#it's a wonderful ket life
hi-im-secretly-satan · 6 months
Hi I put 80+ hours into ffxvi over the past two weeks so i lost my mind a little bit. Huge ffxvi reblog spree ahead ✨
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I need a critter :(
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artsartblog · 5 months
I caved and finally made a Trolls oc. I don’t have a lot on her, but she’s a precious bean.
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Briar is a pop troll, but she loves all kinds of music. She briefly lost her cool after feeling like she didn’t fit in amongst her fellow pop trolls when she just no longer felt happy singing or dancing to the pop music, but once she heard other music her color came back. She definitely enjoys rock more than pop, but purely because she’s gotten tired of hearing only pop for her whole life. Variety is key in keeping her happy. She got the skull belt after the events of World Tour because she just loved it so much. The flower in her hair is a clip on jewelry type thing, the flower is fake because she would have to constantly get a new flower every time the original one died. As stated above she lowkey a fan of BroZone. She liked them a lot when she was younger, but now that she’s older she feels silly for being so into the group. Though that does stop her from occasionally listening to their record every once in awhile as a way to just let her be herself.
I really only caved and made a Trolls oc because of @tea0w0stache and @0ketlyn-s Brotherhood AU. It’s so good and I love all the designs and love Bruce (Spruce is just my favorite character in the Trolls canon anyways). That love has been channeled into my oc (for the fun of it) because I have her having a crush on Bruce but she really just keeps it to herself. However, as an outcast (because she’s not that big of a fan of how the pop trolls worship JD, Bruce and Floyd like they’re a godsend) she does occasionally talk to Poppy about things because she really doesn’t know who else to talk to that just will listen. Plus, Briar really isn’t good with socializing. She tends to stick to herself and just makes things that could possibly make their hidden existence better. She would love to be more sociable, but prefers to view things from a distance. The flower skirt she wears is actually something she’s made. She’s pretty good at making outfits, but she makes other things. Especially if she’s in a really creative mood.
Don’t take what I said for the Brotherhood AU seriously since it’s not my AU and I purely made that version of her for fun. BH!Poppy and BH!Bruce do not belong to me, they belong to Dex and Ket. As far as I know the AU is still underdevelopment and whatnot. If you’re interested go check out both of their blogs and ask them about it. I’m purely an outsider just looking in and creating a bit of fun (and small bit of fanart). Go support the two of them, they’re really cool people!!!
Anyways, idk if I’ll actually do much with Briar since I just couldn’t resist making a Trolls oc any longer. With that being said hope you all enjoyed the art! If you want to see more Briar art let me know, any questions on her you are free to ask. Likes are nice, but reblogs help others see the art so if you want your mutuals and followers to see it reblog it ^w^ As always, hope you’re having a wonderful day and stay creative!
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Would the Elimist have restored morphing to anyone other Tobias if they'd ended up a nothlit instead?
I think that the Doylist (out-of-universe) answer to that question would always be "yes." Tobias having the ability to morph allows him both to be a full Animorph and to be his unique mouse-eating self. If there's a different nothlit on the team, then that person has got to have morphing power on top of being in an animal shape, or else they're going to end up left out of a lot of missions the way Tobias is in #2 - #12.
The Watsonian (in-universe) answer is a little trickier. Tobias never says in so many words that he wants to be human, or that he wants to morph but remain a hawk. We know he was at minimum okay with being trapped in morph at the time it happened (#43) but also that there are a lot of things he misses from human life (#23). Tobias tells the Ellimist "you know what I want" rather than stating outright his price for helping Jara and Ket (#13). It's Rachel who assumes Tobias wants to be human full-time, and Tobias doesn't correct her. But what does Tobias actually want?
Tobias always talks about how much he sees both sides of every situation, how he wishes to have things both ways: "I am Tobias. A boy. A hawk. Some strange mix of the two" (#3). "Is the glass half empty or half full? ...Am I some kind of hideous freak of nature, a twisted concoction of mismatched parts? Or am I something new and wonderful? Depends on the day" (MM3). "In my old life, my life as a boy, I was the mouse. The prey. Stalked by predators bent on flushing my head down the men's room toilet... In my old life, my life as prey, food was not a problem. I was on the free lunch program at school" (#49). "I can never take a life, not even for my own survival, without feeling... [Elfangor's] message: You are both, Tobias. Hawk and human. You always will be. You will always kill to eat. And you will always regret" (#23). So on and so forth. Therefore, I'd say that being able to be everything at once — hawk and human, semi-andalite and adoptive hork-bajir, killer and protector, boy and non-boy — is a wish that only Tobias would make.
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snapescupoftea · 27 days
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𝐈𝐧𝐟𝐨: Your beloved has promised you something that stuck to both your hearts. However, will he able to keep that promise?
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: SPOILERS FOR CHAPTER 223 AND 236!!! Also, this could be cringe and Gojo may not act like how he's supposed to canonically.
𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: This was stuck to my head so ofc I'll write it. Also, I'm sooo, so sorry for not heing able to write nothing last April😔.
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"Someday, my love, when this is all over, I promise you, we'll get married, start a little family and leave all this behind, alright? Just you and me, I promise you."
Was what he told you on a date years ago before he became the strongest sorcerer, before he was given such a big responsibility, before Amai died, before Suguru...
Even after everything that's happened, that never stopped him from loving you to bits and bits and bits, he still reminded you that he's ok and that he, as the strongest sorcerer, will fight Sukuna and win, resolve all the other complications and then retire as a sorcerer to live in a peaceful life with you.
So why...why were you on your knees, grasping for breath as tears continued to flood down your eyes non-stop?
Why was it that you were the only one crying and sobbing there? Why wasn't anyone doing anything? Did they not care? Had they not noticed?
You knew that they did care, how could they not anyways? It's just that it wasn't the time to grieve at the moment.
You weren't supposed to be crying here, it wasn't the time for that, you should've gone off to join the others as soon as it happened.
You knew that too.
But who could blame you, really?
You stood there, and watched as a cruel, heartless man named Sukuna, split the love of your life into two. Watched, as the man who had risked his life and given his all, failed miserably, resulting in the lost of his life. Watched, as everything just...fell apart for you...
How could you not cry and sob as that happened?
He promised, promised that he would kill Sukuna and end this all, just for you, no... not just for you, for him too, and Yuji, for everyone, but most importantly, you.
You knew deep down that he wasn't going to be able to defeat Sukuna, you felt that deep down, as if you just knew this wasn't going to work.
And yet, you still decided to put your faith into him and hope, just hope, that you were wrong.
You were starting to think that maybe, it wasn't just you who doubted the whole thing, and that it wasn't just you who decided to go with their hopes instead.
He was everyone's only hope afterall.
You all had planned, that in any case that Gojo wasn't able to defeat Sukuna, you'd all get in position to join the battle the second it happened.
And yet, it didn't seemed like it was a problem that you didn't go into battle according to plan. It was as if they had made another plan without you, as if they knew you weren't going to come. Not when all...this just happend. You couldn't blame them really, it would have been a burden if you just decided not to join the battle after such careful planning.
You saw the look on Yuji's face, that sympathetic look he had for you before he swiftly moved into action.
He knew. They all knew.
So you sat there, sobbing and gasping for breaths as you tried to process all this information. Shoko was there too, though she just ended up watching you in pity, she knew that comforting you would only put you into more of a stressed state while being in denial, it'd be better to ket you process all this for a bit before breaking the already known news to you.
As you sat there, you wondered if maybe...just maybe... some where in another world, another life, that someday did come for you. That day where you'd leave all this behind and spend the rest of your lives with Gojo and everyone else, but most importantly, him.
That someday, everyone, your old friends, Suguru, Nanami, Haibara...your students, Nobara, Megumi, Yuji, Maki, Toge....
That someday, you'd all just spend some time together, preferably, all carefree and having fun in a beautiful grassy and flowery grasslands.
But as Shoko came closer to rub your back and try soothing you...
Deep down you knew...
That someday never came for you...
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munsons-maiden · 2 years
but ed*ssy is like a uper problematic though??? like she’s 16-17 and he’s 20-21. that’s a whole minor/adult relationship 🧐 not to mention they only ever interacted once and it was during a drug deal (in which he was giving her ket; like he didn’t give a shit about her well-being lmao)
It's not. They are peers, they're both seniors (making Chrissy 17 or 18), they went to middle school together and there's no power imbalance. Netflix ships them, the Duffers do, Joe and Grace do. Those are the facts, and this discussion is an old one and I don't care to argue about it since, as I said, this blog is ship-friendly. It's not even an Eddissy blog, it's an Eddie blog.
As someone who’s been an actual victim of grooming and sa when I was 16, and who still has to deal with the emotional consequences of what has been done to me, seeing people running around accusing a fictional ship between two people who are peers and in the same class in High School and went to goddamn middle school together as “problematic“ is a slap in the face and the point at which a ship war - and we know it’s nothing more than that - bleeds into real life and hurts actual people. Believe me, if it’s not the Psychology Degree on my wall giving me the critical thinking skills to determine whether a ship is problematic or not, it’s my own past.
On the note “he didn’t give a shit about her wellbeing“. Did we watch the same series?
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You don’t have to ship them romantically, but it was obvious that Eddie cared about Chrissy, enough to dedicate his swan song to her.
It’s perfectly fine if you don’t like a ship.
Going around calling it problematic because you don’t like it and feel you need to justify not liking it is not - and calling this specific ship between two seniors who went to middle school together problematic because of an age gap of 2-3 years is extremely problematic of you because it hurts real life victims such as myself who suffered through actually problematic shit.
This is the last time I will engage in discourse about Eddissy. You’re welcome to stay on this blog when you stick to the blog rules - which are ship and let ship because in the end it’s an Eddie blog, dedicated to Eddie Munson only - and you’re free to leave if you feel like me shipping Eddissy on the side is something you cannot live with.
Though "he didn't give a shit about her well-being" makes me wonder why you’re even on this Eddie blog in the first place, since you obviously don’t think too well of Eddie as a character in general.
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19871997 · 6 days
difference between 2-0 and 2-1 is legitimately ket (everyrhibg is beautiful what a wonderful world what a delightful life) vs the strain that makes u earnestly believe jack the ripper is in your bedroom
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loveanaox · 7 months
One Piece Live Action Actors Ideal types
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(Sorry yall I've been busy so a little inactive, but after I fix my schedule I will answer all the other requested readings on the kpop idols)
Inaki Godoy (Luffy)
Cards pulled out: Five of pentacles reversed, eight of cups reversed, four of pentacles reversed, the devil reversed, nine of pentacles back of the deck
So I pulled cards once but then I didn't like how they came out and it was really confusing to interpret but it seems like some cards just want to come out
So this what im getting:
He definitely likes someone who likes to improve their financial situation. Someone who's stable, got their shit together. Very independent and secure. Someone who makes him feel welcomed in a way. He might like that either seeing them healing from their abandonment issues, or he likes when they're not completely yk for commitment, like scared of commitment. Someone who is very open and generous, but someone as I said who's independent and very like green vibes. Like green and sweet. Someone's who's been in it for the rough but like reclaiming their control and becoming independent.
Jacob Gibson (Ussop)
Cards pulled out:Strength, king of wands, five of pentacles, the devil, page of cups
He likes someone who's very brave and Courageous, confident and friendly. Just like a "I am my own person" type of person. Someone who lives up to their own expectations and is just a funny, honest and just has a way with their words type of person. He wants someone who knows how it feel to be left out in the cold but then to become independent and detached from the world. He digs that. Someone very cheerful and optimistic like sassy but cute, someone sensible and emotionally mature. Very Youthful and a dreamer and actually works on those dreams.
Emily Rudd(Nami)
Cards pulled out: Six of pentacles, the hierophant reversed, nine of cups, ace of swords, knight of pentacles back of the deck
Someone who is very generous and kind, but also someone who challenges normal traditions, someone whi doesn't mind or believes in gender roles reversed. I saw a house husband lmao. Someone who's very optimistic and abundant. A person who has a good intellectual ability. Someone who can stimulate her mind and other, a person who believes in justice. Someone who can concentrate well and see things from outside the box. Someone who's like different from others but "far ahead in life" someone who can provide stability and materialistic things and bring in things and be able to build with her on a mental level.
Taz Skylar(Sanji)
Cards pulled out: Ten of swords, justice, chariot, the lovers, three of wands
Someone who has been betrayed or backstabbed before and just really ket down, causing that person to really believe in justice or karmic things. Someone he rebuild themselves and are now successful in life and victorious and those hoes can't even touch em. He wants someone where it can feel romantic and it feels like they're soulmates yk? Someone who he gad shared values with. Might like someone who travels a lot or a foreigner. He is attracted to someone who believes in themselves and someone who likes to experience life.
Okayy hope yall enjoyed the readings. I didn't do all the casts just bc I don't think you guys all wanted to see all the actors. I didn't to Mackenyu cause he has a wife if anyone was wondering.
But ja I will now continue with the kpop readings I need to finish.
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sewercentipede · 9 months
Hello i want to try ket and probably will as soon as i get a chance, if you would like can you please give me some tips for using safely because im unfamiliar with ket entirely
yes absolutely! ur approach to this being specifically with harm reduction in mind is so wonderful i commend you
I’ve written up a super detailed guide for this very thing for another anon in the past but tumblr ATE IT I can’t find it at all😭 soo I’ll try to do the same for u—that means it’ll b VERY long so i apologize in advance.
Also to any of my mutuals or followers or whoever have experience with ketamine and want to add any advice I haven’t covered please please do so in the replies!!!
1. Acquire ketamine from as trusted a source as possible. if u can get literal (and legit) medical vials that’d be the ideal but for most ppl that’s not a realistic option. so (I assume, since I do not know ur situation) you will probably be getting it in crystal/rock form or crushed up crystal form (it should look like very sparkly pure white powder when crushed up). PLEASE buy fentanyl test trips from dancesafe.org and follow the instructions that come with them to test your ketamine. This step is IMPERATIVE as in life or death. it’ll mean youll have to turn ur ketamine to liquid with water in order to test the entire amount of ketamine for fentanyl and fent analogues. to turn it back into crystal to snort, literally just pour the liquid in a large glass pan or pie dish, and let it evaporate. If ur impatient u can use a hairdryer on it or cook it in the oven on the lowest oven setting (while it’s in the glass pan ofc) and monitor it the whole time, until it is hardened back into crystal. It shouldn’t be gooey at all but should also not be any color other than pure white.
2. Go to erowid.com and go to the ketamine vault and read everything in the basics, effects, health, and dose links .Erowids the best resource. . Here’s some pics of the dose guides, durations, and expected effects. These dosage recommendations are accurate and I highly recommend going by them when you first start. After you do ketamine a few times you’ll get the hang of it without rly needing to measure so precisely .
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Some of those negative effects aren’t even negative, but some sound scary I know but the scary ones are honestly really rare, and happen when people do like a ton of ketamine at a club and hole by accident, or mix ketamine with a bunch of drugs or otherwise take it irresponsibly. If you follow my recommendations and the recommendations on erowid, you shouldnt have anything to fear. Ketamine isn’t scary - because it’s a dissociative and the *most gentle disso ever* it detaches you from a lot of negative emotions.
3. Take ketamine on an empty stomach. Don’t eat anything for like an hour before. Eating too soon before can make you very nauseous and throw up. You may also just throw up anyway - it just happens sometimes, depending on your body’s sensitivity to that, the ketamine that you acquired, and, especially, if you’re doing too much of it too quickly. So don’t do too much too quickly lol!
4. For your first time (this is a MUST) and the first few times until you get the hang of the dosing —it’s an extremely dose dependent drug (very diff effects at diff doses) — do NOT do ketamine anywhere but in your home (or friends home). Do not do it at a club, concert, festival, party, or in public. I strongly recommend doing it lying down on a couch or bed, with mood lighting, cozy atmosphere. At low doses you might have fun trying to walk because it feels silly, but you’ll be uncoordinated so be careful. At mid and high dosages you should be laying down and not attempting to sit up or walk.
5. When snorting: ketamine is not like coke, so do not snort it like you would coke. Do not rack up huge lines and snort them in quick succession. Snort only short/small lines, ideally 1-2 of these size lines every 2-3 minutes. If your goal is to k-hole (which you should only ever do lying down), weigh out the appropriate amount of powder according to your weight using that first Erowid chart i posted. Divide that amount into little lines and snort according to the method I described, until you hole - you will 1000% know when you’re in the hole .
6. MUSIC!!!!!!!!!! Ketamine loves music. And specific types. So prepare this before you start snorting by having headphones on and your music device on an album or playlist and primed to hit play for when you’re staring to feel the ket enough. Ketamine does not like really sad music, harsh music like metal or screamo, or really fast chaotic music. prefers stuff like trip hop, cohesive albums, lower bpm electronic music, repetitive music with good bass and percussion
Some albums that I recommend on ketamine especially if ur going to k-hole
Mezzanine by Massive Attack (my personal fav)
Onism by Photay
Iteration by Com Truise
Uncle Tony’s Coloring Book by Blockhead
Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd (another fav)
Flux by Love Spirals Downward
Moon Safari by Air
Die Cut by Cut Chemist
Us Ephemeral by Vitesse X
Photay by Photay
Untrue by Burial
Selected Ambient Works 85-92 by Aphex Twin
In Decay by Com Truise
Down the Wall EP by Cubicolor
Heligoland by Massive Attack
Luxor Necropolis by Vatican Shadow
Life of Leisure by Washed Out
Parabolas by John Tejada
Tbh I don’t know what else to add— please let me know if you have anything else you want to know. Would you like me to describe the effects and how it feels at different dosages? Or what k-holing feels like? Or anything else? Just lmk
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angelaofwhite800 · 4 months
Criminal minds X victim reader (One shot)
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Summary: Y/n is the victim of a kidnapping and child fighting ring. She manages to escape and find the help of a few certain criminal profilers that she's heard of. she's a long way from home and needs help getting back
A/N: This is my first time posting something like this. I decided to just post this little part one to see if anyone would actually be interested at all, and if you guys like it ket me know and i can do a part two!
!WARNINGS!: mentions of violence and murder and kidnapping, crying
  Y/n waited anxiously on the front steps of the Library. She had been watching and waiting and planning for a few days now. She knew what she had to do and she was scared, but she knew it was the right thing to do. As she saw the tall young man with messy brown hair walking up the steps she took a deep breath, gathered her courage, and stood up and approached him. He was about to pass her, not noticing her at first, so she called out to him
  “Dr. Reid!” She called out. Dr. Spencer Reid turned back around and looked at her confused “You are Dr. Spencer Reid, with the Behavioral analysis unit of the FBI? Right?” Spencer cocked his head to the side and took a step closer to the unfamiliar girl 
  “I’m sorry, have we met before?” Being stopped by a 15 year old girl who he’d never seen before wasn’t on his list of things that planned to do for the day, but here he was anyways
  “Umm, no, sorry. I’ve read about your work, and your team’s work. Umm, My name is Y/n. Y/n L/n” Y/n said nervously “I would shake your hand but I have this thing with germs, I-i don’t really- It’s just- strangers, ya know?” Y/n rambled on quickly
  “No no, its okay Y/n, I’m the same way” Spencer said in an attempt to calm her down. She was clearly panicking, but he couldn’t for the life of him figure out why. Spencers words did help though. Only a little bit, but they helped
  “Umm, I was wondering if I could talk to you for a minute?” Y/n asked. Spencer checked his watch for a moment and then nodded. Y/n smiled and they stepped off the steps to a few tables that were on the sidewalk outside the library. Y/n shifted in her seat uncomfortably. She was scared. She knew that she needed to tell someone and get help and that this might be her only shot, but she was still scared. She didn’t want to get in trouble. She was pretty sure she wouldn’t but still
  Spencer was of course taking in all the details he could about this interaction and about y/ns behavior. He noticed how nervous she was, the shifting in her seat, checking her surroundings, picking at her skin. But he also noticed things about her appearance. He hair was dirty and tangled. Her clothes were worn, and she had bags under her eyes. Given the strange nature of the interaction alone, he was set slightly on edge from the beginning. Coupling that with the bad feeling he had in general and with how much this interaction reminded him of one he’d had with a young boy years prior, he was not feeling great about this so far. But nevertheless, he sat, and he waited for her to speak so he could listen
  “You know a lot about the law and stuff, and I just needed to know, umm… If someone kills someone who was going to kill them, will they still go to prison?” Spencer could feel the color drain from his face at Y/n’s question. Spencer leaned forward slightly and spoke quietly
  “Y/n… Did you kill someone?” He asked, worry and dread laced in his words. Y/n was avoiding eye contact and picking at her fingers. The thoughts and memories of everything that she’d been through caused her eyes to tear up. She opened her mouth to speak but her words got caught in her throat. All she could do was nod her head slightly as she kept her gaze fixed on her hands which were set in her lap. Spencer leaned back in his chair and ran his hand over his face letting out an exasperated and bewildered sigh. “Do you want to tell me what happened?” Y/n kept her eye fixed on her hands, but nodded her head again slowly. As she gained her composure Spencer did the same. After a few more moments, Y/n spoke
  “A while ago, I think a month or so, someone grabbed me on my way home from school. They took me to this place… I was cold and it smelled like mold and gasoline. There was someone there when I got there, a boy, my age. At first we just talked for a few days, tried to find a way out. But then the person… they came back…” As she spoke her voice kept breaking and Spencer could tell just how hard talking about this was. “They said that one of us had to… One of us had to die… or he was gonna kill both of us” As the words left Y/ns lips she broke down and started sobbing. Spencer got up and walked around the side of the table to Y/n. He knelt down in front of her and put his hand on her shoulder 
  “Y/n look at me.” He said firmly. Y/n lifted her head to look at Spencer. He looked at her with compassion and empathy, but he was still being firm and being very serious “I need you to tell me what happened next?” Y/n nodded and continued through her tears
  “ I didn’t want to hurt him, but her came after me with a rock he found on the ground…” Y/n closed her eyes tight as the memories started coming back stronger. She pushed through and kept talking “I didn’t want him to die, I just wanted him to not hurt me… after it was over, someone came in and took him away… They brought someone new in every few days…” Y/n could keep going anymore and the sobs started coming through again. This time Spencer pulled her into a hug and let her cry into his shoulder. At first Y/n just sat there crying, but after a few moments she grabbed onto Spencer and hugged him as tight as she could
  “It’s okay Y/n. It’s not your fault. You did what you had to do to survive, and you’re safe now.” Spencer tried to comfort her the best he could, but she just needed to cry for a while and have someone hold her. Spencer just kept telling he that she was safe and that it wasn’t her fault. Eventually Y/n stopped crying and Spencer stood up. “Y/n will you come with me to talk to my team?” Y/n looked at him scared. She stood up from her chair abruptly and was mentally preparing herself to run, reprimanding herself for trusting the authorities. Spencer realized he had scared her and tried to explain “You’re not in any trouble. I just want to do whatever we can to make sure that the people who did this to you get caught. And I want to make sure you get home safely” Y/n looked at him cautiously for a few more moments before relaxing again and nodding. Spencer smiles at her and the two of them head off to the BAU 
  People were looking at the two of them very strangely on the way in the building, but Spencer just quickly guided her inside and to his unit. Spencer’s team members gave him some odd looks as they saw him marching Y/n in as well, but he ignored it all, taking her straight up to Hotch’s office. Agent Hotchner was on the phone and looked at Reid shocked when he barged in with no knock or explanation with some random kid
  “Reid, What the hell is going on, I’m in the middle of-” Spencer cut him off
  “With all due respect sir that can wait, you need to hear this” Hotch Was shocked, but the look on Spencer’s face said everything he needed to know to hang up the phone without asking a single follow up question. Spencer explained everything you has told him to Hotch and to say he was speechless was an understatement. Y/n, Reid, and Hotch, spent upwards of the next hour talking about everything. Talking about when this happened, talked about how Y/n wasn’t even from Virginia, she was from Pennsylvania. How many kids had come in and out while Y/n was there. And most importantly, how Y/n escaped 
  “Alright, tell me one last time Y/n” Agent Hotchner said
  “After I was there for a while I decided that I wasn’t going to play theri sick game for them anymore, and I needed to escape. So when they made me and the next kid fight, I pretended to lose. Then they dragged me out and left me in the middle of the woods” Reid and Hotch looked at each other as if having a silent conversation before looking back to Y/n. “I started running and I ended up in this city” 
  “Y/n, do you think you would be able to take us to the place they left you?” Y/n thought hard for a moment before shaking her head
  “I don’t remember where it is, I’m sorry.” 
  “Thats okay” Hotch said
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shadowtriovibes · 1 year
Hi K! I was wondering if you could ket us peek at the request list, if that's okay? I'm so interested to see what you have in store for us! If not, that's okay <3 i hope you're doing alright!!
of course!! i'm going to put everything below a cut so you can avoid spoilers if you like, though i am being pretty vague about some things in order to avoid giving away too much 🤫
Seb/MC (E): “break a sweat” part four [today!]
Seb/MC (PG13): Battling Rookwood and Seb breaking through restraints with ancient magic [perhaps also today or tomorrow morning!]
Seb/MC (PG): Fluff slice-of-life with Sebastian showing MC a tradition she missed as a younger student (vague for spoilers) [tomorrow]
Seb/MC (probably E/hard PG13): Garreth’s disastrous potion makes rivals Seb/MC swap bodies
Ominis/MC (PG): Seb takes Polyjuice Potion to be Ominis to ask out MC because he's tired of waiting for him to do it
Seb/MC (E): I pick my favorite three romances tropes
Ominis/MC (E): MC is attracted to Ominis speaking Parsletongue
Seb/MC/Garreth (E): “where there’s smoke there’s firewater” part two
Seb/MC (PG13): angsty hurt/comfort with Seb having nightmares
Seb/MC (probably E/hard PG13): double date gone wrong (MC takes Garreth, Seb takes Poppy)
Seb/MC (PG): Seb prepares to ask MC’s dad to propose over winter break
Shadow Trio (E): Ominis/MC enemies-to-lovers, angst/fluff/smut in that order, LOTS of canon-compliant lore
Seb/MC (E): Professor Sallow AU, someone’s a single parent but i haven’t figured out who yet (this is VERY early stages)
Ominis/MC: Outdoor sex (for @callmehopeless)
Seb/MC: Oral overstimulation (Seb “doesn’t know when to stop”)
Seb/MC: Angsty canon-ish fix-it fix of sending Sebastian away
Seb/MC: "Sub-bastian" reluctant sub Bash
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hi-im-secretly-satan · 2 months
your eyebrow piercing is extremely hot and good looking actually, excellent decision
Awww thank you anon <3 idk if we share a server so you've seen pictures or if you're purely going off vibes, but it's very much appreciated <3
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shepherds-of-haven · 2 years
So i convinced my friend who is probably as close to a real life blade as you can get to try your game and it was hilarious!
How would the Shepards feel about "gasp, another blade?"
Also haha other anon i get to bully blade irl :p
Okay, the funny thing is, there was another "Blade" in the original novels--like just this random minor character who looked a lot like Blade, happened to also be a Ket prodigy, and had a very similar personality type but was mildly warmer and more confident (though Blade was still superior to him in skill), and all of the characters noticed it and used it as a running joke and pretended to like him better to be irritating; and Blade silently HAAAAAATED him, like HATED him, he was the only character that Blade was openly hostile to and unprofessional with in the series (who wasn't an antagonist lol). Like he wasn't fond of Red, but he was just cold or aloof to him or a little sharp, but it wasn't really that noticeable considering how unsociable he could be with like 90% of the people he encountered on a daily basis; but with this guy, he'd openly snub him or make some snippy comment under his breath if they ever had to be in the same room. 😂 That was the original Daren (before I made game!Daren--who's a separate character who just happens to share the same name--like a suck-up teacher's pet lol), so this scenario has actually happened in the books! In the game, if another "Blade" lookalike showed up:
Blade: *stubbornly refuses to see or understand any resemblance* 😒 *mildly insulted by the comparison*
Trouble: "oh God, there are two of them? fucking yuck 🙄"
Tallys: *would use the opportunity to ask low-stakes Blade (who she doesn't care about) questions she would never dare ask the real Blade LMAO... like what is Ket dirty talk like*
Shery: *kind of intimidated by knock-off Blade, also feels sorry for real Blade because she wouldn't feel very nice being compared to someone similar to her, so she'll act a little protective and biased, like, I don't think he's anything like our Commander!! 😤 while Blade is in earshot, basically trying to support him in her own way and openly picking sides when it's not really a situation where you'd have to take them 😂*
Riel: *has already determined second Blade is inferior to the original and therefore beneath his notice, therefore completely ignores him and his existence*
Chase: "lmao so what, do they just pop you guys out of a factory somewhere? *to Blade, who loathes him* are the Ket allergic to originality or something, lmao??" *finds the scenario hilarious and won't cease ribbing Blade about it every chance he gets, just clowning on them both*
Red: *snickers when he realizes it* *then quickly pretends he doesn't see the resemblance and has no idea what anyone is talking about, so Blade doesn't have a reason to get even madder at him*
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It's like his equivalent of innocuous whistling and looking away to have plausible deniability
Ayla: "uh-uh, no way. stay away from me. I can only take one of him, I don't have any patience or capacity to deal with a second one" *actively is repulsed by/rudely avoids the knock-off Blade* It's kind of a mix of genuine "I don't have time for that" but also a little bit of aloof (?) protective bias, like "I'm full-up on friends thanks, not looking for any more!! you're not Blade so get out of my face and stop wasting my time!!"
Briony: "omg! 😮 are you guys related?? no?? but... you're so alike..." *spends time with knock-off Blade because she's morbidly fascinated by the similarities... wonders if that means there are knock-off versions of all of them out there somewhere... probably ends up becoming his friend and annoying Blade with comments like 'he's actually really nice, Blade, I think you'd come to like him if you just gave him a chance, you have so much in common!'*
Lavinet: *mildly interested, mildly pitying (doesn't know what it's like to be imitable 💅🏼), maybe tries to give knock off Blade advice on how to differentiate himself and be more interesting LOL like the unasked-for "you might try brooding a little less, darling, the people around here are very used to that and would like something a little fresher"*
Halek: *genuinely does not see the resemblance* what, just because he has dark hair? do you think all Hunters are the same then? -_- *makes it a whole thing*
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honourablejester · 1 year
Homebrew Deity Opinions
While I was looking at the PF2e conversion, I found a bit of my homebrew excel doc that I’d forgotten about: a sheet of the homebrew deities and their opinions on all the other deities. It’s barely started, with only Leithal and Iskuur completed, but reading back over them I’m a little delighted, and I should definitely finish that sheet. But, to share what I’ve got, here are Leithal and Iskuur’s (one line) opinions on each other and the other deities.
Sidenote: Ket is technically also completed, but it’s just one long line of ‘unknown’ on account of how nobody knows if Ket even exists, and if it does, what it actually thinks about anything.
Iskuur, The Storm Lord: Finds intrinsic and unquestioning partnership with him, will come when he calls.
Oromasdes, Lord of Wisdom: They have a partnership of energy, sun and earth. She loves him, though finds him a bit set in his ways.
Immara, The Dreaming Ocean: Mostly unconcerned by her, leaves her to her domains with distant respect.
Nuissas, The Eyeless Mother: Looks on her fondly as a mother deity, a sheltering darkness beneath and around her bounds.
Ket, The First & Formless: Doesn’t bother with Ket at all, it’s no concern of hers.
Elaia Siveth, Lady of First and Last Respite: Views her as sweet, right and necessary, though has little personal attachment to her.
Yorm, The Watcher In The Dark: Thinks he worries too much; anything that can happen, she will endure and overcome.
Orem, The Thief God: Finds him delightful, but of little concern.
Weyloun, The Bell-Founder: Has a complex relationship with his works, but respects him in and of himself.
Ineia, The Weaver: Finds her rather restrictive in her focus on civilisation, but is united with her on balance.
Gorbalune, The Unfettered: Considers her baffling and explosive, but nothing to be alarmed about.
Nalashtar, The Poisoned Prophetess: Views her as small and confused, but allows her her beliefs and actions, as life will recover regardless.
Khitim, The Lady Of The Tooth: Thinks her mean and spare, miserly, but isn’t too concerned about it.
Deima, The Twilight Lady: Is her primary patron and deeply enjoys her company.
Doram, The Red Shepherd: Greatly appreciates his small but always necessary contributions.
Borkh, The Executioner: Has nothing to do with him and no care for him whatsoever.
Alatee, The Little Goddess of Lists: Finds her small-minded and vaguely aggravating, but again has little to do with her.
Heein-Sheein, The Little God In The Thorns: Enjoys playing with them and mildly tussling with them over various matters.
Gahlingeir, The Hollow Heart: Thinks he needs a very long nap and a lot of sunshine.
Iletal, The Torturer: Finds him a horrible, one-dimensional mockery of everything she stands for.
Leithal, The Verdant Swell: Complete partnership, deities of nature in its rawest forms.
Oromasdes, Lord of Wisdom: Thinks him remote and limited, but broadly respects him.
Immara, The Dreaming Ocean: Silent and unshakeable respect for her.
Nuissas, The Eyeless Mother: Much too quiet for him; there’s vague respect but he doesn’t think about her much.
Ket, The First & Formless: Honestly wonders if Ket is real, though it’s not a concern unless Ket makes it a concern.
Elaia Siveth, Lady of First and Last Respite: Leaves her to her business, lets her heal the victims while he fights the perpetrators.
Yorm, The Watcher In The Dark: Finds him too focused outward, but would answer if he called.
Orem, The Thief God: Very much approves of him, shares a strong philosophy of trespass with him.
Weyloun, The Bell-Founder: Firmly united with him in their cause against slavery, a fierce brotherhood.
Ineia, The Weaver: Disagrees with her on most issues, has come into conflict with her over authority before.
Gorbalune, The Unfettered: Loudly approves of her, though mostly has no idea what she’s looking for or trying to achieve.
Nalashtar, The Poisoned Prophetess: Somewhat agrees with her on chaos and strength, though feels she’s indiscriminate.
Khitim, The Lady Of The Tooth: Agrees with her on many things, leaves her to get on with it.
Deima, The Twilight Lady: Is vaguely uneasy of her methods, as he prefers open, declared conflict to her subtle entrapments.
Doram, The Red Shepherd: Doesn’t think on him much, doesn’t object to him.
Borkh, The Executioner: Hates and derides him, would cheerfully smash his head in with his own rod.
Alatee, The Little Goddess of Lists: Disdains her utterly, doesn’t think on her at all.
Heein-Sheein, The Little God In The Thorns: Broadly likes them, has had many friendly encounters with them.
Gahlingeir, The Hollow Heart: Fully intends to fight him to the last, disdains his despair.
Iletal, The Torturer: Would very much like to smash him on the rocks and repeatedly invite him to heal himself.
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angelicyoongie · 2 years
also i had a good giggle at the thought of jimin sitting with his dick in a moulding kit for like an hour all proud with his arms crossed going "yeah she's gonna fucking love this 😏" like a clown. also had a good giggle at the entrance sequence and namjoon especially lol
everything is moving so fast i cant wait for the rest of the series its so good man 😩 every update is like pure ket and im just a silly little unsuspecting horse in a field eating grass
also i wonder if the fact that they all independently developed the idea to send her colourful letters (and not one overlap too 🤨) and gifts and such has a reason behind it. maybe mc was like a murderer in a past life or something cuz that all seems so statistically negligible that its like fate is punishing mc real bad by strategically whispering evilness into her soulmate's ears
also those fucking idiots my god like rule one of stalking and like crime doing is to not leave connections to you 😭 like wdym you used your buddy's flower shop to terrorise someone good god man get a grip
also wondering why jimin lied and how he knew mc wasnt going to speak up about it 🤔
also the scariest this chapter was definitely tae and hobi. tae for being angry and "frosty" over mc not appreciating his 'romance' and hobi for actually drugging the poor girl and just overally creepiness. the others were also scary but at least they were a little more approachable or contained
nooo help that's probably exactly what he did 💀 thank you so much!! 💖 your imagery is so funny djsk, i love it lmao 😌
that's a very interesting theory! it does seem like something is punishing her, doesn't it? babygirl has the worst luck ever 😔 we'll learn more about the letters and the how/why in the next chapter!
listen, they're stalkers, but they never claimed to be good at it 😭 as for jimin, just think of the three Gs; gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss. y/n sort of had the right impression that jimin didn't want to seem incompetent in front of jungkook, but he also just enjoys being a little shit for no reason at all, lol.
yup, hoseok and taehyung sure popped off on the creepiness radar in this chapter 😬
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splendiddlydoo · 22 days
Sunday 19th May
It’s 1;29am and I just did two bumps of ket. I’m feeling wavey-ish and crossed eyed ish. Would be better to type on laptop but I’m too comfortable.
Oil heater is being put to good use <3 listening to love galore
I think Robin is reaching puberty because she’s a lonely girl tonight. Mood swings
I feel like connecting but also not. Prob why I watched so many doco reality shows today.
I’m tired and also not
When I do drugs I seek a mental release or mental grip. Like I’m trying to connect to something deeper, try to evoke some kind of emotion or thought. But kets not doing it for me anymore. It happened with mdma and alcohol and now ket. I think I should just be straight edge and watch movies and listen to music instead. I could go to the gym rn if I hyped myself up enough.
I guess I’ve been feeling pretty disconnected from Tyson recently and since he’s not here tonight it’s making me wonder if this is what single life would be like for me. Probably. I guess I’ve been feeling pretty disconnected from everyone recently. Not that it’s a big deal rn. It’s just the current stream im flowing with.
Doves in the wind ~
I totally could’ve hung out with my cousins tonight - there’s always next week
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