#joan fairchild
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youremyheaven · 2 months
Theatrical Romantic (TR): Kibbe ID Exploration Through Media
Let me begin by saying that its best to think of Kibbe as a set of archetypes (its called Kibbe Image Identities, not Kibbe Body Types for a reason) and to use it as a fun, creative & useful tool for self-presentation and not something to scrutinize your own appearance with (I blame social media and media in general for how obsessive women get with this).
Now let us begin. This is my new series, I'll be making a detailed post for each Kibbe ID (of which there are 13). I thought I'll begin with TRs as they are the most misunderstood and purported to be the rarest.
I think its important to analyse Kibbe IDs in relation to the character tropes most associated with actors who belong to each respective ID because this is the way that reveals the essence of an ID most clearly and also because (and most people overlook this) Kibbe is literally based on the old Hollywood star system.
Little rant: I get really sick of seeing people on the Kibbe subreddit analyse the size of their hands or the breadth of their shoulders or whatever when so much of it is just based on vibes :/ and the kind of vibes your physicality gives off. Ok rant over.
Character Tropes/Typecasting:
I have noticed that TRs are often cast as aristocrats, literal royalty or just someone upper-class and tend to play very sophisticated women.
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Morgan Fairchild & Joan Collins (both verified TRs)
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Priscilla Presley (unverified TR) played Jenna Wade on Dallas in the 80s. She described her character as "Jenna is her own woman. She's extremely self-reliant, she has lived in Europe and has a child. Just like me. Except that she's a bit more sophisticated than me. She has a lot of integrity, she's totally honest. I like her. How could I help but identify with her?"
TRs often come across as very self-possessed, intimidating, strong, free thinking and hard to "tame".
Its funny to me that this character was later played by Morgan Fairchild (verified TR) after Priscilla left the show
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They literally look SO similar. the 1930s-1940s period and the decade of 1980s was the heyday for TRs and they were everywhere & kind of overrepresented in the media.
I find this very interesting because TRs are often typecast as rich bratty girls or rich manipulative women. In the 1930s the US economy was experiencing the Great Depression and the wealth disparity between the rich & the poor was at its peak. In the 40s due to wartime production, the US finally climbed out of the great depression and it was a period of economic uplifting. During both these periods TRs were kinda everywhere in the media and film noir cinema was also very popular (I'll explore the link between TRs & this genre in another post). Movies depicted opulence & glamour & TRs were there to play those roles. Film noir can be understood as a reaction to the paranoia & general mistrust of the Great Depression and these movies were often very sexually charged as well. This is where the "femme fatale" shines.
Its so weird how they're practically extinct in the public eye now because of the homogenization of fashion/style/body aesthetics and every body looking like a copy of each other. To embrace your ID is to celebrate your unique presence and embrace individuality.
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this same character was also played by Francine Tacker and look at how different her presence/vibes come across as. Both Morgan & Priscilla kind of radiate a similar aura of sensuality, affluence and they don't really seem like people who will take shit from anyone. Francine looks much sweeter and more girl next door not a posh bougie cut throat kinda woman. Again this is just based on VIBES which is how casting works. An actor needs to LOOK convincing as the character they are playing.
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Joan Collins' character on Dynasty really exemplifies this. She plays Alexis who is a manipulative, scheming but sophisticated antagonist. She's described as "passionate, shrewd, and vengeful, Alexis loves her children fiercely and will do anything to protect them, but she often ignores their own needs and desires in place of what she thinks is best". Collins described her character as such:
"I went into the show, I was told that it was a failing show and that it was about to be cancelled, so they expected me to bring something to it to make it much more interesting to the viewer. That was a challenge, and it wasn't necessarily all in the writing. But I did find that the character was multifaceted, and wasn't just the plain old straightforward bitch type. I tried to give her a sense of humour, I tried to give her vulnerability, because she was betrayed by her ex-husband and her whole family, and I tried to bring other dimensions to the character."
It's vv imp to note this because TRs don't play supervillains or straight-up evil people, they're kind of bratty, and a little uppitty but it's mostly all in good humour and they have their reasons for doing so. They're not evil without reason. Their "bitchiness" is usually a mask for their vulnerability.
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Scarlett O'Hara is also a REALLY good example. There is a reason why Kibbe said Vivien Leigh is THE prime TR example. If you've watched the movie you know that Scarlett is a bratty rich girl who uses other people and learns her lesson far too late. She is also a victim of her circumstances.
I feel like everyone associates an RBF with Vivien Leigh and does not see how kooky, playful and kind of silly (although mean and bratty as well) her character was. This is what TRs are like, they look bitchy but they're actually only mean in a playful silly kind of way.
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This Jada Pinkett Smith in the 90s. A lot of people only know her in her current pixie cut form so they're confused by her being typed as a TR but if you watch her old stuff or look at pictures of her from when she had long hair, its vv apparent that she's a TR.
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Her daughter Willow looks so much like her (this is a pic of young Jada)
Its crazy how styling can hide or enhance so many things. Jada comes across vv differently now than she did in the 90s.
TRs are often typecast as spoilt brats who are a little dim-witted. They have a dry sense of humour and can come across as cold/mean/blunt. Even when the character isn't actually rich, they still come across as bratty.
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Alex Russo is a good example of this (played by verified TR Selena Gomez). Alex is good-natured and means no harm but she's often rude, sarcastic, conniving and manipulative.
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Jackie Burkhart (played by verified TR Mila Kunis) is yet another good example of this trope.
TRs are often cast as drama queens and they KILL it in these roles.
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Morgan Brittany played Vivien Leigh (both verified TR) in 3 different movies. Their resemblance is uncanny as are the vibes they both give off.
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She's best known for playing Katherine on Dallas. Her character was very scheming & conniving.
This is a very interesting video of Morgan speaking about how she tried to emulate Vivien's "essence". This was in the 70s pre-Kibbe but I feel like she was intuitively employing the same techniques.
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Donna Mills (verified TR) is best known for playing Abby Cunningham on Knots Landing.
Abby's storylines focused on business dealings, affairs and family troubles. Introduced as the sister of Sid Fairgate, she was initially portrayed as a friendly, warm-hearted woman with great love for her children. In due time, she evolved into the series' main antagonist, constantly causing mayhem in others' lives. According to series creator David Jacobs, the producers always intended Abby to be a J.R. Ewing-esque character. Jacobs said, "When we were casting the role of Abby, we were looking for a homey type, someone whom the other women characters would trust. It was our intention to have this nice person gain the trust of the other women and then cause trouble for them. We didn't want the other characters and the audience to know that there was a scheming person under this nice facade. We wanted her to come on as a good person and then evolve into a vixen." The character became known for her manipulative behaviour and was often labelled a "soap vixen".
This pretty much sums up the TR cinematic typecasting lol. They're innocent seeming vixens. Their "femme fatale" essence comes through with their scheming & manipulating, they're not action heroines who kick ass, most people now associate "femme fatale" with someone like Angelina Jolie but back in the day it was a charming innocent alluring woman who manipulated you and ruined your life.
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Salma Hayek's first & only telenovela Teresa had her playing a young woman who uses her beauty & manipulation tactics to climb out of poverty.
"Teresa is a beautiful and intelligent young woman desperately seeking to get out of the grinding poverty of the neighborhood where she lives. Resentful of the miserable life that took her sister, she plans to use her beauty and intelligence to enter the world of luxury to which she wants to belong.
To this end, she enters her classmate and friend Aurora's group of friends. There she meets Aurora's cousin Raul, a young but neurotic millionaire with suicidal tendencies. Telling Raul that she is rich, coupled with her beauty, Raul becomes smitten with her. Even though he and Aurora discover that Teresa lied about her wealth, Raul is obsessed with her and forgives her.
Fearing that their opposition to the relationship will end with Raul's suicide, Aurora's parents accept the romance of Teresa and Raul. However, Teresa discovers that her deceit and ambition leads to unhappiness and loneliness." (Wikipedia Plot Synopsis)
I feel like most verified TRs have played a character that uses their beauty/schemes etc to get ahead in life only to realize that it makes them deeply unhappy. Its kind of the OG TR trope.
This is also what sets them apart from other villainous or evil characters. They have goodness in them to make them realize they're wrong. Also their schemes are often used to comedic effect and they're not straight up cold or ruthless, they're slightly slow and dimwitted (charmingly so).
Voice & Mannerisms
I have found one of the most distinct TR trait is their voice (usually low pitched, kinda husky) and also HOW they speak. They almost always come across as either
a. bubbly, playful, dry humour, little snarky and sarcastic
b. very well spoken, sophisticated, elegant, ladylike
or usually a combination of the two.
Jane Seymour (verified TR) look at the way she speaks, behaves
She's very playful but elegant and poised
Here's a bit where Selena speaks about her low pitched voice.
Salma Hayek (verified TR) honestly watch any interview of hers to get an idea of the traits & qualities of a TR. she's very feminine, very poised, very graceful yet silly, playful and can be very sarcastic and also does not take shit from anyone. That's the femme fatale essence for you.
I hope this post helped shed some light on the nature of TRs.
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khaleesiofalicante · 4 months
LBAF & Etymology etc
Happiest of Name Days to Vicky. Here is a little treat for you @fangirlingismygame because I love you so. 💙
There is a tradition started by Diego and Cristina in the Rosales family where the children are named after the letter A. Cami and Theia were almost named Athena and Aurora respectively. 
Gwen was named by Lance as such because Lancelot and Guinevere is one of the first love stories David taught Lance. 
Joan and Atlas don’t have a middle name. Cami and Arjun’s middle names are Rosales and Iris’ middle name is Jazmín.
Iris was named after the particular flower because it’s the flower Mallory left over Selena’s ‘grave’ when she buried her under the snow in LBAF IV. Gabriel picked it because it’s the flowers that helped them find and save Selena during that day. 
While Joan was named after a combination of Jonathan and Julian, she is also named after Joan of Arc - who is in fact considered a national and feminist hero in France. 
The name Madeleine derives from the biblical character Mary Magdalene. 
It's mentioned that Joseph and Madeleine are the 'It Couple' in the Clave. Their ship name used to be Belleheart (Bellefleur + Goldheart) meaning beautiful heart.
Régine’s middle name was going to be Davina, a female variant of the name David. Madeleine and Joseph kept it as secret to reveal it to David after she was born, but Madeleine ended up not naming her daughter that way. 
The name Silverstone (Lance and Arthur’s school) is based on a Formula 1 Grand Prix in the England. 
Harry’s surname Anh (Vietnamese) means intellectual and bright. 
Arthur names all the animals he cares for and brings home after characters from his school plays and favourite musicals. 
The Lightwood-Bane, because of Max and David’s mundane wedding and now mundane life, is one of the only names that is registered and documented accordingly to mundane law. It means mavid family can vote in mundane elections - among other things. 
Prince of Darkness is a name actually used to refer to Lucifer in Manichaeism (a former major religion during the the 3rd century). Prince of Darkness, in LBAF, was inspired by the Shakespearean quote in King Lear (Act 3 Scene 4) “The Prince of Darkness is a gentlemen” hinting that devil will disguise himself as a good man in order to deceive you.
The Crimson King, in several interpretations, refers to a malevolent and evil force - including in Stephen King’s Dark Tower Series. 
Both Iris and Hermes are names of two famous greek gods both known for being messengers.
Hermes last name Cain is similar to most warlock names - single syllable and has a dark/sad meaning. Cain refers to ‘first murderer’ from the bible after Cain and Abel. 
Everyone in the family pronounces Lance’s name with the British pronunciation (David was adamant about using it) while everyone in his school (including Harry) uses the American pronunciation. 
The only people (whom he knows) who don’t refer to Arthur as AJ are David and Kincaid.
Joan’s dog’s full name is Oliver Twist - named after a famous fictional character like all Herondale/Fairchild pets.
Other Max no longer goes by Lightwood-Bane and has a different surname in the Other Timeline (his present/our future).  
Arjun is named after an infamous archer in Indian mythology. 
Before Lance found about Kincaid’s destiny, Crimson King used to be one of his favourite bands - they’re a famous rock band from the 1960s and 70s. 
And finally, Lance and Arthur were the names I had picked out for my own children, but I gave it to Mavid because I love them so much and wanted my unborn, imaginary children to have two wonderful parents. 
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silveragelovechild · 6 months
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I’ve just rewatched “The Mysterious Island” (1961), based on a novel by French author Jules Verne. It’s set in the 1860s and tells the story of several Union soldiers who escape a Confederate prison via a hot air balloon. A fierce storm transports them to a remote and “mysterious” island in the South Pacific. There they help rescue two women, passengers of a boat that sunk in the same storm.
Things get interesting when they encounter several giant animals on the island - crabs, chickens, and even bees. All of them were achieved via the amazing effects created by Ray Harryhausen and his team. They holdup surprising well for a movie released over 60 years ago. Today, in a similar movie, the effects would be done via CGI. But Harryhausen’s stop motion effect feel so much more fresh and visceral.
The music for the film was done by Bernard Herrmann, Harryhausen’s frequent collaborator. The music is appropriately adventurous and dramatic.
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The only effect that doesn’t stand the rest of time is the volcanic eruption at the climax of the film. It’s clearly a model and the lava doesn’t have the “weight” of liquid rocks.
Outdoor scenes were filmed on the Catalan coast in Spain, with indoor filming occurring in England. The overall design is pretty good, especially Captain Nemo’s ship the Nautilus.
The cast is mostly English, with three exceptions. Nemo was played by Czech actor Herbert Lom (best know for playing Inspector Dreyfus in the Pink Panther films); Gary Merrill (who divorced Bette Davis only a year earlier); and Michael Callen, a young actor popular on Broadway and films in the 1960s.
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Callen is a prime example of how the perception of men has changed over the years. Callen plays the heart throb and is shirtless in most of the movie. But by today’s standard he looks incredible skinny with no muscle tone.
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I particularly like Michael Craig who played the castaways leader. I thought I’d seen him in some old TV westerns but nearly all of his credits are British.
The two women are played by Joan Greenwood as Lady Fairchild and Beth Rogan as her niece Elena. Greenwood has a very artificial sounding voice and I thought her dialogue may have been dubbed over by another actress (it wasn’t). About half way into the movie, Rogan switches from a long dress with petticoats into a very small and revealing leather tunic. It’s so short that her underpants are frequently revealed as she runs across the beach.
I saw “The Mysterious Island” via TUBI, a free streaming service. There were occasional commercial but not as intrusive as broadcast TV.
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robocoplesb · 8 months
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— nikki sixx, tommy lee, vince neil, roger taylor, steven adler, dave grohl, kurt cobain, dave mustaine, joan jett, taylor momsen, victoria de angelis, kelly nickels, richie sambora, warren demartini, jan kuehnemund.
— richie tozier, boris pavlikovsky, miles fairchild.
— daisy jones, karen sirko, eddie roundtree/loving.
[ 🔪 ] SCREAM.
— billy loomis, stully (threesome).
— robin buckley, chrissy cunningham, steve harrington, eddie munson, steddie (threesome), billy hargrove.
— harry potter, draco malfoy, ron weasley, fred weasley, george weasley, cedric diggory.
— kai anderson, violet harmon.
— rue bennett, maddy perez, jules vaughn.
[ 🎬 ] ACTORS.
— hunter schafer, maya hawke, sophie thatcher, sophie nelisse, liv hewson, courtney eaton, pamela anderson.
— natalie scatorccio, jackie taylor, shauna shipman, laura lee, lottie matthews, misty quigley, taissa turner, van palmer.
— claire redfield.
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john-bracket · 10 months
Significant Jother Prelims!
The prelims for Jacket 4 will come in two waves after the winner’s bonus poll ends on Sunday, so get your votes in there.
First, there will be the prelims to decide between love interests for Johns/Jacks/Variants who had multiple submitted. There are eight of those matches, and they will be released throughout the day on Monday, July 10.
Then, there will be the prelims to decide which single nomination significant jothers will make the bracket. If a nomination was submitted multiple times as the only love interest, they are already in. There are 11 polls of four significant jothers, and the winner of each will make the bracket. Prelims were seeded by submission order, and those polls will be released throughout the day on Wednesday, July 12.
Match-ups below the cut!
Monday Match-ups: Who shall win the jand?
Prelim #1: Martin Blackwood (11) vs Georgie Barker (1) for Jonathan “Jon” Sims (The Magnus Archives)
Prelim #2: Jason Mendoza (5) vs Derek (1) for Janet (The Good Place)
Prelim #3: Mercymorn (2) vs Alecto (1) vs Augustine (1) vs Mercymorn + Augustine (0 but throuple rights) for John Gaius (The Locked Tomb)
Prelim #4: Zatanna Zatara (2) vs King Shark (2) for John Constantine (DC)
Prelim #5: Nisha Kadam (2) vs Moxxi (1) for Handsome Jack (Borderlands)
Prelim #6: Brad Majors (2) vs Frank-N-Furter (1) for Janet Weiss (Rocky Horror Picture Show)
Prelim #7: Shayera Hol (1) vs Mari McCabe (1) for John Stewart (DC)
Prelim #8: Rafael Solano (1) vs Michael Cordero (1) for Jane Villanueva (Jane the Virgin)
Wednesday Match-ups: I don’t have a funny name
Prelim A: Phryne Fisher for Jack Robinson (Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries) vs Kitty for Johnny Thirteen (Danny Phantom) vs Marguerite Baker for Jack Baker (Resident Evil) vs James “Jamey” Emerson Fletcher for Mary “Jacky” “Bloody Jack” Faber (Bloody Jack)
Prelim B: Naomi Herne for Evan Lukas (The Magnus Archives) vs Pete Tyler for Jackie Tyler (Doctor Who) vs Agnes Montague for Jack Barnabas (The Magnus Archives) vs Eric Bittle for Jack Zimmermann (Check, Please!)
Prelim C: Anna Bates for John Bates (Downton Abbey) vs Rose DeWitt for Jack Dawson (Titanic) vs Wendy Torrance for Jack Torrance (The Shining) vs Samatha Carter for Jack O’Neill (Stargate SG-1)
Prelim D: Joan of Arc for JFK (Clone High) vs JFK for Joan of Arc (Clone High) vs Elvira for Don Juan (Moliere) vs Pocahontas for John Smith (Pocahontas)
Prelim E: Penta Roujeat for Jack Wright (Namesake) vs Jethro Bodine for Jane Hathaway (Beverly Hillbillies) vs George Jetson for Jane Jetson (The Jetsons) vs Peter Parker for Mary-Jane Watson Parker (Marvel)
Prelim F: Thor for Jane Foster (Marvel) vs David Read for Jane Read (Arthur) vs Marla Singer for Jack/The Narrator (Fight Club) vs Sophie Aubrey for Jack Aubrey (Master and Commander)
Prelim G: Jay Nakamura for Jon Kent (DC) vs Satinder Hall for Ivo Keys (Shaderunners) vs Edward Rochester for Jane Eyre (Jane Eyre) vs Co Bao for John Rambo (Rambo)
Prelim H: Rosemary for Jack/Raider (Metal Gear Solid) vs Vriska Sekret for John Egbert (Homestuck) vs Maddie Fenton for Jack Fenton (Danny Phantom) vs Minnina for Jonathan Ratker (Dracula Starring Mickey Mouse)
Prelim I: Clary Fairchild for Jonathan Christopher “Jace” Herondale (The Mortal Instruments) vs Marisol Garza for Jonathan “Jon” Cartwright (The Shadowhunter Chronicles) vs Jo Lupo for Zane Donovan (Eureka) vs Robert Martin for Janet van de Graff (The Drowsy Chaperone)
Prelim J: Rebecca St. Claire for Jack Secord (Warehouse 13) vs David for Giovanni (Giovanni’s Room) vs Lucy Moderatz for Jack Pullman (While You Were Sleeping) vs Petra Solano for Jane “JR” Ramos (Jane the Virgin)
Prelim K: Scott Summers for Jean Gray (Marvel) vs Hessa for John the Baptist (The Wife of John the Baptist) vs Helen Wick for John Wick (John Wick) vs Patrick Bateman for Jean (American Psycho: The Musical)
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heavencasteel420 · 3 months
Okay, list of songs that I've thought of/listened to while writing Tonight, Tonight, the Highway's Bright:
"Racing in the Street" by Bruce Springsteen (obvs)
"These Days in an Open Book" by Nanci Griffith
"Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now" by the Smiths
"American Girl" by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
"Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" by Judy Garland
"Everybody Wants Some!!" by Van Halen
"Lavender Blue" by the Fleetwoods
"The Boxer" by Simon and Garfunkel
"Put Your Head on My Shoulder" by Paul Anka
"Love Letters in the Sand" by Pat Boone
"Paper Roses" by Anita Bryant
"My Little Corner of the World" by Anita Bryant
"Town without Pity" by Gene Pitney
"The Walls of Red Wing" by Bob Dylan
"An American Tune" by Paul Simon
"Bleecker Street" by Simon and Garfunkel
"Farewell, Angelina" by Joan Baez
"Cindy's Cryin'" by Tom Paxton
"The Last Thing on My Mind" by Tom Paxton
"Where Do You Go To, My Lovely?" by Peter Sarstedt
"Shady Grove" by the Everly Brothers
"Jesus Was a Crossmaker" by Judee Sill
"Natchez Trace" by Dusty Springfield
"Little Girl" by Mink DeVille
"Spanish Stroll" by Mink DeVille
"Cool for Cats" by Squeeze
"First I Look at the Purse" by the Contours
"Keep On Smilin'" by Garnet Mimms
"All of My Heart" by ABC
"Leather and Lace" by Don Henley and Stevie Nicks
"Love's Been Good to Me" by Frank Sinatra
"Jean" by Oliver
"July Tree" by Nina Simone
"The Look of Love" by ABC
"Take It to the Limit" by the Eagles
"Somebody's Baby" by Jackson Browne
"The Drop Out" by the Everly Brothers
"Hush, Hush, Sweet Charlotte" by Patti Page
"Endless Sleep" by Jody Reynolds
"Patches" by Dickey Lee
"I Wish I Was a Teddy Bear" by Barbara Fairchild
"In a Lonely Place" by New Order
"Breakfast in Bed" by Dusty Springfield
"Smoky Places" by the Corsairs
"Walk On By" by Leroy Van Dyke
"The Dark End of the Street" by James Carr
"Gentle on My Mind" by Glen Campbell
"Banks of the Ohio" by Olivia Newton-John
"Come Back When You Grow Up" by Bobby Vee
"Love Letters" by Ketty Lester
"Mona Lisas and Mad Hatters" by Elton John
"Broom People" by the Mountain Goats
"Going Back to Georgia" by Nanci Griffith
Honorable Mentions to "Kimberly" by Patti Smith, "Life During Wartime" by Talking Heads, "Through the Long Night with You" by Billy Joel, "Dance the Night Away" by Van Halen, and "Theme from the Valley of the Dolls" by Dionne Warwick (which I was thinking of when writing the earlier version of the fic).
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hiidenneiti · 3 months
Meanwhile Joan Fairchild smothered yawns, and tried to appear at least polite. She had none of the picnic instinct, and no sense of humour. Nor had she, with any innocent meaning, that golden attribute of the Apostle Paul. Her world consisted of the sort of people she cared to know, and of servants. She was aware of other people existing, but had never dreamed of being forced to meet them on terms of equality and had not the vaguest idea how to talk to them. She sat on with the miserable conviction that all the funny stories which she had heard about the middle- middle and lower-middle classes must be true.
Someone in the Room. A. M. Burrage: The Little Blue Flames and Other Uncanny Tales by A. M. Burrage. Nick Freeman (toim.). British Library Publishing, 2022.
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bloodieash · 2 years
My Current Muses
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Given Name: Clarice Fell Nicknames/aliases: Clarice Morgenstern, Clarice Fray, Clarice Fairchild, Reese Fandom: Shadowhunters Story: Fun fact: Reese is a Clary alternate from a Vampire Diaries universe she was given up as a baby and somehow slipped between the dimensions, winding up in the care of Valentine. Recognizing her unique blood Valentine experiments on her until she escapes at eight
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Given name: Ruthie Joan Bryce Nicknames/aliases: RJ, Ruthie, Jo Fandom: Umbrella Academy Story: Shine your Light Firefly Fun fact: RJ is one of the 42 miracle babies. She's an elemental.
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Given name: Octavia Hargreeves Nicknames/aliases: Tavia, V, Number 8, Dr Hargreeves Fandom: Umbrella Academy Story: Reality is Relative Fun Fact: Octavia's power is to manipulate reality. She is also one of the best forensic scientists in the United States
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Given name: Desta Nicknames/aliases: Persephone James, Percy, PJ, Steph, Charlie, Mary, Dorthea Fandom: The Vampire Diaries, The Originals Story: Turning the Page Fun fact: Persephone has a massive crush on Caroline. It is her first crush and she has no idea what to do with it
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3garcons · 4 months
Saratoga New Years's Fest Final Edition Dec 2023
Joan Osborne Robert Randolph Band
Toubab Krewe GA-20 Tracy Bonham
Halfstep Organ Fairchild
Ward Hayden and the Outliers Line Dancing Swing Docs Sketches of Influence
Triskele Maggie's Clan
Maurizio AbyWst
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stmichaeldeorleans · 5 months
This is the known 1942 story of the St Louis Missouria Mellon Funeral Home and Morgue Penile Acquisition involving De Raymond Joseph Devereaux Fairchild , C.A. Duerksen, and recipient Dean F. Duerksen in New Orleans following the shooting of Dr Brisque and several of his relations. New Orlean's penis acquisition was done in a morgue following a fatal shooting.   It was actually the St. Louis Mellon Funeral Parlor And Morgue.  The dick in question was the previous original  property of one Dr William B. Brisque Devereaux, a thirty something dentist.  They connected the blood vessels etc but not the nerves. They placed a clamp on his veins that Dean could open or close to enlarge or lessen the size. These penile acquisitions appeared to have been temporary solutions due to necrosis and grand jury inquiry stating that he was no longer allowed to use acquired penis unless authorized to do so via courtroom proceedings by a judge which Dean did anyway because Dean is alledged to have been born a girl and named Ellen Jamie Dean Duerksen but is understood to have used Ella Jamie Dean in Las Palamas, CA where he appears to have run with a Melissa Ethridge Gilbert and others. Since James Dean the movie legend is believed to have resided in Las Palamas by 1953 on the former property of the San Quentin Women's Prison (which closed it's doors by 1937 and sold off their buildings to the likes of former prison such as the Stouts, Skits, Hartmans, Ehtridges, C.A. Duerksen, James Edward Olmos and Edward G. Robinson and more) some appear to have considered that Ella Jamie Dean was related to James Dean whom among other 160 actors and actresses whom resided on the former Paul Kantner property in the goodsized barn and were traveling back and forth to Hollywood on six or more buses day by day and this appears to have included Dean as well at times. Other persons that should be listed here included rural cop, James McDugal, James Harrison Ford, a rancher in the area, Priest Charles Osgood, Sister DeMaris, Priest Jim Brown Meryl Streep, Priest Francis Charles Osgoode DeMentos, Bob Hartman, Carol Spacek, Tom and Peter Bogart, Arthur Feldman, Paul Newman, Francis Barrymore, Dean Martin, Dick Howard Jones, Jim Thorpe Jr., Jaquien Cruz Sanchez Monticello Guzman, 1 class Sargeant John Williamson Montecello Guzman, Alma Rollins Fletcher Lewis Harmon, Lt Jerry Avrel Fletcher LAPD, Desk Sargeant LAPD Jay V. Vinson, Los Angeles FBI agents Frederick McMurry, Al Capp, Joan Smead (?), James Ryan O'Neal, Drs Ralph Allan VanDorson, Maria Elizabeth Van Cleeves, Dr Paul Allan VanDorson all of UCLA genetic dept where aDean and C.A. Duerksen are believed to have purchased genetic related equipment, Gemnioles and solutions.
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youremyheaven · 10 months
Kibbe Observations
Theatrical Romantics often have distinct husky voices. Morgan Fairchild, Jane Seymour, Salma Hayek, Mila Kunis (if you watch Black Swan you can listen to her speak at a lower pitch, people who have husky voices sound shrill when they speak at a higher pitch which is how Mila usually speaks)
I feel like every Kibbe type has a few celebs who intuitively always dress for their type and a bunch of others who absolutely never do lol.
Sofia Vergara, Kelly Brook, Ava Gardner, Christina Hendricks etc are Soft Dramatics who almost always wear their lines.
Salma Hayek, Joan Collins are TRs who pretty much embody TR glam most of the time.
3. Kibbe is based on vibes someone gives off, more than you would think. There are certain criteria that has to be met for each type but there are exceptions, always!!
Audrey Hepburn was 5'7 but she's a true Gamine. It's rare to see a tall Gamine but it's not impossible
Beyonce is also 5'7 but she's a Romantic even though most Romantics are short.
4. Kibbe is about image identity. That means the image you project. You can analyse the length & breadth of someone's shoulders & calves all you like but your image identity is MORE than that. I'll use an example. Mila Kunis & Sarah Hyland, pretty much look like sisters yet the vibes they give off are different.
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Mila Kunis has a very sultry, sensuous "femme fatale" essence (she's verified TR) but Sarah Hyland has a more innocent but kind of mischievous, more youthful vibe. You can easily see that Mila has a more "dark feminine" energy whereas although Sarah has similar coloring and features, she still feels more light feminine.
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Here she is in a very TR-esque outfit but something feels off
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This outfit would look really weird on a lot of people (a tutu skirt for God's sake 😭) but she looks good in it
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in this dress however, she looks like a kid who wore a grown up dress. her youthful vibe contrasts the heavy romantic vibes of this dress
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However, here she looks like a complete doll. again, this look seems to suit her in a way it wouldn't suit most people.
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This dress is a little too intense for her.
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However she looks great here!!
I would say she's Soft Gamine
She has Gamine essence and it's the kind of styling that looks best on her
Let's compare her to Mila Kunis now
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Mila, kinda looks like she's wearing a costume here. It looks very off.
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Here she's in a very Romantic outfit with a dash of glamour and she looks greattt
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Tea length dresses only look good on Gamines imo and here Mila looks very out of place
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despite being very short, tea length dresses, even in a more Dramatic style, does not seem to suit Mila
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Here she is, in a very TR look and it really harmonizes all her features and attributes.
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this dress would be more flattering on a Natural type but Mila does not look like herself here
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aside from the fact that this dress needed some ironing, this is probably the most TR look Mila has ever worn and it really makes her shine
5. In order to be SD, you need to have a T shaped silhouette. Broad shoulders, small waist and proportionately small hips. SDs are not "tall TRs".
6. Sofia Vergara & Joe Manganiello are my SD power couple
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its sooo easy to tell that they both have similar essences and project a similar image
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however, here she is with her former fiancee Nick Loeb. Sofia's overpowering Dramatic essence makes her stand out and she almost looks out of place next to Nick, who is FN. Their essences clash with each other and make them kind of awkward looking together.
There is a meme about how Brad Pitt imitates the women he's with. Let's see how he channels his different essences with different women.
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Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt are both Naturals (FN & SN) with Dramatic/Romantic essence
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Together they project a very larger than life, powerful, strong and intense vibe
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Here he is, with Jennifer Aniston. as a couple, they project a more grounded, couple-next door, warm vibe. they're like the cool couple on a college campus, two hot people who look good together but in a very earthy, grounded way. Jennifer Aniston is also a Natural (SN)
Brad has Dramatic essence however Jen is pure Natural. so while Brad can pull off a more intense styling, Jen would look kinda out of place in it.
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The dress and leather in general is too overpowering on her
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However, she really shines in outfits like these that let her true essence be reflected. everybody, especially in the last couple of years, has been imitating Rachel Green (and 90s style in general) but imo, its most flattering on Naturals because of the way clothes were designed in that decade.
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Here he is with Gwyneth Paltrow. Gwyneth is yet another Natural (FN) but she has Classic essence. The thing about possessing Classic essence is that you have a perfect yin-yang balance, so nothing stands out individually since everything blends together perfectly. Brad & Gwyneth together sort of bleed into each other, their essences don't contrast each other in anyway, they almost look like siblings😭😭😭 , there is no visible polarity at play.
Brad was with 3 different Natural women yet they all projected a very distinct vibe because of their very different essences.
7. kibbe is about image and how other perceive you. its futile to obsess over width and breadth and circumference and what not. dont miss the forest for the trees. also, there is a lot of variety within each type, not all Soft Classics look the same and not every Gamine is going to look great in tea length dresses. every individual is unique.
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Amy Adams is FN but she's only 5'2. imo, she has a blend of Natural+Classic essence.
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IMO, she was horribly miscast in Enchantment. She does not possess the wide-eyed, gullible "ingenue" essence necessary to play a lost princess. i just wasn't convinced that she's this naive, innocent princess because Amy exhibits a more world-wise, mature and "no-nonsense" vibe.
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be it in American Hustle, Arrival or Sharp Objects, she plays characters that seem to fit her like a glove. She's just very convincing in these type of roles because she seems like a grown up who knows what to do and how to get things done. She does not have the air of a ditzy, confused damsel in distress
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here's Isla Fisher. i specifically chose Isla because her & Amy kind of look alike but their essences are vastly different from each other.
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Isla is a verified Romantic and has Romantic + Ingenue essence and she's perfect in films like Confessions of a Shopaholic because she's convincing as a ditzy airhead who is slightly naive and very confused. (this being one manifestation of the ingenue essence) if you look at her career, she's by and large done a lot of romcoms. It's hard to imagine her in a show like Sharp Objects or a movie like Arrival because the image she projects is far more youthful and sweet.
8. there is a reason why kibbe has its roots in old hollywood. old hollywood studio system manufactured stars the way kpop companies manufacture idols today. the were assigned an image to project and each star managed by the company had their own unique appeal that set them apart from the rest. lauren bacall projects an aura thats entirely different from audrey hepburn or marilyn monroe. liz taylor is completely different from gene tierney. most big stars in those days possessed Dramatic essence, simply because Dramatic essence makes people stand out easily. its a very large, strong, intense essence and gives the individual an edge. but the market created space for all kind of stars, there were actors who had a more boy/girl next door aura, femme/homme fatale aura, a quirky,funny aura and more. these days, cinema in general lacks big stars. imo there hasn't been a truly big star in maybe the last 20 years or so of cinema because no one's projecting an image that appropriately fits them.
however, pop music has had many icons and a huge part of their success is their image. be it taylor swift or nicki minaj or even BTS. people connect to them because they have a stable image identity for others to connect to. they have lore, they switch things up and keep things interesting but there's a bedrock that is unchanging and thats what makes them "stars".
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Sixty-Three: Page of Cups (Reversed)
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Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. - Steve Jobs
It's the last day of September as I begin to write this, though possibly my calendar on the blog is still set to Australian time. The equinox has been and gone, and this onset of the greater night has seemed to provoke a greater application of the esoteric with me in the past: March through May in the southern hemisphere was when most of my blog posts were made in the past, and now that I'm in the northern, it seems that has also taken to the reversed season. However, it is also this time of year, regardless of season, that I've associated with being more emotional, and this increase of spirituality and emotion does play hand in hand with the Cups. But why, then, has the Page emerged Reversed?
For this question to be relevant, let me start the analysis. The Page of Cups is the third to appear so far, and just like the other two, it's templated, as will the Page of Swords be. Bunning and Thirteen implement them; arguably Bunning moreso, as she uses the same basic structure for her analysis and changes words in and out. This isn't a negative, though, as I've come to appreciate: these templates seem to be the way in to the Court Cards because they can be somewhat hard to understand otherwise.
Thirteen's templates are more discrete, and forms the basis of my analyses of the Court Cards. So, in the case of Page, it represents three things: a child or child-like person, a message, or a time/environment. Bunning, despite her brevity, focuses on the message aspect of a Page, and interprets the message to be one to act upon a suit's energies, or an Ace's promises. This is like I said for the Page of Wands, but in this case the message is to be "emotional", "intuitive", "intimate", and "loving". Thirteen is more pragmatic with his approach to the message, keeping it to the themes of the Cups: family matters, matters of the heart, intuition or creative endeavours. The last point is very much in Brigit Esselmont's views (and given that I use "Bunning" rather than "Joan", I'll try to remember her surname), with creativity being at the heart of her interpretations. She doesn't break her cards into quite as blunt elements like Bunning and Thirteen does, but even she mentions similar messages to Thirteen. The time/environment aspect really filters through much of the rest of her interpretations, though, with creativity being a focus of much of it: undertaking creative pursuits being a major part of that thread. Bunning, though, is far more broad with an interpretation of "suffuse with the spirit of love and emotion", and to "express and enjoy one's feelings"; however, Thirteen focuses purely on the love and romantic aspect, saying "puppy love and crushes". Fairchild talks about things not going as one hoped and to be open to alternatives and changes of plan — an environment perhaps relating to the volatility of water, but not exactly something that I would associate with this card. Paschkis follows the romantic bent: her page is on one knee proposing with a flowers and a Cup in their outstretched hand.
I want to go back, though, to the core message of Bunning's interpretation: to be emotional, intuitive, intimate and loving (although not necessarily all of those simultaneously), and a common, perhaps traditional, way of viewing a Court Card, and that's representing a person. So, an emotional, intuitive, intimate, loving person; but, as Thirteen cautions, this is tempered (there's that word again) by this card's "immaturity". Even Fairchild mentions "beware of childish behaviour". Bunning just glosses this over (someone with whom one's "interactions involve emotional needs, moodiness, love, intimacy and spirituality"), and Esselmont says nothing at all, which leaves Thirteen to unravel this personality. He describes an "airy-fairy" adult who isn't taken seriously, or a daydreamer that's hard to motivate with the mundane, or someone who is touched by the suffering of creatures, or who gives creative gifts to others partly out of great care of their opinion, or a great storyteller with an active imagination that could be over-active. Viewing these, I definitely see a child-like person: my own childhood. I had a very over-active imagination, I told stories, and believed in my own video-game inspired fairy tales long after others my age would have given these things up; yet, this put me in great stead for my own creative works of fanfiction through my later teen years and my early twenties. Just the other day, an old friend contacted me and showed me a vignette of something he wrote in honour of that time.
And were this card Upright, that would be my conclusion of the current energies. Like all of my cards that I've pulled since reviving the project, though, it's Reversed. So what does it mean, really? Is it something, or someone along the lines of Thirteen's immature emotional energies, of someone who brings others down with their depression, over-exposes their vulnerabilities and emotional sensitivity, throws tantrums when they don't get their way, or an adult with Peter Pan syndrome with unrealistic dreams about the future? Part of these descriptors have been modified with Esselmont's interpretations, as the Reversed aspect is where she talks about the personal aspect of the Page of Cups. That aside, while my more (very) self-critical eye would point this out and say, "yep, that's me alright", I don't feel that's necessarily grounded in reality and thus not what I feel is right. Esselmont also mentions keeping creative projects to oneself or doubting one's abilities; no, not that either.
Is there something from my Page of Cups childhood coming to the fore here that's being Blocked, then? Quite possibly, but not the whole picture. A big aspect of this card's energies that I've paid little mention to has been that of intuition, rather of being intuitive, and I think that's where it feels right. Upright, Esselmont talks about curiosity and the weirdness of following one's intuition, signified by the fish in the Cup; Reversed, it's a block to one's intuition, putting that into the light of being unable to tell if it's one's ego talking instead. That's kind of what I'm feeling at the moment. I mean, I probably could have done this blog sooner and moved on to the next card, but "what if it's The Tower" is what I was thinking, especially with Hurricane Ian passing through Florida — for sure, I would have had an even worse sense of dread were that card in my mind. So that was my ego coming into play for sure; but I feel there's more to it than that. Much of me writing this analysis has been my intellect rather than my intuition, and it's been very dry — I mean, discussing the templates, for example. Yet, this link to my childhood energy that was prompted from my writing, is also something from another Tarot reading that I followed thanks to Ediya, where she discussed dealing with feelings — emotions — from childhood of not being enough, of not being good enough. And I feel that, and that's part of the big Gordian Knot that I'm trying to untangle to move forward with my life. While I feel like I am getting somewhere with this self-examination, I feel like there's something in the way of the intuitive messages from that reading. What it is, I don't entirely know, but it's signified by this card.
Perhaps Fairchild has the last word here: amongst encouraging independence, others not understanding feelings and not letting emotions overpower, he says: "Patience wins in the end". And that's the lesson I'm going to take away from this card: to remain patient, and to not go for "the easy win".
Thus we head on to The Empress. And like the other cards of late, it's Reversed. Something tells me, my intuition perhaps, that I'm going to find some answers here.
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khaleesiofalicante · 6 months
Successfully managed 3/4 of the story. Just need to write the rest tomorrow but the schedule is jam-packed so let's see 👀
Keep this tell then.
“This is uncanny,” Kincaid told her, pointing at a half-coloured sketch of Raziel. 
“I based it on the statute in Angel Square,” Joan smiled. “I’ve also tried drawing the other angels. But I don’t know what they look like.”
“Haven’t your grandparents met Ithuriel?” Kincaid asked her. "Can't you ask them?"
“I did, but they just said he looked dehydrated, so I don’t know,” Joan chuckled.  
“This is your aunt?” Kincaid pointed at another sketch. 
“And my cousin Iris,” She smiled. “They look creepily alike, right? The Fairchild genes are strong as hell.”
Kincaid nodded and turned to the next page. His fingers stilled. 
Joan frowned. 
Oh God.
Was it a sketch of him? 
Of them together? 
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hiringlibrarians · 2 years
If the role doesn’t have a detailed and up to date position description then be very cautious
If the role doesn’t have a detailed and up to date position description then be very cautious
Mrs. Joan T. Phillips, reference librarian, inputs data into a computer at Fairchild Library, Air University. The university offers formal training in many areas of military studies to officers and senior non-commissioned officers in the Air Force. National Archives This anonymous interview is with someone who hires for a: √ Academic Library  Title: Manager Titles hired include: Library…
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malec-ao3feed · 5 months
Love Beckons All Fallen
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/ECm4qXI by khaleesiofalicante As winter solstice approaches, so does the possibility of the prophecy being fulfilled. Despite being scattered all over the world, the Next Generation of LBAF find themselves thrust into the middle of the chaos. Will Lance destroy Idris? Will Kincaid kill him first? Will Arthur save them both? Will Cami choose the Clave over her family? Will Iris find the White Warlock? Will Joan make peace with Kincaid? Will Atlas figure out the secret behind Lance’s blood? Will Alec, Magnus, Rafael and Max make it through to the end without destroying their family and each other? Let’s find out. This fic updates every Tuesday and Friday. Words: 55182, Chapters: 3/23, Language: English Series: Part 6 of LBAF Fandoms: The Mortal Instruments Series - Cassandra Clare, The Shadowhunter Chronicles - Cassandra Clare, The Shadowhunter Chronicles - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: Multi Characters: Max Lightwood-Bane, David Beauchamp, Rafael Lightwood-Bane, Anjali Rosales, Lexi Herondale, Olivia Carstairs, Selena Fairchild, Gabriel Guzman, Georgia Lovelace, Roman Penhallow, Alec Lightwood, Magnus Bane, Simon Lovelace, Isabelle Lightwood, Clary Fairchild, Jace Herondale, Lance Lightwood-Bane, Arthur Lightwood-Bane, Camila Lightwood-Bane, Arjun Lightwood-Bane, Joan Herondale, Iris Fairchild, Atlas Lovelace, Abigail Lovelace, Theia Blackthorn, Harry Anh, Malik Shah, Hermes Cain, Madeleine Bellefluer, Regine Bellefleur, Antoine Bellefleur, Other Max (iykyk) Relationships: Max Lightwood-Bane/David Beauchamp, Rafael Lightwood-Bane/Anjali Rosales, Lexi Herondale/Olivia Carstairs, Selena Fairchild/Gabriel Guzmán, Georgia Lovelace/Roman Penhallow, Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood, Jace Herondale/Clary Fairchild, Simon Lewis/Isabelle Lightwood Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Heavy Angst, Angst and Romance, Angst and Feels, Betrayal, Heartbreak, Prophecy, Time Travel, Blood and Violence, Sexual Content, Sibling Love, Idiots in Love, Forbidden Love, The author spent more time doing the tags than writing the fic, The author is not to be trusted, The author is gay but enjoys making gay people suffer, POV Multiple, Additional Warnings In Author's Note, No beta we die like Joseph Goldheart read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/ECm4qXI
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