#jordy sona
pumaskulls · 1 year
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Scorpius my beloved blorbo-in-law 🥺❤
bonus: there might be a reason @kuixotic is my best friend 🤣
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toonirl · 2 years
(to mod: I just wanted to say I love love LOVE your club penguin art. It looks so much like the real game art!)
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"Thanks, I try."
"What the fuck are you talking about?"
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whaleofatjme1920 · 1 year
Headcanons for Cimmerian, Django (i miss him) Kondraki and Dr Jordi Gunn with a reader who's an archivist? They're like really discreet and doesn't like attention too
(I made the carrot cake btw, ill tell you in a different post)
Dr. Cimmerian, Agent Django, Dr. Kondraki and Dr. Gunn with an Archivist SO
[Warnings: Like, none?]
[AN: Love talking abt my Jordi. ALSO praying Cimmerian never finds my posts abt his sona. </3]
Dr. Cimmerian
Yeah I think you two vibe pretty well. He doesn't really want a high profile when it comes to being in love just out of safety but little things he does gives it away pretty easily. Everyone just knows, y'know?
He comes to you for a plethora of research help even though you know he knows the answer and what's going on.
He likes coming down just to see you. He usually does this during slow hours just to respect your privacy and whatnot.
Will occasionally lessen your work load depending. If it's a restoration project or looking up certain histories and contexts, he'll find ways to make it easier for you. He cares deeply.
Agent Django
I don't think Django is like, the biggest showboat when it comes to love but he does like being a LITTLE obvious with his love. It kinda clashes with what you want but he respects your desires.
He's in the archives more often than not because of you. If something needs to be brought down, it's by his hand because he wanted to see you. He misses you when he's out and about.
Yeah he genuinely needs your help understanding some things. I think his hand is relatively steady too so he helps with some restoration stuff.
He will also help you update the databases and whatnot. Will bend rules for you because you do so for him. It really helps when he's out in the field and needs knowledge, like maps and stuff. Your abilities directly influence his, and vice versa.
Dr. Kondraki
He knows the archives better than he cares to admit. I almost want to say he's the reason you're in that position! And it was done because he loves you. He's very lowkey with his affection and love as well, so no worries there.
Essentially moves his office down to the office just because you're always down there, nose buried in a book as you attempt to preserve it. He values just being near you.
He always manages to route the most interesting artefacts towards you just to give you something fun throughout your shift. Asks a lot of questions just because he wants to hear you talk.
He's quite on top of your workload and while he won't be as helpful as Django, he offers support. It's awkward, but it's also the thought that counts.
Dr. Gunn
Gunn is quite sweet when it comes to love. He's not the most outward person about it though and this is just because he believes in work boundaries! So he won't smother you in love.
As for being an archivist, he has TONS of questions to send your way because he needs to understand what he's doing. His whole schtick is using SCP properties for everyone else's benefit, so of course he's going to be asking you questions based on artefacts and even trying to bribe you into letting him use those artefacts himself.
He's very helpful though. Will update databases for you, help you organize, and generally get lost in your work with you. He's got a knack for languages and will help you translate some texts that are much more historical than bargained for.
On being discreet, he finds ways to show his affection. I think one of his main love languages is touch, and it's usually during the late nights no one else is around he's able to love you.
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thelesbiansuperjesus · 9 months
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alright gang, I got bored and made a csm-sona. She is the ocean devil and her name is Jormungandr (or Jordy) named after the world serpent from norse mythology.
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(sorry for the image quality, Tumblr is shit lol)
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jordiebun · 2 years
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Updated my sona’s design + ref! 🐰💗 Lemme know what u think!! More info about her will be under the “read more” 🫶
Reblogs are greatly appreciated! 🐇  
Character Info:
✿ Jordie (she/her) 💖💜💙
✿ A hyper but sensitive rabbit who cares about her friends :-)
✿ Has paws (beanz) on her hands 🐾
✿ She is a holland lop bunny!
✿ She loves sweets (pls give her candy 🍬 !!)
Thanks for reading!! Have a wonderful day / night 🫶💕
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lesfoteses · 1 year
Tots eren fills meus
9 de març del 2023
He anat a veure el que segurament serà l'èxit de la temporada, 'Tots eren fills meus', la fan al Teatre Lliure. M'ha semblat una puta meravella, ja em perdonareu que sigui tan malparlada. Però va i m'entero després que ja ho tenen tot venut i que no està previst que la prorroguin ni res. Em sembla fatal. Així que em disposo a spoilejar tota l'obra que va escriure el 1947 l'Arthur Miller, en faré una crítica que no m'ha demanat ningú i que afortunadament, no llegirà ni Cristo. Per cert, està dirigida pel David Selvas, que per mi ho fa estupendament bé.
Tot comença amb l'olor de gespeta acabada de regar, que és quan s'aixeca el teló. El públic seu al voltant de l'escenari, un requadre al pur estil camp de futbol amb gespa de veritat. Només començar veiem l'Emma Vilarassau que fa de Kate i que representa que trona i plou a fondo i ella està amb els braços al cel. Cosa que trobo molt perillosa, perquè és de P3 de supervivència saber que braços al cel atrauen llampecs. Al seu costat, un arbre ha caigut -deduïm tots que d'un llamp, i com l'Emma no pari d'alçar els braços, acabarà igual-. De fons sona super alt l'himne nord-americà interpretat per Jimmy Hendrix, uf es fa duríssim. No sóc d'aquest estil musical. Marxa l'Emma, es fa un fosc, para la guitarreta i comença l'obra.
La protagonista és la família Keller, que si en comptes del 47 hagués estat escrita al 2023, seria la típica família burgesa de Tres Torres, amb un cotxe per a cada membre de la família, un jardinet ben cuidat, i unes criades que respondrien al nom de "perdona". La família Keller ha fet diners gràcies al Joe (Jordi Bosch), que durant la Segona Guerra Mundial es dedicava a vendre peces pels avions que anaven al front. Diners tacats de sang, perquè se li acaba el txollo el dia en què es demostra que des de la fàbrica han enviat una remesa atrofiada i per culpa d'això han mort 21 soldats nord-americans. Però el Joe se salva d'acabar a la presó perquè li carrega les culpes al soci, el senyor Steve Deever, que sí que acaba entre reixes. Si tornem a l'obra escrita al 2023, la família de Tres Torres hagués fet la seva fortuna gràcies a una estafa piramidal, invertint en bitcoins, obrint un fons voltor i rellogant propietats a preus astronòmics.
Representa que la Kate i el Joe tenien dos fills, el Chris i el Larry. Però el Larry no apareix, literalment en Larry està desaparegut des que va anar a la guerra perquè l'avió que pilotava va desaparèixer. La Kate està obsessionada amb què el Larry un dia obrirà la porta i dirà "perdoneu pel retard, ja soc aquí", però òbviament això no passarà. El Joe li segueix la xaveta, perquè és un home d'antas que es pensa que la dona està ja una mica turuleta i millor deixar-la en la seva bogeria i evitar parlar del temita. En canvi el Chris, que també va anar a la guerra però ha sobreviscut, n'està ja fins els collons de la tonteria, vol que el pare s'aliï amb ell i com a bons mascles facin entrar en raó a la mare. Però el Joe no té cap mena d'educació afectiva per la qual cosa, ni de conya es prestarà a això. I el fill no té cap mena de tacte, per la qual cosa és un pla que fa aigües per totes bandes.
L'obra té així una retirada a un culebrot: comença el drama quan el Chris ha vingut amb la intenció d'explicar als pares que es pensa casar amb l'Ann Deever (Clàudia Benito), i qui és aquesta jamba? Doncs ni més ni menys que la filla del soci del Joe a la fàbrica, el que encara està a la presó per culpa de les peces defectuoses. I no només: l'Ann era la promesa del Larry, el fill desaparegut. Clar, això és un drama perquè la Kate encara pensa que el Larry és viu, per la qual cosa, l'Ann és la vigent promesa i no s'ha de casar amb ningú més. Descobrim que el Chris i l'Ann estan enamorats, un amor que ha nascut només a base de cartes i que sobre la gespeta de Tres Torres es professen i són correspostos. Tot havia d'anar bé, fins i tot decideixen anar tots junts a sopar "al restaurant del voltant del llac", AKA el ‘7 Portes’ d'ara. En els 140 minuts que dura l'obra es descobreix que el Joe és un malparit que va deixar a l'estacada el soci, que el Chris no perdona el pare, la Kate també s'assabenta que només ella encara creu que el Larry és viu, fins i tot hi ha un moment que entra un dels personatges amb la carta astral del Larry, que es veu que era un encàrrec que li havia fet la Kate i que ve a demostrar que el Larry no pot ser mort perquè el dia que es pressuposa la seva mort, els astres l'afavorien. Acaba com el rosari de l'aurora, podem resumir-ho com que no acaben anant a sopar junts al ‘7 Portes’.
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remixinc · 1 year
BIOTHERM - BLUE RETINOL from Marco Prestini on Vimeo.
The new Blue Retinol Global Campaign for Biotherm. Directed by Marco Prestini, produced by DIVISION.
Directed by Marco Prestini Produced by Division Global Executive Producer Theo Gall Line Producers Alix Baltauss & Louise Tressens Cinematographer Oli Millar Stylist Raphaelhirsch Stylist Assistant Philip Smith Make-up Artist Ammy Drammeh Make-up Assistant Clara Buixeda Manicurist Katia En Camerinos Hair Stylist Shiori Takahashi Hair Assistant Yurikato Hair Casting Director Julia Lange Casting Choreographer Jorane Rest Model Cristina Efi Skydiving Stunts Kuczynska Maja Storyboarder Stephane Levallois
AKQA Executive Director of Productions Quentin Bernard Senior Producer Boris Loeve Creative Director Felipe Silva Sona Account Director Nora Dumitrescu Art Director Marcus Fahlström
Production Service 24/7 Executive Producer Oriol Rodriguez Producer Pere Crusafon Production Manager Monica Canellas Production Coordinator Vivi Oliver Production Assistant Cristina Tenor
Unit Manager Barcelona Francesc Puig Unit Manager Madrid Luis Sanchez
1st Assistant Director Matthew Launay 2nd Assistant Director Cristina Alcalde 1st Assistant Camera Daniel Gallardo Sky Fly Operator Adi FLy 2nd AC Barcelona Raul Caso 2nd AC Cam B Barcleona Javier Baile 2nd AC Madrid Olvido Pérez Video Assistant Carles Alonso DIT @victor_casasola
Gaffer Javi Catalán & Recce Oscar Andreo Best Boy Pablo Perez Sparks @gurrulo, Marti Pluma, @ferranglightcrew, Antonio Jesus Alcalde, Alex Alcocer, Santiago Martinn, Alex Postius & Daniel de Jose Homs MDT Barcelona Juan Francisco Flores
Best Boy Madrid Isaac Obregón Spark Madrid Federico Pacheco, Cosmin Cozma, Raul Garcia and David López MDT Madrid Alejandro Romero Key Grip Barcelona Jordi Martí Grip Daniel Ballester Key Grip Madrid Eduardo de la Cuesta Phantom Angelo Freda Techno Operator Jordi Galan, @santitorme, Manolo Pertinyez Photo Assistant Anna Zinn
Seamstress Diana Luque
Set Designer Cesar Martinez Art Assistant Susana Pérez Attrezzista Gabriel Novak, Alex Fernández Product Specialist Pau Arregui FX Inextremis Lluis Rivera Jove SFX/Stunt supervisor Lluis Rivera Jove FX Inextremis Ricard Barriga, Eric Nieto, Joan Bartolomé Stunt Sheila Quevedo
Post Production by Monumental Post Producer Louis Paulordonneau Editor Maxime Caro Color Grading Artist Arthur Paux Post Production Assistants Simon Tristant & Yanjun Zhou
VFX by Square VFX Supervisor Jussreandot mat & Colin Journee VFX Production Manager Camille Sermet On-Set Supervisor Colin Journee Scan 3D Adrien Bavant & @sdrnsdrn Concept Artists David Brochard, Leonid Alekseev, Irakli Kurashvili & Chun Wang Lead CG Arthur Villiers-Moriamé Visual Artist Yonkers Vidal CG Artists Sebastien Le Moignet, Marc Lourençot, Antoine Arnaud, Sylvain Cas, Yannick Large, Ilyès Nezzari & Vincent Tangy Lead FX Adam Bachiri CG Micro Organisms Brice Crevits, Antoine Pion & Thomas Salmin FX Artists David Areshidze, Maxime Delsart, Krzesimir Drachal, Damien Kessler & Donghee Kim Rigging Grégoire Beccucci Animation Nicolas Caillet Lighting Carloe Mendes Tavares Matte Painting David Ratajczak Lead Compositing Thomas Jouenne Compositing Emilie Nicolas, Mathieu Legros, Romain Bedouet, Adrien « Palmito » Renay & Isabelle Tchoungang Motion Designer Martin Goldwasser & Thomas Salmin
Music Composer Ballad.co VO Capitaineplouf
Special thanks to Jules de Chateleux, Valentin Petit, Daniël Bouquet and Ford Models Paris
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afyonhaberleri · 2 years
Galatasaray Torrent'in sözleşmesini feshetti
Galatasaray Torrent’in sözleşmesini feshetti
SON DAKİKA: SON DAKİKA: Galatasaray’da teknik direktör Domenec Torrent ve yardımcılarının sözleşmeleri feshedildi. Torrent, karar sonrası yaptığı açıkamada, zor bir dönemde göreve geldiğini ve elinden geleni yaptığını belirtti. Son dakika haberi! Galatasaray’da Torrent dönemi sona erdi.  Kulüpten yapılan açıklamada, “Teknik Direktör Domenec Torrent ile yardımcıları Jordi Gris Vila, Jordi Guerrero…
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medya-press · 2 years
Galatasaray'da Domenec Torrent dönemi bitti
Galatasaray’da Domenec Torrent dönemi bitti
Galatasaray’da Domenec Torrent dönemi sona erdi. Sarı-kırmızılı kulüpten yapılan açıklamada, İspanyol teknik adam ve yardımcılarının sözleşmelerinin feshedildiği duyuruldu. Galatasaray’ın açıklaması şu şekilde: “Teknik Direktör Domènec Torrent Font ile yardımcıları Jordi Gris Vila, Jordi Guerrero Costa, Julián Jiménez Serrano ve Ricard Segarra Aragay’ın sözleşmeleri Galatasaray Sportif Sınai ve…
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jscarzfava · 2 years
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Some self-indulgent sketches I made to cheer me up the other night.
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redmoonrises · 3 years
new ask game ask my ocs questions
exactly what it says on the tin! feel free to reblog if you want your moots/followers to ask about your ocs!
specifics for my ocs are under the cut
my list of ocs that i’ve talked about on this blog the most:
iden (current name for my sona)
rupee (red king parzival, a newer oc that’s a ‘corrupted’ version of iden’s past self)
jay (one of the neapolitan trio)
lucien (one of the neapolitan trio)
adrian (one of the neapolitan trio)
jj/jordie (rewritten version of my first even oc, also new)
all ocs will exist in the context of post-plot creaturae for this ask game! creaturae and its post-plot existence have been talked about on my blog before, everything i’ve posted about regarding it should be under the #creaturae tag! if not it’s under #gen writes or #gen rambles
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toonirl · 4 years
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It me again
(Commission Info)
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whaleofatjme1920 · 1 year
I didn't take a picture since i already ate it 💀
It was much MUCH more better than the one i had (it tasted savory for some reason), and it was good! Still doesn't beat red velvet or vanilla cake but its still good enough that its enjoyable :))
I baked a small portion for myself so sadly i dont have more but ill make more in the future
Sounds like you made a really nice carrot cake!! For the longest time I didn’t really like lemon cake until I tried a friend’s version. Really depends on who makes it tbh.
No agreed vanilla is my favorite alongside strawberry and Angel food.
Also I saw you asking for Jordi <3 I’ve been craving my SCP (even my lady Opiel </3) OCs rp or Dr Tjme/my sona rp. It’s actually driving me insane. Gives me a nice in just to talk abt Jordi !! (Karina I promise I’ll get back to our RP soon </3)
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dyketubbo · 3 years
hi do you have a sona ref
i am working on a cool thing for all you nice mcytblr people >:)
yeah! or well, i have a sona ref for my general persona and then a skin for my mcsona, but still, here you go
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(general notes- the wings on the first one [jordy/love] can be attached or deattached up to you, and the second one [helianthus/epiphany] is some sort of deer cat thing, the tv head is a prop. deer ears out the side and cat-eared shaped antennae, with front paws and back hooves)
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xiphosuras · 3 years
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Commission for Jordi of his ‘sona Georgie, both in his feral and in his anthropomorphic form :)
This was a lot of fun to work on!
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astral-nautica · 4 years
Operators that we know the real names of (UPDATED 1/7/24):
"Codename" Real name
*"Aak" Ah Zai
*"Absinthe" Zoya (unsure whether its her first or last name)
*"Angelina" Angelina Ajimu
*"April" Airlie/Ailie (unknown last name)
*"Archetto" Hildegard (unknown last name)
*"Ashlock" Greynuty 'Ashley' Kaliska
*"Astesia" Astesia L'ubica/Urbica
*"Astgenne" Elena Urbica
*"Aurora" Lhola/Lara (unknown last name)
*"Ayerscarpe" Ayers (unknown last name)
*"Bagpipe" Fiona Young
*"Beehunter" Shura (unknown last name)
*"Bison" Bison Pides
*"Blacknight" Ye Ban
*"Blemshine" Maria Nearl
*"Breeze" Grace Arizona
*"Cardigan" Merry (unknown last name)
*"Catapult" Arleta (unknown last name)
*"Cement" Shana Moleman
*"Ceylon" Ceylon Doykos
*"Ch'en" Ch'en Hui-chieh
*"Chong Yue" Shuo
*"Cliffheart" Ensia Silverash
*"Courier" Weiss (unknown last name)
*"Czerny" William Vught/Ficht Czerny
*"Dorothy" Dorothy Franks
*"Dur-nar" Makayla Springthunder
*"Earthspirit" Glacier Wegney
*"Ebenholz" Franz Von Urtica
*"Enforcer" Ezell Pastore
*"Eunectes" Zumama (unknown last name)
*"Executor" Frederico Giallo
*"Exusiai" Lemuel (unknown last name)
*"Eyjafjalla" Adele Naumann
*"Fartooth" Justyna Valentine
*"FEater" Wan Shêng-shêng
*"Fiametta" Fiametta (unknown last name)
*"Flametail" Sona (unknown last name)
*"Flint" Kemar (unknown last name)
*"Folinic" Louisa (unknown last name)
*"Friston-3" Trevor Friston
*"Gladiia" Gla-dia (unknown last name, if any)
*"Gnosis" Gnosis Edelweiss
*"Goldenglow" Susie Grate
*"Gravel" Senomy (unknown last name)
*"Gummy" Lada (unknown last name)
*"Harmonie" Rosalie
*"Heidi" Heidi Thomson
*"Honeyberry" Zoey Perris
*"Horn" Rita Skamandros
*"Hung" Kao Hsi-sheng/ Ko Hei-Sing
*"Indigo" Aria (unknown last name)
*"Indra" Hannah Jackson
*"Insider" Richele Colombo
*"Irene" Irene (unknown last name)
*"Istina" Anna Morozova
*"Jessica" Jessica Brynley
*"Kazemaru" Kate (unknown last name)
*"Kirara" Mika (unknown last name)
*"Kjera" Kjeragandr (unknown last name, if any)
*"La Pluma" Rafaela Silva
*"Lappland" Lappland Salazzo/Saluzzo
*"Leizi" Lin Qingyuan/Qingyan
*"Leonhardt" Wright (unsure whether its his first or last name)
*"Lin" Lin Yühsia/Yuxia
*"Lumen" Jodi/Jordi Fontanarosa
*"Matterhorn" Matterhorn Yak/Yek
*"Mayer" Mayer Stony
*"Midnight" Yoru (unknown last name)
*Minimalist" Stitch Canvas
*"Mint" Eleanor (unknown last name)
*"Mizuki" Izu-mik (unknown last name, if any)
*"Mountain" Anthony Simon
*"Mr. Nothing" Ch'u (Ch'u Wu-yu?)
*"Mulberry" Gu Ningning
*"Myłnar" Myłnar Nearl
*"Myrrh" Adelaide (unknown last name)
*"Nearl" Margaret Nearl
*"Nightingale" Liz (unknown last name)
*"Nightmare" Gloria Rebel Pasbelletti
*"Passenger" Elliot Glover
*"Penance" Lavinia Falcone
*"Perfumer" Lena (unknown last name)
*"Phantom" Lucien (unknown last name)
*"Pinecone" Mina (unknown last name)
*"Platinum" Centaurea (unknown last name)
*"Plume" Rhea/Leia (unknown last name)
*"Pozëmka" Avdotya Sharppen (born Avdotya Nikolaevna Ivanova)
*"Pramanix" Anya/Enya Silverash
*"Proviso" Deszcz (unknown last name)
*"Ptilosis" Joyce Moore
*"Puzzle" Fischer (unknown last name)
*"Reed" Loughshinny Dublinn
*"Roberta" Roberta Baker
*"Rockrock" Rochelle Rockwell
*"Rosa" Natalya Andreyevna Rostova
*"Rosmantis" Narcissa (unknown last name)
*"Saileach" Jane Willow
*"Saria" Saria (unknown last name)
*"Scavenger" Hamelin (unknown last name)
*"Shining" Quesasina (unknown last name)
*"Siege" Alexandrina (AKA Vina/Verna) Victoria
*"Silence" Olivia Silence
*"SilverAsh" Enciodas Silverash
*"Skadi" Ishar-mla (unknown last name, if any)
*"Skyfire" Ethelflaed Julie Mountbelan
*"Specter" Laurentina (unknown last name, if any)
*"Spot" Beigh/Bukar Bornu
*"Stainless" Faist (unknown if last name)
*"Steward" (unknown first name) Steward
*"Suzuran" Lisa (unknown last name)
*"Swire" Beatrix Schwire
*"Tequila" Ernesto Salas
*"Texas" Cellinia Texas
*"Toddifons" Arianrhod Blodeuwedd
*"Totter" Totter (unknown last name)
*"Vigil" Leontuzzo Bellone
*"Whislash" Zofia Nearl
*"Wild Mane: Iwona Krukowska
*"Zima" Sonya (unknown last name)
I honestly probably missed some, but that's because I don't have everyone yet (but I did get most from the wikia). Also some of the spellings seem to vary that's why some have a /. Feel free to let me know if I missed any.
(So Mr. Nothing I'm not sure if "Ch'u Wu-yu" is his actual name or another alias because this it what it says on the wikia "Ch'u Wu-yu/Chu Wuyou based on his surname and a Yanese proverb "nothing but fictitious.")
Spoiler/Unreleased below
*"Bryophyta" Enis Weiser
*"Almond" Laura Arias
*"Bassline" Michael Wolfgang/Lupogang
*"Coldshot" Anna Mitterrand
*"Dagda" Isabelle Montague
*"Morgan" Kate Morrigan
*"Delphine" Delphine Windermere
*"Diamante" Heinz (unknown if first or last name)
*"Incandescence" Monica (unknown last name)
*"Lessing" Lessing Mayer/Meyer
*"Leto" Rosalind (unknown last name)
*"Poncirus" Enmeier Andieross
*"Santalla" Simone (unknown last name)
"U-Official" Eureka (unknown last name)
*"Valarqvin" Alki/Alcis (unknown last name, if any)
*"Vendela" Magdal Shaw
*"Virtuosa" Arturia Giallo
*"Viviana" Viviana Droste
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