#jewish people should know of all this better than anyone too
rosalesbeausderholle · 2 months
There was a ceasefire when Hamas decided to murder children in front of their parents and rape their mothers. But please keep lecturing us on how negotiations would’ve ended a genocidal regime that still has kidnapped babies and women living under sexual terror.
So the answer to terrorists murdering and kidnapping innocent people is to retaliate by murdering 30 times as many more innocent people instead of going after the terrorists? By leaving them starving? By bombing zones that Israel promised they were safe? By murdering NGO workers and reporters? By destroying all of their hospitals? Really? That's your argument here? That this is somehow equal? That this is deserved?
Is Israel not also, at this moment, killing children in front of their mothers? Do you think their soldiers are unable to perpetrate sexual violence as well?
Your problem is that you don't consider Palestinians to be actual people, they're subhuman to you, they're nothing more than potential terrorists!
What you don't understand is that if that's your approach against terrorism, you will only create more terrorism. You think the children who survive today will not end up radicalizing and joining Hamas or some other organization in the future? Do you think the Iraq war was justified as retaliation for 9/11 or are you able to see that the US started that war for their own political and economic gains rather than as 'revenge' for a horrible terrorist act? In my own country, Spain, the worst terrorist attack in our own history, was actually in response to our then-president supporting the US in their invasion of Iraq! Terror and violence only ever brings more terror and violence!
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edenfenixblogs · 3 months
I feel like what is disturbing about (some) people discussing the Israel/Palestine conflict is that they insist that most major news sources actually can’t be trusted because the news sources are secretly lying all the time. And I feel like that is what conspiracy theories are, the insistence that everyone is lying to you, and that you should only trust these people. I feel like I was falling into it too, I was starting to believe it.
I’d always told myself before that I would never fail for conspiracy theories because I am a reasonable person, but clearly this isn’t true. I can fall for conspiracy theories if I am not always careful, and complacency is dangerous.
I feel like this same idea applies to antisemitism. People think, “I can’t be antisemitic because I want equality for all people”, but we can if we’re not careful. Complacency is dangerous.
Oh, @jellymarbles! This is very insightful!!!! Look, every major news source has flaws and bias. That is and will always be true. Because it is written by people. And all people have bias. And that's ok! The problems only arise if people allow their writing to consistently and only favor bias in one direction and leave no room for uncomfortable but necessary information from other viewpoints.
If anyone is telling you not to trust "the media" or "the mainstream media," then they are not only untrustworthy on any issue, but are likely especially dangerous on any issue where antisemitism is likely to occur. This is because it is usually rooted (whether the person is knowingly being antisemitic or not) in the conspiracy theory that Jewish people control "the media."
Anyone behaving responsibly would not urge you to shun mainstream sources. Rather, people behaving responsibly will urge you to develop the very necessary skill of media literacy, which will enable you to better discern which sources are trustworthy in a variety of situations. Whenever evaluating any source, but especially when dealing in issues that involve strong and volatile opinions and contested information from a variety of voices, it is vital to critically evaluate your sources using trusted media evaluation tools, like Media Bias/Fact Check. Fact check the story details too, if possible.
You are a private citizen. You are not a journalist. You are not an international diplomat. You are not a crisis negotiator. There is no reason for you to feel pressured to respond to everything quickly. Nobody will benefit from you responding to things you don't have appropriate information on. It is not your job to respond to all information as you encounter it.
There is no prize for speaking up first or most or loudest.
Rather, you will always be the most trusted human source if you take the time to know what you're speaking about fully before you speak. If you feel an urgent need to say something because you directly wish to help someone you know, sharing unverified and possibly false information is never the way to go. Rather, instead of trying to prove your commitment to a cause with self-righteous anger, reach out to the person you wish to help directly. Tell them you know that they are going through a rough time. You may not always know what to say or what you need to share, but say that you are committed to always sharing verifiable and the information, but that you also don't need the affected person to act as a news source for you. And in the meantime, you don't need news stories to be there for a friend. Lending an ear and some comfort to someone directly will mean more than shouting into the void. Personally, I'm always a little uncomfortable when I see non-Jewish and non-Muslim/Arab/Palestinian people I know screaming onto the internet about issues related to i/p when they have never actually taken the time to talk to a single Jewish person about how they actually feel about any of it (or when they only talk to Jewish people to determine whether they are Evil Zionists or Actual Humans).
Many people are willing to make sweeping statements about how all Jews feel about Israel or zionism or Netanyahu, but aren't willing to actually have a conversation about any of those things to find out if their assumptions are correct--let alone to see if the Jewish person in question has insights into issues they haven't thought of before. (Hint: as an oft-ignored micro-minority, Jews do often have insights that are not adequately understood by those who have refused to interact with us)
I can only imagine that Palestinian people as well as Muslims and Arabs in general experience similar bigotry when people make assumptions about their views of Jews, the politico-religious ideology of Islamism (which I'm acutely aware is different than the religion of Islam), the i/p conflict, Hamas, and a variety of other issues.
Because make no mistake, choosing to ignore your responsibility of media literacy during a time of stochastic terror for multiple groups is to support that terror. Choosing to ignore media you disagree with because you disagree with it and not because the source is wrong or untrustworthy is the same as making a conscious choice to be stubbornly set in your ways at the expense of people desperately trying to make themselves heard.
In other words, choosing to maintain media illiteracy is choosing bigotry.
That said, you'll make mistakes sometimes. It's inevitable, and that's ok. Just today I deleted a post I reblogged about the extremely good and worthwhile charity organizatin Anera that is providing much needed aid to Gaza at the moment. Is that because I stopped supporting the organization? Is that because I hate Palestine and its suffering citizens? OF COURSE NOT! Rather, the person I shared it from had a blog full of hateful antisemitic content and misinformation. I couldn't direct my followers to a resource like that, because I can and must share information from sources worth listening to. If a bigot is your only way of sharing information about something, then that information is useless. If the information is actually useful, you'll be able to share it from a source who isn't dangerous.
There are many trustworthy people who regularly share information about Anera as well as other organizations that are providing aid to those suffering in the region, by the way.
It i so easy to think that a post is innocuous enough to share without fact checking. But bigotry can sneak in to a lot of places. I didn't know about the person I reblogged from until a follower pointed it out to me. Someone trustworthy will act swiftly to amend the information and thank you for the information rather than acting offended that you dared to question them. And a trustworthy source certainly won't continue to behave irresponsibly or allow others to behave irresponsibly on their behalf without putting in any effort to do better in the future.
You will make mistakes. It's OK. Don't let the fear of making a mistake stop you from taking action to help. Just be sure not to let your desire to help turn into causing actual harm. As long as you try your best and keep an open heart, all reasonable people will understand if you stumble now and again.
As always, feel free to explore my #Media Literacy tag for more info and discourse on the subject.
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matan4il · 3 months
That CUPE poster is fake. I don't know why someone would try to frame a Canadian workers union like that, but that is NOT the kind of thing they post, ever. They are in support of minorities and deal with Canadian issues and working conditions, not international conflict. And they would absolutely NEVER make a horrific poster like that. See for yourself: instagram . com/cupeontario/ and instagram . com/cupe_scfp/ and they're on Twitter and stuff too. The pixelatedness of that poster speaks to how fake it is too, none of their other material looks anything like that. And while Fred Hahn has posted/retweeted some stuff about the conflict on his twitter, he has never posted anything inflammatory like that and the reply of his that is in the screenshot is replying to something completely different.
Hi Anon,
I'm gonna reply to you and to the following ask together.
https://www.tumblr.com/matan4il/742531713829404672 This is a faked image; CUPE may have problematic opinions, but it doesn't help anyone to falsify atrocious posters when the reality should be more than enough.
Here's the post in question, showing a poster with the photo of Shani Lock's stripped, raped and murdered body being kidnapped into Gaza. The poster has CUPE's logo, as well as a text that legitimizes the Oct 7 massacre. CUPE, as mentioned above, is a Candian workers union.
Here are the links to the two IG accounts of CUPE from the first ask. To fthe first anon, you're right that the poster in question does not currently appear on either, you're wrong that they don't touch upon international conflict, they def weighed in on this one (more on that later in my reply).
The poster does use the pink filter and the CUPE logo with the right font, but it's true that someone skilled enough with photoshop can fake that. At the same time, if that person was good enough to be able to copy that well CUPE's visuals, I doubt they would be "exposed" through pixelation, so rather than proof of photoshopping, the pixelation seems to be a result of zooming in on the poster to show just a part of Shani's body along with the text. That would make the pic appear pixelated, and then a screenshot was taken that way.
So far, I would say nothing's conclusive one way or another. The poster isn't on the IG accounts, but it could have been there and deleted, or could have been posted on another social media site to begin with, the visuals being the right ones doesn't prove anything, and neither does the pixelation. BUT since I noticed the dialogue about the poster seemed to have taken place on Twitter, I went to have a look there.
I found the post where someone quote retweeted Fred Hahn, asking him about that Oct 7 poster, along with Hahn's reply that CUPE had nothing to do with it, and then he added the false accusation of genocide, telling people to "focus" (because apparently Jewish pain is never the main focus, not even when we talk about the Holocaust, which is the term for the genocide of the Jews at the hands of the Nazis... there's a reason I mention this, I'll get back to it later). I will keep my mouth shut about how many ignorant, antisemitic, anti-Israel tweets I had to see as I was scrolling in order to get to the relevant one, I'll just say that workers unions that want to be safe for Jewish workers as well should do better than that, including when the heads of these unions post on their "personal" accounts (since they're not posting as a private person, they're posting as the head of said union). Here's the exchange, dated Feb 14:
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But the person who challenged Fred Hahn did mention where this poster was supposedly originally shared:
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Apparently, CUPE has local branches, with numbers, and each has their own Twitter account, so I went to CUPE 3906, and went all the way back to their tweets around Oct 7. Needless to say, this official account is full of anti-Israel, antisemitic propaganda, too. Now around the relevant date, what does their timeline look like? There's one last pre-war tweet on Oct 6, a general anti-colonial one re-tweeted on Oct 7 (even though the timing makes the context obvious, the wording doesn't explicitly mention either Israel or Gaza), and then the next, VERY interesting tweet is on Oct 11. Here's the relevant segment (obviously the tweets appear with the latest at the top, older below):
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Here is that Oct 11 tweet, which is a statement made in response to backlash they got for a tweet that they say was "made in solidarity with Palestinians."
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Only the first paragraph is truly relevant, but the last one is also telling. "As the death toll rises," they said, just a day after Israel's counter action started, and while Israel was still counting its dead from the deadliest day in the history of this conflict, and the biggest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust. Still, the more important part is that if there had been nothing wrong with the tweet they refer to in the 1st paragraph, it should have still been up on their account, but it's not. Something was there and deleted, because there's now NO TWEET between Oct 6 and this statement, that could explain getting backlash... Deleting the tweet indicates they KNOW something was wrong with it, and they no longer wish to be publicly associated with it. But what was it? Have a look at this tweet, replying to CUPE 3906 on Oct 11:
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It explicitly mentions rape. If the above poster was a fake, photoshopped and shared online in February 2024, how did someone posting in October 2023 know to mention rape specifically, and not just CUPE 3906's general justification of the massacre?
I can't prove anything one way or another regarding a deleted tweet, and with the progress of fake images, no one else can either. But I feel like the general progression of events indicates to me that it's more likely the poster is real, CUPE 3906 realized they won't get away with it, deleted it, and then they all closed ranks, claiming the screenshot is fake. Again, whatever they posted in the deleted tweet had to be real bad for even people as one-sided as they are (with all of the anti-Israel and antisemitic stuff they do proudly still have up on their accounts), that they were compelled to delete it. And justifying not just the massacre, but the rape specifically, might just do that.
Now let me get back to the IG accounts that the first ask pointed to, because even though they post less frequently than the multiple Twitter CUPE accounts, they're still very clear regarding this union's bias, and I'll also get back to that Holocaust mention, as promised.
I did not find a single post of solidarity with or compassion for Jews on either IG account following the Hamas massacre. I did find, on the Ontario account (and cross posted to Twitter, too) shared on Oct 10 a post that states they stand with the colonized over the colonizer, while the image (as well as their anti-Israel tweets) makes it clear they're erasing Jewish history and native rights in the Land of Isral and Jerusalem. The image could have been inclusive, show both mosques and the Western Wall, but nope. Jews are excluded from this image of our holy city and historical capital.
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I also found a post about Holocaust Remembrance Day, which presents the Holocaust as including Jews. To make it clear, as someone who works in the field of studying this: "The Holocaust" is a term which is meant to reflect the Nazi intention to fully annihilate the Jews, something that didn't characterize their policy with other minorities. This is why we distinguish the Holocaust, the genocide of the Jews, from the persecution of other minorities by the Nazis. BOTH matter, and we talk about and educate against both, but they do have different characteristics, and so these are events, which are related, but CANNOT be reduced into one framing term. It is so problematic, talking about an event that was specifically about the Jews, as 'including Jews.' But let's say maybe that was ignorance, a lot of people don't get this distinction. CUPE's text doesn't mention antisemitism once, in a post about the most extreme antisemitic event in history, at a time when antisemitism is reaching its peak since WWII. When CUPE posted nothing else about this rise in Jew hatred, this text is just NOT good enough.
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And what makes it even more obvious that CUPE is not treating Jews as it does other minorities, is that the same account DOES include posts that are specific to other communities, and does center the term for their hatred and persecution. They shared a post about a mosque attack that occurred in 2017, and in the text, they don't hesitate standing in solidarity specifically with Muslims, and against Islamophobia. So, to CUPE, 6 murdered Muslims are worthy of centering in the post about them (rightly so), but at least 6 million murdered Jews are not. Worse, the post then goes on to repeat the false claim about a genocide in Gaza. It also mentions the rise in Islamophobia following the war, even though they posted NOTHING, on NONE of the accounts I looked at, which recognizes the much greater rise in antisemitism we've seen over the same period of time, and which was launched by an attack on Jews.
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The bilingual account, which I guess is a national one, didn't even mention Holocaust Remembrance Day. But on the very same date (Jan 27), it did mention the 2017 mosque attack, as well as Islamophobia, anti-Palestinians, but not a word on antisemitism.
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All of this together is so upsetting, shows such a deep lack of concern for the well being of Jews, such a strong bias against the Jewish state and Jewish identity, that I honestly wonder whether that one poster is truly an issue. If it was posted by CUPE 3906, as I tend to believe by all signs I've seen, it seems to be a continuation of everything CUPE is completely unashamed of. And if they didn't share that poster, well... I guess there's a certain amount of poetic justice about being accused of something you didn't do, and no one listening to you protesting against the lie, eh CUPE?
You're welcome to do with this what you will.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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lesbeet · 7 months
i have a question about the list about zionism and antisemitism, the one that's dont "tell Jewish Israelis to "go back where they came from". i understand that there are jewish settlers that will have difficulty moving somewhere else, but doesn't this still perpetuate that colonizers have more of a right to the land than the people who they killed to take it? like the assumption is if we don't tell colonizers they should leave, then they have can stay and continue to occupy the land and resources that were stolen from palestinians
i feel like a palestinian person (or someone else who has been victim to colonization) can answer this better than i can, but i personally have never seen actual palestinians calling for all jewish israelis to remove themselves from the land completely. i don't think the only options are "jewish israelis stay and continue to oppress palestine" or "all jewish israelis vanish from the land without a trace" and imo suggesting so only perpetuates the idea that all palestinians/muslims hate all israelis/jews and have no interest or willingness to cohabitate in a scenario where all people are treated as equals (i'm not the person to ask regarding HOW to make this happen tho)
also like......i know this isn't the problem or responsibility of palestinians who lost their land to colonizers, but where should the jewish israelis go "back to"? setting aside the argument of jewish indigeneity altogether, as that post mentioned, many jews who initially relocated to israel (like post-shoah, not present-day) did so because they were being persecuted in the countries they were coming from. many of those countries are still not particularly safe for jews, and would DEFINITELY not become so in the event of a mass migration. i feel like you're picturing a country full of european and american olim who made aliyah in the last several decades bc of israeli propaganda/intentional annexing of land, but that's not the majority by any means.
again, that's not to say "oh well, they're already there so it would be pretty shitty to make em leave, palestine will just have to deal" but like. it's not realistic and it's also not what anyone is asking for. palestinians just want equal rights and to have stewardship over their ancestral homeland. and yknow, not to be physically and emotionally and socially eviscerated for the crime of existing in a politically frought (and politically advantageous) region. probably some reparations, and rightfully so. nobody is going to forcibly expel the israelis - if anything, some will leave on their own bc they're too racist to give up their privilege and continue to live there as equals, and the rest will be people living in a multiethnic, multifaith country
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avesblues2 · 1 year
To think the church is failing in terms of being loving is 1. Not true and 2. A very broad generalization. I'd say too many churches are TOO loving and not enough are speaking the TRUTH. You cannot be just loving and you cannot just be truthful, you have to speak the truth in love. For anyone who thinks calling out sinful behavior, telling someone to repent of their sin, stating they are not representing Christ by identifying their sin (which is literally breaking the third commandment) have clearly never read Acts and saw how the early church handled those who were sinning without repentance, those who rejected Christ and Christians who were not representing God the way they should. Take this scripture below for an example:
“Saul, also known as Paul, was filled with the Holy Spirit, and he looked the sorcerer in the eye. Then he said, “You son of the devil, full of every sort of deceit and fraud, and enemy of all that is good! Will you never stop perverting the true ways of the Lord? Watch now, for the Lord has laid his hand of punishment upon you, and you will be struck blind. You will not see the sunlight for some time.” Instantly mist and darkness came over the man’s eyes, and he began groping around begging for someone to take his hand and lead him.” - Acts of the Apostles‬ ‭13‬:‭9‬-‭11‬ ‭
Or about when Peter boldly speaks to the Jewish council in Jerusalem.
“Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said to them, “Rulers and elders of our people, are we being questioned today because we’ve done a good deed for a crippled man? Do you want to know how he was healed? Let me clearly state to all of you and to all the people of Israel that he was healed by the powerful name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, the man you crucified but whom God raised from the dead.” - Acts of the Apostles‬ ‭4‬:‭8‬-‭10‬ ‭
Seriously just read Acts and look at how Paul, Peter and others who journeyed with them handled a culture against God and Christians who were not properly representing Christ and HOW they preached the gospel with BOLDNESS.
Now onto addressing the part about sexual immorality:
While sexual sin is no worse than any other sin because sin is sin and sin = death, it can be a more dangerous sin because “Run from sexual sin! No other sin so clearly affects the body as this one does. For sexual immorality is a sin against your own body.”- 1 Corinthians‬ ‭6‬:‭18‬ ‭NLT‬‬ - NOT to mention in our current culture people believe they cannot overcome this sin, they identify with the sin instead of Christ. If you claim to be a christian but are living in sin, we as Christian's are TOLD to call one another out. We see Paul do this in ALL of his epistles, like hello!? Now the way we treat unbelievers SHOULD BE different than believers, for believers are said to not be blinded but in the light but unbelievers are blinded and in the dark and we must first pray for unbelievers and their blinders are removed and their ears are open or else all that is said to them was said in vain. But even then, Paul is a GREAT example of being bold in faith and speaking truth with having a heart of love and genuinely wanting people to know Christ. Before you correct someone, check your own heart first. If it's coming from a place of superiority you are better off not saying anything at all.
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intersectionalpraxis · 7 months
You're "tired of hearing Hamas Hamas Hamas when Palestinian civilians are being slaughtered"? You mean the Hamas Hamas Hamas who literally slaughtered 1,400 Israeli civilians a month ago today? The Hamas Hamas Hamas who chased down and shot more than 200 teenagers at a music festival, who burned people alive in their homes, who shot children in front of their parents, who kidnapped toddlers and elderly women, who went door to door slitting throats, beheading, raping and mutilating innocent people and filmed it and put it on the internet and celebrated? I'm tired of NOT hearing Hamas Hamas Hamas when people talk about "free Palestine". Hamas are vile murderous terrorists who commited the worst massacre of jews since the Holocaust just one month ago. And if you honestly think they wouldn't just as happily kill YOU (a white American feminist) as they killed all those innocent people on October 7th, you are a fool. The innocent people of Gaza deserve to be free of these monsters more than anyone. Hamas could surrender and save Palestinian lives. Hamas could agree to a ceasefire and save Palestinian lives. Hamas could refrain from launching rockets from the southern part of the Gaza strip where they know many hundreds of thousands of Palestinian civilians have fled seeking safety. Hamas could stop endangering every man woman and child in Gaza at any moment. That they will not tells you everything you need to know about who they are and what they really want. They want martyrs. That is all. The more dead children the better. That is not what Israel wants. THAT is Hamas.
Gosh, sometimes I wish some of ya'll weren't anonymous. Also, in case you don't read all of this, I'm ethnically half-Middle Eastern (Persian, to be specific). I ALWAYS acknowledge my white passing privilege (I'm also half Irish/Scottish too), but you don't get to water my ethnicity down. I was also raised in Canada, not America. But I am a feminist, I'm queer, and something new about me -I'm 5'4', but let's begin my response.
I can show you videos of IDF soldiers praising the death of Palestinians and saying all Muslim people should be killed. Where are the videos you mentioned? A lot of this has been debunked already.
I can show you videos of Palestinian journalists on the ground, who talk about the horrors of witnessing Palestinian people killed, and not so long ago a female journalist watched 10 Palestinian babies get beheaded.
Israel has LIED multiple times about the sexual violence against Israeli women, of the beheading and killing of Israeli children (of which they tried to fake a crime scene, but forensic scientists debunked it with blood splatter analysis and teeth analysis). You also always talk about this amount of violence without talking about Palestinian women being raped by the IDF soldiers and officials during interrogations and also when they are in custody. And the amount of children kidnapped, brutally assaulted, arrested, and detained in Israel for crimes of peaceful protest. There are charts you can look at to the huge disparity between civilians being killed, and Palestinian people are murdered astronomically more.
Hamas, to many people, is a resistance group. And the fact that it was co-created by Israel in the first place, is also something people conveniently forget about. And the reason people ARE SICK of hearing about HAMAS is because THIS IS NOT ABOUT HAMAS. If you haven't seen interviews with Bassem Youssef, I highly recommend watching them. This is about Israel fulfilling its' colonial-settler campaign of eliminating Palestinian people and taking over Gaza completely. There are anti-Zionist Israeli Jewish people who are saying "NOT IN OUR NAME" while Israel commits this genocide, so the fact that you're saying all Jewish people will readily ally with Israel is incredibly false.
Hamas has homemade rockets, Israel as Iron Dome and mass nuclear weapons of destruction. That's a huge difference in military weapon and arms.
Israel has also been BOMBING areas they say are 'safe to go,' like the Rafah crossing being the most recent. Between Israel bombing refugee camps, hospitals, and places of worships -where Palestinian people HAVE taken refuge -THOSE are bombed!! So NOWHERE is safe. What on earth are you talking about?
Israel wants to fully settle on historic Palestine. That's what they want -it's ALL over their socials and documents, and in the mouths of their government officials. Do you not listen to any of their addresses, interviews, and tweets they've been sending out almost daily?
Honestly, it doesn't take a lot to bear witness to Palestinian voices and experiences. Instead of saying that somehow the unilateral violence they are and continue to experience is somehow justified?? There was a child in Gaza, when asked what he wants to be when he grows up, he said "Kids don't grow up in Gaza."
This isn't about Hamas, it's about Israel's Zionist agenda.
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wendytestabrat · 1 year
•kyle is still a terrible friend to stan like honestly kyle seems like one of those fake friends that only hang out with u when they want shit from you LOL. like i was so pissed off when he went up to stan and asked to use his charger after he had been ignoring him for days on end
•this def was a kyman episode on cartman’s end and he was projecting by trying to get stan and kyle together bc he was rlly the one who missed being around kyle even more than stan. there’s a lot of moments in past episodes where cartman makes gay jokes about stan & kyle and acts like they’re a couple bc he gets sour and jealous of them LOL. the reason why we know this is because cartman will happily try to break up stan & kyle when it’s convenient for him and he knows he’ll get kyle all to himself so why would he give two shits about keeping stan & kyle together if there wasn’t something in it for him?
• i liked how this episode showed kyle finally avoiding cartman for once & minding his business and making friends with someone who’s not him which was nice to see even though kyle’s toxic side started coming out again midway through the episode when he couldn’t stop getting butthurt about cartman saying he runs hollywood and they pretty much revealed he only wanted to be friends with token (yes i’m saying token not tolkien SUCK IT THAT WAS HIS NAME FOR OVER 20 YEARS I DON’T GIVE A FUCK THAT THEY CHANGED IT CALL ME RACIST) bc he’s black and he thought token would be understanding over how victimized kyle feels for being jewish like bitch please lol. this was another example of kyle being ignorant and racist af yet he always jumps down cartman’s throat for being racist.
•cartman’s antisemitism has still toned down A LOT like i’ve mentioned before how he’s not as antisemitic as he used to be & so he showed more awareness of that and how antisemitism is wrong like when he got mad at cupid ye for praising hitler or whatever lol. when cartman was saying jews run hollywood i don’t rlly think he was being antisemitic that was just him obsessing over kyle and jewish culture like he always does bc he has a fascination for it lol. but they showed how cartman’s antisemitic behavior is basically a manifestation of his schizophrenia getting out of control, i mean that’s at least the way i interpreted the scene with him giving cupid ye his meds. it def does add more sympathy to cartman’s character bc he is trying to be better he’s just an extremely mentally ill and neglected kid lol.
•i don’t blame cartman & stan for getting annoyed by kyle and token’s tiktoks LOL i hate tik tok like nothing on there is funny or entertaining i don’t understand why people are so obsessed with watching strangers dance on the internet like tf. like srsly have ya’ll ever picked up a book before? it makes sense that kyle would be into something as dumb as that bc he sucks and he’s a follower and has 0 personality or originality and just does whatever will get him clout & money
• gotta love matt & trey for having common sense and calling kanye out on his shit unlike all the dumbass conservatives and shit who still keep defending kanye like the man is not well just bc he’s calling out a bunch of woke shit and the establishment that does NOT mean he should be an ally lol. but that’s just matt & trey’s libertarian views as usual they never swing too far left or right when critiquing anyone which is what i love about them. i love how they make a lot of conservative points but they also have the common sense to call out people like donald trump and kanye west on their shit when conservatives go too far. i swear like i loved candace owens until she started kissing kanye’s ass and defending everything he did and then when her fans wanted her to share her thoughts on the alex jones interview she was like “stop asking me to talk about kanye!1!1!!” 😩 like BITCH stfu lol.
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catholictrauma · 7 months
This whole Palestinian ethnic cleansing is beyond dystopian, and my blood is boiling consistently every second of the day. I never go on Snapchat anymore, but i went into the Gaza strip’s public stories and it was every bit as horrific as you would expect. I recorded every second of footage; I am so nervous that the second I look away, their ability to show the outside world what is happening to them will be taken away, as it was before. Bombs are background audio to 50% of it. Bloodied baby hands, cars filled with families getting blown up, and sometimes whole blocks of a city crumbling down like it were made of sand. I am beyond angry right now and I can’t imagine how people are too chickenshit to call this what it is. Israel’s unchecked illegal occupation and the violence they inflict despite international law shows me how sick our leaders are. Any pretenses of “civil governments” and the structures implemented after WWII to SPECIFICALLY MAKE SURE GENOCIDE DOES NOT OCCUR UNCHECKED seem to give Israel some magical special pass. This is not a war when one side has a superpower of a military and the protection of the United States empire, while the other has so little that its water, food, energy, contact with the outside world, ability to move freely, and HUMAN DIGNITY are stripped on the will of their oppressors. I’m sure everyone can see and read all of this for themselves, even if I personally am college-educated in the conflicts of the Middle East. This conflict is very easy to understand, especially in terms of Israel’s “right” to mass murder. If Hamas, after breaking the Gaza blockade, had been suspected of hiding out in Israel, you know DAMN FUCKING WELL that 10,000+ civilians wouldn’t be murdered in searching for them. And don’t get me started on the “bring them home” rhetoric referring to Israeli hostages. If you want my guess at where those people are now, I am betting at least half of them were killed in this IDF-driven brutalization. One of my best friends was raised in an incredibly conservative, Zionist Jewish family. He says what many other people, especially in Anti-Zionist Jewish communities like the Jewish Voice For Peace (JVP) have laid out; when you really dig into a Zionist’s argument, it becomes clear that they do not see Palestinians as human in the same way they are. A Palestinian child, in their eyes, is not as pure as their own. Hell, some Zionists will even openly admit this with pride, and I’ve seen some truly blood-boiling remarks from that collective under videos of unthinkable pain and grief. Frankly, at this point, I do assume Zionists deem Palestinians as less human as a general rule. Palestinians telling a media outlet that their whole family has been bombed, only to be met with no recognition of this travesty as the “journalist” asks them to condemn Hamas as if they have anything to do with October the 7th, shows just how devoid the West is of their humanity. When someone is murdered, especially an innocent, I will obviously be outraged. When someone is bigoted, ESPECIALLY towards jewish and arab people right now, I will do everything in my power to combat that. I am so tired, however, of Israel-apologists claiming that anyone who sees this excessive and incredibly preventable slaughter of innocents is antisemitic. You cannot make one ethnic cleansing sound justifiable by referring to the one your ancestors suffered. As someone whose ancestors were in Nazi concentration camps (not for ethnicity reasons, though, I will clarify) on one side and a systemic, centuries long ethnic cleansing on the other, I would rather die than be on the side of history justifying the death of an entire people. I do not give a shit whether you think all Palestinians are “terrorists,” because people who survived their own mass murder campaign should fucking know better than to claim that. To call this a fight between “good and evil, order and the law of the jungle” is monstrous. Israeli officials confidently saying THAT and WORSE should ring the loudest of alarm bells! What do you need, in order to care?
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Hey, its the Israeli again.
I feel like I need to say one more thing.
First of all, when I said “conflict” I obviously didn’t mean the Israel- Palestine conflict. I understand that was poor choice of words. I meant, as stated, this specific war. I live here. Talking as if you understand this conflict better than I do is frankly incredibly rude.
You say you want the people of Palestine to receive humanitarian aid. You say they don’t get any and that everything goes to Hamas. That is exactly the problem. There is no way to get support to the people of the Strip without going through Hamas because they control Gaza.
You say you choose life, but that is not the choice presented to you. If only it was that simple.
Hamas is killing people. It is hurting Palestinians as well. It is hurting people from all walks of life. We have to fight it. We can’t just do nothing. they’ll kill us.
There is no simple solution that will just magically fix everything.
But tell me, if someone was trying to break into your home to kill you, would you meet them with empathy?
Would you welcome them in, or would you defend yourself?
And don’t tell me that’s not the same because that is literally what happened. They broke into homes, killed the people inside and set the houses they couldn’t get into on fire.
Im not evil. I don’t want anyone to get hurt. I feel for the people suffering in Gaza. I always have.
I don’t have all the answers. No one does.
I’m just a scared 20 year old girl who wants to live.
I know, or at least I want to believe you mean well. Please try not to take my words with bad faith. They were written emotionally during the worst time of my life, worse than anything i could have possibly imagined.
What is happening here is terrible. Its tragic. But it is not one-sided. It is not genocide. Saying things like that about holocaust survivors (there are holocaust survivors among the kidnapped and killed) is clearly done in bad faith.
It is the same as calling lying gaslighting. A gross, dangerous exaggeration.
Saying we should just all leave is ridiculous and cruel. Especially with the fact that antisemitism has been on the rise for years now.
There is nowhere safe for the jewish people in the world. That is why we need this country. That is why we have to fight for it.
Obviously I can’t sum up everything there is to say about this in an ask. I apologise for the length, I tried to be as concise as possible. That may be why my words were misinterpreted.
If you want to discuss this further I can do that but I can’t send an ask that isn’t anonymous because I don’t want to get doxxed.
If nothing else, I appreciate you taking the time to respond to me sincerely. Thank you for that.
Then perhaps you should have actually responded to my comments rather than accusing me of things I never said. I never said that all Israelis should just leave, I never said that Israel should do nothing in the face of attacks from Hamas, and I especially never said that the victims of Hamas attacks are the ones committing genocide.
I am aware that this is complicated. But I utterly despise people who look at something complicated and use that as an excuse for a simplistic and cruel solution. Oh it's just too complicated to try and attack Hamas without hurting innocent civilians, so the innocent civilians will just have to be collateral damage for our safety. Complex problems require complex solutions, not careless brute force. Moral complexity is not an excuse to ignore morality entirely, and it's certainly not an excuse to label evil actions like the murder of innocents as inevitable or necessary.
"It's not one-sided ergo it's not genocide". It is one-sided. The people of Gaza did nothing to deserve this and they are getting slaughtered all the same, to the tune of thousands, for being in the way. They have no defense because Hamas will not defend them. Their only hope is Israeli restraint, and there is no sign that is coming. Israel's three part plan for if it wins this war is destroying the infrastructure of Gaza, eliminating any resistance, and then establishing a "security regime". No part of that involves the well-being of Gazans or their preservation. They are in the way and will be slaughtered because it's "too complicated" to spare them. The purpose does not matter if the end result is the same.
You are scared and threatened, I know. But this war will not make you safe. You could wipe out the entire Gaza strip and Hamas would remain, in fact, they'd only be emboldened by cruelty. So why should innocents die for a cause that won't make you safer? How many people have to die before you‘d consider it too much?
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By: Tomiwa Owolade
Published: May 13, 2024
Zadie Smith seems like the poster girl for progressive ideology. She is mixed-race. She was born and raised in London. The characters in her fiction are ethnically and religiously diverse. She hates Brexit. She is deeply worried about climate change. She thinks a ceasefire in Gaza is necessary and has condemned Binyamin Netanyahu’s Israeli government. Tick, tick, tick.
Smith published an essay in The New Yorker last week in which she praised the “brave students” in Columbia University and elsewhere who demand that Israel should end its military attacks on Gaza. She argued that to “send the police in to arrest young people peacefully insisting upon a ceasefire represents a moral injury to us all. To do it with violence is a scandal. How could they do less than protest, in this moment?”
She argues that just as “there was no way to ‘win’ in Vietnam” in the 1960s, Hamas will not be “eliminated” today. That a ceasefire is not just politically wise, it is also an “ethical necessity”.
This did nothing to stop many people on Twitter/X from denouncing Smith as an apologist for Israel. This is because she also argued in her essay that words like “Zionist” should not be treated as a “monolith”. That Jewish students should not be made to feel unsafe on university campuses. And that the conflict can’t be reduced to rhetoric and buzzwords: it is too grave and complex for that.
Smith was castigated for ignorant fence-sitting, for undermining the cause of justice, for being a stooge of the establishment. We have lost Zadie, some of them moaned, as though she belonged to their tribe and has now run away. Others proclaimed that she has always been a liberal, not a progressive, as if this constitutes a definitive mark against her. But the most striking responses were from those who argued that Smith had betrayed her racial identity.
“I am not quite sure why people are shocked,” one account said about Smith’s article. “This is the price of admission into elite white literary and institutional circles.” (The person who posted this, Priyamvada Gopal, is a professor of postcolonial studies at that famously marginalised institution the University of Cambridge.)
Another individual, mentioning Smith along with the head teacher Katharine Birbalsingh and the novelist Bernardine Evaristo, affirmed “there is a very specific reason why the British establishment selects these women”. The “establishment will never select anyone who will quake the foundation”.
Smith’s liberal politics — with her novelistic taste for nuance — thus renders her unfit to be at the vanguard of progressive politics. Someone of her race, it is implied, should know better.
But no one should be a poster girl or boy for left-wing ideology, or any other kind of politics, simply on the basis of their racial identity. The prime minister is an Asian man and leader of the Conservative Party. The mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, is an Asian man who represents the Labour Party. Until very recently, the first minister of Scotland was an Asian man who led the Scottish National Party. None of these men are any more or any less Asian than the other.
The majority of ethnic minority people in Britain support the Labour Party but before Jeremy Hunt the last four chancellors of the exchequer were called Kwasi, Nadhim, Rishi and Sajid. The favourite to be the next leader of the Tory party was born Kemi Adegoke and spent most of her childhood in Nigeria.
Diversity and progressivism are not the same thing. London is one of the most diverse cities in the UK but it is also one of the most socially conservative: polling for the Christian think tank Theos found that 29 per cent of Londoners, for instance, believe that same-sex relationships are wrong in some cases; only 23 per cent in the rest of the country think the same. London is conservative because of its diversity, not in spite of it.
Rather than being progressive and secular, many ethnic minority people in the UK are more socially conservative and religious than the rest of the population. This is true elsewhere: 92 per cent of black Americans who voted in the 2020 presidential election supported Joe Biden. But this does not mean that black Democrats constitute the most left-wing base within the party. They are on the right of the Democratic Party, not the left.
The overwhelming majority of black Americans support the Democrats but Donald Trump increased his vote share among black Americans between 2016 and 2020, particularly among younger and male black voters. These trends are holding up for the election this year.
Inferring political opinions exclusively from someone’s background is an abdication of curiosity. Anyone who cares about diversity ought also to care about pluralism: the principle that people who share a cultural background can nevertheless differ in their beliefs.
We should never assume that someone is, or ought to be, progressive by virtue of their race. Some black and brown people are progressive. Others are liberal or conservative. Some are ideologically indifferent. Others shift from one position to another. But this is not because of their race. It is because of their personality, their upbringing, their interests: that irreducible quality inherent in all of us that should never be forsaken for a narrow fixation on group identity.
Eldridge Cleaver was a spokesman for the Black Panthers in the 1960s. He called for a militant revolution and described Ronald Reagan (at that time the governor of California) as a pig. By the 1980s Cleaver was a Mormon and endorsed Reagan to be president of the United States — a fascinating narrative arc worthy of exploration by a novelist as finely attuned to the ironies and complexities of life as Zadie Smith.
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One MidgeLenny x TSwift Fic Per Day
10. Look What You Made Me Do
Warnings: Mentions of Drug Use
The old Mrs. Maisel is dead.
It took a series of harsh truths to get her to this point, and now it’s time to rise from the ashes. She’s done it before, and she can do it again. And just like before, she needs help.
The first stop is Susie Myerson and Associates.
It’s hard to eat crow, and Susie is obviously reluctant to keep dealing with Midge’s bullshit, but with a little charm and a lot of groveling, Midge gets her to agree to the new plan. No more planning.
Don’t plan. Work. Just work.
The second stop is a little harder, but not impossible. She knows he’s doing a welcome home show at the Apollo, so her second stop is Harlem. She slips through the stage door and finds her way to his dressing room, knocking softly.
“I owe you a couple of apologies,” she says when he opens the door. He looks fabulous as always if a little damp from his time on stage. “I’m sorry for the things I said on this stage. I betrayed your trust. I was so petrified of going out in front of that audience, and I unintentionally threw you under the bus to save my own ass.”
Shy’s expression remains carefully neutral but not harsh as she continues, “And I am sorry for rejecting your offer of friendship. I did it because I was so hurt, and you’re a much better person than I am. I’ve had a hard time trusting people in the last couple of years, and when you offered your friendship, I didn’t trust that I wouldn’t get burned again. Even though I’m the one who hurt you first. I know that now.
“I hope it’s not too late to take you up on that offer,” she finishes, holding out the Tupperware in her hands. “I know the food here is insanely amazing. I ate it on that stage. But...I made you a brisket. It’s a lot like pot roast but made with Jewish guilt.”
His lips quirk, and she’s forgiven with a wink and a smile.
The last stop is the hardest. Lenny Bruce is a difficult man to find if he doesn’t have a gig, and he hasn’t played anywhere since Carnegie Hall.
Fortunately Dinah can find anyone.
She stands at a door inside a run down building, a far cry from the Mayflower with its gilded lobby and blue-painted room. The door to his apartment is wooden, the paint chipped and the number four askew. She lifts her hand, twisting it until it’s straight before knocking.
The cigarette between his lips almost falls to the ground when he opens the door. “Midge.”
She takes a deep breath. “Hi, Lenny.”
They stand frozen for a moment, staring at each other before he opens the door wider, stepping aside and wordlessly inviting her inside. She steps through carefully. The inside of his apartment is simple, and she’s glad to see he keeps his apartment nearly as tidy as his hotel rooms.
“How did you find me?” He asks, the door clicking shut.
She turns to face him. “I have a list of names,” she says, skipping over the how and straight to the why.
“Nice or naughty?”
“We’re Jewish,” she reminds him.
“That explains the menorah in my closet,” he drawls, dragging from his cigarette. “So you have a list,” he prompts on the exhale.
“And you’re the last name,” she answers.
“You’ll make a guy feel special with talk like that,” he says, half joking.
“You’re last because this is the most difficult conversation I’m going to have, and it’s going to end one of two ways,” she explains, taking a shaky breath. “Option one: I leave here, go home, and cry myself to sleep.”
He nods slowly. “And what’s option two?”
Another deep breath. “I spend the next two days in bed with you.”
A slow smirk meets his lips. “An infinitely more appealing option,” he drawls as he lifts the cigarette to his lips again. “What is the determining factor?”
“There are a few,” she answers, folding her hands together in front of herself in an attempt not to fidget.
“Should we be sitting for this? Or does your corset require perching?” He teases.
“I can sit,” she answers. “But in all honesty, I may need a drink.”
“That I can do,” he replies, moving past her toward the living room. He stubs out his cigarette and pours them each a glass of whiskey, handing her one before heading for the couch. He’s wearing his suit minus the jacket and tie, and his sleeves are rolled up to his elbows, making him look comfortable but still so sexy she has to stop herself from skipping past the conversation right to option two.
Instead, she sits in the armchair. Her corset is a little tight, so she sits toward the edge of the chair. She sees him bite back a smirk as he notices. She takes a long sip of her drink and says, “I’m sorry, Lenny.”
“You’re sorry,” he repeats.
“The biggest night of your career, and instead of celebrating, I put you in a position where you had to yell at me,” she explains, and he watches her, his expression painfully neutral. “You did something very nice for me, and I fucked it up. I’m so sorry.”
Lenny nods slowly. “I understand why you did it,” he replies. “It was a stupid thing for you to do, but I get why you did it.”
She tilts her head to the side, studying him for a moment. “How do you know me so well?” She breathes. “Everything you said to me on that stage was spot on.”
His smirk is soft when he murmurs, “I pay attention.”
A sad grin meets her lips at that. “I know you do...and I pay attention to you, too. Which is why I can’t not bring up the bag.”
Lenny sighs and takes a drink from his glass. “The bag,” he repeats.
“What did I see in there?”
“I think you know,” he answers. “My arrest record isn’t limited to obscenity charges.”
Midge nods. “Is all really well?”
A mirthless chuckle passes his lips. “I like to pretend it is. Stops me from thinking too hard about it.”
“I can’t...” She swallows thickly. “Lenny, I can’t do this if you’re on drugs,” she tells him. “This thing between us...I don’t want it to be casual, and I can’t have you around my family if you’re high all the time.”
“It’s not all the time,” he tells her. “Just...more often than I should be.”
She looks down at her glass. “How often?”
“Does it matter?” He asks.
Midge sighs. “I guess not,” she answers truthfully.
"I wasn’t high that night, Midge,” he says confidently. “I need you to know that. I would never have touched you if I was high.”
She looks up then, meeting his gaze, and the intensity of it...she knows he’s telling the truth. “Are you now?” She asks.
“No,” he answers immediately. “I haven’t touched the stuff since...” She waits on bated breath. “Since before that night.”
“It’s been two weeks.”
“I wanted to have a clear head for Carnegie Hall,” Lenny explains. “And when you brought it up on stage...trust me, there was nothing I wanted more than oblivion when I got back to my room, but I knew you were right. After the worst of withdrawal subsided, I started feeling more like myself, and...there are no drugs in my apartment for the first time in...” He trails off before finishing, “A long time.”
Midge exhales in relief. “That’s good, Lenny. That’s really good.”
He nods, a soft smile on his lips. “It’s mostly selfish. I feel better. I feel sharper, but...I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t partly about you.”
Her lips part in surprise. “Me?” She breathes.
“I told you, I’ll never touch you if I’m high...and I really, really want to touch you again,” he admits, his eyes dark as he looks at her.
She bites her lip softly. “I really, really want you to touch me again, too,” she breathes, feeling a familiar ache between her thighs.
Lenny’s face breaks into a smile, and he chuckles softly. “Look what you made me do,” he says, downing the rest of his drink.
She laughs. “What did I make you do?”
He looks at her for a moment as though he’s trying to decide how to answer her question. He opts for honesty when he answers, “You made me fall in love with you.”
Her breath catches. “You...”
“Yeah,” he answers. “I’m in love with you. You don’t kick dope for a girl you simply want to bed, Midge.”
She knocks back the rest of her whiskey before standing. In a role reversal, she takes his hand and pulls him to his feet. “This would be really awkward if I wasn’t in love with you, too,” she says, allowing herself to smile for real.
Relief passes over his features. “So option two, then?” He asks, twisting their fingers together.
“Thank god,” she replies as she pulls him down into a searing kiss.
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matan4il · 5 months
To the Nonnie who (we really need to find you a better nickname) asked me about the Druze and the Bedouins in Israel, you're very welcome, and likewise, I appreciate your kind words! :)
I still think Israel should strive to include our closest brethren in law as much as we can
We actually refer to Arabs as our cousins. ;) I think the Druze in particular, as well as the Israeli Arabs and the Bedouins who are not hostile to Israel, who do not support terrorism and violence against Jews, are in fact generally seen as closer than that. And I already said in my first reply to you, that I absolutely think that Israel, like all countries, should constantly strive to make life as good and inclusive for its minorities as possible. So on that point, we def agree, Nonnie. To me, it's also clear that Israel must remain the Jewish nation state, while to you it isn't (you say you're undecided what the answer is, to me there's not even a question), and I'll admit, I'm not sure why. Being a Jewish state, doesn't mean Israel is solely a Jewish state (meaning, it is NOT a state for Jews only), but we've already covered that. You want it not to be solely Jewish on a national level as well, not just that of citizen rights, or who gets to be one. You still haven't provided me with an explanation of why you think Jews are the only ones not deserving of a nation state? Historically, many bigger and more powerful unions, have disintegrated into smaller nation states, because no one group wanted to feel controlled by, or dependent on the good will of another. Why is that acceptable for the former Yugoslavia's Serbs, Bosnians and Croats, Slovenians, Macedonians and Montenegrins (as one example), but not for Jews?
And why do you think anyone will thank the Jews for throwing our right to self determination away? The Druze, for example, have been forced to do exactly this. Under the French Mandate in Syria and Lebanon, they were given self rule from 1921 to 1936. Then, as part of establishing the independent Syria, the Druze State was taken away from them, and it was forcibly integrated into Syria, while they were still allowed some autonomy. By 1944, that was canceled, too. And what has happened to them since? Syria doesn't even recognize them as a distinct ethno-religious, let alone one that deserve protection or rights. In Syria's official demographics, the Druze are registered as Muslims (in fact, the only country in the Middle East that recognizes the Druze as a distinct group, is Israel). And according to at least one Druze researcher, the Civil war in Syria has made the Druze realize that their very existence there is in danger. And this is despite the fact that the biggest Druze population in the world lives in Syria, and that since the rise of the Allawi minority to power through a military coup, at the expense of the Suni Muslim majority, minorities in Syria were treated better than in most of the Middle East (while the majority was oppressed, leading to the war).
Groups without any power, without self protection, marginalized and vulnerable, have NOT been historically treated well. I don't really know many examples to the contrary, if at all. We, as Jews, should know that better than anyone. I know that you know this, but I want to emphasize it. NO ONE will thank the Jews if we throw away our right to self rule away, and NO ONE will protect us, if we choose to make ourselves once more weak and defenceless. It's just not how human nature works.
From your last ask, it sounds like your environment is very radical, and likely anti-Zionist? And I commend you for not being as extreme, as well as for being able to carry on a respectful dialogue. I think that's maybe the biggest counter to hatred, the ability to communicate respectfully even with people we disagree with. So I don't take it lightly, that you disagree with me, but we can still have a nice conversation. But I think you can and should pose some of these questions to the people around you, who you implied are radical. Do they recognize the Zionist nature of Judaism, and the unbreakable bond of Jews to their ancestral homeland in Israel, that Judaism sanctifies? Do they recognize that before the Jewish state, and the self rule and self defence it provides us with, Jews were horribly abused in the Middle East? Do they understand how Israel continues to save Jews since its inception, both by giving them refuge in Israel, and by protecting them in the countries around the world where Jews live? Do they understand and care, that dismantling Israel as a Jewish state, takes that protection away from Jews worldwide, at a time when antisemitic narratives about us are at their strongest since WWII? And why do they think it's okay for Jews to be the only ones deprived of the right to have a nation state in their ancestral land? Hopefully, you can have a respectful dialogue with these people about these questions. But even if not, I think it's vital to ask them, because Jews have suffered too much, for too long, and there's too few of us left, to risk the safety of those of us still left on this earth, by just being optimistic, or going on a sanitized version of the past (in which nothing was ever wrong between Jews and Arabs in Israel before the advent of 19th century Zionism), and not truly confronting the real facts, history, and rights regarding Jews, and the consequences of depriving us of a nation state.
I'm glad my posts and opinions helped you reflect on and form your own. And I'm happy to share whatever knowledge I have, or why my conclusions and beliefs are what they are... I would be happy to meet for a coffee, and to kvetch together if you come to Jerusalem, and you're absolutely welcome in my inbox! Have a great day and week, and I hope you really enjoyed your Hanukkah! ^u^
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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lucacangettathisass · 9 months
SUMMARY: You grew up in the capital, kept far away from the dangers that lurked outside the walls. But after the fall of Shiganshina, you've been plagued by thoughts of titans and suffering and the blood of your fellow man.
So, you decided to do something about it.
Getting out of the city was the easy part. Proving yourself to everyone, including Shadis, is the hard part. But it looks like you've made a friend, the son of your former doctor; Eren Yeager.
He's driven, and possess a pull that's almost irresistible.
Or maybe that's just you.
FEATURING: It's My Fanfic So I Get To Decide What's Canon, my own thoughts on titans and additions to that aspect of the story (it's vague for a reason), references to Christian and Jewish thought/beliefs/philosophy (look I went to Catholic school and I've been considering converting so that shit has been Marinating), Grisha Yeager Is A Complicated Man, my pro snake agenda (THEY'RE JUST CURVY WIGGLY GUYS LEAVE THEM ALONE), awkward teens, class differences, shitty parents, loss of parents, Mothers, protective Mikasa (DON’T WORRY I'M NICE TO HER IN THIS), dorky eren (MY NUMBER ONE AGENDA), Problematic Relationships (further down the line, and it's more of a Tease than anything)
WARNINGS FOR THIS CHAPTER: Death, illness, implied murder, implied abuse
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Who can spot all the references? What do you think they mean, if anything?
TAGLIST: @blckbrdlove
You had never truly thought of your home as any kind of friend or ally. At best, it was just another set of walls, separating you from everyone else in the city of Mitras. At worst, it was a casket, the final resting place of your beloved mother. The only source of comfort it offered you was the garden, which had been walled off, along with you and the rest of the east wing, from the rest of the estate ever since your mother's death all those years ago.
After all, your father's new wife shouldn't be forced to remember that someone else had been there first. That was also why you had been shunted off, abandoned and left in the care of the few members of staff who knew of your existence. Your father had a new wife who gave him not one, but two sons. What use did he have for you now?
On the bright side, this meant that fewer eyes were on you, so you were free to execute your plan. It was simple, pack some necessities, and use your natural abilities to be silent and light on your feet to slip out before anyone could notice.
"My lady, it's time for-"
You turned around, just as you were finishing up packing your bag, locking eyes with Rafael, your father's valet, and the head of the household staff.
The two of you stared at each other, and you watched his brow furrow, his dark eyes darting from you to your bag and back again. "My lady, what are you doing?"
You looked over Rafael, wondering just how much you should tell him. But lying had never been something you enjoyed, and you figured that if nothing else, Rafael deserved honesty. After all, he was the one that fulfilled the duties of a father when your own didn't want to.
"I'm leaving." You said. "I'm going to join the military. And I'm going to kill titans."
You had never been the best at reading people's faces, but even you could tell that Rafael was filled with despair. You supposed that you would be too, had he told you the same thing.
"Y/N are you insane?!" It was the first he had ever raised his voice at you, and the second that he called you by your name. "Why would you want to do that?! You're safe here!"
"And other people aren't." You replied, genuinely surprised at the level of emotion Rafael was showing. "How is it fair that other people suffer and lose everything while I get to live in safety?"
"I don't know, but that's just how the world is." Rafael said, as if you should be satisfied with that answer. He should know you better than that.
"Well I'm still going." You closed your bag and tried to leave your room, but Rafael refused to move, standing in front of the door, rooted to the ground.
"My lady, I'm not going to let you throw your life away!" Rafael grabbed your shoulders, gripping them tight. "I promised your mother I would watch over you and I intend to do so."
That gave you pause. You often wondered how Rafael felt about your mother. When she fell ill, the ones who were by her side the most were you and him. Whenever Dr Yeager came to see her, Rafael was the one who would take note of what he said and go off to get the medicine he had prescribed. The day she passed was the first time you had seen him cry.
Judging by his face now, today may bring the second.
"I'm sure she would understand." You said.
"You're safer here." Rafael insisted, sounding desperate.
"Am I?"
Your question was left hanging, the tension growing.
Rafael's left eye twitched, and his jaw clenched. He only ever did those things when he's trying to hide something. "What do you mean?"
"My mother was perfectly healthy." You said. "She got plenty of sunshine in the garden, almost everything she ate, she grew herself. She rode horses, she danced, she did everything. And then, one day, she's bedridden. Can barely move. How does that happen?"
The silence is heavy, and it seems to be doing Rafael no favours.
"Then, within a month of her dying, my father finds a new wife." You kept your gaze on Rafael, taking note of how he refuses to lift his gaze from the ground. "My father had the greatest access to my mother. They spent plenty of time together, just the two of them. Who knows what happened during those times."
"My lady, you shouldn't think such things." Rafael was trying to scold you, but his conviction was weak. "It isn't good."
"In what way?" You asked, genuinely wondering what he could mean. "Ever since his new wife arrived, I've been quarantined to this wing of the estate. How long until my father decides that doing so is too much work?"
You swallowed. It was something you had thought about a lot lately, but saying it out loud felt different. Like it was real.
The silence returned, and it looked like Rafael was desperate to break it, but he couldn't bring himself to speak.
"When I die, I want it to be on my own terms." You said finally. "If it's in the mouth of a titan, then so be it. Better that than at the whims of someone else."
There. You had said your piece. Now you just need to wait and see how Rafael will react.
"The way you're talking…" His voice was soft, but since it was just the two of you, it was easy to hear him. "It sounds like you want to join the survey corps…"
"That's right." You nodded. "They get to leave the walls. They see the titans before the rest of us. If I was with them, if they had more people, maybe what happened at Wall Maria and Shiganshina wouldn't happen again."
Rafael furrowed his brow, looking confused. "Shiganshina?"
"It was where Dr Yeager lived, remember?"
Realization dawned on Rafael. "I…I had forgotten." He sounded mournful, and almost guilty. "You were always fond of him."
It was true. Dr Yeager has always been kind to you. Even before your mother fell ill, he saw you frequently, and had tried to unravel the mystery that was your mind and how it functioned. Just about everyone else around you insisted that something had to be wrong with you, that the way you saw things, the way you acted, the way you thought, simply wasn't normal. That you were as strange and uncanny and abnormal as the titans. The only ones that didn't see you like that were, of course, your mother, and, to your surprise at the time, Dr Yeager. He had told you himself that there was nothing wrong with you, that while, yes, the way your brain worked was different from most people, it wasn't a bad thing. Adjustments may need to be made and techniques will need to be learned on your part to be able to cope in a world stacked against you, but that wasn't your fault. You weren't broken.
Your pillow had almost gotten soaked from the tears of joy you had wept into it that night.
After hearing about the fall of Maria, and the destruction of Shiganshina, you had held out hope that he and his family had survived somehow, had made it into Wall Rose as refugees. Perhaps even the interior, considering all the work he had done there. But when no word came, you gave up.
It felt like you had lost a family member.
That man had saved you and tried to save your mother. The least you could do was kill the things that killed him and his family and destroyed his home, or die trying.
"No one could've predicted what happened at Wall Maria." Rafael said gently. "The Armoured and Colossal Titans…we've never seen anything like them. No number of scouts could've stopped them."
"But they could've sent word. Warned others, giving people time to evacuate." Maybe if they had, the Yeager family would've lived.
"I'm not going to change your mind, am I?" Rafael said it like a question, but both of you knew it was a statement of fact. He sighed heavily, and there was a look in his eyes that you couldn't recognize. That surprised you.
Slowly, he stepped aside, leaving the door free for you to reach. "I'll tell your father you ran away, but I won't tell him where." Rafael promised. "I just have one request."
"Anything." After everything he's done for you, he's more than earned whatever request he's about to make.
"In the military, use your mother's maiden name." Rafael looked and sounded serious, more serious than you had ever seen him, which was saying something. In fact, he sounded borderline desperate. "Please."
You waited for him to elaborate, but he didn't. Usually this would make you reluctant to do what's asked of you, but since it's Rafael and you already promised, you nodded. "OK."
You picked up your bag, slinging it onto your back. "I'll find my way."
"I know you will, my lady." He opened the door for you, and when you walked past, he bowed, like it was any other day. "I've been truly blessed to watch you grow." He said, his voice cracking a little.
That gave you pause. Until that very moment, it never occurred to you just how much your departure would affect Rafael, or anyone else who still remained in your life. Would they all weep too?
"Thank you Rafael." And you put your hand on his shoulder. You couldn't think of anything else to do.
Even with a full backpack you moved through the halls and down the stairs like a ghost, like the wind through trees. Ever since you were a small child, you had a talent for remaining silent and unseen. Your every movement went unnoticed, like a snake in the tall grass.
You would make a game of it whenever you were bored, seeing how many times you could sneak up on others and scare them. You stopped counting after two hundred. It had stopped being fun by then.
But now it wasn't about fun, it was about necessity. While Rafael visited your wing of the estate the most, there were still a select few who were permitted entry into it, and if any of them caught you, it could complicate matters.
You kept an ear out for them, while keeping yourself to the shadows and corners, obscuring yourself as much as possible, before you made it to your destination.
The door to the garden.
Initially, when your father had walled it off, you thought it was part of his grieving process. You knew better now. On the plus side, you still had access to it, were one of the few to have access to it in fact. It had helped keep you sane during those lonelier days.
You had done your best to tend to it, to keep it as lush and thriving as it had been before. But while it had been your mother's passion project, she still had plenty of help. You had no such luxury, having only Rafael and two other maids to assist you, none of which shared your or your mother's penchant and passion for gardening, so some of it had naturally fallen into disrepair, despite your best efforts.
But the one thing that had retained the glory it enjoyed under your mother's care was the apple tree.
It stood tall and proud, creating enough shade for almost a third of the garden. The apples that came from it were true beauties, as green as the leaves, round as the sun, and juicier than anything you have ever experienced. When your mother died, your father had her buried beneath it, and you imagined that by now its roots had fully wrapped around her, in a never ending embrace. You had a lot of good memories of that tree, and that was probably why you stopped in front of it.
You gazed up into its canopy, wondering just how many leaves it boasted now, how many creatures called it home. You looked down at the large roots that peeked through the grass. You wondered which ones held your mother as you knelt before it, putting a hand on the biggest, most gnarled of the roots. It felt warm. Probably from the sun and heat, but you liked to imagine it was the flowing of your mother's blood and the force of her love.
"Dr Yeager did his best for you." You said softly, looking down at the hard, patterned wood. "Now I'll do my best for him."
You turned to your left and, to your surprise, saw an apple. You were sure you had gathered them all with Rafael the other day. But it seems this one had been hiding, waiting to ripen and reveal itself.
You picked it up, inspecting it. There were no signs of bruising, or that an insect had made it it's home. Carefully, you took a bite.
It was delicious.
You could feel the juice running down your chin, and you wiped it away.
You weren't usually one for signs, but this seemed like a good one.
Apple in hand, you left the garden.
Unfortunately the military recruiters had left by the time you got there, but you weren't about to let that stop you.
Using a gold embossed doorknob that you had taken from the estate, you were able to bribe a merchant leaving for Wall Rose to let you tag along. You had considered bribing the military police to get you out, but you were concerned that it would get back to the circles your father traveled in, so you avoided them. Plus, it would probably look bad for your future military career.
From that merchant you bribed another to get further out, and yet another to find out who supplies the training camp for the military, and then bribed them to take you out there.
By the time you finally got to the training grounds it was late evening, dinner time you suspected, and you had used up everything you had taken with you to use as bribery. Your apple was long gone too, but it had nourished you well enough, considering you left during lunch time.
It wasn't until the suppliers left that you realized that you didn't have a plan for this part. You had been running purely on adrenaline and passion and impulse, incredibly out of character for you.
But you had already made up your mind. You're going to join the scouts, no matter what.
You spotted the biggest building, saw that the lights were on and heard noise coming from it and figured that was as good a place as any to start. You approached it, electing to ignore the girl who seemed to be doing laps (judging by how exhausted she looked you doubted it was her choice to do so).
Without taking a second to think, you opened the door, being sure to make enough noise to be noticed, and were promptly met with silence.
You surveyed the hall, taking in the surprised expressions, when your eyes fell on one boy in particular. He appeared to be your age, and in many ways was unremarkable. He was lanky and awkwardly proportioned, most likely due to not reaching puberty just yet, with short dark brown hair. The only thing of note about him really were his eyes, which were a dark shade of green. It reminded you of the leaves of the rose bushes in the garden.
But when you looked into them…you couldn't explain it. You felt something inside you unfurl. It felt primal, a near magnetic draw to the boy that you knew for a fact you had never seen before in your life. And yet your blood felt fiery hot under your skin, your heart racing like a thoroughbred.
'Who is he?'
"By the Walls, who is this?"
You were pulled from your unexplainable trance by a voice behind you, and you turned to find a tall, older, bald man, who didn't look impressed. He glared down at you, his eyes as cold as your blood was hot.
"Well?" He snapped. "Who are you and what are you doing here?"
You blinked, finally gathering yourself together and pulled out of your daze. "I take it you're in charge." You said. "I'm a recruit, sir."
He tsked. "A recruit? Why are you late then?"
"I missed the recruiter convoy." You said. "On account of being kept inside. I had to sneak out."
"Sneak out?" The man sounded incredulous, disbelieving. "Where are you from?"
"Mitras, sir."
That caused a stir. A wave of whispers came upon the crowd, too low for you to hear anything but you could guess the gist. You didn't imagine many born in the capital would willingly join the military.
That truly seemed to have caught the man off guard. "And how did you get here, exactly, if you missed the recruiters?"
"I bribed people to get past the walls."
More whispers. It seemed you were to be the main topic of conversation and gossip, at least for a while.
The man snorted, and he seemed almost angry, like he suspected you of tricking him. "You mean to tell me you smuggled yourself out of the capital, and made your own way here, just to join the military?"
"Yes sir. I'm not sure how else I'm supposed to explain it."
The whispers ceased, plunging you all into dead silence.
The man stared down at you, while you looked past him, at a spot on the wall next to his temple. A trick you learned to make it seem like you're holding eye contact.
"Why the military?" He asked finally. "Why leave your cozy little life for this?"
You furrowed your brow. Why did people keep asking questions with obvious answers?
"Because I want to join the survey corps and kill titans." You said simply. "I want to help prevent a disaster like what happened at Wall Maria and Shiganshina. I want to protect my fellow man, and I can't do that in Mitras."
The silence stayed, and the man kept trying to stare you down, but you kept your gaze on the wall. You remained calm. You had faced worse than him.
"Your name, recruit." He said, voice low. "What is it."
'Use your mother's maiden name. Please.'
"Y/N." You said. "Y/N Chava."
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anthonybialy · 5 months
Standing Up to Lying
Confidence is key, especially if you have nothing about which to be confident.  Blatant lying is a trendy substitute for foresight.  There’s no need to think things out or be decent for those who’ve settled on pretending to be swell all along.  Nothing’s more important to maintain than the power of imagination.  The childlike quality is popular amongst technical adults who are somehow becoming even more flagrant about denying the course of events.  Don’t dare them to get more shameless, as the challenge will be accepted.
Casting Israel as the bad guy is a twist so lame that M. Night Shyamalan would pass on it.  Hamas Fan Club members claim the serial killer’s victim filled shallow graves more than passively.  The most shameful distortion of reality yet can’t be blamed on fog.  A war illustrates dedication.  Atrocity leads to absurdity.
Fables about Israel’s villainous colonial extermination don’t merely reflect anti-Semitism, although contempt for God’s chosen people is chosen by godlessly contemptible people.  Humanity’s embodiments of wise tolerance think they’re truly modern sophisticates by hating everything Jewish as they explain when men and women are not the respective genders they appear.
Who took hostages?  Determining the answer might help determine culpability, which is why leftists won’t do so.  Accountability is uncool unless you’re blaming the assaulted party.  Innocents exchanged for war criminals serves as yet one more clue in a conflict where the good and bad guys couldn’t be clearer.  Meanwhile, the narrative couldn’t be more twisted.
Terror merchants who butchered every Jew in their path might just be responsible.  Anyone who doesn’t like bombings should scold human demons too cartoonish for Marvel movies.  That means Hamas and not those striving to eliminate their traveling slaughterhouse, for the record.
The whole bit where they took bloodshed on the road in a tolerant nation is about as obvious as evidence gets.  Then again, Israel is smeared as a genocide perpetrator who murders the innocent indiscriminately because they’re pursuing those who actually did that, so every following bit of self-parodic nonsense seems anticlimactic by comparison.
Figuring out who started this is the sort of thing your mom knew was helpful when your sibling slugged you first.  Retaining simple lessons from kindergarten may bring profound wisdom.  The sequence of events is kind of an important point that’s coincidentally disregarded the same people who never notice cause and effect.  Avoid getting nuked by not bombing a harbor.
Lying on behalf of Hamas only sounds like satire.  Seeing anyone who fails at life as oppressed is a sick craving.  If it makes terror enthusiasts feel better, they should know the cause of taking Israel’s land to create a Third World abomination of a terror state that’s destined to fail would be yet one more monumental error.
If you want sympathy from wokesters, attack.  Their Holy Land terror take reflects how they see crime, namely as an expression of indignation.  Casting the wrong people as victims is reflected by thinking felons have been prompted into misbehaving by our cruel society.  Never mind that the excusers ruined the economy themselves by punishing success: missing stuff and gaping wounds are consequences of what goon backers consider justified outbursts.
Economists agree present conditions equal a flaming toxic dumpster train wreck.  Consult the most qualified experts, namely those suffering from it.  Tell broke people they can buy what they wish for a further insult.
Crediting Commander Joe Biden for partial repairs of their wholesale destruction is rich in a way people aren’t.  Whether it applies to making money itself worthless, excusing away crime, or making a case for marauders stampeding through the Middle East’s only republic, self-proclaimed progressives always side with destructors.  All those unpaid college degrees didn’t teach useful skills.
Democrats pretending their presumptions happened has been a popular hobby this decade.  Does the world seem happy?  Loving leaders legislate against hate, which results in everyone despising each other.  Inflicting outcomes that run precisely counter to intentions is their brand.
Statism’s victims are only now starting to recover from the most intense round of treatment.  Please stop trying to cure us.  The prognosis is clear enough that you’d have to willfully ignore how much sicker quacks have made society.
Panic situations prompt liberals to swipe in and shriek until everyone around them has headaches.  Benevolent autocrats who entrusted themselves with sweeping crisis powers were as wrong about stopping the virus by jabbing each other with needles and yardsticks while breathing through Mort masks as they were about America being a racist monstrosity.  Noticing they exacerbated spurs them to lecture you more.
Doing all they can to shut down rights and the economy is how they respond to everything.  It wouldn’t be so bad if their daft frenzies were self-contained.  But they harass everyone else as policy.
Needing to fib to make their ideology work doesn’t really work.  Sensible humans would adjust their mentality upon realizing every bit of evidence stands against it.  Of course, anyone equipped with the slightest modicum of sense wouldn’t have fallen for fiend-enabling nonsense in the first place, so those suckered are vulnerable to suggestion.
Blaring irony is one of countless symptoms.  Make sure you’ve gotten your anti-leftist booster.  The allegedly open-minded remain stubbornly dedicated to their terror-apologizing and commerce-wrecking ways.  The world must be doing it wrong, as there’s no way supporters of war against Israel and success could be making life worse.  Earth has some nerve forcing saints who are attempting to fix it to deceive a bit about their blessed efforts. 
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archaeocommunologist · 3 months
imagine posting on the leftist antisemitism tag only to show you're a leftist antisemite. imagine.
The reason principaliteas was getting hate is because they supported peace instead of yelling about killing all the evil baby-murdering Israeli civilians. Not very pro-Palestine of them, since in order for Palestine to be free half of the world's Jews simply must be gotten rid of.
Also you were being absolutely moronic in the comments. "Anyone can know things regardless of their background." imagine telling that to any other minority. Imagine telling a black person calling out racism that, imagine telling a trans person calling out transphobia that. You don't know bigotry better than the victims dumbass.
Whoever you are, and I suspect you're a fan given that this sounds very similar to another ask I received, you should know by this point that I'm not susceptible to this line of argumentation. Anyone can know anything regardless of their background. This is a true statement, and also a good thing.
Compare to your assertion, that only the "victims" of a social system can credibly understand it. This is 1.) very obviously not true, 2.) trivially easy to disprove, and 3.) actively detrimental to good activism. Now, you don't care about any of these things, because the actual purpose of this argument is to use as a cudgel, but I will nevertheless grace you with an explanation.
1.) It just isn't true that the only people who can understand a social system are its victims. This isn't true for antisemitism, it's not true for racism, and it's not true for transphobia, homophobia, and misogyny. This assertion is a corrupted form of the actual insight, which is that it's important to consider the perspectives of people who have direct experience with bigotry. It is important to listen to Jewish perspectives on antisemitism, rather than getting all your information from gentiles. But it doesn't mean that only Jews can understand antisemitism as a social and historical force, and it absolutely does not mean that gentiles need to blindly defer to any particular Jew on the topic.
Also: isn't it funny how you don't apply this exact logic to Palestinians? I mean, logically, as the victims of Zionism, you should be asserting that only Palestinians can understand it, right? If not, why not?
2.) Here, I'll disprove your assertion right now. So as a goy, I need to defer to Jews when it comes to antisemitism and anti-Zionism, right? OK, I pick Meir Kahane. Heck, I pick Netanyahu! After all, they also say that I, as a goy, ought to defer to them when it comes to the meaning of Zionism and antisemitism. Oops, guess I'm a Kahanist now. Am Yisrael Chai!
Obviously, gentiles need to be able to apply critical thinking to Jewish perspectives on antisemitism. We need to develop the capacity for discernment, in order to confront and dismiss the demand from people like Kahane to blindly defer to them based on their identity. You yourself fucking believe this, you just pretend not to when you want to beat somebody about the head.
3.) Maybe I'm biased because of my background in HIV activism and as an HIV+ person, but when I do activism, my goal is to provide people with the tools and understanding to come to the correct political stance on HIV, regardless of their identity. I want HIV-negative people to be able to speak confidently on the history of the AIDS Crisis and on the importance of U=U. Insisting that only HIV+ people have the right to speak is actively detrimental to my political goals. Yes, I think it's important that HIV+ people be able to speak for ourselves too. But that doesn't mean I want to silence HIV-negative people who are working to understand and support us.
You, however, want something different. You are interested in silencing, which is why you insist that only certain people can credibly speak on certain topics. This is also why you insist that I am an antisemite, despite the fact that my views on Zionism are developed in large part by listening to Jewish anti-Zionists. Oh, but of course, they don't count, because they're the wrong kind of Jews. Hypocrite.
Anyway, feel free to come off anon if you tire of this ludicrous game of telephone, and decide to quit being a spinless little coward. Otherwise, get thee gone, and darken my doorway no more.
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soryualeksi · 4 months
I'm just too disgusted with Germany and Germans. Where I look, if you speak out against directly and enthusiastically chasing human beings from shelter to shelter with tanks and drones, where children lose limbs and can't even get the simplest of pain relief, when you speak out. The "very good, very anti-racist, very pro-democracy and freedom" Germans tell you that Palestinians are "all terrorists", that everyone in Gaza deserves this, that everyone should "GO BACK TO *YOUR* COUNTRY" (and of course all these Your Countries are all "backwards" and "uncivilized" and "barbaric", man, I LOVE you, German "anti-racists", you're gold).
Disgust. Disappointment.
Y'all are "against AfD" because it's not very cash money amirite xDD to vote the open fascists into power, but you don't consider Muslims or really ANYONE who isn't white Western European even a full human.
And in 10 years time you'll hold a fucking memorial to feel sorry about yourself and sob, "We just didn't know!"
You DO know and you're tormenting all of us with your "but it's FINE actually, they DESERVE it actually, they're not WORTHY to be saved by our divine enlightened civilized grace" this very instance.
Jewish people in Germany aren't safe FROM (FELLOW!!) GERMANS here, WHICH IS DISGUSTING, white-as-snow-and-very-much-NOT-Muslim neonazis are marching in the streets, wear their fucking insignia in the open, organize without anyone REALLY giving a fuck until it gets fashionable - but you want to scapegoat an ENTIRE CIVILIAN POPULATION for that shame on your heart (instead of confronting that no, your family was certainly NOT "in the resistance and really sooooooo against Hitler"). Do you think that when 2 million Palestinians are dead, you will finally feel better? Do you think that crying "but Hamas is SO MUCH WORSE than my own nazi great-grandparents" enough time will make the Holocaust go away, be forgotten, be washed out?
Or do you just enjoy "those savage brown people" cradling their dead kids, in pieces, and you were waiting out SO LONG to finally find an excuse to share these sick feelings inside of you with the world?
I hope that dead, black heart inside of you rots out of your chest.
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