#jungkook weverse live haha
aricastmblr · 1 year
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taehyung y hobi JK weverse live
(Tae y hobi weverse live en casa de jungkook y jungkook lavando, unos minutos duro, hablan - saludan y llego su taxi y se despidieron jungkook empezó su weverse live unos minutos después)
tae y hobi - hablan - saludan - bailan. hobi se corto el pelo y tae le abraza dice que hobi se va-
jh- Hola, soy jungkook *tira de jungkook para que aparezca*
jk- Hola soy jungkook  *muestra la cesta de ropa*
jh- ríe
jk-He hecho lavandería... lavandería  
jh-Tiene que lavar la ropa
tae y jh-Llamamos al taxi.. nos iremos una vez que llegue el taxi
jk-*apaga la luz* me siento *murmurando* como un tonto 
jk-Ah ​​a la secadora le faltó un calzoncillo 
tae y jh *se ríen* 
jk- *desvaneciéndose* la secadora perdió una ropa interior ah..
se despiden v y jh
tae-dice volverá en vivo otra vez
jk- Yo también volveré
tae- y jh *se ríen*
jh-No vas a volver en serio ¿o si? 
 v-Sí, él realmente puede volver a encender en vivo de nuevo 
 jk-Hasta luego 
 v y jh Adiós! (Se van. Terminan su weverse live)
jungkook weverse live  
HAHA  jajaja
jk- Pregunté en nuestro chat grupal si alguien quería venir, así que hobi hyung y taehyung hyung vinieron... hablamos de esto y aquello, fue divertido hablar con ellos. Creo que solo he lavado la ropa todo el día ropa blanca luego mi ropa oscura/negra, pero sinceramente lavar la ropa me hace feliz Probablemente soy el primer ídolo, ¿verdad? (Que lavar la ropa) en un live? No planeé hacer live, pero desde que los hyungs lo encendieron, así que... me voy a ir después de que termine con esta ropa .. tengo sueño(dobla su ropa interior y calcetines)  Calvin me envió toneladas de ropa interior y esas cosas y quería usar la suya lo antes posible, así que la puso en la lavandería de inmediato. soy un hada de la lavandería~ no puedo ver porque está oscuro no tienes que ver este lado mío *preguntándose* cierto, no necesitas ver ni siquiera este lado de mí ¿Por qué podría estar mostrando este lado de mí? *bosteza* tengo sueño ok no queda mucho! ah la lavandería está hecha... ha..... terminado! y no planeé tener un refrigerio ligero... no planeé tenerlo pero taehyungie hyung ordenó esto *muestra a tteokbokki* entonces tuvimos tteokbokki adiós~ te veré luego. ah tteokbokki.. fue tan bueno. Ah, estoy triste, no debería estar comiendo bocadillos nocturnos. ah taehyungie hyung! pero me lo comí tan delicioso. De todos modos, me iré ahora ~ Me iré. ¡adiós!
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usmiletk · 8 months
🌸🫶 Jungkook on Weverse 🫶🌸
🐰: “you want to try other groups? haha it's your freedom! but i don't care too much about that.. i just work hard for those cheering me on! so i don't care too much about that~ even like when people write hate comments i'm grateful because that means they have that time for me~ i'm thankful to them~ but of course i don't like them. i can not like them too right! of course i don't like the people who write bad about me. just for those who cheer me on. i'm just going to work and live hard for you all! i am confident that i will not change like that. until my knees give up and my voice doesn't come out, until what i can do, and i receive so much strength from you guys so i will live hard! anyways i'm always grateful!”
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🐰: “im not very innocent everyone, i know everything, and im 26 years old now ! isnt it weirder to be innocent. i like alcohol, i play hard when i play, and work hard when i work.”
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bts-trans · 10 months
230804 Weverse Translations
Jungkook's Post ❇️ with Jungkook's Comment 💬
JK: 일단 씻고 나오긴 했단 말이지? JK: 라이브가 고민이지? (https://weverse.io/bts/artist/0-123103917)
JK: For now I’ve gone and showered like I said I would?
JK: Now I’m thinking about the live, aren’t I?
Trans cr; Faith @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
Jungkook's Post ❇️
자자… 자야대… 안녕… 내일 봐…ㅎㅎ (https://weverse.io/bts/artist/2-123118385)
Ok ok… I gotta sleep… Bye… See you tomorrow… haha
Trans cr; Ali @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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onlyswan · 10 months
BHAHAHA, you know what? I asked my boyfriend if he'd still date me if I were a bug (I got inspiration from that Jungkook live), and he told me that he would not date me, but still keep me as a pet(?). Then, I jokingly asked him, 'Oh, then would you just f**k another woman in front of me( if I were his pet bug)?' and he replied, 'Isn't that obvious?' then I told him about how sweetly JK answered this question and mentioned that I expected a better answer from him (I also got a bit upset too haha). He said that JK's answer was cheesy, and his was practical. I told him that he should've said something cheesy just for my happiness, but he insisted on keeping things grounded in reality. Anyways, I think he is too practical, lol. He should take some classes from JK.
NOOOOOOO but i’d get upset too lol i don’t want to imagine my bf doing that??? 😭 what’s the point of giving such a ‘practical’ answer when the question isn’t even grounded in reality come on now 🤨 it’s just a jokey joke he could’ve said something to make you happy instead fr.
make him attend his classes @ weverse :P
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heybaetae · 3 months
Yeah, I get it. :/ I never expected or wanted Jin to come back and immediately be an idol again. And I'm not saying this in a bad way or anything, but his personality and way of living(? i guess) is just not like that... I fully expect him to go home, check in a few times, mostly through weverse comments which are really short and quick, and re-adjust to being at home and being with his family more. Again, not in a bad way, but he's definitely not going to be entertaining us all the time. I feel like some of the fandom is expecting a Jungkook- level of entertainment and online presence which will not happen with Jin. Hobi would be a better person for this but he's also not going to be online 24/7. Which is fine! And I agree with you, I really hope they are not jumping back immediately. Hobi said he has a post-enlistment plan already so I can see him go back to work sooner... But with Jin, I don't. I would like to be hopeful (or incredibly naive) and think that he's just going to chill for awhile but I feel like because 1) he's the first one to come back and the only one who will be here for us again and 2) the only one without an album, they will work on pumping out an album as soon as possible. Again, I'd like to think they can't or won't force him but who knows... I'm also a little worried about next year when the others come back... I feel like that'll be even worse because everyone will be anticipating the ot7 comeback and tour and everything... :(
no need to disclaim what you're saying here about jin's personality, i know you don't mean anything in a bad way haha. i'm willing for jin to surprise me if he's genuinely eager to start work on his album as soon as possible if that's what he decides. i surely won't complain about jin making new music, i just really hope it's not something he'll feel (or literally be) obligated to do without taking time for himself if he needs it. for example, i feel like i observed taemin get discharged and almost immediately jump back into performing/recording and i was like "whoa, was he ready after what he went through?" so it's coming from a place of concern and care when i say i hope he doesn't contractually have to bounce back to idol life before he can gain his bearings, rest, and readjust back to civilian life. i feel that way about all of them, though hobi's so work-oriented it wouldn't surprise me if he wanted to work right away. as for the whole band after they're discharged, i agree i really think they should take a few months to figure out what's next for them as a group before they jump back into recording and planning a comeback or tour. it'll be three years by then since they last worked together as seven, they deserve time to come back together harmoniously and carefully. and i think the company AND fandom owes them a grace period before they set high hopes and expectations too.
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I already knew the singing was impeccable, but the stage presence?? He was born for stages like that. "Unstructured" performances like this one really let him shine. The footwork, mic flips, expressions, dancing!!! All of it, he killed it so hard!!! The way he started was so cool, dragging the mic while dancing, then doing air guitar thing and drums? That live band was amazing. And the ending was fucking crazy! The cheeky way he put the mic down, danced the fuck out of the song without any backup dancers, and then just picked the mic off of the floor, flipped it, and ended the song with perfect timing? Mind blowing. He looked so handsome too1 This has just become one of my favorite Jungkook performances. This is the Jungkook I know!! A vocal oriented performance with some time set aside for dancing is perfect for him. He was just having fun and ate that stage. His face was almost cocky sometimes. He has so much confidence in this performance haha.
Pop king truly, this is him at his best. Fuck. I'm so proud of him. This performance made me so happy. I'm finally enjoying Golden era!! SNTY has been on repeat and I've listened to the album many times (never in order lmao) so I'm starting to connect with Jungkook and Golden. I still have my complaints, of course, but I've moved on to the acceptance phase. SNTY is really addictive and a mood, and the MJ vocals at the end are becoming easier to ignore lmao. I can't wait for the dance practice, which will probably drop tomorrow. Either that and/or a performance MV or another live. Jungkook really went all out with this song like he'd promised.
The Seven performance, in comparison, was a bit underwhelming as always - Jungkook could've easily sang 30% more than he did, but it's almost like his body is too used to doing it a certain way because of the choreo. Still, this is by far his best Seven live performance (if you don't count his sickly Weverse live), and his energy and presence was great. This is a relaxed song that works so much better with him just vibing on stage and without choreo. That terrible choreo and the backup dancers (no offense to them) were holding him back. Seven is just not meant for that much dancing. It's supposed to be easy going and relaxed. And a live band always makes everything so much better and livelier.
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 10 months
Hi, did you see this blog already? I would really like to know what your thoughts on this one. Thanks!
Terrible takes... Just terrible.
I wanted to stop reading at the second paragraph or something when this was said
"Well, here’s what I know from meticulously watching all the behind the scenes for BTS videos over the years. "
So, it's supposed to be an industry "insider" but she knows exactly the same thing I know? We can all watch a bangtan bomb and make conclusions.
I frankly just skimmed through it... The whole post is saying "hybe didn't have much more money to spend 🥺".
"So why would they manufacture and ship more (likely thrown away) plastic.."
Right!!! Like seventeen didn't just get an album with 13 versions on April. Very thoughtful, hybe Nobel peace winner next <3
I lost braincells reading that, if I'm being honest. This is not an industry insider that knows anything at all and everything she said was "making MVs costs money haha!"
Wonder what will the """insiders"""" say after Jungkook's album. Because everyone realizes he will be getting at least two more MVs, right??? They will be writing posts about hybe gaining money suddenly, aw.
I remember seeing a post from that blog before, it was after face and it was just as stupid as this one. Also, a person who believes Jungkook is bleeding love and helping Jimin's career by doing a weverse live. Nobel peace for Jungkook too <3
Several reality checks are needed.
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ezamevolni · 10 months
Cryptic: Biggest Concern
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I haven't done a real post in so long TT I miss writing!! I vowed to do some properly this week but forces of the universe are at work to stop me (fever...forgot my hard disk...broke my laptop :')) But I finally got a few days of vacation! YAY! What better to do when sick and free, than to write about Jinkook eh?
So I'm doing a shorter (?) post on something I don't think I've seen many people commenting on. Of course, I could be chronically overthinking if I'm the only one that picked it up? haha. 🙂
JinJunMin~ Making Salad (3.13.2021)
Anyways, this instance is rather loosely connected to Jungkook 🧚🏼‍♀️
For context and relevancy: BTS were frequently doing unit Vlives after they were grounded since the start of 2020. They had less public activities so 'prescheduled' Vlives were an avenue for them to see fans, and for fans to see them. Sometimes the Vlives were fun because the members were absorbed into doing the activity of the day, other times it's fun when they find camaraderie in their shared reluctance to be there.
This salad making session demonstrated the latter - Jin already ate before the live, Minimoni were not salad fans so this trio by all means were just attending as part of their jobs. Happy to be there? That's asking too much lol.
For more specific context, the trio had been on the verge of an argument fallen into silence several times and were giving each other a hard time randomly jumping from topic to topic throughout the live.
When Jin was sarcastically hyping up the plate of chicken breast to the camera, RM abruptly decided to ask him how he had been doing.
The question seemed to stump Jin for a few moments,
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Jin was stuttering, stalling, and racking his brain for something to say, then eventually landed on a work schedule as his answer. Then Jimin and Namjoon both chimed in about how they've been practicing for Grammys and actually saw each other the day before.
An assumption on my part, but Jin likely first thought about the section of his life that Namjoon didn't know about - off-work hours - and was filtering through for what he could talk about. I think gaming could have been a great answer. But Jin was caught off-guard, so I don't know if that affected his fibbing skills.
It could be something or could be nothing.
But the following in the middle of the live was quite the interesting convo:
The conversation had stopped and started a few times by now and Jin was filling in by talking about something salad related.
He brought up how some of the other members had salad recently.
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Namjoon was paying close attention to what Jin was saying because he parroted him when he listed "Yoongi" and "Jungkookie"
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RM: (nodding and repeating) "...Jungkookie."
And after a brief second of contemplation, Namjoon went ahead and asked, "Hyung, don't you have any concerns lately?"
Jin seemed to immediately know what he was referring to and answered, "For concerns, there's just the one thing."
Jimin seemed in the know about this as well.
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Humming in agreement, nodding and suppressing a grin.
By now Jin had laid down his chopsticks. I think he knew what Joon was referring to. It was a pretty vague question, but it seemed like it had a pointed answer.
However since Jin didn't elaborate, Namjoon probed further.
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If you've watched enough BTS interviews, you'd know the signs instantly whenever they all simultaneously think of something they can't say on camera and start smiling like weirdos.
Jin was still chewing but he was gearing up. He's about to say it.
As he went, "Of course," ...
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that was met with instant censorship from Jimin ("Let's just stop, hyung").
I also noticed Namjoon's knowing expressions while he was waiting and listening:
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Annnnnd of course, we don't get the real answer from Jin who said,
"I don't have Army in front of me during concerts."
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Joon was laughing after hearing the line. Jimin also hadn't looked at the camera once since this conversation started.
And we know Jin just lied improvised a new answer because he retorted back at Joon,
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There is another answer. There is another 'concern'.
He almost said it 🤌🏼 Just let it all go and say it Seokjin.. what's there to hide 😩
After Jin gave his answer, RM decided not to probe further since he knew the nature of that other answer. It can't be said anyway. So they agreed on 'armys not being there in person as a very important concern'.
And Jin of course turned the tables on Joon when he could
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Ok, whatever this 'concern' was, it's very specific and I guess RM also had a similar ongoing issue that Jin knew about?
So to recap:
Jin mentioned Yoongi and Jungkook's names, Namjoon heard, repeated Jungkook's name and suddenly posed the question 'any recent concerns'.
Jin did have a major one which apparently everyone (but us) knew about. And it can't be said on camera. And the thought of it makes them giggle.
Lastly, RM seemed to have a similar concern.
So 🙂 I don't have an answer for what the mystery concern is, but I do have ideas. They are probably similar to your ideas right now. Or maybe we all have no idea.
But wouldn't it be funny if one of us was right ;)
Ultimately, if you want any take aways from this cryptic conversation, is that they tend to giggle a lot whenever they touch on topics related to ermhmm, taboo topics. It's not sad, dark or serious, but taboo. What else could it be.
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jimimn · 10 months
so. it's 6 am and i woke up to go pee. and i check my phone to see the time. it's 6 am. haha. okay so the first thing i see is a missed call from anna and i was like huh weird anna knew I was sleeping and I sleep with my phone on silent (big mistake never doing that again). then i unlock my phone and see twenty thousand weverse notifs out of which some are of jungkook's lives and some are of jimin's comments (i will kms) AND THEN AS IF THIS WAS NOT ENOUGH, I OPEN THE FUCKING LIVE AND SEE THAT JEON JUNGKOOK IS NAKED INSIDE THE SHEET????????????? this is way too much for me to process at 6 am idk what to do know.
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jmdbjk · 2 years
Hello everyone. I appreciate the nice words from you all in my asks and inbox. 
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I know a lot of you are new to BTS and I can totally relate to all the confusion when you are just trying to figure out what’s going on, what’s gone on and why do they do that and what were they thinking?? (haha).
Please feel free to ask anything, use the anonymous feature, no question is a dumb question, there are probably a lot of people who have no idea what this or that is, whatever your question might be. I will absolutely do my best to answer to the best of my knowledge, though I am by far no expert.
And for those DIYers who want to figure it out yourself, here are a few resources to help:
The BTS Lexicon. This is just one of several fan-based websites that serves as a glossary of all that is Bangtan.
US BTS ARMY is the United States based BTS fan base website and has a lot of different information.
TheRiseOfBangtan YouTube channel. Describes as “This is the official Youtube channel for the fan-made documentary series ‘The Rise of Bangtan.’”
And of course: 
BANGTAN TV the official BTS YouTube channel.
BTS_twt the official Twitter account of BTS that the members will sometimes post to themselves.
BTS Weverse official Army membership website and its sister site: Weverse Shop. You can find shows to purchase that they’ve produced: Run BTS, In the Soop, Bon Voyage, etc. as well as Weverse Magazine (the magazine is a website and is free).
V Live the official BTS platform for live broadcasts and their variety show Run BTS.
Just to make it clear, I am Jimin and Jungkook biased and a supporter of their relationship/friendship/bond/snoogie honey bunches of love thing they got goin’ on. But I also love all 7 and love to see them back together doing anything. 
Peace out!
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Disclaimer: Thoughts expressed here are my own and are often silly or thirsty, or all of the above. All third-party opinions expressed via the aforementioned resources linked to from this page are those of the individuals concerned and do not necessarily (but might) represent those of JMDBJK (me)(who came up with that nonsensical moniker anyway), its parent or its affiliates. Jeez, I hope my parents don’t ever happen to read any of this shit. No responsibility can be accepted for any action you take or refrain from taking as a result of viewing this page and/or the resources linked to therefrom, including but not limited to modifying your own beliefs to include all or part of any of these disclaimers or elements thereof. Amen.
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taechnological · 1 year
Hi Sae. I’m wondering if you know the live where they were talking about Seokjin flipping a table. I think it’s also the same live where Jungkook took off his toe socks and showed it off. It’s after the UN I think. I looked through weverse and there’s four different lives but it’s not in any of those. I’m pretty sure it happened and I didn’t just imagine it, right?
haha no u didn't imagine it lol. from what little i remember the wifi at their hotel was very bad during those vlives so the lives were getting cut off again and again that's why there are 4 of them from the same time. if u can't find this moment in them then maybe it's bc the staff re-uploaded them again later without some parts or smth
anyway the moment u are looking for is around 21:25 in the below video
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aajjks · 1 year
as long as jungkook is not dating anyone else 😭 I'm sane the day ik he's committed I find myself a guy as well <3 rn me and him are a thing (in my head)🙆🏻‍♀️ bc he clearly wants me the same way from the virtual dates we had over his weverse live duh 🫂
haha yes jungkook is ARMYS para social boyfriend <333
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bts-trans · 1 year
230328 Weverse Translations
Jungkook & Jimin's Comments 💬 on Jimin's Post ❇️
JM: 보고싶습니다😊
JK: 나두요
JM: @/JK 곧 봅시다. 라이브 귀엽네요 https://weverse.io/bts/artist/0-116698751?anchor=1-232879674
JM: I miss you 😊
JK: Me too
JM: Let's see each other soon. Your live is cute
Trans cr; Annie @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
Jimin's Posts ❇️
언능갈게여 https://weverse.io/bts/artist/0-116721223
I'll be there soon*
(T/N: *Written cutely.)
로그 올라왔네여 잠들기전에 보고 자야지 ㅋㅋㅋ 같이 보시죠 ㅋㅋ 저의 앨범깡
https://youtu.be/aegG5-ms4rc https://weverse.io/bts/artist/0-116741355
My log is uploaded I'll watch it before I fall asleep hahaha Let's watch it together haha. My album unboxing
Trans cr; Annie @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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jeonqkooks · 10 months
Haha your anons are so cute!! But let me tell you guys something about this obsession with jungkook (i guess a lot can relate to it, at least). You try to do the best you can, focus on other stuff or people in your life etc etc, and when you're finally 90% sure you're over him the damn weverse live notification pops up and you are back to 0. 🤣🤣 I stopped feeling guilty about it. Maybe it's gonna stop naturally one day, but until then let us just bath in this ✨️obsession✨️ and enjoy spending this time with him!
that’s true hahaha. if you can’t fight it, give into it 😂 let’s vibe with it as long as it doesn’t make you feel bad about anything <3
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bts-weverse-trans · 4 years
200902 Jungkook’s Weverse Post
아이고... 12시 되기 전에 글 쓸려고 대기하다가 뻗었습니다..ㅠㅠ 지났지만 어제 제 생일을 위해서 여러곳에서 서포트 해주시고 이벤트도 해주시고 너무 감동이었어요 이어서 빌보드 1위라니.. 말이 안 됩니다 이거는.. 너무 행복하고 태어나길 참 잘한 것 같고 부모님께 참 고맙고 감사한 생각을 하게 됩니다 그리고 저희 이름으로 1위를 하게 되었지만 항상 기억하세요 BTS = ARMY 이기때문에 여러분이1위를 했다고 생각하셔야 됩니다 아시겠죠 ㅠㅠ 아 타이밍 못 맞춰서 너무 잠든 제 자신이 참 부끄럽슴다.. 참 전생에 뭐 했길래 이런 겹경사가 터지는지.. 아이구ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 여러분 다시한번 너무 감사드리고 여러분들 덕분에 정말 행복한 생일 보냈습니다 시간이 지나서 마음이 급하네요..ㅎㅎ 아미 정말 사랑합니다 부디 아미들도 행복한 순간들이 가득했으면 좋겠습니다 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Aigo...I was waiting to write before the clock struck 12 but I fell asleep..ㅠㅠ My birthday has passed now but I was so moved by all the support and events from numerous places Not only that but Billboard #1.. this makes no sense.. I’m so happy and I’m so glad I was born, and it’s made me think how grateful I am to my parents And, though we reached #1 with our name [BTS], please always remember BTS = ARMY, so you all have to think you won 1st place, okay? ㅠㅠ Ah, I’m so embarrassed with myself for missing the timing and falling asleep.. Seriously, what did I do in my past life that two amazing, happy events like this happened back to back.. aigooㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Everyone, once again, thank you so much and Thanks to you all I was able to have a happy birthday Because the time [to post before 12am] has passed I’m feeling hurried..haha ARMY, I really love you I earnestly wish that ARMYs’ lives are also packed full of happy moments ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Trans cr: Amy @ bts-weverse-trans © Please credit when taking out
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I say this with a heavy heart, but where is Dreamers Jungkook at? He's been delivering lackluster performances ever since Seven era began. How come Euphoria was better in 2019 than today? Why did he sing more of Still With You on Weverse lives (without warming up or rehearsing beforehand) and dodged the most delicate parts of the song in only his second performance of the night (he shouldn't have been vocally fatigued). Why does he dodge all the vocally interesting bits of Seven - the falsettos, even when not doing choreo, or doing it halfheartedly? Why did he dodge his falsettos in Dynamite or some of his own parts in the English trilogy? It's not exciting seeing someone walking around on stage with his mic held up to the audience. That's not a good performance, and that's not the Jungkook I know. The fact that I now expect consistently underwhelming performances from Jungkook is so sad to me. His vocals were good when he sang, especially in Still With You (Euphoria was quite shaky at first), but at this point it's very obvious to me that he's deliberately not singing more challenging parts of his songs. I think his vocals haven't been great for a while. I hope he's doing something about it. He talked a while back about losing his voice, but in his lives they seem fine. On stage though? Dodging all the falsettos - his specialty - indicates that there's something wrong with his voice right now imo. I hope he can fix it. His energy wasn't good in his first performances either... I hope he realizes that, if he has to skip verses, he needs better choreo, or to change the way he sings, add adlibs, etc., instead of just relying on the audience's screams to fill up the empty space.
Lastly, and this isn't exactly important but it's been bugging me too haha, but he hasn't had good stage outfits since Dreamers, and lately his hair has been pretty hit and miss - and mostly miss - imo.
Overall, I feel like the last time I saw the Jungkook I know was in the Dreamers stage, and every stage since then he's shown not even half of what he can do. I sincerely hope this will change soon but I fear this Jungkook is the new Jungkook and that is beyond sad to me. I love Jungkook's vocals and performances the most, I "can't" accept he'll be delivering mid performances for the rest of his solo career. He didn't even go all out dancing in a 15 min set. Was it the rain? The ground didn't seem wet, but I don't know... I'm just sad again....
PS: The 3D snippet has Seven vibes but didn't seem bad. Fingers crossed that it's not another collab!
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