#its incredibly interesting to me
gokubrain · 3 months
Did u know that besides "like a ballad of love" there's another official song that's blatantly about vegeta's feelings for goku? It's called "memories - an evening (or night) without him" and it's even more romantic and beautiful than the other imo. I've listened to it a lot <3. Song: youtu*be/mQkChCzRbYo?feature=shared / Lyrics: dragonball*fandom*com/wiki/Memor%C4%ABzu_%E2%80%93Yatsu_no_Inai_Yoru%E2%80%93 (I really hope they give us another vegeta->goku song just to complete the trinity hehe)
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i was not aware of this oh my godddd......... do you people really expect me to believe vegeta is in love with a woman when theyre out here writing songs from his pov like this lmfao helpppfgjhg i'm losing it rn
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bruciemilf · 8 months
Somebody tell me if this is a bad take, or if my love for Bruce is causing my objective brain to glitch, but-- something about advertising Batman, a hero who's very popular for being good with children, for being NURTURING with children, a bad father kinda defeats the whole purpose of what he's supposed to represent.
Batman is a protector; He protects people the world (and especially law enforcement) does not care about. That's literally the point of him.
Something about marketing " you can be incredibly violent to people you care about! And Its fine, because you care about them even if you abuse them, and that's what matters!" towards people, but especially men and young boys, is REALLY fucked up to me.
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tibli · 16 days
people really act like labru is just gonna evaporate as soon as m*thrun and kabru interact in the anime lmao. as if the labru explosion wasn't primarily caused by the ending and post-canon content of the manga (which was built up throughout the entirety of the story)
ship what you want, but acting like k*bumisu is somehow more compelling just because kabru physically cared for him (because he literally HAD to for his own goals lmao) is... shaky at best.
and at worst? dont even get me started on the way m*thrun is infantilized and treated like a helpless waif who simply cant do anything for himself. or how kabru is treated like his fucking nanny or servant or something. really weird ableism/racism when it comes to certain people that ship them
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lemongogo · 3 days
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pinazee · 28 days
Sixty five million years off
I. Love. This. Episode. I think of all the eps this one makes everyone eat their words the most with Shawns prediction. Lassie, juliet, chief vick, henry, gus, and even Shawn was a little like wait, i was right? I eat that shit up, yum yum yum!
It is insane the teacher praised Shawn for his project. He taped a toy dinosaur to a remote control car and that receives a 👌 when Gus built this amazing dinosaur head?? I think this is the beginning of them showing how Gus is substance over style and Shawn is style over substance (though in this case Gus clearly got both). Which i think ill talk more about later.
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Im adding artistic talent to Shawns list of mystery talents. He did this in <5 minutes (also genuinely impressed by whoever did draw this)
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Its such a small thing, but it was nice that Shawn was protective of the dino head because he knows it means a lot to Gus. He just sounded so genuinely concerned that it maintain its integrity.
It’s a little contradictory for shawn to be like i know theres a pattern to these dig locations because i know archaeologists, and act flabbergasted that Gus knows you can’t fill a hole for the same reason. At some point im going to discuss Shawns previous jobs and my own headcanons for some of his history, even though the writers pretty much used them as a mcguffin whenever they need him to know something specific (like what t-rex teeth puncture wounds look like).
Shawn will say two things about someone and then they’re friends. This psychiatrist was like yes i am stressed, you know me so well! Would you like to get a coffee? He does this with a lot of ppl and ill probably discuss more later, but this psychiatrist jumped on board immediately haha
And Henry really had to eat shit this ep lol but he deserved it. He initially told the psychiatrist that shawn was delusional and at the end, essentially said, you’re making cops look bad and that hurts my feelings. Somewhere in the middle is a vague hint of concern for shawns safety (which even Chief Vick had to tsk at him for). Love the psychiatrist calling him out for being a control freak, even though it was probably unethical to be like, surprise bitch! This is your therapy session! (Heres a grown man throwing a fit lol)
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That little hug between juliet and lassiter 🥹🥹 mind you, this is S2E2. Juliet and Lassie have known each other less than a year. Besties for life right here
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P.S This makes me flinch in sympathetic pain every time
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finelythreadedsky · 4 months
 On one level the book is about the life of a woman who is hardly more than a token in a great epic poem, on another it’s about how history and context shape how we are seen, and the brief moment there is to act between the inescapable past and the unknowable future. Perhaps to write Lavinia Le Guin had to live long enough to see her own early books read in a different context from the one where they were written, and to think about what that means.
-Jo Walton
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s0fter-sin · 7 months
i was making a “what has it got in its pocketses” joke and realised something very interesting. gollum only ever uses “he” as a pronoun for bilbo when he says, “he stole it. he stole it”. other than that, he exclusively uses “it” when referring to bilbo. it’s interesting that the only time he recognises his humanity is when he takes the ring from him​
he views bilbo as food for the first half of the scene so why would he use a gendered pronoun for something he’s about to eat and after he hates bilbo so much that he strips him of this momentary humanity
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coffeehelly · 10 months
i just realized that saiki having the emotional intelligence of a rock means that despite his telepathy, he doesnt seem to have any empathic powers
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steps whose genders are "regene" send tweet
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Hey #GreekMythology tumblr, I want ya’lls help on something :).
So, I’ve been thinking about starting this massive project. Like, would take years and years work of writing and research and sheerly finding the time and motivation for. And as I was thinking about the specifics, I thought: why not bring others into it as well? Because as much as I am interested in a lot of Greek Mythology, there are things that are simply not my interests and might cause writers block and my goal for the project would to be as fun as possible. So, here we are.
What is the project exactly? Well, hopefully, it’ll be a long Ao3 series/fic focusing on the individual perspectives of various figures/events in Greek Mythology arranged in (semi/good enough) chronological order. I personally intend to write for Poseidon in his/my version of the Titanomachy and (maybe) some events that follow, if you want a little bit of an idea on what I’m talking about.
The limits on this are almost completely free, all that I ask are that each of your submissions are one POV only (and by that I mean your main subject’s POV). Why do I say this? I say this because that is what I want this project to look like. It doesn’t matter if it’s First, Second, or Third POV along with all the other variants of those three, my main focus is on the individual experiences of these individuals. Kind of like character studies, if you know what I mean. I’m intending for it to be mostly formal but I will absolutely accept crack admissions that I will probably put into its own series to Separate the Vibes for whoever comes by :).
Ultimately, this is a completely open-ended project that has absolutely no deadline. I’m about to go to bed so I can’t go into too much detail, but if you want to DM me or send any asks, I am completely okay with that and we’ll all flesh out the specifics we go :).
What is my overall purpose? Not only is this project made for my own individual purposes of learning more about the gods and other Greek Mythology writers, but it’s also the chance to spread the word of other writers. I know how hard it is to get specific audiences, especially when you’re shy, so this is a chance for your work to be stumbled upon. Each post on the eventual Ao3 fic will include your socials, how to find you, and your other general works on either ao3, tumblr, wattpad, or other :)
Can you participate even without socials or a tumblr page? Yes you absolutely can :). My asks will always be open to anons and I will do my best to give credit when I eventually post everything :). If you want to post multiple submissions or simply just want a trackable (between works) name to your writing, just sign something at the end. It could be a name, it could be a potential username, I don’t mind at all :)).
How do I submit things? Well, the best way would be to DM me :). I have a personal writing email separate from most things that would be perfect to either share a google docs with or to just send a copy-and-pasted copy of it. Otherwise, I take asks. None of them will be posted unless asked or we’re ready to so it’ll be safe to just drop them off in! It’s also where I take questions :).
Any other things to note? I’d really appreciate some other moderators and editors :). There’d only be like two or three of each and we’d have to know each other decently well before officially starting, but some help would be appreciated! Also, I’d like to keep a working ‘spreadsheet’ of who’s working on what just for people to see what’s going on :). Maybe some people can collaborate or it’ll encourage those niche writers to write :). A third thing is that most questionable stuff is accepted. I’d personally rather not handle all those things other than posting it so it might be a while until I can officially accept (consensual and/or graphic) ✨spicy stuff✨ but, other than that, I’ll take any of it (also, it’s Greek Mythology, almost all of it already happened). If someone’s willing to take over the ✨spicy stuff✨ then please DM me so we can work out the details and see if it’s a nice fit :)
Honestly, that all should be it. The main point is that I’m trying to start up a long-term project on Tumblr and Ao3 about what is essentially Greek Mythology character studies that not only allows for mass communication across a wide audience, but also (hopefully) gets some recognition for the smaller writers :). Feel free to DM me or send me asks with questions but for now, I shall sleep
Tagging: @bluebellstudio @thirteen-deaths-later @0lympian-c0uncil @happyk44 @h0bg0blin-meat @sworeontheriverstyx @deathlessathanasia @gotstabbedbyapen. Sorry if I tagged you and you want nothing to do with it, I just wanted to get it out there /pos /gen
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unidentifiedfroggy · 2 years
beta guardians really said the brilliant yet tormented mom lalonde who turns to drink in the face of impending doom and a daughter she’s never known how to connect with. bro strider who is the dark reflection of dirk who in some fucked up way wants to love dave but is too fucked up and influenced by cal and should really not fucking raise a child. grandpa harley who is larger than life and magnificent and has been absent to everyone for his entire life and left his daughter to grow up alone on hellmurder island. and also nanna egbert
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kayvsworld · 1 year
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killing obadiah stane with my mind
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yellowocaballero · 2 months
Been a fan of your fics for YEARS. I was just telling my friend how despite how much I read fics I never actually love them, with some of your fics (especially TMA) as the exception. Felt the need to reread some of them and saw you reblogged some ISAT fanart. So. Any thoughts on ISAT you'd like to share?
Hope you have a wonderful day!! So happy I found your fics again!!
I avoided answering this for a while because I was trying to think of a way to cohesively and coherently vocalize my thoughts on In Stars and Time. I have given up because I don't want to hold everybody here all day and I have accepted that my thoughts are just pterodactyl screeching.
I love it so much. I have so much to say on it. It drove me bonkers for like a week straight. I have AUs. It's absolute Megbait. They're just a little Snufkin and they're having the worst experience of anybody's life. Ludonarratives my fucking beloved.
I am going to talk about the prologue.
The prologue is such a fascinating experience. You crack open the game and immediately begin checking off all of the little genre boxes: mage, warrior, researcher, you're the rogue...some little kid who's there for some reason...alright, you know the score. You're in yet another indie Earthbound RPG, these are your generic characters, let's get the ball rolling.
Except then you realize that these characters are people. You feel instantly how you've entered the game at its last dungeon, at the end of the adventure. They have their own in-jokes, histories, backgrounds, adventures. They get along well and they're obviously close, but not in a twee or unrealistic way. They have so much chemistry and spirit and life. I fell in love with them so quickly.
But Sif doesn't. Sif kind of hates them, because they will not stop saying the same damn thing. They walk the same paths, do the same things, make the same jokes, expect Sif to say the same lines. They keep referencing a Sif we do not see, with jokes we never see him make and heroic personality he never shows - they reference a Sif who is dead - and Sif can't handle that, so he kills them too.
They become only an exercise in tedious frustration. Sif button mashes through their dialogue, Sif mindlessly clicks the same dialogue options, Sif skips through the tutorial, Sif blows through the puzzles. Sif turns their world into a video game. Sif is playing a generic RPG. Sif forgets their names. They are no longer people with in-jokes, histories, backgrounds, adventures. They're the mage, the warrior, the researcher, and...some random kid.
I did not understand the Kid's presence at first. I had no idea what they contributed to the game. They didn't do anything. As a party member in a video game, they're a bit useless. Why is the Kid there?
Because Sif's life isn't a video game. Because the kid isn't 'the kid'. They're Bonnie. Bonnie, who the party loves. Why is Bonnie there? Because they love them. There is no room for Bonnie in the boring RPG that Sif is playing. And then you realize that Sif is wrong, and that they've lost something extremely important, and that they'll never escape without it.
Watching the prologue before watching ISAT gave ISAT the most unique air of dread and horror, because you crack open ISAT and you see the person Sif used to be. You realize that Sif used to be a person. Sif used to be the person who made jokes, who gave real smiles, who interacted with the world as if they are a part of it. And you know you are sitting down to watch Sif lose everything that made them a person, to lose everything that made them a member of this world, and turn them into a character in a video game who doesn't understand the point of Bonnie at all.
At the climax of the game, when the others realize that something is deeply wrong and that Sif physically cannot tell them, they realize that there is nothing they can do. So Bonnie declares snacktime. And for the first time they have snacktime.
What is snacktime? Classic JRPGs don't have snacktime. There's literally no point to a snacktime - not in a video game, and not in Sif's terrible life. It's not fixing this, because nothing can fix this. But Bonnie gives Sif a cookie and Sif eats it.
It's meaningless. It's a cutscene. It didn't save Sif and it didn't change a thing. It will make no difference in the end.
But it did make the difference. It made all of the difference in the world. Bonnie is a character who you really don't understand the point of before you realize that Bonnie was the entire point.
ISAT is about comfort media. Why do we play the same video games over and over again? Why do we avoid watching the finale of our favorite shows? What is truly comforting: a story with no conflict, or a story where you always know what is about to happen? Do you want to live in a scary, uncontrollable world, or do you want to play Stardew Valley? Do you want a person or a character?
When I beat Earthbound for the first time (and if you don't know, the prologue/ISAT battle system is just Mother) and watched the ending cutscene where the characters part ways and say goodbye...I felt a little bit sad. I wanted them to be together forever. But that's something only characters could ever be.
#these aren't deep or unique thoughts they're just the specific aspect of ISAT that made it one of the most interesting gaming experiences#i actually like the prologue much more than ISAT for just this reason#its honestly a video game art piece that's created to give the player a very specific experience#that makes them an aspect of the narrative that is told#it's. incredible.#in stars and time#start again start again start again#start again: a prologue#isat#god and there is so so so so much more to say here#what a rich and complex and fascinating game that made me cry like a baby#i dont even kin sif. we arent similar at all.#i cant imagine how devastating this game would have been if i did#but I do have a deep relationship with escapsim#and i write about it a lot#and video games about being video games are wonderful#as are stories about being stories#and why we consume stories. how we use them. how they save us and hurt us.#never played a video game that used its medium so well#i bet undertales also pretty good at that but this is more so i think#stories about stories have to be about why we love stories#and im not an artsy person and i roll my eyes a bit when people talk about the spiritual neccesity of art#i think people need stories because the world is sad and hard and boring and we want to think about something else for a while.#some people need to be anywhere but here#and sometimes if you're Lil Depressed-Ass Snufkin that looks like being here forever#baby cringe-ass snufkin big hat idiot
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kalofi · 8 months
shoutout to all my followers who have been here since my bnha days i was 15 then im 20 now yall have truly seen me grow with my art throughout the years and stuck with me that whole time…absolutely insane i love you guys. cousins on our tumblr side
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szappan · 2 months
university.. university leave me alone
#heres the situation: for my cognitive literary studies class (quite fun) we had to pick primary material and a cognitive angle to analyse it#from. and the deadline was coming up and i who have been thinking very intensely about robots for the last half a year picked#yeah you guessed it. fucking PIERS PLOWMAN. which is not fun for me but i panicked about the deadline#so now i have to do something about piers plowman and its cognitive literary properties#and im in hell this is hell i have been extremely stressed about piers plowman for a month. to the point where ive been in physical pain#AND I CANNOT. THINK OF ANYTHING. ABOUT PIERS PLOWMAN.#and the teacher for that class is so nice and chill and she was like you can pick anything at all. and i went with piers plowman#like it's interesting but from what COGNITIVE angle can i approach piers plowman.#ive been thinking about saying exactly this that piers plowman is more for historical linguists and theologists than narratologists but im#also positive plenty of scholars read piers plowman for the plot#so then i thought about the characters and whether you can Connect with them and whether they help you Immerse yourself in the story and#other terminology i learned in cognitive literary studies class.#theyre allegorical and very 1 dimensional and there could be something about whether we from 2024 understand them in the same way#people from the 14th century did. like this was what i put in my proposal when i made it#but now i actually have to make the slides and use cognitive literary papers for this and it's just not going at all. i cant do it.#i cant do anything i cant enjoy the daylight and the warmer weather i cant think about anything other than im not making progress on this#and it's bad for me!! it's bad for my health i feel bad. why did i go with piers plowman why did i not pick watership down#my post#i have plenty to say about watership downm cognitively.#also about old possums book of practical cats#maybe i could email her and tell her id like to change it.. no#ive also been reading the tombs of atuan which is incredible
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prettyboywarrior · 26 days
/ So much of Xaos' story is him being rewarded for being a selfless person who values others over himself which is why it's so insane that everyone went "Oh he doesn't like Ann clearly that makes him a cartoonishly evil supervillain" which is a CRAZY line of logic, people are allowed to just not get along
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