#it was just a flash bc i don't think he's a big character and i was like HEY WAIT and i wasn't sure but then it was him in the voiceover
miss-anthropyxx · 10 months
i miss matthew lillard :[
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lovelybunn · 2 years
south park post covid main 4 w/ you in a revealing bikini ! 🍹˚ ༘
warning(s): uses of prns she/her, fem!reader, lowkey a crack post, swearing, suggestive themes
author's note: i'm pretty late to the party (and this was just stuck in my drafts) so i decided to post it now, hope you enjoy!
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stan marsh
his swimming trunks don't ever fit him, either they're squeezing his balls off or they're so loose that he will almost flash some poor innocent family
"alcohol-free" by twice but with the alcohol
i mean, stan's like wasted on like five margaritas before he sees you, and when he does... oh, HOOCHIE MAMA!!
ok but fr, the moment this pot belly man sees you in that cute ass swimsuit, he is ALL OVER you.
he's gon grab you from behind and give you all kinds of sloppy neck kisses
"you're so sexy baby. i love you~"
did i forget to add that's he's an ass man?
"🎶 take that, rewind it back, usher got the voice to make your booty go– SMACK!"
kyle broflovski
leanly built kyle broflovski me thinks...
the only one who actually reacted like a normal grown individual out of the four of them 😐
if you have any body dysmorphia, this man will make sure you love your body just as much as he does.
don't get me wrong, he did show you off, but that was more of him making a declaration of "that's all mine, and you wish she was yours."
his hands most definitely will be glued to your hips/waist (his favorite part of your body)
anytime someone would look at you in a flirtatious way/quite literally flirt with you, he would instantly give that signature "i'm tired of your shit.™" kyle broflovski look.
forehead kisses and CONSTANT compliments
trust me, he loves the way that fabric hugs all your yummy curves 😋
eric cartman
this cutie patootie was shocked to see you in that. (calling cartman of all ppl that makes me want to vomit)
he tried his so very hardest to cover you up, with towels, a cover-up, his own swim-shirt, but you took it all off bc ofc you did.
istg he almost cussed a mf out for cat-calling you, he was fighting the urge to keep the true eric theodore cartman deep inside
he would hold your hand the whole time like if he let go you would vanish out of thin air lmao XD
weird headcanon, but i think eric loves seeing your hair down and wet, like all that water dripping down your body really turns him on
sunbathing is his fav past-time when going to the beach/pool
also cartman can't swim for shit so he stays in the shallowest part of the water at ALL TIMES. (come on, you don't wanna see his old ass drown, do you?)
kenny mccormick
kenny man bun, kenny man bun, KENNY MAN BUN (but fr, he doesn't like getting his hair wet so he puts it up every time y'all go to the beach/pool)
you just had to pick out a bikini that would show the most amount of cleavage, didn't you?
my man's eyes must've POPPED out of their damn sockets like a cartoon character when he saw that shit
"ah that's hot, that's hot."
every chance this dude gets he's gon come up to you like "madam, your breasts look awfully heavy, shall i hold them for you?"
but enough about kenny's obsession with boobs, i honestly feel like he'd be all kinds of lovey-dovey the whole time
hugging you, kissing you, feeling you all over,I'm pretty sure you'll have to literally bitch-slap kenny cuz this man will be attached to your hip like a tumor
also, you know that hawaiian shirt he always wears (that probably hasn't been washed in 6 months)? yeah, that thing will stay on his body the whole time unless he's in the water. but it's unbuttoned ofc, he isn't trying to die of heat stroke bruv 😕
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elvain · 2 months
marvel's boys: from sidekicks to heroes
i've been seeing a lot of talk about my friend ray's post about the mentor/sidekick relationship in marvel as compared to DC (this post is specifically in regards to the movie portrayal of said relationships). find the post here. the discussion around this post has inspired some thoughts in me, so i thought i'd share them below.
steve and bucky's relationship as mentor/sidekick originates in the golden age as part of the "child sidekick/hero" craze phenomenon at the time. kids wanted to know they could contribute to the war effort in these years, that they could also make a difference when their fathers and brothers went to war. so the child sidekick was invented and at marvel, that was bucky barnes + toro raymond.
but even in the silver age, we maintained a younger sidekick mentality: rick jones, janet van dyne (until she turned out be old enough to marry hank pym), and i would even include flash thompson's brief stint as a fake spider-man in this category. but, yes, all these "sidekick" scenarios eventually winded down. but i don't think it's because marvel decided sidekicks weren't a worthy trend anymore. far from it.
i think DC's interpretation of the mentor/sidekick relationship becomes more paternal/familial whereas marvel's becomes centered around guilt and trauma (rick jones, primarily). i wouldn't say marvel hated sidekicks after the golden age; they just become heroes on their own (peter parker, the original x-men, nova, etc.) rather than relying on a mentor-esque figure. i think DC has clung to the paternal side of this trend more and maintained it - it's worked for them, so great. but marvel i think dived the other way which was also great.
i know about the "spider-man killed teen sidekicks by being both a young person and the main hero" take as well and i have some thoughts on that, too, if you'll bear with me.
i think it isn't that we started hating sidekicks. i think we realized that, after the golden age, the kids weren't just kids anymore. there is a genre of kid who was too young to fight in ww2 but who still dealt with that trauma and that kid was reading these comics, sending in letters, collecting stamps, etc. comic mags in the golden age used to be FULL of things like "if you see any war planes over your city, report it to the nearest military office!" or "you can collect scrap metal and donate it to the war effort, just like timmy here!" and after the events of pearl harbor, every timely comic had a big stamp on them, demanding that we "remember pearl harbour".
now its 1962 and that kid is 15 and he kinda doesn't NEED his dad as much cause he's either dead or he's been away for years fighting in the war. this kid needs to be his own hero. [gestures to peter parker, richard rider, steve rogers even if you count the origin story] like it isn't that spider-man killed the sidekicks - it's that he lost his father figure (ben parker) and now had to be his own hero and i think that would've resonated a LOT with kids of that era who had gone through a similar loss.
i think it shows in rick jones too - the reason rick just never REALLY "sidekicked" is because he was a reflection of the young boys/girls at the time who suddenly had no parents or elder figures bc of the wars. now they had to deal with it on their own and thats why he didn't stick it out with steve and why he became bruce's friend instead of the hulk's sidekick, cause he just didn't need that mentor and that protection anymore after what he (as a representation of kids from the after-war years) had gone through.
it isn't that the sidekicks died. it's that they were forced to grow up.
if you're interested in thoughts like this, i have some posts on my rarely used wordpress blog. The Golden Age: overview: how i started reading the Golden Age comics. The Golden Age: I: characters i thought i knew, but did not. The Golden Age II: think of the women and children!
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Details I noticed in The Last Wish pt 4
This is going to go from the cave of lost souls to the end
When jump scared by his past lives in the cave of lost souls, Puss has his claws out as he jumps back
When the bear family is setting up their trap with Perrito, Baby bear says, "I just want to pet him with my teeth." Perrito leans forward, smiles, and wags his tail while looking at Baby's teeth
Goldi's blue corset-eque piece is held up by a brown strap on her right shoulder. It's hard to see tho bc it's under all her jewelry
Papa has a huge scar on his left arm that looks like it could be from the claws marks, maybe from another bear
Goldi death glares at Baby when they're all stuck in the trap while he screams about the bees. She is angry lol
When Puss flashes back to Santa Coloma during the panic attack scene, the colors are warm and it looks like it could be an afternoon on a nice sunny day. When he remembers it in the cave of lost souls, all the colors are cold. Everything's has more blue in it and it looks like a big storm is rolling in. It's an interesting contrast between how it actually was vs how he remembers it
One of the things a past life yells at him as he tries to leave the cave is, "Where's your litter box, Pickles?"
As soon as Puss starts reading the incantation on the map at the wishing star, it starts rising. You can see it in the background when Kitty confronts him, the standoff between all the characters, and even the first part of the battle, until it's all the way in the air
I just love the way Perrito says, "Yeah, I don't know what to do with this" as he gives the map to Puss after the battle lol He genuinely doesn't know why everybody wants it so bad
Every time Death hits his sickles together, his eyes flash white. This happens in Puss' final battle with Death but I believe it also happens in their first fight too
When Puss says he's done running, the shot is actually on Kitty, not Puss
This happens throughout the whole movie but whenever two objects hit each other, there's a spikey comic-esque collision shape like in Spiderverse. Puss kicking the cups of milk into the crowd in the opening song, Death kicking him in the final fight, everywhere in between, it adds to the digital drawing style and fast pace
When Death cuts Puss' boots, red flames come out of the slash
When Puss uses the gatito blade to block the scythes, it plays Kitty's theme in the music
In the wide shot when Death is stalking up to Puss after he tells him to pick up the scythe, the foreground is shimmering in the heat of the flames
When Perrito says, "Oh, I was just buying some time for Team Friendship." Jack immediately goes, "Team what?" which I think is a perfectly reasonable response to hearing that name lol
As the star collapses in on itself, Puss picks Perrito up while they all run to the edge. I guess his legs were too short to make it in time by himself lol
When Jack says, "What did I do to deserve this??" as he dies, Puss shakes his head and Kitty rolls her eyes. They're the only two who aren't 'scared but can't look away.' It makes sense tho bc they have the most experience with Jack and know exactly what he did to deserve this lol
The lady listing to the Commodore all the stuff she packed for him as they walk out to the boat looks tired and annoyed. When she sees that Puss stole his boat, however, she looks ecstatic. She does not like her boss and wants him to suffer as much as possible
Part one, Part two, Part three, Part five
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hello i am asking politely for your mommy Medic surgeon goresex thoughts. feel free to use the reply to this ask as your dumping ground if it would be easier than an original post!
Welllll if you insist! Putting all this under a cut bc despite my cool exterior I'm extremely ashamed of every thought I've ever had (and bc I wanna put this in some tags and if the juicy stuff is under a cut no one can complain)
Uhhh CWs for sex, gore, goresex, surgery kink, medfet, mommy kink (just the title and the persona for Medic, no specified role for the sub), needles, knives, boot stuff, whatever. This makes me feel like a real writer
Sooo first things first bc I think people won't understand this one at first: Medic tf2 is a man who is a mommy dom. To me and to a lot of other kinky people, there exists a non-gendered semantic difference between a "daddy dom" and a "mommy dom", so women can be daddies and, much more rarely, men can certainly be mommies. Kink educator Evie Lupine describes mommy doms as "giggly, joyful sadists". Sound like someone we know? He's mommy (Mommy doms are also typically more "nurturing" and smothering than daddy doms, I'll get to that later)
I really love characterizing Medic as extremely faux-sympathetic (with flashes of real sympathy every now and again), so he's telling you (or whoever) just how bad he feels for you, you poor thing, that looks like it really hurts, and it's, like, the extra hand he attached to your pelvis. If it does actually hurt and the procedure wasn't successful he will safely remove it, though
Although I definitely think Medic can be mean, I think ESPECIALLY in a gorekink/medfet context, he gives a LOT of praise. He's SUPER full of himself, he'd never deride one of his Crowning Achievements In The Field Of Medical Science!
Similarly, he's very good about giving compliments specific to like, all of a person's inside stuff. The size of your organs, the shade of your blood, the prominence of your veins, the sturdiness of your bones... Medic tf2 is leaned over you on the vivisection table lovingly stroking your liver and cooing about how much he loves the color
This one's kind of a big one for me tbh... I think Medic tf2 would intentionally (consensually, temporarily) incapacitate someone so he gets to take care of them. Misery-style. My favorite version of this is Medic "accidentally" taking too much of someone's blood out during a blood draw, so they get all sleepy and he needs to feed them (with his boobs) and let them rest (on his boobs). Despite it all I think he really does like to feel needed.
I think Mommy Medic can be veryyyy... smothering. Figuratively and literally. He can really heap on the compliments, especially with a character who isn't very used to praise, which is its own kind of sadism. And he literally suffocates you in his boobs/thighs/ass/tummy/whatever. That one's a little less psychological.
Okayyyy goresex time... surgery makes Medic horny and he wants to fuck people's internal organs. Tf2 is really fun for this because the medigun is a built-in explanation for how he can do that while the other person is still awake. In Meet the Medic he should've been straddling Heavy's hips and jacking off onto his large intestine.
I don't know how into drinking blood normal humanguy Medic would be, but he definitely likes touching blood. Getting it all over his hands. I think he'd maybe be more into making you (or whoever) drink blood, lick it off his gloves, off his boots, off his big hairy (eroticized body part of your choice here). One of those things that he probably intends as a humiliation thing but if you're enough of a freak you just enjoy for what it is.
The penetration imagery of the needle. I read something like that recently about the scene in Breaking Bad where Jesse does heroin for the first time and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. You understand
On a humiliation note, I think Medic would think it's Very fun to "force" (lovingly encourage) someone to call him "mommy" if they're embarrassed about it, which I think most of his team would be. Medic using kink to help Sniper drop his inhibitions and give in to his urges and Have Fun is one of my fave bushmed dynamics and I definitely think getting Sniper to get over the hill and call him "mommy" for the first time would be a big thing for him. Of course this is all part of his plan to break you (consensually!) and have you (or whoever!) whimpering into his cleavage as he gets to nurture you
Imagine everything I just said but he's in a sexy nurse outfit that's extremely visibly too small for him. And also just COMPLETELY covered in blood. That's my vision
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X / X / X / X / X / X
Ngl it was relatively easy to think of pony names for these characters since i've had the idea to make this for a while so i've had a lot of time to think about it lol
For yuriko: i chose the name "flawless lace" because in her regular form, i specifically chose the name "yuriko" for her because it means "perfect" so i wanted to try and include that aspect into her pony name. Some considered names for her were "perfect storm" and "lily lace" since the "yuri" part of her name means "lily" (though i decided against it bc i remembered that's the name of an actual pony in MLP...) the markings on her legs are meant to sorta mirror the stockings she wears in her usual form
For sprite: i chose the name "baby carrot" simply because that was a actual name i considered for her normal form before i decided on "sprite" (which is kinda funny since a big part of sprite's character is that she likes apples.....a food that is basically as different from carrots as it can get) she is a goat-alicorn hybrid because she's normally a deltarune OC, specifically a fankid of kris and ralsei; with the latter being a prince from the dark who is also a goat monster
For carrie: a big part of her backstory is that she named herself, she's literally a carrot that decided to be human one day (...or pony, in this case) and is trying to fit into civilsation as best she can; so i tried to give them a pony name that sorta fits that, and so i named them "carrot mulch" because i could totally imagine her trying to introduce themself to someone and doing that one trope in movies where the main character doesn't want to share their real name and just looks around the room for things to call themself lol. I also decided to make her a blank-flank since she probably hasn't spent that long a time as a pony and therefore wouldn't have a cutie mark despite appearing fully grown
For makeighlyn i feel like my choices are pretty straight forward, the character is a girls' flash game mascot created by a christian fundamentalist cult who somehow escaped into the real world and now works as a demon slayer so i decided to give her a name and cutie mark that reflects that. The only thing that i feel is worth mentioning is that i find it interest how the amount of pink in her design makes the blue in her hair look a lot darker...either that or i might've accidentally hue-shifted it or something
Choese is another pretty straightforward one, he's a flirty cheese-themed mouseboy so i gave him a heart-shaped cheese cutie mark and named him "gouda squeaks" because he's a fucking rodent. (Sidenote: i love smoked gouda so goddamn much omg)
Lastly for crystalline i decided to make her a breezie since she's normally a fairy and y'know....breezies are just the MLP equivalent to fairies....i also decided to name her "fee-fee breezie" since breezies usually have really cutesy names in the show (some of them straight up have references to their species in their names), the "fee-fee" part of her name is short for "feelings" since crystalline is an emotion fairy
Y'know when i first created crystalline back when i was like, 10 i was going through a phase where i just VIOLENTLY hated things for no reason (specifically things from MLP such as the vampire fruit bats, flurry heart and the manta hawk from the IDW comics) to the point that i would make them out of polymer clay JUST so i can make my pony toys kill them (i was a weird kid, needless to say) one of these things being the breezies....so ngl i feel like the fact that i made crystalline a breezie is really fucking ironic lol
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epickiya722 · 4 months
Every uber popular shonen series goes through this thing where they become basically inescapable for a long time, then, when the dust settles a little, people start hating and nitpicking it, until anyone who voices their enjoyment is made fun of, then an even longer while later, it becomes acceptable to like it again.
I noticed JJK is going through it bc there's this suddenly aggressive way of thinking of Yuji, and it always starts by hating the protag in some way.
And you know what? I agree.
It's a pet peeve of mine to see people constantly nitpick and nitpick and not say a single thing that they actually enjoy about the media they're engaging in.
It becomes even more irritating to me when people will throw out anything as a complaint when it doesn't make sense.
I won't say it's criticism because a lot of what people criticize comes off more as just being mean-spirited. They'll say "oh, this protagonist has a good heart and I don't like it". Like... if they're being portrayed as a hero who wants to do good then hello, they're going to have a good heart???
Maybe because a lot of protagonists are my favorite characters, but I really hate it when someone will hate on a protagonist because of whatever their reasons are and continuously doi it over and over and over again. It's like "damn, give the protagonist a chance to grow". If you can't, just drop the series.
And honestly, if you drop a series after one or two seasons, I don't think you should jump on someone's post to bash a character like "they didn't get character development". How would you know if you quit the anime? Shush. Just shush.
Like, with Yuji, someone in a video called him useless. Mind you, he said this on a video during the SHIBUYA INCIDENT. By then, we know what Yuji is capable of.
Useless? Yuji Itadori? The one who actually swallowed a cursed finger to save a kid he barely knew and his friends? Yuji Itadori who jumped Mahito with Nanami and not even a second later, saved Nanami from Mahito's domain? The same Yuji who tag teamed with Todo on Hanami and managed to learn Black Flash in moments and setting a record in that short time?
You're calling the Yuji Itadori who picked up Nobara to get her away from Eso and Kechizu and also worked 50/50 on taking them down?
Same Yuji who helped take down a veil? Same Yuji who fought Choso to slow him down so others could go and save Gojo? The same Yuji who boxed up Mahito?
I mean Yuji is even useful to Sukuna because without him, Sukuna would have still been just some lingering spirit until someone else came along and that could have taken YEARS.
So that's the Yuji being called "useless"?
Recently, someone told me that someone else was blaming Yuji for what happened to Nobara.
Look, Nobara is my girl, I adore her, she is everything to me. But Yuji was not the one to tell her to follow Mahito. (I get why she did though.) And I know she was in shock probably from seeing two Mahito's, but I would have moved before he could have touched my face.
I just... I just can't. I honestly can't find myself to interact with anyone who hates on Yuji. He doesn't have to be your favorite character, leaves more room for me and other Yuji fans.
But if you're really out here making stupid takes about him and hating on him, I cannot with you.
It's my biggest pet peeve with BNHA fans. I like other characters, I do, but I really despise those who hate on Midoriya. You can be a Miruko fan and say post something stupid about Midoriya and I will block you. And y'all know I love Miruko.
"He's a crybaby, he's too good, he's not badass."
Oh, but y'all were so quick to switch up when he was going through fucking depression even though there was three movies and five seasons of him doing nothing but great things, big and small.
I don't know if it's the lack of not opening eyes and really watching and reading the anime and manga. I don't know if it's because some people are just miserable and need to bother others because they don't like others having fun. I don't know what it is, but it's annoying.
Right now, I'm watching Bucchigiri?!
And Arajin, he's annoying to me, he is, I won't lie. But I'm giving him a chance for character development because hey, you never know. Same for Mahoro. I don't like her too much, but I'm giving her a chance and honestly, Arajin is just not taking the hints that she is not feeling him at all. The anime only has like 4 episodes right now, so it's nearly not done yet and I'm liking it, so I'm sticking around.
I rambled, sorry about that, but I just... I just can't sometimes...
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thepringlesofblood · 4 months
so. i watched the trailers for the A:TLA live action netflix series. i went in expecting nothing, and I gotta admit some parts look intriguing. the casting, the set, the bending, the costuming, all look pretty cool. not a big fan of the cgi or how it always seems to be the dead of night in the fire nation, but i was considering watching the first episode at least, out of curiosity and mild respect.
then I saw Zuko's scar.
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I thought well, it is really dark, I should wait to get a better look at it before totally freaking out.
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are. are you kIDDING ME?
[important: I know nothing about this actor, this aint a dunk on him, I doubt he had a lot of input into his makeup.]
for reference, here is zuko in the OG show.
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zuko’s scar isn’t a fucking bad eyeshadow job. His ear is half-melted. It takes up like 1/4-1/3 of his face. It’s not just his eye - it’s his cheekbones, it’s his forehead, it’s all down the side of his head, boy should not have a second eyebrow! I swear to god if they spend their money animating each individual hair on appa but don’t bother to get something as iconic and central to the series as zuko’s scar right? it'd be like messing up Spock's ears, except real-life people don't have Spock ears and struggle with how they are perceived by society because of it.*
*that I know of. maybe there's a secret Spock ears genetic condition I don't know about in which case I apologize
also... there was this bit. we get a quick flash of this shot
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ok, we know this shot. we've seen this shot. it's the agni kai where zuko gets his scar. note the relative positions of the two people, and what the floor looks like.
then a little later, we get this shot
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it's clearly the same scene. it's ozai burning zuko. but. why is there fire on both sides of zuko? it looks like he's deflecting it. like he's fighting back.
it. it is so so so important for zuko's arc and character growth that he refuses to fight his father in his first agni kai. he shows mercy when ozai does not. he is a child - he does not think to defend himself against his own father. throughout his whole arc, the whole show, but most especially season 1, it is so important to remember that the last time he showed mercy and humility, he literally got burned. that's why he's so aggressive and angry and scared and defensive.
so. why is he defending himself? is this why his scar is less pronounced? because they decided to mess with established history?
maybe we can give them the benefit of the doubt and say this is a different agni kai, or zuko re-imagining how it could've gone, or something, but like. why choose to show this then?
further rant below the cut bc its very long I haven't felt righteous fury this strong in a while
I just. I personally don’t have a facial scar or birthmark or anything, but when Hollywood sugarcoats or makes them look less “gross” or “obvious” it’s a real fuck you to people out there who do have obvious scars, birthmarks, differences, that don’t fall into the neat lines of what is considered “presentable” by the film industry. It’s important that it’s not downplayed bc then the people who see themselves in the original get betrayed by the adaptation that tells them they’re not pretty enough or that they’re “too much” to be seen on tv in live action.
Excuses I have seen thus far (mostly on reddit admittedly)
“They didn’t want to make it look too gruesome so that kids would want to watch it too" Think about that sentiment for 10 seconds, and tell me what it says to people out there who have scars like this. Are they too “scary” to be seen by children? Is their existence automatically PG-13? Something horrible and uncontrollable happened to zuko, and because of that, his life and body are irrevocably changed. People with scars like his who related to and felt seen by his representation and the way he struggles with acceptance, both by himself and by others, will receive the message that can only happen for people with less “gruesome” scars than that. Seriously.
“Of course it’s going to look different in real life vs in animation” Yes, it will. I’m not talking about the appearance of the burn necessarily, but the extent of it. The new series has it limited mostly to his eye. His ear and eyebrow are unaffected, as are his cheekbones and forehead. That is not the case in the animated show. I’m not expecting a big monochrome pink and purple blotch like there is in the OG show - animated visual shorthand is different from live action. But it should look like burned skin. And it should be as extensive as it was - it goes over his ear and eyebrow, and partway down his cheek. the whole point of it is that it’s big and unavoidable and horrifying, and that zuko was a 13 year old kid who didn’t deserve it, but now is stuck with it. That’s war. That’s what ozai is capable of.
“The makeup would be too hard” It really wouldn’t, especially not for something as important to the series as this. Zuko’s scar is central to ATLA as a whole - a symbol of the cruelty of his father and the fire nation, and more importantly his survival and eventual resistance to it. Even if it did take extra time to apply, which I don’t think it would, I’d say it’d be worth it. I’ve seen cosplays and Halloween costumes [and this excellent fan film] without access to a professional makeup and prosthetics team that looked closer to show accurate than what they’ve currently got going.
Let me also point you to examples of both comparable and much more dramatic makeup/prosthetics used regularly (as in every episode, every week, for many years) on 2 shows with smaller budgets, older technology (as in, from the 1990s), and many more seasons: Star Trek: the next generation & ds9
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trust me. they can do it. this is a choice.
“What it if made it hard for him to act?” See above for examples of other actors in much more dramatic prosthetics crushing it.
"Well at least it's better than the other live action adaptation"
that CANNOT be the bar we measure things by. standing still and doing nothing is also better than getting brained with a shovel: that doesn't mean it's good.
"He has darker skin than the animated Zuko. the burn probably blends in more."
that's not how burn scars work. it's not just a darkening of the skin - the skin itself is fundamentally changed in texture and color. and again, even if the burn has a different general appearance, it should at least be as big and extensive as it is in the OG show, and it's clearly not.
“They probably didn’t want to shave his eyebrow” No, really I saw this as a point on a Reddit post. Drag queens and cosplayers have been making their eyebrows disappear and reappear for decades without access to a professional makeup and prosthetics team. He’ll be fine I swear.
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sugalaritae · 1 year
the safety zone (jhs) 1/?
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summary: it's been exactly 15 years since you saw jung hoseok, your brother's high school best friend and the one who's virginity you took; you don't expect to have anything in common with him least of all a list of things like: living in the same city, enjoying sex (some might say a little too much... judgemental bastards), music, and fashion (amongst so many other things). you definitely don't expect a friendship to bloom or how complicated that friendship could be.
pairing: jung hoseok x f! reader (with background jeon jungkook x the same reader)
genre: the big three: (eventual) smut, fluff, and angst
au: brothers best friend, friends to lovers, based off the movie sleeping with other people, aged up characters (everyone is in their thirties)
rating: 18+
word count: 2.6k
warnings: another fic taking place in canada (this time ontario...which sort of needs a warning), slight mention of anxiety about returning to the town you grew up in, also anxiety over driving, talk of virginity (it's a social construct and absolutely stupid!!), drinking, legal drug use (marijuana), high school reunions (*shudders*), discussion of teenage sex, indigo namjoon and this fucking devastating hoseok
author’s note: oh look griddle has decided to start another drabble series!! this time for our dear jung hoseok because fucking hell i miss him already. i watched sleeping with other people today and i have been wanting to write a hoseok romance (heat waves pt2 is coming don't worry), so this idea slid into my head and then i decided to make it a drabble series and here we are. some of the chapters might just be texting or phone calls, some of it might actually be things that happen, some of them will just be smut (mostly hoseok fucking randos and reader fucking jungkook) i'm sorry for whatever this is. i hope you enjoy it just as much as i do. this is only LIGHTLY edited bc ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The road ahead of you is full of small hills. You’re fine with driving up and down them now but you remember what it was like to learn how to drive on these roads; the forest around you on either side, the long road down and then the seemingly longer road upward. It’s surprising how now, even years later, you can feel the slight bubble of anxiety in your chest. You can hear your brother’s voice from the backseat tell you that you’re being stupid for being anxious.
”Nothing is going to happen.”
”You do not know that!”
Still, you check the breaks as you’re going down the first hill and they’re working. So you take a breath and you remind yourself that you’re going to be okay.
You know the anxiety is also there because you’re returning home. For a stupid high school reunion, you can’t really believe that you let Namjoon talk you into this. Fifteen years is actually a stupid number that makes you feel old but still, you’re driving the three hours and you’re going to this stupid thing for at least an hour even if you don’t want to and even if you think it’s the dumbest fucking thing to do on a Saturday night.
Instead of concentrating on the anxiety you concentrate on the road ahead of you and the view that you have from the top of each hill. Slowly the town you grew up in begins to appear closer and closer.
You haven’t missed the town itself but you’ve missed the view.
Your phone beeps and for a brief moment you look down at it hoping that you’ll see a certain name flash across it but it’s only your Namjoon’s name. First a text and then the worst picture of him filling your screen. You press the green button on your car’s console.
“How far out are you?” he asks.
“Like twenty minutes, why? You said the thing wasn’t starting until seven.”
“It’s not but there’s a few of us that are getting together for supper beforehand and I thought maybe, since you’ve been driving you would be hungry.”
This is your brother, kind and considerate while also being an incredible pain in the ass for dragging you to a place that you swore you would never go back to.
“Who is a few of us? Because I’m not super interested in eating with a bunch of guys that all thought playing on the high school soccer team was the best years of their lives like a fucking Bruce Springsteen song.”
“Springsteen never wrote about soccer players only baseball players.”
You groan, “whatever.”
“It’s a few from the team but I thought you’d want to come because Hobi will be there.”
Hobi. Hoseok Jung, the man who’s virginity you took (who also took yours but that’s irrelevant) the night of your prom night. The man who you left still sleeping in the hotel room he had paid for before you flew across the country to study art history. The man who you haven’t spoken to since that night.
Even though, sometimes, you still masturbate to the thought of him. Fifteen years later.
“Hello?? You still there.”
Your brother does not know that there was ever a you and Hobi and you hope that he never will. He’s not protective, just one of those things that you would rather keep to yourself because Namjoon has never really been great at not involving himself in your life (that goes two ways but again, not relevant).
“Yeah, sorry. I guess I’ll come. However, I want it on record that I’m still pissed off you convinced me to come to this thing.”
You hear him clear his throat as he puts on what you like to refer to as his professional voice, “Noted.”
“Thank you. Can I at least shower and change before I meet up with you guys?”
“Umma has your room ready and waiting.”
You sigh, “that’s the only good thing about this whole weekend, Umma and Appa.”
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You miss dinner with Namjoon and his friends mostly because you don’t want to visit a restaurant that had been your regular hangout spot when you were a teenager, and you missed your father’s cooking; but now you regret it because instead of being in one of Namjoon’s friend’s car you are in being driven by your father to the school that you had sworn you would never return to. The whole situation makes you feel like a teen again. Well, except that you are dressed better than you had ever imagined you would be at 34.
“Have fun tonight. If you and Joon need a ride home because you’ve had too much to drink don’t be scared to wake Umma and I,” your father said with a smile on his face.
The whole situation is surreal and you laugh a little, nodding.
“Appa, if that happens then we’re going to walk home. I’m not going to wake you and umma up especially after she just said that you haven’t been sleeping well.”
Your father shakes his head and brushes the air with his hand.
“Don’t listen to her.”
He gives you a smile that he shares with Joon as he returns his hand to the steering wheel and nods.
“Have fun,” your father says with a softness in his eyes that make you feel guilty for not coming home to visit more. They’re good people, your parents, and you are the daughter who can’t return home because she’s too busy.
“Thank you, Appa.” you say as you grip the car’s doorhandle.
You open the door and step out into the night air. Walking a few steps before you fix your blazer and wonder if maybe you should have worn a dress instead of a suit. Looking down at your heels you remind yourself that you look like the badass bitch that you are and whisper the mantra that your therapist had told you to say.
“I can do this, I am capable and I can do this,” you whisper feeling just a little ridiculous.
“You can do this,” a deep voice says behind you.
You turn around with a smirk already playing on your face knowing just who will be standing behind you. Sure enough, Hoseok Jung stands in front of you, one hand in his trouser pocket while the other one holds a joint and you watch as he brings it to his lips and takes a long toke.
“At least I don’t need drugs to calm me down,” you say and you watch as he meets your smirk with one of his own.
“You sure?” he asks with an arched brow and then holds out the joint and chuckles as you take it carefully.
You take a smaller toke at first but then follow up with another slightly longer one before slowly blowing it out. You’re not entirely sure if you should be concerned you don’t cough because that only means that your lungs are used to it and you don’t really want that.
“How you been?” he asks as you hand back the joint.
“Oh you know… busy.” It’s such a lame answer but it’s all you have. “You?”
He nods in response, then slowly rips off the lit end of the joint and closes off the end before tucking it into his blazer pocket.
“You look good. We missed you at the restaurant,” he says as his gaze lazily drifts over your body an action that makes you feel just that except it italics — good.
“Your shirt is ugly,” you say playfully because you do think it is actually a little hideous even though he’s pulling it off in a way that makes you just a little furious.
He chuckles and shakes his head, “it isn’t though. You like it.”
There’s a buzz already between the two of you and you know that it’s not just the weed. It’s a feeling that has been waiting for fifteen years. It’s mature now, a little more subdued, but still makes you feel excited at the possibilities.
“Come on, let’s go inside. Joon is waiting for us.”
You feel the pressure of his hand on your lower back and you step away from it as you slap at his arm.
“Okay Jung, I think I need a few drinks in me before you get to do that.”
He chuckles again and you’re suddenly aware that it’s not the laugh you remember him having, this one is deeper like it’s coming from his chest instead of his head where the higher, excited laughter you remember came from. You know it’s still there and you hope you get to hear it again. You always liked that laugh of his; it made you feel bright from the inside out like he was pulling happiness through the anxiety and settling all of your teenage hormones.
Hoseok and Namjoon met when all three of you were sixteen years old. Hoseok, a transfer from Vancouver, had joined the soccer team and become instant friends with your twin brother and his soccer buddies. You had hated them a little because they were loud and always kicked you out of the living room to watch bad movies teen-boy movies. Except you got to know them because Namjoon was your other half and you tended to meld your friend groups together.
You hadn’t really noticed Hoseok until the night of your prom, in the school gymnasium, and suddenly it was like you both became aware of the other at the same time. Your eyes locked on the dance floor and half an hour later you were pulled into the darkened hallway and being pushed against a locker as his mouth found yours. You had to pretend that nothing had happened as you all packed into the limousine and while everyone was getting progressively more drunk in one hotel room, Hoseok fumbled with your dress in another.
It should have been more awkward than it was. He was gentle and checked in with you and used his hands more than you thought he would.
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“You know Hobi is moving to Toronto next month,” Namjoon says as the three of you walk in the general direction of your parent’s house.
Your system is still processing the mixture of alcohol with the weed even though it’s been three hours and you do not like the feeling that ricochets around your head with each step. Also your feet hurt. Heels are the devil’s creation.
You’re happy to be out in the fresh air though. Everything about the reunion was horrible, even though you only spent time at the table with your old friends, there were people there that you had never wanted to see again let alone make small talk with. You didn’t care how many children they had or how they had married their high school sweetheart.
“Oh? Really?” you ask turning to look at Hobi who is standing between you and your brother.
“Yeah,” he says with a wide grin, his gaze drifting just a little to your lips before he meets your gaze again. “I got a job there and I’m excited I think it will be a nice change from out west.”
You bump his shoulder with yours. “Congratulations. You’re going to have to take my number then because you need to know at least more than Yoongi, and Joon isn’t moving back for another two months.”
“I have other friends there,” Hoseok chuckles.
“No one as cool as me though,” you respond with another shoulder bump.
There’s a comfortable silence that settles over the three of you for a moment before Namjoon perks up and imitates Jessica Brookwood (one of the many annoying blonde girls you had gone to school with, who, at the reunion seemed just a bit too excited to have everyone together again) as he shouts, “OH MY GOD! The four of us all together in Toronto?! It will be just like high school!!”
The three of you burst into laughter and there it is — the laugh that lights you up. You grin wide as you watch Hoseok pause and bend backward as he laughs and gripping Joon’s elbow.
You’re surprised to realize that you missed him.
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Your head has finally synced back up with the rest of your body by the time you change out of your suit and into your pajamas. You need water though and so you wander down into the kitchen only to find Hoseok also doing the same thing, except he’s only in boxers and a plain white t-shirt. Namjoon had insisted he stay at your family house instead of at the hotel because he had walked you home and the hotel was five blocks away. Hoseok had agreed but you hadn’t expected to have a run-in with him.
“Hey,” you whisper as you open up the cupboard and grab a glass out from it. “Couldn’t sleep?”
He shakes his head, “cotton mouth.”
He hands you the glass he just filled from the brita jug.
“I haven’t drunk from it, promise.”
You settle against the counter as you take a sip and watch him.
“I mean it,” you start as you tap your fingers gently against the glass. “We need to get together. I know some pretty great places to eat.”
He smiles and nods as he puts the water jug back into the fridge.
“I would really like that,” he says softly as he moves to stand in front of you and holds out his glass to you. “To reconnecting.”
“To reconnecting,” you say as you tap your glass gently to his.
That familiar buzz slips between you and up your legs. You know that you could kiss him here, that he could press you against the counter and lift you up onto it so you could wrap your legs around his waist and pull him closer. You think about how he could slip his fingers into your cotton pajama pants and make you wet; and for a moment you think it might happen until your phone buzzes on the counter beside you breaking the eye contact you shared.
“Goodnight,” he whispers and gives you a nod before he slips out of the kitchen and down toward Joon’s room.
You take a deep breath to centre yourself before you look beside you and grab your phone. This time, the name you had hoped to appear on your screen all night is there.
Jungkook Jeon: Miss you. Can I see you?
Your palms are suddenly sweaty and you take a deep breath trying to calm down the excitement that he’s texted you for the first time instead of the other way around. You hated that you had followed your friend’s advice and had waited for him to text you before you texted him.
You: I’m out of town.
Jungkook Jeon: When are you back, baby? I miss your taste. I fucking miss you under me
You look around the room and listen for any movement that might surprise you, but the house around you is silent.
You: Tomorrow evening.
Jungkook Jeon: Can I see you? Fuck baby! It’s been too long and I need you
You let the mixture of self-loathing and desire you’ve long made friends with back into your chest as you type out your response.
You: I’ve missed you so much Kook. I need you more than you realize.
Jungkook Jeon: Good. Come back to my place before anywhere else
You: Ok!
Jungkook Jeon: Goodnight, baby. I’ll be thinking of you before I fall asleep
You: Tell me what you’re thinking.
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©sugalaritae. Do NOT repost, edit, or translate any of my work. I only post on ao3 and tumblr
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change-the-rules · 5 days
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we have all seen this photo we all love this photo and now I present for your consideration a meredith x chessy au idea that drop kicked me through a glass wall
so picture it, nappa valley, 1998, only this time meredith 'stays home to knit' letting the James-Parker coalition roll out on the camping trip without her
chessy finds her later on in the wine cellar when she returns from her non-romantic thank you very much excursion with martin
as well as the empty bottles surrounding her
meredith invites her to toast to her painfullly short engagement as she clumsily tries to explain that while she knows nick is set to return in a few days her fiance never will
they end up making it through half a shelf of wine and fucking
and then they sober up and do it again and again only they def get caught eventually, its bad, nick is a dick even though he dumped meredith Before he caught them and throws chessy out (sorry nick parker's character but it's the 90's and i need a villian)
chessy and meredith probably don't get together for real until at least one doomed marriage and a few years but then like 20ish years down the line meredith (who's either still in PR or maybe producing films) and chessy (who oft makes a whole production of just being a total if endearing jackass about being the trophy wife now) are married and walking the red carpet for some new film
hallie became a screen writer and she's also there and is Shocked to see them bc nick told the family that chessy died
Tie-dye girl is hallie's date
so everyone ends up doing the name thing like in Shrek until chessy spots nicole and is just like tye-die girl? and then hallie still reeling from the last two decades of thinking one of her *moms* bc im sorry but chessy is that girls' mom was *dead*
realizes that not only is chessy alive and looking at her like the day she came home from the hospital 6 lbs 11oz this is how she looks at her but 20 years later chessy Remembers her first camp crush, and of course when she was 10 hallie wanted to know her birth mom and annie was speaking hallie's own words when she said they were almost teenagers and needed a mother only hallie realized p quickly after chessy disappeared that she already *had* a mom (annie never got it, martin was her best friend, a big brother, wacky uncle, type not any sort of 'dad' stand in and even then he was the butler above all that)
and hallie just collapses into chessy holding on for dear life heedless of the flashing cameras her sobs coming uncontrollably
how many nights did a babydyke hallie lie awake wondering if her parents love would be conditional how many nights did she wish she still had chessy to confide in, chessy who loved her like more than a job like her own, chessy who was the only one who immediately knew that hallie wasn't hallie even if she tried to logic it away at first, chessy who she mourned and misses whos in front of her alive and solid and-
the 4 of them end up blowing off the premiere, chessy dragging everyone home to cook out her feelings and feed her girls,
hallie is understandably shocked that chessy married 'cruella' but 20 years is a long time and she's no longer a kid
besides meredith looks at chessy the way she looks at nicole so the woman had to have some redeeming qualities
plus nick and liz's had marriage imploded again on its own with no help from blonde she devils when hallie came out, nick had softened slightly from the man who threw out chessy and lied about it but no one improves that much that quickly without impetus and their relationship to this day is strained from those scars
honestly hallie's too happy to have chessy back at the moment to open that pandora's box [the alll consuming rage and bittersweetness at her father's actions will come later and in waves]
for now she's too busy inhaling a bowl of pasta(chili tasted too much like painful memories) pressed into an adoring chessy's side watching with an understated awe as the villian from her childhood makes her first (and if the ring in her burning a hole pocket has anything to say about last) true love laugh
anyway this turned more into chessy hallie family with hallie tiedye girl feels than meredith chessy content but I don't know that ill ever actually get around to Writing the fic thus releasing this unpolished word vomit into the wild
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l0ves1ckf0ol · 1 year
wenclair headcannons
tags: @gwynrr
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astringent - platonic
gift giving as their love language will forever remain canon to ME
"im going to die." "enid, the wifi had just been cut off for a few minutes."
both kinda lazy to go out on plans so they have movie nights
wednesday forces enid to listen to a horror or a true crime podcast, until eventually enid can't sleep anymore and wednesday stops this hobby.
in revenge, enid watches clueless and mean girls with wednesday.
both unironically love musicals, especially heathers (maybe enid more than wednesday bc she sings songs from it nonstop)
homework freak (wednesday) x couldnt give two shits (enid) unless homework freak lists an amount of stuff that could happen in the future if they don't do their homework.
enid dressed up as coraline, wednesday dressed up as wybie
matching pjs
thing sneaks in food for their movie nights that he also gets to crash in
enid loves to do wednesday's makeup but its only strictly powder, eyeliner, dark eyeshadow and dark lipstick (due to her allergies) which saddens her but makes wednesday rest in peace.
sweet - fluff
wednesday = little spoon
enid = big spoon
wednesday would do anything, and i mean ANYTHING for enid.
can't focus on exams? she already made notes for enid so she can study
study sessions with thing holding up flash cards as they both review
wednesday despises pda but when provoked she will do thr little things (cheek kisses, holdinf hands, waist pulling)
theyre a converse x doc martens shoes kinda couple
"how tf can u walk in those? "
she tells enid to stop blogging gossip, enid thinks abt it, stops for a while then returns after a 3 week hiatus
enid eats dark chocolate w wednesdsy, pretendinf to like it- in reality she spits it out in the bathroom sink.
enid's pet names are "luv" or "sweetie" or "baby"
wednesday acts like she despises them (secretly loves them)
enid KNOWS that she does.
she falls asleep to wednesday playing the cello
wednesday reminds her that she can't use her cello sessions as a flaw in her character while arguing cus enid actually likes it.
they dont do dates bc wednesday is not like yk used to going out w a lover but theyre doing progress (hence DRAGGING her out the dorm)
bitter - angst
almost never fights but if they do its sumn BIG.
enid loves attention and can't live without wednesday's so when frustration builds more and more...
boom goes enid, screaming her lungs off at wedneeday and then saying sorry afterwards cus she thought SHE was being mean
wednesday thinks its cute but then realizes her mistake and then she has difficulty apologizing bc their fights are always somehow against her morals and philosophy
enid gives her the silent treatment if it takes her a long time to apologize
though shes always remind her of her own faults, subtly.
mk ive run out of ideas
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quinloki · 3 months
Do you wanna guess what I thought about all night Quin?
I’m legit trying to figure out what I need to sacrifice to get to be in between these two
And Izou. And Ace >>
I do NOT HAVE TIME to stay up and read tonight bc a repairman is coming early but ugh I was so tempted to reread that kinktober piece you did even tho I just reread it like…. Last week…
Gonna be looking that grouping up on ao3 too, I know I read another one with that set up awhile ago >>
But not tonight alas I will head off to bed at a respectable time (2am lmao) and think about them
Omg but I was going thru the tabs on my computer looking for something…. And I still have that wbp yandere ask you were sent up… and I gave it another glance and my brain went brrrr
I just wanted you to know you killed me and I was brain rotting the whole night at work. My coworker said I was very quiet and I was like oh uh it was the smelling salts yep totally that nothing else >>
I think Thatch is gonna sneak his way onto my blorbo list here soon…
XD <3
Thatch kind of snuck his way with me too. He's very much a background character, and even with additional flash backs we don't get much on him - which is understandable, the cast of One Piece is massive.
But we get personality and such from extra, like official game pop art and such, and I think they did a good job just because the general fanon for Thatch is so consistent. Details change here and there, but I mean, that's the joy of fandom, fanon, and head canon honestly.
I have a Thatch x Reader I've got some notes for, but that's admittedly a ways off. I need to wrap more up before I dive into it (though the outline is going well, I might make it my NaNo this year and just do it all in one month.)
He's just so BIG. Like, he's barrel-chested, his hair's big, he's got that big wide smile. Idk, I know we don't get much of him, but he just has a BIG presence to me, and at the same time I feel like he's such a hopeless romantic. Maybe it's the more traditional "cook" outfit he has, or even the pompadour.
Like, who would do that to their hair unless they thought it was going to attract the ladies? 😂🥰 (or laddies.)
He whistles or hums while he cooks, I just know he does, and if he's cooking something special for someone special? He's practically singing, deep tenor teetering on baritone notes vibrating against that wide chest, damn dopey grin on his face.
(I also think he has just the best worst sense of humor and you cannot convince me he wouldn't just be FUN in the sack. (that is a very very nude image, open with care!))
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yayforocs · 1 month
Ohhhhhhhhhh My God okokok i'm going to be unpacking a lot here and i'm. oh my goodness i'm so excited there's stuff here i FORGOT about!!!!!! never posted anywhere would have been lost forever if i hadn't saved it on this flash drive!!!!!
OLD UNPOSTED ART LET'S GO (pt 1) (yes i'm doing multiple parts bc u can only post 30 images per post)
ohhhhhh man oh man ok i'm looking through and checking on like Each And Every One Of These to make sure they're not actually posted anywhere and m a n
ALRIGHT, cranking the clock alllll the way back to the start of my main blog, july 2012!!!
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God ok this is fanart for a slamacow video, it's the like one music video he made :VVV good ol Cube Land!!
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shadow of israphel!!!!!! what a series, my brother and i still quote a few lines from it. i actually did draw quite a lot more SoI fanart that never got posted, i'll have to go digging around and see if i can find it.... BUT atl now i know like!! timestamp for when i drew all that!!!
moving on to august 2012!
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herobrine in a cloak ig
dklsfjsd did i not feel like drawing regular clothes or.
september 2012!!
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genuinely i don't remember if i traced this over my laptop screen or if i just copied it down bc i was pretty good at just like lookin at stuff and replicating it, but it's erza from fairy tail!
october 2012 :V
i opened up a requests thread on the craftedmovie forums, and lookin back it looks like i only ever posted one of them, wack
so here's the rest!
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we've got a gamzee makara! we've got 'a brown haired girl (brown eyes may have also been specified? i don't quite remember but i'm p sure brown haired girl was) standing next to fluttershy'! who i actually, since no other specifics on the girl were given, drew to be the protag from the animation Crayon Dragon! and then the third one is the requester, trixomaniac, sitting on a rainbow :VV
november 2012!
we've got more requests!
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first one was i don't remember if it was just 'chicken man' or actually the requester's (gafloff was the name) skin but the request was for the person to be holding a butter sword standing over a zombie piglin or something along those lines :V i had no context of skydoesminecraft so i remember being very confused like. why a sword made out of butter XD
and then the second is shadowflare86, holding a gun pointing at the viewer :V whiCH! i had no idea how to draw so i did my best to imitate a pose from this wonderful animation called Serenade to Miette
...looking at this now tho i think it just looks like it could be a fantastic reaction image klshdg
speaking of
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i also. did this? i don't remember any context for it tho, i think it may have been another one of the requests?
on to the next folder! here we skip december, then looks like i've posted everything in january, then there's no february folder, so on to march 2013!
starting out strong with this one lskdfjs
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so i did actually post like the big middle drawing there, but it was posted before i colored, and also before i drew the other stuff on the page, but yes cue the homestuck art >:J starting with some runawaystuck fanart (and actually i know i added in a little jade and karkat to that page at some point, not sure if i scanned it again later after i added them or not)
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copied the talksprites for funsies :V rip jade ig
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ohohohoho i don't even remember what the context for this one was but i do definitely remember that i had fun with it X)
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FAIRY QUEEN LADY!! THE ORIGINAL DRAWING OF HER!! she was based on a Really Funky Graph i made one time messing around with inputs:
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i had a sliding phone so that's unfortunately as good a picture as it's gonna get bc i don't think i can recreate it 😅
april 2012!
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cleverbot doodles! kldsfjs i found the post i'd made of the colored drawing i did, and saw in the tags that i'd said ''#website characters #yeah i think there's a name for it but idk what it is'' gijinka friend. the word you are looking for is gijinka
and i had a lot of fun with this gijinka :V
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GOD SS PAINT!!!! i think i never posted this bc i was worried it looked too much like he was choking her skdlfj
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-oh wow this is. this picture is a lot smaller than i thought it was. slkdfj. anyway another that i can't remember if it's a trace or a replication but it's a yellow from the pokespe manga! please go read it if u haven't it's so so so good
skip to july 2013!
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i'm like 90% certain this is a replication. but there's still a 10% of uncertainty. regardless, it's de nam from final fantasy crystal chronicles!
next up is august 2013 :V
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ib time ib time
i doodled an au where garry was also a kid :V i think we (mogi and i) also joked around about like. a teenager au? they're both teens? i don't think any doodles came of it tho
october 2013, featuring doodles i know i drew in july bc i remember drawing them sldkfjds oh well
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these are a bunch of random ocs i came up with as like. a. ok it's not like a homestuck au bc it doesn't involve any of the comic characters in any way but this was a group of ocs i came up with that played through their own version of sburb and. everyone died but one person. i never came up with names or anything for any of them, it's literally like just what is there visible on the paper is all i had for them 😅 i'm p sure i redrew these guys a few years later, but i don't think i ever scanned it.
-ah i cannot upload any more, let me. multi-part this.
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taylorgrape · 5 months
Mariah's Characters as Taylor Swift Songs.
I am still so sorry. @sweet-sweet-petunia
PETUNIA RHUBARB AS FEARLESS "I'm tryin' so hard not to get caught up now." i have to be so real. this ties into junior's which we will see shortly but. i HAD to pick fearless bc bro!!! all the crimes she's committed with an underage asparagus!! she really do be fearless!! ofc there's also the like very sweet and cute energy of this song which gives larry and petunia vibes. but mostly it's abt committing crimes with an underage asparagus. Other notable lyrics that give me Petunia vibes: "So baby drive slow, 'til we run out of road. "You pull me in and I'm a little more brave." "I'd dance in a storm in my best dress, fearless."
JERRY GOURD AS MIRRORBALL "I can change everything about me to fit in." So while this song is inherently about trying to change everything abt urself for the sake of an audience I think for Jerry it's a little different. he changes not bc he has to but bc he is simply vibing. he can be reflective of the people he's around and while he does want to fit in like we all do, he truly is just trying to be everyone's friend bc he literally has no reason not to be. Other notable lyrics that give me Jerry vibes: "I'll show you every version of yourself tonight." "When no one is around, my dear, you'll find me on my tallest tiptoes." "I'm still trying everything to get you laughing at me"
ESTHER AS A PLACE IN THIS WORLD "I'm just a girl, trying to find a place in this world." This was another one that as soon as I knew what this project would be I was like oh this is SO ESTHER. she really is just trying very hard to figure her shit out and live her life and she knows that that's just how life be!! this song also gives me hot normal vibes and that mixed w esther's whole gay thing i'm like yeah this is the song for her Other notable lyrics that give me Esther vibes: "I don't know what I want, so don't ask me, 'cause I'm still trying to figure it out." "I'll be strong, I'll be wrong, oh but life goes on." "And tomorrow's just a mystery, oh yeah, but that's okay."
FRANCOIS BLUEBERRY AS THE LUCKY ONE "And the camera flashes make it look like a dream." a song that is abt the romanticism of hollywood and how it's actually not all that romantic and kind of sucks but ppl would still sell their soul for it. however, francois hasn't reached that second part yet so for me he is the romanticism of this song and show business. he moved far away to live his dream and GOOD FOR HIM. he could never do anything wrong ever. also this is one of my fav songs from one of my fav eras so obviously it had to go to the special little guy. Other notable lyrics that give me Francois vibes: "Another name goes up in lights, like diamonds in the sky." "Now it's big black cars and Riviera views." "It was a few years later, I showed up here." BOB THE TOMATO AS LAVENDER HAZE "I'm damned if I do give a damn what people say." LET'S GIVE IT UP FOR BOBBERRY ARE U KIDDINGGG obviously the song abt the color PURPLE was for them but also!!! so many of these lyrics are so bob coded to me in general?? and then when u add in the megan aspect?? it all came together so beautifully. also this is another one that goes hand in hand with another (bet u can not guess who) but genuinely i am so proud of myself for thinking of this one lmao (also it took everything in me to not make one of the lyrics "the only kind of tomato they see is a one night or a bride lmaaao) Other notable lyrics that give me Bob vibes: "And you don't really read into my melancholia." "I've been under scrutiny , you handle it beautifully, all this shit is new to me." "I just need this love spiral, get it off your chest, get it off my desk."
DAD ASPARAGUS AS CARDIGAN "And when I felt like I was an old cardigan under someone's bed, you put me on and said I was your favorite." okay so obviously a decent amount of this is due to the whole mom asparagus trauma. dad has been through a lot and it SHOWS. but also he is SO the type to use romanticized ass lyrics like this to describe his feelings. also idk if dad wears cardigans?? but he seems the type that would so i associated that with him as well. anyways as we know this is perhaps my absolute fav taylor song and so he should be honored to have it. (also notable mention to the fact that i almost added "leaving like a father" as a lyric just bc) Other notable lyrics that give me Dad vibes: "I knew you, your heartbeat on the high line, once in 20 lifetimes." "Chasin' shadows in the grocery line." "And I knew you'd come back to me." ARCHIBALD ASPARAGUS AS MY TEARS RICOCHET "And if I'm dead to you why are you at the wake?" this one makes me feel CRAZY!!! ARE YOU FOR FUCKING REAAAAL archibald's whole thing w his brother and lovey and oh my GOD this song was immediately perfect. obviously i take a lot of influence from the whole lovey thing but truly like... this whole song describes that situation to me and i am frothing at the mouth about it. i wish i could put every single lyric but PLEASE listen to it bc it's perfect!!!! Other notable lyrics that give me Archibald vibes: "And I can go anywhere I want, anywhere I want, just not home." "You had to kill me, but it killed you just the same." "And you're tossing out blame, drunk on this pain, crossing out the good years."
GOSSIP GOURD AS MASTERMIND: "I'm only cryptic and Machiavellian 'cause I care." OBVIOUSLY gossip gourd is a mastermind!! they know so much!!! also disclosure i know who gossip gourd is (figured it out watching vt w mariah irl so u know) but that was part of my reason for picking this song specifically. it fits SO WELL but also to me with or without knowing who it is this song is perfect for gossip gourd imo!! also mariah is an absolute mastermind for picking who she picked lmfao. Other notable lyrics that give me Gossip Gourd vibes: "What if I told you none of it was accidental?" "I laid the groundwork and then just like clockwork, the dominoes cascaded in a line." "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail, strategy sets the scene for the tale."
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artsykidwolf-2000 · 1 year
Happy New Year everyone and hopes to a good year bc....hehe last year was freaky deaky on a whole different level! Other than that I shall give you some joy this day in the form of....Sindri!
I have decided to give you love and happiness for this dwarf and his love that is a black dragon fae who claimed him like a coin for her horde so let's get it on!
Hope you enjoy and hopefully it's not too long!
A New Life
{An OC × Sindri Fanfic}
{Flash × Sindri}
Warnings: Trauma, "censored cursing", blood mentions, "death", OCD/Germaphobia, etc.
Rating: Fluffy with a side of sugar, spice, and everything nice....and maybe some tears {mostly mild} {embracing character roles}
{Flash's pov}
I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the front door open. My sisters and brother were here. All of them. My twin sister, Katerina, or Kat for short, was the first to hug me. Her slightly taller form picking me up as we embraced, I held her tightly against me as she wept.
"I thought I lost you in Greece...I'm glad you and Kratos are alright" Kat wiped her tears.
"nothing can kill this looming column of meat, and you can't get rid of me that easily!" I chuckled.
"Well the Pegasus can't always save every hero she meets!" My older sister, Terresa or Terri, hugged us both in her strong arms, " We're all glad you're alive! Right Ally?!"
My eldest sister, Alexandra or Ally, turned to me. I nearly sh*t my pants just waiting for her to beat me into the ground like a bug under a sandal but all I got was a slap to the face and then a warm embrace.
"Next time be more considerate, you have someone else that cares for you, besides I have faith you'll do the right thing" she put her hand to my cheek.
"I know...and I will..."
"Good that's all I ask" she chuckled as she stood up straight and started talking to Kratos. Military friends and all.
I soon spotted Ava talking with Sindri and Freya in the corner of my eye.
"Am I not gonna get any hugs from my little sister?"
Ava perked up and ran over to me, she may be taller than me by a inch or so but I am still her big sister. She hugged me with all her might.
"How's your magic? You getting better?" I asked.
"Y-Yes! And I have been t-training with Gavin in your absence in fighting to keep m-myself safe!" She shyly but happily said as she tucked her bright red hair behind her ear.
"Oh you have huh? Well then I think I need to claim my right as fighting instructor." I said as I turned to Gavin with a smirk, my older adopted brother.
"Not happening, besides I'm still sore from her accidentally summoning vines and branches from our last sword duel" Gavin sighed as he rubbed his shoulder.
"That's me sis! Showing him who's boss huh?!" I laughed and hugged Ava's side and smiled.
"T-Thanks sis" she giggled.
"Now why don't you talk with Atreus, he's been dying to get to know someone around his age...or mindset"
"Oh?! O-ok!" She trotted off to a very happy Atreus.
I smiled and then looked towards Sindri who looked nervous.
"You ok?"
"Yeah Yeah just a bit overwhelmed of meeting my soon to be in-laws...at least their proper and nice...and wiped their feet...and offered to help" Sindri fiddled with his hands nervously, "It's not every day that you're marrying a dragon/fae princess"
"Yeah well once we get married...I'm thinking of leaving that luxury behind some." I sighed as I stretched a bit.
"Why? It's the best thing you can do by letting them have some luxury!" Freyr chuckled as he downed some mead.
"Well I want a different pace and being out on my own for most of my life has opened my eyes some. I want us and our possible future children to live how they wanna be and to show them that everything is not handed to them. Let them adventure a little." I smiled, "Besides Tir na nog is great and all but I wanna try new things"
"Mom and Dad would be proud of that choice." Kat spoke up as she walked towards Sindri, Freya, Freyr and I, "besides they wanted me to give you this as a wedding gift" she pulls something from her pouch. It was traditional garbs from our homeland. One looked like it was meant for my wedding and another for normal use.
"Woah...Mom and Dad made this for me?"
"Yup, made from the scales of Volcano, Uncle Maato's dragon, and the wedding gard was made from the silks and water droplets of the Crystallus Tree of the Oasis so that your moment would be a part of history"
D*mn sis you about nearly made me cry more than I should. I wiped my tears. I hugged her tightly.
"oh! I nearly forgot! Sindri they also made you something!"
"They did?" He looked at Kat in question.
"Yeah they did, my husband pitched in as well since he adores you and your brother's works and he also works in a forge" Kat soon pulled out two new tool belts that my brother-in-law and his family leather worked, "I hope they do fit you two"
Sindri held his new belt and tried it on. It fit him perfectly, "it looks amazing! Such craftsmanship and attention to the gold details! Brok come here!"
Brok stumbled over here as well and tried his on. He was amazed as well, "Well I'll be...tie me up and call me a stuck boar because this is amazing!" He laughed as he traced the silver details on his.
I smiled at the two trying out their new tool belts and seeing how well they fit. Then I got to thinking. What will the wedding be like after Ragnarok...will there even be a wedding?! I don't want anyone to die or fall because of it. But...I can't think of any other time because I don't want our happiness to run short.
We had to stop Odin
With Heimdall gone it was inevitable. I couldn't shake something else from my thoughts either.
How Tyr became so...quiet
Does he know something? Keeping secrets?
Was it because I've gotten my powers back?
Was he scared of my power?
No... can't be... he's their god of war...
"Hey Tyr you've...been awfully quiet? Having fun? Overwhelmed?" I spoke up to him from the table.
"No No just... thinking" he spoke up.
"About what? A way to Asgard? You finally gonna join us?"
"There's no way to Asgard..."
"But we have leverage, we have the mask and the horn, what else do we need?" I walked closer to him, slamming my hand lightly on the table.
He stood up and started walking, "Nothing... you'll have your peace soon one way or another..."
"My only peace right now is to settle the score with Asgard, for taking everything, the dwarves are my family as much as the others"
"They didn't take everything, they provided with what they could" Tyr turned to me with a dark tone underlying in his speech
"I know a coward when I smell one...and you smell like one...a very familiar one..." I glared into his eyes.
"Take one to know one...and I know all about you...and you never seem to take...a...HINT!" Tyr reached from his belt and pulled a knife. He swung at me as someone pushed me out the way. Once I hit the floor, I turned back to see Brok at the end of the blade.
"BROK!!!" I cried out. I caught him as everyone ran to our aid.
Odin revealed himself and grabbed Atreus.
"Release my son!" Kratos growled at Odin.
"I would've settled for more but you guys got a bargain, we're square for Heimdall..." Odin hissed.
Everyone started to argue back and forth. Soon Freya came to our aid to help. Her magic was not fast enough.
"Brok please..." Sindri cried out next to me, "You can't leave us..."
"I...I know what you've done...and I forgives ya..." Brok sputtered out, "Live on without me..."
"No...NO I won't let you die!" I cried out trying to give power to him to keep awake. That was until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see my twin sister.
"Together..." She gave me a look that I knew what she meant. She kneeled next to Brok and put her hands on his wound. I put my hands over hers. Our hands and crystals began to glow red and purple.
I started focusing my energy to her and Brok. Kat started her healing spell, one that has been passed down in our family to special healers like her and our Uncle Laurence. Magic begins to draw from our crystals and the area around us. Defying the natural order takes a lot of energy. Good thing I have plenty.
My sister chants her spell as Brok's wound began to heal.
It was working.
He was gonna be ok!
Once the spell was finished, Brok began to breath again normally. Both my sister and I coughed and took heavy breaths as Sindri hugged his brother. I looked over to Odin who had let go of Atreus at the sight of me with a dark aura. I. Was. PISSED.
I looked that coward dead in the eyes and growled lowly.
"You think you'll be able to hide from my wrath...think again...because you messed with my treasure...my family...then you will face the retribution...The Wrath of the Dragon King! " I roared out at him as he escaped in his swarm of ravens.
I huffed as I turned around.
"Flash..." Ally spoke up and placed her hand on me, "Breathe"
I breathed in, as I did the scales that raised up on my back started to lower and my horns started to shrink to a miniature size. My eyes returned to normal once I opened them. I collapsed to my knees near Sindri and Brok and hugged them tightly.
"Your twin is something else...best not piss the healer off" Brok joked and it brought a chuckle to my lips.
"Sod off...and Thank you" I looked towards Kat.
"True family helps each other, no matter what, best to before it's too late." She smiled as she looked to Atreus.
"I'm so sorry Sin...we...I..." Atreus spoke through shocked tears.
"It's alright...but that fool will pay for messing with us!" Sindri patted his shoulder, "I'm tired of being left out! I want to fight!"
"Thanks Sin, and we will bring Odin down, one way or another!" Atreus smirked as he clutched the mask.
With Ragnarok gone and everyone safe it was time to tackle another mission. With the real Tyr found and survivors settled into their new realms, we decided to have the wedding in Svartalfheim. Nidavellir sounded the most appropriate since I'll be marrying a dwarf. I was nervous. I'm normally not nervous for long but this was probably what Ally and Kat said we're Pre-Wedding jitters or something.
Freya, my sisters, Angrboda, and Lunda were all helping me with my wedding outfit and my hair. It was all woven with gems, gold, and whatnot. It was past my shoulders by now and my twin decided a braid would be good with a traditional circlet.
"You look amazing Flash" Kat spoke up.
"thanks, I hope Sindri doesn't faint at the ceremony..."
"Viktor almost did with Ally with how beautiful she looked" Terri joked as Ally smacked her shoulder in jest.
"We're all rooting for you, now you have your exchange?" Ally added.
"I've been thinking about it and...I know what to give him...it's simple but it's traditional in the Draken ways."
"Oh? And what is that?" Angrboda spoke up.
"You'll see" I winked as I stood up to head to the ceremony.
The square was all decorated. People gathered to celebrate the union. Reab and others playing music as I arrived. It was all perfect.
There I saw Sindri.
He stood near Durlin and Brok with his armor all shiny in white robes. He lit up at the sight of me walking in my white garbs and bouquet of white lilies and red roses. Once I made it to him I held onto my exchange gift under my bouquet. Sindri seemed to fiddle with something before we joined hands.
"Now before anyone speaks or cheers, Let's let the love birds speak a vow before exchanging something special to them to show their sign of love and devoutness" Durlin spoke up.
"Like they need to, we all know what they have is unbreakable! No one will dare..." Brok spoke up in a grumble.
Now one said a word.
Once Durlin gave us a nod, Sindri started his vow as he held up a bracelet he forged from a piece of his armor.
"Falishia...Flash...I vow to do my best to keep you safe. I promise to be a good husband and a devout father if we ever have children. And with this enchanted bracelet your power shall never waver with the amount of magic and my love forged into it. For even with all your flaws, I still love you with all my heart, beasties and all" he spoke as he slipped the bracelet onto my right arm, a perfect fit.
Everyone awed at the sight of commitment.
Then it was my turn...
Great I'm more nervous than before.
I pulled out my gift. I woven my scales into a similar necklace to the one I usually wear. I cleared my throat as I spoke up.
"Sindri, I vow to help you and to be the strength you need in your times of need. I vow to be a loving wife and a proud mother to the future children we will one day bear. With my scales you shall never feel alone no matter how far apart we are and no dragon will harm you so long as you wear it. I love you for accepting my brutish ways and for the bond we share is unbreakable. For I am your loyal dragon until the end of our days. I love you forevermore." I said as I put the necklace on him.
I could see he was tearing up badly. I wiped his tears as Durlin spoke up as he tied a woven white and gold sash around our hands.
"With the gods as our witnesses and the love we have been shared. I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss"
We leaned close to each other and leaned into a gentle kiss. Everyone cheered. The dwarves, our friends and family, everyone. Then Sindri tugged me down and pulled me into a dipped kiss in his arms. I wrapped my arms around him into a more heated kiss as I tossed my bouquet into the crowd. Lunda caught it with no problem as she smiled at Brok. His blue face turned a shade of red with embarrassment and happiness. Those two were meant for each other.
Once the ceremony was over we danced, partied and whatever else for hours on end. Sindri and I were as happy as can be. Let's just say at the end of that celebration, and a few too many drinks, we had fun back home. Don't worry, Lunda made sure Brok was away for the rest of the night.
Years have passed now since those fateful days. I have decided to stay in the 9 realms...well 8 now...I think...
Anyways, I've decided to stay while my family lived on back in our homeland. It was a tough choice but it was a great one. Even though I know Sindri and the others would've loved being there, it just wasn't right just yet. Besides I had a new mission now.
Sindri and I were blessed with twins, a boy and a girl. We named them Margo and Mylo.
Margo comes from my father's native tongue meaning pearl.
Mylo was more from the realms native language meaning a soldier or merciful.
I love them with all my hearts and when they were born, both Sindri and Brok shedded tears. Lunda helped with the clothing and helping out. Brok and Sindri made cradles, toys, you name it.
Margo is a father's girl. Took mostly after him with the Dwarven genes and his hair but she caught my blue eyes. She also got my fire breath. Her little crystal was blue with gold filling the end of it.
Mylo on the other hand was struck with the "tall dwarf" gene from me. He was mostly Draken with shiny black scales with a sparkle of gold in his scales. His crystal was a red orange color with silver filling at the end. He takes a lot after me plus long dwarf arms.
They're my pride and joy and their father holds my love. I wouldn't have it any other way.
I hope for years to come
We can all cherish
"Mom?! You done writing in your journal?! I wanna go hunting!!!" Mylo whined
"I'm coming I'm coming! Go get your weapons, we're going big tonight" I chuckled.
"Why do you write in that anyway? It's not like you're going anywhere! You're too stubborn to die!"
"Yeah Yeah but it's for someone else to remember, maybe when we're all gone, maybe our descendants..." I winked.
"Telling them stories huh?" Sindri chuckled.
"One day our ways will be forgotten, and our love will be gone from this plain of living, someone has to do it. And by the Wandering Wolf the path has been laid!"
"I'd love to see what they will think of us" Margo smiled.
"Only time will tell for now let's go hunt for a momentous occasion! Happy birthday my dragonlings" I hug my twins.
"Thanks mom!" They chuckled.
"Let's go before Uncle Brok and Aunt Lunda get here!" Mylo spoke up and ran out the door with Margo behind him.
"They grow up so fast" Sindri wrapped his arm around my waist, free of his glove.
"Too fast if you ask me, We'll be back before sundown" I kissed his lips as I ran after them. Sindri waved us good-bye as the bright sun greeted us to a new dawn.
A New Life
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buckevantommy · 1 year
Sorry do you hate marvel or not? You reblogged a gif set from moon knight, that straight up nonsense show, saying they should give a show to one of the supporting characters? You know if you hate marvel media you can just not watch it right
marvel needs to die a fiery death.
i love stucky but the studio either queerbaited or was clueless or queerphobic plus steve's endgame made no sense. i love rdj's tony stark but he deserved better. they sexualised natasha to the nth degree rather than let scarjo work her drama muscles then killed her off rather than let her retire. moon knight was a mess but it was heartwrenching and different and oscar isaac deserves an award for that portrayal and i have a crush on layla and think may would crush a solo show - an egyptian superhero! (sidenote: i watched hawkeye recently and hated it but the deaf woc who got a redemption arc is getting her own show which is great).
i can care about characters and still hate their treatment - I'm an spn fan, it's second nature for me.
one of the many problems with the mcu is they're churning out multiple shows and movies per year which means they're not giving time to flesh out characters and plots like they deserve to be but it ALSO means a lot of eyes are on them bc when you crank out that much content in this day and age you HAVE to give diverse representation so we're seeing more and more poc characters in shows and on the big screen thanks to the mcu - eternals, shang-chi, moon knight, ms marvel, echo, blue beetle - and yes the mcu's diverse rep is problematic bc they care more about flash than substance and more about algorithms than grounded characterisations but you can't deny that the mcu has helped bring diverse casting into mainstream media. the worst company you know did a good thing, or however the saying goes. think back to the first avenger movies and how whitebred supermodel cishet they were. but thanks to societal influence and the changing of times, it became a necessity to have more poc characters in the mcu. the audience expected it.
however when it comes to queer rep, we've seen a lot more racially and bodily diverse casting and poc characters than we have queer characters. the first onscreen gay kiss took 26 movies and happened in Eternals, and other queer characters have been blink and you'll miss it moments or throwaway lines many viewers don't realise signified queer characters and instead misinterpreted those comments as humour or commentary. we've had a few queer side characters (negasonic x yukio, ayo x aneka, valkyrie, korg) but we're to yet to see a main queer character - and regardless of intention or comic book canon, throwaway lines, possible flirting, and jokes do not qualify as queer rep imho. so loki, deadpool, and tony stark don't count. it has to be explicit and undeniable, not catered to queerphobes so they can easily misinterpret.
but my point is: the mcu is a powerhouse that's been dominating the superhero genre and blockbuster charts for two decades, and from their success they've bet big in planning and putting into production dozens of shows and movies set to be released over the next decade. and that is a terrifying thought. they can't predict the future but they're trying to create content to fit a world that hasn't come into being yet. they're already behind the times on queer rep so i dont have high hopes for whatever they have coming queer-rep wise. but aside from that, their storytelling has become trite and so convoluted that they trade sense for the surprise factor. they're writing characters and plots to fit algorithm parameters like someone trying to say every buzzword in their work presentation. just look at Quantumania: a mess from start to finish in plot, dialogue, characterisations, not to mention stilted acting from a cast forced to act the majority of the film on greenscreen with no physical interactions to ground their performances.
i could go on and on but this post would get long and i'm no expert I'm just your average viewer and tumblr user looking for plots that make sense in stories i want to enjoy because i care about (or want to care about) the characters. if only the mcu cared as much about their characters as they do about big budget seizure inducing interdimensional battle scenes. as for genuine queer rep: maybe in 3 years we'll see a pair of same-sex lips gentle colliding like two pale coconuts. or maybe the mcu will crash and burn (or fizzle out) long before then.
i wanna be done with their stranglehold on the genre since they can't even produce decent shit these days. i want all the strikes going on atm to see creative teams get what they're owed. i want the next dozen mcu productions to flop so they realise they're not hot shit anymore. i want the streamer service upheaval to screw over their longterm plans. i want viewers and bloggers and journalists to call them out for being like the very villains they set up for their heroes to defeat - villains who want to control the cinematic universe, kill off competition, and screw over anyone they consider beneath them.
so yes, i hate the mcu. but there are characters i care about, and plots i wish were done better. but that's why fanfiction exists.
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