#it’s just a Lot and I wish I could have a proper break at some point
lethesbeastie · 1 day
Hi, I saw your post about practicing drawing fat people and I was wondering if you could compile like a list of resources or references?
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It can be difficult to find resources for drawing the wide variety of forms fat bodies can occupy, so I've done my best to bring together some resources I've been able to prove have some degree of diversity in the references they offer!
My primary resource recommendation for drawing fat people is Morpho Anatomy For Artists: Fat And Skin Folds! It does a wonderful job breaking down where fat accumulates on the body, how it interacts with the familiar landmarks of human anatomy, and what sort of shapes it tends to form under the influence of gravity. It's a phenomenal reference and my top recommendation for anyone seeking to improve at drawing fat people!
When it comes to finding decent photo references for fat people, the pickings are frustratingly slim. Most sites that specialize in pose references either don't have fat models or have all their images behind paywalls. Of the resources I looked through, the best sources for pose references were Adorkastock and Line of Action.
@adorkastock actively seeks to provide an incredible profile of pose references with diverse body types, and as an added bonus you can access a lot of their images for free on their site/Tumblr or join their patreon for early access to images! Line of action is a site aimed towards practicing figure drawing, providing images and a timed function to challenge artists to sketch within a set time limit. I took the time to go through roughly 300+ images and was pleased to find that during my session around two-to-three out of every ten photos were fat models. The only caveats to this was the fact that most of the images were of the same individual, limiting the applications for studying the variants of fat bodies. Still, it's an amazing tool that has a free mode and allows you to filter the types of references you want based on age and level of nudity.
Beyond sites that specialize in art reference photography, there's also the ever popular Pinterest, which is the site where I typically seek references for my personal studies. Due to the nature of Pinterest's extensive collection, there's a vast variety of references for different fat body types that includes a lot more "everyday" people. The primary issue with Pinterest however is the rampant reposting and lack of proper credits for images, which can make things dicey depending on how you wish to use the references you find. For personal studies this isn't really an issue, but for any sort of professional or paid work is something to be aware of just for the sake of accountability.
* For those who are 18+, porn photography of real people also offers an incredible wealth of visual resources for fat bodies and how they interact with gravity/movement/etc. The variety of positions and angles offer many opportunities to study human anatomy, and it's a pretty well-known fact that drawing NSFW art can be an important learning experience for those struggling with drawing anatomy. In the end, it depends on your personal level of comfort with viewing/drawing explicit images, but it's not something you should completely overlook.
Last but not least, look at the work of artists you admire who draw fat people! While I typically recommend sticking to photo references for learning anatomy, studying artist's portrayals of fat people is also incredibly helpful for learning different tactics for simplifying and/or stylizing fat bodies to better fit ones own style. There are also plenty of artists who've crafted tutorials detailing their approach to drawing fat folks, so I highly recommend you check them out as well! I hope the resources I've linked here can help you in your studies, and feel free to drop another ask if you have any more questions! I'm planning on posting a tutorial on how I do studies for fat people soon, so that will be an additional resource for you once I've got it posted!
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dragonflight203 · 2 days
Mass Effect 3 replay, Citadel part 1:
-I don’t hate Diane Allers, but I don’t particularly like her either. I wish we could take Emily Wong or Khalisa Al-Jilani on the Normandy instead.
Also, her model is… Not good. Given her inclusion was to essentially bribe goodwill from IGN, you’d think Bioware would have done a better job.
-Why does each successive game handle broadcasts more poorly?
In ME1, they were subtitled.
In ME2, they were subtitled if you prompted them on the Citadel from one of the spawn points. On Omega and Illium, no subtitles.
In ME3, no subtitles at all. And the sound quality is worse.
Some of us have hearing difficulties, Bioware! If I have the subtitles on, I need ALL dialogue subtitled!
-Mass Effect 3 NPC chatter drives me up the wall because you need to reload the level to hear the next bit of the conversation.
Why did they change it from ME2 where you could just take a few steps away and then come back to hear the next portion? That was much better.
-The actual dialogue itself is extremely well done, however. While I have many critiques of ME3’s actual plot, I have very few for these conversations. Bioware nailed them.
-That said, the Citadel is clearly set will into war when in Shepard’s timeline it’s been less than a day.
The Hierarchy’s already developed a war plan. The engineer’s familiar enough with it to criticize the munitions they’ve been provided. That implies he has experience with them or (more likely) has heard criticism of them from other engineers.
The asari PTSD soldier had been on active duty for three weeks before meeting the farm girl on Triptree. She was helping to evacuate a human colony, which means that the Alliance has already formulated evacuation plans and coordinated them with the asari.
The elderly woman at the embassy looking for her son says she hasn’t heard from him for a month.
If this were the actual start of the war, there would be a lot more confusion and people speculating what was happening and who the enemy is. That’s not what is occurring here. These folks know there’s a war on, have accepted it, and are living with it.
I don’t fault Bioware for not having a “start of war” Citadel, but it is a bit immersion breaking.
-Sanctuar is mentioned by the turian engineer speaking to his asari partner in the docking bay. He tells her it’s safe from the war.
It’s one of the first conversations a player is likely to hear. Kudos to Bioware for the early foreshadowing.
However, how can it be safe from the war? This is a galactic wide war to exterminate all organic life. The Reapers attack large settlements and destroy ones too small to bother with from orbit. One way or another they’ll come for Sanctuary.
I understand why people believe it. They’re desperate for any spark of hope. I am, however, disappointed by the lack of criticism it receives in game. More people should be skeptical of it. Especially since no one hears back from anyone that goes there.
-Asari PTSD soldier: I could feel her mind from where I was standing.
“Her” being the asari-turned-banshee Neaira.
Another hint that asari have stronger mental powers than mind melding. They can to some level broadcast their thoughts/feelings. I wish the games had delved into this more.
How much does this influence their perception/role of diplomats?
-Dr. Chakwas is a queen. She took a proper leave of absence from the Alliance and never officially joined Cerberus, so the Alliance has nothing with her.
-It’s rather amusing that you can insist to Dr. Chakwas that she can be best assist the war effort by staying in a research role, then turn around and recruit Dr. Michel as the Normandy doctor by telling her that she can make a bigger difference on the Normandy then in Huerta. The Normandy will win or lose the war. Shepard will tell anyone what they want to hear to get their way.
Someday I’ll take Dr. Michel with me, but for this playthrough it will be Dr. Chakwas.
-When you speak to Dr. Michel, she references you helping her by dealing with Fist. Does she still say that if you never met her in ME1?
-Avina continues to raise eyebrows. At Huerta Memorial Hospital: This facility’s attendant levels can also replicate the living conditions needed to accommodate other, more exotic species.
Fairly certain that referring to people as “exotic” is frowned upon, although I’ll give you that I’m not sure if that was true when ME3 was written.
-There are no NPCs visible from the view outside Huerta, which is a bit disconcerting. That’s a lot of empty space where people should be.
-The patients are still in uniform. Isn’t is standard to put patients in dressing gowns ASAP?
Especially the one who will need his leg amputated. He’s already been examined!
-Cloning is possible in universe, but it takes months to grown limbs.
…Well, that makes the whole Dr. Saleon side quest in ME1 even darker.
-Kaidan looks silly in the hospital bed with his chest prominently displayed. That does not look natural.
-ME3 has so. Much. Damn. Autodialogue. This game is far more a shooter then an RPG.
-Is there a reason spectre requisitions has moved out of C-Sec and into the Citadel Embassies?
Just saying, seems an odd choice to be storing and selling guns in the middle of all the politicians.
-The embassies have also received quite the overhaul from ME1.
There’s a convenient in game reason with the Battle of the Citadel, but I’m rather fond of the ME1 design. ME3 is more realistic but also more corporate.
-The volus offering assistance with the war effort specifically says Turian Empire. Not Hierarchy.
I love how the turians just. Quietly have an empire throughout the series. Nothing to see here, carry on…
-Why is the human embassy front desk staffed exclusively by asari and turians?
-Udina specifically picked Bailey to be the next commander, even though he didn’t lobby for the position.
Given Udina’s actions later in the game, I suspect Bailey’s correct post-Coup that Udina’s reasons were not complimentary. Bailey’s proven he’ll look the other way when given proper incentive and he’ll bend the law if he feels right to do so. Udina probably figured that one way or another those would prove useful.
And if he and Bailey felt differently on a matter – well, there’s not exactly a lack of blackmail material on Bailey, is there?
-Udina suspected Executor Pallin of plotting against the Council, Bailey investigated, found enough to arrest Pallin, and was forced to kill him in the process.
As many others have said: How convenient. What’s the likelihood that Udina framed Pallin?
Given that the executor during the Cerberus coup is a human…
-Bailey notes that Udina is ambitious.
He’s the human Councilor! What else can he be gunning for?
-The scene with Khalisa Al-Jilani if you go paragon is quite good.
She would have been great on the Normandy. The antagonism between her and Shepard would have made for great scenes.
-The spectre terminal provides information that the quarian pilgrims have been recalled and it looks like the quarians might be preparing for war with the geth.
Does ME3 foreshadow everything except the ending?
That somehow makes it worse. They clearly knew how to foreshadow and its importance. The endings just didn’t warrant the effort.
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manwithoutaspleen · 9 months
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icanseethefuture333 · 4 months
PAC: What your pretty self needs to hear for Valentine's Day ♡
Your heart's message to you + a message from your secret admirer 💌
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They say the truth ain't pretty, but coming from that pretty mouth
The truth is fitting, cause you ain't ever talkin' loud
And you know plenty
Yeah, you know what I'm talkin' about
Cause you just get me
Yeah, you so pretty... ♡
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Pile 1:
Your heart's message to you:
Shufflemancy -
Girl by Destiny's Child
Far by SZA
The Lovers, Seven of Cups, & Three of Cups
So what your heart wishes to tell to you is that there is still love out there. You may have previously gotten over an ex, a past crush, or you are in the process of recovering from a break up. In the song "Far" SZA asks Sadhguru how to deal with rejection, in which he responds, "That's great! If nobody wants you then you're free." You have to look on the bright side of things. You also have to know what your worth is. No one else can define your worth but you. You have to be secure with who you are as a person. No one can love the parts you need to heal from. Once you feel fulfilled with who you are as a person. That is when you can form healthy connection with others. I believe you still are hoping for you and this person to get back together but you are hurting yourself even more by obsessing over this person (was going to say focus but instead I heard obsess). Reflect on your current situation and ask yourself, "What wound is this person triggering in me?". What do you need to move on from? To take care of your heart you should do some self reflection. Journaling and shadow work would help provide some clarity. Your heart asks you to not fall back into old habits. Self love is important for your growth, pile 1!
Your secret admirer's message to you:
Shufflemancy -
Time To Love by Red Velvet
Changes by Jeff Bernat
I Think I'm Falling by KOHH
Wallflower, New Love, & Union
There is a new love coming in for you! This person could be shy and likes to admire you from afar. They could be self conscious about some things about themselves as well. The feelings seem to be mutual here. There could be a new crush that you like and wish to speak to, but are to nervous to ask them out of fear of rejection. Don't fret! Confessing your feelings helps build courage. If the person rejects you, then that just means there isnsomeone else better out there for you. It is not the end of the world just because you got rejected. Have a little more confidence in yourself, you are great, pile 1! Regardless, I see you and this secret admirer actually being intimate. Things could develop into something more serious with this union card. So make sure to be open to this energy and give them a chance at love ♡
Pile 2:
Your heart's message to you:
Shufflemancy -
Mine by Slayyyter
Post To Be by Omarion ft. Chris Brown & Jhené Aiko
Four of Cups, Eight of Wands, & The Fool
Your heart does not want to be tied down at the moment! I believe it has plenty of love to give lol. You also have no problem with turning people down or vice versa. You are looking for a fling and just wish to have a casual relationship! You could have a lot of options in love and would like to explore things romantically, maybe even sexually. Your heart suggests that you focus on your happiness and learn what pleases you. Love does not always have to be serious. Sometimes short lived romances have the best stories to tell! You will be feeling very confident and sexy in your romantic endeavors.
Your secret admirer's message to you:
Shufflemancy -
Boys Wanna Be Her by Peaches
No Flex Zone by Rae Sremmurd
Open Relationship, Mature Woman, & Fun Times
This secret admirer of yours is honestly hilarious 😭. I kept getting meme songs and I hs to shuffle again to get a proper message. This could be my queer pile as well 🏳️‍🌈. I'm getting Renee Rapp vibes from your secret admirer, Pile 2 😋. They could suit the 'girl crush' aesthetic or if it is someone who identifies as masculine, they have a very pretty face. They are open minded, flirtatious, and exciting to be around. This person wishes to tell you that you are stuck in their head! They find you to be "so fine" 😜! They would like take you out soon. I'm getting it will be a bar date or they will take you dancing at a night club.
Pile 3:
Your heart's message to you:
Shufflemancy -
More Than Enough by Alina Baraz
Bluffin by Brent Faiyaz
Mona Lisa by Naji ft. Monter Booker
Death, Six of Swords, & Six of Pentacles
Oh, pile 3, bless your heart 🥹. You are someone who has such a kind, gentle heart. You have the purest intentions and for that people can tell how geniune you are as a person. You could be selfless and caring towards others. You have so much love to give that it is obvious to others. I don't see any bitterness in your heart and I feel like your heart wishes to tell you how proud it is of you for being able to find forgiveness. You are leaning to let go of the people who have hurt you in the past. The essence of your spirit is so soft and it's very beautiful to witness. Your heart's message to you is that anyone would be lucky to have you in their life. So don't ever feel like you are not enough because you're more than that. You are this cup that is overflowing with love and sincerity.
Your secret admirer's message to you:
Shufflemancy -
At Your Best (You Are Loved) by Aaliyah
Freaky Deaky by Tyga ft. Doja Cat
LOVE by Kendrick Lamar ft. Zacari
Dating, True Love, & True Gem
Your secret admirer absolutely adores you, pile 3. They see your value as a person and they know that there is no one else like you in this world. You have so much love to give and they do as well. I am getting that they want to literally treat you like a princess/princess - just overall royalty. Their have geniune intentions as well and they would like to spoil you this Valentine's day ❤. (Channeled song: Kiss It Better by Rihanna 💋) for a few of you, you and your specific person could be separated. I see that things will turn out for the better soon. So have faith in yourself and in this person for things to work out. They could offer you some sort of proposal, love offer, or a token of their gratitude to show how much they love you. I see things would be passionate, flirty, and romantic for you and your secret admirer 🎆.
Pile 4:
Your heart's message to you:
Shufflemancy -
Green Light by Beyoncé
Standing Next To You by Jungkook
God of Music by SEVENTEEN
Two of Pentacles, Page of Wands, & The Magician
You are such an optimistic person, pile 4! You could be someone who often gives advice to others and help others look on the bright side of things. You radiate such positive energy and it makes you a joy to be around. You could be someone who knows what they want and goes after it. You know how to balance your heart with your brain. Intuitive but also logical. People wonder how you are able to turn your ideas into reality. Your heart's message to you is to keep going after your goals and not let anyone distract you from your dreams. As long as you are happy that is all that matters. Your heart also wishes to tell you that whatever makes you light up inside is meant for you. Whatever your heart is set on whether that's a new job, house, etc. You have the ability to manifest whatever you desire.
Your secret admirer's message to you:
Shufflemancy -
Phone Me by Che Ecru
Novacane by Frank Ocean
Own It by Drake
Passion, Friendship, & Communication
For some of you, you could be currently in a "situationship" or have a FWB with someone. While for others, your secret admirer is possibly a friend of yours. This person is conflicted on how to approach you. You may receive a text or phone call from them soon where they ask you about your relationship with another. They could ask you how you feel about them or drop hints that they are attracted to you. The ball is in your park, pile 4, if you decide to be more than just friends with this person.
Pile 5:
Your heart's message to you:
Shufflemancy -
Girl Like Me by Alexa Demie
Fulfillment? By Kilo Kish
Baddie by IVE
Eight of Cups, Two of Cups, & Seven of Swords
I am getting like "manic pixie dream girl" vibes from you, Pile 2. Something about you is hard to pin point to others. Mysterious but also so enchanting. You know you are someone who is complex but also so beautiful. You have these interesting quirks that makes you stand out and memorable to others. You are comfortable with who you as a person and it could have took you a long time to get to a place of being this self assured. You could have a child like wonder as well and it is admirable to others. You could be questioning what direction to take in life and could find "adulting" very hard but don't give up, pile 5! Everything will be okay in the end. Your heart's message to you is to learn what gives you emotional fulfillment in life. Also to not take shit from no one. What's interesting is your face could look quite sweet but you are actually feisty and have a firey spirit. There is a duality to your personality and its attractive. I am getting like Song Jia, Alexa Demie, Wonyoung, & Taylor Russell vibes from you, pile 5. Your heart wants you to embrace your confidence and focus on the abundance in your future. Do not let people drag you down and dim your light. Your heart believes it is time for some self pampering. Set your standards high in love and know that you are deserving of everything you desire. I also believe it is time to burn bridges with people who no longer serve you. How can you live the life of your dreams if other people only acknowledge the version of yourself that no longer resonates with you? If you wish to be the girl of your dreams, you have to learn to put yourself first.
Your secret admirer's message to you:
Shufflemancy -
Lilith by Halsey
Ditto by NewJeans
High Fashion by Roddy Rich ft. Mustard
Triangle, Travel, & Spiritual Growth
What is this Single's Inferno?! You have options, pile 5. You could have more than one secret admirer. You could be observing your current options in love and feeling "Well! Let the best person win☺️!" I see people wanting to fly you out and pay for your trips, oh my🫠. One of the people you will date could be popular or have a well known social status. You give people butterflies and some of you may know what affect you have on people, while some of you are innocent to the fact. You could receive love confessions or you may even already have. I feel like you are the type of person who receives love letters, jewelry, candies, and box of chocolates, if not you are going to be spoiled for this Valentine's day! You could meet your secret admirer(s) while traveling or when going on vacation. Your secret admirer's message to you is that they "like you" and hoping you feel the same 💕. They want to understand your love language and words of affirmations / gift giving could be one of their love languages in particular.
Pile 6:
Your heart's message to you:
Shufflemancy -
Rose by Miyeon
Honey Dew by Lion Babe
Chanel by TiaCorine
King of Pentacles, Five of Wands, & Queen of Cups
I feel like you are at odds with your heart and brain right now, pile 6. You seem to feel confused about a decision you have to make. I believe you could think things are "sweeter" in other people's lives but that is not necessarily true. I know sometimes we can want what other people have but if it gets to the point of comparing yourselves to others then its not healthy. You have to remember to be grateful for what you have in life. It's okay to want the finer things, but what are you overlooking when you are doing that? Your heart's message to you is to not worry about what other people are doing in life and instead focus on what makes you great of a person. You are just as lovable, sweet, and beautiful.
Your secret admirer's message to you:
Shufflemancy -
Congratulations by Mac Miller ft. Bilal
Little Things by Sunni Colón
Aura by Mariah The Scientist
Work, Money, & Long Distance
I believe you and this person are already in a relationship. If not, your secret admirer will be the next person you end up in a romantic relationship with. This person could live further away from you and has a high paying job. They prefer to take on a traditional role of a provider. This person could have a hard time discussing their feelings though and shows their love through acts of services. While you, I feel you are more of an emotional person. You both could have a hard time expressing your feelings and thoughts properly to each other, which would cause conflict. Things might be tense for Valentine's Day. You and your secret admirer could have strong feelings for each other, but there needs to be an important conversation had in order for this relationship to progress. Both of you could be disheartened by this but there's hope! Try to appreciate the little things in your relationship and not focus on being the "perfect couple", for that does not exist. Every relationship has its flaws and all that matters is that you and you partner love each other very much. If it's meant to be, it will be, it won't be something you have to force, it'll come naturally.
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lovelytsunoda · 1 year
one of the boys // charles leclerc
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summary: she's worked for ferrari for four years now. four years that only let her feelings for their number one driver grow stronger and stronger, until she wishes that charles leclerc would stop seeing her as just one of the boys, and start seeing her the way that she sees him
pairing: charles leclerc x mechanic! reader
warnings: ferrari fuckups, sexual tension, sad charles, actually charles goes through a whole range of emotions, matchmaker seb, mentions of workplace harassment, set in the 2022 season when charles won australia, sexual innuendos and references.
she sat on the halo, her feet resting against the seat as she leaned over the engine compartment, her boiler suit tied off around her waist and her hair pinned to the back of her head as the bahrain sun beat down.
ferrari had bottled it again. which meant double-duty for the pit crew to fix it for jeddah.
the radio hummed softly in the background as she cursed, losing her grip on the ratchet. when the engine fried itself, it had also made the parts a lot harder to take apart.
"fucking hell." she groaned, resting her head against the cool, red body of the car. "vasseur was supposed to fix this."
"what are you still doing here? you should have left at least an hour ago?"
the movement in the garage, as well as the voice breaking the almost-silence was enough to get her to look up, heart hammering against her ribcage.
the same annoyingly alert reaction that she'd had to his presence for the last two years.
"charles. what are you doing here?"
"hiding." the driver smiled sadly. the balaclava lines had faded fomr his face, but she could still see the sweat in his hair, the scent of the race mingling with his team-sponsored cologne. "you know how it is after a weekend like this."
"yeah, i do." she could feel the blush creeping onto her face, and she subtly pinched herself to try and make it go down. charles leclerc couldn't give her butterflies, it wasn't right. technically speaking, he was her superior.
but that didn't change how much she cared about him, how much she longed to feel the monegasque's lips against hers
"you should not be working. come out with the rest of us, we're getting drinks and commiserating. did i use that word right?"
it was hard for y/n not to smile at charles' attempt to learn the english language. he had a fantastic grip on the language, but when he tried to use larger words to sound cooler, it was usually followed up with uncertainty, all adding to what she liked to call his 'boston terrier energy'.
"yeah, you got that one right." she chuckled, dismounting the car, pain rocketing through the nerves in her feet as she hit the ground too hard. "that's a beauty of a car. such a shame that the scuderia doesn't know how to treat it properly."
standing next to charles, she was all too aware that she was wearing nothing but a sports bra on the top half of her body, and she wondered if she could pull her boiler suit back on without charles noticing.
charles snorted. "try driving that thing."
she patted him on the shoulder, a sad smile on her face. "give me ten minutes to go put some proper clothes on, and then we'll go out somewhere. drinks are on me, god knows you deserve it."
"seb, i don't know what to do!" y/n groaned, face against the tabeltop as the german man laughed.
sebastian vettel had been the closest thing she had to a father when she was on the road with the scuderia. in all fairness, the job with ferrari hadn't even been what she went to school for. she had picked engineering at college because it was what everybody else was doing, and she'd stumbled upon this job by accident with the promise of travel. when she was starting to regret everything, it had been sebastian who had convinced her to stay.
"ugh, this is so not funny!" she shouted, throwing her arms in the air and wincing as her knuckle banged against the shop window. they were in a quaint little café in fiji ahead of the australian grand prix, and y/n was in need of some serious advice.
but to get advice from seb, you needed to bribe him with coffee first. hence why they were in the rustic cafe, every bare surface covered in plants that sebastian had spent ages talking to the manager about.
sebastian vettel was a nerd. in a good way, of course.
"you're a lovely young woman, y/n. you have a nice figure."
"does hanna know you're out here complimenting younger women?" she joked, taking a sip from her strawberry lemonade.
sebastian laughed, shaking his head. "you need to let everybody else see that side of you, y/n. let your hair down, wear a nice pair of jeans for once instead of that boiler suit. let the world see the lovely girl that we all know is there."
"i'm going to miss you when you retire."
"i know, kiddo. listen, we're all going out after the race, to have drinks and whatever. go out with hanna, buy yourself a nice new dress on my credit card, and then come out for drinks with us. i guarantee that one look at you will whip charles into shape. you're a catch, y/n. i think that charles would be lucky to have someone like you in his life."
"i'm already a part of his life. as a work friend. and i'm accepted that i'm not likely to be anything more."
seb raised an eybrow. "doesn't sound like it."
in another bar, on another part of the small island of fiji, carlos and charles were having a very similar conversation.
"carlos, i can't make a move! technically, i'm higher ranking at ferrari than she is. there's a power imbalance, what if she feels like she can't say no? it's a harassment case waiting to happen!" charles whined, a pint glass clutched in his hands.
carlos shook his head, an annoyed sigh escaping the back of his throat. "you're an idiot, hermano. she's in love with you! you think you're the only person who sees her staring at you in the garage?
"forgive me if that's not something i want to be wrong about. i could be staking our careers on your little hunch."
groaning, carlos buried his head in his hands. getting through to his teammate was a hopeless and futile affair. once charles leclerc was set in his ways about something, there was no changing his mind.
"what about the party in australia? ask her to dance, buy her a drink? you're not getting any younger, charles. you need to get back out there and start dating again."
as f1 descended on albert park, the glitz and glamour taking over melbourne, y/n y/l/n and hanna vettel were standing in a small, glitzy boutique, armed with hanna's husband's credit card. the young ferrari mechanic was standing in front of a floor-length mirror, her hair falling around her shoulders.
"hanna, i don't know how i feel about this." she inhaled, staring at her reflection and the ferrari red dress that hugged her figure. "i love it, honestly, i do, i just cringe at the thought of ever wearing it outside of the house. especially if i;m in front of charles!"
hanns sighed, brushing her fingers through the younger girl's hair. "have a little bit of faith in yourself, darling. you look stunning, this dress shows off all your best physical attributes, and charles already knows your best qualities."
"yeah, because who else is going to sing nineties stoner rock songs in the car on the way to the track with me?" y/n laughed, remembering singing ‘teenage dirtbag’ with charles on their way to the track in jeddah, a carpool with some of the other mechanics. charles barely knew the words, but then again, y/n got them wrong a lot as well. “yeah, okay. lets do this fucking thing.”
hanna grinned. “that’s our girl!”
hours later, she was regretting her decision, standing in front of the club in her baggy leather jacket, shaky knees knocking together as she stood outside the front door in her heels and that tiny little dress, voices and laughter wafting through the walls as the inside hummed with the rarity of a ferrari victory. she nervously tapped her fingers against the side of her purse as a group of haas mechanics crossed the parking lot, wolf whistling at her before she flipped them both the bird.
“are you coming inside, or are you just going to stand there and freeze your balls off?”
“oh, if only I had balls to freeze. and this is bloody australia, its not even that cold.” y/n chuckled to herself, turning to look at jessica hawkins, one of the aston martin young drivers. “I need someone to remind me that I dont look stupid in this goddamn dress that hanna vettel picked out for me.”
jessica cocked an eyebrow, looking the mechanic up and down. “babes, you look hot! who are you trying to impress?”
“charles.” y/n mumbled, her face flushing pink before she cleared her throat. “its stupid, isn’t it?”
the other young woman shook her head. “not at all.” she grinned, linking her arm through y/n’s. “come on, lets go get you your man!”
the inside of the club was crowded, yet closed to the public as f1, f2, and the w series descended on the establishment. all of the f3 drivers were too young to legally drink, and had made their displeasure quite clear as they were herded away to an italian restaurant instead of the club.
"drinks for the lovely ladies?" abbie eaton chortled, bringing tequila shots over to where the mechanic and jessica were standing. "cheers on three, yeah?"
jessica sounded off with the countdown, the three women tapping the tiny glasses against each other before throwing back the burning alcoholic drink.
"if i'm going to do this," y/n began, raising her voice to be heard over the drake song that was playing. "i'm doing it right!" she took off her jacket, throwing it over a chair before she made her way over to the dj booth, her ballet flats sticking to the floor.
after a whispered conversation (and a monetary bribe), wheatus' 2000 hit 'teenage dirtbag' began to play over the speakers as y/n and jessica took to the floor, champagne flutes in hand as they began to dance.
from across the way, under the deep blue lights, charles leclerc was in a trance as he watched the way she moved, laughing and giggling as she sang along, finally getting each word right. adn charles would be lying if he said he didn't love the way her legs looked in that short little dress, how full her breasts looked in the red fabric that cradled them.
"is he still being a pussy?" pierre gasly groaned. "come on, man! you won the fucking race, and that's still not giving you the confidence you need to tell her you have a crush on her?"
"i'd rather not embarrass myself too much, thank you pierre." charles grumbled, taking another sip of his fruity mixed drink.
"he won't even drink proper alcohol." carlos commented. "i think she broke him."
pierre shook his head. "i will not stand for this, i am not letting it go on any longer. ilies!" he shouted, waving over his best friend- save for charles of course- and social media manager. "we need you to do something for us, for charles."
ilies nadri nodded. "it's about that girl he keeps talking about, isn't it?"
"exactly. so here's what you're going to do."
back on the dancefloor, y/n was beginning to forget that charles was watching, laughing and singing with jessica as the dj began to play 'toxic' by britney spears, at a drunken lando norris' request.
"looks like you've got an admirier. and it's not charles." nerea marti pointed out, nudging her head in the direction of ilies nadri, who was beginning to make his way over to the girls.
"well, if charles isn't interested." jessica shrugged, calpping her on the shoulders. "you look too pretty tonight to go home alone if you don't want to, and it looks like there's a good looking bloke who wants to join ya."
moments blurred as nadri took y/n's hand, pressing a kiss to her knuckles and making her laugh with a french come-on, and before she knew it they were dancing to britney.
and she had forgotten about him, about the reason she wore that red dress in the first place.
but charles never forgot about her, his eyes boring into the back of ilies' head as he watched them dancing to a christina aguilera song. his grip was steadily tightening on his glass, and carlos looked over at him with a concerned glance.
"are you sure that getting her to dance with ilies was the smartest idea?" carlos whispered under his breath, raising his eyebrow at pierre. "he's going to break the fucking glass."
"or, he'll get jealous and go over there." pierre reasoned.
"how the fuck do you have a girlfriend, gasly?"
but pierre's reasoning must have been rooted in proof, for charles put down his glass and tromped over to the dance floor, his eyes a certain shade of jealous as he prepared himself to finally make a move.
he didn't speak, sweeping over the dancefloor to grab y/n's arm and pull her away from ilies and away from the dancefloor and it's illuminated vinyl flooring.
"charles, what is wrong with you?" y/n shouted, tispy on her feet and buzzing from alcohol as she tried to ignore the way her chest tightened and her heart skipped a beat at charles' possessiveness.
"i'm in love with you." he blurted out, desperation in his voice. "and i'm tired of hiding how i feel. i don't care how it looks to the outside, or to mattia, but i want to be with you. you were never just one of the boys to me, y/n. you were just you. and i like who i am with you. i want to be able to be that person for you, all the time."
"charles." she said softly, heart softening before starting and stopping again in an erratic beating pattern that would have worried her if she could have heard the beating over the refrain of charles' confessions playing on loop in her mind, louder and louder each time. "just kiss me."
and that's what charles did, an *nsync song playing in the background as he mashed his lips to hers, backing her up against the wall as she giggled, wrapping a slender, bare leg around his own, arms looped haphazardly around his neck and over his shoulders.
"charles, your phone isn't in your front pocket, right?" she panted.
charles looked confused, resting his forehead against hers. "no, i always put it in my back pocket."
"fuck." y/n all but moaned, arousal pooling in her own thighs as she thought about what was in between charles'. "that means that it's your rock-hard cock that's pressing against me right now, and that's so fucking hot."
grinning to himself, charles pressed up against her even more. "whay don't you join me at my hotel, and i'll show you just how fucking hard you make me."
"is that a threat or an invitation?"
"it's whatever you want it to be, mon cher."
"kiss me one more time, and you've got a deal."
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raainberry · 1 month
Cross The Line - I
« It’s only after we’ve lost everything that we’re free to do anything. »
Mina x gn!reader
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synopsis - if you promise not to step foot in her hospital again, the line disappears, right?
wordcount - 3K
T/W - resident!mina x fighter!reader. mentions of violence, injuries, food. (reader is involved in an underground fight club) medical environment. angst for now and dahyun guest starring😎
A/N - i have decided to make this into a movie. it serves as a prologue to the series but tbh i feel like you can get it without it if you want. Enjoy!
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You don’t know if she noticed you.
The minutes passed by, and so did she; a few times. You watched from your seat as you waited for your name to be called, various scenes from silly incidents to more serious ones, old people to kids...
The place was bustling, you could feel your head getting heavier, only keeping it up just in case Mina appeared. She seemed busy, focused. She must have a lot on her mind.
How selfish would it be to wish you were on it too?
You wondered, feeling the familiar tug at your heart when she took the time to reassure a little girl across the room. You could make out the tears staining her cheeks despite how far you were sitting, and witnessed how quickly they dried up under Mina’s gentle voice.
How wrong would it be to feel jealous?
You shook the ridiculous thought away, just in time to hear your name finally get called out. The voice was familiar, but not the one you were hoping for. Sweet, but not enough.
Your gaze left Mina’s figure to meet her dear friend’s, a nurse you’d gotten to know more than the one you heart longed for. She let you call her by her name, but only if you promised not to overstep the set of obvious boundaries that came with it.
You gave your word, although it was tempting to take it back. Everytime Dahyun assisted in your care, you fought the need to ask her anything about Mina. You only faltered once, anesthesia having gotten the best of you after a long set of stitches.
You had the decency to wait until Mina stepped out of the room before asking about her love life. That’s how Dahyun came to know of this… mess of emotions between the two of you.
She never answered you, but she did have questions to which she tried to pull the answers to from Mina herself a few hours later.
Nearly a year later now, and she was still trying. Pieced a few of them together over time and rare, quiet wine drunken nights, but it was nowhere near enough to uncover the reasons.
The ones behind your visits, not your interest in her best friend. She has glasses but she’s not blind.
Although she did wonder what still had you so hung up after years.
If you knew yourself, you probably wouldn’t be in this mess.
“Do you guys have lunch breaks?" Your voice was quiet in an attempt to conceal how awkward you felt.
You were sat on a similar table as your last time here, only surrounded by proper walls this time. Still as blank and unstimulating, letting your mind roam free and back to Mina.
Dahyun paused in her tasks.
This was her third time seeing you, and it was the first time you’d spoken to her without her needing to pull the words out of you.
She cleared her throat, setting down the tools she’d just used to get your cast off. "We do.” She answered hesitantly. “Why wouldn't we?"
The room fell silent once again as you gazed at your weakened arm, turning her question rhetorical. Dahyun only chuckled at the sight before offering some reassurance, "I'm going to show you a few rehabilitation exercises. Your arm will be back to normal in no time."
You simply nodded, your eyes glued to the foreign feeling in your limb. "Do I need to rest it?"
Dahyun’s eyebrows furrowed at your question, but kept her curiosity to herself. Not everyone has her knowledge, she tended to forget it so she cut you some slack although something in her itched to be nosy.
She watched as you tentatively moved your arm, clenching your fist as if trying to regain familiarity with it. "Just avoid putting excessive strain on it.” She finally said, causing you to stop. “No intense use for a couple of weeks, and it should be fine."
"A couple weeks..." You muttered. This wasn’t good. Money was getting short. “Can I have some paper and a pen?”
It was getting hard to do, but Dahyun concealed her confusion again before fulfilling your request, observing as you used your weakened hand to scribble something barely legible.
“Does that count as exercise?" You playfully questioned, causing Dahyun to chuckle.
“It could, yeah." She nodded and you smiled, glancing back at your writing before handing it to her.
“Hopefully she can read it.”
You don’t need to say anything else. Not even her name. Dahyun knew who you were referring to.
You were sure of it, but she managed to make you second guess - yourself and your own intentions - when she tensed up in front of you.
Her hand didn’t reach for the piece you offered of yourself. As futile and impersonal as it was, you couldn’t help but take offense at her doubts.
“Please.” You muttered. It was pathetic. It felt like it too. But it was worth the discomfort if it meant convincing the woman standing before you. Her silence was painful, it almost made you laugh. She wasn’t even the one you were trying to reach.
Were you even allowed to feel so troubled yet?
Rightfully so. Dahyun took forever to make up her mind, staring long enough for your arm to fatigue.
Part of her didn’t want to enable and push her best friend into what looked like a hopeless abyss. Mina deserved much more. She deserved something safer, easier than whatever you brought to the table.
Then again this wasn’t her place to say. This wasn’t her game to play.
She just hoped Mina wouldn’t dismiss its risks.
Mina looked down at the paper in her hand, her features tensed in a mix of surprise and apprehension as she processed the words she’d managed to decipher.
« I’ll try really hard not to visit ever again, so if you ever miss me and have a moment to spare : xx xxx xxx. »
She took the numbers in as they slowly burned themselves into her mind. She tried to suppress that small hope within her as it prayed you’d written them well enough.
Needless to say it was a vain attempt. Her thoughts were scattered and she struggled to compose herself.
“What are you going to do?" Dahyun's voice broke an eerie silence that had settled itself in the break room, and Mina exhaled softly, her gaze lingering on your message.
"I'm not sure," she admitted, meeting Dahyun’s eyes. "It's complicated, you know that."
Dahyun nodded, understanding. Or at least she hoped it came across as because quite frankly she had no idea.
It was complicated, yes, but for her, the next step was a no-brainer.
"Maybe it's worth considering," she offered, her words gentle. “Just don’t do anything stupid.”
That pulled a chuckle out of the black haired woman next to her. “Like what?”
“I don’t know, but someone who needs to be stitched up every few months can’t not be involved in something dumb or careless.” Dahyun pointed out, but it only amused Mina even more. “I’m serious.” The nurse chuckled despite herself, “Something’s not right.”
“I can take care of myself.” Mina reassured, “I’m sure it’s nothing too bad. Careless maybe, but not dumb either.”
“How would you know?” Dahyun probed as Mina piqued at the nosiest part of her.
Mina only shrugged though, considering the paper in her hand. The weight of your message briefly pulled her thoughts back to the unspoken moments, the lingering emotions that built and shaped this odd link between the two of you.
"Just a feeling.”
“Looking to kill your winning streak?”
The coach’s voice resonated in the warehouse and you huffed out a breath, keeping your eyes from rolling back into your brain only to look at him instead. “What are you being so shy for? Hit it, damn it!”
You stayed silent, your jaw clenched shut to keep the thoughts in your head. The punching bag still swung back and forth behind you as you reached for the small bottle of water he was handing you.
The small ‘thank you’ you mumbled was enough for him to get off your back about respect and whatnot, but he still clung onto it about your arm.
“It’s been weeks, Y/n, you’ve had plenty of time to recover, come on…” He said, opting for a more gentle approach.
The switch up didn’t surprise you. He wasn’t exactly stable, but he was good at his job. Good enough to run this whole thing smoothly. You’d respect him if he weren’t so corrupt, pulling at big kids desperate enough for life to ruin it for them. People like you. Exposing them, showing them off in a violent spectacle only the richest could afford to enjoy.
The scheme was vicious. Designed to make staying in the only way out. To make him the only one you could turn to when life’s biggest troubles got too big to ignore.
He knew you well enough by now to know the gentle card wouldn’t work, but that’s also how he knew he had to give it a shot anyway. If not take action, you could open up.
You could, but you wouldn’t. Not to him. Your relationship didn’t allow it, as much as he tried to shape it that way over the years. Not that he was pushing it, he was decently nice. He cared. Just not enough.
You could feel it in the way he watched you, silent while his eyes questioned whatever you did he didn’t understand - which was almost always linked to whatever didn’t fill his pockets.
The edge of the ring pushed into your thighs as you took a seat there, staring into the space in front of you. Your gaze was vacant, you could feel yourself zone out, thoughts begging to drown into your heart and its selfish desire to burn over Mina’s absence; but the coach shaking his head kept you over the surface.
Seeing you space out was new, but he didn’t like how familiar the sight was getting.
You expected his rough tone to spit at you any second, but he surprisingly stayed calm. Too calm. So your eyes left the void to check on him, and his demeanor was all but reassuring.
You could feel his impatience grow by the second, the frustration practically radiating from him was off-putting, but the silence… It was as scary as it was encouraging.
“I need more time.” You finally said.
The words didn’t please him. They didn’t make you happy either. You’d love to be able to hit that bag as you used to just months ago.
“We can’t do that. People are damn near jumping the fence to see you fight, Y/n, you have to come back.”
“They’ll be fine.” You brushed off, feeling the guilt slowly weigh off your shoulders at the desperation in his voice. Something about hearing him beg, even implicitly.
You suddenly rose to your feet, feeling yourself growing wings as you clung onto the third rope of the ring. Entertaining the conversation seemed pointless, so you turned your back on him to get back to training. Something he made sure to prove as a mistake... He didn’t hesitate to burn those wings at the first sight of them.
He never did.
“But you won’t.” You heard him say. The words were heavy, probably because of how fast he’d thrown them at you.
Your features twitched, eyebrows creasing as you tried to argue, “I’m not ready.”
The weakness was bitter, obvious and unfair. Unfitting for a moneymaker like you. If anything you should be the one dictating things.
Yet he somehow always kept the reigns.
“You never were.”
His last words ran laps in your mind.
As hard as you tried to alter their course, nothing seemed to stop them. Nothing seemed to change.
The following days melted into themselves, fogging your memory with nothing but defeat.
You felt disoriented. Hopeless. Hurt. Yet somewhat motivated by it all. Problem was you had no goal to put it into.
This fighting thing proved itself to be nothing but a fickle string of glory. A glory you failed to even enjoy. Sure, the underground and illegal part of it didn’t help, but everyone around you seemed to do just fine.
Maybe you’ll ask them about it tomorrow. How they do it. For now you paced around the room, searching for a solution, only for your brain to come up with thoughts of her. You’d long passed the point of it being and feeling pathetic, surrendering to the insanity of the situation. Your soul yearned for the sense of peace she brought with her mere presence, and her absence was suffocating.
Why? It’s not like you were close. All she did was flirt back, it was no reason to get so attached.
You felt insane. Out of mind. All because of that bridge you’d humiliated yourself into trying to hold together.
Maybe giving her your number was a mistake. Maybe you’d have been better off keeping your distance.
Crossing those rarely ever was good.
Later that day, your apartment was cloaked in a hushed ambiance, the only source of light emanating from the soft glow of the TV screen as you absently filled up on what felt like a last meal.
A light, protein heavy collation you had no pleasure in swallowing. The only reason you were doing so was not to pass out mid-fight the next day.
You couldn’t go back to her. Not there.
So you folded into the old routine, only finding comfort in your favorite show playing in the background. It was a nice, fleeting distraction from the weight of your impending return to the fight club.
The night was slowly falling silent outside your walls. Your plate emptied itself slowly as episodes followed each other with few breaks in between. You nearly fell asleep from the monotony of it all, but the sound of your phone vibrating against the table jolted you back to full consciousness.
The screen had lit itself up, drawing your attention to the screen. An unknown number and a message that only made sense after connecting a few dots.
« I have a moment. »
Mina's words, a lifeline in the midst of this mounting anxiety.
Your fingers hovered over the screen, the weight of your feelings pulling them down to write and erase every word that came to mind before settling on a much simpler approach.
« Would you mind if I called? »
On the other side of the screen, Mina’s heart fluttered much to her dismay. Needless to say she was apprehensive, eyes fixated on your text while its content resonated in her mind. It stirred a few feelings she’d kept away and guarded for far too long now.
She wasn’t sure if she wanted to, but she knew she had to try. She owed it to herself. She’d risked too much, jeopardized too much of her sanity over you to leave without answers.
So she called.
This type of adrenaline was nothing compared to the one you got in the ring. The ring, it was cold. Chilling. The things you did, that you’ve done to get to where you were… It was a rush you were getting used to.
This one was different. Warm. Thrilling. It was new. A rush you looked forward to. No matter how much you denied yourself it.
“Hello?” You spoke into the phone after raising it to your ear. The line was silent for a second before you heard the soft timbre of her voice greeting you back.
Three weeks was the shortest time you’d gone without hearing it yet there you were; practically giggling to yourself over the few words you managed to exchange. The first ones that didn’t revolve around an injury or her scolding you for using her first name.
You made sure not to use it though, as you told her about this colorful place you liked to hang at. It wasn’t the most vibrant, but you found the atmosphere to be fitting for a talk. Cute even, if you’d dared to say.
Mina couldn’t help the flutter of her heart, the burning in her veins traveling all the way to her cheeks as she listened to you trying not to stutter over your words as you basically asked her out.
She could - and she would - have agreed to meet you in the following second, but something held her back, unlike the words pouring out of her mouth with no control, “Sounds lovely. But I don’t know…”
A small silence took over the line as you thought, “What… do you mean you don’t know?”
“It’s just that…” Mina sighed, “The hospital—”
“I’m not a patient anymore, Mina.” You cut her off, desperately clinging onto the small opening. Mina could sense that, letting her frustration slip into her tone.
“Yes, but for how long?” Another silence. Heavier this time. Longer. “We can’t know, right?”
Mina’s voice rung through the line, startling a thought you’d been dying to voice out to her.
“You can’t, but you do know something.”
“You know exactly why I can’t make sure to never come back.” You partially confessed in hopes she would understand. “Don’t act dumber than you are, Dr. Mina.”
“That’s the thing, Y/n. I’m not.” She sighed. “I’m not. I don’t know why you show up in such states, I shouldn’t want to know as bad as I do, but something about you makes me—”
Mina stopped herself, realizing what her words were leading to. Somewhere a little too real and raw too quickly. She fought the tears begging to relieve her frustrations, and opted for another sigh. One soft, barely noticeable and far too weak to have any effect on her state of mind.
“It feels like I’m playing with fire.”
For the first time since you’d heard it, the sound of her voice hurt. You could tell how much it cost her to say those words. Just above a whisper, tainted by the shadows of her unshed tears. Ever so softly, like it would glide over the lines, the cracks staining the distance and reach you with no consequences.
“Listen…” You started. “I know you’ve been… curious about me. I know you’ve made your guesses, your bets, and I don’t know what those are. I can’t say I don’t care, because I do, but I have enough self-awareness to know they’re not the most positive.”
You paused in order to gather your thoughts. The next words you’d utter felt like the most important of your life. How worthless had it been… “I feel crazy just asking you this - I’ll understand if you don’t want to, but… I just want to see you. Talk to you, anything that’s not you fixing me up.”
There was a small silence again. It’s agonizing, not being able to tell where this was going. All you could do was wait. You were tired of it but it was suddenly worth it all. The pain, the silence, the longing. The quiet tears you let go off in the dark, the memories and wonders of her gentle soul tormenting you days after your stays.
“I want to see you too.”
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cherriesformatt · 2 months
make you mine || matt sturniolo
matt sturniolo x fem!reader
summary: you got insecure on a party so you take Matt home and show him he is yours
warnings: smut, insecure reader, p in v, after care
word count: 2,4k
a/n: idk I do not know if I like it cant remember last time I did write smut also I did not proof read it yet. Kinda based on the request but I changed it up a little. ALSO REQUESTS ARE STILL OPEN
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I was having a conversation with some girl I just met. I did not remember her name and it was too loud for me to have a proper conversation anyways.
I nodded at whatever she said to me and told her I need to go to use a restroom which wasn’t necessarily true. I just wanted to find my boyfriend because I lost him in the crowd.
I was scanning the club with my eyes but the light and the music just weren't making it easy for me.
Tara invited us for that party and I was happy to be here but in the same time I just wish I was somewhere else. Like empty beach or my bed. I wasn't feeling myself lately and being surrounded by lots of girls in those little tops and dresses made me feel worst about myself even if I knew comparing myself to others was bad.
I just wish I could wear that and feel great in it. I was always more top and jeans girl over a dress.
I fixed my bag on my shoulder and squeezed myself into the crowd even more.
"Finally" I sighed when I saw the triplets talking to Colby and some other people far from the dance floor.
Of course.
"y/n! Long time no see" Colby brought me to a hug and I smiled a little and patted his back.
"Literally 24h!" I laughed and everyone did too.
"You're okay?" Matt placed his hand on my lower back and he gently stroked my bare skin.
"I'm great" I smiled at him and he did too and went back to a conversation he was having with Tara's cousin that we met on her dinner last night.
She was smiling at him and laughing at whatever he was saying but I couldn't hear. The only thing I was noticing is her hand stroking his arm sometimes and the way he just wasn't doing anything about it.
"If looks could kill, blondie would drop dead on the floor, kid" I heard Chris's voice from my other side and I looked at him.
"I do not know what are you talking about. I'm going to the bathroom" I exhaled rolling my eyes at him and just walked away.
I went into the bathroom and just washed my hands trying to calm myself down. I didn't want to be this jealous girlfriend. But today wasn't working out for me. I trusted Matt with all of my heart.
He looked so good tonight. His hair was perfect, he's eyes were shining from the lights and his god dammit rings. Don't get me started. I clenched my tights just thinking about his hands.
So of course there were other girls wanting what was already mine.
God, I just wanted to take him home and string him down.
I turned around and walked out of the bathroom and as the door were closing I was met with the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen.
"Matt?" I I frowned looking at him.
"I asked if you're okay and you clearly wasn't... and you just walked away from us" He said.
"Oh I am sorry I didn't know I have to report every move to you" I said crossing my arms.
"Oh please, don't start that shit" He said and leaned on the wall.
"Maybe Tilly won't start anything go back talking to her" I said and started to walk away but he grabbed my arm and pulled my body to his.
"What are you trying to proof here?" He rested his hands on my sides and squeezed them lightly.
"You dropped your hand from my back but still didn't take her hand from your arm when she was stupidly laughing at whatever you said" I told him and he just shook his head at me.
"Y/n do not make a Taylor Swift moment from it, okay? I didn't even notice that because the only thing I could think of was your ass in those jeans, baby" He said and his hands wondered from my sides to my bum and he squeezed it.
"Take me home Matt, now" I told him and pushed on his chest to break free from his touch.
I walked to the exit and just hoped he would follow me.
Everyone is too drunk to think it is rude to leave without saying bye. And Chris and Nick can get an uber home, they are not babies.
I felt his hand on my back as he caught up with me and walked beside me without a word.
The car ride home was quiet. The only sounds were the music and my nervous breathing. He didn't say anything. I am pretty sure he thought I was still mad at him and he just didn't want to make it worse.
On the other hand I was nervous from the scenarios forming in my brain.
Matt underneath me, begging for my touch.
It made me nervous because I was usually the one under his control. But today I needed to show him that I can also be in control. I knew it would make my insecurities feel better.
When he parked the car in the garage of his house he looked at my eyes clearly wanting the answers.
I gently put my hand on his chest and grabbed him by his shirt to pull him closer. I rested my forehead on his and our lips were nearly touching.
"I wanna make you mine..." I said and put my other hand in the back of his neck.
"I am already yours..." He answered and connected our lips.
I broke from the kiss and exited the car.
"In your room, Matthew" I said looking deeply into his eyes.
He slowly licked his lips. To slowly, it made the heat building in my core nearly boil. He unbuckle himself and also exited the car.
He opened the door and let me in first. I took his hand in mine and walked into his room. As soon as he closed the doors behind us I turned around and pull him back into the kiss. My hands travel into his hair and pulled on them gently.
He hissed into my lips and I felt his hands traveled down my back. I pulled away from his lips and started to kiss down his throat. I gently bit his neck. I felt his hands squeezing my ass as I kissed his sweet spot and lightly sucked on it.
"Fuck...." he sighed and made me turned so my back hit the wall.
"No...Matt let me...let me be in control" I said and pushed on his chest lightly.
"Strip and lay on your back" I said firmly and he smiled a little.
"Yes ma'am" He said and I walked into his bathroom slightly relieved that he didn’t turn down my wish.
"I can do it" I whispered to myself while I was taking piece of satin from my rope.
I walked back into the room and seeing him laying on his back, just in his boxer made me bit the inside of my cheek.
I had no idea what I was doing.
I put the piece of material into my back pocket and took my shoes off.
I climbed on the bed and straddle him.
"What's in your pretty head today, baby?" He asked and I just leaned down to kiss him again.
Out tongues found each other as his hands traveled to take my top off but I took them in mine and rested them above his head. Not breaking a kiss I deftly tied his wrist together with the satin rope I had in the back of my jeans.
"Baby..." He breath out.
I only smiled at him shyly and started to kiss his neck again taking my time as I grazed my nails down his bare chest.
I could feel him getting hard so I gently palmed his clothed bulge through his boxers.
He exhaled deeply as I slid down his legs so my face was right in front of his crotch.
I looked at his face when I gently pulled down the only thing that was on the way.
He moaned when the cold air hit his dick as I took him in my hand and stoked him. I gently kissed his tip before I took him into my mouth.
He wanted to garb my hair but he couldn’t with his wrists being tied together so he growled and trusted his hips forward making me choke on his dick a little. I pulled out and looked at him.
“Do that again and I’ll stop” I said wiping my mouth on the back of my hand.
“I’m sorry… I won’t…” he said breathing heavily.
I took a breath in and wrapped my lips back around him and took what didn’t fit in my mouth in my hand.
I tried my best to make him feel good until I pulled back feeling that he was on the edge. I knew that from the way his dick twitched in my mouth.
“Fuck… why did you stop?” He moaned and tried to touch me but he couldn’t.
“Watch your words…” I told him.
“Because I want you to finish inside me while I ride you” I added as I stood up from the bed.
He looked at me with poor surprise as I stared taking my own clothes off.
“You’re going to be the death of me, women” He closed his eyes.
His chests rapidly going up and down as I climbed back on top of him. I didn’t even need for play for myself. Him being like this made me dripping down my legs.
I took him in my hand and lined myself with him.
I moaned as I lower myself on him. The feeling of him stretching me out made my eyes roll.
“You have no idea what you’re doing to me right now…. You’re so hot” He’s shaky voice made me open my eyes.
My body stayed on top of him so I had a second to adjust. I started to move my hips when I was ready and I made both of us moan.
“Talk to me baby….fuck I wanna touch you so bad”He breathed out.
“You’re mine Matt… Only mine” I sad clenching around him just to make him crazy.
“Don’t do that if you want me to last….” He hissed.
“Of course I’m only yours…..never ever want to be anyone else’s but yours” He said looking at me.
I started moving faster to give us even more pleasure. My legs started to shake slightly and he felt that.
“Take this shit off I can’t take it anymore… I need to help you” He whined.
I leaned down to connect our lips and I untied his hands.
His hands found a way to my waist right away. He started to trusting his hips up holding me still. His name slipped from my mouth and my head dropped to his neck form the pleasure.
I pulled back to sit on him and he also brought himself up and his hand fixed my hair from my face.
“I love you’re you’re the most beautiful and amazing girl on this planet, you know that right?” He’s other hand travel between our bodies and he started rubbing circles on my clit.
“I asked you a question” he said and starting to trust his hips even harder.
“Fuck…Yes” I said.
I felt blissful. I knew I was close but from his movements I knew he was too.
“Matt… I’m going to… holy shit…” I cried out resting my forehead on his.
Our movement slowing down. It was killing me. It was slow but every time he was so deep that I felt him in my whole body.
“I love you” He said and made me look up at him.
“to the moon and back…” I finished and connected our lips as we made love.
“Come with me pretty girl… please” He said into my lips.
I came undone scratching his back. I felt him come inside me and I moan.
He gently pulled out and I didn’t want to be far from him so before he could lay me down I just wrapped myself around him.
“Oh… what’s that for?” He laughed and hugged me back and kissed my shoulder few times.
“I’m sorry for how I was behaving… I was feeling pretty insecure and I let it into my head too much” I whispered.
“Oh honey…” he said and rubbed my back.
“That’s why you wanted to be in control?” He asked.
“Yes… but half way through I was like fuck i don’t even know if I like it so thanks god you got so desperate and wanted me to untie you” I laughed.
“Baby… I know it’s hard sometimes but I need you to know that you’re so beautiful and smart and just my favorite human on this planet” he made me move away a little so he could looked at me.
He kissed my nose and I smiled.
“I love you Matt, thank you” I said.
“You don’t have to thank me… it’s the truth. And u liked you being in control…We could do that again sometimes…Now.. let’s get you clean…” He smiled at me and helped me stand up.
It made me feel good that he said he liked it. Because I was really unsure about what I was doing but seeing him and now hearing that he liked it have me a lot of confidence back.
He cleaned us both, made sure I pee and he removed my make up too. We took a quick shower and brushed our teeth together. As we did we heard Chris and Nick walking into the house.
I smiled because that means I could fall asleep without worrying about them.
“Good night love…” he kissed my head.
We were already in bed in our pj’s on, my head on his chest and one of my legs in between his. I just needed him extra close tonight.
“Good night” I whispered.
“Remember that you can always talk to me about how you feel…” He reassured me once again.
I smiled.
“I know Matty… I know” I said as I was almost out.
Next to him I felt like I could everything and he made me feel beautiful and wanted. He was my escape, my everything. And he was all mine.
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ceilidho · 9 months
no worries if you're not feeling this! I know you said your wrist is giving you trouble so I would so much rather you prioritize yourself and your health over any writing!!
that said, I am so digging this knight ghost situation. after reading the last prompt about it, I'm seeing some potential for a battle of wills situation. ghost waiting for the princess to ask (beg) for what she wants but she's too prim and proper to say it and she's confused as well, all like why has this dude who I'm married to not made a move on me?? and ghost has so much patience, he'll just wait and wait until she absolutely can't take it any more and then idk, you're the master!!!
again again, I hope you're feeling well soon and if this is not your vibe it's all good in the hood. btw I love all of your writing and I wish I could grind it up and make a delicious shake out of it❤️❤️❤️
Thank you for being so kind!!! Wrist is feeling a lot better today because I did some exercises with it yesterday <3
Ghost's patience is endless, of course. He endures month and sometimes year long campaigns with little creature comforts. Even when he comes home, he doesn't really indulge in any of the comforts of home because he knows that it's temporary. He'll be called upon again by his king the next time there's a need for his service.
So at home with his princess, it's easy to deny her. It's almost a game, whether she'll break first (anticipated) or whether he finally will (not likely, but the odds never quite hit zero).
She's the first thing that ever really made him question his ascetic code; if anything was going to tempt him to indulge, it would be his pretty new wife wrapped in her winter furs and badgering him about repairs to the stables (he loves listening to her complain; she's so tight lipped around her family and doesn't really speak her mind, but after months as his wife, she's gotten comfortable expressing herself with Ghost).
And it's so so cute watching her struggle to bring up the subject of their marriage bed with him. She hints at it and talks circles around it, about how it's not proper for her to have her own chambers and how her parents expect her to be with child by the spring, but she doesn't just come out and say it. She's always on the verge of a temper tantrum, like she might stomp her foot about it because her warrior husband won't take her to bed even though she worried for days before their wedding that she'd have to endure his appetites.
Ghost knows he's going to give in eventually, but they'll never be able to wait like this again so he enjoys it while it's happening :)))
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behindthesoul · 5 months
Getting back into MK I was wondering how would Kenshi, Johnny and Raiden react if they were told that S/O had gone missing on Mission possible dead, and after a few days their s/o shows up bruised and snapped up but live?
Missing Mission
Warnings: bad injuries, hospitalization, alcohol mentions, not proofread, not my highest quality work
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Silent and brooding.
One could practically feel the anger that seeped out his bones. If looks could kill, everyone in Kenshi’s vicinity would be dead; not many would risk their lives by making direct eye contact with him, even though they’re covered in red cloth.
Saying he was pissed off would be a complete understatement. The two of you had been together for about three years now. Kenshi thought of your future together daily - what do you mean it’s being taken away?
In quiet moments alone, Kenshi thinks about where you could be. You must be so scared, so alone, so injured…that is, if you were even alive. He chokes back tears at the pain of not having the closure of knowing what happened to you.
Weeks later, Kenshi’s semi-adjusted to his normal routine. He grieves you daily, but it’s mostly kept inside. He arrives home one day to feel that something’s off; something isn’t right. Sento in hand, he walks through his house, trying to figure out what was happening.
He eventually makes his way to the kitchen where you sat. You nurse a glass of whiskey and smirk.
“Took you long enough to get here. I’ve been waiting all day.”
Kenshi freezes, he doesn’t know if it’s truly you or if this is just some sick joke. You get off the chair you’re in, grunting in pain as your feet hit the ground, and walk over to him. Kenshi knows everything is real when your hand reaches over to caress his face.
He frowns as he feels a bandage wrapped around your hand. His frown morphs into a scowl after he leans over to plant a kiss on your lips, noting how you slightly wince from a small bruise that was planted in the area.
He pulls back and doesn’t know what to say. His breath is a bit shaky and his mind is racing. Words couldn’t explain the anguish of your disappearance, and the joy of your return. Kenshi wishes he could see you again, to be able to get a proper look at your injuries.
Your pain is temporarily ignored when you kiss him again.
Uncharacteristically silent. Panic sets in almost immediately. I feel like Johnny would blame himself just a little bit. He already fucked up one relationship, why did he let another slip out his hand? What’s wrong with him?
Days turned into weeks, and Johnny spent each moment wallowing in pity. The pity soon becomes bitterness; no one could recognize who he was becoming.
It’s not long before Johnny forces himself to at least try to return to his normal self. He goes back to being the life of the party, cracking jokes left and right. Though, many notice that his jokes become more dry and lifeless.
He spends a lot of time outside. Home just isn’t the same anymore; it’s devoid of any love and laughter. Johnny only arrives home to sleep, only to feel his heart break once again as he crawls into an empty bed.
A month or two passes before Johnny gets a sudden call. It’s from the hospital, telling him that you’ve been found and-
Nothing else was heard. Johnny immediately raced to the hospital, possibly breaking several traffic laws in the process. Whoops.
He rushes into the hospital and finds your room in record time. Johnny feels his body getting heavier at the sight of you laying in the hospital bed, beaten and bruised. He couldn’t even begin counting the amount of injuries you had. Walking over to your bed and taking your hand in his, Johnny allows a few tears to fall.
You’re home, but you’re not okay.
Quan Chi and Shang Tsung had escaped from their prison cells in Sun Do. Liu Kang sent you to Outworld to track them both down. You went alone, as Liu Kang had full faith and your abilities. He also wanted this mission to be completed as quietly as possible; the sorcerers would no doubt flee if they heard many Earthrealm champions were after them.
Your boyfriend didn’t hear about your mission until you already left. Raiden, just coming back from a mission of his own, was a bit upset that he didn’t get the chance to at least say goodbye.
He kept himself busy while waiting for your arrival. He hung out with Kung Lao, ate at Madam Bo’s, and spent time at the Wu Shi Academy. One week, you’d be back in one week. He could handle that.
But a week quickly became a month. Raiden definitely panicked but did his best to ease his own nerves. Lots of deep breathing and redirecting any negative thoughts that try to plague his mind.
Jumps into hero mode when Liu Kang confirms that you’ve truly gone missing. Helps plan an entire rescue mission and plans to find you alone. Liu Kang has to reel Raiden back to make sure he isn’t getting himself into trouble.
Along with a few other allies, Raiden travels to Outworld. He is met by Mileena and Kitana who assist with the search. Millions of thoughts of you being dead run through his mind and he, once again, forces those thoughts away.
The search only lasts for a few days before you’re found near a swamp behind Shang Tsung’s old laboratory. You set up a temporary shelter there so you could nurse your injuries; broken ribs, deep bruises and gashes, and a sprained ankle.
Raiden lets out a huge sigh of relief and rushes over to you. He hugs you as firmly as he can without hurting you more. Raiden looks into your eyes and shows a small smile.
“Just when I thought you were lost forever.”
Mileena and Kitana have you escorted to the palace infirmary where you stay until you’re fully healed. Raiden stays with you the entire time, making sure you never lift a finger.
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vase-of-lilies · 10 months
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❀  Pairing: Dark!Mermaid!Wanda x Sailor!Reader
❀ Non-con, dubcon, Captivity, restraints, slight experimentation, shapeshifting! Wanda, the ocean, sailing on a boat, a storm, shipwreck, a little bit of violence, virgin!reader (she has never had a sexual encounter, period. So she is very innocent), Wanda doesn’t know human anatomy lol, oral (r receiving), forced orgasm, overstimulation, fingering, (this next part is major whump, so PLEASE heed the warnings) Sewing readers legs together for a punishment, holding reader under the water until they pass out, screaming, lots of screaming, making someone stay unconscious with telekinesis, quick acceptance, soft-ish wanda, some fluff, Stockholm syndrome, (if there is anything else PLEASE let me know!!)
❀ Disclaimer and Authors Note: The pictures only represent aesthetics and themes. There is no certain skin color, body type, ethnicity, or description other than Y/n and “you”. I hope you like this! The pictures go to their rightful owners on Pinterest, and the comic-style picture belongs to the beautiful artist Jenifer Prince. I also have a really big feeling that Mermaids' love language is gift-giving. Because… stuff is all they find lol!
This is for @eloquentreverie 's Dusk Till Dawn writing challenge! I chose the lines “All you are is a liar…” “My love for you is not a lie.”
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Bright rays of sunshine reflect off the water, not one cloud in the sky.  The perfect conditions for sailing. You had been planning this trip for ages, and the perfect time has never been seen before now. Packing your bags was an easy task, all that was left was prepping your boat. Aphrodite is what you call her. The beautiful sailboat your father had left for you.
The sails are off-white, the texture of a canvas. In a way, this boat is its own form of art, and the beautiful name that your father picked fits perfectly. She was small, livable, and durable. It could withstand the fiercest of storms, waves, and monsters. Monsters, that you at least think are real. They were all just myths your mother told you about. 
Mermaids that left trinkets on the helm of each ship they came across, an octopus-like creature pushing the boats in the wrong direction, and even the ocean itself; a lively source of nature that will always lead the way when these malicious creatures have any form of malicious intentions. 
Making your way down to the pier, you are stopped by a villager, an older woman who knew your father very well. “Y/n! Y/n! Come here, I have something for your travels!” You hear from her frail yet powerful voice. She gently grabs your hands and pulls you into her home, making you giggle softly as she sits you on her couch. 
“Now, I knew I would see you today because of the conditions out… there. I have this for you, wishing you safe travels and return.” She puts a dainty necklace in the palms of your hands. “It was a gift from your mother, she had told me to wait until you were older, and I think now would be the perfect time.” She smiles as you look at the beautiful oval-shaped locket. 
“My family and I really love you, Eleanor. Thank you for taking such good care of us.” You smile up at her, closing your fingers around the locket with a picture of both your mother and your father. “Thank you, really, for everything.” 
She shakes her head, “The only thing you owe me is a hug and a proper goodbye.” She says, opening her arms for you. You happily oblige, wrapping your arms around her hunched body. She was like a grandmother to you even when she was just a family friend, but you most definitely loved her as a grandmother. 
“I love you so much, and I will most definitely bring you some trinkets if mermaids ever leave anything for me.” She chuckles in response and waves you off, sending you on your way to uncertainty. 
Entering the deck of your boat was a feeling of freedom that you had longed to feel ever since the death of your parents. It was difficult to make it through the day without breaking down into your most vulnerable form; A sobbing, shaking mess. 
Standing at the helm brought mixed emotions. You were finally here. You were finally able to feel like the woman your mother described you as. “You are a brave, independent, beautiful girl Y/n. You will do amazing things one day. That may be tomorrow or ten years from now. But amazing things they will be.”
Those words stuck with you from the day she died. Those words were what drove you to sail alone after all these years. She told you that you were brave, and that was all it took to motivate you to learn, grow, and persevere in your passion for sailing. 
Now all you had to do was make sure you had enough food, water, and supplies in the cockpit, untie the sails, and mark the coordinates on your map. Once those subjects were taken care of, the last was to untie Aphrodite from the pier and raise the anchor and you are all good to go!
With the small gusts of winds every now and then, it would take about 6 to 7 hours for you to make it to your destination. That is if there is no storm, headwind, or pirates that you have to worry about. Crossing Captain Barnes is on your list of “most feared encounters” and you could not imagine getting stuck with him, let alone see him. Rumors say he lost his arm to the Kraken and used the gold from a found treasure to make a new arm. A much more dangerous one than he already had. 
The thought of seeing him gives you chills in of itself, so you decide to put your mind to something else. You begin to steer the boat in the direction of your destination, your blue navy-themed sailing dress your mother made you flowing in the wind. You smile as the smell of salt and cold water fills your nose, the ocean and wind guiding you in the right direction.
~~~~~~~~ 3 hours later ~~~~~~~~
The clouds had come out of nowhere, casting a large, dark shadow over Aphrodite. The wind was skin-biting and strong, the waves getting unruly as she becomes angry with something. What? You had no idea. You had prepared for this, but the worst thing that could happen happened. 
As you put on your dark blue cloak to keep warm, a large wave crashed over your boat. With much luck, Aphrodite held strong and pulled back up from the water. Raindrops soaked your clothes as well as waves that rolled over the surface of your boat. As you were pulling on the sails, you froze in fear. A colossal wave formed. Bigger than anything you have seen, towering over you. At this point, you knew your fate and you fully accepted it. 
As the wave crashed over your boat, the water engulfed you into a frigid and bitter hug. The sheer force of this wave cracked your beautiful boat in two, ripped the sails a part as if it was cut by scissors, and lastly shredded your near-perfect map to shreds. It was a saddening sight to see to anyone on the outside. 
As your vision fades to black, numbness takes over your system and you are finally at rest. 
Or so you thought. 
“Is she ok? She- Oh she’s breathing! She looks ok, just a little roughed up.” 
“She’s a human! She’s beautiful, she looks so cute in this little dress of hers.”
“Can we keep her?”
A pause…
“Let's bring her inside, but we have to make sure she doesn’t escape. Grab some of the rope from her boat, that will hold her.” 
“She scared? She scared?” The animal squawked. 
“For certain…”
The voices were faded and muffled, and you felt like you were held in a bubble. Everything was quiet. The voices were smooth, siren-like, minus the power. There was something dark in the woman’s voice that hovered over you. There was something in her voice that sounded almost… dark and evil. As if she had malicious intentions with you. 
Your eyes fluttered open at the sound of waves crashing against the sand, but you were not on the beach anymore. You were in a cave, a dark, cold, dreary cave. With a pounding in your head, you moved your hand to your temple. Well, tried to. You look to your left, letting your eyes get used to the darkness and you see rings of rope around your wrist, holding you to a rusty bed frame. Looking to your right you see the same.
Struggling was your first instinct, but you were frozen in place. It was fear taking over your body and you didn’t know what else to do. There wasn’t much you could do in your state. It was so cold, and you couldn’t find a way to get warm. 
“H-hello?” Your voice echoes in the abyss of the dark cave in front of you and you have yet to hear anything other than that. But moments later, other voices fill the cavern's echos. 
“I wonder when she will wake up, oh I sure hope it’s soon.” One voice said. Were they talking about me? You think to yourself. 
“Well, when she does, it will be quite the surprise don’t you think?” That voice, it was the voice that sounded evil… 
In an instant, the dark cave was filled with lowly lit torches. From what you could see was a room full of different trinkets, a makeshift vanity with a sea-glass mirror, shelf portions of the cave filled with sea shells, and lastly her.
A beautiful woman walks into the cave carrying what looks to be wood, sail rope, some canvas sails, and cloth. It took you a moment to realize that these were parts of Aphrodite. Your precious boat. 
“Ah, she’s awake.” The woman says to her accomplice, a parrot on her shoulder. 
“Awake! Awake! Awake! Awake!” The parrot responds, making the woman let out a soft chuckle. 
“Please, let me go!” You plead. 
“No, you are mine now and I get to do what I please,” She gives you a smug smile and sets her trinkets and shells down on her vanity. You watch her carefully, salty tears falling down your cheeks as you pull at the ropes around your wrists. “There is no coming out of those ropes, darling. I know how to tie a good knot” She emphasizes the ’t’, making you jump slightly in response. 
“Such a curious creature humans are. They move around on these water contraptions just to go see another piece of land. Can you imagine that?” She says, chuckling at her own question. “Well of course you can, you were doing just that!” She moves towards the makeshift seaweed and canvas bed and sits on the edge. 
“I have yet to see a real human up close and see what they are really like. How much pain and torture they can take, just like my sisters had to endure.” 
Her intentions scared you, and her smirk told you that she already knew that. “P-please don’t hur-” she cut you off with a laugh and a mockery of your fear. 
“Puh puh puh, please! Oh don’t be so cute, I love hearing screams of fear…” She leans close to your face, her tongue sliding against your cheek and picking up a tear. “Mmmm, tastes so good. I can’t wait to taste the rest of you.” You whimper as her eyes turn bright red and before you know it, the clothes are ripped from your body leaving you nude, cold, and exposed. You flail your feet attempting to kick her, but she quickly pins them down and wraps more rope around them, connecting them to the bed posts at the bottom.
She shakes her head at your action and gently slides her fingers over your now exposed belly, “Nuh uh, none of that. We don’t need anyone else to get hurt, right?” You shiver in response, making her smile grow even bigger. “Oh, so you feel me…” She realizes and she runs her fingers up your belly, and to the valley of your breasts. 
Your reactions are very minimal at first, but then she starts going in other directions. “Hmm, I have little buttons like these too, I wonder what yours do?” She moves and grazes her fingers over your nipple, making you shudder. A new feeling has come to you, and the woman takes note. “Ah, how interesting. This little bud of skin is much more sensitive than the skin over here…” She does the same motion of rolling her fingers but with just a small section of skin from your breast. 
“What if we do both?” She inquires, moving both her hands above your breasts. Taking both nipples in her fingers, she smiles at your reaction of curling in on yourself. The little noises you make are what set her off. “Wow, how amazing,” She whispers, smirking at your reaction. As you whine and shake your body slightly, you try to get her off of you, but she is just pulled towards you again. 
“Someone is a little feisty,” She slaps your breast harshly and you yelp in pain. She chuckles and stands up. “Now let me introduce myself. I am Wanda, and as you can see I take the shape of a human, like you. But I am nothing of the kind. I have morals.” She pauses, and moves between your spread-open legs. “When I got the ability to use my shapeshifting power, I first wanted to try to be human. Just to see what it feels like to walk and run. I liked it at first, but then came this feeling that I can’t describe. It is like a fire was lit right here,” she puts her hand just above your lower regions, goosebumps pebbling at the touch of her skin on yours.
“There was nothing I could do to put it out. So I explored down there… I have a button down there just like up here,” She rolls your nipples in her fingers once again, making you whine in protest. “Oh, my Poseidon… it felt heavenly when I rubbed it just right. I thought the feeling would never end! But then it did… it felt like I exploded. It was like getting caught in a wave, only to fall back down into warm water again.” She smiles down at you from her spot between your legs. 
“I want to see if you feel it too.” She smirks and you whimper as you pull at the restraints around your limbs. Dismissing you, her fingers spread your slick petals and she gently rubs around the top of your pussy. A soft moan emits from your mouth and she gasps. “Oh, I think I found your button too,” Wanda continues to rub your clit, loving every single reaction from your mouth. With curiosity, she pokes at your entrance with her fingers. When she enters her fingers into your wet cunt, the moan from your mouth is beautiful. 
“That was beautiful, I need to see more!” She exclaims and starts to move her fingers in and out of your hole while rubbing your clit. With never feeling these things before, you are like an exposed nerve and are oh, so, sensitive. 
You soon start to feel what she was describing, the fire, the riding up the wave, and after seconds, the falling from that wave and into warm water. As you cum, she smiles at the feeling of your walls clenching around her fingers. “It feels nice, doesn’t it…” she states, not addressing it as a question. You vigorously shake your head, denying her. She smirks, knowing deep down you absolutely love it. 
The ropes burn your limbs and you were tired. But Wanda was far from done. She had so much more planned as she was infatuated with your pussy and how it pulsed around her fingers. “Should we see how many more of these little episodes we can see today?” 
“N-no! No, please no more, I- I want to go home, please,” You beg, knowing deep down you most likely won’t make it out of here. Not without a fight. Already you were scheming how you could possibly escape her, but your thoughts were shut down as Wandas' fingers intruded your hole at a fast rate. Her fingers moved in and out of your cunt, a burning feeling bubbling inside of you once again. 
“Oh, you’re so wet down here, little one. I swear if I go too fast, there may be a tidal wave coming at me.” She smirks at her words, not slowing her pace as she curls her fingers in a ‘come hither’ motion. Your moans were music to her ears, like putting a sea shell to one's ear and hearing the beauty of the ocean on the other side. 
Failing miserably, you try to quiet your moans. But the feelings are just too intense for you to handle. She leans down as she continues to pump her fingers inside of you and smiles as she licks along your red, hot clit. Your legs jolt once a more sensitive wave of pleasure falls over you, her tongue moving expertly over your little bud. Your back arches as much as it can with the bonds keeping you down and you try to enjoy your current state under Wandas' domination. 
In a matter of seconds, you are crumbling at the feel of Wandas' three fingers inside of you as well as her tongue licking your clit over and over again. Cumming a second time was even more of an experience. You saw white as your orgasm came crashing over you once again. Whimpers come out of your mouth as tears are falling down your cheeks. It’s too much, and your cunt feels like it's on fire. 
Finally, Wanda has had enough, and she lets out a sigh as she looks down at your abused petals. “Aw, look how red you are. You must be so sensitive, hm?” She chuckles at your fucked out sounds as she grazes your clit with the back of a finger, your hips pulling away in retaliation. You whimper as she suddenly stands up, her other fingers leaving your hole in an instant. You shudder at the emptiness, letting out a sob as your emotions take control of your body again. 
“Sweetheart, don’t cry, we have just barely begun.” Her smile is malicious and full of evil. There is nothing welcoming about her smile, almost like the waxing gibbous, right before a full moon. Only a sliver of a smile of the night sky, then the werewolves come out. Her teeth were sharp but smooth enough to look human. But she was far from human.
You found out she was a mermaid while she let you roam the beach a little bit. All she gave you for clothing was a paper bag-type dress made out of the canvas of your sails, and a rope around your middle as a belt. She took the chains from the anchor of your boat and kept it around your ankle, the other end under a very heavy bolder that she moved with her powers. 
While you stayed on the beach, chained to the rock that gave you the shade you needed, Wanda was hunting. There was a little bit of forest above the cave you both took shelter in, but she warned you to never go in there. Well, not without her. You were curious as to know if there was danger, or if she just didn’t want you out of her sight. But it was easy to say, she did not want you going anywhere. 
Sitting on the beach was the little bit of freedom that you looked forward to every day. One hundred and eighty-two (182) days of being in Wandas' captivity. You learned on day seven (7) to never run away from her. She will make everything hurt. She will take everything away from you if you try to take yourself away from her. 
On day seven (7), you found a way to rub the chain links together and break the loop off of your foot. Making sure she was in the water, you made a run for it on the wet sand of the beach. Trying to go around the island and then out into the ocean was your goal. Wanda sensed you were gone the second the chain broke. It was no use trying to swim away from a mermaid. 
She caught up with you in a matter of seconds, her webbed tail making her swim much faster than you; A mere human. She grabbed your ankle from underneath the water, dragging you down to the ocean floor. Not too deep as she knows the pressure builds, but deep enough where you would not be able to escape. She smiled as you thrashed against her iron grip, your arms trying desperately to reach the surface, and the last few bubbles exited your mouth as you finally fell unconscious. 
Once you were out, she pulled you to the beach, getting the water from your lungs and making sure you are breathing again. She sent a wave of energy over your body, keeping you in an unconscious state. Picking you up, your head hung over her arm as your legs hung over her other arm. She looked at your sleeping face in slight disappointment as you were doing so good the few days before this. She knew that the time outside was going to be limited as part of the punishment she was going to give you. 
Laying you on the bed, she gathers a few trinkets she has found. Including a sewing kit. She looked over your body and stripped you of your canvas dress. She laced the rope around your arms and fastened them to the rusty bars above your head. Angrily, she stares, thinking of the things she is going to do to you when you wake up. She growls and pounces on top of you, grabbing your legs and putting them together. She takes more rope from your boat and wraps your thighs and ankles, rendering you unable to walk. 
Now comes the painful part; She threads the thread through the eye of the needle and pinches the skin of your thigh. Carefully she puts the needle through your skin, puncturing through the layers mercilessly. As she pulls the thread through the hole in your skin, she meticulously sews your legs together in an intricate zig-zag shape from your left leg to your right leg. Once she gets to just above the rope around your ankles she hums at her work, making sure that you won’t be able to pull the thread out of your legs, even if you tried as hard as you could. 
Waving her hand takes away the power keeping you unconscious, and she makes her way out of the cave, not wanting to hear your screams as you realize what she had done to you. Of course, she loved to hear you scream, but not in pain. It was never meant to be this way. If you had just listened and stayed where you were put, this never would have happened. As she transforms into her mermaid form, she dives into the ocean to cool off as she was much too angry to argue with you, worried she would kill you in the snap of a finger if you said the wrong thing to her. 
You started to come to, becoming more and more aware of your surroundings by the second. Once again, you tried to move, only to be stopped by the ropes around your wrists, but there was much more than what was done to you last time. You looked to the source of the tension of your legs and your panic set in. Screams of pain and horror echoed through the cave, tears and sobs were heard for miles outside of the cave, and Wanda was nowhere near where she could hear them. 
More than a few hours later, your sobs had calmed to nothing more than whimpers. Your legs were screaming in pain, blood dripping from each of the holes Wanda's needle had made, soaking the thread and keeping them together. You closed your eyes, hoping that someone would find you, help you, kill you. But your wishes were only met with more fear.
As Wanda entered the cave, she had a whole net of fish, more shells, and trinkets from the ocean floor, as well as the part of your ship you were going to miss the most: The picture of you, your father, and your mother. It was still in its gold-plated frame, the monotone black and white of the picture still prominent. “I brought you a couple things,” Wanda says, unapologetically. Setting the net down, she places a pink and coral-colored conch shell next to you on the bed, the picture, and what looks like a shell necklace that she put together herself. 
You did not acknowledge her in the slightest. From the moment she walked into the cave, to the moment she begged you to talk to her. She even untied your arms and helped you sit up, but you didn’t say a word. In a fit of rage, she throws your body against the bed, letting you curl against yourself as you try to undo the thread. 
“It's not going to come off. I put a spell on it, and until you talk to me, it will stay that way. Do you understand?” She holds your chin in her hands, her sharp nails digging into your soft, beautiful skin. You whimper in response, tears pooling in your eyes. A few fall, but Wanda is quick to wipe them away as you look up at her. She gives you a soft smile and your brows furrow. This smile is different, it's out of pity, and out of a different type of intent. “Please, say something…” She whispers, tears of her own filling her eyes.
“Wh-why did you do this to me?” You whimper, pulling your hands away from the thread and to your chest to cover yourself. 
“Because you ran away… I told you to stay here, and you disobeyed me. This never would have happened if you just stayed, and enjoyed the sun like I so generously allowed you!”
Her eyes close, and she covers them with her hand. As she removes her hand, she sits down on the bed and her eyes soften as she looks at you. “I never wanted this to happen, love. You are mine, but I never wanted to hurt you.” 
"All you are is a liar..." You respond, with no emotion in your voice, eyes, or heart. Wanda sighs and helps you sit up once again. 
“My love for you is not a lie.” She says, moving to the floor as your legs drape over the side of the bed. She unties your thighs and ankles, her hands glowing a soft red color. Your legs lose feeling for only a moment, and you watch in awe as the thread is removed without pain or discomfort. It floats out of your skin, and the holes where it once was were closed. “Please forgive me, my little human. I won’t do this unless you make me angry. You won’t be punished if you don’t do something punishable. Do you understand me?” 
You nod softly as the feeling returns to your legs. You stand up, as does Wanda. You stumble at first, but you slowly make your way out of the cave and over to the rock where your chain lay. You wrap the chain around your ankle and hold it up for Wanda to seal with her magic. She looks at you, confused. 
“What are you doing?” She asks. 
You sigh and you hold up your foot again. “Im showing you I can be good. That I can keep a promise of being good.” She understands and seals the lock over the two open links. You stand up again, and you make your way to the water. You have already accepted the fact that will rip the dress off of you when you get back inside anyway, so you stand in the sun, bathing in the warmth as you stand nude. You are grateful that the chain grants you the length to reach the water. 
The waves make you sway slightly, and you close your eyes. Your destiny has proven itself, and you were to stay captive with Wanda. 
Soon enough, day three hundred sixty-five (365) hits and you are smiling with Wanda. Happily letting her devour you every night to her heart's desire, as well as shower you with gifts and jewels she finds on her hunting trips. In a form of trust, you both agree to a collar around your neck. One that claims you as well as keeps you on the island when Wanda is away. It was a way for Wanda to make sure you were safe, and a way for you to feel secure in someone's watch. And if any pirates come to the island, it would notify Wanda if you were in danger. 
She loved to see you in the sun, the jewels around your neck shimmering in the bright sunlight above you. A bright ruby right at the center of your neck, represents the love that Wanda has gifted upon you. Every morning when you woke up in her arms, you felt safe and sound, and no longer in danger of her. Of course, you were never going to make it home to Eleanore, so you threw a bottle with a letter in it into the ocean hoping that it finds her well. 
Yours and Wandas' routine grew every day, her even letting you go for a swim. She would transform into her mermaid form, and you would hold onto her shoulders as she sped through the water at speeds you have never felt before. On other days, she would take you to the edge of the forest above her cave. She told you stories of the cannibals that lived among the trees but willingly agreed to keep on their side of the island and never venture past the river about a mile into the grove of trees. 
You would tell stories of when you sailed with your father and cooked with your mother. Wanda loved to hear about humans and the hobbies or skills you can acquire with the right supplies and practice. She was infatuated with humans just as she was with you. 
One of your favorite things to do with Wanda was lay out on the sand at night, a soft seaweed blanket underneath you both, the water reflecting the moon, and the stars shimmering above you. For every shooting star there was, you would point to it and give Wanda a soft kiss on her cheek, making her smile and return the kiss. That was a nightly ritual you both had and when the both of you had soaked up the moonlight for the perfect amount of time, she would take you inside and make love to you. She would worship you, and care for you. She gave you meaning in a world where you had no one else to be there for. 
She loved you.
Your keeper loves you, yet you love her too.
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kalki-tarot · 7 months
Guidance from the universe you need right now. 🪷
Timeless pick a pile reading. ✨️
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Disclaimer : tarot is not 100% accurate. This reading is just of entertainment purposes. I'm not responsible for any decision(s) you make on behalf of my readings. Your life is in your own hands. Tarot is just a tool for guidance and doesn't replace medical or professional treatment. It's not set in stone, you are the creator of your own destiny.
Reading will be specific so take what resonates and leave the rest ✨️
Pile 1
If you are feeling stuck or stagnant, go meet your friends. Get out of your house and try to have new experiences.
Your life would be in this unstable and juggling energy until you make a strong decision. Leave behind your indecisiveness and be practical.
Let go of control, be like a river, flowing freely and accepting whatever comes it's way, good or bad. This is how life works. You fears are self imposed. They don't exist in reality, break the wall you surround yourself with.
Don't worry about losing anything. You're going to be blessed with abundance and clarity soon. You're delaying and blocking your own happiness by doing so.
Divine wants to play their role in your life. Let divine intervention take place, be receptive emotionally. That ultimate wish of yours will get fulfilled. You're gonna meet someone new. You'll have an emotional connection with them, most probably a romantic connection.
For some of you, your divine union is about to take place. You'll meet your divine counterpart. Cycles have ended. Libra sign may be significant. This union will bring balance into your life. Everything will feel at their right place. Trust divine timing. Your life will be just like you've imagined.
Please leave feedback in the comments 🙏🏽
Pile 2
Someone in your friend group or workplace is probably lying to you. Beware of them and don't believe their lies, don't get manipulated by them.
Many new opportunities are coming your way, overseas travel and new job opportunities may be significant.
Universe is telling you that your hardwork will pay off. You'll reap the fruits of your hard work soon.
A female can mess up your love relationship. This female can be a clingy water sign who needs constant reassurance from people. You need not focus on her. Just focus on your relationship and don't let her get into this. They can appear sweet and caring from outside but they are heartbroken and wants to ruin things.
If you're looking for a job, or if you're facing unstablity in career then things will start to get into proper alignment. Just do your work without thinking of the results.
Things are about to change! You are expanding yourself through study, business enterprise or travel. The energy is that You are becoming more aware of the opportunities that surround you. So grab them on time! It's a great chance for you.
Please leave feedback in the comments 🙏🏽
Pile 3
It'll end. The situation that you're going through will end. It's over, you've had enough. Now peace and prosperity will come into your life. All the things you've given to others will come back to you. Your inner conflict will come to peace. Things are calming down for you. Some of you may get anxious thinking about these things. But trust me, now things are changing.
If someone robbed you or took away your money, karma is working in your favour. They'll get punished for what they did.
I see a traditional couple here. Some of you could be married or into a relationship. If yes, then I see a negative energy affecting your relationship. Can be a third party, addiction or toxic personality etc. That will affect this.
The message is clear, if things get out of hands, move forward. That is human nature, to change. Those who stay stuck eventually experience the consequences of not adapting. You have a lot of new options in love. Look around.
There can be a masculine energy near you who wants things to turn out great romantically with you. They can be an influential and strong individual. They can be from your childhood or a place from childhood.
Don't forget your power. You are really powerful and self sufficient. You can earn bread and money for yourself. You are highly intuitive and wise. Use your gifts, pile 3. You are blessed from the universe. You can be an empath or someone who reads other's emotions perfectly. You are a star. Don't forget that!
Please leave feedback in the comments 🙏🏽
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hells-wasabii · 4 months
Hi! Could you (if it's not a problem ofc) write something about Sera? My girl is underrated. T^T. Since it's getting close to Valentines, maybe some romantic headcanons? (Fluff/NSFW)?
Have a great day <3
A/N: I am so positively upset, once again my computer shut down, my work was lost, and i was scared i had lost the ask. Luckily, for this prompt I didn't get very far, and better still, the ask was surprisingly save. Sera asks are some of the ones I'm looking forward to the most with the angel asks, she has a LOT of potential as a character! But anywho, before i ramble on too much, enjoy!
Character: Sera
Type: Headcanons (Sera x reader, Fluff, NSFW)
Sera confides in you with everything. Including the extermination. You had known for several years by the time that Charlie made her way up to heaven to pitch the hotel. You had been there for her after, as well. You were a constant source of comfort for her, and she is constantly reminding you of this, promising that she will continue to do the same for you as well.
Though she may be prim and proper, a true head of the Seraphim, her devotion to you runs as deep as her devotion to heaven. But know this, she too is terrified of the repercussions of defying heaven and its rules. Rules that even still, she would be more than willing to bend, perhaps even break for you.
That being said, she would still do whatever it takes to keep the both of you up in heaven. Just as she doesn't wish to see Emily fall from grace, she would be devastated should it happen to you.
When you kiss her, fully expect her wings to flutter. She is delighted by any contact with her beloved. I do think she would take any teasing for it in stride. She would apologize, quite bashfully, to be honest, saying that they seem to have a mind of their own sometimes. As your relationship progresses, however, she would even turn it back on you, using the opportunity to flirt.
It doesn't matter if there is a special occasion, but Sera will use any excuse to dote on you. Even if it's just a 'you were on my mind' sort of deal. She wants you to feel appreciated because she certainly does appreciate you.
NSFW under the cut
Sex among angels isn't necessarily taboo, but it is seen an act of love, an act of commitment. An act of devotion to one's partner. Angels, or rather heaven-born angels, such as seraphim, often times mate for life. Sure, they may have the occasional fling, but more often than not, heaven-borns will
That being said, intimacy with Sera is exactly that. Intimate, she wants to keep you close to her, wants you to feel the love she holds for you just as badly as she wants to feel your love for her.
It's not exactly a secret, but angel wings are delicate, fragile, and sensitive. This can most definitely be used to your advantage, or it could be your undoing, as you're not exempt. Its also considered an extremely intimate act amongst angles, so it requires a LOT of trust. Sometimes, Sera will even specifically ask you to help preen her wings, an activity that will more than likely lead to the two of you entangled
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shina913 · 7 months
I wish you would write a fic where....reader is going to get a pedicure but her normal nail tech is out, and the owner's cute son (you pick the member) who's back in town volunteers to do reader's appointment. (hehehe)
Jess!!! I did it 🤣 I didn’t think I could but I actually had a lot of fun with this! Thank you for this ask. I hope I did it justice 💜
Self-Care Sunday | JJK
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Pairing: NailTech!Jungkook x Fem!Reader
Rating: 18+
Genre: Meet cute; fluff
Warnings: Some naughty thoughts but nothing explicit; slight references to gender stereotypes and occupations
Word count: 3k+words
Summary: You arrive at your mani-pedi appointment to find out that your usual technician is unexpectedly out. Instead, the salon owner’s son offers to do your nails instead.
A/N: Just for fun! Also, I was too impatient and wanted to actually post on a Sunday, which is why I didn’t have time to find a proper banner image for this. I’ll fix that tomorrow 😅 Thank you @midnightagust for your eyes 🥰 hope you all enjoy this!
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Every weekend, you make a point to treat yourself to some form of pampering. Whether you went out to get your hair done or simply curled up on your couch to enjoy a book, ‘Self-Care Sunday’ was a big deal for you. It was a way to reset and prepare for the week ahead.
This weekend, you’re going for a mani-pedi. You walk into the nail salon about five minutes before your appointment time.
The small reception booth in front is empty, but the rest of the ladies who are busy with customers pause to greet you since you’re a regular. You begin to scan the room for your usual manicurist, hoping to check in and get set up.
Oddly, she’s nowhere in sight so you ask one of the ladies closest to you, who was giving a pedicure to another client.
“Annie just left. She said she was feeling sick,” she says to you.
“Oh no.” You look around again to see that everyone else is tending to their own clients. There’s no way any of these ladies would be able to take you on this morning. You’re disappointed but it’s not the end of the world. “I guess I could just reschedule my appointment–”
“No, hun, you don’t have to! It’s why she didn’t call to cancel. Our manager will take care of you.”
The salon’s manager, Lily, wasn’t afraid to jump in to help out whenever it was busy. It was a small comfort to know that the day wasn’t going to be a complete waste and you knew that you were in good hands.
The nail technician points to the vacant spa chair next to her and you help yourself. She pauses her work to fill the basin with warm water so you can soak your feet in while waiting for the manager.
“He’ll be right out, okay?” She says with a smile before turning back to her client.
Your eyebrows scrunch in curiosity. You could have sworn she said 'he,' but maybe you were hearing things. You dismiss the thought and activate the massage function on your chair, then start scrolling through your phone while waiting.
A few minutes later, you notice movement in your peripheral vision. As the figure settles on the low stool in front of you, you raise your head to greet them. Your voice gets caught in your throat when you realize that it isn't Lily.
You’re stunned at the sight of a man sitting in front of you. He looks young and devastatingly hot. You would never expect to see someone who looked like him at a nail salon, let alone working at one. His big, round, beautiful eyes make you want to melt into the water your feet were soaking in.
“Uhm…h-hi,” you choke out once your brain lurches back to life. “I thought the manager was going to do my mani-pedi.”
He grins proudly, spreading a towel on the footrest of the spa chair. "Yep! You're looking at him!"
You feel confused. Did Lily quit or hire someone new? It’s been three weeks since your last appointment. In the background, you hear the other nail technicians giggling amongst themselves.
Seeing the worried look on your face, he explains, "My mom is taking a break, so I'm filling in for her."
You vaguely remember Lily mentioning her children in passing. Since she looks relatively young for her age, she’s always said that people are shocked to hear when she tells them that she has a grown son.
Well, consider yourself shaken to the core.
"I'm Jungkook, by the way," he extends his hand towards you. You're both baffled and overwhelmed by how handsome he looks. The massage chair's tapping setting propels you forward, snapping you out of your daze.
You reach forward to shake his hand and introduce yourself. Although he has a firm grip, his hands are surprisingly soft, sending a chill down your spine.
“When Annie said that she wasn’t feeling well, I offered to take the rest of her appointments for the day,” he divulges.
You look at him skeptically. You’ve never received a manicure and pedicure from a male technician before—especially not from one who was this cute.
He chuckles. "I know, I know. You're probably thinking, 'Does this guy even know what the hell he's doing?' Well, let me assure you that my mom personally trained me. If she's ever worked on you, you can expect the same level of quality from me. But I understand if you feel uneasy. The last thing I want is for a client to feel that way.”
You’re still apprehensive but he sounds confident. You get a grip and nod, giving him consent to continue with the appointment.
“Thanks,” he says softly and with a look of relief. “You booked a deluxe pedicure and manicure, right?”
The deluxe mani-pedi comes with a longer-than-usual massage on your hands and feet. Thinking about this man's hands kneading your tired muscles makes you sweat.
“Y-yes, I did,” you nervously confirm.
He nods in acknowledgment, and you gulp as he begins to dip the pumice sponge into the basin to scrub your heels. He’s careful and gentle with each pass, totally unlike what you’ve been used to. It’s a stark contrast to these ladies, who have manhandled you in surprising ways—especially the petite, older techs. They’re still sweet, though, and they do a great job, but you admit that this is a nice change of pace.
The rest of your pedicure prep goes smoothly until it was time for the massage.
He drains the water from the basin then he props your feet on the footrest. The stool is too low for his frame but he doesn’t complain. He’d rather make the adjustment so you wouldn’t have to bend awkwardly from your seat.
After drying your feet with a towel, he squeezes some lotion into his hands and starts massaging it into your calf muscles. Typically, some ladies prefer to keep their gloves on for sanitary purposes, but Jungkook has taken off his gloves just before the massage. You figured he was the manager on duty, so he could do whatever he wanted. And not that you had any objections, as the skin-on-skin contact feels nice. Better, actually.
You don't know why, but your gaze is drawn to his thighs, which are spread widely in front of you. It's incredibly distracting and you struggle to look away. You wonder if the awkward positioning of his knees against the spa chair is causing him to sit like that, or if there is something else between his legs that he's trying to adjust for.
“Is the pressure okay?” His question pulls you back into reality.
"What? Oh, yeah. It's good. It's fine," you manage to cobble together. His touch is firm, yet gentle enough to be relaxing. Silently, you think, if he was this good with your legs, how would his hands feel on the rest of your body?
"Are you sure? I could apply more, if you prefer. I always try to start off slow, but I can go deeper, depending on how you like it."
You grip the chair's armrests in response as your mouth goes dry. "N-no, you don’t need to go deeper. What you're doing is...great.” Your voice comes out breathy, but in an effort to distract yourself, you dig your phone out of your purse and start randomly scrolling through your social media feed. Now was not the time to be getting horny over your nail technician.
He suppresses a smile at your response. "Okay then.”
You manage to survive the rest of the pedicure without any additional incidents, much to your relief. He slips your sandals back onto your feet with ease, without smudging your freshly painted toes, and helps you over to the manicure table.
Once you settle in your seat, you rest your hands on the cushion and dip them into a cuticle-softening solution while he sets up the rest of his tools. While waiting for your fingers to soak up the solution, he checks in with you.
“Can I get you anything while you wait?”
“I’m good right now, thanks.”
"Okay.” Then, he leans in, lowers his voice, and asks, “How do you think I’m doing so far?"
You smile warmly at him. "I have to say, I'm pleasantly surprised." Your toes didn't look streaky, nor did he get polish on your skin. You were impressed!
Your response makes him smile from ear to ear, his nose crinkling in amusement.
"Thanks. I know most women think it's weird to get a mani-pedi from a dude."
You sigh and decide to fess up. He seemed self-aware and appreciated honesty. "Well, I have to be honest—I was definitely apprehensive at first," you admit then follow it with a shrug. "But then I thought, hey, it's a job. If you can do it and have the skills for it? Why not? It shouldn't be restricted by gender."
His brow arches at your remark. "My thoughts exactly!" He agrees emphatically.
You feel another spark of electricity surge through you as he lifts your hand. You watch as he examines your fingers under the light.
“Mm…nice, long, nail beds.” His compliment followed but his thumb brushing over your fingers makes your belly flutter.
“But I bet you probably get that a lot,” he adds with a laugh.
“Not as often as you think,” you say. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think he was coming onto you.
“Just a regular manicure, right? Not gel?”
“Yeah. I thought, if I got the gel, I can’t get the usual hand massage—”
“I can still give you the massage,” he interjects.
“Oh. But what about the oils? I thought it’s not good for the gel base?” You hesitate.
He shrugs as if it's a non-factor. "I can do the massage after I cure your nails under the light. That way, the polish adheres nicely and it’ll be all set. But if you still prefer a regular manicure, that's fine—we’ll do that. I just want you to know that you have the option," he assures you.
You purse your lips to think for a few seconds. “Well, if you’re sure the massage won’t mess with the gel—”
“It won’t, I promise!” He says confidently. “My mom’s old school and she’d never do it that way but I think that you can still make it work.” After he says it out loud, one of the female technicians next to him scoffs. Seems like she prefers the standard method, too.
Jungkook rolls his eyes subtly at her reaction and turns his attention back to you. “If you don’t like it, I’ll give you your money back.”
That sounded fair to you.
“Alright. I trust you.”
After you decide on gel polish colors, he begins to trim your cuticles and file your nails. But just when you thought you could easily survive the pedicure, him being this close, and at eye-level, was going to be an uphill battle. He looks so focused and precise in his movements; it’s relaxing to watch. Even the little pout he does while maneuvering your finger to apply the polish with the utmost precision to cover every surface of your nail is cute.
You make small talk while he works. Not the usual gossip that you’re used to with the female technicians. You feel comfortable around him but not enough to spill all of your secrets.
“So, are you doing this full-time?”
“No,” he answers before he guides your hand into the curing lamp. “I have a day job but I mostly work from home. My mom said that needed help and I didn’t hesitate to step up. She works very hard.”
Oh no…he’s not only cute but he also loves his mom. You can’t help but feel endeared. You also note that he doesn’t have a ring on his finger. Lily hasn’t mentioned any daughters-in-law, that you recall.
You decide to sound casual to break the tension a bit. “This job must be a great way to pick up women, too, huh?”
He pauses before meeting your gaze. The corner of his mouth curves into a cocky smirk. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”
Your cheeks heat up. You immediately realize that your comment may have crossed a line, thinking you were at that level of comfort with him just because he touched your bare feet. You kick yourself internally for being presumptuous.
“S-sorry,” you shyly tear your eyes away from him. “I was just trying to make conversation.”
He brushes off the exchange. “It’s cool. Honestly, there aren’t many women falling over themselves to go out with a male nail technician,” he says in jest. “Some people have specific perceptions. They’re usually wrong but I don’t bother to correct them.”
“Oh,” you suddenly feel bad as you’d made assumptions about him too. “I mean, I think you have a lot of patience to be working on nails. Not to mention that you’re a handsome guy who gives great foot massages. I don’t see why any woman wouldn’t want to get more of that.” You catch yourself too late when you realize what you’ve just said.
He snorts your comment but doesn’t pile on it. “You’d think, right?”
You clear your throat and attempt to recover. “Well, you’re also easy to talk to. You keep the conversation flowing.” Your voice is still tight, embarrassed from your ‘cute guy who gives great foot massages’ comment.
“I appreciate that,” he smiles. He examines your nails, one last time, running the pads of his fingers over the polish to make sure that it has set properly. When he’s satisfied, he says, “Looks good. I’ll be right back, okay? Then we can get to your hand massage.” He excuses himself and gathers his tools to soak them in a cleaning solution.
When he walks away and disappears into the back room, you release a breath you seemed to be holding in for far too long. You’d never been this wound up during a mani-pedi.
A few minutes later, he returns and sets a warm towel down. He then moves the magnifying lamp out of the way, giving you a complete and unobstructed view of him. Unfortunately, this doesn't bode well for you.
“So, do you have any plans after this?” He asks casually while massaging circles into your forearms.
You’re all flustered again. “Not much. Maybe I’ll grab some mid-day coffee or something then head home.”
“Nice. Where do you grab coffee?” The feel of him dragging the pads of his fingers on your slicked skin, couple with his piercing gaze are causing your breathing to go ragged again. Suddenly, your brain blanks out on where your favorite coffee spot is.
“Just, uhm—” you struggle to pull the name out of your memory at first but manage to blurt it out when he squeezes your fingers. “It’s not far from here.”
“Oh. I don’t live in this neighborhood so I’m not familiar.” His thumb and forefinger knead your muscles in a way that should normally not feel arousing to you, but it does. And you can’t help when your thoughts slide back into wondering what else those magic fingers can do.
“I figured, if I was going to be helping out here more, maybe I should get to know the area– especially places to eat. You think you can you give me directions to the cafe?”
You shift in your seat. “Well, it’s sort of a hole-in-the-wall place. The GPS is kind of spotty on it. You have to be a local to really know where it’s at.”
“Well, my break’s coming up after this. Maybe we can drive together?”
It takes a couple of seconds for you to realize it. He's not stupid, and you were right – he's definitely self-aware. He knows that you're affected by him. Smiling to yourself, you’re happy to let him know that the feeling is mutual.
Your eyebrows twitch at how forward he’s being. “A break? But it’s only 11:30?” You laugh.
“What can I say? I think I worked you really hard–”
His response makes your eyes bulge and causes your jaw to drop.
“Oh, sorry–I meant to say, you worked me really hard.”
You throw your head back in laughter, and it makes him laugh out loud, too. He was a cocky little shit but you’re not mad at it.
When your laughs die down, he says, “I think we can both agree that we did our best to fight this–” he gestures at the space between you two.
“Oh, is that right?” You ask playfully.
"Yeah. I think we deserve a little treat. Maybe grab some lunch, wherever you want." You’re mildly aware that the massage is over but his fingers are still lingering on your hands while he patiently waits for your answer.
This is one of the most unusual ways you've been asked out, but there's a first time for everything. After thinking it over, you decide to give it a chance. "Okay. But if I agree to go to lunch with you, do I still need to tip you for the mani-pedi?”
He purses his lips in thought for a few seconds before countering. "Tell you what—if you let me take you to dinner tomorrow night, the service is on the house. We can call it even then.”
His playful proposition catches you off guard but it also intrigues you. Again, you find yourself unable to resist his charm.
Your response makes him smile full-on and it’s infectious, so you can’t help but smile back. He starts to clean up his station, then turns to the older nail technician next to him who saw the whole situation unfold.
“Auntie, please don’t tell my mom,” he whispers mischievously, causing her to laugh after she agrees not to rat him out.
You giggle at his request and tell him, “I guess I’ll meet you out front whenever you’re ready?”
“Sounds good. We’ll take my car so we don’t ruin my masterpiece there,” he points at your hands.
You laugh at his retort and shake your head. Never in a million years did you ever think that you’d find a date a the nail salon. It’s one of the better things to come out of your Self-Care Sundays.
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lucy90712 · 5 months
I heard requests so here I am. Bare with me this might not make sense. So readergf! x Jude Bellingham. Readergf! used to have a situationship with pedri until he told her he didn’t want anything serious. Fast forward to the Clasico she’s in the tunnels wishing Jude luck (obvi with a kiss) & before she goes to her seats, Jude yells to her “I love you” which makes Pedri whisper something to Gavi. Later in the game there’s a scuffle between Pedri & Jude bc Gavi tackled him but in his eyes, he’s just being a good friend. This then gets brought down in the tunnels when Jude is just trying to leave the match, gf tells pedri she’s with a real man which makes Jude fall more in love with her. I hate to make pedri & gavi look like this but I love Jude 😩
WC: 2.5k El Classico is always a big event as the rivalry between Real Madrid and Barcelona runs deep and has been going on for many years. Tonight will be my first time going to a Classico which is nerve wracking in itself but it is made so much worse by the choices I've made over the last year or so. Last year I was in a situationship so to say with Pedri, I really liked him and wanted to enter into a proper committed relationship with him but that's not what he wanted. He wasn't ready for a committed relationship and I wasn't willing to wait because as much as it hurt to let him go I couldn't be sure that Pedri would ever be ready or that when he was he'd want to be with me. The 'break up' was hard on me as I really did have feelings for Pedri and thought he could be the one for me but clearly it wasn't meant to be. 
A few months after calling things off with Pedri my friends made me come away with them on a girls trip to Germany. At the time I was really against it but now I can't imagine what my life would be like if I hadn't gone on that trip. While we were there I met a guy at a club we went to he bought me a few drinks and we talked all night. We exchanged phone numbers before we both went home but I thought I'd never hear from him again. To my surprise he actually text me the next day and wanted to take me out before I went home. To start with I was a bit hesitant as after leaving the club my friends told me that I was talking to Jude Bellingham another footballer and I wasn't sure if I was ready to date another one. After some convincing I went on the date and I'm so glad I did Jude was so sweet and he made me change my thoughts on love completely. 
Nearly a year later and Jude and I have been together for 10 months. I've never been happier than I have been in the last 10 months Jude is the best boyfriend and he treats me so well I couldn't ask for anything more. Over the summer Jude moved teams so now he plays for Real Madrid which has been great for our relationship as it has meant that we can be closer to each other as I moved there after my breakup with Pedri. I hadn't thought too much about the consequences of Jude's move until I was reminded about el Classico. Jude knows about my relationship with Pedri so when he asked if I wanted to go to the game he made it clear that if I didn't want to go he wouldn't mind but I know I have to get over everything someday and I want to support Jude so I decided to go. It will be my first time seeing Pedri since everything ended but Jude has reassured me that everything will be fine. 
Jude left for the game with the team early this morning leaving me to find my own way there as I can't go with the team at least not on the way there. Instead of driving the 5 hours from Madrid to Barcelona I am getting the train as it's quicker and a lot cheaper than flying or paying for fuel. On the train I was going to get on with some work or do a bit of reading to pass the time but instead I found myself spending far too much time thinking about the game. I couldn't stop thinking about what it would be like to see Pedri again after so long and what he might think if he sees me with Jude. I also worried about what might happen on the pitch I know it's usually an intense match and I don't want anything to happen to Jude out there. 
By the time I arrived in Barcelona it wasn't long until the match was due to start so I quickly made my way to the hotel I booked for the night as there are no trains back until the morning. I just about had time to freshen up a bit and change into my Bellingham shirt which Jude gave me especially for this game even though I already own quite a few. There wasn't time for me to do much else so I quickly brushed my hair and left the hotel to make my way to the stadium. It took a bit longer to get there than I'm used to as Barcelona aren't playing at camp nou at the moment but I still made it with a good amount of time until the match. 
As I arrived I text Jude to let him know I arrived safely because he made me promise to do so before he left this morning. Typically just after I made it to my seat he text me back and told me to come and see him before the warm up. I didn't particularly know where I was going but eventually I found my way down the tunnel and to Jude who was waiting for me outside the locker room. As soon as he saw me coming he opened his arms so that he was ready to engulf me in a hug as soon as I was within his reach. Jude hugged me so tightly that my feet came off the floor for a few seconds which I didn't expect but I should've as Jude always gives the best hugs. When he put me down he kept his arms around me while looking down at me with a big smile on his face. 
"Thank you for coming here I know you were nervous but having you here means the world to me" he said 
"You don't don't need to thank me I wanted to be here I'm not going to let the past get in the way of me being here for you" I said 
"I can't believe it's my first proper el Classico" Jude said 
"I know please be careful out there though things can get pretty feisty and I don't want you getting hurt" I warmed him 
"I promise I'll be careful you don't have to worry about me" he said 
"I always worry about you" I said 
"Well don't" he laughed 
Our conversation had to come to an end quite quickly as it was time for warm up but Jude being Jude couldn't leave me without pulling me in for a kiss. He gave me one kiss before I pulled him back in to give him a good luck kiss. Vini came out of the locker room just as we pulled away from each other so Jude told him to wait as he bid me goodbye and slapped my ass as he left which if I could've I would have told him off for. As I turned round to head back to my seat I saw Pedri coming towards me. I felt all of the blood drain from my face as he definitely saw me and Jude together. Even though I said I didn't want the past go get in the way of me coming here that didn't mean I wouldn't be thinking about it and panicking when I saw Pedri. I'm not sure why seeing him made me so anxious but it did it also brought back a lot of memories especially of the heartbreak the man just down the corridor caused me. I was frozen to the spot but as Pedri walked past he smiled at me so I weakly smiled back. 
By the time I made it to my seat I was glad it was just the warm up as I needed a few minutes to gather my thoughts but that's all I had as time seemed to disappear in seconds and before I knew it the match was starting. Barcelona scored early on but apart from that the first half was relatively uneventful there was a few bad tackles here and there but nothing crazy. The second half came around quickly though and about 15 minutes in Jude scored to make it level. Watching him score in el Classico and dedicate his goal to me filled me with an overwhelming sense of pride. I thought nothing could wipe the smile off my face until a few minutes later Gavi tackled Jude and before I knew it he was face to face with Pedri clearly arguing. As much as it could've been about anything instantly I was worried that Pedri had said something or was mad as Jude had dedicated his goal to me. They were pulled apart and the game went on with Jude scoring yet another goal to give Madrid the win in the end. 
While the team were celebrating I stayed in the stands to watch but once they started heading down the tunnel I slowly made my way there so I could meet Jude after he was ready so we could celebrate together. I knew I would be waiting a while so I looked at my phone while I stood there reading all of the tweets about the game and how well Jude played which put a big smile on my face. As I was stood there a lot of people walked back and forth and there was a lot of noise but I drowned it all out until I heard a familiar voice calling my name. Straight away I knew it was Pedri but I was still hoping that when I looked up someone else would be stood there but of course that didn't happen. There he was stood just a few feet in front of me with that smile that reminded me of our early days together when we were both having fun getting to know each other. Somehow being face to face with him wasn't quite as nerve wracking as I thought it would be sure I was a little anxious as to what he was going to say but I didn't feel like the world was going to end. 
"Hey it's been a while how have you been?" He asked 
"I've been good how have you been?" I asked 
"Yeah I've been good what brings you to the match?" He asked getting straight to the point 
"I'm here to support Jude I met him a while back and we've been together for nearly a year now" I said telling him the truth 
"I'm happy for you" he muttered 
"Look I know you have a new boyfriend now but I have to say I'm sorry for how I ended things it wasn't right for me to lead you on for that long and I really regret it you are such an amazing girl and I regret letting you go the way I did" he admitted 
"It's ok it hurt at the time but I'm over it now you did what was best for you and that's ok" I said 
"Does Jude make you happy?" He asked 
"He does he's really sweet and supportive and we're always on the same page overall we have a really healthy relationship" I said 
"I'm glad you're happy but I'm sorry I couldn't be the one to make you feel that way" he said 
"We just weren't meant to be you'll find your person one day Pedri and you can be just as happy as I am and you deserve it too" I said 
He unexpectedly gave me a hug before leaving probably to head home. For a few seconds I was drowning in my own thoughts which had clearly all be pushed to the back of my mind during my conversation with Pedri. Once I had my thoughts under control I felt so much better it was as if talking to him finally gave me a sense of closure. We were able to talk about what happened without emotions clouding our judgement or trying to be petty to get back at each other it was just a normal adult conversation. It was nice to hear him apologise and acknowledge that he didn't go about things in the best way as it sort of validated my feelings at the time. As much as Pedri caused me pain I don't hate him he's still a lovely person so as much as we weren't meant to be that doesn't mean he doesn't deserve a healthy relationship and I hope he knows that after our conversation. 
Just a few minutes later Jude finally came out of the locker room of course with a big smile on his face. I always love seeing him all happy after a win just his smile always brightens my day which I thought I'd need today but I'm actually ok. Jude hugged me and gave me a quick kiss before rambling on about the game like I wasn't sat watching it which he always does but I find it endearing. As he talked he kept remembering more things he wanted to tell me so we spent a good while stood in the corridor outside the locker rooms talking, well he was talking at me. Eventually he stopped talking but not before he told me he was allowed to stay the night here with me instead of going back so we got to head to my hotel together. Once we were in a taxi to the hotel Jude finally allowed me to get a word into the conversation. 
"Did you enjoy the game?" He asked 
"Yeah it was great you played so well I'm so proud of you" I said 
"I'm sorry I made you wait so long we were all celebrating and I just couldn't leave nothing happened while I was gone did it?" He asked 
"I did see Pedri we had a good conversation actually he apologised for treating me the way he did and I told him I'm happy with you now which he seemed to accept it felt good to talk to him I feel like that part of my life is completely over now" I said 
"That's good I'm glad you got closure on that chapter of your life" he said 
"I have to ask though what were you arguing about on the pitch?" I questioned 
"Oh it was nothing he was standing up for Gavi saying there was nothing wrong with his challenge but I disagreed nothing major I had a quick word with him after the game and all is good" he explained 
"Good I'm glad everyone can all get along now" I said 
By the time we made it to the hotel both of us were exhausted so we got straight into bed and went to sleep. I was actually able to get off to sleep really easily as unlike the last few days my mind was at rest there was no more anxiety or worry everything finally feels perfect. 
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baileypie-writes · 5 months
~I Want to Break Free - Part 2~
Velvet and Veneer + Younger Sibling!Reader
Part 1 here!
Fandom: Trolls 3: Band Together
Relationship: Familial
Synopsis: Velvet, Veneer and the trolls save you from Lemon Pop.
Warnings: Abusive and manipulative behavior(Lemon Pop), Reader being tortured, blood and a broken nose(Reader), Velvet swearing.
Story Requested By: @sweetheartturtle2007
Tags: @sweetheartturtle2007 @reizuuuu @dark-stars-and-the-moons-melody
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You didn’t have any energy left to scream as your musical talent was painfully sucked out of your body once again. You were honestly surprised that you had any talent left to give. Your arms and legs were almost completely translucent, and your hair was more white than it was your natural color.
You flopped into the floor with a loud thud, making you groan. “Haven’t you had enough? This is the seventh time you’ve done this just today.” You asked Lemon Pop, your face being squished by the floor, muffling your speech slightly.
Lemon Pop laughed. “Aw, are you tired? Well, too bad. It’s a busy day, and the people want me to sing!”
“I’m sure they’d also like you to be honest.” You mumbled, but Lemon heard.
She stomped over to you, and grabbed your face harshly, forcing you to look at her. “Hey, at least I’m putting your talent to good use instead of posting stupid covers on the internet.” She mocked you. She let go of your face, making it fall to the ground, and bang your nose on the floor. You yelped in pain.
Lemon quickly checked herself in the mirror, before opening the door to leave. “You should probably put a bandaid on that or something.” She said, then left the room, slamming the door behind her.
You got up, with some struggle. You were so weak, you had to grab the wall for support. After looking at yourself in the mirror, you saw what Lemon Pop was talking about. Your nose was bleeding, a result from what happened just moments before. It looked pretty busted too, probably broken.
You grabbed some tissues from the vanity, and held them on your nose. You thought back to how this all happened. You would’ve never guessed Lemon Pop’s true intentions when you first met her. She was so kind. But despite this, you still called yourself stupid for falling for her tricks. You missed your freedom, and you missed your family and friends. Lemon truly proved how messed up she was by forbidding you from seeing them.
All the memories from before this mess flooded your brain, and you wished you could have your old life back. Then the reality sank in that in the next few days, you’d probably be dead. Lemon was using more and more of your talent each day, and there wasn’t much left. This broke you, and you crumbled to the ground and cried.
Veneer accelerated the speed of his car, following the lights of what were obviously coming from Lemon Pop’s concert. The sky above it glowed of yellow, matching the yellow traffic light that Veneer sped past.
“Drive faster, Veneer!” Velvet pestered.
“I can’t! Any faster, and we’d crash! I’m surprised that we haven’t even been pulled over yet!”
Before they could argue anymore, Rosetta interrupted. “We’re almost there! I can hear Lemon singing!”
The twins became quiet to listen. They could hear her as well, and they hated how good she sounded. That was your talent. And she was using it for her own benefit. They new it made then hypocrites to be mad, but at least now they finally understood how Brozone felt.
Veneer pulled into the parking lot, not even bothering to find a proper spot. Everyone hopped out of the car, and started booking it to the concert. Only a few seconds after beginning to run, Velvet and Veneer heard tiny voices from a distance behind them.
“Hey! Wait up!” Branch complained. Velvet rolled her eyes, and she and Veneer walked back to the trolls. They scooped them up, each twin taking half, and resumed the rescue.
Mount Rageons were jumping and screaming. Velvet and Veneer could barely see Lemon Pop at all.
“Ugh! How are we gonna get to her?” Velvet growled. She barely heard herself over all the screaming.
“I have an idea!” Poppy exclaimed. “Velvet, Veneer and the bros, you focus on finding (name). Rosetta, Viva and I will get to Lemon Pop!” She said. Once everyone agreed, the three troll ladies stretched out their hair, and swung upwards to the ceiling. Then, the rest of them went to find a door to backstage.
After Veneer created a distraction by making his car alarm go off, the guards were gone. The twins and Brozone made it inside, and began searching for you.
“Where do you think (name) is? This place is huge!” Asked Bruce.
“Well, when we had Floyd trapped,” Veneer started. Floyd huffed, annoyed by how causally he said it. “we kept him in our dressing room.”
“Ok, then let’s check there. And please, be quiet.” Branch reminded for the hundredth time.
They made it to the dressing room in little time, and were alarmed when they heard sobbing coming from inside. Velvet and Veneer rushed to the door, and flung it open.
You gasped, startled. Once you and your siblings locked eyes, your crying stopped. “Velvet, Veneer? Why are you here?”
“What does it look like, idiot? We’re here to save you!” Velvet said. She and Veneer rushed over to you, enveloping you in a bone-crushing hug. Brozone stepped aside, so you guys could have your moment. You were so happy to see them, and started crying again. The twins pulled away, taking a good look at you to make sure you weren’t hurt.
“Oh my gosh, what happened to your nose?! It looks broken!” Veneer asked, holding your face to examine it.
“Oh, that was an accident. I’m fine. I just wanna go home.” You said through tears. The twins looked at you, and gave you a reassuring nod. Suddenly, you heard what sounded like an angry mob coming from the location of the concert.
“What’s going on?” You asked.
“Our friends are handling Lemon Pop, so I’m guessing they broke the news. Let’s go see!” John Dory spoke up. Velvet and Veneer helped you up from your spot on the floor, and you all made your way to where the stage was.
“Are you guys really believing a few trolls over me? They’re clearly lying!” Lemon Pop shouted in anger. Her ugly side was coming out, which was not helping her attempt to prove her “innocence”.
You and everyone else had made it to the stage. You, Velvet and Veneer hopped on, causing the audience to erupt in gasps.
“I’m gonna fucking kill you!” Velvet shouted, nearly launching herself at Lemon. But you stopped her.
“The trolls are telling the truth. My name is (name), and Lemon Pop’s been stealing my talent.” To prove yourself, you rolled up your long sleeves, showing the audience your translucent arms. Another wave of gasps flooded the room.
“She did the same to me too!” Rosetta chimed in. Now the audience was angry, shouting at the pop star they paid to see. Lemon Pop was backed into a corner, with no way out. At that point, the guards had decided to take action, and made their way to her with a pair of handcuffs.
You and your siblings smiled at each other in victory.
(A Few Weeks Later…)
Your road to recovery has been nothing but successful. Your hair color was coming back, which you were very pleased about. You didn’t want to live the rest of your life looking like an old person. Your arms and legs were also not so translucent anymore. It’s gone down to your hands and feet.
Lemon Pop was serving her time in prison, which would be a few years. This made you feel relieved, to say the least.
“Hey kid! How’re you doing?” Veneer said, entering your room with Velvet.
“I’m good!” You said.
“Great! Look at that, your nose looks much better now!”
He was right. Your nose was almost fully recovered. You’d be taking off the bandage in a couple of days.
“So, what’re you doing?” Velvet asked.
“Oh, just working on a new song.” You said. Since being saved, you decided to become a singer. You’ve released a few songs already, and they’ve done really well. You already have a ton of fans, who’ve supported you after the whole incident. You’ve completely replaced Lemon Pop, and both you and your siblings are proud of that.
“Cool. Can we hear it?” Velvet asked. Veneer nodded, agreeing with her question.
You’re forever grateful for your siblings and for the trolls. Because of them, you’re not dead, and you’re able to start a career. You’re using your own given talent to be successful, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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yuesya · 1 month
The sky is dark.
Even during daytime, the sky is dark, almost as if it were evening. A perpetual twilight. It’s a sight that is very much unnatural, yet there’s very little that is natural about the world nowadays. Not since the day when a horde of cursed spirits suddenly manifested in the heart of New Shinjuku with no warning whatsoever, promptly plunging the freshly-rebuilt city into chaos. And almost as if it had been a signal of sorts, similar incidents had swiftly spread across the globe in the days that followed.
Armageddon, some called it. The End of the World. As the catastrophe progressed, the environment itself changed as well in reflection of the disaster ravaging the now-hostile, dangerous world.
“So this is where you’re hiding, huh?”
Shiki turns around and cranes her head to look upwards. “… Satoru-niichan?”
Her cousin pats her on the head, and plops down on the stone ledge next to her with a gusty sigh. “Needed a break?”
Shiki doesn’t respond to that, instead drawing her legs closer to herself and burying her face into her knees. She receives another headpat from her cousin.
“I get it,” he says. “It’s a lot. Sorcerers aren’t really supposed to do much aside from just killing cursed spirits, but look at us now –shining paragons and defenders of the last, greatest bastions of humanity. What a joke, right? Like, what do I know about running cities or maintaining infrastructure or resource allocation?”
“People are grasping at straws,” Shiki says quietly. Between the two of them… it’s definitely Satoru-niichan who bears the heavier burden. But even so, despite all the responsibilities that he’s laden with, he still does his best to look out for her in moments like these.
The knowledge lights a spark of warmth inside her chest.
“Yeah, they most definitely are,” Satoru-niichan sighs. “And sorcerers happen to look like they have the longest straws, no thanks to the entire mess back in ‘18.”
“… Geto-san’s Cursed Spirit Manipulation would’ve been nice to have right now,” Shiki props up her chin with a hand. Considering that the entire world was overrun with cursed spirits, his cursed technique would’ve been an excellent counter.
He might even be the new ‘Strongest.’
… Although, if Geto-san were still alive, he probably would’ve set off to make his own stronghold, one that strictly, specifically only protected sorcerers.
Shiki sighs.
“Oh, and you know what else would be nice to have? A good bowl of cream anmitsu.”
The girl blinks in surprise at the sudden non-sequitur, and gives her cousin a side-eye.
“What? I thought we were indulging in a bout of wishful thinking here,” the young man sticks his tongue out at her. Food is growing scarce; most fruits are dried or preserved –and that’s to say nothing of how ice cream and such frozen desserts of the like are a luxury rarely seen anymore. Sugar is rationed and restricted, as is salt. “Although I’d take konpeito, too.”
Konpeito would definitely be easier to obtain than something outrageous like cream anmitsu, especially the specific type that Satoru-niichan had once been so fond of.
“Hmm… I think I’ll try to get my hands on some konpeito once we get back to the Tokyo base,” Satoru-niichan decides. Then, with a teasing grin directed towards her, “I might even share some with you if you ask me nicely!”
Shiki rolls her eyes, “I don’t like sweets.”
“You don’t like sweets? Still?” Her cousin shakes his head, “Ehh… you’re really missing out, cute little cousin of mine.”
“See?! I think you could definitely use a bit of sweetness to lighten up that doom and gloom,” Satoru-niichan informs her, and stretches. “… Man, there’s nothing like an apocalypse to make you realize that so many good foods out there can disappear forever just like that. Once this is all over and everything is on the proper road to recovery, I think I’ll go on a world tour and try out allll the local delicacies I can find.”
“… You mean all the local sweets?” Shiki says dryly.
“Ha! Are you sassing me?” Satoru-niichan sits up straight and laughs, delighted. “See if I bring you along for my future gourmet adventures, then!”
Shiki dips her head and bites back a small smile.
The sky is still dark and dreary. But somehow, by the time that Shiki returns to the encampment with her cousin, things still seem to be a bit brighter than they previously were before.
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