#jiyeong x saebyeok
moondrifts · 2 years
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Art School Gfs! 🎨
This goes out to every fanfic writer who wrote a saebyeong art school or college/uni au 💕
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angelbesideme · 2 years
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tol and smol 👭🏻
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heavensenthale · 5 months
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set fire to my cold heart
a saebyeong (squid game) story
Rating: Teen Word count: 3.4k
Out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of a girl who looked around her age, sitting alone in a booth, fiddling with a card between her fingers. She looked lost in her own thoughts, the bottle of soju in front of her was probably warm and no longer fizzy.
She was pretty in a girl-next-door kind of way and exactly the type of girl that would not get involved with someone from the North for any reason. Still, Saebyeok wondered if she was okay, if she could smooth the frown on her face, if she’d accept a drink from Saebyeok.
A man walked to her table, sliding a bottle of beer her way. Apparently, she didn’t know the man, as she looked around when the man said something to her, her eyes locking with Saebyeok’s for a second too long, clearly uncomfortable.
“Minyeo, bring me two bottles of soju,” she said, without thinking.
“Are we partying tonight?”
“Just bring the drinks, Minyeo.”
“So cold,” she reached under the bar to where they kept the drinks. “You know, men don’t like cold women,” Minyeo said, putting both bottles in front of her.
Good, Saebyeok thought.
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Squid Game Headcannons: The players’ love languages
warnings: none other than one swear word lol
gifs are not mine
Seong Gi-hun
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Gi hun’s top two love languages are physical touch and gift giving.
He doesn’t have much money, but even still he absolutely loves to spoil his significant other any time he gets the chance to. He secretly enjoys receiving gifts as well, but sometimes he feels bad taking from others. Especially if it’s money.
When in a relationship with Gi Hun physical affection is a MUST. This man will always be holding his partner’s hands or wrapping his arm around their waist, anything to feel close. He’s super cuddly, especially if he or his partner has had a bad day.
Cho Sang-Woo
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Sangwoo’s biggest love languages are gift giving and acts of service, as well as physical touch in private.
Sangwoo is pretty reserved, which can make it hard for him to be vulnerable with people, which is really what makes physical touch one of his love languages. Cuddling and hand holding with him is essentially a show of trust for him, showing that he feels comfortable enough to show his soft side around his partner.
He’s much less shy about acts of service and gifts, though. His partner can always expect him to open doors, make meals, and do chores for them. As well, it’s a very common occurrence for him to come home with gifts or flowers (probably bought with company money).
Kang Sae-byeok
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Sae Byeok definitely likes physical affection in private, but her main love language is quality time.
Like Sangwoo, Sae Byeok is reserved with her emotions, so physical touch is mostly reserved for in private. She adores cuddling, especially if she gets to be the big spoon. She’ll never admit how much she loves it, but it’s clear from how every morning she holds on tighter as her partner tries to get up from bed, mumbling about how she wants ‘five more minutes.’ She’ll hold hands in public if her partner wants to, or if she wants to show that they’re hers.
She absolutely loves spending time with her significant other. Watching TV together, playing videogames, doing activities, anything. As long ad she’s spending time with them, it doesn’t matter.
Ali Abdul
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Ali’s main love languages are physical touch and words of affirmation.
Ali is super cuddly. He’s like the overly clingy couples you see in lines for rides at the amusement park, just constantly hugging on his partner or playing with their hands or hair. He knows when to stop though, and if his partner isn’t a fan of PDA, then he’ll respect it. That just means all the more cuddling in private.
Words of affirmation is less of him saying it to his partner and more of them saying it to him. Being told how much he means to them or how handsome he is makes his heart absolutely soar. It makes him feel so loved and appreciated.
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Ji-yeong mainly enjoys quality time and receiving gifts.
She knows how short life can be, so to her it’s extremely important to spend as much time as possible with her significant other. As well, she just likes to hang out with them, feeling most connected when spending time together.
She also enjoys receiving gifts, but it isn’t required for her to be happy in the relationship. Little gifts here and there really show her that she is appreciated. Even if she doesn’t always think she’s that important, the fact that her partner thought about her enough to get her a gift quickly proves her wrong.
Hwang Jun-ho
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Jun ho’s top love languages are physical touch and quality time.
As an officer, Jun ho also knows the dangers of the world and how important it is to spend time with those you love, hence the reason why quality time is so important to him. He really likes going on dates, drives, and even shopping trips, but he also appreciates staying in and having a lazy day with his partner.
Jun ho also is pretty touchy. Hand holding, hugging, cuddling, all of it. He really likes his hair being played with during cuddles, the feeling often putting him to sleep within minutes. He enjoys appropriate PDA, which triples when he’s jealous. If someone is hitting on his partner, expect him to swoop in with that PDA to put an end to it.
Jang Deok-su
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Deok su is very emotionally closed off, used to any weakness being exploited with the amount of enemies he has. He generally shows love through acts of service, and on occasion gift giving.
He won’t make a big show of it, no. He might not show it, but he listens to his partner very well, remembering what tasks need to be done around the house or what has been stressing them out so he can do it while they’re gone to surprise them. If it’s brought up to him, he simply says he wanted to help out or noticed that his partner was stressed about it so he decided to do it instead.
On occasion he will also come home with gifts. It could be some small trinket that reminded him of his partner, or even something expensive, but he will always act like it isn’t a big deal.
“Here. I saw it at the market and thought you might like it.”
“Deok su, how much did this cost?!”
“It doesn’t matter. Do you like it?”
Han Mi-nyeo
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Mi nyeo is definitely a fan of physical touch. She also enjoys receiving gifts and words of affirmation.
She can be pretty touchy, holding her partners arm in public and hugging on them in private. While she can be independent if she wants to be, she tends to be pretty clingy.
Receiving gifts and compliments are the big two ways to make her feel loved. It makes her feel special and reassured her that her partner thinks about her and truly does love her.
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musicblocks · 2 years
Cuddly saebyeok x reader headcanons
🌿characters:Kang sae byeok🌿
🌿type:cuddly!saebyeok x gn!reader🌿
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{random headcanons} -she wants cuddles randomly so if your laying down somewhere she will find you and just lay on you without saying anything.
-she loves cuddling you in your lap or when your laying down she joins you while playing with one of your hands
-she can’t sleep unless she’s at least holding onto your hand,if she isn’t she not going to sleep
{favorite part to cuddle:gender specific} male:she love cuddling your back she doesn’t know why it’s just comforting
female:your stomach it’s like her personal pillow,it reminds her that your there and alive
non-binary:your chest,she literally on it almost 24/7,you can’t take her off or she’ll be sad
trans![regular gender]:your head or your waist,she loves you so much and if you changed your gender her love would not change, she loves you all the same.
{when she’s usually cuddly}
-when on her period
-she’s sick
-she’s tired/stressed
-your not giving her enough attention
{who she cuddles with when you cant[PLATONIC]
-ji yeong
-ji yeong was the first person she could trust before she met you,plus she was supportive of her with ever decision she had
{types of kisses you get or she gets during cuddling}[don’t take these the wrong way there supposed to be wholesome]
she gives you-cheek kisses,hand kisses,and stomach kisses.
you give her-forehead kisses,cheek kisses and nose kisses
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vex91 · 10 months
Squid Game Masterlist
(f) - fluff, (a) - angst, (af) - angst + fluff (s) - smut
Seong Gihun:
Nothing yet...
Cho Sangwoo:
Nothing yet...
Kang Saebyeok:
Nothing yet...
Nothing yet...
Hwang Junho:
Nothing yet...
Abdul Ali:
Nothing yet...
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casualscribbler · 1 year
New fic is out!
I missed writing for Saebyeong, I didn't however intend to write something dark but it is what it is
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ziskandra · 2 years
Fic: equal and opposite
Fandom: Squid Game
Relationship: Jiyeong/Kang Saebyeok
Summary: Jiyeong and Saebyeok in the aftermath of the games.
Rating: E
Words: 507 Excerpt:
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Read the rest on AO3!
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My two moods in writing canon-divergence plotpoints (with some examples I feel passionate about in no particular order)
"Yes, canon is acceptable, but consider..."
○Hiccup x Jack ○Jay Gatsby x Nick Carraway end game ○Pitch Black redemption arc ○Tony Stark surviving the snap ○Alec Ryder remaining alive but still had to transfer S.A.M. to his son/daughter so they still become a Pathfinder ○Gregory Sackville-Bagg getting more screentime than Anna Sackville-Bagg ○Miguel being in a threesome with Tulio x Chel ○Camillo joining Mirabel in her quest to save the miracle, so Pepa's side of the family and their struggle could also be addressed. ○Chai snapping at Peppermint once for her being bossy and being valid about it.
"Just because it's canon doesn't mean it should be..."
❌Stoick dying ❌Toothless leaving ❌Gatsby dying ❌The original Gamora dying ❌Jason Grace dying ❌Pedro not surviving and the miracle shows up before the sacrifice was completed ❌Ali, Saebyeok, Sangwoo, Jiyeong, and Junho dying ❌Finnick and Prim dying ❌Zagreus not finding out exactly what Sisyphus did to Thanatos because it could've led to an awesome secret boss fight with Sisyphus. ❌Daedalus not being a character in the 'Hades' games with his own story of not seeing his son Icarus, who's has a secret relationship with Apollo.
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moondrifts · 2 years
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Ji-yeong Master of Puns, bad jokes and annoying the hell outta her gf 🧀💕 For my buddy @marblewon, based off her big brain post !!
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somin-yin · 1 year
Jiyeong and Saebyeok 🤍
Thanks for the ask, I love these 2 ❤️ so I'll start with:
Sexuality headcanon: Lesbian and no one can convince me otherwise 🤷‍♀️
OTP: Saebyeok x Jiyeong of course, they're wives ❤️ (and they deserved better ;-;)
BROTP: Saebyeok and Gi-hun 😂 they give me father and daughter vibes with some hint of sibling banter, if that makes sense 😂
NOTP: Saebyeok x Sangwoo and Saebyeok x Gi-hun in a romantic context but I don't judge if you ship them 🤷‍♀️
First headcanon that pops into my head: What happened in the games was a fever dream and she and Jiyeong are in that island drinking margaritas and being wives together, sorry I don't make the rules 🤷‍♀️
Favorite line from this character: "I don't trust people. Especially the ones who ended up here"
One way in which I relate to this character: I relate a lot to her distrust of people 🤷‍♀️
Thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: Nothing, Saebyeok is iconic ❤️😂
Cinnamon roll or problematic fave? More like tough, badass lady but I bet she has a soft side too (which only shows to Jiyeong and her family)
Sexuality headcanon: Bisexy ❤️
OTP: Saebyeok x Jiyeong all the way!!
BROTP: Jiyeong and Ali or Jiyeong and Sangwoo, I think it'd be interesting
NOTP: Jiyeong x anyone who isn't Saebyeok
First headcanon that pops into my head: Same as Saebyeok because that applies for both!
Favorite line from this character: "One of us won't leave here so it doesn't matter what we tell each other, no one can really be embarrassed anymore"
One way in which I relate to this character: I also used to debate with religious people 😂
Thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: Literally nothing 😂
Cinnamon roll or problematic fave? Cinnamon roll all the way, she deserved better!!
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meembyers · 2 years
Stranger Things (byler, jancy, jopper, kalissy, henderhop, lumax)(esp the party, teens, adults, and recurring side characters i love them all)
OMORI (kelbrey, sunflower, heromari)
Death note (i dont have any ships here but i do have a cool au to share and i loveee the cast)
Merlin (merthur, also i do have an au in mind for this show you can ask abt) (SEND AUS!! i cannot handle the angst of the canon show)
She-ra (Scorpfuma, catradora, seamista, glimbow) (esp mermista, adora, frosta, and perfuma)
Being john malkovich
Mlp (im rewatching so i dont know much abt the new stuff)
MHA (iidekuchako esp theyre my loves)
Anne with an E (diana x anne is awesome yes yes)
Squid Game (saebyeok x jiyeong, also i love Ali)
The Owl House (note i havent seen the finale!! but send things abt king hes my fav)
heartstopper i love all the canon ships
Saiki (teruimu, kubokai, and nendairo my loves)
any arrowverse stuff, the batman, into the spiderverse AND VENOM AAA I LOVE VENOM
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brocoliholy · 3 years
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U can tell I'm having a brainrot
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aulel-process · 3 years
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HAPPYLAND_Agi on twitter
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casualscribbler · 2 years
Posted a little something that might be my favorite thing I’ve written ever
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