#it's supposed to be done under anesthesia
pelova4president · 3 months
Lovey Dovey
Jill Roord x Doctor!Reader
summary~ Jill just had her ACL surgery and is still high on the anesthesia.
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Jill wasn’t a fan of surgery’s, how could anyone be. She was nervous about this whole procedure. Tearing her ACL in her prime had done a number on her, not only physically but mentally too. But the surgery had to be done and she knew that.
You’ve been dating Jill for about a year now. You met through your mutual friend, Vivianne Miedema. The first few months were long distance, with you working in England and Jill in Germany. You hadn’t really seen eachother throughout the World Cup but kept in touch, texting her good morning and goodnight and recording voice notes. And sometimes you took in into yourself to make her a vlog about your day, she liked those most.
Driving was Jill’s thing, she enjoyed it and you loved that she loved it. You had certain tasks without really agreeing on them, they had just become your unassigned jobs in your relationship. Your girlfriend was a little sceptical, letting you drive in her still quite new car.
Jill had hidden the keys to her car and you were not having it. “Jill tell me where the fucking keys are.” you sighed, having searched for it everywhere by now. She simply shook her head with a childlike frown.
You simply had no other choice than to threaten her. “Jill you better tell me where they are or i won’t kiss you until you can play full football games again.”, now that got her attention. “That’s just mean, you can’t do that to me baby” the woman groaned sinking even further into the couch.
“Watch me.” you said, arms folded under eachother. “Fine, under the blue vase in the kitchen.” she finally admitted. You leaned forward to place a kiss on her forehead to thank her.
Finding the keys you sigh, “Let’s go baby.”.
The drive to the hospital was rather chaotic, well it was for you. You had to watch the road in front of you and listen to your stubborn girlfriend telling you how to drive and how she thought this was just a horrible idea, she should’ve never ‘given’ you the keys.
It was a wonder Jill was still alive after that trip, she could’ve sworn she had atleast two heart attacks and went into multiple cardiac arrests. But luckily for her a docter was driving, well lucky to some extent.
You wheeled her into the big building, you knew her anxiety was spiking but you’ve talked her through the procedure multiple times. “Jilly, you’re gonna be okay. I’ll be with you, when you go to sleep and i’ll be there when you wake up.” you said, squeezing her shoulder to reassure her.
The Dutch Lioness had to change and got ready for her surgery. With a peck to the lips she let go. “I love you” she told you. “Love you too, you’re very brave Jilly.” you kissed before she fell into a deep slumber.
Waking up from the surgery you expected her to be a bit dazed out but she was more than that.
Stroking patterns on her arms you soothed her. Her eyes slowly fluttered open, a groggy groan caught your attention. “Hey, you’re with us again. I bet you’ve had some pretty weird dreams hmm?” you said getting her to look at you.
“Why’s the light so lightly?” her raspy voice sounded. Laughing at her sleepy state you answered, “Hospital lights are supposed to be like that baby.”
Jill was taken aback by that. “Why are you calling me baby? I’ve already got a liefje.” Jill frowned. You had to hold your laugh in at that.
“Jill look at me, i’m your liefje.” she finally fully opened her eyes and took a good look at you. Satisfied she hummed, “I’ve done really good. You’re very pretty and nice and pretty.” your girlfriend slurred, dragging the ‘really’ out. “Can you do a spin for me liefje? Pretty please.” she asked you sweetly.
Standing up you did a ballerina like twirl. “Good enough for you baby?” you asked her, hand on your hip. She approved your twirl and demanded a kiss. “I want a kiss now.” you walked towards her to give in but apparently you didn’t move fast enough and she started getting out of the hospital bed.
“Jill! Stay there, you’re not supposed to be on your feet already!” you yelled a bit annoyed. She probably couldn’t stand on her leg yet and definitely not now that she was still so dazy.
Quickly she let loose of the bed railing and laid back again. “Okay okay, but i need a kiss to make it better!” she was gonna be the death of you.
You got into bed with her and almost immediately she wrapped herself around you, kissing every bit of your face. “I” kiss “love” kiss “you” kiss “so so so so” kiss “much” she snuggled into you. “Jilly, i love you too” you giggled into the crook of her neck.
The two of you got to go home after a few hours but Jill was still a bit out of it. You tried to get her to sit in the passenger seat but she wouldn’t let go of you. “Jilly, you need to let go, i can’t drive us home like this.” you told her.
And even in het dazed state she caught on to the fact you were driving her car. “You don’t need to drive us home schatje. Uber and i’ll drive it home another day.” she negotiated with you.
“Oh shut up. You’re not gonna die, you baby.” you rolled your eyes at her. Jill placed her hand over her heart and acted like she just got stabbed in it. “Big baby.” you laughed.
Arriving home she still wouldn’t let you go. You had to carry her out of the car and placed her on the couch. “I’m gonna die if you won’t stay with me. You’re a doctor, don’t let me die, you signed to safe all the life’s you possibly can!” she yelled when you got up to make the two of you some tea.
“Stop saying that! You’re not gonna die.” you yelled from the kitchen. “You don’t know that until you find me dead on the couch in a few seconds.” you heard her mumble when you walked into the living room with two cups of hot tea in hand.
It was a hard day for her and you knew that so you kept her close. If you were all she needed you would be there. And after what must’ve been a tiring day for her she fell asleep next to you, holding your hand as tight as she could in her sleep.
y/n_y/l/n posted on their story
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A/N i just realised that the anon might’ve meant that Jill and R met at the hospital but well.. too late now sorry
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avatarmerida · 1 year
Found this deep in my drafts. I know we’re all trying to avoid spoilers rn so here’s some lighthearted silly human realm huntlow to distract us from leaks and such. There’s no plot, just Willow after dentist ✌️
“All right Willow, sweet heart, you’re gonna sit out here with Hunter while Amity has her turn, okay?” Camila said as she guided Willow to a seat beside Hunter in the waiting room. The night before, Luz had shown the girls what rock candy was and while she was at school, certain incidents had taken place resulting in an emergency trip to the dentist.
Hunter had offered to accompany them, hearing the word ‘emergency’ and shifting into solider mood. Camila assured him there was nothing to worry about, but she realized that after the visit she may need help keeping the girls intact as they may feel rather... loopy.
“How was your trip to the human tooth healer?” Hunter asked, extending his hand to help guide Willow to her seat.
“It was... bright,” she stumbled a bit before plopping on the couch beside him, staring at the ceiling as though she was hypnotized. “Woah.”
“Are you feeling okay, Captain?” Hunter asked, following her eyes but seeing nothing to warrant a reaction. He had peeked into the room where they had taken her and where Amity was now and saw a collection of small weapons lined the table. He trusted Camila and knew she would never put any of them in harm’s way, but he couldn’t help but feel slightly concerned, given Willow’s current state.
“They needed to look at my teeth closer because of reasons and I think they thought I was gonna bite them so they gave me a potion to make me not bite,” she explained, barely understanding what they had done even when she wasn’t under the affects of anesthesia. “But I can still bite, see?” She demonstrated by moving her mouth and biting the air.
“What kind of potion did they give you?” Hunter asked.
“I dunno but I felt this way the last time, the felt last time I- Ugh,” Willow tried to compose the sentence. “The last time I felt like this, Amity had set my mind on fire.” She finally managed to say calmly, despite Hunter’s immediate reaction to the subject matter.
“What?” Hunter exclaimed, closing his book. “Why would she do that?”
“Secrets,” Willow whispered, pointing to her temple. “To hide the secrets hiding in mah mind.”
“Well that’s not what’s happening now is it?” asked Hunter, worried and having little knowledge about what a dentist actually did .
“I don’t think so...” said Willow, placing her hands on her ears seeing if she felt the heat she had felt then. “Oh no, what if my secrets all fell out? What if I lost them?!”
“Well, can you remember them still?” Asked Hunter, feeling as though the situation was dire, scanning the floor for fallen secrets (whatever those were supposed to look like).
“Are you trying to find out my secrets Hunter?” She said, squinting her eyes at him and growing more loopy as she slowly swayed side to side in her seat.
“What? No of course not, I-.”
“You think I have secrets about you,” she giggled, twirling her finger in his face before gently booping his nose, then adding in a hushed dramatic whisper. “Because I doooo.”
“Y-you do?”
“Yup,” she she said, popping the ‘p’ and making herself laugh even harder. “Yup yup yup.”
“Well if you can remember them then that means they’re-.”
“When you came to Hexside, remember that?” Willow asked, her tone calm once again as she traced the pattern on the chair with the tip of her finger. “When we first met the first time? Remember?”
“Yeah, I do.” he said with a laugh, feeling confident her ailment wasn’t as dire. Willow suddenly was hit with a fit of bubbly laughter that she tried to suppress and Hunter found himself joining her, the laughter contagious. She motioned for him to come closer and he cautiously obliged as she leaned over and rested her chin on his shoulder and sighed.
“I thought you were cute,” she whispered her secret directly in his ear, cupping her hands around it so it couldn’t escape.
“Oh? R-really?”Hunter stammered, clearing his throat. “Are you sure you-?”
“Oh, wait wait oooh,I love it when you do that!” She squealed, placing her hands on his cheeks and squeezing his face.
“Do... what?” Hunter said the best he could, his mouth squished.
“When your face turns all red like that!” She said as though she was marveling at some great stunt. “And it reaches your ears. It is veeeery cute.”
“You... notice that?” Hunter asked nervously, hoping the obviousness has been all in his head, knowing this happened often around her .
Willow nodded vigorously, so quickly she made herself dizzy. “Woah, why is the room spinning? Hooty what did you do?”
“You did say the potion they gave you was pretty strong maybe you should take it easy,” said Hunter, his concern for her outweighing his embarrassment. “Are you in pain at all?”
“Nope,” she said shaking her head, but once she started it was like she couldn’t stop and she shook her head even faster. Hunter reached out to stop her, worried she’d make herself dizzy all over again.
Successful in his efforts, he suddenly realized his hands were on her face. She stopped and looked at him with bright eyes as though this has been an attempt to gain her focus. If his face was red before, he could only imagine how it looked now.
“Um, do you want me to get you anything?” He asked as he went to remove his hands, but before he could she placed hers over his to keep them there.
“Do you wanna know another secret?” she whispered dramatically, and Hunter swore her eyes were sparking.
“Um, maybe now isn’t the best time,” he chuckled nervously. “I think this might be the potion making you say all these things and I don’t want you to feel embarrassed when it wears off.”
“It’s not embarrassing,” she insisted. “It’s about you.”
“Okaaaaay ha ha,” said Hunter, quickly removing his hands from her face and placing them at his sides. Had she found about the grimwalker thing? A nasty rumor from his Golden guard days? Did she think his haircut didn’t actually look good? “What about if we watch something on the television box?”
“No, no you were reading and then you stopped cause I came in,” said Willow dramatically. “You should read again. I’ll be quiet.”
“Did you... um... I can read to you if you want?” Hunter offered bashfully, thankful she has seemed to dropped her desire to discuss her secret about him. “It’s just a book about wolves, so if you don’t want to-.”
“Oh please please please,” said Willow excitedly, placing her head back on his shoulder. “I can turn the pages for you.”
“Are you sure? I know my voice isn’t-.”
“I know how to turn pages, Hunter.” She said, playfully rolling her eyes and making herself more comfortable beside him. “Tell me the secrets of wolves.”
“Okay, well let me go back to the first chapter,” said Hunter, trying to downplay his excitement that can out whenever wolves were involved. “There are some really cute pictures of baby wolves, look!” He turned the book towards her so she could see. When he went to observe her reaction, he found her eyes were not on the book but were locked back on him. He held her gaze for a moment before turning his attention back to the book. He could feel her eyes still on him, but he pressed on to begin reading.
“I still think you’re cute,” she whispered, loudly enough where it was clear that she wanted him to hear but softly enough that he could pretend he didn’t hear her, just in case it truly was just the potion talking.
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TGIF! What a week it's been. This may be a TMI post but we're all friends here right? 😅
I went in for the colposcopy (reminder, this is for the cervix, not a colonoscopy) on Wednesday. My PCP said this was precautionary but I was still pretty nervous for the procedure. Imagine my shock when the OBGYN was talking to me before and said the cells they found were more on the side of concerning and this was an "absolutely need to do further testing" scenario. Not just "let's be extra cautious". I completely broke down in that poor woman's exam room. After coming off the breast scare, her throwing around the word cancer again was too much for me. I cried for a good 10 mins while she talked me through everything. I explained what had been going on recently and apologized for being such a mess. She totally understood and was great considering this was the first time we met lol. Anyways, she said that she definitely wanted to do biopsies which I was hoping wouldn't be needed but I trusted her judgement and let her proceed with the procedure. She took 3 total, and it was definitely not a pleasant experience. The last one sucked the worst. I took ibuprofen before the appointment just in case and I'm glad I did. Luckily it was over pretty quick but I had quite a bit of bleeding (duh - she basically hole punched my cervix 3 times) so she had to use extra of the solution that is supposed to stop the bleeding and lemme tell you. It's gross. It looks like coffee grounds coming out and I'm still dealing with it 2 days later. I was pretty sore the night of but haven't had much pain after that. It's more just annoying. It's also annoying because she said the results take about a week. If they come back a level 1 or lower we will just continue to monitor with yearly paps, but if they are higher than that she is going to recommend a LEEP. You can Google that if you want to know what I'm in for 🙃 all the research I did before said most places do it in the office but she said they are not equipped for that and it would be done in an outpatient surgery room and I would be put under general anesthesia. I am hoping soooo hard that my results come back good but a week is a long time to wait!!! I am so over this year.
On top of that, I found out I'm going to be traveling to CA multiple times this summer for work. I knew one trip was very likely but was not prepared for probably having to go once a month. It's going to be a great career opportunity so I'm not going to pass it up but I am not stoked about being away from my guys so much. I'm not in a great place with my MIL either right now and she's the best equipped to help us out while I'm gone because she's retired. So we will see how that plays out...
It's a lot going on right now. I just really need some good news back from the doctor and then I feel like I can fully focus on getting our summer planned and setting us up for success since things are going to get pretty crazy I'm sure.
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smoothies-are-cool · 4 months
don’t worry
boyfriend! matt sturniolo x pop star girlfriend! reader
summary: reader is a singer and has vocal nodes but matt is with her every step of the way.
warnings: pet names (baby, sweetheart), use of y/n, surgery, anesthesia, hospitals, needles.
a/n: i’m not sure if anyone has ever done this before so please lmk if they have !! a lot of green in this story but pay attention because the green is like 5 different people because i’m limited on colors
being a popular singer has it’s perks but it definitely also has it’s own set of issues.
i had just finished my second united states tour and i was on my way back to LA, but in pain.
a few days before the last show my throat hurt so my manager, lexi made me see the first doctor available. we discovered i had vocal nodes and had to go under surgery almost as soon as i got back to LA.
my boyfriend matt, was one of the first people to know. he begged to come on the tour with me, but being an influencer himself i made him stay in LA with his brothers to manage their youtube channel and brand deals. he told me that i had no idea how bad he felt for not being able to be there for me.
with vocal nodes i’m not supposed to sing and i can barely talk. if i do talk i’m in a whole bunch of pain.
walking off the plane and into the airport was horrible. lexi doesn’t want me to go anywhere alone so i have one security guard with me at all times and that causes a lot of stares and people asking for things. today, i had sunglasses on, my hood up and airpods in.
i scan the airport, looking for my boyfriend and his 2 brothers. i immediately find them and i almost started to run to them but stop when i realize i still have my bags. i tap my security guard, mike’s shoulder and he looks down at me.
“can you-?” i ask, cutting myself off due to the pain in my throat. i point to my bags. he nods, grabbing the handle of my suitcase and the bag off my shoulder. i start walking quickly towards matt, taking off my sunglasses just before i get to him.
“i’m so sorry baby, are you okay?” he asks and tears fill my eyes. this surgery is very risky because there’s no guarantee that my voice will come back, so i’m genuinely terrified. singing is something so big in my life, it’s a huge part of me. if i can’t sing i don’t know what i’d do.
as i was attempting to talk matt cut me off. “you don’t have to talk, it’s okay.” he comforts. i nod, pulling away from the hug and turning to nick and chris.
“hi.” nick says softly, hugging me and rubbing my back. i just wave in response, pulling away.
“hey, i’m sorry.” chris apologizes, i just shrug. i turn back to matt as we stand in silence.
“let’s go then, yeah?” matt speaks up, grabbing my bags from mike.
we walk towards matt’s car with mike following closely behind. we can hear everyone talking about us and taking pictures but we ignore it. when we get to matt’s car i turn to mike.
“the car is over there. can you please tell them i’m with the triplets and i’m safe?” i ask, pointing in the direction of a black escalade.
“yeah of course.” mike nods.
“thank you so much. i’ll see you tomorrow.” i tell him, climbing into the passenger seat.
after a couple hours of hanging out with matt in mostly silence, he brought me back to my house. i had to go see a specialist tomorrow to schedule my at 8 am so it was just easier if i stayed at my house so my manager could pick me up.
“want me to come in for a few?” matt asks, putting the car in park. i nod and he starts to get out of the car.
“uh actually, can you stay please? i’m scared to be alone.” i ask, my voice strained as i wince from the pain in my throat.
“yeah of course.” he nods. when we get inside we go up to my room and i change into pajamas. since matt is over so often, he started keeping clothes of his at my house so he was able to change into pajamas as well. we climb into my bed and i lay my head on his chest, his arm wraps around me as i turn on our favorite show, new girl.
“i know you’re probably really scared right now, but i want you to know that i’m always here for you.” he tells me, rubbing his thumb across the exposed skin on my hip.
“thank you matt.” i tell him softly. if i speak soft enough the pain isn’t as intense as it would be if i spoke normally.
at the doctors office they scheduled my surgery. they wanted to do it as soon as possible so it was in three days.
matt had been with me everyday, getting me anything i needed or wanted. i tried my best not to talk, but when i’m around matt that’s all i wanted to do.
he had told me when it was the day of my surgery he was going to sit in the waiting room the entire time no matter how long it took. i tried to tell him how much i loved him but he didn’t want me to talk and mess up my voice even more.
3 days later
me, matt, lexi and mike walked into the surgical center and walked up to the front desk.
“y/n l/n has a phonomicro surgery schedule for 9 am.” lexi spoke for me. my nerves were so bad i genuinely thought i was going to throw up and matt could tell so he grabbed my hand and rubbed his thumb across the back of my hand.
“yes here she is. please fill out this paperwork and then the nurse will come get her in a few minutes to prep her for the surgery. you guys can take a seat.” the receptionist tells us, handing me a clipboard of papers and a pen and pointing to a set of four chairs along the wall.
we all take seats and i start to fill out the papers. it’s pretty basic and standard questions. ‘what’s your full name?’ ‘when’s your birthday?’ ‘do you have insurance?’ ‘have you ever had surgery before?’ i filled out there pages of the same questions that were worded in different ways.
i finished the paperwork and handed it back to the receptionist. a few minutes later my name was called. the nerves in my body spiked up and i immediately started shaking. matt and lexi stood up with me and matt pulled me into him.
“don’t worry sweetheart, you’re gonna be okay. we’ll all be waiting for you, okay?” he tells me soothingly which helps calm me down a bit. i turn to lexi.
“don’t think to much into it. you’re voice will come back.” lexi says, rubbing my arm. i nod, waving to mike before walking off with the nurse.
as we’ve walking to the room she’s asking me all the same questions i answered on the papers.
“okay i’m gonna have you change into this gown, these underwear and these socks. put your clothes in this bag. you can change in here.” the nurse tells me, handing me everything and showing me to the bathroom that was in my room.
when i walked out she took my bag of clothes and placed it on the chair. “you can go head and lay down. are you scared of needles?” she looked at me as she rolled her cart of things closer to the bed. i shook my head no.
“okay that’s good. i do have to put an IV in your arm so the anesthesiologist can give you anesthesia. do you want to squeeze this?” she asks me, holding up a blue stress ball.
“mhm.” i hum, smiling as she handing the ball to me. i felt her clean my arm with an alcohol pad and she paused for a second, i assumed she was looking for a good vain to put the IV in.
“okay, 3,2,1.” she counted, pushing the needle into my arm. “you okay?” she asked.
“yeah.” i confirm.
“good, now i’m gonna push you into the operating room.” she put the sides of the bed up, pushing me out of the room. when we got to the operating room there were people already waiting.
“hi y/n, i’m the anesthesiologist. you doing okay?” he asked me, i nodded and put my thumb up.
“okay good, i want you to count back from 10, okay?” he tells me, i nod. i feel him messing around with the IV and i knew he was getting ready to give me the anesthesia.
“10, 9, 8, 7-“ i managed to get to 7 before passing out.
when i woke up i was back in the room from earlier. matt, lexi and mike all sat in chairs around me and matt was holding my hand.
i squeeze his hands a couple times, giving him a sign that i’m awake.
“oh thank god.” he breathes, kissing my forehead. i open my mouth to speak but they all stop me.
“no!” they all yell, my eyes going wide.
“you can’t talk.” lexi tells me.
“you’ll be in pain if you do.” matt adds on. lexi turns to mike. “can you get the doctor and tell them she’s awake?” lexi asks. mike nods and walks out.
a few minutes later he walks back in the with doctor.
“miss l/n, how you feeling?” the doctor asks. “don’t talk! use your hands.” he quickly adds on, putting his thumb up and then down. i put my thumb on the middle.
“okay that’s normal.” he tells me, feeling my lymph nodes.
“you can’t talk for about a week, and you have to wait about a month before you try to sing, okay?” i shake my head yes.
“okay. we do have to keep you over night for observation but you should be able to go home tomorrow afternoon. you will have to be under close observation. do you have anyone that you live with or anyone that can look after you.” he asks. i point to matt. the doctor nods.
“well everything looks good for now. i’ll come back later and check on you.” he tells me, walking out of the room. matt walks closer and grabs my hand again.
“see you’re okay.” he smiles. i smile and nod.
“i know this isn’t a great time, but there was a picture that was leaked of us walking into the hospital so now people think you’re dead because you haven’t been active on anything.” matt tells me. my eyes go wide and i almost laugh. i do texting motions with my hands, letting them know i want my phone. matt laughs and pulls my phone out of his pocket and hands it to me.
y/n.l/n posted on their story!
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a/n: should i make a part 2 of the recovery?? 😇 i wrote this while watching 8 mile.
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emmy-everafter · 8 months
We're Gonna Need a Bigger Pentagram
I'm excited to finally reveal the fic I've been working on for this year's @grishaversebigbang --and just in time for spooky season! I was paired with four incredible materialki who created some truly excellent art to accompany the fic. You can check out their work here:
Art by @crypitick
Art by @polekands
Art #1 and Art #2 by @idkchatie
Art by @discountscoobyart
Without further ado, here is the first chapter of We're Gonna Need a Bigger Pentagram!
Fandoms: Six of Crows, Shadow & Bone (TV)
Rating: T
Relationships: Crows as found family (with minor Helnik, Kanej, and Wesper)
Modern/Housemates/Magic AU, Nina POV, Supernatural chosen family shenanigans with a side of humor
Ongoing (Ch. 1 of 6)
Summary: Nina Zenik is a vet med student who's almost done with her clinical rotations... but she's also secretly a very powerful witch. When someone brings a cursed, injured werewolf into the animal hospital, Nina decides to try to save his life, despite the bitter hatred that exists between wolves and witches. She enlists the help of her housemates, Jesper (who's also a witch), Inej (who's fae), and Kaz (who may or may not be a vampire). But breaking this curse requires more than Nina bargained for, and time is running out. Can the Crows save the werewolf before it's too late? More importantly, can they do it under the nose of their all-too-human housemate, Wylan? And--perhaps the most important question of all--will Nina finally get some decent waffles?
Read the first chapter (3k) below or on AO3.
Chapter 1: Why did it have to be werewolves?
(CW for non-graphic mentions of blood & injury, harm to an animal, brief references to drugs [anesthesia, weed])
The thing about werewolves, Nina thought, risking one more glance over her shoulder at the slab of fur trembling in her backseat, was that they didn’t exactly sedate easily.
Although that was probably a good thing, she supposed. If this particular wolf had gone down after the first two tranquilizers, then perhaps she never would have been called back to help, and then she would have been too late to do anything. Did you hear about the wolf? Park ranger brought him in. Hit by a car, probably. Too bad we couldn’t save him. So weird how his body seemed to reject every medication, every suture. Oh well, c’est la vie, back to the horses and the goats.
But he hadn’t gone down, and one of the techs had thundered past, shouting at her to come quick and give us a hand!
When Nina had arrived in the operating room, she knew immediately that this was no ordinary wolf. She could feel the prickle of magic tingling up her spine, could smell the supernatural on him. He was stretched out on a table, a mountain of silvery-gray fur, enormous and blood-soaked, still thrashing feebly even as three techs tried to hold him down.
She froze, staring at the shape of his muzzle, the slope of his ears—just a little off, nothing to notice unless you knew what to look for. His head had flopped over, and for a long moment the werewolf made eye contact with her. Nina let out a soft gasp despite herself, despite the fact that she’d seen shifted wolves a handful of times before. She knew that their eyes always looked so unbearably human, and yet—it caught her by surprise, the moment of recognition when he noticed her, the heartbreak and terror and pain in his expression, the shame.
Nina felt her heart shatter, just a little.
“Zenik, grab the tranq!” one of the techs had shouted at her as the wolf seemed to regain more of his energy, breaking away from her gaze to thrash more earnestly.
She hadn’t bothered to think it through. While there was still some part of her that recoiled like a hissing cat at the presence of a werewolf, some part of her that screamed danger! at the sight of his gleaming fangs that had probably killed countless witches in the past, those instincts had been overwhelmed by the pain in the wolf’s eyes and the knowledge that if she didn’t do something right now, she would have to watch him die.
Her decision was already made, one hand already surreptitiously weaving the spell as she picked up the syringe with the other. She needed to work quickly if she was going to have any chance at all.
She didn’t know much about werewolf biology. The packs were notoriously private, protective of any and all information regarding their own species, but what she did know was that it was incredibly dangerous—impossible, even—for outsiders to treat wolves in their shifted forms. Only pack healers had any hope of actually helping in these sorts of situations. And, of course, the fact that this wolf was shifted right now was another complicating factor in and of itself. It wasn’t a full moon, which meant that something had gone terribly wrong for this wolf to get shift-stuck—some kind of spell, she guessed, judging by the oppressive feeling of magic roiling off his body.
If her colleagues—regular, ordinary human vets who had no idea the supernatural world existed at all—tried to help the wolf, she was certain he’d end up dead in less than an hour. But of course, she’d reminded herself as her enchantment began to take hold, I don’t know how to safely help him, either.
The wolf had finally slumped down onto the table, unconscious… followed by all of the humans in the room, each pausing in the middle of whatever they’d been doing, still standing but otherwise out cold.
Nina had shaken out her wrists, cracked her neck, and started weaving the memory glamour. Her first thought was to make them forget the wolf had come in at all, but that would mean trying to account for the lost time, as well as finding the park ranger later to erase everything for her, too. Removing memories was always trickier anyway—you ran the risk of leaving a gap, an itch that the brain longed to scratch and scratch until it found an answer. Her coworkers might not remember the wolf, but some of them might have an unshakeable sense that something had happened, something strange and noteworthy they couldn’t quite recall, and that meant people might start asking questions, poking and prodding.
No, it would be easier to convince everyone that the wolf had died from his injuries not long after arriving, that his body had already been picked up by wildlife services, that all that anyone needed to do now was complete the requisite paperwork.
It would be quick, shoddy spellwork either way, and she’d probably have to fudge some records in the database during her next shift, but figuring out a plan to save the wolf came first.
The moment the glamour was complete, she’d whipped her phone out, putting the call on speaker so she could keep her hands free.
Genya picked up after three rings. “Hey, what’s up?”
“I need a favor,” she’d said without preamble, maneuvering a trolley over towards the wolf. It had probably taken four people to lift him up onto the table, but Nina had magic and gravity on her side.
“Okay…?” Genya sounded nervous, and given the wild sorts of favors she’d asked for in the past, Nina couldn’t really blame her.
“Can you get in touch with your contact in the Drüskelle pack? Someone brought in a wolf today—one of theirs, most likely—and I can’t do much to help him when he’s shift-stuck like this.”
Genya had taken a moment to process all of that—a shifted, injured werewolf, brought into the East Ketterdam Large Animal Hospital as if he were no different from the farm animals and racing horses they usually treated—then finally said, “I can try.”
“Good. I’m bringing him back to my place. Have them send a healer there.”
Genya hung up right before Nina’s spell slipped under the wolf’s enormous weight, causing him to fall the last few inches down onto the metal trolley with a loud crash. Even unconscious, the wolf whimpered in pain.
“Sorry,” she’d whispered, before turning her attention to the problem of getting to the parking lot without being seen.
And that was how Nina had ended up driving home as fast as she dared with a werewolf bleeding out in her backseat.
Her sleep spell was fairly strong, but she had no idea how long it would last on a creature this large, so she renewed the enchantment at every red light, just in case.
She also called Inej, the normally melodic timbre of her housemate’s voice sounding tinny and distorted when routed through the car’s speakers.
“What’s wrong, Nina?”
“What makes you think anything is wrong?” She drummed her fingers nervously on the wheel and fought the urge to look back at the wolf again. He was still breathing—she could feel it—but she wanted to check anyway. Just in case.
“If nothing was wrong, you would’ve just texted.”
“Maybe I wanted to hear my best friend’s voice.”
“Nina,” Inej sighed, “just tell me.”
Nina huffed in response. “Fine. Look, is everyone at home?”
“I think so? Well, Jesper had some meetings but he’s on his way back here. He said he was gonna stop and pick up pizza for everyone.”
“Okay, if he gets back before me, I need him to start weaving some soundproofing spells in the basement. Go ahead and grab my bestiary and bring it down there, and my potions kit, too. And we’re gonna need lots of towels, as many as you can find. You’ll have to keep Wylan upstairs somehow.”
Nina hit another red light and bit her lip to reign in a frustrated groan. This is taking too long.
“It’s Thursday. Wylan’s probably planning to do his laundry tonight,” Inej replied.
“You’ll just have to think of some excuse. Tell him the machine is broken or something. But he can’t be down there.”
“And why is that, exactly?”
Cars streamed past in front of her, racing endlessly through the intersection, their light still green, Nina’s still red.
Fuck it. She raised her hands over the steering wheel and mumbled the incantation under her breath, improvising the words a little to fit the magic to the stoplight—it was technically a spell meant for turning an ordinary light on and off, but she thought it might work.
For a moment, nothing happened, and Nina worried that perhaps the stoplight mechanism had too many switches and circuits or too many digital parts for her simple spell to have any effect. She’d never been great with technomagic—as a heartrender, blood and bodies were her specialty—and the more something was computerized and complex, the harder it was for her to navigate. But then…
One last flick of her wrist, and the light for the cross traffic went yellow.
“Nina?” Inej’s voice was sharper now, closer to a warning. “What’s going on?”
Green light. Fucking finally.
“Soooo,” she began, her car surging forward again, “I may or may not be bringing work home.”
“If this is another goat, Nina, I swear…”
Nina winced. Once, she’d snuck a dying goat out of the clinic when her coworkers had decided there was nothing left to be done for the poor creature. And when it came to a human understanding of veterinary medicine, perhaps they were correct, but Nina knew she could save him with the spells in her bestiary and the power of her blood magic. She’d known her housemates wouldn’t exactly be thrilled about the situation. What she hadn’tanticipated was Jesper getting attached.
So now, Milo the goat lived in the shed beside the greenhouse, to the immense displeasure of everyone in Crow House except Jesper. When he stayed in his pen, Milo was tolerable, even adorable, but when he escaped—as he did at least two or three times a month—he became a menace, eating anything he could get his nasty little hooves on. So far, Milo’s list of victims included some of Wylan’s sheet music, one of Nina’s astrological grimoires, a pair of Inej’s pointe shoes, three pairs of Kaz’s ridiculously expensive gloves, multiple waffles, an entire carton of wontons, and some of everything that Jesper and Nina grew in the greenhouse out back, including an unholy amount of weed.
“The good news is, it’s not a goat,” Nina said brightly.
Inej heaved a resigned sigh. “And the bad news…?”
“The bad news is that it’s a werewolf.”
“Nina!” Inej groaned.
“He’s dying! And shift-stuck! What was I supposed to do?” Nina took a turn a little too hard, and in the backseat, the wolf slid and hit his muzzle against the door. Shit.
“What can you even do? You can’t treat a shifted wolf.”
“I know!” Her fingers clenched around the wheel. “Look, it’s temporary, okay? I’ve already called a friend who has contacts in the local pack. They’ll send someone to help and then it won’t be our problem anymore. We just need to keep him stable until the healer comes.”
Inej was quiet on the other end for a long moment. Eventually, she said, “Fine. I’ll see what towels I can find.”
Nina blew out her breath, relieved. “Thank you. I’ll be there in fifteen. It might be good to have some blood on hand, if Kaz has any. And make sure Wylan…”
“Yeah, I’ll keep him upstairs,” Inej interrupted. “See you soon.”
The call disconnected. Nina pressed a thumb to her temple where a headache had already started to build, rubbing the pad of her finger into the skin and releasing a small thread of magic to chase the pain away.
She knew Inej was irritated with her, but at least Nina could trust that her best friend would be on board with helping an injured creature. Inej was kind like that—compassionate, always empathetic with the pain of others. She wouldn’t just let the wolf die, even if taking him in was inconvenient in a number of ways. And Jesper probably wouldn’t mind much either. He was always down for Nina’s wild and unexpected shenanigans, as long as no harm came to his friends or to his precious hats. If all went well, Wylan would never know anything was happening. But Kaz…
Kaz is going to absolutely hate this.
The situation ticked off almost every box on the list of things Kaz didn’t like: last-minute surprises, strangers in his space, unnecessary risks, sticking his neck out for other people, making Nina happy. And while most decisions in Crow House were made democratically, Kaz remained resolutely in charge of the chore schedule, which he enforced by subtly reminding his housemates that he could drain all the money from their bank accounts—and possibly all the blood from their bodies—in the blink of an eye. Nina had a feeling there would be a lot of toilet scrubbing in her future.
She was only a few minutes away from home when her phone rang again.
“I managed to get in touch with the pack,” Genya said when she picked up.
Immediately, Nina could hear something cautious in her tone, something grim. “And?”
“They’re not sending anyone.”
“Why the hell not?” Without meaning to, Nina found herself nearly shouting.  
She didn’t have to see Genya’s face to know what expression she wore in that moment—Nina had seen it too many times during her years with the Grisha to ever forget, not just from Genya but from everyone. Zoya’s infuriatingly calm voice echoed through her head, shaming her, as always, for being too fucking much, for acting recklessly from a place of emotion rather than trying to be reasonable. Slow down, Nina. Get ahold of your anger. Control yourself.
And as always, it only served to make her even more enraged.
“They’re the only ones who can help him! Are they really just going to let one of their own die?”
Genya sighed. “Yes, that’s exactly what they’re going to do. In fact, I think it was their goal all along.”
“What?” she screeched, stomping on the brakes in her anger.
Luckily, there was no one on the street behind her, although the wolf did slide forward a bit on the backseat, letting out another heart-wrenching whimper of pain.
“The guy I spoke to was being cagey about it, but I think I pieced most of the story together. The wolf is called Matthias Helvar, and the Drüskelle exiled him from their pack about a month ago.”
“Why?” Nina made no move to start driving forward again, not trusting herself to keep control of the car in that moment.
“I’m not sure. It sounds like he broke pack law, screwed up badly enough that they not only kicked him out but also cursed him.”
Cursed? Nina glanced over her shoulder at the shivering, unconscious wolf, covered in congealing blood that clumped in his fur and stained the fabric of the seat below him, and she suddenly understood.
“That’s why he’s shift-stuck,” she murmured, shocked by the cruelty of it.
“From what I gather, it’s some kind of… werewolf reversal? Where he’s only in his human form on the full moon and stays shifted the rest of the time, instead of the other way around. Apparently, he followed one of their hunting parties down to Ketterdam and was trying to sneak into their camp. When they chased him off, he ran onto the highway and got hit by a semi-truck.”
“So they already knew he was injured?”
Genya’s voice was quiet when she replied, “Nina, they left him for dead.”
Nina knew all too well what it was like to be betrayed and abandoned by the people who were supposed to be your family, but this… She shook her head, angry tears pricking at her eyes. This wolf—this Matthias—had been exiled, cursed, and left to die on the side of a highway by his own pack. Surely, no transgression against Drüskelle law was awful enough to merit that kind of punishment, right?
Faint memories of her lessons at the Little Palace began to trickle in—diagrams in textbooks illustrating the cold, draconian hierarchies of the Northern packs, lectures about wolf culture that devolved into tirades about the Drüskelle’s violent attempts to destroy not only the Grisha organization, but all witches everywhere, fueled by their hypocritical ideology that saw werewolves as the next step in evolution but witches as an unnatural abomination to be cleansed from the earth like a plague. The wolves are not like us, she remembered hearing, over and over. They did not come from the Other Realm but instead began as humans, and like humans, they cannot be trusted.  
Nina had spent the past few years trying to unlearn the prejudice and cynicism instilled in her at the Little Palace, with varying levels of success, but now, she wondered if perhaps they’d been right about some things.
“What are you going to do?” Genya asked.
“I don’t know,” she replied, trying—and likely failing—not to sound too murderous. “I’ll figure something out.”
“Just remember that he’s a wolf, Nina.”
“Does that mean he deserves to die?” she snapped in response.
“No, but he probably thinks that you do, just by virtue of existing as a witch. He may not want your help, and even if you do somehow manage to save him, he might very well kill you in your sleep instead of saying thank you.”
Nina knew she was probably right, and yet… This is why I left—so I could help everyone, not just the people that the Grisha think are worth saving.
“I can handle myself. And I’m not going to sink to their level. Unlike some people, I’m not obsessed with only protecting my own kind.”
With that, Nina hung up and disconnected the phone from the car’s bluetooth, and then, for good measure, put her phone on silent and tossed it into her bag in the passenger seat. She knew she wasn’t being fair, especially since Genya was one of the only people in the Grisha still willing to help her now that she’d gone independent. But it was hard not to be angry when she could hear Matthias’s heartbeat fluttering dangerously just a few feet behind her, could feel his nerves sparking with pain, knowing that his own family had let it happen, caused it to happen, because of one mistake.
It was hard not to relate—even if that meant empathizing with a damn werewolf.  
A sudden honk behind her reminded Nina that she was still stopped in the middle of the road.
“Alright, I’m going! Saints.” She finally lifted her foot from the brake and got the car moving again, squeezing the wheel tightly to stop her hands from trembling. Her headache was already coming back—she’d probably need to take one of those human painkillers when she got home and conserve her magical energy for… well, for whatever it was going to take to help this wolf.
Maybe Matthias wouldn’t want her help. Maybe he would try to attack her (although in that case, she could always sic Kaz on him). Maybe she wouldn’t be able to do anything at all and the wolf would die in their basement amongst the piles of Jesper’s dirty laundry and Inej’s sweat-soaked practice mats.
But Nina Zenik had never once backed down from a challenge. She’d been top of her class in vet school for three years in a row and was the best heartrender the Little Palace had seen in more than a century—even Zoya had admitted it. And if there was any chance at all of saving this wolf, nothing in this realm or the next could stop Nina from trying…
Not even her housemates. 
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dixbolik-lovers · 1 year
Hello! I can ask homuncunlos!Shu headcanons for the reader giving him a general anesthetic before burning the thing on his skin off and waiting for the burns to fully heal before waking him up?
The reader said that he just had to breathe in this funny smelling mask and take a nap and they would help him without causing him any pain.
He wakes up safe and cozy in his bed with them gently stroking his hair and then softly asking how he's feeling when they realize he's woken up 🥺
Hello! I'm the anon who asked for headcanons for Shu under general anesthesia, I got it wrong! What I meant was sedated! Shu under local anesthesia and sedated during the process of burning the extra tissue. Instead of the pain and fear he was used to, it's just a deep nap.
No problem! o3o Thank you for clarifying~
. . .
Shuu isn't expecting this to go well. Even though you say this way isn't going to be so painful, there's no way that's not just some kind of cruel trick, right? He doesn't have much faith in you to actually make it better, but if you're telling the truth about letting him not be conscious for the burning process, that part at least sounds nicer than usual. If it was up to him, Shuu would sleep through everything he hates, so being out for what's definitely the worst part of his existence is more of a reward than anything.
He's still nervous, though. The thought of the burns has him shaking even when you're bringing the mask to his face... but that fear doesn't do a thing to stop the anesthesia. Shuu is out in seconds. The next thing he knows, he's awake, kind of, and you're right there beside him still. He doesn't realize that the ordeal is done, at first— it's not until you explain that the burning is already over that he fully realizes you were serious. It didn't hurt. He didn't even have to see the flames. This level of consideration for his comfort is downright surreal; he's so, so grateful, but unsure of how he's supposed to respond to how you're treating him.
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maybe you could write Quaritch's pov in Cabin in the woods? For example, from the fragment when he kidnapped his son, how did he even knock him unconscious?
Here you go ❤️
How dumb can they be, Quaritch thought as he waited behind the wheel of his car. The Sully’s, his sons supposed guardians were practically hand delivering him his boy on a silver platter. They knew, full well that Quaritch had been stalk….looking out for his son at a safe distance and that he’d do anything to take back what was rightfully his. So why in hell would they allow the kid to skateboard, twenty minutes to school, completely alone. It was like they were begging Quaritch to snatch the kid.
    He watched Miles Jr, or Spider as he preferred to be called, (the rejection of their shared name made his blood simmer in anger, proof of the venom his sons' kidnappers had used to poison the boy against his father) go back and forth from school for a week. Quaritch thoroughly studied the route, finding the perfect spot for his task, around the halfway point in the path. There were no street cameras. The inhabitants of the nearest homes all either left for work by the time Junior would roll by, or they’d still be asleep. No witnesses. No cars driving by. 
    Quaritch set a tripwire over the sidewalk five minutes before his son was due. The boy would fall and he’d be there to pick him up. He had a cloth soaked in chloroform ready to go. Once the boy was unconscious and in the car, Quaritch had at least a ninety minute window before suspicion over his son's disappearance would start to grow. By that point, father and son would be in a different car, the boy secured in the back under local anesthesia, driving through open deserted country all the way to the mountains. 
    The drive would take all day and all night. One of his old military buddies would be waiting at the base of the mountain to collect the car. Then Quaritch would hike, his son strapped to his back, up the narrow dangerous path to their new home. He’d have Junior safely tucked in bed no less than forty hours after taking him. All that was needed now…
Quaritch’s plan went off without a hitch. His kid hadn’t even registered what was happening, easily falling limp into his fathers arms. He laid his son in the back seat, covering him with a blanket in awe of what he’d done.   
    Miles Jr looked so peaceful in his sleep reminding him of when the boy had been a baby. The fathers heart swelled with the memory, a deep primal kind love washed over him. He was intimately familiar with this feeling, first experiencing it the day his son was born when he first held his child in his arms and realized this is mine.
      Yes, Quaritch thought as he drove away, he’s mine. This was the right thing to do. A son should be with his father. And nobody was ever going to take his son away from him ever again. 
Hope you enjoyed!
I had to stop myself from just rewriting Cabin in the Woods from Quaritch's perspective because it's actually really fun for me to write from his perspective.
I'm actively writing a choose your adventure ending to Cabin in the Woods, that switches between P.O.V's and I'm admittedly getting carried away with it lol. It's probably going to be awhile before that gets posted though so happy to write little snippets like this in the mean time. 💞
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whumppmuhw · 8 months
Whumptober Day 14: No anesthesia
tw: medical whump, noncon surgery, surgery without anesthesia, intimate whumper, noncon touching (non-sexual), blood eehehehe I love this prompt and trope good shit right there
Whumper made the first incision, right down the middle, collarbone to navel. Whumpee had too many restraints to squirm. Their gag prevented them from screaming. Whumper soaked up as much blood as they could. Then came the second incision, across the abdomen, right under the rib cage. Again, Whumpee could do nothing. Whumper reached inside Whumpee with a gloved hand. They were careful not to displace Whumpee's organs, but it felt good to have a hold on Whumpee that they previously couldn't attain. Whumper's main purpose for the procedure was research and curiosity, but beyond that was a longing for the intimacy that came with being inside of someone. Whumper had fantasized of organs and bones and muscles all in his grip, Whumpee helpless as they took control of Whumpee at a deeper, more physical level. Whumper took his hand out of Whumpee. They removed that hand's glove and changed it to a fresh, sterile one. With their other hand they picked up a small camera. "Hold still," Whumper instructed, "and breathe easy. This next part will go much smoother if you cooperate." Whumpee's panicked, rapid breaths through their nose slowed to deep, full ones. Whumpee became less tense and Whumper muttered a "mhm, just like that," as they prepared for what was next. Whumper lifted the flaps of skin up one by one, taking pictures of Whumpee's internal structure. They could see Whumpee trying their hardest to stay calm as Whumper temporarily shifted things around. Whumper could only imagine what it felt like for their patient. Whumpee was scared in a way they never had been. Whumper had crossed a boundary that Whumpee never imagined being crossed, and every time Whumper touched their insides with that gentle, yet controlling touch of theirs, Whumpee felt a shiver go up their spine. One side of Whumpee felt the pain of the invasive surgery and the restraints digging in, and wanted to lash out, to scream for Whumper to stop every time they felt Whumper's touch in a place it shouldn't be. Whumpee's other side recognized that course of action wasn't possible, and instead kept as still and calm as they could so Whumper could finish up faster. Whumper had to admit to themself, this was fun. Not only were they learning about human anatomy in a direct and fascinating way, but who better to operate on then their very own Whumpee, who just couldn't say no! Whumper oohed and ahhed at seeing the human body laid out before them like this. They wished they could keep Whumpee open like this for days as they took a plethora of pictures and notes and felt the thrill that came with holding Whumpee's insides. Whumper finished taking the pictures and observations they wanted an hour after the procedure began, and set down their camera. To finish, they placed both hands on the two sides of Whumpee's rib cage, fingers gently stroking bones, and felt Whumpee's chest rise and fall with each breath alongside their beating heart. "Thank you, Whumpee," Whumper said quietly, like they were sharing a secret. "This has been a very pleasant and educational time for me. Your body is beautiful, truly something to marvel at." Whumpee wanted to squirm at that comment and Whumper's hands, a knot twisting in their stomach. "Don't be afraid, I've taken great care to make sure everything's still where it's supposed to be. Once I've stitched you up, it'll be like this never happened. Though I bet you and I won't forget." Whumper removed his hands from Whumpee's chest, then put on a new set of gloves and picked up a needle and thread. They moved back to Whumpee and began the meticulous process of putting them back together again. Whumpee hated the pain and wished it would be over. They knew Whumper was putting stitches in, their work done, but the constant piercing from the needle and the pulling of the thread was getting to be too much. Whumpee tried to yell out and failed. Whumper acknowledged this. "Don't be so impatient, this won't take long." They were nearing the end of the first incision and would soon stitch up the second.
A few minutes later, going by quickly for Whumper and painfully slow for Whumpee, the stitching was finished. Whumper breathed a sigh of relief at a job well done; Whumpee at the end of a horrible trial. Whumper took off Whumpee's gag and took their camera and notes journal to their study, leaving Whumpee to recover and take some deep breaths. Whumpee could feel the ghosts of Whumper's hands in their body, and they felt icky. Neither of them would forget that day.
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szallejhscorner · 1 year
No Time to Die - Part II
The first thing you notice when waking up is the sound. Beeping, slowly and steadily, and breathing. It sounds like two persons, one a more rattled breath and the other very quiet but close to you.
Next comes the pain. Your body feels as if it has been crushed to bits, and breathing has never been so uncomfortable. You moan, unable to open your eyes yet, and someone shuffles next to you. It takes only a second until you feel a cold liquid run through your veins, starting from your right arm and spreading through your whole body. It muffles the pain and covers everything under a dull blanket, even the sound.
“You’re awake”, a familiar voice mutters, and at first you can’t really designate it to a certain person. But then the face of Chishiya comes to your mind, his silver-white hair and his condescending eyes, and you realize that he’s the one looking down at you – literally, this time.
“What the hell happened?” you want to ask, but whatever comes out of your mouth has barely anything to do with human speech. Chishiya understands you anyway and chuckles dryly. “You had a haemothorax”, he states as if you’d immediately know what that is supposed to mean, “and you’re just waking up from anesthesia. The ambulance said it was a car accident. I’d like to know more though about how exactly you landed on my surgery table.”
The only answer you can give is a moan, and the pieces still don’t want to form a bigger picture. You remember getting ready for work, then thinking about the surprisingly warm weather… But everything that happened afterwards is a blurred mess locked behind waves of pain.
“Uuugh…” Your mouth feels dry and the taste is terrible. Bitter, somehow, with a hint of blood. It’s giving you the urge to gag. “Wa… water…”
The blonde next to you sighs and doesn’t say more, but his face disappears out of your vision. For a moment, it leaves you scared to be alone, but Chishiya returns shortly after and helps you to raise your head so you can take a few sips out of a plastic cup. Despite the plastic taste of the water itself, it helps a lot to get rid of that weird taste on your tongue, and speaking turns out to be much easier now.
From the corner of your eye, you can now see another bed on the other side of the room. Whoever is lying there is still asleep, and several tubes are coming from their body. Still waking up from anesthesia, just like you. And for a brief moment, it makes you wonder what they went through and why they’re here.
“I… I was on my way to work…” you begin to trace the events of this day, and while not everything comes together as you talk, you begin to remember most of it. There had been a car accident, squealing tires, shattering glass, shouting people. The accident itself had been at the other side of the street, but another truck on your side, trying to evade the crash, had veered off the road and hit the sidewalk instead. It might be a blessing that you can’t recall the collision, and then you woke up here.
Since you’ve regained consciousness now, Chishiya orders a nurse to bring you to your room. He accompanies you through the hallway, listening to all snippets that make their way back into your memory, but then he has to get back to work, nodding to you when your eyes plead him to come back once his shift is done.
Hospitals are a scary place, even more so when you’re the patient, and you don’t want to be alone. Knowing that Chishiya will be there in a couple of hours is a soothing thought, and the time passes rather quickly since the nurses check on all your injuries and you have two roommates to talk to. One of them has been here for a week now after a planned bypass, and the other, a woman in her seventies, has had a check-up on her artificial heart-valve that caused problems some days ago.
It turns out that the haemothorax that Chishiya operated on wasn’t the only damage you received in that accident, but a sprained ankle and several bruises and cuts. On top of that, your head is close to explode in a throbbing pain and you feel sick, probably the concussion one of the nurses talked about. They insist to keep you here for at least one or two nights to make sure everything heals appropriately, and never before have you been glad about Chishiya working several shifts in a row.
Even the police visits you later that day to ask questions about the incident. You tell them everything you remember, which isn’t much information to help them. One of them, a middle-aged woman with a kind, slightly wrinkled face, tells you that the truck driver has experienced a great shock driving into pedestrians, but he’s alright and besides you, there haven’t been any serious injuries. You can’t even blame that man – he had been focusing on a much worse crash in front of him and noticed too late where he was evading to.
Just as promised, the clever blonde approaches your bed right as the sun goes down outside. You would have almost missed him since you were already dozing away into slumber of boredom, as the nurses don’t allow you to leave the bed for the next twenty or so hours, but when you spot the shoulder-long dyed hair and his calculating eyes, you can’t help but grin.
“Thought you’d never come”, you mutter jokingly and shift a bit so Chishiya can sit down on the bed next to you. He looks tired and smells like disinfectant, but he isn’t wearing his white coat any longer.
Chishiya snorts. “The chief wasn’t exactly happy when he found out we’re liaised. Incredible how fast those nurses are able to spread their gossip, isn’t it?” He rolls his eyes, but there isn’t much concern in his voice. “There wasn’t much he could do, though. Hard to reverse a surgery that already happened, and the result is pretty good, so he can’t really blame me.”
“Is it?” you mock, carefully poking your chest where a fresh scar is hidden under bandages. “Hurts quite a lot, so I’m not sure about you doing it good en-“
“Silly”, Chishiya interrupts you, “the best suture will hurt if you poke around it like a curious toddler.” He moves your hands away from your chest, gentle but still determined, and takes a look under the bandages with nothing but confidence in his eyes. “I wouldn’t know any other surgeon who could have done it better than me.”
You reach for his hand and move it to your cheek instead, cupping your own face in his touch. His hands are cold, which isn’t unusual after a long shift. It might have to do with standing in the cool operation theatres, holding sterile instruments for hours and hours while carefully maneuvering through a human’s body. Not that you’d care too much, since it’s still the hand from the man you love. “Me neither”, you admit, and it’s true.
“Although there was no need to test that”, Chishiya finally says with a chuckle. “Just believe in my skills next time so you don’t have to jump in front of another truck for practical testing.”
Snorting so heavily it hurts in your chest, you burst out laughing. “Shuntarou, that-… that’s not what happened! Besides…” you kiss the palm of his hand, releasing it from your touch, “I doubt your chief will let you operate on me again.”
The blonde leans back into the pillows next to you, allowing you to snuggle into his side. You love the way the tips of his hair tickle your nose, and how he brings so much comfort into the unfamiliar hospital room despite being silent. He has a special something on him, kind of an aura that can make others feel welcomed, mocked, humiliated or even hated just by being there. And then there’s the expression in his eyes… that little spark speaking so much more than a thousand words could do. The same shimmer that usually sparks condescendence, although now it’s telling you that Chishiya is glad you’re okay. Words he’d never speak out loud.
“Then you better make sure this stays a one-off experience”, is all he says.
Two days pass until you’re allowed to go home. The sprained ankle still troubles you, but there’s not much you can do despite putting your feet up and taking it easy. No more blood has gathered in your pleura and the scar is healing nicely, so the nurses equip you with painkillers and dressing material and send you home at noon, once Chishiya’s shift that day is over. Luckily for both of you it has been an early shift, and you can’t wait to leave the white walls stinking after sickness and death behind.
A shower is what you’re craving most while you let the blonde help you into the flat, since you’re not allowed to take a full bath yet as the water might irritate the suture on your chest. But standing on your own is difficult with a sprained ankle, so you can’t help but laugh when Chishiya places a plastic stool inside the shower cabin, allowing you to sit down.
“Come here, old woman”, he teases and you indeed feel like a grandma, slowly limping through the bathroom and dropping down on that stool. You even ask Chishiya to help you with showering, but his only answer is a snort before he closes the door behind him, leaving you the privacy you missed so much in the hospital.
The hot water running down your spine is both a blessing and a curse. It washes away the hospital aura still clinging on to you, although it irritates the several bruises and cuts that still cover your body. Getting used to that takes a bit, but once you’ve passed a certain point, the pain becomes more than bearable and you simply enjoy sitting there, rubbing foam into your skin and hair. The accident has thrown you into a situation you didn’t really want to be in, and you can’t wait for life to return to normal. At least Chishiya is here now, since he has the next two days off and then a couple of night shifts, allowing him to take care of you as long as you need to rest. Of course he already made sure you know how much he despises playing babysitter for you, but the way his lips had curled into a grin told you he’s not entirely serious about that.
You stay in the shower for what feels like an eternity, until Chishiya knocks on the bathroom door to check you’re still okay. The hot and damp air indeed starts to make you feel dizzy, and once you decide it’s time to get out, you’re grateful having the blonde on your side to help you get dry and refresh the bandages. After slipping into the most comfortable clothes you can find, you hobble to the sofa and grab all the pillows around you, stuffing them behind your back and under your leg so you can sit as comfortable as possible.
“Guess I’ll binge lots of series the next days”, you chuckle as you reach for the remote.
The blonde raises an eyebrow, obviously not sharing all of your optimism. “I give you five or six hours.”
The Netflix start page pops up and you already scan through the options of shows you haven’t seen yet. “Why that? Think I can’t keep up with a series marathon?”
“You? Maybe”, Chishiya explains. “Your back? Not as much.”
And he’s right, like he always is. Five or six episodes in, it is almost impossible to find a comfortable position. Either your ankle hurts or your chest, sometimes both at the same time, no matter how much you try to change your position. A few episodes later, your back refuses too, and you end up rolling from one side to the other, unable to calm down properly. You want to go for a long walk, but you’re not allowed to and the sprain wouldn’t even let you do that. Once it’s time to take the pain killers, it does get better for a while, but the symptoms return.
Chishiya, who has been disappearing out of the living room now and then to do whatever he does in his free time, comes to check after you, a knowing smirk on his face even before he spots your annoyed expression. “Still think it’ll be wonderful to be sofa-bound for the next couple of days?”
“You’re a surgeon with magical hands”, you plead, “can’t you work some more of that magic and help me?”
“It has nothing to do with magic. It’s called skill, and this is your burden to carry, not mine.”
Rolling your eyes, you rearrange the pillows in your back for the thousandth time. “Oh, you selfish, arrogant-“
“-fabulous surgeon who saved your live”, he finishes your sentence and places down a plate next to you containing dinner. Probably the only meal Chishiya is able to cook: instant noodles. At least he chose the slightly more expensive ones that taste surprisingly good. “I made sure you can live on in this doomed world, and I’ll be here to endure your whimsies. That’s already more anyone else could ask for, don’t you think?”
You pick the noodles and take a spoon full, realizing that even instant noodles are so much better than what they served you in the hospital. “It might be, and yet here I am, asking you anyway to massage my back because man, it’s killing me! And yes, I want to hear whatever comment’s on the tip of your tongue.”
Knowing Chishiya well enough, his countenance isn’t hard to read for you, and he chuckles under his breath. “And here you are, asking for a massage. After I helped you into the shower and cooked you noodles. Maybe next time, I should make sure the suture will be extra-itchy.”
You both laugh while Chishiya sits down next to you, focusing on his noodles as the television keeps running in the background.
He doesn’t give you a massage, but he does help you with the pillows, easing the pain in your back a bit. It’s a start, and you’ve still got a couple of days left to try. You’ve given up hoping for a painless recovery, but you didn’t give up on the massage. Yet.
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jacksdinonuggets · 7 months
Amity has to go to the dentist but is really scared. luckily, Luz helps her out and takes care of her.
“Come on, Amity, it's not that bad,” Edric tried to lure Amity out from under her bed. They had just been to the dentist and found out that Amity needed to get her baby fangs taken out. Apparently, she had a common condition where her baby fangs wouldn’t fall out as she grew like her other teeth. Her adult, permanent fangs were trying to come in but couldn’t, causing the baby fangs to get crooked. 
Amity had not taken the news well. She had cried for a long time because she was scared. They did calm her down eventually. However, the whole meltdown happened again, on the day she was supposed to get the work done. She hid herself underneath her bed, protesting.
“Its okay, Mittens, we can go to the toy store afterwards?” Emira offered. Amity shook her head, still not wanting to go.
“I don’t wanna!” she yelled. Edric sighed, knowing that nothing they could do, can lead her out.
Just then, Amity’s scroll went off. It was on her desk so Emira answered it, seeing that it was Luz.
“Hey, Luz, what’s up?” Emira tiredly answered.
“Nothing much, but where’s Amity?” Luz asked.
“She’s… hiding under her bed and won’t come out,” Em sighed.
“What?! Why?”
“She doesn’t want to go to the dentist. She’s also regressed,” she explained.
“I’ll come help! You’ll… probably need it, no offense,” Luz advised, knowing how hard it is to persuade Amity, especially when she’s little.
“Thanks, Luz, you’re a lifesaver,” Emira admitted before hanging up. 
They patiently waited for her to get there. It wasn’t long before Luz showed up at Amity’s balcony. She walked in with owlbert on her shoulder and kneeled down to peek under the bed.
“Hey, niña,” Luz greeted her with a smile.
“Uz!” Amity crawled a little bit towards her, but then realized it might be a trap.
“I don’t wanna go…” she crumpled back.
Luz frowned with concern.
“I know, sweetie, but you have to get it done. It’ll hurt a lot more if you don’t get it,” Luz said truthfully. 
“B-but is scawy…” 
“It may be, but Otabin will be there with you. And I’ll hold your hand. We can go to the toy store afterwards too,” Luz offered, knowing that Amity doesn’t own many toys. She held out a hand to her.
Amity hesitated before reaching out her hand and connecting it with Luz’s. She slowly crawled out with the help of Luz pulling her out. Eventually, she was out and they could go to the dentist. She brought all of her little stuff in a backpack and held her Otabin stuffy in her arms during the flight. 
As she was waiting in the office with Luz and her siblings, she played with a few building blocks to keep her mind busy. But when her name was called, the anxiety and dread came back. She hugged her stuffy tightly and squeezed Luz’s hand as they walked back. 
Edric and Emira helped her onto the chair. But right when the dentist came over with his mask and scary look, Amity began crying and thrashing around.
“Hey, hey, its okay, Mittens, its okay!” Emira hugged her. Amity started wailing and bawling.
“Shh, shhh, its okay, breathe,” Luz instructed her breathing methods and showed her how to do them. Amity luckily followed and began to calm down enough for the dentist to put on the anesthesia spell. It would calm her down and get her sleepy before knocking her out. 
It wasn’t long before she fell asleep and the dentist could do his work. Luz and the twins were with her the whole time. 
When she woke up again, she felt really groggy and sleepy. She noticed Luz holding her Otabin stuffy. She made grabby hands for it, and Luz gladly gave it to her, now that she was cleaned up and conscious. 
“You three will have to take care of her for at least 2 hours, until the spell wears off. Most likely she won’t be able to do things by herself and you’ll need to help,” He told the three caregivers. Luz saluted and Edric and Em nodded. 
“Emmyyy, i wanna weavveee,” Amity whined.
“Alright, sweetie, let's get going,” Emira lifted her into her arms. Luz and Edric checked her out at the front while Em rocked her and soothed her on the way outside. 
“You want to go to the Owl house?” Luz asked once they were done.
“Mhm,” Amity nodded.
“Okie dokie. Want to go to the toy store before?” 
“Nu, we can do dat ‘ater,” She mumbled into Em’s shoulder. 
Luz got out owlbert and everyone got on before they flew to the owl house. Amity began crying on the way. They tried to calm her down but nothing worked. No one knew what she was crying about.
“Its okay, we’re here, you did great,” Luz took Amity out of Emira’s arms. The twins had to go to do something for their father and the two were left in the owl house. Eda already prepared pain killing potions and a comfy set up in the living room so there was no need to stress over everything. 
Luz set Amity down on the couch and got out her paci. Luckily, The dentist stopped the bleeding with a spell, so she didn’t need cotton in her mouth.
“Baby blight is here already?” Eda asked, walking into the living room.
“Yup, she’s feeling a little out of it though,” Luz explained.
“Does she need to be padded?” 
“I don’t think so, she usually doesn’t have accidents,” She noted. Amity started pout with the fact that Luz was no longer giving her attention.
“Wuzz! I wan’ cuddles!” she demanded, kicking her leg against the arm of the couch.
“Alright, sweetie, I’m coming,” Luz assured her, picking her up and setting her in her lap once she sat on the couch. 
“Eda, can you fill up Amity’s sippy with water?” She asked, which the older witch nodded and grabbed the cup to go fill it up.
The purple haired witch began giggling out of nowhere and started talking about Azura. Luz let her rant and stroked her hair. She helped Amity drink from the sippy once it arrived. Apparently, it seemed like she was having a hard time doing normal bodily movements. Luz didn’t mind though, she was happy to take care of Amity, no matter what. 
Should i make a part two? idk
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lesbianwriter · 2 years
“So…what’s going on?” Villain stared up at the pure white ceiling.
Out of the corner of her eye she could see a lab coat. A doctor of some sort, she deduced. Villain tried to crane her head to see what he looked like, but nearly everything from her neck down was restrained until she was pressed against the sterile lab table like a butterfly pinned down by it’s wings.
Her skin prickled with goosebumps.
The table was cold. She didn’t know what was going on. One moment she was in her cell, chatting with the guard, then she was here, blinking her eyes open to the white ceiling.
“Yoo-hoo! Do I get a choice in this operation, doc?” She tapped her hands on the table—one of the few body parts not strapped down. “Don’t I have rights? Isn’t it illegal for you to perform operations on people without consent?”
“We don’t need your consent in this situation.” The doctor muttered, cleaning a tiny knife. He set it down and walked closer the the table.
With startling efficiency, he secured an anesthesia mask over Villain’s face. Before turning it on, he made eye contact and his eyes dripped in guilt. Perhaps pity, too. But he turned back to the knife and held it in his gloved hands.
“Don’t give me that look.” He turned the machine on and Villain conked out.
Hero looked over at the convict she was supposed to be working with. She stood in the doorway, looking around the room while two guards held both of her arms.
Her beauty was sharp and honed like a blade. It was intimidating the way she looked at everything with those pale red eyes of hers. Hero didn’t know much about Villain, didn’t want to, but she knew that she had participated in an experiment with her brother. The blast is what led to the two villainous siblings being apprehended and sent to prison, but the more pressing matter that baffled every scientist that worked on them was that both of them were altered in the process. Something was off about them, and not only their eyes, but nobody knew exactly what had changed about them.
Whatever happened, Villain was Hero’s ticket to cracking the case.
“Villain.” Hero’s boss began. “You’ve been summoned here for a mission—“
“Hold on.” Villain interrupted. “Can I sit down? This seems like the type of thing where there’s a bunch of rules and things I can’t do or you’ll throw me back in the slammer so I’d prefer to be sitting down for it.”
Hesitantly, a third guard brought out a chair and she was shoved into it rather gruffly. She didn’t seem to mind, though. She smiled pleasantly and nodded at Boss to continue. 
“The operation you went under was the put a chip in your neck. If for a single moment you decide to go rogue, try to escape, try to betray Hero, or Hero considers you a threat to her or anybody else’s safety, then she will press a button and it will kill you.” Boss continued. He slid a file down onto the metal table, stepping back to let Hero continue.
“And if I don’t want to do this? Gonna kill me now?” 
“Why don’t we talk about if you agree?” Hero offered. Villain looked over at her with wide, oddly intent eyes. Clearing her throat, Hero resumed. “If you agree to help find your brother then you’ll have more comfortable arrangements in prison.”
“Find my brother?” Villain cocked her head to the side, smiling gently. “Isn’t he in prison? Besides, even if he isn’t in prison and he’s escaped then why would I help capture him? He’s my brother.”
“He escaped a month ago. And he never came back for you.” Hero responded coolly. She hated Villain’s smile, but it felt odd when that smile faltered for a second. It was only a flicker, there and then gone, but it was noticeable enough. The two stared at each other until Hero couldn’t look into her eyes any longer.
Strangely, Villain didn’t say anything. Hero felt almost satisfied with herself. She was making headway—it was the first crack in the ice; all she had to do was keeping chipping at Villain until her façade fractured. Once that was done then she’d be far easier to negotiate with.
The quietness persisted, the only sound in the room being one of the guards coughing and Hero opening the file. 
“He wouldn’t do that.”
“But he did.” Hero persisted. “I am your best bet at having a life that isn’t entirely miserable. Your brother betrayed you, you’re in prison, your…establishment…has been taken over. What do you have besides this offer anymore?”
Then, Villain laughed. 
Everybody looked around, eyes flicking to everybody else in the room, sweat beading, as if her laugh were poisonous and breathing in the same room as her would kill them. Boss looked at one of the two guards holding her down while she giggled.
“I see. You think that if you tell me that my brother escaped without me and if you threaten to kill me with the chip you put in my neck—against my will, by the way—then I’ll help you defeat another, worse bad guy. Original. I applaud your creativity.”
“You know your brother better than anyone. If anybody will help us find him and succeed in taking him down, then it’ll be you.” Hero answered, narrowing her eyes. “Will you team up with me?”
The two of them were villainous monarchs. Villain had a monopoly over the nightlife in the city, luring people in with tantalizing promises and excitement; her brother, Other Villain, was a scientist and spread his experiments in the streets. The two of them were wicked people. 
The type of people Hero hated.
Hero’s father had died a drunk, penniless man because of the district Villain had climbed the ranks of. She hated Villain’s shameless amusement about the situation—about life and death. That slick smile of her’s made Hero impossibly angry, her hands clenched into fists under the table.
She’d have to work with that scum.
“I don’t have much of a choice.” Villain hummed pensively. “Alright!”
I’ve been trying to do more writing and it was going really well for my siren story but the website I was using didn’t save my writing and I’m so upset because I had a perfect cliffhanger and I liked how it went 😩
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wardenred · 8 months
Whumptember 23: "Is that blood?"
Oh, look, Flame is bleeding again. Maybe I should write some nice stuff about him for Flufftober next month, to make up for all these troubles. :D
Wearing the costume was a weird experience even when it didn't malfunction. Flame recognized the cold wind picking up around him, prodding at his body. He didn't feel the impact of it, though. Not in any tangible way. It was like being under anesthesia in a dentist's office. 
He would really appreciate some actual anesthesia right now. Those stab wounds hurt like a motherfucker. He kept hoping the initial sharp pain would fade; instead, it had turned into a throbbing burn that gave no sign of subsiding.
At least no major arteries had been hit. As far as he could tell, anyway. Maybe it was only the costume holding his body together, and as soon as he peeled it off, even more blood would come flooding out.
Around him, the suburbs went on with their hushed post-midnight life. An owl hooted in the distance. The wind rustles the newly sprung leaves on the branches. A car growled past, its driver accelerating like their life depended on it.
Hopefully it didn't. There were, after all, no heroes nearby to offer aid. Only Flame, too bruised and broken to be of use.
Five more minutes, he told himself. Five more minutes, and then I'll try to get up.
The wooden stairs were just as hard as his stiff muscles. He slid down to sit on the lowest one and flopped back with a groan. Observation: stairs make for a lousy bed. He let his eyes flutter close and took a deep breath.
Or attempted to. 
The costume tightened around his chest—or was it his ribcage growing smaller around his organs? He couldn't tell. There was all that weight, all that pressure, and every gasp of breath came with effort. Is it a panic attack or am I done for?
Panic attack. It had to be a panic attack. He wouldn't have it any other way.
He struggled for breath, forcing himself to hold the air in for a few counts, then exhale slowly, then inhale more without choking. After a while, he was pretty sure he was passing out.
The next thing he knew, a door creaked open behind him, flooding the back porch with light. Flame looked up, trying to draw more oxygen through his constricting throat. Black flies danced in front of his eyes.
Batshit was towering over him, unmasked and costumeless. Faint sounds of TV came from behind her back, accompanied with the smell of something roasted that could be potatoes or chicken or both. She crossed her arms in front of her chest.
"What the fuck are you doing here?"
Flame propped himself up on one elbow, made a grab for the bannister to sit up. Breathe, he ordered himself. Now. 
Wasn't it unfortunate that human ability for speech couldn't function very well without breathing?
It took a few false starts and a good number of glares from Batshit, but finally, he managed, "I got beat up. Nearby. On that solo mission. Didn't mean to disturb you, just thought I'd rest here. Before heading home." His head felt light, a helium balloon dangling on a frayed string. Any moment now, a gust of wind would float his skull away and scatter his brains all around this nice, tranquil neighborhood. "Sorry," he ground out for good measure. "Didn't mean to disturb you."
Her jaw tightened. "When my occasional partner drops on my backstep looking like roadkill, I tend to be a little disturbed, no matter how you mean it. Purely by the inconvenience of it." She narrowed her eyes, looking his hunched form up and down. After a moment, something changed. She leaned forward, hands on her knees, eyebrows shooting up. "Hang on. Is that blood?"
Flame shrugged. "Got myself a couple of new scars, probably. Chicks dig them."
She scoffed. "As if you were ever into chicks. How the fuck is it leaking through your costume? Isn't it supposed to keep it in and use it for regeneration?"
"The other guy had some mean high-tech weapon. Must be a malfunction." All this talking was getting exhausting. At least he wasn't hyperventilating quite so badly anymore. Definitely a silver lining.
Batshit let out a long-suffering sigh and stepped closer. "Okay. Come on. Let me help you up. You need to be quiet though, get it? Very quiet. I don't want my mom to totally lose it."
She crouched beside him, slinging his arm over her shoulder. Flame tried to shift away. "You're tiny, I can't lean on you."
That earned him a withering look. "I'm a force of nature, and you're weak as a disabled kitten. Do shut up."
"Has anyone ever met a disabled kitten?" Flame wondered.
"Shut. Up."
Shivering, he let her lead him into the warmth.
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shinraapologist · 2 years
im coming into your askbox now...! whats yr fave thing abt shinra? and do u have a fave official art of him? :3
I LOOOOOVE SHIIIIIIINRAAAAAAAAAA. I LOVE SHINRA. hes so handsome and perfect hes the most pathetic man alive i want to eat him i want to put him in a jar and shake him. he is the blorbo of all time. THIS IS SOOOOO LONG, THIS IS MY SHINRA THESIS. this is my shinra apologism bible. this is my shinra loving conversion propaganda.
shinra, at his core, is someone who loves so deeply and is so fucking traumatized and has such bad odds of overcoming it. he's been raised solely by shingen (someone remind me to talk abt test tube shinra) who has. no interest in shinras genuine care or wellbeing beyond an.... experimental context. hes trying to make a child into an accomplished surgeon.
this has consequences on the child.
i hc shinra as autistic (someone remind me to talk about who all in drrr is autistic. short answer they all are); specifically that he struggles with social cues, expectations, reading tone and situations, and emotional regulation and expressing his emotions "correctly". specifically, he over-emotes, to the point of theater at times. his neutral expression and tone of voice are overly excitable and positive, and he feels all his emotions very strongly and reacts as such.
already having trouble understanding what is and isnt socially acceptable (and the differences between different situations), being raised by shingen really fucks him over because he's given a rather.... broken moral and social framework. all the things you normally teach a child about right and wrong... shinra did not get those conversations.
as a child this doesnt bother him. he literally does not know any different. hes generally effervescent, hes a bright child and he loves his dad and he loves learning and he loves how cool shizuo is. he's never seen an operation done on someone who isn't under anesthesia and it bothers him in a way he doesnt have words to describe and his dad wants him to do it, and his dad is smart and he's supposed to listen to his dad and his dad says its okay, so its okay right? he doesnt like it, doesnt like how it feels to hurt the person he found on the boat- doesnt like how his dad doesnt think shes a person when shes right in front of him doing all the things a person does. but he doesn't know how to process that. the person from the boat seems a bit afraid of him after, even though she doesnt have the language to speak to him yet. he doesnt like that, either, although he cant put the words together to explain why.
he likes the girl. shes pretty, in a way he had absently found other girls and women pretty, the same way a flower or a very nice teapot is pretty. but this time, it catches a spark in him- she's captivating in a way none of the others ever have been. he likes how she carries herself, the way she interacts with the world, and he wants so badly to talk to her. so he does. he follows her all around their little house, although at first she's always in the room that used to hold a bunch of spare medical equipment but now holds a thin mat and a black motorcycle. he lets himself in without bothering to announce himself or ask, because hes never had to ask to go in here, and doesnt see any reason he shouldnt be now. sometimes, she shoes him away without fanfare. other times, she allows him to talk to her, chattering a million miles an hour about what hes learned in school or with his dad or what he's been doing out in the yard. she seems like shes listening, even if she never replies. she couldnt, obviously, she had no head. after a few weeks she begins to sometimes come with him when he tries to pull her by the hand around the house.
shinras not the type of kid to want to draw, so it's a few weeks before they reach a point in school where he has homework to take home. theyre learning to write, and although shinra has been reading at a level a few years above his age for a while, he hasn't written any- he's never had any need to. he drags the homework with him into the spare room to go bother his friend after school. she's interested in what he's doing; he can feel her watch him write his shaky pencil strokes as he traces the hirigana outlined on the paper. he explains them to her as she watches, having no idea she can't understand him yet. he proudly holds his finished assignment out to her and beams when she examines it closely. her hand hesitates as she reaches for the pencil; she pulls it back almost as soon as she begins. he thrusts it into her hands, excited that his friend wants to be part of what he's doing. he brings her a spare piece of copy paper and watches as she carefully copies his hirigana. he's happy, pointing to each one as she draws it and telling her which one it is. to him, it seems like a fun game. the next day, he steals a copy of yesterdays homework from the teachers desk when she isnt looking, and begins grabbing an extra copy of each assignment he gets. he and his friend do their homework together every day after school. she sits with him at the kitchen table to do it, now. each day, he does his first and tells her all about what it means. she picks up quickly- within months they both can write simple sentences, and now shinra can really talk to his friend.
once they begin being able to talk, the two are inseparable. shinra grabs an empty moleskin from his dad's office for her to write in, and the more she writes, the quicker she learns. she points to every new object they encounter, and shinra is happy to tell her what each one called. he wants her to come out with him into the yard, and she gestures at the wispy smoke rolling from her neck. he gathers a few hundred yen from random drawers and the pockets of his dad's laundry and the sidewalk on the way home from school and buys her the biggest sunhat they have at the department store the next time he and his dad go. she's happy, when he shows her.
shinra grows far too quickly into a teenager, still wickedly smart and still so deeply, wildly infatuated with celty. he tells her everything, and she tells him more and more, too, as the years go by. he's careful, now, to do all his homework with her and explain the concepts to her as he goes. it's extremely effective studying, and it motivates him to fully understand the material. he's beginning to understand the way he loves her, beginning to realize how lost he would feel without her. he knows he needs to keep her in his life. he also knows now his dad sometimes says and does things he dislikes. shinra operates entirely of his own desires, listening to his father when what shingen asks of him suits him and ignoring him when it doesn't. izaya had asked him once if he had any idea of right and wrong, and although shinra remembers the face izaya made when he told him he felt that anything that felt right must be right, he doesn't know what to make of it.
within another two years he knows he's in love with celty, has already confessed a dozen times. she always brushes him off, but he sees the way she's beginning to smoke up more when he says it. it reminds him of the blush he gets when she says something funny or is particularly cute to him. his love is big enough that it feels like it could burst from his chest. he has no idea what to do with it, how to show it in any semblance of a healthy way. he tries, he stumbles, and gets up and tries again. conversing with humans still confuses him- still cant read facial expressions, still cant understand the vocal inflection of others- but can read celty like an open book. he's beginning to feel less and less human, but he's not upset by it- he's never felt all too human to start.
the longer shingen is gone, the more shinra realizes how badly his father affected him. he begins to resent the man- resents him when he fumbles a social interaction and loses a well paying client, resents him when he does something he feels is right and sees celty hurt or sad. the resentment eats him, leaving him lost and adrift. every time he looks in the mirror he sees his father. his life, his passion, his income, his reputation- its all intertwined with shingen. he hates his father so much he begins to hate himself.
seeing celty come home from the first dollars meeting breaks something in him. he starts to blame his father, if only the rotten bastard hadn't done this to her- and pauses. shinras continued to lie to her too, he's just as responsible now as his father. the feeling makes him sick. he almost tells her then about saika, but the words catch in his throat, and they taste bitter when he swallows them.
that changes something in shinra- he's trying to be better, be kinder, question what he really feels is right and wrong. trying and stumbling and trying again. he forces the truth from his throat, tells celty what his father did, knows his four year old self couldnt stop shingen and his twenty three year old self does not need to continue to cover for him. the truth tastes just as bitter on his tongue as it did in his throat.
he begins standing up to shingen, bit by bit, always feeling he's falling short, always realizing too late when hes crossed a line. trying and stumbling and trying again.
when the stranger kisses him, and he feels a pinprick in his shoulder, all he can think of is the way celty jumped. her shock and pain swirl inside him as violently as she's chasing them- his celty, his celty- he needs to get back to his celty. saikas voice buzzes in his ears like a swarm of wasps but all he can think is celty celty celty-
he needs to find her. when his father hands him the sword the swarm of wasps in his brain swells to a roar and reverberates around his thoughts. celty celty celty- love celty- love- celty- love love love- his broken bones and torn ligaments scream against the flight of stairs to the rooftop backed by an orchestra of celty celty celty love you celty love love love love celty-
it was never a question of following her. shinra would have begged shizuo to throw him after her whether he'd had a plan or not- the sword that had slipped into his body was burning inside him and screaming a chorus, pulled itself to his palm and the sea of love love love celty- guided his arm, guided his thoughts, guided his heart and his soul. trying, and stumbling. doing what his father would have done- what his father already had. he cant help but to get up and try again. i love shinra because hes. fucked up and traumatized and still loves. loves imperfectly, loves messily and loudly and is loved in return. hes a work in progress, hes a horrible little man, hes a poor meow meow and a pathetic wet rat and i could talk about him for ten years. i could talk about his and celtys relationship for ten years. i think shinra as a character is massively underappreciated and massively mischaracterized. this only scratches the SURFACE of my thoughts. PLEASE feel free to ask me abt him he is my little bratz doll im rotating him in my mind at all times. i need to reblog this with my favorite official art tumblr is either overworked or my post is too long-
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blackoctober-blog · 7 months
A Terrible Nightmare
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Synopsis: Mrs. Jones had called Suzanne and her family to going visit her, but their car was already broken and mad about her husband forgetting to fixing before, they had an usual fight until arriving back home. Annoyed and disappointed, James decided to sleep on living room while Suzanne stayed on bedroom. However, this her last action gave terrible nightmares as consequences. Will she finally learn?
Sunday. Suzanne and James were finishing their last things until the brunet man would turn the car finally. Mary and Lilly were playing to brushing hair until the couple called them to go in, the girls ran to sit and put their seat belt.
"Is everybody ready?" He've asked. All of the girls responded with excitement and then, James started to drive the car, however the car started to make loud noises until it stopped in the middle from the way. At first, they thought there was no gas or there was some piece of wood on motor, but the car was completely broken. And which made Suzanne be completely mad and highly stressed and while James tried to confort and fix the issue, Suzanne just said him a lot of aggressive names until James lost his patience.
"Fine. I had been tired from you treating me as shit for so long. You only disrespect me and forget that I have so many feelings as you do. You know, I'm done. Completely done." And then, Suzanne tried to touch his shoulder but he was so mad that didn't want to say any word to his woman.. The kids watched in shock and sadness. Lilly started to cry silently while Mary hugged her.
"Don't cry, little sis... It wasn't nothing." She whispered sweetly. Suzanne sat on car while James just ordered her to be quiet while he pushed back to Billy's garage, his old peer. Billy fixed his car and guaranteed this thing wouldn't happen again and it took like for hours. When it came ready, it was like 21:00 pm, Suzanne had asleep on belt and the girls embraced each other, the man thanked his old pal and finally drove back to their home. During their way, million of thoughts came to James' mind - his harsh childhood, non-good relations to his parents, Suzanne from math' class, their first date, their marriage and then, when they had their first kid.
Even he loving Suzanne since the first time he took his eyes from her, he was tired. Thoughts about divorce and try to move on own way couldn't stop screaming on his brain, finally at the Carter's residence, first he took his two daughers to sleep on their beds and then, he did the same to Suzanne, carrying the tired woman on his arms and leaving on their bed and covering her on blanket.
"I hope you're having sweet dreams." And closed the bedroom's door, James walked to the kitchen, where he cooked some dinner and then, boiled a camomile tea. Later, the tired man decided to watch some TV show to relax until his eyes closed and he felt asleep.
On bedroom, Suzanne was sleeping calmly but this peace was interrupted until tears started to rolling from your eyes. She've rolled right to the left, you could hear her calling for James.
"No, please! Wait!'' She tried to run after James but he didn't stop. And one time, he've suffered a car accident, making to wake up from hospital. His expression were like confused and under anesthesia' effects.
"Who brought me here?'' He asked. The doctor explained he was such a lucky man, once he couldn't survive after a young woman took him from the car and called the ambulance for rescue. When James asked who was supposed to be that woman, the doctor said Suzanne's name. At first, James tried to jump from the window but it were all locked and after some hours and a lot of efforts, James decided to calm himself and try to understand about what's going towards her. She've explained that lost her memories and couldn't remember anything except her high schooler times, before to get any relationship, both from Alex and then James. And she wished to ask him about their marriage's photo that she've found on his apartment.
James thought his ex-wife was kidding or maybe trying to manipulate, however he found she genuinely looked lost and unsure to understand about what happened. And some hours later, completely recovered, James left the hospital and accepted to help Suzanne about her lost memories when they were to reveal their marriage, the blonde woman had awake and finding that it was all a dream. Sweats couldn't stop from her body but she needed to reflect.
"I shouldn't be so mean to him that way. I have to apologize for all I done.'' And quickly, she jumped from the bed and ran after the living room, her relief came when she found he was just asleep and snoring soft on couch.
"Jimmy.. Jimmy?" He opened his eyes.
"Huh? What's wrong, Suzie? Couldn't you get to sleep again?'' His tone was gentle and polite, but isn't hard to say that he was still a bit mad for what she've done about him. Suzanne couldn't maintain painful tears and hugged him strongly.
"Forgive me, Jimmy. Shouldn't have been so mean to you like I did.'' James couldn't resist and hugged her back. At beginning, she was thinking as he didn't love her anymore due his silence but the brunet man surprised the blonde with a romantic kiss. Suzanne wrapped the arms around the man and both laid, kissing passionately even with tears rolling to her eyes. Wipping with his fingers, James revealed and vented for everything it happened but later, she understood all his words and both hugged each other in forgiveness. Then, the couple felt asleep on couch but now to happy expression.
The End.
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daniellemchaney · 10 months
Help with medical supplies and bills 🩺🏥
Hello everyone I am Danielle Marie. 30 year old woman fighting a chronic illness every day.
Little Bit of my story:
In November of 2019 my life completely changed with no warning and no sign. I went into the ER after vomiting blood and found out my stomach was dying off. For four years I did so many EGD procedures to help with the bleeding and the process of emptying my stomach, but it did not work. Finally in May of 2020 I had to have a stomach revision surgery. I absolutely needed this surgery to save my life. That surgery ended up making everything worse. I fought infections, bleeds and pain for years. Then in April 2022 I had a total gastrectomy surgery (total stomach removal). This surgery was suppose to help return me to my life… but it didn’t. Since the total gastrectomy and in the last year I’ve been hospitalized every month for days or weeks at a time and sometimes more times during a month due to issues from the surgery. The person I knew in the mirror is now gone, I weigh 88 pounds because I can’t maintain my nutrition with always being sick. I’m skin and bones and live in constant pain. I’ve been under anesthesia 73 times in the last 5 years. In the last year I’ve had 5 major surgeries and 17 EGDs with esophageal stents placed 12 times and Nothing has helped. As of today August 13th 2023, I’m laying in this hospital bed writing all of you lovely people, on permanent care waiting for another surgery. This is my last chance. They are going to completely redo my total gastrectomy. But first I’ll be getting a G tube placed within the next couple days so hopefully I can regain strength for a successful total gastrectomy redo.
In these last few years I’ve acquired so much medical debt and now I’m going to need medical supplies for my G tube for whenever I get to return home. I don’t have the best insurance and can’t work due to always being sick and in the hospital. I’m just looking for some help to get me by until my disability benefits finally hits (been waiting for my benefits since January 2021). Anything you can give, will help me and my parents dramatically. Looking at the list of all the supplies I’ll need to just return home is so stressful. And I hate having to put this financial strain on my parents and support system since they have done so much for me already.
Money will go to:
Medical supplies not covered by insurance
G Tube machine backpack (for leaving the house)
G Tube sanitary supplies and equipment
Bedroom set up for machine and tubing
G Tube Pads for sterilization of the area and comfort
Doctors Bills and anything else I may need down this long road ahead of me.
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miserirphmoved · 2 years
Watch the full video here! I love Brandon and Cam so I’m gonna make a series of prompts just from their YouTube videos! These work for everything from angst to completely chaotic! Feel free to change pronouns as needed, please do not add to the list! xo
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“make sad times inside go away” “bye bye scary dark time” “i’m not tired yet, so it’s gonna be easy for us, just act like we’re sleeping” “don’t wanna make boyfriend male whisper mad” “*rambles in ASMR*” “*tea kettle laugh*” “asmr boyfriend spits gently in your face about your day” “i don’t like how the hand is brushing every side of the camera” “where’s that been?” “you’re gonna wanna do something about that” “you’re gonna wanna hire a plumber babe” “breaking the toilet and the news to your girl/boyfriend” “i had taco bell for a fifth meal” “this was uploaded on my birthday!” “what a slap in the face” “i forgot what we were talking about” “can you imagine this guy as your dentist?” “alright let’s get started right away” “where you going?” “just take a moment to admire all that beauty” “oh here he goes again” “can we just watch netflix?” “i’m not done” “i thought he said hold on” “there’s just so many spots i haven’t hit yet” “so you’ve been wooing me for thirty-two minutes now and i haven’t said a word” “*gagging sound*” “dude... gross” “oh my god” “love comes from here *points to diaphragm*” “he’s very polite” “thank you for... i am doing this anyway” “...ooookay” “i’m just... i’m not having a good time” “this is when you just fake sleep so he’ll leave you alone” “nothing’s ever gotten me in the mood more than: oh geez” “it’s my work shirt, i only have one. i only have one!” “i haven’t touched your forehead in a minute” “i highly doubt that” “we’re at the kitchen table” “he’s over for family dinner” “so [name]... [name 2] says you’re in a band” “[name] you haven’t touched your meal” “so how long have you known each other?” “oh he took his shirt off!” “thank you honey” “you finished with that?” “they’re trying to be as vague as possible” “i’m ready for sleep!” “i made it to twelve minutes today” “i really should have eaten dinner” “hey... when’s dinner?” “i’m afraid there’s a next level to the closeness” “stop playing with my ears...” “this man/woman kisses from their soul” “i thought you’d never ask” “we’re supposed to have our eyes closed right now” “wait... what?” “it’s just there ‘cause i want it there...” “did he/she fall asleep?” “i’ve gotta start over now” “whoa, sharp left turn from what i thought was gonna happen” “well, it’s 6am time to get up for work” “it’s an endless nightmare” “why won’t you go?” “you’re completely insane!” “i’m so dizzy!” “you and i are so close to death right now...” “i had the weirdest dream last night” “we’d flush the couch fish but we can’t, more will just turn up” “this is what the dentist does when you’re under anesthesia” “get to the point!” “you’re stalling just say it!” “i’m done...” “forever?”
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