#jensen ackles unhinged
Jensen you beautiful sonofabitch
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cam-ulu29 · 1 year
A gooey mess of Akrida lies sprawled across the Men of Letters table, limbs half torn off, flat mouth hanging open. Pink saliva drips off its teeth, steadily burning a hole in the floor.
“Dean…” Sam whispers. “Dean…what are you doing?”
John, younger than he’s ever seen him, looks shocked and green, the machete quivering in his hand. Mary isn’t doing much better.
A weird light shimmers in Dean’s glassy green eyes, matching the glare of the long knife in his hand. “I’m writing my own story, Sammy. Writing my own fucking story, like we swore we were gonna do, without Chuck, or Jack, or Cas, or anybody else telling us what to do.”
Sam takes a step back, shaking his head. “This isn’t your story. This isn’t yours to mess with, Dean. All this—”
“It’s mine to fix!” Dean shouts. “Everything that happened, happened because heaven wanted us! The demon deals, and the stupid ‘leaving hunting’ crap. I’m giving the story back to them, letting them write their own ending!”
Sam’s jaw is set, his eyes cold. “If you really had given them free will, they would never have even met. All you’re doing is taking over Heaven’s role in their lives.”
“I’m not. I’m not! They’re happier, Sam! You never saw them before, how they fought all the time. They couldn’t even stand to be in the same room most of the time. He didn’t love her, not until after she died. I couldn’t—Mom doesn’t deserve that kind of life, and she doesn’t deserve to die—he doesn’t—”
“A different story is not the same as free will. It’s just a different story.”
“Don’t we deserve better too, Sammy? Look at us—we beat fucking God and we still can’t catch a break. We’re still hunting, because we don’t know anything else. You deserve better. A wife, a real house. A cute puppy at least. We deserve better than to watch everyone we love die bloody!”
“Dean, I know you’re upset about Donna. But that was her choice, man, and you gotta respect that.”
“Fuck Donna and her choices! I deserve to happy! We should have never been hunters, or Jody, or Donna, or Claire. Heaven fucked up their lives when they fucked with our parents’ lives. I’m just fixing what Chuck did when he forced them into his story!”
“No, Dean, all you’re doing is forcing them to carry out your own story! Your own idea of what their lives should be! The price of our happiness is making our parents carry all the burdens that we already have? Dean, it’s not going to change what happened to us. We’re always going to have those scars. But I’m okay with who I am because of them.” Sam covers his face with one hand, close to tears. “Please, let’s just go home. Please, Dean. Time can’t be twisted like this. As soon as we leave, it’ll start melting back to its original form.” Sam gestures to John and Mary, watching the conversation with wide eyes. “They won’t remember any of this. We can just…go.”
There it is again, that strange glimmer in his eyes. “That was under Chuck’s rules, Sammy. Anything goes now.”
Dean opens his right hand and holds it out. “We don’t bow to anything, Sam. Not even time.”
Sam’s eyes are glued to the gold circle nestled in his palm. “That watch. That fucking watch. Dean, Chuck made that just to mess with me. You have no idea what it might do. What it could be doing to you!”
“I’m fixing things. I’m making it better.”
“By summoning these Akrida? Letting them run rampant, kill who knows how many? Dean, that’s against everything we’ve ever fought for!”
Dean shakes his head. “The Akrida are just…well, it’s not like that. I’m trying to help our parents get the ending they deserve.”
“You are not God!” Sam screams. “There is no God! There is no story!”
“That’s where you’re wrong, Sammy.” A golden glow spreads up through Dean’s arm into his eyes. “Goodbye, Sam. I’ve got a story to tell—the greatest love story ever told.”
Dean looks him straight in his eyes and vows, “I’m doing this for you.”
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wisefoxluminary · 2 days
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strawlessandbraless · 3 months
In the same way that Jensen is the biggest Deangirl, Misha is the biggest Mishafucker
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Jensen and Danneel said they were working on something with Misha.
Misha said he’s working on a book.
Jensen said their production company just optioned on a book.
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no but like we do all understand the implications of “which is funny cause so do i” right?!
cuz like… misha just jokingly alluded to the fact that he knows first hand how danneel knows how to ‘spice things up’
and THAT comment made jensen decide that it was perfectly fine to tell everyone that his wife calls misha her bf…
now the next part is what i love
it doesnt matter if “cause so do i” meant he refers to misha as HIS bf or that he refers to misha as danneels bf too…
cuz heres the thing
it’s like he’s telling the audience ‘it’s okay that they’re having sex cause they’re bf/gf’ and if he meant he calls misha HIS bf too hes basically adding ‘and same here fyi we’re bf/bf so conclude from that what you will’
and that’s truly insane and unhinged and all i did was rub my leg while driving to work and it made me think of this whole goddamn thing and now im feral
morning feral thoughts with ashton
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unhinged-girls-stan · 5 months
news of a potential spn reboot huh
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laurelwinchester · 3 months
i don't mean to ruin the fun but prior to last year jensen rarely, if ever, posted about dean's birthday and the birthday bash itself was done up not by him but by the cast of TW. it's not surprising (or a betrayal) that he didn't post today. i really don't mean to burst anyone's bubble but the dude just isn't as unhinged and insane as you want him to be. he is, unfortunately, mostly normal.
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michaelwitha · 1 year
i have so much faith in jackles' unhingedness that I'm totally chill. that man will simply not rest till everything's right again and the world is healing while watching cas make his girlboss entrance 2.0
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stuckysnugglebutt · 1 year
I could have my Gucci on....
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I could wear my Louis Vuitton...
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But even with nothing on...
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Bet I made you look 😘
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green-blue-heller · 1 year
re: jensen calling misha either his or daneel's boyfriend
i'm really divided on it because from everything we know about jensen i cannot believe that he would say that and mean it as in 'his boyfriend'
on the other hand the 'which is funny' part makes way more sense if he's saying that BOTH of them call misha their respective boyfriend, as in
'she does call misha her boyfriend. which is funny because I also call him MY boyfriend'
as opposed to
'she does call misha her boyfriend, which is funny because I also call him HER boyfriend'
idk if that's just me but the latter doesn't make as much sense because there's no contradiction there that would make it 'funny' unless he means that it's funny that she calls him her boyfriend at all but that doesn't fit with the rest of the sentence so
anyway realistically he was just joking around especially with the last part (at least that's what I choose to believe for the sake of my sanity, even though i'm not so sure especially in the context of the general unhingedness of the rest of the panel)
but I guess we'll never know since the panel was interrupted immediately after he said that so *shrugs*
i'm curious if any of them (Jensen, Misha, Daneel) to either deny or confirm anything of this or if they will just keep up the sexy silence and act like this never happened
i do hope that nobody is going to bother them about this though
Well, considering about an hour ago, Misha posted all over social media that TLOU was basically a Misha/Jensen spin-off because of the cockles Easter egg… and literally tagged HBO, Naughty Dog, TLOU, Pedro, Bella, and the creator… 💀
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I don’t think they’re denying it…
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seenthisepisode · 5 months
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this haunts me
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wisefoxluminary · 2 days
Holy shit! Dude isn't playing around this weekend
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werepires · 1 year
Jensen brought Dean back to life for his birthday and then jogged out to the shops to buy pie and whiskey and then they celebrated and sang songs and
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eepy-pleepy · 1 year
Jensen with an entire library in his house dedicated purely to his 15+ years of Supernatural scripts send tweet
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makeadealwithdean · 1 year
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cockles panels are something that can be so personal
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