#jeffrey dahmer facts
sinister-isles · 2 years
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alabaiis · 2 years
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Quotes by serial killers.
Charles Manson - If you're going to do something, do it well, and leave something witchy.
John Wayne Gacy - Don’t look at me as an innocent babe of the woods.
Ted Bundy - Guilt, it’s this mechanism we use to control people. It’s an illusion, it’s a kind of social control mechanism and it’s very unhealthy. It does terrible things to the body.
David Berkowitz - Eventually I crossed that invisible line of no return, after years of mental torment, behavioral problems, deep inner struggles and my own rebellious ways, I became the criminal that at the time, it seemed as if it was my destiny to become.
Richard Ramirez - There are desire’s in which if I didn’t give in to them, I would be crushed by them.
Jeffrey Dahmer - Yes I do have remorse, but I’m not even sure myself whether it is profound as it should be. I’ve always wondered why I don’t feel more remorse.
In total they were responsible for 103 deaths possibly more and where all committed in just under a thirty year span apart from each other.
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pyramidsoul · 1 year
The Dahmer Case and The Cannibalism Topic
“Cannibal” was the adjective used by media to refer Dahmer the most as they learnt of the man’s gruesome acts. It was synonymous of terror and horror at that time, the name of Jeffrey Dahmer echoed not only in the city of Milwaukee but also around the entire world. It was unusual to hear of a criminal who eat his victims, it was a shocking news, and the name of Jeffrey Dahmer was remembered under the name of "The Milwaukee Cannibal”. But what was behind this name? What did it mean for Dahmer and where's cannibalism come from?
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Jeffrey Dahmer in 1991
The Cannibalism for Jeffrey Dahmer
The cannibalism act didn’t occur immediately but it happened later with his sixth victim Raymond Smith (aka Ricky Beeks). Jeffrey Dahmer just moved in his new apartment in Milwaukee, at 924 N. 25th St., and he was ready to live by himself after leaving his grandma's house. It was already some years that Dahmer decided to attend gay clubs, where he frequently had encounters with strangers for one night stands. It was 1990 and Dahmer already doped and raped many boys, killing five of them too. But it was starting to not be enough, Dahmer was unsatisfied and he needed more. Cannibalism presented itself as a "simple" next step for Dahmer: after experiencing gay sex, to then having an unconscious body on his hands, on wishing to preserve all that pleasure, and seeing the people as objects, cannibalism subsequently followed as a inevitable action.
Dahmer's desire was to keep people with him, to do not forget the experiences he had with them. The previous attempts as doping the person or seeking for a corpse were a way to feel people close to him at his complete availability for Dahmer, motionless. He thought about the next step: "I began to feel that I needed more of a rush. I thought to myself, I want more. I wanted to keep this one, but I wanted him in me. I wanted him to become a part of me. That's when the idea of eating part of his body occurred to me." (- s. Grilling Dahmer). Dahmer's act wasn't a way to feel more evil or powerful, this was an action of a man who wanted to feel his victims closer. It happened again on his act on cutting and wearing the victims' skin, he wanted to become one with them, wrapped on their skins. At the end he also had the idea of "creating" living zombies willing to follow his orders and to stay with him forver.
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The first article ever published on July 23, 1991, on The Journal, written by reporter Anne E. Schwartz, the first and only reporter to come to the scene visiting Dahmer's apartment.
Public’s Take on Dahmer’s Cannibalism
Predictably, people's reaction to Dahmer's cannibalism was shock. Local Milwaukee citizens didn't expect something like Dahmer's case to happen, Milwaukee was a pretty quiet city in Wisconsin where nothing like that ever happened. Soon the morning after Dahmer's arrest, Oxford apartments were already printed in the first page of The Journal, and Jeffrey Dahmer's case was already in people's mouth.
The most concerning, disgusting and shoking element on the case was surely the cannibalism, as already expressed before. At the beginning the cannibalism was an unverified uncertain information, and the reporters had to confirm it by looking at the confession, but soon after that it quickly became a first page topic. Dahmer’s cannibalism was printed on the first pages of newspapers, aimed at shocking people even more. For this reason journals of that time looked for the most unconcerning news, making fake news at times as well. Cannibalism became a topic of so much discussion, almost distorted, the main Dahmer’s case object to be so overused that journalists kept inventing fake news just to shock people even more. They made Dahmer appear like a sadistic monster who felt pleasure when eating all his victims, while the story was quite different as expressed in the paragraph before. Even Dahmer himself had fun with these kind of articles: “Isn't it amazing what they come up with?” he said.
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(1)(2)Two articles taking about Dahmer’s cannibalism. (1) Courtesy of jdapt213. (3) Dahmer showing the fake news in court, 1992.
Specialists talking about Dahmer's cannibalism
Psychiatrists and experts tried to give an explaination on Dahmer’s cannibalism. Writer Brian Masters develops an interesting point when talking about infantile play, of parents pretending to be animal ready to devour them and the kids responding to be ferocious cannibal animals. Dr Morrisons also says: "Jeffrey Dahmer was not the only individual who was a cannibal or bit his victims, using his teeth as a weapon. If you remember about infancy, if we go purely psychologically, the only way an infant interacts with the world around him is to touch, feel and teeth, and this is a way that babies explore their world with their mouths. That’s what they use, that’s how they relate to the world. What is evident in all the serial murders is this trait of very oral or mouthing or biting or eating, ingesting, which is very infantile. But it seems a way in which they can be with their victim.”
Even through sexual acts, mouth is an important way to express love. Activities as biting or oral sex rekindle the childish instinct where loving and eating are bounded together. “The adult who prefers oral sex above other sexual experiences indicates an infantile need for nourishment, a wish to recreate the moment of being mothered.” Brian Masters writes. If we look back at Dahmer’s infancy, we notice some early behaviours which indicates some connections to his cannibalism. As already expressed before, cannibalism was just a consequence which came after as Dahmer’s needs continued to evolve. Yet Dahmer always had a lack of social skills, he had difficulties on creating bounds with other people and he was often so isolated. His father Lionel was out bacause of his job, while his mother Joyce struggled with her mental health. Jeffrey found himself alone with the mother's unconscious body some times, there it might have been the moment where he put his hear on his mother's chest to check if her heart was still working, action which was subsequentially repeated with his classmates in highschool and later with his victims. People always left, he was alone, and his lack of social bonds brought him to be even more introvert. Eating an individual is the deepest connection a person can ever get, it removes the feeling of alienation since the victim will live inside them forever and become a permanent part of themselves.
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Jeffrey Dahmer's drawing project on creating a shrine where to put his victims' skulls and skeletons, a place to remember and collect his thoughts (Dahmer - 1993 interview).
Cannibalism in history and religion
In modern society cannibalism is almost seen as a taboo, something vile and inhumane. However, this isn't an exact definition, and cannibalism is deeply rooted in our origins. During Europe’s Age of Exploration distant people were often portrayed as cannibals, almost rapesented as bestial creatures. Instead, during 20th Century, the figure of the cannibal was studied more, the new approach wanted to explain more of this behavior, inserted into a certain context. The reasons that lead people to a person could be multiple: a warrior could eat the heart of his opponent to feel more powerful and take his power; a person can eat a relative body to express love and grief for the loss; or again some people can eat a human body as a necessity to survive.
The firsts reports on cannibalism can be found in ancient Greek times with the epic poem The Odyssey by Homer or Histories by Herodotus, but anthropologists suggest that cannibalism dates back to prehistoric times. Moving on, the discovery of cannibals by Cristoforo Colombo in America made people question about the topic on Christian doctrine of the resurrection for example. For that reason Christianity is probably the best example to take in consideration: one fo the most diffused religion in the world, the tenet of paganism, has a mystic ritual of "eating and drinking" the flesh and blood of Christ. For love, the person can be ate, based on this religion. In other cultures, the Iroquois and Fijians ate the flesh of their defeated enemies in order to absorb their power; for peoples of Papua New Guinea ate the heart or brains of their deceased elders to honour them; In medieval and modern European culture the practice of eating human was prevalent for religious or medicinal purposes. About medicinal purposes again, Chinese compounds included human organs as well as nails and hair, while, in early Greece, human blood was thought to treat epilepsy.
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The Sons of Pindorama, Cannibalism in Brazil in 1557 as described by Hans Staden. Gravure de Théodore de Bry, 1562.
Cannibalism around the world
Dahmer was obviosly not the first criminal cannibal, names as Albert Fish, Issei Sagawa and Andrei Chikatilo are still remembered for their crimes and their cannibalism. As said before, the reason of cannibalism change based on the person and his deeds- the cannibal Armin Meiwes (aka Rotenburg Cannibal) ate 20 kilograms (44 lb) of human flesh of his victim, after that this last one agreed and wanted to be slaughtered, for sexual pleasure; Joachim Kroll (aka The Ruhr Cannibal) had a practical view and consumed his victims’ meat to save on his grocery bills, because meat was expensive. Albert Fish, on the other hand, eating the meat of the victims was like a trophy and liked to describe how the kids tasted to their parents.
Today, cannibalism among the population is rare, but still exists. Because of poverty, people living in Olinda slum are usual to consume human meat. Otherwise, there are tribes and cultures where cannibalism is still present. In Western New Guinea there’s a tribe called Korowai, whose tribesmen believe mysterious deaths are attributed to a demon, and their duty is to consume the dead’s meat in order to take revenge. In Fiji (previously named “Cannibal Island”) was famous for cannibalism, even if now this practice almost died out in the recent years. In India there’s a sect of Indian Monks called Aghori, whose few remaining members are used to drink from human skulls and cover their body in burnt human remains. There are also rumours of some cannibalism acts happened in The Democratic Republic of The Congo, Cambodia, Nuku Hiva and Liberia.
In animals cannibalism is common as well, mostly in invertebrates and fishes, but it occurs in other animal groups too. The filial cannibalism (usually when the young can’t last much because is sick, deformed or the mother can’t provide enough food, it becomes nutrient for the parent) is present in major species as leopards, African lions, Tonkean Macaques and fishes. The infanticide (males killing infants who aren’t theirs) is present in North American red squirrels, lions and chimpanzees. The matriphagy is when the mother is ate by the infants, another cannibalism form diffused within insects and arachnids. At last but not least, cannibalism can be diffused way earlier with eggs. The Burton’s Mouthbrooders carry their eggs in their mouths, and sometimes more than three-quarters eggs are been ingested. The female sharks instead, carry hundreds on eggs inside them, while they’re mating with multiple male sharks. Inside the womb, developing sharks will eat the unfertilised eggs and their siblings, leaving at the end only two unborn sharks, each one for each uterus.
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(1) Tadpoles eating another tadpole, picture by Georgette Douwma, Nature Picture Gallery. (2) Korowai tribesmen, picture by Kristian Cabanis.
Sources: The Shrine of Jeffrey Dahmer; Grilling Dahmer; Monster: The True Story Of The Jeffrey Dahmer Murders; Britannica; Anthroencyclopedia; Jeffrey Dahmer trails on Court.tv; NBC; The Sun; National Geographic.
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not a tumblr post but was wondering if you could fact check this? twitter (. com) / twinkologian/status/1583726808108670976?s=20&t=JO9vPn6xiX0NOEbCtFDKmg [ cant send links, so had to put the . com in parentheses ]
Hi! As it's not a tumblr post, I'm going to add my fact checking directly under this ask.
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[ID: A tweet from dia @/twinkologian, responding to an article from DomisLive NEWS @/domislivenews. The headline states 'Jeffrey Dahmer's dad considers suing Netflix for glamorizing son's murders.' Two images below the headline show Jeffrey Dahmer's mugshot, and a black and white image of a middle aged man, who is presumably his father. The tweet reads 'People confused about this but considering millions of people now think his father contributed to this by teaching him taxidermy and picking up roadkill (two things he never did) I Would probably sue too. And this is why that show should've never been made. End ID]
Jeffrey Dahmer's father has been reported to be considering a lawsuit against Netflix over the series. A lot of the information regarding Dahmer's childhood is from sensationalised articles, which makes it difficult to state with certainty, but from what I can tell, his father was not aware of Jeffrey Dahmer picking up road kill. However, his father, a chemist, did teach him how to bleach/treat bones (a technique used in taxidermy) after his son asked him about it.
Source: 'Lionel Dahmer, the father of serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer, wants to sue over both a docuseries and new drama about his son’s case, a caretaker reportedly says. [...] The shows reportedly left Lionel a “nervous wreck,” and his team put up “No Trespassing” signs on his Ohio property because of worries about what the outlet described as “deranged fans.”'
Source (Interview with Dahmer's father): 'If I had known about the roadkill … I would have done something immediately. Intervened.'
Source: 'He was fascinated by dead animals from the moment he saw his father remove animal bones from beneath the family home, later recalling the feeling of an odd tingling sensation when he heard the bones rattle in a bucket. Dahmer learned how to bleach the bones of rodent carcasses from his father and held onto the bones in a bucket, which he treated like a homemade rattle.'
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Man I really need to stop using Twitter wtf. Why are people so incredibly desensitized to the pain and utter humiliation of poc and the horrors that we not only have to face but have to call our legacy with how it haunts our bloodlines. And it will always be turned into entertainment
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I'm actually going to cry.
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jjadmanii · 2 years
romantic fancams about a SERIAL KILLER and his VICTIMS are being posted on tiktok. tell me again the fetishization of mlm relationships by straight girls isn’t problematic and disgusting.
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makejeffyagoodboy · 1 year
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This really how the whole blog reporting/deletion situation feels like to me
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tiktoksinspo · 2 years
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seraphdreams · 2 years
the same ⚪️women who said they were unbothered by jeffrey dahmer’s documentary are the ones who threw a fit when will smith smacked chris rock and said he needed to go to jail for it
no because they always pick and choose what’s “morally wrong and right” but we’re supposed to sit idly by when people are glorifying their desensitization to poc lgbt members being murdered. like??
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sugaroto · 2 years
Me watching a murder mystery vid:
Vasilikou: and so that's how Jeffrey Dahmer cleans bones-
Random add: iS yOuR sKiN cLeAn? *random model poses*
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sinister-isles · 2 years
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alabaiis · 2 years
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“I will be avenged, Lucifer dwells within us all, I don't believe in the hypocritical, moralistic dogma of this so called civilized society. You maggots make me sick! Hypocrites one and all, I don't need to hear all of society's rationalizations I’ve heard them all before. Legions of the night, night breed, repeat not the errors of the night prowler and show no mercy.”
Serial killer Richard Ramirez speaking in court after being sentenced to death by the gas chamber in 1989 for thirteen murders, five attempted murders, eleven sexual assaults and fourteen burglaries.
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pyramidsoul · 11 months
Oxford apartments neighbor speaking about Jeffrey Dahmer
One evening in June of 1990, I held my first conversation with our neighbor who lived across the hall. I introduced myself to him as Vern and he introduced himself to me as Jeff.
He appeared to be very polite as he and I stood in the hall in front of our apartments. He stated he was leaving to go to the corner store to buy a pack of cigarettes and when he saw I had a pack in my shirt pocket he asked if I had a cigarette I could spare.
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Of all the times I had seen this guy he was always casually dressed in faded jeans, a flannel shirt and casual shoes. He wore glasses and his hair was cut medium length always looking well groomed. He had the appearance of a college student or someone who had been to college. He was clean shaven and had boyish look.
I guess the word I would choose to describe my impression of him is intelligent, highly intelligent. He had a slim built appearing to be 6 feet tall, weighing maybe 165 pounds. I'd guess his age to be 30 or 31 years old.
Through the times that I'd see him our conversations would mainly be small talk about my car, my job, the weather, his job and the building or something of that nature. He always appeared to be soft spoken as we would stop in the hall on his way in or out of his apartment.
Never did he give me any impression that he had hang ups about living in a dominantly black building or living in the neighborhood which also was dominantly black. As time went on Pam also had begun to have small conversations with him. She also thought that he was pretty pleasant to talk to. We were neighborly with all the tenants living in the building.
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Being that I was the only black man at my place of employment and Pam being raised in Madison where blacks were few, neither she nor I had a problem with him being white. Our typical conversations went something like this whenever we would talk to each other in the hall.
"What's happening?"
"Hey Vern, not much."
He would notice that I would be just getting in from work most of the evenings when we'd see each other...
"How was your day?"
"Not too bad," I'd reply. From earlier conversations in our passing, I had informed him that I was a Draftsman. He like-wise told me he worked 3rd shift at a chocolate factory downtown and that he's been employed there for a couple of years.
"Do you have to punch in tonight?"
"Yeah, got to pay rent."
"Talk to you later," I'd respond. His reply was... "yeah, take care."
There had been various other conversations and I must admit talking to him made me feel appreciative of our small conversations. I felt sad for the guy living alone, never seeing him associate with anyone or have friends visit him at his apartment.
Amongst all of the tenants in the building Jeff stood out the most, not only because he was white but to me because he never had visitors or a girlfriend which to me appeared strange but not the type of out of the way strange. He was always alone.
He didn't own a car therefore, his means of transportation was the city bus. After becoming acquainted with him, we'd see Jeff standing on the bus stop or getting off the bus walking towards the apartment building.
He appeared to be weird to the other tenants but I never thought of him as such because of the fact that the area where we lived was nothing but a danger zone and keeping to himself was a safe thing to do. It was not safe for anyone walking that didn't fit in.
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It was no surprise to see Jeff wearing his light gray jacket walking at 9:00pm through someone's backyard or taking a short cut through the alley headed towards the Oxford Building. He'd walk among dope peddlers to have them approach him and ask him "you looking..?" "You straight..?"
Meaning do you want to buy drugs but He would either shake his head negatively or ignore the peddlers all together.
He would be approached by addicts trying to con him in any way possible for money and women working the streets would confront him with offers of sexual pleasures for money but he would ignore them all.
I recall once telling Pam that I thought he had a lot of heart to live in this area. He never showed any sign of being fearful, he didn't have a kick ass type of attitude. It was more of an "I don't bother you and you don't bother me" type of attitude.
In June there was a series of burglaries and apartments in our building were broken into. Everyone was on lookout for any strangers walking through the halls. The police were called and they questioned everyone that lived in the building to see if anyone may have seen anyone or knew anything. Two apartments were broken into and everyone in the Oxford Apartments had high concerns about the break-ins.
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The tenants began to look out for each other's apartments when the tenant was away. I had two of my nearest neighbor's phone numbers and I had also given them our number to inform each other when we were going to be out of our apartments. Our neighbor Jeff had gotten a phone but said he had it for only a week or so because he couldn't afford the bill.
"Hey Jeff, we're starting to look out for each other's apartment due to the break-ins. Give me your telephone number so that we can call you to just let you know when we're not going to be in so that you can keep an eye on our apartment."
"Vern, my phone was turned off because I'm having a hard enough time paying my rent and feeding myself, so there's no reason to give me your phone number. I do however intend to get a burglar alarm for when I'm away at nights working. There's no way I can afford to have my stuff ripped off and there's no real security around here that I trust."
"Yeah, it's getting pretty tough around here." I said.
"Yeah Vern I know what you mean. Any news about the guys' stuff that was stolen?"
"None! You know how that goes."
"Well I'll talk to you later."
"Sure Jeff, later."
Extract from Vernell Bass’ book “Across the Hall”, chapter 2. If you’re interested to know more support the author and get the book!
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"it isn't romanticising him what are you talking about---" the fact that this is a docudrama that exists at all after at least 20 documentaries about one of the most notorious serial killers in history should be enough to make you realise it's not just about whether or not the serial killer appears romanticised, but that its existence means we get yet another focus on them over the people that fucking died for like,, $12.99 a month
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La gente que habla inglés suena tan arrogante, incluso en la música, las películas o la vida cotidiana, como si este mundo fuera el suyo.
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menalez · 1 year
the fact that aileen wournos got the death penalty for shooting (no torture, no violent method, etc) like seven adult men to literally avoid getting raped, yet josef fritzl, a serial rapist who imprisoned his daughter in a cellar for 24 years, raped her so much it resulted in multiple children and a miscarriage, made her act out porn scenes in front of her children, tortured her, starved her, forced her to write notes saying she ran off, refused to help her child which resulted in the child’s death, said that he was “born to rape” and that he locked up his daughter to explore his “evil side”, locked his mother up in his attic for around 20 years until she eventually died, and already had a criminal history of rape, incest, and child sexual abuse only had to serve 15 years and as of 2023 is eligible for parole is absolutely heartbreaking and insane and is going to make me start breaking things
eligible for parole after only 15 years? when his crimes went on for even longer????
also the infamy surrounding aileen wuornos was bc of misogyny, hatred of a prostituted woman, and lesbophobia. her first victim was a literal convicted rapist. her next several victims were all johns. we can argue her last victim was innocent but considering what she did vs what male serial killers have done, her crime was comparatively so tame. and yet she received so much hatred and got the death penalty.
remember this: aileen wuornos received SIX death sentences. ted bundy (murdered 30 women after kidnapping & raping them) received three. jeffrey dahmer (sexually abused & killed 17 men & boys, even eating some of them) received 0.
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