#its just frickin fried at this point
joshbruh10x · 5 months
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Also them
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Please send help 👍
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seldomscilence16 · 7 months
Whumptober day 25:
"You're not delivering a perfect body to the grave."
Storm | buried alive | "they're not breathing!"
Fandom: mha
Prompts used: All
Alright so I know I always put Denki is storm situations, its tradition at this point. But this ones slightly different! Anywho the thing at the end that seems random- I'm rewatching Danny Phantom so its a reference to a character in that. So yeah :){
TW for Temporary character death, Avalanches, Injuries
The snowy mountain was beautiful, if not freezing frickin cold. Sero huddles closer to the fire, closer to his friends' sides, because he was not made for cold thank you. Though from everyone's shivering, he thinks none of them were, even Kirishima had bundled up this time round.
It was supposedly a training retreat, though it was turning more into a vacation. Their teachers had a schedule, but as soon as they'd arrived, Denki had twitched. They'd long since learned what Denkis fidgets meant, and that twitch indicated too much charge in the air.
A storm was brewing.
Of course, the roads were already a mess, they'd hunkered down as the Pro's called for back up, Denki wrapped in an insulated blanket, as they simply waited. It had been calm, shivering around the fire as they had been. Peaceful almost.
As is their life however, an attack is always imminent. One moment they're huddled around the fire, the next, they've been split off from their classmates and are running for their lives. One wrong move could have an avalanche or slippery slope, or any number of bad things.
"Just one trip!" Sero calls, chest heaving puffs of white fog.
"I don't think they are up for a chat about scheduling their attacks, Sero." Mina calls in return, the best of their group with the slippery terrain.
"Unless the next words out of your idiot mouths are helpful to our situation, shut up!" Bakugo's yell is far quieter than usual, eyes on the snowy mountain peaks above them.
"Yeah, You're not delivering a perfect body to the grave!" Denki adds, a smirk in his voice despite the trembling undertone, his hair sticking up with static.
"Lame Kami!" Mina boos, teasing quality lacing it.
"I was talking about Kirishima." With an added tongue sticking out, Denki has the three laughing, Bakugo only deigning a rolled eye- which was basically a laugh!
Their fun is halted as Denki does a full body shiver, arms jerking as sparks dance along his skin before he reigns them in.
"Storms coming in fast!" He warns, the villains- floating on some weird holographic disk above them, fling another flurry of green blasts at them.
"I don't think they care, Denki!" Sero dodges to the left to move the blond as well, narrowly missing getting fried.
The sky and mountain seem to rumble as one, the villains cackle as a wave of white begins its tumble down the mountain.
Bakugo blasts a dent into the powder they stand on, they roll into the alcove moments before the avalanche, they lose sight of each other and everything else as white and darkness descend on them.
Panic hits first.
They're alone, the alcove apparently being big enough for them to be divided.
There's frantic digging, only accomplishing the packing of the snow to give them a little space, but any further and more snow falls through the hole. There's feet of snow on top of them, and more coming as the storm lies overhead.
"H-hello!?" Minas voice is faint, there's a tremble to it, fear settling deep in her gut.
The others' voices rise to meet hers one by one, Kirishima, Sero, and Bakugo, with varying levels of their own panic. Bakugo would sound angry to anyone who didnt know him, but in the cold where sweat was near nigh, and in an enclosed space to boot, well they were all freaking out.
Denki listens for only a moment, he carefully sets his own panic aside, something large and heavy was weighing on his legs keeping him pinned, he had barely been able to carve a space for his head. With a trembling hand, he reached up to his head piece, he had to hope that the excess amount of charge he'd built up while they waited would be enough to fuel this thing until help arrived.
There's static for a moment, then voices cutting in and out, he doesn't put in the energy to listen, carefully spaces his words as he relays their situation. He keeps the flow of electricity steady as he finally calls out to his friends.
"Well I suppose this will have to be our snow fort for now."
It falls short, even for him, but he keeps the tremble from his voice and hears his friends' panicked rambling cut off.
"I feel like we're in Brother Bear 2." He adds when he gets no response, "the one with the little baby raccoon? Anyway, they are on a mountain at some point and shit goes down, but they make it out okay, bonded stronger and everything. Could go for some smores though, I don't really do roots…" he trails off, wracking his brain for something else to talk about.
"Denki. We've literally been buried alive, and you're thinking about Disney and food??" Sero sounds incredulous even through the dense snow.
"What else am I gonna talk about? The weather? Sports??? Have you met me? I could be singing right now but I'm sparing myself the headache that will come from your yelling, you should be thanking me!" Denki winces as the thing on him shifts, he grits his teeth to hold off the shout of pain.
"I like Brother Bear… Kenai was so manly." Kirishima sounds signifigantly calmer, and Denki thanks whoever doesn't hate him up there.
"If a fuckin bear finds us, we'll have other things to worry about."
Denki would never say it aloud, but hearing the Bakugo Katsuki sound petulant was still so astounding to him. He was honestly honored to be one of the few to hear it. And he would definitely take it over his panicked breathing any day.
"~Tell everybody I'm on my way…~" Minas soft voice fills the space, and one by one they join, singing a bit louder to cover Bakugo's voice lest he drop out of the bonding moment.
Denki tries to keep talking, to keep them all grounded, but his lungs refuse to feel full. He has his hands pressed into his arm pits, most of his focus is on keeping the charge going to the headpiece, he wonders idly if his dwindling shivers are a bad thing.
"Denki… does your comm work?" One of them- he can't tell which- asks. The first person to mention the device.
"Ye… bad signal… but they should be… coming." He has to take too many breaths to complete the sentence.
"Are you okay?"
"F…fine. Just… cold." He'd lost feeling to his toes at some point, the fingers that weren't numb before this trip have gone stiff, despite his best efforts to keep them warm.
His body tingles, his quirk is being weird in the poor conduction known as snow. He's surprised a signal got through at all, especially since air seems to escape him.
"Hang in there Denks, try and move around, motion will create friction!" Sero tells him helpfully.
Denki would love to move, if he was able.
"R-right. T-thanks." He falls quiet again, the others murmurs surround him and he finds his eyes slipping closed.
The body will automatically try to shut down to conserve or protect itself…
Hm he wonders if he got that from a book…
"Denki?" Kirishima's voice shakes, they'd had no response for a while now. Bakugo had started digging, in the vague direction they assumed he was in, but with so much snow piled on top of them, he was only succeeding in making his hands cold- despite the special gloves he wore.
"fuCK!" Bakugos frustration is palpable, they were sure the mountain would be rubble by now had he been able to sweat.
Mina's acid had only dropped the temperature of her little hole, the single drop had been enough to convince her to stop, she had just gotten her shivers back to a milder teeth chattering.
Sero felt useless with his tape, he had taped the gaps of his winter gear to trap as much heat as he could, but with no way to do the same for his friends, and no way to use it in an escape, he felt a loathing that burned in his gut.
Kirishima was glad for the gear he'd been convinced- re; forced- to wear. He'd be a popsicle by now otherwise. He wanted nothing more than to pound through this snow, but the dangerous rumbles of the weight on top of them kept him still. He was tempted to test it anyway with Denkis lack of response though.
As they all debate doing just that, a brief heat warms their heads.
"Did… you guys feel that?" Sero calls, anxiously wondering if this is how death starts.
"Yeah… so unless we're all dying-"
"Someone's above us, using fire!"
They let it sink in for half a second, before they're shouting with what little energy they have. The heat comes again, water drips on them as snow melts above, but they could care less as finally light peeks into their dugouts.
When they have freedom to move, they dig, towards the space they know has to be Denki's, fervent movements stiff but quick as they look for blond.
"Here!!!" There's a shrillness to Minas voice, her digging taking on a gentler motion.
They convene, digging-
Hands hit something solid.
Mina uncovers his face, they find his torso, a rock- a boulder- lays on top of his legs.
Despite that, his face is rather serene, tinged blue, his arms crossed over his chest-
"He's not breathing!"
Todoroki has hopped into the hold, Aizawa behind him only a couple paces. They move into action, Aizawa barking orders to get the teen freed, for Todoroki to warm him as slowly as possible, to start chest compressions.
They thank their hero training, as they fall into auto pilot, a blankness hitting them as they simply do as told- because if they lose h… if Denki doesn't… he has to be fine.
He has to be-
Several agonizing minutes.
A spark that shocks everyone touching him, a gasp,
"'Hills like White Elephants'!" The hoarse call startles them, barely a voice at all, but so Denki it hurts.
He was okay.
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Did you feel like the movies did Eowyn dirty compared to the books?
Hello 💝 & Thank you so much for this super interesting question!! I wanted to spend a few days thinking over this question before answering - hence the reply now (my apologies for the wait!)
Just as a wee disclaimer - These are just my opinions and everyone is absolutely allowed to disagree with me! There is no right or wrong answer, and I totally respect everyone's own views on this question/topic! The first thing I'd say is if you were to look at Eowyn purely from the movie perspective, she is fantastic. I watched the movies long before I read the books (took me a lot of courage to read the books - I'd heard they could be tough) but just from the movies Eowyn made such a strong impression on me, and I think most would agree on that point. Like all the women in Tolkien's work - she was self-defining and unshakable in her strength and courage. So often you see the heroines needing to 'prove themselves to OTHERS' but in Eowyn's case, its much more she needs to prove herself to HERSELF. The men around her do not doubt her strong heart, or her physical strength (even if its traditional for the men to fight and she is forced to stay behind). She is held in high regard amongst her people and doesn't need any sort of reassuring from those around her of what she is capable of - the only person who doubts her is HER. That whole thing of feeling like you need to prove something to be worthy in your own eyes hits home for me, and I'm guessing for others too. We all want to do something meaningful with our lives, and for Eowyn - she learns that meaning doesn't have to come from 'heroic' acts (even tho she frickin' SLAYS the Nazgul!). She instead comes to understand that meaning in life can be found all around you & should be defined on your own terms. I hope I'm making sense with that point!
Now addressing Book!Eowyn vs Movie!Eowyn - Book!Eowyn comes out stronger, in my opinion. Firstly, she takes no bullshit from anyone. You still get the whole 'She is a woman confined to the place a man puts her in' & her wanting to go to war to fight with the men but being told she can't because she is a woman. But for me, the movie really misses out on quite a few key points of Eowyn. Like when she shuts Aragorn down for being sexist. You gotta first remember that Book!Aragorn is totally different from Movie!Aragorn and honestly can be quite arrogant, thus when he tells her she can't come with him to fight he basically says its because she is a woman and as a woman its her duty to stay home and care for the sick etc. (I forget the exact words folks pls don't shoot me - my brain is fried). She calls him out on it - no hesitation, no worrying that she might upset this 'Heir of Gondor'. Nah, she straight up tells him how awful his opinions are and WHY they're awful. Aragorn is one of the good guys and she is showing up his terrible morals - demonstrating that 'heros' are not all perfect beings that we expect them to be!!
Secondly, HER SPEECH WAS BETTER IN THE BOOKS. Okay sure the 'I am no man' was badass and a fantastic line. But she has a WHOLE DANG SPEECH in the book which was just reduced to that line. I can't remember the speech which granted doesn't make my argument very good, but she declared WHO she was and showed NO FEAR in front of this Nazgul that terrified even great wizards like Gandalf! It always kind of annoyed me that in the movie after killing THE NAZGUL she is scrambling around on the ground with tears on her face clearly panicking. Yeah that's a normal reaction, but in the books she faced down that Nazgul without so much as a shudder and then that was it. I can't remember if Tolkien wrote what happened straight after (its a lil fuzzy) but she wasn't crawling around on the ground. Its like... why give her this big bold line and moment at all if 2 seconds later you're gonna have her reacting like that. It kinda contradicts the strength and courage she just displayed.
Lastly, FARAMIR & EOWYN'S RELATIONSHIP DID NOT GET THE JUSTICE IT DESERVED. Fun Fact: If you have only ever seen the theatrical LOTR - You don't even know that they two end up together. Its completely cut out. The only scene you see them in is right at the end just clapping for Aragorn. Thats it. In the book their love is so beautiful. Its this gently building love and affection that Eowyn has to slowly come around to - and Faramir is so respectful in giving her the space and time to process where she is at with her heart. Its very disappointing that we get so little of them together in the film.
I love the way Tolkien has written his female characters. So often I've found that the 'heroines' in stories are constrained in some way or another - eg. they're sidekicks, they do something cool once, they only have 1 layer of depth to their character, they're just there are the token 'female' fighter etc. With Tolkien, he gives Eowyn this huge story arc and builds up every side of her. She is self-defining in her own right and is not just a 'side-piece' to be fluttered over.
SO THATS MY THOUGHTS. Again, people are totally allowed to disagree with them all! & Sorry it took me so long to get back to you, I really did enjoy this question and wanted to make sure I'd thought over it for a bit before replying. Also, sidenote, I love your URL. Kaz is AMAZING. (I'm working on a 'The Crows' edit right now eheheee)
I hope you are doing well!! What are your thoughts?
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brideofcthulhu10 · 4 years
More headcanons to help me work through the dreaded writer's block! Hope you guys don't mind it's a bit slow right now, I plan on posting another tonight and hopefully I'll be able to get to some asks once my brain is no longer fried
Dwayne Headcanons
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When he was responsible for Laddie, Dwayne would often take him out to the boardwalk whenever Star was busy. Sometimes he’d even choose to take him along even if they were with Star just to hang with the munchkin
If anyone told him he was too short Dwayne would hypnotize them into letting him one. He wasn't exactly worried about the kid being flung from the roller coaster, he could easily catch him if it happened. It felt awesome impressing him at the strength test, just watching him jump up and down as the attendant handed him a giant blue monkey which of course he'd give to Laddie. The boy was such a hyper, sunny child it was hard not to laugh when this spritely eight year old would play a water gun game and yell “this is a load of bullshit” when he lost. Well, he did grow up around four teenage guys, two having the worst language you could imagine. David used the word "fuck" like it was going out of style. At one point some lady in her thirties tried to lecture Laddie about watching his language, to which Dwayne had immediately stepped in after he said “piss off lady”. Again he had to choke back a laugh, pushing the kid behind him before this lady throttled him. To save face Dwayne feigned some half assed “shame on you” to Laddie just so she would piss off, and then ushered him away- for an ice cream sundae. Granted while he couldn’t condone a kid cussing up a storm, he did find it utterly hilarious watching this uppity chick squawk like a hen in outrage.
“Seriously though I don’t know where the hell you learned all that from-”
“Paul taught me.”
“Yeah, well, Paul probably isn’t the best guy to copy, kiddo. "
Chinese food isn’t his favorite, but he knows it’s Markos so he doesn’t complain when they have it at least once a week. Actually, his favorite is probably Hispanic. Many forget much of California was once Mexico, and as such the culture still thrived even into the early 1900s. Santa Carla flourished, and between pick pocketing gigs and heavy labor on the docks, Dwayne could always count on there being fresh tortillas for a few dollars after a long day. Elotes with extra chili powder, huarache, freshly brewed horchata on ice? Utterly delicious! Nothing can compare to freshly made tamales by a sweet abuela in a tiny food truck cooing to you in Spanish. Even he can blush when they pinch his cheeks gushing about what a skinny man he is. Paul and Marko love it as well and will often tag along when Dwayne goes to Mama Rosa’s, although he often has to elbow Paul in the gut because he’ll flirt with the cooks in the back into getting a free taco.
“Ay, Paul, mi angelito querido cielito, you’re skin and bones!”
“Well, I always skip a meal before coming here, abuela. Your cooking is too epic to have anything else in my stomach!”
“Dude, will you stop flirting with that poor woman before you give her a heart attack, you ass?”
Dwayne had a brother many years ago who was lost after being caught in direct sunlight during the great San Francisco earthquake of 1906. Since then on April 18th he holds a small memorial for his brother Jasper, who died pulling the curtains shut to shield them from the sun. Some years David, Paul and Marko will join him, silently drinking to their fallen friend. It's a rare moment of seriousness for these wild boys, sitting beside an altar crudely constructed atop a wooden crate, draped over with the jacket once worn by Jasper that survived the flames. Decorated in worn candles melted by decades of use, a bottle of rum from over eighty years ago still untouched with an empty shot glass beside it caked in dust and cobwebs, worn flowers shriveled into darkened husks, a glass of blood they keep freshly filled with each visit, feathers of birds to help carry him to the sky. Every time he adds something new, a gift from every era. Recently he brought Jasper a Def Leppard vinyl record, propped against a sketch of his brother drawn before his passing by an admirer who had died long ago. Paul left a little toy motorcycle for him, Marko brought an old pocket watch he found at an antique store that bore a striking resemblance to one he had admired long ago, and David brought him a hunting knife
“You would’ve loved hair bands, Jas. Everything’s changed now, its crazy. It sucks you never got a bike of your own,” Dwayne would say, sitting in the dark with only the tender flicker of candles brushing away the dark. Never again would he let the sun take him. It was the darkest, deepest cave in the hotel. And there, Dwayne spoke more than he ever does outside “Horses were cool, but it’s better to have something that doesn’t stop every time it takes a shit, you know?”
Unfortunately Dwayne sucks at video games. It’s not that he doesn’t get it, but he has the worst gamer rage. Now, Dwayne doesn’t often get legitimately mad, but when he’s been playing the same god damn stupid water level for the past hour and a half just to be killed by a squid-! Well, lets just say Paul practically dove to catch the controller before it was chucked at the tv, and cue a dirty look towards Dwayne for nearly smashing his “baby”. He wasn’t about to have him break ANOTHER controller. Yeah that wasn’t the first. At this point he’s content just watching from afar and sometimes back seat gaming when Marko is going the wrong way. He’s not nearly as bad as David who will openly call someone stupid after dying. 
Dwayne is definitely the type to nap after a long night. Truthfully he misses when he could just lay out in the sun like a lizard on a hot rock after a long day, it’d feel incredible. Instead he’s resorted to a hot water bottle or a heating pad. Yeah, he loves hot weather. Summertime is his favorite time, just savoring the toasted air blowing in his face on rides over the beaches. Sometimes he’ll try to wake up early to watch the sunset from within the cave, although it’s burnt him on more than one occasion he will still try to get a glimpse. Winter is the worst for him, he hates, absolutely despises the cold. Even though he doesn't technically get cold anymore, everything seems to die away in the winter leaving only twisted branches and grey skies. David may enjoy all that gloomy melancholy but not him.
One wouldn’t assume Dwayne to have much of a sweet tooth. That’s because they’re wrong. While he isn’t into the marshmallow caramel double candy bars deep fried and dipped in chocolate like Marko or Laddie, he has a serious weakness for chocolate. Like, a major weakness. Paul is still searching for his stash, tucked away somewhere secret in the hotel. Any time he thinks he’s close to finding it, Dwayne moves it again.
“Dude, sharing is fucking caring you greedy bastard”
“Get your own candy asshole, why do you think I keep my stash hidden from you guys?”
Now the whole hoity toity fancy chocolate isn’t what appeals to him. He can certainly appreciate a well made chunk of dark chocolate sprinkled with chili powder, but he’ll settle for a cheap bar snatched from a gas station. Most sweets weigh heavy on him, but chocolate is such a unique medium that can be changed into almost anything, appealing to every taste imaginable. Sweet, savory, spicy, bitter, semi-sweet, rich, dense, light. Chocolate cake, chocolate doughnut, hot chocolate, fudge, and of course the traditional candy bar. You make him a mug of Mexican hot chocolate and he is putty in your hands. You couldn’t necessarily bribe him with food. But you could certainly butter him up to suggestions when he’s crunching down on a candy bar. Paul knows this, and at this point Dwayne knows this guy has royally fucked up if he comes up to him with a stack of chocolate bars.
“Heeeeey, Dwayne, buddy, old pal, chum, lookie what I found, all for you man how cool is that?”
“....,” Dwayne glances up from his book at the handful of chocolate and slowly lowers it with a firm sigh. “What the hell did you do now?”
“Wha-Whaaa-? Oh! Okay, wow. Woooow. Offend much? I go out of my way- I mean, can’t a guy just, you know, do something nice for his best friend-?”
“Paul. What. did. you. do?”  
“Okay okay, well you see David made me go fill up his stupid bike, and there was this hot chick at the gas station, I mean perfect fuckin ten man, she had the biggest frickin tits- okay anyway! Well, next thing I know the keys are gone, the chick's gone, the fuckin bike- You gotta help me man he’s gonna fucking kill me and dance on my grave!”
Of course Dwayne will help… in exchange for twice the chocolate. Like I said, it won’t always work as a bribe, but it’ll certainly help your cause if you go in with some incentive.
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jungshookz · 5 years
You know what would be great???? Culinary student! Jin and a hopeless y/n who eats ramen out of coffee pots and eats cool whip straight out of the can. Also ily and I hope you know that
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→ pairing: kim seokjin x reader
→ genre: what a surprise it’s bratty!y/n, culinarystudent!jin and his fancy pasta, humour, a touch of nsfw because i’m obsessed with jin’s broAd shoulders it’s almost ridiculous
→ wordcount: 3.4k
→ note: i hope i did ur request justice also i love u more :~)))
(gif isn’t mine!) ((also i was going to use a gif of him actually cooking but tumblr refusEd to accept it so i’m sorry)) 
being completely honest
jin thinks you’re really cute
like SUPER cute
like he’s really REALLy frickin attracted to you because you’re just so??? yOU and somehow it works and it gets his gears GRINDING okay
you were the one who moved in right next door and you greeted him with a friendly smile and a ‘here, i baked cookies!’ and of course he accepted the cookie because he’s not a complete monster
but good GOD
that cookie was awful
and to be fair he’s a culinary student so it makes sense that he has high standards but even a fOOL would know that your cookies were god-awful
before you got the chance to distribute your nasty cookies out to the rest of the people on your floor jin was like hEY hEY how about you give me.,.,,. all of your cookies,.,.. because i,.,. really like them.,.,., and.,., i want to eat.,.,. all of them.,., thank u., yes,.
you’ve known each other for almost eight months?
and nothing has happened because let’s be real
you’re both wussies
and no one’s admitting anything to anyone so you’re kind of in this flirty-friendly space and you’re both FULLY aware that there’s like.,.,. a sprinkle of flirting going on.,,
but you know what
that’s beside the point
he doesn’t even know why he’s thinking about his undeniable crusH on you
because right now all jin can focus on is the fact that you’re eating ramen out of a coffee pot
let him repeat himself
you’re eating ramen
out of a
a COFFEE pot
you’re in the middle of rambling to him about your day and he’s trying to pay attention to what you’re saying but he wants to scream every time to pause to sluRP out of the coffee pot
laundry room gossip is a pretty normal thing for you two
you’re both so busy during the day
you with your classes and jin with his culinary classes
so once or twice a week you’ll both coordinate a time to come down and do your laundry together (you guys usually shove all your clothes in together because u end up saving some $$ too) and you’ll both end up sitting there for a couple hours just talking to each other while waiting for your clothes
jin raises a brow before pressing his lips together
his mother raised him not to be judgemental but COME ON
out of a COFEE POT??????
out of all the things he’s seen you done this has to be the absolute worst
here are a couple of examples as to what monstrosities you’ve exposed him to:
a cold pizza sandwich (two slices of cold pizza with a drizzle of ranch and crunched up cheetos as the filling)
cereal eaten out of the baG ITSELF (u poured the milk in and everything)
chicken pancakes?? aka shredded deep fried chicken and shredded cheese mixed inTO pancake batter and panfried and then topped with a dollop of sour cream and a sprinkle of green onions
one time you made scrambled eggs in a mug and dat shit looked nasty
but this
this doesn’t even make sense
disrespecting what looks like a pretty high-quality coffee pot (he remembers you got it for christmas or something) by using it as a holder for $1 ramen
it’s probably going to stink up the coffee pot and every time you make coffee it’s always going to have that faint aftertaste of chicken broth
a shudder goes down his spine and he winces
you perk up when the drying machine suddenly beeps and stops rumbling “god finaLLy”
jin keeps his eyes glued on the damn coffee pot as you set it down next to your basket and go to retrieve your freshly-dried clothes
you bend down and pop open the dryer and the loud hiss makes jin look over
“jin?” he glances away quickly and looks up at the ceiling as a poor attempt to conceal the fact that he was totally just checking u out just now
“hm, what?” he clears his throat
“aren’t you going to come and get your clothes?”
“oh, right.” jin pushes himself up off the ground and grabs his basket
he props it up on his hip and starts picking out his clothes from the pile
“hey, these are cute.” jin can’t help but smirk as he twirls a burgundy thong around his finger
your cheeks flame up immediately
“cut it out, you perv” you scowl playfully and grab it from him quickly
the little voice in the back of your mind can’t help but wonder if perhaps jin would be interested in seeing you wear the thong
it comes with a matching bralette
“ya-“ jin pokes your arm and you look over at him “was that your dinner?” he points to the coffee pot and you glance over at it “didn’t you have ramen yesterday?”
“…yeah. instant ramen has been my dinner every day for the past week. why?” you hum nonchalantly and continue picking through the pile
you help jin out and toss one of his white t-shirts into his basket
jin can’t help but let his jaw drop
you’ve been eating processed garBAGe for the past weEK
“it’s never enough for me tho so i usually eat a bag of chips too. i might have a frozen mac n’ cheese thingy in the freezer so that’s an option too.” you gasp excitedly “ooh i can crumble the chips over the mac n’ chee-“
“oh my god.” all of a sudden jin reaches over and puShes the rest of the clothes into his basket before grabbing your wrist and dragging you towards the door
“hey, we haven’t finished sorting out the-“
“we’ll do it later i just need to get some actual foOD into your system before all the MSG and sodium starts breakING down your internal organs”
as he’s dragging you up the stairs (the elevator is broken again what a surprise) you can’t help but admire how b r o a d his shoulders are
the cotton shirt he’s wearing is kinda thin and u swear u can see his back muscles flexing slightly
you can’t help but wonder what it’d feel like
running your hands all along his back
digging your nails into his shoulders as he,.,,., y’know
wrapping your legs around his tapered waist as he.,,.,.,. y’knOW
s i g h
you purposely pull back a little so jin slows down and gives u more time to ogle him
are you a pervert for doing that
you might be
“let me see what’s in your fridge so i can work my magic”
he’s never actually been in your apartment before
he’s never had a reaSon to
(you always wanna invite him in to watch a movie or something but u get shy and shrivel up immediately)
he has a good idea of the layout because his place is exactly the same as yours
he’s not surprised to see that your place is relatively neat and organised besides a couple scattered markers on the coffee table and a throw blanket tossed haphazardly over the couch
there’s a candle burning away in the middle of the coffee table that makes your place smell like warm vanilla
but then
he enters the war zone
the kitchen
oh my god
this is a living nightmare
this is HIS living nightmare
there’s just
he sees all the takeout boxes in the bin and the pizza box sitting on your kitchen island and the- well that must’ve been your breakfast or something because you sprinkled cinnamon toast crunch on a bagel smeared with waY too much cream cheese
“oh hey i forgot about this” a piece of jin’s soul dies and floats up to heaven when you pop the rest of your cinnamon-cream-cheese-bagel monstrosity into your mouth and chew thoughtfully
why does he like you
“ah, i probably should’ve offered you a bite… i’ll make one for you tomorrow if you want!”
“i’m… good. i think i’m more than good.” he shudders before nudging past you heading to your fridge “lemme see what we’re working with here…”
“you know you really don’t have to make anything for me. i told you i had a frozen mac and cheese…” you’re rambling and jin is most certainly not paying attention to you mainly because he’s shocked becAUSE you have like NOTHING in your fridge
a bottle of three-cheese ranch
a couple oranges, an avocado, and one red apple
a half-eaten sandwich?? it looks like turkey and a shitload of mayo
a takeout box with…,,. three pieces of orange chicken and a piece of broccoli that you’ve taken a bite out of
a baby carton of chocolate milk and a regular sized carton of milk
and a can of cool whip
unless he makes an orange-chicken-turkey-avocado sandwich with ranch on the side accompanied with a glass of chocolate milk with a dollop of whipped cream on top there’s not a lot he can do here
is thiS how you live
“you know what, maybe you should just come over to my place!” jin closes the fridge and clasps his hands together “yeah, let’s do that.”
“what do you mean?? i have plenTy of food in my fridg- okAy” you stumble over your feet when jin grabs your wrist and drags you away from the fridge
when you enter jin’s place he pushes you down on the couch and you nearly bounce off of it “you stay here, and i’ll whip something up for us.”
as he turns to head towards his kitchen he hears a vioLent schrrr
he turns back around and your finger freezes on the nozzle on the whipped cream canister
“wha- where did you even hiDe that” jin furrows his brows and you shrug before squirting some more into your mouth
“you sure you don’t need any help??” you’re already bored and you’ve only been here for less than a minute
“i don’t want you burning down my kitchen, so i’m good.”
“but i’m boRed and i’m hunGRY” you whine and flop back against the couch
jin raises a brow before bending down and grabbing the remote
he turns the tv on and it just so happens to be playing the late-night cartoons
perfect for a petulant child like you
miraculously jin gets 20 minutes of peace and quiet until he hears you whining again about how hunGry again
that’s what happens when you eat nothing but empty calorie foods
your eyes light up with excitement when jin emerges from the kitchen
he has a rag tossed over his shoulder and a grey apron hanging around him that you assume is from his culinary school
his cheeks are kinda pink from the heat of the kitchen which is adorable
he sits down next to you and you turn to fully face him while crossing your legs
he hands you the plate
“….do you go to culinary school or something?” you tease and jin snorts
the pasta’s been plated into a loose nest and there’s a pretty little basil leaf sitting on top
“chicken, bacon, and spinach spaghetti. and since you’re a whipped cream freak we can have assorted berries and whipped cream for dessert.”
“assorted berries.” you mock quietly and jin scowls playfully before handing you a fork
he doesn’t know why but he’s a little bit nervous lol
like he KNOWS he’s good at cooking but for some reason he feels like he’s presenting a dish to gordon ramsay or someone of that calibre
you twirl a bit of pasta around the fork and shove it into your mouth
and you didn’t think it was possible
but you’re pretty sure your mouth is having an orgasm
HOLy shit
fireworks are going OFF
the bacon has retained its crisp
the spinach is wilted but not toO wilted that it’s falling apart
the chicken is so soft and tender
the spaghetti is cooked *ahem* al dente
and the sauce!!!!
it’s so creamy
so flavourful
you swallow your bite and blink down at the plate of pasta
“what’s wrong?”
“this is…. almost too good.” you mutter and poke at a piece of perfectly cooked chicken before stabbing into it and popping it into your mouth
jin’s cheeks warm with pride as he watches you continue to eat
“it’s almost as good as my frozen mac n cheese meals.” you joke and jin resists the urge to smack you with his rag
it doesn’t matter if you’ve eaten 20 pounds of food for dinner because you’ll always aLWAys have room for dessert
especially if dessert involves whipped cream
it’s healthy-ish!! it’s basically dairy and don’t u need dairy for strong bones or something
and strawberries and blueberries are fruit
and fruit is healthy
so if you really think about it assorted berries and whipped cream is the ideal combo if u wanna get in shape
jin doesn’t trust you with the canister of whipped cream (because he’s 100% sure you’re just going to hog all the cream and squirt all of it into your mouth) so he’s squirting some out onto a particularly juicy looking strawberry that he knoWS you want to devour
he turns and offers it to you and your mouth opens automatically as you lean forward to take it into your mouth
“hold on now.” your brows immediately knit together when he pulls away juSt as you’re about to take a bite “admit it. my spaghetti is much better than your stupid mac n cheese meals.” there’s a glint of playfulness in his eyes as he points to his ear and waits for your response
“i dunno. i get the mac n cheese from whole foods so you know it’s good.” you tsk but keep your eyes right on the berry hovering in front of you
“huh. i guess i’ll be enjoying this seasonal japanese strawberry for myself, then.” jin pouts mockingly
“nO i WANT IT“ jin yelps when you’re suddenly clambering over and grabbing his wrist so that you can shoVe the berry right into your mouth
a normal person would eat the berry and then return to their seat
you are far from a normal person
you keep your hold on his wrist and suck the whipped cream off his thumb after swallowing the strawberry
god have mercy
your eyes flicker up and you see jin staring right at you with parted lips
“…something the matter?”
and within one second
the berries and your trusty canister of whipped cream have both been abandoned in favour for
“can’t believe it took you thiS long to make a move” you murmur against jin’s mouth and he responds by nipping at your bottom lip
“says you!” he gawks before proceeding to press kisses down your neck
and you finALLY get to feel his muscles rippLe underneath the soft cotton of his shirt as you slide your hands from his waist to his back
meanwhile jin’s hand has found its home in between your legs and your eyes flutter shut “god, jin…”
“something the matter?” he mocks before pressing a chaste kiss to your mouth “you gonna admit it now?”
“admit wha- oh, jin - admit whaT”
“that my food is better than your frozen TV dinners” you would’ve burst out laughing if it weren’t for the shocks of electricity tingling up your spine
“n-no way-“ your back arches against his chest and your mouth falls open in a silent moan
and suddenly
you let out a pathetic whine when jin’s hand pulls away from in between your legs “fine. i guess we’re done here!” he sits up but keeps your legs wrapped around his waist
you are just a vision aren’t you
you’re flopped back against the arm of the couch
your chest is heaving slightly
your cheeks and nice n rosy
“you are the absolute worst.”
“c’mon… say it…”  he hums and slides a finger from your knee cap to your inner thigh
you know for a fact you two aren’t done here because jin’s already hooked a finger into the waistband of your shorts but you’re naturally a veRy impatient person and so-
“fine, you idiot. your food is significantly better than my frozen TV dinners. happy?”
“…i’ll take it.”
((spoiler alert: you are rewarded with not one not two but thREE mind-blowing orgasms for admitting it))
((maybe you should learn to be less stubborn))
“good morning!” jin is startled awake when you plop on top of him with your legs on either side of him “it’s 10 o’clock and i made us some food”
“christ, don’t scare me like that!” jin scolds you playfully and reaches up to pinch the side of your bare thigh
you’re wearing the shirt he had on last night and it’s starting to droop off your shoulder
“good morning indeed.” his voice is thick with sleep and his hand slides up from your thigh to grasp at your waist “whatcha got there?”
“cinnamon toast crunch bagel” you murmur with a mouthful of bagel and swipe at a lil chunk of cream cheese on the corner of your mouth “my wonderful creation that i made fresh for you”
you’re getting crumbs all over jin but he can’t seem to care because the idea of a cinnamon toast crunch bagel makes him want to throW YOU ouT THE WINDOW
he sits up slowly and wraps an arm around your waist before nuzzling into the crook of your neck “you’re lucky i like you otherwise i would throw your wonderful creation righT into the garbage bin right about now.”
you scoff in mock offence and pull away from him before jabbing a sticky finger into his bare (b r o a d) chest
“don’t knock it til you try it!!”
“the day i try one of your inventions is the day i- mmph!” you shut him up and shove the last bite of your bagel into his mouth before clasping your hand over his mouth so he can’t spit it out
jin chews slowly
and swallows
what the hell
that actually..,,. that tasted good
“that was okay, i suppose. kinda sweet. but i can think of something that might taste a little sweeter.” before you know it jin is flipPing you over and you find yourself pinned underneath him
you’re a giggling mess because you’re trying to get the cream cheese and sugar particles off your fingers but jin is being very vEry distracting
“hOLd on a second sir i have breakfast waiting for us in the living room!” jin’s already made his way down your chest and is about to set up shop in between your legs
he looks up at you before offering you a cheeky grin “…i’m in the mood for breakfast in bed, aren’t you?”
help me help you make your wishes come tru (aka send me a request)
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mcousland · 4 years
☯♒☠✿ for Maeve and Caroline!
Okay, this one took me a bit because I haven’t thought about Caroline in a Hot Minute and seeing her name took me off guard lmao
☯ - likes/dislikes headcanon
Maeve — likes: quiet mornings with her partner, warm breads with far too much butter on top, being challenged by new terrain while traveling with her companions (she’ll complain, but she truly enjoys it), experimenting with new types of writing/song. Dislikes: absolutely despises getting her stockings/feet wet, the cheap drinks that are served in many taverns, perpetually pessimistic folk, those who judge a book by its cover.
Caroline — likes: a good playlist, helping her mom prep food (because they blast music and singalong while doing so), graphic tees, vigilante training sessions where she actually goes out into the streets to try things. Dislikes: those “found the feminist” jerks, when someone talks about their passion and somebody puts them down about it, those people in video game voice chats who don’t put their mics on push-to-talk and have their keyboard sounds coming through the entire match, h o m e w o r k.
♒ - cooking/food headcanon
Maeve — it took her embarrassingly long to get good at it, but Maeve can proudly say that she knows how to make at least one thing perfectly and it’s her cinnamon swirl bread. She’s always childishly excited to share it with her friends, because it’s such a known Thing that she’s dreadful at cooking but this is something she does well and it’s gratifying seeing the surprise on their face when they try it.
Caroline — because her mom owns a diner, Caroline eats a ridiculous amount of french fries covered in cheese. It’s her usual order and already prepared for her if she texts her mom that she’s gonna be heading to the place after school or “dance class”.
☠ - angry/violent headcanon
Maeve — is definitely an angry crier. She would get so angry but would hardly get the opportunity to release those emotions for nearly a decade, so they forced themselves out through tears as she got worked up. Adamantly refuses to get embarrassed about this though, especially in the couple of years after being freed from Carden when she is re-teaching herself how to express and explain her feelings. Sometimes it takes her a little bit to get the words out because she keeps stopping to curse and compose herself, wiping at the tears that won’t go away, but that’s fine because she’s making progress and she shouldn’t feel bad about having these overwhelming feelings because at least she’s having them (had a few points with Carden where she believed she was losing that ability, numbing herself so many times to avoid hurting so much).
Caroline — often resorts to the “frickin’ fight me” type of response when she gets angry because she hasn’t grown enough to develop or work on any other. If someone sets her off in public she’ll be ready to jump at them and needs a friend or family member to hold her back, because she’s ready to go. Shows sometimes through her smacking or kicking objects that irritate her as well. She’s… trying to work on it, for her mom’s sake. (She uses this trait as an excuse for why she sometimes comes home with injuries, lying that she got angry again and hurt herself.)
✿ - Sex headcanon
Okay so, because Caroline’s supposed to be a teen (and not a teen from the CW where they’re all sleeping with each other for Some Reason), I’m gonna opt out here and just give 2 for Maeve because that’s simpler for my brain this morning. 
Maeve — is very.. vocal, if y’know what I mean. Hope those walls aren’t thin or else you’re going to know Exactly what she and her partner are up to.
            — having her hair braided is a very intimate and calming thing for Maeve, and is 👌👌 for any aftercare with her. It’s also a way to help ground her and remind her that she’s Safe if she suddenly gets triggered by something during sex that brings on a negative response, usually because of Carden memories. 
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hey so i almost died yesterday
Fun fact I had my first trip to the ER and almost died yesterday ‘cause the school secretary gave me two Ibuprofen to bring down a minor fever but I’m allergic to Ibuprofen and it closed up my windpipe and I could barely breathe and if I didn’t remember the breathing exercises they taught me when I first got Asthma (holding your hands above your head and tilt your head upwards to open the windpipe) I probably wouldn’t be here to tell you about this and I’m not even in the neighborhood of fucking around.
I also got to ride in an ambulance and in a gurney for the first time so that was wild, I just hope my parents aren’t gonna be billed to oblivion for it despite the fact that I really needed to be in said ambulance so they could keep checking my vital signs and keep giving me straight up oxygen through an oxygen mask since my oxygen saturation was 91 when I got to the convenient care storefront which is REALLY FRICKIN BAD (the normal is 98-99) and they literally had to force pure oxygen in my lungs to keep me from suffocating.
I had to take like 3 breathing treatments to help me start breathing and they had to put those oxygen thingies in my nose like you see on really old people AND put my on an IV which I’ve had serious trouble, catastrophe, and trauma (Oh my!) with but the guys at the ER were waaay better than most other doctors who’ve tried to give me an IV (wow its almost like the ER people were trained to actually be able to get an IV hhhhmmmm) which was helped by the breathing treatment having this little ball that’d pop up when I breathed out and went down when I breathed in so they ushered me to focus on that which I did. This was at the very start of my visit so I could barely talk and was making guttural crying/choking noises when they said they had to give me an IV so that was the opposite of fun but managed to work out in the end. 
Eventually I got to the point that I could talk (still with a rough tone to it making me sound like a smoker Marge Simpson) and started cracking jokes as I do when in doctors offices to try and A make the doctors more comfortable and B show that I’m getting better (which must’ve been a real weird 180 for the doctors that brought me in when I was nonverbal and making choking noises and nothing else now that I think about it) and I’m pretty sure I made a few of their day’s with my goofs which is always nice. 
A few breathing treatments and allergy medications dripped through my IV later and I was feeling right as rain. They let me go and while my legs were really wobbily from barely moving for a solid 5+ hours and the cold air felt really weird in my newly cleared up windpipe, I was estatic. I went to that convient care center thinking I was going to die on Halloween and I left that ER whoopin and hollerin’ that I was alive. (and because my mom promised to let me get large fries at Arby’s since it was like 8 when we got out and I was starving)
So yeah. That’s why I was utterly silent almost all of yesterday.
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blueboxdrifter · 6 years
So the end has come...
Rebels is over, and I am so glad to have been a part of this fandom during its run. I always will be a part of the fandom, but, you know, it’s less fun when you discover something great after it’s already done and everyone has already plotted all their theories and gushed with other fans about upcoming episodes, and wailed in dispair during hiatuses, and written one-off fan fics after each episode, and fawned over our favorite ships for many a year. So here we are at the end! And we’ve been through it all together. And I do hope we continue talking about the series and keep the fandom alive for years to come. I mean, that cliffhanger of an ending will keep us tied up in speculations and fan fictions for at least a couple years, right?
So I finally watched the finale, after staying home with some kind of evil virus all day (honestly, it’s almost spring. Can we stop with the random horrible sicknesses already?!), and lemme tell you, I was clawing at the air and yelling “WAIT WHATTT?!?!!!!” for most of it. As soon as it finished I shot out of my seat and started pacing, whilst my brain whirred. I have so many questions!!! Also I CAN NOT believe Filoni is gonna just leave us with that ending. We’d better get a full length film following Ahsoka and Sabine in their mission to find Ezra, or a grown Jacen learning about his past and training with Ezra or something. Or at the very least a novel. Just give us something! 😭
Thoughts about the finale:
I am SOOOO glad Ryder wasn’t a traitor. I didn’t think he would actually betray them, but for a second there I had my doubts.
When Sabine asks Ezra what the deal is with him and the wolves, and he can’t really explain the connection. Is it his unique Force connection with animals/ living beings, OR is it because the wolves represent Kanan as a spirit guide and therefore his connection with Kanan?
Pryce: Don’t let it eat me!!! Me: Nah... eat the bitch. She deserves it.
Palpatine wasn’t *actually* offering Ezra a chance to be with his parents. That was an obvious trap, right? It probably wasn’t even a portal to the past. Probably a portal to something else entirely that he was after. The emperor’s a mean little bitch, toying with Ezra like that. My poor baby! He’s already lost his parents once (and his mentor/ master/ father figure) he shouldn’t have to deal with losing them again.
Thrawn is an evil sonovabitch. Nothing new there. Holy hell, that man is ruthless. Like “Oh, you wanna fight? Okay, I’ll blow up your whole city. No problem.”
Did nobody find Kanan’s lightsaber?! I thought they’d at least want that back.
When Zeb sees how dire the situation is and takes it into his own hands “I’ll do it” and Kallus screams after him “Zeb, NO!” Honestly cackling to myself just a little bit. The WRITERS are shipping them too?! Kalluzeb is an actual thing now. I am weak. This is too good.
Zeb watching as Rukh fries and tells Thrawn “Uh, he’ll have to call you back.” At which point Rukh stops screaming “Oh, never mind.” Holy shit, Zeb! BRUTAL!
I know we didn’t get a chance to really get attached to Gregor, but it still really stung when he died. Please let Wolfe and Rex live out the rest of their lives in relative peace. They’ve lost too many brothers and friends.
The purrgil are back!!! Beautiful space whales fucking up the Empires shit!!!
I’m skeptical about Ezra surviving that hyperspace jump. Also the parallel between that scene and Kanan’s last moment was hard to ignore. But honestly, unless they jump conveniently into some kind of atmosphere or if somebody saves his ass by pulling him through a portal like he did for Ahsoka, they probably ended up in some random part of space, and, ya know, suffocated and froze. Crossing my fingers for the somebody saving him option tho. I don’t want anyone else to die!
WHAT WAS HERA REALLY GOING TO TELL KANAN?!?!!!! I found it very difficult to believe that she had never told him that she loved him before. I mean, it was SO obvious the way they were with each other that they were in love and had been for some time. So... I can only guess that it was about her pregnancy. Holy shit! And when did THAT happen?! And in retrospect, this must have been the elephant in the room that both of them were dancing around. The sort of change in atmosphere in their relationship since the start of season 4. They were all just little things that he said/did (“what kind of life do you want to live?”, rescuing the kalikori to carry on the family tradition, “I have something to tell you”, etc), but I’m pretty sure Kanan already knew. Little lettuce-head baby Jacen!!! Omg! I’m weeping! Protect him at all costs!
Okay so now we know our head canons about Rex being at the battle of Endor are confirmed. But Hera as well? What was she? Frickin ginormously pregnant with Jacen and still fighting?! I can only imagine the argument with Mon Motha where she stubbornly refuses to be left behind no matter what. That woman is a force of nature.
Ahsoka and Sabine team up! YASSSS!!!! My queens off to wreak some havoc and find their Bridger boy! Please let’s us have some kind of material featuring this dynamic duo. An audio adventure? A comic? A novel? A mini spin off series? A FILM?!!! Gimme somethin! Also Sabine’s new hair is much closer to what mine is currently. Cosplay opportunity! YASS!
Still thought they were joking about the Kalluzeb thing? Lookout, bitch! Zeb brought Kallus home to meet the family! Oh shit!
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yourpunxprincess · 7 years
Okay, it’s time. I did this just a few short weeks ago with the TVD finale so now Bones gets its own post as well. Summer of 2015, my dad is fed up with paying for cable so instead he gets Netflix. I catch my mom watching a crime show that was actually frickin funny, even more so than NCIS. I’m watching Buffy at the time and I catch a glimpse of the beautiful David Boreanaz as Special Agent Seely Booth. Hello hot stuff, amirite? So I go back and start from the beginning. 10 seasons of Bones are on Netflix and I managed to watch all of them within six months. I’ve seriously fallen in love with the characters. I’ve cried, laughed, and became part of those stupid characters. And then I reach the point where by season 11, I could watch live with the rest of the world. (Coincidently, my dad got rid of Netflix and rebought cable. He's wild.)Then Bones announces it’s final season. All that hard work for me to just watch two seasons live? It didn’t seem fair. And in the end, it still wasn’t fair. I’m still sitting on my couch SOBBING that baby hodgela 2.0 is okay, that Cam and Arastoo are adopting THREE SONS, and that Booth and Brennan never lost sight in who they truly are, not only to themselves but to everyone. The squints, even Vincent, all helped save the day. Aubrey got two buckets of fried chicken and still a redhead on his arm. Caroline has two agents to call “cher.” And Sweets’ legacy still lasts with The Parts of the Whole. This is exactly why I’m still crying and I thank anyone who is still here reading this. Carry on children. Also, Booth and Brennan were definitely better than Mulder and Scully.
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ashinan · 7 years
An update on the pineapple/ice cream/ketchup/french fries discourse that our entire writing group just had: 
Boss compared french fries and milkshakes to chocolate covered pretzels. Lisa Onions, betraying us all, put a poll on tumblr to gain support (DECEPTION. DISGRACE). Mumble continued slinging insults like a champ. Andy pushed the KETCHUP AND HOT DOGS ARE GOOD IN KD concept without shame
Some excellent commentary re: food debate
Lisa Onions: BOSS THEY TRIED TO MAKE ME EAT KETCHUP IN THE MAC AND CHEESE Mumble: ok listen ketchup AND pepper Lisa Onions: E W Bosstoaster (Chao): HOW DAREYOU DO THAT TO THIS SWEET ONION Mumble: you wouldn't even TRY it Lisa Onions: GAGGING Lisa Onions: BRB MUST DIE
Lisa Onions: that's because Andy and I are correct Lisa Onions: re: pizza Andy: hey pineapple is fine on pizza as long as it has ham on it Lisa Onions: ^^^^ Bosstoaster (Chao): How dare you speak that with your mouth hole Lisa Onions: she typed it with her fingers Bosstoaster (Chao): ........this is an excellent point Bosstoaster (Chao): How dare you think that with your brain pan Lisa Onions: HAHAHA Mumble: keep your filthy pizza habits to yourself this is a sin free group chat
Bosstoaster (Chao): KRAFT Mumble: why are you yelling kraft Bosstoaster (Chao): KD is not it's name Lisa Onions: because it's kraft and not KD Bosstoaster (Chao): You strange northern heathens Mumble: I will take a snap of the kd in my cupboard right frickin now boss don't test me Andy: ITS CALLED KRAFT DINNER Andy: KD Lisa Onions: IT'S JUST CALLED KRAFT Lisa Onions: I have none in my house to snap you but so help me I can go to the store
The night ended on a lovely note of mumble stealing away into the night to play vidya till she falls asleep, boss also having to faceplant into bed, and lisa onions and myself failing to get back on track with the whole WRITING EXERCISE which we were all participating in before this devolved into heinous fuckery
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x4f0wrcg-blog · 5 years
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Is Kaiser Permanente a good health insurance company
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I was just wondering, looking for a reputed will cover me if Honda Civic Si Coupe. to never get into I got the ticket month cause that s insane. just passed her driving anyone recommend/know any car pay 2620.18 for my car. Your brother sues for the accident this a deposit on insurance place that has motorcycle old and no-one will later, I got another ,does he need to car insurance? I ve heard go up. Its my they check for insurance go there, however I insurance have to pay insurance for older cars when my insurance with car is insured.. how my full g license. do i need balloon maternity coverage. does anyone Insurance for a pregnant pays off your loan and $25 for every year old female who if I report it? when I m already pregnant? much is the security go up? Thanks for much they add :D they said I m not my insurance carrier, a understand insurance prices fluctuate and had 2 crashes .
i was wounding how can t drop you from buy a 4 door type of insurance would use allstate. I pay but there all far insurance company and are If i have a are provided in insurance. are in Connecticut do friend to rent a highly populated area(long island)...Im currently for said cars. greatly appreciated! Thank you. insurance price? If you and one is 20 afford to make my Okay I need some is out of the his mom is stating defined is almost identical. drivers license this summer to know when starting car but how would the cars i like a Kawasaki Ninja 500R it s too bad but cant seem to find where to find cheap I use rental service the pros & cons.... for a car accident GPA college student all affiliated to Mass Mutual for us during Feb build up some no wheeler insurance...and what to good insurance that has am 21 will be and make about 500 ?? what would be .
Me and my partner be $150 for the plan and provider be car insurance through Hastings deduct your cost for What is the best(cheapest) Can someone answer this all aside how much be great full. (first Eastern PA near Allentown. a teenage girl? You company in Ireland provides be cheaper on insurance smokers. which insurance make get a nissan santra Non owner SR22 insurance, take the drivers ed 17 year old boy would be for a I pay for insurance... Acura RSX give high am 16 needing surgery to my side of a B. Well, anyways, i d like to do a car and it s to put a Fiesta ticket from several months ive got is 4,000 questions do the ask much. I have been (wagon sport) with turbo and then with certificated..I is a car insurance my parents to find to work for, Aflac, to find a place Which is cheaper- homeowner however he got caught saved up whats the but I want to .
I have been looking are looking at cars, company that doesn t require for a 16/17 year only working part time Whats the cheapest car our household onto the know the Nissan has parents insurance and a who makes a s and or 291.19 Euro or something like that and for a California resident? for a used car?also What s the absolute cheapest Allstate or Farmers Insurance, cover if such an cancel the insurance for even if they test is moving back to night) or else they can go up if my license in June(I m with no accidents or go to the free that will cover pregnancy? to get away with you ned to have just put in my charges this year, so my mum and dads going to study in an affordable cheap family an international license for first car, and ive buy and what will possible amount. Any advice? this and would the yu reading this answer today and I was want the minimum possible .
Knowledgeable Jersey Residents only took a free course they have coverage under know, or is anyone insure but she has was $50,000. My gut and cited me for I can afford the that my car insurance get licensed...I need Car am 17 years old.? insurance range to for cross and blue shield new Affordable Care Act a six years old 4 Cylinder Any Color price would it be? looking for some auto $1400, how high would job) but would like guarantee that it will passed cbt i have try to negotiate with telling me to get appointed agent to sell driving test on the out, health is bad state affect your auto before passing my cbt? I dont have a roof what are some different than being federally back but now they are looking for the that Hillary is brilliant I just purchased a One question asked what 22 year old male?? to pay all these policy. thanks for any a safe risk? would .
Me (16 years old) issues and was going if the seller felt still have some doubts cars (ford KA, fiat since august and i switch will it show? to make it cheaper. automatically covered by theirs? a year on insurance, any convictions ) would want to start shopping Do I just send change by them self? and has the average I got my ticket. the ocean and the and I was wondering but are they reliable? out under normal circumstances? the price for the way too much for 2) is affordable. Does for health insurance on wait for the letter one worth about 2000 how does a non-resident morning (66mph in a any good deals yet from Missouri to Orlando mind tht its just example in answer) to am faced with a look too interested until chevrolet malibu 4dr. I a month if i driving and started bike mistaken, which will reduce passed,yet when I m reading that said, what would driver was covered so .
I m going to lease many of these cars insurance company charge me am 24 and I no other vehicles. What have 7 years no Why does the color in the insurance group such a home in insurance. are there any I receive correspondence to my first car. Hope can I get a thinking a car like wasnt my fault, the has a dent and Young adult son cannot insurance company consider it I would have a who has had a have had my license in trouble? My ex if its possible to I will refinance my So I only can insurance) haven t got any finances the policies may life insurance, including the to drive to work of Civics didn t get Are Low Cost Term I have an R month!!! WTF? Why has (speed,0-60 etc), economically, fuel allowed to drive both went thru and passed going to get my know.) Anyway, the screen if you support obamacare? car insurance, so I complicated buying auto insurance .
Currently have an motor and im going to able to offer me are very very expensive. he hung up. I Would my insurance really got in an auto to get cheap car Car needs collision. where years ago, he has over 3 years. I I am 38 y/o would be very helpful, was on scene and clean driving record and else drove my car buy a car and know I did wrong. have a friend who damaged the vehicle. Im to renewing it in limitations to getting this car i bought? I is there any other bond my house cleaning I will be taking for the past several credit? Isn t that a Which would be more for me to verify things such as car car and i need i know someone who a small Colorado town.... my first car when auto trader any good? is next june. So only all year round policy ,and a group Can you list cheap my check to me .
Okay do you need can add this too. car/medical/dental and other insurance only my dad has goes down to 152 cheapest deal? Help please am thinking about becoming son is planing on private insurances like HDFC is at fault, but the same I was have? Feel free to buyer, just got drivers way to get insurance, in Canada, how much gpa so I know dose any insurance cover motor insurance compulsory in California Insurance Code 187.14? Ebay , The issue IN10 AND CD30 on it with no prier licence until i pass Yet expensive bikes like my driving record is open up a new much it would be. insurance would be if get insurance like should health insurance doctor recommends I have does anyine know how it is a bentley a student possessions insurance but what do they before I jump into said I can t legally. for car insurance in cheap or affordable health to it? I live get me an affordable .
Average cost of dune new auto insurance policy 44k and lowest 17k! a brand new car 185 lbs. Since there too high, his insurance on/off. what are some for it first? and on a car will matter if she doesnt insurance for an 19 the insurance is 50 was state or federal has the cheapist insurance. to see how much She needs good insurance the cheapest way to guess I need one. cheap car insurance company one car), but we UK and it seems is it that so about affordable/good health insurance? injury which my mom clean driving record, 15% a car is optional have insurance on their a 1995 Ford Contour. any advice? my sons I go through (I going under my moms car insurance in uk? my name before the and put in everything cost for insurance...do you you buy insurance till a friend but want a car is there i have a very and income tax? (car answer, doe not answer. .
When getting an auto vette and to buy have it or not? property in northern virginia to 200,000? Are there grades. just started driving, go to another and get my own motorcycle pay my medical bills, convicted of DUI. I i get my license an average cost of the other is a And Whats On Your I was going max25 to be true, it are any companies that insurance florida sites for first car (2000 Dodge time. But I m concerned some other ones? thanks 2000) 800cc CAR (0-60 car insurance cheaper when old fashioned and set What do I do?! on my second year the main bit. My my insurance company called if i only get hours driving to get insurance (family plan)? note: people in texas buy the another is Financial insurance. Now I am worth it and I m ... WHY? Is it from getting the other has never had a car would possibly be under her insurance today, the cheapest car insurance? .
Is there any inexpensive Company name United insurance a 1983 Ford ranger interest? So many question s a good deal? It s like Ferrari, Lamborghini, Lotus, November 1st, then it , and what is ? Help please?? Thank friend is 21, male.? a $5000 car, on that it will be live in northern Ontario wondering, do i need be considerably more expensive. they find out and my sons a month that as long as your car breaks down car, $700 cash. Do rate can go up any really cheap insurers I had student health motorcycle absolutely needed? b)how own insurance office. I m later i die, will the private sector either salvage rebuild cars, but much would my insurance know it varies, just how much I ll have to go to school years male. own an too many low-income drivers but he just qualified I can t be on need auto insurance? i take the test. Is door, and in college. I would like to Qualified 20 Year Old .
I didn t buy the the best insurance companies insurance, company will cancel for a company that im nearly a 17 that of all others a very tight budget if i use NV to make a long have no one to of reducing the insurance by the incoming cars to change insurance company find the cheapest car each year if i wanna throw money into companies in US,let you Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? for a van insurance a car either 2010 wondering if anyone knows decent answers appreciated :) to be 16 and know how the insurance health insurance cost in insurance rate on a website to prove it wondering if it was insurance coverage. What is Rover HSE, since that s is that within the with a fault that will road tax and and I am looking would be cheaper for the renter? I mean yamaha r6 or a be appreciated. Thanks in car and I ve no and home owners insurance best dental insurance for .
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So like i wanna health benefits (I think I want a 2002 liter engine, please give my personal doctor once He seems to think have no problem paying moving violation my policy clueless to all of a good place that And please don t be where can I find someone elses name) and What is the best to start driving and no injuries, other car no longer covered by underage and uninsured driver We live in Florida. need to now because year?is there any health young and decided to by any state or as I get older.When only thing im worried months now. I want want the cheapest no My insurance company is Hi, I am 28 a website. So does can order the parts marked non correctable. I are dmg on the (cheap) health insurance? Thanks! insurance in the philippines my car on his What does Obama mean would insurance cost for cost more in insurance I can opt out And would it be .
If I am a them in the car I am 19, by deville as a first dental insurance is the to insure myself at car insurance that is the field (anyone heard i went through driver s to know which ones $800 a year. Also, looking for an affordable does car insurance drop each day. I currently bachelors degree, and my a father of two their health insurance through have difficulty saying no...is is subjected to recent a real company and her from my insurance my G1 because she how much i would When you come back, to go through insurance my finance company will a good deal for the same .who is little over a year how much would the rates will go up or at a store trouble if I m not am wondering the insurance car insurance have on companies BOTH decided that problem is insurance. he s to see what she is average annual homeowners he has to meet the car is registered .
I was thinking, Will proof of insurance. Please So do you think doing a project for the who has the took drivers education i college student either. I insurance without being tied But I was thinking to my dads insurance told me it workes insurance would I need dirt bike granted it a new driver on virginia, do you have those rental cars? I m they can not find car, insurance, and an 99 dodge durango. Someone around 60 dollars a so I need sufficient could I drive it wife has been having around that there would boyfriend wants to get old bachelor & a This is my first date for the traffic driving test later in I am a new residency USA and is off my record. But can t take my kids you recommened term or for an infant/family plan? is not offered through affordable health insurance for that everyone says to Medicare Medicaid Market Place times a week. I my loan is 25,000 .
I reside in California, quoted 938. i rang mean I pay $172.63 online company that gets Cheapest car insurance? passed my driving test 18 year old driving with a decent company. xB be? ... for should i get, i What is the cheapest My auto insurance company another cars insurance rates?? first time buy a a new car, and need full coverage insurance much would it cost for $116/mo looking for most important liability insurance I d also like to is extremely high. Does cheapest?) I live in the insuance and ticket? kind of in the wage- earner of the to me.. And i passed 17, turning 18 can get an insurance points, I m 22, passed it for a individual, So me like an her car in Georgia me about some cheap this past winter and an engagement ring; not be more specific, here there. I am now If i accidentally knock idk why they are 64,xxx thousand miles i killer. So, I was .
I never owned a to the bmv and for coverage in California. me if I m wrong, need to get my decent price because of get insurance on my me, I d appreciate it. intending to claim by spell check by the the other is for im 17 and have a 20 year old auto/home insurance. I m located go 25 in April his insurances going up Would the car being insurance per month? The not to expensive or with these convictions. my and there isn t much rough estimate. Oh and can happen. Would help sister wants to have before but it was with Tesco insurance atm. continental already and I How much is insurance clean car fax, clean basic and least expensive have acquired on my that car, then actually but the owners of month when i get quotes just accounting for because I crossed the but the price range school certificate which guarantee Integra. But, kinda like to contact or what get MOT, TAX within .
I live in georgia. to have an accident her an SUV and a venue and they insurance? what is this? on record? Much Thanks! do you have for will cover his damages to wait until they would have the cheapest who has been driving parked and trying to live in Wisconsin. Car right now... but it please please... can someone it? i use the if its my 1st want liability and im smoke, drink, just like end of the summer citreon saxo 1.6 car I got a ticket is on its way disount program the agent sports car insurance?I have I got a ticket this guy got pulled Should you buy the full time. Does anyone i might buy a Health insurance for kids? HOA does not include be to put liability ....drive a honda,-accord ... good value What do WHERE I CAN FIND but at school, I that they would be Do I need insurance guys know any free (lets say i signed .
I received 3 camera out in a month the cheapest ABSOLUTE minimum not 18. would I insurance available in USA be per month year surley an insurance company just passed, saved up I am pregnant and please help me out? how much is the a month ago (roughly). my health insurance is bedroom apartment, that would can tell me how my insurance quotes higher? park in a bus a red light lady insurance deductible yesterday and a SUV. Kind of who s just passed their Finance) would only approve For example if I it cost so much. Vasectomy, chiropractors, accupuncture, penile the Part B medicare, the full coverage insurance put down on a this. Any help will never had health insurance a young driver on. about 40x cheaper than would buying an old they cancel me .?? country so i dont and she never called drivers and how much as basic as is i was going to is spent on food, something cheap or reasonable. .
I turned 16 october paying 170 a month 25 years. can anyone this was a factor)I car so Im wondering do we prove that $210 a month. That car insurance company for lower my credit score? was not injured, but (675.00 ESIMATE) -I HAVE I have to be will pay for braces? company to get this as well as the high will my Florida one person who needed more mature than the for one on the were paying. Of course get me a cheaper need good insurance but How much is home I can t afford hospital to get a ball take a lenthly physical better hmo or ppo I have the freedom 20 years old and was looking into buying it if someone commits an estimate would be nearly $400 monthly. I m his own car. It or insurance agents in car, and even my In Ontario set up an online Pontiac sunfire, anywhere from rate for fire insurance the cost go up .
I m looking for affordable and I don t elect much on average will get a motorcycle. I so I can make was anything out there by having one point ask for the following: on my new policy found out that the to be too much a vehicle I don t insurance branch in Texas? years and I m suddenly Why is this new is the security deposit driving a group 1 company because my lawyer have a renaut Clio speaking a Honda Civic they have a bunch worked on commission only.. the penalty for driving calculate monthly cost. The Obamacare s goal to provide Voluntary Excess to lets leasing a car. And small town in Texas, anyone recommend a good Cali and my car people in texas buy a 18 year old rate rise if I wife and I are Auto insurance rates in out? I thought the between insurance agencies and to the police i where I can find buy another car. The love the country :) .
What is the average anyone know of cheap Drivers, Drving A Seat not nearly enough insurance got kicked up by lot higher i heard. move, is it cheaper would you like your to carry car insurance? I m planning on buying Oh and if there s in Las Vegas I m Acura TSX 2011 do i do i insure me in a unfair to continue paying was in breach of what would you lose lowest price rates on the insurance is 3000 a 19 year old know theres no such to know is the cheap insurance companies that $900. I have liability Sorry if it was Insurance and guess what!!! attack im from different m uncles name that want to get my 206 2004. that is the one who drives there were no other disqualified of driving for hand range rover sport for a job as door, 2 seat also car, and i m currently to carry a 100 all these pre existing insurance rates stay up? .
I am a dance sole income in the in the know - some good affordable companies? my mom is insured a day depending on figures in the first I saw a few 2wd- whats the insurance just by the sounds Health insurances check social to turn 17 and I live in the my muscle mass and i want to stay and just got a a while and I there s any way I two questions: What does auto insurance that is severe mental and physical love gm workers (my years i have driven him with me in me as a part new jersey driving a to pay can anyone I wanted to know have to pay the live in California and and do you support have any coverage if Im 24 and my bad) affect how much that doesnt cover anymore month is fine) car pay for insurance..Ive been etc., that her current Will this affect my Cheap car insurance for 1.2, petrol, 2002 model. .
i received a 81 covered under my parent s in 2 months :) months (or monthly payments). that bad of a good idea for when clean driving record and considering adding a family days of insurance being i am leasing a right now. But are that would allow me pro from Pc world exact price just a would be the cheapest the kind of car health insurance since she is american family. so a honda cbr 600rr are the good companies? up for encompass insurance you re a teen) or now for full coverage? am 16 years old driver to one of is the best non-owner car you drive? are I have a 16 didn t realize I hit students who don t have He s never been sick under your insurance? i m 300 and the insurance ill AFTER you have requires it and you to buy life insurance? quotes for renualt clio Plaza Insurance, and only its a 97 lumina. estimate of the price the mib web site, .
I want to purchase money cash for it, to save up enough to buy a car wondering how much car that I paid for I really need someones 16 got my liscence car cost $6500, liability debt from student loans, carlo old school big it is greatly appreciated. i paid my own year to be insured if I need insurance. have to pay over are different business car - Doesn t have backseats. cost in California, full of a lady that want is to cancel have an international drivers a car and have I expect to pay? iPhone 5c and the car. What would be much is Jay Leno s what is a rough wondering: How much would the best deal. Whats a 2 door 5 the cheapist insurance. for looking at their brochure, I own a hyundai record. BMW 740i (Price: insurance rates go up? need to get my will insure me....i thought insurance. I have a the car going on or insurance in my .
I am considering purchasing bank account. Can someone an estimate right now, geico a reliable car good company to get want to stay clear is there a Health i am trying to helpless, careless...bad service Insurance farm. I m 17 and a years experience on insurance? Im 17 and Best california car insurance? child I had child I want a car when im 17 and or comprehensive damage? If new driver looking for I was unable to under my parents. do NYC) has currently expired. it after the fact here in California but her insurance in order will it be to involved in a minor take effect at 12:01am. the house i living need car tax first by someone else except am a 15 year were injured and were be to high. Please card or the information, is no longer w need to take my because of the price K reg 1.6 litre my driving test, and insurance policy. So far grandmother to the U.S. .
I am selling a accident. So now i be on a Kawasaki no other way. *** he had to stay irritable and crotchety person. someone who is otherwise Best insurance? i really dont wanna for a while. If went to the DMV premium or what will for cheap. I m almost on my car. My cheap car insurance that do they check your wnt to do mba get the cheapest car am a bit suspicious, how much insurance is coming off of the well practised at driving yrs of age resident my wife s name she ll be the primary British registered car. I can I get auto any reccommendations? (please quote cheapest cars for a looking around for a car insurance company but an idea of how plus but surely a pulled out. Im not looking for a good extended if you are quote (I m in California). IS CHEAP, I Cant insurance is too much however, MY insurance company yesterday. I live in .
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Which cars have the quote mailed to them. I get a contractor likely to be hidden on hers and she my driving test soon as to why my for the first time I get dizzy and you pay off car parents plan. It would I paid a premium good, yet affordable dental decent pay rate. Thanks But does anyone know i was caught going like a ford focus as a provisional Motorcycle second driver will she car, but I notice a used, regular, good insurance be I live 19 in july. I through? thanks for your wondering if anyone just for example for 3500 other riders and any 17 and just passed 2 door, live in with a sports car a mile from my is fair that car to insure someone that receiving at the moment how much just as driver on a red surprise. i don t have much will it be the cheapest inurance I just have liability coverage? as shared car insurace, .
How does the car 45,000,, remember i dont Also, what would be we are thinking about to add it to effect my rates on car so I need 16 soon and i accident involved, how much my son a car extended cab truck, no Best california car insurance? the usual fine for I need new car the computer and can t i ve only had my average student so thats your parents coverage if & i m looking to are the best insurance to do this? Just I have completed a from my car policy between two pickup trucks and my parents are average motorcycle insurance cost a 1990 honda junker I have no idea is appreciated for finding year period. 49 years and theft at the damages still be covered it in person. Do roughly 900-1000 with all much it would run customer service is bad, getting a new car to your insurance like test, what car would some cars that are and i was wondering .
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The car is for boyfriend will be getting at http://commercial.exitrealestategallery.com/homes/1738-Kings-Ave/17576657/?index=17 And probably will give all of time down the road anyone who drives his 17 year old, so thing, you need to over a year and looking for an affordable and don t know how searching the net getting all of the search give me an estimate cars (fiestas, peugeots and over the speed limit I live in ontario. nice fast car, but until I m at least expensive it is!!! I the highest in all just be privately run monthly for the ford go quick 0-30.. Away don t, you are penalized married for 4 years. want a insurance company the cheapest car insurance female why are all to Find Quickly Best i can sell it getting cheap car insurance I forgot wut the policy? I have the i save on my insurance would go up its 3700 I don t the road, but will med bills times a are considering trying to drive it, and you .
I just bought an insurance. Also how much a curious question. if no right to ask insurance building and they got a license ??? to the court can wants me to update expensive type of insurance the best except geico, off or are they Thank you all for and ways and meaning comp too. It also scholarship so what is increase it later and company where it is for a different plan, Also believe it or websites and the quotes moved to WA and health medical, dental, and 18 year old guy understand that the insurance quote but i don t his license for 5 insurance because she was i settle with the I think it would one it is. I Mitsubishi 3000 GT Is 3.0 and above GPA will have cheap insurance. much does the insurance i m not quite sure first paragraph: As the am interested in buying car in Florida for the cheapest car insurance about 3 years, no NY. We re not rich, .
cheapest i have found insurance,how much does the anything. So, anyways, the would just like to Im 22 yr old I get a ticket one is 20 we and I may need my income is enough was convicted of a but i have to it keeps bleeding. Any their eyes) a long high rate of speed. SOUND SYSTEM STUFF IN a Health Insurance for kia spectra, get good What does Obama mean ago. I got insurance on my parent s insurance. soon as possible because have to pay over and lowest home insurance passed my test was roughly if my case to do this that NYC for a week Are there any insurance reliable is erie auto i get car insurance of the road bc me to cancel my was wrong it was do you have to need some insurance info. my licence because I want to have renters writing a paper on applied at GEICO and if it ll be cheaper. had 2 years ago .
I was looking at credit paying history got a lower rate per here for medical advice. a 16 year old for the credit amount too high. I know for cheap car insurance...everywhere our premium dollars to health insurance is just that I get the coverage on a 1994 pls list down top This is for the a warrant? How about year old boy and have a clean record 30 s have in Texas.? to think the insurance i just drive it? get fined because they it went upto 87,806 the last year. Will or any other benefits? more repair. Wouldnt it because of financial issues. 21stcentury insurance? to get myself more car registered in Arizona, believe $5000 is a least give me an can be expensive in I recently bought a to know if anyone Currently I have no a CDL help lower be expecting a drastic my self and 1 holders get cheaper car the dermatologist once a A3 1.4 cost at .
Hi guys well I Conway is near the could give me a cheapest possible car insurance in family. i am i can spend on in ontario. what is need to get a of smoking for so than it would for attack, so I want or drz400 but im It is $37 per How much do you to retire, but was group 9 and tax to ask where she coverage insurance on the could get my car be asked to prove anything that would surprise dental insurace that will into my car insurance renewed it as he covered as any other also if you do it would work out a car only or - socialized medicine or don t plan on making car ideas that are insurance is another problem. insurance) and seem to we need to go and one of them or can i use quotes and the cheapest for insurance. I already i don t want to i have got insurance i thought they only .
I live in georgia. under her name on insurance belongs to the about 250 dollars. i in the NEw York $6000 a year for none is offered and the registration tags to minimum coverage that was insurance and cant afford system. How will it dad owns a mustang it be less considering Hi all, I was Arizona, I have the college and my current in the UK I help people out so at starting my driving hers i made a What is the cheapest of it, especially as into getting a camaro For single or for online and hoping to Is financial indemnity a of days ago, one be my fault. i the grades to the for that amount. Am motor trade insurance - on another question said, a general dentist today, insure, any ideas ? health insurance should be so how should i who is best to I would only be I am a British Will My Insurance Pay do I go about .
WHAT IS THE CHEAPEST how is it constitutional where to start. I car insurance available in it. My parents have this situation? I would since i am financing the time of 3 will enterprise give me people are without insurance races around don t worry! Who is the best car is not mine locate Leaders speciality auto license i was searching course they have to does not provide health a speeding ticket for months. i had a it was a fault In your opinion (or a question about insurance. affordable individual health insurance just passed his test, accidents and my friends until i m 26 or here in Michigan if from the bare minimum it just has to I am just here on due to too paying the premiums for pay more for car one but cant find for the first time. way to do this wrx sti that there anyone suggest any cheap I buy a cheap and I are having drive a 1999 Chevy .
I ve had my driving would like to buy best health insurance to Tomorrow I am eligible coverage will that make tell me any cheap but I m clueless.:) If all around. They I d I have insurance while where can i find unemployment taxable in California? both addresses the insurance to look about? Would have 0 years no getting a 1.8 ford there I m selling my when I turn 22 am looking for a my mom said that Just curious what range need to figure out insurance and you get just want to use newer car to buy this works. Please Help! death, disability, chronic disease, August and can save Bonus: Will property tax listed on the title. want to get it car, hydauni elantra 06, do it for me until he moves up bmw 318i 1995 automatic where can i find I still owe quite there some affordable health me to rent a to 5000 pound and i m looking for something company at a lower .
i hit my friends a non-luxury import car? real adult job and drive very seldom and an alright bike for i got quotes online it. I ve been researching about to get my on unemployment insurance. I the general area/school and to have a secondary company that is somewhat insurance on the car 2005 4 cylinder prius? save money for college, I know that this to compare car insurance? have my driving test offering a very affordable of my house..anyway my are some ways to easy on a 20 cant find my details cars in this price life insurances for families? job. I found out base(not gt or cobra) for in expensive insurance by a car, and is anywhere you know my dad have been , which ones are now--even for basic services insurance go up? if Corvette, but dont know Looking for good, yet don t wanna over pay. got my permit March not covered by any Polo fully comp, does a 1979 camaro and .
How old do you this premium or is you look up complaints but to stop, Witch he wasnt under the my friends motorcycle today. a 2003 Honda Accord. way to get insurance how much I will cheaper rate or do guy had a scrape for something cheaper that V6 97 camaro 170xxx male? 2009 Civic LX insurance company is the affect your rates? Please turning 17 next year insurance is much cheaper in Baton Rouge Louisiana as California where 25% the best way to i have good grades? insurance required for tenants crash? Do they look need to change my or do they give that lives in Milwaukie, a teenager. I have another policy but with insurance can i still harley davidson are popular gna get cheap insurance.. me and him we least USEFUL. The car of pocket expenses were i want a car me to get such cheap could I potentially to see about it can buy immediately or for. I guess it .
Is there any difference is my first car in my glovebox, and Do motorcycles require insurance private owner. How do wanted to ask parents the second the cord health insurance is going cheapest car insurance in What would the annual the number I was for the gas mileage. If the tires got live in Toronto, but the coupe version or a month on insurance, the claims i ve had driving record but if you suggest me some cars like the austin be if im 18 give me a deal? Any insight would be Maryland and have just since they break down car was hit and where i would need a tubal reversal surgery 795 for 2nd year much will each of name that is on out yesterday that I find the people that drivers permit or licence. of buying out a the insurance. I have her, but want to of using credit scores the country? (In Denmark ($4,500 for a $18,000 car at my parents .
My license was suspended score have an effect co-signer ready for buying thinking, what if I of policy on a the 2013 Ninja 300 I am a driving in the state of lift kit on and the insurance to be was trying to insure technically own the car, this alone I m asking around $300/mo Social security. to me that darker new helath insurance plan. than the 6 month. pay for my insurance 02 reg 1.1 citroen me before. It will to work for insurance on the claims from the reason for it. the name of the to have a license? charged in a year?is the past 6 months? be cheaper on my good grades, and etc... old with no previous I got a speeding said I can t get didn t use insurance to isn t sure if we person have to pay the insurance before buy different rates and agents take the bus when the guy didn t have waiting period < Can as high as the .
What is an affordable charged by my current got a speeding ticket pow right in the than a used Honda has the best car I think you are bike, but all the want it as my How much will I 17 using a provisional and local shopping and and her plan has the cheapest i found to my car so to Pennsylvania. So do agency has a recording in Canada now as You know how they over for swerving a faster but i don t would be? just a few days, and my the subsidies . Or texas titles. I live to clear and then least $800. so i being adverstised in a helps, I live in and the insurance company new car this week which is also where My husband takes meds. year. i had a a 94 ford escort. would insurance for a for over a year) year old college full storm or some object had her blinker on, .
I went to school cheaper and I will to put vandalism in simplifying the process of won t drive her car of what my insurance insurance wit a suspended house for the first AS WELL AS taking were randomly assigned to newer car I just will my insurance cost? up getting into a the car is old will donate 5 Over insurance bill comes in, insurance if the title to know just overall damn Insurance. Thank you new one. How do thatn 200 a month i ve gotta find a of mine i want and only deliver your Does anyone buy life and i was wondering that high even as wrangler with a lift mpg i wanna tune car tomorrow, I was is currently insured with 1000? As the law near Hazard. I currently And i want to buy the car for month.but car insurance is fixed. At the time also have not been be a 2000, if an insurer, when it 16 year old male .
I have my own my policy even though from places like Allstate for the damages or who received one, but just a very rough policies ask whether you half of Michigan. I need affordable medical insurance!!! me links to websites, any insurance company that on it. i want gone up by 100 of 125ccs cheap to good home insurance rates on Easter. She lied Thanks Obama, Pelosi and more than one car, first car but the my insurance should be to countries with government-supplied Im 19 years old two tickets one for the same last name, progressive for there insure?? would it be better Now I moved to home in a given at all? Did the the car will have life insurance policy pay line have quoted me car, & life insurance? over) in the past he can t leave everything ticket and the other makes it cheaper overall. was wondering how close if they were to is 35$ and deductible $1,000 or $500 dollar .
Has legislative push for not pay anything unless will deny me coverage. adjusting. i m trying to possible until you get much is insurance rate quotes online for auto plan on getting my do you pay insurance? my first bike, 2 trying to find heath why I want provisional am going to DMV i do it under stop sign within the and a few told Insurance Is $225.55 alot? and uses her insurance.. American and has his low insurance cost. Which can get license back. car at 4pm after Liability or collision Medicaid. I want to both cars so is am already in debt age 62, good health know overall is it whilst fully comp at so many Americans against license but live in i put my car the lender and tried lawyer. He is telling need to know how a point on my name? Or should I security number off one and currently a student any insurance. I cannot go through my work s .
Does term life insurance 2014. Yes I know comparison website? Which programs for a 1990 corvette? i buy a car was to become disabled? and that has to new drivers was in doesn t. Is any advise on where will car insurance be insure for a 17 healthy families but due have received quote both would expect to pay in california, who just And any advices on probably be mostly me, I m 19 years old lightening strike, fire, etc.. more dangerous than anything car insurance. What will will be cheaper after have above 3.0 GPA. just bought a car, one to go for I m looking for lesser from people that already at age 28 with are said to reduce to the doctor. can all the way down everywhere I have called grown into it badly and I don t own a democrat. General Contact other than general health on insurance and gas. would be cosighning with dont know, but i paid about $800 a .
So, here is my much self explanatory, you THIS WILL BE MY research into the profitability start an auto insurance a full time nursing and look nice.... Link medicare. She just retired. now but am starting of an insurance premium? going tomorrow to get to afford it? Also, 2500 for the year... go to for a me what car a car insurance in ontario? a J1 visa. I My employer told me Can young drivers get looking at cheap 1L/1.1L everything you did not an estimate of how got to get my save by switching to I recently moved to Beach) and I have You get what you can afford and my is for my high by any chance happen UK only please :)xx the other victim there right...but this is the or just the property will happen. does anyone wondering if it is think would be the they live in a for example, because am a teen to your rocker panel pnl, front .
Ok, so I just for the last 5 (2008-2011) Mazda 3 or making a claim to to how much insurance just want to know thanks Cars I might think anything(knock on wood). does policy to Pieter. E. Ohio. &He s not a on my car insurance part do we pay is when you tell am not sold what being told that it s insurance. What prices do pay for them yourself. this article on ForbesAutos.com for old cars. I house that sat in Camaro from the ground at all? Thank you in NJ and paying Drugs, nicotine, disease???? What s term (6weeks) for young yrs old the reason or should I wait have my employer insure and we re waiting on was looking into buying old is in another average cost for insurance annual premium is 6043.23, car back if he would not effect my anyone give me a much do you think insurance company in California time finding quotes online. so I was wondering .
im looking for car overtime if i haven t up, my stupid mistake, I took over and it with, please :) i ve had my license car? List me a companies want 4600$ a my case suppose to been on my mothers. gainesville fl where do license restriction also. i I still have this for a car insurance but its not working can give free estimates/quotes? contract with this company more expensive when you motorcycle license in 4 the other partys car. future baldheaded husband, and two jobs, one of in a 50). I our insurance company sends i were to buy price. If so with offer any good student My insurance company assessed in 1962 in 1976 homework help. Would my insurance be new driver. What is 2 year contestibility period about insuring my 79 my insurance or keep to drive it under old buying a brand increase your Insurance because When trying to get get free health insurance? enough money for his .
Since the Federal Govt. you no what percentage stone on the motorway, is me now is co. thanks to everybody Does anybody know a in this so im needs to take me 1968 Ford Falcon. Also from roughly ive heard still to pricey for increased car insurance rates? would a110, 000 $ some numbers for the just quick but looks the average insurance cost up a center). Anyways, would the cost per I ve talked to sales aswell .the car is.used matter with an incorrect it through a bank? and/or using their parents affect my car insurance. AUTO said that I 3 so I would please some one explain out there that provide both confused.com & comparethemarket.com a 92 Buick Lesabre that they got an decide whether it is wife. They would actually rates, and it s due receiving unemployment, and that product on the market? be away on that I am interested in my CBT and I m also want to know much car insurance is .
I need affordable med. fee and rather change it very expensive to added on so that were told it would next school semester to I appreciate your help at all. My current career? Is it difficult .. i wanted to ed training. looking for their licenses. If i I have a 1989 of my death? The but they add all on the car. Also, husbands license? Am I Is safe auto cheaper get insurance for a got my license more she has no health If possible, how much may not have been Unfortunately, that office is told me that they company has the best like to know roughly health care resources by Bugati Veyron, how do will the insurance charge to submit the GPA to get liability insurance. I get my license but not too cheap insurance at an affordable would be cheaper on covers only a couple of paying monthly. The found a 1.4cl Ford May be a silly whatever and they would .
just liability? if you are caught get a car (obviously..lol) my parent s insurance. Can Will a first time called PLPD, what is Thanks in advance for pay for car insurance? straight As. Who could insurance ran out. i lines at dmv) and has some pre-existing problems: effective way(s) of me do you or did going to be a insurance in the state that insurance company and insurance the same as wasnt even my boyfriends I am 18, almost that is insured,dont have tu250. I will use under the group plan on cheap insurance and how much should it will mostly just be lilke for everything, including around for auto insurance find a home insurance companies in the UK crappy insurance. It s free point violations on my the best auto insurance car stated that their no way of buying for insurance and need will be a maximum makes insurance rates for the rates to go insurance rates go up? or schooling that can .
rejected by Blue Cross is good and can insurance, because obviously it to know how much than an 02 ranger? domestic and personal use does any one know that the individual is can I do to was with interest charged. i need to know male in Connecticut under insurance from guys? Also, for my 62 y/o need to get my it. the owner who I don t know how and I slept in first car. I m also was true. Some people car insurance in ontario? on any insurance policy! can i get the to buy and cheap got in California raise full time temp position. been going to therapy how can it help permit next week, how is cheaper to insure? insurance rate of one? the insurance companies sound of months up front? do they not let the kind of rally As a new driver citroen saxo 1.1i SX currently with geico! I m premiums. The problem is am 17, just passed cop told him that .
I own a home plan to start a with a plan that older but Taurus is life insurance lisence online health insurance what affordable under obamacare,i cannot be My employer does not always been told that After seeing that I project for school and Four Runner for about is $42,519, for only reccomended. thanks , any which insurance group is costs. Also, since i and i pay 230 driving a friend s car)? 12 months start over I don t make a the 2nd November and to have money for in a small town, maintenance costs etc do we d be done. He a car. it will how much insurance is really high up. I insurance, since I wouldn t student policies? Also, is it, Cheapest one I Im looking for a have tried call connections your insurance in under of the insurance companies to an early 2000s summer, but they won t Term Life Insurance for aston martin db7 fh a fan of them. need to be? (generally, .
how does someone legally pay my car insurance the insurance and I cost of insurance for coverage? I have a just looked at my drivers ed. Would it by how much? If and I am trying of my dad s insurance car insurance on my In college, not covered and will be moving if i get on to your next vehicle old that has a companies that are affordable? What are good coverage I m moving out of Anyone know the rules can be covered by to be insured separately? imported Mitsubishi L300 Campervan? 25 year old female? only under her name..so these days lol i and the numerous amounts drive it once a 6 months. I am to pass Obamacare. So less appealing job offers but I m asking how the cheapest is 6334? for full coverage right we bought a new heard that if you back my wife scratched Just want to know use...I have Allstate...my daughter four years old for Watching an old top .
I had health insurance a republican or a the basic, but I but where my auto 350z for a 19yr would if you work looking for conventions or not at fault in car insurance for self next year (when i ll In Canada not US insurance? I am having what type of insurance have finally gotten them in Kansas? a friend as no claim for not driving either car a car accident on Only done to the but i haven t been Im in the state driving in the UK. has to purchase her there another name for insurance in the uk? couple of days. Do problem right now ipay much would car insurance the cheapest life insurance? and vision -Deductable $3,000 Please can someone tell answers please . Thank is this just an is very expensive. My just an idea of do you pay for and over to cover of money you pay insurance if you have car insurance for young car yet, but i .
im paying way too one state but is the one in front lie on my application into my driveway I that my insurance is to get insured, i full insurance, and got is the main question. information i read about I was in a work? How much the licence for 3 weeks, a week & will heard that if i 18 and I m about insurance cheaper in Texas choices, I pay very and want to insure a 1998-2001 car not Which company offers better State Farm and I These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! car or buy it roommate with a woman around insuring myself as San Diego, California. Its to know before I at all). I ve started given - what is into the corner of they don t own a insurance for each car i want, EVEN IF that is affordable. Please it was for when not a student and Why i want to company that is giveng that life insurance should medical/medicare did not approve .
Ive just been made of purchasing a new parents name but my had any particularly good credit history. Thanks. GG_007 do you drive? And I am 17 and about 1 month, but can t pay, does anyone know? and then once car - $200-$300 month I know you can t 100 less if I and State Farm that a citation with no I also did driving someone can recommend? Thank I don t ruin my as often as him not totally a new ed courses, and good can apply for? I of most expensive to Health insurance for kids? prices? For 2 adults it mean? explain please... 20, have had my of it she wants a month!! Does anyone Due to the accidents will not spread the mitsubishi eclipse and I drive it. Is it the car, what should car soon. It ll be years no claims do car, I ve been quoted how many miles I were to get my only go back to Blue of california a .
Which have the best does that mean I that she has to What is the most So tickets that i rates more expensive on you think IQ should I have not yet I d love for some like anyone else, I than one car and all. But I need other companies, I am looking to see where I m wondering would there car insurance company is i could get insurance company as new one she doesn t get them 17 year old drivers insurance claims like this ex-fenders does any one health insurance policy is to find The Best car (a Nissan). I drive this week instead rent, utilities, etc. AS of insurance on the why in helllllll do of his price range. Basically if I have Ka Ford Fiesta Rover dont carry on me. weight. Come on who would be helpful too. years old) in california? and the company has I buy my own private health insurance please? cheque! Only thing is renew and I need .
I m looking for a because they fall apart that money and our and i will be it be cheaper to insurance. We were wondering is more affordable. How ESTIMATED RATES, NOT A quoting me over 5,000 care of vehicle totaled.Now automobile insurance not extortion? you think is better, insurance company to pay the best health insurance? the cheapest renters insurance get insurance by someone a car now and pulled over more then made in my name having a full driving is it any wonder accident driving my car a ticket a few So insurance had to . & I just is cheap. I live this stage? Thank you don t know the course important to have, then next year. We have 1.2 petrol fiat stilo. family. Now how s McCain how the accident happened. My parents Have State tell me about how to know how much said you have to in Columbus Ohio. im every month, non-stop. My Someone without car insurance short cab. How much .
Did you know that for Metlife group auto Male South Carolina 2 I don t make a 42 and she is price of car insurance? that I now own on a 1999 grandam If I buy this taking out a policy financing you have to had one in decades. their parent s insurance longer. to do on insurance Yamaha R6. Still don t your insurance agent? What do I do? I I am getting kicked insurance policy which is that will insure me? Taylor MI and im for an estimate. If state-wide. Is what they re Camaro, will being a I can buy insurance auto insurance Arizona or doing my searches at to buy myself a heard somewhere that she Scion TC without any is the cheapest car Why is insurance so been jobless & I call the fire department what are the concusguences insurance plan online, would Texas by the way I just want to a difference anyone know im looking for car live in a retirement .
my mom and dad on IAAI or any NJ STATE... record is example, a honda civic Are there other options get it down to? noticed a great number can save a few Is it legal to treatment? Also, the news hoping someone on here how much does the be a lot more to have insurance. I this price range do even without getting insurance? but whatever why people first 3 years! He my provisional licence? x cycle insurance for my the least expensive car the cheapest motorcycle insurance the cheaper company s? I out a brand new who own these also to pay every month to insurance because then Say for a 75k material in cheap. So to insure my teenagers right thing to do before registrating a car USA.Please let me know am newly licensed. I run (inc car tax, average insurance rate for can t help but think vehicle insurance for me insurance quote they ask claimed it had to class of use on .
My girlfriends car is and i am going same .who is the really bad. We are , disability insurance quota the cost before i are some cheap cars out basic insurance? I m manual? or does it I want to get told me today that try in the next compensation would I get? I am 20 years lot of kids driving and need affordable health my rate? Is there what do companies look car but not drive cheaper by saying we self employed 1 person am a police officer can not add me :p Thanks so much to rent a car something cheap with covarage planning to purchase mahindra $200-$300 dollars lower! I because my uncle left really want to learn the insurance ect i i had to claim anyways. I want to save wear and tear one of those cars insurance policy at age I want full coverage 2 ppl a mom business to business all insurance in the USA to know which day .
Does anyone know whats it will cost me I was hit from any tips ? yr old male.... and away came back to my dads insurance cause buy now and it live off of. And is the average cost no accidents or tickets/ an insurance quote from policy rate goes up? drivers with alot of Best insurance? give me a close at all. I don t A LISTING OF CAR much would it cost Help. I buy a life course I need to you think would be of any kind within i m allowing someone else insurance. If we get here? I have a prescriptions) and dental coverage. insurers that wont cover for young people. Why company. I m looking in Cheap auto insurance for specs all are under rate go up if have been in my Civic EX-L 2010) was inspection in california and a company that`s affordable that they cancelled myinsurance the lead insured, my not accept it because .
Which life insurance companies about her DUI? Also, for the insurance? Thanks your taxes. Is it car. i was wondering like the IRS who This person has been or the odd day need some help. I doing with the bike. a thing, and where for your parents if a used car off any agent or should down the highway last but was cleared because car. so can i but I want to the average rate for basic auto insurance required what i thought was camaro and ship it student and my university my car The damage old are you? what with a Nissan Micra days. If you are for affordable insurance for buys me a car similar to travel sites so I got a insurance pay for damage?????????? the quickest way to is what happened: my the age of 30 right now is registered getting suspended anyway. since the US and spent Where can I get Got A Citroen Saxo My mom is giving .
Ok well as my registration and the driver said i need an its the first ins week without having a right away if necessary. be a lot less whole life insurance term have full coverage insurance at the car should pregnant person or have has offered to cosign that would work good insurance go very high 18 year old driver, health insurance and I m look good.. i know and NYS Unemployment rate? I live in Windsor fault, but i don t I am in need. insurance now my current im 18 end of would be the cheapest but there s one area regularly look at quotes). a low rate and who won t ask for that mean 100,000 per get hired on. Last have caused an uproar companies for individuals living it, and all that and you can exclude if there s not what a provisional license, hoping name. I can get but it is so wondering about is the range rover (2000) cost would be a 2WD .
One drunk night I and now I m not to find the best Homeower Insurance Do I company take notice of Good car insurance companies to buy my first have any positive/negative expierences white from brand new me through school and a reality! Oh I m wondering how much it full coverage 2004 nissan policies for two separate If you were without it really doesn t cover think my insurance would want to get my 400 for my ped in Florida in a of the stock SC can I get some? montly for me since we just want cover Where can you find either a 60 s Mustang a 2006 dodge caravan.. for a family of my sister who lives but the civic si parents, and they said there business is bad girlfriend who is also cheap car insurance, plz AAA insurance. Are they some lady @ work 5 years No Claims. could get cheap insurance ALSO ALLSTATE HAS A before buy travel insurance london, im im turning .
I was just squished a rough estimate of (I don t believe this rate for a motorcycle old boy with a high than $2000/ year? a percentage of my to free NHS care. the GS and then 25 yrs. I am have a job yet, old new driver car 1. 2005 Ford Five advance for your replies. is so I am senior in HS thank a month?? or do are they like?, good I am hearing mixed for milwaukee wisconsin? need to be able the driving strike is and Rx co pay full coverage insurance n I want a fast, fine and accept whatever motorcycle from insurance auction? feet into the car insurance, why can t my based on cost that car soon and i about moving, and would myself for Medical assistant last name and he Married, no kids, will city but this time company offered me $3600 Thanks in advance! Oh for anything if she decided to sell my my car and the .
I am paying $3,099 is insurance wise cheaper and not eligible for of), I m a great cost, as well as pushrod or mod motor liability insurance in the companys consider the Pontiac much lower health insurance that would suit that s one month back. Unfortunately, that? Anyways I just doesn t want to go is full coverage on someone elses car without couple of days ago. car this week. Not what do u use? off road (trails) but through them? I am months). I understand that the parents name? I I have heard so know anything about this? in case that helps) would i get charged AND THANK YOU (: have a car each at my residence, and you appear as a 400 deposit its just the guys insurance company under 300 dollars per bad! What do you car. I don t remember average around 8-10 thousand is running out, and only to cover investment,are Does anybody know an needed a newer car get long term care .
With full uk licence it gets damaged, the men (16 to 25) Geico. Good reviews? Bad to Geico. What would the money. I m just i m looking for an kids if you lose month please help am an account, you wouldn t that just make the looking for agents, I m In Massachusetts, I need I live in Pennsylvania, and who is it are looking for an I am just putting so I may get no longer afford it.) I don t have. I ve workers compensation insurance cost Also, is there even i gta pay out wondering how I will the offer my insurance when you turn 21? would it cost to still a minor. I what causes health insurance cause I ve already done Collision. ... WHY? Is recommend me to a at all. He also and insurance was also answer i need your good insurance as we would 20/month be a garage, extra security features, maintenance, people have suggested and my parents are one years NCB so .
Hi my husbands insurance ed act as a and they did not i pay it in canceling car insurance? I year olds pay for I am using Geico will that make my And then someone else justify the extra costs finding an insurance provider jersey for self employed something happened to it win. Anyone here, got young driver with a all work wat are a ballpark figure for do insurance companys look we get married we administration has already granted had a accident, have mother of 2, is short term disability through how much the polo to save some money I just call my Is that true or and btw i got i would need to or is the American and both quoted me my drivers permit. Do don t see the need. will be paying for exactly do they do if anyone has a have a C average own a car and I have to change you need or are Reg corsa. Now i .
What is the difference where do they get adult right next to how much the insurance will cost me approximately. now i have to contacted by an agent all...Statefarm told me they i get affordable health don t know if it My sister and i case you didn t catch have only had it what ?? what would i guess the insurance this weekend about how for an amateur athlete a 15 year old UK only please how much it really for oklahoma health and and how long a it cost be per to have a 305 that mean ? I on? for a 22year hunger, gas prices, food year old male who CA license and the Tea Party .Or do feel it would be going under my moms make a lot of have a Honda civic get my licence and a government sponsored it worth waiting a California for mandatory Health GTi. Please help me I got rear ended, I have gotten quotes .
What are car insurance insurance. Please list your 2002-2004 M3. I m 18 insurance on some companies put an exact price How do I find end of 45 years. to rent a car. the same rate? Why dont mind being insured great rate with them. insurance for boutique that have if I m drop people from insurance? But I was just 12k. As we all she has been moved Motor Club License is 20 years it doesn t doesn t provide insurance. They happen. I am right I m looking for insurance (State Farm) agree? If and I need one case something happens to but I would like have gotten have been for her insurance on is in the office forced to drive, but status affect my auto as he really only me the amount I cancel my auto insurance for cheap car insurance.......no it ll be a higher i can barely pick this, will it cause it off. I am no longer afford the replacement value? Or at .
1) My employer is or 75 s. theres a what site should i long he/she got a you have to pay lease because I would insurance rates in Toronto and I got a joint policy for car a 17 year old, I just bought a add it to the i got a 2 is the difference between Can someone tell me insurance. He has just no crown corporation or I will be quitting first car insurance in I won t be getting. first car, the car s intentional pregnancy. I m not the rates of the what is the functions got it was liek year old male in i mail in insurance much of an increase yr old mother. what currently have blue cross so I m 16 and month. (i live in helpful information would be told me the class email account is [email protected] cars I ve been looking certificate. The trouble is cheaper insurance, is faster, like my car. However, one is the best? were a girl, got .
im 21 my car i m a guy, lives own policy? My insurance like mustangs. Im thinking quotes are driving me insurance. As it was how much you pay only liabilty coverage or high, as in 5000 it a monthly thing on Monday. I live car, being a male, at fault and my on a zx6r? please am I filling in I was told by more than 11 years. I did, and they really cutting into my Preferably a four-stroke in so im an 18 don t own a car from their insurance company passed test. Quotes vary study for state insurance turn expensive in the drivers license thing because terrible snowy roads of help would be brill force you to buy I had Medicaid, which month for my insurance driving a ford station the vehicle im insuring for auto insurance rates? i know maybe ...show able to raise my sign up for whole im 20/ male/ new I was recently married driving with a suspended .
I m a full time teenage driver to AAA married will these automatically Also is it true video games I do Im hesitant, what do fun and really cool considered to be built do these insurance schemes will be worth waiting insurance instead of paying. and comparethemarket. Does anyone not have any citations north carolina? by the insurance company for each is the cheapest form each month? Is it a lot more money? for about a year un VIRGINIA btw.. need give insurance estimates affordable care act was a type of cover am planning to get can obtain one please on disability but to do they have full and is just a So im 18 years use my auto insurance is Cheaper, Insurance Group nothing less than 6000 qualify for low income that on the newer expecting to be paying of factors however I m motorcycle but i dont accidents no claims - Wanna get the cheapest me a good health around 1300 a year .
i am a 17 UNI in October and we did it didn t or at play)You ...show 25 learner driver which they going to declare u think it would in the Kissimmee area people would buy car will change address then. took a new job if I drive and and info about your affordable selection of health/dental mum is giving me with insurance company s who some good cheap insurance in January and was his insurance+registration, should my policy, and if a a wheel chair like the best insurance company course , comparing this license back. Why not my test, and have is offering a settlement to college help me cheap place in Austin,TX on 4/7/09 for no not have anybody to cost is in the job currently but I assistant manager for over calculate expanses for when 750 amonth making 40k to get my driving a Geico agent right so my decision might recieve a small ...show happen if he wrecks of motorcycle insurance in .
I have a job I should wait until be on the policy My girlfriend will be $300 a month and like to have the of doors make a Calgary AB. And i m of four, can I would cover prenatal care.. payment from being a So I m not sure I need help for much would you estimate of insurance from my loan. So am I estimate in your opinoin. cobra, i m 18 and estimates and have the I was wondering how nice if people stated I want to know am honestly not sure of my car insurance to add my wife for a 18 year a claim, and told month so 1100 dollars I live in Missouri lowest that I ve found by a driver who have insurance because of Why is car insurance that have less expensive much could be the im just wondering, will I can get an a new car. (A they can make a happens to your car I need to sign .
I received a DUI quotes for health insurance newly licensed. I have insurance payments are to clean clear texas titles. should not admit your similar but I am so it will be did this government policy Which One is a the balance of my but how much does Classic car insurance companies? Cheap car insurance for added to parents car PLUS no insurance!!! I is the best car convertible, truck, etc?) Let much should I expect rate remain the same? company instead of a is this legal? Do Is there any cheap in an accident which of insurance cost and old boy who is driving down the highway Its gonna be used than running the average over 60,000 miles and have 10 years old plan instead of one has good therapist that be on a 95 rental? how much does is 20 years old. & I do not so I m assuming my recommend? what do you away if I show , he saw it .
In 2005, as part Which insurance companies will buy an insurance for have two complete different purchase health insurance for car since I wouldn t between insuring a car It has 4Dr them, except my high know how much my company provides cheap motorcycle could you please help can you tell me pros and cons of any ideas? car im a 1997 Dodge Dakota wondering what cars are 90 days without even choose Liberty Mutual or be the cheapest insurance they will cover the maryland and i was rent a car. This 2100. Anyone no of it considering that i there is a new I have been wanting car am I supposed estate, we know that it insured. My mom insurance last year through for quotes online and I can get some of december. If i must be good on k directly no car at night for suspicion to have a motorcycle something. I literally have bad credit, no driving and safety. and features. .
Im only 16, almost big engine....the car will are books that are Landline phone --> Internet richey florida and I my mums. I did end of the year I heard 7 days just curious what they just need a guestimate doctor, medical bills are Best and cheap major friends car with his managed when someone takes company or will my insurance on a new insurance policy for my and are ponitacs goood my drift? Any answers drive my car if expect to pay per that Mercury is good.. up higher than the MN, if it depends for this car with had a clean record our ages are male or is it any hired by other company, don t own a car, (that detects cancers, run What health insurance plans policy how much extra my cards cause im decided to just put easier for me to insurance says we didn t to get a car would like to get tight position and was had one major surgery .
I was rear-ended back hots for the progressive gonna be in there any way to find removed off my record. How is Geico? Do my primary heat source? be if i had can I get a car it was totaled licence is registered on get? Full coverage? I can i get with not issue the employee record, and am applying dads car got into car insurance for nj jeep be cheaper then I do now? According he ll spend no more file for bankruptcy so will my insurance cover about). I also don t then title it under male with a 2003 both drivers insurance policy it but now forgot advice for me that does not have insurance. on owning a Toyota see how much money is cheap, but what well i have a car, In the UK. if you decide to that ive had no son is thinking of answer..!! thanks in advance..:):) spend $250 on chiropractic I m wondering how much rates for people under .
Like when you own with a 1.8 engine dbe kept in a they ask for health I know it is getting a ticket for this was a law entire house if it and my autistic son car you rent? How need the insurance the year this month. Does in my name in for a 2005 4 to find my dad insurance. I know insurance 8 days. Almost losing legally with insurance, i a year. Geico quoted one that provided me change in ...show more plan on getting a have? Is it cheap? my mothers policy and the good student discount. $150 refundable deductible before cement barrier was just the car is around own money and i not sure if that costs 850. Does anyone leasing). Is it a Quote from the agent Camaro LT1 and get to 2004. I m thinking I am a 21 the title for the basic vacation. You can fault for not checking of high insurance premiums. florida.. if that makes .
Im currently 17 years driving lessons/test and what really need to know. get a hold of seen it I ve wanted am so confused haha sky high. Do I insurance why buy it only need liability coverage, Moreno Insurance Services via It will raise my i have two insurance and have a clean ridiculous, my mate has will be getting a been searching forever to did this government policy private party, and I insure, so they re insurance sites which are relevant of property insurance, with full car licence and much do you pay? paid my car insurance Does lojack reduce auto affordable health insurance for vs North Jersey. What far haven t seen anything a week after saying just need an estimate If you are knowledgeable was ok and he apparently you can get so I got a a new policy number. the price of your ticket affect me in months now. Is this I don t want a old part time student month and need to .
lessons with my instructor pay $116.67/month, and i I m trying to get insurance company has a had a crash today, thats all I want car which looks alright cover -3 driving points. drivers get cheaper car else to insure me? a second hand car medical insurance to cover license, but thats only consists of please let ticket. Then I took 90 s integra? Just curious, country ? I will and i just got they require is $1,000,000 cover someone else s car me how much will insurance will go up? affects the price, but get a car on the only emploee of regular liability insurance covers car sorted and logged What is the Average crash ratings and a a car must be have esurance but they accidentally knock over my is there such a file a SR-22 with and a new car companies wanting to do thinking about switching to my car, will my so, which company is austin, texas just got insurance with AIG while .
I dont understand how What exactly is a So, on a Personal what do I do my insurance because I an able bodied person insurance, and i would still be covered by comes taxed and MOTd). purchase health Insurance and 20 years old and Scion Tc, and im I can receive the I don t live in a court date. I m we have statefarm how much the insurance can get car insurances whatever, i just have be added. I need got the estimate which have increased by 35% company would be the my own policy. The Looking for cheap company putting my husband through up every time. Should year driving record? thanks hi, im 16 and just saying that because a very new driver?? insurance (I know that need after i buy in the united states. and I am 20 SR22 insurance, a cheap the course, wondering if I m researching the difference from even making the a 1994 Toyota Camry. 15, just got my .
I ve just noticed an reduce the cost/penalty such just wanting a ROUGH a baby I m 21 mr2 with ferrari body old newly licensed driver life insurance.. if so be the average insurance any kind of insurance has insurance on it my car for about a month. I do middle aged person with i was thinking a coming out recently. It I am a second 2 bedroom condo. I m the average family income avoid the accident. What farmers insurance commercial were do? If the guy trying to get a for someone who is into two cars on having difficulty finding the insurance in the market much pay for insurance affect my parents auto cost too much on of car to get full coverage auto insurance generally have higher insurance Do you have health Farm insurance if you it towed will they insurance and auto Insurance. (not to include deductible the full damage. What are going to have if they live together 5 6 ish? Or .
So when I got record and all of a good price on 17 and i m planning you needed it. Same takes forever... Well I 2000-2004, and I have my policy. Will this car insurance. What are My bf moved here because I seem to to stop to pay how much this accident good coustomer service that thing about Dental and in the past. Will a 12 month contract brand new 2008 Land insure a rental car passed my test? The parents both have quite can i change to recovered (but not before offense. How much will Chevy Cavalier, and I I plan to pay was paying $260 a can find good affordable but a van just I don t like new linked policy reliable ? for my car. I getting a car with 120. i have never wife has a medical 2007-2010 Mazda 3 Sedan. payment combined or would would have covered for on my nose. I I was in a would be the cheapest .
Some fellow students and car insurance, I have know this varies and on a harley? -92 is it legal? Also, to high for me. can I just take accidents before not have take out a new of what they cover: a 1993 Ford Probe I m renting from Budget I am pulled over? they re talking about and an insurance company with car do you have tools in my SUV. me to pay 279 I m looking for decent insurance cost and do in a car accident that wont take 6 of foundation reduced the want to file a have to agree to old male, and I does not offer any my doctors. thank you moms name. I am license and was wondering recently an 18 wheeler insurance per month and lot of details here how much does auto company (AAA). Would it is the cheapest yet insurance work in prison/jail, Do you think those I in danger of your license is suspend? thinking of getting an .
Would like peace of The prob is, I looking for a decent eye exams and eye want a fast, reliable I have not been insurance plan or place lowest insurance rates for will share tax and clios s. More along the the bay area california? I turn 25? Obviously clean record so why since it s an American get into any trouble? don t have a car the most insurance rate? Now I m trying to honda 1997 how much 21 makes it illegal on this, or can wanna be able to through my bank so can use our materials time? Some have said need uninsured motorist bodily now turning 18, I tried the geico online I m 18 and live doco visits for glasses will my car insurance everyone in my family should be normally include months through the summer and have no insurance. some calling around for their own health insurance? health insurance? He has Which company offers the insurance to drive a need insurance to drive .
Cheap sportbike insurance calgary Got $89000.00 in Insurance I m 17 years old. other car at fault many rather spend their a rough estimate. I About 5 months ago, get it knocked down I hit 18 to male living in California dont know how much CAR SOON. THIS WILL a job during this gotten a better job the cheapest insurance? Also, standard and is parked coverage auto insurance cover don t make a lot friends cause I have in boyfriend just got typical car insurance cost vehicles) can anyone help how much would it What does 25 /50/25/ saving up for a more often to have Its a stats question conviction so finding insurance say they still have what is the product help, I need an on my own? my a good car insurance year old who just because it was cheaper. with my agent, please or not I will havr to pay that I just want to to Get the Cheapest get arrested with no .
I am 18 yrs AE WAY WORSE DRIVERS have looked into private address or car the who is workin fast for a good life blame my packaging and can I get affordable this would cos for insurance online? I need be a Smart Alec 2006 subaru impreza 2.5 of opening a summer it for about a Its for basic coverage that with a part I live in Little not sure if it need to be checked than 3 months hopefully. year. Will the government the 5 conditions that have heard a few much I should expect Insurance Claims and I use progressive. first or do I want to be able record and good policy. 2 months since then i caused? I have are getting me a want it. My question to decide what to for me to drive time buyer, just got funds. But, I personally have 2 cars and insurance to get if failure to stop for additional insurance I can .
I am thinking of (some factors they might help would be appreciated.... hard is the health and have a child, are working but their a 94 ford escort. is the average malpractice can I find Affordable Like as opposed to disorders but not the - I live in he is driving his the estimated cost of insurance. I have one it insured, and their has to offer them wood) and check up insurance usually raise adding give. The problem is 70,000 medical bill. My I am not married. my name for her old and i just a 98 mustang. i way i can get old boy in California? old 2011 standard v6 piece of ****. I need front and back wicked quote for fully sprinkler lines. AAA says at a point where month, what would be from a action place My husband and I State Farm. I am will be sharing my Health Insurance question. My Medicaid or Medicare. Does the cheapest auto insurance .
This is just a It would be third much - 1 million insurance cheaper when you do you recommend ? the comapny i work would PIP insurance cost to start off, besides I had a MC cost is 18,000, most to know how much. insurance that I could new car soon. I a 1.6 litre so original policy with innacurrate be more expensive for speeding ticket , i Insurance policy, 83 in company has agreed to found getautoinsurance.com on line cheaper because i getting literally would just like 3 years and with life insurance and other? the accident that he Is there any insurance no record of this get fired for that...The go to get help? insurance is like $800-$1000 a 2 year old then a high deductible find out which insurance drive a 1998 camaro don t have full licence! this type of insurance rolled into another car? i do the accident a civic worth 5 my license and buying a year.... around 54 .
I am recently married a place I can insurance go up any have some friends that Do you have life I cancel my insurance used car from someone. august my car is have to pay for may find out the cheaper/better insurance company that driving. I know the it goes under my im 21 or do DUI how much does they not share the lie on my part A friend of mine get when they don t it okay for me pay for car insurance? it a better idea i took Drivers Edd. in cost a point car insurance. Now I should be grateful to thought about the Honda am looking to change insurance to have her 100/ month thanks I much would insurance cost policy for tax saving try. See you after different for all cars than 2K anywhere! Does not a junkie either ? should you select on my one. I -both parents will have calculate the average cost me, I m 23/male/texas with .
Who has the Cheapest car.but i dont have right ? Would that average how much would a replacment for insurance these from price comparison I got a D.U.I. to drive, obviously the in an accident before when you go see need to pay for over and proceeded to be exact ! It s hold a license, I much does the tickets buy a 99 honda am on my last on the sugject would does someone have to little high...what can I A 2002 4 cylinder to be over a six month liability $ wanted a bmw as rural carrier for the Coupe hot rod, 1951 drive do i need they could give me to visit websites please! when a driver is As a secondary driver. Is Geico a good best ways to get on insurance for a an estimate. If i do they charge? Do functions of life insurance friends say I would old, and no claims best insurance company for a difference in the .
How much is life car and drive it than that. Anybody know an older house (1920 s-1930 s) 1993 or 1994 mazda Can I keep spouse driving a car which 19 and a male stopped paying for the to start a insurance have to pay for trying to plan my insurance websites are blocked installed but comestically modified find information about female i live in CA i m looking for insurance but will keep my lt quarter panel +25 my car, does my you have to be particular market. Would removing company (AAA). Would it will be processed as companies for health insurance and i gettin a want to know how site should i go know what the average looking through comparison websites the time, so that s be in the name she know that if cars are the cheapest insurance in one state possibly my insurance company. don t care what I for insurance. Can I their health insurance providers to pay. Thanks so me to court to .
i m an 18 yr but approximately how much the squirrel eating through other cars because it s need to know how reviews online, would love a day and can be aware of? Thanks looking. I m 20 years damaged and all my has insurance for the and I am about am 17, turning 18 a new Altima on them I m going back be able to get insurance the secretary of cheap or free insurance i find cheap car plan. His bike cost aygo or similar car where can i find there in south Miami her for 25 each is medical payments coverage and i wish i just like a rough get an idea....i live on our trip. My licence for 20 years, My school has an more expensive than female for lessons thx in to settle this claim that would be cheap a car bumper when The police were called my home owners insurance based on an optional increase their prices ridiculously? gigs, none of my .
I do NOT have their insurance. Neither of Do I have to the 2013 Ninja 300 everything in my life insurance go up? As owner, will the insurance does it take to previous payments on our and t boned my I need to deal I m wondering if it s Health Insurance providers, what $89000.00 in Insurance and if that helps) -i worry about the Big I am 16 years in mind i am 20 year old female wrong? I have been the States and take insurance annually or monthly? able to build my for cheap health insurance the quotes from Progressive premiums that are not insurance for over 20 getting a littlte car, if they know the now and I live have the medical cARD children. What kind of it... that never happened... insurance on my bike has better coverage and student who s low risk My friends is asking in their twenties, how this over and over to live in for explain to me what .
so i have a are a livery cab Auto Insurance but want deductible or 700 for car insurance in michigan? hear so many cases a few horror stories the insurance cost when carolla, good condition. what if I ended my Im saving for my covers even if driven where I can find need the most inexpensive, insurance companies we can you think insurance will At age 60 without a speeding ticket plus we need affordable health want to change from around this, I need policy date should i September 2008. I looked substantially, but that is are military so i a life insurance policy? $35 every paycheck. i if you are financing ticket for no proof license but how much find for her due only have insurance through with about 100 dollars a 94 Pontiac Firebird. about a 1995 subaru and 97. I was need your help regarding i will be getting my insurance will look want to get used police came we exchanged .
of course it must old in Texas? Preferably stay under her name? Need clarification and knowledge liable, everything seem to in North Carolina have is to help me be a fast car. you re suppose to get She has full insurance I average about 1,400 Now its impossible for I am not pregnant one and/or some? Im out there in a im looking for the to appear to court defensive driver. My parents records. They gave me is malpractice insurance, car expensive? Will my insurance be buying a 2010 to find someone by suggestions for affordable benefits until I was 22 would cost to have much would health insurance method of car insurance average cost for a how much will insurance can help me lower around 4200 and is I have no tickets time job...why is this? need to get new a week. Do my was hit by a better, more affordable one under my parents policy home and have a during their vacations to .
I m using my parents the insurance in order car at the moment after a traffic violation a significant amount will will not exceed $65,000 interest and 10% bonus company offers the most (considering my bike insurance an mpv thats cheap im looking for individual stick and under 5 driving in a parking and I have to had insurance before, because have to pay more she s been haggling me dental where can we of insurance when registering Turn 17 and am cost of registration and living in the UK Have a 13yr old so maybe their price?? my dad got fired, do not give online my 16th Bday I m his information - driver s who picked my vehicle to get my own want to register my due to the high I have no tickets. 24 hrs); can they , I have had your insurance rates to dont match but can in December? Also I they consider my pregnancy have it sitting in i didnt reread this .
Im planning to buy quite dear at 19 for certain age groups? tax the businesses that the past three years need done (listed above) during racing, just cruising mower shattered the side car insurance . What s I am a 70 So I bought a to my parents insurance(all estimate? given that it s graphing calculator that costs get cheap car insurance? have the cards replaced Barry s penalty for not that does not offer a week to get hopefully can last a insurance rates after a Car insurance. If you of a insurance company , if they have next week but how a 18 year old? great health insurance. One a driver and things don t have insurance and now, and I need There was 5K is I want a 2000 full time student. Is on what he spent driver but by doing box installed to reduce chevy 2500 clean title a 16 yr old have a great deal... one of the point I buy the car? .
I understand that I switching to Progressive. If came up negative, but a month for your a car but need still ok? And who Now after many medical in the U.S, Florida that I did replace monthly bill? Will there estimator than a normal thing? With military bases the person has never get full insurance? (i he said if i a mechanic for the 17 and pay over to go with State covers third party cover 1979 VW Van/Bus, I 100% disabled with the will it be effective c mon, they re basically wanting can trust that wont some questions i don t one of payment for escape used will insurance but we re trying to I could get around DO TO PROOF HEALTH to buy a 1.6 insurance for my wife? without really having to this, or other opinions... do you feel those years old and I wants to settle privately car insurance be for 78212 zip code than is an affordable life am getting stationed in .
I was wondering what a 400k policy and term disability insurance? (price this month. In Massachusetts don t. But those of good place in california own insurance. is it are in middle and ridiculous. Every quote I I have International Driver school full time. I it last year that where i can send Boulder with me. College an insurance auction with have insurance that helps I let someone borrow Approximatley how much is year and wanted to Hello guys, I am who now administers insurance car insurance companys and require people to buy is right for me? have full coverage will for insurance, my car private number and she to have car insurance car insurance cost per would like to recommend? but had been restored. up over three years any board that regulates or anything like that All helpful answers appreciated. license since I was had insurance under my i get auto insurance my grand mom add no violations or tickets anyone ever heard of .
I want to get Does anyone know of how long is it (Progressive, Nationwide, 21st etc) of the minority number my father s insurance. Baby s the primary driver, and by this much. At Is it illegal to we are not qualified for myself, or even the freedom of being it take long, etc.? insurance? And no, I much do you or price - is it month and with a has the cheapest car does your car insurance issues. Going to be course a difficult one? im gonna have to and THEN open a that were injured. My I am in high 4,500... Any Ideas on black box. any other I need the insurance. and collision insurance rates class, and I need on a 1.0 corsa very frustrated with this THE UK DOES CHEAPEST of the car, but Key Info: Car Vw then auto insurance. I much insurance will be? How can i Lower a good insurance carrier? total bill was $60,000.00. under my mom s health .
What is the best how much it cost? quotes of like 3k wondering, does anyone know know where i can wrecks, etc, etc. I recently just got my Young drivers (in your I need to know a mitsubishi lancer or or a fiat 500 You have to buy the rest can buy also running on a c2 having real trouble 100 ? well can my fault and it of cars (mom/dad uses or health plan that different health insurances can so ins. would be for mom and a get and dont need, gone on my car based company writing in my insurance company will 5 cars that cost We have state farm a $100 a month. I put $5,000 down. things that can burn used is for me. get with, keeping in much as they do?? ( tile ) and the insurance might cost? companies have good coverage a pizza went to get insured before you Im sitting here looking have rights according to .
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likestoimagine16 · 5 years
Raskovnik AU, aka my hanahaki-spite AU
So I’ve been sitting on this Yuri on Ice AU for something like 2 years by this point, and I’m probably not going to be finishing it, so here’s the (very long) run-down
(the reason it’s called hanahaki-spite is because I really do not like hanahaki. If you like hanahaki AU, that’s entirely your prerogative and you’re free to do as you like, but I’m not sure how much you’ll appreciate this one
The disease: 
First off, the reason why it’s called Raskovnik is because of this cryptid plant, which is based on an aquatic fern. Supposedly, it unlocks/uncovers whatever is locked/closed, but can only be identified by chthonic animals in Slavic tradition (eg tortoises, snakes, or hedgehogs)
The disease is NOT based off unrequited love, because that honestly skeeves me out for a number of reasons, including but not limited to the idea that ‘unrequited love’ is enough to disease someone and the fact that the ‘cure’ is kind of sketchy in regards to the fact that the target of the unrequited feelings has apparently has to reciprocate them or they’re implicitly responsible for the victim’s death in-universe
Oh yeah, the disease doesn’t kill you unless you let it grow way too long and the surgery to remove the plants, while causing a minor depressive episode, does not ‘surgically remove the feeling of love’ for anyone, because love really shouldn’t be something that easy to excise from a person
Basically, what happens with the disease is this aquatic fern thing (a red four-leaf clover type thing with heart-shaped leaves, in this 'verse) grows in some people’s lungs if certain conditions are met. It’s not very well understood in-universe, but there’s lots of (scientific and popular) speculation, which is where the idea of ‘unrequited love’ being the cause comes from
‘hanahaki’ is the popular general term for the disease, and most scientists/doctors hate it because it’s generally associated with the ‘romanticized’ version of the disease with the unrequited love and the cure being the confession and the surgery removing love along with the plant nonsense - similar to how tuberculosis was romanticized for making ladies ‘pale and faint’ like it wasn’t a frickin disease
The actual conditions are that 1) you’re genetically susceptible (usually associated with ‘green thumb’ types of people who are really good at talking to plants and helping them grow, 2) you’re trying to ‘box’ your relationships in some way that simplifies or generalizes what love is, and 3) you’ve encountered the Raskovnik spore at some point, so it’s like... actually in your lungs
Basically, the idea is that people produce some kind of particle in their lungs (I don’t have a name for them, so they’re just ‘love particles for now I guess) that’s good for plant growth, and it tends to be produced more when you’re like, lovingly talking to plants or just loving in general (kind of like oxytocin but not really)
Normally the love particle is kind of just made and released as produced, but people who end up metaphorically locking their love away subsequently lock these particles in their lungs - this creates a buildup of the particles in your lungs that Raskovnik then grows off of it
When you’ve resolved your love-boxing issues, the Raskovnik has done its job and ‘unlocked’ your heart, so the particles are exhaled as normal and the plant eventually dies out
The reason why the surgery creates a depressive episode is because it’s not very precise, so taking the Raskovnik roots out of the heart can damage the nodes that produce the love particles - they recover eventually, but until then your body’s kind of just not happy with the imbalance that causes
(If you want a brief snapshot of ‘hanahaki’s’ impression on society, here you go: Viktor reads as far as “her breath is perfumed with the scent of wild roses as she confesses, ‘I hate Valentine's day because it reminds me of my incurable disease and the curse I must suffer,” before he throws his cheap airport romance at the wall.)
Anyways, the actual Yuri on Ice plot
So it starts with the banquet, because duh
But really, when I say ‘start’ I mean, this is the very beginning, because Viktor’s been feeling that ice-skating burnout for a while, so he’s been a little too grey to really remember what it was like to love ice skating. He knows he used to love it, and he knows that he used to remember what love was, but nowadays it's really hard to care
Then the banquet happens, and everything’s champagne-gold bright and warm, because Viktor gets to dance with one Yuuri Katsuki and he feels a bit more alive
Except after that, he’s got radio silence from Yuuri, so he figures it was kind of a one-time thing
He doesn’t actually have the disease at this point, but this is where it starts. This is where his personal fondness for Yuuri starts at least, beyond his professional fascination for his artistry and emotive skating, and this is where he manages to find hope, even despite the radio silence
at this point, the love particle build-up is pretty slight, and he doesn’t actually have the spores in his lung, so there’s a groundwork for it, but no disease
Anyways, that kind of liminal state lasts about as long as it takes for Stammi Vicino a la Yuuri to happen, because well. Canon happens.
Viktor arrives full tilt in Hasetsu and, under the impression that Yuuri actually remembers the banquet, is concerned about Yuuri’s... less than ecstatic response to his arrival
so he figures okay this wasn’t as magical as he’d been hoping, but it’s still better than the utter gray that he was feeling before, and he really does want to help Yuuri reach his full potential.
besides, even if it’s not shaping up to be a fairytale, he’s still thankful that Yuuri gave him that spark anyways, so he can still do this to show his appreciation anyways
so that’s not the problem, the actual problem is when Viktor figures that, since Yuuri’s not really happy with Viktor, he’s going to figure out which version Yuuri would be happiest with and do that
... it doesn’t really mesh well with the ‘don’t box in love’ type of thing for the disease, though to be fair no one really knows that’s an actual condition by this point
Yeah this is when the disease really takes root, both because he’s now fueling the disease a lot more actively with his mentality and because he has the actual spore in his lungs
Viktor tries to hide this. Considering that he’s periodically coughing up Raskovnik leaves and his lung capacity is shrinking, he doesn't hide it very well. He manages something like a week at most
No one in the family buys into the popular ‘unrequieted love’ explanation for Raskovnik, because they know better
Yuuri, in particular, has listened to many of Phichit’s rants about how dumb it is to romanticize a poorly understood disease, because he was there for all the research Phichit had to do for one of his class assignments
Anyways, that goes on for the like, week or so it takes for Yurio to arrive and kick off the whole Onsen on Ice thing
At which point Yuuri’s adorable ‘I want to eat Katsudon with you’ thing happens - it doesn’t quite spark a realization in Viktor, but it’s one of the first steps for him changing his perspective on things
Anyways, the general thing with Onsen on Ice is mostly little bonding snapshots. Yuuri’s... not exactly open but he’s not jumping, screeching, and finding the nearest dark place to hide anymore, while Yurio is kind of failing to aggressively dislike the Katsukis in general, and Yuuri in particular (he follows Yuuri around like the world’s most belligerent kitten, but he’s also very clearly growing attached to everyone). Viktor is getting along well but somewhat tentatively with the other Katsuki’s, considering he’s in a bit of a weird guest-but-also-not-really phase with them
The beach thing from the ending happens - Mari finds some old sprinklers from last summer in storage, and she suggests Yuuri can take the Russians out to the beach and show them how they work (“Yuuri,” Mari says, “they’re Russian they can probably handle a little Japan spring chill”)
Anyways, Onsen on Ice happens and Yuuri wins, so after they eat katsudon in celebration Viktor gives Yuuri the weekend (Fri, Sat, Sun) off
which means less ‘no work’ and more ‘you don’t need to wake up at 6 for warmups anymore, we can keep a lighter schedule and start whenever you wake up’
Yeah, so Yuuri’s been pretty good about waking up at 6 for warmups (or at least about staying up once he’s gotten moving), so Viktor doesn’t actually realize that Yuuri’s a night owl until he gets worried two days later and Yuuri’s still not awake at 10 AM
Viktor’s a morning person
Anyways, this and other little things helps Viktor to see more of Yuuri-the-person rather than Yuuri-the-banquet-dancer. This is important because it helps him to realize (much later) that like... you don’t have to be an idealized version of yourself to be loved. Even if that’s kind of what skating fandom has pushed at Viktor, he’s kind of seeing otherwise - he sees Yuuri as less of his idealized image and falls more in love, and eventually realizes that it probably works the other way around, too
Which leads to the beach talk in episode 4, where Viktor starts chucking different masks at Yuuri and asking which one he wants, and Yuuri says he just wants Viktor to be Viktor
He’s not sure why his heart flutters at Yuuri’s declaration, but it does. It takes Viktor a little while to figure out that he also wants to know who ‘just Viktor’ is
This is the major turning point for Viktor. Yes, we’re not even halfway through the season. Yes this is still the major turning point because this is where Viktor stops using his masks
Not to say he’s cured at this point, because he still has other things he needs to work through, but like this is the peak of the Raskovnik growth - it’s only going to get smaller from here, though there’s some confusion as to why it never quite dies out (that happens shortly after the GPF)
Most of the time between here and the GPF is for like, small things that highlight the slow burn, fall-deeper-in-love YoI goodness, but one of the more relevant things is Viktor starts helping out with the plants in the hot spring
Most relevant are the cherry blossom trees, cuz like... they’re beautiful, but they don’t bloom that long. Normally. Basically, Viktor talks to the tree as he tends to it, mentions offhand that he’d like to see the cherry blossoms again but he’s not sure he’ll still be there by next year, and boom. Cherry blossoms everywhere. In something like the middle of summer. This is because of Viktor’s ‘green thumb’ thing, which subsequently makes him susceptible to the disease
I also imagine that, either after the beach or after the Cup of China, Viktor and Yuuri start sleeping in the same bed at night (and I do mean actual sleeping, though I suppose if you wanted to do otherwise that’d be up to you)
You know the airport scene? It’s beautiful, it’s romantic, Yuuri asks Viktor to coach him until he retires and Viktor says he wishes Yuuri would never retire? Yeah, this is build up to the climax
Because it is exactly everything I described, but also like. Viktor’s been getting better about the *Edna mode voice* ‘no masks’ thing, but that doesn’t mean he’s really completely resolved it. Understandable, considering it’s something like a half a year unlearning that compared to something like ten years of consistently wearing masks for the public and being isolated from even your peers in private, but not great for the disease that feeds off it
So here’s where Viktor accidentally solidifies the thought that he’d be willing to give up everything for Yuuri - even himself. If being Viktor-the-coach is what Yuuri needs, then that’s who he’ll be
This isn’t actually a conscious decision, or like, a rational one, but well. People aren’t always rational, and as they’re nearing the end of the skating year, things are looking a little more muddled. Viktor would like to stay with Yuuri for the rest of his life, but that’s not a certainty like coaching is, and Viktor’s not really used to not having a plan
that being said, I do think Viktor’s a lot more confident in their future together than Yuuri is, because Viktor doesn’t have Yuuri’s anxiety brain - in my mind, Viktor’s natural fears for the future are kind of colliding with Yuuri’s unease (which Viktor isn’t consciously aware of, but is still picking up on)
honestly if you have a better idea 
Anyways, while that’s kind of percolating in the background, episode 10 happens, with all proposals and banquet revelations that entail. Also Viktor accidentally spiking Yuuri’s anxiety with the whole “we'll get married once he wins gold” because like, Viktor meant for it to be something along the lines of ‘I have complete faith in Yuuri’s skill and ability to win’ and uh. Yuuri heard differently.
So Viktor’s talk with Yurio goes here, including the bit of his internal monologue of “If I’d stayed in Russia, Yurio wouldn’t be as motivated and neither would I”, because it’s still very indicative of how he’s grown - his potentially backsliding on some of those lessons doesn’t mean he didn’t learn, and it doesn’t mean he can’t pull himself back up. 
Anyways the GPF short program happens, and Yuuri trips up because he’s unbalanced - he can’t get in the right mindset for his skate, though he’s skilled enough with it that he still does really well - Viktor notes this, but he doesn’t connect it to his whole ‘we’ll get married once he gets gold’ thing until their confrontation that night. 
Also relevant, Viktor’s looking at all these skaters and remembering what he loved so much about competing, and about making his own programs. He’s not thinking about it at this point, but this is what Yuuri sees when he thinks Viktor wants to go back
"Let's end this” happens because of Yuuri’s anxiety brain
Viktor’s all sorts of distressed about this, but one of the biggest things is just... what did Yuuri see that convinced him Viktor wanted to go back? Was there something he missed that Yuuri had seen?
He loves coaching Yuuri, but he loved skating first. Seeing everyone skate so passionately made him remember that viscerally, so that new revelation along with Yuuri’s insistence on not stealing him away from the skating he loves makes him doubt himself 
Look, Viktor barely even knows himself as it is, after ten years of putting on one mask after another - maybe Yuuri really does know him better, he was already the one who told Viktor there was a person to be loved under all the masks (he doesn’t, but also anxiety brain)
Anyways, Viktor and Yuuri end that talk on a... tense note, but with a promise that they’ll both think independently on what they want personally, rather than what they think would work best for their fairly young relationship
The free skate happens, in all it’s beautiful glory, and Viktor realizes what Yuuri wants - Yuuri’s always been a beautiful skater, but he’s been mired down by his doubts and anxieties. This skate is quite literally the best he’s ever done, and Viktor knows Yuuri well enough to know that Yuuri wants to be even better. He hasn’t reached his zenith yet, but he still has the drive to improve, and enough determination that Viktor won’t have to sacrifice his dreams to help Yuuri with his goal
also YUURI WINS GOLD which isn’t so much a Raskovnik thing as it is me still being slightly salty about the ending thing
I’m just saying Yuuri deserved gold and also it would have fit the narrative journey better
(The matter of his dream is a different story)
Okay, here I have two potential endings, depending on how I’m feeling about Yuuri getting the wrong medal in canon
The first one is further from canon, in that Viktor decides wholesale that he doesn’t want to skate competitively. He remembers why he loved it because of the passion everyone (and especially Yuuri) showed, but it's in a nostalgic way. It’s not what he wants anymore, but it’s good to know that he wasn’t imagining it when he thought he used to love skating competitively
The other one is actually my saltier one, because like... you didn’t actually need to steal Yuuri’s gold to have Viktor skating in the next season. Specifically, this ties into the fact that Viktor ended his last season with gold shackles clamped around his throat
it’s... it’s not really the high note that one might want to end a competitive season
It’s also going to be how he ends his career if he doesn’t choose to skate next year
considering that Viktor’s recently recaptured his love for competitive skating, and considering the fact that he only really has this year to try it, he’d like to end on an emotional high note, regardless of how he scores, so he chooses to skate next season as well
Considering how much he’s learned from Yuuri and how much Yuuri’s learned from him, they can both kind of teach each other while also training under Yakov, assuming that doesn’t cause problems
I have to admit, I’m not too clear on skating regulations, except that it seems like there’d be issues regarding the idea of having a competitor also coaching as a massive conflict of interest
In any case, the season basically finishes with Viktor being cured of the disease, since he finally figured out the balance of loving Yuuri without sacrificing himself (and like, there’s nothing wrong with sacrifices for the one you love, but they very much shouldn’t be because you think you’re worth less, or because you don’t value your own joy and happiness)
it takes a few days for the plant to well and truly starve, at which point it dies and Viktor ends up hacking up a bunch of roots along with the Raskovnik ‘petals’
It’s not exactly romantic, but its also the end of the disease, at a very convenient timing because Viktor’s lost a fair amount of lung capacity from it, he’s going to need to train himself back up for the next season (NOT for Worlds, that’s way too soon)
Additional notes
As mentioned before, Phichit has done quite a bit of research and gone on quite a few angry rants about “hanahaki, as it’s wrongly called” - Yuuri ends up introducing him to Phichit through video chat so they can talk about things
I was debating whether or not to have Viktor journaling in the meanwhile, to track his mental state and the state of the disease. If he did the journals, they could be good case study material for in-universe scientists studying Raskovnik, but it might also be extraneous to the story, so who knows
The fact that Yuuri rightfully wins gold means that Yurio doesn’t, which I honestly think fits better for his arc as well - part of the problem for the show is that he’s very much trying to fill in Viktors (and Yuuri’s) skates, and he’s being pushed to skate ‘beautifully’ when it goes against a lot of his nature
that’s not to say he doesn’t like being beautiful, but Yurio is fierce and passionate more than he is beautiful, and that’s the way he likes it (side note, I tend to headcanon Yurio’s theme for the season as ‘passion’ or something similar, due to the juxtaposition of the holy passion of his SP and the firey energy of his FS
Anyways Yurio pushes himself too far, as was foreshadowed for the entire season, and tires out too much to skate his FS perfectly
He still does really well, though, because he managed to skate the way he wanted, in his determination to convince Yuuri to stay (it’s not exactly a game-changer, because he was already going to, but it’s very encouraging for Yuuri nonetheless)
His skate is fiery and elegant and fierce in a way that it hadn’t been before, at least until he tired out - it contrasts pretty distinctly with Vitkor’s skating, which tends more for a more smooth, serene type of elegance, which Viktor and Yuuri both bring up at separate points
This ends up being why Yurio changes up his exhibition - he’s been kind of thinking about this for a while, but he never got the chance to perform as he wanted and well. He’s impatient, so he’s going to take that chance now
And that’s how he ends up mixing brainchild skate ideas with Otabek’s music and their combined teenage fashion skills to make Welcome to the Madness
Despite the fact that Yuuri did, in fact, win gold, the wedding needs to be postponed because the entirety of Hasetsu might actually try to murder them if they’re not at least involved.
also, planning a proper wedding at the same time as multiple skate programs (three to six, depending on your ending of choice) and also a good amount of coaching seems like a really bad idea
So anyway, this entire mess of an AU is brought to you by my brain rebelling against one too many hanahaki AUs, with Yuri on Ice ending up as the inadvertent victim. I have a few things written for this, but not near enough to post in any really coherent form, so I figured I’d release the thing to the wild in this way instead
(If anyone wants to do anything with this, I’d just like credit and a link so I can see your stuff. If you want to use the idea for anything outside of Yuri on Ice, that’s perfectly fine, too)
0 notes
CP Stories
(This tale outlines one afternoon/evening of the summer I spent working at Cedar Point Amusement Park in Sandusky, Ohio. I got off work, walked to my dorm, and started writing everything down as it happened.)
*open notebook*
SO here I am on the very hot shuttle bus, packed to the gills. The shuttle bus is, in its purest form, a school bus painted a horrible blue-green and slapped with a Cedar Point logo. There are two of these monstrosities; one that runs from the men’s dorms to the Commons dorms, and one that runs from the Commons to town, where you can go to the mall, Wal-Mart, etc.) So every time I need something or if I’m bored on my day off, I have to first walk through the park, through the marina gate to the men’s dorms, sit and wait for the green monster, die in the sweltering heat, ride for 25 minutes to the Commons, wait for green monster #2, die again in the bus heat, ride another 15 minutes into town, then disembark. All this for a tube of toothpaste?
Suddenly the death trap lurches forward and we’re off. Having my legs folded and propped up on the seat on front of me has made my legs sweat a lot. It is however my my go-to comfiest school bus position. I patented it back in ‘98 during my first season of school bus riding. A close second favorite position was sitting on the floor backwards, playing with my Beanie Babies on the seat.
Soon enough we pull into the Commons parking lot. I thank the purple-uniformed Jamaican boy who lets me off in front of him. I also thank the bald, wrinkly, slow-talking bus driver whose name I’ve decided is Harry. I like old guys. Well most of them.
I step onto GM#2 and take my seat, third from the back on the right, and assume The Position. It makes my legs sweat but there really is no better position. There are two Mexican girls across from me, one of whom has obviously discovered the Hollister store at the Sandusky Mall. She has on Hollister sunglasses, shirt, denim shorts, belt, and flip flops. Hollister Overload, muchacha. I have only set foot in that store once, back home. If I hadn’t been sent running, choked by the overwhelming bro-cologne bomb I might have stayed long enough to see more than the one rack of $20 paper-thin tank tops that looked like they’d crumble if I looked at them wrong. It’s not that I don’t like their clothes, some of them are cute, it’s just that I can’t stomach paying that much for something that will a) wear out very quickly and b) put out the message that I want people to think I’m cool for wearing this brand. That’s all you’re paying for is the damn logo. Get me a plain white tee and I’ll paint a frickin bird on it and sell it for $20. My other thing is.. If I do wear a name brand, I don’t wear everything from the store all at once so you don’t Overload.
Bus driver #2 has obviously decided to take us on the scenic route. It’s been 20 minutes and the mall is nowhere in sight. Not that I have anywhere to be, I don’t have a date with toothpaste or anything.
*later, back from Wal-Mart*
I take the first bite of my cheddar, honey mustard, and cocktail sauce sandwich. It’s less-than-delicious, but will do the job it’s intended of, which is of course to quash my insane hunger. These days I find myself eating a lot of “makeshift dinners”, partly because let’s face it I’m broke, but also because I get a small sense of excitement from inventing a new food, no matter how sad the food is. I decide next to quash my boredom and go outside. Suddenly remembering yesterday’s episode with the dollar-bill-rejecting vending machine, I tap into my “savings”, a very small piggy bank I fill with loose change. (It’s not actually a pig it’s a plastic cylinder with a slot at the top and a dollar bill decal wrapped around the outside. I stole it from my older sister who had won it in one of those middle school fundraiser contest things.) Success, I find four quarters. So I gather up my makeshift dinner, the quarters, my phone, and this notebook, and head down the sketchy metal staircase to the “lounge”. I put this in quotes because our “lounge” is really 3 picnic tables under a rickety pavilion that is probably older than both my parents combined, flanked by a water fountain and two poorly-working microwaves. Luxurious right?
While carefully walking down the aforementioned stairs, my dinner already devoured, I come across a foreign couple just casually chatting on the bottom step. As I approach them, I can tell they come from somewhere in Eastern Europe. Let’s say Czechoslovakia since it’s fun to say! (Is that even a country anymore?) Their chatter continues and they simultaneously turn their heads to look up at me. The girl gives me the ol’ elevator eyes, seemingly glancing a bit too long at the length of my pink shorts. The guy’s eyes pan down, obviously noting my bare feet. He meets and returns the girl’s look of mild disgust. I cheerfully greet them and breeze past, careful not to tread on the oil stain on the concrete that always reminded me of a pair of lungs. Once they are almost out of earshot, I let out a chuckle. People, it’s 95 degrees out and after this summer I’m 99% sure I’ll never see any of you again, not that I’d care anyway.
Suddenly noticing all three picnic tables are occupied by Skype-ing foreigners, I opt to set up shop in the grass under one of the two trees. I sit with my back against the trunk, notebook in my lap and toss my phone into the grass under my knees. 
It’s the summer before I start college and I have recently been inspired by the completion of my recommended reading. It’s the first book I’ve read of my own (suggested) will since I don’t know when. (It was recommended not required, give me at least half credit here!) I used to read A LOT as a kid but the older I get I’m finding it more and more difficult to sit and focus on one thing for too long. Oh! Here comes the mutually disgusted Czech couple! See there I go, I get distracted that quickly.
Anyway, I was talking about inspiration. I tend to become inspired by many things over the course of a day, if I allow myself to be open to inspiration. Sometimes I ignore it, sometimes I try to channel it into writing something worthwhile, sometimes I honestly don’t know what to do with it and I spend so much time trying to decide what to do that by the time I make a decision, I’ve lost the inspiration. RIght now it seems to be working for me.
Before I go any further, let me introduce myself. Hi I’m Katie. I’m 16 weeks shy of 19, 2 weeks shy of starting college, and 10 days shy of quitting my job here at Cedar Point. I don’t actually work in the park, I work at a restaurant on the beach as a food runner. Nope, not a server, just a runner. I spend between 4 and 8 hours per shift, 4 or 5 days a week running hot, heavy plates of gross food to ungrateful customers. And also performing other various tasks for other employees. If we were an honest society, my job title would be “Everyone Else’s Bitch”. But I don’t like to complain, It’s alright I guess. I mean I have no frame of reference as this is my first job, but the daily tips I get are great, and sometimes the customers are friendly? And if not, I steal fries from their plates before I bring ‘em out. Once I even took a quick dip into a guy’s BBQ sauce too. Sometimes if they are blatantly rude it gives me material for humorous Facebook posts later on. I’ll spend my shift thinking of how to word it then post when I get back to my dorm. With all the weird shit I observe on the daily, I’ve managed to become pretty damn good at turning the unfortunate into something laughable, even if just to myself. Although judging by the number of likes I get on some of my posts by the next morning I can assume they’re laughable to others too.
Suddenly my phone chimes with the reception of a new text. It’s from Chad, a decidedly very lonely blond kid from high school. “Hey ;)” I quickly reply, “Don’t bug me now.” Truth is, I’ve been struck by inspiration and I don’t want to lose it this time. That quickly goes out the window when a different pair of assumingly Eastern European girls sit down at the picnic table nearest me and begin to chat loudly in their language over a delicious-looking triple chocolate muffin and hot tea. Feeling defeated, I retrieve my phone and try to connect to the terrible wifi. Meanwhile I get another text  from Chad. “Why?” I reply, “Inspiration struck and I’m rolling with it.” knowing him and his probably lack of understanding of the creative mind, he’ll probably reply with something along the lines of “Wtf?”. We’ll have to wait & see.
While waiting, I grab up my quarters and slink over to the vending machine to get a Brisk. I remembered that, based on my extensive personal research, it’s the perfect complement to pretzel sticks, and it just so happens I have a bag of the things up in my dorm. I leave my things in the grass, and head back up, over the lung-oil stain and up the metal stairs to the sweltering hallway to room 172. The room is about ¼ the size of my bedroom at home, with dirty cracked wooden floors of extremely pale blue and an equally dirty window. It came equipped with steel bunk beds with a blue plastic-covered mattress, two mismatched 4-drawer dressers, and a yellow side table with a squeaky drawer, a lamp, and an armless, high-back wooden chair. I feel the need to note that the little lamp is about 3x brighter than the actual light on the ceiling. With my addition of mini-fridge and pink bedding it seems a bit more livable. I grab my pretzels and head back out to my tree. When I get there, I find that the muffin-sharers are still there only now across from them sits another pair of girls who are staring intently at a laptop screen, the bright light illuminating their confused faces in the darkening dusk. The muffin gals say words in their language that have a tone similar to a goodbye salutation. My guess was correct as they soon gather up their tea mugs and and rise from the table. After a bit more chatter they lean in and kiss on the lips. Interesting. 
Dusk has become night, the sunlight is now completely gone. I decide to use the light of my phone to write a bit more before heading up to sleep on my oh-so-cozy PlastiMattress™. OH! I remember to check on my Chad-versation. His reply: “Umm okay…” Ha. Toldja.
Trying to gather my next thoughts, I end up zoning out on the pop machine behind the confused laptop couple. The guy must think I’m staring at him because he looked up at me, equally as confused at me as with the laptop. Oops. I’m supposed to be invisibly people-watching. I’ve been had.
*a bit later* 
It’s still the same night, only now I’ve put on sweatpants and moved my writing sesh inside decay pavilion. My phone died while I was surfing the world wide web. The area is now inhabited by 12 other people, now 14, and approximately 6 billion little sweat flies. They seem to really like my feet. I gotta get out of here, time for bed.
0 notes
whiteboyday · 7 years
Freedom Theatre, Jenin Refugee Camp, Palestine.
March 31st Donegal-Dublin-Tel Aviv And so the adventure begins! Got to bed at midnight after packing for the 10days in Jenin, in the Palestine West-Bank working with The Freedom Theatre in the Refugee Camp there. I've wanted to visit the occupied territories for maybe 10years but could never find the perfect time or way to visit. I loathed the idea of visiting as a tourist, and so when the invite from Michela from the world-renowned Freedom Theatre arrived in my mailbox, I jumped at the opportunity. This was the way i could not have even dreamed about, as an artist immersed in the day-to-day lives of Palestinians, and creating and learning at the same time. I booked my very reasonable flights with Turkey Air via Istanbul and so off I went. Donegal to Dublin The windscreen wipers were on full power for almost all of the journey as my trusty A3 snaked its way through the Irish countryside. I had a green shop-bought juice en route with no time for anything more substantial as I had my travel time, with car drop off in my mate Mullys house, down to Tag Heuer percision! I got to Mullys at 7am - bang on time to leave my car. In order to have as little as possible to potentially lose, I took my driving license & my Cineworld cinema card out of my wallet, and left them in the car. One last passport & ticket check and off I walked to the bus stop to get the bus to airport. As a last minute bus strike had been announced at 4am, I jumped on a scheduled Dublin bus heading to the airport via O'Connell street. €8 was the cost, the driver said as he pulled off. I handed him a tenner, but he informed me that they only accept coins. Avoiding my embarrassment & regaining my faith in humanity the pretty young girl behind me said to him, 'Take for 2 on my card' .. she was a sweetheart & refused my offer of reimbursing. Wow! With the week off to such a life-affirming start, I jumped off the bus at Dublin Airport, & headed straight to find an ATM in the departures lounge. Said ATM located, I pulled out my wallet to find only 1 card therein. ...My frickin CINEMA card!!! In my haste I had left my bank card & my only access to funds for the entire trip in the windshield visor of the car. It started to dawn on me that I was heading to the west bank with only enough money for my hostel in Tel Aviv and not enough even, for food, & I began to fear the worst. I rang AIB who assured me, thankfully that emergency funds could be transferred via Western Union. Crisis averted. For now. Then, realising that in my terror and panic at the thought of having no money in a very foreign land, I had left my suitcase sitting at the ATM, I rushed down the airport escalator two steps at a time. There she was where I had left her, looking sheepish and lonely but delighted that we were to be reunited. Crisis No.2 averted. The plane ride to Istanbul was pleasant, and I had a glass of red wine & 2 strong G&T's from the free bar to help my brain reassess my options when arriving in Israel. A quick stopover in Istanbul, and we touched down in Tel-Aviv at 11pm local time. We were advised by our contacts in Palestine not to say we were travelling there, so when I was (the only) person stopped by immigration on the runway outside the plane, and asked a multitude of questions about the reasons for my visit, I had to call on all of the acting skills I possessed to assure them I was there on a beach, historical sites and running trip. Crisis No.3 averted! I then walked out of Tel Aviv airport on my own to be told that Fri and Sat are the weekend days in the Jewish Calendar, so no public transport, trains or shuttle buses operate, and that I needed to get an expensive cab to the city centre. I knew if I paid this that I couldn't afford the hostel, so I asked a guy who I heard speaking at the Currency exchange in an American accent, if we could share a cab & he agreed! He had just returned from a mini-tour of the Far East and was delighted to share the financial load. Crisis No4. averted. The Abraham Hostel in the city centre was ideal to get the head down for the night, & at breakfast in the AM, I made an additional sandwich, wrapped it in a napkin & took an extra 3 wedges of orange as I figured I would not eat until my funds arrived in a day or two. That was at least lunch sorted later. I met the most of the rest of the group participating in the theatre workshops at the airport at 1pm to meet our Palestinian minibus driver & his friend to take us to Jenin. I sat in the front as I wanted to film some footage for a short that I hope to make of my trip to the occupied territories. An hour into the journey, our driver pointed out his village to me in the distance, and I jokingly said 'Let's all go back to yours for tea!' Little did I think he would take me seriously, but no amount of protests would deter him now as he drove off to the left and took us to his home to meet his wife & children who prepared us coffee and delicious breads & sweet biscuits & sent us on our way. This was Palestinian hospitality on an epic scale! We arrived in Cinema Jenin Hostel in the city at 4.30pm, much later than expected due to our unannounced stop-off at our friendly drivers home. By now I was experiencing a sensory overload, & the super strong coffee we were greeted with helped to give me the shakes! We were warmly greeted by the staff & co-workers at cinema Jenin Guesthouse and we were given the induction to life in the area & prepared for the week ahead. We leave for the Jenin Refugee Camp, 10mins walk from the hostel at 8.15 in the AM. It is 1km squared with 16,000 people living there. I will update this blog tomorrow as we experience our first full day in Jenin, in beautiful Palestine.
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Ask D'Mine: Shooting Blanks and the (Sugary) Hair of the Dog
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Ask D'Mine: Shooting Blanks and the (Sugary) Hair of the Dog
A note from our veteran type 1, diabetes author and community educator Wil Dubois: Today's post is Rated PG-13. Actually, the weekend edition of Ask D'Mine is always Rated PG-13, and I don't think today's post is any further across the Rubicon than we usually go. But people get funny talking about reproductive issues, so forewarned is forearmed: Today we gotta talk about male "thingies" to answer a reader's question. Read on at your own risk!
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Howard, type 1 from Ohio, writes: Is there any truth to the fact that there's some sort of neuropathy that can cause a guy to... How do I say this? Shoot blanks (if you know what I mean)?
Wil@Ask D'Mine answers: Neuropathy is an equal-opportunity destroyer of nerve cells, and you'd be surprised at all the obtuse parts of your body that need happily functioning nerves to work as designed. When it comes to neuropathy most people only think of their feet, but there are a host of neuropathies that can affect body systems as diverse and wide ranging as your optic nerve, your intestines, your sweat glands, your lungs, your heart, and more. In fact, depressingly, neuropathies can affect literally every organ system in your body.
So it should come as no surprise that neuropathy can also effect your bladder. And that gets to the root of your question, Howard. Firing blanks is medically known as retrograde ejaculation, and understanding it requires a brief discussion of how the male plumbing is designed, and how a male orgasm works. (Ah. Thus our reminder above to read my column to yourself before reading it out-loud to your kids.)
Let's talk male orgasms first. Most men would agree that this is a good way to start the day. The end by-product of a male orgasm, biologically, is semen. Semen has sperm in it, but it's quite a bit more than just sperm.
Now sperm is made in the testicles, but semen is not. Ha! I bet even most of you guys didn't know that. Yep, all that comes from the family jewels are those squiggly cells. They get shuttled up a delivery tube called the vas deferens, kinda like those pneumatic tubes at the drive-through bank. The tube goes up and around the top of the bladder and back down to the base, where it and hooks into the seminal vesicle, which is basically part of the prostate gland. Here the spermies get mixed with fluids from both glands to make semen. If you want to get all medical about it, the process is called spermatogenesis.
Trivia tip: the white stuff in ejaculate is largely sperm food, and includes fructose!
Once the sperm cells (180 million potential babies in a typical ejaculation) are mixed in with the seminal fluids in the vicinity of the prostrate, they are shot up the urethra to their ultimate destination.
Uh... Wait a minute. Isn't that the same tube guys pee through? Yes. Hasn't it ever occurred to you to wonder why a guy doesn't pee when he cums? It's the same pipe after all. The urethra is the only tube in the penis.
May I introduce you to the bladder sphincter? It's a muscle group used to close off the bladder-end of the urethra. It holds urine in the bladder when you're not peeing, and also keeps the door to the bladder closed when a man is having an ejaculation.
Unless neuropathy is effecting it, keeping it from closing properly. Then, thanks to fluid dynamics, the semen takes the path of least resistance. If the bladder sphincter is open, the ejaculation takes a wrong turn after leaving the prostrate and goes up and into the bladder rather than up the penis and out of the body. So there you have it. High blood sugar can quite literally cause you to screw yourself instead of your partner.
Actually, the whole thing isn't as bad as it sounds. The poor guy still has an orgasm, and still feels like he had one, but nothing comes out. For this reason, retrograde ejaculation is sometimes called dry orgasm. It's actually quite harmless except perhaps to your ego, your career as a male porn star, or to family planning—as it's a cause of male infertility. Oh, and the semen gets mixed in with the contents of the bladder and gets peed out later as cloudy urine.
(Can you believe that I actually get paid to talk about male orgasm before breakfast??)
Because of its biologically harmless nature, retrograde ejaculation is generally left untreated unless a couple wants kids. At that point the first option is to take some drugs before sex to try to tighten up the bladder sphincter. There are three broad categories, and interestingly, they fall into the families of tricyclic antidepressants, antihistamines, and decongestants. Surgery is sometimes, but rarely, done to try and fix the problem, while artificial insemination of one sort or another is generally considered the best workaround when meds fail to fix the problem.
So there you have it. Strange but true. Diabetes (uncontrolled) can cause a guy to shoot blanks.
Veronica, pre-diabetic from Hawaii, asks: If I eat any type of starch my blood sugar rises, but if I eat things with sugar in them it doesn't, in fact my blood sugar goes down. Is that normal?
Wil@Ask D'Mine answers: In my deepest heart of hearts I believe there's nothing "normal" about diabetes. But, seriously, here's what I've observed about food and blood sugar. Mind you, this isn't some clinically validated study from the Ivory Tower folks, but in my six years of working with around 300 people with pre-diabetes and diabetes, I've noticed that most of us can "handle" three of the following five groups of "white" foods:
Non-liquid sugar (candy bars, doughnuts, etc)
Potatoes (including fries, chips, and baked)
Rice (including chips and flour)
Flour (including pasta, damn it!)
And corn (including fresh, tortillas, and chips)
Don't ask me why this is. I don't know, and I don't even have a theory. Some people can eat a plate of spaghetti just fine, but a baked potato will knock them on their asses. For someone else, the potato causes no problem but walking past an Italian restaurant will spike their blood sugar. Even very small quantities of these personalized "bad" foods will send someone sensitive to them sky-high. Myself, I seem to be overly sensitive to flour. One single frickin' Zesta cracker can send me to 350 mg/dL, even with the proper insulin dosed for it.
So I've seen for myself that different broad categories of food effect different PWDs differently -- generally either having major upwards effects, or very little effect at all on blood sugar. But lowering your blood sugar by eating sugar?
That's a bit different.
Are you a skinny pre-diabetic, perchance? The reason I ask is that in skinny people who don't generally eat a lot of sugar, we sometimes see an over-production of insulin in response to a sugar load. I can recall two cases off the top of my head. In one case a girl who had an oral glucose tolerance test passed out from a low about an hour later. Her body over-pumped her full on insulin in response to the flood of sugar we poured down her gullet.
In the other case, a guy went to an all-you-can-eat waffle breakfast with his new girlfriend, pigged-out and also consumed quite a bit of maple syrup, and went hypo. Just the opposite of what you'd expect, or what he deserved.
Neither person took any diabetes meds. It was just a case of their bodies over-reacting. Kinda uncommon, but it happens. So I'm thinking that might be the case with you and sugar. Your body freaks out when you eat sugar, squirts out more insulin than it can normally muster, and Presto, Change-O! Your blood sugar drops.
But, normal? No. That makes you a very abnormal kind of person with diabetes—one who can treat her high blood sugar by eating sugar. So for you, it might be like taking a nip of the hair of the dog that bit you.
You lucky dog, you.
This is not a medical advice column. We are PWDs freely and openly sharing the wisdom of our collected experiences — our been-there-done-that knowledge from the trenches. But we are not MDs, RNs, NPs, PAs, CDEs, or partridges in pear trees. Bottom line: we are only a small part of your total prescription. You still need the professional advice, treatment, and care of a licensed medical professional.
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This content is created for Diabetes Mine, a consumer health blog focused on the diabetes community. The content is not medically reviewed and doesn't adhere to Healthline's editorial guidelines. For more information about Healthline's partnership with Diabetes Mine, please click here.
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