#it’s funny how opposite my sister and I are on most things lol
brutal-out-here · 5 months
My sister is upset that Percy/Walker is blonde not because of it not being 100% book accurate (she couldn’t care less about that) but because him being blonde is about the only thing keeping her from having an age appropriate crush lol
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widowwaddles · 9 months
The Aftermath
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Part 2 of the Yelena the Match Maker - The (Late) Valentine's Day Special
Pairing: Wanda x Reader
Warnings: insecure Wanda, a bit more angsty than I intended but a happy ending, and an even more "happy" bonus ending
W/c: ~1.5k
Taglist: @xxxtwilightaxelxxx​, @username23345, @nikkinss
A/n: it’s not the best, but it’s been sitting in my drafts for months lol
You weren’t too sure what to expect when you knocked on Wanda’s door. You already knew she was expecting you, but as you knocked on the door, you couldn’t help but get nervous. Despite having all the evidence needed to clear your name, you didn’t know how Wanda would react – if she’d even believe you. This was the most upset you’ve ever seen her, she ignored you when she left the community center and didn’t even wait for you in the parking lot so you could drive to her house together.
What really set shivers down your spine was the text you received from Natasha, telling you to fix this issue with Wanda before she takes matters into her own hands. Natasha was very protective over Wanda, as she stood by her side through the highs and lows of her relationship with Vision. You tried to explain that her sister was the mastermind before this, but she just left you on read. Not the best sign, especially if it is any reflection of what’s to come for your conversation with Wanda.
She opens the door, not even bothering to look as she turns back inside. She walks back towards her couch, crossing her arms and giving you an expectant look when you enter the room. You sat on the couch, looking up at Wanda as you waited for her next move. You couldn’t help but feel like a child about to be scolded at this moment. It would be a funny memory to bring up in the future IF you can save your relationship. You silently curse Yelena as Wanda sits on the completely opposite side of the couch.
“Wanda, I-”
“Before you start, I just wanted to say something to you” she interrupts, causing you to look at her in surprise. “It’s something I’ve been thinking about since we decided to give this a chance, and everything that happened today kinda put it all in perspective” The moment those words left her mouth, your heart started to ache. This was not the direction you were hoping this conversation would go. You start to protest, but she silences you with one firm look.
“I don’t want you to interrupt me. I don’t think I will be able to get it all out if you do. Please” she finishes off her plea with a cracked voice. You give her a look, silently promising to keep your word.
“From the moment we met, I knew you were special. I had no idea that it would be anything beyond a friendship, and I definitely did not believe that it would progress as fast as it did. Honestly, I’ve never been happier and I’m so thankful to you because I never thought I’d get to experience it again” Her eyes start to water, as she smiles. “I don’t have much experience when it comes to relationships or friends. Vision was my first for everything after I moved here, and he was supposed to be my last…until he wasn’t. I know what happens when things move too fast and you lose parts of who you are because you’re so desperate to keep it from falling apart. And I’m so scared of that happening to us, and having to lose you because of it” She shifts her focus to her hands as more tears start to fall from her eyes. You move towards her, grabbing her hands before she can start picking (a habit you’ve discovered in the months you’ve been dating).
“After the divorce, I thought I was done with relationships altogether. I believed I was too broken to ever have that chance again. Until you came along. I’ve never had this, something that feels so balanced and healthy. Everything is so new to me, these feelings are so new to me. I just want to let it consume me; to just keep you close and never let go. But that wouldn’t be fair to you” Wanda pulls away. “I don’t want to force you into something you’re not ready for. I know that we decided to take things slow so It wasn’t fair of me to get so upset about someone buying you flowers. You should be allowed to keep your options open, especially with all of the baggage I have. It’s probably better that you figure it out now, rather than later” Wanda ends, giving you a strained smile.
“Am I allowed to speak now?” you ask.
“I understand what you have said, about not wanting things to move too fast and it ultimately leading to the downfall of our relationship. I have the same fears too, but I would NEVER treat you the way Vision did. I don’t see you as broken. I see you as a strong, loving woman and mother. Someone who’s continued to push forward despite everything life has thrown her way. Someone that I find myself falling for (and over) ever since we met. Yeah, it may be too soon for me to be saying these things but it’s hard not to when you’ve met someone this perfect. I can’t even explain how deep my feelings go, but I just want you to know that you aren’t alone in this. And you will never be again if you’ll allow me to stay by your side. I don’t want to ‘keep my options open’ when I have the best thing in front of me. You are all I want, I promise you. Despite everything that’s happened in the past, and we have no idea where things will go in the future, as long as you’re the only constant in my life I don’t care what happens” You move closer to Wanda, bringing your hand up to wipe her tears.
“I know you’ve been told so many empty promises, but I want to prove it to you” She brings her hand up to cover yours. She nods her head, tears filling her eyes again but this time was different. They were tears of relief and security.
“And the first step to our future, is this” Using your other hand, you pull out the receipts from your pocket. It wasn’t as smooth as you thought it would be, but you held it out for Wanda to take. You watch as she reads the papers and the moment it all clicks in her head. Wanda crumples the papers and throws her body into your arms.
“I’m going to kill her” her voice muffled by your body.
“You and me both” wrapping your arms around her and holding her tightly against you. Honestly, you weren’t that upset with Yelena anymore in that moment, you were just happy you got to hold Wanda again. The crisis was averted and you just wanted to revel in the moment. Tomorrow you could think of revenge.
*** Bonus "Alternative" Ending (18+, suggestive content below)
It took a lot of groveling.
“Wanda, I’ve already shown you the receipt, why are you still angry with me?” you whine.
Wanda glances between you and the receipt on her table, a frown settled on her face.
And I mean a lot of groveling.
“You’re the best thing to ever happen to me Wanda, I would never want to jeopardize that.” You say wrapping your arms around Wanda tightly, pulling her into you as you fall back onto her couch. Wanda stays still, relishing in the warmth of your body for a moment before pulling away. You think she’s going to stand up and leave, a pout instantly making its way onto your lips, but to your surprise - she straddles your lap.
“I trust you and I believe you about Yelena being behind this” she leans down, close to your ear before continuing. “I just don’t like the idea of anyone buying you flowers” Pulling away to look you in the eyes, you see hers have darkened. Leaning forward you try to kiss her but she backs up. Her hand pushes on your chest until you're lying flat against the cushions again.
“I think you need to be reminded who you belong to” Grabbing your hand she pins them above your head. She grabs your neck, tilting it to the side before pressing a kiss against your pulse point.
“And no touching until I’m done,” she says, before diving into your neck and marking her territory. You couldn’t help but think that this is what Yelena meant when she said Wanda was going to destroy you. Wanda doesn’t give your mind much time to think about anything else as she draws moans from your throat, only motivating her to go harder.
After practically completely covering your neck, Wanda pulls away with a satisfied look.
“You know that I’m yours, right?” She grabs your hands leading them to her hips. She smiles at how responsive you are, your hands slightly lowering and gripping her tight, as you nod your head eagerly. She leans down again, this time hovering over your lips.
“Then prove it to me”
And so you did until any remaining doubts plaguing Wanda’s mind faded along with her consciousness as she lay against your chest that night. You kiss her head, as you think of how your next conversation with Yelena will go. Even though you ended up enjoying the outcome, if it wasn’t for the receipts, you don’t even think you’d still be in a relationship. Deciding this is something you’d have to deal with tomorrow, you pull Wanda into you
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tani-b-art · 14 days
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((my very distraught Avanine recap))
When people have a connection like this, ain’t a thing you can do to stop it! Even Ava couldn’t stop that.
Ava, sweetie, I am so, so sorry. It’s too la—. Janine and Gregory has happened!
Ava wears purple a lot and that color represents part of the LGBTQ+ community so I’m gonna tentatively say she is a part of the rainbow!
Janine has a cardboard cutout of Allen Iverson, who Ava dated. She didn’t get a cardboard cutout of any other 76er (I mean Allen is the most famous Sixer of all time) but she doesn’t have one of Andre who Ava is/was dating. I feel she got this post Ava revealing this. She pays attention.
Janine brought her cousin to her party for Ava — obviously to be a distraction and to keep her out of her hair for the night. Is it because she knew she’d maybe be distracted by Ava and didn’t want that to happen? Ava saying “we’re like sisters”…so we’ve gone from friends-acquaintances and now “sisters”. We took a L, Avanites.
((now for the real))
Ava noticed Janine and Gregory’s chemistry while she was dancing with the cousin and physically attempted to position her body between that and was extremely vexed about it! And before she did that, she gave such a glaring stare to Janine when she noticed something was happening beside her. Her hyper-awareness & sensors for Janine is unmatched! [Ava gave Gregory a livid look]. And to say, Ava was very much preoccupied with Janine’s cousin and paying zero attention to Janine until this happened.
It was kinda funny seeing how unbothered Janine and Gregory were with Ava shooting eye lasers their way! And then it crushed my feelings because the ball was rolling from that moment onward.
So Ava obviously HAS feelings for Janine and it hasn’t stopped. So they want us to know that (or to remember if some forgot or thinks that Ava has stopped liking Janine just because we all witnessed the snail-paced progression of her and Gregory eventually becoming a thing).
Ava is probably going to be unbearable towards Janine and Gregory come next season now that they’re together unless Ava amps it up higher and flirts harder with Janine out of frustration OR they’ll have her the complete opposite, which would be awesome, and make her sad and despondent and lovesick with the new couple and she’ll be less picky towards them both which will shock Janine because she’s expecting Ava to tease her more than before.
WRITERS, what are y’all doing to us?!?! They wanted us to know Ava has feelings (still has) for Janine because why would y’all have Ava be so visibly bothered with Janine’s moment with Gregory?? (Then they zoomed in on Ava realizing what’s going on). Why have Janine dance right beside Ava too when this happened? But then have Janine bring her boy cousin specifically for Ava AND make Ava declare “we’re like sisters”? Unless this “sisters” statement was purely under the guise of Ava just being instantly excited for an attractive guy and it was sheer surface-level. Conflicting, testing, twisting and unreadable Ava+Janine story arc.
Ava seemed so dejected. Like the rug was pulled from underneath her. And while it’s very charismatic to see her unravel when it comes to Janine because she’s longing for something with her and is that attached and interested, I’m also sad for her because it’s yet something else that’s disappointed her as far as relationships are concerned. It doesn’t seem like she’s had much success with relationships.
I get it…Avanites will simply have to suffer till the end of Abbott time with their unrequited love! I feel queasy lol!
I think I set myself up way too high with my Avanine delusions and now look at me…I’m all undone about them being done (when it is clear they weren’t ever). I blame all the Tumblr Avanites for pushing me here - jk! Y’all are awesome! We’re awesome!
All is fair in the world of delusions.
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moxie-girl · 7 months
I wanted to just put together a post with all of my ideas so far for the straw hat Uta au… (under the cut cause it's long)
the gist of the au is that the main strawhats are all replaced by other characters from their backstories/islands/etc? it's a little confusing to explain but here's what I got so far: (list is in recruitment order, not by role)
Luffy -> Uta (Captain) Uta in this AU ate the gum-gum fruit instead of Luffy (who then ate the sing-sing fruit.) her dream is to be the pirate king, but she doesn't have quite the same deal with Shanks as Luffy does, mostly because I think it'd be funny if the crew was ambushed by Pirate Emperor Shanks and Uta was just like "oh!! that's my dad!!! :D" Uta also grew up on dawn island in this au, because after she ate her devil fruit, Shanks thought it was too dangerous to keep her on the ship (since the WG was kinda after her.) she's a little less than a year older than Ace+Sabo b/c I messed w/ the ages a bit and I wanted her to be the older sister (like half of the crew in the beginning are all older sisters lol but that wasn't even on purpose…) Uta's fighting style is pretty similar to Luffy's, but she has a bit of a head-start on Haki since she spent so much time with Shanks.
Zoro -> Kuina (Swordsman) Zoro's not actually dead in this au, just fyi, because I didn't want to kill off any of the canon strawhats, but his accident did put him in a coma for a while, and he kinda lost most of his ambition and is still struggling with his lost dream… Kuina picked up 3-sword style to "take him with her" and prove to him that it's not an unachievable dream. she's got a bit of a complex still from some of the stuff her father said, and insists on being a "swordsman", not a "swordswoman," which is why when Uta approaches her and says she wants to be the pirate king, that is part of what convinces her to join. Kuina also uses Wado Ichimonji more than Zoro does - I noticed in canon he typically uses his two other swords and only uses Wado when he needs to use three-sword-style, so Kuina is kinda the opposite - she uses one-sword style more as well.
Nami -> Nojiko (Cook) I wanted to not keep all the switched characters' roles exactly the same as their canon counterparts, so I decided to play more with cocoyasi island's tangerine groves and make Nojiko a cook who specializes in tangerine dishes. I imagine she learned to cook to try to make the simple foods she had growing up more appetizing, and continued after Belle-mere died because she had to keep Nami fed. She still worked as a thief for Arlong, same as canon Nami, but instead of his navigator, her role was basically his servant in that she cooked for him and the other Arlong pirates. she fights with Belle-mere's rifle, mostly a mid-range fighter, but she can also use it as a blunt weapon Benn Beckman-style, and does this more after Uta mentions that her dad's first mate fights like that.
Usopp -> Kaya (Doctor) this one's kinda a no-brainer role-wise, and also I really can't believe the canon strawhats didn't get a doctor until like 90 episodes in like?? how are they not dead tbh. Usopp in this au grew to hate Yasopp for leaving instead of admiring him, but Kaya as a kid would also listen to Usopp's mom's stories about Yasopp and was excited by the idea of being a pirate. Kaya also wants to be a doctor because Usopp's mom died from a disease that was potentially treatable, but the doctors on syrup had no idea how to. this Kaya also chafes a lot more under Kuro's strict rules, and he was particularly upset because she kept "squandering" her family fortune on things like medical textbooks and expensive tutors. Kaya fights mostly with scalpels, because I'm an absolute sucker for characters that use scalpels like knives, and at some point on their journey (maybe Drum?) she learns to coat the blades in poisons/paralytics.
Sanji -> Reiju (Navigator) Reiju in this au is the sibling who the enhancements didn't work on, which Judge hates even more because Reiju looks so much like Sora. Sanji is technically Stealth Black, but he actually secretly does have emotions, the physical enhancements just worked on him. He still wants to be a cook, and one of the reasons Reiju wants to map the world is so she can find the All Blue for him. Reiju has a pretty similar backstory to canon Sanji, as in dungeon -> escape to a passenger ship -> shipwrecked with attacking pirate, etc, but the (currently unnamed) pirate she was shipwrecked with wanted to map the way to raftel, and instead of being stuck on a rock, they're stuck in a wrecked lifeboat, where they could theoretically get to an island if they had any navigational gear, but they didn't. Reiju is a bit paranoid about getting lost, the same way Sanji is about wasting food, and she aslo fights with kicks, because how could she draw detailed maps if she damaged her hands? (the only difference is that she wears sharp stiletto heels and tends to stab people with them.)
Chopper -> Vivi (Strategist/Diplomat) (+ Karoo) When this au's strawhats go to drum, they technically already have a doctor, but since Kaya can't treat the bug bite they still need help. Kaya learns a lot from Kureha, but since they don't need a doctor, Chopper stays on drum (for the time being.) Instead, at the end of the alabasta saga, Vivi entrusts her kingdom to her father and Kozha, and decides she'd rather be free and joins the strawhats. her job is kinda vague, but it's basically to try to deal with any situation the strawhats get into diplomatically, though they end up resorting to violence most of the time anyway. she's also the crew's planner, since Uta has a little more respect than Luffy for a well-thought-out plan (but not much!) Karoo also joins the crew, and is their "cute animal mascot" in place of Chopper. I imagine the fact of Vivi having the "will of D" is better-known or leaked somehow in this au, because there has to be someone on the crew who's a "D." Vivi fights using her peacock slashers, obviously, though they get a couple major upgrades at some point.
Robin -> Bon Clay/Bentham (Intel Officer/Entertainer) Robin still betrays Crocodile and helps the strawhats, but she runs off and joins the revolutionaries for a time instead. Instead, Bentham also betrays Crocodile, since he's grown to like Uta and the others, and joins the crew. he has two roles: his devil fruit allows him to gather intel when the crew needs it and confuse enemies, and he enjoys dancing and storytelling and does this in free time on the ship. the crew doesn't have an official musician, since Uta still loves music and grew up with this au's Luffy, who has the sing-sing fruit, so Uta and Bentham both play that role in a way. since both he and Vivi were in baroque works for a while, they often make references to that time like: "hey remember that time we did [super fucked up mission story none of the crew are willing to ask if is actually true]." Bentham's dream is not only to find the okama kingdom, but also to spread the okama ideal around the world so that more people understand it, which stems from his backstory - his parents disowned him because they weren't accepting of his identity :(. he fights with the okama kenpo style, and often trains with Reiju since their fighting styles are very compatible.
Franky -> Paulie (Shipwright) Paulie also wants to build a ship that sails the world, though he's less open about this ambition for fear of ridicule. after enies lobby - where Franky and Iceburg are captured to find the pluton blueprints - Franky decides to stay (for now) to help rebuild the galley-la company and fix up the sea trains with Iceburg. the ship the strawhats get built isn't the Sunny (if/when this au's Luffy sets sail, he'll eventually end up on the Sunny.) since I'm discarding most of the movie canon, their new ship is the Tot Musica: the figurehead bears a resemblance to the demon, and it's a bit more steampunk in design, since Paulie draws more inspiration from the sea trains and his style isn't the same as Franky's more high-tech designs. the Tot Musica's special features draw from stored solar power to work steam engines (like those in the sea trains) and to make an allusion to the sun since the ship isn't named after it. Paulie has a hard time at first on a ship with so many girls since he's so easily embarrassed lol… also he fights using a variety of ropes of different widths/strengths and with different weights/other objects tied onto them.
Brook -> Perona (Archeologist) the crew still help Brook out, but he decides he wants to sail a bit on his own to see how the world has changed. instead, they pick up Perona on thriller bark and she decides to join! I'm playing around a bit with how Perona's devil fruit works, and saying it also allows her to speak with ghosts to some extent. Perona gained an intrest in history because of this, and at one point in her childhood asked a ghost she knew to teach her lots of languages - this ghost was an oharan who died before the island was destroyed, so they taught her how to read poneglyphs without thinking it was a big deal. this ghost taught her enough that she is considered an honorary oharan archeologist, and she meets up with Robin at some point in the story and they get along pretty well. Perona's personality is still pretty close to canon, like her obsession with cute things (she loooves Karoo) but her dream is to find out more about the void century, since not even any ghosts she talks to can tell her about it. she fights using her devil fruit pretty much the same way, but she also has a tendency to see ghosts following people around and comment on it to unsettle them, like "oh your grandma is so disappointed in you :("
additionally, while most other canon characters stay the same, there are two other characters I'm adding, who also serve the purpose of rounding the supernovas up to an unlucky 13…
Lami Lami and Law both live in this au, and they're unhealthily codependent and attached at the hip. Lami is the Heart Pirates' first mate, though she's basically the co-captain. she and Law were both rescued by Corazon, since while both he and Doflamingo saw Doffy in Law, Cora saw himself in Lami. she's more of a medicinal/chemical based doctor as opposed to Law, a surgeon, and she fights using chemical concoctions and bombs - think a little like Honey Lemon from BH6? Lami originally doesn't have a devil fruit, but during dressrosa, since I haven't worked out how but I know Ace lives, the coliseum prize is Cora's devil fruit, which she obtains and eats.
Vicky "Punk Vicky" Victoria (the girl from Kidd's backstory who died & he named his ship after) is the captain of the Kidd Pirates, who are called the Punk Pirates in this au. Killer is still her first mate, and Kidd is the shipwright/mechanic/main fighter(?). Kidd still has the biggest bounty, due to property damage - something she's very frustrated about. I don't have much to work with for her, considering there's only one canon doodle of her, but to fit in with the punk-rock designs of the rest of the crew, I imagine she wears heavy/dark makeup, dyes her hair different bright colors (the mental image I have is her having a different hair color every time the strawhats meet her) and wears clothes with lots of spikes and patches. Vicky's main weapon would be a spiked baseball bat, and she's also skilled in hand-to-hand combat.
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anon-maly · 3 months
Danganronpa Characters using Social Media
Ok so I've gotten obsessed over the idea of how Hope's Peak Academy students would use social media
I just want them to be normal happy high school teens acting like normal happy high school teens… is that too much to ask for…? 😔
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A lot of the Ultimates would have verified tags on social media
I feel like the students with the most followers on social media would be Junko Enoshima, Sayaka Maizono, Sonia Nevermind, and uhh can't think of anyone else rn lol
There would also be a lot of Ultimates who refuse to make their account public and keep their social media engagement to be just within their friends and mutuals
Some I can think of on the top of my head are Kyoko Kirigiri, uhhh you probably get the point, there's a lot to list
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Hajime Hinata would be the type of person to have a private Instagram account with around 200 something followers, even though he is one of the most popular/well-known people at Hope's Peak Academy
He would barely ever post anything (but I also HC him to post clips of him doing stuff like playing basketball on his story)
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Nagito Komaeda would be following thousands of people, but only have a few hundred followers.
Still, he would have more followers than Hajime, and Nagito’s account would be set public He would post aesthetic photos with inspirational/hopeful quotes in the caption
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Junko Enoshima would be the opposite: she would have hundreds of thousands followers but follow only like 10 people
But the people she follows are unexpected. For example, she would not follow Mukuro Ikusaba, her twin sister, but follow Makoto Naegi
She would also follow Yasuke Matsuda and Ryoko Otonashi, because I think it would be funny if some famous celebrity followed private accounts with only like 30 followers
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Junko Enoshima has an account for Monokuma on all social media platforms she’s on.
Notable things she posts there are “Monokuma Theatre” clips, and also uses those accounts to shit on stuff (like Hope’s Peak Academy) while role playing in her Monokuma character
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Also think it’s worth mentioning that while Nagito Komaeda posts interviews with Hope’s Peak Academy students to talk about how hopeful their talents are, Junko Enoshima uses her Monokuma account to slander HPA students and their talents
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Izuru Kamukura would get an Instagram account but never use it. He only uses it when someone convinces him to add him.
Would have no profile pic or bio
Has like 12 followers. Follows back 8
A private account with thousands of requests because Junko Enoshima keeps tagging him
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Idk why but something makes me feel like a lot of the V3 students would be TikTokers
Especially Tsumugi Shirogane because that's self-explanatory
Other V3 characters I can think of from the top of my mind that I can see being TikTokers with no proper explanation are
Angie Yonaga being those "mindfulness" social media influencers (for the lack of a better term)
Himiko Yumeno posting magic TikToks
Rantaro Amami. I can see him making stereotypical TikToks (like ones that do makeup stuff, trends, act hot, IDK THESE HCS ARE GETTING WEIRD??)
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holocene-sims · 6 days
oc deep dive
thank you @stargazer-sims for tagging me!! naturally, because i am predictable, i'll answer these questions for grant 🙈
not sure who has done this tag because it went around mostly when i was on hiatus, but i'll tag: @windermeresimblr @nectar-cellar @papermint-airplane @queeniecook @sparkiekong + anyone who wants to do it 💌
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what uncommon/common fear do they have?
common: he's a major germaphobeeeeeee
hello, mr. showers-multiple-times-a-day! 🧼
btw i always headcanon grant as wearing masks frequently in public and always in very crowded places like airplanes. you just don't see that in-game because all the mask cc i have installed conflicts with his glasses and/or eyelashes 😔
uncommon: idk if he's afraid of anything uncommon. the main ones for him are germs + being yelled at or physically pushed around, which are common. i guess you could say noses kind of freak him out; the whole cartilage/bone/close-to-the-brain combo is a very unpleasant thought for him lolz
do they have any pet peeves?
you know how most people hate it when a two-person party at a cafe/restaurant sit on the same side of the bench? grant actually hates it when the other person sits opposite of him; he finds it a little bit awkward and lonely. he'd much rather have the friend or partner sit next to him, provided they're cool with it and a side-by-side seating arrangement is possible! ❤️
what are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
his cat, probably
hand sanitizer (citrus scent)
pikachu plush acquired during the korea arc with henry
what do they notice first in a person?
physically: hair 💇 simply because hair is the first thing his eyes can see when looking at someone...unless they're the same height as him, at which point he can finally look someone in the eyes lmao
personality-wise: if they're nice to servers or other customer service workers and tip well
on a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance?
at this point, it's a 10. his body is a little (a lot) banged up from old injuries and being chronically ill. when he was super young, his pain tolerance was not that great, like stubbing a toe was a serious hour-ruining problem, but he's had to get used to feeling much worse, so his "i feel great, let's go run a marathon!!" days now are probably an average person's 6 on the pain scale but a 2 or so for him. it's not that things hurt *less*, it's more that the conditions that would get him to notice his pain, pay more attention to it, or rate the pain level at a 6 or well above that are far more extreme.
do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure?
it depends what kind of pressure. if it's some kind of social pressure, aka being in an argument with someone or having upset someone, it triggers major fight or flight response, and usually, he's a flight kind of person. it's changed, though, over the course of the story. i think he's more willing to fight or at least just feel the fight/flight response while responding with a cool head.
if it's a non-social pressure like a situation at work, even if people are involved in the situation he needs to deal with, grant responds very differently. he doesn't get the fight or flight response here, he's always pretty level-headed and logical about non-social situations.
do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
his family is too big, but he adores them all (sans his parents and one of his sisters). grant is 1000000% a family person!
what animal represents them best?
personally, i think he could be a panda. large, cuddly, and endearing
what is a smell that they dislike?
ultimate irony: he hates the smell of cigarettes ☠️
and he finds it funny. he's unfortunately been addicted to smoking forever, but he's so irritated by the smell and also scared of bothering anyone with it that he takes extreme measures to avoid not absorbing cigarette scent lmao
have they broken any bones?
oh dear. yes, he has. lol. the whole "i accidentally knocked out/broke some of my teeth playing hockey thing" was real 😭😭
the teeth were probably the most obvious/annoying bones to break, but he did also break the pinky finger on his left hand, aka his dominant hand, at church when he was like six. he was fucking around in the church basement with his cousins and friends after some church event, and when they were leaving to go back upstairs, he shut the giant wooden door too quickly, which jammed his finger hard enough to break it 💀
how would a stranger likely describe them?
physically: giant, should have played basketball
personality-wise: charming
are they a night owl or a morning bird?
i think he's somewhere in between! he's happy to stay up late and get up early. although, even if he does stay up late, he still will always get up early. he's used to that from work and also from chronic pain bothering him in his sleep.
what is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love?
love: coconut, chocolate, citrus, coffee
hate: strawberry, vanilla, tea
do they have any hobbies?
cooking, baking, playing video games, dungeons & dragons/TTRPGs, painting, stargazing/reading about astronomy, watching airplanes irl or in videos, watching youtube, watching cat videos on instagram reels, hiking when he feels up to it, working out, traveling, reading (he's trying to fully get back into it), etc.
boom, surprise birthday party! how do they react to surprises?
honestly, grant is one of those people who does muchhhh better with surprise birthday parties than planned parties. if you give him zero time to think about receiving love, gifts, and affection, he can't do the whole "woe is me, i don't deserve it, you're too nice" shtick
do they like to wear jewelry?
at this point, he doesn't really own any. he used to have piercings (the only ones remaining are the 🍒💍, and he did have a claddagh ring, which was a gift from his great uncle, but the piercings were lost to career dress codes, and the ring disappeared with all his other stuff that his mother threw out years ago.
so, he's not anti-jewelry, like he'd totally wear rings at least, and he regrets that his one very nice ring was lost :( i think he'd also wear a necklace if someone gave him one, but grant himself would not naturally consider himself a necklace guy, so he wouldn't go out of his way to purchase one of his own volition.
(author's note: he deserves a nice necklace)
he does wear a leather watch all the time, though, but i'm not sure if that should be categorized as jewelry or just an accessory!
do they have neat or messy handwriting?
he has very neat handwriting!
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what are two emotions they feel the most?
probablyyyyyy contentment (i know that may seem ironic given the story, but i think he's generally chill *now*, and my image of him is always a little bit colored by the yet unpublished end of everything the stars promised, which will get posted some day when the plot gets to that point) and shame
do they have a favorite fabric?
he may not own anything in this fabric but minky dot!! grant has visited fabric & craft stores many times with grandma aoifeeeeee, and when he and his cousins were younger, they loved to run around the stores feeling up all the fabric. he's always fond of minky dot because (1) it's soft, and (2) the dots are fun to poke at.
what kind of accent do they have?
i feel like i've answered this so many times, but grant, in my mind, has a unique accent!! he grew up in small town upper peninsula michigan, so he's had plenty of time to absorb the yooper/midwestern accent, but he was also raised by a family full of immigrants and spent most of his childhood hanging out around his grandparents specifically and traveling overseas to visit family, so at the same time, his accent turned irish-y early on. he's not the only one that combo accent happened to, but he probably has the strongest case out it outside of his aunt and uncle.
basically, with 100% certainty, i deem that grant has never and will never be able to pronounce the th sound with the h in it or vowels without them being nasally.
it's hard to put what i think he sounds like on paper, but it's some mix of these people: (1) (2) (3)
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Which caitvi fic is the BEST one you’ve read so far? (post-canon)
First of all I owe you apologies for taking so long to respond to this, but in my defense - you put me in a bit of a rough spot there, my friend. I was like - bloody hell, you had to go all out and literally kill me here, because - THE best, like, just one? Seriously?!
But after a while, and quite a few new ones read and perused, it kinda crystalised. Mostly, since in the meantime, not sure why (supply/demand?) most of them out there seem to be AUs recently, or just (like, during this kinktober month) one-shots not really focusing on the canon... yeah. The absolutely BEST one I’ve read so far - is definitely the one I already recommended (and raved about) when asked, before. It’s...
Grenadier by antistar_e (kaikamahine)
So if it sounds familiar - that might be why? Because again, this is the most complex non-relationshippy relationship story that ever was. Completely canon-compliant and set post-finale, it is basically a character study as well as character dynamics piece, written from Vi’s perspective. It’s definitely not one of those plot-driven CaitVi focused stories, but it does explore (quite profoundly, yes) all three pivotal relationships centered around Vi - both intricate complexities of her relationship with her sister, the budding one with Caitlyn - as well as their (Jinx and Caitlyn’s) post-bombing one, where their antagonism reaches an entirely another level.
The class dynamics are really strong and I really appreciated how the author hammered home the point about that Vi didn't just disappear for seven years, and is rather the opposite - it's so heart-breaking and clearly colors every decision she makes, how she takes action like there's no time to waste. So it’s a gentle, at times funny and yet gritty and profound exploration of regret, mourning and unhealthy coping mechanisms - on everyone’s behalf, with developments between all three of them, and Cait being portrayed largely as seen through Vi’s perspective (and her guilt, of course) while right at the centre is this uniquely beautiful portrayal of the sisterly relationship. The simple way Vi explains her love for Jinx is heart-wrenching and heartwarming at the same time, because she loves her “despite everything, the guilt, lack of remorse – it’s the love that doesn’t preclude justice or exempt her from consequences, but just grows, adapts, restitches its seams.” (that one tore me apart, yes). So yes, it has elements of romantic developments (in different directions, some even surprising?) but the central part is the sisters, and the intricacy of the situation of Jinx [spoiler space] without really showing any regret or remorse (which, totally in character for her - since despite shown from Vi’s angle - her portrayal is bloody brilliant, she’s shown with all her damage and quirkiness) so I’ll say it again - perhaps it’s just my personal interest and focus (the two of them) because there is no good CaitVi story - without Vi’s anguish over her sister and their relationship. And this is definitely the best fic I’ve ever read exploring these dynamics, post finale - both characterisation as well as style wise. Now, like I already disclaimered previously, I sincerely hope that the Cait/Jinx thing won’t deter you. Because [mild spoiler ahead] it’s mostly a tool, showing how Cait works through the very difficult state Jinx’s actions left her family in, and then begrudgingly arrives to the point of acceptance (albeit in that all-around unusual way - since Jinx has absolutely no boundaries and her coping mechanisms are just as unpredictable like everything else about her) which… basically only brings Caitlyn closer to Vi. And since it’s all been portrayed from Vi’s angle… yes, it only intensifies what’s between them - but it’s shown with infinite gentleness (rather than the usual… heat?). So, not really a love triangle piece, but rather Vi-centric situational character study, where that (imho, crucial) scene between the only two people she has achingly deep feelings for - it’s totally Caitlyn. Because that’s who she is, she’ll always put herself second and be that beautiful compassionate, accepting and forgiving person, and…
Well. You get my point. Lol. I’ll end my soliloquy here just by adding that this particular scene keeps haunting me - so much that I’m actually genuinely thinking about commissioning an art piece - to grace one of my central walls. And that’s how I decided that this was the fic you asked me about. In the end simply because, as a friend (another super-talented CaitVi author - which, if you’re reading this - you know who you are, you agent of unhinged ;) said the other day “I am somewhat in awe of the creativity and imagination but also simplicity in how these emotions are portrayed” when we talked about it, and that’s just it. That’s the appeal of this entire piece.
Now, the author, @kaikamahine​ - definitely isn’t a predominantly Arcane writer (rather, they’re a super-gifted multi-fandom hopper, lol) and this is their only CaitVi piece (of sorts) and... while they have another incredible piece centered around Jinx (as portrayed from the perspective of a nine year old girl) it leaves me personally starved for more. I’d offer my firstborn to see them write another Cait/Vi, Vi&Jinx or even Cait/Jinx piece. But, well. Perhaps, maybe? Fingers crossed? ;)
Anyway. I hope you’ll find this (waffly) answer satisfying. Thank you for asking. Cheers. 💖🌈
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fairycosmos · 2 years
Opinion: It's so much harder to grow up as an overweight child than as a weird skinny child (both are pretty bad though to be fair). My sister and I grew up in a very broken home; bastard of a dad, crazy but fun mom lol. Lotsa personal things happened that led way to my sister and I to having different eating disorders. Her with bed and I with ana. And I will never ever forget the way adults and children alike acted towards her. It was animalistic and venomous and I've never seen such depravedness until I saw how people interacted with my sister. But you know what, I was fucking babied for being underweight! The worst of it was being frequently being pulled aside by teachers as they questioned about what I ate at home and getting called a bag of bones. I was mainly picked on for being quiet and being poor but boys and girls would defend me for being underweight. So I never felt that it was my thinness making me unlovable and ugly. No one would protect my sister but me and a few other girls. She would come home everyday from being bullied at school to being bullied by neighborhood "friends". Not even 10 years old and she couldn't take a break from anything. Yet she remained a tight suitcase, never let anyone see her cry about it, she turned to food for comfort. Food for us was how we were showed love. Our mom would take us out of the house away from our dad to get MickeyD's or when our dad didn't want to verbally apologize he would get us ice cream. I would refuse to eat but seeing my sister finally be able to breathe and enjoy herself could bring tears to my eyes. My sister and I are both grown now, and she has lost weight and you know what, she's one of the prettiest women I've ever seen. It's funny how that works as her bullies aren't so attractive as adults lmao.
uaghhh, as someone who grew up as a fat kid i'm surprised at your like, level of understanding and self-reflection and genuine honesty regarding your experience vs your sisters. i don't like kind of measuring ppl's pain as x is worse than y but fatphobia really is built into society in a truly structural way and it hurts so fucking much growing up with it like a shadow over you and everything you do lmfao, i swear. my heart just absolutely aches for both you and your sister because you obviously each went through some absolute bullshit, like it's awful on either side. though it just fucks me up so much and takes me back to childhood to hear that ppl would really have it out for your sister and that hardly anyone would defend her whereas you were at least supported in that regard. it was the same for me, like ppl absolutely took pleasure in dehumanising me and scorning me for being overweight - it was literally like i wasn't even a person and i know that sounds dramatic but in the most literal sense of the phrase, it really felt like that at times. just white hot shame following you everywhere, and your peers despising you for it. i think it's interesting how using food as a crutch when raising a kid can have such polar opposite yet equally unhealthy and awful effects on a childs mentality and their perception of body image, but it is so so common for us as people to find comfort and companionship and even a vice in food/hunger. that is definitely used against us in general, esp in the furthering of diet culture, it's a fucking hellscape. i'm wishing nothing but health and stability and self love for both you and your sister in the future - those people who messed with her are fucking demons, idc LOL. i'm so proud of you for working your way through that. sending so much love to you both! x
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Watched Scooby Doo: Mystery Incorporated for the first time today…
I know it’s really old by now, but with the horrible rise of that new one for “adults” I wanted to watch it since I’d heard good things. So…here are my thoughts as I watched:
-I love each character’s introduction:
* Velma the cynical tour guide who is also so bossy and pushy, especially with her relationship with Shaggy (I’ll get to that)
* Fred the trap-obsessed himbo…and his dad is the mayor here? Interesting.
* Daphne having sisters?! And all are super successful? That’s really cool! They’re pretty but they all have successful careers…nice touch. And it isn’t thrown in your face too long. A brief joke and background detail that might come back. (No spoilers though)
I love her voice too. It’s nice to hear Grey DeLisle’s voice and I think it fits Daphne here very well.
* Shaggy and Scooby once again eating everything as always, but the parents look very similar to Shaggy which is nice. It helps pull away from the fan joke Shaggy’s a stoner
-Patrick Warburton as the chief of police…perfect. I love his voice and though that mustache doesn’t fit it, that’s okay. XD
-Nice Easter eggs nodding back to the old shows too! Not only the most famous monsters from the original cartoon, but there was also the clown-jester looking one from the first live-action Scooby Doo movie. The one they unmasked at the very beginning before the tone shift of everyone separating.
-I knew when I saw the shade of green of the fruitmeir stuff it was connected to the goo…gross.
-Scooby is part cat??? (He extended a talon to open a lock somehow???)
-The joke about why a high school teacher would need more money. XD Too real…but very funny
-Shaggy and Velma are painful to watch…oof… And I know the twist there, so I know why. But it’s so obvious Shaggy isn’t that into Velma and that she’s trying too hard to be a couple. I don’t know why yet, but no spoilers.
Overall it’s a fun show so far. I got a few chuckles and though for this first episode of the reveal of the teacher as the culprit was…weird…since the group never suspected him to begin with so maybe the scene where he stages being a victim himself was for us and not the one-brain cell group (Velma usually has the brain cell), but it was fun. I liked it. lol
Bonus thought under cut…
I have a theory about why the show, Velma was made now too…
Mindy Kailyn hated this reboot of the show so much she thought “I can do better, and make it adult” and so we got the adult trash that is her show. It’s just the complete opposite of everything that Mystery Inc is:
-Fred is the most hated on (by characters) person and an unlikeable idiot of a kid whose father is embarrassed by him. Said father is also rich and important. Mystery Inc has Fred as a lovable himbo oblivious to Daphne’s feelings but with a father that is worried about him but not cruel.
-Daphne is a stuck up bitch that only becomes less of one when the forced writing of her being with Velma starts. Her parents are the ones they try to make likable, but no one in the show is. Where in Mystery Inc the parents want Daphne to drop her friend group and stop obsessing over Fred and make something of herself.
-Norville has an unrequited crush on Velma, and she is relentlessly cruel about it. This is the opposite of Mystery Inc where Shaggy is the one hesitant on how he feels and Velma is pushing to become public about their relationship.
-Velma isn’t just brutally honest, she’s judgmental and hateful toward everyone. Especially Norville, who doesn’t get the hint and keeps trying to get her to like him. Until he sees her kissing Daphne. Then he meets a black girl that people suspect replaced Scooby. Maybe a middle finger to Warner Bros for not letting the show use him.
Because yeah, they said no to Velma using Scooby in their show. It wasn’t because it wasn’t adult enough if they include him.
That’s just my theory, since it seems Velma went out of its way to be the opposite of Mystery Incorporated.
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laterlavender · 8 months
Alright, how about 1 and 2?
Also who do you consider to be your tav's canon love interest?
Weeeee thank you for indulging me *^*
*cracks knuckles*
I italicized keywords in my responses if ppl are just skimming & want the TLDR
Tell us about your Tav! Name, class and subclass, race, pronouns. Do you have a headcanon for where they're from? Their family? Are they a Dark Urge? Or did you choose an Origin Character? Was it an easy decision? (1)
Answers below the cut!
[Original Post here]
•Name: My Tav goes by Jubilee, a virtue name meaning celebration & revelry. Her given name is Dianthus (a classification for pink flowers), but she doesn't tell people this because it reminds her of her family & makes her sad. Also she thinks it sounds kind of uncool LOL
•Info: She's a college of lore bard, Mephistopheles tiefling, Criminal background, she's from Waterdeep and is about 23-25 years old, she/her!
•Ho boy family. She's not born of tieflings - she's the kind that pops out of nowhere in the lineage, so she was seen as a bad omen. >>Her father works for the city as a creator of legal documents, such as proof of citizenship & the like. When things went south he became an alcoholic >>Her mother was a well-known harpist & singer, where Jubilee got her love for music. She died in an accident (which Jubilee may or may not have caused) which caused their family to fall apart. >> She has an older sister named Odette who she has bad blood with & has not seen for years (jubilee may or may not have caused this as well)
•Character creation: I made Jubilee before the game & tweaked things as I went along so I didn't spend too long in the character creator because I knew exactly what I wanted
Was there something about the character creator that just couldn't capture your Character? Please tell us about their hair, facial hair, tattoos, piercings, disabilities, their trans or intersex body, or anything else you're comfortable sharing. (2)
Her body type, for one. She's pretty curvy/thick, especially in the legs. The shades for her hair & skin are hard to get right so she looks kind of crazy in some scenes ngl. And the piercings!! I'll have to make a detailed drawing of how I imagine them. I really like double nasallang piercings with chains. I didn't expect them to have any of these things tho LOL. I had planned for her to have braids, but not sailor moon hair - it grew on me & now it's her canon hair hehe
Who do I consider to be her canon romance?
Wyll! I had created her with the intention of romancing Astarion, but as I played I realized Wyll was the perfect match for her?? She & Astarion would trigger the shit out of each other & be awful as a couple lol. They had their little night in the woods (for bad reasons on both of their parts) but didn't sleep together again - not even at the party because he pissed her off with the 'I love you' comment
I think she & Astarion are similar in that they need someone more steady & down to earth to ground them; they'd make each other worse in the not-funny way
Wyll is a good fit for her because he's attentive & observant, & most importantly very openly affectionate. He isn't afraid to say how he feels & how much he adores you which she really needs in a partner. His openness makes it easier for her to be open as well. He sees the good in her when she can't; she helps him center himself more and to not always put everyone else before him. She also puts HIM first which he has a hard time accepting because he isn't used to it.
Surprisingly they have somewhat similar backstories in some ways - they just went polar opposite directions in how they dealt with their issues
And they both have a love for corny books and romantic fairytales & what more do you need than that??
TLDR Jubilee is a mess
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daychiie · 5 months
hi hi! 1, 4 and 12 for the manga asks :D
LITOOOO HIII HAPPY NEW YEAR 🥳🥳🥳🥳 CONGRATS IN THE IZUTSUMI IN THE DUNMESHI OPENING HIII!!!! Thanks for the ask,took a while cause laptop busted forfed to type on my phone tragic so tragic <\3 but we stay silly!!! 🥳🥹👍
1. Your top 5 reads of 2023
I already answered this one here, but you know what ? Let me make a....top 6 to 10?! JGDJKSJFJ also honestly kinda funny cause most of those are things I got into because of you lol the influence the power 💪💪💪
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Gowon for symmetry
You and I are Polar Opposites - the popular gyaru likes the glasses loner, they're opposites...omg so how they gonna be together? Is she ever going to confess? Yes it happens in chapter one JFJSJFJDJAJDJ. I really wasn't expecting that when I started but it was a nice surprise. As much as I can enjoy seeing the before of a relationship it's is nice sometimes just going after things officialized. The whole cast is a delightful, it's a extremely sweet and fun read, love to see all those characters friendship evolve too. I just wish some characters had a lil more focus,like I can only remember like ...one chapter with the short black haired girl lol.
Hirayasumi - OUGH MY EVERYTHING. What if we were just having a good time. Trully a comfort manga,very dear to me I'm so happy the hiatus gonna end soon!!!!
Romance 101 - just like polar opposites that's another romance that focus on the friendships of the cast, what it always really really nice <3 Bareum is such a adorkable sweetheart! It's really fun and nicely written!!!
She Loves to Eat and She Loves to Cook - ELAAAAS AAAAAA AS QUERIDAAAAS!!!!! It's so nice. At times it feels a bit awkward with on-the-nose metaphors and almost educational with it's message, but those two are such darlings. And I love the new characters as well. Loved the drama as well,excited for season two this month :]
Your Wings and Mine - I wondered if this one counts or not, cause it's not a manga but I already put other webtoons lol. Anyway it's a hysterical comedy absurd non-sense (sometimes maybe a little too much,but just sometimes) and well. It is funny. And I feel invested in the story, I really enjoy Shealtiel arc so far, it really pulls off very well the serious tone when needed!!
4. An underrated gem
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Ice Castle Wall - same mangaka of Polar Opposites, IT IS REALLY REALLY GOOD SO FAR!!!!! The vibe is a little less cheerful, but still funny and nice. I feel is just more underrated because unlike their sister it's not licensed, it got a scan working on it but only recently so there's less than 10 chapters avaliable in english for now. I check daily waiting for more. BUT YEAH, because of that is a little less accessable </3 I hope that more people get into it in the future:]
I'm already in love with the protagonist Koyuki,the whole cast so far is very nice!!! It's kinda funny Amamiya going all "I gonna unlock the barriers this person is putting up, we gonna becomes friends cause it brings me satisfaction". Like he's playing mind games to get a good score in social interaction. Meanwhile Koyuko is with her autistic swag playing mind games trying to get out of those situations in the less awkward way she can. It's amazing!!!
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12. A manga that made you look forward to every update
I guess every single one of my favorites that still releasing fits here, so hmmn... Aside from that I think Merry Marbling !!
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It's a ongoing BL very neat. It's nothing extraordinary, but it's fun. It's by the same author of Robber X Lover and overall I share similar feelings about both manhwas: I really appreciate how it doesn't feel like is following a formula, the characters realize their feelings and deal with situations with not super cliche way. I feel like how genuinely is trying to give more identity for their own characters. It's also funnily stupid and absurd at times and it's mostly aware of it. The art is very adorable too!!
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15 and 20 for Lin?
15) What’s the most obvious difference between their behavior at home, at work, at school, with friends, and when they’re alone? I think the most obvious thing would be how guarded she is in all these different environments. At work/school (let's say metal bending academy?) she'd have her walls all the way up: not a hint of her true self in sight. Of course, she'd let loose a little bit if she's in a good mood like the famous, "You should've seen Air Temple Island after Tenzin broke up with me." followed by a smirk, however, she wouldn't entertain any questions or comments about the same. And that's how I see most people in her professional life catching glimpses of her private life: witty one-lined anecdotes. Lin isn't someone who'd have a whole group of friends and such, she's too much of a lone wolf in that regard. However, I think there are two paradigms she'd assign "friends": 1) Her work friends/officers which I just described, and 2) Tenzin, Korra etc- and I'd imagine she'd decide how open she wants to be with these people based on her individual relationships. She'd certainly be more open around someone like Mako, Katara, or Opal than say, Pema or Bolin? And this is what lands her sitting quietly and observing during a full group setting- only participating when imperative. Of course, there's the family equation here too where I like to think she gets along far better (and therefore is more candid) around her niece and nephews compared to her mother and sister. I'd even go as far as saying that Lin probably has a better working relationship with Bataar while sitting in silence than with Suyin talking her ear off. And finally, when Lin is alone- which is most times (if you discount all my little AUs and peep into canon), she's certainly herself but I still think she remains guarded and doesn't let herself feel things as freely as she'd like- because who's going to clean up the mess? She, herself? She'd rather brush it all under a rug and maybe have an outburst at a later time. But, ignoring the guidelines that canon is to me: I think she'd be most herself with a partner- be it whoever. Lin is very likely to only emotionally engage herself in meaningful, sensible relationships. When it comes to frivolous, shallow ones like just sex, or FWB, etc- she doesn't get emotionally involved. With that out the way- I see Lin being completely off guard with the former kind of partner who likely lives with her and helps her be herself alone in their presence. You know what I mean? I think I've forgotten how to articulate lol.
20) Who do they like as a person but hate their work? Vice versa, whose work do they like but don’t like the person? Haha, this answer is so funny to me. I think she likes Toph as a person because, well, that's her mother and she's wired to like her, but I do think she hates the way in which Toph operates. Toph is callous, reckless, and largely uncaring, while Lin is the polar opposite and her fastidious nature probably makes her view Toph as a living hypocrisy. It must drive her nuts lmao. I think she likes Tenzin's work: he's dedicated to his duties and his cause but, spirits she hates that man for what he did to her. Also Varrick: decent movers, terrible person lol.
Ask me questions about my OC and Lin, I guess haha.
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charonean · 9 months
For the TTRPG character questions! You don’t have to answer all of them lol
2 // Noble
7 // Casimir 
21 // Liam 
34 // Liam
36 // Hybris 
40 // Dmitri 
61 // Casimir 
Thank you, my friend! I most certainly shall answer all of them lol
2. what was your original concept for this character? how did playing them change that concept?
My original concept for Noble was a lot more edgy and brooding. He fit a lot more into the typical "rogue" stereotype. When I played him though, he became a bit more lighthearted and flirty. Honestly, he fits a lot with the typical "bard" stereotype. He's just a funny guy.
7. there’s a magic item (or technological innovation, or special resource) made just for them—what is it?
It would be a telescope that showed the sky as it was on whatever day he'd want to go back to the most. It would a) be a cool thing for him and b) help him get his priorities straight. I don't he's aware that good things exist in his life, and getting to have a concrete date for a day that he cherishes (and that probably is after Dmitri died) would do him wonders.
21. do they have an idea about how they’ll die? do you?
Liam assumed he'd die before 16, so honestly he's kinda just expecting to die at any moment, which is partially why he's Like That. Right now though, I think he assumes he's gonna get killed. I think if he survives CoS, then his sisters (Talia and Lilian) will kill him.
34. what languages do they speak? how did they learn them?
Common, Elvish, Infernal, Celestial, Halfling, Dwarvish, and conversational in Draconic. He learned them all through books. He spent a lot of time stuck in bed as a kid, and that's how he'd pass the time. He's currently learning Draconic though because he's upset that Lionel knows it and he doesn't.
36. how do they fidget?
By playing music mainly. Or running his fingers over the bracelet Dionysus gave him lately. That's more a nervous tick than a fidget though. He's never still. Even when he's standing, he's kinda dancing around.
40. if you had to remake this character right now, how would you change them?
He's already been remade a lot from his initial concept (he and Cas sort of flipped in terms of who was the extrovert/introvert. Can you believe Cas once was the personable one? His 20 in Charisma means nothing to me). I think I would make him more well-rounded a person, as in he'd have less intense interests in things so as to be a better balance to Cas, who is nothing if not obsessive. They're supposed to be kinda parallels and opposites, but Dmitri also has an all consuming interest in something, which lead to his death, so...
61. is there an in-game moment of theirs you think about and just laugh?
I have two. One from when I played him as a player character, and another from our campaign where he's an NPC:
When I played him, he and his party were meeting with this wizard dude, and someone had asked Cas a question that answering would've involved mentioning Dmitri (at this point in his life, Cas straight up refuses to even say Dmitri's name), and he wanted to avoid this topic so badly, he got up and left. He grabbed the first book he could see and started reading it. It was on a creature called like a ragamuffin or something. He gained proficiency in identifying them.
In the Noven campaign, it's when Cyrus betrayed the party and ran into Cas, and his first reaction was to offer tea and not talk about what happened. My man has never addressed a problem in his life; that is fully why all these problems exist.
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harleyacoincidence · 9 months
Hello! And happy, Silly Sunday! (Which is something I just came up with because I'm bored,lol)
Today, your OCs/favorite characters will be doing something chaotic/silly!
Today, your OCs/favorite characters have decided to go and have a fun day at the fair.
Except there's a twist!
Not only have they decided to go to the fair, but they've also decided to go dressed up as their favorite characters from their favorite books/movies!
The rest is up to you!
Good luck!
And have fun!
Nice to see another ask from you! I like this idea, perhaps it should become a tradition among other writeblrs. It's good practice to write something fluffy with one's characters. For this one, I'll be using some of my OCs from an older WIP.
In terms of our cast list (featuring an author who got negative hours of sleep the previous night), we have:
Henriette Cellante
Idiot summoner of demons
Is in high school, therefore can do basic math
Has friends, surprisingly
Has assisted with a variety of murders without knowing
Enjoys the occasional chaos
Loves spending time with friends
Cisgender girl (she/her)
Ava Hollister
Henriette’s bestie (one of many)
Also is in high school
Quite popular at the school she goes to
Genuinely nice
Has not assisted with any murders (yet)
Oblivious to the existence of demons
Cisgender girl (she/her)
Olivia Hervey
Enjoys dyeing her hair
A high school student (everyone here goes to the same school)
Hangs out with Thomas and the gang frequently
Sells handmade soap (has given extras away for free to their friends)
Amazing fashion sense
Gives excellent advice
Demigirl (she/they)
Thomas Stolz
Theatre kid
Is in high school (who’s surprised at this point)
The most intentionally chaotic of the group
Prone to losing/damaging his glasses to be funny
Good with crowds
Somehow comes prepared with just the right thing for every situation despite not having the power of prophecy
Cisgender boy (he/him)
Alright, before we get into the chaos, we must decide which characters everyone dresses up as. Henriette would most likely go as the assistant of an artificer from her favourite book (I will explain this in another post). To match this, Thomas would dress as the artificer. Ava and Olivia would pick up on the theme and dress as the artificer’s sister and partner, respectively. Nobody at the fair would know who they were except for them, but this would just make the whole deal better (they love having inside jokes).
I could see everyone bringing their own money while being under the impression that nobody else had brought any. Upon finding out that the opposite was true, they’d pool their money together excitedly and proceed to go crazy with games and food.
They’d immediately go to one of those hunting games. Thomas would be the best at that, but would somehow manage to get his glasses knocked off by the gun. Olivia would have to catch them before they hit anything and shattered, since his parents are tired of replacing them.
Next would be some sort of whack-a-mole, which Henriette would absolutely crush everyone else in. She’d definitely pick up a plushie and take it with her upon winning.
Ava would have a blast with skee ball, hands down. It’s one of her favourite games.
Olivia would spend most of her tickets at a darts booth. While they wouldn’t be the champion at the fair, she would not give up until some sort of prize was hers. The poor person running the booth would be watching them for a long, long time.
After going through an assortment of other booths featuring things like ring toss, shell games, as well as guessing booths (I hate them so much), they’d just have to try some of the food offered there.
Henriette would love the lemonade and caramel apples.
Ava would enjoy the snow cones and friend cheese curds.
Olivia would definitely order cotton candy and churros.
Thomas would be the only one crazy enough to try deep fried butter and fried cookie dough. He might throw up after, depending on how much of the treats he’d eaten.
The group wouldn’t go around annoying other patrons or workers, but they would be sure to take plenty of selfies (especially around people who looked confused as to why they were dressed in costume). They might also go around in character, and if anyone gave them a weird look, they’d immediately up their acting game. Nobody who thought they were weird for a second would be safe.
Sorry that this is shorter than usual, I might update this later when I have more time. I loved this, as per usual!
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sizhui · 2 years
WAIT UHM OOMF CAN I LIKE. rant abt people who dont understand arashis character for a moment
From my observations, there are three kinds of Naru misunderstanders in the Enstars fandom who all tend to oversimplify her character: Those who see her as just the Nice Girl, those who see her as just the Mean Girl, but the most common are those who see her as just.... The Girl.
Those who see her as the Nice Girl think she's all sunshine and rainbows, and are appalled whenever she's imperfect, screaming "out of character!" They are usually Narumika fans, and throw up at the first sight of a "toxic" relationship in enstars. Those who see her as the Mean Girl love to make jokes about her being a bully and oddly homophobic to Izumi, which can be funny sometimes but that's all some people seem to see. They forcibly make her into a Bad Bitch Slay Queen and over-exaggerate certain character traits. They're annoying. But the saddest of those are the people who see her as just the token trans character. They don't even bother to learn her personality and the intricacies of her character, instead just parroting how much they like ara-nee and how pretty she is, but they don't even know the plot of Starfes LOL!
Wanna know what I think about Naru's character? I'm gonna tell you what I know and think about Naru's character.
The crucial, defining moment of Naru's life was the suicide of the person who was in unrequited love with her. Note UNREQUITED - because that's important, and affected her much differently than if her actual lover had died. Before the said event, Naru was a self-centered, idle and shallow person, and she most likely made light of that person's love for her. We can sort of assume that most of young Naru's behavior was a protective mask so she wouldn't get hurt - we know that her family is distant from each other, that she was raised in the harsh modeling world that demanded her to become different things than what she wanted to be. The only person she acted vastly different towards (bordering on the opposite extreme) was Kunugi, precisely because he allowed her bried escapism from such a life where she was always forced to conform to the demands of the industry. But then, suddenly, the person she rejected is gone. And Naru realizes - if that person had someone by their side, someone to confide in, they could have been saved. SHE could have been that someone. And that's when Naru decided to become a person who would be there for everyone. The Naru we know introduces herself by saying that her principle is "everything in moderation" - and that's the basis of the "big sister" persona she creates in her second year. Be kind to everyone, but also keep everyone at an arm's length. Too much emotion makes you unkind. Too much emotion gets you killed in the war. There's something I like to call "the ara-nee trick" that new fans always seem to fall for, thinking that naru is a shallow, nice girl - that's what she wants you to think. But you have to be like Leo, and dig deeper. You have to be like Leo and bang on the door and be like no, i want to get to know YOU!!!!!!! And that's when you'll see Naru in all her contradictory glory - her kindness, her selfishness, her grief, her pride.
In regards to Naru's moral dilemma, she reminds me a lot of Reki from the anime Haibane Renmei. Reki was a person who sought salvation from sin, so she decided to be kind to the others around her, specifically a girl named Rakka, to attain salvation for herself. But she came to realize that there is no such thing as "fake kindness" - her changing herself actually reached Rakka, and that kindness became Reki's true nature, even though its origins were "fake." Similarly, Naru's "big sister" persona lead her to finding true kindness within herself and forming true bonds with Knights :)
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mcutiepie127 · 1 year
Little Mermaid Remake Thoughts
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Hey there Mermaid fans,
So I saw the remake of the Little Mermaid opening weekend! As a black woman and a 90s kid I was ready to show up and support this film! I’m glad I did!!! Overall I think this movie keeps its head above water!! It’s certainly above C level (sea level) lol. But that being said some things just didn’t work for me.
This is a review/rant so SPOILERS AHEAD
1: Halle!!! Halle did an awesome job as Ariel (we knew she would slay) her representation matters. I grew up with the little mermaid she was always one of my favorite Disney princesses and I totally related to her spirit of adventure and fun as a kid. Now a new generation of black girls may relate to how she looks. I can’t wait to see the sisters that will be rocking mermaid locs in the future🧜🏾‍♀️!
2. Melissa McCarthy: loved he as Ursula!!! She was so funny and good in this role!! Ursula has always been 1 of my favorite Disney villains!! She’s wickedly fun!! She’s a diva and I always wanted to play her. It was something new for Melissa but she handled it well.
3. Overall diversity: from the daughters of Triton to the islanders it was good to see a wide range of people from various backgrounds. This gave me more nostalgic 90s feels and reminded me of another 90s kid favorite of mine…Gullah Gullah island.
Ok so overall the movie was good, but the things that didn’t work for me really did work for me!
1. Look of the animals: the animals were just too realistic looking. It’s a movie with talking animals (not realistic) so don’t force realism on their features, it’s so much more fun when the animated characters can emote in animated ways!!
2. New songs: I Love Lin Manuel Miranda!!! Love you, Lin, but those new songs just didn’t really add anything to the story. Scuttlebutt though a true showcase of Lin’s lyrical style was not timed right. I think it would have been a better introduction song to the character of Scuttle, but being placed right before the climax was awkward timing at best.
3. ERIC: this is my biggest gripe with the remake. They really messed with Eric’s character. My bff’s favorite Disney movie is The Little Mermaid as such her favorite Disney prince is Eric. Let’s face it Prince Eric was the original hot prince, now that being said. I always had some good-natured ribbing on my part toward her as I used to tease her as to how could Eric be her favorite Prince he is sleep most of the movie??? Lolol
I guess Disney felt this was a flaw in Eric’s character as well and they wanted to flesh out Eric’s character more, but fleshing out for them became changing/watering down the character. Eric’s character (when conscious) was young, fun, energetic, rugged, brave, strong and gentle. This new Eric is missing some of these defining traits instead he comes across as a controlled, lonely, mama’s boy who really doesn’t have any real strengths showcased.
This, I think is done for modern audiences it’s a very PC move for 2023. Don’t have a male character have many strengths less a female character look weak, but a strong woman is a strong woman no matter what a man is doing!!! In the original version of the movie Eric is an expert sailor, a young prince whose parents a presumably dead. He is still taken care of by his servants and perhaps can’t take the title King without being married. His manservant wants him to get married, but Eric wants to be married for Love. This could have been fleshed out in the remake. Why is Eric so interested in getting married for Love?? maybe Eric has fond memories of his parents romance or maybe the opposite. What was lacking in the last relationship that Eric didn’t feel it was a true love match?
Another key moment about Eric’s character is that he rescues those he cares about. He pulls his struggling manservant from the water when the ship is on fire and he goes back for his dog, Max. He’s so concerned about Max he’s willing to risk his own life. This is one of the qualities Ariel sees and finds attractive about Eric, but we’ll come back to that.
In the new version, Eric is given a mother. It’s unnecessary, why does Eric need a mother? His servants functioned as low key parental figures in the original and that was suffice. The truth is many people grow up without parents and or don’t have much contact with parents as adults. Why is that a problem for children to see? Eric is given a mother who possesses the same traits as Triton overprotective and somewhat overbearing. Eric is given a mother figure to slap his wrists and make him a more passive and less independent person. Showing that he and Ariel have more in common. Why is it necessary, that both Eric and Ariel have over protective parents?? But why do they need to have that in common?? Many people fall in love with people who grow up in different ways then they did. To me on screen a relationship is more dynamic when characters share differences, but overcome them and learn to take on different perspectives. Eric and Ariel essentially become the same character with no defining differences. This isn’t a more fleshed out Eric with his own backstory, motivations and character traits this is just an Eric who is just like Ariel.
Lastly, Ariel’s big moment to rescue Eric at the end really diminished Eric’s character. Eric’s character has no opportunity to shine as an expert sailor. One could argue that in this version he is not an expert sailor, but he also is not allowed to shine as a person who is heroic and brave which were essential elements to his original character. Again going back to the original, rescuing those he loves is how Eric shows love and care (remember him rescuing Max and the man servant) by having Ariel deal the death blow we lose that from Eric. Eric has already been rescued by Eric when he’s drowning, Eric is essentially rescued when Vanessa’s spell is broken. This final act is the moment when Eric shows his love for Ariel and we lose it. It is also the moment when Triton sees a human as capable of loving a mermaid and protecting the ocean. It helps to allow Triton to let go of his prejudices. Overall Eric needs a moment in the movie to show his character strengths and he doesn’t get that moment. Leaving me to wonder if Eric has any strengths. What is Eric really good at as a person in this movie?? Ariel can still be a boss and Eric can still have a moment of showcased strength.
If Ariel had to deal the death blow in the end perhaps it would have been because Eric taught her how to steer a ship, but the whole idea of Ariel knowing how to steer a ship is a little far fetched. Again in most relationships each partner will have their own areas of strength that one partner may need to rely on. one partner may be good at handling finances another may be good at planning events, one may love to cook one may love to do yard work. One partner may always be on time another partner may always be willing to lend a hand to those in need, but the point is everyone has something they bring to the table and should be allowed to shine in that area. Eric as an iconic Disney prince was not given the opportunity to showcase any areas of strength that were different from Ariel’s. That to me weakens the love story and character. At one point it just became pretty laughable to me that Ariel even helps Eric row the boat. He couldn’t even get that moment to himself. Lololol. Poor Eric in this movie he needs help to do everything.
But anyways the movie is good even if Eric has been essentially diminished down to a nonentity.
But I’d love to know your thoughts too!
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