#its been a couple days since i wrote this and i want to add that i think we're gonna either get a new nihil ep or more songs on the 7'' ep
petvles · 1 year
Okay so lemme tell you about my ghost theory thats been boiling my brain alive for at least a month, with Nihil coming up in the chapters more and more we can clearly see that his ghost is becoming less spectre, more corporeal. That plus the fact that they keep reanimating him for the miasma solo plus the fact that they're giving so much attention to moac makes me believe that he craves to return to the spotlight once more.
So my current theory is this: Copia is not going to die, but Nihil is going to possess his body and take his place as papa and head of the Ghost project. The new poster where Copia has two white eyes only further adds to this because copia has one white eye, but (old) nihil has always had two
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nerdie-faerie · 1 year
Me: okay maybe I should finally dig out my wall calendar as I'm having trouble keeping track of extended family's birthdays
Me, while redoing said calendar because it's messy: why are there so many birthdays in may and july? it's just considerate
#Demon Spawn#+Extra#theres too many fcking family members and i kept forgetting where id put and to check the diary my mum had filled out with extended family#birthdays but there are birthdays missing from that! she just completely decided against putting any of my dads family but put my aunts#fiancé down as my uncle which um excuse me hes not my uncle until marriage and the guy that was my uncle has also been snubbed cus of the#divorce! theres family politics going down in my diary. my cousin on my dads sides birthday isnt in there and my mum is always late with#birthdays so shell only tell me after its passed which is not helpful. my mum has also had another child since she filled out so she needed#to be added but her birthday is the same month but a couple of days before another siblings so it wouldnt have been chronologically correct#to just add her but my may box is very full. its very stressful to look at theres no need for that many people to be born in may and july#i have a real problem with remembering things that are written down but i cant see. like we had to have a homework journal for school and#i always forgot when i had homework..... because i would forget to check my journal.... my teachers would be like didnt you write it down?#and even when it was written down it didnt help i need to be unable to avoid seeing it it just needs to be out in the open always visible#anyway i was gonna finally put my photos up instead i wrote up my deadlines to put on my notice board and finally filled out ny organisers#which i unpacked in December buried on my shelf and then promptly forgot about because i didnt want to clean off the old whiteboard pen 🙃#im so useless i want a new brain#at least its done now. better late than never and constantly suffering for it
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steamberrystudio · 5 months
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31/12/2023 Devlog
Hey everyone! Time for the bi-weekly tumblr update for Steamberry stuff! Except I skipped one because I can't remember why.
I half-wrote it but I think I just wasn't feeling up to finishing and posting.
I haven't been doing extremely well health-wise lately but still powering through.
Finished writing Chapter 5.5 (the new chapter in WSC)
Finished editing Chapters 6, 7, and 8 of Asher's path
Finished all the profiles for the GS lore book
Have started wrapping up the "side stories" and additional content for the GS lore book
Okay so in my last update I was in the middle of editing chapter 5 and was nearly to the start of chapter six in editing Asher's route. I finished up chapter 5...
At that point when I was looking ahead, I started feeling like I wanted to add in a transition scene to move between Chapter 5 and Chapter 6.
As I started plotting out this scene, one of my ideas took on a life of its own and I realised that it might be better to interject a new, fleshed out story incident that would allow me to slow the pacing as well as flesh out the setting and universe a little more. This incident would also let me tie into some earlier events and connect them to something that occurs in chapter 6, also foreshadowing the chapter 6 incident.
Ultimately, this became too much to call a "scene" and I decided to branch it off into a supplementary chapter (IE a chapter a bit shorter than the others and meant to be released along with another chapter.)
Then that chapter ended up being 30,000 words.
So that happened.
After finishing that I went on to finish editing chapters 6, 7, and 8. I am currently on chapter 9. I only have a few more chapters before I'm finished editing Asher's path. As always, during my edits, one of the main things I do is flesh things out.
So obviously the word count has grown from that (and, you know, the 30k extra chapter I invented).
Currently the word count is 468,000 words.
Other Stuff:
I have received several new BGs and a new BG sketch. BGs are continuing to come in at a fairly steady pace.
I now have all the BGs for The Ophelia and the artists are working on other locations finally. OwO
I've also been, here and there, doing small tweaks to the sprites, small additions and fixes.
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Gilded Shadows:
As I mentioned, I finally got through all the character profiles. There are so many more characters than I remembered in this game.
Then I got halfway through and realised that I forgot five. And had to insert them, which...meant rearranging pages, which is a pain in the butt. However, that is now complete.
What I'm working on now is finishing up some of the short stories and drabbles I have planned or partially written out and getting them into the lore book. 
As well as gathering any other content. The lore book is currently about 350 pages. And I am really hoping to wrap it up soon.
Upcoming Weeks:
Next couple of weeks I will be trying to wrap up the lore book and wrap up editing Asher's Path.
When I finish editing Asher's path I'll be moving on to finish drafting the end sequences for the four remaining characters. I'm starting to have an idea of where the word count is going to end up but will have a better idea for sure when Asher's edit is complete.
I have written over 100,000 words since mid-August, just plugging away and trying to hit at least 1000 words a day.
I hit my year end word count goal of 466,000 words for When Stars Collide but unfortunately did not finish the draft because the draft has grown in size.
But I am really hoping to finish it early next year so we can fully move into phase 2 of When Stars Collide.
I am also hoping to get the final KS stuff resolved for Gilded Shadows early next year as well (the lore book, art book, and some residual art and stuff).
For now, I shall just keep plucking away at it until it's all done.
And that is all for now. I will see you all next year.
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Satori Tendou x Female!Reader
Warnings: Language, Angst, Reader was really just trying to help Tendou through some rough times and Tendou snapped at her >:(, sad Tendou
Word Count: 2.7k
Author's Note: Hi everyone! I've noticed that everyone really liked the Tendou smut I posted a couple of days ago and I've been so happy to see the reblogs and likes that its gotten! I've been recovering from being sick for the past six days and I don't know why I'm on such a Satori kick lately! He's a huge comfort character for me I feel, so I wrote SO MANY fics for him. I'll post them all and then I'll move on from posts about him, I'm sorry😭 Anyways, I hope you all enjoy this angst! Feel free to send in an ask if you have a request or even just some feedback:)
Author's note pt.2: I listened to YKWIM by Yot Club while I was writing this, so you can tell why my title is the name of the song hehe lolol. I reccommend listening to it while you read, I find that it really adds on to the atmosphere at the beginning of this :)
~Mod Shoyo
“How long has Tendou-senpai been like this?” A worried Goshiki spoke up.
Semi sighed. “Since he snapped at Y/N the other day.”
Tendou looked like a mess. His normally spiked hair was disheveled and limp. The bags under his eyes got darker. (which mostly everyone thought was impossible) His ruby eyes were puffy and bloodshot. No one knew what to do or how to help him. But Tendou didn’t want any help. He just wanted his apology to be accepted finally so he can have her back. He needed her back.
“He snapped at Y/N?” Reon queried in disbelief. “Man, I wonder what got him so riled up,”
Goshiki looked at his upperclassman with teary eyes. He’d never seen Tendou look so dejected, so depressed. Tendou was always the morale booster. He was the teammate to make everyone feel better and to lift them up. But who was going to make him feel better?
Their middle blocker had lost his smile. 
Ushijima stared at Satori from the opposite side of the court. His eyes held the same monotone nature that most people assumed, but in reality, he was actually worried for his friend. Wakatoshi shifted his gaze to the left and noticed the rest of the players just staring at the guess blocker from afar. Nothing was going to change if someone didn’t at least try and help. As the player that Tendou was closest to, Ushijima took it upon himself to make the first move.
“Satori-san,” Tendou looked up, his eyes widening slightly when Ushijima stood in front of him. “You’re going to severely hurt your back if you keep slouching. You should get some rest.”
Tendou looked down at the floor and sniffled. Tears welled up in his eyes for the umpteenth time and fell onto the gym floor. Ushijima didn’t know what to do. He didn’t know how Tendou liked to be comforted in times like this. Hell, he’d never thought he would ever see him like this in the first place.
“Come on Satori, let’s get you some water.” Ushijima blurted out.
Tendou walked away with the ace of Shiratorizawa, sniffling and letting his sobs rack his shoulders a bit louder now. Once they made it to the vending machine closest to the gym, Ushijima pulled out some loose coins from the pocket of his jacket and paid for water. Tendou looked at his reflection in the glass of the machine and sighed.
“I made her cry Wakatoshi-kun,” Tendou admitted. He shut his eyes tightly and let out another sob. “I made her cry.”
Ushijima remained silent. “She was just trying to help and I made her cry.” While most figured the only thing that was ever on Ushijima’s mind was volleyball, he actually was very attentive to the ones close to him. Tendou being one of them.
He knew all about Y/N. Tendou liked to talk about her a lot. She was a manager for Karasuno, Ushijima had actually seen her in person and got introduced to her when they played Karasuno in a match. Tendou was on fire that day. He was trying so hard to impress Y/N, and while Ushijima could argue that she served as a distraction for the guess blocker, she actually fueled him to play his best. Everything about Y/N brought out the best in him, and Ushiwaka knew how much she meant to his friend. He felt horrible for him.
Tendou was in a slump. That was easy for Y/N to notice the second she walked into his dorm to visit him. Her eyes softened at the sight of her boyfriend looking so glum. She dropped everything she had brought with her right next to his door and rushed over to him.
“Tori, what’s the matter love?” She cooed, sitting next to him on his bed. Tendou just stayed quiet. This was worse than she thought. “Do you need anything?”
Tendou sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “I need space.”
Y/N’s heart dropped to her stomach. “Sp-Space?” Did he just need a few minutes of alone time? Or did he need space away from her completely, from their relationship? Y/N tried to not let her overthinking get the best of her, but the way he phrased his answer really didn’t help that at all.
“What?” That’s all that she could muster up. Ask him to repeat himself; ask him for clarification. 
An annoyed growl left Tendou’s lips and he stood up from his bed. Y/N straightened her posture and jumped at how suddenly he moved away from her.
“Space! I need you to not breathe down my neck and ask me a million questions like you always do! I need you to leave me alone so I can sort through all the shit that's going on right now!”
Y/N was shocked. She was paralyzed and found it difficult to move her limbs. “T-Tendou whatever it is, I’m here for you! You’re not alone,”
“That’s the thing, Y/N.” Using her first name rather than the million pet names he had given her always did something to her. Hearing him use it in such a vain and angry tone was enough to make tears well up in her eyes. “You can’t just let me sort these out on my own. You always have to squeeze yourself into the midst of the problem and I just want five fucking minutes where you just shut the hell up and stop asking me so many fucking questions!”
He was yelling now. His voice was echoing throughout the room, even worse, his words were echoing in her mind. Did she really annoy him that much? Pester him with so many questions that he could never think straight? Did that mean he lied to her whenever he told her how much she’s helped him work through issues?
She’d never heard him so angry before. “Tendou, why didn’t you just tell me?” He scoffed and adorned a smile on his face despite his anger.
“Because I have a million other fucking things on my plate, Y/N. God for fucks sake, are you really that stupid?" Her heart stung with that one.
"That school in France I applied to? Rejected me. I haven’t heard back from any of the safety schools, I don’t have the money even with a scholarship to make it to my culinary school, and I can’t find any jobs right now that are gonna hire me in time to make the payment! The least of my worries right now is telling you that you ask me too many questions and fucking hound me like a lap dog trying to get answers and reassurance out of me!”
Y/N burst into tears, her sniffles now joining the sounds of his anguish. She wiped at her eyes vigorously (Something she did because she hated when people watched her cry).
 “Dear god, stop with the tears already.”
If looks could kill, Tendou would be gutted, sliding against the wall of his room drowning in his own blood. The tears burned as they slid down Y/N’s face. The second Satori finished his sentence, he saw her heart shatter right before his very eyes. He didn’t have the right mindset to calm down and realize what he had just done. His chest was heaving with anger, but the look on Y/N’s face was finally snapping him back to reality.
She couldn’t even bring herself to say another word. She simply stood up from his bed and went to the front of his door where she had dropped all of her things. She picked everything up off the floor and opened the door.
“I’m going home. I’ll give you your fucking space.” She choked out. 
She slammed the door to his room behind her and he could hear her footsteps retreating. He sank to the floor and brought his knees up to his chest, burying his face in his hands as he sobbed into his palms. His shoulders were racking with cries. He let out harsh screams into his hands and cursed at himself for hours. He fell asleep on the floor, phone in his hand. 
He was waiting for her to text him that she had made it to her house safely, but it never came.
Ushijima sighed. As the water fell into the crater at the bottom of the vending machine, his tall figure stooped down to grab it and hand it to Tendou. He popped the cap open for him and shoved it in front of his face.
“Drink this. It’ll help you calm down.”
Tendou let out a shaky sigh and took a sip from the bottle with quivering lips, even as he sipped on the drink, he was sniffling and tears were still gliding down his cheeks. The red head lowered the bottle and now just held the cold drink in his clammy hands.
“You need to apologize to Y/N.” Ushijima stated. “What you said really hurt her feelings and not apologizing is what’s keeping you like this.”
Tendou sniffled. “I can’t lose her Wakatoshi. She’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me and I- I let bad habits from my past push her away from me.”
A soft grunt left Ushijima. Tendou looked up at his best friend with a newfound respect. “Go apologize to her. That’s what will make her realize that she misses you as much as you do her.”
Ushijima went back into the gym and left Tendou by himself. The silence gave him the willpower to realize that Ushijima was right. He needed to show her that he’s been a mess ever since he made her cry and he needed to get her back.
Tendou was quickly on the next bus to Karasuno. He knew that she would be at the practice helping them. So would the entire team, but they were an obstacle he was willing to overcome to get to her. The bus hissed and the brakes squeaked as he rushed off. He dashed over to the Karasuno gym. His ears rang with the sounds of volleyballs hitting the waxed gym floor. He threw the door open and the sound alone was enough to get everyone’s attention.
Tendou bowed quickly. “I need to speak with Y/N,” He blurted out. “Please.”
Y/N looked at him with wide eyes.
“You have got a LOT of fucking nerve to show up here after what you did Satori,” Daichi scowled from across the gym.
“Coach,” Y/N bowed. “I’m so sorry for the interruption. May I be excused for just a couple minutes?”
Ukai turned and looked at Tendou. He couldn’t help but think about how much this kid looked like shit. Serves him right for being the reason Y/N showed up to practice so sad. Not even Ukai could bear to look at her looking the way she did.
“You let us know if you need some help, alright? I’ll send Noya and Tanaka out there if you need anything.”
Noya and Tanaka puffed their chests out and walked their manager over to Tendou. Once she stepped out the door, Tanaka grabbed Tendou by the collar of the black hoodie he was wearing. Noya scowled and got up in Tendou’s face.
“Listen here, if she comes in here looking half as bad as she did a couple days ago, we will beat you into a fucking pulp.” Tanaka threatened,
“Our manager means everything to us, so the second that I hear a sniffle or a tear drop hit the floor, you better count the fucking seconds you have left before we beat your ass. And that’s a promise from the whole team.” Noya growled.
Tendou cleared his throat. He had so many smart comments to say to the two second years. But right now, the only thing that mattered was that he got to talk to Y/N.
“I’m here to set things right. I know how much she means to you monster children, but she means more to me. Now fucking let go of me,”
Tanaka shoved Tendou out of his grip and watched with narrow eyes as he stepped outside with Y/N. Contrary to popular assumption, the entire Karasuno team, including the coaches, went to the windows to listen in on their manager's conversation with Tendou. It was so wrong of them, and all of them knew that, but not only did they wanna make sure Y/N was okay, they needed to hear how apologetic that cocky Shiratorizawa blocker really was.
“Paradise, I came here to tell you how sorry I am about the other night. For me to push all of that frustration and fear onto you wasn’t right of me at all and you didn’t deserve to be yelled at the way you were.” Tendou began. “The second I saw those tears fall from your eyes I knew I fucked up. I-I was just so angry and I fell back into my old habit of just pushing everyone away. Now that I have you, I understand that I can’t do that anymore.”
Y/N looked up into his bloodshot orbs. He was being so sincere, she was glad he finally realized he fucked up. But she wasn’t going to just forgive him without speaking about what was on her mind. He needed to feel like shit for what he put her through.
“Thank you for finally speaking up about it. I was waiting for you to apologize.” She admitted. “Look, I know that I can get annoying with the questions I ask, I’ll give you that. But what you need to understand is that I’m throwing everything aside in my life, EVERYTHING, just so I can find solutions to your problems. All I ever want is to help you Satori, and for you to just blow up at me and fucking tell me you need space? You can’t tell me that there wasn’t room for me to think that you wanted to break up with me.”
Tendou froze. She really thought he was breaking up with her? Maybe that’s why she was as upset as she was, and why his words stung as much as they did. She thought that he was leaving her.
“I’m glad you realized that you were wrong. And thank you for apologizing to me. But I need to know that something like this isn’t going to happen again.”
Tendou stammered. For once, there was no snarky comment, no immediate answer for what she was asking of him. The middle blocker looked down at his feet, then he met her eyes.
“I’ll communicate with you more. I should’ve told you about my schools and everything and letting it build up wasn’t good at all. I’m going to be more upfront with you even about the things I’m scared to talk about. I can’t lose you Y/N, you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me; you’re my paradise.”
Her heart melted at his words. “I promise you, I will never ever make tears fall from those pretty eyes ever again. It broke my heart to see you leave so angry at me, and it hurt me even more to know that it was my fault. Please, please forgive me.”
She paused. Tears welled up in her eyes once more and Tendou’s face fell. She missed him so much and it had taken her so long to not go and find him, to grovel at his feet and apologize for leaving him the way she did.
She threw her arms around him and buried her face into his chest. He placed his head onto the top of her head and squeezed her tightly. He missed her so much. 
“I missed you 'Tori,” She mumbled into his hoodie. “I’m so sorry,”
“Don’t apologize paradise, I’m just glad to have you back now. For good.”
Tendou lifted her chin up towards him and stooped down to place his lips onto hers. The slight chap on his lips meant nothing to her, she was just glad that she had her Satori back. She missed how his lips molded with hers. He missed having someone to run to when he was feeling down.
She was his everything. And he was so glad to not have lost her.
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marksbear · 1 year
Hi , I wanna say I started reading you're work just a few days ago and I love it especially cause finding sub Patrick Bateman is super hard .... I wanted to request a reader x sub Patrick Bateman in which Patrick gets laid in front of all his workers as he wasn't able to behave properly to his master . Would love to see my dream come true if no then its fine , thanks for the great stories .
Hi! Thank you for loving for my fics! And I hope this makes your dreams come true! And also I never wrote something like this so please have mercy on me! 😭
Warnings! SMUT, slut, whore used. Spit as lube, public touching, public sex, humiliation, workers watching, work sex. And ETC
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The room was filled with fake laughter and praise. Many of the businessmen that Patrick calls "friends" were inside. The group talked about their lives and work life as they expect each other's business cards.
The group trashed and joked about the people who'd work with them or who were beneath them business wise. The only person who wasn't giving any input in the conversation was Y/n L/n who was really only here because he wanted to spend time with his fiancé not his idiot buddies.
Patrick joined in a few times talking shit about his personal assistant and other co-workers while the others in the room laughed and agreed.
"You know Bateman, I don't even understand why you let.. What's her name again?"
"Jean." A different man finishes the word.
"Yeah! I don't understand why you let Jean work for you. She clearly wants something from you, and i'm not talking about a promotion." The man says with a laugh as the other men in the room laugh and agree with him.
Patrick simply only nodded and used a fake smile. Someone who wasn't laughing was his fiancé Y/n. Y/n had an irritated and possessive expression on his face.
Y/n and Patrick have been dating for three years and just recently Y/n proposed and now they are gonna get married in a few more months.
Y/n had a jealous grip on Patrick's thigh obliviously not enjoying the conversation.
"Just give the woman what she wants! Then after it's done just leave her like the rest of the women you have!" A different man speaks up before turning his head to Y/n.
"L/n. You don't know this since you never want to hang out with us, but Bateman here always has a new woman with him every time we hang out!" The same man adds in with a smile.
"Oh really?" Y/n says with a eyebrow raised looking at his nervous fiance.
"Patrick... I thought you had a fiance. What happened to that." Y/n says pointing at the engagement ring on Patrick's finger. Patrick looked at Y/n nervously. He felt all eyes on both of them. Patrick worked hard for his reputation and he wasn't gonna let his jealous fiancé mess everything up. When they could just talk about this at home.
"This ring is only an accessory nothing more. And you obviously thought wrong." Patrick brutally responds back. Y/n leaned in and whisper into Patrick's ear.
"Your a real fucking act. How could you just sit here and lie to my face even though you were the one who nearly cried of joy when I proposed. And especially how you were the one who sucked my dick only a couple minutes after."
Once those words were uttered to Patrick's ear a the same hand that was just on his thigh was now on his crotch palming his dick through the pants. Patrick tried to move Y/n's away off of him, but Y/n's hand wasn't bugging.
"You know, this wouldn't be happening if you'd just behave for once." Y/n whispers into Patrick's ear,
The attention went off from the two males as the other workers talked among each other.
The hard tent inside Patrick's pants was hidden by the table as Y/n palms him.
Y/n leans again whispering into Patrick's ear. "Pull your pants and underwear down. Then bend over on the table." Patrick head whips to Y/n's direction. "Wh-what! No! Not here! Not in front of them!" Patrick responds back in a hushed yell.
"Patrick... Are you disobeying me? And plus I thought you liked being watched. Making those prostitutes watch me as I fuck you. Don't you remember that." Y/n responds back a smirk crawling onto his lips hearing Patrick let out a pathetic whimper.
"P-please master... I'm not even prepped." Patrick begs out whispering back to Y/n. "Don't make me force you." Y/n responds back.
"Everyone." Y/n announces catching the men in the room's attention.
"I'm sorry to tell you all, but Bateman has been lying to you all. The reason is why he can't give the girl what she wants is because hes to much of a slut for his fiancé." Y/n says as Patrick shamelessly and nervously pulls his pants and boxers.
The workers jaw was dropped and some had confused expressions. Patrick bends down over the table covering his face from their confused and curious eyes.
Y/n stands up from his chair moving behind Patrick's hands on his waist.
"Bateman here is a fucking whore who likes being used by a man." Y/n says humiliating Patrick as he unbuckles his pants. Y/n pulls down his pants and boxers done a little so only his cock was visible.
Patrick's friends didn't know what to do or think so they just sat in shock and watched. Y/n used his hands to spread open Patrick before spiting a couple times on his hole.
Patrick covered his mouth as he feels the tip of Y/n’s cock rub against him.
For a moment Patrick forgot about the workers in the room all staring at him in shock and some hidden lust with their eyes.
Patrick moved hips back moving his ass against Y/n’s cock. Y/n’s holds onto Patrick’s hips keeping him still as he pushes his cock inside his hole. Patrick’s eyes held closed as Y/n moves inside him.
Patrick’s hands held onto the table for dear life clawing at it.
Y/n moves deeper into Patrick’s hole eyes leaving Patrick’s body for once looking at the men in the room.
Some looked like they were enjoying the show while others looked uncertain.
Once Y/n was inside of Patrick halfway Y/n pulls out only leaving his tip inside. Patrick could finally take a break collecting a few breaths of air before suddenly Y/n snaps his hips forward driving his cock all the way inside Patrick.
Patrick let out a moan as he almost choked on air. Y/n moves his hips back before thrusting back forward.
Y/n’s thrust we’re rough and slow not doing his usual fast thrust just yet. He wanted to make Patrick beg for it.
Patrick’s eyes were kept shut not noticing that some men stood up from their chairs and moves around the table to g a better look.
Y/n gave Patrick a hard thrust again causing him to let out another long moan.
“H-hurry the hell up!~” Patrick said with a tiny quiet whimper to follow. Y/n laughed and thrusted again harder than the last.
“Beg for it baby~ Let me hear you use your word’s.” Y/n says with a smirk. Patrick let out a irritated groan.
“…please. Please go faster.” Patrick whispers barley even a whisper. “I know your a lot louder than that. Tell me how much you want it.” Y/n responds back before thrusting in and out in a slow pace.
“I want it so bad… I want your stupid fucking cock~ Oh F-fuuck!~ please I-I need it!” Patrick begs our feeling his face hot and flustered from embarrassment.
“Such a good slut Patrick! I knew you could do it.” Y/n praises. Y/n thrust became faster doing what he was asked.
Patrick’s eyes squinted open eyes raising up to meet one of the men rubbing himself through his pants.
Patrick couldn’t decide if he hated this or loved this.
Rough skin slapping against each other filled the room as Y/n let go of Patrick’s hips holding onto the table as he fucks Patrick deeper.
Patrick bit his bottom lip hard as he tried to hold back his moans. The tip of Y/n’s cock brushed against Patrick’s prostate.
Patrick’s walls tightened around Y/n’s cock as Y/n used him.
In between Patrick’s legs his cock twitched and leaked precum. Y/n’s snapped back and forth as he aimed for Patrick’s prostate.
“Oh fuck! ha-harder~ please fuck me harder!” Patrick moaned out feeling the knot in his stomach tighten.
Patrick’s legs trembled and aches from Y/n’s hard thrust.
With a few more hard thrust Patrick cums hard. The cum lands on the floor beneath him. As Patrick shoots his load many of the men watched in awe and lust.
As Patrick calms down from his high his walls tighten even more around Y/n causing Y/n to let out a groan.
Y/n’s thrust became faster and messier feeling his orgasm nearing. Patrick weakly spread his open wider as Y/n thrust faster.
Feeling close Y/n started to let out groans and tiny moans feeling his cock twitch inside him.
“Fu-fuck!~ Give it to me master!~ Cum inside me!” Patrick moans out desperately.
With Y/n’s muscles tensing he cums deep inside Patrick’s abused hole. Y/n filled Patrick’s hole with white sticky cum. Y/n slowed down his thrust going slower and gentle until he had nothing left to give.
Y/n slowly pulled his cock out letting cum leak out of Patrick’s hole. Y/n stared at the mess he created before giving Patrick a kiss on the cheek .
“Let’s go home honey.” Y/n says normally pulling up his underwear and pants and fixing his belt before doing the same for Patrick.
“See you guys tonight at dinner.” Y/n looking at the stunned men In the room before helping Patrick on his feet.
Once the two left the room all the men was silent and still processing what they just saw.
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justenjoythegossip · 5 months
PR ANTICS PART 2: purpose of lies on top of lies in a PR Strategy, examples and blind items
The purpose of lies on top of lies in a PR strategy
Whether they come directly from the horse’s mouth (the PR team), plants (such as certain team PR/Real blogs) or other channels, lies on top of lies can be very useful tools in a PR strategy. And they serve different purposes. Misdirection can be the one of them. But more importantly they give credibility and legitimacy to the original lie. 
Lies from the PR Team
The presence of some Avengers at their alleged kinda first wedding was definitely one of those lies that serves those purposes. It’s funny when you think about it, publications couldn’t decide on the actual location of the wedding. Was it Cape Cod? Was it his house? Of course it was an impossible information to get right since everybody had to sign an NDA and the couple is so private. (read sarcasm)
The details being super sketchy, they probably needed to add more lies to make it more believable. This is when they added the presence of another Avenger: Scarlett. If you guys remember the article from People’s magazine, they gave very specific details about the dinner she had at the restaurant, the sweater she was wearing. They even knew that she and her husband went directly to the museum from the restaurant. It was a classy and intellectual touch. Of course, no picture and no proof but that article served its purpose: sell the kinda wedding. (Sidenote: Scarlett probably wanted in the PR games as well because she needed the exposure. We got the pic at the restaurant with the 4 of them with Stanley Tucci, the SNL party pap pics and the deadline article about her Project Artemis the next day). 
When publications pile on the lies, their obvious goal is to sell the original lie. And hopefully the general public won’t notice the elephant in the room. 
Lies from Plants
Team Real/PR blogs do the same thing. I already wrote a post about how certain Team PR blogs used Abba’s alleged immigration status to discredit the wedding. Here’s the link if you want to check it out.
But I could choose so many examples, even with Chris and Abba’s latest stunt when those blogs lied about Mads Mikkelsen not being at the after party when we got the actual receipts that he was there thanks to a Deadline article. We even got a pic of him and his outfit matched the one he is wearing in the pic with the private couple. 
Their tactics is to fake debunking a lie. By using a lie to discredit a lie, they end up giving legitimacy to the lie they were discrediting. Unfortunately the mind games are very much an integral component of a PR strategy and the fans are a casualty.
Blind Items and their purpose…
Blind items can work according to the same principle. As they keep piling on the lies, the initial lie gets buried under a mountain of deception. After a while, people forget about the original lie and even stop questioning it. 
Of course some blind items are true. Some just have got to be. Otherwise, people wouldn’t be able to use them in order to sell a totally curated narrative. But some (and probably most) of those blind items are totally fictitious and exist only to help manufacture a narrative.
We got a few of those blind items regarding the super private couple. I won’t list them all but I remember one saying Abba allegedly cheated on Chris. Of course, you can’t cheat on someone you are not in a relationship with. Remember the one that said how proud Chris was to have a child bride and that he was gloating to his friends about her youth. You can’t gloat about your young wife if you are not married… That last blind is hilarious because it bears so little credibility given his demeanor but it served its purpose. 
You can find part 1 of PR Antics here: https://www.tumblr.com/justenjoythegossip/739150917734203392/pr-antics-part-1-team-realteam-prs-tactics-the?source=share
I will discuss the apparent change in the PR tactics, the mystery of the deletion of the Vogue pic and where they can go from here in my next post.
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shattersstar · 1 year
Bestie it is me, the anon from a couple of days ago, many mutual kisses for my favorite tumblr writer!!! I am a teensy weensy (read: very much) cross faded and was wondering if you would be willing to write just a little thing with the “desperate kiss in the rain” prompt from the list featuring Jason Todd or Adrian Tepes? I feel the need to be In My Feelings about fictional romance lmao
ghost of love
pairing: jason todd x reader
prompt: a desperate kiss in the rain
a/n: wrote this stoned lmaoo so twins <3 and thank u for the request ur so kinddd im actually p happy with this so here goes my first fic of 2023 besties. feedback is always appreciated!!!
Ghost of love bound unto your name
So it be running through my veins
Yesterday I fell out of grace
I made you feel bad again
I wanted all your reasons explained
Guess I wanted too much
Guess I wanted too much
Spring had made its way to Gotham, snow melting into slush and flooding the streets as the days grew longer and the winter chill started to recede. It crept into the past as singing birds and allergies were to come. It was supposed to be a time of happiness, of excitement for warmth before the general population complained about the heat plaguing the city in a few months time. But Jason watched the rain that had cleansed the city for a week already with certain disdain.
His apartment was silent save the rain’s ambiance—it hadn’t been this quiet in ages. Hadn’t been so hollow and empty since you came into his life. A presence to warm the space even when you sat in silence scrolling through your phone. Or when you cooked and hummed to yourself or when you took phone calls in his bedroom and didn’t think he could hear you sing his praises. It should’ve made his heart swell, flattered by your adoration of him, and yet it made Jason anxious. Nausea flowering in his throat at the sounds of your lies on his behalf, covering up the life he lead all while admitting how deeply you felt for him. He had heard that phone call so many times, a quick tangent usually, but it stuck with him nonetheless.
It was those moments—sweet and tender—he turned into something dark, twisted. The way you unabashedly reached for his hand at the grocery store, or called his name in a room full of people felt…wrong. You weren’t supposed to be like this with him, no one was. Jason didn’t deserve such kind words and outward gestures of love, and you didn’t deserve to be trapped with him. Stuck in something that could never really be anything. You were too good for Gotham and for him. He had always known it, tried to ignore it and just dwell in the bliss that came from being with you, but his guilt was stronger. More consuming than the feelings he had for you. It made breaking your heart painful, but a necessity.
He wasn’t yours to love, to have. He had said those words to you, “I’m not for you to love, or to be with. I’m sorry, but I can’t keep playing house anymore. This isn’t my life. You aren’t.”
His voice was cold, empty as he spoke. You couldn’t hide the hurt in your eyes, tears threatening to spill. “Then go.” It was all you were able to muster, standing in your apartment as he let himself out without another word.
He wanted to add it was because he loved you, but it felt cruel. He had to remind himself he wasn’t yours to love. Jason wasn’t for anyone.
And he believed his words, for weeks on end he told himself over and over again that he made the right decision. Threw himself into work and tried to burn you from his memory with violence and power. Jason ignored what headlines you might see—what you might think of him. He had never let himself care before, you told him what he did with that life was not for you to be apart of if he choose to keep you separate. You said it casually, with a shrug like Jason was supposed to know. Know that respect and privacy he could never ask from someone was being offered freely.
Jason supposed you’d keep your word, keep your distance from the bloody and chaotic side of his life despite him leaving you. You were good like that, honest and uncompromising when you needed to be. It made him smile despite the torrential downpour, knowing there was something good still in Gotham. Something—someone worth fighting for.
Yet, as something akin to peace washed over Jason, fate played its hand and it sent him reeling. A notification lit up his phone sitting on the kitchen table. It drew his attention away from the window he had been staring out of for a while, compelling him across the room and to read the two words that broke his heart.
I’m moving. A message you sent a minute ago, two words hanging in the ether that left Jason short of breath. He had already lost you, but this was like sand slipping through his fingers all while a tsunami rushed the shore. It made his stomach knot and guilt trickled into his chest like a steady stream. You couldn’t leave the city you had made a life in because of him. Because of the pain he caused you—no that grief, that guilt, would swallow him whole. Devour him till he was nothing, but bone to burn to ash one day.
Jason was out of his apartment in record time, not dawned in his suit, but enough tactical wear to hop across rainy rooftops safely. He ignored the chill of the rain that drenched him in mere minutes, he slicked his wet hair back and regretted his leather jacket as he landed an apartment over from yours. He huffed out a few breaths, calves flexing and whining from the amount of work he just put them through to get here. Jason steadied his breathing as best he could, grappling over the alleyway and to his surprise, landing right behind you. You were next to a small pigeon coop someone kept on the roof, the stretching piece of plywood was a makeshift roof you just fit under. You had a blanket wrapped around your shoulders, the bottom corner wet with rain water likely from the puddles on the roof.
He let out a sigh that caught your attention. You glanced over your shoulder before your face fell. Your phone was still in your hands and Jason wondered if you texted him because you were up here. Staring out into the city and thinking of him as he was you. “You’re moving.” He found himself saying, more accusatory than he intended, but he couldn’t help himself. Not when desperation wafted off of him in waves.
“Yeah, I just…can’t with this city anymore.” You turned fully, you had never looked so small before. So withered and tired. You look like you had been crying recently and Jason’s resolved weakened. He assured himself that cutting you out of his life was right, to save you pain in the long run, but the pain you wore so clearly now was a gut punch. It was wrenching and Jason didn’t know what to say to fix anything.
“When?” He asked instead.
“Not sure, Im gonna stay with a friend in another city for a bit before I figure everything out. Think I have someone to take over my lease so…” The idea of someone else living here made his head spin. This space was an extension of you—he could see your interest in what you hung up on your walls, your love in the plants littered around the space, your happiness in the smell of food mixing with the candles you burned and even your old grumpy cat belonged to this space as much as you did. It was one of the only places in Gotham Jason could…breathe. Think or not think and he was losing that and you—
“No.” He gritted through his teeth.
“No?” That wasn’t meant for your ears, he was trying to silence his own thoughts. He cursed to himself and turned away from you, rain soaking his face as his only then remembered it was pouring. “Maybe I shouldn’t have sent you that text…I think I knew you’d show up here—I’m sorr—“
“No.” This time it was for you, even if he still refused to face you, let you see the regret plain on his face. “I don’t want you to leave Gotham like this…not because of me.”
“I know, and I wish I could stay, but Jay its too hard. Being here and trying to move on is killing me.” You were calm, calmer than he anticipated. He wanted anger, he wanted you to throw his words in your face, scold him for showing up when he was the one that forced you away. And yet, you tried to apologize and were being honest with him.
“I wouldn’t ask you to stay, but I’m sorry for how I ended things. You don’t—didn’t—deserve any of this.” Jason was never one to admit his wrongs, but this was the end of something that meant everything to him once. He couldn’t let you go with resentment between you two. You let a beat of silence pass, eyes fallen to the ground between your bodies as you processed his words. Your brows pulled together and you took a step closer to him. You weren’t out in the rain yet, but stood close enough to the edge to make sure your words hit him clearly.
“What did you mean by that? Didn’t deserve…what? What we had before? Didn’t deserve a good relationship? Didn’t deserve to be happy? I know I don’t deserve how you’ve treated me since, like I never existed, but what didn’t I deserve before? You?” Your tone was jaded, it wasn’t angry, but hurt. It made the knot in his stomach twist, his heart wrenching at the thought of you undeserving of good things. It was all you deserved, it was all he wanted for you.
Jason whipped around as he spoke, breathless before the words even left his mouth, “You didn’t deserve to be in a barely real relationship. I can’t be the person you deserve to be with, I can’t offer that much of myself to you.”
Another beat, you hovered by the edge of the makeshift roof, before letting you blanket slip off your shoulders behind you. You stepped into the rain and took him in properly, soaked from head to toe, but Jason was still bathed beautifully in the moon and streetlights that barely touched buildings this high.
“I knew all of that, I knew it wouldn’t always be normal, but I accepted it Jay. I chose to look past the parts of your life you didn’t want to share, because I didn’t care. I still don’t. What we had was a real relationship Jason, to me at least, and I didn’t even think anything was wrong when you broke up with me. I thought it was actually great, for what we were working with.” You laughed at the end, watery, but your voice stayed strong. You meant what you said, Jason blindsided you more when he left you than with his Red Hood confession. His admittance to the double life he lead was a blow, but one you could digest. Jason leaving you? It was a grenade set off from within your ribcage that left no survivors. It was pain beyond grappling with the violence that surrounded the man you loved.
“But that isn’t fair to you. I can’t give you everything, but I know I’ll take everything you can give. You get half a person and—“
“I make that choice, not you. I’ll take half a person if its you. I’ve always known I’ll love you more, be able to give you more because I’m sharing you with a city hellbent on destroying itself. When you’re the only person I want to share anything with, of course you can have it all.” He was silent, staring into the dark skies and wondering what he did to deserve you. Had he suffered enough that it was finally time to enjoy the peace?
You put your hand on his arm, urging him to look. He let his eyes meet yours reluctantly as you sniffled. “I don’t need what you think is real Jason. I just need you.” Your voice was a soft plea, fingers tightening around his leather jacket. He stared down at you, so much ache in his chest for ever thinking life made more sense without you there. He wanted to apologize, again and again until his voice went hoarse. He wanted to fall into your arms and sleep for days after weeks of restless nights. He wanted to cook your favourite meals you always said never tasted as good when you did it. He wanted to forgive and be forgiven for all the hurt swirling between the two of you.
But all he could manage was a plea of his own, almost drowned out by the spring rain that washed away the cold weeks you both spent unbearably lonely, “Don’t leave Gotham.”
You nodded, “Don’t give me a reason too.”
The knot churning inside his stomach disappeared with your soft words, making him breathe out a laugh. It was surprised, relieved and everything you needed to hear. A smile broke over your face and the tears brimming in your eyes finally spilled over as you closed the distance between you two. Your hands rested on the lapels of his jacket. He let his cradle your jaw as the rain engulfed you both, foreheads pressing together as the moment overtook you two. It felt like a dream, like everything Jason wanted was suddenly in the palm of his hands and he couldn’t believe it. Believe he had let you go and somehow managed to get you back. He couldn’t decide what you deserved, but god he’d try be the person you needed him to be.
He wanted to say that, promise you he’ll try, but words failed him at times like this. Jason was all need, desperate for you to understand how much he loved you. All he could do was act, fingers tightening and tilting your head up before his mouth crashed into yours. It was hungry and pleading, begging and convincing you to stay with him forever. To know his love forever. You kissed him back with as much urgency as you could muster, just as desperate for his touch as he was yours. It was deprave how you both nearly crumbled when his teeth tasted your bottom lip. You hands had slid under his jacket, pulling you flush against him as your fingers fisted the dry fabric against his spine. He shuddered into you, pulling away with a heaving chest. You rested your chin on his sternum, blinking up at him with happy tears still overflowing. He brought this thumbs to the corners of your eyes, brushing them away before kissing you again.
His lips met yours slower this time, mending the harshness from his last kiss. It was just as needy, lips finding the corners of your mouth, cheeks and jaw before he found his way back to your mouth. Jason’s tongue swiped over your lips, one of his hands moved to cradle the curve of your skull, letting your head fall back as he left open mouthed kissed against yours. Your tongue slid over his and you wished you were in bed. Sat comfortably atop him and making out on some boring Tuesday afternoon. It was always those moments, those days when everyone else was consumed with jobs and school and life, where you and Jason flourished.
Or embracing on a rooftop, in the pouring rain, during the dead of night, while everyone slept.
It was moments where you fell into the corners of life, missed by the bustle of the city and enraptured by each other. It was all you ever needed from Jason, and he was ready to give.
Gonna stay humbled to this rock
Silently when I know that I belong
Tell me stay on the right track
You know I got faith and beliefs
In my life and just
I guess I wanted that much
Yesterday I fell out of grace
I made you feel bad again
I wanted all your reasons explained
Guess I wanted too much
Ghost of Love - Marie Fisker
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eddiesguitarskills · 1 year
When We Were Young
Part 3
Ex Eddie Munson X reader
Other parts 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Tumblr media
Intro: 5 years have past since you packed up and left behind Hawkins. Well not all of it, as the people you met there are still a huge part of your life. But it's been 5 years since you had set a foot in the small town, 5 years since you left him. And now after all that time you were back.
Warning: angst, language, mentions of suicide, miscarriages, self harm, mental health. Use of y/n. Slow burn. Arguments. Mentions of break ups. Female identity reader.
Bold parts are flashbacks
Word count: 2.2k
A/n: please only read if you are in a good place, I wouldn't want this story to trigger or hurt anyone. I'm sorry this part it short but I didn't want to add loads in when it felt like a good place to end this part. Also there will be happy moments coming soon, it's just super slow burn. Let me know if you wanna be tagged in the next part, thank you for reading
Not prove read.
Despite the panic attack you had after Eddie left, you still went downstairs and pretended to be fine. Everyone was so excited to see you, you didn’t want to ruin that. You couldn't let them see how broken you felt. You had to be okay. You couldn't make them worry about you again, especially Steve. So you smiled and laughed, pretending your hands weren’t hurting from your nails digging into the palms.
After a long night, you went to your new house, you couldn’t make it to the bedroom with how emotionally exhausted you felt. So tired, that you couldn’t even make sounds as you silently sobbed on the sofa until you eventually fell asleep.
You woke up with the promise today would be a better day, last night you just slipped into your old self. You were better now. No stupid ex could ruin your progress. You needed to get some groceries for the house so at least you had something to distract your mind for a little while.
As you drove in your new red Ford (well it was a used ford from a couple of years) to the grocery store you expected everything to look different, but to your surprise, it was the same. The florist with the pink lettering on the window spelling out its name Haley’s, the paint had slightly started to peel but it was still there. The 50% off at the clothing boutique. Even the graffiti that was on the side of the market was still there, from four years ago. The town was stuck in a time warp, maybe it wouldn’t take as much time to adjust.
Grabbing a shopping cart you slowly walk down the isles not sticking to the list you wrote at home. Picking up all sorts of snacks. You had missed American cuisine. Your cart was getting full. I guess it’s true what they said about how you shouldn't come shopping on an empty stomach. The cart was old and rusty, meaning the fuller the cart got the harder to steer it was. The wheels screeched and lagged every time a new item was added. You turned the corner to enter another aisle when the left wheel furthest away from you decided to jam, ramming you into a customer's cart.
“I am so sorry” you look up at the old man wearing a cap. Maybe it wasn’t your ex you were a magnet too, maybe it was just the Munson’s. He frowned at you. Okay so maybe not everything was the same. Wayne was known for being grumpy to others but you only knew him as a sweetheart he was never anything but kind to you. You had never seen him look at you like this. There was a disappointment hidden beneath his eyes, that you, unfortunately, didn’t miss. “For what? Bumping into my cart or breaking my son’s heart?” You don’t know what you expected him to say. But maybe silence would have been better. The words stung you.
His son was the one to break your heart, not the other way around. Sure it might have hurt him when you left, but how were you supposed to feel when he didn’t give you a choice? And the only way of having part of him was taken away from you.
“Do you want me to be your little housewife and have food on the table ready for when you get back from your big successful job?". You stared in disbelief despite the thoughts building like a storm in your head. “Is that what you think?” He hated when you used that voice. The one where it sounded like you were about to break.
It made him hate himself more than he already did. Maybe this is why he was treating you this way. Seeing if you take his bait, to see if you thought he was as worthless as he felt. He didn’t want to hear that voice in his head, he didn’t want to see the disappointment on your face right now, he just needed something to numb it all. So he turned away from you in search of a blunt, a pill, powder, anything.
His turning away from you, caused the storm to break loose, this was the end and he wasn’t even kind enough to break up with you in words. “Fuck you” you whispered and left. You got in your car. Driving as far as you could from him. You could see just enough to get as far as the Family Video which wasn’t a long way from the trailer park before your tears completely cover your eyes sight. You pulled up not wanting to risk anyone’s life. breathing heavily, panic intensifying. In comprehensive words being screamed from your mouth. Cursing out to the universe, Eddie and apologising to the life in your stomach.
God how you wanted to curse his nephew out and tell Wayne the whole truth. But as Eddie said you were nothing so why did it matter anymore? You did hate how you had never said goodbye to the man who took you into his family so easily. Making sure you were always welcome. Making sure your favourite snacks were in his home despite not having the money and living paycheck to paycheck. So you just said “I’m sorry Wayne” he didn’t need to know that it was an apology to him, not his nephew.
His face didn’t change, you guess this was the Wayne Munson everyone talked about, the cold-hearted, scary guy. You had never been on the receiving end of this version of him but it was frightening. So you looked down, scared if you look up for a second more you would cry. “That kid already had a hard enough life, he didn’t need you promising him a better one and then being like the rest of them. You messed him up so bad that he’s only now just starting to smile again. So if you plan on staying don’t you dare hurt him again”. With that threat he left. You wanted to leave the store than to wallow, but you stood in fear not wanting to cross paths with a Munson again. “Are you okay ma’am?” a shop clerk addresses you. You nod “I’m fine thank you.”
Thankfully you wouldn’t cross paths with another Munson today as Wayne had gone to work and the younger Munson was still in bed hungover. Deciding not to come into work today, he might as well have gone in with how many times Sarah had called, asking how to do things, that she should know how to do. Hearing the constant rings and her voice was giving the boy a headache. Eddie didn’t realise she was only doing this to make sure he was okay, it wasn’t like him to call in sick. After plumping his pillow and changing positions back and forth, he found a comfortable spot and started to close his eyes.
The phone rang again, and he groaned. Picking it up now pissed. “Come on Sarah you called 10 minutes ago, you’re a floor manager you should be better than this. Use some instinct, I shouldn’t have to hold your hand through this”. A male’s chuckle made him realise that it wasn’t his employee on the phone. He knew that laugh anywhere and right now he would have preferred to hear from Sarah 20 more times if it meant not talking to Harrington. “You seem like such a lovely boss” Steve joked, hoping to gauge Eddie’s mood. When he didn’t laugh back or make a snide remark, when he was met with silence. He realise how pissed Eddie was, he was never the quiet type.
Steve sighed “look I know I should have given you a heads up, trust me I was going to. I just got so excited about having her back that I didn’t think-“. Eddie rolled his eyes cutting in “yeah you didn’t think”. Steve ignore the rise Eddie was trying to cause and continued. “I was going to tell you, I just didn’t expect you there, not that I didn’t want to see you. I just didn’t know Dustin invited you. I hoped the first time you met again would go better, I didn't plan for it to go like that”. If the men were in the same room, Eddie might have hit the boy, even if he didn’t mean it. With the rage he was feeling. “Better? Do you really think we could ever get along, After what she did?”.
"shut it Munson" Oh, it was definitely a good job they weren't in the same room. Steve didn’t snap anymore. He tried not to raise his voice because he hated how it made him feel like his father. But he would not have Eddie speak about you like that. Especially with what he did. He had come so far with Eddie, after the first couple of months of the incident he couldn't even look at him. But after time he forgave and tried to understand the boy. But he never forgot. How could he forget?
Steve was blinded by the headlight pouring into the shop window. After a long 12-hour shift he was super tired and didn’t need this. He left the shop storming over to the car, about to tell the jerk off. Until he came closer and realised it was your car. He walked over quicker, wondering what you were up to. Were you trying to be funny, by annoying him? He supposed this is what best friends did. He grabbed open your door, trying to scare you. To get his own back. However, as soon as the door opened, he saw you hysterically crying, clutching your stomach. He got down to his knees in front of you, rubbing your arms. “It hurts so much”.
He wanted to cry looking at you like this, you were always the strong one. The anchor in his life. No matter how scared or how much of a dick he was, you brought him back to earth. You were never like this. You squeezed your eyes in pain, holding your stomach tighter. This was worse than the pain he felt when Nancy left, worse than anything with the upside down. This was the most heartbreaking thing he had ever seen. But he had to be as strong for you as you had been for him. So he sniffed back up the tears. “What hurts y/n?”. You pull his hand from your arm to your stomach. “It hurts Steve”. He couldn't be sure, he hoped it was just stomach pain and not... God, he hoped it wasn't that. All he knew is that he needed to take you to the hospital. “Can you move?”
Eddie wasn't used to this version of Steve, even when they weren't friends Steve hadn't spoken to him like this. At that moment he realised that if there was a choice Steve would always pick you, and maybe all his friends would always pick you. Why was he the only that hated you? At that moment he felt more alone than he had in years. It made him scared, he couldn't be abandoned again. He felt like a child scared of his dad, feeling like he disappointed him. With how quickly Steve was to turn his back on him he wondered if everyone else felt the same. Was he just a place holder until you came back?
You had left, he had stuck around. Sat with his friends while they cried. Make them laugh on bad days. Trained Dustin to be a Dm. Went to hospital appointments with friends. Stayed awake talking them down from nightmares. All while suffering from his own traumas. He never complained because that's what friends do. Especially when they had gone through what they had. You left everyone, and now you could just come back, and everyone would love you. What do you know about hard?
“She got to leave, it couldn't have been that bad.” Steve growled through the phone “you don’t know shit Munson” he slammed the phone down. Eddie was all alone, well not completely, he had his thoughts. He was now wishing for Sarah to call. He felt like he was being smothered by thoughts, what did Steve mean? Eddie might have been mean that night to you, but surely it wasn't enough to qualify this sort of response. How had you had a hard life? Had something happened? Was he missing something? He shook his head. No, he hated you, he needs to keep it this way. He picked up the phone and rang Sarah, as soon as he heard her voice he spoke. “Come over after work”. He slammed the phone down. He needed to forget, Sarah could help with that even if it was only a couple of hours.
A couple of hours before the thoughts would come back and he was swarmed by curiosity, pain and loneliness.
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thana-topsy · 10 months
If you're up for sharing more writing tips, how can I tell if what I've written is actually any good? With writing I get stuck in a cycle of feeling like I'm the next Shakespeare while writing but then I'll look over my work a few days later and absolutely hate everything and think it's the most cringe shit ever, then I'll leave it a bit longer and think eh it's not as bad as I thought but still not great and so on. I feel like being forced to write for a grade during school and having everything be marked and assessed and assigned a particular value has robbed me of the ability to critically analyse my own work in a way that's objective and accurate but also fair and realistic. I can analyse other peoples' stuff till the cows come home but I lose all rational thought when it comes to my own stuff
Adding onto that, how do I get to the point where I can stop looking back at my old work and hating everything and wanting to delete it all? Realistically I know finding fault with my old stuff is good bc it means I've grown and improved from where I once was etc but at the same time I wanna enjoy stuff I've made in the past without cringing every time I read it
Hey there Nony, I wanted to let this one percolate a little bit before answering because I've been where you are. And it's a rough time for sure. But aside from my own experiences, I also wanted to get the opinions of some of my writerly friends in the fandom, too, since everyone is a little font of wisdom in their own right.
So I'm going to share their advice alongside my own, because this is kind of a complicated string of questions you're asking. Long post ahead!
@paraparadigm says to Keep Writing: "Write more. Write so much (and so many different things) that eventually the sheer volume bulldozes over self-devouring ego, comparison twitches, or feeling lost, because you don't yet know your own baseline. Coupled with "read more, read everything, read things you enjoy and things you don't, read for the craft as much as the entertainment." And: "I'd add that when revisiting old writing, it's helpful for me to differentiate between "ew the writing is not as technically solid as it is now" and "ah that's interesting, I guess that's where I was at then, emotionally and psychologically". Old writing is also a sort of archaeological record of your younger self, and that can, in fact, be a bit itchy to revisit, so learning to cherish that without passing judgement can be really helpful. I try to treat it like those little marks one puts on the door jamb to track a kid's height."
@mareenavee says "Part of it is writing more, as Para said and I will always second that. Another part is, honestly, the hardest part. It's to try very hard to get out of the habit of negative self-talk.... There's so much work involved with this but normalizing being proud of your work and having some grace with yourself is part of that answer."
@archangelsunited says "Early on, instead of going “this has to be a masterpiece” I would tell myself my only job was to tell a story. I couldn’t tell a story if I was deleting it. Also, talking about your work helps. The less ashamed I was of my writing, the more people wanted to read it. There is a need to hide your work, and that can lead to a downward spiral all its own. And, 90% of the time, you have to suck at something to learn to be good at something. The work you already wrote shouldn’t be the sum of all your skill, it should be one of those measuring sticks for the moment. Despite previous thought, you won’t be stuck at the same level forever."
@polypolymorph says "In addition to accumulating experience via reading and writing, you also have to be willing to reinvent the wheel. Unfortunately the Process™️ is unique to everyone, and even when you are deliberately mimicking a voice as, say, a ghost writer, you can't expect that 2+2=4 for you. Your process might look more like a Lotka-Volterra equation for the same type of work and that's okay. Trial and error is the best way to figure out what advice actually works for you--and if it doesn't, it doesn't mean you're wrong. Don't get stuck on pop writing advice like a sad roomba does on an upturned rug. Learn when to throw it out."
So there's some advice from some other excellent writers! I hope you've been able to find some value in their advice, because it certainly kicked me in the pants a few times.
As for me, I think, having been where you are, my biggest piece of advice is: Find joy in the craft. Get curious instead of critical. An artist shouldn't down themselves over a rough sketch when they're working out a drawing, so why would a writer do such a thing? Everything you write is practice. Everything you make has value because it builds up to the next thing you make.
At the end of the day, you are the only one who is capable of telling the stories that are in your head. This fact alone gives whatever you put onto paper value, regardless of quality. You are creating magic, in the most literal sense! Creating something out of nothing, conjuring images into someone else's mind from hundreds of thousands of miles away, transcending space and time. It's amazing!
Lastly, my final piece of advice is to just write for fun. Write things nobody else will ever see just because you wanted to get words onto paper. You have to unlearn what was drilled into you in school. You are more than a content creation machine. You are an artist, a wordsmith. And just know that there will never be a day when you look at your own work and say "That's it, I have achieved perfection."
Writing is a life-long journey. Just enjoy the ride!
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scullysexual · 4 months
A Jewel Beneath The Moonlight [Rewrite]
I originally wrote this fic in September and finished it late October 2019. It was one of the first fics I'd ever written for this fandom and it has remained the only multi-chapter fic I ever finished. For years I've been wanting to rewrite this fic, to fix the typos, change the clunky sentences, and include characters I'd introduced but didn't do anything more with. Mostly I want to re-share this fic. It sits at the bottom of my fic list on ao3 and I don't want this fic to be forgotten because it still means a lot to me 5 years on so over the next couple of days I'm gonna go through each chapter and rewrite certain parts. You can read the original on ao3 or you can just read this version. Anyway, this is getting long so Imma shut up now.
@today-in-fic | ao3
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Summary: For Mulder, a wealthy English-bred socialite who's had everything given to him since birth, the Titanic is shipping him off to a prison, a life he no longer wishes for or wants. For Scully, an Irish stranger from the lower class, it offers a new life, a future she can truly envision in America. What if the universe put them on the same path to achieve those dreams at the cost of life?
Chapter One.
A cloud of heavy smoke rises from the four vapers, covering the clear sky above and littering it with stuffy grey puffs. People scramble up and down the dock, trying to keep family members together as they rush to get through the gates. Others stand there gawking at the ship. For those not boarding it’s simply a day out; The greatest ship ever built, the paper’s  call it and those who live nearby wasn’t about to miss out on such a historic day as this.
Mulder stares at it, surprised at just how wonderstruck he is with it. He never put much stock in the rumours when it was being built, believing that she was just going to turn out as all those before her had. That the rumours were just that- rumours.
But he was wrong. Never in his life had he seen a ship as large as the one that towers over him.
He turns to Phoebe, reaching out for her hand as she climbs out of the cab.
“What do you think?” Mulder asks as he helps his fiancé down. “Do you think she’s impressive?”
To no one’s surprise, Phoebe only scoffs at the ship, its presence not changing her mood in the slightest.
“It’s not as grand as the Mauretania.”
Bill Mulder chuckles behind them, handing their luggage to his man-servant, Krycek as the boy passes them onto a baggage handler.
“It’s much bigger than the Mauretania,” he says, ready to quote every fact he had memorised from the London Herald about the ship. “And much more luxurious,” he adds.
Phoebe only huffs, clearly becoming uninterested in their current conversation.
“Careful Fox,” his father warns him. “Hard one to please, that one.” Mulder only manages an uncomfortable laugh already well aware at the difficulties that come attached to Phoebe Green.
With departure time approaching, they begin to make their way towards the ship, weaving their way through the crowds, Phoebe turning her nose up at every person not dressed to the nines, going as far as to dramatically balk and cover her nose as a lower-class foreigner runs across their path.
“Filthy immigrant,” Phoebe scorns at the innocent man. Mulder tries not to let his disgust show at Phoebe’s words; they are excused after all and Mulder rolls his eyes at the clear disrespect his people show towards those less fortunate.
“He’s just trying to get to the ship, Phoebe.”
“Yes, well, maybe he should hurry to a bath instead.”
Mulder ignores her words, instead guiding her through the swarming crowds.
“Honestly Bill,” Mulder’s mother pipes up. “We couldn’t have arrived here earlier rather than scurrying around the docks like rats?”
“I was all packed and ready to go,” Bill says and indicates to the pair in front of him. “It was those two who weren’t.”
Mulder sighs. If anything, it was Phoebe who they had been waiting for.
“We did try to hurry, Mother. Phoebe couldn’t decide what to wear.”
Phoebe scoffs once more. “It’s not my fault that you told me to change.”
“I just thought you would get too warm wearing black all day.”
“I’m in mourning Fox,” Phoebe cries. “The weather doesn’t change that.”
Mulder resists sighing again. Phoebe had been mourning for weeks now. The loss of their baby had brought on this spontaneous trip. Phoebe, having had enough London and “wanting to get away from all the bad memories” all but demanded that they leave for America as soon as possible. A chance for a new start, she told him afterwards. They could get married here and start again. Next thing Mulder knew, he was packing his bag and going back to a country he hadn’t seen since he was a child.
He felt trapped somehow, and it had nothing to do with the swarms of crowds. This was inside him. A cage or a hole he had put himself in. One he didn’t think he was going to get out of any time soon.
She’s been sitting on this bench for what feels like hours now. The stuffy bar overcrowded with sight-seers only now they’ve done the sight-seeing and only drinking is on their mind.
She was told ten minutes. Ten minutes and they would be looking for a ferry to take them back to Ireland. Dana was done with the place. Southampton was the same as everywhere else in England that they’d been- the same people, the same scorning looks they’d get no matter where they go, the same rejections. It’s only a number of times a person can hear ‘no’ before they never want to hear the word again.
Her brother, however, had other ideas. They only came into the bar to ask if there were any ferries available to take them home and somehow Charlie had managed to be roped into a game of poker by a bunch of Norwegians who spoke very little English between them.
The game had currently been going on for a lot longer than the ‘ten minutes’ she was promised.
Dana sighs, shifting in her seat to get comfortable. She’d order a drink if Charlie wasn’t currently gambling away their last penny.
“You lonely, love?” Dana turns towards the speaker. His cockney accent thickened by the slurring of his words. “Ye want sum comp’ny?”
He stumbles towards her, catching himself on the rickety table and smiles at his clumsiness. Dana attempts to shuffle further back into the bench, failing.
“I’m fine,” she says turning away and hoping the man would take the hint.
But he presses on.
“Are ye sure?”
“Aye. I’m sure.” She gets up before the man can say or do anything else, and heads over to Charlie’s table.
Her brother is in full concentration mode. Lip caught between his teeth, eyes scanning his cards and the card laying down on the table. He doesn’t know what he’s doing. Countless of times Dana has watched him play, never learning from the mistakes he’s made in previous games. This gambling addiction he’s seemed to have developed has cost them a lot in the finance department, a cost that Dana is not too happy about.
She taps him on the shoulder.
“Charlie, I want to go.”
“Hold on a second…”
His tongue replacing his lip, Charlie gives one nervous glance around at his fellow players.
“Charlie, we need to go.” She tries not to sound like she’s whining, he’s her younger brother for God’s sake, a child, she shouldn’t have to whine.
Charlie ignores her, a smile breaking out across his face.
“I’m sorry, lads.” He places his cards on the table, his smile turning cocky as he reaches over to take his earnings. Dana spies two pieces of paper laying on top of the money.
A large hand grasps Charlie’s. His grin falls as he stares in fear at the man.
“He cheat!” The man yells. With his hand still firmly wrapped around Charlie’s arm, he yanks him forward across the table, his other hand a fist that falls down and smashes straight into his face.
“Charlie!” Dana yells as his body falls slump against the oak. The man backs off as the bar grows quiet, ignoring the winnings that fall onto the floor.
With all concern for her brother, Dana rushes to his side, her hand falling on his face, wiping away the blood that drips down from his wound. You fucking idiot…she thinks.
Charlie’s eyes open slowly, despite the pain he is grinning from ear to ear.
“I won, Dana,” he tells her gleefully. “We’re going to America.”
Dana frowns, bewildered for the moment at what Charlie could possibly be talking about until her eyes fall on those two pieces of paper that lay on the ground. Realisation sets in and she reaches down to pick them up, turning them over to read.
The words White Star Line stare back at her. She looks from the paper in her hand to the ship outside and back to Charlie.
“You’re…you’re not serious?” she asks in awe.
“Yep. Fucker put his ticket down as payment,” Charlie all but shouts still grinning.
Dana stares back at the ticket. She was really about to go to America, the Titanic being the ship to take her there.
“You’re gonna wanna be quick,” a man beside them tells them. He points to his clock on the wall. “Boat leaves in ten minutes.”
At that, Charlie hauls himself off the table as the two siblings begin pushing what money remains on the table into their only bag, not caring for the coins that had fallen onto the floor.
“Hurry up!” Charlie urges her as Dana ties up the bag. “Come on, come on.” He takes the bag throwing it over his shoulder and grabs his sister’s hand, dragging her out of the bar.
They weave their way through the people, Charlie up front and Dana falling slightly behind. She fists her skirt in her palms, pulling it up so as not to trip over it, keeping her eye on Charlie ahead of her and praying she doesn’t lose him.
They collide with everything; people, a cart selling vegetables, a horse and carriage until finally they make it, out of breath, and clutching at their tickets.
“Tickets?,” the crewman orders, his fingers making a grabby motion. They hand them over and snatches it out of their hands. His nose turns up when he reads the names.
“Leif and Ingrid Brevik?” he asks, sceptically.
Dana looks nervously at Charlie, worried that they had just got excited for their new futures only to be turned away at the doors once more.
“Aye, we’re Americans.” Charlie tells him doing nothing to mask his thick Irish accent.
The crewman gives once last glance at the ticket and them. Sighing and probably done dealing with steerage who’s English is minimal he accepts the tickets.
“Get in before I change my mind.”
Relieved, the pair rush in just as the crewman shuts the door.
They make their way down the crowded corridor. People stand looking at the various signs that point in directions of rooms, bathrooms, and general communal areas. They argue, an overload of different words muddled together to make one distorted language.
Dana isn’t paying attention, however. Her eyes switch from the number written down on the ticket to the numbers written on the doors either side of them. Charlie had gotten distracted, eyeing up every woman that they walked past and Dana had finally ripped the paper out of his hands. If he wasn’t going to find their room, she will.
She finds it eventually. 23, near the end of the corridor. Charlie eyes up Room 24.
“Reckon a lass lives in there?” he asks.
Dana focuses on unlocking the door, a sly grin appearing on her face.
“I hope it’s a fat old man with a foot infection.” She looks up only to see the look of disgust appear across her brother’s face and she laughs, gaining the reaction she was looking for.
The door opens to their room. A single bunkbed, a desk and chair with a lamp set upon it, and a chest of drawers are the only furniture that occupy the room.
Charlie shares her sentiments exactly: it’s perfect.
“Beats the cargo hold on a ferry.” He throws the bag onto the chair and proceeds to climb to the top bunk.
She stops him before he can claim it.
“Piss off, I get top bunk.” She grips the back of his shirt, yanking him off the ladder.
“Careful!” Charlie cries. “I’m already injured.”
“So move out the way before I injured you even more.”
He does as he’s told, not without pulling a face beforehand, and throws himself on the bottom bunk.
Dana lies down, thankful to be in a bed that actually feels like a bed and not a brick.
“Hey, Dana?” Charlie calls after a moment of silence.
“Are you worried?”
Dana thinks for a second, curious as to what Charlie thinks she should be worried about.
“About what?” she asks.
Silence passes and she waits for an answer.
“Nothing,” Charlie says. “It’s nothing. We got nothing to be worried about.”
Despite being profoundly confused, Dana decides not to push it.
Another bout of silence passes and perhaps Charlie’s fallen asleep. At least that’s what she assumes until she hears his voice again.
“Hey, Dana?”
“Do you still have that first-aid kit in the bag? My face is throbbing.”
A pack flops onto the floor beside his bed.
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spearxwind · 6 months
Hi hello I wanna talk a bit about CD currently but Im not sure if its gonna be too long/negative so I'm gonna put my thoughts under a lid <3
So like. To start off it's really not a secret that I have a lot of trouble when it comes to crafting stories. This has been the case for many years, and will continue to be the case probably forever.
Challenger Deep felt like an exception to this at first, but since starting development on it my life took some turns that made it clear that CD suffers from the same and from different problems
To start with... I started using it as a vehicle for my grief at the start. Talas (especially) and Graves were both used as vehicles for my grief while I was going through stuff the past couple of years, and that inevitably bled through into The Everything.
It's not a bad thing to do this at all mind you (It helped me immensely) but it gave CD a strange foundation for me to build on that now I feel like I am at a major disconnect with, so I would like to build some more foundation around it, so to speak.
I would like to recraft the story (not rewrite it entirely because theres things i rly love, but theres others that I'd like to improve), and a lot of the lore (I feel like I closed my options a bit too much with some of it so I want to make it more expansive too. Part of why I wrote it the way it was was so I could invite friends to make stuff for CD but that did not go over well at all so I think I am going to not do that again). I just havent had the time to work on it properly, and since it's in this state where I feel like I need to "fix" it, I don't feel as passionate about it as last year so at the moment I'm letting it ride and waiting for when I'm excited to work on it again
I would like to add more characters as well and actually do justice writing-wise to the characters that are already in there too.
Also I won't lie, a big part of my investment in CD until recently was my oc ship, with Talas and Hades, and ever since I got into my current relationship I just havent thought much about them at all because I started pretty much actually living all of the shitposts and tropes I'd written and it started making me feel a bit strange to write/draw about that, so I need to fix that as well. See why I feel weird about it and what I can do to stop it and get back to those two
Additionally I've had a redesign of talas and hades' markings in my WIPs for months now. Hades is done, but on Talas' side Im not sure how to add in his bioluminescence pattern because something isnt working for me. I wanted him to be more visibly purble though with said markings. Everything else I really like, its just the glowy pattern (though watch me change the markings anyways bc im an indecesive beast)
Here's a snippet of them:
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I wanted them both to have more natural fishy looking markings pretty much
So yeah, that's currently the state of things. I miss it a lot and i rly wanna work on it again proper, maybe now that I've acknowlegded it and made a post about it I will get a second wind like I've gotten before after getting The Gunk out of my chest.
If you read all that thank you I hope you have a swag day <3
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Hello!!! :D Hope you've been having a nice day so far! 💖
For whe writers truth & dare ask game: 🍓🥤🦷🏜️🥐
hi!!!! you too!!!!! it's been pretty uneventful for me lol.
thanks for the ask!!
heres the ask game if anyone wants to see it.
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction?
It was elementary school. 5th grade or so, but I was deeply invested in TMNT 2012 with a few of my friends. We would all talk about it, and at one point I wrote a little story in my notebook by hand without knowing what it was called about the show (its long since lost in a flood that happened years ago rip) but I found ff.net months later because I had two infatuations. TMNT 2012 and the original teen titans. I even remember reading fanfic on deviantart. I was really big into April and Donnie and Beast Boy and Raven. I didn't start posting anything until my Wattpad days around 14-16. That was about bandom, Pitch Perfect, then Citrus (I have made bad choices and I meme on myself now but I was JUST THAT STARVED for wlw ships.) Anyway wattpad account got deleted and there was a whole thing where my email got hacked and everything just is gone. (its really soulcrushing to lose work like that). But yeah!! I got back into fanfic during 2020 and the pandemic because I had watched a movie and just decided to write for it. I don't recommend reading anything of that era because it's cringe and just... no.
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
Can I give multiple fanfics I love though?? I can't add everyone due to time but I'll give a couple.
1.) learning how to be (with you by my side) by uniqueusernamegenerator (<- THIS is my favorite toh fanfic) 2.) I’ll Catch You by Black_Cat_Autumn 3.) all i got is my heart (and my pride) 4.) warm coffee, summer blues by uniqueusernamegenerator 5.) "I love you," ain't that the worst thing you ever heard? by kfaerie 6.) The Rest is History by amityadmirer for Shannon_shannon_shannon 7.) No Tip Necessary by Rohad 8.) i want you to be here (but please don’t come near) by stongrays 9.) Tallmity and Petite Luz future au by the_Shan_yousee 10.) You're My Rainbow in the Dark (HAITUS) by Underw0rld
Arcane: 1.)the oldest game by thehaakun 2.) the heart is a bullet by thehaakun 3.) The World Ends, Or Doesn't by Misthios 4.) how big, how blue (how beautiful) by panglosian
🦷 ⇢ share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on
Story sprints are a godsend. Also plotting helps alongside voice memos. I don't really have someone to bounce ideas off of but it helps me to verbalize what I'm thinking if I'm stuck so sometimes I talk through what I'm thinking aloud. Also making playlists or mood boards/collages of character outfits. Just giving you a more visual aspect of what you want to write.
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
Just genuine praise of my work feels nice. I don't get comments often. Sometimes they give me anxiety too. Maybe if you have any pointers of my fic to say something like that??
🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh
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abysswalkersknight · 10 months
Thanks to a prompt I reblogged, I wrote this quick thing with Silver overblotting. Honestly this helped me a lot more planning for future fics than I thought. As usual hope you enjoy.
P.S if anyone wants to send a prompt via messages or ask, feel free. I found out that writing can be a lot easier with motivation from others and prompts. Plus I love the practise and showing you the results.
He was going mad. No he wasn’t. Yes, he was. 
Ever since Malleus got his claws on him, he’s left Silver alone in his room for who knows how long. Silver tried to keep track of time but he gave up after losing at seven minutes, now it felt like its been weeks since he’s been thrown in here, though that wouldn’t have mattered since he found out that Malleus had somehow stopped time in Sage Island, well I doubt anyone will be coming for me anytime soon, so there’s one thing left to do. He stood up from his position on the ground and looked about the room, the key to his door should be in his desk drawer but as expected Malleus must have taken it as well as locking his door with magic. That left the window, Silver pulled his desk away and inspected the window, once again. Locked, and no amount of fiddling or lockpicking would flip it, this may be a bit drastic, sending a silent apology to the school staff, Silver hefted up the heavy desk chair and threw it with all his might at the window. The chair shattered to pieces but the window remained unscathed ‘well that was of no use’ he says to himself, scratching his head ‘perhaps I should use something heavier’ so for what felt like a day or two Silver threw whatever he could find at the window, books, alarm clocks, candle holders, another chair. Hell he even threw one of his two bags of bird seed at it though obviously all that did was scatter seeds all over the room and add to the destruction, partially Silver did all that in hopes that Malleus would hear the ruckus and come to check on him. But he never showed, so Silver was still stuck here. 
He’s been in complete isolation for weeks now, it had to be weeks. There was nothing for him to do, somehow all his books were blank, his phone was completely crushed, he couldn’t sleep, he didn’t need to eat (he chomped down the other bag of birdseed just for something to do) 
‘Where are you Malleus?’ he moaned ‘why am I here? I’m of little use now, I’m afraid’ is that why the prince won’t come? Was Silver here because he’s used up all his worth? Just a tool thrown into the back of a shed, cast aside to be left forgotten.
He didn’t want to be forgotten.
He was alone in this unbearable silence, at some point he began banging on his door, kicking it, throwing his whole body at it ‘please Malleus, let me out! I swear I’m still useful, just please! Anybody, please help! Father! Sebek!’ he wailed, something heavy leaked from his eyes and merged with his tears but he took no notice of it. He cried and begged for hours until his voice had grown so hoarse that it hurt to breathe ‘please, anybody…’ he whined, utterly exhausted now he sat on his bed, ignoring how it felt weird, as if something had been spilt on it. He wondered about his friends, were they alright? The last he saw them they were making their way towards black scale castle where the princess and her egg dwelt, even though he knew that his necklace could help them, he knew that he still needed to protect them. Do you think so? A voice whispered in his head, he couldn’t tell whether it was his or Malleus, don’t you think this is where you're meant to be? 
He had wondered that a couple of times, it wasn’t like he was needed by anyone, so why bother rescuing him. After all he caused Malleus’s anguish, possibly long before Silver could understand anything, and it was clear his father never wanted him in the first place, what with his dream world being one where he still had his loved ones, where Silver was non existent, and Sebek, he had his family to support him and he had his friends. Really no one needed him, so why did he still feel the need to protect.
Because you still love them. 
Yes, of course he did. He loved them so much that it hurt, even with the agonising reality he still loved them, and he will protect them with every shred of his being, no matter what happens to him. He could turn into a creature more terrifying than these phantoms and still he will protect his family. 
For what value does he have otherwise?
There is now black staining the walls, though Silver couldn’t tell if it was really there. Where was everybody? He had to get out of here, he had to rescue them! He had to save them from the vile darkness plaguing the land… Why did he need to save them? He couldn’t remember. Something about nightmares? That couldn’t be right, this was a nightmare. Being stuck in this cruel isolation, what did he do to warrant this? 
His bed was now torn to shreds from short violent outbursts he began to have, he was far too exhausted to move a limb now, yet he could not sleep, he ignored all the blot pooling in his mouth and eyes, oblivious of what was happening. It was so quiet one could almost hear a pin drop, instead all Silver heard was the click of the door opening. His head shot up and he gave a blot soaked smile at Malleus whose pale features blinked in surprise as he coughed out more blot ‘oh, Silver. Has it really been that long?’ Malleus coos taking a seat on the cleanest end of the bed, clawed hands stroke through his hair, matting it with inky blot, Silver would have leaned into it had his throat not clogged up. Those hands quickly moved to his back, patting it firmly to help Silver cough it all up ‘oh dear, never had I thought your overblot would be like this’ Malleus murmured solemnly. Silver glanced at him with bleary eyes ‘did you want me to overblot my lord? Would I be more useful that way?’ Malleus smiles then puts a finger to his chin as if in thought ‘hmm, yes It would be nice to have some company though why would it make you more useful?’
‘So I can save you my lord’
‘Oh?’ Malleus raises an eyebrow ‘and why would I need saving my dear Silver?’ suddenly he rises to his feet, in the distance there was the shrill scream of a wild horse ‘because my lord’ Silver whispers, ignorant to the helmet forming around his head. Malleus shoots back as a phantom twice the size of a normal horse rears up at him, it screams again and the overblotting Silver vaults into its saddle, now brandishing a sword at the prince. 
‘I will purge all darkness within the dream!’ 
‘Wait, Silver!-’ Before Malleus could do anything the horse rears again and bolts toward the magically locked window, shattering it and falling into the abyss. Malleus ran to the window in a sorry attempt to save Silver but in his head heard a cry.
‘Meet in a dream.’
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bellaxgiornata · 24 days
First, I want to wish you ( a little bit late however) a happy birthday!!! 🎂 🎂🥳🥳🎉🎉
I was busy and was only reading on your ao3 account, just got here and realized!
You are one of the two accounts that made me do a profile last September or October ( I don't remember exactly which one of these two months it was). I hope you're having an amazing pregnancy ( are you having nausea, did you have it already and it passed on the next stage or did you not have this effect? 👀, if you don't feel comfortable answering, that's totally fine, I understand) and I hope your hubby gives you princess/queen treatment like you deserve! 😌✨
Could I ask you how you post on tumblr? I want to post things like pictures or blurbs, but I have no idea how.
Do you also have tips on organizing time? I have a lot on my plate between uni stuff, looking for scholarships/opportunities and trying to have a life, that I have no stability and am very stressed.
To conclude this, I wonder how would traveling abroad on another continent be with either Matt or with Frank?
I definitely imagine that with Frank it'll be really nice. He'll always have everything planned and I see him informing himself as much as he could with knowledge to the max. He'll bring reader to museums or historical places. However, he could sometimes be paranoid or really almost always on alert. He's definitely a bodyguard boyfriend!
With Matt, I think I'll be hard on the way to go there ( either by plane or boat, it will be really noisy for him) . He could also be always stressed since he won't be able to understand the language spoken and might misinterpret things as threats. :( I don't see how reader and him could have a great time together...
What do you think?
Ahh thank you, friend! 💖 My birthday was actually back in October, but this celebration is sort of like a tumblr birthday! I've been here for just over a year now and it seems like a good cause for celebration! And I'm glad to hear I could play a role in you coming over here to tumblr as well! It's definitely fun being able to interact a lot more than on AO3!
Thankfully most of this pregnancy has gone pretty well in comparison to my previous with my first son. That one took place during COVID so it was isolating and I had 24/7 nausea and sickness. This pregnancy has had its issues, but thankfully everything has been working out in the end. I've only had a bit of nausea in the first trimester and then it comes and goes lately now, but honestly I'm just forever exhausted and uncomfortable being almost 36 weeks along now. And my husband is doing his best! We've got a toddler so this time around it's not always do-able to have quite that level of treatment, but he's very helpful and attentive!
For the rest of your questions, I'll answer them below the cut! Because this is quickly becoming long 😆
It's generally pretty easy to post on tumblr, whether you use mobile or a PC. There's usually a button somewhere that says create or something along those lines. And there's options to just write text or add in images or make polls, etc. If you sort of play around you should be able to see the different things you can do! You can always test out a post and see what it does and then delete it afterwards, too! I was a bit confused when I came here at first, but just playing around with everything had me realizing that it's pretty straightforward for most things!
As for tips on organizing time, I can share what helped me during the busiest phase of my life in my late 20s. I was in grad school for a couple of years while also running a wedding photography business while also planning my own wedding and trying to maintain my own social life and sanity. So I get the stress! What I found helpful was using some sort of calendar or organizer. I wrote down deadlines for things that were non-negotiable so that I could visibly see what was going on--days I needed to go photograph a wedding, days wedding photos were due to couples, when homework was due, what days exams were, or when projects/papers were due for grad school. Things like that that cannot be changed. Then I usually plotted out time to allot to each thing throughout the week and prioritized each one depending how long it would take/how soon I needed it finished. So I made sure I had time to work on editing photos every day to keep making progress on weddings (because I usually had a new one piling up more work about every weekend), and I usually allotted so much time throughout the week to work on schoolwork (because I was reading well over a thousand pages a week every semester). I felt like having the visual of a calendar allowed me to actually see where my time was being spent and how much time I actually had to get things done. And it made things feel a little less overwhelming and like I was more in control. And any extra free time outside of getting my work done was reserved for wedding planning of my own or doing something fun with friends or my now husband.
So for you, I'd say plot out when school things/homework/exams are due, when scholarships are due, and what days you have work (if you have to go into work). Then try to allot how much time you would need to get everything done and plan that into your days every week. Some weeks you may find that you don't have a lot of social time (I know I certainly didn't and that's rough), but unfortunately that comes with going to college. Unless you're like one of my friends who somehow skipped every class, winged every assignment, went out always partying, and somehow still got her degree. Still baffles me to this day... But generally, school is going to take up a lot of your time until you finish it. It's rough and I feel for you though ❤ Just make sure to take some mental breaks and don't overwork yourself. Allow yourself to say no to things you don't actually need to do as well.
Now onto the bit about Matt and Frank abroad!! And of course, these are just my thoughts on how I picture the two of them.
I do think of the two, Frank would be easier to actually travel with just for the fact that he wouldn't need as much accommodation since he does not have Matt's heightened senses or a disability, which would obviously add a layer into planning that a Reader/significant other would have to keep in mind when planning things with Matt. But to me personally, I still think experiencing traveling abroad with either man would be a fun experience for different reasons and I don't think Matt's need for extra accommodation would ultimately have a negative effect on a vacation, especially because I imagine he'd travel with a partner who makes him feel comfortable with who he is as a blind man dealing with the extra sensory input. Personally I think experiencing anything through Matt's senses with the way he 'sees' the world would fascinate me because I don't experience the world even close to the way he does.
That being said, with Frank I could see him having some things planned out, and in my mind I picture it being from his time spent in the military. He seemed to spend quite a few years in the service, which means he's done multiple tours to many different places worldwide, even if that means just passing through a country. But I'm sure he's visited a couple of interesting places on his own when he had free moments, whether alone or with his buddies, and I could picture him having a few places in mind he'd want to show Reader. But I could also see him having places in mind that he had heard about but never had the opportunity or time to go visit while he was abroad in the past because the military tends to keep you busy. So I'm sure there's places Frank would love to really explore. I could also see him being interested in the historical places, having read up on something that really stood out to him, but I could definitely see him interested in adventuring outdoors if Reader/his significant other was open to that. He definitely seems like he'd want to get out and explore the scenery and the sights and he probably wouldn't want to sit and relax too much on a vacation. And I agree, he'd have times where he'd absolutely be on alert. I think that's just how Frank is wired at this point, especially with loved ones.
As for traveling abroad with Matt, the actual getting to a different destination would be rough on him. Though we know in the MCU he's traveled to LA now because of his appearance in She Hulk, so canonically he's managed what I think is around a six hour flight. And from a brief check, it seems New York to certain cities within Europe would be a little bit longer of a flight by an hour or so. So, I think he could manage it, but I think it would be vastly unenjoyable because of his senses. And he'd absolutely need to accommodate for those. I also imagine he'd need time to decompress and recover after a flight like that before getting out and enjoying the vacation. Though I do think he'd have fun exploring restaurants and finding really great food to try, and I think he'd enjoy experiencing museums or art galleries whether there was a guided tour set in place for someone who is blind or visually impaired, or whether he got to experience things through Reader's descriptions. I think he'd still like to explore the city and visit historical sites, but I think Matt would really enjoy experiencing places that are probably a little less overrun with tourists and people that might overwhelm his senses. But also, getting Matt to stop being Daredevil for a bit and actually leave Hell's Kitchen might be hard 😆
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beautifulpersonpeach · 4 months
bpp sorry if this isn't the content you want on your blog after yesterday but is it ok if i ask for clarification on sth? i know youre army you don't like solos but i like reading solos for a wide span of info. i don't like to be in a bubble of echo chambers
i saw a post and i'll send the link right after this ask but the person was criticizing a post you made but it confused me bc what you wrote didnt match what they said. they didn't post your name but i know its you because you always start your answers with 3 dots
many armys say they like jimin but they pretend. i don't think youre like that but your answer is confusing so can you clarify? its like you allow jjks to shit on jimin but you drag out pjms only. armys do this over and over. its sad if youre the same bc i like your blog.
Please block me.
Actually, you know what? Don't. At least not just yet. Let's do this instead.
I checked the link you sent. I'd received that link a couple other times today accompanied with more hostile language, so I ignored it. But I checked out yours because I wondered what was so serious you couldn't add the link to your main ask, so if you're all in fact the same person sending that link, kudos for getting my attention.
And thank you for sending that to me, because now I'd like to use you and that post to make an example of what I'm talking about when I say solo stans think differently and are just less intelligent. In my opinion.
For other readers, I'm not going to link it directly so as to not draw more attention to them, and since they're stalking my blog to make an example without directly mentioning me or showing my blog name, I think it's only fair I react in kind by also not making a direct mention.
Here’s the post (mine) in question:
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Here is the akgae's takeaway from the post above (mine):
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Already, the dissonance between the first and second screenshot should be obvious. I’ll explain in any case just so everyone can follow along.
Shortly after Jimin released Closer Than This, I received an ask from someone who calls themselves a PJM (a Jimin akgae), who said they hate the song and also hate his voice. But that they are his solo stan because he’s “talented and hot”.
I responded that they, the Jimin solo stan who hates his ARMY song and voice, isn’t exactly a rare breed. And that Jimin has ARMY supporting him anyway. This is within the context of me always saying solo stans don’t actually like the person they choose to solo stan (if they did, they wouldn’t be akgaes), and that an akgae’s experience is more about them and their personal insecurities than anything Jimin (or any other BTS member) is actually doing.
Months later (present day), another Jimin solo stan quotes that ask and my response, as proof of me (1) going “sameee you’re so valid”, (2) not correctly identifying that person as someone who actually antis Jimin a.k.a. his akgae, and (3) as proof of me believing “one is more talented and more deserving than the other” re: Jungkook vs Jimin.
…is there even anything more for me to say?
Y'all, I bet you something like 90% of the shit that has solos constantly bouncing off the walls starts from things like this: a complete lack of reading comprehension coupled with gaps in logic and pre-conceived notions/insecurities. If I wanted to be really mean, there's so many places I could take this post right now, but I'll stop here for now.
That post made me laugh because the entire thing is a comedy of errors. The OP Anon in that akgae's post, is actually talking about another 'blogger' (who I know and generally like but that's besides the point), but the akgae responding to them mistook OP Anon's 'blogger' to be me, and then proceeded to write what's in the second screenshot...
It's just sad.
I've lost count of how many times I've been the subject of callout posts on Tumblr and each time it's been something like this lmaooo. Each time it's been by akgaes (and their exile varieties) and shippers. The last time this happened, I was a taekooker, and now someone has essentially embarrassed themselves with a lamentable lack of reading comprehension to spin a pretty innocuous post into... alladat.
This is how drama is manufactured in fan spaces out of plain stupidity.
There are many reasons I don't like akgaes, but one top reason is because they dumb down the quality of conversation in whatever space they're in. It's part of why I have such a disdain for 'discourse' in k-pop spaces in general, because oftentimes, the people most eager to write paragraphs on end while being hateful and/or victimizing, are people who don't know what they're talking about or lack basic skills in reading comprehension, among other things. ARMYs and k-pop stans are guilty of this too, but you're more likely to run into culprits in akgae 'discourse' spaces or adjacent ones.
I've given examples of this many times but here's a couple here, and here.
I'm not even trying to be condescending, I don't actually think I know all there is to know about Jimin, BTS, and k-pop, I just no longer have the patience for people who choose remain in spaces filled with akgaes and who keep bringing their nonsense into my inbox. And what's worse asking me to clarify sentences that a grade 5 student should be able to parse in any language.
Anyway Anon, now, you can block me.
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dk-wren · 5 months
Buddy Daddies Week - Fic
Today, Jan. 7th, and the 7th day of my celebration week, marks the one year anniversary of Buddy Daddies episode 1's premiere!
To celebrate, I wrote a fluff fic for this family. In writing this, I learned that writing angst is where I generally feel more comfortable or tend to veers towards. However, since this is a happy occasion, I wanted to attempt my first fully fluff fic for Kazuki, Rei, and Miri. Attempt is the key word because a little angst still managed to slip its way into this fic, so I apologize. I hope you enjoy it!
And before I also add the fic on this post, I just want to express my gratitude and appreciation to everyone who has been following along all this week! It means so much to me that you are spending your time interacting with/reading my posts. I'm so happy there are people still active in the fandom and enjoying my chaos. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart!
And happy anniversary Buddy Daddies!
-Dakota Wren
     A hand on top of his head, gently running through his hair, pulls Rei out of his sleep. Unlike previous times when in a similar situation, where he’d come back to consciousness with a hand gripping his hair, perhaps jerking him around, Rei knows he is safe.
     The sun filtering through the windows and the sound of his partner’s voice, slowly wake Rei up. He can rest easily now that he survived the night, or rather, they survived the night, and are watching the sun rise on a new day, one that’ll mark the start of the next chapter of their lives.
     “Morning,” Kazuki whispers as he continues carding his hand through Rei’s hair. A mumbled “morning” comes out as Rei’s response.
     A faint laugh causes Rei to finally open his eyes and look up at the man he is currently laying on top of, in hopes of catching even a glimpse of the smile that always manages to warm his heart. And from Kazuki’s point of view, when Rei finally turns his attention to him, Rei is wearing a dopey grin he probably isn’t even aware of since the sleepiness was still wearing off. That draws out another laugh from Kazuki, widening Rei’s smile even more.
     “I can’t believe this is the same man that managed to take on the great Suwa organization, who chose to face the Boss by himself,” Kazuki thinks out loud. Rei looks back down, and to a stranger, the way his lips pursed together would make it seem as if his smile had completely vanished from his face. For Kazuki though, he knows Rei’s smile has just evolved to the one he wears whenever Kazuki compliments or praises him. “But, I can believe this is the same man who pinky promised his daughter he would be at her Christmas concert, and wanted to dress up as Santa for her, and ate five sugar cookies to keep up with her-”
     “I get it, Kazuki,” Rei interrupts, this time out of embarrassment rather than annoyance. 
     “And they weren’t small ones either,” Kazuki reminds him, causing them to share a laugh.
     They look at each other for the next few moments, each probably with a hundred thoughts running through their head: how lucky they are to have the other, that they really stood up to the organization and (hopefully) removed themselves from that world, what their second chance for a family would look like, and where they would go from here? After the events of the past couple weeks, the previous night was the first time Rei had slept so soundly. Perhaps it was due to his exhaustion from the day’s events, after all making french toast, storming a mansion, and making it to your child’s recital on time took a lot of energy. But, Rei knew it was likely due to sleeping in an actual bed, and sharing it with the man he loved, and was eager to spend the rest of his life with.
     Since it was on the later side by the time they returned home from Miri’s Christmas concert and party, Kazuki and Rei split the evening routine in half as they helped Miri get ready for bed. She was practically asleep brushing her teeth, so Kazuki had to take over to make sure all the sugar was cleaned off. Even though Kazuki helped Miri with this task, Rei fondly watched both of their reflections in the mirror from the doorframe. And after they finished, Kazuki picked Miri up and carefully handed her to Rei, who would be the papa to tuck her into bed that night. Kazuki made sure of that after everything Rei went through that day.
     “Night, Miri,” Kazuki said as he kissed her cheek, causing her to mumble something that they assumed was meant to be “Good night” while relaxing further into her Papa Rei. Bringing his gaze back to the man currently holding their daughter, Kazuki then asked Rei, “Hey, if you’re not too tired after putting her to bed, let’s talk in my room.”
     “Okay,” Rei replied as they separated. Kazuki entered his room to clean himself up and change into something more comfortable (and less bloody) while Rei took Miri into her room, first placing the now sleeping girl on her bed, then tucking her in before going around her room to pick up her favorite stuffed animals and a book for her bedtime story. About half way through, Rei picked up on the faintest snore. Deciding to instead let Miri be and leave then, he gave Miri his good night kiss and quietly exited her room. As he reentered the second floor hallway, Rei could hear the shower running in Kazuki’s bathroom. Considering he wasn’t in that much of a better state than Kazuki, Rei decided to use the other bathroom to clean himself up and also get ready for a much deserved rest before talking with Kazuki.
     On their way to the Christmas party, Rei cleaned and dressed his arm to the best of his ability while Kazuki drove, hoping that Kazuki’s focus on the road would prevent him from seeing the extent of the damage. Staring into his bathroom mirror, Rei undid the bandage and examined what kind of a state the wound was in. He grimaced as he brought a warm towel to clean off the blood that dried itself around the wound. Reconsidering his next steps, Rei grabbed a painkiller before continuing on with his nightly routine. When it came time to redress the wound, Rei tried to do it as gently as Kazuki would. In the time they had spent working together, if either of them were injured during a mission, Kazuki or Rei would help the other out in dressing them. Rei learned very quickly that a wound could be dealt with and properly cleaned with gentleness once Kazuki began helping him. Efficiency didn’t mean fast and rough, as Rei had done when by himself. However, Rei didn’t feel ready quite yet to show Kazuki the extent of the damage, even if he suspects that will be something they discuss soon. Cleaning up his supplies and dirty clothes, Rei readied himself for whatever talk Kazuki had in mind and headed out of his room.
     Rei knocked lightly on Kazuki’s door, waiting for Kazuki to respond before entering. A soft, “come in,” was heard and Rei walked into Kazuki’s room, who he found sitting on the edge of his bed as he finished wrapping his own wound. Looking up, Kazuki said, “I’m almost finished. Here, let me move this and you can come sit here,” patting the spot next to him on the bed.
     Rei quietly nodded his head and made his way to Kazuki’s side. His wound didn’t look too bad, but still, Rei couldn’t stop himself, “You know, I could’ve taken care of that. Or helped you.”
     A look passed over Kazuki’s face, one mixed with hesitancy but also trust. “I know, Rei. Thank you.”
     Rei shrugged in response, which Kazuki interpreted as his way of saying “no problem.” Slowly moving his gaze up Rei’s arm, Kazuki noticed a bandage peeking out just below the sleeve of Rei’s t-shirt. Turning his attention forward again, Kazuki continued on, “Same goes for you. You already had to deal with your arm once by yourself in the car. It’s only fair I help you out too since you helped me back at the mansion with this,” gesturing to where his leg wound was.
     Rei stayed silent for a few seconds, a neutral expression on his face. Kazuki wasn’t sure how to proceed until Rei broke the silence, “I know, Kazuki. Just didn’t think you needed to see it tonight. It would have kinda ruined how nice the rest of the night was.”
     “I highly doubt that, but if you insist. Please, let me at least look at it sometime soon, as in tomorrow. You’re not alone anymore, Rei, so you don’t need to suffer alone either.” 
     Kazuki shifted his body so that he was facing Rei, taking Rei’s hands in his own. Rei looked at Kazuki, his attention slowly rising from where their hands held each other up to his partner’s warm gaze. “Look, after everything that happened today, I just thought we should talk a little bit about it and what to do next. A longer conversation will probably be necessary to really go over everything, and to figure out what we’re gonna tell Miri. I just thought it might be good to at least start getting everything out in the open tonight.”
     Rei nods his head in agreement, followed by a long yawn. Kazuki could tell that Rei was mere minutes from falling asleep, and even though Kazuki knew Rei could force himself to stay awake, Kazuki didn’t think it was necessary. Truthfully, Kazuki knew this conversation could absolutely wait until the morning, he just wanted to invite Rei to his room on the off chance he didn’t want to be alone that night. Giving it a shot, Kazuki decided to just ask Rei. “Screw it, it’s late, we both had long days, let’s call it a night.” Pulling the covers up, Kazuki slid into bed, looking at Rei, who was also looking back at him from where he remained at the edge of Kazuki’s bed. As he settled the covers and blankets back on top of himself, Kazuki pulled up the blankets for the other side of the bed, telling Rei, “Spot’s yours if you want. No pressure though.”
     While Kazuki had really only wanted Rei to know he had a spot in his room, especially if it meant Rei wouldn’t sleep in their tub, Kazuki hadn’t expected Rei to get under the blankets so willingly, then slowly move himself towards Kazuki. Reaching to turn off his bedside lamp, when Kazuki rolled back over Rei was laying closer to Kazuki than they ever had before. After making quick eye contact, both felt a surge of embarrassment run through them as they both realized how close they were (and without Miri as any sort of buffer). Rei broke away and closed the remaining distance between them, resting his head now on Kazuki’s chest. Holding his breath to the count of ten for Kazuki to say anything, but no objections being said, Rei quietly told Kazuki, “Good night.” Rei felt a hand rest on his waist as he heard Kazuki return a “Sleep well, Rei.” 
     Realizing neither had moved from the position they fell asleep in, Rei also realizes he probably was pressed against Kazuki’s side the whole night. Wanting to check in with him, Rei asks, “How’s your leg?”
     Brushing it off, Kazuki responds, “Oh, it’s fine. Still hurts like hell, but I think it stopped bleeding. Just lucky we got the bullet out almost right away. And based on what you said, we’re lucky it didn’t hit anything too important.”
     “Yep. You might limp for a bit, but in time, it’ll be back to normal again.” Kazuki notices that Rei’s smile never falters, concluding that Rei is telling the truth, or at the least, they have nothing major to worry about in terms of Kazuki’s injury.
     “How’s your arm?” Kazuki inquires, thinking he should be the one to ask since Rei took a (self-inflicted as clarified last night) bullet to the arm.
     For the first time this morning, Rei’s smile truly falls. Kazuki starts to feel bad, but he is also concerned for him and needs to know. “I still can’t feel much…or really move my fingers.”
     “Oh Rei…”
     “It’s fine though. I’d gladly do it again if it means I get to spend the rest of my life with you and Miri,” Rei emphasizes by putting his smile back on, one that Kazuki can tell while a little pained, is genuine.
     “Well, hopefully, you’ll never have to.”
     Kazuki isn’t sure if Rei would feel it, but he grabs Rei’s injured arm and brings it up to kiss the top of his hand. After Kazuki releases Rei’s hand, he stares at the spot Kazuki kissed for a few moments while Kazuki looks fondly down at his partner. Rei interrupts their blissful silence, apologizing, “Sorry I won’t be able to help out as much around the apartment anymore. Bad timing I guess, you know, just as I was starting to get the hang of some things. Give me time though and maybe I’ll be able to use my arm again…or I’ll be able to figure out how to do stuff one-handed.”
     “Rei, you don’t need to worry about that right now. For as much as I nagged you about it before, believe me, that is not my top priority now.” Taking in a sigh, Kazuki continues, “For now, we should be worrying about what we’re gonna do with Miri over the next few days. It's almost Christmas and I have no idea what we’re going to do for the festive season.”
     “I’m sorry I can’t be of much help with that either.”
     “Hey,” Kazuki says while lightly poking Rei’s forehead, “stop apologizing. Neither of us really grew up experiencing a traditional Christmas and we typically had missions on Christmas or Christmas Eve, so neither of us get to feel sorry.”
     “Alright, if you say so. Um…did…did you wanna talk now about whatever was on your mind last night?”
     “Huh? Oh, no, we can deal with that later. Since it’ll kinda be the first time for both of us, I think we should focus on enjoying Christmas and making Miri happy. Is that okay with you?”
     Rei snuggles back into Kazuki, planning to stay right there for as long as possible, or until Kazuki gets up, or they’re called by Miri. Luckily for Rei, Kazuki relaxes back into his pillow, clearly considering falling back to sleep again. In such a state of peace and bliss, Rei is starting to doze off again, when Kazuki shakes his shoulder the slightest bit, telling him “I think our little girl is up. Pretty sure I just heard her walking around outside.”
     And sure enough, Kazuki and Rei hear the jangling of the doorknob, and the slight creak of the door, as Miri pokes her head into Kazuki’s room. “Papa Kazuki, are you up yet?” she asks. Peeking her head in slightly further, a giant smile breaks across her face. “Papa Rei, you’re here too?”
     “Good morning, Miri.” 
     Seeing her two papas already snuggled in bed, Miri doesn’t need another invitation as she approaches the foot of Kazuki’s bed, pulling herself up onto it. As Miri makes her way to her papas, Rei pulls himself off of Kazuki and rolls to the side, leaving the spot where he was now open for Miri to crawl into. Plopping down in between her papas, Kazuki gives Miri a big, slightly over the top kiss on one cheek, which Rei follows by a soft kiss on her other one. Giggling at the show of affection, Miri settles herself while Kazuki brings up his blanket so now their whole family is under it.
     “Say, Miri, Rei and I don’t really have any Christmas traditions. And we were so busy with…work…in the past, we never really got to do anything fun this time of year. Did you and your mama have any traditions or do anything special this time of year? We’d love to do something in the holiday spirit with you, but we just don’t know where to start.”
     “Hmmm.” Miri looked deep in concentration, her brow furrowing as she replayed memories of Christmases past. “Mama and I would usually walk around and look at the lights.”
     “That sounds fun. We could do that tonight! How does that sound, Miri?”
     “Really?” Miri says in disbelief.
     “Sure, why not? Right, Rei?”
     “Mmm, sounds fun.”
     “Everything’s so pretty! And so bright! There’s red lights and green lights and blue lights and yellow lights and purple lights and some are on a string and others are in shapes. Mama and I saw one that looked like a snowman and a reindeer last year!”
     “That sure does sound exciting. Is there anything you two would do during the day?” Kazuki continues on.
     “Well, we usually decorated our tree. Sometimes she’d make cookies. And if it snowed, we’d play for hours in it!”
     “I mean, we’re gonna have a white Christmas, so we can definitely play in the snow today.” 
     “Miri, what kind of cookies did you make?” Rei asks.
     “Sugar cookies, and then we’d decorate them together!” Miri excitedly says, likely remembering a fond memory of her time spent with Misaki during a previous Christmas.
     “Kazuki, can we do that?”
     “I don’t see why not? I’ll have to find a quick cookie recipe, but I should have all the ingredients.”
     “Even for the frosting?”
     “Yes, Rei, even for the frosting. I’m not sure about sprinkles though. If I do, they’re probably not Christmas ones.”
     “Mama and I would use icing to decorate too!”
     “We can do that then,” Kazuki laughs. “Miri, Rei, I think we got our day planned out for us then. I’ll go make breakfast, and then afterwards, we can all play in the snow. You two can keep playing while I prep the cookies. Probably after lunch then you could decorate them, unless you want to help make the batter? Which then I guess you can come in early from playing in the snow or we can wait to start the cookies until after lunch. And tonight, we’ll go around town looking at all the pretty lights.”
     “Yay!” Miri exclaims. Funnily enough, her energy level quickly drops, as she starts snuggling next to Rei, on the verge of falling back to sleep.
     “I guess we can sleep in today too,” Kazuki adds after noticing Miri. “You keep her company, I’ll go make breakfast in like…thirty minutes?”
     Leaning over Miri, Rei slowly moves his head towards Kazuki until their foreheads are pressed against each other. Rei softly whispers, truly for Kazuki’s ears to hear only, “Is this really happening?”
     “It is.”
     "We’re really gonna do all that today?”
     “Yes, Rei. You, of all people, deserve to know what it’s like to celebrate Christmas and to celebrate it with the ones you love. And hopefully, we’ll be doing all these things together, maybe even adding some new things in the future, for many years to come.”
     Tilting his gaze up slightly to get a better view of Kazuki, Rei responds, “I’d like that.”
     “Me too.”
     “As long as I have you and Miri, I don’t care what we do or how we celebrate.”
     They smile at each other, nothing but warmth in both of their gazes. Rei then looks down at their now, fully sleeping daughter, not remembering a single time he’d been happier or more at peace. Kazuki takes in the sight before him: his daughter lazily lying between himself and Rei, Rei tenderly looking down at her.
     “Yeah, I wouldn’t have this any other way,” both Kazuki and Rei think to themselves.
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