#just PAIN for our dear ros
bloodandrunes · 1 year
Could you do the Ro's reaction to the mc dying to protect them? I'm feeling a bit angsty today.
Sorry this took so long, anon. Answer beneath the cut.
When you die, so do the last vestiges of Aariz’s humanity. He cradles your body as he desperately puts pressure on your wound. The wound that would have been his, had you not dove in front of him. That should have been his.
“Hang on,” he says, panic clawing at his throat, “Tamys will be here soon. You’ll be fine.” Your breathing is shallow and your chest rises weakly, and anger and terror and disbelief fill him. “Stay with me,” he repeats, snarling, pleading.
Your grip on his hand slackens. He blinks, nudges you, presses his face into your neck, feeling almost like a child again. Memories of that day flash across his mind and he sobs. When your body goes cold, he throws his head back and legs out a blood-curdling howl, too savage and broken to be human.
Dalia is consumed by helplessness as she tries to stop the bleeding. You smile at her through bloodied teeth, eyelids fluttering, and she grits her teeth and tries to reassure you.
"You're going to be fine," she says, smoothing down your hair. "Help will come soon." Even as she makes that promise, she knows it is a lie. A bitter self-loathing scorches through her as your breath rattles in your chest. It should have been her, she thinks feverishly, she can't lose anyone else. If the gods were good, if they had any mercy, you would not have thrown yourself in front of that blade for her.
Suddenly, she notices that your smile as dropped. You aren't breathing. "No." The words come out as a gasp, a prayer. "No, please."
The gods do not hear her pleas. You still in her arms. And as Dalia feels the warmth leave your body, she shatters into a thousand tiny pieces.
Shock numbs Adys' reaction. He doesn't understand, at first, why there is red spreading throughout your chest, why you are gurgling on what looks like your own blood, or why there is a dead man standing a distance away.
Then you begin to fall, and he's going to be sick.
He tries to catch you, but with his bad leg, it's a lost cause. The two of you go tumbling to the floor. You let out a choked, pained noise, and he cups your face in his hands. The bile rises in his throat, and he barely manages to turn his head away from you before he vomits. He hasn't fought in a long time, but he knows what a wound like yours means. You won't be surviving this.
He wants to scream, wants to bare his teeth and burn this damnable world down around him, but instead he presses a kiss to your forehead and tries to sooth you. "There, there," he murmurs, blinking away his tears with a shaky smile, "be still, love. It's alright."
He holds you until the end, and when you're gone, he finally lets the tears fall.
Ralys is in a place somewhere beyond rage. Her assailant has been apprehended, but she couldn't give half a damn about that. Instead, her attention fixed on you. You, with you body weak from blood loss, your grip on her hand weak. Her father's best physicians work to help you, their faces pinched.
"There isn't much we can do for them, Your Highness," one of them says.
The cold look Ralys sends him cuts him to the bone. "You will save them," she replies too-calmly, gripping your hand tighter, "or I will have your head."
He pales and hastens to do as he's told. Ralys presses her lips to the back of your knuckles. "All will be well," she promises, meaning it. "You will not die here."
Your smile tells her that you do not believe her, and she grits her teeth and repeats her words. Distantly, she thinks that she will kill your murderer for this. No, not just that. She will make him beg for death.
The palace is haunted by the blood curdling screams he lets out after you die.
Idar's knuckles are stained with blood and mangled flesh. He slams his fist into his assassin's face again and again, his vision bleeding red. The man is long dead. His face caved in on itself within minutes. Still, Idar keeps on, something primal and vicious and all-consuming burning through him. Desperation, too. If he keeps punching, he doesn't have to turn his attention away from getting you justice. Doesn't have to see your twisted, lifeless body on the floor--
In the background, he can hear someone calling to him. "Idar," Fal is screaming, "Idar, that's enough!"
Hands grip at his shoulders and yank him off. He howls, claws at the person who's dare to touch him, and meets Fal's concerned eyes. "Idar," his best friend says, eyes soft and pitying, "the man is dead. This won't bring back your lover."
Idar swallows hard. Looks down at his hands and his shirt and the man who dared you to take you from him. His eyes slide to your corpse.
Then the dam breaks and he's falling into Fal's waiting arms.
Zara's vision is blurry with tears. She curls into your arms, burying her face in the crook of your neck. Your skin is cold to the touch, the floor around the two of you sticky with blood. If she were to look into your eyes, she would be met with blank emptiness.
She knows this, and yet she cannot bear to leave you.
She needs to eat something, to drink, or at least call for help, and yet she cannot bring herself to get up. "I will soon," she promises herself. The lie leaves a bitter taste on her tongue. She burrows further into your hold.
She is tired. So tired. Her eyelids begin to droop. Maybe, she thinks, when she opens her eyes, this will all be some horrible dream. She will wake, and you will be lying beside her, mouth curved into a smile, skin warm, and eyes bright with life.
Yes, she thinks, that's it. This is just a terrible nightmare.
They find her like that, intertwined with your corpse.
Against her better judgement, Arassa almost hates you for your sacrifice. "Why would you do that?" she demands, voice straining against the lump in her throat.
You wheeze against her as she leads you to the bed, struggling to support your wait. "Had... to... save you," you gasp, and part of her wants to slap you.
How dare you die on her. How dare you bring light to her life, only to leave her to live with the guilt that you died for her. Do you not understand that she will live with this guilt, this grief, for the rest of her life? It will seep into her skin and burrow into her bones until mourning you is the only thing she knows how to feel. Until it consumes her and there is nothing left.
"That isn't fair," she chokes out, pressing her forehead to yours. A sob tears from her throat and she hugs you tightly. "I never wanted you to die for me. I would never have asked you to."
She waits for your response for one second. Then two. Then three.
When no reply comes, she slowly raises her head, only to meet lifeless eyes.
And then she screams and dies with you, if not in body then in soul.
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celtic-crossbow · 3 months
Break Apart, Leave a Scar
Pairing: Scud & Fem!Reader (pre-relationship)
Warnings: Brief description of injuries; stitches
Summary: Blade brings home an injured human and tells you to fix him up. The beginning of a beautiful friendship. Sorta.
A/N: First attempt with our dear stoner. Be gentle. Thanks, @catswonderland, for the song. 🩵
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“Picking up strays now?” You pushed the needle through the mangled flesh and pulled the suture tight. Your comrade said nothing and continued to wipe down the blade of his katana. “It’ll be a miracle if he survives this anyway. Waste of my time.” There came a groan from above where you worked, but you didn’t allow yourself to look toward the source. You might actually feel sorry for him otherwise. 
Blade had walked away, his absence a noticeable shift in the room. What the hell had he been thinking, bringing a human to the warehouse? What if you hadn’t had your serum? All the blood. You would have finished what had already been started. 
From what you could see, there were no bites. The vamps had been fucking with him, prolonging his suffering for some twisted satisfaction it would bring once they had finally decided to drain him. Still, Blade should have left him. It would have been ruled an animal attack, accidental death. 
You tied off the last suture, distantly grateful the stranger had remained, for the most part, blissfully unaware. He likely would have died from traumatic shock and pain. Standing back, you placed your hands on your hips with a huff. You had to clean him up or all your hard work would be for naught. You needed to start an IV for fluids and antibiotics, hoping to hell that the medical stocks contained what you needed. Blade had been busier than usual, which led to a great deal of wound care and no time to replenish your inventory. 
You were wiping down the stranger’s neck, blood having splattered all the way to his lower face, when he stirred. You retracted your hand swiftly, watching impassively as his face twisted into a pained grimace before his eyes fluttered open. You weren’t really expecting such a vivid shade of blue. 
“Where…the fuck?” Bleary eyes studied the areas he could see without turning his head. “That was…some strong shit.” He likely meant whatever it was he had been smoking before the attack. You could smell it on him easily, lingering just below the blood and the stench of the vamps that had attacked him. 
“You’re safe here.” You stated flatly, holding his gaze when his eyes found yours. “When you’ve healed, we’ll drop you off and you can continue your life.” He didn’t reply. Blinking slowly, his eyes were wide and anything but fearful. More curious. “Stop staring.”
“You’re…fucking hot.” He slurred, strong enough to offer you a lopsided grin. 
“I’m going to blame the blood loss.”
“Don’t be…like that, baby. You’re…smokin’.” His eyelids were already drooping. 
“You should rest. I’ll start an IV.” You turned to walk away, sighing deeply when you heard the weak ‘hey’ from behind you. “Yeah?”
“What’s…your name?” His eyes were closed and his head was slowly lolling to the side, but he continuously fought to move it back. 
“Doesn’t matter.” You dismissed the question without remorse. 
“I’m…Joshua. Josh. But most…people… call me Scud.” And he was out, deep breaths through slightly parted lips. Tilting your head, you eased closer but still maintained a respectable distance. Scud? What the hell kinda nickname was that? He was handsome, you couldn’t deny that. Dark, shaggy hair. Lean muscle and strong shoulders. And those blue eyes. Some instinct, though, told you he was a live wire, a brain that never stopped and lacked a filter. Judging by the scent of weed that clung to his very skin, he had found a buffer for that. 
“Y/N.” You told his unconscious form after another heavy sigh. “My name is Y/N.” He likely didn’t hear you, but at least you could affirm that you did indeed tell him your name. 
And with that, you retreated to the stock room to gather what was needed to keep that inevitable pain in your ass alive. 
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acknowledge-reigns · 7 months
Apologies (Roman Reigns x OC)
Description: Roman wants to apologize to Jey for the way he treated him in the bloodline but struggles with expressing his feelings of remorse.
Kayfabe compliant, this is story about Roman not Joe.
You can find my other stories here.
And you can read more of Roman and Lilith specifically here.
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Exhausted. He was emotionally exhausted. Lilith gave Roman an encouraging smile as she offered him the glass of Bourbon she'd just poured up for him. Roman's gaze barely leaves the the notebook in his lap. He could do many things. He could spear men twice his size, he could lock in a guillotine in a manner that's practically inescapable, he could break record after record - But to apologize? No. That's different.
"Let me hear it again." Lilith prompted supportively.
Roman sighs and begins to read from his notes, "Jey, I really could've handled things differently and I see how I treated you was unfair..." Roman trailed off, "I can't say this, Lil. I did everything I did for HIM. To elevate him. For our family. Our bloodline. Life isn't fair." Roman said.
"Ro, do you want to fix your relationship with your little cousin or not?' Lilith questioned.
"Of course I do, but I need him to see my side of things too." Roman said.
"Do you think you're struggling to verbalize your emotions because you're afraid of being perceived as weak?" Lilith asked.
Roman thought for a moment, unsure what to say. "I guess that's possible." he shifted uncomfortably. Putting his pride aside wasn't easy. Admitting he could have been a better Tribal Chief at times wasn't easy.
He went through years and years of harassment, of borderline abuse from the WWE Universe before he finally snapped and took what he and his family deserved. Last time he was this vulnerable, the people who were supposed to cheer him on kicked him while he was down.
Seth betrayed him. Hit him in the back with a chair and busted up the shield. He lost his brother that day. Not his friend. His brother. Dean left not long after. Another brother gone. Years pass, he grows fond of Sami Zayn and what does he do? the same thing Seth did. Not just that but in Roman's mind, he successfully turned his cousins against him.
Everybody leaves. No matter how hard he tries. No matter if he's the good guy or the bad guy. That's why he's chosen to simply be THE guy.
The only person he trusts with his heart is Lilith, and even so he's been known to lose sleep wondering if it's a matter of time before he decides she isn't good enough. If he loses the title will she leave? if he's knocked off of the top of the mountain will she still be there?
That's part of why he's so dedicated to extending an olive branch to Jey, even if he feels he's making an absolute fool of himself. He has to be a better man. For Lilith.
"What if you write him an apology letter instead?" Lilith asked.
With that, Roman spent the afternoon penning a letter to his cousin with Lilith by his side soothingly rubbing his broad shoulders for moral support, He sits down at their dining table, a pen in hand and a blank sheet of paper before him. The room is dimly lit, with the soft glow of a candle casting flickering shadows on the walls. Roman begins to pour his emotions onto the paper. He takes a deep breath, his gaze fixed on the flickering flame of the candle, and begins to write his apology.
"Dear Jey,
I hope this letter finds you well. I've been wrestling with my feelings and regrets, and I find myself needing to express them to you. First and foremost, I want to apologize for my actions and the pain they may have caused you. I may not fully understand your decision to team up with Cody Rhodes, but I realize now why you've decided to leave the bloodline.
I want you to know that my love for our family, our bloodline, has always been at the forefront of my decisions. Every step I took, every move I made, was with the intention of protecting and upholding our legacy. But in doing so, I failed to see the impact it had on you, my cousin, my brother.
I am hurt, Jey. Hurt that you chose to align yourself with Cody Rhodes, someone who I perceive as a threat to our bloodline. It felt like a betrayal. I am hurt that you attempted to take my position as tribal chief. I'm hurt that at every turn whether is be with Sami or with Jimmy or even with Cody you failed to choose my side. But looking back, I realize that family is more important than any rivalry or personal agenda.
I want to mend our relationship, to rebuild the bond we once had. We've faced countless challenges together, and I believe we can overcome this as well. Let's set aside our differences and find a way to heal the wounds that have come between us.
I am committed to making amends, to listening to your side of the story, and to understanding your perspective. I value you, Jey, and I want nothing more than to have you back by my side, fighting alongside me in the ring and in life as my right hand man.
Please know that I am here, ready to talk and listen whenever you are. Let's find a way to move forward together, for the sake of our bloodline.
With love and remorse
- Your Tribal Chief, the head of the table, your cousin.
Roman Reigns"
Roman finishes writing and reads the letter aloud, feeling the weight of his words as he fights back tears. He refused to cry. Lilith reaches out and places a comforting hand on his, offering support and reassurance. She believes that this heartfelt letter will serve as a catalyst for their reconciliation, hoping that Jey will see the sincerity in Roman's words. She knew this was far from easy for him.
Roman takes a deep breath, feeling a mix of vulnerability and determination. He knows that this letter is his best chance to convey his true emotions to Jey, to show him how much he values their bond as family. With Lilith's guidance, he revises a few sentences, ensuring that his apology is genuine and heartfelt.
Once satisfied with the final version of the letter, Roman folds it neatly and tucks it into an envelope. He seals it and places it on the kitchen counter, ready to be delivered to Jey.
"You did good, Ro. You should be proud of yourself." Lilith said.
Roman gives a small, appreciative smile. Her words bring a sense of comfort and validation to his anxious mind. He takes a moment to let her words sink in, feeling a glimmer of pride and gratitude for her unwavering support.
"Thank you, Lil," Roman replies, his voice warm with sincerity. "I couldn't have done it without you by my side."
Lilith reaches over and gently squeezes Roman's hand, her eyes reflecting a mixture of pride and affection. "You've shown true growth, Roman. It takes strength to acknowledge our mistakes and make amends. I believe in you, and I know that your heartfelt gesture will make a difference."
"The bloodline means everything to me, family means everything to me. I want nothing more than to have Jey back by my side, fighting together."
Lilith's gaze softens as she listens to Roman's heartfelt words. She understands the depth of his desire to mend his relationship with Jey, to restore the unity and strength of their family. She reaches out to gently brush her fingers against his cheek, offering him a reassuring smile.
"Your sincerity will shine through, and I believe that Jey will see it too. Trust in the bond you share, and give him the time he needs. Remember, apologies are just the beginning. It's through actions and consistent effort that true healing and forgiveness can be achieved."
Roman takes a deep breath and nods allowing Lilith's words to wash over him. Her presence and guidance have been instrumental in his journey towards growth and reconciliation. With newfound determination, he sets his sights on the future, ready to do whatever it takes to rebuild the bond with his cousin and bring their family back together. Roman gives a small smile and leans in for a kiss.
Lilith kisses him back with love and passion, "You've got this, Ro." She said.
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itsjillybean · 8 months
Prompt: After a successful tour, Copia has thrown himself back into work at the ministry and begins to grow ill from exhaustion.
Thank you to @n-u-l-lo for requesting! This is my first writing ever so please be kind >.< constructive criticism is accepted though.
It's a cloudy, crisp autumn day and everyone is hard at work at the ministry, especially one Papa in particular. Despite how much energy he had put into their recent tour, he was adamant about continuing to work just as hard now, feeling the pressure of Sister Imperator and Nihil as well as having a lingering fear that something might happen to him, given that Saltarian had been hanging around lately, and the tour being over too. There isn't a day go by that he doesn't remember what happened last time...his dear brother Terzo's untimely demise...
Anyways, Copia was currently walking down the hall towards the library, when a small dark shadow whips passed him and stops him in his tracks. "Papa! Gosh I feel like I haven't seen you in days!" Aurora smiled sweetly as her tail whips around excitedly. He smiles back softly as he tries to move forward, "Ah, my apologies picolla Ghuleh. I have much work to do. We can talk more later, eh?" "But, you've been on your feet every time I've seen you around. You really should be resting, not that I think you can't handle yourself I just-." She stopped herself from rambling on. He smiled sadly, patting her shoulder, "I am okie dokie, I just have some things to do, you should rest as well, you have worked very hard on your first tour with us my dear, if you'll excuse me." She frowned as he walked passed here hurriedly, noticing the fatigue in his face and the almost sad tone in his voice. As she turned, Swiss appeared at the end of the hall, looking at her expression and Copia walking away from her. "What's wrong Ro?" he placed a hand on her head. "He hasn't stopped ever since we got home. He looks so tired Swiss...I'm worried about him." Her tail drooped with her shoulders as she leaned against him. Swiss nodded and rubbed her arm, "Our Papa is stubborn, but hopefully he'll rest soon. It must be important if he hasn't yet."
Copia sat amongst several books, his scribbling rang throughout the silent room. The clock stroked midnight and he jumped slightly, groaning and setting his pencil down. Copia laid his head in his hands, a dull ache pulsing through his brain.
I can't... I can't stop working. What if they see me like this, weak...
He stood and left his things on the table, walking out of the library. As he made his way towards his room, the world suddenly tilted, time seemed to slow down as he lost his balance and fell to the ground. His head throbbed in pain and his limbs felt weak. Trying to move, he felt as though he weighed a ton. "H-help..." he croaked. He felt a pang of fear run through him.
Am I dying? No...please, I'm not ready.
Fatigue started taking over and his eyes were slipping shut. Footsteps came from down the hall, then they started pounding against the floor, sprinting towards him. "PAPA! Papa open your eyes please, can you hear me?!" His eyes barely opened to see Sodo leaning over him, holding his head. "Ghul...tired..so..tired" Copia let his eyes close as exhaustion took over. Sodo shook him and tears welled in his eyes, panicking and yelling for help. He held Copia's head in his lap, trying to make him as comfortable as he could. Moments later Mountain turned the corner and froze for a second, fearing the worst and ran to pick him up carefully, the two walked him to his room and called for a nurse. After checking him over she informed the ghouls that he seemed to be extremely exhausted, he had developed a fever as well. "His other vitals are very good, he will be alright with plenty of sleep." She nodded at them and slipped out of the room. Sodo slumped in the chair across from Copia's bed. His shoulders jumped as a small cry left is lips. Mountain kneeled in front of him, gripping his neck and pressing their foreheads together. "I thought he was...and all I could think of was Terzo...I cannot lose someone else. Especially not him." Mountain frowned as his heart ached at Sodo's words. The ghouls loved their papas dearly, and ever since Terzo they have been very protective over Copia. "He will be okay, let us leave him to rest. We can check on him later, I will have Aether watch the door so he does not try and go working again." He patted Sodo's shoulder before pulling him up and out of the room. They went to the den with the others and informed them of Copia's state. Everyone's ears and tails fell and sadness and worry permeated the air. Cirrus spoke up, "I know we're worried about him, but let's also try not to be overbearing when we go see him. Try not to talk down to him, or yell at him for being so reckless. He'll have learned his lesson from this." Everyone nodded and started to move to their rooms for the remainder of the night.
Day came and Copia started to awaken, feeling extremely groggy, but better that he had gotten some rest. As he went to move, he felt a weight on his legs, and something cocooning him on either side. His eyes sprung open to see several ghouls piled into his bed. Cumulus, Cirrus and Sunshine on his sides, and Phantom, Aurora and Swiss were at his feet. Aether, Sodo and Mountain were standing on his left and smiling down at him. "Apologies Papa, but we couldn't convince them to not swarm you." Aether smirked. Sodo looked at him with big sad eyes, "You really gave me a fright Papa..." "All of us." "We just want you to take care of yourself." "We care about you very much." "If anything happened to you.." "We would be lost without you." (you may choose who says what I just didn't want a run on dialogue ahhh) Copia felt his heart swell up and tears pricked his eyes, he had never felt so loved, not even by his own mother. These wonderful creatures were his family...He cleared his throat and smiled down at all of them. "My dear ghulehs, mi dispiace, I did not mean to frighten you. I just...I have been so very focused on working so hard, so that the ministry takes me seriously. So that my m...Sister Imperator and Nihil take me seriously. You all mean so much to me as well. I will not push myself again, I promise. Thank you, for being here for me." Phantom and Aurora climbed up to embrace Copia, the others including the standing ghouls piled in for a giant hug, "Ai, you all are very heavy." Everyone started to laugh and held each other. Their strange and lovely family all together. <3
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blue-gem-overlord · 2 months
(Do not reblog-just for me. Song Parody. Pain is Gruesome(Hell is Forever). Lyrics by me. TRIGGER WARNING! Physical Abuse, LOTS of blood, and mention bomb threat)
*Jewel walks to the basement of her house, where she smirks and take Charlie’s angelic tape off which Charlie breathe heavily*
Jewel plz!!.:this isn’t a way to do this!! Plz!! P-Please have mercy!!! Plea-
*Jewel laughs, before kicking her down to the ground which Charlie hisses in pain*
Let me stop you right now. Saving us both precious time! Did you just beg for me to not torturing you? You rather not suffer all the hits and damage!! HA!! Sorry ‘darling’, but there’s no denying YOUR fate!!
*Jewel begins to slam Charlie against the wall which Charlie winces in pain and shakes, before Jewel throw her down and stomp onto her stomach*
*Jewel grabs an angelic dagger, before stabbing her through her shoulder which Charlie screams and tears up in pain*
Just try to relax, dear. You’re wasting your breath~. Did I hear you beg to stop hurting you?! Ha! As a Hellborn or a Sinner, there’s no escappppeee!! The nightmare of guilt! The stress of the pain AND!!..
*Jewel begins to lift Charlie up by the collar of her shirt..smirking. Charlie was shaking..bleeding up from the pain and tries to escape the rope, but couldn’t*
When it said and done!(said and done!) We used to have our funnn!! But not all pain are meant to be seen!! NOW I’LL SHOW YOU WHAT REAL PAIN FEELS!!!
*Jewel laughs insanity, before slamming Charlie’s head into the wall hard a few times, before throwing her down and stomp onto her legs which Charlie screams in pain*
*Jewel slam her to the ground which Charlie whimpers in pain and cough blood..shaking*
*Charlie’s eyes went wide in fear as she shakes in fear and in pain.*
*Jewel laughs before walking to the door*
Can’t wait any longer! To slaughter those little CUNTS!! I know it just been hours! BUT THEY’LL BE DEAD IN A MONTH!!!~~
*Jewel slam the door shut, after she leaves the room. Charlie tears up a lot, before crying on the floor*
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kingsdespair-if · 9 months
OMGGGGG My friend has been telling me all about your IF, and I am in love! I don't personally have Tumblr (I'm doing this off my friend's phone), but I will be sure to wait for your next update. I can't wait to see more of Mish, her whole story, and how she deals with an MC who is crushing on her just as hard. But I also can't wait for Secret; just the devotion is *chief's kiss*.
I was wondering a few things
1. You have talked a little about children with the ROs and MC. Can every race have biological children with each other, or even Secret have biological children?
2. Will we get to choose the MC's backstory a little more? Like how they grew up or the choices they made along the way? I understand that some things are set in stone, but a little MC is just adorable to me.
3. I think you said that Secret is into knife play; is it because when we feel pain, they feel pleasure, or can it work the other way around? When they feel pain, can we feel pleasure?
4. Is their a way to befriend Secret without romancing them?
Hello, dear.
Thank you for your kind words, dear anon. I'm really glad that you and your friend appreciate my game. Your message made my day. 🥰
1 - Yes, every playable race can have biological children with each other. Secret is a special case due to an experiment that significantly altered their genetics. While they can still have biological children, they now belong to a new, unique race. The baby would be the second member of this race and also a half-breed with MC's race. This particular pregnancy may yield unpredictable results.
2 - Minor aspects of the MC's childhood and background will be left for you to choose. There will be a chapter dedicated to flashbacks, and the choices made during those flashbacks will impact the present timeline.
3 - MC and Secret share a unique connection which I won't delve into too much to avoid spoilers. But I can reveal that Secret derives pleasure from MC's pain as a result of a failed ritual between them. Currently, only Secret's part of the ritual has been completed, leading to an imbalanced and messy connection. You will discover more about this when Secret is introduced to MC.
4 - Of course, dear. You can be friends with our beloved crazy ass RO, even though it may take some time. It can be more challenging to be friends with them than to be in a romantic relationship, but it is definitely possible.
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dragonedged-if · 9 months
Married Variel AU
So here's something to celebrate this IF for reaching 600 followers! Wews time went by fast huh?
Also expect me writing another post one of you my dear Readers sent a ask of the RO's reactions to being pregnant or MC getting preggy so watch out for that. A song to commerate this snippet because I know you guys love Variel so...so...so...much.
The sun blazed above your head, casting a warm embrace upon the world. Leaves rustled in the gentle breeze, and birds danced through the sky, their melodious songs filling the air. You took a deep breath, savoring the moment. "What a beautiful day it is," you exclaimed, a genuine smile gracing your lips.
With a firm hand, you adjusted the strap of your sword and continued on your path, a path that led you back home. Many weeks had passed since the wedding, and you could safely say that being betrothed to Variel was both the most joyous and the most challenging moment of your life.
Variel, to her credit, remained the same arrogant and dominant predator she had always been. Everyone was surprised when you proposed to her, and you were equally taken aback when she accepted your terms, or rather, demands. Presenting the ring to her, she scoffed, a sharp sound that seemed to pierce your heart.
Variel, noticing the hurt on your face, softened her gaze, yet her smirk grew wider. "Little mouse," she began, her voice dripping with amusement, "we dragonkind don't offer trinkets as a sign of our love and devotion. Instead, we do this." She gestured for you to stand up and took hold of your hand. Raising her free hand, it suddenly burst into flames, and she pressed it against your skin. You flinched, bracing yourself for the searing burn, but to your surprise, there was no pain. Instead, you felt a strange fizzle before the flames disappeared. Variel withdrew her hand, revealing a mark on your skin where her touch had been.
"Now I belong to you!" Variel declared with a mix of possessiveness and affection. The mark on your skin was shaped like a fire on the left side and a snowflake on the right, a unique combination of emblems representing her family crest. "My family crest," she said, her voice filled with tenderness.
"Your turn," Variel said, meeting your gaze with intensity.
Variel placed a hand on the hickey you had created, and a soft blue glow enveloped her hand. "This mark you have bestowed upon me will never disappear," she whispered, her voice carrying a sense of determination. "It will serve as a warning to others that when they harm me, you will be there to protect me, just as I will be there to protect you."
In the present moment, you couldn't help but laugh. You didn't possess the same powers as Variel, but you were determined to leave your mark. You leaned in close, your lips finding her skin, and planted a hickey there, a symbol that you too had left your imprint. "As do I," you said sincerely.
Variel put her hand on your mark and it glowed with a blue hue as she touched it.
The winding road stretched out before you, and as you continued your journey, a faint, haunting sob reached your ears. Instinctively, your hand tightened around the hilt of your weapon, the familiar weight of it offering a comforting reassurance. Each step you took became deliberate, your senses heightened, your body poised for whatever awaited.
Drawing closer to the source of that anguished cry, your footsteps fell like whispers on the earth. Your heart quickened as you finally caught sight of a figure, a young woman, knelt upon the ground. She seemed so vulnerable, so fragile, in this unforgiving world.
Without hesitation, you rushed to her side, the urgency in her distress driving you forward. "Are you alright?" you inquired, your voice laced with genuine concern, and your eyes fell upon her injured ankle, marred with angry shades of bruised purple.
She turned her tear-streaked face towards you, her features youthful and fair, though wearied beyond her years. You guessed her to be no more than seventeen, a fragile soul caught in the cruel clutches of fate. "Please don't hurt me," she pleaded, her wide eyes reflecting the depths of her fear.
Your heart ached at the sight of her vulnerability, and you knelt beside her, your weapon forgotten. "I won't hurt you," you reassured her, your voice steady and warm. "I'm here to help."
As the young woman's breathing slowed and her eyes relaxed, trust seemed to blossom between you two. Gratitude spilled from her lips, her smile seemingly genuine. Yet, beneath the surface, hidden in the depths of her gaze, something sinister lurked—an insidious malice that had gone unnoticed. It's as if she's playing a role, deceiving you with her outward appearance while concealing her true intentions beneath the surface.
Swift as a striking viper, her hand lashes out towards you, propelled by an unseen force. The sting of her touch sears your skin, leaving behind a trail of pain and confusion. You barely have time to register the attack before your vision begins to sway, the world around you tilting and spinning like a carnival ride gone awry.
As your vision blurs and your head spins, you feel your body plummet to the ground like a stone, your limbs heavy and unresponsive. The air around you feels thick with tension and the scent of danger lingers in every breath. You try to speak, to demand an explanation for the sudden attack. "Wha-" but your words are swallowed by the overwhelming dizziness that consumes you.
As you collapse to the ground, the weight of your body pressing into the unforgiving earth, you hear the sound of footsteps, a symphony of shuffling and hurried movements that encircle you. The voice of a man breaks through the chaotic haze, resonating with a mixture of triumph and satisfaction.
"Nice work, Paula!" he exclaims, his voice laced with a sense of approval. His words cut through the air like a blade, piercing the veil of confusion that clouds your mind. You strain to catch a glimpse of him, to understand the identity of the person responsible for orchestrating this bewildering encounter.
Paula, the name echoes in your ears, a name that holds both power and mystery. Her role in this sinister plot becomes clear as you listen to her response, a triumphantly whispered affirmation of her success.
"Works every time," she declares, her voice dripping with satisfaction. The words hang in the air, a chilling testament to her expertise in deception and manipulation. It's as if she thrives on these treacherous encounters, using her charm and cunning to ensnare unsuspecting victims in her part as the damsel in distress.
''//(Paula's POV)//''
The unconscious stranger lay before you, and you carefully closed the lid of your ring, wary of the needle within. You had no desire to join them in their state of unconsciousness. "Quick, let's get moving!" Jarvis urged, taking the lead and reaching for the boots of the fallen stranger, deftly pulling them off.
"Damn, this one's packing gold!" John exclaimed, his fingers busy unstrapping the sword and claiming it as his own. The allure of the stolen riches seemed to momentarily erase any moral qualms.
While your companions were busy with their looting, you remained fixated on the stranger's belongings. Your eyes drifted over each item, assessing their worth. But then, a gleam of light caught your attention, and you knelt beside the unconscious figure, gently taking their wrist in your hand.
What you saw sent a shiver down your spine. On the stranger's wrist, a red flame and a delicate snowflake were marked, a combination of emblems etched in a fiery red and icy blue. Panic welled up within you, and you released their arm as if it had burned you. "Put that back!" you urged your companions, your voice trembling with urgency.
"Why?" Jarvis questioned, his fingers deftly unbuttoning the stranger's pants as John held their lower body up.
"This one is the property of a dragon! Look!" You gestured towards the mark, desperation in your eyes, but your allies exchanged amused glances.
"There she goes again with her dragon lore," Jarvis mocked, and John chimed in, "Yeah, Paula, we know that dragons are extinct."
"No, they're not! There's one!" You insisted, your voice fraught with fear as you recalled her name, Songixxone, The Raging Inferno
"Paula, more looting, less talking!" John scolded, growing impatient with your hesitation.
As you watched your companions continue their pillaging, a sense of dread washed over you. You couldn't help but fear the consequences of your actions. You hoped against hope that the dragoness, Variel, would somehow be forgiving for your transgressions.
Jarvis leaned in close, his voice filled with anger and frustration. "Why do you always get caught up in your dragon fantasies, Paula? We're here for the treasure, not some mythical creatures!"
You could feel the heat rising in your cheeks as you retorted, "Dragons are not just fantasies! They were once real, and they can still exist!"
John, his voice laced with sarcasm, chimed in, "Oh, please, Paula. Spare us your tales of fire-breathing creatures. We have more important things to focus on."
But deep down, you couldn't shake the feeling that there was truth in your beliefs. You had heard whispers, rumors of a dragon's return, hidden away from the world. The mark on the stranger's arm only fueled your conviction.
Your eyes slowly fluttered open, the world gradually coming back into focus. A shiver ran through your body as you felt a cold breeze washing over you. It was then that you realized the full extent of the bandits' cruelty. Your clothes, your valuables, everything you possessed had been mercilessly stripped away. The harsh reality struck you, leaving you clad only in your underwear, and the remnants of your dignity.
''//(1 Hour Later)//''
''//(MC's POV)//''
Summoning whatever remained of your resolve, you embarked on the journey back home, your bare feet carrying you forward. Each step was a testament to your determination, a silent vow to endure this humiliation. The sun above offered a sympathetic warmth, as if empathizing with your plight. Its golden rays kissed your skin, and for a moment, you felt a fleeting sense of comfort amidst the chaos.
"Shit!" you cursed, the words escaping your lips in a frustrated exclamation. You could already picture Variel's fiery wrath, her fierce anger at your unfortunate encounterpicturing her wrath as if it were a storm brewing on the horizon.
"I hope she doesn't notice," you muttered to yourself, casting a doubtful glance over your nearly bare form. With a resigned sigh, you gave yourself a once-over, desperately hoping for some semblance of normalcy. "Yup, she wouldn't notice," you muttered more to reassure yourself than anything else.
Thankfully, you manage to reach your house without encountering any further misfortunes. As you step through the threshold, a sense of relief washes over you, mingled with a tinge of exhaustion. The air inside feels comforting, a stark contrast to the harshness of the outside world. You take a moment to breathe, inhaling deeply, allowing the familiar scent of home to fill your senses.
As you stepped into your home, a sense of enchantment washed over you. It was more than just a residence; it felt like a wizard's tower, brimming with magic that seemed to infuse every corner. The very air hummed with mystical energy, and you couldn't help but marvel at the wonders around you.
Furniture seemed to have a mind of its own, each piece engrossed in its assigned chore. A feather duster gracefully swept across the ceiling, reaching every nook and cranny effortlessly. An axe, positioned outside, expertly chopped wood without any human intervention. Even the dishes, seemingly aware of their duties, submerged themselves in water and thoroughly scrubbed themselves on a dry cloth.
"Yup, so magical indeed," you murmured, almost in awe of the animated household items.
However, your tranquil moment was interrupted by a tap on your leg. Startled, you looked down to find a broom waiting patiently for you to move your leg. "Oh, sorry!" you apologized, granting the wooden stick passage. It scurried off, busily brushing away dust as it went.
Just as you were beginning to settle into the enchanting rhythm of your surroundings, your throat tightened as you heard a voice. It seemed to materialize out of thin air, and you turned to find a figure standing before you. Her eyes widened in surprise before she composed herself, a mischievous grin spreading across her face. "Is this some human event, my sweet, where you walk around in your underwear, or has something terrible happened to you?" Her words danced in the air, captivating yet unnerving.
Her voice was as smooth as honey but laced with an underlying sense of terror. You chuckled cautiously, knowing that lying to her was a futile endeavor. Variel had a knack for making your life a living hell if she detected any falsehood. So, you began recounting the harrowing events of the bandit attacks, Variel listening with rapt attention.
''//(Several Hours Later)//''
"I see. Well, make yourself comfortable, and I'll be back in a moment," she said, her voice dripping with an eerie mixture of care and menace. With a swift transformation, she morphed into a majestic hawk and gracefully soared out of the window disappearing into the vast sky.
Leaving you alone to contemplate the fate of those misfornutate souls who met your path.
As the voice of Variel echoed through the walls of your humble abode, you jolted upright, a sense of urgency gripping your heart. You knew all too well the consequences of angering your dragoness wife, so without hesitation, you hurriedly rose to your feet and made your way towards the door. With every step, a mix of curiosity and apprehension coursed through your veins, urging you to uncover the source of the commotion.
As you swung open the door and stepped onto the porch, your eyes were met with a sight that defied comprehension. Before you stood three figures, their naked bodies shrouded in vulnerability, their mouths gagged to silence their pleas. The shock of the scene overwhelmed you, and you couldn't help but avert your gaze, a mix of confusion and disgust bubbling within you.
"What the hell is going on here?" your voice erupted, a torrent of anger and disbelief pouring forth.
With a joyous chirp, Variel responded, "Your justice, my mouse!"
You mustered the strength to look upon the faces of the three captives, and your heart sank as recognition washed over you. Two boys and a girl, their youthful appearance hinting at ages no more than 17 or 18. But it was the girl who caught your eye, her features etched in your memory as the one who had deceived you.
"You!" you exclaimed, your voice dripping with loathing and the seething rage that consumed you.
Turning towards the girl, her tear-filled eyes glistening, you raised a trembling hand and removed the gag that silenced her. The room fell into a heavy silence, anticipation hanging in the air, as you demanded an explanation, desperate to understand the betrayal that had shattered your trust.
"I trusted you, tried to help you," you shouted, your voice laced with a mixture of pain and anger. "And yet, you tricked me?"
As her gaze shifted to her two companions, the expression of sorrow deepened. The weight of her actions bore heavily on her heart, and her voice trembled as she spoke, barely above a whisper. "I didn't mean for any harm to come to you," she continued, her words laced with regret. "We just wanted to survive."
The girl's lips quivered, her voice choked with remorse as she struggled to find the words to explain herself. The weight of her actions hung heavily upon her, and the scent of regret permeated the air, mingling with the tension that gripped the scene.
"I… I didn't know what else to do," she stammered, her voice carrying the weight of her guilt. "We were desperate, lost, and hungry."
Variel, watching the scene unfold, was unamused by the emotional display. With a bored tone, she interjected, "Boringggg!" Her yawn punctuated her lack of interest. "Here's an idea! I will let your friends go, but you will stay with us as a slave!" Variel's mischievous smile played on her lips as she taunted the girl. "Does that sound fun, my sweet mouse?"
Startled, the girl shook her head in panic. "N-no, please, please don't take me!" Her pleas fell on deaf ears as her companions, driven by fear, began to nod their heads feverously. Variel sauntered over and removed the gags from their mouths.
"We agree, just take her and set us free!" one of the men said, his voice filled with desperation. The other quickly cut in, "Do whatever you want with her. We have no objections to this!" Their words dripped with a sense of resignation and self-preservation.
Variel turned towards the girl, her eyes glistening with a sense of devilry. "It's decided then, my love! Let's keep this one and throw her friends into the dungeon for eternity!" Her laughter echoed throughout the room, a chilling sound that sent shivers down everyone's spines.
"What!?" the two men shouted in unison, their voices filled with disbelief and horror.
Variel turned to face them, her expression twisted with disgust. "You kind of people disgust me!" she spat out venomously. "Willing to trade her life for your own, despicable!" Her words cut through the air like a knife, leaving a palpable tension in the air.
"But…But!" one of them stammered, desperately trying to defend their actions.
She leaned in close, her eyes burning with a fiery intensity. "Not another word," she whispered, her voice dripping with menace. Her gaze drifted towards the captives, her eyes narrowing. "I will let you know that this female friend of yours will have a luxurious life," she said, her voice laced with a mix of cruelty and satisfaction.
Moments later, a group of armored knights burst into the area, their presence commanding attention. The leader of the knights began to speak, but his words caught in his throat as he took in the scene before him. "Umm…Are they naked?" he asked, his voice filled with uncertainty and confusion.
Variel, unfazed by the interruption, removed her cloak and draped it over the girl, covering her nakedness. "Yes, they are, and punish them harshly," she said, devoid of compassion.
The leader of the knights was taken aback by Variel's response. "You're-You're not asking us to kill them are you?" he asked, his voice filled with disbelief.
Variel rolled her eyes, a hint of annoyance in her voice. "To those snakes, a prison sentence for life is worse than death!" she exclaimed, her words laced with disdain.
She turned to face the knights, her gaze piercing. "Get them out of my sight," she ordered, her voice commanding and authoritative. The knights quickly obeyed, whisking the naked duo away.
As you pondered the strange turn of events, Variel turned to you and took you in her arms. "You're safe now, my little mouse," she murmured, her voice filled with tenderness. "No one will hurt you again."
A sense of comfort washed over you as you nestled into her embrace. Being with Variel brought about a sense of safety and security, a feeling that everything would be alright. She was not just a wife, but a protector, a fierce friend who would stop at nothing to ensure your safety and happiness.
"Do you really mean that I would be your slave?" a voice asked, the voice filled with uncertainty as you distanced yourself from her embrace, looking at the girl. The thought of being enslaved was terrifying, and you hoped for a different answer.
Variel's eyes softened, and she reached out to gently cup your face. "No, my lamb," she said, her voice filled with compassion. "You will be our maid, but you will be taken care of. Your needs for bathing, food, clothes, and anything else will be provided for." Her words carried a sense of reassurance, a promise.
"What's your name, young one?" you asked, turning your attention to the girl who had caused this upheaval. Her meek voice trembled as she replied, "Paula, sir. And I apologize again for my role in the stealing part."
"Don't worry, Paula. I'm not mad, and neither is Variel, right?" you said, looking at your wife for confirmation.
"Definitely not," Variel replied, a warm smile on her face. "Welcome to our family, Paula."
A weight seemed to lift from Paula's shoulders as she sighed with relief. "Thank you so much!" she exclaimed, her eyes glistening with gratitude.
Variel smiled, her features radiant and alight. "It was nothing, my lamb," she declared, her voice filled with a genuine sense of warmth and compassion. "Now, let's get to know each other, shall we?"
You, Variel, and Paula entered the house, leaving behind the chaos and uncertainty of the outside world. Variel snapped her fingers, and clothes charged towards her, guided by her magic. She directed them towards Paula. "Here, some clothes. We don't want you catching a cold," Variel said, her voice filled with care and concern.
"You know, you're odd sometimes," you said to Variel, a hint of amusement in your voice.
Variel laughed, her laughter like music in the air. "Sit, and I will tell you my plan when Paula returns," she said, gesturing for you to join her on the couch.
Paula returned, now wearing a maid dress, a new look for her. "Now, Paula, you have two choices here," Variel began, her voice filled with authority as Paula stood at attention. "You can work for us, and we will accommodate your needs, or you can leave and see how long you last out there." Variel's ultimatum hung in the air, the weight of the decision resting on Paula's shoulders.
"Work! I will take the first option, Madam!" Paula replied, her voice filled with determination.
"Perfect. Let's make that a contract," Variel said, summoning a notepad beside her. She began writing, outlining the terms of Paula's employment. "I assume you can handle a blade, considering your cunning. It would be perfect since you will be in the kitchen," Variel added, a hint of mischief in her voice. She finished writing and slid the contract over to Paula, along with a pen. "Sign it, and you're officially ours," she declared.
Paula took the pen and signed the contract, sealing her fate as a member of your household.
"Welcome to the family, Paula!" Variel exclaimed, pulling her into a warm embrace. Paula giggled, a sense of joy radiating from her.
You raised an eyebrow, a hint of skepticism in your voice. "So, you basically turned her into a slave because you wanted one? That's quite selfish."
Variel's eyes sparkled with mischief as she leaned in closer. "You know me, my sweet. I can be both selfish and compassionate at the same time. And she's a maid, not a slave," she said, winking playfully.
"Pfft. Humans! Who eats those? Anyway, I wouldn't eat that beautiful skin and bones!" Variel said, smirking. Her words were meant to reassure you, to let you know that she had no intention of indulging in cannibalism.
"Fine, fine. Just make sure Paula is well taken care of," you said, a note of concern in your voice. The thought of someone being mistreated under your roof was unacceptable.
"And don't have cooking human meat just for fun? We don't want her being scarred for life because of your weird sense of humor!" you warn her
"Good," you sighed in relief.
At least Variel wouldn't go down that dark path, and the two of you could have a happy ending. A part of you was glad that Paula had seen the light and chosen to remain with you rather than facing the harsh realities of the outside world. It felt nice to be caring and empathetic, especially towards someone who had wronged you.
"You're very sweet, mouse! I think that's the real reason why I've fallen in love with you," Variel said, leaning in to give you a small peck on the lips.
A rosy flush spread across your cheeks as you smiled. "You flatter me, dear wife."
"Well, it's the truth," Variel replied, her eyes filled with adoration. "Let's do this more often, huh?" she said, taking your hand in hers.
"Yeah, that sounds great. But no more kidnapping people and making them slaves," you said, a hint of playfulness in your voice.
You then kiss your wife, a gesture of love and hope for a bright future.
"Now about that hot cocoa!" she grins like a child.
"You really like your sweets, Variel."
"Yes, yes! Now let's have some!" you got up and went to the kitchen while Variel and Paula sat down and discuss more about Paula's duties and responsibilities and how she can contribute to the household.
"Oh, no! It's delicious, I mean I still remember that banana sweet!" she said dreamily.
You laughed. "At least you can enjoy my baking!"
Meanwhile, you quietly hummed to yourself as you prepared a mug of hot cocoa and banana, and as you returned, Paula had a bright smile on her face.
"Here you go! But be careful it's hot!"
"It was a joke!" she chuckles.
"Thank you so much, sir!" she took the mug and slowly blew the steam away.
Variel patted her head. "Don't mention it! As long as you're good and honest, we'll all be fine!" she said cheerfully. "You know I think you will look much more cute with a collar on your neck!" Variel muses.
"Variel!" you say aghast.
Paula was beaming. "Thank you so much for giving me a second chance! You both are wonderful!"
"I know! Thank you!" the two of you were slightly taken aback by her sudden sobriety. But it was a brief moment of sadness, one that was quickly overcome by the sheer joy and gratitude that shone in her eyes.
Variel ruffles her hair like a dog. "And you will get a wonderful new life!"
"It may not seem much to you but it's a start!" you declared.
With a wide grin, she leaned in close, her lips forming a sweet smile. "I'm sorry for what happened, I won't betray you ever again, my lady!" she says and turn to you. "And I won't forget your kindness, Mr. Sir!"
You smile back, a warm glow lighting up your features. "It's okay, Paula! We all make mistakes and as long as you're willing to learn and improve, there is always a place for you here."
With a sly wink, Variel turned to her new servant. "Trust me, this will be an amazing ride! Take it all in, little mouse!"
Variel cleared her throat. "Right, you two chatterboxes! Let's get that hot chocolate started!" She summoned a huge pot from her inventory and it filled with water and three sticks and so on.
"Hey, now!" you exclaimed, and Paula giggles, watching the spectacle with a mix of awe and amusement.
Gently, she took your hand and smiled brightly. "Our future is full of opportunities and adventures, and it's my job to make sure you both are well taken care off!"
And at that moment, you couldn't help but feel grateful, your heart light with hope and the promise of better days to come.
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fervency-if · 9 months
Because I'm in misery I want to share the pain with the others :D. In reverse reincarnated AU where the ROs were already turned and have been together happily with MC for a long time, MC is attacked and become fatally wounded, barely holding on to life. They use few of the last power they have to cups the ROs face gently with one hand and say, "I'm sorry that our time together has to end... This time, will you wait for me?" While smiling looking at the ROs waiting for their response. How would the ROs answers MC final plea? How would they react when death has finally taken MC? Will they wait forever if it is what it takes?
One: I hope you feel better soon! Two: ...misery shared indeed, haha!
Here is an answer about last words, and here is an answer about death and moving on in general. Some additions for your specific scenario, talk of death below the cut:
The Physician would wander around a lot here after it, much more ready to travel, and much more disinterested in settling. She would definitely not stop being vigilant, because this is a person that she would keep in her heart forever, alive or not. She would say to them 'do not apologise, my dear, go in peace. I will wait for you.'
I don't know if Aubrey's words to them here would be any less sadly ironic; it's very likely that he refused to believe that they would die in this situation also, that they would be able to hold on for a little longer - hopefully he would at least manage to add that he would wait if they were to die... which they will not. And he would wait, and he would continue searching and searching; as a former answer said, he wouldn't be able to move on. At least there would be some safety in his mind here since there has been reincarnation-shenanigans in this scenario already. Not much, though, and not initially.
Vesa would add a reassurance to the 'I love you' that she would say otherwise; yes. She will wait. Since she knows that it's possible that she will see them again, she would hold on to this knowledge and comfort. Here eyes would always be open, and she would probably see them everywhere for a while, 'is that them? No... that's wrong...' etc. It would take an immensely long time for her to give up and accept that they were actually gone - she would be stubborn.
Since it's the reverse reincarnation you're talking about here, Narciso's 'giving up on making connections because nobody is ever constant' wouldn't be the right answer, since that would be his specific in-story life that applied to. That said, he would not give up on waiting for them. He would say it to them; 'we will find one another.' He feels a need for this person, if they were compatible enough to end up in a deep relationship, and would only let them go if they wanted him to.
Roswhen would be on their legs, vigilant and searching during all their travels, their actions a bit like the Physician and Vesa - stubborn. They would make a promise to be there for them, and even if they weren't actively waiting when the time had been painfully long, I know that in their heart, they would ache for them and hope to find them eventually.
Since Elan would be unable to move on, he would wait for them. Hopefully he wouldn't feel the 'is life only wound after wound?' here, though - hopefully. I don't think that he would be able to speak when the main character was dying, he would just nod.
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kinkandkreep · 1 year
A/N: Surprise shawteh! It's ya girl Ari, here wit some Final Fantasy 7 content. Once or twice a year I rewatch the absolute gem that is Advent Children (the Complete version) and as I sat through it this time, I was suddenly struck with the inspiration to write something for our dear ole' Sephy-kins. So here it is! This one's a heartbreaker, so be mindful of that, but otherwise, enjoy!
Trigger Warnings: MCD
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The Lifestream. 
That’s what we call the river of life that flows through our planet. 
You can feel its gentle pull already, a stark contrast to the unforgiving solidity of the ground beneath you, and the frosty, forlorn gaze of the man who put you in this state. 
You can’t say with certainty that you didn’t expect this betrayal. 
After all, you always knew his mission was bigger than you, bigger than your life. 
You understand now.
You were…a liability. 
Only going to hinder his forward movement. 
The luminescent emerald of his eyes dulls slightly after a moment, before the fire is seemingly reignited within Sephiroth’s core. 
You can see his resolve return, and the realization of what he’s just done settle into his expression. 
He just killed you. 
He tries to think thinks little of it. For every man kills the thing he loves. 
Sephiroth is undeniably no different. 
As the murky gray of the sky begins to fade into black and shades of brilliant Harlequin and jade , you remember the moments leading up to your demise. 
“Sephiroth please, listen to reason!”
The man continues his trek forward, stern and unyielding in his steps. 
It’s almost as though he can’t hear you, though you’re fully aware that he can. 
Finally he stops, perhaps because of the absolute desperation and frustration lacing your tone. 
Running up to him, you place both hands on his chest, willing him with everything in you to just stop.
“Sephiroth please, don’t do this. I know,” you sniffle, throat clogged with mucus and eyes damp with unshed tears. “I know you think this is right but you’re wrong. This isn’t…this isn’t-...!”
Before you can continue, you feel one of Sephiroth’s leather sheathed hands lift to caress the warm skin of your tearstained cheek.
Your eyes meet his, and for a moment, a very brief moment, you can believe that your words, however sparse, have gotten through to the man before you. 
“Sephiroth, I love you. And I couldn’t bare to see you do something so awful. Please come back to me, with me, please!”
The tears rush forward and spill downward, soaking your face and Sephiroth’s chest. 
He’s yet to speak, and as you lift your head once more to gauge his reaction, you find, to your utter surprise, that his eyes have misted over as well. 
Without a word, Sephiroth’s lips crash into yours, his grip on your chin harsh and sharp teeth biting into the soft, sensitive flesh. 
This is nothing you’re unused to, however, and so you return the kiss eagerly, thinking for a moment that Sephiroth has chosen you over his outlandish ambitions. 
What a foolish mistake. 
You feel the pressure before the pain begins to seep in, and with a shudder you part from Sephiroth, who levels you with a look full of regret. 
You’re almost afraid to glance down, but once you do, the pain intensifies a thousand fold as a portion of the blade of Sephiroth’s sword lay buried inside your abdomen. 
He catches you as you fall, laying you as gently as he knows how on the pavement beneath your feet. 
And now you find yourself back in the present time, watching as the man you love turns his back on you a second time. 
“My love, I ask not for your forgiveness, but please, grant me your understanding.”
The words barely make it to your ears, so muffled and hushed they are. 
“Our separation is only temporary. For you shall join into the Lifestream, and once I have harvested its might, we will be together again, in my new world.”
With this, Sephiroth continues his trek forward, stern and unyielding in his steps. 
You are left to fade in his shadow, as an unknown voice beckons your soul into the light.
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tomtenadia · 2 years
being overly competitive at child games for the domestic fluff prompts?
Another brick under my foot
The title is silly and a play on the song Another brick in the wall. I am not saying that Lego is a child's game because it's not. I am forty and I adore Lego. I just thought it would be fun. If there are typos I am sorry. I just wrote it and posted it.
No warning... just our Rowaelin being silly.
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It was a rainy day and Rowan and Aelin were both off from work and the kids were still at school so they had the afternoon free before having to go and pic up their two terrors. Both were splayed on the sofa, Rowan flipping through the channels in a bored manner, while Aelin was concentrated on her book. 
Rowan turned to his wife and poked her arm and then again.
“I’ll punch you.”
He poked her one more time for good measure and then folded his arms at his chest and pouted.
Aelin huffed a puff and closed her book “what’s bothering you, buzzard?”
“I am bored.”
“Oh, poor baby…” she mocked him, patting his head.
Rowan grabbed her and kissed her neck in an invitation, but Aelin pushed him away gently “hmm… not today, Ro. It’s that time of the month.”
He gently nibbled at her ear “do you need anything? Are you well?” Rowan knew from experience that Aelin could be very unwell.
She grinned and showed him the hot water bottle tucked it into her pyjama.
“You look sexy,” 
Aelin laughed and leaned against him.
They cuddled like that for half an hour then she had an idea “we can play with Lego.”
“The kids are out and for once we all the bricks for ourselves and can do what we want, please Ro?” She looked at him with puppy eyes knowing full well he could not resist her.
He stood with purpose “sit on the floor.”
Rowan disappeared and came back a few minutes later carrying two big plastic boxes full of the colourful bricks. Their kids loved it so much and could play for hours but most of the times she and Rowan had to play with them and help them build stuff.
Aelin quickly grabbed the green base with a few streets painted on “mine.”
“Hey, I had my eyes on that.”
“You are slow and old, buzzard.”
“What are you building?”
“My castle,” said Aelin while already rummaging through the box on a mission.
“ I will build one too.”
She snorted “sure. But mine will be so much better, loser.”
Rowan glared at his wife. He knew that Aelin could get competitive even with the most silly things.
Rowan stuck his tongue out at her and started working on his castle. They both worked in silence for a bit until they reached for the same piece at the same time.
“You got the base, this is mine,”
Aelin sat on his hand “no it’s mine.”
Rowan growled playfully “you can’t always win,”
She smiled wickedly “Oh dear hubby, you should know by now that I wear the pants in this marriage,” and in pure provocation Aelin leaned forward and kissed him while her hand grabbed the piece and then moved away quickly “Ah! I got it.”
Rowan stood quickly and lifted her in his arms and dumped Aelin on the sofa and in revenge he started tickling her.
Aelin screamed and trashed in his arms promising the worst revenges possible. And while Rowan was torturing her she had not noticed that he had snatched the piece from her hand until he moved away and returned to his construction with a smug face.
“Never underestimate me, wife.”
Aelin decided to ignore his antics and go back working on her castle which looked like a wonky cube of mismatched colours. Rowan’s instead looked a little more like a castle. And he knew it. Sneakily he grabbed one of the toys from the kids’ basket. It was one of Thomas’ dragons and he had a plan. He threw the toy on her building “Dragon attack!” Half of her construction broke down and Aelin looked up at him with fury in her eyes.
“Your defences sucked.”
She stood and grabbed a truck and crashed into his “oh, the driver was DUI.”
Rowan stood too but as he moved towards her his foot landed on a brick.
She saw the pain in his face followed then by a vicious string of curses. It was a good thing the kids were away.
“Oh, poor baby did the bad block hurt you?”
Whimpering Rowan nodded until his face morphed in revenge and Aelin started running around the living room to avoid capture until she was the one who stepped on Lego and cursed.
Rowan grabbed her again and went back to the sofa “Truce?” His eyes looking for hers.
“You owe me a castle, buzzard.”
“All you wish, my queen,” a soft kiss on her lips and Aelin curled into him. 
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Hi!!! I have been meaning to send something since day one but got too much feelings and not enough brain to make it a good comment lmao
Decided to hell with it and just go for it hahah sorry!!!!
I love love love so much this premise!when i first read the description i though it wasn't for me cause i got a squishy heart yk? But i am so so glad i decided to follow cause omfg this is the best and really i can't help loving it! The ros!!???they got my heart in a chokehold i am weak i love them all!!!!
And the Queen's harem?!!!omg i screamed!!!! Big fan of historical dramas and i always feel dissapointed about the usuals harems yk?like there is so much potencial there!!! Big family my beloved! i am just so excited and so damn thankful!
Thats not even touching the little siblings and baby bears lol so yeah i am basically screaming happily over here~ all the little tidbits are awesome too! Cannot wait to meet them all even with all the trauma and angst is sure to follow💗💗💗💗💗
So yeah! I am counting on my beloved peers to be helpful i am just gonna be a cute nuisance that cheer you on if thats ok?! Alll the love author!!!!! Tysm!!!!!💞💞💞💞💞
It's heartwarming knowing you like the premise that much💗 there is certainly some pain in here, but this story is also meant to be a healing journey if played a certain way, and the ROs and harem all can play a part in that if you let them.
I am a sucker for close familiar relationships, as you can see by the one you can have not only with all the siblings but with the consorts as well. And of couse I couldn't escape the temptation of adding bear cubs to warm our monarch's sore heart.
Your support is so so appreciated, dear❤
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Hiiiii!!! how aree youuuuu? I hope you are well! okey, sooo, I was thinking, this lovely story are too fluffy, soo... muehehe, idk if you answer this kind of question but...
just imagine our dearest RO (and Fiffer, cause he will be always one in my heart) are in a dangerous situation cause their own fault and they could die (idk accidents; debts... What comes to your mind), buuuut MC with hero complex ends up sacrificing themself so the RO could live, what would be their reactions?? how would they explain it to the child in MC's care?? Would they take care of the child or would it be too painful for them to have to remember that someone died because of them every time they saw Mc's child face?
<333333333 ANGST <3333333
Hello dear mutual, thanks for the ask, but I don't do angst. Sorry 😶
Those kinds of prompts break my heart and I stay away from them.
But have some hot cocoa and a warm blanket instead. 🥰
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I just cranked this one out in a matter of hours so there will be spelling error or awkward sentencing. This is actually the prequel to chapter 1 but I got too excited to start with it. Masterlist
No warnings just getting to learn a little more about Mila
          3 Simple Rules
Mila knew when she got a call from Trina to meet up for lunch, it wasn't because she wanted to catch up. However, for some reason unbeknownst to Mila she decided to make the trip to U Street. Living in D.C. you got both extremes of winter and summer, however, what made the summer heat tolerable was the fact that all business' knew how to blast their AC.
"Oh my goodness long time no see! How have you been?" Trina asked taking off her cat eyed sunglasses. Before Mila could respond Trina continued, "I'm been working my tail end off, you know how it goes." Offering a quick smile Mila took her seat across the table from Trina in the cozy uptown restaurant.
"So I'll cut to the chase because I have a ton of errands to run,"
Thank god
"As you know working as a mail room clerk I've gotten to hear my fair share of interesting stories and wouldn't you know, I heard that Charles has dabbled in that thing you do on the side". Looking over both shoulders Trina lend in and whispered "the whipping and stuff". Sighing under her breath It took everything Mila had to not roll her eyes.
"Anyways, there's this guy named Jeb, that Charles thinks would be interested in the whole idea and me, being the ever helpful person I am I told Jeb about you." Trina thanked the waiter and crossed her legs in what looked to be self importance. "Now I may have told him you specialize in different massages I,"
"TRINA!" Mila quickly interrupted, shocked by what she just heard.
"We'll hold on, the man is like a little mouse...or a really tall mouse...he's a wimpy guy ok. If I told him what you do he'd never agree to meet up."
How Trina had managed to get a random stranger interested in a meet up, under false pretense none the less, was beyond Mila.
"So this man has no clue what I actually do, but wants to meet up for a massage?" Mila asked, quickly becoming confused over the whole thing.
"Well he knows there's more to it then that, I mean he has to if he heard what Charles said. Plus he's a Republican, it gives you a chance to smack one around a little bit."
Mila widened her eyes in surprise. " First off not everything I do revolves around pain and second, taking on clients just because I want to "smack them around" would be a huge conflict of interest, not to mention a borderline crime." She replied making sure she kept her voice low but firm.
"Mhm" Trina quickly replied as she raised her hand. "Excuse me, waiter? Can we get some more water, I am thirstier then a sea lion crossing the Sahara". Trina asked, knowing she hadn't listened to a word Mila just said.
"Just meet with him Mila. If you don't like what he's asking or he's not comfortable with you, you 2 can just walk away."
Meeting Jeb later that week had turned out to fairly entertaining for Mila. The man was definitely tall but she had no idea how Trina got the mouse resemblance. Although filled with nervousness his eyes were strikingly brown and he brown wavy hair had been neatly parted on the side and combed. After a few seconds of awkward silence Mila finally spoke.
"So I want to make this as easy as possible, what is it that you're interested in doing?" Jeb looked at Mila like a deer in head lights.
Changing tactics Mila then asked, "what kind of role play do you think you'd like?"
"Ro...role play?" Jeb stammered. At least that got a reply out of him.
"Yes role play? Like nurse and patients or maid and home owner?"
Straightening up Jeb began to rub his hand up and down his thighs. "I...I'm not really a good actor."
Oh dear.
"How about I tell you a little bit about what I really do."
Since Trina clearly hasn't.
Mila had filled Jeb in on the sessions she had had in the past and what she was comfortable doing. Judging by the current lack of color that was draining down Jeb's face, Mila figured the best way to start was to dip his toes into the water. So she asked Jeb what he didn't want, since he still seemed to have no clue what he wanted to try.
"Now with all that being said I have 3 simply rules that I expect to be respected," Mila paused, making sure Jeb was still with her.
"I do not want to talk or hear about what we do outside of our time together. I do not want to have our session at either of our houses and I do not want to give or receive hugs."
Mila hoped she hadn't come off too lecturing but as Jebs sat across from her, nodding with eagerness, hair bouncing as he did so, she knew that this could work out after all.
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ien-as-the-iend · 10 months
What's the point? Part two
Leave this post alone, this contains a lot of bullsh1ts
Sometimes, I wonder why my classmate want to take pictures and videos of our college life when the day will come that it will be gone. Imagine the history we are making right now, one day like the dinosaurs, we are going to be wiped away and those objects you hold dear is also included.
It makes me think that things are one of the factors that give us an opportunity to waste our time to while still alive because at the end of the day, we will be buried. It's sad to see that our destinies are all scheduled and we don't have a fcking choice. One example would be the artists who deserve to be big but they have been conditioned by the Universe ro whatever you believe jn to be small because its not theirs and it will never be their time to have something big as the other artist experienced. It's unfair right? Karma is really our shadow eh? Oh Include the past lives contracts and other spiritual factors. We're all glasses scheduled to be shattered? Hahaha. Memories, Will those memories solved everything? No, at this point I also don't know what am I even vaying? Hahaha. Fck life, Fck everything! Hahaha, insanity is all I have left I guess... or the pain of neverending limit.
I'm sorry, I don't want to be a slave to the Corporations, I don't want to do your fcking standards or plans to your dirty crafted life model. Can I just be transparent and fade away from this world who demand's useless and pointless things? If only jumping to de3@th was not a sin, I'd already do that long ago.
There's nothing left for me to do personally but to suck the digusting foods that life wants me to do. Kinda fun to experience? Hahaha, I cant- I don't wanna be here anymore Hahah
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whatlovelybones-if · 2 years
Ok, so, I just binged the entire WLB blog and... !!! Lord, this is gonna HURT. Controlled helplessness is what I'm getting here. While we can customise the path, all roads lead to the same destination; and it's gonna be a painful one. Am I right? Yes, I know I am.
Also also!!! Don't think I didn't see that ask about the MC maybe having an older sibling! It'd explain why they were MEANT to be someone Killer could trust and why they had such easy access to the child.
More importantly, much as I adore the talk of the ROs (Sebby and Viv are gonna break my heart, Jae's already working on it. The Detective is totally my type, but the others just overshadow them), I'm curious... will we have a say in our way of 'dispensing justice' to put it in SFT terms? Or will the MC just do it however they feel at the time?
I do feel bad for the MC... never able to escape the sickness, and also its vessel.
i'm confused about what you mean by the last part tho, do you mean if MC will have a certain way of killing and whatnot? it'll just depend on type of personality has as a killer, for example: aggressive killers will have a lot more violent way of killing than stoic ones. also, there won't be any personality status bar since with MC's range of emotions and masks, the line between what's real and what's fake about their personality gets blurred.
you will be able to choose however you'd like the MC to respond or do things and the rapid shifts will just prove how unstable they actually are. the only thing about them in that regard which will be locked is how their killer persona is like when they go for their weekly murder spree.
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kingsdespair-if · 9 months
So, here's a question. During crushing stage, ro notices a hickey on mcs neck
How they react?
Hello, dear.
It seems that the famous question has finally reached me, I see. 😂
Alright, let's hurt our beloved ROs a bit.
Amisha: It depends on the nature of your relationship with her. If you share her feelings, she will be angry. Not at you, but at whoever gave you the mark. She would be furious that someone had the audacity to interfere with her love. She would make it her mission to find out who did it and likely intimidate them with a display of her sharp teeth. Afterward, she would attempt to leave her own marks on you. You belong to her, and her alone. / If your relationship with her is one-sided, she will feel hurt, sad, and genuinely confused as to why she cannot be the object of your romantic affection. She will not intervene, as she understands the boundaries and does not want to upset you or overstep her role in your relationship. It is likely that she will cry herself to sleep.
Veleena: Unfazed on the surface, but internally broken. She will believe that she falls short in your eyes, and her past wounds and lack of self-confidence will weigh heavily on her. It's probable that she will withdraw from you temporarily, attempting to suppress her emotions to avoid further pain. When she realizes that she cannot ignore her feelings, she will try to talk to you and understand the situation between the two of you. (She is oddly the healthiest and most mature among all of them)
Khalid: Get ready for the most dramatic and significant DTR of your life. Khalid won't take it lightly, even if you aren't officially a couple yet. He'll react like a teenager, throwing tantrums, getting angry, and screaming at you. He'll demand to know who could possibly be more captivating than him. Even if you try to explain that you're not in a relationship, he might go as far as buying you an engagement ring just to prove that you were meant to be with him.
Veldon: What kind of amateur would do this? Veldon will laugh it off and show you how it's really done. He would poke fun at you and ask about the person, not out of jealousy but out of pure curiosity. Maybe he would even invite the person to join you, if you want. He's completely fine with sharing physical attraction.
Kaellë: Oh, that's too much for Kaellë's tender and innocent heart. She will be genuinely hurt and start to cry in front of you before excusing herself and running off to hide. She knows that you and she are not in a relationship yet, and she has no right to demand anything from you, but it still hurts. It will take some time, but eventually, she will be able to force a smile and pretend she's fine again. However, from time to time, she will ask to examine you for wounds, just for a check-up, she says. But she will bring you to her examination room more often than she does with others. Yes, she will be searching for more hickeys.
Mauthak: His mind is too focused on dangerous situations to realize what the mark on your neck really is. Initially, he may think nothing of it, perhaps just a bruise. However, if someone else comments on the hickey in front of him, realization will set in and he will be confused. At first, his experiences with the Orcs' kind of relationships will overshadow everything else, and he won't mind much. But then, his mind will start to wander elsewhere, and he will become unhappy. Hurt and angry, he will destroy as many training dummies as he can find. And don't try talking to him, as the only response you'll get is a snarl until he blows off steam.
SECRET: What did you do? Oh, wouldn't it be a shame if the other person suddenly vanished from existence? Now, it's just you and them again. Forever. ✨
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