hours and hours which Persian rug to buy -- but never buying it apologising to the shop keeper.
Giving eachother head massages from the organic rosemary Morrocon oil that one of her friend gifted her, (Y/N) thinks she's one hell of a masseuse but Harry thinks otherwise —- though he would never ever break her heart so it's better keeping it a secret.
His nose creates a purring sound while he sleeps leaning against the wall, he doesn't even remember when he fell into the deep slumber with his large hand still wrapped around her wrist in a protective manner to keep her from moving.
It's cute.
Though when she stirs to regain consciousness with the birds chirping outside she feels remorseful finding him sleeping in such an uncomfy position just because of her and he wakes up with a loud wheeze —- blinking rapidly to see what just happened only to visibly relax back when she shushes him gently.
"Baby .... shit." He grogs out, knuckling at his eyes pointing at her jaw which's covered into a orangish streak, "Don't tell me." She groans bumping her head against his bicep.
A moment later they burst into fits of hoarse giggles and chuckles. She'd try to suck in air to not to snort and would do it nonetheless driving them more into belly aching laughter.
"Eid Mubarak, I guess?" He cackles loudly. Dimple coveting in to his velvet of skin. Rubs the tip of his nose against her's affectionately and swoons her in his arms to hug her warmly.
"Now -— go 'n dress up, c'mon." He cups the nape of her neck playing with the baby hair there and she whines smushing her face against his chest, "No. Lemme sleep some more."
"Heyyy none of that, c'mon sleepy girl you'll regret it later." He boops her nose smiling down at her fondly and she grumbles mumbling something in between you're so annoying or you're being so much like my mum.
He waits for her laying on the sofa with his arms folded and eyes closed. Prolly took a mini version of nap only to perk his head up grabbing the back of sofa when she returns with wet hair, soft clean face and lips tinted cherry wearing the dress and bangles he bought for her.
An enchantress from head to toe, he wouldn't even complain if she bewitches him.
He needs someone to pinch his bum because he thinks his eyelids might have struck. He takes a dramatic breather mischievously, pupils dilated cutesly and heart shaped lips parted with the sweet loving words in praise of her beauty burning at the tip of his tongue.
His fawning gives her butterflies. Expanding her chest with warmth and she does a three-sixty when he spindles his nimble in the air demanding her to show herself from every angle.
Her head falls back. An echo of happy giggles resonating in the room when he smacks his hand against his chest and flops into heaps of sofa cushions.
"You're fuckin' beautiful, a total knockout." He walks towards her with his hands spread open and takes her's to kiss the inside of her palms, "So are you." Her voice small with shyness. He sits on her on sofa and stays beside her with his chin perched upon his knuckles staring at her like she hung the moon -- as if she's a prayer come true.
"Did you get me ready to d'nothing?" She turns towards him. The curled up fringes kissing the apples of her cheeks same as his fingertips are dying to do so.
"I might sound selfish but it was a trap to get you ready early so I could admire you till everyone squeeze between us ... " He smirks and she huffs sinking deeper into the sofa throwing her limbs in air and his breath hitches when her bangles clanks together producing a beautiful noise.
"Harry!!" She whines.
"Okie, time to fill some grumpy kitten's tummy." He announces standing up to head to kitchen and she shakes her head with a silly smile trailing behind him.
All she knows is that. This Eid she'll have the best time of her life, as she could already feel his energy and love radiating in every corner of her home.
@harryforvogue idk why but everytime I'd sit to write this blurb you'd pop in my mind, hope so you're not hiccuping wildly.
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dylanobrienisbatman · 2 years
What’s the most exciting thing about 5sos5 to you? Mines getting to witness a full music era with them cause i came in at the very end of calm
First off, welcome!!! 5sos is such an awesome band to be a fan of, their love for the art of making music and their love and respect for their fans is a real gift to be apart of. You can tell they absolutely cherish the every single opportunity they achieve to be doing what they're doing. They love being in this band, and that joy and love really shows in their art. I found them in 2014 and they've been my favorite band for almost 8 years now. My taste in music has evolved with them, and I feel like they've been with me through all of the big parts of my life, and I feel a huge connection with them and their work. Also, if you can, get tickets to see them live... it's unreal. They are a band that you absolutely must see live if possible.
As for what I'm most excited about... is it lame to say content? Live shows again? Literally just... new music? I don't really engage much with fandom space for real people (it's not my thing, to each their own!) so my engagement with them is very much limited to their work and whatever content they share with us. I love watching live performances they do and seeing how they've grown as musicians, that's always exciting. If you haven't watched them at Global Citizens Live, I'd absolutely recommend it. Like, they've always been fantastic live but you can tell they've put in some WORK in the last two years and holy crap they sound amazing. Same with the live performances on on The 5SOS Show, INSANE. Teeth acoustic? Literally shut up I'll never be over it.
But my favorite thing is getting to hear them actually talk about their work! I love real interviews, where they're asked about their process, about the way the new music came together, their inspirations for their new music and how it sounds. I LOVE listening to them talk about music and how they go about creating it. Its SO interesting, and they're so incredibly smart and full of insane knowledge about music, its amazing. You can really tell that they love it and they do it because the love making music, which just makes any listening experience that much better.
A really great interview I heard a little while ago was this episode of Switched on Pop. Luke and Calum talk about Tame Impala, and then they talk about Wildflower, and its just like half an hour of them pulling out the craziest references and talking about how a Wildflower came together. Wildflower is my fave song off CALM, and it was so interesting to learn about it in a more in depth way! I had a blast listening!
Some other great ones are the Zach Sang interviews! They've done four (i think?) for Want You Back, Easier, Teeth, and they did one with the Chainsmokers for Who Do You Love. Awesome interviews!! Zach Sang is an incredible interviewer honestly, he is so respectful, and he asks them real questions about their work that give them a ton of space to really share, it's fantastic! But there are tons more great interviews, especially from like 2018 on!
I also LOVED their 5sos Talks 10 Years podcast, where they talked about the 10 years they've spent as a band. They talked about how they got where they are, their achievements and the difficulties they faced, and they talk about what it means to them to get to be in this band, with each other. It's really incredible to get even a small sense of how they see their journey as 5SOS, and as individuals. If you haven't watched, you absolutely must, its amazing.
Lately, I've also really enjoyed watching Steven In Stereo and Beveraggi on YouTube do reactions to 5sos stuff. They both came into it with absolutely no knowledge of the band and now they both LOVE them. You get to see their journey through all their music, they've done their full discography, plus Luke and Ashton's solo projects. It's really cool to see someone fall in love with something you love, especially because a lot of people have a preconceived idea of what 5sos are going to be and people are almost always surprised, in a good way. I also have a hearing disability, so I don't always catch little nuances in music when I listen to it on my own, so I love hearing musical people talk about their music, I've discovered so much more about their songs this way!
But yeah, that is definitely what I'm most excited for. I love hearing their new music, obviously, and I love new music videos and all that, but I'm always most excited to hear them talk about how their new music. What their process was like to get where they are, where the inspiration for the new stuff comes from, where they see their music going and how it fits into the greater pop space they find themselves in, and all that. They're incredible musicians, and they really know their stuff, and hearing them talk about their process and where their music came from makes the experience of listening to their work even that much more special, for me at least, because it helps me see their work in a different way.
That, and also... is Calum gonna keep wearing skirts? Cause oh my god, I'm so into that. Skirts and a mullet, this era will truly be the death of me.
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bandANILAG 2k19 experience
Hi, you're right its Jean! Welcome to my first blog.
The content of my blog is all about my bandAnilag ( battle of the bands) 2k19 experience.
BandAnilag is a competition where in a group of musicians join forces to create a band and make beautiful music arrangements together. The band should consist of 3-7 members only, and the songs that their group should perform is OPM.
So, I'mma start sharing the things I experienced through out the competition's journey!
It was the 2nd day of February when We came up to the idea of joining the competition. The band name that we ended have having after an endless discussion is the " REBOLUSYONARYO ". We chose this as our band name, because the music in this generation is almost incomparable with the word trash. The music they tend to listen to has no sense, especially that so called " mumble rap ". Auto tune, shitty beat, trash lyrics that is mostly all about money, sex, girls, and drug addictions. And because of that, We (rebolusyonaryo's) want to prove everyone that real music still exists and OPM is not dead!
The date of the audition for bandAnilag will be on February 22, 2019 and will be held at Da Pip food park, located at Pagsanjan Laguna. We were really having difficulties in times of practice due to the absences of our pianist. We were close to giving up making it to the audition, our pianist suddenly made the decision not to continue. There's only 2 dags left 'til the day of the battle, then a miracle happened. We found another pianist that could complete our set. We immediately planned the practice and picked the song " katanyagan by Bernardo Carpio" as our audition piece and we made our own arrangement/rendition of the song. We only had 1 day practice. We gave our very best each time we play, we imagined like we our in the actual performance.
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This is it! The day (February 22, 2019) of the audition came. We just wanted to show everyone what we are capable of when it comes to music, no plans of winning, just want to do our passion. We were the 23rd performer out of 55+ auditionees. We prayed before and after the performance, We thanked God for the talents He gave us. People are clapping their hands from the beginning 'til the end of our song, which made us feel better and a little bit confident with our performance. The announcement of the top 12 finalists will be posted on Febuary 25, 2019 at the shoutboxxlaguna facebook page.
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We waited for the announcement for without the hope of being a finalist because we don't want to break our hearts, and we know that there are really tons of good bands from the elimination, especially the bands that has been in the industry for a long time. But God is really good to us, We freakin' made it to the top 12 unexpectedly!! A miracle happened! I was shouting and screaming for a long time after hearing the good news. It feels so good, I had tears running down my face. We we're so happy! It is just our first time joing the competition and we freakin' made it y'guyz!! It is a big pleasure for us to represent Santa Cruz!
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Our bassist was immediately texted by the organizers for the schedule of put VTR shoot. Gosh, y'guyz!! VTR shoot to be played at the big screen this week, are you kidding the crap outta me?! I can still feel all the butterflies I had that day.
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We only had few days to practice for the finals. The number we got for the battle on march 04,2019 was # 6. It was a relief knowing that we are not the first performer for that night. We picked " Laklak and Banal na aso " as our final piece. We made our own rendition of the songs, We we're so tensed for the battle, because it is our first time and we are the youngest competitor at the same time. We put all the efforts we can as we practice. We always pray before and after practice. We only had 2 days preparation because we are having difficulties with each other's schedule. One of us is studying at lucena, that's why its really hard to schedule our practice.
THIS IS IT PANCIT!! THE DAY WE WERE ALL WAITING FOR HAS ARRIVED!!! WE WERE ALL EXCITED AND NERVOUS AT THE SAME TIME!! We don't have the goal of winning. We only thanked God and asked Him to guide us, help us enjoy the moment, and have a clean performance. Just for being a first timer and the youngest competitor on this competition is such a big deal for us. All the butterflies in my stomach started acting up, I feel so anxious. The level of my anxiety is on its highest point, I felt like puking and I felt that I was going to die as I step on stage. I was so nervous back stage! All of my co-finalists seems to be pretty confident because they've done this before numerous time. Aaaaaa I can't control my anxiety, I really feel awful that night!
Our turn finally came, It felt like I will die as I walk on the center of the stage. We had some interviews for some minutes and after that, they played our vtr! Dang, I saw how big the screen was!
Here are some photos of our performance
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I was really anxious after the performance, thinking that I failed hitting notes, maybe I had micro off tunes, Anxiety sucks. We ate after the performance and just waited for the results. We also made friends with other bands. They are really nice, especially Banda ni Machine Man. I really admire their band and their personalities, such a humble human beings. It feels good that realizing that before, I was only part of the crowd, cheering the bands, supporting Banda ni Machine Man, asking if I could have a picture with them. I remember being rejected by bands, they won't let me take pictures with them. But now? damn, son! I am now one the performers! A dream come true for me!
400php from Greenwich.
30,000php from bandAnilag.
20,000php from Municipality of Sta. Cruz
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I've received words that had brought me down and had made my depression worse. I have been engaged with self-harm since I was 9, it was all because of bullying. I've been a victim for 6 years, I've kept in all inside me, I've never told anyone about it. They told me that I was just this,that, I was never good with everything, even with the small things. They made me hate myself.
Expect that people will always say craps behind your back and sometimes, on your face. Never give up on your dreams! There will still be people that will believe with your capabilities and will support you all the way. Get up! There are people who are glad that you exist, accepts and proud of the person you have become. 🤞 keep that fire burning in your hearts.
That will be all.
All is well ; keep going
Thanks for coming to my ted talk!
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littlemisssquiggles · 5 years
(1/2) So this isn't specifically RoseGarden related but I love all the ideas you come up with so I thought I'd get your opinion on this. I've had this idea in my head for a while now that, what if the CRWBY decided to remake RWBY from V1C1 in the Maya engine with all the skills and things they've learned? I personally think that would be a cool idea since they could use that idea to fix up the story and have it start at the beginning rather than in the middle of V3.
(2/2) They could tighten up the story since, V1 (at least to me) seemed like a rough draft of what they really wanted and it would be a great opportunity to fix up the writing people always complain about. They could also make so much better scenery so we could actually see what Vale looks like and Beacon wouldn't just be a 2D picture in the background! I know some people wouldn't be fond of it since Monty wouldn't be behind it but personally I think it would be cool. Anyway, what do you think?
‘Sup Velian. Hmmthat’s actually not a bad idea. I can definitely see the CRWBY committing tosomething like that as part of some kind of anniversary milestone special,y’know what I mean? As of now, RWBY had been on the web for at least five yearswith a total of 6 seasons and 79 episodes as of Volume 6’s conclusion. If theCRWBY have the resources, the budget and the production crew to pull this offthen I can see this idea being like a full remaster of theBeacon Trilogy. I’m not sure if you’re a Kingdom Hearts fanbut KH is notorious for this kind of thing. Kingdom Hearts had its first originalgame start on the PlayStation 2 but over the years spread its game storyline acrossmultiple different consoles correlating in different engines and more or lessdifferent styles to cater to each engine, as in the case of Chain of Memories.And don’t even get me started on all the Re-Done games andFinal mixes which had additional scenes from the English versionsince the Final Mix Kingdom Hearts games were only available in Japan.
However,later…years down the line, we inevitably got Kingdom Hearts 1.5 and Kingdom Hearts 2.5 (andbegrudgingly KingdomHearts 2.8) which basically takes all the games and clump themtogether onto 2 discs redone in beautiful HD graphics.
Overall Ican see the CRWBY doing a remaster of theentire Beacon Trilogy (V1-V3) in the Maya Engine if they’re feeling ballsy andagain, have the time and budget to pull such a stunt off without interferingwith their schedule for other upcoming seasons of RWBY.
Or…evenbetter, they can do what Kingdom Hearts did with Unchained X, it’s game available onmobile. In 2.8, they basically created this movie that summarized the events ofUnchained Key with all the characters being modelled in the new game engine.
For yearsI’ve wanted to see the CRWBY possibly do a RWBY feature length movie. RoosterTeeth hasalready done original movies before. I’m just waiting for them to grow biggerto the point that they can evolve again and branch out to have another studiothat’s in charge of creating feature animated films including ones for known RoosterTeethproperties like RWBY.
Who doesn’t want to see a RWBY moviesomeday? Thissquiggle meister would for sure.
Besides,if the CRWBY Writers don’t wish to hot up their heads over coming up with an original concept for a movie that possibly deviates from the canonanyways (like how the Pokémon films used to move), they can always create afull feature length RWBY movie that basically summarizes the events of theBeacon Trilogy while adding a new spin on it, as you suggested.
Nowcontrary to what you and other fans might think, this squiggle meister actually thought the Beacon Trilogy was flawless. Don’t get me wrong, it had its fairshare of faults, yes, however the key thing that impressed me the most aboutthe Beacon Trilogy and why I personally will defend it as the best trilogy ofRWBY so far is because of its plot structure.
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Let meexplain. I’m a glutton for a well thought out, well-written, well-paced and well-structuredplot. I love stories that give me a plot where every piece ofinformation shown on screen means something in hindsight to the overallnarrative. I love it when stories create this perfectly woven spider web thataffirms that everything in the story---even those little throwaway details thatsome audience members might overlook, meant something in the development of theoverarching plot. So that when you get the final payoff, you feel this biggersense of excitement because it’s something you know the story has been buildingup to for ages. It’s why I get why fans love the Marvel movies. Each movie wasjust a piece of a thought out Cinematic Universe that’s been building for yearsand it’s still going strong.
I mean, Ilove surprises and moments just thrown in for shock value in stories too but Ilove it even more when I get stories where everything is connected andadds up to something bigger; y’know what I mean?
This iswhy the Beacon Trilogy will always be perfect in my eyes because it had a great structure. Everything addedup. Almost every detail the CRWBY Writers introduced to us between V1 and V2meant something in the grander scheme that led up to V3.  If I had to compare the Beacon Trilogy tosomething, it would be a well-baked lasagne with each volume representing theperfectly staked layers of meat and cheese that slowly build up to a savouryplot of baked perfection (meaning V3 and the Fall of Beacon) that anyone cansink their teeth into.
This iswhy if the CRWBY ever redid the Beacon Trilogy, I don’t want nor do I expectthem to change anything. At this moment, the Beacon Trilogy---the first threeseasons of RWBY are by far some of the best seasons in the show. Between the Beacon Arc and the Mistral Arc, Beacon still stands superior to itssuccessor because of that strong plot structure; something that Miles and Kerryunfortunately did not carry over into the Mistral Arc.
Theystarted off decently in V4 but messed up sadly in the middle with V5. V6 waspretty much damagecontrol for what transpired in V5while setting up for V7 and for the most part, V6 was a great season. Still thebest of the Mistral Arc for me, hands down. It’s just unfortunate that theCRWBY Writers had that slip up in V5 because that’s what most fan critiqueskeeping bringing up. I, as always, have a different stance on this.
I actuallydisagree with you Velian. The overall story did technically start in V1. I meanfrom V3, the key plot of RWBY definitely did kick in more but everythingstarted from V1.V1, by my observation was a solid good season to me. V1 wasabout establishing the important details---our main cast of colourful characters,the setting for the arc and our course our key villains while at the same timeproviding the first instance of what was going to be the main conflict goingforward.
The mainconflict of the Beacon Arc which was the Fall of Beacon at the Vytal Festivalwas something that had clues dropped as early as V1 with Torchwick. RomanTorchwick was the man who the audience identified with since he was the villainwe mostly got to see this scheme get conducted through. It wasn’t until V2 whenthings started to pick up with the involvement of Cinder, Emerald and Mercury.I don’t want to go too much into this but…everything about the Fall of Beaconstarted to build up from V1. In V2, we got more clues but we still weren’tclear on what the main plan was until V3. The CRWBY did a great job of buildingthe suspense and mystery toward the Fall of Beacon so when it finally wentdown, you were surprised but you also got this sense of revelation when yourealize that everything that happened in the volumes before it meant somethingin the grander scheme of things. At least by my eyes. You, of course, have yourown thoughts on that.
I guesswhat I’m trying to say overall is that I like your idea. I think it canhonestly work better as a remaster as part of an anniversary type of event orperhaps a movie where we get to relive our favourite moments of the BeaconTrilogy. However it’s not a straight retelling of the original story. I likeyour idea of it adding more to the story than what we received before plus itreally would be lovely to see Vale remastered in the Maya engine with all thatthe CRWBY had learnt over the past three seasons.
Not sureif they would actually do something like that. However, it’s a pretty sweet idea=) Hope this answers your question, fam.
~LittleMissSquiggles (2019)
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sarcasticgaypotato · 6 years
For an interesting prompt: masquerade party. Both chell and Glados attend in masks not recognizing each other until after they've danced and are dumbstruck because they're on hostile ground and why is this person so alluring all of the sudden...
This was all ridiculous. Gladys strongly believed that.She understood the need to get funding for Aperture, she was well aware of the financial situation that Aperture was in.  She wouldn’t have even rolled her eyes too much at a normal black-tie event to look pretty for potential investors.But this? This was absurd.A masquerade, Cave had suggested. It would be perfect, he said. Interesting enough to create buzz, but formal enough to keep up a reputation.  Caroline had, of course, agreed with him.  And Gladys, being a lead scientist, found herself with an invitation.She had argued with Caroline for hours when she first found out, protesting to the idea of being sent out to chat up living sacks of money.  However, to her surprise, Caroline had openly admitted that wasn’t the reason Cave was sending her.  He was there to talk to investors, along with Caroline and a few others. Gladys was there to talk to the other guests.Potential test subjects.  If they seemed like they could be someone that Aperture would want- athletes and olympians being the preferred options- then they got an invitation.  Then, Gladys and the other scientists were to entice them in the same way that Cave intended to do for investors.  Except instead of money, they’d be giving Aperture their bodies.This information had been enough to get Gladys to agree to go, as she was admittedly interested in seeing what test subjects she might get to run through her program.However, as the night of the event was upon her, she was reminded why she had been against this idea in the first place.Gladys liked to know who she was speaking to. She liked having files on near everyone she spoke to so that no matter what, they could not surprise her. She would always be one step ahead, knowing them better than they knew themselves.A masquerade made that incredibly difficult.
She had a limited knowledge of the guests who would be there, but hadn’t been granted access to the full list.  All she was told was where to be, and what her end goal was. How she got there was up to her.With a small huff of annoyance, she stood outside the doors to one of the conference rooms that had been transformed into the ballroom, hand lingering on the door.She could do this. She didn’t like not being able to know these people, but at least they couldn’t know her.Pulling her mask down to rest in place, she opened the door and stepped into the the mass of people, trying not to lose herself to the mindless sound of music and chatter combined.The first couple hours passed without anything of interest. A few glasses of champagne to keep herself sane, a few successful attempts to chat up soon-to-be test subjects with more brawn than brains.  They spoke loudly to let their voices reach over the music, boasting about their athletic accomplishments, and sometimes going so far as introducing themselves- clearly missing the point of a masked event.Gladys treated them all the same: offer them a smile, some well twisted words, and perhaps even a dance, if they looked like they needed extra encouragement.While a promise to see their applications within the next week was certainly satisfying, Gladys hadn’t exactly been having fun.  She didn’t think she was supposed to, but sparing one glance towards where she knew Cave and Caroline to be proved that she might be the only one who thought that way.Her boss seemed to be having the time of his life, and she even noticed Caroline cracking a smile from time to time, or a hint of laughter that was quickly hidden behind her hand.Well good for them, Gladys thought bitterly.  Cave was a social man, and Caroline was seemingly content doing just about anything, so long as Cave wasn’t doing something reckless.Gladys, on the other hand, had higher standards of entertainment. She could be doing science right now.  She could be reviewing the reports that came back on the long-fall boots, or looking over the blueprints on the next prototype for the portal gun. She could be getting so much work done right now, and that would be ten times more interesting than-She was snapped out of her thoughts by the feeling of a pair of eyes on her. That on its own meant nothing- she was well aware of how hungry eyes that followed the lines of her low-cut black dress had been staring at her throughout the evening- but something about this was different.As Gladys brought her gaze up to meet the eyes in question, she found herself almost taken aback.Sharp, silvery grey eyes that seemed to look into her very soul. They held a heat within them that burned with intrigue, a look of awareness and intelligence that Gladys hadn’t expected to see from anyone tonight.The woman was dressed in nice enough clothes, a suit that didn’t look terribly expensive, but molded itself to its wearer’s body incredibly well. Her face was partially covered by a mask that matched the colors of her suit, simply painted with no excess adornments to distract from the simplicity. She was clearly not an investor, as her build alone gave away plenty to Gladys.A lean form, well built and muscled, holding herself high and at the ready with the attentiveness of a soldier, yet with a stance that seemed to radiate independence that didn’t come from someone who had been through the military.If not for the figure’s outstretched hand-presumably waiting to shake her hand- Gladys would’ve forgotten to speak, as her pre-prepared speech for everyone she met suddenly seemed to fail her, and she could hardly remember a word of it.“Good evening. I take it you’ve been enjoying yourself?”A polite nod in response, though Gladys didn’t miss the hint of a shrug that came with it. “Well I’m a scientist here at Aperture Science, and I take it that you must be-”Gladys was cut off mid-sentence.  She had taken the outstretched hand as she spoke, expecting a handshake, yet finding herself very surprised when she realized that the figure held her hand instead, surprisingly gingerly, and gestured to the dancefloor without a word.Well. That was bold.Gladys blinked, before a slow smile crossed her lips.  She liked bold.  Bold was interesting.Slowly, she allowed herself to be pulled into the fray of dancers, only vaguely taking note of the song that was playing, and instead finding herself more focused on the rhythm.Her newfound dance partner wasted no time slipping into position, keeping one of Gladys’s hands held in her own, while her other hand rested comfortably on Gladys’s back.  Not too low, but not too high either.Gladys could feel callouses on the woman’s hands, leaving them slightly rough to the touch, and stark contrast of her own, which were smooth and soft from a lifetime of watching other people do the physical labor. The closer she got, the more she realized how badly she wanted this woman. -As a test subject.  She wanted her as a test subject.She was clearly strong, yet showed no signs of being a complete meathead. She was aware of her surroundings, managing to easily avoid bumping into less talented and more intoxicated dancers, and most of all?  She just seemed to… fit.Something about the stranger just radiated Aperture. Something about her got Gladys practically tingling with excitement at the thought of all the tests she could run with her.  She didn’t feel like the others. She didn’t feel like she’d just give up. She would be the perfect fit… so long as Gladys could actually remember to talk to her and convince her to send in an application.As even when the first song ended, Gladys found that she didn’t try to coax the woman back to the sidelines to start chatting her up, finding the very thought to be so disinteresting that it was brushed away without debate. Instead, as the next song began- slower than the last- she found herself leaning a little closer.What had been somewhat stiff, calculated movements before slowly became more and more loose, as Gladys slowly stopped caring about the act of perfectly pulling off each move, and simply moved to the beat of her partner’s movements.Quicker than she liked to admit, she relaxed into it. Finding that time started to slip through her fingers as the two of them moved through song after song, each time allowing themselves to move closer and closer, to the point where Gladys hardly noticed that she was pressed against her partner’s chest, and that the mysterious stranger’s hand had moved to the small of her back, where it now rested, dangerously shifting in a motion too frequent not to be intentional.  In return, Gladys had allowed her leg to occasionally slip, pressing forward against the stranger. Brief enough to not break the flow of their movements, but distinct enough to make itself known.Gladys knew her cheeks were flushed a dark red at this point, and was genuinely thankful for her mask for keeping that mostly hidden.  Somewhere, in the back of her mind, she remembered why she was here. That now was a good of a time as any to pull this woman aside and rope her into Aperture. Yet, as their fifth song together slowly faded out, she found herself… reluctant.Those grey eyes had been on her this whole time, burning into Gladys and sending a heat that had only grown in intensity as time went on. She hadn’t even noticed that her partner hadn’t said a word this whole time, but she didn’t have to. It was unspoken between them, shared in each moment that their eyes met.Slowly, she leaned in closer, so that her lips were a breath away from the woman’s ear, allowing her to say what she needed to without anyone around them hearing it.“Come with me.”Pulling back just enough to meet the stranger’s gaze, she got her answer.A glimmer of excitement in those silver eyes, followed by the slightest twitch of her lips upwards.Without another word, Gladys lead her off the dancefloor, to the outskirts of the room where she knew she ought to stop and start talking, and then out the door, and down an adjacent hallway.She had been bored earlier, but not now.  Now her heart was hammering in her ears as she pushed this complete stranger- she tried not to think about that part- against the wall of the dark, currently unused hallway, and pressed their lips together.It was hot, messy, and exactly what she had been craving. Perhaps it was the champagne, perhaps it was the fact that it had been so long, but Gladys found her better judgement thrown out the window as she sucked on her partner’s bottom lip, earning a wordless sigh of encouragement, and prompting hands to snake back around her waist, pulling her closer.They broke apart for breath for only a brief moment, neither one of them wishing to do more than gasp for air as quickly as possible before clashing back together, lips and tongues seeming almost violent in how aggressively they were pressed against the other. It was exciting, intoxicating, and… familiar.Gladys brushed the thought aside at first, wanting to focus her full attention on the task at hand, yet it started to nag at her.As those calloused hands tangled themselves in her hair, as those lips- slightly chapped- moved from her lips to her neck, to a very specific spot on her neck, causing Gladys’s back to arch and a soft vocalization to escape her.It was all familiar. Like she had felt this before.She moved her hands away from her partner’s chest- where they had already started to undo the first three buttons- and brought them to the stranger’s face, coaxing her head upwards and away from her neck.  Her fingers slipped underneath the strap of the mask, and in one, swift movement, she pulled the mask off.And promptly after, dropped it to the floor.“You.”The face that greeted her was one that she should’ve recognized sooner. She should’ve known from the moment those eyes met hers.And, judging by the way the stranger’s expression was painted with confusion, Gladys had the feeling that she wasn’t the only one who had failed to recognize an old flame.Or, more accurately, a bitter ex.Pulling herself back, Gladys pulled her own mask off, tossing it to the side with a clatter, and meeting this woman- no, Chell’s- gaze once more, so that she could watch the dawning realization flicker into those silver eyes with no mask to distract them.The heat in the air between them had shifted from a comfortable warmth to something more akin to being burnt alive, as the two of them stared the other down, with only the heaving sounds of their breathing echoing through the hallway.Gladys had thought about this moment for a long time. What she would do if she ever saw Chell’s face in Aperture again.She thought about slapping her, or downright strangling her. Screaming at her, or perhaps leaving her in icy silence.She had not foreseen the surge of heat in her stomach that pushed her forward once more, so that her face was once again only inches away from Chell’s, as she uttered only three words-“I hate you.”- before kissing her again.
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