#just having someone be evil for no reason isnt as fun as when they try to rationalize it w their whackass philosophy
hereissomething · 7 months
saw the first saw with orgy and my fave part is when u see dr gordon dragging his dad tummy across the floor on his way out of the bathroom
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minas-linkverse · 2 years
At a risk of being controversial: I really dont enjoy the fanon trope of making Hylia a villain. I dont claim people who do that are evil or sexist, there's obivous writing potential there and people are allowed to explore it. I personally however find it uncomfortable, and I want to speak out in case someone else feels the same and would be relieved to not be alone.
Hylia as a character is a ...fairly new addition to franchise. We first learn of her in skyward sword, a game that's story aims to explain the reincarnation cycle's excistence.
I think due to that, and how in botw we see the first canon story that potrays the cycle as bad, its easy for new and old fans to point at hylia and go: I dont trust this. (It doesnt help Hylia is connected to vague christian imaginary and people have their own issues with religion.)
Again I dont blame people for this, some fans are new, some are coping with religious trauma, and some just wanna explore the cool concept that is reincarnating heroes.
However, my discomfort comes from a few facts in this matter that I want to put out there for people to consider.
My first issue is that Hylia is not the person who started the issue. We know the evil force that is Demise existed before the cycle, and for some reason or another Hylia nor the other goddesses could not stop him. Hylia made her plan in order to seal demise away for good, and it didnt work. It just didn't work.
It doesnt matter if demise cursed the reincarnation thing or if Hylia decided it'd repeat forever. The fact is that theres a malicious unquestionably evil force that a goddess tried to stop and failed.
You can dislike her plan all you want, but hindsight is 20/20 and all that—
Okay, breather, I am passionate about this but I know my opinion isnt the objective fact. Maybe Hylia could stop this cycle and try something else, maybe she is inhuman in mind and spirit and doesnt comprehend the horrors she has caused. We don't know and you can fill these blanks as you see fit.
But uhm, this does bring me to my second opinion, which might be harder to take seriously it you're disagreeing with this post already.
I think there's sexism around how fans treat Zelda and Hylia, not helped at all by Nintendo's own actions.
I see people be put off by skyward sword Zelda, perhaps writing her unemphatic and clueless of Link's battles to find her. So much so that we ignore the fact she too was ripped from home, told she has to be someone else, and forced to drag her best friend along so the world wouldnt end. She is a victim too, but why do we forget this?
In my opinion it's partly due to the bad writing of women Nintendo keeps doing. Zelda is written so... perfect. Nintendo refuses to aknowledge her flaws as a person and instead is like look how pretty she is, she apologises and Link forgives her, so you should too! ...When, if you dont do so, it feels like you're being manipulated or dismissed whenever she is on screen.
An issue that repeats with Hylia as well. With many Zeldas in many games.
To react to that tonal dissonance with writing Zelda/Hylia as evil is... normal, I think. I don't blame people for feeling that way.
But,, That seems unfair to me. A female character with potential to be complex and good was failed by the writers, and now we as fans continue from that point with making her even worse.
I dont dislike fans who do this, you're just participating in fandom the way you see fit, but I cant enjoy it, it makes me upset. These women are not evil, Link isn't the only character being hurt deeply, and if you could please consider female characters beyond how they hurt ya boy, I'd be so relieved.
I'll repeat what I said at the start, I dont claim people who do this are evil or sexist. People are having fun in fandom, and ngl demise sucks as a villain and Hylia is way more interesting to explore.
I just... I think its worth asking yourself why her. Why you don't or do like Zelda. Engaging in things you love with an analytic eye is genuinely good for you and the media you're enjoying.
This in no means is meant to come off as an attack, Im just requesting we look at another angle of things, maybe just to say we did.
I uh, thanks for reading.
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zelenbug · 7 months
me and my friends came up with an incredible interpretation of raymesis and glombrox which makes them really good to put into situations LET ME RAMBLE ABOUT THEM AT LENGTH THEYRE LIKE THE FUNNIEST GUYS EVER
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raymesis is a Giant Petty Loser. for reasons unknown to everyone (even to himself) he HATES rayman SO BAD, he believes hes raymans greatest rival, and and he is obsessed with trying to soil his reputation or at least mess with him by pulling things on him
he never succeeds bc hes also the unluckiest person in the glade. he would try to sneak in and try and explode rayman with cartoon dynamite while hes not looking but ends up tripping over the wire and exploding himself. that type of stuff
one particular method he tries to mess with rayman is by pulling various bad things (kicking over a trash can! oh no!) and then trying to convince everyone he IS rayman. it Never Works. everyone can tell hes some other guy
oh yeah also what makes him even more mad is the fact that nobody really even knows who he is. every time he announces to rayman's face hes his greatest rival rayman just goes "wait really? i dont rememeber you" and continues to be nice to him and that makes him Livid
raymesis would actually do this pose and think that makes him super cool. he wears embarassing gamer shirts unironically. hes such a loser that literally god himself calls him ugly
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glombrox was never "a hero" or "possessed by darktoons" he is Just Like That. like a lot characters in my interpretations kept being bullied as a kid but glombrox is the one who Bullied others as a kid. he gets a kick out of messing with everyone, he views everyone basically the same (acceptable targets for kicking) which includes raymesis
he just nonchalantly decides to play basketball with a teensy instead of a ball, he would do the exact same things to lums that lividngstones do. he goes to the docks at sea of serendipity and does this to all red wizards
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he doesnt do any elaborate pranks he just shoves people or kicks them around or whatever. that said, you wouldnt be able to tell by looking at him or how he acts, but hes actually surprisingly clever/smart at times
glombrox also has the complete opposite issue from raymesis. being that he literally wont stop being mistaken for globox, having a basically identical shape and voice, and its not helped by the fact that globox and his kids also find it acceptable to slap people for fun (actually for fun with no mean intent)
nobody catches onto the fact that hes so mean and still keep mistaking him for someone whos the complete opposite of mean! they just thank who they THINK is globox but isnt!!! he has a personal vendetta against globox because of it, but not remotely to the same extent as raymesis' whole thing. hes just extra mean to globox when he comes across him but globox is like "hi me : )" and just takes it all as a fun thing which doesnt help matters
their dynamic is basically wario and waluigi in warios warehouse (raymesis is waluigi) except if they didnt live together and wario had no idea who mario and luigi were beyond getting mistaken for mario one billion times which makes him mad
raymesis mostly just drags glombrox along for his Evil Plans, taking advantage of what everyone keeps thinking he is, and glombrox just goes along mostly because he thinks itd be funny. theyre technically friends but in some messed up way and would gladly insult each other
glombrox himself takes advantage of the fact that raymesis fully believes that glombrox is his great trusty sidekick (which he isnt). also he just comes to raymesises dingy apartment and raids his fridge and occupies literally the entire couch to watch tv
Heres some incorrect quotes (from here) to describe all of these fools further (though rayman would Not swear in the first one he would just be like "huh what??")
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also this one but i actually put names in there
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murfy counterpart to raymesis and glombrox is the guy who wrote the manual. hes nicer than murfy is he just doesnt appreciate murfys comments about the manual. raymesis thought it was a Great Idea to drag him along with him and glombrox on occacion. but he doesnt actually want to get involved he wants to write for gods sake
teesny counterpart would just be ales honestly but ales doesnt like to associate with these other losers (despite being one himself and also being comically petty about being bullied as a kid) so he usually doesnt
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class-1b-bull · 9 months
What would be your in-depth headcanons for the class 1b students as to why they want to become heroes?
Not proofread we die like men
Awase - i like to think he has a strong older sibling or somthn that inspired him to be a hero. His older sibling probably isnt a pro but he wants to make them proud.
Sen - probably something basic like he looked up to pros or he wanted to save people lol
Kamakiri - people with mutation quirks are often seen as scary or villainous and his personality doesn't really help his case but he wants to prove the people that think like that wrong
Kuroiro - he wanted to be cool. His entire personality is just him being a big dork that tries a little too hard to be edgy and cool. So I wouldent put it past him to become a hero on the prospect of wanting to be cool.
Kendo - shes always been the older sister/ protector type of person to everyone she met so becoming a hero simply matched her personality well.
Kodai - she just felt like being a hero would be something she would be good at. Yea she wants to save people and shes looked up to heros before but i dont think she would be trying as hard as she is if she didnt think she would make it far.
Komori - she wanted to be a hero for two reasons. 1. To make money because those cute dresses she buys are hella expensive. 2. To show off, not in like a mean or snarky way but she genuinely thinks her quirk is cool and wants other people to think its cool too <3
Shiozaki - she wants to save people. The world is full of all sorts of evil and she wants to bring peace of mind to the innocent. Its mostly because of her ideals.
Shishida - he gives me pristine rich boy vibes. He was probably told by his father or someone to either be a buisnessman or a pro hero and Shishida picked what he was more interested in lmao
Shoda - he wanted to be helpful. Hes to shy to be in the spotlight all that often but at the same time he wants to save a bunch of people. Thats why his quirk is perfect for him. It lets him help big time pros while staying in his introvert corner
Pony - because it looked fun. Thats it. She thought running around and fighting villains and saving people would be hella fun (and shes been having the time of her life so far at ua)
Tsubaraba - it probably started off as him becoming a pro to meet cute girls or smthn but he ends up actually having fun using his quirk and getting stronger.
Tetsutetsu - either he wants to be a hero because he essentially has the same backstory as kiri (becoming a hero wise i mean) or because a little kid (or elderly) he helped out once said hed be a great hero.
Tokage - she wants people to be happy. She believes in a life full of happiness is the true way people should live and its kinda hard to be happy when you arnt safe ya know.
Manga - its cannon that he became a pro because he loves kids and wants to make all the kids in the world smile. (I think thats also why his hero costume has so may colors)
Honenuki - he wants to travel the world. He became a hero for the funds and because pros already get to go to some other countries for missions. Seeing the world is a dream of his i think
Bondo - for reasoning similar to Kamakiri probably. He knows the world is full of an unfair bias against people with mutation quirks so he wants to bring a good light to people with those types of quirks <3
Monoma - he was bullied a lot as a kid because of his quirk and how it worked so he probably wants to be a hero to prove the people that bullied him wrong.
Reiko - she honestly thinks her quirk is cool and wants to see all the different ways it can be used. And most people cant do that unless they become a hero. But now she slowly wants to see just how strong she is.
Rin - he wants to protect people but more importantly he wants to be able to protect the people close to him. He wants his friends and family to know their safe by his side. <3
Ive been re watching bnha and ive honestly been on my phone instead of actually watching because im just waiting for when class 1b shows up lmao.
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oifaaa · 2 years
what do you hate about fanon tim drake?
this isnt a trick question or anything, i just like people being passionate about stuff (and also im new and i havent quite gotten to tim drake era yet and you have solid opinions so I want to see em)
I hate fanon Tim for mainly two reason firstly bc his fanon depiction is constantly being depicted as canon and shoved in my face, and secondly bc his actual canon is far more unique, fun and interesting
For instance Tim had the most normal upbringing out of all the Robins he was raised in a well off house hold with non perfect parents that did love him, he was also set up to be the most relatable in how normal he was, he figure out who batman and Robin were after seeing Robin do a flip on TV that he knew only the acrobat Dick Grayson could do, a little later after Jason died he noticed that Bruce was getting overly violent and careless and decided to try and take pictures of this so that he could show them to dick to convince him to come back and be Robin, he was only able to do this bc Bruce was being careless otherwise Tim would not of been able to keep up with batman, he shows them to dick and dick takes him to the Manor, Tim is also the first Robin to not actually need Robin and not need a father or guardian, his life was fine and this helps bc batman was not in the right head space or position to be getting another son so soon after he lost Jason. His upbringing and the fact that he was able to figure out who batman was resulted in his being arrogant, selfish and a bit of a know it all. He's very independent but he can also make friends easily and is a bit of a womaniser (arguably the term suits him way better then it suits Dick) Hes also got the second best support system in the batfamily just behind dick which he actively ignores bc he chooses not to. He needs a serious reality check and he makes bad decisions that will ruin his life every other week. Fanon takes all this and throws it out the window in favour of turning tim into this pathetic sad wet blanket who cant stick up for himself and the most special perfect boy you've ever seen, he was only 3 years old when he somehow made it all the way from Bristol to crime ally where he was able to climb buildings to take pictures of batman and robin, when Jason beats him up at titans tower he starts crying about how awful his fucked up childhood was with his comically evil parents who sold him to one direction as a child and kept him in a cage, everything wrong with his life is someone elses fault and he's always right, he has no friends and no one has ever hugged him before please save this special boy
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bonesandthebees · 4 months
ch 5 is so good in showing crimeboys' opinions of each other through how that changes in this chapter
wilbur judges tommy with the standards he and niki with q, the throne candidates, were held up too and its frustrating to him that tommy can act more childish and still be considered at the heir
and its not that wilbur doesnt know, that tommy is unaware of the reason of his stay in pandorinne, to me it seems like hes almost looking for a reason to be critical of tommy (not that tommy makes that hard) bc niki (and he) and even quackity have been working hard to be good candidates for the throne and now tommy gets to just join in
also tommy insulting wilbur and phil forcing wil to spend more time with him isnt helping that
what wilbur fails to realise, that while tommy is still royalty, the manners standards arent the only different thing about tommys upbringing
as could be seen at the market, but even before, with tubbo, jack and even puffy, tommy is much less detached from servants and other people in the kingdom, where the people in the castle, while not necessarily evil, are very secluded in the castle and detached from the common people, even tho many make important decisions about their lives
and we get to see tommy disprove this prejudice in wilbur
and wilbur also learns that tommy isnt completely stupid in terms of strategy
now what is more interesting to me is how tommy sees wilbur
taking it from the start, while tommy recognises that wilbur doesnt like him all too much, for tommy hes the first new person he talks with in a less formal setting, wilbur doesnt scold him for cursing and generally they managed to have a chill pretty casual conversation before wilbur got pissy about tommy insulting him
and even after that wilbur will slip into banter with tommy (I love their urge to keep insulting each other lol), tommy doesnt know wilbur is kinda being forced to hang out with him on all the occasions they do so he quickly becomes a familiar person
theres never any punishment for what he says to wilbur, apart from wilbur himself and even niki encourages his making fun of wilbur
also I dont think tommy really realises the status imbalance between them
they did have the talk about wilbur not official having any status, but tommy doesnt see himself as anything more than wilbur
so to tommy wilbur is a stuck up guy who acts like the adults in criticising basically everything tommy does, but also he will go and insult tommy back and he keeps spending time with him (unknowingly to tommy very unwillingly) so I dont think tommy actually hates wilbur, he just enjoys making fun of him and knows he can afford it
as someone who spends a lot of time with boys rose!tommys age (scouting, also its not like im that much older) i adore how accurately he acts
any touristic tips if I want to visit pandorinne?
I love the city so much, the canals system sounds super sick and I absolutely adore markets they just have such a cool atmosphere
yeah the thing is wilbur understands that it's not exactly tommy's fault he's acting the way he is, because he isn't even aware of the position he's in. but it's still frustrating to witness. it's frustrating to listen to sam and phil both consider tommy a viable heir when tommy isn't even trying to get their approval, unlike what quackity and niki have gone through their entire childhoods.
but yes what's more interesting is the difference in upbringing between the pandorinne trio (quackity niki wilbur) and tommy. although valbroek is a fairly wealthy city and tommy still lived a very lavish noble lifestyle, he had a lot more freedom there than he has in pandorinne. he was able to go out on his own and interact with the people of his city. he's seen their struggles firsthand. his people aren't just theoreticals to him, they all have faces. which contrasts with quackity, niki, and wilbur who were rarely allowed to leave the palace without armed escorts growing up. and along with that, while tommy goofs off, he's not completely stupid when it comes to strategy. he's just untrained.
meanwhile, yes, tommy can definitely recognize that wilbur doesn't like him all that much but he thinks it's more of a game than it actually is. he thinks that the bickering is something they both enjoy. while he obviously knows his relationship with wilbur is nothing like his relationship with tubbo, there's the familiarity of a friendship where the two of you just insult each other all the time and pretend you can't stand each other when you're actually close. and the fact that wilbur keeps playing into the bickering, and there's never any punishment for what he says to wilbur like you pointed out, only affirms this belief.
not only does tommy not see himself as better than wilbur, he actually looks up to wilbur. it's not obvious and he's not even that aware of it himself, but wilbur is the son of the Consil. he's older than tommy and seems to know so much about what's going on in the palace, but he's less intimidating than niki and quackity since they're the potential heirs. tommy would rather die than admit it, but yknow when you have a 12-13 year old who interacts with a 17-18 year old and they think the older teen is so cool? yeah, that's tommy with wilbur.
lol I'm glad tommy is an accurate 13 year old boy. I did no research for how to write 13 year old boys I'm just going off of how tommy acted in the early days of dsmp along with my own distant memories of being in middle school
I'm glad you like the city!! Hmm tourist tips for Pandorinne... well the Lavender Market is one of the best parts of the city, as Wilbur told Tommy in that chapter. Canals are mainly used for the transport of goods and supplies, but later in the evenings you might find a man with a small boat willing to give you a scenic ride, if you have the right coin of course. There's also a few temples dedicated to the different gods littered throughout the city, which are always worth visiting to get a blessing or two. And make sure to go down to the docks directly to get fish so fresh it's practically still blinking! Of course, you can't miss the cookshops. If you bring your own meat or fish, they'll cook it up for you for a fraction of the cost you'd pay if you didn't provide they ingredients. They can even bake it in some pastry dough for a savory pie if you request it! Wealthier nobles tend to avoid cookshops though, since there's not a lot of heavy regulation on food distribution in the city...
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dappersautismcreature · 7 months
i absolutely love bbh and i see where you're coming from totally when you're frustrated with red team's grudge against him. it's frustrating when watching from bbh's perspective because yeah. he is just playing the game, he's trying to save his kids, he's merciful when he can be and is very polite. so i totally understand the frustrations bc it seems like others hate him for completely unfair reasons.
but from the red team's perspective- they do not actually think he is evil. Like they fully understand why he's doing what he's doing and don't really actually hate him. it's just a bit that they're running with. The "badboyhalo is our specter of death, our mortal enemy" is really just a funny thing they are doing.
They're not really super focused on lore rn so i think the conflict gets rough though, with q!Bad having such strong roleplay motivations and the red team kinda just messing around rn and having fun. Their plan right now is to just play and wait for lore clues to pop up so they can figure out what REALLY must be done.
also the agreement with ElQuackity wasn't even about BBH or the Blue team at all, i think the players just wanted Green to have a win for motivation.
feel free to delete or ignore this ask tho i just wanted to say this stuff bc maybe the grudge would seem less unfair and personal idk
have a lovely evening and viewing experience
no no nonnie <3 this helped a lot actually
just wanna say every time even if its someone disagreeing with me i love getting you guys to come discuss things in my inbox (makes me feel like a part of this community)
this helped because i heard that green and red were teaming bad, which again isnt awful, i can totally see a fun way for it to play out, i just get flashbacks to people saying that bad deserved to be caged back during that arc. like if red and green team just obliterate bad i dont want them to be seen as perfect angels for doing so, you know?
im also looking forward to green possibly winning today (even though i think blue has been doing some great stuff lately, but im biased lmao)
basically, i get the grudge, i just dont like how some chatters, some people on twitter, and the rare person here takes it like it has actual needed weight to it, and that its not just their characters holding onto a grudge a bit too hard.
i am also almost always on the defensive because I Know how people hold jaiden, cellbit, slime, and foolish (and philza argh) to this 'perfect angel' standing while they decimate bad for doing something even slightly morally questionable, while idk, foolish is a cop, jaiden literally ignores how cucurucho tortured her friends, cellbit killed several innocent people, slime.. idk slime's pretty chill, and philza,, is lowkey a bystander sometimes.
sorry for the kinda rant <3 love u nonnie. just know i get where theyre coming from, im more preparing for the worst when it comes to the fandom interpretations
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makowo · 1 year
i think people go through dr and forget like. the setting. the whole point is that - and this is mainly trigger happy havoc - its a bunch of high schoolers in an extremely fucked up situation. NONE OF THEM are meant to be killing people or holding trials or any of this and i think people like. expect more out of them. when it comes to the other games i guess i kind of get it? especially since the cast of goodbye despair just felt a lot older since i guess they were. but especially trigger happy havoc its so much more crushing if you acknowledge that none of them are used to it. which is why characters like makoto are overlooked because he doesnt seem as cool or mysterious as the other characters and the fact that he's trying to be a source of positivity for other people isnt enough for some people. again its been years but i will never stop being upset over makoto's treatment in fandom.
also on despair makoto. this is very fast but i think he's a cool concept when taken the right way. from what i recall he wasn't meant to be super cool he was in like. extreme distress. and thats so much more crushing than the concept of just "hey you see this nice guy? yeah he's evil now isn't that cool" like. good god this is making my interest come back. hang on
It's definitely because of the sequels, i think; the tone from sdr2 on is SO different. There's still the pretext of these people being brought into a horrible massacre framed as a game, but like. the outlandish humor that dr1 juxtaposes with the suffocating psychological horror of being isolated from the outside world with only total strangers just as desperate as you to get out to be with is just. thrown SO off balance with the changes to setting and stuff, trying to one-up dr1 with more elaborate set pieces and character backstories. it's all made to be far less down to earth as a result. and thus the characters that are more "normal" are looked down upon for not having 50 layers of depth to their motives, or being perfect in their reasoning for doing the things they do, or the writing not being as... idk if i wanna use the word great actually. we'll go with "intense". it's so much to think about and i cant get all of it out but yknow. You Know.
and Despair Makoto i love talking about him. facts of me. he IS such a cool concept, and i adore how they handle the concept tbh. i still think it would have been fun to see this guy be just so fucked in the head for a little while but that's all self indulgence. it outright debunks munakata's arguments of all these people in despair being evil villains and just showing someone suffering from it. being brought down to such a low point that he's willing to die with a smile. it's horrifying, and so fucking. ufghaguh......... im so happy they didnt shove in Evil Makoto i think we would be in so much worse a world if that happened.
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kiwibirdlafayette · 1 year
after the battles, yet we cannot win the war (its a mad multiverse out there that's for sure)
hi im back. its timeline time >:] very much still a work in progress, uhh only vague for that I don't wanna spoil Big Things (for no reason, this is really all for fun LMAO no one is gonna wanna produce this)
*obligatory disclaimer, all named characters are in reference to solely the RP characters, and have nothing to do with CCs
the stuff that happens after S2/before Isles isnt as important plus ive rambled about it before
During Isles tldr; Sonja revives Capsize with the help of Spark, Kristin, Phil and Ianite.
Tom returns to the present from Isles, literally falling from a rift and landing facefirst onto the deck of Capsize's boat
Jordan got taken by DreamXD into the DSMP to be trapped in the End Realm- long story short he finds Techno and Phil, they free him, he gets launched far from the Syndicate meeting room, roped into working for Wilburger and reconnects with Tubbo this is all the DSMP Sparklez stuff
When Techno's Syndicate has their ending (the canon one Phil wrote), Rux!Dianite (I'll just refer to him as Dia) uses the anomaly signal caused when Wilbur left to Utah to find Jordan and bring him home with Tubbo (Michael and Ranboo idk they fit in here somewhere im not on about writing this just yet)
Everyone's home yayyy Tom is doin his Mecha Dianite things, everyone's kinda gettin along (not really.. lots of uh. skeletons in the closet. Big Character Conflits). then Boom. Alice Syndicate (and Karl bc he deserves to get saved from whatever the fuck happens to him at the end of Isles im not that far yet LMAO anyways)
Basically. Big Frick. NoWhere (deity of multiverse) has discovered a force that is causing worlds to decay away (ooc: inactive SMPs) explaining why it seems Mianite is getting rotted despite Tom being there aka all 3 gods present
Leads them to Vault Hunters/Hermitcraft universe- long running, no decay, Vault Gods must know something
Tom gets sent there first. Cue confusion thing and him bein a little messed up with his attachment issues to Jordan after he just got his bf back, he fights Pete, gets kicked
X33n (aka deviser gaines who ditched everyone and reinvented himself) and Tubbo talk to VH!Ianite get Tom back, he talks to Vault Gods. Wendarr explains what the force was, now their worlds are untimed. This entity is like a mimic, its hard to find. Suggests they check Hermitcraft
Tom returns, the team prepares. Dia agrees to take Tom's place alongside the S1 siblings temporarily to let him investigate.
On the way to speak to the hermit gods or watchers, theyre intercepted by someone who looks like Martyn inthelittlewood (its not him) in the data streams who says they have information. Jokes on them. its a mimic, and sends them flying off their trail into a random vanilla world.
Its where Tucker went. theres also a witch there too shes chill
They catch up with Tucker, find out where he's been.
Conflict part 23, haven't fleshed this out but ends with Tucker agreeing to join them in their shenanigans one last time
Alice finds traces of the entity in a realm akin to Empires S2, its called Aitheaca.
Through her portal, Tom, Jordan, Sonja, Capsize and Tucker end up in Aitheaca, and are greeted by the fishy Watcher Merina and wither skeleton Cassell, who help them get to safety before Flash can find them
Wag is also there by a random coincidence, has just been hanging out with William and Mianite. Bro's just been travelling about the multiverse for fun
Most story takes place here; Martha's theory is the Ianite in this realm is housing the entity (Jordan agrees.. why else would his lady be evil and hellbent on keeping balance to the point of it being destructive?) Basically, them two's about to have a massive fucking wakeup call. Capsize is skeptical
Back home, Ianite, Dia and Mianite are trying to hold their crumbling realm together with the help of Spark, Mot Jeriah and Alyssa, going back n forth between Ruxomar to pick up quintessence. Its not gone well
Stuff ensues. How it ends? I really don't know yet...
and uh. I mean i do have more but its more spoilery but its for ending things which I'm still working out so yeeee But! That's the gist of it; I really wanna focus on themes of them having to understand things are temporary, the idea of things having to have an end, and when it ends, who will be there to start again with you.
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GODD i finally know what to do w vanny n vanessa in my rewrite
since william is double dead ergo no glitchtrap and sammy emily is now the head of the company cuz henry is kinda dead and mrs afton is in fuck off nowhere town, glitchtrap is in the vr game as a stylized depiction of william cuz it is making fun of the past while going ‘im not owned!’ and the company is not going well
whoever is patient 46 sees this game and is like wow! this company sucks! and by unexplained plot reasons decides to scare kids in the pizzaplex due to this
cuz vanessa made vanny as a mascot now, she goes to the birthday parties of kids and helps out in her decent fursuit, 46 decides itd be really funny if they try to copy the vanny costume and just kinda hang around
when 46 sees gregory and vanessa alone, by whatever reason and the excuse that i wanna pick and choose what type of canon to go by 46 kills gregory, hacks the animatronics (including fred, hes just the trope of ‘oh wow i was super nice but im evil actually grr bite bite’) and blames it on vanessa and thats when dlc kid goes ‘huh maybe my friend going missing for 3 days in a place known to have a bad track record with kids dying isnt the best thing’
tldr 46 is cosplaying vanessas fursona, decides its probably a good thing to murder someone for contradicting reasons and kills a child
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guideaus · 1 year
late tristamp 8 thoughts
the voice filter thing makes rem (?) outright sound like a robot
i see knives and vash have different origins
sc-fi that has shit be like the most transparent tablet or whatever is so funny, its reminds me of d/bh (🤢🤮)
hate knives being less enthusiastic. i think them being different isnt automatically bad, and even if he was like hitting puberty before vash and maybe going through adolescence he still deserves respect, but it does kinda hint that he's the "bad" one. and i hate that evil/good twin shit lol
this cutting straight to the fall kind of makes it interesting. at least makes you go "oh, wow, i wonder what happened" as opposed to starting the show off with it
tristamp might be assigning more guilt to vash concrening knives? if knives is telling the truth. in the manga and anime knives just fucking... hacked smth idk, while here knives makes it sound like vash let him in on a little secret to the "explode all ships" button he instantly regretted
i cant take his voice actor seriously though
rem didnt shove them in diff clothes in this adaptation??
this makes it a bit more gruesome, vash being near the corpses instead of the twins watching afar
i wonder how tristamp will make knives here if he isnt even attempting to deal w vash and he gets easily taken away
this woman just knows to look for plant characteristics?? its not even a surprise thing during a doctor's checkup??
i can see theyre changing the lore w the seeds ships if theres just casual people walking around fine like there wasnt a cataclysmic event just then
they handcuffed a child... what are they gonna do, put him on trial?
is this woman a fucking plant expert. i thought they were all regarded as top-secret lab experiments, esp w vash and knives being the first "independents". why does she know. or is she info dumping
Either knives and vash are much younger, or conrad did get an intentional life extending thingy
orange not changing rem's name is so funny. knives got nai, but her last name is still just "save" added onto her first name. why not seibrem!!!
also we're the same height :)
the guy (brad?) is really annoying.
what the fuck is their food
rip luida's appearance. orange said "not cute anime waifu? GROSS."
i genuinely wonder why they put brad and luida here. are they just trying to take a short cut between making vash visit his home and connecting the backstory
this ep also has the problem of the world looking lifeless, itd be understandable if it was explained (everyone else died, theyre hiding, etc.,) but it seems like its literally just luida and brad here. I genuinely cant tell if shes lying abt other survivors or orange cant afford more models to show them lol
are they trying to make vash repeat after knives. or is it unintentional? i feel like vash wouldnt want to copy knives after the fall tho lol. i might be reading too into it, but they did choose almost the exact same words, so..
why are they keeping vash locked up lol. wouldnt luida just trying to have him help with like... whatever someone can imagine is going on there (idk, orange wont show us anything) to possibly sway him even if he has ulterior motives. he's not even hurt, theres no reason she'd act nice and do that, i feel if vash wasnt depressed atm he'd become scared of them. theyre treating him like a decorative plant
we finally barely see bland people BUT HOW ARE THE PEOPLE SAYING HOW GROSS HE LOOKS WHEN HE LOOKS JUST LIKE THEM FSDGHDHS??? in the 90s anime, it made sense when ppl were freaked out by watching how quickly they aged around them, but theres no reason for them to be acting like this to him. he's locked up, so that one thing where ppl assume "locked up" = "they must have done something to deserve it (his treatment)", couldve come into play, but calling him gross lol?? maybe making fun of his outfit at most or smth but??
WHY DO THEY ALL WANT HIM DEAD SO BAD FJHDJD??? its not even a "this is against the rules" thing (which could work bc in this universe, they were all alive pre-fall), but they just want him dead for some reason...
more bland people
vash is a plant empath
i don't think i like the presentation of rem's iconic speech. there's no context shown for it, i was scared luida was gonna take it, but here its just loosely connected. in fact, i don't think it really matches at all. originally it was about rem and vash wanting to die, they argue you have something to live for, and vash uses it to be hopeful and say people can change even when they've done bad. here it gives off the impression that vash can live to be useful to the humans, therefore he'll finally earn their respect (which is bad lol). even if its related to vash's apparent guilt of knives being able to drop everyone from the sky, its not clear enough. the audience doesnt know the context
SHE SAYING IT AS SHE'S DYING?? why would she think either kid would ever hear it, lol. i feel it doesnt fit any situation in tristamp, im more focused on the plant than what she's saying, so frankly its kind of leaving my mind as shes saying it despite me already knowing it
the plant reminds me tristamp elendira looks like that :/
i guess vash's power here is healing steven universe style, but just through minimum contact ig
he now has an appetite (trying to live), his handcuffs coming off, and a new bed. absolutely feel like a reward for his actions... it feels bad... that absolutely gives him new problems and i dont think it was intentional. thats not good for a 2 y/o, lol. somehow orange repeated the manga's introduction better here than in the reboot's own 2 first eps...
the stuff with tristamp wolfwood and brad just isnt funny. in the manga/anime, brad had that immature attitude to show off in front of jessica, he was also jealous of vash for being an older bro type and jessica had a crush on him, so he felt like the competition. here he's just... being an asshole? the "yeah, he did something useful, i guess he can get a bed now" doesnt feel like a lot. luida too, she apologizes, but doesnt explain why they did that (and that its inexcusable)
so is he using up his powers in tristamp too, or.
hes a little lanky teen, awww
why did they give him a jacket that's too big, lol. its like they found a random one advertising their company and just let him have it. and not a single other character has a similar jacket
OH MY GOD BRAD IS BACK TO BEING IRRATIONAL. no "Hey, kiddo... what's this?" COME ON. luida collapses too, like werent you the smarter, nicer one??
vash runs away out of fear, so ig maybe he would have done that before.
why did vash kind of hide his running away letter. hes copying rem
brad is back to feeling guilty?? what the fuck is going on. pick one. frankly, itd make sense for him to think "running away" = "guilty" with how he started
i dont know why they cut to the present for 30 seconds just to go back in time again
it sucks no one was nearby when vash woke up, but that might be hard for orange. idk why they cant have more than 3 characters in a scene
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moomoomooing · 2 years
Kyuu and why he’s in NRC
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some ramblings for kyuu and NRC, specifically on how NRC is a school for villains
this was honestly really fun to write and I wrote so much more than intended. I promise i’ll get around to writing more on kyuu and leona once i’ve splurged out all the lore i want for kyuu rn :D
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yk i havent said it here but like, NRC is a school full of villains essentially right, it’d be pretty weird to slap some wholesome and pure-hearted person into NRC- especially when RSA exists lmao
idk i was thinking abt it and yeah, yuusonas and just yuu characters in general are the expection to this cause theyre arent at NRC by choice or really fit in with the rest of the boys in “evilness”
oh also- kyuu here, while I list him as a sona for myself, isnt really the most accurate representation of myself, I put on a lot of negative aspects on him and we certainly wouldn’t act the same way. So maybe listing him as an oc/sona would be far more accurate. He’s based off of me, but I develop him as his on character- using myself for reference. (For when I talk about it: I do not condone bullying and it makes me really uncomfortable to even witness it, empathy ig? i dont really understand it myself, but yeah, that part specifically is purely made for Kyuu and why he’s an NRC boy)
so i present some of the stuff that makes Kyuu an NRC student :)
To him its kinda everyman for himself, he’ll help if its reachable and fairly easy for him, or that person has some great significance to him (aka emotionally important or like, powerful ppl he wants to be on the good side of). But otherwise, he’ll leave that person to just kinda suffer-he’ll offer condolences and be on his way. He’s tries to stay on good terms with Azul for that reason, it’s real easy to pull strings when you’re friends with someone like that, even just a name drop of the tweels or Azul might intimidate some people. He’s never signed a deal but he does work part-time at the Mostro Lounge. He’s incredibly self-sufficient to the point where he will allow himself to sink and refuse to make a peep to others. Professor Trein is basically the only exception- and that took a lot of pondering to take the chance. 
He’s cold, not just in appearance from his resting face, but if he doesn’t know you, theres a good chance he’ll never bother talking to you. Hell he doesn’t like getting involved in stuff like bullying, either being the bully or preventing it- to him it’s free entertainment, the only exception is underclassmen he particularly likes or if they’re in the Equestrian Club with him. Catching Floyd or Jade on a hunt for a student might just make it to his most memorable moment of the day, It’s a bore when all the kids are the same type of roughhousing and mean. His social bubble is small and restrictive- which is why getting such a severe crush on Leona was so significant. If he wanted any type of closure or chance it would force him to interact and actually try to be nice and active with people he doesn’t care about to make some connections. He met Ruggie that way, and while Ruggie saw through him immediately, it definitely worked on other Spelldrive Club members (ahem Epel). Though nowadays he’s far more involved with the first years, he actually tutors (attempts to) Deuce and Ace, and any of the other first years when they need help, so that relation with Epel became a lot more genuine than before. 
Getting into a relationship with Leona didn’t really change much for him, besides the whole independency thing. A brief side note-I find it really unbelievable that overblots don’t have some sort of intense recovery period, which for my purposes I say they do. Even after a week or two you still feel the effects of the blot, maybe even a physical manifestation of blot, throwing it up or choking on it at its worst. Kyuu and Leona got together a mere days after Leona overblotted, it was a moment of fear for Kyuu- Kyuu being amongst the crowd when it happened, and Leona being pretty emotionally vulnerable afterwards and was forced to admit and re-confront lifelong doubts and pains. Leona ended up needing to do check-ups in the infirmary, having to stay a night when the blot afterwards had surged back and Ruggie forced him to actually get help. Kyuu ended up visiting the infirmary at the time, and well, they confessed. (This is something I’ll probably write about later, especially how I think it would go from Leona’s side bc I think that’s interesting lmao.) This, quite frankly, is a pretty awkward way to start a relationship. It took a lot of time to truly get comfortable around each other and begin to open up emotionally. Bringing this back around to how it changed Kyuu’s whole sever emotional independence, they were close enough that it made Kyuu actually talk. Leona doesn’t pry or force more out of Kyuu than necesarry- and that helps so much in making him feel like he can drop it into conversations (where appropriate of course.) That pressure of making it feel like it’s a big deal is crippling to him.
Oh lord this turned into some intense brainrot- if you made it this for a smooch for you and im sorry for writing so much-
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vore-scientist · 1 year
@Yonah, how does it feel to know that you hold the thieves lives in your hands completely? I know you like to let them go, but how does it feel that you COULD digest them alive, if you wanted, and you wouldn’t even get in trouble for it?
Yonah: Ehmmmmm its not much different from actually holding them in my hands. I'm a giant, we can always easily kill smallfolk, its a part of our lives from when we are young to when we are old. For the most part we dont want to hurt smallfolk. It's always in the back of our minds that we could. Like when you smallfolk see an insect on the ground, you probably think 'oh i could squash that'. But you probably dont!
And as for the 'get in trouble'. Giants and monsters dont always get in trouble for hurting smallfolk. It's hard to explain to someone who does not live in this world but shit happens. Giants hurt people, monsters hurt people, or even kill people. It's not common, so when its just a one-off or accident, there usually arent repercussions. Take an example from my home village where everyone was drunk and this one human was very rude to a drunk giant and they got squashed. It wasnt an accident, the giant didnt regret it when they sobered up. For the most part? That was that. I dont know if there would have been consequences if this had been in a smallfolk town but from what Ive seen it just depends. Usually what happens is the giant is not as trusted for a while. The drunk from my town was awkward around the girlfriend of the person they killed for many years. Again its very situational. A giant that is known to target travelers on the roads probably going to get in trouble with some sort of law or people will hire a slayer/put out a reward for stopping the giant. If its a problem it takes care of itself. A giant that reacted badly to something and destroyed some property and maybe hurt people, even caused a death, probably will be asked to apologize and help fix things and the people will be angry... But imprisoning the giant is unlikely, and its entirely its possible that the giant fucked off. People could hire adventurers to kill or at least take some sort of revenge (my friend Eli has had to write up civil lawsuits against giants for these things. Even in the case of casualties the giant is often just... made to do community service or pay money). As long as they dont make a habit of causing wanton destruction. that is that. I am rambling oh kind anonymous letter writer.
Sorry if you wanted to hear me say "I feel powerful and filled with righteous glee muahahahaha". I dont terrorize people because it makes me feel powerful. I am powerful, i dont need to fuck with smallfolk to remind myself that I am. i do it because its fun and im an evil bastard.
(I dont know if i made sense. but basically this is a fairytale world and there isnt like robust law enforcement everywhere to punish monsters and beasts for behaving like monsters and beasts. Sometimes shit happens. and if it KEEPS happening and becomes a problem that's when people get organized to do something. But some random giant who otherwise isnt known for causing trouble for some reason wrecks a neighborhood of a town? maybe the town will try to do some legal magic to get money or get the giant to help rebuild but that's a maybe. It doesnt mean giants can just cause harm with impunity. These things arent happening often enough to need criminal laws to deter such behavior. YONAH got in trouble for a variety of reasons. 1, giants are usually... very noticeable. Monsters in general are noticeable when they go to towns. Yonah very purposefully hid himself and while that's not a crime, monsters can be in hiding, the combo of giant and firewitch scared folks. and 2) ive revised that when he was found out he did react badly and ran away and caused some damage, and probably did eat a person while on the run. Though im going to say he found a bandit camp like in skyrim and they shot at him, he ate one, the others fled and that's how it became known he ate someone??? but otherwise he tried to not do any harm. He just panicked really badly. and 3) actually committed fraud by forging documents that said he was human from X town and trained with Z witch as part of his application to the school)
WOW THIS ANSWER GOT LONG SORRY!!!!! I dont know if this was a fun answer or not???
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rynzii-419 · 3 years
I’ve been reading about this study on psychology and it talked about this thing, “positive sentiment override” vs “negative sentiment override” and so, of course, I connected it to apologist discourse.
Bit of warning; this is going to talk about Dream in a negative light, and I’m going to reference Tommy and Wilbur in a positive light. The point of this is to show why I think common interpretations of Wilbur and Dream are exaggerated, and I try to talk about Wil critically too even though normally thats a bit harder for me, which is actually related to the psychology thing I’m gonna talk about here. So yeah, please read this if apologist discourse something you’re interested in! I try to make this readable and unbiased as best as I can. (I say this but the point here is to talk about misconceptions and exaggerations about Wilbur and Dream, meaning I say why I think Dream isn’t as deserving of forgiveness as the fandom treats him and Wilbur isn’t as deserving of the hate he gets, but I really feel like this one isn’t biased.)
Alright, first I want to explain positive sentiment override (im gonna abbreviate it to “pso”). Pso is something I see used on Dream a lot, where people will see someone do something negative and think “oh well they probably had a reasonable explanation for that”.
Negative sentiment override (nso) is what I see used on Wilbur (like all the time). This is where someone will do something even positive and people will look on with skepticism and think “that was manipulation.” (ex. The reaction to every conversation he’s had with ranboo)
While its great to look for reasoning behind a character’s actions, and great to have skepticism about a darker character’s motives, its also taken too far in these cases very often.
Okay here’s where I get a little critical of Dream. The reason that I believe he isn’t very deserving of this “benefit of the doubt” he gets so often is because:
He isn’t apologetic for any of his actions. Now, we could go back and forth all day on whether his treatment of L’manburg was right or not, but we all know that his behavior with Tommy in exile was wrong. The thing is that Dream doesn’t agree. He even says in the prison when Tommy got trapped in there, “this is gonna be so much fun, just like exile” (paraphrasing, im sorry </3). When a character shows no remorse for actions that are inherently evil (like theres no getting around that Dream in exile was evil), it makes me feel as if they cant be treated as if they’re redeemable. Of course, he could be redeemed, but i can’t see that happening to him until he apologizes to Tommy and Tubbo and distances himself from them entirely. The problem is that i don’t see that happening at this point.
He showed signs of being a bad person/friend before exile. Again, I’m actually not even going to address L’manburg because that’s something that people disagree on often, so here I’d rather talk about Sapnap and Dream’s relationship and why I believe that was very unhealthy. After Dream’s speech about Spirit and how he doesn’t care about anything other than the discs (and its implied that he really meant tommy but thats besides the point), Sapnap instantly took that as meaning Dream didn’t care about him. Now some people hear that as “Sapnap is such a bad friend, he immediately assumed the worst out of Dream, how could be be so rude?” What i see that as is a sign that Dream probably wasn’t a very good friend himself. I also had a situation similar to this, where i had a friend who was really trashy (but i didn’t realize at the time) and I was always scared that they would ditch me. A lot like Sapnap, I would ask “do you think they’ll leave me?” then go back and say “haha, no, thats irrational, isnt it”. The problem is, those kinds of fears often aren’t based off of nothing. They come from an understanding of how that friend treats others, and the fear that they feel the same way for you. I think Sapnap saw how Dream treated others and didnt care much for his relationships and that made him scared for his own friendship, and rightfully so, as we saw later.
Dream was unapologetically manipulative and abusive continuously. A few spur of the moment actions would be an unhealthy mental state, but continued and premeditated abuse without remorse is a… really bad sign.
WILBUR TIME!! At long last aha. Now, this is where i speak POSITIVELY about Wilbur. I’ll throw in some crit dont worry <3. So here’s why I dont believe that Wilbur is deserving of the amount of hate he gets:
Wilbur has shown at least an attempt to apologize to people, which goes against his usual mentality. He’s a very prideful character, and he hasn’t apologized much in the past i believe. While he’s nowhere near better mentally than he was on Nov 16, he’s shown that he’s trying.
While he has manipulated people since his revival, it’s all been spur of the moment reactions. No continuous decisions, like I mentioned with Dream. Its likely that they come from his delusions/paranoia (which he still suffers from, isolation does not heal mental illness).
I believe that the times that we see him being most genuine are when he’s with Ranboo, since Ranboo is a nonjudgmental person who Wilbur has related to and feels is a blank slate for him to talk to. We’ve heard him open up about his motives a lot, such as feeling as if everyone is scared of him. That’s further pushed by the fact that cc!Wilbur confirmed that when he said that Quackity is the only one that makes him feel human since he’s not scared to question Wilbur.
I think this is the big one: Wilbur recognizes that he was in the wrong in Pogtopia. He sees that he hurt Tommy and regrets it, which I think is really important to remember. Simple as that. He said he sees Tommy look at him with the same eyes as he did in Pogtopia, which makes me believe he would want to be better. I would talk about what i believe Wilbur’s motives throughout Pogtopia was here but I think that’s a post for another dayz
Alright uh thats it i think, sorry this was so long i was just havin a lotta thoughts about it, ya know? This is open to discussion i think, i just really enjoyed writing this out :D
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gale-gentlepenguin · 2 years
You ended your ask game already ? Awww, I just wanted to be a little evil and ask you about the statue scene from Puppeteer 2. Guess you won this one you lucky bastard :D.
oh no I will make an exception for this one
Concept: Live action Avatar | Disappointing | “I dont know what I was expecting” | True Neutral | I see potential | Solid | Excellence | The creation of Penguins Execution: Live action Avatar | Disappointing | “I dont know what I was expecting” | True Neutral | I see potential | Solid | Excellence | The creation of Penguins
In concept, the scene is just the classic misunderstanding. Its the cliche (Talk about someone or practice) without them there.
Now in the episode. It is cringe. It is cringe but i love it.
The set up for it makes a lot of sense. The group is there because Adrien is getting his wax statue fixed up. Nino played a joke on Manon that showed the girl surprise and have fun. Nino accidentally made Adrien think Marinette didnt like him, and Marinette was trying to get her feelings for him out there.
Now Adrien hears marinette coming and decides to (as a fun, harmless prank) pretend to be a statue. And surprise her. Because he truly wants to improve his relationship with her. So what makes this scene work so well is the fact that this comes from a place of Naive misunderstanding
Marinette now seeing this statue decides its the perfect time to practice. And what follows is hilarious.
Any moment adrien could be found out, and he honestly has zero idea of when he should reveal he isnt real. Because he honestly didnt think it through.
It wasnt until she went and tried to kiss the statue did he finally realize he let this go on too long.
Now a lot of people think Adrien did this because he didnt see marinette that way. And I do agree that is a potential reason. But another way of looking at this scene is. "Oh no if she finds out I am not wax, and she kisses me, she will HATE me "
I will point out that Adrien has no problem kissing marinette. (see season 1). But this prank would have ended up MUCH worse in his mind.
I think the French reaction does better in iterating this than the english dub.
So now we have the fall out. Marinette feels so much embarassment over her "Over dramatic" acting which wasnt serious. And Adrien feels horrible because his prank went wrong.
Adrien and Marinette now have to talk in order to get over this hilarious misunderstanding.
And then the wax figures attack.
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cmyknoise · 2 years
so thinking bout it. i definitely know why people tend to use reds & blacks in drawing wilbur. and that’s the whole ‘vilbur’ thing as well as the ycgma color palette.
which, vilbur is a problem in of itself. but the ycgma palette isnt nescessarily bad in design, especially since thats canonically associated with him.
the problem in character designs with wilbur isn’t the traits. its not colors. its not even specific traits or features. 
hell, i draw my wilbur with imp horns & a tail. so im definitely not gonna talk about features like the zombie features ‘dehumanizing’ wilbur. cause features alone aren’t what does that. 
its the intent of portrayal. 
wilbur’s colors have always been warm earthy colors of browns and yellows, and its something his designs have lacked for a very long time. since pogtopia and his decline in mental health, he was drawn with these colors less and less. 
i think that there could definitely be something there about then villainizing his state of mental health, something the fandom still struggles with today, but its not the colors alone that do this. 
ive drawn very peaceful and happy images of wilbur with high contrast, with reds, with the zombie like and imp like features. i’ve seen plenty of others do it. 
like i said before, its not a problem. 
the problem where design choices come into play is intent. when you draw wilbur with these colors and features, are you doing it for fun, because its cool, because of a headcanon, OR are you doing it to bring out ‘vilbur’. The portrayal of his mental health in a villainized way. Are you giving him reds and crazed faces and posture and having him do out of character things in tandem with these design choices? Cause then it’s a problem I think. It’s the intent and use of the features. 
Someone drawing him with inhuman features isnt inherently demonizing or dehumanizing him. People draw characters like Tommy and Tubbo and various others in the same way all the time! Messing with inhuman traits and headcanons is fun. Hell, the only reason I’ve started drawing him and Ghostbur again with some of these features is because it’s fun. Plus I think portraying them in a positive light with these features helps show that narritive that they aren’t bad people. That vilbur isn’t a thing. 
Drawing Wilbur with these things are fine. The YCGMA palette is beautiful and works so well. Reds in WIlbur’s color palette is great because of it’s large inclusion in the L’manburg flag, as well as his red beanie, or making him primary colored like Tommy. The rose colored glasses are also a huge headcanon which is such a good one in my opinion. 
But it’s these features along with how you draw his expressions, what you have him doing, etc, that leads into the whole ‘vilbur’ thing and certainly hasn’t helped his reputation as a character. 
I think its fine to draw characters with as many headcanons and stuff as you want. I also think trying to tell people what features to draw and not draw characters with just kinda sucks, because that doesnt happen to any other character.
I mean people have made the argument that drawing Tommy in flowers and blue ‘woobifies’ him, which isn’t true and has been argued so much that it isn’t true. So I think this is no different. Drawing Wilbur with reds and giving him inhuman characteristics isn’t bad, just be careful on why you’re doing it, yknow? 
Are you doing it just to make him look scary or evil or bad, or are you doing it because its fun or looks cool? Because the latter is a-okay!
Just have fun with designs and be careful of your intent. Wilbur’s character is very widely mischaracterized in this fandom, and it’s in part that such a large percentage of people have joined post his death. And due to his actions in Pogtopia, he’s been villainized to a very exaggerated degree and also villainizes his mental health during that time. Because of this portrayal, its become so so common in art, that people genuinely don’t have any idea that he was or is a good person, which again, just leads to further mischaracterization of him. 
So just, be careful, but have fun and draw what you have fun doing! 
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