#john winchester appreciation
kirathehyrulian · 1 year
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↳ Sam and Childhood ♥♥♥
(Please do not edit/alter. Feel free to reblog, but please do not repost. At the very least please give me credit.)
For more art from me please check out my “myart” tag here on Tumblr. Or my  “AO3“.
👇(Art Notes below the cut) 👇
Art Notes:
I said I was going to do something for the days I missed and I intend to keep my word. It took me a long while but Day 2 is done.🙌
Don’t know if the mods still want to be tagged so I’ll err on the side of caution and not bother them. If all else they say it’s okay then I’ll tag them when I finish Day 3′s. But, for now they get their peace.
I don’t know when I’ll get around to doing Day 3, but I am adamant on seeing this event through to the bitter, bloody, angsty end. But it might be after I finish my piece for the wayward sons 2023 zine that I signed up for. Who knows.
Anyways, one of the angst situations for Sam during his childhood was being left behind at places that weren’t a home. So, I decided to art in that direction. I wanted to make a Sammy sitting on a windowsill longing in a lonely motel room, while Dean goes off to be a hero with their dad on some hunt. Sam doesn’t know if his brother and dad will return or not, but all he can do is wait and hope.
I’m mostly happy with how it turned out.♥♥♥
Anyways, enjoy if you can!♥♥♥
For a more detailed explanation and art alts of this piece click here for the ao3 post: [x]
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sorceressofangst · 2 years
Happy Father's Day to John Winchester.
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magickastiel · 1 year
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feeling great about this series of tortured expressions
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i-lovefandom · 6 months
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The 4077
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whumpypepsigal · 1 year
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The Winchesters s01e10: “Kill him!”
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ardentpoop · 12 days
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that would be boring as fuck lol
what if john came back during one of the really low points in samndean's relationship and he was like what the fuck dean this isnt what i taught you (i wouldnt have given you the damn thing if i thought you were gonna ruin it) and dean was like oh yeah? let me pull out my trusty list of sam transgressions and you can walk me through what you wouldve done differently . asshole. and sam has to get out of there bc theyre Going to make him throw up. and he gets back and theyre screaming their heads off at each other. and what do you know it's sam's turn to be the peacekeeper btwn his brother and his dad. and john's like im sorry sammy everything's fine didnt mean to scare you. and dean's like FUCK YOU where was this attitude when it was ME trying to keep you two together
ad infinitum.
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piningeddiediaz · 2 months
Dean Winchester was never bi, so I don't know who the idiot was who came up wit that one.
wrong. he fucked the angel and the cajun vampire side piece nasty style in the woods in purgatory
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laf-outloud · 8 months
Does anyone else think Jared has kind of a 70s vibe when he was playing Sam Winchester? Not the attitude or ideals, but the look. Especially Seasons 5 to 8, maybe a bigger range. I think the sideburns adds to the effect, but even without them, I think it’s there.
I kind of like it though, it makes a show have better rewatch value when the characters are a bit dated to start with because then it’s not so cringy going back later to watch (unlike if characters are super trendy for their time). It’s like how Dean likes classic music, too. I like it.
Looks from the 70's? Where ever would you get an idea like that? lol!
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Supernatural was mostly great about not dating SPN to a specific time period (I say mostly because the progression of phones can give it away.) I can see how it's timelessness could help contribute to SPN's continued popularity in streaming. Shows that date themselves through current events or styles, unless done well like The West Wing, can lose steam over the years.
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femsammy · 3 months
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guiltye · 1 year
also i shouldn't talk about the way that despite the emotional, physical, and mental abuse that dean has endured throughout his entire childhood, there's still that part of him that will be entirely loyal to his father and will do anything that will make his father proud of him, even if it is just for a mere few minutes. which is why the impala is so dear to him, especially in the first season, because dean only simply started to drive the impala on his own as his own for a short period of time. it's shown in the pilot episode when sam asks dean "dad let you hunt on your own?" "i'm twenty six, dude."
it's not uncommon for those who are victims of abuse to still be completely loyal to a fault to their abusers; because growing up, dean will always try to find a way to make john proud of him or to just SEE him, and that still bleeds into his adulthood. in john's disappearance, and purposely keeping his boys in the dark, dean starts to break some of his old habits, but we find out in SHADOWS that dean will still revert to his old ways and be the soldier that john shaped him into.
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deanwasalwaysbi · 2 years
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Inspired by The Prequel at the End of the Book @endofthebookpod Thank you to @callmestiletto for the footage
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animnightmare · 7 months
Ive come up with a few ideas for mash fics, and since my hawkeye/honoria drabble thing was well received I thought perhaps I should actually get to writing them
I am, however, terribly indecisive. So heres a poll to help me decide what to write first
*A couple details for the last one since I couldn't think of a good way to summerize it: Post war Hawkeye is still waiting for trapper to contact him despite everything, and BJ consoles him.
(I love trapper but it is also Fun to make him the bad guy somtimes)
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We as a collective do not talk about 9x7 Bad Boys nearly as much as we should it has so so much to unpack about Dean and his early years
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john-bracket · 1 year
I once had fanfiction plans like this, so i have Johns READY to submit
Hell yeah I appreciate your Johns
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For whatever reason I've spent half the day thinking about how John Winchester would've reacted to Castiel if he had lived. I've seen a number of takes that are like "oh he'd think Cas was some sort of a monster and hate him/try to kill him", and those make a decent amount of sense. I do think that he probably wouldn't like Cas at first, since he's (justifiably) paranoid about creatures stalking his family and Cas' initial impression is definitely in Eerie Creep territory.
But I also think this: Jimmy Novak was not that far in age from Sam and Dean when Castiel took over his body, early Castiel is an endearingly incompetent baby when it comes to a number of human things, and John is deeply, deeply hung up on his boys. If Cas stuck around long enough, I think something in John's brain would go ping
and then we'd get something like Area Man Fights God (for custody)
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arabella-s-arts · 1 year
A collection of things I said while watching The Winchesters in no particular order: Warning: This will contain spoilers, including some for episode 10.
[referring to the title of the show] Sounds like a reality tv show.
[talking about the group] This feels like Scooby Doo.
*John stares at Carlos in a uniform* I thought he was homophobic.
I love him! [referring to Carlos]
No one likes you Diggie! x3 (probably said it more than that tbh)
Sorry about my friend Gabe. x5
Gabe, what the heck?!
Wait, is this Gabe?
But can Henry even show up. I mean he didn't die until 2000-something, so he's not dead yet. I mean he is, but he isn't.
Wait, is his name Henry?
His name is Henry! Ha!
Tell him about meeting the grandkids! x5
*gets excited when I see the Dean photo even though I already knew this was going to happen* internal (that's very close to external) squealing
[about John and Mary's second kiss] That's just terrible. That's such an awkward position. Like it's okay for a peck, but for making out no.
[about Diggie] There he goes again, ruining another one of my ships.
Samuel Winchester is not that good looking.
I can't believe they did the bump into each other trope, that's so cliché. (Not a bad one don't get me wrong, just very cliché.)
*Mary compliments Dean's looks* He got good genes. *looks at John and Mary*
How do I know him?
Is that the guy from the Nanny?!
*British dude talking about how he never got the chance to have children* Uhh, yeah you did, three of them.
*British dude explaining how he's going to put Dorthea into Mary's body* Dude! That is so creepy. You're going to be like forty years older than your wife. *British dude explains how he won't be forty years older than his wife* Oh, okay then.
The golem doesn't deserve any of this.
Me: *about to insult some ladies hair* Carlos: *does it for me* Me: Thank you!
[about John and Mary] You can't kill them! Their son hasn't even been born yet, how are you supposed to find him then!
*John and Mary saying they'll never get as crazy as Jack to save each other* Okay, but your sons make stupid decisions to save each other all the time.
*Diggie just stabbed himself and John is going to be assumed the murderer* That was so good!
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