catholictrauma · 2 months
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Transphobes can die mad 🤷🏻
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catholictrauma · 2 months
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catholictrauma · 4 months
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catholictrauma · 4 months
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catholictrauma · 6 months
This whole Palestinian ethnic cleansing is beyond dystopian, and my blood is boiling consistently every second of the day. I never go on Snapchat anymore, but i went into the Gaza strip’s public stories and it was every bit as horrific as you would expect. I recorded every second of footage; I am so nervous that the second I look away, their ability to show the outside world what is happening to them will be taken away, as it was before. Bombs are background audio to 50% of it. Bloodied baby hands, cars filled with families getting blown up, and sometimes whole blocks of a city crumbling down like it were made of sand. I am beyond angry right now and I can’t imagine how people are too chickenshit to call this what it is. Israel’s unchecked illegal occupation and the violence they inflict despite international law shows me how sick our leaders are. Any pretenses of “civil governments” and the structures implemented after WWII to SPECIFICALLY MAKE SURE GENOCIDE DOES NOT OCCUR UNCHECKED seem to give Israel some magical special pass. This is not a war when one side has a superpower of a military and the protection of the United States empire, while the other has so little that its water, food, energy, contact with the outside world, ability to move freely, and HUMAN DIGNITY are stripped on the will of their oppressors. I’m sure everyone can see and read all of this for themselves, even if I personally am college-educated in the conflicts of the Middle East. This conflict is very easy to understand, especially in terms of Israel’s “right” to mass murder. If Hamas, after breaking the Gaza blockade, had been suspected of hiding out in Israel, you know DAMN FUCKING WELL that 10,000+ civilians wouldn’t be murdered in searching for them. And don’t get me started on the “bring them home” rhetoric referring to Israeli hostages. If you want my guess at where those people are now, I am betting at least half of them were killed in this IDF-driven brutalization. One of my best friends was raised in an incredibly conservative, Zionist Jewish family. He says what many other people, especially in Anti-Zionist Jewish communities like the Jewish Voice For Peace (JVP) have laid out; when you really dig into a Zionist’s argument, it becomes clear that they do not see Palestinians as human in the same way they are. A Palestinian child, in their eyes, is not as pure as their own. Hell, some Zionists will even openly admit this with pride, and I’ve seen some truly blood-boiling remarks from that collective under videos of unthinkable pain and grief. Frankly, at this point, I do assume Zionists deem Palestinians as less human as a general rule. Palestinians telling a media outlet that their whole family has been bombed, only to be met with no recognition of this travesty as the “journalist” asks them to condemn Hamas as if they have anything to do with October the 7th, shows just how devoid the West is of their humanity. When someone is murdered, especially an innocent, I will obviously be outraged. When someone is bigoted, ESPECIALLY towards jewish and arab people right now, I will do everything in my power to combat that. I am so tired, however, of Israel-apologists claiming that anyone who sees this excessive and incredibly preventable slaughter of innocents is antisemitic. You cannot make one ethnic cleansing sound justifiable by referring to the one your ancestors suffered. As someone whose ancestors were in Nazi concentration camps (not for ethnicity reasons, though, I will clarify) on one side and a systemic, centuries long ethnic cleansing on the other, I would rather die than be on the side of history justifying the death of an entire people. I do not give a shit whether you think all Palestinians are “terrorists,” because people who survived their own mass murder campaign should fucking know better than to claim that. To call this a fight between “good and evil, order and the law of the jungle” is monstrous. Israeli officials confidently saying THAT and WORSE should ring the loudest of alarm bells! What do you need, in order to care?
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catholictrauma · 9 months
i didn’t know how good we had it i didn’t know the way i was testing fate
it’s been several years at this point and every time i think of crowley and aziraphale i lose my mind all over again i mean jesus christ
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the way crowley looks at aziraphale when his worries about being without his closest companion are quieted!!!!!!!
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the appreciative glow coming off of aziraphale when crowley surprises him again and again and he realizes what true tenderness looks like!!!!!!!
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the undivided and unwavering attention they give each other in their every interaction, as if they could put everything aside for more of this!!!!!
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it just kills me inside!!!!!!!
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catholictrauma · 10 months
i know i need to schedule my next therapy appointment when this motherfucker starts taking up space in my brain again
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he is such a perfect character. unrelated but i want to scream and throw things
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catholictrauma · 11 months
i do wonder what it’s like to be named reagan. like i think “my parents are repressed and jealous conservatives” looks stamped on MY name tag sometimes but. for a reagan it literally is. man i’ve never met any of you reagans in real life but if you are a non-bootlicker and you’re stuck with that name i am wishing you the best. stay strong through what i can only imagine are hangouts riddled with “trickle down” quips. god forbid you do a drug. god forbid you’re queer. the jokes must write themselves.
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catholictrauma · 11 months
"Humans out-competed other hominids because of tendencies toward violence and domination." Ummmm
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(X, X)
Early Man be fishin' (and being eaten)
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(X, X)
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Wisdom of the Ancestors like: if you have a rival, have you considered kissing them?
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catholictrauma · 11 months
Did you eat? (I love you) I bought the bread you like (I love you) I noticed you were upset so I brought you tea (I love you) I made this for you (I love you) I know you have a lot of work and can't talk now so I will leave this thing you like around (I love you) I did your chores (I love you) I will sit by in case you need anything (I love you. I love you. I love you)
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catholictrauma · 1 year
Ways to my heart:
crop top
cro.p top
grejfhsxacrob tob
top of the crop
pot porc
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catholictrauma · 1 year
You are not superior to the person who is nonverbal. You are not superior to the person who needs a carer. You are not superior to the person who wears diapers. You are not superior to the person who can't manage a job or an education. You are not superior to the person who is intellectually and/or cognitively disabled. You are not superior to the people in psych wards and group homes. You are not superior to the person in the wheelchair. You are not superior to the person on disability benefits. You are not inherently superior to any of these people just by virtue of being more capable in comparison. Leave your ableism at the door or don't enter
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catholictrauma · 1 year
I wish kinky sex ed wasn't so stigmatized even among left-leaning "sex positive" circles. Everyone's all "uwu I'm a sub I'll do anything you ask" okay mommy wants you to read The New Bottoming Book so you learn how to sub without hurting yourself since your sex ed up to this point is porn and your ex boyfriend Jared who liked to choke you incorrectly
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catholictrauma · 1 year
It feels taboo as a childfree person to admit this but I actually do have concerns about who is going to take care of me when I'm old. The elder care system in our nation relies A LOT on the unpaid care labor of adult children. I just don't think that's a good reason to have kids.
"But you'll have more money!" does not completely put this to rest for me. Neither does "Buy care insurance!" Even if I can afford direct personal care, who is going to advocate for me to get it? Who is going to navigate bureaucracy for me when I'm 80?
"If you do have kids, there's no GUARANTEE that they'll take care of you when your old!" That's true, but doesn't solve my problem.
I think childfree people get very defensive about this question because its used as a kind of "gotcha!" against us, but I actually do not feel we can afford to be in denial about this reality. Based on current trends of more people in their 30s stating they intend to be permanently childfree, we are going to see a huge wave of childfree adults hitting the eldercare system at once in a few decades. Childfree people in their 30s should be advocating around eldercare NOW.
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catholictrauma · 1 year
fiona has wings
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catholictrauma · 1 year
this is the place to post about your knowledge and i’m thinking about my little royal sunangel (from the coquette hummingbird family) google deep-dive and i wanted to show you guys these rare little bastards!
this is a male (left) and female (right) sunangel, they’re sexually dichromatic (different colors indicate different sexes) and so, so teensy! they’re roughly 4.3-4.7 inches/10-12 cm long from their beak to their tail!
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they’re as little in number as they are little in size, too. they are exclusively found in the bordering andes area ecuador and peru share, where there are subtropical elven forests (because everything about them deserves a pretty name). there are only 8 known sunangel habitats within this area. when documentation started, around the start of the 2010s, there were 12. the estimated population of this endangered bird is anywhere from 3-7 thousand. the royal sunangel population has been steadily — and scarily — declining since their discovery in 2009, and this is largely attributed to the deforestation due to frequent forest fires and the conversion of their habitats into agricultural fields.
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it feels like the royal sunangel JUST got discovered, and the scientific community has only JUST started noting down how unique they are among their hummingbird family and birds at large, and now their delicate little frames and stubborn commitment to their habitat range might lead them to death’s door before i reach middle age and have the credentials or cause to observe them myself. ornithologists love these little guys because they feed in these little circuits so no two (super territorial) males may meet, and when they feed, they either stalk and eventually eat insects or take nectar from shrubs and flowers using the punctured feeding holes of some other animals’ labor. also, you know how hummingbirds famously hover while they feed? these hummingbirds are the only ones who don’t. they perch and relax (as is only sensible)!
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If you find them as charming as I do, or if you have a heart, you’re probably asking yourself how we go about conserving these birds in the first place.
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well, on the agricultural front (which is more heavily an ecuadorian obstacle for these habitats), the situation feels more complicated. ecuador’s market relies on agricultural exports and i don’t see how tumblr users could make the government prioritize sustainability over profits. There are already conservation groups trying to fight that good fight and buy properties on these fragile biodiverse lands before agricultural companies can (you can punch in neoprimate.org for a good one, my link function isn’t working on here) and if you can donate a little to these initiatives you’d be contributing to the protection of tons of endangered species in the local areas.
another way to prevent habitat loss is by funding efforts to prevent the forest fires that frequently wipe out habitats around this area, especially those in peru (the area with the majority of sunangel habitats). there are legal and activist groups putting energy towards that that’s linked above, but another subtle improvement is to provide local farmers and residents with fire weather forecast devices. this way, everyone will be on the same page, and know that if it’s an arid/risky day to light a fire, they should act conscientiously. these devices are being circulated and groups are educating about and encouraging them to the local communities and could use some help in these links. below, i have a screenshot from an organization that doesn’t have a clear donation link for me, but i heavily encourage supporting, because ultimately i think local, sustainable, community-based and indigenous-prioritizing efforts are the way to go.
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thanks so much for listening to my little spiel about these cuties, and i hope this information brightens your day and motivates you to care about the beautiful things we can protect. 💙💜
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catholictrauma · 1 year
i think this mp4 has been missing from the sitecosystem too long
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