#ji seokjin
svt-interactions · 11 months
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soulful-addict · 7 months
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sunzyn · 1 year
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sluttyjeon · 1 year
a spy within | bts 01
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summary: what happens, when bts teams up with their beloved idolized running man.  
— pairing: agent!bts x running man
—  genre: angst (some parts will have), agent au
—  warnings: mentions of death, a spy is on the team, harsh words, mention of blood , explicit language.
— wordcount: 1.9k
— masterlist
© sluttyjeon ; please do not repost, replicate or translate any work under any circumstances.
“Fuck, you can’t just leave us like that.” Jungkook exclaims. “Well. Be quicker you idiot.” “We aren’t fast like you are, mr. speedy!” Jimin shouts, out of breath. Jungkook looks back at Jimin for a quick second. Before motioning a quick fuck you and running back to base. A sigh escapes Jimin, before he dashes to the speeding Jungkook. “Bro, what took you guys this long?” The dark hair replied with slight annoyance. “A face like this hyung, is worth being late to.” Jungkook replied, enthusiastically. “Just because you look handsome, doesn’t mean you can come into base late.”  “Relax, party pooper, this isn’t costing us anything above our lives.” Jungkook spoke with a playful tone.
As they sat down to their seats, an alarm could be heard ringing through the room. Scaring them all into their fighting positions. “Holy fuck. What was that ringing? That practically scared me.” The tall one responded, breathing heavily. “Calling all Bangtan! Calling all Bangtan! Do you hear me loud and clear?” “Who is this, and how have you hacked into our intercom system!” Jimin shouts with no intention of being nice to whoever hacked their intercom system. “This is your boss speaking, sorry for the voice changer there. I must’ve left it on by accident.” “Boss! Don’t scare us like that next time, we almost literally fought someone over it.” Hoseok snaps, not in the mood for any silly shit.
“Boys, let's get back into business shall we?” Boss replied, eager to give them their secret mission. “Boss, did you change something about you? Because you look so different today, like I can’t put my finger on it, quite honestly.” “Now, Jin, let’s get back on track shall we.” In the background, a faint voice of someone else could be heard, but no response. “Boys, men, I’d like for you to meet the boss of the Running Man team. Go Dong Wan.” Boss signals a slight indication for Dong Wan to come forward. Dong Wan bows before initiating his hello. “Hello, Bangtan team, I’m Go Dong Wan. The boss of Running Man. And you just might be wondering what I am doing here with your boss.” “YES! We were wondering what you were here for.” Jin shouts, hopping in his seat. “But for now, I’ll let your boss take over the mission introduction.” “As you guys, might have not noticed but, for this mission. You’ll be partnering up with the Running Man team for this mission. In a second or two, a mission card will pop out for you guys to read. And for this mission, we will be taking it both our style and Running Man’s style.
“Once you've read the mission, you must go and find the Running Man team.” “Now off you go!” Boss shouts before the intercom shuts off. As the intercom shuts off, a card is seen being flipped from the table. Jin rushes to grab the card, and clears his throat before reading it out loud. “Dear Bangtan team, it is your mission to find the Running Man team. And go to XX base and find the Running Man team.” “Wait Jin, check the back of the card, it could have what their logo looks like.” Jimin eagerly says. “You’re right. Their logo might be at the back of this card.” Jin turns the card around, and to his behold. There was a big R logo engraved in yellow, that seemed to be their logo. “Okay guys, this might be their logo.” “Now all we gotta do is go to this area, and just scout for some R logo in yellow and presto. And then we found them.” Jin says mapping out his perfect idea.
“Sounds cool to me.” “Same.” A chorus of agreement’s could be heard from the room with Jin’s plan. “Now guys, let’s go. No time to waste with this mission.” “Yes, sir.” Yoongi said, saluting his hands up like it was military training. While they were going to the vehicles, Hoseok thought of something. “Wait! Pause guys.” Everyone looked at the dark hair with confused looks painted on their face. “There are 7 people here, correct?” Confused stares continue to paint their faces.  “Answer the question. Am I correct?” “YES!” All of them shout. “Bro, what is this even about?” Jin asks clueless with what he’s even trying to say. “So, you see that we’re 7 people, but what about the Running Man team? We are just 7 people, and they’re like 7 or 8 people. Which we won’t fit in all 1 vehicle.” “You’re right, we should probably split up into 3 or 4 vehicles to ensure the best for us and the safety of everyone.” Yoongi agrees with the Hoseok response to this.
“Jin, you go with Hoseok. Jungkook, with Jimin, I’ll go with Namjoon. And Yoongi, you'll go alone.” says Taehyung, commanding like he was just reciting a lyric. “Sounds cool to me.” Jungkook says. “I don’t want to take up most of our precious time, so let’s go.”
While Taehyung was talking to them, Yoongi had some doubts about this mission. He had thought of what if this mission was like a set up, and that there could be a possible spy from their side pretending to be a spy for someone secret that nobody knows about and is just using us all. But he didn’t want to jump that far to conclusion, because that’s a far stretch for something that didn’t even start officially yet.
While they were so focused on the mission, unknowingly without realizing, someone was secretly watching them. Aware that they could be discovered at any moment. They watched carefully as Bangtan spoke, trying to pick out every detail so they could report back to their boss. But soon, their conversation ended, and Bangtan began to depart to the disclosed area. One thing, the person could tell was that, what they’re holding is something that can injure someone badly.
But they don’t have time to be pointing at everything. Bangtan has. They’re required to do their mission, not goof off and upset their boss. There’s probably a camera outside, documenting their every move. Thus if the boss is upset, then that is not a pretty sight to see. They must rush back to base, and will have to text the boss back all the details they saw and heard. Considering how much was just wasted.
They nervously composed their report to their boss, wondering if what they noted down was a success. Had they found what the boss was looking for? Was the information they gathered enough? With a final deep breath,they waited with bated breath, their heart pounding in their chest. What would their boss's reaction be? Would they be happy with the information they'd gathered? With a trembling hand, they finished their report and hit 'send', hoping for a good response. But the best they could do now, was go back to base and wait on the next mission to do in secret.
“You know, usually I have good feelings about the missions we do. But I got a bad feeling about this mission. That I don’t even know was possible to feel before even getting what we’re supposed to do with Running Man.” “Jin, I think we shouldn’t place our guards up this high. This  is Running Man, for fuck sake. It’s not like they’re just gonna have some spy that nobody knows about.” Hoseok replied, thinking that Jin is silly for thinking that there would ever be some spy. “But,” “No buts Jin, just fucking get us to the area with no dumb thoughts like these next time.” “Fine..” Jin sighs.
“For your information, Hoseok, I literally have been driving us to this area. And we’re literally 10 minutes away from being there.” Jin scoffs, rolling his eyes. “Don’t care, your idea is stupid and should be never said again. This is Running Man, we’re talking about, not some fuck delusional bitch.”
“Whatever.” Jin grumbles. As they pulled up to the driveway of this area, they noticed something odd about it. But couldn’t place their fingers onto it. Yet they didn’t expect for there to be a whole staff and camera crew there waiting. “Holy shit, I was not expecting there to be this many people here. Like I know that there’s a lot of staff and camera crew for Running Man. However this many people. Who knows what could happen.
“Jin, just act serious, they’ll never know our facial expression truly.” Hoseok whispers in a hushed tone. “You’re right. They won’t truly know what I'm feeling at the moment.”
While they walked inside the area, it felt so cozy, even though it wasn’t supposed to feel cozy. It was probably only cozy as they would be working with us, and wanted to make the area as homey as much as it could get.
“I see that you’ve made it, I would be assuming Jin and Hoseok if I’m correct on your guys' names.” Jaesuk points out. “I’m guessing you’re the leader of Running Man'' Jin looked Jaesuk dead in the eyes. “It would be so that I am the leader of Running Man, I’m Yoo Jaesuk and known to be a grasshopper. It is a pleasure to meet you Jin and Hoseok.”
“Man! Just introduce us to Bangtan, Jaesuk.” A shout heard so loud, it could practically scare you into a shock. Namjoon, looks behind Jaesuk, to see 8 other people behind him.
“Ah, I’m terribly sorry for that scream that you just heard from that one.” Jaesuk glares back at him and turns back.
“No worries man.” “But who may be behind you?” Namjoon raises his eyebrow looking intensely at them. “These are the rest of Running Man, that shout you just heard, was our esteemed fearless tiger also known as Kim Jongkook.” Jaesuk pointing at Jongkook. In Jungkook’s mind, he’d already estimated that Jongkook was not someone to mess around with, 1 mistake and his life is on the line.
“The tall and pretty but ugly one over there is Lee Kwangsoo, our quickly sensitive giraffe.” “Hyung! I'm not that sensitive. You’re quite literally embarrassing me in front of them.” Kwangsoo barks back at Jaesuk for his so-called uncool comment on him. “All right, all right, I’ll tone it down for you.” Jaesuk resumed introducing the rest of the crew to Bangtan.
“Our big nose over there or impala Ji suk jin, is our slow to catch on guy.” “Woo sa! Yo I’m Ji suk-jin, ignore them calling me that. I am clearly the fastest to catch onto things.”
“Clearly you’re not, but moving on!” “Our couple over there is Kang Gary and Song Jihyo.” “They always like to jab at each other with coupley things, it’s like a love sickening plague.” Jaesuk pretended to be grossed out at that thought.
“Ya! You want to be hit or what?” “Okay, relax there Jihyo, let’s not show our guests any hits.” “Fine..” Jihyo huffs. Before Jihyo had returned to her spot, she had whispered to Jaesuk about something. “We’re told that they were our guests, but just keep quiet for now.” Jaesuk whispered in a hushed tone to reveal nothing that could alarm Bangtan.
“Is there something going on that we don’t know of?” Yoongi looks at them with suspicious intention. “There’s nothing to fret. She was just telling me a joke, that’s all. But I'm suddenly tired.” “Something doesn't feel right Namjoon.” Jin whispered to Namjoon “It’s like when Yoongi asks Jaesuk a question, he’s suddenly tired.” “Something is odd, but for now, just pretend everything is perfectly fine. Until we know more answers.” He whispers back to Jin.
“Okay fake it until things start slowly coming together.”
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lemon-inferno · 2 years
Remon here,
I just finished catching up with Blind. [SPOILER ALER] I kind of did see ''In Seong'' being the killer coming, but that fact that he's Yoon Jae was a bit of surprise for me. At first I was kind of disappointed that Sung Joon is not Yoon Jae, but now that I've finished episodes 13 & 14, Park Ji Bin fits Yoon Jae's character so well, I'm happy it's him. Of course, it was the show's intentions to instill these feelings in us and it was done very well. Now we get to experience how Sung Joon feels. The bigger part of he's life he thoguht he was someone else and for the majority of episodes, so did we. I can't 100% call Yoon Jae a villain, because he is also a victim. The end of episode 14 makes me thing he was manipulated by his brother to do these things, rather than just agree to go along with the plan. Ever since the incident at the playground I feel like Sung Hoon has been manipulating both of them. First he tried to set up Sung Joon and make everyone think he was Yoon Jae so he could get arrested, now he's trying to throw the actual Yoon Jae under the bus. As much as these horrible people all deserve to burn in hell for what they did to the kids at Hope Welfare Center, I really hope we get to see Yoon JAe and Sung Joon team up to catch Sung Hoon. But that's just me. Also who was the dead body in the barrel? Or did I miss that? Because I thought it's gonna be producer Bae, and it wasn't. Anyways, Yoon Jae is a really cute ''villain'' and I just don't want to see him suffer any more. They keep calling him a psychopath who uses what happened at the center as an excuse to just murder people, but it's obviouse he's really just a fucked up kid who got hurt and betrayed many times. His whole world was his brother and all these years he was watching him be a brother to someone else. So when Sung Hoon asked him to do these things, he probably agreed because he didn't want to lose his brother, to get him back. There's jsut something about his eyes that makes me feel like he's still just a kid. Creepy, murderous, psychotic kid, but a kid nonetheless. 😩
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GIF credit on the gif. This is all for now.
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[TRAD ITA] 221028 TWEET DI BTS_OFFICIAL: “[#OggiBangtan] ⭐Universe Wide Handsome*⭐ La live dell’astronauta Jin in onore del rilascio di ‘The Astronaut’ 🛸 Grazie agli ARMY che si sono uniti (a lui)🚀 Per favore, aspettare con impazienza l’esibizione con i Coldplay che arriverà presto!💜 #OggiJin #BTS #BangtanSonyeondan #Jin #TheAstronaut” (N/B: *Hanno modificato il soprannome di Jin ‘World Wide Handsome’) Traduzione a cura di Bangtan Italian Channel Subs (©Rae) | Trans ©miiniyoongs
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mydramalandx · 2 years
Kdrama Wallpapers ☂️
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fyjm · 2 years
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220714 Jimin’s Instagram Post | © j.m
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yoongsisbae · 1 year
Stories by Member
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Not a Creature was Stirring You wake up Christmas Eve night not to find Santa, but to find a man cold and shivering on your front porch. Clothes tattered, cuts on his body, out in the snow. You find out he’s not as helpless as he appears. Kind of cute, kind of scary, very buff Jungkook Fantasy AU. Spring Day Still with You [Sequel to Not a Creature was Stirring] You ran away from the cold, Jungkook ran with you, warming each other’s hearts. But within the cycle of life, there is death, and as spring blooms, the blood still lays soaked in the dirt. You ran and they chased. Hybrid!Jungkook.
Banana Milk It’s Jungkook’s Birthday, will he get his birthday wish?
The Fantasy You and your boyfriend try out a new form of role play, but it just keeps going wrong…
I Didn’t Mean It, I Still Love You Yoongi made a mistake, will you forgive him? Or is it too late?
Ddak-ji SLAP Jungkook, Seokjin, and you decide to play a game…and then you fu-
Campfire Burning A steamy fic inspired by a certain vlive.
Seven Days a Week Every day, Jungkook shows you his devotion, deeper than the ocean. Seven different scenarios, seven days a week. idol!jungkook x noona!reader
Go Home, You're Drunk! - 75% “Who…are…you…” “Your worst nightmare, sweetheart.” “Really? Because you look like you belong in a boyband.” whacky and dark & for all the girlies who love an unhinged yandere character
The Snap - 70% The only surviving member of BTS, it takes Jungkook five years to find happiness again. And then life snapped back. What is Jungkook going to do now?
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Christmas with a Vampire There once was a time when holidays were warm and special, Taehyung remembers. To you, even in his coldness, Taehyung is all you need for Christmas. Cyber-punk futuristic AU with a self-hating vampire Tae.
BTS Song Fic (Blue and Grey) Sad song. Sad story. Sad author. Happy reader?
V is for Villain 1 / 2 / 3 - 90% What does it mean to be a villain? What does it really mean to be a vigilante? A vanquisher of evil or a victor for the good? Stories praise the fall of devils, cheer at the marvels of the virtuous, and forget the victorious tell a version conveniently veiling their own atrocities. Evilness was once the brightest star in heaven. And goodness, well, morality can so often be contentious. This time, there is the hero with the strength of a hundred men, there is the villain that can vanish his vulnerabilities in a very instant, and then there’s you. Superclumsysuperhero!RMverse AU.
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Christmas Mass Every Sunday, like clockwork, as designed and ordained, you sit quietly. Pray. Christmas mass comes, tonight your congregation dresses beautifully, like ornaments placed in a row right in front of God. Your priest, stands at the head like an angel atop the tree, commanding and pious and hauntingly handsome. Red. You’re a good faithful girl. You were taught to be, punished to be. You pray for respite, for something more than the condemnation this cold and icy town bestows upon you. Sinners. The coldness permeates your bones, you’re always scared. Tainted. Terrified of sin, terrified by your thoughts for your priest. Sacrilegious. This Christmas prayers are answered by no God. Demon AU. Dark smut.
You Asked for Help, He Asked Your Name You ran away from your responsibilities, but they caught you and tried to lay claim to your body. If your life was never going to be yours anyways, you decided might as well give it away and make a deal. fairyprince!Jimin
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Your Friendly Neighborhood Superhero, RM Best friends 2 Lovers. Idiots 2 Lovers. Lovers 2 Enemies? This is a different kind of superhero story ;) Christmas Lights Out! Agust D vs RM Super Hero Christmas Special! You visit your hometown during the holidays. You and your childhood friend Joon reminisce and you learn more about your smooth tech talker business partner Yoongi. Can he win you over once and for all? Set in Super Clumsy Super Hero RM universe. Extended Scene: The Mind Reader, The Telekinetic and The Closet just silly and raunchy and ridiculous, dirty thoughts...it goes there. V is for Villain 1 / 2 / 3 - 90% What does it mean to be a villain? What does it really mean to be a vigilante? A vanquisher of evil, or a victor for the good? Stories praise the fall of devils, cheer at the marvels of the virtuous, and forget the victorious tell a version conveniently veiling their own atrocities. Evilness was once the brightest star in heaven. And goodness, well, morality can so often be contentious. This time, there is the hero with the strength of a hundred men, there is the villain that can vanish his vulnerabilities in a very instant, and then there’s you.
I Appreciate Your Apology A Christmas party has you on thin ice with your favorite dom. Daddy Joon appreciates your apology, but does he accept it? daddydom!Joon smut, PWP, filth, aka Joon edging you until you see sleighbells.
Cold Feet You don’t want to get married anymore, what does Namjoon want? 
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Day Dream The days are hotter, the nights are hotter too. You sleep, restless. Tired, you sleep more, you sleep and you dream and you meet the dream walker and things somehow become even steamier. Sandman!Hoseok Dream Analysis / Alternate Ending 
Disco Winter Ball You and your friend Hoseok are best friend buddies going on a date to the annual disco winter ball. But it’s not a date date, okay? You and Hoseok just love music and you love dancing and Hoseok loves watching you dance. Wait not love, not in that way! A friendly love. Just friends. Just two friends who drink a little too much eggnog. HOAL couple holiday special
I Thought You Were Mine? Drunk arguing leads to drunk fuc–
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The Woman with the Black Cat on Her Shoulder Fearful, they buried them, stomped them into the dirt. Underneath their boot, scared men were unaware the seeds of hope had planted by their own volition. From the dirt and grime, grew flowers, blooms so tall, eclipsing their hatred. You were strong and unwilling to be cut down any more. Shapeshiftercat!yoongi.
Yoongi is a Rock That’s it. That’s the plot. Yoongi is a rock. Audio Ver. by the talented @voice-over-ff
I Didn’t Mean It, I Still Love You Yoongi made a mistake, will you forgive him? Or is it too late? 
Christmas Lights Out! Agust D vs RM Super Hero Christmas Special! You visit your hometown during the holidays. You and your childhood friend Joon reminisce and you learn more about your smooth tech talker business partner Yoongi. Can he win you over once and for all? Set in Super Clumsy Super Hero RM universe.
King of Corruption [Sequel to Christmas Mass] The organ player takes his time with you, holding you and caressing your body while you sleep, until you can’t discern your dreams from your reality. A king and a sleeping beauty, his name leaves your lips like a prayer, prostated at his feet in blind reverence…the perfect position for him to corrupt and defile you. Demon AU. Dark smut.
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The Flower Bridge You couldn’t, you didn’t want to, not anymore, the pain was too much, you wanted it to end, so you visited the bridge. Standing at the highest point, the wind stung, but your problems were bigger, your pain was stronger than the whipping air and your anguish deeper than the water below. Tethered in the center, connecting the place you came from and the place you were going, you found another type of bridge and he found you. Ghost!Seokjin.
Meet Cute, Time Loop A story where Seokjin loves you before you love him before he loves you.
Ddak-ji SLAP Jungkook, Seokjin, and you decide to play a game…and then you fu-
Seokjin’s Ho Ho Ho Your boyfriend surprises you with a Christmas dinner on the beach, things get a little steamy, candy canes get sucked, peppermint liquor might be involved, there is definitely some questionable Santa Costume attire, and lots of jolly lovin’! HOAL couple holiday special.
Christmas Lights Out! Agust D vs RM Super Hero Christmas Special! Extended Scene: The Mind Reader, The Telekinetic and The Closet just silly and raunchy and ridiculous, dirty thoughts...it goes there.
Gangnam Girlfriend: Korea’s #1 Celebrity Dating Show with your Host, International Super Star, Jin Welcome to Gangnam Girlfriend! Where Korea’s top eligible singles fight for a chance at love! You're supposed to be playing the dating game right? Not sneaking off in the middle of the night with the show’s host to watch the stars and talk about all your lost love connections, cuddling under a blanket. And even if the choice is clear, Kim Seokjin can't date you, the reason you joined is because you wanted a public relationship, and Jin could neverrr. Even though he wants to finally settle down! But Hybe wouldn't let him join as a contestant so he took the next best thing instead, our story's beloved host, yet now he's regretting his decision as he watches the girl he is starting to fall for fall for someone else, oh no! Meet the Cast / Epi1 - 85%
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Bon Voyage: Into the Sea [Fantasy AU] A storm capsized your boat and looks like you were the only survivor. Somehow you made it to shore, but where? Stranded, you suddenly find out you are not alone, and now you’re stuck in the middle of a centuries old conflict between 7 monsters. Member Imagines /Ch1 / Ch2 / Ch3 / Ch4 /  Ch5 / Ch6 / Ch7 - 5% / ?
Handshakes of a Lifetime [Soulmate AU] …the meeting room is getting closer and closer, basking you and those around you in warm light, and you think about all the internet comments people write about this kind of moment, “she must have saved a country in her past life to experience this.” Playlist / Ch1 / Drabble - JJK / Ch2 / Ch3 / X-mas - JHS / Ch4 / X-mas - KSJ / Ch5 / Ch6 / Ch7 / Ch8 / Ch9 / Ch10 - 10% / ?
Caught! House of Cards [Yandere AU] You needed money. The pandemic offered little options. So you joined a website to make some quick and easy cash. Men paying to look at you, harmless fun, right? It was a decision you didn’t think too much about, you just wanted an income again. Little did you know how dangerous the members of House of Cards were. You weren’t prepared for the consequences of your actions. Watch out! Houses built with cards come tumbling down… Profiles / Ch1 / Ch2 / Ch3 / Ch4 / Xmas Drabble - KTH / Ch5 - 90% / ?
Run Run Run [Zombie Apocalypse AU Slow Burn] A zombie apocalypse breaks out and you’re stuck on a plane with none other than…BTS! Oh, you thought because you were an Army that would help you survive? Girl think again. Member Poll / Seoul Flow / Yangyang Living / Seoul Town Road / Hwarang Freestyle / Seoul Close / Samsung State of Mind - 5% / The Big Hit Break In! - TBA / ?
T H E T A K E O V E R [BTS Apocalypse / Dystopian AU Thriller] The recruits of Bangtan Academy were trained to be super soldiers, to be the strongest, fastest, most cunning fighters in the world. Now they are being put to the test! You were at the bottom of your class, but you noticed the cracks in the system first, what are you going to do? Run or try to save the world Prequel / Ch1 / Ch2 / Ch3 - 78% / ?
BTS (as kisses) / BTS (as holidays) / BTS (as drinks)
BTS Cheering You Up While Studying Korean
Naughty Girl Christmas BTS X-MAS Masterlist
Spring Fling Fantasy Stories that Bloom Masterlist
BTS Supers RM Verse Masterlist (coming soon…)
Original Masterlist
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jungshookz · 1 year
flowershop!yoongi putting a little flower behind smitten!yn's ear and her not knowing how to act
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➺ pairing; florist!yoongi x smitten!y/n
➺ genre; smitten!universe!! lil bit of fluff bc APPARENTLY the last smitten update was "genuinely devastating", "actually so depressing what the fuck was that cee", and "why would you do this to us" or something like that
➺ wordcount; 1.2k
»»————- 🌼 ————-««
“wow. not only are you a third wheel, you’ve officially become a fifth wheel. i’m impressed, i really am.” 
you immediately look up from the petunias, your shoulders drooping when you see who it is
you were hoping yoongi wasn’t working today because you knew he was going to make some comment about you being today’s fifth wheel but of course, because the universe is constantly shoving you down and kicking dirt in your face… here he is in all his glory 
jungkook invited you to go for lunch with him and ji-eun and co. because… well, why wouldn’t he invite you? you’re his friend, of course you’re invited for a nice lunch and a stroll downtown 
and the only reason why you guys (aka you, jungkook, ji-eun, jimin, and taehyung) are in the flower shop in the first place is because jungkook mentioned that he’d gotten ji-eun’s bouquet and teddy bear here and she wanted to take a look 
the two of them are currently chatting it up with seokjin who very clearly is trying to get jungkook to buy a massive bouquet for ji-eun and you’re slightly concerned at how good of a salesman he is because now you’re wondering if you should get a bouquet for yourself. 
as for the other two, jimin wanted to get some shots of his outfit in front of the flowers because admittedly the inside of the story is fairly vibey and taehyung’s helping him out with that 
and you… didn’t know where else you could go, so you decided to walk to the far end of the store and pretend like you were really interested in the petunias 
“what can i do to help you, buddy?” yoongi pouts mockingly, pushing his bottom lip out and making his eyes all big as he leans against the counter and folds his arms on top of it, “i can wrap the bouquet up for you so if you run in the rain again it’ll be waterproof.”
“okay, you- you really don’t have to rub it in my face like that,” you snap a little harsher than intended, but you really can’t help it because yoongi is genuinely being an asshole, “you’re just mad because you don’t have a friend who’d do something like that for you.”
“well, if i had a friend who did all of that for me and was pretty like you, i wouldn’t be friends with them anymore,” yoongi pauses, tilting his head slightly, “i’d make ‘em my girlfriend.” 
“you-“ you feel your face flush at the out-of-nowhere compliment before scoffing, “okay, now i see why you guys have five stars for customer service! i see what you’re doing, using your skills to get me to buy something-“ 
“aw, c’mon, don’t get all shy on me now…” yoongi laughs, reaching over to hook a finger against the crack of your elbow and tugging you back slightly, “you weren’t shy when you were practically begging me to open the shop up for you past closing.” 
“no, kook, you don’t need to get another bouquet for me, honestly…” you look over when you hear ji-eun laughing lightly, and almost immediately your mood dips when you see her loop her arm through his before leaning down to rest her head against his shoulder 
you wince slightly when you feel that all too familiar pinch in your chest at the sight of how loved-up the two of them are but you straighten your posture when you notice jimin looking towards your direction 
you still don’t know what his problem is with you… you’ve been quite civil with him so you really have no idea why he doesn’t seem to like you all that much 
taehyung is definitely the friendlier one but you’re still intimidated to talk to him even though he initiates a lot of conversations with you 
you just… don’t fit in with them, and you’re slightly concerned you’re losing jungkook to them-
“what’s your favourite colour?” yoongi asks all of a sudden, and you turn around to face him, grateful that he’s serving as a distraction from the searing pain in your chest-
“uh, good question!” you clear your throat, taking your bottom lip in between your teeth before shrugging, “like… like a burnt orange. a deep-toned orange? not, like, velma from scooby doo orange, a little darker than that-“ 
“okay, got it.” you jump when yoongi suddenly whips a pair of shears out from his back pocket, making a snipping motion at you before rounding the counter and walking over to the massive collection of petunias 
“you don’t strike me as a deep orange girl, but let me see here…” he fingers through them gently, humming to himself as he cups a flower in his hand gently before snipping it off, being careful not to clip his fingers by accident, “we don’t have a burnt orange colour, but this one is like a yellowy-orange.” yoongi flips the shears in between his fingers smoothly before shoving it into his back pocket and turning to face you, “hope that’s alright.”
“i- i mean, it’s alright with me because i have no idea what you’re doing,” you snort, leaning back against the counter with one ankle crossed over the other, “i hope you’re not going to make me pay for that-“
“i won’t. this one’s on me.” 
“what are you-!” you freeze when yoongi approaches you a lot closer than a salesclerk should, and almost immediately you feel your entire face light up when he smooths some of your hair back before tucking the petunia behind your ear, his tongue poking out in concentration as he adjusts it so that it won’t fall out 
“hey, look at that.” yoongi smiles, crossing his arms over his chest as he nods contently, “cute.” 
you smile meekly, unsure of what to respond with and unsure of why your stomach is doing teeny little somersaults 
“thank you.” you clear your throat quietly, leaning back a little so you can check out your reflection in the mirror, “it’s- i like the colour, it’s a nice colour.”
“mm, i know. i’m the one that grew them.” yoongi clicks his tongue as he makes his way back behind the counter, “anyway, fifth wheel- if jin asks, you definitely paid for that and i’ve been mopping the floors diligently this whole time.”
(later, when jungkook asks you where you got that flower and he finds out that yoongi gave it to you, you don’t notice the way he narrows his eyes slightly and looks back at the store. why did yoongi give you a flower?) 
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Loved By Seven | Chapter 5
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Genre: Hybrid!AU, Poly!AU, Mate!AU, romance, fluff
Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Characters: Human!Reader, Peacock!Seokjin, Serpent!Yoongi, Hawk!Hoseok, White Tiger!Namjoon, Merman!Jimin, Leopard!Taehyung, Wolf!Jungkook
Summary: Hiking was just an activity to get you out of the apartment, the last thing you imagined was ending in a whole different world by touching a jewel. That not being enough you end up meeting seven hybrids, and they all claim you shared the Connection with each of them making you their partner for life.
Notes: Hi! This is the first part of the 200 followers celebration, the fifth chapter of this story; the second part is a one shot from my masterlist, I already have one in mind that I hope you'll like it. If you have any idea for what I should do when we hit 300 followers you can leave an ask. Thank you so much for the love the seires has been receiving, I'll try to mantain the same rhythm for the updates. Likes, reblogs, comments are always appreciated. English is not my first language so pardon me if anything is misspelled or grammatically incorrect. Also the main idea came from a webtoon but I can’t remember it’s name. Enjoy!
Masterlist | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Support me?
With Taehyung at work and full from breakfast, you and Jiwoo explore the apartment and now you know it's way bigger than you imagine it; which makes you think that here getting a place to live is cheaper than in your world or Taehyung makes a lot of money What can be his job? I mean it definitely allows him to live quite well. You find out there are four rooms, the main one (the one you basically throw him out of), two guest rooms (with a bathroom each) and a huge library; aside from a big kitchen, the dining room, a grand living room and a laundry room. "Wow you're boyfriend lives quite good N/N" "He's not my boyfriend!" "Yet" Jiwoo chuckles at your bright face "But I do wonder what his job is" "Or the real state here is better than ours" Jiwoo adds.
Checking exploring the apartment on your list, you guys go back to the main room to take a shower "Hey Ji, can you help me unwrap this? So I can take a shower" "Sure" she sits down on the bed next to your ankle and starts taking off the bandage. With the bandage off, she goes to the drawer your clothes are in and takes the only stuff you have left "Well, we should use that washing machine we found otherwise we won't have anything to wear" Jiwoo says, taking out her clothes, and you nod at her words. Before going to get you, she puts your clothes on top of, what she thinks is, a shelf to organize your clothes to put them on after a shower or a bath Damn this is rich people type of stuff; and takes out a towel from a drawer in front of the sink.
"Let's go" Jiwoo exits the bathroom and helps you up, to hop to the bathroom; once inside you take oof your clothes, relive yourself on the toilet and enter the shower It would be nice to take a bath but I don't want to impose more than I already have. I'm sorry Taehyung I'm using your stuff again you think when you pick up a bottle of shampoo and start massaging your scalp, rinsing it out, you pick up a gel shower bottle and start spreading it on your body, but by doing that your thoughts go to the fact that you're in the same place where Taehyung's been naked just like you're now No no no no F/N don't think stuff like that, you're taking advantage of his kindness by thinking that you cover your red face with your face, and rinse all soap as fast as you can, with cold water.
With your feet really dry, to prevent more sprained ankles, you hop to where your clothes are and hop again towards the toilet to sit and dress yourself like you undressed the night before, sited. Already dressed, you hop to the sink and wash your face with Taehyung's face soap, rinse it and apply his moisturizer. You open the door and Jiwoo's waiting for you at the end of the bed to help you hop to the bed. She sit next to you to help you bandage your walk but you say with a smile "Jiwoo go wash yourself up, I got this" "Are you sure?" "Yeah, go" you point with your head towards the bathroom "Okay". By yourself, you apply the ointment and try to wrap up your ankle, it's not as good as how the doctor did but it's tight That's the important thing right? For the bandage to be tight no matter how it's wrapped up.
A few minutes later, Jiwoo's done with showering and asks, "Well, what we do now? There's nothing to eat, and there's nothing to do" "Well, we can't go out. We don't have keys, we don't know this city. As for food, we'll just have to wait until he comes back. He must have a TV somewhere, and we have to wash our clothes and the dishes from breakfast. " You two exit the room with your clothes on hand "Okay. I'll leave you at the laundry room and I'll go to wash the dishes" Jiwoo says "Deal" and you hop to the laundry room.
Jiwoo leaves you, and now you're in front of two very advanced machines Okay, I can do this, if I cracked the old washing machine at our place I can figure this ones out. You read what it says on the buttons, and look around in hopes to find a manual, which luckily you do Oh well, it's definitely easier than ours you also spot a laundry basket kinda full I should also wash his clothes, as a thank you for all the troubles you smile when picking out his clothes and putting them inside, by doing it you smell something delicious, curious by the source of the smell you bring a t-shirt to your nose it smells like white chocolate Maybe he ate something covered in white chocolate and the shirt got impregnated with the smell leaving it at that you finish with the clothes and start the machine, the cycle spends an hour washing the clothes.
Knowing it would be better to wait for Jiwoo you sit on the floor, trying not to put pressure on your ankle. After another 10 minutes Jiwoo makes an appearance "Ooohhh, you made it work" "Yeah, Taehyung left the manual handy and it was very easy, at least easier than the one at home" you chuckle "That darn thing" she grumbles "How about I leave you at the living room and when this is done I come and pass the clothes to the dryer" "I'm gonna take the offer for the lift but I want to finish the entire chore, otherwise I'll die from boredom" you pout at her "Okay" she chuckles.
Hopping to the living you still don't see anything to entertain yourselves with, not even a TV "Does he not have a TV here? Are there no TVs in this world?" Jiwoo asks scared "I don't think there aren't any TVs here I mean our worlds are pretty identical so maybe he doesn't have one because he doesn't like it" you conclude. Sitting on the couch looking at ceiling, an idea popped on your mind "Can you help me get to the library? Maybe I can find an interesting book there" "Okay, let's go", you support one of your arms around her shoulder and her towards said room.
Inside, you find a comfortable egg chair next to a large window with a beautiful city view and a big comfortable sofa which Jiwoo has already eyes on it. She plops down on the sofa "Don't you want a book?" you ask her "No, I think I'll just let dreamland call me" "Okay" you answer looking through the shelves Maybe we do have things in common, he has rows and rows of fantasy and sci-fi books you smile passing your fingers through the books' spines Apparently he also likes photography maybe it's a hobby of his you think when you see a few books on that subject.
With a book on hand, you sit on the egg chair and start reading. You're so engrossed in the story you almost didn't hear an alarm going off Wow the hour is already up you turn the chair to look at Jiwoo, but find her asleep so soundly she's snoring a little bit. Not wanting to wake her up you decide to hop by yourself to the laundry room. You support yourself with the hall walls, and hop by hop you get to your destination. Pulling out you girl's clothes and his clothes from the washing machine, without paying much attention at the white chocolate smell, you put them inside the dryer, you read the labels on it and a some information from the manual and turn it on Okay another two hours of waiting you think, leaving everything set you hop back to the library.
Inside the library, you see Jiwoo still sleeping and hop back to the comfy chair you were in. The book in your hands has you really engrossed This book is really good, I mean for obvious reasons I've never heard about the author nor the plot, but if this is a series and it's not finished and I leave miraculously back to my world I'll cry you almost hug the book from your thoughts. You keep on reading until that faint alarm is on again. Knowing is from the dryer you get up, hop to see Jiwoo This girl is sleeping way too much…or maybe she's faking it you touch her shoulder with tiny force but that only makes her turn around and wave her hand at you She's so cute you chuckle. Hopping to the library you see a watch on the wall Wow it's almost noon, I'm gonna feel hunger in any moment you pout but continue hoping to the laundry room.
You take out all the clothes and put them in a basket labeled "Clean" with coffee dots around the letters Cute you smile at the mental image of a Taehyung labeling baskets. With basket in hand, you decide it's way too far for you to hop to the library, besides your foot's been hurting a little bit from all the hopping around, so you settle for the living room. You sit on the biggest sofa, from the three available, and pull the table on the center towards you so you could have a place to elevate your foot, already settled you start folding the clothes and putting them in piles next to you on the sofa Ignore Taehyung's underwear, just ignore it, just like you've been ignoring the white chocolate smell all morning. Folding the last shirt you hear ruckus on the door and suddenly a Taehyung filled with bags comes into view once the door is open "I'm home".
"OMG Taehyung, let me help you" you try to rush, but accidentally you stand up with both feet and winced Well if it wasn't hurting before now it definitely is and quickly sit down again. Taehyung watching this closes the door as fast as he can, and runs to you leaving the bags in the sofa next to where you are, and one in particular he leaves it on top of the table "Beautiful you can't do that, you'll hurt your ankle more" he crouches next to you, only the point of his tail moving slowly "Did Jiwoo bandage you? Because it got loose" he looks up at you, with those big brown eyes of him leaving you breathless for a moment, and starts wrapping your foot  "Mmm, no, I did it myself…I swear it was tight but with all the hopping I guess it got loose" you say with red ears feeling a little embarrassed, about the bandage but also about your reaction at him. Then he notices the folded clothes next to you "Did you do the laundry?" "Yeah" you smile at him "Why didn't Jiwoo do it? You know you can't move much" your smile faded "Well, she did the dishes and she was gonna do the laundry but I told her not to because we couldn't find something to entertain ourselves with and I didn't want to feel useless " he finishes bandaging you, but you continue "So I washed the clothes while she washed the dishes and the hopped to the library, because we reckoned your apartment…it's really nice" he smiles at you at that, however you continue "And while the clothes were washing I picked one of your books and started reading, by the way I'm sorry that I've been using your stuff without asking for your permission like your shampoo, body wash, face soap, moisturizer, cooking utensils and now your books" you looked at your hands ashamed, Taehyung almost coos at this and brings his hand to your face, grabs softly your chin and lifts it up "But Beautiful…Well, first, I have a TV is right there" he points at a blank space "You just have to lift it up" you look at him confused, he chuckles "I'll show you later. Second, you're not useless you're hurt, once you're on top shape you can do anything you want" he gives you a boxy smile "And third, you can use anything you want, everything I have here is yours too" you light up like Christmas tree after he says that.
"Let's go eat now, I bet you're hungry" as soon as he says that your stomach rumbles and he laughs "I guess I'm getting to know you better, at least your eating habit" "Shut up" you mumble dreading the embarrassment you're feeling right now. He picks you up bridal style making yell a little bit "H-h-hey I can hop to the kitchen" "Nu-uh, while I'm here you won't be doing that" he sits you down in a stool and exits the kitchen. Now that he's not next to you, you feel how the white chocolate smell has increased since he got home Does it come from him? But I didn't smell this yesterday…ugh, I don't understand and even if I don't want to ask him because this makes me feel like a crazy person, he maybe knows what and why is happening.
He comes back with the bag he left at the table in the living room, and puts it on the island "Where's Jiwoo?" "She's sleeping in the library" "I'll bring her" he turns "Mmm…Taehyung?" "Yes Beautiful?" he faces you again "Can I take out what's inside the bag?" you look at him with bright hopeful eyes "Sure" he chuckles. You open the bag and take out three smaller bags, you open them and take out from each a plate with what looks like lasagna, tiny bags with bread and three bottles with what looks like the soda Taehyung gave you yesterday. You wait sited moving the leg, with the good foot, like a little kid; Taehyung watches this, walking towards you with Jiwoo beside him, and falls for you even more.
Inside the kitchen, Jiwoo sits next to you, rubbing her eyes, and Taehyung, with a pout, sits in front of you "This is one has meat, this one has chicken and this one has meat again but has extra cheese in it" he explains each plate "Can I have the cheesy one?" you ask excitedly "Sure" he takes off the wrap and passes it to you with a fork, he also opens the soda for you "Thank you" you give him a tiny smile, you've read enough romantic books to know these kind of gestures are when the person has a romantic interest in other "I'll take the one with chicken, Taehyung" Jiwoo says "Sure" he passes her the plate, the bottle and the fork. The both take off the wrap from the plate, and all three of you start eating "Wow, this lasagna is so good" you say "Yes, I'll even say it's better than yours" Jiwoo slightly punches you, joking with you "Do you know how to make lasagna Beautiful?" "Yes, sometimes" you smile at him "Then I can't to try it" he smiles at you. You're eating in silence when something pops in your mind "Taehyung, do you work nearby? I mean otherwise how can you be eating lunch with us" "I left early" he answers with mouth half full "Oh, are you sick?" you say worriedly "No? I feel fine" he answers with his head tilted to the side and animal ears standing up "Then if you're not sick how did you get permission?" Jiwoo adds "I just didn't want to be without for too long" he answers so truthfully, you can see it in his eyes, that you almost choke up with what was in your mouth "What is your job?" you finally ask, after drinking a sip of soda "I'm a model" you open your eyes as much as you can when the leopard reveals this "You're a m-mo-model?" you can't believe it, Jiwoo chuckles at this "I knew, someone as handsome as you can't have a desk job" "What kind of modeling you do?" you ask him softly "Mostly photography, sometimes runways" he answers like he's talking about the weather Well, he does it for a living so he must be comfortable talking about it "I had more shoots after the one in the morning but I told my manager to cancel the ones in the afternoon so I could be here with you" he answers before you can make the question "Are you famous? I mean you have a very nice apartment, not to mention big" Jiwoo asks "Maybe? I mean some people think I'm famous" he touches his neck in embarrassment.
You're in shock at what this man does for a living so you just keep eating the lasagna until there is nothing more to eat, not even the bread "Are you okay Beautiful? You stop talking" Taehyung asks, he's nervous because you haven't said anything since he said he's a model Does she not like it? Because I can quit and find another job more to her liking "Do you not like my job? Because I can quit and find something you like" he quickly voices his thoughts "What?!" you almost scream "You can't quit because of me…It's just that I know you're handsome" "You think I'm handsome" he smiles sheepishly, but you don't hear him because you continue your rant "Bu-but I never thought you would be a model and I'm just surprised that's all…Besides you said like we're destined or something and I'm definitely way too normal to be with someone like you" you close your mouth with your hand to stop you from saying anything else, surprised at what you just said "Are you accepting me?" he says with a big smile "I don't know" you answer truthfully "Ohh" he mumbles, a sad expression makes its way to his face, his animal ears also lose their perkiness But she said it, maybe she's just scared of accepting her feelings, I can wait for her. Jiwoo knows she has to intervene now "Uh, Taehyung, what are those bags outside?" "Let's go see what I brought you" he stands up and goes for you to lift you up "Don't say anything Beautiful, I'm not letting you hop" he says seeing how you're about to protest, so you just shut your open mouth.
He leaves you on the couch in the most possible delicate way, and sits down next to you. To leave the two love birds together, Jiwoo sits in the other couch. The first thing he takes out of one of the bags is two boxes "First, I bought the groceries so" he turns to Jiwoo "Jiwoo, can you help me accommodate them" "Sure" she answers "Now, this one is for you Beautiful" he gives you one of the boxes and you notice is a phone "and this one is for you Jiwoo" he gives her the other box "Taehyung, you shouldn't have" you gasp "Of course I had to, besides I wanted to" he smiles at you "Please open it" you do as he says, and gasp once again "It's pink, look Ji it's pink!" you show her "Mine is white" she now shows you her new phone "It already has the most important apps, and it also has my phone number" you notice he put himself in as "Tae " Cute, does he want me to call him like that? I'll have to ask Jiwoo what's his name in her phone…What if I'm imagining things and it's not something special. "I also bought you clothes, it's just a few we can go in a few days again when you're ankle is better" he looks at you, and you nod at him. "Thank you so much Taehyung, you didn't have to" you impulsively hug him, he's shocked but gets out of it fast to return the embrace Wow, hugging her like this I can smell the white chocolate even more he closes his eyes and inhales more, after a while you let each other go at the same time, and smile at each other for a few seconds He's so handsome She's so beautiful.
Jiwoo interrupts the moment to talk about something more serious than groceries, clothes o phones "Taehyung" he looks at her "he have to talk about something" he frowns but doesn't say anything "I think you've noticed how we know almost nothing about, hybrids or technology. It's not because he have amnesia or something like that" At first I did think that, but I guess it's something more he thinks "It's because we're not from this world" he open his eyes, absorbing the new information "But before we explain that to you, we would like to know about your world first and how hybrids came to be" you look at him nodding "Can you tell us, please?".
Taglist: @lovely247 @apathina @kalala22 @singukieee @tinyoonsblog @arantxaglezz @btsiguess-kpop @lachimolala22019 @goldeneclipsedragon @sophiaj650 @sukunasstomachtongue @djodjom1 @uarmyhore @to-see-without-eyyes @chatsgotmytongue @kyuupidwrites @thebisexualonesworld @minjianhyung if you don’t want to be on this taglist anymore let me know :), and if you want to be just leave a comment saying so :)
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soulful-addict · 1 year
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sluttyjeon · 2 years
a spy within | bts x running man
— pairings: agent!bts x running man 
—  genre: angst (some parts will have), agent au
— wordcount: tba
— warnings: mentions of death, a spy is on the team, harsh words, mention of blood
— summary: what happens, when bts teams up with their beloved idolized running man.
— author’s note: this is like somewhat my revival to getting back into writing after falling out of it originally due to  lack of motivation.
© n4ghtwing ; please do not repost, replicate or translate any work under any circumstances.
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lemon-inferno · 2 years
I just finished Blind. It wasn't the ending I was hoping for, but it made me cry and it made sense why things went the way they did. I'm a little disappointed they had Yoon Jae die, but I guess that also somewhat makes sense. He was such a broken kid and it was so sad that until the end he couldn't feel anything but hatred. It wasn't his fault that he ended up like that, but because of his actions it was the only possible outcome. A sad death was all it was. The saddest in the show really. Especially after the very last scene where Sung Jun sees the boys playing and he imagines what it could have been like for the Hope Welafre Center orphans. I can't say this was the best drama I've ever seen but it was by no means bad. I think it's a good drama to fill your time or watch while you're waiting for something else to come out. It doesn't really have any big plot twists or something that makes you go "Wow!", it's not unpredictable. In fact, right from the start it kinda gives it away. But the acting and story itself makes it worthwhile. I definitely got attatched to some of the characters and wanted to see how it ends for them. Ya, that's all for now.
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“🥂TEASER di ‘Chiacchere da ubriaco’ (https://youtu.be/M9_maWORiyI)
#JinConBaekJongwon #BattuteDaUbriaco #Jin #AttendeteloConAnsia💜”
Traduzione a cura di Bangtan Italian Channel Subs (©Xina)
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lostberet · 2 months
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⤹˚˖♬୭ 🎻₊˚✧ ゚.🍊 HEARTBURN prologue
You knew, since the very start, that the end of your relationship would come, yet, even after 2 years, you never thought it would end like it did. So, why are you emotional? Now, you stand face to face, and your heart burns.
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✒ pair. kim taehyung, min yoongi x fem!reader ↪plot. Your relationship came with a contract, and once that contract ended, you are left to figure out why exactly your heart is breaking. tags. contracted love, one-sided love, family drama, Secret relationship, eventual smut, heart-break, boss x employee, disclaimer. Yandere behavior, Obsessiveness, Possessiveness, Manipulative behavior, Violence, Mention of child negation, assault, violence, Sexual themes, If you’re not 18+ please, PLEASE, do not interact. Be mindful of the warnings. Let me know if I miss anything. wc. 1k a/n. Hello cuties! I have officially started this series! But i will also be making over one-shorts and be taking recommendations! like, comment, and reblog if you enjoyed this! it would really help me a lot!
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|| bts masterlist || entry || << teaser, Heartburn i >>
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An illegal way to earn money, status and power in the business world. Even the purest organization has the dirtiest undergrounds, the ugliest starts. It all started with Kim Wonshik, Kang Chungae, Min Bongtae, and Choi Jo Young. Arguably, the four masterminds of the businesses in Korea. Building the finest Hotels, Airports, Hospitals, technology, law firms, you name it. 
Yet, a group cannot handle too many all-stars. Too many ideas, very different perspectives. 
And so, the friends were divided into four rivery groups, yet, it soon turned into three thanks to the marriage between the Min Family and the Kim family. Kim Wonshik, married one of his two children. His prized possession, his princess, his only daughter into the Min family, Min Bongtae accepted, marrying his only son as well, creating a treaty and friendship between the two families. They shared their riches, and soon enough, they all became an actual family. 
From those two families, children came into the light. Kim Wonshik welcomed his grandchildren into the family, Kim Seokjin, followed by Kim Namjoon and lastly, Kim Taehyung. 
Min Bongtae welcomed his own grandchildren as well, Min Yoongi and Min Ji-hoon, Woozi for short. 
“Grandfather, with all respect, I really do not see the point of all of this?” Seokjin stepped forward. The rest of the grandchildren sat on their own couches. Kim Wonshik looked up at his eldest grandchild. “Seokjin, I have built an empire, one in which you will have the honor to have. Along with everyone else in this room.” He started, “what makes you think no one will want to take that away from you?” 
Seokjin silently nodded his head, taking his seat. Wonshik then looked towards the Mins, “Yoongi, Woozi, what I am going to say, your grandfather Bontae will take charge of that. It does not make you less than the Kims, understand? Because at the end of the day, your mother is also a Kim!” Wonshik exclaimed, throwing a fist in the air.  
Yoongi and Woozi just gave a short nod, Woozi eyeing his older brother for any form of support. Yet, Yoongi only stared at his grandfather. 
“Times have changed, my boys.” The elder started, “you all need protection, and I’ve assigned someone to each of you.” 
The elder signaled the man standing next to him to hand each of his grandchildren a file. Woozi looked around, his eyes landing on Taehyung, the youngest Kim. “Grandpa, Tae doesn’t have one.” 
“That’s intentional.” Wonshik commented, making Taehyung’s eye twitch, his gaze on his grandfather hardening, “He’s a special case.” That’s when Taehyung stood from his seat and left the room. 
Each grandson was assigned an assistant-made-bodyguard. In the eyes of the public, they were seen as assistants, and yes, they did complete those tasks. Yet, they were hidden bodyguards, making sure the heirs were safe, sane. By rule, each of the assistant guards were to wear a face mask, to keep them also safe, but to not make them recognizable to anyone, at times, not even their own bosses.  
“Goddammit, Taehyung, this is the 5th assistant this month!” Taehyung’s father, Taegeun, commented, rubbing his forehead in frustration. Taehyung only remained quiet, leaning back on the couch. Wonshik let out a sigh, “This shouldn’t be so hard Taehyung, son, just accept them as they go.” 
“You gave me the option to choose, you are letting me pick and that is what I am doing.” Taehyung bluntly stated, “We’re not talking about that.. I was talking,” Taegeun dropped his hand, pointing his finger at Taehyung before he yelled, “about the damn assault cases!” 
Taehyung only groaned, turning his head away from his farther, “Stop fucking throwing shit at people!” His father hissed. His face was flustered, he looked pathetic in Taehyung’s eyes. “Stop fucking telling me what to do.” Taehyung hissed back. 
“You ungrateful son of a-” 
“Enough! Both of you.” The elder groaned, rubbing his eyes with his thumb, “and you wonder why your wife hates.. no, despises you..” Taehyung whispered, his father’s brows frowning in anger before he threw himself at his own son. 
“Taegeun! For fucks sake!” The grandfather yelled before rushing over and pulling him back from his youngest grandson, “Get the hell out of this room!” 
Taehyung fixed his suit, eyeing his father as they both shared a look of hatred. Yet looks nor words would ever express their sour hatred for each other. The room fell silent once the click of the door closing echoed in the room. Yet, silence never brought Taehyung peace.  
“You.” The grandfather said, turning to look at the grandson, “you will go to your office and interview this new assistant, and you better not throw shit around.” 
That’s how Taehyung found himself bored looking at the files in front of him, unbothered to read them as he only picked a page and set it down on another amount of pages. Anger slowly built up on him with each turn of a page, his hands shaking from wanting to punch, to throw things around. 
“You’re not even reading them.” A soft voice snapped him back from his boring habit, his eyes meeting big doe brown ones, “what.” 
“You’re not even reading the files.” you stated once again, voice soft in question, tilting your head. You stood a few feet away from his table, hands behind your back, “If you’re not interested, just say so. Don’t waste your or my time.” 
Your voice was calm, and smooth, as if giving him advice. He only stared at you before he stood up. He walked to the little bar next to his table and poured himself a drink. He didn’t bother answering you. You rolled your eyes and bit the inside of your cheek as he drank his tequila. Once he finished his drink, he turned to look at you. 
He gave you a small smile. Yet the empty and wicked emotion in his eyes never matched his beautiful smile. And just then, he threw the empty glass cup at you. Dodging the cup out of instinct, the glass breaking on the bookshelf behind you. You turned to face him, eyes wide in confusion, “Wh-”
“Don’t fucking tell me what to do, got it?” 
You narrowed your eyes at him, biting back an insult before taking a deep breath through your nose and clearing your throat, “got it.” Yet, your eyes threw dodgers at him. Your jaw locks at the small smirk on his lips.
You walked out of the office cursing under your breath as you walked over to the elevator, heading to Kim Wonshik’s office, “5 fucking years of training for this shit?” Your hand reached for the button, and before you pressed it, a hand grabbed your wrist, pulling your hand back. You turned to see the same lunatic stare into your eyes. 
“I don’t know if anyone has told you, but you have very pretty eyes.” 
And maybe then, you should have yanked your wrist away. Maybe then, you would have saved yourself. 
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─── Ξ © LOSTBERET, 2024. << teaser, Heartburn i >>
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