#it makes me sooo!not normal ab their dynamic
lemongogo · 1 year
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thatone-highlighter · 2 years
Stakes is a good choice for your favorite miniseries (its probably mine too tbh) soooo !! What do you like about it ? I’d love to talk ab stakes.
Stakes is sooo good im soooooo normal about it
Okay but for reals tho i don’t know what specifically makes me like it as a mini series. I really like Marceline so the fact that its a look into her and her character and her past straight away makes it appeal to me. Also just the writing is really nice and good i think?
I did really like the flashbacks to Marcy’s past tho. Especially the ones with the humans and her singing the song were really nice and ofc the flashback with her mum for Everything Stays
The interactions between Marceline and all the other characters were vibin. I love watching her dynamic particularly with Bonnie and Simon. In both cases theres just so much past built up between them and seeing them interact is so interesting and theres quite a decent amount of Bonnie and Marcy interacting in stakes and its just, nice to see how their relationship has improved since some of those earlier episodes before the door one. The interactions with Simon are a lot less but i still rlly like them. I do also enjoy her dynamic with Finn and the way she interacts with Jake its just nice to watch i think
The vampire lore is really cool too. The stuff of like Marceline basically killed off all the vampires and stuff and like. I dunno what im saying anymore but its cool and funky
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maschotch · 2 years
you are so good at analyzing and writing about the complicated relationships in the team— I really hope you do it for more of them (especially ones that I think run a lot deeper than it is explicitly said, like Hotch and JJ (especially between seasons 3-7) and Hotch and Morgan). Just wanted to say I’d love to hear your thoughts on more of the team dynamics!
omgggg thank you so muuuuch
something that really drives me crazy ab this show is how every single duo has their own unique bond and even though they love each other equally, they each have a totally different relationship.
obviously because of my hotch obsession i've thought even more about his so i'll probably write more essays on hotch x the rest of the team just because its something that's rarely explicitly gone over? everyone, especially in the later seasons, will be very open and affectionate and tell each other how much they love each other all the time, but with hotch it's never so direct.
its a little hard and i don't think a lot of people share my opinions on the way i see the dynamics. i think bc for me its family first, romance second? i tend to focus on the actual strength of the relationship before applying any romance, even though i am very excited ab ways that it could manifest sexually. again, pick any duo, and you could probably find some pretty solid evidence for a lil smth lmao. that being said, i dont always think its necessary. the foundation, the core of the relationship is always most important to me and it's not any less special if you take romance out of it.
#like idk. the romance of it is not something id ever make a specific post for just bc there are sooo many different ways to look at it#especially bc i think romance/sex tends to complicate things a little bit? espec when some chars are more casual ab it than others#like hotch/morgan.... that ones complicated. bc morgan definitely sees hotch as a father figure. so thats gonna get a little messy#i love talking ab it tho bc i def still have strong opinions. but theyre a little more fluid--im more open to other ideas#i definitely definitely am gonna make posts ab the dynamic of everyones relationships tho#like hotch and emily are my favs bc.. well.. theyre both my favs lmao#and i genuinely think that when it comes down to it they trust each other more than anyone else on the team#but you mentioned my two other favorite dynamics akjshdlgk#hotch and jj are sooooo fascinating bc i think they are both very very unhealthy people#bc jj tries to emulate him and has it stuck in her head that THATS the right way to be--not really looking at all of him just wat she wants#and hotch is trying to teach them all to be better and more stable#like i think jj misunderstands who hotch is and i think hotch misunderstands her intentions#hotch and morgan... god these two...#i actually wrote a mini essay to arson that i may expand on and post bc for me i think their background is so so interesting#being the first two members of the bau as hotch is trying to turn it into a family means their bond runs deep#even if morgan isnt exactly normal about it. projecting a little too much in ways hotch doesnt really want to admit#asks#ANYWAY. THANK YOU FOR THE ASK. IM ALWAYS A LITTLE WORRIED MY ESSAYS ARE ANNOYING
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bisluthq · 3 years
Lol I also think legit closeted gen z kids don’t rly make gay jokes? Story time: I actually was rumored to idk be gay w my bestie in the FIFTH grade (the teachers legit told her mom ab the rumors I’m pretty sure). They always talked about how I was a bad influence on her (I was the new girl at school; she’d been there since kindergarten and she was very pretty/skinny/~adorable whereas I was fat and kinda average-looking lol and never acted innocent), to the point where the teacher blamed it on me when she forgot to turn her notebook in after a test. Now our entire friend group had this dynamic where we all bullied each other, and she had it worse than any of us, so I’m not claiming to be innocent but come on lol I didn’t even talk to her during that test (obviously). They always talked ab how I had changed her, and it was partly bc we all liked going to the toilet together, and they thought we were doing something gay. I always felt so predatory towards her for all that shit that I overcompensated in junior high when we both changed schools. I became a doormat who yelled about having daddy issues so people wouldn’t think I was gay anymore. I was extremely closeted to myself bc (1) I’m religious, (2) I live in a country where gay marriage isn’t even legal, and (3) my parents are v homophobic. I remember one time, my straight bestie and her friends joked ab all of us marrying one another if we couldn’t find a man when we turned 40. I FREAKED OUT and said NO WTF IM NOT GAY dsjs. I also had/have pretty bad ocd and would get intrusive thoughts about her all the time when I was trying to have sexual/romantic daydreams and again I felt like I was violating her (and like I was legit thinking of much older men lol bc again I have daddy issues. I rly wasn’t attracted to her; if anything, the intrusive thoughts kind of disgusted me so much that I ended up hating her face). It got to the point where I couldn’t look at her face or else my thoughts would get triggered. I legit tried to convince myself I was homophobic. Now there was a lot of jealousy and stuff there too bc I eventually became the pretty girl’s nice crazy fat sidekick that the boys would only talk to so they could get w her but yeah none of it traumatized me as much as the thought that I was violating her somehow (and believe me this fucked me up in sooo many ways like (trigger warning: Ed) I ended up setting her weight as my ultimate goal weight and refusing to even mention sex after always having been super horny on main partly bc of this so I could be seen as small and innocent instead of crazy and predatory).The very notion of making gay jokes ab my bestie wouldn’t have crossed my mind pls and I would’ve legit beaten myself up for it if it had. Obviously, not every closeted person is like this etc etc, but most are just pretty repressed idk.
Sorry for dunking on you djsjsj but yeah I have ~memories from my early gay days
100% and I’m so sorry and you’re so normal babe.
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Fallen From Grace
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A/N: Hi this is my first time writing anything like a/b/o dynamic stuff, so be kind, I’ve been reading a lot lately and I’m quite liking it. I’m hoping to make this a series, just gonna test the waters and see how this goes.
Series Summary: Before the incident she was one of the most powerful Alphas on the Avengers team; admired, idolised and possibly feared, nothing could stand in her way. However, after a mission goes terribly wrong, and she is brutally attacked, the injuries she sustains take all of her Alpha strength, reducing her status to a weakened Omega.  By the way of nature, the team can’t help but treat her in a completely new way. Especially her two closets friends, who now see her in a whole new light.
Pairing: Steve Rogers X Bucky Barnes X Reader
Series Warning: a/b/o dynamics (and the fun stuff that comes with that!), strong language, sexual content (smut is coming much later, and there will be added warnings on those chapters), fluff, angst, manipulation, corporal punishment (18+ only readers)
Part One// Part Two// Part Three// Part Four// Part Five// Part Six//
Part Seven// Part Eight// Part Nine// Part Ten//
Part Eleven: Workout Aches
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Chapter Warning: Spanking (Steve and Bucky get a little rough), Aftercare, Bucky and Steve Fluff
Word Count: 3.2K
You were laying in your Alphas bed, your legs dangled in the air, as you listened to the sound of the rain, as it pounded on the outside of the windows. Bucky was making you some lunch, while Steve had gone to train with Sam.
“What are you doing baby?” Bucky laughed, as he watched you trying to balance several pillows on the soles of your feet. 
“Balancing.” you strained, sticking your tongue out in concentration. 
“You’re such a silly, little Omega.” he singsonged, as he finished your grilled cheese. 
You jut your lip out, before throwing a pillow at his head. 
“Hey. Don’t start baby girl.” he scolded picking the pillow up and throwing it on the couch behind him. You threw another pillow at him, liking this new game. 
“I mean it baby, we’ve been lenient to you the last few weeks, don’t make me spank you.” he glared at you, as he walked towards you, plate in hand. You sit up to meet his hands, which passes you the plate.
“I can’t help it, I’m sooo bored,” you whine, as you take a bite of your grilled cheese, “why do you get to train, whilst I stay here?” 
“Don’t speak with your mouth full, sweetheart. And you know why?” he chided, watching to make sure you ate it all. You swallowed your food, before making a face at him. 
“No I don't.” 
“You do, Omega.” he pushes again, taking your already empty plate from you, “It’s because you aren't healed yet.”
“But I’m bored.” you huff, flopping back onto the bed. 
“What would you like to do sweetheart, we could watch a movie, read a book, do some cooking, whaddya fancy?” he says rubbing your leg.
“I want to go and train.” you say flatly.
“No Y/N. And that’s final. We can do something else together.” he reprimands. You huff once again, folding your arms over your chest. “Stop pouting. I’m serious I don't need Steve’s permission to punish you, Omega.” 
You told Bucky, you were going to hang with Wanda, when Steve got back from training. They had said something about going to see Fury, about some details for a future mission, and that you weren't allowed to come. You had stormed off in a mood after that, but they were already running late for the meeting, to tell you off, so decided to just leave you to sulk. 
You hadn't exactly lied when you had shouted to them that you were going to hang with Wanda, you just failed to mention the location of your hangout. 
‘Sub-Level 3- The Gymnasium’
“I don't like this Y/N, we could end up in so much trouble,” Wanda fretted, as the doors of the elevator opened, revealing an empty training centre. 
“Why, how could they tell us off for exercising. What are we supposed to say; ‘sorry for being healthy’.” you joked, making your way towards the boxing equipment. 
“No. They’ll say to you: that you weren't supposed to be down here, because you haven't completely healed, and then Vis will say to me: that I shouldn't have let you bring me down here, and that I promised to look after you.” Wanda panicked, as you thrust a pair of sparing pad gloves into her hand. 
“You are looking after me. You’re helping me recover.” you reassured her, lifting your gloves to your face, before releasing a few jabs, into Wanda's padded hands.
“They won't see it that way.” she mumbled.
“Look if you wanna go, then go. I’ll just use the bag.” you snipped back at her, motioning to the black punch bag behind her. 
“No. I’ll stay, so I can keep an eye on you.” she sighed.
A wicked grin of victory, stretches across your face.
“Knew I could count on you.”
You did a few more circuits of pad training, before moving on to some floor and ab exercises. You needed to get back into shape, you needed to prove that you have the strength of an Alpha, even if you aren't actually one anymore. 
Your new instincts as an Omega may make you want to submit, but it didn’t stop your want to protect. Yes you were an Omega now, but that meant you had two Alphas you wanted to look out for, you didn’t want them to feel pressure to always be the ones looking after you. You wanted....needed to pull your own weight. 
Your scarred abdomen was beginning to ache, when you began your sit ups, but you wanted to just push through the pain, power through like you used to. 
“I think you’ve done enough now.” Wanda says, as you stand slightly breathless, and take the water bottle that she offers you.
“No. Not yet.” you defied, handing it back to her, “just gonna do a few miles before we leave.” Wanda looks at you skeptically, but she did nothing to stop you, as you walked to the treadmill.
You were just coming into mile 3, when you sensed movement from behind you.  
“You aren't allowed to be down here.” you heard the young voice of Peter, you slowed the speed of the treadmill, but don't stop the light jog you’re doing, when you turn your head to look over your shoulder. 
“So what, none’s gonna know, all the Alphas are in a meeting.” you puffed, “I’ll be done by the time they are.”
You turn back to the wall, and turn the treadmill back up to its original setting, in hope that the whirring will drown out Peter.
“Alpha said we weren't allowed to let her train, Wanda.” you hear Peter, now speaking to Wanda. You catch the look of guilt in her eye, as you watched their reflection in the window to your right. 
“I didn’t want to let her, but she begged me. It’s fine Pete, like Y/N said; no ones gonna know.” her head snaps up to meet Peter’s cynic look, “unless you tell them. You can’t tell them Peter, we will get in so much trouble.”
You hear Wanda’s voice shake, and you roll your eyes, at your non-rebellious friend. 
“Look Peter you don't need to tell your Alpha anything. Just pretend you haven't seen us.” you yell over your shoulder, increasing the speed once again, as you’re coming up to your fifth mile.
“I can’t just lie to my Alpha, Y/N. I’ve never lied to an Alpha.” his lip wobbles a little at the thought of lying to his Alpha, “I’m sorry Y/N, I've got to tell Tony.” 
He leaves the gym, before you and Wanda could stop him. 
“What do we do Y/N?” Wanda panics, “If Vis finds out I’m gonna be in so much trouble.” 
You ignore her, you’re so close to beating your 10K Alpha personal best, you drown out her cries of worry, focused intensely on the numbers slowly ticking by in front of you. 
Then the stitch began. Your feet hammered on the treadmill harder and harder, you were so close, but the tightening sensation in your side was getting worse. You breathing becoming staggered, you hear Wanda’s faint voice behind you pleading for you to stop, but you don't listen. You were so close.
5.8 miles 
“Yes!” 6.2. You immediately stop the treadmill, jumping on the ridges as you double over in agony, the stitch in your side, tearing through you, but you can’t help but smile, through your heavy gasps. 
Your smile drops when you feel two very large, Alpha like, hands; wrap around your waist, lifting you off the treadmill, and placing you on the matted floor. 
You don't need to look up to know who it is, when; in your doubled over state, can see two pairs of shoes, that look very familiar.  
As your heartbeat returns to normal, and the pounding in your ears has stopped, you can now hear, the very loud voices, of some very angry Alphas.
“What the hell were you thinking, Y/N?” you hear Steve’s voice boom.
“We told you no training, until the wound on your stomach had completely healed. Yet we find you here trying to what...kill yourself.” you straighten up when he says those words, and disbelieving look crossing your face.
“I’ve been healing for months now, I can’t bare to sit around anymore.” you shout, clutching your side, and wincing at the stabbing pain. 
“We told you, as your Alphas-”
“But that’s the thing you’re not. You aren't officially my Alphas,” the two men stand staring at you in disbelief, “If you were really my Alphas you would have bonded with me already, and given me your mark. But you haven’t, so I don't officially belong to you.”  
The two Alphas don't respond, instead you watch as their eyes go dark, instead of with lust, which you were used to seeing, it was more rage.
Steve turned from you marching away, but Bucky lifted you up over his shoulder, and began to march after him. From this angle you could now see a frightened looking Wanda, who had bowed her head, as Vision stood over her. Peter was there as well, but he was having his head stretched in praise, making your blood bubble slightly.
They disappear from view, as the two Alphas take you from the safety of witnesses, and begin riding the elevator back to your floor. 
Departing the elevator, they get to your shared room, Steve practically kicks the door open, and glares at you as, he allows Bucky to walk past him, before he locked the door behind you. You gulp, before a shriek escapes your mouth, as Bucky throws you onto the bed. 
“What are you gonna do to me?” 
“Be quiet.” Bucky silences you, he begins to try roughly pull the sports leggings from your lower half, you clutched them, afraid of what they were gonna do.
“Let go Y/N.” Steve barks, going to sit on the couch. 
“No not till you tell me what you’re gonna do to me.”
“We’ve been too soft on you. We’ve been trying to let you adjust slowly. But it appears we haven’t made ourselves clear on who we are...or what we are.” his eyes are blazing, as you still, hold your leggings tightly to your body.
“Now let go of your leggings before I rip them off you.” Bucky growls, you look to him in fear, but the control in his eyes overpowers you, and you let go of your trousers, and Bucky tears them from your legs. 
“Stand up and take your panties off.” you shake your head, but Bucky picks you up forcefully, and stands you on your feet. He pulls your underwear down, before pushing you towards Steve, you freeze, standing between the two, Alpha males, covering your lower region with the t-shirt, Bucky had ‘graciously’ let you keep on. 
“Come here and bend over my knee.” Steve orders, your eyes going wide, when you realise what he’s about to do. You shake your head rapidly, trying to back away, but you just collide with Bucky’s solid chest. 
“Do as he says Omega.” Bucky bellows, “this is your punishment. A long time coming.” 
“Please don't...I’m sorry...you are my Alphas,” you cover, you try to go on your knees to submit, but you are heaved up by Bucky, who lifts you over to Steve.
“No Y/N. This will teach you, that we only want what is best for you. And what we do is for you, and your best interests.” Steve says grabbing hold of your hand, he places a pillow over his knee, so that he won't be putting too much pressure on your scar. 
“Please Alpha. I’m sorry. Can’t you just send me to bed, without dinner?” you try to reason.
“No, my love. We would never deny you food. That would be damaging to your health. This way, you can learn safely.” Steve responds, in a slightly softer tone. He tugs at your wrist once again, and you can do nothing but comply, as you slowly bend over his knee. The cold air on your behind, makes you shiver, but you tense, when Steve’s palm comes to rest on your bare skin. 
“Now we’re gonna give you 20 each.” you let out a cry, at the high number, but Steve ignores you and continues, “you’re going to count every one, from 1-20, then you will thank me. Then Bucky will do his, and you will do the same, counting from 1-20, before thanking him.” 
You whimper, but Steve continues to ignore you. His hand resting on your cheek, rises from your skin, and you jolt forward with the force it causes, as he brings it down. You let out a cry, as the sound echoes around the room.
“What do you say?” 
“Good girl.” 
He continues to spank you 18 more times, you imagine your cheeks are a very loud red, as it burns when he delivers the final one. You’re a sobbing mess, by the time you whimper out the number: 20. 
Steve stands you up, keeping his hand on your bottom, as he rubs gently, trying to cool the skin.
“Anything to say to me, baby?”
“Thank you, Alpha.” you whimper, as he shuffles you over to Bucky, who had sat and watched from the opposite couch. 
“Good girl.”
Bucky mirrors Steve, and places a cushion over the his knee, before he carefully bends you over his knee. 
“Ready sweetheart?” he rubs his hand, as soothingly as he can over the red skin. You nod, burying your face into his other knee, hoping to hide your tears.
“I need you to use your words, honey. Are you ready?” his hand moved from your bottom to your back, rubbing encouraging circles into the material of the shirt, that covered your skin. 
“Yes Alpha.” 
“Well done, baby. Not long now.” he soothes. He brings his hand down quickly, which you’re almost grateful for, as he doesn't make you wait to start part two of your punishment. 
“One.” you begin all over again. 
“Nineteen.” you choke, your entire lower half burned like hell, from the tops of your bum, to the tops of your thighs. Bucky had hit you harder, but he was being quicker than Steve.
“Last one honey, then it’s all done.” you sniffle at his words, and nod, before crying out in pain, as the final hit comes. 
“Twe-nty.” you strangle. You lose all your resolve, as you slump over Bucky’s legs, uncontrollably sobbing. Bucky lifts you off his leg, and pulls you into his chest, your knees going either side of him, resting on the couch, whilst the searing skin of your behind, is left to sit in the empty space between his legs. He’s careful not to touch any of the hot skin, on the material of the couch, and supports you, by wrapping his arms tightly around you, quietly shushing you, as you cried into his shoulder. 
“Shhh sweetheart, it’s all done. What do you say to me?” he asks you tentatively, stroking your hair, you’re grateful he doesn't make you look at him, as he excepts your blubbered apology.
“I’m...so-rry, Al-ph-a.”
“Good girl, baby, good girl.” he continues to whisper that praise in your ear, over and over, while you hear Steve crouch behind you. You gasp and try to move away from his cold touch, as he lightly brushes your cheeks, with something cooling, and wet. Bucky secures you in places so you can’t move, you whine and whimper, even at the gentlest of touches.
“Shhh, it’s okay darling, he’s just putting some cream on you, to help cool the pain.” he reassures pulling you impossibly closer, and caressing your back.
He lifts your shirt slightly, so that Steve can reach better, he slides his hand up, knowing you’ll calm down faster, with the skin to skin contact, as well as, pushing your head into his neck, so that his scent, can be a reassuring haze. 
It works, as your sobs turn into hiccups. Steve gives him a nod to signal he’s finished, and Bucky carefully lifts you into the air, and carries you to your bed. 
He leans down delicately, supporting your head, as he lays you on your side, before, slowly rolling you onto your stomach. He sits on the bed, his hand is almost stuck to your back, as his rhythmic movement never ceases. You reach a small hand out, and rest it on his thigh, he uses his free hand, to gently rub, along the exposed skin of your arm. Again knowing you just need to feel the warmth of him.
Steve walks over to the two of you, holding a water bottle with a straw, he hands it to Bucky, as he walks round to the other side of the bed, before he slides in. You fuss slightly, when he pulls you so you are now lying with your front pressed to his chest. But you settle down when, he manages to pull your shirt over your head, and undoes your bra, allowing you to feel the warmth of his skin against yours, you relax into his hold, but your hand, hadn't left Bucky’s thigh, and your positioning only travelled to his chest when he laid next to you and Steve. 
Lifting the straw to your lips, whilst Steve brushed your hair out of the way, kissing your scent gland, gently. You take a few sips of the water, humming as it rehydrates your strained vocal cords. 
“You know we love you, little one?” Bucky says sedately. You hum at his response, you are too exhausted to physically speak. 
“Do you love us, baby?” he asks quietly.
“Of course I do, Alpha.” you rasp, you wince at the scratchiness of your throat, “I am really sorry, for disobeying you, and saying you aren't my Alphas.” 
“We know you are honey, you just said it in the heat of the moment. But you understand why we had to punish you?”
“Yes Alpha. I just wanted to prove to you that I could do it, that I can be just as strong as I was when I was an Alpha.” 
“And you are as strong, baby girl, but that doesn't mean that you are mentally ready.”
You let a heavy breath fall from your lips, your body aches, but the smell of your Alphas, and the love they had for you, was enough to ease the aches and pains.
“When will you bond with me Alpha?” you ask quietly, you feared the response, you just wanted to be marked, to be completely connected to them, but you couldn't understand why they were so hesitant.
“We will precious girl.”
  A/N: Anyone obsessed with Defending Jacob, I’m sooo impatient with shows like that, I just need to binnnnnge!
Part Twelve//
@mikariell95​ @sexyvixen7​ @booboobella01​ @rororo06​ @vickstaahh​@krazykatkay456​ @winchester-wifey
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team-adults-blog · 7 years
4.05 Tinder Box
In which I make 6 references- 5 numbered and then Wizards of Waverly Place- a few jokes, and a prediction that I think is SPOT ON. Join me on this reactionary journey (in chronological order). 
Abby, Jackson is relaying the science info for the audience, not you. I know that you know, but we, the audience, do not. give him a break.
Oh, the Mt. Weather parallels. BUT Abby checks herself. To all the haters: this means Abby is good. She’s NOT doing what was done in Mt. Weather. Dr. Tsing is a foil; they are fundamentally different.
I too hate molecular biology
At least Helios is a good horse and stays with Octavia when she falls. Unlike that dog vid. (reference 1 here if you don’t immediately get this)
Hey it’s Niylah! Not on the show in the way I predicted (Octavia going to her) but she’s still playing the healing role so I’m proud I pulled that out of thin air.
Oh no Ilian I don’t trust you yet because you hate tech but thanks for saving O.
Miller’s dad is ranking officer. Yeahhhh boyyyy. So many speaking lines, such as: “the radiation’s our enemy, not the ice nation” awwwww so proud of you.
Clarke’s poker face about all things Bellamy needs some work.
Her come the prisoners. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. its Kane and Bellamy. THE MOMENT CLARKE’S BEEN WAITING FOR. (reference 2, keep playing!)
[I had to watch commercials on this rewatch and why are there commercials for books? You don’t want to cast your character so it’s just a bunch of moving dark figures over an abstract background. Pointless. Plus this Riverdale show looks unrealistic.] I learned how to use line breaks and they please me.
Riley stop it. Only like 4 more episodes until your likely death.
“They knew you were coming”- Bell so hopeful. This is lovely. But I would have preferred a little more anguish and suspense before he and Kane know she’s alive. Some good acting and character development could have come from that instead of them finding out the next day.
Octavia knows she’s not lucky Ilian brought her in. Who didn’t question his taking all these explosives? Where is everyone?
Raven and Abby love and concern <3 they are the best. Hand holding throughout their scenes this week. I dig it. 
I thought we all knew Raven had the upgrade and thus still has ALIE in her head? Jackson and Abby are just figuring this out, fine, but I knew. The people I watched with did not? They just thought Raven was really smart? When did I learn this lil’ bit of information?
Abs we gotta go back to space! Raven’s looking at the gas lines and floor map to figure out there’s a rocket ship! She didn’t know where it was, but she knew what to tell the computer to do. PURE JOY! I AM SO HAPPY RAVEN FOUND A SHIP. This seem dangerous too though…
[Commercials are only acceptable in the actual air time. OMG THERE WAS A REALLY CUTE SHELTER DOG COMMERCIAL I TAKE IT ALL BACK cwgood.com if you want to see it. Omg no I had to watch 6 commercials wtf]
Riley you suck. I want to feel nothing at your death in 4-5 episodes.
P sure Costa was just on the island with doctor tech squad? They have to be more careful about where their quaternary-and-beyond(!) characters are.
Clarke is the only one who Roan listens to. Their cave scene was v good. Don’t brag about your lack of heart about your mom to someone who literally had the worst mom. Clarke, your mother cares about you. Roan’s mom used him as a tool in her ploy for power. Telling him that you care about your people more than your mom brings up some ethical values questions. Sacrificing one to save the many seems like a fine moral argument. But when you put faces onto those people things change: A ton of strangers vs your mom? That makes the decision harder. One stranger vs your fam and closest friends? That seems like an easy decision. I don’t know if it makes you a better or worse person for being willing to sacrifice your mother, but it’s definitely not an argument I would want to make. Especially with Roan. He let Lexa spear his mom. I cheered at that scene- it was badass. It was also clear she was a villain. And a completely different relationship dynamic. Clarke could use some advice from Selena Gomez and the Wizards of Waverly Place Theme, “you might run into trouble if you go to extremes because everything is not what it seems.”  You know, with the whole list thing and promising Roan safety in the Ark and taking Jaha’s advice. S3 Clarke could have used the line “be careful not to mess with the balance of things” when she was trying to change grounder culture. Season 4: “The end will no doubt justify the means” or, alternatively, “That’s what I said” in which Jasper goes around making that’s what she said jokes but about himself.  This didn’t directly relate to what I was talking about. My head just went there.
“Riley shouldn’t be here” Good Bell! AH-chers (Kane).I don’t understand why they all have to have American accents? Like let Ian’s lovely accent out. Let Bob’s vocal cords rest. A bunch of accents would have been initially present on the Ark because it was an international force. If English became the dominant language, fine. It’s an American show I don’t care enough to argue that point. One language across the stations is understandably necessary. BUT. Accents don’t disappear. I grew up with this guy whose parents are both English- a lawyer (now head judge, whaddup) and a professor. They’re all super cool. His sister taught me how to pop-lock-and DROP it on a mission trip and went to Oxford. Anyways, both kids have accents because their English parents taught them how to speak. I don’t know for sure if by high school this guy could turn his accent on and off, depending on the social setting, but he may have left it on for maaayyyybbeeeee pretentious reasons. He’s not pretentious, but he’s charming af and flatters my grandma at the Christmas Eve service and like. He’s a little posh. A kind, good person, and probs not posh in England, but he’s posh here. The point is I’m not an expert and don’t know. HOWEVER. It is possible that he can’t turn his accent off and I’m being a dick because I’m relating his ability of turning on/off his accent to my ability to turn on/off a southern accent. The difference is that I was not raised by parents who have the southern accent- I just took one on because I rode a redneck bus and was trying to assimilate. The moral of the story is this: accents, even over 100 years, would not have homogenized to the point that Ian and Bob and Eliza and Ricky and Alycia and everyone else have to lose their accents. It’s a skill but if we follow the English guy I grew up with not losing his accent despite being around other people (and not me singing ZBB’s Chicken Fried with my friends) logic, the different accents should still be there. But then that creates issues for the show runners of having to determine which countries has people in space. There were flags at the Unity Day ceremony, and I’m pretty sure I remember there being an Indian flag, so where are they? Put Dev Patel on the show. Jk he’s too good they could never get him. How did they even get Ian? I’m happy he’s here though. Isaiah can’t get larger roles because no one likes him. I may be projecting, but I also feel like Shonda Rhimes burned that boy.
Bellamy (and a reluctant Echo) to save the day. I hope by the end of the season 1) Echo is still alive, and 2) they’ve forged some sort of trust. They’ve had a cool bond since Bellamy saves Echo from the cages™ in Mt. Weather. Then Echo “saves” Bellamy from the Azgeda assassin who blows up Mt. Weather by tricking him into going to polis. She’s like I saved you, dude. And he’s like no, you lied to me and made it possible for a bunch of my friends to die. Then she’s like hey, be my friend, I’ve had sooo many chances to kill you and still haven’t, that’s friendship right? Bellamy’s like. No. I don’t trust you. Boom. Echo captures (? She brings them into the throne room, idk if she captures them herself) Bell and Stevens (rip, tattletale) and could have killed them both. She doesn’t kill Bellamyyyyyyy… Then this scene with Riley. There’s obviously trust issues on both sides- She doesn’t remove Bell’s chains. “so much for building trust” Bell. She’s worried her king is going to be shot. This is not the moment to scold her But I think she still wants to be friends. It must be rough to be such a badass spy and not to have just one friend. Bell seems to be the Chosen One™ and I hope they can work out their differences. Post Riley they share a secret, so they’re working on itttttttttt.
[I had to reload the page and I’ve now watched 8 commercials. The girl at the booth next to me is talking about her authentic (highly not-authentic) Irish pub experience and all the musicians playing their “banjos and fiddles.” Shut the fuck up. The page timed out again. Enough. I have to watch another 6 commercialssss. I’m tired of this proactive commercial, but at least the CW knows their target audience #annoyed]
SHA-BoO0M GOES THE ARK. Well that bad deal Clarke just made is over. She may have promised Azgeda protection from radiation, but what about Trikru? You’re going to help Roan and not Indra? Not a fan of that deal. Glad it went up in smoke. Da dunn tsssshhhhhh. Puns are fun. (reference 3, same as 2). I now know why the episode is Tinder Box. It all makes sense.
Bellamy and Octavia reunited. Another shot of the shoulder tat. Clarke and the Blakes holding hands (well Bell’s holding O and Clarke’s holding her hand. Poor Kane has no one to hold. Where’s awk bff David Miller? Hold him. The Blakes could at least invite him over.
Back at Doctor Tech Squad- Raven has a stroke! Possibly fatal, who can say? Raven’s just excited to go to space, and I’m happy for her. Abby also at risk, but doesn’t want to be tested until she’s showing more symptoms than those she already has from being sleep deprived. This is pretty normal for people whose parents get diagnosed with genetic diseases. Some people want to know, but not knowing can give you hope for things that can’t be cured. Abby wants to focus on helping adorable Raven save the whole world. But. Hey, how ya doing, well I’m doing just fine, I lied, I’m dying inside my brain and starting to have hallucinations of my daughter dying from radiation. (reference 4. I couldn’t find the one I wanted but imagine a vine of that over this) So now we’re worried about Raven and Abby. Will Abby tell Jackson? My thoughts- No. she’ll try to hide it as long as she can, working on a cure for Raven, then help herself. Yet I don’t see either of them dying? Raven is too important plot-wise and the writers and viewers lovelovelove the character. My argument for Abby living is more of a personal one and then behind the scenes of Paige Turco being a parent who’s very forward with her scheduling (why she doesn’t typically do up fronts etc so she can have separate work and son time) and probs has her contract locked down.
Not my fave episode, lots of callbacks to earlier seasons, but generally not super satisfying plot. Mainly because 4.04 set up these storylines- Octavia on her way back, Doctor Tech Squad reaching the lab, Bellamy and Kane as prisoners. The Polis/ Arkadia plotlines fell short somehow of their build. There were conflicts, but it lacked drama? If that makes sense.. I enjoyed the lab plot because all Raven x Abby interactions have great energy, not to mention they found a rocket. That story still feels like it’s still advancing and keeping the drama up. Props to Miller Sr. for getting more speaking lines in one episode than he did in the entirety of S3.
what if. they send. Thelonious frickin Jaha. into space instead of Raven?
Stay with me here: Raven could have a seizure which is a risk. Jaha was an engineer and is capable- they’ve been slowly using that in the story and I was wondering when it would actually become plot relevant. BTS: Isaiah Washington finished filming his stuff before everyone else. I doubt he’s dead, but if all his stuff is him by himself/ him video chatting in from the ship, this explains how he could have wrapped up so quickly without dying. Additionally, he needs a big redemption for people to like him again after the CoL. Holy cow I think I’m on to something here! He and Kane S1 were rivals both trying to become martyrs/ find salvation. Thelonious wins, Marcus goes to Earth. But then Jaha makes it to Earth too because he knows how to run a pod. I am heartbroken for Raven, it’s really going to suck getting benched if I’m right. More so when I know Abby and Jackson are probably going to be the ones to tell her and they’ll get so much hate. But Raven and Abby can coach Jaha through some of the medical/ technical stuff (a la Apollo 13-reference 5- and Lieutenant Dan. I don’t remember the dude’s name in that movie- the actor is Gary something p. sure, but he’s in Forrest Gump with T.Hanks too so I don’t feel that bad. He also got benched for a medical issue (back to Apollo 13) that he didn’t get so this tangent was not a waste. He was needed to problem solve and figure out how to save the men on Apollo 13. Raven could parallel this.) and still be a team, which I like. I just want Raven to be happy, she deserves that. I don’t want Jaha to have a lot of glory for doing this either. If it was Raven hell yes. But for him it’s the least he can do. That’s wrong of me, but their histories are incredibly different. 
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