#jade grey requests
luveline · 7 days
coworker!james is fueling me rn thank u miss jade!! can i pretty please request a coworker!james drabble in which someone at work, a higher-up of some kind or someone visiting from another company being kind of cruel to reader, and jamie discovers that maybe there are several people who have just not been very kind to her, and she doesn’t really understand why he’s upset for her? please and thank u
—Why is James so upset? And how do you calm him down so quickly? fem, 1.2k
The horrible heat of the first week of British summer time finally breaks. It was an eventuality. Nothing good ever lasts for James —he must’ve been enjoying it too much. The sun is gone, the clouds are grey, and the office radiators pump a meek heat into the room.
The dreary skies outside depress him. “I miss the sun,” he sighs, putting the tips of his fingers together and bringing down his hands, base of his palms apart to stretch the sore inside of his wrists. They pang. 
“Sunny again next week,” Remus says reassuringly. “Just in time for your review!” 
“Please don’t remind me.” 
“I must remind you, Jamie.” Remus stands up, and he gives James a loving squeeze on the shoulder, voice close to his ear, “Because you need to pretend you like your job, at least for the next few days. Come and get some coffee with me.” 
James waves his hand. “In a second.” 
When James met Remus, Remus couldn’t take touch. Didn’t like it or want it, couldn’t accept so much as a compliment, but things change, and years of knowing one another makes squeezing and pinching easy work. Remus flicks him without cruelty and exits the nook, leaving James on his own. 
He glares at your empty seat, confused. When did you leave? 
Doesn’t matter. Coffee. James is in desperate need of coffee as Remus recommended to warm up. He exits out of his desktop and shucks his suit jacket back on, taking a hand to run through his knotted hair as he walks. Past the desk banks of the account managers and the reception bank to the hallway that runs into the break room and adjourning kitchen. The office is a weird maze but the worst part is having the big ‘conference’ room right next to the break room, so the people inside working can judge you for eating, and vice versa. 
The conference room door is propped open. 
James recognises you from behind, your hair and tight shoulders. He should recognise the stress, having caused so much of it. 
“It’s just not good enough.” 
“I know.”
“You coast by, doing half the work of your fellow accountants.” 
“I… I was sick for a week, I know it affected my turnover. But nothing went unfinished, sir.” 
“No, because your colleagues picked up your slack.” 
“Sir, I– I promise I work hard.” 
Your voice is so oddly unlike yourself, a tone James is unfamiliar with. He’s arrogant and agitating and has no business interrupting, but he knocks the conference door anyways. 
“Hi, Mr. Vida. How’s it going?” James asks.
“James, it’s fine. We’re just going through L/N’s review.” 
James pulls one of those boyish smirks that men often share when they should be grimacing instead. “I’m sorry to interrupt.” He hangs on like he has something else to say. 
“I think we’re about finished.” 
Mr. Vida is a predictable man. He ushers the woman away to make room for the man. His misogyny is unsubtle and unfortunate, your expression laced with hurt as you gather yourself and stand to leave. 
“Not looking forward to mine,” James says easily. You round the door, and he sends Mr. Vida a suck-up smile before he goes. He should stand up for you in a way that matters, but he’d felt it imperative to remove you from the situation, rather than escalate. 
He’s on your tail, coffee forgotten as you scurry back to the desks. “Hey,” he says, finding himself in a half-jog to keep up, “wait, wait, are you okay?” 
You slow. “I’m fine,” you say, so mildly perplexed that he doesn’t think for a moment you’re playing it cool. 
“He was getting a little heavy with you.” 
You frown in agreement, but otherwise move on, rolling your chair back with your foot to open your desk drawer. “I guess so. He’s like that.” 
“Is he? I’ve never had him that mad at me.” 
“He’s not that bad.” You pull a blister pack of painkillers from your drawer and pop three out in a row. “Have you met his boss? Oh, have you ever spoken to the manager of the account managers from the Brussels office? She sucks.” 
James doesn’t have the wherewithal to pretend he wasn’t following you. He stands with his hands vice-like on the back of his chair. “What did they say to you?” 
“Who, Mr. Vida’s boss? Or the Brussels manager?” 
You sit and fish a bottle of water from your bag. “I actually filed a successful grievance again Mr. Vida’s boss, he kept calling me sweetheart. I know,” —you wince— “that’s a bit much, but it was really obvious he was looking down at me, so.” 
“And the Brussels manager?” 
“She emailed me thinking I was much more involved with the lab than I actually am. She kept calling me stupid.” You take one of your tablets and wash it down with a swig of water. “But,” you add, smiling at him, “I did manage to solve her problem.” 
“What do you mean, she called you stupid?” 
Your smile slips. “She called me a bunch of stuff. Professionally, you know, but she kept asking why my foresight was so sorely lacking. You know what they’re like.” 
He shakes his head. “I don’t, no. Nobody’s ever called me stupid. Or sweetheart.” 
You smile genially. “Perks of being a girl. Or stupid.” You laugh at yourself softly.
“You’re not stupid.” 
You sober at his solemn tone. “I know,” you say. “I’m just joking.” 
“Nobody should be talking to you like that.” 
“I know, James, but what am I supposed to do?” 
He doesn’t know. What can you do? Nothing. What can James do? What should he do? 
“I’m sorry,” he says softly. 
Your frown deepens. “It’s not your fault. It’s really fine.” 
“It’s not fine. It’s not, though, it’s–”
“James?” you say. 
You stand up. You stand close to him, looking into his face. “Don’t be upset,” you say, mirroring his softer tone, “it’s okay. It’s nothing I can’t handle.” 
“You shouldn’t have to deal with it at all.” 
“Well, luckily this time I had you to come and rescue me,” you say. “But it really is fine. I can look after myself, even if I shouldn’t have to. Okay?” 
Your hand finds his arm. You squeeze his wrist and his entire torso lights up, everything, his chest, the backs of his shoulders, like goosebumps but warmer and with a softer fuzz to it. Your eyes meet his, an encouraging smile playing on a pretty mouth. For the first time that day, he feels pleasantly warm, like he’s had that first hot sip of coffee. 
The pads of your fingers are so, so soft where you catch his bare skin. 
“Okay,” he says instinctively. He’d say the sky was red if you asked him to, in that moment. 
You rub the back of his thumb with yours before letting him go. You sit down and finish your drink, and it takes James a good two minutes at his own desk to remember he’s not the one who needed comforting. 
He opens his emails to write a formal complaint against Mr. Vida for poor work conduct. He doesn’t think twice about hitting send. 
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yuri-is-online · 9 months
Missed Connection Section of the NRC Gazette (Floyd, Leona, and Ruggie)
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While cleaning the Ramshackle guest room, the prefect occasionally finds items that remind them of their guests. Sometimes that is because those items actually belong to them and need to be returned, other times it's just a happy coincidence. Either way, the item needs to be delivered, might as well invite them over again? Or just chase them down, whatever is most convenient.
notes: they/them pronouns used for Yuu, Yuu is implied to be short, based off the personal items you can find in the guest room and a line from Floyd's dormwear card, title inspired by a country song that has nothing to do with the subject of the fic. I got a request for the 300 followers event, but since it's closed and I had this kicking around for Floyd anyway I added the other two requested characters. If you liked this you can read my other fics here.
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Grey Scarf
"Floyd." Azul has a boring look on his face, all grimacy and angry and not worth Floyd's attention. Unfortunately he is very close to his face making it a tad impossible to ignore. "Where is your scarf?"  
"Dunno." He says. "I ain't wearing it." 
"I can see that." Snaps Azul. "You need it for your shift, you look sloppy enough as it is.  You scarf is a part of your uniform!  How can you be so careless with it?"
Because it's ugly.  Sure, it matches his dorm uniform kind of but his socks get to be a snazzy purple with a cute octopus pattern, why'd the scarf have to be such a boring grey?  Rules are rules though, and he does need it to work so he drags himself back over to his room and starts looking around. Normally, he would just steal Jade's and wait tables until he figured it out and forced Floyd to take the kitchen off his hands, but Floyd really didn't feel like cooking today. He didn't feel like waiting tables either, but money was money and Azul paid well. Only if he could find his stupid scarf apparently which was nowhere he could see, and he was far from happy about physically looking. Jade opens the door as he's halfway through emptying his bedside drawer on top of his bed, alongside all the laundry he'd had scattered across the floor.
"Looking for your scarf?" Floyd throws a pillow at him which is quickly returned with a pointed look that dares him to escalate things further just obviously enough Floyd doesn't want to do it. Instead he falls face first into the pile of laundry and nick nacks he'd been sorting through, making Jade sigh in disappointment.
"'s not here." Floyd grunts, muffled by an ok smelling t-shirt.
"Have you tried retracing your steps?" Jade is saying it just to be annoying but it is ok advice. Floyd tries, he doesn't usually wear his dorm uniform outside of school stuff, so it would have to be somewhere on campus. He hauls himself up from the pile and shuffles past his brother, the walk out of the mirror and towards the main campus passing by in a blur. There's a vague memory of club practice, but that could have been from any day this week, and it's not like he wears it to classes. Floyd chews on his lip in annoyance, he feels like he remembers where the last place the scarf was, but his bad mood is keeping him from sorting through his memories intellectually. It also keeps him from looking where he's going, smacking him directly into a very tiny, very familiar looking person who pointedly ignores his angry snarl to shove something in his face. Something very familiar, very boring, and very clearly the only reason either of them had left their dorms this evening.
"Seriously," the little shrimp has to stand up on their tip toes to throw the scarf around his shoulders "you have got to stop leaving your things at my dorm!" He thinks they're angry. That would explain the look on their face, but it's making his heart do weird flips between his chest and his stomach that keep him from thinking straight. A smile finds its way to his face, wide and unbidden coupled with outstretched arms that can't catch them fast enough, like he's reaching through honey even though he finds his mark and tugs them thrashing into his embrace.
"Awww," the words that come out of his mouth don't really feel like his "was little shrimpy wooooried about me?" He should say thank you. That's what Mamma Leech would say, and it's not that he doesn't want to, it's just there's a weird weight to the words he can't quite figure out. Something that wants to be said, but not just yet. They deserve a better tone, a better mood.
"No!" Yuu yells, muffled by his squeeze and unaware of how struggling is only going to make his hold tighter. "You just always burst in and whine about being bored-" Floyd nuzzles his cheek against theirs, trying to ignore the pushing against his chest as he sets them down.
"It's ok little shrimpy, you don't have to be so modest. Good shrimpies get rewards, I'll make sure to bring you something after I get off work, make sure to leave the door unlocked for me~" Or maybe don't, he could find his way in anyway he's sure of that but there's something about the fantasy of them wanting to see him (it's not a fantasy, they've invited him over before he knows that they don't fear him as much as they should) after work that's going to get him through the shift. Maybe he'll ditch the scarf again and make them come running after him on purpose this time, he thinks to himself with an uncharacteristically gentle smile.
Grand Wallet
Contrary to what he would say out-loud, Leona does think that the Ramshackle Prefect is quite smart. You do not survive as a magicless student from a different reality without some flexibility and raw intelligence. The consistency with which they could pick up on things and see through concealed intentions demands respect. But, he supposes as he idly thumbs through his bill fold disappointed to find it just as thick as when he left it, they are also... he decides to go with nice. The concerned way they stare at him is nice, Leona likes positive attention. He just wishes it wasn't from the nicest person he knows, is it so wrong to wish he had some reassurance that there was someone willing to be only nice to him? There's an ugly sort of suspicion they might have refused to steal from him out of fear, he's certainly more of a threat to them than he is to Ruggie.
"Well I guess I owe you a reward huh?" They jump, not helping the accusation (unvoiced) that they're only doing this out of fear.
"No?" Yuu says, looking around them probably to make sure that bratty cat monster isn't within earshot. Leona doesn't care about rewarding Grim, this is between him and the prefect, not some gluttonous bastard who is half the reason he was expecting to be stolen from in the first place. "You- Just stop forgetting things at my place!" He smiles slightly at that choice of phrasing just as they cringe at it. It almost makes him sound like a normal guy, if a Prince was leaving things around someone's place that would invite speculation; and Leona knows better than anyone that speculation invites scandal.
"Real shame no one ever does things out of the goodness of their hearts these days." His voice drawls as embarrassment settles over their face. They look almost mouse-like, if they try to speak Leona just knows they'll squeak and they clearly know it too. "You're really twisting my arm here, pretty shameless, prefect." That does it, the deep breath they take does nothing but really accentuate the harsh contrast of the squeaking to their normal voice.
"I did not," Yuu is so mortified they can barely get the words out, if he can't be the only recipient of their kindness he will satisfy himself with batting them around in his paws until they can pull together some nerves and force him to stop "return your wallet just for a reward. It's yours it belongs to you and now it is back where it belongs. Which isn't my guest room on top of a fucking couch seriously Leona-" Mice still have claws, even if the dent they leave is just a little scratch to such a big cat, he finds himself pleased with the annoyance of Yuu finding their voice. "It was like you were practically begging to be robbed. What if one of the Leech twins found that huh? Would you be getting it back?"
"Only after I paid the finders fee." He can ignore the tickle caused by the unsavory image of an eel inviting itself into your personal space. "Which is what I am doin' now, you're demanding it remember?" He tunes his ears to their footsteps as he walks towards the cafeteria, content with how quickly they jump to follow. The typically steady beat of their heart is skipping in tune with the directions of their thoughts. Good, the mouse is smart contrary to what the trapped lion thinks, so let them; they'll realize the hold they have over him soon enough.
Empty Lunch Box
This was really starting to annoy you, but no matter how much you turned the whole thing over in your mind you couldn't figure out why. You had been tempted to try and ask someone about it, but you could already tell what the general reaction to the situation would be.
The "situation" being that simply put, Ruggie liked to hang out in your guest room. That wasn't the issue. You liked having Ruggie over, it's actually really nice. Sometimes he brings small projects from some odd job or another and you'll work on them together while having a chat. He likes to ask you things about your world, it started as just small talk about the sort of jobs you'd had in your world but evolved into much more meaningful talks about your hobbies and the family you missed. You had even had a lengthy conversation about death and the difference between cultural beliefs about where you go after you die. Yes it was very nice and domestic even but then you made the mistake of trying to be nice.
Ruggie liked to bring a lunchbox with him when he visited. Sometimes it had food in it, and while he hadn't shared it with you at first, but then you started talking about your families and he had slightly warmed up to the idea of sharing snacks. You hadn't taken anything from him until he explicitly offered, and when he forgot the now empty lunch box you had pulled some of your personal savings to get him something from the Mystery Shop. It was supposed to be a cute surprise for him to find when you returned the lunch box, and it worked. Granted you had intended for him to find it after he got back to his dorm, but he had sniffed it out as soon as you handed it over. His reaction was cute, he was cute, it was almost like he thought he was dreaming with just how excited he had been to receive some packaged pastries. When he came over later in the week and left the lunchbox again you had done the same thing. Fair is fair, he gets you jobs and shares his food and you give a little food back in return. Lately though something has been different. Ruggie has still been coming to hang out, he still brings work, you still talk, and he still leaves that damn lunch box. But he hasn't been sharing anything, meaningful; personal information or foodwise.
Maybe it was the death conversation. If you had revealed you were an orphan and that you never knew your mom to someone you had a crush on (not that Ruggie like likes you no matter how much you might might want that) you would be pumping the breaks too. But it still kind of hurt, it felt like a rejection of something that you knew hadn't existed in the first place.
"Y'know you don't have to give me stuff." Ruggie had come over today too, with shitty plastic garbage that needed packed into boxes. He's either read your mind or noticed you brought the remainder of the packaged goods out to snack on while you work. You try to asses him from behind your pile of card stock, he's overly focused on his task. Reflective maybe? He is almost pouting.
"I wanted to." You decide to stick with honesty, sure Ruggie might be sneaky but he deserves that much, doesn't he? "You share with me, I share with you. Fair's fair, right?"
"Right." Ruggie says, audibly disappointed to your confusion. You have never seen him so... gloomy over the concept of someone owing him a favor. Especially one paid back in food. "You do that for everybody, yeah?"
"Yeah?" You say, pausing in your work for just a second to try and collect yourself. Up until a few seconds ago you had been under the impression that had been one of your better qualities.
"So like," he isn't looking at you and his ears are saggy, tugging at your heartstrings painfully though just a tiny part of you is starting to hope- "if Leona left no that doesn't make sense. If Jack left his lunch box here and it was empty would you buy him a snack?" You think for a second.
"Did he share his lunch with me?"
"Yes." Ruggie's looking at you again, like he has a bone to pick.
"Maybe." You don't really have to think about the answer, as much as you like returning the favor Jack would probably just be happy to find his lost item and leave it at that. "If we were hanging out and he wanted something from a vending machine I'd spot him."
"But you wouldn't go out of your way to get him something?" Ruggie's stopped working now, he's really staring at you almost like he is trying to sus you out as if he hasn't been friends with you for a while now. As if he doesn't know more of your secrets than anyone else.
"I-" for some reason what you want to say gets stuck on your throat, maybe it's because Ruggie leans across the couch to get a bit closer to your face. Maybe it's because you are suddenly a lot more aware of what your little actions might have meant to him as your previous conversations play over in your mind "no. You're the only person I've really gone out of my way to get food for. Well except for maybe Grim but he doesn't really count..." You both let out sharp breaths, your eyes fall down to your work, hands going back to the task out of habit and desire to distract yourself.
Ruggie is silent and back in his perch across from you once your head snaps up to look at him. His small grin is intoxicating, his tail is swishing in pride like he's just won a great victory in some war you had no idea he was fighting. It is a smug look, too smug for someone who just put you through a few days of mental torture.
Maybe you'll make him some food next time, you'll see who is smug after that.
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hismourningflower · 3 months
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「 forget you | hoyoverse fanfiction 」 dan heng & kaeya x gn!reader | angst, amnesia | general fanfiction. ↳ additional tags. angst with no comfort, established relationships, mentions of alcohol & drinking (kaeya), i'm not sorry ↳ ehehe... oops... happy one hundred to the xianzhou jade !!
data has been uploaded! - send an ask to join the taglist; specify genshin, honkai or both! @lovingluxury, @dumbificat, @starryshinyskies, @ryuryuryuyurboat, @ainescribe, @soleillunne
the jade's guidelines | genshin m.list | honkai m.list | previous work
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DAN HENG didn't quite know what to expect when welt texted him about your situation. his own partner in an accident? he knew that he should have been persistent and gone with you and march 7th. he should have fought to go with you, he should have- he should have done a lot. after a few painstaking days of you being trapped in a comatose state within belobog's hospital with every visitation request denied, dan heng decided that he had more than regrets about this.
he spent his days and evenings restless, pacing his room with every thought rushing through his mind; would you survive? would you hate him? he figured you had every right to despise him. no amounts of time spent with his head in documentation, tracing over booklets of planets and history books regarding the aeons could ease his mind.
dan heng felt guilt, as if he only had himself to blame for standing there so quietly as you and march excitedly announced that you were going to belobog on behalf of himeko. march chimed in that you'd use it more as a shopping trip and whilst you laughed it off, dan heng silently wished he could go just to protect you. you were capable but he was anxious, losing you was the last thing he wanted.
this feeling would eat at him for as long as the doctors tending to you kept rejecting the astral express' visitation requests. he wanted to see you and now it felt as though he had to pay the price - another price... wasn't he paying enough already? his heart could rot from the amount of guilt he withheld inside of him, not daring to utter it to the older members of the crew. it could break his ribs, tear him open but he'd refuse to mention it.
miserable, dark grey clouds covered belobog's usual sunshine, painting the city in a dull appearance that could only match dan heng's numb emotions as the astral express crew navigated the streets of the city, finally on their way to see you. in march's bandaged hands - she'd taken the lesser of the injuries, coming back onboard the express with a few scrapes - was a beautifully wrapped bouquet of flowers, a bittersweet get-well-soon gift in light of the news that they'd receive along with their permission from the doctors; you had amnesia and they were still testing what you remembered from the accident.
he was nervous - no, he was far more than nervous. it showed on his face the moment they all solemnly shuffled into the tight hospital room, grimacing as they brushed against each other to gather around your bed. except there wasn't a form of excitement on your tired face but rather a look of confusion. welt cleared his throat first, eyes darting to look at dan heng's sudden loss of colour that drained from his face.
"they don't remember," he whispers to himself, as if no one else was around him. he takes a moment to lean back on the wall, "they don't remember me."
it takes welt's hand on dan heng's back to guide him out of the room shakily but nothing feels real anymore. all the memories, chaste kisses and moments where dan heng had done more than warm up to you in light of his past and previous life. you remembered none of it, not an ounce of the love he'd grown comfortable enough to give you, nothing.
dan heng's legs feel weak under him as his heart tears apart. perhaps this was a clean slate in terms of his regrets in protecting you, he could have done better and now he has a chance to wipe it all clear for you - you're not angry at him but he knows it's because you simply don't remember what happened.
he'll protect you better this time, more closely and not taking his eyes off of you. maybe one day, he'll tell you about the relationship the two of you shared; the kisses under the stars and the nights curled up together reading your own books. he would still love you. he'd always love you.
it felt like a fever dream when amber came to find KAEYA while he was on a commission for the knights. he hadn't been drinking on the job when the brunette arrived nor had he consumed any that morning... so how come she was spewing nonsense about you being seriously injured on a commission?
the cherry on the top? you didn't recognise a single person who'd visited you on bedrest. not jean, not barbara, not mika or lisa, not even noelle. and as your partner, kaeya was terrified by that prospect. you saw noelle and jean daily, always in cohorts with them - hell, you would see lisa sometimes more than you saw him, thanks to the busy nature of his rank.
if you didn't remember them without a sliver of recognition, would you remember him? he found it hard to breathe the whole way back to the city of mondstadt with a restless young brunette at his side and - begrudgingly, kaeya hadn't even invited him along - the owner of the dawn winery. diluc was equally as pained to hear of your accident from amber and who was he to not be there during possibly one of the most painful times of his brother's life? he'd done him wrong before, multiple times and perhaps he had tried to brush their brotherly relationship off but he was his brother, his found family. now, he needed him.
there was only so much dread that could consume kaeya's tall body. the peaceful sounds of mondstadt no longer soothed him on his walk to the city like it usually did after a commission, no. in fact, it was killing him. he wanted to hold your face in his hands, his breath fanning over your lips as he stares into your hands. he wanted to see that beautiful smile of yours again, the way you roll your eyes at his drinking antics.
what was he supposed to do if you had forgot about him too? amber says you'd taken heavy trauma to the head. amnesia... amnesia is what ruined his life this time? not family issues and abandonment, not a family death and the awful grip of guilt and anger... amnesia. memory loss. something that had so bitterly taken his beloved from him. you'd been the first person kaeya had truly warmed up to since he drifted away from diluc. the first person to see his true sides, to see his sheer raw emotions.
kaeya had had plenty of time to prepare for this endeavour on the way into the city, knowing the chances you'd forgotten him were plenty high with how you'd forgotten the other knights. yet to hear you utter the words "who are you?" with such an innocent look to your face, overridden by confusion, it shattered his heart. his lungs felt like he was suffocating and he almost wanted to choke out 'your partner' into the air but he doesn't.
instead, with the reassuring touch of diluc's calloused hand on his shoulder, kaeya forces a weak smile onto his face, sun kissed skin glowing in the golden light of the sunset that breaks through the open window in your room as he clears his throat to reintroduce himself to you, "i'm kaeya."
his voice cracks, a dead giveaway to those in attendance that he was struggling with the reality of this. because of you, he'd lacked to drink as much on the evenings but now... diluc was already preparing to drag his brother away from the taverns, muttering curses that drinking was not the right coping mechanism. he'd be at his brother's side even if the latter reeked of wine.
kaeya would love you all over again, he'd spend so much time with you it would be suffocating if only it meant you fell in love with him again. a second chance to right his wrongs, to kiss those lips again. you were his, he wasn't going to let you fall into the hands of anyone else. he'd fix this.
© thexianzhoujade 2024. | do not re-upload, copy, translate, etc. my works on any form of media.
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ppnuggiex · 1 year
      DORMLEADERS x gn reader
    『 riddle ,, leona ,, azul ,, kalim ,, vil ,, idia ,, malleus ,, gender neutral reader    』
  -> painting their nails to match their dorms ,, matching nails
  — fluff ,, sfw
  — just an idea that came to me :D feel free to request !! theyre open !! there are some slight movie references 🫵
- riddle
| • he was a bit reluctant at first to you painting his nails but agreed in the end
| • white black and red is the color scheme
| • on one hand ,, you have the card signs ;; diamond ,, spade ,, heart ,, club ,, and on the pinky is a 'j' for joker
| • on the other hand you have the different things from a familiar movie ,, a white rabbit ,, a crown ,, a cat ,, a little playing card ,, and a white heart on the pinky
| • riddle is quite amazed with your skills ,, enjoying the little ornaments and decorations painted on his nails
| • lord have mercy if someone saw yalls matching nails
| • cater would beam at them ,, and trey would find them cute
| • ace and deuce ,, however ,, have different reactions ,, but they dont really want to be collared so they happen to keep their mouths shut around riddle
| • but around you ,, theyre blabbing about it left and right ,, mainly ace but sometimes deuce chips in a bit
| • in the end ,, riddle enjoys matching with you in a sort of way
- azul
| • another thats reluctant to agree ,, after all he does have an image to uphold and who knows how the tweels will react if they notice
| • but he also gives in ,, noting the happy look on your face when he does
| • your color scheme is a lavender ,, dark grey and an off white color
| • on one hand ,, you paint little marine creatures ;; an octopus ,, an eel ,, a lobster ,, a random blue and yellow striped fish ,, and a tentacle on the pinky nail
| • the other hand consists of little items that happen to be associated with octavinelle ;; azul's contracts ,, jade's mushrooms ,, floyd's basketball (azul wasnt too happy abt it but he didnt say much)
| • though on the last two nails you added the mostro lounge logo and on the pinky you painted it lavender and added grey stripes
| • azul's quite glad he happens to have gloves because the last thing he needs is the tweels noticing the little things on his nails
| • but they notice anyways ,, and maybe you let it slip that you and azul are matching
| • lord have mercy for this man
- leona
| • he dont care ,, just huffs and tells you to do whatever if it makes you happy
| • he pretends to stay asleep during it ,, but he does like the feeling of your hands holding onto his ,, and maybe the thought of matching with you
| • he wont care for who sees it ,, if it makes you happy he'll happily comply with you
| • the scheme is a beige color ,, bright yellow orange ,, and a dark grey
| • on one hand you paint ;; a lion ,, a bone ,, a hyena (leona fusses abt it) ,, a wolf (he also fussed abt that) ,, and a star on the pinky
| • the other hand you kept simple and plain ,, adding a star on every other nail and stripes on the others
| • if anyone mentions your matching nails in a bad manner ,, he'll get on their case immediately ,, telling them to mind their own business
| • he'll gladly match nails with you again in the future though ,, he'll still fuss abt it but he enjoys it
- kalim
| • he happily agrees ! he wants to match nails ! hes so excited for it he can barely sit still as is
| • jamil at first offers to do it for you both but you deny him
| • your color scheme is red ,, black ,, and a gold color
| • on one hand you paint :: a desert ,, a snake ,, an elephant ,, kalim's flying carpet ,, and a black heart on the pinky
| • on the other hand you paint every other nail red and the rest black with gold stripes
| • he adores them ! hes so happy to match with you ,, adoring all the different drawings on them ,, in love with the color scheme
| • if anyone asks about them he'll gladly talk their ears off about how you did them and how they look so cool
- idia
| • you happened to ask him during a game ,, and he got surprised ,, stuttering at first before slowly agreeing to it
| • the color scheme is blue ,, and off white ,, and black
| • on one hand you paint :: cerebus ,, blue fire ,, pain and panic from a certain movie (hercules) ,, and a black heart on the pinky
| • on the other hand you paint every other nail blue and black ,, and add white flames with blue accents to the ones that are black ,, and white stripes to the black nails
| • he likes the nails ,, especially seeing cerebus on them ,, and the idea of matching
| • if ortho finds out his hair will be tinted pink as he tries to distract his brother from the fact that yall are matching nails
| • he loves it though ,, sometimes running his thumb over them and looking over the little designs
- vil
| • refuses ,, flat out refuses ,, he's not too confident in youe nail painting abilities and he doesnt bother to figure out whether theyre good or not
| • but after a bit of begging he'll sigh and give in ,, telling you not to mess up
| • your color scheme is white ,, a prussian blue ,, purple ,, bright red and black to match vils dorm outfit and the dorm itself
| • on one hand you paint :: a rose ,, a poison covered apple ,, an  arrow ,, a potion and a red heart on the pinky
| • so far vil is a bit intrigued at your abilities and lets you continue ,, giving another warning not to mess up
| • on the other hand you paint ever other hand red and the other blue ,, putting black stripes over the blue nails and on the red nails you paint white poison drips with a bit of purple tint
| • he likes them ,, theyre alright ,, not the best hes had but hes touched by the fact you both are matching
| • he offers to teach you how to paint nails better though ,, saying you could use it but nonetheless he's impressed at your abilities
| • when hes alone he gets all giddy about it but shhh ,, dont tell
- malleus
| • hes over the moon ,, you want to match nails with him ?? you want to paint his nails ?? oh ,, love for you ! love for you for a thousand years !! hes so happy ,, even his little fangs are showing when smiles widely at you
| • your color scheme is green ,, black ,, and an off white
| • on one hand you paint :: a dragon's head ,, a thorned flower ,, a bat (to resemble lilia) ,, a lightning bolt (for sebek) ,, and a sword (for silver)
| • on the other hand you paint every other nail green and the rest black ,, putting black stripes over the green nails and white stripes on the black nails ,, though on the pinky you put a black heart
| • hes so touched ,, seeing the little symbols ,, adoring the dragon head you put so much detail into
| • he wont show anyone unless they point them out
| • and of course ,, sebek does ,, astonished that his master has his nails painted
| • lilia is quick to join in with it ,, before he catches the little bat on one nail and decides to leave it be ,, smiling to himself
831 notes · View notes
agaypanic · 7 months
I saw that you were interested in lab rats requests, and I'm obsessed with that show and have like a billion thoughts in my head so can i request a chase davenport x reader, where the reader is perry's niece and shes kind of a grey character. Like she's mean to everyone who deserves it, especially those who are mean to Chase, which is honestly a lot of people. Similar to Jade from victorious but less intense lol. One day she just goes off and Chase is just so into it.
Chase Davenport With Principal Perry's Niece Headcanons
Request Something!
A/N: fun fact, i know jade from clips on tiktok, but ive actually never really seen victorious aside from one episode that my ex made me watch years ago that i barely paid attention to lol
He’s a bit scared of you at first
He thinks you’ll be like your aunt, who’s a bit of a nightmare
But he’s quickly proven wrong when you’re left alone
“You! Dorky twerp!” Principal Perry pointed at Chase and his siblings, and they all looked at her confused.
“Think that means you, bud,” Adam said, pushing Chase towards the woman before running off, Bree and Leo hot on his heels. Chase hesitantly closed the distance between him and Perry.
“Yes, Principal Perry?”
“Meet my niece, Y/n.” It was then that he noticed you, standing beside your aunt. You wore a bored expression. “She’s new here, moved in with me because her parents are fighting for custody, and the judge thinks they’re both incompetent.”
“Aunt Terry…” You groaned, wishing she didn’t always feel the need to share such personal and unnecessary information.
“Anyways, I want you to show her to her classes.” Perry leaned in close to Chase, glaring at him. “Make a move on her, and you’re dead meat, Daven-dork.”
You and Chase watched her walk away, somewhat mortified. Then you looked at each other in an awkward silence. You were the first to speak.
“Sorry about her…” You laughed a little, trying to lighten the mood. “What’s your name?”
“Chase.” He responded, a bit taken aback. If he was being honest, he thought that there was something in Perry’s DNA that made her the crabby, mean woman she was. So it would’ve made sense if everyone related to her was similar. “Chase Davenport.”
“It’s nice to meet you.” You smile, holding your hand out for him to shake. He smiled back as he shook your hand. 
“Nice to meet you, too.”
You quickly become inseparable, much to your aunt’s chagrin
You’re a lot nicer than her, which surprises everyone
But that doesn’t mean you’re never mean
Luckily, it’s only to people who deserve it
Trent was quick to become a pain in your ass. Not directly to you; he was too scared of Perry’s wrath. But the way he treated Chase and his siblings pissed you off. Chase told you not to worry about it, that he was used to it, but you weren’t having it.
“Just because you’re used to it doesn’t mean you should be, Chase.” You say as he told you for the tenth time today to forget about Trent and his behavior.
“Aw, it’s cute that you care,” Chase said, laughing when you jokingly pushed him and told him to be quiet. But then he got pushed again, only this time much rougher.
“This kid bothering you, Y/n?” Trent asked with a flirty grin, getting close. You rolled your eyes, pushing past him to get back to Chase.
“No, but someone else is.” You say with a deadpan tone, staring intensely at Trent. He looked around the hall.
“Jesus.” You muttered, you and Chase snickering to each other as you walked away.
Sometimes, your anger gets the best of you
Like when Chase’s bullies start to get a bit physical
You fight back more than he does
After what felt like forever, you got out of your last class of the day and went to the main hall to wait for Chase. He was often waiting for you by his locker, ready to walk you home.
But today, he wasn’t the only person at his locker. A few guys from the football team surrounded him, pushing him whenever he tried to move away.
“Fellas, come on.” He laughed nervously. 
“Shut up, nerd!”
“Hey!” You shouted from across the hall, effectively grabbing all of the boys’ attention. You stomped over to them. “Leave him alone.”
The jocks all turned to surround you, looking amused.
“Oh yeah? What are you gonna do about it?” One of them asked, leaning close to you. “You know, I’m not afraid to hit a girl.”
“I’m not either.” You responded before stomping on his foot and punching him in the stomach. He yelped in pain, and his friends backed away. You grabbed the boy by the ear, making him wince. “Considering football is probably the only thing you and your friends are good at, I suggest you apologize and get the hell out of here. Unless you wanna try to play with some broken fingers?”
The jock immediately shook his head, the others doing the same.
“I’m sorry.” He squeaked.
“I’m not the one you should be saying that to.” You let go of his ear and pushed him towards Chase. Chase stepped aside, watching the football player run into the lockers from the force of your shoving. 
“Sorry…” He said to Chase before looking at his friends and running away with them. The apology didn’t seem too genuine, sounding more scared than anything else. But it was a start.
“You okay?” You asked, looking Chase up and down for any possible damage. He stared at you in slight shock, slowly nodding. You smiled and held your hand out. “Come on, let’s get out of here.”
Chase swiftly grabbed your hand, walking out of the school with you.
“That was hot.” The short but serious sentence made you laugh.
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heyoo dude, wassap, howzitgoin
asking for a drabble for the first time because why not 🤷🤷
could you write a drabble about cuddling birblian? i just- i love him so much, he's so precious and baby and he's so kakdjjdksjdksksjkk
The Arcana Drabbles: Cuddling Birblian
~ I generally only write for upright endings, but as this is my first drabble request and promises a fair amount of fluff, I'll make my exception XD. @dumbfxck00 enjoy! - brainrot ~
You're so glad he lets you hold him like this.
His large, lanky frame is curled around you where you sit cross-legged on the floor, head and shoulders nestled in your lap while he hides his face against your stomach. You watch shivers skitter through his feathers and across his skin as he clutches at your shirt and tries to relax. He says it's because he likes your smell, but you know it's because he's still self-conscious about his appearance.
You're combing your fingers carefully through the black plumage around the backs of his neck and shoulders, discarding broken and bent feathers, oh-so-gently carding through clumped tangles, lightly brushing the skin at the base of each straightened quill with the pads of your thumbs. You feel more than hear the involuntary trills he's muffling against your navel, even as he pretends his talon-like fingers aren't tapping in reflexive delight against your back. He shifts for a moment, taking a deep, shuddering breath as you finish preening him, only to curl even closer around you until you're leaning back against his thighs.
One grey eye, and then a second make an appearance as you absentmindedly stroke the feathers around his hairline. It almost feels like you're pushing his old auburn bangs out of his face like this. The brief respite and prolonged affection have worn his jaded guard down until he's been able to forget himself, to forget your fate, and now he's smiling up at you with the calm warmth of a sunny ocean breeze. You're both close to falling asleep for the night, but for a precious few minutes you're able to bask together in the quiet safety of a life you might've had.
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wangxianficfinder · 4 months
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Fic Finder
Feb 6th
1. Hi!
I've been watching your content for a while and I really liked it, so I would like you to please help me find a fic.
This fic is a One shot with a/b/o theme (wwx omega LWJ alpha) where wwx lived a "house" for omegas (where he is a friend of mm) and they "borrow" it for prince Lwj, Lxc ( alpha) is the emperor and JGY (omega) is his partner.
In Gusu, omegas are not considered for cultivation, however, wwx doesn't care much about that and there is a scene where he along with LWJ fight in a cave with a monster. The final scene of the one shot occurs when WWX runs away from Gusu to the beach, LWJ follows him because they promised to visit the sea one day together.
the wangxian relationship is slow and with lwj's problems to express his feelings 😓
I would appreciate your help, if you need more information, I will gladly try to remember more things😊 and sorry for the grammar, my native language is not English (google translator)
FOUND? Rattling our cages by danegen (E, 69k, wangxian, A/B/O, but like polite, Slow Burn, Pining while fucking, so much hair combing, WWX has a vagina, POV WWX, no yin iron or wars or plot really, Canon Era, spiders--see the notes, Spanish Translation Available)
2. Heya! Can y'all help me find a fic?
The part of the plot i remember is that WWX uses an array to erase himself and the wens from the memory of the cultivation world. The array stops one day, and a bunch of people go to the burial mounds to see what's up. It was on ao3, probably.
and that's ~all i remember~
a nice fic but not the one i remember. pretty sure wwx was hiding in the burial mounds with the wens. thanks for this fic tho!
NOT FOUND! Second Summer by Anonymous (M, 152k, WangXian, canon, Post-Sunshot Campaign, Mystery, Amnesia, Memory Loss, Curses, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, somebody lives/somebody else dies, Golden Core Reveal, canon-typical lack of lube, Ambiguous/Open Ending)
NOT FOUND! you've heard that melody before by Stratisphyre (M, 66k, wangxian, JL & LSZ & LJY, JC/WQ, Canon Divergence, Hurt/Comfort, Memory Loss, POV Multiple, Multiple Canon Character Deaths, Depictions of depression, Light Dom/sub, Not Everyone Dies AU, Twin Prides of Yúnmèng Dynamics)
FOUND? Run Off The World by Sapphire_Roses (M, 271k, wangxian, JYL/JZX, SL/XXC, WIP, Not Everyone Dies AU, Canon Divergence, Wen Remnants Live, Flashbacks, YLLZ WWX, WWX Creates a Sect | Yiling Wei Sect, Sect Leader WWX, Married WangXian, OCs, POV Outsider, Morally Grey Characters, (Do Take That Tag Seriously), Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Family Feels, Developing Friendships, Fluff, Attempt at Humor, Yunmeng Siblings Feels, Gusu Siblings Feels, Sibling Bonding, Pining, Character Study, Tenderness, Mild Smut, POV Alternating, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, Minor Character Death)
3. Hi, i was looking for a fic i think i found in your blog? It was a wip and it was something along the line of wwx as yilling patriarch and the sects sent lan wangji for tribute. But they already knew each other.
I remember this one scene where lan wangji finds bunnies inside the burial mounds but wwx captures them to eat and lwj is sad.
I don't remember the title or anything because i think i directly clicked the link and started reading but then i forgot to bookmark it and lost the link.
Please help me find it, i really wanna know what happened next.🙏😔
FOUND? The Jade Bride by lanwangjibo (Not rated, 16k, wangxian, WIP, Pining LWJ, YLLZ WWX, Misunderstandings, POV WWX, POV LWJ, Fluff and Angst, WQ Lives, Wēn Remnants Live, LSZ is a Wēn, WWX is Bad at Feelings, LWJ is Bad at Communicating, SS Being an Asshole, Pining WWX, Hurt LWJ, BAMF WWX, Angst with a Happy Ending)
4. fic finder request! looking for two fics that i can't seem to locate in my bookmarks - A) in the first one, sizhui (and the rest of the juniors?) somehow reach through time and rescue wwx (i think dead in present time), bringing him into their present! in the process they create a lot of trouble, due to the power expended and released, i believe they turned a mountain into a crater or something.
B) the second fic I'm looking for takes place during the sunshot campaign, when baoshan sanren decides to join the fight and intervenes. she restores both jc and wwx's cores, by reaching back into time and removing jc's core right before it's melted by wzl, she also returns wwx's core from jc's to wwx's body. she does this in her tent, which is also a dimension travel portal or something which iirc links back to her home on the mountain.
thank you very much!! @potatokunst
FOUND! Would You Come Home? by s6115 (Not rated, 46k, WangXian, Junior Quartet Centric, Time Travel Fix-It, Canon Divergence, Junior Quartet Dynamics)
FOUND! Can't Tell Me Nothin by natacup82 (T, 35k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Everybody Lives, Family Feels, Communication, BAMF Women) Baoshan Sanren return Jiang Cheng's core from the past in chapter 4
5. hi! gosh, i have had this fic stuck in my head for the past weeks but for the life of me, i just cannot remember the name. i really hope you can help me find it!
the fic is about how modern wei wuxian is a researcher/scientist and he got his hands on a shady book written by baoshan sanren, accidentally triggers a talisman/array and somehow being transported into the wuxia version and it involves the people who died coming back to life and they all watch/read the past and it just sort of becomes one big therapy session.
i think i remember there being a part in the fic where modern wei wuxian mentions transferring/donating his organ to modern jiang cheng in reference to how og wei wuxian transfered his gold core to og jiang cheng.
and also a part where it was mention that for modern wei wuxian, it was madam yu who found and brought him back to the jiang family to be raised and not sect leader jiang; also it was implied that the modern jiang family is actually a loving happy family in contrast to the sort of dysfunctional og one because modern wei wuxian address's madam yu and sect leader jiang as mother and father.
i wish i could remember more, i hope this would be enough to go on. please help me and thank you so much in advance! @lilith--14
I believe this fic has been deleted but please correct me if I'm wrong - Mod C
FOUND? Yes the fic was deleted. It's "Loving Future, Distant Past" by yareyarejojosan. Here is a link to a folder that contains all of the author's fics
6. For a fic finder, there was this nsfw kinda darkji (probably pwp) fic that haunts me and might have been deleted, becaused i’ve searched in every way I know how: (post?)canon, wwx can’t get hard anymore for some reason. He is embarrassed to admit it to lwj, who then calms him and says it’s normal and that he doesn’t use it for much anyway. Turns out lwj was the one who started and keeps giving him the tea for impotence. The lan doctors are in on this(?) Thanks if anyone can identify this one!
I don’t think 6 on the last fic finder was it (still a delishiously dark-ish rec, thank you!), it was (probably) a shorter pwp and not modern
NOT FOUND You Sing of Thanatos; I Hear Only Eros by kanonkita (E, 39k, WangXian, MIND THE TAGS, Modern AU, Extremely Dubious Consent, Dark!LWJ, Mild Horror, Omorashi, Tentacles, Rope Bondage, Shibari, Praise Kink, Breeding Kink, Oviposition, Non-Consensual Body Modification, soft pillow talk, Hurt/Comfort, non-consensual emotional healing, Panic Attacks, Wetting, Body Horror, Impotence, Magic, Anal Sex, PIV Sex, Mpreg, Mild Suicidal Ideation, Voyeurism, PWP, Angst, nonconsensual medical treatment)
FOUND? Succumbing to His unconditional love? by MurderRose (E, 2k, wangxian, mildly dom/sub, WWX's floppy little cock, the trials of being utterly loved, LWJ can be a tiny bit dark as a treat, opt in or opt out at your will, its almost invisibly mild, a lil bit of humiliation)
7. Hello (✿◠‿◠) hope you having a good day! This is for the fic finder, I've been looking for this fic where after his death wwx comes back as a rabbit, it has a glossary at the start for words/terms the rabbits use, I think? I really hope this is enough to go form!
FOUND! Dignity and Animality by quick_cat_tl (G, 31k, WangXian, Watership Down, u know the one with the political/philosophical bunnies, Reincarnation, Lapine language, Rabbit!WWX, Sunny Angst, Pining) Hi, number 7 is probably „Dignity and Animality“ by Anielka. Unfortunately, it seems to be deleted on AO3. / For #7, I remember reading "Dignity and Animality!" When I click the link for it (from the wangxianficrecs tumblr), it redirects to Dignity and Animality by quick_cat_tl - maybe the author changed their AO3 handle? / The question about #7 - I copied the link for the current posting for that story and then took it into the wayback machine where that same link does pull up the story being underneath the original name mentioned back in 2021, so it was a name change and not a repost.
8. I’m looking for a fic, one chapter, Lan Wangji is a teacher in Cloud Recesses. He takes Wei Wuxian to the Jingshi and it’s implied that he told Wei Wuxian he’d not tell anyone what Wei Wuxian had done so long as Wei Wuxian let him fuck him.
9. Hi! I hope you can help me find this. All I can remember is that WWX fell asleep in the cold spring and I think Lwj or Lqr saw his body few hours later and wwx is cold as if he is already dead.
FOUND? 🔒 Warming up (to him) by barisan (T, 9k, LQR & WWX, WangXian, Hypothermia, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, Temporary Character Death, Medical Inaccuracies, YZY Abuses WWX, JFM Bashing, pre-wangxian, Good Uncle LQR, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort)
FOUND? Warmth by Quiet_crash (G, 2k, WangXian, LQR & WWX, Hypothermia, Fluff, Kinda, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm)
10. Hi! Your work on this blog is absolutely amazing! For fic finder, I've been searching for a fic I read awhile ago. It's post-canon. WWX is traveling and writing to LWJ, but letters stop coming. LWJ searches and finds that to prevent a creature from preying on a local child, WWX took it on himself but to prevent the curse from hurting anyone else, he's hiding in a cave, constantly drinking to dull the effects.
FOUND? Fire in the Blood by Jo Lasalle (Jo_Lasalle) (M, 20k, wangxian, First Time, Post-Canon, Angst with a Happy Ending, hurt/comfort themes)
11. Hey I read a book recently, in there, there was a scene where, wwx was protecting someone? Or someone was protecting wwx? By standing on one side of fire and the attackers/i think it was jins or someone on the other side of fire. The scene was fierce. They were like us against the world type of scene. Do u know this fic? @constellationdks
#11 for recent fic finder here, thnx for the rec but it's not the one. The one I'm looking for is quite long, I think it was more than 30 or 40k. Also the scene wasn't with a yuan.
I know number 11 and I'm trying to search for it. It's wwx holding a-yuan in his arms in an alleyway when they are attacked by the jin. The premise has something to do with that strength parents get when defending their children? 🤔 let me get back to you!
NOT FOUND Hysterical Strength by covalentbonds (Not Rated, 3k, WIP, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Parent WWX, Fix-It of Sorts, Everybody Lives/Nobody dies) Wwx is out one evening with a-yuan when he is ambushed by the jin.
12. Fic finder please! 🙏
This would be a hybrid/warprize LWJ where he was a bunny hybrid and WWX was a snake. WRH has LWJ shipped off to WWX, who ends up helping him and eventually gets him reunited with LXC.
I remember there was art of LWJ and rabbits bc WWX was trying to help him calm down. I’ve read this sometime last year and can’t find it anywhere! 😭😭
FOUND! 山水盆景 (Shānshuǐ Pénjǐng) by meicairoubingfan (kiradyn) (M, 64k, WangXian, warprize AU warprize lwj, Slow Burn, Strangers to Lovers, Vers WangXian, Top WWX, Top LWJ/Bottom WWX, Animal Traits, Non-ABO Universe, Snake Demon Lord WWX, Animal Traits, Hand Jobs, Seduction, Found Family, Wedding In The Cloud Recesses, Handfasting In The Cold Spring Cave, Alternate 3Zun, Alternative Sunshot Campaign, Hinted Future ChenLi, YZY is a better mother, JYL Is Not A Wilting Wallflower, empowerment, Side-Character Cameos, Rabbit Sanctuary In The Burial Mounds, Cutest Little Bun MXY, Accidental Child Acquisition, Child MXY)
13. (First part added to itmf) But I’m looking for a modern au were even though jc’s family is rich they don’t give wwx and jc pocket money and they were hungry in front of a bakery? And wwx used the « orphan in the street card » and lwj bought him food
I don’t know if it’s the same one but I think at some point wwx bought lwj home while he was drunk and waited for lxc to come pick him up and jc saw them talking on the couch and he thought they were dating (they weren’t together yet)
ANYWAY thank you for everything ✨✨✨ @ihaveasoftspotfora-yuan
14. Hi! for the fic finder please, there was a fic where lz read on a book abt the hannaki disease and he thought it beautiful so he started choking himself on gentian flowers to imitate the feeling @cocoaphil
FOUND? the sweet scent of their tragedy by HeavenlySkyfarer (E, 23k, WangXian, Angst, Cultivation Sect Politics, Depression, Hanahaki Disease, Language of Flowers, Love Confessions, Manipulation, Marriage, Mental Health Issues, Pining, Post-Sunshot Campaign, Rumors, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Whump, Self-Harm, Bittersweet, Self-Blame, Canon-Typical Violence, Blanket Permission, Morally Gray LWJ)
15. Hello, I am looking for a fic I read some time ago (it could be a few years). I think it was post-canon, Lan WangJi and Wei WuXian were together. LWJ gets cursed and the only thing he has in mind is killing WWX (since he sees him only as the big bad Yiling Laozu). At the end, WWX pretends LWJ killed him and the curse is lifted. It was posted on ao3. Thank you for your hard work! And have a great day!
I think I remember this fic! It starts out with WWX accidentally cursing LWJ with a talisman while they were in the jingshi and ends with WWX running to the burial mounds, finding out there are people who worship him living there, and he uses the incense burner to trick LWJ into thinking he killed him to break the curse, right? I can't recall the name though - Mod C
FOUND? all the broken things that I made by ilip13 (E, 43k, WangXian, Post-Canon, Established Relationship, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Lovers To Enemies, (then back to lovers I'm not a monster), Dubcon Kissing, Dubious Consent, But mostly not in the way you might expect - see notes for details, Explicit Sexual Content, Bondage, Flirting, Competence Kink) might be this? I haven't read it yet, but the summary sounds like what they are looking for!
16. Okay I could have easily dreamt this up but I could have sworn there was a fic where either LWJ or WWX was in a orchestra and his band mates thought he was married to wen qing because she was the one to always bring a Yuan to him after school or something only to think he was cheating when his actual husband comes by pls tell me I didn't dream this
17. Hi! im sorry i lost a fic and i need help. It was an old wangxian fic, where LXC He's emperor (?) and LWJ is engaged to WWX, in this fic they get married and there are problems with the marriage because LWJ was a little bad during their engagement, since they were children. WWX was always trying to get his attention until one day he gave up. In the fic there is a part where Su She shoots WWX with an arrow and LWJ punishes him in some way.I remember it was also a Tumblr AU that later become a fic
NOT FOUND! rebuttable presumption by @sarah-yyy
NOT FOUND! Burning Bridges by Keysmashed (E, 12k, wangxian, arranged marriage, misunderstandings, pining, angst w/ happy ending, family drama, swordfighting, non-graphic smut, emotional rollercoaster, love confessions, everyone lives au) it’s probably not this one because su she is not in it and it’s not royalty but wx are engaged and wy does give up so even if it’s not you might like it
FOUND! permissive presumption by sarahyyy (G, 7k, WangXian, Royalty, Arranged Marriage, Pining, Mutual Pining, Misunderstandings) could also be permissive presumption by sarahyyy, on AO3, which is an AU of the author's fic on tumblr
18. Hi! This is for fic finder. WWX is killed by SMS in sunshot campaign. He then resurected years later by MXY in JGS order. WWX and LWJ fight together. WWX hand is blackened i think. JGS refused to tell WWX what is MXY wish is. In last chapter, JGS is killed by JGY or Madam Jin and WWX is free from the curse. I think JGS death is because of NHS plot i think. Thank you! @idontknowwhattowriteforusername
Hi! I'am #18 from the latests fic finder. I want to add some details. Not much but i hope someone can recognize it. Jin Ling and Lan Jingyi was sent to Qishan either as a hostage or indocrination. In there, everytime they are punished, Wen Ning and Wen Yuan help them to make the punishment lighter. Sometimes they warned Jin Ling, Lan Jingyi, and other junior everytime other wen sect member (the one that didnt hesitate to punush them harshly) nearby. I think Wen Qing too help everytime the punishment is so harsh that caused injury, she make them stay in infirmary where they are safe
19. Hello! I’m looking for a fic where mxy and wwx are a couple who take lwj home for a night in a modern AU. The beginning talks about how mxy and wwx looked so similar that when they first met they were worried they were related. Lwj is on the verge of being in love w/ wwx, but he’s hesitant to act on it bc of the relationship between wwx & mxy. Once he’s in bed with them there’s a line about red satin sheets for special guests. It’s such a specific premise but I couldn’t find it on ao3😭
FOUND? you and me alone by plonk (Not rated, 6k, wangxian, MXY/LJW/WWX, modern)
20. looking for a fic from a prev ff or itmf, modern au, college/research lab? setting, abo dynamics. wwx and lwj participate in some scientific research study and get together in the process. iirc they are not in the same yr at college. i didnt manage to save it then but really want to read it, please help!!
NOT FOUND Pairfire by PaidSubscription (E, 65k, wangxian, NMJ/LXC, JC/NHS, WQ/MM, JYL/JZX, Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, Fluff, Relationships 101, Getting Together, First Time, Explicit Consent, Bordering on Kink Levels of Communication, Elements of Assigned-ish Marriage-ish, Non-Traditional A/B/O Dynamics, A/B/O With a twist, Because Cultivators CHOOSE Their Gender During This Course, After Trying Out All Three, It’s a Three Course Meal and WangXian’s Gender Acceptance is the Dessert, But Horny Pining is the Main Meal and the Most of the Snacks, Bottom LWJ, Bossy Bottom/Henpecked Top Energy, Everyone is over 21, Gender Choice Raises Issues for Most But I Promise Happy Endings + Everyone Comfy in Their Own Skin, Side Couple Aro/Ace/Agender Storylines)
FOUND! 🔒 I is for Instinct by beeswaxing (E, 71k, wangxian, LXC/NMJ, JYL/JZX, hualian, A/B/O, Alpha WWX, Omega LWJ, Scenting, Possessive Behavior, Getting Together, First Time, First Kiss, Public Display of Affection, Public Claiming, Good Parent LQR, Alpha YZY, Good Parent YZY, Family Feels, Fluff, Romance, Aftermath of Violence, Slice of Life, Modern, College/University, BAMF WWX, Soft Wangxian, Barebacking, Knotting, Semi-Public Sex, Shameless, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Mpreg)
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This isn't over, I hope you know.
Price x Male Reader Requested: Yes! But there were some technical issues. Pt 1 (Here! :])/ ??? Warnings: Break-up, Argument, Angsty angst angst A/N: *Drops this and scuttles away* This was intended to be longer but I'm cutting it in half to see if Tumblr will actually let me post it. If it does the 2nd-supposed-to-be-this-part will be out soon after :]
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"Look, [Name], I get you need attention-" John started, following your pacing form as you quickly walked back and fourth in his office. Whipping your head to meet Johns gaze dead on. Your eyebrows raised as you stalled for a second. Jaw dropping as you quickly caught up with what he said, your blood boiling with nothing put resentment and frustration, "Attention? Atten-" Taking a deep breath you summoned all you had to just keep yourself from yelling. This was something that stayed between you, and him. "John when was the last time we slept in the same bed? Hmm?" You snarled, arms uncrossing so you could use them to accentuate your point. Anything to try and convey your anger to him, to somehow shove his own actions into his thick skull. John's eyebrows furrowed as he sat back in his seat. A calloused hand coming up to rub his beard like he did whenever a missions plan changed last minute, or a recruit did something stupid. He looked exhausted, and annoyed. Fucking. Annoyed. Like you were just a child that was having a tantrum over not getting a treat. Not like you were his boyfriend of 6 years. Like you weren't the man he'd laid in bed with, whispering honey sweet words of a distant future where you'd settle down and marry. Like you weren't justified for being upset that he'd been ignoring you for months in favor of his beloved taskforce.
"When was the last time we kissed, John?" You spat, "Do you even remember? It was a month and a half ago. 45 days ago." Throwing your hands up you began to pace again. Quickly walking back and fourth to try and do, something. You weren't even sure why you were anymore, your thoughts too muddled to make out anything coherent even if you tried. You were probably working yourself up, probably making yourself more angry then the situation called for. But at this point? You deserved to be angry. You deserved to be fucking pissed. You weren't even looking at Price, "Do you really have nothing to say, John? Do you-" John stood up, slamming his hands on his desk with a harsh slam. Making you jolt to a stop, eyes wide as you stared at him. Johns usual calm, even soft demeanor around you turning into something you didn't recognize. "[Name] for god's sake I don't have time for your shit. I have things to do and that doesn't include you having a tantrum in my office. Get your fucking act together or get out, lieutenant." John practically yelled through gritted teeth as he glared at you standing there. Probably looking like a deer in headlights. With a long exacerbated sigh he sat back down in his chair. His eyebrows knitted together as he looked down to whatever paperwork he was busying himself with. You simply stood there in shock. He looked so much different now then he did when you'd first met. Johns famous mutton chops were starting to grey and all the stress he constantly held made him look 10 years older. His soft baby blue eyes now were jaded and grey. Filled with a hardness you could only get through time. Then it just, clicked. John, your John, was always a workaholic. Against his best interest he'd work himself into burnout just to be overworked and under-appreciated the next day. Only to wake up in the morning and do it all again. But your John would always make time for you. He'd always make sure, even if it was 10, hell, 5 minutes, some part of his day was spent with you. That John would be the first to seek you out after missions and check you over for injuries. To make sure you were alright. His hand resting on your shoulder just a second longer then it should as he passed you a loving look. Grinning ever-so-slightly before going back to his normal stoic appearance. But the man in front of you wasn't your John. Your sappy lover was long replaced by Captain Price, smothering John with his overwhelming force until there was nothing left of the man.
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dracoaday · 5 months
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Day 008 - Moonwatcher, the NightWing (Request)
KoFi Link Here -
[ID] A half body drawing of a jade-green silvery-grey western style dragon, her eyes are widen open as she has a look of shock across her face as if she's just been told something shocking. [/END ID]
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harlowcomehome · 10 months
School supply shopping:
Requested by @kentuckyboyharlow
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Jack was laying on the couch scrolling on his phone when you walked in the house.
“Where are the girls?” You looked around realizing the house was suspiciously quiet.
“What happened to hi? Hello?” Jack sat up smiling at you.
“Sorry, my fault. Hello, my handsome husband!” You grabbed his cheeks squishing them dramatically while covering him in kisses which made the both of you laugh.
“That’s better! Jade is asleep and Hazel is getting ready” he stood up wrapping his arm around your torso and pulling you into him. “Did you get the school supply lists?”
“I did! That’s why I was hoping they were both up” You shot him an annoyed look, but you were only teasing.
“Jade just needs to get dressed. Can I- maybe come this year?”
“Are you sure? It’s a lot” You scratched the back of your neck.
“Yeah, I know it’ll be a lot with both of the girls going to school this year and I want to help, I already called to make sure we had security” he smiled, placing a kiss on your forehead.
“You can start by waking Jade up” You flashed him a cheesy smile and he nodded making his way to her room.
Hazel came out of her bedroom with her hair styled and dressed. “Hi, mom!”
“Did you do this yourself?” You hugged her squeezing her tight. “When did you become so grown?”
She giggled, looking over your shoulder at her school supply list. “Is daddy coming this year? Did I hear that?”
“Yes! As soon as he gets your sister up” you smiled.
Jade came out of the bedroom in a messy ponytail as she rubbed her eyes. “Hi, mommy!” She ran over to you and you quickly fixed her ponytail before picking her up.
“Ready?” You turned to Jack with a smile and he nodded sending a quick text to let security know it was a go. You didn’t mind the extra eyes, it was hard to manage everything at times especially when Jack was with you.
When you got to the store you handed Jack Jade's preschool list. “Let’s start with hers. It’s smaller.”
Jade sat inside the cart, pointing to things periodically as she was already getting bored. “Can we go eat after this?”
“Yes Jadey. We can get food after we finish shopping” Jack answered for you knowing you always got food after a long shopping trip.
You smiled a him, it was nice hearing how well he knew you.
Jack looked over the list “For as much as we’re paying you’d think all this shit would be provided” he scoffed.
“Don’t start!” You giggled knowing how much Jack hated spending money. It wasn’t that you didn’t have it, obviously, he was just mindful of it and hated the amount that was adding up in his head.
You started putting the basic items in the basket letting Jade pick the color of her safety scissors.
“So we need…” Jack stuck his tongue out against his teeth as he squinted at the paper.
“Daddy! Start wearing your glasses!” Hazel giggled.
“A lunchbox! Let’s get that out of the way” he ignored Hazel but you knew he heard her as his face and neck reddened with embarrassment.
You had both of the girls pick out a lunch pail for school. You giggled at how opposite the two of them were. Jade opted for a hot pink one with glittery leopard spots and Hazel picked one that resembled a robot.
“Are you sure?” You raised a brow at Hazel's choice knowing she went through phases quickly.
“Yeah! All my friends are joining robotics this year and I want to try it out too!” She reminded you for the thousandth time.
“Yeah, mom. Duh,” Jack scoffed making you roll your eyes at him.
“Let’s get backpacks while we’re here too” you pointed down the aisle as Hazel skipped over to the selection for her with Jack as you and Jade looked at the smaller backpacks together.
“What about this one?” You picked out a backpack that resembled a ladybug.
“I loves it!” Jade giggled as Jack and Hazel walked toward you with her selection. Hazel picked a lilac backpack with grey stitching and a see-through glitter pocket in the front.
“I like that a lot!” You smiled at her selection.
“Now to the boring stuff?” Hazel groaned throwing her head back.
“Hey! Getting notebooks and pencils was always my favorite part!” Jack nudged her with his elbow.
“That’s because you were a nerd” Hazel stuck her tongue out at her dad earning a gasp from him.
“A nerd? Who told you that?” He held his chest dramatically earning some looks from the other shoppers surrounding you.
“Uncle Clay always calls you a nerd” Jade chimed in from inside the shopping cart.
“Like even now” Hazel giggled as you put some glue sticks in the cart trying to remain distracted so you wouldn’t giggle too.
“Uncle Clay needs to be real with himself” Jack laughed making both Hazel and Jade laugh too.
“Jackman, people know you here” you whispered noticing a group of teenagers staring at him from afar. It was clear that they knew who he was but didn’t want to approach him.
“Would a nerd still be hip with the youth?” He whispered before walking over to the group of teenagers staring at him. You snorted at his sentence.
“Why is Daddy talking to those peoples?” Jade stared concerned, sometimes she didn’t understand the concept of her dad being famous but before you could respond Hazel spoke.
“Daddy is actually really cool, but don’t tell him I said that” Hazel giggled as she watched her dad take pictures with his fans.
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wolken-himmel · 2 years
In which (Y/n) punishes Azul with the silent treatment after he roped Ace and Deuce into a contract.
Of course, Azul won't let that sit with him and hangs (Y/n) above a shark tank.
Request by anon.
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"Talk to me, or I'll feed you to the sharks."
You were currently hovering above a water tank that about three large sharks called their home. The predators swam in a neat circle beneath you, their upper fins peeking out from beneath the crystal-clear surface. And the only thing preventing you from falling right into their middle was the rope wrapped around your body and arms, preventing you from most movement. Right in front of you, the feared Octavinelle trio gazed at you intently, everything else within the closed off Mostro Lounge fading into darkness.
How it had come to this?
Oh yeah— you had ignored any of Azul's attempts to speak or interact with you after he had upset you by making your friends sign a shady contract. The silent treatment was harsh but effective, so much that Azul had been driven to such drastic measures such as tying you up above a shark tank to make you talk to him again.
But it wasn't working, much to his dismay.
"So you're really gonna play coy with me, prefect?" Azul grumbled under his breath and let the rope in his hand slip through his palm a little bit, causing you to dip a little bit deeper towards the surface.
Despite your little flinch, you still wouldn't let a single word escape your lips.
"Wow, Shrimpy is so brave! Those other guppies would have fainted by now already," Floyd exclaimed and clapped his hands together. "That's why playing with you is always so much fun, Shrimpy."
Unlike Floyd, Azul didn't look happy at all by your defiance, and merely furrowed his eyebrows in desperation. "Come on. I told you I'm sorry! But you still ignore all these presents and cards I sent you." His grip on the rope tightened, so much that his hand began shaking in frustration. "What more can I do? If sincerity and fear do not make you talk to me, what else will?"
Jade quirked an eyebrow. "I've never seen the boss so desperate."
"Your friends won't come to save you, (Y/n)," Azul continued with newfound confidence. "So will you still choose the sharks over me? Surely, you cannot hate me this much..." He looked at you expectantly, a hopeful shimmer to his gleaming eyes.
Still, you kept your lips sealed shut.
Floyd couldn't control his laughter anymore and broke out into a fit. "Oh, Shrimpy is cold..."
By then, the dormleader's shoulders were slumped forward, and a pitiful frown decorated his pale face. His grasp around the rope loosened as he croaked out in disappointment, "I... need some time for myself. Get the prefect away from the tank and untie them." His final act of resignation was handing the rope over to Floyd, who took it from him eagerly.
"Okie dokie!" The excited grin on the eel's face soon morphed into feigned shock when he lost his grasp on the rope. "Or... not so okie dokie..." he mumbled sheepishly as he watched the rope shoot up to the ceiling.
In return, you crashed down into the shark tank.
Upon making contact with the cold water, a scream escaped your lips, and your limbs began thrashing around violently. The vigour of your movement was further amplified by the fact that your arms were still restrained to your body, only leaving your legs to make sure you could keep your head above the water.
"(Y/n)! Don't thrash around!" Azul cried out, a look of horror and genuine worry plastered over his face. "Moving around too much will attract the sharks!"
Your legs tired from the frantic kicking to keep you afloat, and the sight of grey fins circling you didn't calm you down either. Eventually, you yelled out, "I— I can't hold out much longer!" Your head was already starting to dip dangerously deep into the water, and the kicking of your legs weakened, too.
"Hold on, I'm coming!" Without hesitating, Azul dove head-first into the tank and swam over to you as fast as he could, considering the heavy clothing that slowed him down. Blank concern occupied his face as he entered the circle of sharks and grabbed you by your shoulders.
Jade, watching idly, tilted his head to the side in fascination. "Wow, I've never seen Azul swim so fast."
"Get away from (Y/n), you guys," Azul growled while pushing his way past the sharks, on his way to the rim of the water tank again. And indeed, they seemed to respect him with the way they suddenly dashed away into the depths of the tank, away from you.
As he pulled you out onto the dry floor again, your face was a ghostly pale shade, and your eyes were ripped wide open in shock. "Wow... that was a close call..." you breathed out slowly, the water still dripping off your hair and clothes.
"Are you alright?" Azul fussed and looked you up and down. "Did you swallow any water? Did any of them bite you?"
You shot him a weak smile. "No... No, I'm fine. Thanks to you, Azul," you assured while he helped you out of your bonds. As you breathed in and out again, your face slowly regained its usual colour, and you calmed down again. Your weak smile soon turned into a little grin. "Honestly, I wasn't scared because I knew you would never drop me into that shark tank."
"You're right... I would have never dropped you into that tank." At the speed of light, Azul whipped around to point his finger at his fellow dorm member accusingly. "Unlike Floyd!"
"Hey, my hands were slippery because of the moisturiser I use."
The hand landing on his shoulder allowed him to calm down again, especially when you gave it a soft squeeze. "It's alright, Azul. I forgive you—" Your smile soon turned serious again as you continued, "But only if you promise to never rope Ace and Deuce, or any other friends of mine, into such horrible contracts again."
"Fine... I guess I can do that." Azul's chest still heaved up and down, but at least a weight seemed to have been lifted off his shoulders.
At once, you began laughing airily— in such a carefree manner as if none of this has fazed you. "See? That wasn't so hard. The whole drowning and getting eaten by sharks incident could have been avoided," you joked and wrapped your arms around him in satisfaction.
"But seeing Crabby and Little Mackerel in maid outfits was funny!"
"These maid outfits scarred Ace and Deuce for life!"
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luveline · 10 months
jade!!!! i’m sure you get this a lot but i would die for some hurt/comfort in the steve zombie au universe 🫠🫠🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
hi!! ty for requesting ♡ steve zombie!au (pre-college / mutual pining). fem!reader, 1k
cw violence
Steve swears the chills come before you've even drawn breath to scream. His name, at the very top of your lungs and sharpened into a knifepoint, "Steve! Steve!" 
He drops the lockbox he'd been inspecting without thinking and stands from his squat, setting off at an all out sprint in the direction he thinks you came from. Your third scream cements your location, as does the sound of a scuffle, your pained shouting down the stairs and hiding behind the countertops. 
People are animals, and you're far more vulnerable to a living person than a dead one. There's a tearing sound, fabric stretched until it snaps. Steve thinks the worst. A greasy guy pinning you to the floor, a gun to the soft curve of your neck.  
Steve shouts your name. "Where are you?" he shouts, his throat burning raw. 
"Get off of me!" 
"Stupid bitch." It's a girl's voice, crystalline. "I'll gut you throat to cunt."  
Holy fuck, Steve thinks. Holy fucking fuck. He trips over an overturned postcard stand and slams into the counter, over it, into the room behind it. You have your hand wrapped around your backpack strap, a month's worth of provisions being yanked on by a girl with a knife in her hands. You're both grunting in exertion, the girl's leg slamming up into yours. You take the beating, throwing your hand into her face with a clout.
"Get the fuck off of her!" Steve shouts, barrelling for the stranger. 
The knife presses to your throat. No holds barred. 
"Y/N, let it go!" Steve shouts, a quick command. He'd rather lose the bag than you. A million times over.
You drop your hold on the bag. The girl flinches back, the curve of her knife leaving a dribble of blood behind, startling red that seeps unsympathetic into the grey of your t-shirt. 
She rattles out past fallen bottles, that ever present crunch of glass under her feet like compressed snow. Steve is torn. Two seconds of indecision. Should he follow her? 
He didn't get a clear look at what she did to your neck. He chooses you, he should've chosen you the second he saw blood, but a month of food is a lot. You might die without it. 
"Shit," he hisses, leaping forward to assess your cut. It's dark but not pitch, the line of your cut shining from the very last reflections of sunlight. "How badly does it hurt?" he asks, quickly dropping his bag down the length of his arm. He almost splits the zipper, digging for a clean scrap of cloth. He settles for his last t-shirt, shaking it out before bringing it to your neck.
"The food. The food, Steve, you have to go get it." 
Steve shrugs. He honestly can't think about it right now. He'll explode. "How am I supposed to get it back? We don't have anything to fight with. You have your pen knife, I have a kids baseball bat and a hand crank torch." He frowns and pulls away the cotton. Your cut oozes. He dabs it dry. It oozes more, but there's no white line of dermis peeking through. "I could shove it down her fucking throat." 
You wince. 
"Sorry," he says, though if he's apologising for hurting you or saying something vile, he's unsure. 
"I'm so fucking sorry," you say back, ignoring him. "I'm sorry, Steve, I'm so sorry." Your throat moves under his hand cupping the cloth there. "We're fucked and it's all my fault." 
He can't speak. He doesn't refute your claim, though you're wrong, your words striking a chord deep in the most terrified parts of him. Sometimes, Steve feels that crushing panic of childhood, the feeling of hiding under your bed with a little heart pulsing double time between sore ribs. You're fucked. 
You're a strong girl, but it doesn't take much of Steve's silence for you to start crying. You sniffle and tremble and try to do neither, gently shaking hands reaching for his elbow. "I'm sorry. I'll figure it out." 
Steve moves his fingers along the curve of your neck, lying to himself about what the touch means.
A tear drips down your cheek. He doesn't kid himself into thinking they're purely for him. You're shit scared, you're always hurting, and a minute ago someone was holding a knife to your throat threatening to split you open. He doesn't know if someone's coming back to finish you both off. He needs to do two things at once. 
"Let's find somewhere to sleep for the night." 
"I'm sorry," you say. His throat aches in sympathy. 
"She almost killed you. The last thing I want is for you to die over a couple of cans of tuna and arugula." He taps your jaw with his index finger. "Seriously." 
"I'm fucking useless." 
"Hey, hey." He cups your cheek. "Don't say that shit. Why would you think that? Would you think I was useless, if it happened to me?" 
Your ashamed look breaks his heart. He's in fucking deep shit with you. Lately, it's been getting worse. You break a nail and he thinks about stitching it back on. 
"You're not useless. I don't wanna hear you say that. Okay?" he says sternly. 
"Sorry," you mumble. 
"I'm not sorry. I'll take losing a bag of food over losing you any day." He doesn't give you time to understand what he's said. "Come on. Hold this to your neck. We need to go before she comes back." 
Steve wishes he could say he lets you hold his hand on the walk back to your latest temporary lodgings, but it's more like he takes yours and won't give it back, using the little trembling of your fingers to assess how upset you are. Squeezing when it gets bad. 
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oepionie · 1 year
Hi! I'm not sure if this request is odd, but could I request Jamil with an s/o that's skilled at pharmacology and cooking?
Character/s: Jamil Viper x GN! Reader
Tags: Tooth-rotting fluff, slight angst if you squint really hard
WordCount: 700+ |💌 Masterlist
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> If you were skilled in pharmacology, I can see him being interested in the research work you do. He enjoys spending time with you in your lab while you work, however occasionally he gets sidetracked and ends up staring at you instead.
Jamil watched you move around the lab efficiently, grabbing papers and test tubes as you went. He sat in the far back, leaning against the wall as he watched you in your element. His half-finished homework was scattered on the desk in front of him. Homework that he had abandoned in favour of staring at you instead.
Your hair was pinned back with two golden snake clips, ones he gifted you himself. You had a focused expression on your face, tongue occasionally darting out to wet your lips. He let his gaze move to the soft line of your cheeks before finally looking into your eyes. They were like sparkling gold coins, pieces of pale, polished emerald, dazzling amber, and intricately carved jade, similar to the gems and jewels he'd seen at the bazaars back in the Scalding Sands. Your eyes shone under the lab's overhead lighting like hidden gems in rich dirt. Jamil wished to stare at them for hours, had stared at them for hours.
"That essay Sir Trein assigned isn't going to finish itself, Jamil." You mused, not looking up from your papers as he stared at you from across the table. He blinked before hastily looking down.
"Ah. Yes of course."
> Cooking dates? Cooking dates. Jamil would put both your culinary abilities to use and convince you to join him in the kitchen. After all, isn't cooking so much better with your beloved?
Placing a sheet of phyllo dough into the pan, you quickly grabbed a pastry brush, brushing the sheet with melted butter. Jamil was, unsurprisingly, placed in charge of food preparations after Kalim announced yet another weekend party at Scarabia. You had promised to help, and now here you were, wearing a frilly apron while preparing Baklava in Scarabia's kitchen.
"How is it?" Jamil placed a hand on your hip, brushing his lips against the shell of your ear. You jumped, cheeks burning up from the close proximity between his body and yours.
"Make sure the mixture is layered properly." He spoke in a low and deep whisper, eyeing the pan. He clasped his hands over your own, guiding the pastry brush along the pan.
"J-Jamil! I know that! Shoo! I'm trying to concentrate here." As you turned to face him, he gave you a sly smirk and stepped back. His charcoal grey eyes swept over your body before settling on the apron you were wearing.
"Kiss the chef, huh?"
"It was the only apron they had left!"
> Despite the teasing, he would actually melt if you cooked for him, though he'd feel a bit guilty about it. Being the vice dorm leader and Kalim's babysitter retainer leaves him with little free time, thus he hardly ever finds the opportunity to take care of himself. He is incredibly appreciative of your love and generosity, it might just take him some time to get used to it.
"Jewel? What are you doing here? Jamil stared at you bewildered. He was on his way to history class, running a bit late since he had to rush back to the dorm when Kalim once again forgot his homework. That's when you unexpectedly arrived, looking a little unkempt and holding a lunch box in one hand.
"Jamil! I've brought you lunch!" you say brightly, your one free arm raised up to beckon him in for a hug. Jamil closes the distance in less than a second, pulling you in. You pressed a kiss on his cheek, chuckling when you felt his skin burn up.
"Thank you but you really didn't have to." He steps back and coughs into his palm, attempting to maintain his composure. Jamil knew that cooking for him every day was no easy fit, especially when you're practically swamped with all the work that Crowley dumped onto you. Still, as with anything thrown your way, you somehow always go out of your way to make time for him.
"I wanted to! Here, take it!" Ignoring the pang of guilt in his chest, Jamil plucks the lunch box from your hands. He's careful with the meal, lifting the cover to catch a glimpse of what you've made for him today. The meal featured a bed of creamy milky rice which was topped with a butter-coated roast chicken.
"Saleeg? I was just craving this earlier, how did you know?"
"It was just a hunch~"
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Likes and Reblogs are greatly appreciated and motivating on my end !
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articdelilah · 6 months
Hello! I really loved the Ikemen Prince x Teen!Reader concept. Could you please make a Gilbert, Keith and Silvio version of this? Thank you <3
✮ A Little Trouble ✮
Hi Anon!! Of course I can!! I’m been waiting for a Keith request so Thank you!! Sorry for the wait as I’ve had quite a busy few days and no ideas but I hope you enjoy 💞 I only wrote about kind!Keith🕊️
Foreign Princes
Platonic!Ikemen Princes x Teen!Reader
˖⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺˖
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(Keith is so sexy oml) At the Goodwill gala, Keith was very confused at the fact such young nobility was attending. He didn’t immediately have any suspicions however.
Nevertheless, he struck conversation with Belle. Asking her how she’s enjoying the gala and where she was from. Both parties enjoyed their conversation, talking about books they enjoy and such.
Belle had asked Keith if he’s interested in the study of plants to which he smiled and said yes. The girl expressed how she always wanted to travel to Jade and learn about plants in their top schools, but simply never had the chance too as she had to stay here to help her family.
Keith only shook his head and told the girl he would teach her everything he knew. And not to give up hope of course!!
Keith decided to stay a couple of days because of Belles interest in plants and herbs, wanting to teach her more about them. They made plans practically everyday, usually spent in the gardens, talking about all types of useful plants.
Keith made it sound all so simple and was a great teacher. He was patient and answered all questioned the girl had (even silly ones) (because my husband is perfect duh)
Another activity that would bring the two closer is doing each other’s hair. Keith braiding Belle’s hair and Belle putting small charms and flowers in his.
Keith found out Belle was well Belle from Silvio and he wasn’t surprised. However he told Silvio he wouldn’t use that information against Rhodolite, after all why would a King’s death be held above their heads? They were grieving (they are totally so sad) and he didn’t want to add to that.
Dill absolutely loves Belle! The bird is always trying to get the girls attention which embarrasses Keith extremely.
Tall trees towered over the greenery of the lush forest. For many days now Keith has been teaching Belle about herbs and flowers therefore she really wanted to repay him. Belle had taken Keith out for a walk in her favourite forest when the girl felt herself suddenly being drawn to a patch of small white flowers. Belle crouched down in front of them, brow raised at the flowers she’s so used to seeing. She never payed them much attention before but the Prince had shown her how important every plant was, even the ones you usually think nothing of. “What are these?” She asked, too busy inspecting the plant to look up at Keith who held a gentle smile on his lips. Her fingers stretched out to hold one of the tiny flowers. Twirling it for a little before she saw grey haired man again in the corner of her eye. He too had crouched beside her, observing the flower with his gentle gaze before giving her an answer. “Feverfews. They are good for-“ “Giving a few fevers?” The girl giggled at her pun and Keith couldn’t help but chuckle along with the horrible thing.
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Silvio didn’t want be around snotty chil-Wow this girl knows a lot about trade and economy
Silvio knew Belle was being taught about such things at the castle but he couldn’t help be impressed at how actually knowledgable she was. She knew a lot about Benitoite and how important they were as well as not undermining the importance of Jade and Rhodolite, Silvio liked that.
That was the reason Silvio chose the engage in conversation with the young girl.
Silvio can have anything he wants, but Belle had taught him how true feelings could not be bought with money. She was patient and not pushy, though a bit bratty at times of course.
Silvio and Belle really like picking on each other. Poking fun of one another whatever chance they got, laughing cruelly at the other. Obviously in good fun!
Silvio already had his suspicions on the girl being Belle so when the news broke, he really wasn’t surprised.
Belle was in town with Silvio, sitting inside a small tea shop as the words “I always wanted to visit a Benitoitian beach” blurted out. She hadn’t even realised what she fully said when Silvio asked her to focus on her food.
This does however give him the rich prick an idea; he speaks to Sariel about it. Sariel thought it through, but the diplomacy of the country came first then his moral rights from wrongs so he agreed. He wanted to send Guards but Silvio simply paid them to not follow, and they were kind enough to take the money and shut up.
Belle was shocked at the news of being taken for a trip however she simply thought it was in Rhodolite. The girl didn’t know what was in store for her!
“You get back here girl!” Silvio snapped as the girl started to run away from him. He was lying on the light blue towel, trying to soak in the warm sun when the girl decided to bring a bucket of icy cold ocean water, pouring it on the Prince’s face before quickly retreating. Silvio’s eyes sprung open and her laughter filled the afternoon air. He wasted no time to stand quickly and sprinted right after her. The bright sun smiling down at the two; Belle however didn’t get very far, mainly because of how hot the sand was. She had tried to run to the cool salty water but it was ultimately useless as Silvio had already caught up with her. His large hand covered in rings of pure gold and gems worth millions came down to ruffle her soft hair, his other arm bringing her into a (gentle) chokehold. Silvio wasn’t exactly mad, his face held a pleased grin as the girl laughed and tried to wiggle out of his grasp. He couldn’t get it out of his head how he’ll have to travel back to Rhodolite to leave her.
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Gilbert already knew Belle was Belle.
Let’s be honest! He has spies all over and the fact that Rhodolite had chosen such a young girl interested him deeply.
He struck conversation right away with his calm smile. It creeps Belle out at first, he IS Gilbert from Obsidian after all.
Gilbert decides to stay in Rhodolite and he started to appear everywhere the girl was. In the kitchens, the library and the gardens!!
Overtime, his smile was Belle’s favourite features about him.
As she grew closer with the Prince, Belle and Gilbert both kind of rubbed onto each other. Belle unconsciously started to speak a little like him.
Late night walks with Gilbert in the gardens aren’t uncommon but Sariel was definitely not happy about it. Sariel knew what Gilbert was capable of doing, Belle did too, so he warned her day and day out.
Belle however was determined to impress and such, so she didn’t listen to Sariel (sorry Sariel). Gilbert was very pleased at this, not like Sariel trying to stop him would ACTUALLY stop him
Belle was practicing her dancing alone in the dead of night. The girl unaware of the beast which lurked within the shadows of the palace. His cane hit the door, letting a thud echo through the empty ballroom
He laughed and offered his hand.
It was cold and dark in the now abandoned ballroom. There were no stars in the sky, the moon hidden behind clouds as if scared of the beast that had sneaked on Belle. Instead of mauling the rabbit, he offered her a dance. He couldn’t just stand as the girl tried to waltz alone. Gilbert’s hands rested on the girl’s, guiding her through each step of the dance. The empty room was large and illuminated by a singular white candle; its flame dancing along with them. It flickered and rocked, trying to match their steps. One glide to another, each motion carefully guided by the black tiger. He talked through each move and even with Gilbert, the dance was still hard. “This is so difficult!” The [H/C] girl sighed defeated. She knew this wasn’t the only dance she had to know, but she was tired and Belle could see the crack of dawn outside the stained panes of the big windows. She always muddled the steps, timing or direction. “The Waltz is the easiest dance of the many you’ll have to learn.” The Prince of Obsidian laughed at Belle’s increased sour expression. Her nose wrinkling simply at the thought of learning another dance. The two spent hours within the cold room, their shoes clinking and echoing bouncing off the walls. Let’s just say Gilbert wasn’t pleased when he had to leave Belle behind.
If you like my work, please feel free to request!! Anyways Goodbye Doves! Til next time🕊️🌙
Can you tell I really like Keith?
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ppnuggiex · 1 year
If your still taking requests can you do octavinelle with a reader who coincidentally has a pet octopus named Azul ?
      AZUL x gn reader
    『 azul ,, gender neutral reader 』
  -> having an octopus named azul
  — fluff ,, sfw ,, crack
  — hcs + oneshot since you didnt really specify which :D but tysm for requesting !!
• he would be a bit surprised at the coincidence ,, but brush it off nonetheless ,, he doesnt mind listening to your memories of the little creature
• he calls your octopus 'little azul' in his mind ,, but doesnt say it out loud
• lorrrdddd dont let the twins get ahold of this information ,, floyd might start to talk abt how your octopus must be azul's long lost brother or smt
• jade wouldnt do much ,, but to traumatize azul even more ,, he may cook an octopus dish and serve it to him ,, saying " for dinner ,, a little azul"
• sevens save the poor man from these psychos ,, he needs a break
• might gift you little treats and items to give your octopus when you go back home ,, but will pretend he doesnt know what you're talking about when you confront him about it
      face held in your hands ,, silence filled the room as azul's pen glided along the papers in front of him . " yknow ,," you began ,, earning a hum from him . " i have a lil octopus named after you in my world ,," a smile fought its way on your face . azul raised his head ,, arching a brow in your direction .
      " is that so ?" his face flushed a little at the thought ,, before he returned to his papers . " yeah ,, i kinda miss em ,, hes just a little over being a baby . hes so silly sometimes ,," you snicker ,, thinking back to your little moments with him . " he sometimes wraps around my fingers ,," you murmured out loud . azul listened ,, providing a few hums of acknowledgment . " what made you name him azul though ?" the merman asked ,, sliding his papers aside and clicking his pen .
        you shrugged ,," not sure ,, it just felt right . he doesnt look like your mer form ,, hes more of a purplish grey color and not a black and grey . i still love him though ." azul nodded and saved the information for another time . maybe he could do something for you and your little 'azul' back at your home .
        " dont worry though ,, i still love you too !" azul's eyes widened at that ,, casting his gaze to the side in embarrassment as he tried to hide his flushed face . " i love you too ."
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starkskeep · 1 year
I am my mother's savage daughter (r. stark)
I am my mother's savage daughter r. stark oneshot
Pairings - Robb Stark x witch!Reader
Word Count - 1,500 words
Warnings - Morally grey characters, mentioned non-descriptive murder, mentioned non-descriptive self-harm for the sake of magic
A/N - Here is my first request from a lovely anon. If that was you, I hope I did your request justice.
Request: Hello I was hoping if you could write a Robb stark and witch reader, she is his closest advisor and with the help of her powers she helped him get revenge for his father,he announces he is to marry her after he wins the war and thanks her for her support "I wouldn't have done it without you type of thing?
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Born as the daughter of Lord Roose Bolton and a noblewoman whose name has been lost to history, there have always been shadows that leak from your very soul. As a young girl, you were sent to be a ward of Lady Catelyn Stark in Winterfell. Perhaps it was a plan of your father’s to make you the future Lady of Winterfell, yet no betrothal to Robb came from your time there. Perhaps it was to keep you away from your bastard half-brother and his inclination to harm play with small defenseless things. Or perhaps it was because your father was afraid of you. Afraid of your potential. Afraid of what you would become if you were raised in a home that could provide no love to serve as a buffer to your whims. Many would try to claim that magic has long since disappeared in the kingdoms south of the wall but your father knew better. It was the power of your mother that drew him to her. A woman of a minor noble house that would not have drawn the attention of the ambitious Roose Bolton if it weren’t for the whispers that surrounded your late mother. With his own eyes, Roose saw how your mother controlled those around her. How the branches of trees and the flames of candles instinctively bent towards her as she walked past. A flick of her dainty wrist was able to send a man to his knees. An insult by a maid resulted in a fall down the stairs ending the maid’s life. After their marriage and your birth, your mother became disenchanted with your father and his control of her so he had her killed before he could become one of her puppets. It had also helped to quell the rumors slowly spreading from Dreadfort of his wife’s powers. She was just another woman weakened and eventually stuck down but the battle of the birthing bed.
So it was you who was raised amongst the Stark children. Receiving the love of the family had helped to tamper the power swirling underneath your skin but the execution of Lord Eddard Stark, a man who had raised you to be good in a way that your own father would have never been able to, ignited a burning sensation in your veins that you were unable to quell. You would wake up with scratches all over your body and blood underneath your fingernails. The voices that had once occasionally whispered to you now roared in your ears. They sang stories of the great battles yet to come. They warned you of betrayals when trust was placed in the wrong hands. In the course of a few weeks, you became a jaded shell of yourself, wholly devoted to the Old Gods and scarcely left the sanctity of the Godswood. 
Robb took you south with him, against the advice of his advisors. He could not leave you behind, just as he could not leave Theon behind. You were his friend and he knew you would prove to be an invaluable resource. He, of course, was proven correct. Roose, as one of Robb’s generals, watched as you cared for the wounded. Your remedies healed injuries and sickness far better than those concocted by others, despite using the exact same materials. Everyone praised your healing abilities as a blessing from the Gods. You treated Robb’s men and Lannister soldiers alike. Those who weren’t against the idea lauded you for your kind heart, Robb included. Roose watched as shadows slipped from underneath your tent when night fell and darkness cloaked the camp. The shadows, darker than the darkness around them, moved like snakes until they reached the beds of Lannister soldiers. The shadows would slither onto the cots and bedrolls of the enemy and smother them until the life left their eyes. There was no struggle. Healers would report the deaths in the morning as the soldiers merely having succumbed to their battlefield injuries. Roose watched as you were able to fake sympathy as you helped other healers carefully dispose of the bodies but he could see the shimmer in your eye, the same that once gleamed in his wife’s. 
If others had noticed, nothing was said. You had shown how valuable you were to Robb on the night when you shared your dreams with him. Not revealing that they were dreams, you made suggestions of what you thought the Lannisters may do. Most of the time you were proven to be correct and Robb gained the respect of his men due to the brilliance of his strategies. Robb kept you beside him in all of the war council meetings, allowing you to provide input when you deemed it necessary. In the eyes of his men, you were an oddity among women; one who had a brain and was useful for things other than running a household. You were given more freedom and would use it to sneak away. Running barefoot through the forests that often surrounded the placement of the war camp. Listening to whispers of the trees as you fed your blood back to the dirt. You did not question your abilities. You did what you instinctively knew to do. Coming back to the camp, your eyes would be brighter and your steps would be lighter. All the inhabitants of the camp wrote it off as you needing a break from the pressures. You were still a woman no matter the respect you received and thus were weaker and needed more breaks than the men. 
When the battles grew fiercer as Robb moved his army closer to the capital, whispers erupted of shadows helping the Northern army in their fight. Whispers spread even farther, to the Lannisters and beyond, of their men being taken down without the bite of steel even connecting with their bodies. Once again, this was brushed outside. Soldiers grow tired and delirious. Gossip grows crazier the more it is spread. King Robb is not King Stannis. He does not have a Melissandre by his side, filling his head with nonsense prophecies. He is a king fighting to avenge his father, rescue his sisters, and return to rule an independent North. You did not mind. You encouraged the rumors to grow more obscure. It kept you safe. It kept your actions from being examined too closely.
It was not until the night before Robb was to storm the Red Keep that you revealed your true nature to him. You revealed everything. Your healing, your killing, how you knew the movements of Lannister troops and what they would do in battle. Robb was shocked. He initially wanted to punish you for not telling him earlier but cooler heads prevailed and he realized that everything you had done was to aid him in his revenge, in your revenge as Ned was as much your father as he was Robb’s. So Robb listened. He listened as he did when you warned him not to agree to a Frey betrothal, to offer his uncle instead. He listened as he did when you warned him away from the pretty foreign healer. He listened as he did when you warned him to not allow Theon to sail for the support of his father’s ships and when you warned him not to accept your father’s request of sending your bastard brother to protect Winterfell. Now Robb listened even more closely as you explained what your shadows brought back to you from where you had sent them into King’s Landing, fully appreciating the weapon that the Gods had gifted him with.
You were by his side for the entirety of the siege. Riding just behind him and watching as he commanded his men to act in the way you had suggested the night before. You were standing in front of him when the Lannisters’ men shockingly turned against the royal family and its bastard king. He was beside you as he and his men watched the same Lannister soldiers then turn their swords against themselves. What was supposed to be a battle that would stain the throne room with the blood of both Lannister and Stark men ended with only lions left dead. 
After his coronation as King of the Seven Kingdoms, in which you placed the crown on Robb’s head and whispers a blessing of prosperity, protection, and power from the Old Gods, Robb announced that you would be his wife and queen. No one had provided more support to him than you did and he could see no other person than you by his side for the rest of his life. You were married in the ways of the Old Gods and the magic in your veins calmed for the first time since you had marched south. The Gods were pleased. They had one of their own blessed children on the throne and they kept the realm steady as long as your blood remained on the throne. 
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