#its like a fluttershy situation
ittoknot · 7 months
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Bro would fall for these dating/porn scams so hard.
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lime1991 · 5 months
those mlp infection aus on tiktok have been alright but heres my idea to consider:
the main characters of the au are the cmc. theyre not the lone survivors, and heres why: the infection almost entirely affects adults. this is just like a book i read in 5th grade, thats where im stealing this from.
Applebloom is the self appointed leader, shes best at foraging for food and growing it as well as building re-enforcements for the shelter (which is the clubhouse. it's higher up so they dont have to worry about most infected ponies reaching them.)
Scootaloo is the defender of the base as well as the group in general. shes the one who handles the weapons and is first to sacrifice herself for her friends to get to safety. She says its because he doesnt want to hold them back due to her disability, they tell her she doesnt have to think like that. but its hard not to.
Sweetie Belle is... not all there. sometimes she forgets the apocalypse has happened and that most of her loved ones are dead. Scootaloo and Applebloom take turns sleeping during the night to make sure someone is always lookout. that, and they can't risk Sweetie Belle unknowingly walking into the dark trying to get home.
Partially inspired by one of the best animes ive ever seen: School Live, Scootaloo and Applebloom sometimes, when Sweetie is having an episode, pretend everything is normal. Is the most they can do for their friend, who is clearly so traumatized that her brain blocks out the reality of their situation. Sometimes, Applebloom wishes that could happen to her.
When the infection started, it slowly took over the elderly first. Granny Smith got sick, fast. Big Mac and Applejack took care of her, but only a few days later she would turn into some kid of monstrous creature. Big Mac did the unspeakable act of putting her out of her misery.
Sweetie Bell was sent to go live with Rarity while her mother was sick. Her father began to feel ill too, and didn't want her to get herself and her friends at school sick as well. She could hear over the phone the conversations her sister and father had. How mom was getting worse, how dad was getting worse. How they stopped calling altogether.
A couple days into the widespread sickness, Scootaloo's aunts took a trip to the store to stock up on groceries just incase a quarantine was issued. They were gone for hours. They were gone for days. They never came back. Eventually, Scootaloo traveled outside of her home by herself, and could never return.
Once Big Mac and Applejack started showing signs of illness, Applejack spoke to cousins in other places wondering if they would be able to let Applebloom stay with them a while. But just like everyone in Ponyville, they were experiencing the same issue. At one point, Fluttershy agreed to watch Applebloom until AJ and Big Mac started to feel better.
After hearing that Fluttershy graciously took in Applebloom, Rarity sent Sweetie Belle off to her the moment she started to cough. She didn't want Sweetie to see her like that. She didn't want her to get sick either, and in fact, she probably transported it from their parents house and into Rarity's. That made Rarity angry. Her last words to Sweetie were about how upset she was that she'd brought the illness to her.
Scootaloo went to Fluttershy herself. She couldn't find Rainbow Dash, so she settled for the next best pony. She was shocked to see her friends had been there themselves the past few days. Scootaloo only managed to stay a few hours, because during the night the crusaders awoke to a crash in another room. Upon investigation they saw Fluttershy hunched over a broken glass. There was blood on the floor.
They went to comfort her, but she wasn't herself any longer. When she turned to face them it already looked like she'd been ravened by the infection. She was so hungry. Why couldn't the jar just open? She was so... hungry. Before she could even stand back up, the crusaders grabbed their things and fled to the only place they knew they'd be safe. The clubhouse.
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magicamicitia · 1 month
Volume Two, Chapter 3
"We're supposed to be a team!"
Almost as if everyone had gotten altitude sickness, the air in the gymnasium felt desperately heavy. 
"What do you mean…?" Fluttershy’s voice trembled.
"It means," Kyubey enthusiastically shook its tail. "If your soul gem is shattered during a fight or lost in your daily life, I can't do much to assist you, but otherwise, no matter how deadly the injury, your physical bodies can be reconstructed eternally with magic!" 
"What in tarnation…" Applejack spoke up. "So you turned us into your personal scarecrows or somethin'?" 
"I suppose scare-witches would be more appropriate." He continued. "And speaking of them, I assume you now understand why collecting grief seeds is so important. It would be truly a shame if your bodies were damaged and you had no magic to spare. Besides, deadly situations like that rarely happen when you have enough power, so there's really no need to worry!"
"No need to worry?! You killed us! You killed us and then turned us into some kind of freakish reanimated magical corpses!" Rainbow Dash shouted. "I never agreed to any of this!"
"Well, maybe you should have asked." Kyubey rebutted.
"Why, you little…"
"No, we couldn’t." Twilight interrupted, finally speaking up. "I… can’t speak for the others, but when you offered me a contract, I was in no position to ask you about the specifics. You knew that, and you took advantage of it."
Her words sparked some kind of dreadful feeling in Sunset Shimmer.
One day, Twilight Sparkle was living her normal life… and the next, saving her from witches as a magical girl. It was so sudden, Sunset almost couldn’t believe what she was hearing now. 
What happened to Twilight that night that was so dangerous and so abrupt?
If she was at risk, why didn’t she ask her for help?
Did Twilight herself not fully trust Sunset yet?
That didn’t make sense. All this time, Sunset had been the one protecting her, so why…
…What was she protecting her from, anyway?
Her head started to ache terribly, and she couldn’t help but let out a groan. 
"Oh, I'm sorry." Rainbow Dash said sarcastically. "Are we bothering Miss Shimmer with all our screaming? You got a headache? This must all be so hard on you."
"N-No, I…"
"Rainbow, stop it. This isn’t her fault." Twilight responded. 
"Isn’t her fault? She almost killed Fluttershy!" Rainbow screamed.
"I almost killed Fluttershy." She gestured at her own chest as she spoke. "Just like you, I didn’t know about any of this, and neither did Sunset. Nobody here had ill intentions. I just wanted you all to give her a chance.." 
"Why exactly would we give her a chance after stealing our things?" Rarity questioned.
"That’s what I said!" Sunset added. "Listen, Twi. They don’t like me, and they don’t have to. It’s not like I’ve done anything to deserve it."
"But you have!" She held Sunset’s hands within her own, and she could feel Twilight was trembling. "You’ve changed, I know that better than anyone! If you just had a chance to prove it… We’re supposed to be a team!"
Sunset let go of her friend. 
"No, Twi. You’re supposed to be a team. I’m not a magical girl." 
Twilight didn’t say anything, and didn’t move. She just stood there, staring wide-eyed at nothing.
This time, Pinkie spoke.
"Yeah. You aren’t a magical girl. So… maybe you should leave."
Sunset didn’t reply. As her footsteps faded away into the halls, Applejack turned to Twilight.
"You know, I just can’t understand why you insist so hard on defending that awful girl."
"She’s not awful." She replied quietly.
"She’s a bully, Twilight."
"She saved my life!" 
Her shout echoed throughout the room.
"I know… She doesn’t act the nicest, she pushed me away at first, too. But… She had her reasons! If you just try and…" 
"Reasons?!" Applejack scoffed. "I don’t give a darn tootin’ heck about her reasons, she hurt me and my friends! You know, If you're gonna keep this up, maybe…"
"I gave my life for her." professed Twilight. "When I made my wish, I gave up my soul. And I did it for her. Are you saying I died for someone I shouldn’t have?"
"I…" She started to say something, but her words failed her.
"You wished for something, too. If I told you that what you chose to die for was awful, how would you feel?"
The room went silent for a moment, until a frail voice stuttered,
"Twilight… We understand how you feel. But… We need time to forgive Sunset Shimmer."
"Fluttershy…" Twilight didn’t finish. She just gulped in her words and nodded.
Then, she mumbled another sentence.
"I’ll leave."
Nobody had told her to do so, but as she walked away, nobody asked her to stay. 
She headed to the nurse’s office. The school day was only halfway through, and even though a part of her felt tortured that she was essentially bailing on her studies, she just wanted to go home, because her heart felt heavy every second she spent in that place.
Like it poisoned her very soul.
That thought caused Twilight to jolt back to reality, and she quickly took out the soul gem in her bag.
It was much more tainted than the last time she’d checked.
Which meant she would have to go witch hunting soon.
Kyubey had left out another crucial detail about soul gems. A detail that the others didn’t seem to know, but she did.
She knew it all too well. 
What happens when your soul gem turns completely dark…
Earlier, Twilight said that she died for Sunset when she made her wish. But now, thinking about it again, that day…
If she hadn’t wished, who’s to say Sunset would have spared her, or even recognized her at all?
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herozdiary · 2 months
Hello! Have no idea if you're still taking requests but can you do Simon with a reader who is really soft spoken and gentle and animals weirdly like her(like a snow white or Cinderella situation)
Feel free to ignore this!<3
Quiet life
Simon x reader
This diary entry contains…Established relationship|Lowkey based on fluttershy since that’s what I kinda see but also like Snow White|Simon has personal beef with your cat even though he loves them| Written like HC’s|
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when Simon first met you the first thing, he noticed was how there was a small chipmunk sitting on your shoulder Listening to you ramble on about something.
For some reason the chipmunk was able to kind of understand what you were saying which made Simon question if he was hallucinating.
Simon had seen you around campus a good couple of times. People always talked positivity about you and a lot of people admired you.
Simon was intrigued by you and wanted to start to talk with you more. He found you in the same spot with the same chipmunk.
“Uh hi. I just wanted to ask you what's your name?” Simon asked as he messed with his gloved hands.
You smiled as you told him your name. "Y/n? that's a pretty name" Simon said as he looked at the chipmunk resting on your lap. "What's the little guy's name?"
"This is rascal! I found him when I was studying out here and he's been attached to me ever since. Rascal squeaked a couple of things before you giggled.
"So, what's your name" You asked as you closed your bag full of nuts and placed them back in your bag before petting rascal.
"I'm Simon. we have like one class together and stuff" he said as he shoved his hands into his pocket.
from that moment on the two of you began to get closer. You two would hang out in a small cafe near the school and sometimes you would hang out at a playground near Simon's house.
Eventually he did ask you out which was nice, and you agreed. You introduced him to your family and for some reason your cat wasn't the biggest fan of Simon.
Now Simon loves when you help out poor animals. sometimes if he knows what he's doing he might step in and help.
Simon is honestly very helpful when it comes to animals. He does his research to be more accurate on how to take care of them.
One time the both of you ran into an injured bunny, The poor thing hurt its foot. Simon was quick to explain to you what you would need to get to help it.
Luckily you were near a convivence store, so you ran into it and grabbed the items it needed. Once you got it, you began to help the poor bunny.
" I didn't think you would know how to help the poor guy" you said as you wrapped the bandage around its foot as Simon fed him baby carrots.
"I did it in my free time" he said as he watched you work before smiling. He was glad he met you, you were such an angel to want to help animals.
Once the bunny was fixed up, the both of you took him to a nearby adoption center to get it some better help. At the end of the day, Simon was glad to have met you and be able to help you with your hobby.
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xjulixred45x · 9 days
Can i request headcanons of hunter with a Romantic and platonic s/o that is like flutershy from mlp? Like,extremelly shy,meek and sweet,loves all animals no matter how dangerous they are and probably a beast keeper,i hope is not to much for you,keep doing good work and take care🫶
Oh yes! Yes! Thanks for the Request!
Hunter Noceda x Fluttershy! Reader
Genre: Headcanons
Reader: female
Warnings: this include Golden Guard Hunter so, he's kind of a adorable jerk sometimes, but it gets better, Reader is very shy and kind, Reader is a Beast Keeper, References to Belos but nothing grafic. Fluff.
As always a little context.
reader has always had a great connection with animals (perhaps her parents could have been farmers or already part of the beast coven?) and this was both a great advantage and a double-edged sword.
On the one hand, she could be quite safe in Bonesburgo compared to the average, since she could VERY easily tame the creatures that came across her, be they fairies, spiders, any creature.
Her family may even have been able to make a living from this lol
However, it also had its bad side since reader was not able to see that most of these animals and creatures were only friendly and docile to HER, generating incidents such as fairy infestations, bringing honeycombs of fire and causing injuries, things for the style.
Although, being bonesburgo, most people only saw readee as a very tender killing machine whom they should respect more than anything else xd.
Apart from that the affinity with animals only increased as she grew, drawing more attention.
reader joined the coven of beast keppers very early, gaining even more prestige, much to her bad luck.
Because precisely having had so much attention from such a young age made her become more shy and in a certain way reserved.
She simply doesn't like to be the center of attention, so she tries to be as discreet as possible.
More when sometimes she gets involved with famous creatures in smuggling or that Belos does not explicitly allow.
Maybe even thanks to this, reader tried to live as far away from people as possible, simply because that way she could raise her little animals and not so little animals in peace.
but obviously you can't always make a living from what you do in the garden (I would like to) and you go to the city from time to time for supplies.
NOW, I have two versions of how Hunter and reader may have met.
1- on one of these trips to the city or 2- the reader could be the apprentice of Eberwolf (the leader of the Coven to which she belongs).
For a certain matter of ease, I'm going for the second.
Training with Eberwolf is... strange, mostly because reader has to interpret everything he "says", but it's not as bad as one would think considering the feared reputation of the coven leaders.
Hunter would probably know at a superficial level about the existence of reader, mostly from the incidents involving her "little animals."
but I don't think they interact as such until the episode where Hunter wants to earn the respect of the Coven leaders.
There not only Hunter interacts with Darius and Eberwolf, but also with reader.
Maybe Eberwolf is trying to get Reader to go with Hunter to improve her social skills since they are both of a similar age, or maybe he just wants to annoy her, we don't know.
or even reader may be one of the few people who actually stay when Hunter calls the Coven leaders because well, he's the Golden Guard! He technically has a higher position than her and doesn't want to get into trouble.
and thanks to this small show of respect and "discipline" Hunter drags her with him to his mission as an "assistant" which, to the reader's discontent, involves interacting with people.
Regardless of how she has been assigned to Hunter, reader at first is used to just following him because she doesn't really know what to do in this situation, she is almost as socially inept as Hunter, so when they try to come up with ideas of how to get more people in to the emperor's coven, they unintentionally end up sabotaging themselves.
H: Do teenagers like the same things that we don't? rules, train-
R: fierce but cute animals? follow the strongest? silence?
H: animals that end our enemies for us? you are a GENIUS-
In a way they do bonding through their VERY WRONG ideas of normality and when they go to bring recruits they fail even more than in the canon.
(I imagine reader doesn't think much about FlapJack at first, she just can't help but see the Palismans as animals too, so she pretends she didn't see anything every time Hunter talks to him).
However, when the topic of the Flying Derby comes up, things definitely start to take shape.
I don't think Reader is weak basically, you have to have strength to handle wild animals even if they are tame, so when they practice a little, Hunter ends up QUITE impressed with how much weight she can actually carry.
(When he makes a comment about it he meant it as a compliment but it sounded ruder than he intended. He facepalmed for a long time).
Reader quickly becomes friends with Vinny and hee griffon, even telling her everything she knows about his specific breed type, diets, allergies, clothing size--
reader compensates her lack of speed with strength and her animals, speed is Hunter's strong point so they both complement each other quite well.
reader may even share a little of her philosophy with the animals (and people) to Hunter when they win, having a better understanding of each other and the "opportunities" they were given.
Even when the mission ends and Reader has to return to Eberwolf, Hunter continues to seek her out for other missions after that.
I would say that for quite some time their dynamic is like a "villain" that no one takes seriously with a faithful "servant", except that Hunter treats the reader as a sidekick or teammate. He doesn't feel like he can do the job without her.
especially when her positive affirmations become something he EXPECTS, or he gets used to having hair from whatever animal the reader brought with her that time, or when he learns to sharpen his hearing to hear whatever the reader murmurs when she thinks that He's not listening (which he's not doing! Not at all!)--
Let's say it's obvious to everyone except them.
If we talk about a relationship in general, it is a perfect balance.
Hunter wants to pretend for a long time to be the perfect guard, who doesn't make any mistakes and who is arrogant and so on. but in reality he is much more in need of attention and AFFECTION than he wants to admit.
reader is someone who evokes a certain tenderness and kindness, someone who you would think would be incapable of harming a fly, but is much stronger than she seems, she could perfectly turn all the fauna of the Boiling Islands against you--
Hunter learned quickly not to underestimate reader and sincerely likes that she can handle herself, of course, it doesn't mean that he doesn't like to show off a little and protect her from time to time, but knowing that she can protect herself leaves him very in peace.
Hunter wants to know as much as possible about the reader's interests to be more helpful when her "little animals" get out of control.
I honestly think Hunter is surprised how the reader can find any of the creatures on the Boiling Islands remotely endearing (except maybe King?) but he definitely understands how her connection to nature (which doesn't want to kill her) helps the reader.
Hunter supports any animal his partner brings in as long as it doesn't bite her off a limb.
although the Hunter post Time Skipe is definitely much more into the topic of animals and will happily introduce the reader to the WORLD OF WOLVES.
Hunter is happy to have a partner with so much empathy and who sees the good even in beings who objectively cannot see them that way, having lived with Belos all his life. Hunter is truly touched by how the reader takes care of the animals as if they were her own babies.
Hunter will definitely fight for the reader's animals (not only for her, but because at this point he is as in love with her as he is with the animals).
Hunter himself is shy, and although at first it was difficult for him to adapt to his partner's shyness, he quickly adapts and even feels safer with her because of it, because he knows that she will not judge him for having problems communicating certain feelings.
👏introduce👏reader👏to👏Darius👏both he and Eberwolf definitely saw it coming from afar, but Eberwolf still made good money.
I know I just said that Hunter would not be overprotective, but I can see him being cautious in social settings since the reader's personality can be the target of either 1- teasing or 2- attempts to make her feel bad for that very reason, and Hunter ITS NOT HAVING IT.
Don't even get me started on unity day :,) Hunter would insist the reader not only not go to the congregation, but to RUN AWAY AS FAR AS POSSIBLE. If reader didn't do it and, worse, was with Hunter by the time the drain spell passed, both of them would be heartbroken to see the other in so much PAIN.
We could say that it is even the reader's personality that helps him in especially dark moments, like when he is in the human world (without reader) he probably tries to cheer himself up or tries to think of an alternative plan thinking just " What would do reader?" and so even if it's just being a little happy thinking that "she would probably hug a "bear" or whatever that thing is"
reader is like his TORCH of hope in the black sea where Belos left him, which encourages him to get out of there, see all the possibilities, be HAPPY. and Hunter wouldn't trade it for ANYTHING AT ALL.
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bodrewritten · 2 months
Daughter of Discord Rewritten Chapter 3: Different
There was no doubt about it. Screwball proved to be a difficult baby. A unicorn or a pegasus filly would have been easier, despite their magical surges and eagerness to fly. The daughter of pure chaos had that and more.
While her magic satisfied her hunger with a great many things she should not possibly be able to eat, the baby did not fully understand the capability of her powers. A single thought from her infantile mind would cause something extraordinary to happen. One day, Fluttershy had the misfortune to come into the nursery and find her child gnawing on the bars of her crib, which had been turned to licorice.
Discord would never forget the night he made the most shocking discovery. A month after bringing their filly home, the couple woke in the middle of the night hearing her wails.
"Your turn," Fluttershy said wearily.
With a sleepy kiss on her forehead, Discord teleported to the nursery and gasped when he saw the crib empty.
"Screwy?!" he called desperately, "Screwy, where…?"
A sinister laugh echoed through his lobes, descendimg upon his now shaking form. Discord looked up to see Screwball hovering above his head, a cracked smile evolving from her little face, almost too big to fit on her cheeks.
"aw hell." he mumbled.
He should have guessed this would happen. He jumped up and swung his arms at her, oh, but she was as stubborn as her father and easily dodged him.
"Get down here, young lady!" he demanded.
Then he jumped so high that his head crashed into the ceiling, his antler and horn leaving him stuck. Screwball snickered, but gasped when she saw the aggravated look on her father's face. She took that as her cue to flee.
"Oh, so that's how you want to play it, huh? Come back here!"
He flapped his wings furiously and panicked as he chased her around the room. For an infant, she was quite fast and sneaky. She flew beneath the crib and he collided into its side, thanks to his horn and antler, once again. He chose to go around and finally got a grip on her.
"Gotcha, you little scamper!" Discord shouted triumphantly.
The filly tried to struggle out of his grasp, but her father's hands were too strong. At last, she gave up with a pout. He laughed as he stood and held her up.
"Now to get you back to bed so your Daddy and Mommy can get some sleep," he cooed.
Then he took a sniff of the air and cringed. Screwball snickered again.
"But first, some pony needs a change." He sighed.
He snapped his fingers and the filly's dirty diaper disappeared, a clean diaper replacing it.
"Who knew raising a foal would be so much work?"
He did, of course. He grunted as he set her down into her crib. She crossed her hooves and glared at him with her spiral eyes. He began to wonder if she had inherited her mother's Stare.
"Don't give me that look, little missy!" he ordered, pointing his finger at her. "You may have chaotic power at your disposal, but I'm your dad and we make the rules around here, got it? Playtime is Daytime, Now get to sleep princess."
The filly suddenly broke into tears.
Discord froze in his tracks. "Please, please don't cry!"
She opened her mouth and wailed at full volume. Discord wanted to be active in every part of raising Screwball, when it came to her crying, he was helpless. He did not have the ability to calm down any living creature like Fluttershy. So far, she had been the only one to handle situations like this.
"Please!" he begged. "You'll wake your mother!"
He had to get her to quiet down and go to sleep, and he couldn't possibly ask Fluttershy. She had been working harder than ever this past month, taking care of the baby along with her pets.
Discord decided he at least had to try to calm his daughter down. First, he considered what was making her cry. He had already changed her diaper and she clearly was not hungry, because she could handle that herself. He considered getting a laugh instead of a cry.
"Hey, Screwy!" he exclaimed. "Watch this!"
In a flash, he was on top a unicycle juggling a pie, a boot and an anvil. Screwball stopped crying and watched this act with curiosity. The objects then slipped out of her father's hands and landed on his head: first the boot, then the pie, then the anvil.
She blinked for a moment and then cried again.
"Tough crowd," he muttered. He knelt to her bedside. "For goodness sake, what do you want from me, kid?"
What would Fluttershy do in this predicament? In the time that he had known her, he still had trouble being gentle with other creatures. He thought the problem was that others were too absorbed with his appearance to give him a chance, but then he realized that the problem might be him not giving them a chance, or rather kindness a chance.
Maybe he should give it a chance now. He thought about what Fluttershy would use to calm the baby down and then snapped his fingers.
"A lullaby! Is that what you want?"
The filly seemed to understand him for she stopped wailing for a bit and held out her hooves with a whimper, indicating that she wanted him to hold her as well. He carefully scooped her in his arms. She was so tiny and soft. He would not be surprised if she grew up to be as beautiful as her mother. Thank the heavens she had inherited that part of her.
He cradled her gently and attempted to sing the lullaby Fluttershy would always use:
"Hush now, quiet now It's time to lay your…"
He trailed off as she began crying again. He rolled his eyes.
"Everyone's a critic."
Unfortunately, he was not as gifted in singing as his wife was, mostly because he had not had much practice. Besides, the song was not in his key. Maybe he should try another song, but he did not know that many. Perhaps he should make one up. The first line he sung came straight from his thoughts:
"Please do not cry, my dear
Your papa is so very here…"
She paused a moment to listen to the haunting tune. Discord glanced down and saw that his cheesy song was working, so he continued:
"And if any pony
Causes you any harm or fear…"
He thought about what he would do if anything happened to his daughter.
"Then I will cast them out from here,
'Cause I…am your papa, Discord.
And you…are a piece of me."
The filly giggled in delight, clearly enjoying the song. She clapped her tiny hooves for more. Discord smiled down at her.
"Oh simple spawn of mine
Without you, I would be so lost
I will stick by your side
No matter what the tragic cost
Our crazed imagined thoughts
Are what give you and me our strength
'Cause you…are my daughter, Screwball
And you're…gonna sleep right now."
The lullaby took its effect as Screwball let out a yawn and closed her eyes. He gazed in awe as she innocently sucked her hoof. He would have given her a pacifier, but it might deform her teeth, (or so he told himself since she ate the last three.) So he laid her in her crib, careful not to wake her. He picked up her stuffed dragon king Lionheart and slid it under her free foreleg. He then gently tugged the quilt over her small body.
Smiling, he leaned forward and lightly kissed the filly on the forehead.
When he teleported back into bed, he announced to his wife, "Our baby can fly."
Despite the complications, Discord and Fluttershy loved their newborn filly. She had a contagious laugh that was a combination of joy and sneakiness, much like her father's. Her powers, while making her difficult to deal with, were actually quite entertaining. Once she had learned to teleport, she and Discord took the game of peek-a-boo to new heights. She would often get restless, but Fluttershy was able to calm her down with her tenderness. When that did not work, she would use the Stare on her. Discord was grateful that the filly had not inherited his immunity.
Fluttershy sighed, still half asleep. "Of course, she can."
The biggest issue was finding a babysitter. While Pinkie was the most eager, not even she could handle the filly's unpredictability. Rainbow Dash could do it when she wasn't working with the other wonder bolts,(or slacking off,) Rarity was great with the filly, because she was like a sweeter, sillier version of her own cat, Opal. Applejack seemed to be a natural with her. Still, every pony had their turn helping with the baby.
Sometimes Derpy and her daughter, Dinky could come over. She would amuse her playmate with her powers, making their toys levitate and circle in the air. Dinky would clap her hooves in pleasure. The only magical surges the unicorn had had were when her pacifier, the same one Screwball had given her when they met in the hospital, was out of reach.
When Autumn Glory, Rarity, Rainbow, and Applejack's daughter came over, Screwball was given a four year old mentor.
The young filly took interest in her friend's horn. Screwball was a little over a year old when she discovered that it wasn't normal to use magic without a horn. She was able to fly at their age too, but she noticed that she did not have wings. She also realized that their eyes looked in the same direction, but she already knew that Dinky's eyes were unique.
Some point at this age, she met a pony she had never seen before and jumped back at the sight of her. Her short curly mane was purple with streaks of white, her coat was a light pink, but it was her eyes that interested Screwball the most. They were different. They were nothing like Dinky's. She seemed to have no blackness in her eye, only a purple swirl.
Screwball reached out to touch the filly and at the same time, the filly reached out to touch her. Their hooves met and Screwball flinched at the smooth texture she was feeling. It was not a hoof, it was glass. Her parents had already observed that Screwball seemed quite intelligent and understanding for a foal her age and it did not take long for her to conclude that the strange filly was indeed her.
That was when she knew.
Fluttershy found her daughter sitting in front of the full-length mirror and flew down to her.
"So there you are," she said, reaching her hooves out to her. "I've been looking…"
Her hoof then tapped at the reflection of her eyes.
Ah yes, her dad. Of course screwball knew how different he was from the other ponies: his size, his shape, his appearance, his behavior. whenever her mother or one of the other ponies was next to him it stuck out.
As Screwball grew older and developed better speech, she began noticing other things that were different about her. Her diet was the first indicator. Her friends always stared at her when she drank her sip cup instead of the milk inside it. Her playmates, their mothers and her own mother did not do the things she did. Objects did not appear out of nowhere on their command, nor did they just come to them from afar.
When she was six, she finally approached her parents about this. It was after they read her a bedtime story that she asked.
"Mommy, Daddy?"
"Yes, dear?" her mother responded softly.
"Why am I different?"
Discord and Fluttershy paused, their smiles squishing into nervous silent words as they shared a look.
"You're the same in ways that matter," Discord insisted.
"Like your friend Dinky," Fluttershy added.
"She doesn't have magic like mine mommy." Screwball said. "Not like mine. Pegasus and earth ponies don't do what I do, and I'm not a unicorn."
Her mother glanced to the side. "Sweetie…"
The filly pointed to Discord. "I'm more like daddy."
He winced. "Screwy, I think you…"
The couple looked at each other again, sighed, and smiled simultaneously.
"Yes, my love," Fluttershy said. "You and Papa are both a draconequus."
Screwball tilted her head. "Like Uncle Spike?"
Her mother laughed. "No, princess, you and Papa are the only two draconequi that have ever existed."
Discord put his paw over his heart. "My dear, you flatter me! Yet your flattery is an understatement. I am the Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony! It is my duty to make the world less boring with my little…quirks. After all, what would this world be without a box of starving crazed weasels in every donut sho?"
Screwball squealed and kicked her hooves happily in agreement.
Fluttershy continued, "you and your papa are special and your differences from other ponies make you special, they almost define you. Almost. You are also made of your similarities to ponies you care about. You are what you make of yourself."
"how eloquent, my queen," Discord cooed, leaning forward to brush his daughter's hair. "you are special, because you are a product of two species, two creatures who love each other very much despite their differences."
He smirked as he wrapped his tail around Fluttershy and pulled her closer. She was startled at first but then laughed and kissed him on the snout.
"Your father's right," she said to the filly.
"Well, duh!" Discord huffed. "Of course I am! I only repeated what you said!" She nudged him playfully in the ribs with her elbow.
She meant something to ponies that love her, and she means something to herself.
The filly smiled, assuring them that their words had helped. After her parents had kissed her goodnight and turned out the lights, Screwball closed her eyes and sighed contently.
"nopony means more to us than you, screwy."
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aannonn · 5 months
voices headcanons!!
Been thinking this for a while now, and thought it would be cool, so now here we are! =D
Lil' note; I personally like to headcanon them all as stickfigures who have no voice, but silly lil' images and/or body languages to convey what exactly they are saying without having to speak, but I also like to imagine how it would be like if they had voices! Just a fun lil' thingy that I wanted to make. (*^▽^*)
aand because, in case i ever do another ava/avm fic which includes dialogue, I need some references from my own headcanons so I wouldn't forget. xD
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I like to imagine that if […] had a voice, it would be like…
彡- ,, The Second Coming | Orange
* ˚ Finn from Adventure Time voicelike ; Calm voice. Relaxing; Perhaps comforting? A little thinner.
✦ Orange prefers simpler, more basic things; Cozy, basically. So I feel like that their way of speaking would be neither so fast nor so slow; Fast enough to be firm and confident, and slow enough so people (sticks) don't get lost in the middle of its speech.
~ I feel like he would also use more basic, simpler-to-understand words, no matter how not-appropriate-for-simple-words the situation is. (lol)
彡- ,, yellowstickfigure | Yellow
* ˚ Varian from Tangled voicelike ; Calm, steady, confident voice, although with a lil' bit of a frantic, crazy tone when hyperfocused on his thoughts.
✦ Yellow is is one of the smartest in the group, always thinking before acting; I like to think he would use more complicated and difficult words to express his thoughts, perhaps making some references to games here and there. ~ He also strikes me as the type of person(stick) who would be a fast-talkative when expressing his thoughts out loud, but who would slow down his speech whenever talking to someone.
彡- ,, redstickfigure | Red
* ˚ Enthusiastic, thin and curious voice; A bit like a ChildLike voice. Although he can make his voice a little more comforting and soothing when talking to small/sensitive animals. (Or when comforting his friends!) ~ I also like to think that his voice is softer than it seems, he's just quite lively and curious, so much so that his voice conveys his emotions very well.
✦ Red is lively and curious, loving and affectionate and a little aggressive; Fast-talkative. He often expresses his thoughts in a curious way and as if he is rambling. His friends can understand him perfectly because they are used to his speech mode, although other sticks have a little more difficulty understanding him.
彡- ,, bluestickfigure | Blue
* ˚ Fluttershy (mad/confident) from My Little Pony voicelike ; Firm voice, yet soft and comforting. Although with a slight hint of dizziness due to his drug netherwart addiction and the fact that he sometimes consumes inedible things, which makes his voice sounds a lil' bit drunk.
✦ Blue is primarily a pacifist, more likely a peacemaker; His way of speaking would be neither so fast nor so slow, although it leans more towards slow in a way.
~ The types of words he would use would be basic, like Orange, although he sometimes uses more complicated words too, like Yellow.
lil' note; Since, out of everyone from the ColorGang who used images (or text) to convey their voices without actually speaking at some point, Blue is the only one in the group who haven't 'said' anything yet, so my headcanon about his voice + his way of speech may change in the future! teehee
彡- ,, greenstickfigure | Green
* ˚ Their voice is probably the softest of the group, although pretty firm and confident. Their calm and comforting and so, so soft voice is like music to the ears. He very often that not hums.
✦ Green is a perfectionist and likes extravagant things; Her way of speaking is similar to Rarity from My Little Pony.
~ She always greets his friends in an affectionate way (darling, love(platonic), dear, bro, dude), although instantly as if he were on autopilot.
~ Her way of speaking is fast, although not so fast to the point that people(sticks) cannot understand him; They can vary between speaking complicated, simple, basic or beautiful words.
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teehee- And that's the end!
I will probably make a second part, since I also have other voices headcanons for the other characters, so...
Next Part!
Welp! I think that's it..? xD
Cya ~ !
also- a lil' random thing;
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haha 69 funni number
(thank u btw!! &lt;33)
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cryptidclaw · 1 year
You said you think Dash and Aj’s elements should be switched, i haven’t watched the show in years but i’m curious as to your reasons why
Ok so I have firmly believed this for years, to the point where I sometimes forget it isn't canon lol.
With the other Mane 6 it is extremely obvious what their elements are, its a big character trait for them! Pinkie is always trying to make ppl laugh, Fluttershy is always spending her time showing kindness and caring to animals, and Rarity is always giving ppl new outfits and stuff bec she thinks everyone deserves to feel beautiful! Twilight is also obvious bec she's u kno, super magical.
However with AJ they explain that she's honest by adding on the minor character trait that she can not lie, which i think is kinda boring and not as impactful or big like the other Mane 6's elements! Same with Rainbow, like idk I feel like "loyalty" isn't a huge trait for her!
On the other hand Loyalty works SO well with AJ's character and overall backstory!! She is super loyal to her family, she will do anything for them and works her ass off for the farm! I just think it would fit her so well, for her to be the stubbornly loyal friend who will not give up on her loved ones and will do anything for them and will back them up no matter what. It just fits her vibes soooo much more!! And her loyalty to her family is such a big personality trait for her!!
Rainbow Dash being the element of honesty also works really well. She seems to me like a take no nonsense, "I will tell u how i feel about you and/or this situation no matter what" kind of gal. Dash has no filter, she just says what she thinks, big neurodivergent vibes, she is so me. Of course this gets her into a lot of trouble, tbh her being the element of honesty could bring on some good discussions on how sometimes there are times when you shouldn't be brutally honest, but other times honesty is a great trait ho have! I feel like her having no filter and always being honest is also a far more big and important trait for her, Honesty being her element just fits so well.
Anywaysss just think it fits a lot more with the themes of the other Mane 6 having their elements be such a big part of their characters! And it fits their personalities so well!!
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Could I get a jist or at least a summary of your alters? Like what are they like and want do they enjoy?
Well my main alter that has been here for quite some time, its name is Moxie. It seemed to have already known its name from the start, even before I'd started hearing them.
It uses, It/Its, pronouns, and are Genderless/Agender.
They also aren't human, they're more of a "little devil" as it's put it. It's a small devil gremlin creature. It's the trauma holder of the alters.
When it talks its voice echoes slightly, but when its talking through me, it's just my normal voice, though, it tends to come out when I'm angry, like very angry and my voice gets louder when it comes out, and it tends to make the situation worse, and it knows this. It tries not to, but that's just how it reacts when it start fronting.
It isn't violent, it's just more bold and loud, and even more confident than me. It speaks its mind, no matter if it hurts someone's feelings. That's just how it is, and it doesn't regret it or feel sorry for it, but I do when I hear about what it did, even though I, usually, don't remember doing it.
My second alter is my more "soft spoken" side, to put it simply. Her name is Mue, which is a Japanese name for "beautiful".
Funny side story, while I was doing dishes talking to them out loud, I had said that she didn't have a name yet. Yes, she was there, but she didn't know what to call herself, and she said she wanted a "pretty" sounding name. Though not my deadname. Neither of them like my deadname.
Anyways, she tends to keep me quiet when she fronts. Whenever I start getting overwhelmed with emotions, and start to cry, they keep me silent, because she knows that if I open my mouth, it'll just be nonsense, or just sobbing.
Basically, they're the reason I respond to people yelling at me to freeze, even though I'm also crying at the same time. It's because she's aware that Moxie will just escalate the situation, and I'm not good with words, so she just makes me keep my mouth shut, because they think that's what's best.
Although, this tends to happen when I was arguing with my stepdad, and he's very impatient, so when she came out and made me be quiet, it was really hard to deal with. Because he would start yelling more and tell me to speak, when I physically couldn't say or do anything.
I honestly didn't know what to say and I would say she's more "inconvenient" than anything, and she feels bad for doing so.
Also, forgot to mention, Mue is human.
Mue also, uses They/She pronouns and is a Demigirl.
Also, when she's fronting she's why I don't feel uncomfortable when I hear people using she/her pronouns.
But, when Moxie or me are there instead, it makes us both uncomfortable. Not like anyone else knows though.
She looks very feminine, her cheeks are more pink, like blush, and looks like younger me.
She also doesn't really have a voice, they can talk, but she doesn't need/have to. Her voice is very quiet, like a whisper, and it's more high pitched, sort of like Fluttershy, but even quieter. They never really talk, but I still understand how she thinks and feels. We are one in the same after all.
Anyway, that's basically the jist of them, I hope you can understand, and I know it might not make a lot of since, but it makes sense to me at least.
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gardenergulfie · 1 year
Hello mutual in law gardnergulfie. Could I perhaps inquire about the npcs from dnd
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So that "cow man" is named Simon and he's a member of the rival adventuring party to my players! I'll tell you all about them rn!
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(Art by @autisticzedaph and @cuuno)
Ok so Simon, Simon McOwens, is a minotaur wizard (formerly a paladin till situation caused him to renounce his oath) and he's the leader of the rival party. He's a friendly but sometimes awkward guy who's charisma comes from just how outgoing he is! He'll cheer for you even if the two of you are racing! He's the one who has the wrangle the more rowdy members of his group in line, to varying degrees of success. Oh and also he's Transhet and uses he/him pronouns!
Next is Nectarine Everloam: a dwarf artificer and the unoffcial second in command of the group. The voice I do for her is based on Fluttershy MLP and thats a pretty good indicator of her personality. Thought quiet and shy, she's actually quite respected by her group and can silence some of them with a look and a few words. She doesn't get angry, just disappointed (which is worse honestly). She also has a lil pet mouse construct! Deffo has adhd/autism. She uses she/her and is a lesbian!
Then we have Took Lil-Tell: an owlin ranger/warlock who wants you to think its a rogue! Very much the "Oh he's a lil guy -> oh he's a bit fucked up actually!" Looks like a sweet, trustworthy tbh creature, big fan of knives, mischief, and thievery. But look at their lil face, you wouldn't hurt them would you? No, you can't, and while you're unable to fight them they're snickering and giggling at you. Awful, I love him. It's aroallo and uses it/they/he btw!
Finally we have the beloved bastard: Sir Finley Prayfallow. A rune knight fighter tabaxi who should probably start investing in barbarian because Wow is she easily riled up. This cat is Miles Edgeworth meets Pirate Joe and he sucks soooo bad. Like, most stuck up cat Ever. British /neg. Kinda pathetic too. I love her, I hate her, she lives in my head rent free. He literally went to a school for knights and yet somehow has the strangest honor code ever. He would call you a slur but only one he can reclaim himself. I hope he changes or dies <3. Also she uses he/she and is very gay.
So yeah those are my blorbos I have Many More in my backpockets but those are the main ones me and the party obsess over. Hope this is enough info!
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idkaguyorsomething · 4 months
Why you should read Anchor Foal: A Romantic Cringe Comedy
¡Happy Valentine’s Day! ¿Have you ever wondered what the most romantic story of all time is? Well stop wondering, it’s a My Little Pony fanfiction.
The Setup- essentially, Princess Celestia has realized that, although Fluttershy can keep Discord from returning to his old ways, she will eventually die, and decides that if Fluttershy has a foal, her bloodline will be able to tether Discord to Equestria and keep him from returning to his old ways. An anchor foal, if you will. So Celestia blackmails an escort by the name of Fleur dis Lee into going to Ponyville to help Fluttershy find a life partner. Hijinks ensue.
Why You Should Read It- the narration is one of the highlights here. The world as seen through the eyes of the characters manages to feel intricately detailed and vibrant, drawing you in while managing to make each perspective feel unique. Ponyville itself manages to feel like a character, giving you a sense of why anypony would want to live there after everything that keeps happening and the tight-knit community, with all its ups and downs. The story is very OC-centric, but all of the characters are quite entertaining and have a lot of hidden depths, from Fleur herself, who has a rough time adjusting to her new situation, to Harem Fantasy, a romance novel that Discord brings to life and keeps around on a whim. Canon characters and locations are given a lot of depth as well, with Fluttershy in particular getting to show off the most aspects of her personality as she tries to find love, but glimpses are given into the minds of Pinkie Pie and Celestia, among others. Additionally, this story does an excellent job balancing the idealistic world of Equestria with the grounded, semi-realistic tone that so many other writers have tried to achieve. This world certainly has its flaws, but there is no tyrant!Celestia or edgelord gore to be found. And the central romance itself, holy shit. It’s one of the finest slow burns you’ll ever find anywhere, telling a very believable, very emotional story between two fleshed out characters that seem like an odd match. ¡All while managing to throw in plot and wacky misadventures!
Why You Might Want to Avoid It- this story is a spin-off of the Triptych Continuum, so it doesn’t really take place at any point in canon MLP: FiM as it’s just doing its own thing. A lot of the backstory and worldbuilding of the continuum can be understood just by reading Anchor Foal, but occasionally it does feel jarring if you don’t have the context for when an important character or device is brought in that you don’t have the context for. Several major plot beats also involve attempted pedophilia, attempted sexual assault, and dubcon. Nothing explicit occurs, but they are all important to the story. And if you’re not a fan of OCs then this probably isn’t the story for you, though they are so well-written that I’d recommend checking it out anyways, just to see if this turns out to be an exception. The title “Cringe Comedy” can be a little misleading, since the humor isn’t always the focus and derives mostly from other sources. The main OC, Fleur, is well-written, but has a lot of development to do over the course of the story, so it’s understandable if her initial character doesn’t work for those who don’t enjoy morally gray protagonists. And last but not least, the story has an… interesting relationship with asexuality. Fleur, who has the ability to detect ponies’ sexual desires, states that she believes that even those who self-identify as ace will have at least a trace of sex drive, and a big deal is made of Fluttershy seeking out a partner even though Fleur cannot detect any kind of desire in her. There is a sympathetic ace character who is satisfied with their life, and a point is made of how using their sexuality to blackmail them is wrong, but it’s a relatively minor part of the story.
TL:DR- sapphic pony odd couple rom com with such a good slow burn you guys, please read it it’s amazing.
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dalegeeksout · 7 months
Zamii070 Controversy
In 2015, fan artist Zamii070 was posting art on Tumblr for fandoms like My Little Pony and Steven Universe. They posted some art that made the plus-size character Rose Quartz skinny and art that portrayed Fluttershy as a Native American, among other things. What followed was months of intense and persistent harassment across Tumblr from fans attacking them for their artistic interpretations, escalating into a total character assassination until the artist attempted suicide.
This situation's stakeholders included the artist, Zamii070, the fans harassing them, and the show's creators such as Rebecca Sugar, who got involved at one point to denounce the harassers. This controversy also involved many ethical concerns, including policing art, harassing individuals, organized and relentless social media threats and mockery, character assassination to the point of attempted suicide, and the misuse of labels like racist, ableist, pedophile, etc.
Reading this situation through a Rights Lens, the harassing fans infringed on an individual's right to make art and interpret a show's art style to their personal art style. The harassing fans claimed the artist didn't have the right to use their art as personal expression rather than exact duplication of the show's art style.
Reading through a Justice Lens, this whole situation was a gross miscarriage of justice. The fans believed they were carrying out their own justice online by calling the artist out for their problematic portrayals and giving Zamii070 fair treatment by forcing them to face the consequences of their actions. However, these fans took their so-called justice much too far, and instead completely destroyed the individual.
Read through a Utilitarian Lens, the fans were not thinking about the risk to the individual's mental health or physical safety by threatening them so much. They did not think about the consequences of their own actions in their attempt to prove they had the moral high ground—instead, they just dogpiled on this artist, joining in a mob mentality to hurt them.
The platform used in this situation was Tumblr. Its affordances that were taken advantage of were tagging, creation, and shareability, and lack of moderation. Because there were no moderators to stop the harassment, it kept going. The fans did not do much to moderate their own behavior. The fans relentlessly tagged the artist in harassment posts and threads. When it comes to the affordance of creation, the creator was able to put art out in the first place, but then harassers also had the ability to create memes, posts, and blogs degrading the artist. Shareability was also taken advantage of: fans could reblog, tag, and create blogs with the sole purpose of targeting the artist.
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jaded-but-queer · 11 months
Here is part of the rewrite where I describe where the mane six currently is in life when Screwball is about two years old
As well as a completely separate scene describing the “disappointing” birth of Mothball
Obviously these are going to be tweaked much more in the final draft but here’s a sneak peek of my interpretation of this story ✨
Scene 1
It had been a bit over two years since everything happened, and Fluttershy knew it was not the most… conventional of situations. Especially since it resulted in her marrying the literal embodiment of chaos and disharmony, of course being ironic with her being a part of the Mane Six of Equestria. However, love knows no bounds and they were the living embodiment of it; and Fluttershy honestly could not be happier. She had been able to settle down and feel content with her husband, and most of her friends had been able to enjoy the same luxury.
Rarity had finally agreed to move in with Applejack after being convinced that her wife could not stand the idea of being apart from her family’s farm for longer than what she deemed necessary; but it was the way Applejack had phrased it that eventually persuaded Rarity to accept it: “I was born and raised on that farm, and I will proudly die on that farm just like my ma and pa did”. They’ve apparently adopted two darling little foals, of their own, just a few days ago, and Fluttershy was still debating what she should give them as a welcome present.
Twilight Sparkle claimed that she was in a “long-distance” relationship and did not give much context beyond that, and Rainbow Dash was currently single and perfectly okay with that–turns out her and Soarin did not last long-term but they kept things cordial due to the twins they had a few years ago. Fluttershy did suspect that Rainbow might have been seeing someone on the downlow but was considerate enough not to pry, besides her friend will no doubt shout to the rooftops about her newest partner once she was ready to do so.
And last but certainly not least, Pinkie Pie had ended up marrying her fellow party pony Cheese Sandwich in a surprise shotgun wedding just one month after Fluttershy got hitched. Although it came as a shock to no pony when they ended up having three more foals afterwards, and it was a miracle to every pony that they were all either quiet or shy in comparison to their rambunctious parents.
Scene 2
Chrysalis sighed as she stared blankly from across the cramped nursery at the wiggling and chirping grub that had finally hatched out of its egg, appearing to be a carbon copy of her when she was that age. However, something told her it wasn’t what she had hoped and prayed to their ancestors for.
While she knew it had not been confirmed yet, she already had a bad feeling from the moment the egg began to slowly hatch just thirty minutes prior.
She decided to forgo informing her husband of the news, not being in the mood to watch him shoot dirty looks every five seconds at General Mantis as he sat by her side.
Something they have learned over the years was how to immediately identify the sex of a royal hatchling, and it was quite a simple procedure that could be done in just a few minutes: comparing the weight and looking at how colorful the patterns on its worm-like body are.
And judging by the lack of celebration from one of the nurse Changelings checking it, Chrysalis’s suspicions were finally confirmed.
As she glanced around at the extravagant gifts given to her by officials and family members, she was again reminded of one clear fact: they had been expecting a girl to hatch out of that egg, not the puny male that was chirping desperately for love and affection to feed it.
“Just my luck,” she bitterly murmured to herself, “yet another son; as if I am being endlessly punished by my late mother for my failures.”
The hatchling was staring blankly at her, as if expecting for her to come cradle him like a doting mother but, how could she when she was so utterly displeased with this outcome.
She already had one single daughter, and that was her treasured and idolized daughter, Vespula, the beloved Crown Princess of the Changeling Empire.
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geniequestria · 2 years
Twilight lays prone on her bed, still so upset over everything that’s come to pass over the past few days. Her face is about buried in her pillow, by now it was pretty damp from the Princesses’ tears.
This had to be the most bleak situation Twilight’s ever found herself in. And unlike any previous situation where it seemed like all is lost. There was no easy fix that was just moments away from saving the day. Starlight is smarter then either Discord or Chrysalis were at the time of their defeats, there was no object like the Crystal Heart or locked box to unlock that was central to defeating Sombra and Tirek respectively. And the first time they defeated Starlight wasn't exactly giving any of the answers Twilight needs either. For everything that let them defeat Starlight back in Our Town has now been turned on its head.
Just thinking about the first time they faced Starlight doesn’t make Twilight feel any better anyhow for a few other reasons. As she now realizes, maybe she should have arrested Starlight when she had the chance. It was a bold move to let Starlight go, in hopes she’d reflect and come out a better pony. Only for Starlight to take advantage of Twilight’s mercy and plot her next move: Which ended up being the fateful confrontation they had in the archives while Equestria was already on pins and needles from the Storm King’s invasion where this whole mess started.
Now indirectly because of her inaction, the entirety of Our Town, the Crystal Empire, Princess Cadence, her brother, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and even Fluttershy have gotten drawn into vessels too. Everything has snowballed into an increasingly unstoppable force ever since her snap decision to use the lamp on Starlight in the archives, and the weight of her guilt was becoming too much to bear.
Not helping was the most recent event, where now none other than Mage Meadowbrook was genified. And her historic idol, Starswirl the Bearded scolded her harshly for reasons that even she had to admit had some truth to them at this point.
As she sobs some more, she hears a knock on her door. She raises her head up, visible tears streaming from her face. “T-t-t-the d-d-door i-i-is o-open…” Although she went off on her own, she didn’t lock any doors on the way in. As she very much needs some comfort from her friends.
Soon, every one of her pony friends for the exception of Fluttershy walk in. Though they are also accompanied by someone Twilight knows very well. “…Twilight?” A quite familiar young voice rings through Twilight’s ears.
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“Spike?!” Although her face still ridden with tears she hops off her bed to see her #1 assistant. As it’s been a good couple of days since she’s actually seen him. The last she saw him was most certainly before any of this genie situation started. “Spike, where have you been?! I know I’ve been preoccupied with everything going on… but that doesn’t mean I wasn’t worried sick about you!” 
Spike shrugged “Relax, Twilight. I was in Baltimare for the Comic book convention. You bought tickets for me in advance a little while ago for my effort to fill in while you were too sleepy in Canterlot, remember? It just so happened that… the date fell on some pretty troubling current events…
“It most certainly did! Why didn’t they cancel with the news of an impending invasion?!” Twilight worrisomely pointed out
“Well yeah, they certainly had a talk about canceling it. But right as the Princesses were kidnapped, the whole convention was practically ready to go. And so much funding went into this previously that it was hard to really not do the convention at this point.
And Baltimare was on the whole other side of the country from where the invasion was set to begin. So there was talk that even in the worst case scenario where the invasion got all the way there. Then the convention certainly would have ended before… Equestria completely fell to the Storm King… yeah… there were quite a number of ponies who were afraid this convention was going to be the last chance to have fun before we were all enslaved…” Spike crossed his arms though he perked up soon after “I got the news from the others here that the Storm King is no longer a threat! Which sounded like great news… but then I heard something worse has come up…”
“No kidding… but I’m glad you’re ok, Spike… though wait a moment… what about the whole younger ponies that are now full-grown thing? You seem unaffected, but then again… I guess you aren’t a pony” Twilight observed a bit obviously.
“Oh yeah… that was really weird when suddenly all the kids at the convention became adults… I got the gist from the others about what caused that too just now… but back at the convention where no pony knew what happened it was enough to pretty much abruptly end the convention. And that’s why I’m back here now, I still had fun though. There was enough time to at least see the Power Ponies creators for instance!” Spike put his hands on his hip and smiled.
“Well… I’m relieved that you’ve at least had some good days… it’s been nothing like that on my end…” Twilight lowered her head and sniffed.
“So I’ve heard, Starlight Glimmer has returned and now she’s an all-powerful genie, and she’s been transforming ponies into genies that for the most part follow her orders now… correct?” Spike telling the core of it all
“Yeah… that’s all true, Spike… but…” Twilight sits down and turns her back, as her eyes fill with tears again “It’s also all my fault!” She starts sobbing heavily again, as her friends and Spike quickly gather around her to comfort her.
“Now, now Twi… ya shouldn’t put all the blame on ya shoulders like that… not only ain’t it healthy, but it ain’t true. Y’all are not the one forcing ponies into bottles against their will…” Applejack tried to assure the Princess.
Twilight shakes her head “Unfortunately… that’s not entirely true, Applejack… for I pretty much did that to Starlight in the first place…”
Rainbow assists “But you didn’t do that on purpose! You shouldn’t let that bearded jerk get to you! You thought it’d do something else then it actually did, if you had known beforehand tha-“
Twilight interrupts “That’s just it, Rainbow Dash! Starswirl wasn’t entirely wrong about me… I should have not bothered touching any of the artifacts in there at all! There’s a reason items like Catrina’s Lamp were in the archives in the first place… they were never intended to be used again! Yet, I still went for it… Starlight really made her move at the absolute worst time… all of Equestria was depending on me after the Storm King kidnapped Princess Celestia and Luna… 
I really didn’t want to have to try to deal with both the Storm King and Starlight at the same time… so I used the lamp in hopes of at least quickly shutting her up and/or make her powerless… but I didn’t realize I was creating a threat more dangerous than the Storm King ever could have been!
And now because of my failure to take Starlight to justice before her return, and rushing for a solution at the archives… Trixie… my brother… Cadence and the rest of the Crystal Empire… Princesses Celestia and Luna… and who knows how many more have been transformed by now… what if my parents have already been turned… or Moondancer… or any pony the rest of you really care about!
Starlight mentioned that aside from her move on Ponyville, she sent some of her genies to Manehattan, Cloudsdale, and Canterlot… Applejack, Rainbow, and Rarity… there’s a real possibility  that Rara, Babs Seed, the Orange family, Coco Pommel, Sassy Saddles, Spitfire, and many more may have already been transformed!”
Applejack and Rarity both gasp, definitely now worried about all of the names mentioned, whereas Rainbow reacts in surprise but quickly challenges the idea. “There’s no way the genies got Spitfire or any other member of the Bolts… those vessels won’t be fast enough to catch any of them, not even in 100 years!”
Twilight sighed “I would do anything to share your optimism, Rainbow Dash. But if even Celestia, Luna, and Cadence were captured and transformed. I’m not sure there’s any pony that’s truly safe…”
“But darling, aren’t WE technically safe? As well as the Pillars? Aside from Meadowbrook, of course…” Rarity pointed out
“For now maybe… there’s a reason Starlight is putting us through this game… she’s toying with us, she’s so confident she’s going to win… and… I can’t exactly say her confidence isn’t unfounded…
Starlight isn’t dumb, she made sure that we could only get our “unlimited” wishes from her, and no matter how much our genified friends like Fluttershy say they aren’t totally subservient to Starlight. They could still inform her of a wish they hear from us, and bring Starlight here to grant that wish because they want to see us become genies too. From this game’s point of view, every genie is against us. 
Starlight either wants us to make a mistake, give in to temptation, and/or surrender. She wants us to reach a low point, where almost every pony we know are genies until we feel there’s no way out both literally and figuratively from us finding our way into a genie vessel…” Twilight lowers her head again
Rainbow Dash puts an assuring hoof on Twilight’s shoulder “Well if you just sit there, you’re not exactly going to be able to fly out of that low point! It’s way too early for this! Come on Twilight, we’ve faced a number of moments where all seemed lost before. And the tougher the problem, the stronger we’ll be when we’re out of it!”
“Rainbow is right, Twi. Just because ya don’t have the solution right now, doesn’t mean y’all won’t find it later. Think about it, Starlight is so confident that she thinks she’s already won. We gotta try t’ prove her wrong!” Applejack tips her hat with a confident smirk
“Yeah, Twilight! Just think of it as if you’re Bat Mare, the big bad is making the mistake of giving you the prep time to save the day! KA-POW!” Spike punches the air, it makes Twilight giggle a little. Obviously it’s Spike still having the convention he went to on his mind. But she’s certainly needed some levity, the support from Applejack and Rainbow Dash helps her feel closer to a better mood. The thought of things getting worse and worse the longer it takes for them to find a solution still weighs on her mind. But her friends are right that trying to find a solution fast is not going to work…
After all, it was rushing to solve a problem that started this mess in the first place…
“T-t-thank you… all of you… I’ll try my best to think or discover something over time… Group hug? I could really use one right now…” Twilight’s friends waste no time obliging to her request.
“We love you, Twilight!” Pinkie manages to say. She’s been abnormally quiet, but Twilight knows this situation has also dawned pretty hard on Pinkie Pie. “I love you all too… thanks for coming to see me in my time of need”
“We’ll always be there for you, darling! That’ll never change, regardless of what happens.” A part of Twilight wanted to point out that Fluttershy currently wasn’t here for her. But she decided this was no time to ruin the moment.
As the group hug ends, Rainbow asks a question. “So what do we do for now until you come up with a new idea, Twilight?”
“I think we should probably just return the Elements to the Tree of Harmony, then we’ll return back here. It hurts me that we won’t have any power to stop any more of the spread of the genifications, but we’ll have to grin and bear that reality until we find a solution.” The rest of the elements nod their heads. “Spike, do you mind staying here until we get back? We won’t be gone long, I promise”
Spike nods as well “Of course, I’ll wait here at the castle until you get back”
“And one more thing, Spike. Try not to interact with any genies you may see, even if they’re some pony you normally trust… I don’t want to return and see that they’ve genified you…” Twilight warns her #1 assistant
Spike nods once more “Of course, Twilight. If I see any genies approach, I’ll go hide”
“Thank you, Spike. Be back soon!”
Twilight and the 4 non-genified elements leave the castle to make the trek to the cave where the Tree of Harmony is rooted. The Elements are currently useless to them now, so they best put it back in the tree so that it can maintain its power.
Rarity and Twilight use levitation to put their respective Elements back on the upper right branch and middle trunk of the tree.
Rainbow Dash places her element on the tallest branch.
And all of them help Applejack and Pinkie Pie climb up by making a tower for them in order for them to put their own elements back in the tree.
The last one, Fluttershy’s element of Kindness is given to Twilight to fly up and put back in. Before she does, she takes a longing look at the butterfly-shaped gem of the Element of Kindness.
Twilight sighs, she's still not sure what to make of Fluttershy as a genie. She stood up to Starlight, which would indicate that genies aren’t totally subservient to Starlight’s will. Though at the same time, she’ll still be an active force that they can’t completely trust to not turn more ponies into genies as they saw with Mage Meadowbrook. And it especially hurts to know that if it had not been Fluttershy that was the first of them genified, they might have defeated Starlight by now thanks to Discord. 
Not helped by the fact that Starlight herself wasn’t even aware of that, the musical chairs game they were forced through just happened to land on the worst possible scenario for Twilight’s hopes of bringing everything back to normal.
Even if she herself had been the first genified and had become a willing pawn on Starlight’s side. The others might have still been able to rally around Discord assuming Starlight would have still set up the game. She even thinks that Discord actually may have been compelled more heavily then for some of the others to get things back to norma,l if it had been her instead of Fluttershy. Cause he may think a genified Twilight would be a thorn in his side.
Twilight does remember that something had gotten in her way in the game, almost like something rigged the game against her. Perhaps Starlight was awa- No, that would be forgetting that she got worried on the subject of Discord the moment his name was mentioned. Discord wasn’t a factor in her decision to do the musical chairs. Which only begged the question as to why Starlight might have spared her from potentially being the first one of her six friends after she’s already gotten 3 of the 4 Alicorn Princesses of Equestria on her side. 
Twilight does have a suspicion that Starlight’s probably waiting for the right moment to genify her, whenever that is. Perhaps she’s saving her for last, that said Starlight certainly hasn’t made that entirely clear. For all Twilight knew, Starlight may be plotting to entrap her next in this game. Whatever makes her more nervous and gives her more anxiety is what she imagines Starlight intends to do next.
Twilight then puts the Element of Kindness on the lower left most branch. The Tree of Harmony at full power once again as a glow shimmers from the tree. The rest of Twilight’s friends then start walking out, Twilight stays behind for a little while longer as she flies down closer to the base of the tree. She sits down and looks at her reflection on the Tree of Harmony’s crystal trunk, she closes her eyes and lowers her head with another drawn out sigh.
She pulled her head back up, and when she opened her eyes…
Her reflection was suddenly staring right back at her, the reflection’s eyes were smaller. Twilight’s own eyes shrink small as she gasps in fright. Her reflection was not doing the same action she was anymore. “W-w-w-what?! That’s not my reflection…!” 
What Twilight thought was her reflection continues to stare straight at Twilight’s eyes. It was frowning gravely, and besides the oddity of it not following Twilight’s movement. Its tail was waving in a similar manner to Celestia and Luna’s tail.
.......mon… y…
Twilight gasps and shrieks again as it seems to speak, echoing, and sounds much like her own voice. She looks away and breathes heavily, and wonders if she’s going insane.
She then looks back one more time. “Who… or what are you? What do you mean that harmony is at a crossroa-“ But then Twilight notices that her reflection is back to what it was. Twilight puts a hoof on her forehead and shakes her head. “Ugh, just what is with today… or this past week for that matter…”
Twilight finally turns away from the tree to follow her friends. She has some thought about telling her friends about what she just saw. But she’s afraid if they come to see, then what she saw won’t just appear for her. And they’ll think she’s hallucinating. The fate of Equestria is depending on her, perhaps more than ever before now. it won’t inspire much confidence if a number of ponies thinks Twilight mentally isn’t there.
She finally walks away from the tree, though she certainly doesn’t forget the sight she saw. It might be important for later, and hopefully it shows up again at a time where she can prove it without making herself look crazy in front of her friends. It said Harmony was at a crossroads. that was sort of obvious already to Twilight. As she imagines the harmony of Equestria was in danger of being disrupted by this genie threat. But she wonders if by crossroads, if there’s more paths aside from Starlight’s Genie utopia or returning things back to normal. Though she doesn’t know for absolute certainty if that wasn’t just some odd fever dream she had suddenly or not. She shakes her head one more time and moves on. Finally catching up with her friends as they return to Ponyville.
They return to Twilight’s castle, and go to Twilight’s bedroom where Spike was. He was sitting on the floor with his back turned towards them.  Twilight can see him from the back, thankful that the genies haven’t done anything to him while they were gone. “We’re back, Spike!” 
The little dragon turns his head and smiles “Hiya, girls! Say check what I found!” He picks up something currently out of view from the girls and turns around. Holding something in his arms. It seems to be a fully grown pale yellow female cat with green eyes, and pink stripes along its back and its tail.
The cat purrs and lets out a quiet meow. “D’awwwwwww!” expressed Rarity and Pinkie as their hearts just about melted out of it’s cuteness. 
Rainbow flies up closer to the cat. The cat then boops Rainbow Dash on the nose. Rainbow giggles and smiles “Oh no! Even the fastest pony in Equestria couldn’t avoid that! She’s pretty cute! Where did you find her, Spike?”
“I peeked out the windows in case any genies were coming in, when I found her lying at the front door of the castle, she seemed hungry so I let her in and baked the same cat treat recipe that I normally do for Opal for her” Spike then lets the cat down on the floor. 
She approaches Rarity and Pinkie, rubbing against them as a show of affection for the both of them. Especially for the rather depressed Pinkie. Both of them pet the cat as it meows and purrs some more.
“She’s adorable, Spike! But er… did ya check fo’ ah collar o’ some sort? Ah gotta feelin’ this cat ain’t no stray from its behavior right now…” Applejack observing.
“But you’re more of a dog-pony, Applejack. Some stray cats can get quite comfortable with ponies if they’ve been treated nicely enough. What if it’s sort of like a town alley cat that goes around for temporary shelter and food from the nearest pony?” Spike notes, while Rarity the resident cat owner, nods.
The cat then heads back near Spike. She curls up on the ground, and lays her head against Spike’s feet. Beginning to get some sleep. Once again just about the whole room’s heart goes aflutter for the adorable animal.
Twilight figures the presence of a cute animal was great for every pony here as at least a brief distraction from the current state of the world. “That was nice of you to help her out, did you come up with a name for her?”
Spike puts a claw under her chin “Well, I don’t know if maybe some other ponies in town have already given their own names for her. For all I know she could have multiple names she goes by if I’m correct she’s a sort of town domesticated cat. But I do have something of an idea for a name we can all give her…”
“And that would be?” Rainbow inquired
“I… admit it might be at risk of reminding you of recent events. But it’s almost too obvious not to do, if you notice she has quite a bit of Fluttershy’s colors. Down to being yellow, those green eyes, and the light pink on her back and tail. But I won’t go as far as actually naming her Fluttershy… but how about something close like… Flowersly! Or something like that at least.” Spike suggests.
Twilight does frown a bit about being reminded about Fluttershy, though she does see that Spike’s observations isn’t wr- 
Suddenly, a realization takes over her. “SPIKE! GET AWAY FROM THAT CAT!” She charges up her horn and teleports Spike to the other side of the room.
“Huh?! What?! Why?!” Spike incredulously asks.
“Spike… that cat doesn’t just coincidentally share Fluttershy’s colors… this cat IS Fluttershy!” She grimaced, while every pony else gasped.
The cat then opens up one eye, and seems to smirk. The cat is then obscured in sight by a pink magic cloud that gets bigger. When it dissipates, the cat is gone. But in its place, was Fluttershy who giggles having fooled her friends for a short while.
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(Vector credit: cyanlightning)
“Hehe, that was fun! How’d I do? I was a pretty convincing kitty, wasn’t I~. Meooooowwww!”
“GAH! You were Fluttershy the whole time?!” Spike’s absolutely flabbergasted.
“What are you doing here, Fluttershy? I hope you’re not here to genify Spike… otherwise… our friendship really is over…” Twilight growls, Spike is very special to Twilight. If Fluttershy genifies him, she’ll know that her talk of not entirely being on Starlight’s side was a lie.
Fluttershy frowns, and waves her hooves. “Oh no no no no, I promise I wasn’t going to do anything of the sort! I was just having a little fun with all of you…”
Applejack raises an eyebrow “Ah don’t hear ah hint o’ lying from ya… though ya do know we remember what ya pulled on Meadowbrook when ya were ah flash bee fo’ ah brief time…”
Fluttershy taps her hooves “Yeah… I suppose that first time did leave you suspicious if I was planning on sneaking another genification in… but I promise I’m not shapeshifting just for the sake to be stealthy prior to a genification of mine…”
“That’s not exactly denying that you won’t exactly do something like that again…” Rainbow retorted.
Fluttershy does an admitting shrug and smile “Of course it isn’t, not like I could deceive you girls with Applejack here and all. I fully intend on doing that again for a fair share of my genifications. But I repeat, that’s not what I came here to do”
“Then what are you here for? And on a side note… what became of your conversation with Meadowbrook inside her vessel?” Twilight asked.
Fluttershy answers the latter first “I managed to cheer her up just fine, she’s back in a decently good mood and is now roaming through town…”
“Please tell me she’s not…” Twilight’s ears droop
“…She’s probably genifying the doctors and nurses at the Ponyville hospital right about now.” Fluttershy bluntly said
“Ugggghhhh, of course she is… that’s just great… now if any pony in town suffers an injury or gets sick… their ‘prescription’ is going to be not any kind of medicine, surgery, or therapy… it’s going to be ‘genification solves everything’…” Twilight looks away in frustration.
“Not even Starlight would go to such lengths as purposefully hurting some pony or making them sick just to get them genified though…” Fluttershy replies
“Maybe not, but it’s certainly going to be a thing that any hospital taken over by the genies are going to do something of that sort… for just about any ailment known to pony kind! The excuse being that genification is the “ultimate cure” for everything” Twilight points out
Spike blinks “…I mean, is that not wrong? Genies are supposed to be immortal, even if they can still get sick. It can’t kill them”
Twilight is a bit surprised by Spike’s answer “Well… in a technical sense no… but Spike! You haven’t seen what happens when we tried ungenifying some pony when we got the elements! We blasted Sugar Belle with the elements, and it was successful at turning her back to normal… but then she freaked out and proceeded to just wish to be a genie again! That has to mean there’s some form of troubling effect on the mind from this that may take so much time to heal!”
“Hmmm… that does sound troubling… but this all depends on whether some pony is truly changed in a way they would never do normally. It could just be as possible that Sugar Belle simply found her life to be so much easier as a genie then as a normal pony. You have to admit that ponies suddenly gaining all that power gives a significant improvement to their life. I mean… imagine if some pony suddenly took your horn away, Twilight” As if on instinct, Twilight puts a hoof on her horn and frowns. Almost every unicorn feared losing their horn. Twilight and Rarity remember when Discord took theirs, they instantly freaked as well.
“If I may say, Spike, darling… While we did freak out immediately… I don’t think we reacted anywhere near like Sugar Belle did. During that whole time we were in that goose chase Discord put us through in the hedge maze we didn’t have our horn…” Rarity recalled.
Spike nods “Yes, but think about just how much of an improvement being a genie is compared to being a regular ol’ unicorn magic-wise. Perhaps at the very least there’s a power corrupts sort of thing that Sugar Belle did not want to let go of. But there’s a possibility that even if there’s a fair bit of legitimate addiction to this power, we have to factor in that there are real reasons every pony would suddenly like being a genie.” That leaves the others in some contemplation.
“I… guess you have something of a point, Spike… but even if you’re entirely correct… It's not helping that Starlight is forcing this on ponies. Her very methods are a huge factor in why I doubt Starlight is doing this for the betterment of Equestria” Twilight explained her position
Fluttershy chimes in “Mmhmm, both can be true at the same time. Starlight’s execution of her plan can be bad at the same time that we can have legitimate reasons for liking being a genie. You girls saw me when I was transformed, I feared the worst was happening and it was because of Starlight’s methods that I thought I was no longer going to be me. Though once I felt the transformation overwhelm me, I… started to understand what this truly meant for me. Starlight just needs to eventually approach this in a better way than she is currently. Even if is working out for her so far, she wouldn’t have to have so much hassle if she’d just be more kinder to her genies-to-be from the start”
Rainbow Dash deadpans “Yeah… but I’m not so sure she would really be Starlight Glimmer if she was nicer to us… it’d ironically be solid proof that it IS brainwashing ponies if suddenly Starlight had become kinder…”
Applejack nods in agreement “Starlight held ah grudge against us befo' all this happened. So her targeting us with this game o’ hers isn’t exactly out o’ character.”
Twilight sighs “I’d mention that Starlight wouldn’t have done the whole turn every pony into a genie thing. But I’ve already told you girls that wasn’t what the lamp told her to do, that was the Crystal of Corruption’s doing. Still, it’s a bit odd that every pony just goes along with a plan that wouldn’t have come about if Starlight had only been genified by the lamp and not combined with the crystal. Fluttershy, if you’re not corrupted like Starlight is. Why do you still want geniequality to come into fruition?”
Fluttershy pauses to think over an answer, before smiling as she’s got a possible explanation. “Think back to when Starswirl told us about Catrina. Her big mistake was being selfish, and convinced her power could never be taken away from her. If she had been more like Starlight, where genifying her assistant and spreading that wide to all Abyssinians. It’s very possible the world would still be ruled under an Abyssinian genie empire. When you empower the more good-hearted citizens of the world. They want to be able to share that joy with others. Equestria has a very friendly culture, and while we may have some of our own citizens that could very well be as greedy as Catrina was. By the time they’re genified, there will be too many good-hearted genies for them to do much about.
And while the meaner and/or greedier may be disappointed that they can’t lord over others like they used to. I have to imagine being a genie does at the very least give such greedier characters the means of satisfying themselves in other ways. Most that are greedy is because they love hoarding all the money. But what happens when money essentially becomes worthless… but only because any pony on their own has the ability to make any material possessions they’ve ever wanted. Or travel anywhere they want to go in an instant.
But my point is, I don’t want every pony to be a genie for the exact same reasons Starlight does. 
For Starlight, it’s her desire to see ponies equal and putting you girls through a slow one-by-one “game” as revenge for foiling her original plan. 
For me on the other hoof and probably a good majority of regular civilians and others we know, we want ponies that they know like our friends, our family, and more to share in our joy. I know Starlight’s making it look like a general takeover of Equestria, and by the end of today… Just about the entire northern half of the nation will likely be Geniequestria territory…
But I assure you it’s not because we’re in total agreement with Starlight’s views. But while she is offering this, we still want to take advantage of it for good purposes. Most of us aren’t compelled to be loyal to Starlight to a fault, but if it lines up with sharing what we love about being genies with others. That’s when we’ll still be willing to follow an order from her. It just turns out that for the most part until she genified me, her steps in her plan have done that for every pony genifying ponies with her. Almost every pony that helped her genify any pony in Our Town, The Crystal Empire, Manehattan, Cloudsdale, and now Ponyville is doing it for the benefit of their friends and family. 
When you combine the allure of immortality, eternal youth, and the magic power being a genie gives you with the ability to give the same perks to those we know, never having to worry about the inevitabilities of a mortal life for ourselves and others… and the absolute pleasure just being genies give us… it’s hard for us to want to go back to the way things were. That’s all I feel you need to understand things from our point of view.” As Fluttershy’s answer finishes, the room is left quiet. Twilight, Pinkie, Rainbow, and Applejack look down in a rather conflicted manner. 
Rarity’s mouth is slightly agape, as Fluttershy’s words on the matter are giving her a better understanding. And maybe even a bit of dispelling some of her own fears. She almost feels like clapping for Fluttershy, but she doesn’t want her friends to think she’s becoming a genie sympathizer. 
“I… uh…” Twilight’s initially struggles with how to respond. It takes some thinking, but she finally gives one more angle. “I… just don’t know… still… Starlight’s lamp had to have been in the archives for a reason. And before that, it was in an ancient temple guarded by all kinds of deadly traps before Catrina found it. There had to have been a reason it was kept out of any one’s grasp for so long. Because otherwise, if it was really this amazing power that all sentient life can receive and live peacefully together… why didn’t the ancients spread that power between them in the first place? The real origins of the lamp are so mysterious it comes before any sort of recorded history. We can’t be sure yet if there isn’t some catch to all this, maybe in the short term it looks perfect. But what if there’s an issue in the long term? I feel like ponies should get a full understanding of the magic they’re receiving. Literally no pony, including Starlight, and not even those who were around more than 1000 years ago like Celestia, Luna, or the Pillars know exactly how this magic came to be. And before Equestria falls completely to “Geniequality”, I feel like we need to make sure every pony, both genies and non-genies alike are well-informed of any potential consequences.
Cause as is, it almost seems too perfect for all of this to be true. It’s literally only been a few days since Starlight was genified. There’s no way anyone currently genified has considered just how much we don’t know about all this.
Fluttershy… Can you at least understand why I’m so concerned about the potential unknowns of this? Most society changing revolutions that promise to be for the benefit of all tend to have an underlying cost even if initially it seems like there’s nothing but pros, and no cons whatsoever. If anything the great power given by becoming a genie only makes me MORE concerned at the idea of what could be the consequences. I know the cons won’t be anything like Aladdin where ponies end up in caves for thousands of years. But just like how genie life is actually much better for real genies compared to the fictional ones, what if there comes a time where we finally learn the negatives about being a genie... and it’s even WORSE then fictional genies in some way?
I’m not sure what a worse fate would entail… but I almost don’t want to try to imagine it… I’d rather Starlight at least briefly stop her conquest and give us time to figure things out before she proceeds to genify more ponies. But she’s not going to listen to us, she’s determined this is the solution she’s longed for and isn’t open to contrary opinions on the matter. She’ll just guilt trip us as if we preferred the inequalities of our normal society, especially now that the genies are compelled to prefer their new lives over their old ones.
I… just don’t want to see you get caught up in something that you’ll regret, Fluttershy… I feel there’s more to this than what we know so far… and whatever we find will shine a light on the truth of the matter…” Twilight finishes her response, as Rainbow, Applejack, and Pinkie nod with Twilight’s view on the matter.
Rarity on the other hoof felt half-conflicted now. The nuance that confused even Discord when he was here reared its head again as Rarity was back to square one. Not sure what she should believe in any more.
Fluttershy meanwhile has a neutral face as she listens to Twilight’s views. She frowns a little late into Twilight’s speech. But she closes her eyes, sighs. Before smiling again with an understanding face. “Well said, Twilight. I may disagree on some level, but you are right we don’t understand everything yet. I feel whatever cons there could be, there will be some kind of clever workaround we as a collective and powerful genie society could figure out. I respect your thoughts on the matter, and maybe I’ll try to see if I discover something out one of these days. I can see if I can be your girls’ informant for any new information we learn about myself and the other genies.”
Rainbow Dash lifts an eyebrow “An informant that still plans on adding more genies to the world, despite Twilight’s warnings of the unknown?” 
Fluttershy smiles sheepishly “…Yeah, pretty much. But if I do discover a significant flaw in all this, I’ll stop and get in touch with you all. But in the meantime, I think we got really sidetracked from what Twilight asked me first… you all wanted to know why I’m here, right?”
Everyone else in the room nods. “To put it simply, Twilight. I’m still thinking about how upset you were when you ran away. I want to take this opportunity to give you something that will put a smile back on your face at least for a little while. You deserve something good to happen today.”
Twilight smiles softly “Oh… you’re always so thoughtful, Fluttershy… and that’s why I’ve always valued our friendship. But you don’t need to do anything for me… it’s true that the past few days have been the absolute worst… and there isn’t much hope for things to get better. But that’s just how it is being a leader of Equestria when the toughest villains to crack appear, it makes me wonder just how Celestia remained relatively sane in her long reign.”
Fluttershy nods “I get that, but I still insist. I promise what I’m offering will make you the happiest you’ve been in a long time…”
“Well, I guess can you tell me what it is then? …Though it better not be a genie vessel…” Twilight narrows her eyes at Fluttershy. She knows ‘happiest you’ve been in a long time’ could very much entail a transformation into a genie, given the instant gratification part of the process.
Fluttershy again waves her fore hooves “No no no, I promise it isn’t anything like that… remember, you’re off limits from any pony other than Starlight due to her game anyway. You’d have to make a wish to make that happen…”
“I guess you are right about that, ok… I’ll repeat… what is it then?” Twilight inquired once more.
Fluttershy nodded and gently smiled “Twilight… I’d like to offer to return the Golden Oaks Library to its former glory!”
Twilight’s eyes widened and gasped “Bring back Golden Oaks?! Y… y-you… you could really do that?!”
Fluttershy nodded her head “It should actually be pretty trivial to recreate. It may have been a little while since Tirek’s attack on Equestria. But I still very much remember the layout of your old home. I should be able to return it exactly as you remembered it!”
Twilight’s grin goes so wide “Oh my gosh! Fluttershy… you have no idea how much I would love that! I was really touched with your girls’ idea to make the roots a chandelier in the castle… but if you can really bring it back… it’d mean so much to me…”
Spike spoke up “But wait, will this require taking down the chandelier and reforming the tree? Or could Twilight keep the chandelier that’s left of the old Golden Oaks while Fluttershy creates a totally new one?”
“I could probably do either/or. I’ll leave that decision to you, Twilight” Fluttershy answered.
“Hm… well… on one hoof if the chandelier was rerooted then at least part of the tree will certainly be what it was, though we’d have to take down those beautiful jewels of memories… 
And on the other… the tree would technically not be the original tree, but at the same time I think the chandelier added something to that room and it’d look so bare again if we removed it…:” Twilight takes some time to think it all over. She debates it with herself internally of how she’d approach the return of her old home. 
She then looks in Fluttershy’s eyes to indicate she’s made a decision. “I think I’ll go with the latter, even if this new tree won’t technically be the real one. I don’t want to waste the effort you girls did making the chandelier. And if you can really make it as accurate as you say, then eventually it won’t matter that it isn’t the original”
Spike’s a little nervous about asking this knowing how much Twilight misses Golden Oaks but he goes for it. “Say… we’re not going to completely abandon the castle with Golden Oaks back are we? I… don’t exactly want to go back to sleeping in a basket… I like having my own bed and room in the castle…”
Twilight smiles “Don’t worry, Spike. We’ll still have both, it’s just uh… I might be rooming in there for a while until I get used enough to it being back… aheh heh heh…”
Rainbow Dash chuckles “Knowing you, Twilight. That’ll probably be 10 years… at the absolute earliest!”
The whole room including Twilight herself giggles at Rainbow’s joke, who rubs a hoof behind her back sheepishly. “Hehe, who knows! That may just happen!”
Fluttershy walks toward the door of Twilight’s bedroom before turning around “So, shall we step outside to where Golden Oaks once stood, and soon will again? I doubt you want the entire tree right here inside your castle’s bedroom.” Fluttershy giggles as Twilight nods, and every pony follows her to exactly where the tree stood.
“So uh… are you able to just make it as you are now? I don’t need to do anything do I?” Twilight asked
Fluttershy looks in Twilight’s eyes “Actually, you do have to do something for me, Twilight. I may be able to do many things on a whim. But specific stuff like this needs a worded enchantment of some sort. In other words… you need to wish for it.” 
Twilight initially nods and sets out to do just that “I…” But then something dawns on her. “Wait… no…” She then looks Fluttershy very sternly. “How… DARE you…! This is a trap isn’t it?!”
Fluttershy’s eyes widened. “What?! What do you mean a trap?!”
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“I’M NOT DUMB, FLUTTERSHY! Genies interpret any wish how they want it, if I say I want Golden Oaks back… you know what you could interpret that to? Making a small model or snow globe version of Golden Oaks AS MY GENIE VESSEL! And then you could tattletale to Starlight!” Twilight stares down Fluttershy with angry eyes.
“No! I promise that’s not what I was going to do! I’m your friend! I wouldn’t betray you like that…” Fluttershy waves her hooves once more.
Twilight shakes her head “Why would that even matter for long! If you changed me, the magic would make it so my genie self forgives such a betrayal! You said earlier you’d need a wish in order for you to bring Starlight here to use a genie vessel on me… is messing with my emotions with the loss of my old house your way of baiting me to make that wish?! Just like how Starlight baited you with your dreams for your own animal sanctuary?!”
“Twilight, if I were to do that. I’d still be haunted by your inevitable reaction as I betrayed our friendship in the early part of the transformation!” Fluttershy defends herself
“Again, why would that matter? The genie me would forgive you, and you’d have me as your genie friend for all eternity and end up only remembering betraying my trust as a brief blip in time!” Twilight grinds her teeth, still on the offense in the argument.
“Twilight! You’re being completely irrational! If I was planning to get you genified, why did I agree to being your girls’ informant for if I discover any new facts about myself and the genies?! I'm the closest you have to an inside scoop on what's going on!”
“You could just say the best way for me to find out is to 'feel it for yourself!'” Twilight was not budging, this was more difficult then Fluttershy was expecting it to be.
Fluttershy sits down and lowers her head. Her eyes welled up a little bit with tears “I… guess I understand why you can’t trust me in that case… I’ll just leave it be, then… but... I truly was only trying to make you feel better, honest…”
As much as Twilight needed to tell her how she felt. The look in Fluttershy’s eyes compels her to sigh and apologize “I’m… sorry I had to argue with you… with this whole situation I really need to be on point whenever it comes to wishes, though it’s even better to try not to wish at all. 
There’s actually a lot of wishes that can become genification wishes under the right interpretation. Heck, Starlight probably could have genified me with my 2nd wish earlier… by making a figure of Discord as my vessel… I have to think the reason she didn’t was because she was suddenly fearing her plans were about to be foiled by him. So she granted it legitimately to get that confrontation out of the way.
Equestria is counting on me, I can’t risk it all with wanton wishes. Even for something as dear to me as Golden Oaks…” Twilight turns her back.
Everyone else that was watching the argument just frowned, what was seeming to be a grand moment for Twilight, seems to have become a moment of some strife between two of their friends. The genie being the interpreter of a wish is a huge deterrent from granting the wishes if they’re trying to avoid genification. And even for genies that insist they won’t interpret it that way, who knows if maybe another genie will have been eavesdropping and did the genification interpretation anyway.
Suddenly though, Spike gets a determined look on his face and approaches Fluttershy. “Huh? Spike? What are you doing?” The pegasus genie wonders.
“Fluttershy… I wish the Golden Oaks Library was returned!” At that Twilight screamed. “SPIKE, NOOOOOOOOOO!” Spike has already fully worded it. A gasp from every pony else watching including Fluttershy herself.
“What have you done, Spike! You’ve left an opening to be genified by Fluttershy… or if some other genie was nearby!” Twilight sternly turns toward Fluttershy “Again, I repeat what I said earlier… if you dare genify Spike… our friendship is over! You may be a good friend, but Spike has been with me longer than all of you! Any pony who dares to bottle him up… I could never call them a friend!”
“Twilight… I said the wish so that I could test for myself where Fluttershy stands on such interpretations… if I get genified, then that’s on me as much as it is Fluttershy for being fooled. I have no role in this game of Starlight’s, it’s not a big deal if I’m transformed. But I also made the wish… because I think I trust Fluttershy won’t do it.” Spike’s determined face shines through.
“How can you be so sure?!” Twilight worriedly asks.
“Cause I know Fluttershy… she would not dare deceive you like that after the kind of days you’ve had. Heck, she didn’t even try to deny that she still wanted to genify more ponies. Fluttershy has not lied to us the whole time. And I don’t believe she will now” 
Twilight gasps “Are you implying… that I don’t know Fluttershy as much as you do?!”
Spike shakes his head “Of course not, I think you know in your heart that Fluttershy wouldn’t do that. You just still aren’t completely sure that the genie Fluttershy is 100% the same Fluttershy you know!”
“But… but… she did kind of deceive you… pretending to be a hungry stray cat to let her in…” Twilight points out.
Spike crosses his arms “Maybe a little, but that was no more of a deception than a Pinkie Pie & Rainbow Dash prank. She meant no harm, and until I see anything of Fluttershy betraying us in a way that feels like something Starlight would do rather than Fluttershy. Then I don’t see any reason not to trust her. 
And even if she does genify me now, then I’ll have done something in proving she truly isn’t the Fluttershy we knew anymore. Again, I’m not part of Starlight’s game... which actually puts me in a position to prove something. Fluttershy has the option to transform me if and when ever she wants, but that will mean she will have proper consequences of none of you girls trusting her word ever again.”
“Spike… you’re saying that within earshot of Fluttershy! What if hearing that… she does grant the wish legitimately… but only because she knows she’ll be caught! And she deceives us later!” Twilight incredulously worries about such a possibility.
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“C’mon Twilight! Snap out of it and listen to yourself! Fluttershy wasn’t some deceptive mastermind before she was a genie. And I don’t think she suddenly become one either! I get these past few days have been stressful, but that’s no excuse to distrust our friends when they’re trying to do something nice for you!” Spike sternly stares up. There was a similar time where Spike tried to snap her out of a rather bad day when she was trying to find a friendship lesson to send to Princess Celestia. It didn’t exactly stop Twilight’s more regrettable actions that day, like trying to create a friendship problem. But Spike still expressed worry and supported Twilight that day. He’s doing the same thing here, and Spike’s matured by a few more years since.
And so has Twilight, as Spike’s words get to her this time. She’s finally left with not much left to say. Tears in her eyes, as she lowers her head. “Y-y-you’re right, Spike… I think I’ve really lost my touch… First, I had the chance to make Starlight face justice but chose to let her go, then I created our very problem when I used Catrina’s Lamp, I failed to protect all those already genified… and the next I can’t trust my own friend just because of my own failure… I’m starting to wonder if I was crowned a Princess too early… because besides getting supremely lucky against Tirek… what have I really done…?”
Fluttershy chimed in “Don’t think like that Twilight, it may have seemed like luck with how fast things turned around. But those keys that unlocked the power necessary to beat him were earned by all six of us. Our friendship beat Tirek, a clear indication that you really are the Princess of Friendship. And that’s not even counting your feats when you were still a unicorn! I think you just need to find a solution outside of the box.”
Something about the final words of Fluttershy’s statement gets to Twilight in some way. She doesn’t know if Fluttershy meant it that way, but Twilight nonetheless was glad to hear that from her. Fluttershy suggested a solution as specifically being outside of the box rather than being inside of it. Which would imply something as a genie. She finally looks into Fluttershy's eyes again “Alright… Fluttershy, go ahead and grant Spike’s wish… I really, really, really want to fully trust you again. But I don’t know what that’d take without stopping you from genifying more ponies… when I know that's not going to happen”
“Please, say no more. Trust has to be earned, and I fully understand that even if we’ve been friends for years. This whole genie situation has you confused if you can still trust me. I understand why you don’t like the idea of genifying everypony without first learning what we can about the magic we’re empowered with. But at the very least, you should be able to see for yourself the things we can do that’ll make you feel better. So just stand where you are, and I’ll bring your beloved library back… ” Twilight nods, then Fluttershy walks a few feet forward to give herself some space.
She closes her eyes, as she uses her many memories of her friendship with Twilight to remember just about every detail she can remember of the Golden Oaks library from the high up balcony where Twilight would stargaze from. All the way to the underground basement where Twilight would perform all her experiments whenever she needed a little more heavy duty science. Once she believes she’s got a good handle of the recreation. She flaps her wings and lifts herself off the ground. Her eyes are still closed as she moves upward. 
It’s not long before she opens them up again and smiles as she lifts up one hoof. The hoof emits a pink magic aura before a seed is created in Fluttershy’s hoof. Fluttershy then chucks the seed into the soil where Golden Oaks once stood The seed lands on the ground and immediately starts to bury itself into the soil. Fluttershy then uses her hooves to levitate several clouds together until it creates a gray rain cloud. Using her own pegasus-born magic as opposed to genie magic to push it toward where the seed fell.
When Fluttershy believes it’s gotten enough water, she makes the cloud disappear. And then flies back down to where the group was watching her.
Rainbow scratched her head “Um, no offense Fluttershy. But it’s going to be a while before the tree grows back to what it once was if this is going to take as long as a tree naturally does to get that size…”
Fluttershy giggled “Just watch, Rainbow Dash. This was a specialized seed, only possible with genie magic~”
Just seconds later the ground where the seed bury itself begins to emit a pink glow, and soon a sprout pops out. that quickly grows into a sapling, and continues growing at a rapid pace until it reaches the exact size the Golden Oaks Library was. The magic only grew the tree, but that’s when Fluttershy started working some more magic. With multiple magic waves sent to the tree, the balcony, the front door, the windows, magic to make the tree hollow inside so she could enter it. Where she then uses more magic to recreate the entire interior of Golden Oaks. The bookcases, Twilight’s starry bed, the stairs, Owlowisicous’s old perch, and even Spike’s little basket even though Spike himself prefers his bed in the castle. Just about absolutely everything that Fluttershy remembers of Twilight’s old home was brought back, as good as new.
Outside, Twilight just had her mouth agape for the entire time that gradually becomes a very happy smile.
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(Vector credit: sketchmcreations [Twilight], daafroman (Golden Oaks)
Golden Oaks was being formed, she puts a hoof on her chest, or perhaps rather over her heart as she watches her old home she missed so much be brought back to her by Fluttershy’s magic. Spike and the other ponies are amazed by the magic as well. But for the most part, they’re just happy for Twilight that she gets to have this moment.
Soon, Fluttershy has finished. And she opens the door, gesturing to Twilight and the others to come on in. Twilight wastes no time, she runs as fast she can with excited glee.
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(Vector credit: itv-canterlot [Twilight], oxinfree [Golden Oaks Interior])
She looks at every little nook and cranny of the recreated Golden Oaks. Seeing that it is very much what Fluttershy promised it would be, everything was accurate. Not even one book, plant, vase, and general aesthetic was out of place. Twilight goes up the stairs and jumps up onto her bed. The more simple bed design resulted in a harder landing than expected. Her bed in the castle is much more high quality and the mattress is of a softer material. But that didn’t mean Twilight wasn’t happy to see her old bed back anyway.
Twilight’s friends didn’t say a word. They simply watched as Twilight was still in a frenzy driven by nostalgia. “I… I can’t believe it! It’s real… It's all real! My first home in ponyville… so many precious memories flooding back… You even remembered how I organized the books, Fluttershy! I… I… I… can’t thank you enough!” Twilight’s eyes filled with tears again, but for once it was all tears of joy.
Fluttershy gently smiles and shakes her head. “You don’t need to thank me, you needed this pick-me-up. And as your friend, I’m happy to use my new power to cheer you up!”
Twilight flies back down to the ground in front of Fluttershy “Even so, I bet I still… owe you an apology…”
Fluttershy shakes her head “That’s not entirely necessary either. Starlight is the whole reason you have a hard time trusting us genies. And because we want to help her achieve her ultimate goal, you have understandable reasons to be skeptical.
But I did want to at least show you that no matter what, we can still be your friends. While Starswirl is the legendary wizard. You are already a better friend then he’ll ever be, you still gave me a chance while he threw away his friendship with Meadowbrook just about immediately. That’s why you were able to complete his spell when he couldn’t, before you became an alicorn.”
Twilight’s tears continue dropping as she just goes ahead and hugs Fluttershy.
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(Vector credit: Cloudyglow [Twi hugging Fluttershy], oxinfree [Golden Oaks Interior])
“I’m still so sorry for mistrusting you at all… but I thank you very much for returning Golden Oaks… and being as supportive as you’ve ever been…”
Fluttershy charges her magic around herself and she shrinks and transforms. She’s suddenly back in her cat form from earlier, or perhaps rather she’d become “Flowersly” once again. She leaped up on Twilight’s back, purring and rubbing on the back of Twilight’s neck. Twilight uses levitation to lift Fluttershy off, but only to sit down and hug the cat form of her friend with her fore hooves. 
Twilight then lets Fluttershy out of her grasp, the yellow genie  changes back to a pony, winking at every pony behind her. “I must be going, soon I’ll be visiting my family and maybe a few friends here and there too!”
“…And genify them I presume?” Rainbow asked even if she already knows what Fluttershy’s going to say
As expected, Fluttershy says “Of course!”
At this point though their friends shrug, it’s not like they could stop her anyway. But the gesture she did for Twilight was so touching, they let it slide for now. “Heh… well… at least ya’ll are honest…” Applejack comments.
Fluttershy then waves before teleporting away. Leaving Twilight and her friends just outside of the renewed Golden Oaks Library. Twilight turns around to look at her old home once again, managing one more smile. A real act of kindness, to help her get through the rough days ahead…
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thebigbidea · 1 year
Media I've obsessed over throughout the years!!
2010-2019: My Little Pony: FIM
Was definitely my favorite show. I still love that show sm. Definitely has the most active fan base of them all. Making art for this show definitely inspired me to be the artist i am now. -- This show rased me, and raised me good. The older fandom is questionable, there's definitely some generational trama given to us Gen Z by them, but it was a very pro-lgbt space, and i loved this so sm.
Favorite character then: Fluttershy / Now: Trixie
2017-2021: DuckTales!! (Woo-hoo)
Always kinned Louie, and always will. I mean hell, i named my first MLP OC after Lena!! -- I really loved the episodes Quack Pack and GlomTales! (the latter if wich being because is was A. it Louie centered episode, and B. he proved to his mother that his scamming isn't all bad which i was proud of him for). I think i loved him sm just bc, well one, my favorite color has always been green, but two he's so relatable. Like the episode where he wasn't so sure and up to the idea of Della suddenly coming back and being his mom when he'd never even spoke to her once was just so good. Now i can look back and see how it was relatable, but even then when i didn't know what ik now i found him to be the most logical person in that situation.
Favorite character then: Louie (maybe i liked Lena a lot too?) Now: Louie
2019-2023: The Owl House
When MLP ended, this was the show that came in and swooped me up. As of writing, the shows only been officially over for about an hour. And while yes, DuckTales was there when MLP ended, it still definitely made me feel like something was missing. It did take about a season for me to realize TOH was filling that feeling but it got there. This show has probably effected me about as much as MLP. Like through the episode “Lost in Language”, apon watching some reviews and theories on the episode, i found out Luz was bisexual. At the time i hadn't really heard the term b4, but only about a day of finding it out, i was already comfortable going by it! It just fit too well!! I also got my preferred name/s from Emira and Edric!! Sigh, i could write sm about TOH since it literally just ended, but i don't want to be here all day.
Favorite character then: Hunter, Now: The Collector. // Kinnie: Edric and Emira all the way, baby.
2023-???: Welcome Home! @:3
And now we're here. I already know this will be the thing i obsess over for the next 3-4 years, i can smell it. If things wrap up before 2026, i know the fandom will still be alive. Like idk maybe I'll laugh at my naivete in like two years rereading this post but come on!! Everything lines up way too well!! When MLP ended, TOH was there. Not TOH is ending and, oh, what's that?? WH!? I don't think its too unrealistic to think this story can take 3 test to make.. look say DHMIS, The Mandela Catalogue, and the Walten Files!!
...And well i mean if not, South Park has been going to 25 years and strong!! So I'll probably love that.
Favorite character: Julie!!!! (And Frank) // Don't make me pick favs from SP bro they're all so great. :')
2021(-2023?): Loki
Bc of this show, i discovered i was gender fluid :]] I also found a wonderful community from it, and i love all of those people i met!!.. except for J***. You know who you are. Lmao, jokes. But yea, I'm no marvel fan or anything, but i love Greek/Norse mythology.. so it's no surprise i love Thor and Loki as much as i do!
Fav: Owen Wilson.
2021-2022: Inside Job (+ the 2000 other animated shows Netflix cancelled after one or two seasons..)
Yes there are shows that ended justly, like Kid Cosmic and CentaurWorld. They only planned on having two seasons so they ended great and with a banger. But like,, Dead End, and Glitch Techs, and give BNA another season, goddamn it!!
Fav: Brett 1000%
2020(-2023?) And 2021-2022: Animatics and The Cuphead Show respectively
I decided to add these two after ranting in the hashtags bc i just had to. :] Not much to say, i rlly love these shows. Made some art in my sketchbook and sh/t.
Fav: Wakko // Muggsie.
There's so many more shows (on tv, steaming, or online!) I'd live to acknowledge but I'm bored as hell do I'm calling it. Buhbies!!
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glapplebloom · 2 years
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So this takes place after the opening for Rarity’s Third Shop in Manehattan. They are afraid of a News Report since they told the guy EVERYTHING. They tried to stop Rarity from reading it but once Rarity has her mind on something they can’t. And can you blame them for spilling all the beans? They were being interviewed by John Jonah Jameson and he is very thorough unless it was Spiderman.
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Now for the story they’re telling, Rarity is opening “Rarity for You” and has until tonight to get everything ready. And it looks to be difficult because it looks like an Abandoned Warehouse. And to lay all the cards on the table, they can’t postpone it because it is the last night of the Fall Season. Which leads me to wonder: why didn’t she prepare this sooner? A big event like this should take a week to do, not the night before.
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Though to be fair, Rarity does own two other shops and is 1/6 the Elements of Harmony. It’s a lot to work to do all that and set up a third store. If she had the time, she probably would have done it on her own. But with so many responsibilities, she probably brought her friends along because she knew she needed the help. Too bad for her, the problems are a lot more difficult than just cleaning and setting up…
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First is a Landlord who has a daughter looking to get into fashion. She has ideas that Applejack likes, and as established in “The Art of the Dress”, Applejack does not have the best Fashion Sense. A family of Racoons (two parents and a kid) are living in her closet. And right above it is a Club Pony Party Palace and today it features DJ P0n 3 Vinyl Scratch. And poor Coco. She was hired to be in charge of this place and she’s sick.
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Germaphobes, look away. Coco doesn’t cover her mouth when sneezing. 
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Thinking splitting up would help, Rarity sets up the Window Display while Applejack deals with Plaid Stripes, Fluttershy with the Racoons, Pinkie Pie with the Party, Rainbow Dash with hiring new employees, and Twilight organizing her clothing which I suspect she was the reason for its disorganization so she can do it. While Twilight organization obsession takes hold, the others try and fail to be like Rarity when handling these situations.
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After Twilight locks Rarity in the Window Display, she suggests that they should do things their way. Which isn’t a problem for Twilight because she wanted to reorganize the dresses again. This time, it turned out better because Rainbow Dash hired them three, Pinkie Pie convinced Vinyl to help (she knows when Pinkie promises a party there’s gonna be one), Fluttershy got the Racoons to help and Applejack apologizes, while proving Spoon Gloves work.
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The review ends with a glowing review, and Rarity is happy that everything did turn out perfect because she had all her friends. Overall, just like last time, I really enjoyed the multiple storyteller angle. Lots of fun animations and facial expressions. We’ll see how this compares to a future episode where we have three story tellers… As for how it fits, minus Twilight it is the same.
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