#it’s the clown. it’s the fucking clown
ripplestitchskein · 2 days
The most compelling thing about this whole relationship, and I’d argue the show in general, and what the episode highlighted so exquisitely is that they are perfect for each other, they honestly are exactly what the other one needs but their individuals issues are preventing them from seeing and actualizing it. It’s a delicious character driven conflict. There is no big bad keeping them apart. There is no ill intentioned person pulling the strings and putting things in their head to foster this miscommunication. It is solely their own traumas and issues fucking them over in the most relatable ways. What is brilliant about it is that the entire linchpin of this, and the overarching theme is that this is all a circus show, that the root of it is that both of them have been putting on these acts their whole lives and if they would both just STOP performing they would get what they need. The conflict now is one of them is trying to stop acting altogether while the other is scrambling to stay on book.
Blitzø needs someone who will appreciate him, build him up, encourage him, love him without condition, obligation or most importantly, as merely the consequence of putting on a good performance. Stolas does that from the beginning, he sees and admires Blitz as he is, his problem is actually rooted in the act Blitz puts on. Even Blitz’s closest friends and family, and Blitz himself, can’t or won’t allow Blitz to stop the performance though.
Millie, Moxxie, and Loona all love him, but even they went into this episode putting pressure on Blitzø to perform even going so far as to follow him so he wouldn’t fuck it up. The sex toy shopping spree was just gathering props in service to that performance, to this show they are encouraging him not to bomb.
Fizz, who recently learned the lesson Blitzø needs to learn, who stopped performing for the benefit of others, is probably the only one approaching it from a “What kind of stuff do you guys actually like?” perspective, but because Blitzø is so focused on doing a good job he really doesn’t consider what he actually wants, he’s buying things he thinks will support the show. Lighting, costumes, props. Even the Stolas Sex Stuff box is basically just a prop comic box.
He needs to get his act just right and put on the best show he can so they can keep the book and to allow the show to go on.
But like his performances in the past, Blitz chokes. For the entire scene in the bedroom he is basically saying “Let me run that again, I’ll get the lines right this time!” And the reason it is so heartbreaking is that what Stolas wants, is just him, not the facade of a clown doing his best bits, just the person behind it. We see in The Circus Blitz has been told his whole life that not only does he need to keep putting on that show but that if he doesn’t he’s worthless. There’s always a better act waiting to take your spotlight, you can be bought and sold on a whim.
The Circus and its parallels in The Full Moon perfectly encapsulate this issue. He kept doing the same thing over and over, trying to make that balloon horse and it’s when he improvs and is himself that someone appreciates him, laughs with him and sees the value of him as Blitz not the clown, but because its not the audience as a whole it’s not worth anything and that’s when someone else swoops in to wow the crowd. We see this over and over in the show: he keeps trying the same schtick and when he flops he just gets more and more desperate to get his self assigned role right.
In Stolas’s case he was actually really good at his act when he followed the scripts he was given. Everyone around him seems shocked by his recent behavior, they really bought the happy family, regal prince play he’s been putting on all this time. Blitz comes back into his life and gives him a new script. In The Circus Stolas is himself at first, showing off his books and enthusiasm for knowledge but his audience isn’t responsive so he switches “What do you want to do? Give me the script for how you want me to act.” From when he first wakes up bouncing with enthusiasm and told “Stop being yourself, act like a Prince” he calms himself and tries to be what he’s supposed do be and he keeps doing that until Full Moon.
While Stolas enjoys their game and his new playmate he is pretty much putting on an act the entire time, looking to Blitz for cues over and over until they are under the tree. In this scene both Stolas and Blitzø are, in my opinion, both completely genuine and without artifice. Blitz expresses what he really wants, and Stolas is delighted and supportive of it, admiring him and expresses that he hopes he’ll do a good job with his grimoire and when Blitz says he’ll maybe hire him, Stolas is delighted but expresses that he hopes he’ll “qualify”. This shatters my heart into pieces, because even here while Blitz is dreaming his big dreams of being a boss Stolas is still “I hope I can learn how to do a good job with the role I’ve been given. I hope I can be what you want me to be.”
When they meet again 25 years later he looks to Blitz for the script again and fulfills the role Blitz more or less implies he wants to the best of his ability, if not over the top and over dramatized as it’s a new role for him. It still doesn’t fit quite right though. He’s still acting.
In The Full Moon Stolas is still following a script but one he’s at least written himself this time, no doubt influenced a bit by his romance novels and telenovellas. When Blitz approaches him and tries to seduce him again he flushes and wavers to go back to the character Blitz assigned him but he has a new script now and he gets back on task. He has a whole performance he is sticking to. He presents the crystal and has a little animation to explain it and everything.
But then we come to the moment when he isn’t acting anymore, when he genuinely tells Blitz this is how I feel, this is what I want, this is who I am. He even takes off his hat, you can hardly see his royal outfit, just his earnest face as he waits for the reaction of presenting himself as just Stolas saying what he wants and not Stolas the performer saying what everyone wants to hear.
Blitz is too caught up in trying to get them back on script, to keep up the show. He tries desperately to stick to the act, which Stolas is trying to break free from. This unfortunately confirms what Stolas suspected. It was always a play, it was always just a performance, like Stella and the other Ars Goetia, Stolas is only valuable if he says his lines right. Even his daughter lashes out when he starts breaking character. Those around him only value him if he is acting to type, he is not enough as just Stolas.
The horrible irony is he truly was awakened by Blitz. Hs stops acting because of him. He learns that he wants to be himself and not a scripted version designed to please others, but sadly it is Blitz, the catalyst for all of it, who is still stuck in performance mode. Stolas realizes because of Blitz something real, but during their conversation is shown that even Blitz just wants him to stay in character, that there is nothing real here, just more lines for him to say. So Stolas exits pursued by imp.
A lot of Blitz’s fury in this scene is because Stolas is not fulfilling his role any more. In this way he is no different than Stella or even Octavia. He is angry when Stolas stops saying his lines. He has gone off script. But where Stella is upset because it ruins her image, and Octavia is upset because it upset the fakery of her perfect family, Blitz is instead panicking because he NEEDS to get this performance just right. When he fails bad things happen, he is replaced, he is unloved, he is sold off, he is forced to do things he doesn’t want to do.
So he lashes out, he tries to FORCE Stolas back into the role he assigned him, to incite a confrontation from the character of pompous royal asshole stepping on the lower class and using them for their own gain instead of just a person earnestly trying to be genuine. Why is Stolas not saying his lines? Why isn’t he fulfilling his role? So he tells him what he is supposed to be. He yells at him to get back into character.
Stolas is devastated to realize the trope he’s been fulfilling in Blitzo’s life, he’s not the romantic love interest but rather the villain of the piece. He doesn’t even want to be in this show anymore, he wants to just be Stolas, and he is absolutely destroyed to learn that rather than just being himself, rather than even being the love interest, he is instead the antagonist in Blitz’s play. But he doesn’t want that role, or probably any role, any longer, he’s finally breaking out of these performances and being himself, so instead of reverting to type, Stolas sends Blitz off stage completely.
In this way it’s really beautiful for Stolas’s character growth, he could have just given in, stepped back on stage. He has so many opportunities to pick up these old characters he’s played, but instead Stolas follows through and just shuts the show down completely.
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amid-fandoms · 1 day
“it was more than just romantic” will always haunt me until i fucking die. it was not JUST romantic, it was more than that. but aside from all the beautiful other things they mean to each other, it WAS romantic. dan and phil, those clowns who banter nonstop and pull at each other’s legs and tease and bully and mock each other, who are partners in crime and best friends until the end, they are romantic with each other too. they go on dates and buy each other little gifts and facetime as soon as they wake up when they aren’t together and celebrate important things side by side, they kiss in their forever home and cuddle on the couch while watching anime and make each other coffee and order each other dinner, they love deeply despite showing the world only a tiny reflection of that love
i can’t even imagine it clearly but i believe it so wholeheartedly it turns my stomach upside down and spins my head with wonder
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girls--complex · 22 hours
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Kind of an actual, literal blog post here-- I just finished the 8 week "Performance Alchemy" workshop via Flow Space (Gainesville's dance studio and witches' coven). Participants created immersive performances along the theme of oracular archetypes... (these are stills from dress rehearsal footage)
I have had a horrible fucking temper my entire life and it has forced me to assume the form of an exorcist-clown who constantly neutralizes malice and anger by pointing and laughing at its absurdity. This is what I brought to the stage in its most literal expression. My tormented jester character embodied seething, bitter, poisonous rage to an atmospheric version of "Freak on a Leash" before breaking out into a scream at the sight of her/my own reflection. She/I then invited the audience to purify themselves in a massive, screaming pillowfight. It was a success, with people screaming, laughing, dancing, and throwing pillows at each other. No one got hurt, none of the tech broke, and the evil was banished once more.
This was my second foray into performing arts and my first time performing for a paying audience. It is genuinely surreal to me that I just danced and sang in clown makeup in front of a theater full of people & the whole thing really pushed the limits of what I believe I can do, be, or create.
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daydreamerwonderkid · 10 hours
Fucking wild that I'm disappointed DC didn't actually commit.
I'm not surprised in the least. Just ... if you're going to kill off a popular character, at least have the fucking balls to actually kill them.
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sm-baby · 2 days
There's something that is bugging me, did the AI really tried escaping or talking to some player (before they killed them all) about their situation and how they are sentient so that they can help them or something like that, since like with how much they hate being trapped in the circus and with the collars I would had think that they would have asked for help at least once.
(Sorry for how long it is, I'm very curious)
Im sure there are stories from players that were, once again, dismissed as creepypastas or a "trend" in the community.
They don't exactly hate their situation... They like being visited, they like what they were made for... Gangle likes to do plays, Zooble likes the fun house, Jax likes to draw, Ragatha likes tea parties... Its the sentience that fucks with them... And the fact that they were silenced or left behind.
Funfact, them having vulnerable moments with players was actually how the community knew their names :]
When they were non sentient, they would give them random names, players would just giggle " haha the clown says his name was pedro" " lmao the king said his name was darrel" hahaha
But then Jax got just a little too comfortable one day and told the players that his name was Jax and told them to keep it a secret that he told them.
The players were like
" broo The Rabbit said his name was Jax"
They just assumed that a new update came with official names.. and so word spread and the fandom just started calling him jax...
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iwanty0uu · 1 day
Gojo Does Your Hair!-
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Gojo Satoru was a man that was great at all things, so he never bothered to pick up a hobby. It was all until one faithful day that you decided to unbraid your hair, wash, and silk press it all in one day. He watched your brown slender back straighten up as you sighed, trailing your thick fingers down the braid, using them as a comb to remove the knots. You rolled your neck as the excess hair was removed finally, revealing your new growth, your hair was now past your breasts, and that was enough motivation to keep going. Gojo’s figure shifted in your peripheral vision.
“You staring like you wanna try to take one out.” You said giggling, averting your eyes to his, he set aside his glasses and walked up to your back, plopping himself down behind you. “Damn nigga made the whole living room shake fucking fat ass..”
“So I was the one that ate two chicken sandwiches in one sitting? Your back is the same length width mass and density of a Cargo ship boo.”
“… because WHO THE FUCK U THINK U TALM TO LIKE DAT HO!”You quickly snapped, punching him in his shoulder as he let out a girlish cry.
“ Bae chillllll lemme see if I can take these out for you,matter of fact, I know I can , this shit don’t seem too hard.”
“Fucking clown”
4 hours later:
“Good job toru~ now its time to wash and detangle”…. “I thought we was done..My fingers kinda sore my heart”. You heard his whiney voice echoing throughout the bathroom walls as you stepped in the shower, however, you decided that you would switch to the sink so that he could wash it himself, you ended up cleaning off anyway and wetting your hair, doing all the actual scrubbing with some leave in conditioner just in case he didn’t get a good wash.
He waited until the water ran warm from the sink and demanded you to, “bend your fucking head”. He slapped the back of your neck lightly with the comb as he detangled your hair from bottom to top like you taught him. You felt him pause to catch his breathe.
“Bro..you kill demons for a living..you cant comb hair?”
“Not demons, CURSES, and your hair is literally like fighting back.”
“Ik u didnt just call me nappy headed…”
Although he complained the whole way through the process, he did a pretty damn good job detangling, and you wouldn’t let that fuck 50 feet near your hair with a flat iron, so you decided to give yourself the silk press because gojo would somehow make it a polyester press for real.. But all jokes aside, you commended him for his good work with a kiss.
“You aren’t the best at everything, CONGRATULATIONS!” You teased playfully, kissing his cheeks.
“Yea yea, now come kiss me again as my reward”
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Bruh wtf is this interaction 😭😭😭
At first I thought she was fucking with her but the fact that 1) Melinoe sounded kinda sad and 2) the fact Eris doesn't let up (and she usually lets up for these kind of things, or goes fully smarmy quip about it) is making me re-evaluate.
I swear if it's revealed that Melinoe managed autism rizz her way into a relationship then proceeded to ignore it cause she had not realize she had gotten into one somehow I coming after her with the chancleta no excuses. Cause bruh between this and Nemesis coming for Mel's ass for seemingly bringing Eris back I'm. I am judging hard on this two clowns I cannot with them both. 😭 That Icarus interaction is haunting me I swear it.
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natonship · 2 days
Quotes from our Danger Days DnD sessions
(aka me and my friends being hilariously in character)
(Kobra orders the group to go back because Poison almost fucking died)
Cherri: That’s quitter-attitude, Kobra.
Pony: Hey, how are you doing?
Cherri: Great, just found a corpse!
Kobra: It's only a clown car when Ghoul's inside!
Ghoul: I can cook!
Kobra: I think you've proven that you can't.
Ghoul: People change!
Ghoul: Do birds light on fire naturally?
Cherri about Ghoul: He's intelligent, he's just full of shit.
Cherri: If we have any more family time, Ghoul might actually die.
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thats-ill-eagle · 2 days
I really want to see a dessert or food like demon I have not seen that yet in hazbin hotel, all you get is animal/mammal demons, insect demons, object demons, doll/toy demons, plant demons, clown demons (I don't know what demographic to put them in) mythological creature demons like nifty and cherri but I really think nifty is bug and humanoid like demons like mimzy (what the hell is she anyways?)
(Sorry for the late answer lol.)
I actually read a fic like that not too long ago - some of the demons in it were candy-based and it resulted in some of the most beautiful and appealing, yet fittingly strange character designs I've ever seen in fiction.
If Viv really wanted to put her own unique spin on Hell, she should have put in a lot more effort into her characters - a lot of her characters not reassembling what they are supposed to aside, 90% of them are just 'what if a furry and Onceler had a baby'.
That is so boring! They are literal demons for fuck's sake. There are infinite possibilities to make them look really bizzare, intriguing and different from each other. How did you manage to choose the most boring possible option, Viv?
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mixterglacia · 3 days
YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. I don't like this show, and I don't pretend to. Full transparency, I'm meaner in this then any before now. This is also slightly more disjointed than normal because I was directly reacting to the episode it's self.
"I'll hear him and not the voice that says I'm not enough" Oh boo hoo bitch. You've seriously done nothing to convince me to feel bad for this stupid fucking asshole. His writing is full of holes and contradictions. It makes him feel like two different people.
"I'll set us free!" Are you quite sure that means what you think it means you stupid fucking ass.
Framed adoption certificate is a nice touch. Very cute.
Blitz is immediately not coming off how they want. I think they're -trying- to imply he has some deeply buried feelings too, but it comes off as "i didn't want this and i still don't want this, why can't it just be normal hookup shit."
"I'll die alone if this goes wrong!!" You have the emotional depth of a teaspoon and are about as interesting as one. Boo fucking hoo. BAD.
NGL this really made their wealth difference hit home. Why the flying fuck is blitz still bordering on abject poverty dude? You should be able to help him advertise send something IDK man, if you really gave a shit, why aren't you trying to actually help him in a genuine way? I'm sure he wouldn't say no if you slipped a hundred bucks or so into the book every so often. I fucking hate it here.
"Would he want me if he was free?" No. Next question. (You've done very little if anything to prove Blitz actually wants strings attached in this.)
"If he's only here as a prisoner what kind of monster does that make me?" Little late to have this realization but I'll take it. Also can we seriously stop downplaying how awful this is for BLITZ to go through? Stolas is severely over represented in Blitz's own fucking show. Why is Blitz so underdeveloped??? Why, dude? The episodes that mainly focus on him are pretty okay, but once Stolas shows up it's all fucking stupid.
If Blitz rejects him (which he should. Look how fucking anxious he is just THINKING about this.) he could lose his entire way of life. No more apartment, probably gonna get Loona taken away. Probably has to resort to prostitution or return to clowning. Stolas just gets to go about his life of luxury.
Why is Blitz's emotional well being such an after thought in this duet? THIS IS NOT STOLAS' SHOW.
"He showed me that I could choose" ...Dude. You have given no weight to swing that line at us. This isn't much of a choice in the grand scheme of things. Stolas and Stella already had the kid. The marriage never had to last. Not from the impression you've given us. He's a toddler deciding he wants chocolate milk instead of regular. We have never been shown he's actually going to lose anything of real value. He's still a prince. He's still got his money. Like are they trying to have him killed, sure but lets be real he's A PRINCE OF HELL. Assassination attempts are like...Tuesday for him.
GOD THIS SONG IS ASS. I will not allow Blitz to be painted as the bad guy here. Fuck Stolas, and fuck the team for trying to make it seem like we should feel bad for him. They both suck. BUT STOLAS IS OBJECTIVELY IN THE WRONG.
Ah yes, The Helluverse special of "let's yeet a stupid ass joke in the middle of plot, completely derailing anything." it has only been a few seconds and it's already going on for too long. Go learn from Bojack or RvB.
...........This cherub bit is throwing your entire lore off. If these idiots are having to do this shit to get by, why are they acting like heaven bound can do whatever they want in Hazbin? If all you meant by that line is the human souls in heaven, you totally screwed up the message there. Your points are murky at best, and you're contradicting yourself at every turn.
...............Are the cherubs mortal now? Like they're flying and glowing but they have to eat???? Huh? I don't think I've ever realized you're showing they eat a lot, but surely you don't actually have to eat as an angel or demon? Surely it's just a choice???? That's genuinely so fucking stupid???? WHY IS THAT EVEN A THING?
Honestly the stuff with these five would have been a fun standalone minisode. NOT IN THE MIDDLE OF ONE OF YOUR SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT EPISODES.
Bloody alleyway was a phenomenal cutaway gag. Points.
You really are not making it sound like Blitz likes this at ALL.
"If someone wants to see you less and less? Big red flag." NOT IN A HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP, DUH. He's literally a prince of hell in an affair with a """childhood friend""" who was literally PURCHASED for him. The whole thing is a red flag. Not just this!
You are making it exceedingly clear Blitz's just in it because he think's he'll lose the book. I don't give a rats ass about what micro-development you're going for. You take away time needed for showing that Blitz is conflicted on more than one level to do stupid ass tertiary character shit. YOUR CAST IS OVER BLOATED. BAD.
If you wanted me to feel bad for Stolas, maybe don't show that Blitz has an Angel-esque box of sex toys because he thinks he has to impress him. Stolas should have made it very clear AGES ago that he just wants Blitz. If Blitz is this hung up on needing to impress the damned bird, something very VERY wrong is happening in the bedroom.
If you seriously want us to think Blitz has feelings/cares about Stolas (Not that he HAS to), this sex candle shop would have been a perfect place to do it. "Well, he really likes it when I do this-" "This is his favorite colour." "This is his favorite scent." Blitz clearly knows nothing about Stolas, and both of them are to blame. This relationship is never EVER going to work if they know this little about each other when they've been regularly boning for ages. He should know more about what he likes. "What's the mood!?" "I don't know!" Woof. Full stop. This is never going to work in a real scenario. Womp Womp Move on.
Like he seems to MILDLY know what Stolas likes but this should be WAY clearer. Especially if you want us to think Blitz secretly cares too.
Love Fizz's new outfit. Very cute.
Gonna be real, Fizz and Blitz are seriously adorable. Can Ozzie pick him up too and actually show Blitz what being sexually valued is like? Because clearly he pulled it off with Fizz. Because he clearly enjoys sex and it feels like Stolas is just...using him. Not enjoying him. It's gross and SHOULD feel gross, because it FUCKING IS.
This whole bit with the cherubs makes it feel like we aren't supposed to give a damn about the main plot. That it's just a silly background to TERTIARY CHARACTER NONSENSE. BAD.
So far this confrontation is good as far as the pit of dread it opened in my stomach. I still really don't feel bad for Stolas. I feel bad for blitz. Him begging tore my soul out. It's so obvious how bad this power imbalance has gotten. I refuse to entertain these two any longer. This show needs to GROW UP and get over them, leave it here and I will forgive it.
Stolas should have 100% consulted Blitz before OFFICIALLY PUTTING HIM UNDER OZZIE'S JURISDICTION THAT'S NOT OKAY. Even if he leaves him alone, that can absolutely be weaponized.
"Am I not fucking you good enough?" Doesn't come off as him wanting more. Blitz feels like he's waiting for the other shoe to drop. For the love of the gods stop stringing this POORLY WRITTEN. BADLY RETCONNED. PATHETIC ATTEMPT AT A WELL DONE TOXIC RELATIONSHIP ALONG. BAD. MOVE. THE FUCK. ON.
"I care very deeply and have for a long time" You sure as shit never showed it.
To Those in The Back. ONE GRAND GESTURE DOES NOT FIX A TERRIBLE RELATIONSHIP. This is Mr. Peanutbutter with the library thing. This is Not ROMANTIC. This IS EMBARRASSING.
If he really cared, Blitz would not be living in poverty. If he really cared, he'd make an effort to engage beyond sex. IF HE REALLY CARED HE WOULD HAVE DIVORCED HIS WIFE THE PROPER WAY AND NOT TRAUMATIZED HIS FUCKING DAUGHTER OVER AND OVER AGAIN.
Stolas is a godsawful woobified piece of shit that doesn't have the decency to acknowledge he's the problem, and when he does, has the fucking AUDACITY to behave like a pathetic child. This I was wrong speech is DOGSHIT and has no punch to it because more than half of the episode was TERTIARY CHARACTER BULLSHIT.
Blitz has EVERY RIGHT to see this as a joke. I immediately burst out laughing because YEAH. WHEN HAVE YOU GIVEN HIM ANY IMPRESSION YOU CARED BEYOND GETTING YOUR FREAK ON?
"Thank you for being here for a little while." Oh boo fucking hoo. Get over yourself. "It's just about sex" BECAUSE YOU NEVER MADE IT ANYTHING ELSE YOU FUCKING BOZO.
I am immediately cheering Blitz on in his retort. He's fucking earned it. You're not going to make me feel bad by making them show up in the room from their childhood. Blitz is completely in the right here.
If Stolas really thought so highly of him, he'd be putting in more of an effort. Stolas treats Blitz the way he treats Octavia. Like they're dolls from his childhood. If he wanted to do right by them, he would. He is FUCKING ROYALTY. There is NO reason he can't put in more effort for the people he supposedly loves. You don't love them. You love the idea of them. You can't accept that they aren't the idea in your head. This isn't love. It's abuse.
Fuck you. Blitz has NOTHING to apologize for.
It's like Stolas doesn't seem to think he's the problem. No shit, of course Blitz isn't going to react the way you thought he would. Why are you just THROWING HIM OUT RATHER THAN TALKING TO HIM? BECAUSE YOU DON'T WANT TO ACTUALLY WORK FOR YOUR RELATIONSHIPS YOU STUPID ASS OWL. YOU WANT EVERYTHING TO BE HANDED TO YOU ON A PLATE YOU RICH DUMBASS.
Fuck everyone trying to paint Blitz as the bad guy.
He's just trying to survive! He has a fucking daughter! A found family! EVERYTHING to lose!
Stolas just gets his fucking feelings hurt. He is the architect of his own undoing. Suck my entire ass. This was easily the worst episode bar none.
The tone was ALL OVER the place, and not in an effective way. The plot moved at a halt and go pace and all the fun bits were BOGGED DOWN by the supposed point of the episode! You can't tell me this shit took all that time, unless you were constantly saying "OOOO YOU KNOW WHAT'D BE COOL/FUNNY?" and shooting your production scheduled in the foot!
The rest of the portraiture being covered up is a very nice touch.
I can't believe you've gotten me to defend BLITZO of all people. But here we are. I guess I'm on his team. (He's an abusive dick, but NO ONE deserves this.)
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foursaints · 1 day
had this random little thought/theory and thought “ saints will like this!”
but to me, james is such a film bro. he thinks it sac-religious if you haven’t seen the godfather, pulp fiction or fight club. try to tell him that the clockwork orange and matrix aren’t cinematic genius?? he might get viscerally agitated. but you know what? it’s so endlessly endearing how he gets defensive and will go on hour long rants trying to defend “his” movies, that you just wanna smooch the fellow
YEAH YEAH YEAH. james is exactly this kind of film bro with that kind of taste, but it’s only important because regulus black is a ~cinephile 🥀🚬~
regulus black thinks tarantino is a childish pedestrian hack. “navel-gazing,” regulus is saying, while smoking a cigarette pretentiously. he has opinions on auteur theory. his favorite movie is, like, bertolucci’s contemplative 1970 reflection on repressed homosexual urges under mussolini’s regime. he only ever wants to watch ozu and bergman and antonioni. he loves the 400 blows. you ask him for something casual and he puts on The Bitter Tears Of Petra Von Kant.
james describes himself as a “film lover” and regulus is actually so genuinely pleased because all his friends have clowned him for his taste all his life. he smiles to himself the whole ride home, until he’s getting on the phone w/ james back at his place, literally twirling his hair kicking his feet. “so…. what’s your favorite film?” regulus is asking, blushing.
then this man says goddamn “Fight Club” and everything is FUCKED
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damnfandomproblems · 2 days
This is way more of a grey area than people are making it and a few things should be kept in mind about this issue in general. It’s also not just a problem with DID but other things such as ticks autism adhd ect.
•yes a lot of people started self diagnosing during the pandemic and connected mental health crisis but it should also be noted that people were also bored out of their minds and looking for literally anything to entertain themselves
• most of the people doing this were highly impressionable children who didn’t have a grasp on mental illness and didn’t properly understand what they were trying to emulate or what the symptoms actually were
• many people were doing this as a “trend” for attention and it’s not a coincidence that the issues most commonly shown are ones with lots of “ flair “
• these people heavily romanticized fetishized or infantilized these genuine issues acting out some fucked up caricature of something people genuinely have to struggle with daily
• many people who actually have these things have pointed out how 99% of people ( again mostly bored children) were showing ( again) completely unrealistic symptoms that were basically just mockery and lack of understanding that was impossible for them to express without serious burn out or other side effects that were never shown.
• notice how I’m using past tense it’s because pretty much all of those people suddenly stopped cold turkey when tons of people were being exposed as fakes or when they simply got bored.
• I am saying this from experience as someone who actually struggles with several mental health issues that have been reinterpreted by the internet as fun and quirky I’m so done with people blindly defending those clowns you do not understand this situation and the genuine harm these people have done to our communities. most of you have no idea what you’re talking about or how it genuinely affects people and these trends have genuinely ruined actual necessary researched self diagnosing for people who actually need it.
mental health issues are not an accessory to make yourself more interesting stop treating it as such ( sorry if this is rambly this is genuinely upsetting and ignorant)
Posting as a response to a previous problem.
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flyingfabio · 8 hours
wow... this is. wow. nothing official but if THIS is real then i despise ducati even more. fucking clowns
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cosmic-kaden · 23 hours
oohp someone got butthurt because F76 has pride flags and I was proudly flying the nonbinary flag (as they didn't specifically have the agender flag) they destroyed my camp and said if I fly the flag again they'll stalk me.
Instead of just letting it go little baby level me waddled on up to a level 1000 player and shot them a message (because their icon on F76 was a pride flag) and was like "Hi- I'm being stalked by someone who is enbyphobic- can you help me teach this ass clown a lesson"
IN SHORT muh guy rolled up in a jet packed power armor suit with what looked to be a shredder mini gun and fucking obliterated this dudes entire camp and it was a really nice looking camp too. Guy who was stalking me around was level 30 he was pvp and I'm pacifist so he couldn't kill me. My new friendo was pvp though c: ehehehe
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gourmet-gator · 1 day
*All of a sudden, out of nowhere, Kremy suddenly felt...perfectly healthy? He hadn't made any progress with a cure, and mere moments ago, he'd been deathly ill, just as expected. But now suddenly, the nausea seemed to leave him, and his skin and flesh felt sturdy once again.*
*Just as he'd begun to ponder that, he could hear in the distance, muffled by audible enough to be recognized...ominous jazz.*
*No...somebody hadn't...had they?*
*Someone had made a deal with the Baron, for his health...and the poor ringmaster could probably guess who.*
*Kremy had been held up in Twig’s Inn before any of this had happened. He had been helping the brownie how he could, checking up with the other unfortunate souls to get caught up in this mess. He kept a relatively level-headed impression to the other carnies, but dread only seeped further into his mind. The scars and wounds that littered his arms, and the back of his neck, and his palms, had refused to heal, and it was getting harder to hide. And then those damned voices. Their cacophonous echoes of insecurities and paranoia practically deafening him.*
*He still hadn’t even talked to that clown. He was running out of time.*
*He was back in his room to take a breather, standing in front of his window with his arms crossed as he tried to just get his shit together while voices that weren’t his screamed at him. Gods, he could use a smoke right now.*
*The voices just kept getting louder and louder and CAN THEY JUST SHUT UP?*
*…And they did. Kremy blinked.*
“…What the fuck?”
*He had almost jumped at the fact that he was able to hear his own voice and his voice alone. The room was silent for the first time in days. What the fuck just happened? Was he…*
*He looked down at his hands, at the scales that adorned the back of them and the softer flesh that covered his palms. Not a single mark nor blemish. He checked the other parts of his body he had scratched or clawed at from the anxiety and found the same result.*
“What… Wh- how..?”
*And then he felt it. That horrifyingly familiar chill up his spine. A chill that could only be caused by the Baron. But this one, this one was not the type of chill caused by his mere presence. No, this was the type made when someone struck a deal with the man. His gaze snaps back up to the window at that oh so faint yet oh so dreadful sound of ominous jazz. He freezes.*
“…No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no-”
*He’s back to moving almost immediately. He grabs his hat and cane and swings open the bedroom door. He rushes through the hallway and down the stairs, calling a rushed apology to Twig as he passes her by.*
*And he was out the door before she could even try to ask a question. He runs as fast as he could towards that music, something he never thought he’d actually do.*
“God damnit, god fuckin’ damnit you fucking idiot FUCK-” *Were the only words one could hear from Kremy when he runs past.*
*It better not be him. It can’t be him. Why would he do this. Oh fuck. Oh shit. Please don’t be too late. Don’t fucking cry.*
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illubean · 2 days
Omg the zoldyck!reader hcs were so cute!! If there aren't too many requests rn can you do something where reader went to the hunter exam to keep illumi from fucking w/ Killua too much? i.e reader knows pin guy is illumi but won't tell Killua because they don't wanna get murked and is also secretly communicating w/ illumi.
Killua's Defense
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Characters: Killua Zoldyck, Illumi Zoldyck Type: Oneshot, Gn!reader, Zoldyck!reader
Warnings: Illumi being a poopie head
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Being a descendant of a well known family of assassins meant a lot of things. It meant you were destined to continue the family business, get payed by random people without questioning their motifs but also a lot of times it required you to travel. Your family got requests and offers from all over, meaning easy access to round trips is very beneficial.
Which is why you along with your twin brother decided to take the exam. He was much more serious about the whole assassin thing than you though. To him, the family and his job was what made up his entire life and in his mind there was no room for anything else. You, however, thought there was more to life and fully supported the idea of having hobbies and making friends.
Since he was so serious, Illumi decided to alter his appearance for the duration of the exam. You honestly didn't see much of a point in this, especially considering there were very few if not zero people who knew the faces and identities of the Zoldyck family. But whatever, it's his life.
Illumi's little disguised proved somewhat useful though, because your baby brother Killua happened to be there. You loved all your siblings dearly, but Killua always had a closer bond with you than anyone else. You were the only one who ever bothered playing with him while he was growing up, which naturally caused him to favor you over the rest of the family. You couldn't have been more proud of him when you found out he had run away from home. You fully supported him in taking control of his own life, hoping he'll end up finding something that really would make him happy.
Eventually, you parted ways with Illumi because his weird clown friend showed up. You kept in contact with him via cellphone, but knew you probably wouldn't use it very often.
When Killua first spotted you, he had no idea how to feel. You were his favorite sibling and he trusted that you wouldn't force him to do anything, but he still had his suspicions.
"What are you doing here? You're not here to take me back are you!?"
"No, Killua, I'm not. I just need a hunter license for a job."
He let out a sigh of relief before looking around and asking you another question.
"Illumi isn't here, is he?"
You felt bad for lying to him but at the same time it was probably best for him not to know. If he did, he would just be under unnecessary stress and it would cause an argument between you and your twin that you rather not have.
The next time you met up with Illumi was on Zevil Island. The two of you had allready collected the badges you needed and he was talking to freaky clown dude. You payed him no mind because you rather not interact with that guy.
"I take it you've seen Killua around," you stated.
"Yes, I have. And I intend to bring him back home after the exam is over."
"Stop meddling in his life Illumi. He's old enough to think for himself and if he decides he doesn't want to be at home then-"
"That's not how father raised us, Y/n. It is our job to serve our family and carry on it's legacy," he says, cutting you off while beginning to dig.
"I'm going to sleep until the deadline," he then turns to his friend. "Best of luck."
And with that, he buried himself underground. You huffed in annoyance and clenched your fist before yelling at the pile of dirt before you.
"Dad didn't raise us to be control freak manipulators either!! You- you...you gopher!!"
Your brother's jester friend chuckled at you, causing you to shoot him a glare before storming off.
As the final phase of the exam rolled around, things weren't looking too good. Killua's next opponent just had to be Illumi. didn't it? You watched with an unsettling feeling at the bottom of your stomach. Your poor baby brother stood there trembling as Illumi spoke.
"You're not cut out to be a hunter. You were born for one purpose; to be an assassin."
At this you took a step foreword.
"That's enough Illumi. Mom only wanted you to check on him, this is too far."
He ignored you as he continued his speech.
"You're a puppet of darkness, devoid of passion. There is nothing you desire, nor is there anything you wish for. As one who lives in the shadows the only pleasure you're capable of is derived from causing death. Because that's how dad and I raised you."
You grit your teeth at this before taking another step towards the ring, getting stopped by a man and reminded of the rules. If you stepped on to the ring you would be disqualified.
Before you could start screaming your head off at your deranged twin, Killua began to stand up for himself. You couldn't be prouder of him for finding out what he wanted from life.
Then Illumi starts to tear Killua down again. Some tall guy with glasses begins to yell words of encouragement at Killua. After Illumi's threat to kill Gon, you stood protectively in front of the door along with 3 of the other contestants.
"Oh what a pain. I need to acquire a hunters license right now so I can do my job. But if I kill them, I'll fail, and Kil will pass automatically. Oh no, the same thing will happen if I kill gon! Hm.....wait! I'll pass the exam then kill Gon!"
"You know you could've kept that monologue to yourself, right?" You sassed. "Even if you do pass and go after Gon, I won't let you."
"Poor, little Y/n. You've always been so soft. Your emotions is what makes you weak."
"Shut up! You're supposed to have our family's best interest in mind, right? Then let Killua go out and make friends! It's his job to decide what he wants."
The black haired man simply chooses to ignore you and continues to threaten Gon's life. And to antagonize Killua. Everything you and glasses guy were yelling from the sidelines went in one ear and out through the other as Killua gave in to the pressure of Illumi's aura and forfeit the match.
"Haha, I lied Kil. I was never going to kill Gon. That was only a test to see what your made of, and now I know for certain. You are simply not qualified to make friends. Not that you need any."
As both of them left the ring you could tell something was off with your younger brother. You glared at Illumi, your face saying 'I'll deal with you later' but he payed no mind. Right when the next match was about to begin, Killua walked up and killed the old man without uttering a single word and left the facility.
He was now disqualified.
Imagine your surprise when you saw Gon march in and demand that Illumi apologize to Killua. And how you were even more surprised that he not only managed to flip a grown man, but also break his arm.
As you watched the little green boy confront your brother and listened to the blonde one along with the glasses guy try to reason with Netero, you were happy he was able to find such good friends. Gon was a good kid with pure intentions, and the other two were willing to publicly defend him.
After the whole orientation thing, Gon and Co. approached Illumi to ask about where Killua might be as you stood off to the side. As they left you followed them, waiting until Illumi was out of earshot to call for Gon's attention.
"If you want to get to Kukuroo mountain there's a tour bus that takes you to the outside of our property. You'll need to pass through our testing gates to reach the estate or else our 900 pound guard dog will kill you."
"Oh, thanks a lot! But why are you helping us?"
"Because Killua could really use friends like you guys. You're a good kid and I trust that you'll make him happy. I would lead you there myself but I have my other brother to deal with, good luck."
You stormed back towards Illumi and slapped him in the back of the head. He let it happen of course, considering he could hear your angry footsteps from a mile away. No matter how angry you were at him, there wasn't much you could do. Fighting him would be useless, considering you're both at about the same strength and skill level and verbally berating him doesn't have any affect. But you chose to do the 2nd one anyways.
"What the hell is wrong with you? You know, this is why you're Killua's least favorite. All you do is try to boss him around and control his life. Seriously, do you have anything better to do?"
"Kil is the next in line to be the head of our family, I'm just making sure that he will be able to do so without any distractions."
"Newsflash Illumi: he's 12. You're 24. If anything, you should be next so why don't you go find a wife or something. And how come you're allowed to have your fruity party clown friend but Killua can't have any? Seriously, I much prefer the boy over that creep."
Illumi stopped walking and turned towards you.
"Hisoka is an acquaintance. Not a friend."
"Yeah, yeah whatever. Defend your jester boyfriend," you say, rolling your eyes. You stepped closer to the man before you and looked him in the eyes as you spoke once more.
"Let Killua have this. If you decide to go after him, trust me you will be dealt with."
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