#it makes a lot more sense in the context of the rp that was happening
askamnesiamoonjumper · 7 months
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^Wanted to do expression practice with this bit from a rp I’m doing w some mutuals :3👍
(⬇️ heads up/warning for period related jokes just incase it makes anyone uncomfortable)
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^Me and my friend got a bit silly with thissorry
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^Decided to doodle chapter two related meme stuff bc I’ve found that to be a trend of mine to doodle chapters as im still working on them lol ?
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^More serious thing I wasn’t initially gonna post but eh why not basically tldr or context is I reworked a tinyyy bit of how Manor arc starts and wanted to doodle it (basically all I did was rework the roles to better fit character motives is all it dosnt change any of the story it’s just me switching the characters roles around for the opening if that makes sense idk I’m trying not to give too much away is all)
also Aster minion form!!! :D (dw they’re fine !! /gen, Snatcher comes by and snaps em out of it)
made a little cute art as apology for the angst lol they are buddies ok trust me I just didn’t wanna use a generic minion for the scene
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^And FINALLY idea I had of mj finally learning how to use their likeeeee creation magic? If that’s a good word for it? Just bc the actual term I use for it in my head would be spoilers soooo yeah just tldr it’s the same magic that does the body horror shit to prince or like how eclipse happens or when mj transitions it’s the like the transformation magic stuff it’s that ok I’m talking about that (also the stars they are making here are not related to the ones in the horizon (atleast not directly idk how to explain it w out spoilers) so I’m not elaborating)
but uhhh yeah I think that’s it! Chapter two is going well, just taking it a bit slower bc the plot wasn’t as clear in my head when starting but it’s a lot better now so I think it’s getting somewhat close!! :D👍 anyway enjoy the doodles
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blanketforcas · 11 months
A guide to real-person shipping and tinhatting
Most of this can be applied to general tinhatting but I will mainly be focusing on RPS and using examples from cockles fandom. This is based on my experience and what I’ve personally come across. Examples I use are merely illustrative and not meant as shade to anyone.
Let’s get some ethics of rps out of the way first
*disclaimer: this is what I would advise, I know opinions on this do vary
Try to keep it off main as much as possible (ie twitter, tiktok). You can’t always escape the algorithm, some stuff does get seen by the actors. Every actor’s comfort level with this is different, but as a general rule let's say tinhatting stays on tumblr or group chats
Try to avoid stating something as truth unless you’re quoting the actors
This goes without saying, but don’t ever mention the ship to the actors and if they bring it up themselves, don’t forget that’s not a free pass to just say whatever
Now, moving on to some pitfalls and tips
Do some basic research
Is this tweet/post reflecting the truth? Do multiple sources confirm this? Is there video? What was the context? What is happening right before and right after this particular moment? Does that change how you think about it?
When you see a picture you haven’t seen before, are you sure it’s not a manip? Use reverse image search and if nothing comes up, try to look up the event using key words to see if you can find the picture. If it’s hard to find and friends can’t help you either, it’s probably a manip. Obviously also look for signs within the picture itself (strange lines/different lighting on one person/missing limbs etc)
Are you projecting?
We all do it! It’s normal, just try to be aware when you’re doing it. Sometimes actors might indeed be similar to you when it comes to [whatever your theory is about], sometimes not at all. Fact remains you’re more likely to run with it when it’s something you do or feel yourself. Try to ask some friends what they would do/how they would react and maybe you’ll find out it’s less common or obvious than you think.
Confirmation bias is one hell of a drug
It’s surprising how easily a pattern can be found if you actively try to find one. Try to keep thinking critically: do I too quickly add something to the list of evidence because I really want my theory to be true? Does it really belong in that pile or could there be another reason why X happened the way it did?
The more effort it requires to make your theory sound plausible, the less likely it is to be true
Does it need a lot of explanation? Are you having to find a lot of excuses when an alternative explanation is presented? Are there inconsistencies in your theory that are difficult to explain away?
These are all red flags and should make you question the validity of your theory.
You as a fan are always going to be far more invested than any of these actors will ever be
Whether it’s about the show they are on or their social media behaviour, you will always care more and inevitably find details that weren’t put there intentionally.
No, the actors aren’t constantly leaving clues about the show you love (“you’re not crazy” tweets aside) in their everyday posts, they are just living their lives and sharing it.
And no, actors aren’t hiding secret and very obscure messages in their posts about how their relationship is real. They will simply quote Casablanca on the other person’s birthday and assume you get the memo
Remember they aren’t as obsessed with us as we are with them
This ties into the previous point about hiding secret messages. It’s a consequence of parasocialising which is something I talk about later in this guide.
Actors may or may not care a lot about us as people/as a fandom, and sometimes they do like to play with us in a general lowkey sense, but they aren’t looking for a “special” group of people who Get It. They aren’t putting in the time and effort to find a way to communicate with us on some secret code level. An example within cockles fandom I’ve seen is the stoplight system (if you don’t know what I’m talking about, this was an idea proposed by a fan via text messages that Misha could use red/yellow/green to communicate how loud we could be about cockles – the day after, the official Gish account’s activity was seen as possible confirmation Misha actually adopted the method).
Which leads me to my last point:
Watch out for conspiracy thinking
I know, I know. It’s kind of in the name. Tinhatting implies some sort of conspiracy, but this is a bit too simple when it comes to RPS and especially cockles – where you have two people who make a lot of references themselves and like to have fun with it. There’s different levels of tinhatting one can do, my goal is just to try to make you more aware of some of the red flags and pitfalls that I’ve mentioned throughout this post.
Okay maybe one final point about mental health
You’re more susceptible to falling for some of these things if you’re parasocialising hard. It’s something we are all familiar with because how else did we end up in this dumpster in the first place?
It doesn’t need to be problematic – it’s almost inevitable and comes with being a fan. With tinhatting It’s important to check in with yourself from time to time how much you care about a particular theory and why you find it so important.
More generally when you find yourself spending more and more time in these fandom spaces – ask yourself if there’s something else you’re avoiding or feelings you’re repressing that need to be dealt with. Reach out to friends (those can and do include the people you spend all that time discussing RPS with), try to distance yourself a bit etc. Take a step back if needed.
With all that being said, you can still do whatever you want and make your own judgement. I just hope this can help at least one person to be more cognizant of how they engage with RPS. I know I’ve personally fallen for some of the traps and I learned and still learn along the way.
Yes, this is a little bit silly, it’s a silly subject matter. The reason I care so much and wrote this guide anyway, is not just because I like tinhatting to be believable (cause I do, I can’t deny that) but also because a lot of these critical thinking skills are helpful in for example preventing people from falling for actually dangerous conspiracy theories, cults and cult-like group structures, and toxic relationships.
Now I feel like I ended on such a serious note but I want to emphasise of course the most important part of RPS is to have fun – and this is hopefully just a tiny toolbox for when you want to do more of a deep dive.
Happy rps'ing!
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kaija-rayne-author · 1 year
Some thinkee thoughts about 'the scene' and Solas's Romance. Spoilers for DAI Dragon Age Inquisition.
Okay, so, I've finished the base game part of the Solavellan playthrough. I've read a fair bit of responses to it all by now. But there're a few things I haven't yet seen. It's possible I just haven't discovered them, but I found some very salient character/story things in Solas that I want to share.
Please no spoilers on Trespasser or the books. I haven't gotten to them yet. My Inquisitor is non-binary like me, but because of how I RP her, I still use she/her or they/them pronouns for them.
For context, my real life job is an editor, and I'm a multiply published author.
The Solavellan Romance is an absolutely stunning example of a star-crossed lovers relationship. It's incredibly obvious they love one another, but due to Solas's plans and beliefs, they can't be together.
In the line 'in another world' you can sense his longing to set down his burden and just love her.
I can clearly see that it's this world, and this enby he's falling more and more in love with. But she will disappear when he works his plan. He's already in too deep. He just doesn't understand that yet.
That is the chef's kiss of star-crossed lovers. The longing, the subtle desperation, the knowledge of your love, and the deeper knowledge that you can't have it. That the stars are crossing the path of the love and severing any possibility of continuance.
All of that is beautifully crafted into Solas as a character.
I have so much professional and heartaching praise for this perfectly executed star-crossed lovers set up. Patrick Weekes deserves all the props for that. Star-crossed isn't easy to write. I know because I often write it. I have a deep weakness for star-crossed lovers, so I read it a lot too. This one was perfect.
I have to admit I don't understand all the fan reactions hating on Solas or acting as if he doesn't actually love the Inquisitor.
I mean, love or hate him, I don't personally care what people feel about him because it's a very personal thing. I just know how he makes me feel (and thus, my inky too).
But why are people questioning whether he cares about, loves, the Inquisitor? It's written all over him! Every gesture, every facial expression. Every tiny hitch in his breath.
I don't think I've seen his fear mentioned anywhere. Again, I just may have not run across it yet, but for such an integral part of that break up scene, you'd think people would be talking about it. He's running scared, utterly terrified. He's not leaving her for anything else.
Think about it. He's (likely) immortal, or at the very least nigh-immortal. Some estimates of his age are in the 5000 year bracket. From his perspective, he wakes up from a really long nap to find out the world he loved; the world in which he rebelled against the powers that were (who were possibly even his family) to save his people, only to find it has turned into something so unrecognizable that he feels honour bound to rectify his mistake. Honour is a heavy and incredibly important thing to Solas. You can see that in his reaction to Blackwall's revelation.
Solas is ashamed, grieving, planning to fix it but not sure he can. Alone, because he can't count on anyone else. (And his greatest fear is dying alone!) OF COURSE he's scared of falling in love. NOW IS NOT THE TIME must be ringing through him.
Hell, many many people are afraid of falling in love and they don't have a spot on the Dread Wolf's baggage.
Lavellan makes him feel. For a mortal. She draws his fascination away from the fade. Something he's said straight up is something that's never happened and he didn't think was possible. She jeopardizes his plans, yes. But if you've never experienced that kind of love, one thing I will say about it is this... if you fall deeply enough, there is very little that's unthinkable in reaching a place where you can have that love. That's the crux of his motivation in that scene.
That's what made him suddenly break it off. You can see it in the moment he pulls back from the kiss. He's blissed out when he's kissing her. The curve of his eyebrow and the way he has his eyes closed show that clearly. But then it hits him... he can't do this. His eyes widen just a fraction and you can see the moment he realizes he will absolutely lose himself to Lavellan. He would go down the path he's likely seen hundreds of thousands of times, falling in love. So deeply in love that he’d give up everything else for the path that would see him accept the world as it is, something he finds anathema, so he can stay in her arms, keep her, keep her freely offered love. His honour could never allow that.
Our wolfy boy is so terrified he turned tail and skeddadled with said tail tucked between his legs like the wolf he is.
I don't think I've seen even a peep about his fear. The reason he would tell everyone (and himself) for breaking things off with inky is that if his plans succeed, she won't exist anymore. There's foreshadowing on this in his personal quest with the spirit.
He believes so strongly that he needs to fix what he broke that he is cutting his heart out and leaving it on a silver platter because his people need him more than he needs his heart. That's his bedrock belief. And he can't let anything get in the way of that.
He's telling himself he has to let her go because of his plans, but that's just his excuse. Apparently, even immortal elven gods lie to themselves about love.
When he breaks it off with Lavellan, it feels like a shock because it's a shock to him as well. He took her to the waterfall to tell her the truth about himself.
His voice hitches just a little before he switches paths to tell her about the Vellaslin. I'd bet he was going to tell her who he is. But at the ultimate moment, he chickens out.
Wish I could draw better, I've got a hilarious image in my head of Solas as wolf covered in chicken feathers running full tilt away from Lavellan. Who has a silvery leash from her heart to his throat. The guy is lost already, he just doesn't know it.
He surprised them both. The depth of his feelings for her scare the shit out of him. He suddenly knows that he would give up everything for this love. He panics, and he's running scared from committing to the enby he loves.
There's an interesting bit of coincidence in that theme, and it's been used in Dragon Age before. Soilers for DAO
If you ever managed to piss off Alistair in DAO on the kingship path, (I managed it without trying hard 😅) he breaks up with you for much the same reason. His dialogue there includes 'I could get lost in you'. And that is what has sent our wolf running for the hills.
Solas has so very obviously never been in love before. He's hinted at that several times in his dialogue. TBH, I get 'virgin in the real world' vibes from Solas.
He may have had relationships with spirits, he may have done as Blackwall hinted and 'gotten frisky with a spirit in the fade'. But Lavellan is the first time (and Dreadwolf may very well prove me wrong) that Solas feels actual romantic love on the mortal plane. And for a mortal nonetheless! At the WORST possible time.
Another thing I don't see people talking about much, if at all, is how heavily neurodivergent coded Solas is.
I mean, nerdy research expert type dude who has eons of knowledge. (Walking encyclopedia thing, anyone?)
Esoteric artist using ancient methods?
Extreme reaction to an innocuous beverage like tea? (Taste/texture sensitivities anyone?)
Always on the edge of things?
Knows far more than he says?
Always observing, always learning.
He even stims in the cut scenes several times. He's heavily coded as either autistic or ADHD or both.
I've seen complaints that Solas isn't very emotive. But to me, he's screaming emotion with every gesture, every breath. Especially in the dawnlit and waterfall scenes.
I'm not even sure what to call it, animation? Modelling? What kind of name can you give moving artwork like a modern video game? Anyway, whoever took the writing part and made the visuals for Solas, I think, understood neurodivergency and enacted it perfectly.
His emotional tells are there. But, like the character himself, they're subtle.
Given how many complaints I've seen about that topic, I have to then wonder if I can see it better because I'm neurodivergent and my family is too. I'm used to reading neurodivergent people.
That's... that's not me being arrogant. Neurotypical people cannot read autistic and ADHD people very well, if at all. Our body language and facial expressions are so subtle or different that we're often accused of being angry when we're having a good time or are just deep in thought. Heard the term 'resting bitch face'? Yup. That's a common (soooo common) marker for an autistic or ADHD or autistic/ADHD person.
He's heavily neurodivergent coded, maybe that's why I don't have any trouble reading him? Are people just not picking up on all the details I do? (There's no judgement or fault in this. It's just fact. A lot of autistic and ADHD folks can't read NTs either. I can, but it’s something I learned to do vs anything innate. We're wired so differently and speak completely different non-verbal languages.)
During the waterfall scene, before the final part, he's got so much love and awe on his face and in his body language that it's so so obvious he loves Lavellan. I just can't grok the questions of does he or doesn't he. If he didn't, he'd have acted much differently.
It's just as obvious by the end of the scene that he's convinced himself he can't have her. That they can't have each other.
I've absolutely joined the Solavellan hell carousel 😆. I desperately hope Dreadwolf offers some sort of positive closure for Lavellan and Solas. I hope bioware believes in happy endings.
Aaaand my opinion is subject to change after I play Trespasser. I don't know very much of what happens in that, so I may have to eat these words.
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kekkuda · 2 years
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More art based on stuff from the RP server
There’s too much context required for this to make sense but there’s a point where Morgott asks to be granted a White Mask’s ‘mercy’ when he should inevitably perish in service of the Erdtree and Varré has a crisis imagining
Needless to say, I’ve been Thinking Too Much About It
Don’t ask why Varré is suddenly gay for Morgott a LOT has happened and all I can really boil it down to is religious trauma bonding oof
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varietales · 20 days
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NAME: Momo PRONOUNS : she/her PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION : IMs on here are fine but can be tricky as i switch blogs sometimes! i'm happy to add mutuals on dis.cord NAME OF MUSE(s) : i mean, you know who they are but ok. Kagura Mikazuchi, Jenny Realight, Millianna, Evie Hawthorne, Ichiya Vandalay-Kotobuki, Simon Mikazuchi and Bisca Connell. I'm not gonna list all my other blogs/muses or we'll be here forever. i should have done this on a single-muse blog BEST EXPERIENCE : On this particular blog, I'd say...the love and acceptance Ichiya has gotten! i love that other people have been tricked into getting attached to him too imeanwut. In general, the best experience has been forming friendships with great people and writing/plotting/chatting about fun dynamics. RP PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS : the usual godmod/forcing relationships thing, more specifically - a partner making changes/writing major events in our ship verse that would impact the ship/dynamic Without actually plotting it with me first - i.e having their muse suddenly break up with mine, or getting a serious injury or adopting a kid or pet (this has happened surprisingly often to me and i hate it). Also as someone who Loves reading muse info and always tries to keep partners hcs/details in mind, my biggest pet peeve is there being no About page anywhere (i won't follow anyone that doesnt have them) and/or the phrases "canon divergent"/"headcanon driven" being plastered everywhere but no actual clarity is given on what those divergences/hcs are. (the last part isn't a total dealbreaker, as i know it can take time to get these things written and posted) MUSE PREFERENCES: I like a variety of muses (hence the multi-muse and multiple blogs), but I do have a soft spot for characters like Lisanna, who are cute and bubbly and a bit of a menace to those they love, but who also have a lot of depth and things they struggle with (Milli, Lisia, and Jenny also fit into this). I'm also a sucker for the complex and flirty gentleman type (Leo & Freed), and the serious/reserved but actual sweetie ones (Rogue, Kagura, Simon, Amarys). Honourable mention to the golden retriever energy babies - Jason & Frankie. In terms of muses I like writing with? i don't think I have a preference for a specific muse type, I enjoy any muse that is written well. PLOTS OR MEMES : They both have their place honestly. Memes can be a great starting point. One of my longest threads (50 notes!) on a different blog started from a meme! Sometimes a little plotting can help with writing a meme response too, a little context just to make things make sense, and things can flow on from there. I do usually like to have a general sense of the dynamic between muses to begin with, and a rough few plot points for threads. We dont have to plot out every single thing (because that might away from the fun of actually writing it), but some basic points are helpful. LONG OR SHORT REPLIES : a mix of both is important. if you only ever do long threads, i feel like that might get tiring! but same with short ones. Length is needed for depth and getting more insight I think, so i do love them for that. i think a middle ground is probably ideal, but never easy to stick to. i tend to just go off whatever amount my partner has written BEST TIME TO WRITE : weekends and sometimes after work during the week if i'm not too tired ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S) : i do share Milli's absolute Love for cats but that's probably it.
yoinked from: @raiiryuu
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lynnarang · 10 months
Past Curfew
(This is a little excerpt between two of my characters that happened between scenes in an rp my girlfriend and me are doing. It might not make full sense out of context but I thought I would share it anyway)
Scenes of her teenage self sneaking in after curfew played in Arang's head as she quietly unlocked the front door of her apartment, desperately hoping that her girlfriend had already gone to sleep and wouldn't see the state she was in. But just as her guardian had always been there to deliver her a stern talking-to her then, Sephina awaited her in the living room despite the late hour.
For a moment Arang hesitated, considering running off and finding somewhere else to stay tonight or lurking in the shadows and trying to get to the bathroom to tend her wounds before her girlfriend could catch her. Unfortunately for her, before she could decide on a new plan of action, the angel girl's halo twitched and she looked up just in time to see Arang silently enter the doorway.
"It's about time! Do you know how long I waited for y- what the fuck happened to you babe?!"
Sephina didn't even have time to finish being mad at Arang before her eyes landed onto the mess of an arm the demon-wolf was clutching at her side. "It's nothing, just got into a bit of a scrap-" "A BIT of a scrap? Your arm looks like it's barely hanging on by the tendons!"
It wasn't *that* bad, Arang mumbled as her angel girlfriend rushed over to her to take a closer look. The 'little scrap' Arang had been in during her night job had lead to her left arm being halfway severed near where it met her shoulder. But only halfway.
"It's fine, it'll heal in a few days, it takes a lot more than that-- kill me..."
Arang's words trailed off towards the end as Sephina fixed her with a glare. Her unnaturally red eyes normally gleamed like beautiful rubies, but Arang swore they turned to flames when the angel got mad at something. Sephina was dragging Arang to the living room now, grabbing a handful of medical supplies on the way.
"I'm well aware of that! Just as I'm aware of the multitude of other non-death horrible things that could happen to you! In case you weren't aware, I don't exactly like seeing my girlfriend horribly wounded and in pain either!"
Sephina spoke harshly as she treated Arang's wounds, clearly upset with how skilled she'd gotten at the process.
"What if you got hurt so badly you couldn't even make it home? What if you lost control and hurt someone while you were out there? What if you got captured and tortured and I never saw you again?" Arang cringed. This was the part she hated the most, the reason she'd tried to avoid this encounter. The guilt. "None of that is going to happen.." "You don't know that! Fuck, with how often stuff like this happens it almost seems like..." Sephina exclaimed harshly as she finished tying one of the several bandages she'd grabbed. Arang went silent, feeling some of the pent-up aggression from her unfinished battle from early rising back to the surface.
"Seems like what?"
Her words came out harsher than she meant for them to, almost as a growl rather than a question. Sephina was taken aback by this, wings anxiously flapping behind her before her gaze settled back into a glare.
"Like you want something to happen. Like you're just waiting for a job to go wrong and kill you for real-" Arang started to say something but bit her lip to silence herself before she could get the words out. She could see the tears brimming in Sephina's eyes. She was genuinely afraid- she probably had been since Arang had failed to make it home in time.
"Babe, that's not... That's not true. I'm sorry." The demon reached her still-functional hand for her lover's cheek but the angel batted her arm away.
"If it's not then quit taking these stupid jobs already. Stop making me sit alone at night and imagine all the scenarios where you never come back through that door."
Arang winced. Now Sephina was crying for real. Fuck.
"It's not that easy baby..." Sephina's face scrunched up in anger as tears continued to trek down her cheeks, only to relax a moment later. Her expression was almost mournful as she shook her head.
"No, nothing's ever that easy with you is it? Why do I even bother, getting so worked up when there's nothing I can do?"
Dread sunk into a pit in Arang's stomach as she struggled to find the words to placate her girlfriend. She couldn't just stop working, Sephina had to realize that right? And there wasn't a lot of alternatives for... for someone like her. This was something she had to do. But it still pained her to upset her girlfriend this much...
Sephina cleaned up the rest of Arang's wounds in quiet as neither of them could find the words to keep the conversation going. The largest wound wasn't something that could really be treated simply but Sephina gave it her best shot, and by the time she was done it was well past 2AM.
"Babe I'm sorry. Can we talk..."
Arang tried to call out to Sephina as the latter started to clean up the absurd amount of medical supplies she'd gotten out.
"Not tonight. Let's just go to bed. I'm tired and I have to be up in a few hours."
Sephina was curt, not even meeting Arang's eyes as she spoke, and by the time the demon managed to follow her back to their bedroom she'd already collapsed into the bed with the covers pulled over herself. With a final sigh of defeat, Arang turned the lights off and lowered herself into bed facing the other way from her girlfriend.
No matter how exhausted she felt, sleep never found her for long that night.
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outeremissary · 3 months
11, 21, and J for Balthazar
Thank you for the ask!! From this list
11. How do they cope with confusion (seek clarification, pretend they understand, etc)?
Well, not by letting other people know he's having trouble following along, that's for sure... Balthazar generally nods along in the moment and tries to pick up what's happening from context and cautious probing of the situation. A "remind me" approach instead of a "tell me" one. He hates to let on that he doesn't know something, even with friends or advisors. It shows a disadvantage in a situation. When he has the ability, he tries to get his bearings on a situation by looking into it alone.
With particularly trusted confidantes or in situations where he already knows that whoever he's with knows he's clueless, he's willing to be more direct and ask for clarification on things he doesn't understand. He just hates to do it when it comes at the price of his pride or showing his hand.
21. Why do they get up in the morning? 
Balthazar gets up in the morning because he's too stubborn not to. That's always been it, I think. Forward momentum that refuses to break. He has things to do and he doesn't want his life to be something that just gets swept up in the direction of whoever or whatever happens to be around. Even when he doesn't have much direction, he's always felt like he's needed to be at the helm trying to steer things somehow.
So he gets up (late, usually) and coordinates the day's outfit and does his hair and checks his schedule and has coffee and faces the day with the feeling that he can make it whatever he needs it to be.
J. Did you have to manipulate or exclude canon factors to allow them to create their character?
Hm. Honestly? Not really. Like a lot of my CRPG characters I get really into, Balthazar was originally from older stuff of mine- he was an old TTRPG character who had been both an NPC and a PC, and the Kingmaker iteration was specifically based on the version of the character that was developed in the wake of a 2019 5e oneshot a friend ran. He was coming to the game with plenty of fixed aspects of character and past, but Kingmaker's got such an open ended premise for a character that I didn't actually have to change anything. And the game was great to RP a charismatic "talk first, fight only if necessary" CE character in. It was a very syncretic experience and it was fantastic. Love it when stuff lines up like that. At this point the Kingmaker iteration of the character is pretty distinct from past tabletop iterations, but also I think developed along such interesting routes that he's the definitive one to me, haha. To displace 3.5 NPC Balthazar... what a feat. At any rate I feel like canon is something that really just opened up new and interesting questions and ideas to expand the material I already had. Love when it's a conversation.
I guess when it comes to "how the story progresses and ends," then I certainly went against the text here and there for my personal canon. But that's distinct from "who this character is" to me, if that makes sense?
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ocpdzim · 1 year
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Because the @original-character-championship competition is an excuse for me to be so annoying about Vreeza on tumblr, when I usually keep it to discord, you all get the SECRET FROG CONTEXT behind why Vreeza has a pet really big frog and why it is named Homare-chan! The basics are probably clear enough from the pictures but details below the cut.
If you haven’t seen it yet, check out my initial propaganda post for the competition for more general information about Vreeza: https://ocpdzim.tumblr.com/post/714049779304366080/vreeza-is-competing-in-the
VOTE FOR VREEZA HERE: https://www.tumblr.com/original-character-championship/714142908732850176/bracket-f-round-1
Also, shout out to @ves-doodles for the pencil drawing of Vreeza holding Homare-chan, which is also the original drawing of it! They were also running Bill in the RP where these events happened.
Currently, I mostly run Vreeza in a couple different RPs where the core gimmick is that it’s interdimensional chat, so it’s a multifandom and OCs RP where everybody interacts over an online chatroom and in-person interactions are rare, although there are a few characters who can create portals to enable in person interactions (Vreeza is not one of them, not only because it wouldn’t make sense for them to be able to do this but also because they would be way too eager to go places and it would become unmanageable fast).
A while ago, Bill Cipher came in the online chatroom and complained about being trapped between dimensions and needing someone to summon him. Vreeza has baggage about being trapped places and considers leaving someone imprisoned for any reason intolerable, so despite not knowing who he was and having had moderately hostile initial interactions with him because he called them a nickname they didn’t like, and despite literally everyone else in the chat telling them not to, they immediately summoned him to their house as soon as he posted instructions without even being offered anything in return.
He promptly got trapped in their lab computer by accident and they couldn’t get him out or directly use the computer with him in there, so for several months they basically used him like an Alexa. During this time, he recommended engineering cop-eating plants and also provided blueprints for a weirdness detector which he made some pretty big claims about. Vreeza is not good at mechanics and so getting them to build this thing properly was a big pain in the ass, leading Bill to start considering other options for his eventual plans. However, they did eventually manage it, and when they brought it out in the swamp, they found a really big fucked up frog from another dimension which tried to eat their phone. Vreeza likes frogs, but was kind of unimpressed because as far as they’re concerned being large and having a lot of eyes are not that remarkable of features and so they figured this was probably just a normal Earth frog, but a different species than the ones the usually saw. Regardless, they brought this thing in their house as a pet.
Vreeza did not immediately name their new pet frog because they figured it probably already had a name but just couldn’t tell them because frogs don’t speak either English or Vreeza’s own native language. When it was brought to their attention that their original assumption was not accurate, they asked the chat to help them name their frog. At the time, a couple guys from the Yakuza franchise were online, and you can see what happened there in the pictures. This is also the context for the fake YouTube screenshot - Vreeza does not particularly understand what these guys do for a living but they DO have personal beef with the cops and were more than happy to help out new friends who also did.
Bill Cipher eventually ditched Vreeza when their house got raided and went to try to manipulate the agency that keeps bothering them (not actually the FBI or cops but a hostile NGO, Vreeza just doesn’t really distinguish between them) since Vreeza sucks way too bad at mechanics to build a feasible portal and was also annoying him. During the months he was living in their house, they never actually learned his first name because he never mentioned having one so they assumed Cipher was his full name. He hasn’t shown up again in the RP yet, but Vreeza did make a call out video about him on their YouTube channel which you can read the script for on their library page on Neocities (it’s the last one if you scroll to the bottom).
Homare-chan still lives in Vreeza’s house and is mostly pretty friendly unless provoked. Its favorite food is cabbage and it likes to climb on the furniture, although there isn’t that much furniture in Vreeza’s house to climb on. It does NOT have any of the supernatural capabilities mentioned in the chat logs, this was misinformation told to Vreeza by someone else in chat that they just took at face value. However, by simple virtue of being a really big frog, it is still capable of doing some damage if you piss it off. Being a frog, Homare-chan doesn’t really have a gender and so any pronouns are fine for it, but usually Vreeza refers to him with either it/its pronouns (because it is a frog) or he/him pronouns (because he is named after a man).
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squidkid15 · 2 years
I have finished everything for the day so please just throw anything and everything you got I will eat it up
You wanna ramble and I wanna be rambled to
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OKAY LETS GO bear with me this is gonna be disjointed as hell and probably really long.
So the whole AU started with this scene very specifically. The entire concept, from this.
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We ( @feliadox is the other half of this AU) were talking about what that is and how it worked, and the whole AU spiraled from that.
The AU is also more RP than whole AU, so it's kindof disjointed scenes of what we feel like RPing through, but it's still linear. We're telling a story but jumping to the scenes we wanna RP through, if that makes sense? And it all takes place after the main series, we didn't alter any events from the show, just tossed some headcanons in and kept the story going.
Each scene seems to keep coming back to what we've started to call "cores," hence the name of the AU. They're both the soul of an immortal as well as their power source. Immortals draw on them for magic (clones, shapeshifting, gold vision, glamor magic, etc.) and they're a finite pool of energy. A very large one! It takes a LONG time (or Something Else) to drain them completely, but it can happen.
When a core is depleted, the soul is dead. (Not necessarily the body, this is an important distinction).
Cores can also be damaged independently of the energy within. It has to be magical (a spear wouldn't do it, but a magical spear would) and has to have a pretty considerable amount of force behind it to actually do any damage. Enough emotional trauma can also damage or alter a core. Surface cracks on older cores are very common, the older the core the more likely it is the immortal has Been Through Some Shit.
A completely shattered core is a dead core. They don't necessarily break when the body dies, but if a core is broken that's dead. Mac's broke when he was killed, but it wasn't repaired when he was revived, even though it was jumpstarted again.
Cores can also be removed, like Mac does to MK in the show, but it will usually be catastrophic on the body (It's also a relatively rare ability). The reason MK didn't was because his powers weren't fully revealed yet, he wasn't a full immortal yet, so he didn't necessarily NEED the core, at least for survival.
Mac doesn't have true sight to see the cores, but he can reach in and interact with them. Be it yoinking them (like the show) or, where we expanded to in the RP, he can take and give power to them when he's in contact.
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(enjoy the out-of-context snippet lmao)
And from those basic thoughts about cores, the rest of the AU just...spirals from there. It's a lot of exploring cores and how they work (and usually beating up monkies, we're both whump enjoyers).
Right now we're on what we've dubbed the Fever Wukong Arc (tm) where we infected his core with some fun corruption and are toying with all the effects of that lmao.
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🌴 I'm a feminine-presenting trans person who gets misgendered constantly. I understand that a lot of muns would rather not read a muse accidentally misgendering or using the wrong pronouns for their own muse the first time they interact, or any time. Because maybe it's dysphoric or uncomfortable for them. I know I didn't feel comfortable watching Mad Men because of the systemic sexism in the first couple episodes so I had to stop watching, just like how my great grandmother who lived through WWII had a hard time watching war movies. But that doesn't make the show bad. It doesn't make the writers bad. I know that, and my great grandmother knew it. If a mun doesn't want to read their muse being misgendered, please, skip it and have the pronouns be intuitive, your comfort is important. But acting like I'm the devil's spawn for preferring to keep that awkward moment because it's most realistic for my muse, and I love realistic RP, and for having different boundaries, is not the way, especially when I don't force it on people and I do have a small FYI about it. RP scenarios don't have to be ideal all the time. It's fine for people to want the messy little things. For a lot of people it makes things more interesting. (I can't believe I even have to say this... It feels like such a common sense thing to know.) Your discomfort is valid, but saying shit like 'we don't do muses misgendering each other here' in a dismissive, condescending way, and implying the people who do want to include that realism (because maybe they aren't personally uncomfortable with it in an RP context), is rude and derisive, and it smacks of passive purity policing. If you don't do the misgendering thing, cool, but don't be a IC=OOC dick about it. My muse doesn't know to ask for pronouns because they're very removed from society, the chances of them knowing right off the bat is too unrealistic, and I like realism. It's not like I have a lot of first-meeting threads, so no, "wouldn't you get tired of writing this over and over?" doesn't apply. After a few years it's only even happened once. And I'm simply not triggered when I see misgendering in this context, even though misgendering definitely triggers me in an OOC context, like when I'm on youtube and forums and people assume my gender. Not being triggered in an RP context doesn't make me a shit person. People have different boundaries and preferences, and that's okay. We need to start acting like it.
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epicfranb · 9 months
bdubs for the bingo :3
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HHAAHHAHAHAi don't actually understand some of these fully lol (as always)
For fandom takes: i only ever hang out in the spaces that love and adore Bdubs so when i see takes i don't agree with, they're still like.. i get where they're coming from? Bdubs plays a very complicated and conflicted character, so those takes are like. Not completely wrong, just very surface level. Even then, i rarely see them. Maybe I'm just good at ignoring them.
Actively plotting their demise/i can make them worse: idk if im wrong for understanding these two as basically the same... At least in the context of how i treat Bdubs in my writing. I'm not typically a fan of angst, what i do is i have a lot of happy moments so that when heavy angst happens it hits LIKE A FUCKING TRAIN. In that way, yeah, i am plotting his demise. I have yet to figure out a good plot to have him as a villain but i could make him so much worse. If i had a good scenario to do that in
He IS my white noise. Never thought I'd see this put into words. Him along with Etho, both together and separately, occupy 70% of my brain at all times. "I can't live a normal life anymore" is false tho I've always had this about at least 1 character in every fandom i was in (including my OCs)
Complex and well written; in his improv, he manages to have a very complicated and nuanced character that is nevertheless consistent in his motivations. In the context of mcrp, well written constitutes good acting ig.
Lost potential/not enough canon/underrated: several factors play into this, 1) he usually takes the backseat in the storylines, if that makes sense? He's always someone's little guy, their hypeman, the sidekick, which of course gets him overshadowed by that other person. 2) he throws for content, it's like in LimLife where he has an intriguing story that gets abruptly cut off when he dies. This is too be expected from Minecraft improv of course, but with Bdubs he very much puts on a show first and foremost and he's kinda clumsy, so he can die quickly and have less time to rp... I also just want him to take on more fun roles honestly. Villain, like i already said. Like, full blown villain. What wouldn't i give for Bdubs to carefully construct and roleplay a character where his story is under his control, where it doesn't abruptly get cut off and he gets to do what he wants for however long he wants and in whatever way he wants... But, of course, i think he's at his best when improvising with other people. Playing along with their games. Providing support, mostly. I guess what i really want is to just see him in a more active role.
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shiiikigami · 11 months
get to know the author
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name : ammonia
pronouns :  they/them
preference of communication : discord
most active muse : toge inumaki at all times, he just comes to me the most naturally, then megumi fushiguro. the rest of the muses come and go in waves.
experience / how many years : oh i go way back to 2001 over msn groups, of all things. i've been all over the blog sites, message boards, messenger services. i'm surprised tumblr outlasted all the others that came and went.
best experience : oh i don't know. i've had a lot of nice memories over the years but honestly where i am now is probably the most relaxed and content i've been with an rpc in a very long time.
rp pet peeves : just drama around rp i guess. not everyone is going to get along, but i just feel like it's tiring to see people stirring up issues with others over things over a hobby. i'm just here to write things that interest me, i don't really care about anything else?
fluff, angst, or smut : i love a healthy balance of fluff and angst. not all threads have to be both, but i like to write a bit of both equally across threads. i like a fair bit of humor too! as for smut, no thanks.
plots or memes : memes are just easier for me these days. i am constantly exhausted mentally, and i improvise off of memes better than i plot unless i just had a specific idea i'm reaching out with. i don't even have a wishlist right now because i haven't thought of stuff.
long or short replies : i prefer shorter replies. the flow is easier when it's 1-2 paragraphs max. yet sometimes the scene has so much that i want to get out in one turn, to explain or to add more context, that it does get to be a novel on my side. i never expect people to match it, it just happens in the moment and my next reply might only be one paragraph honestly.
time to write : lately sporadic. i haven't carved out much time to write and the time i do have to kill i end up not feeling like writing much. lately i've been tinkering with the blog and making it more what i feel it should look/feel like instead of writing, but once this little project is done i'll be more consistent again.
are you like your muses : i don't really choose muses in the sense that they choose me. i pick up characters that have things i can understand and relate to. maybe not their entire personality or history, but if there's a piece or two of them that i feel i can resonate with, the rest comes so easy. sometimes it's nice, and sometimes it's the character's worst trait, so it's a mixed bag. and no i will not be disclosing what those things are lol so don't ask.
tagged by: @manneatcr tagging: anyone interested!
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futurewife · 1 year
Your post about not wanting kids irl but exploring having kids in a fictional context is really relatable. I like the idea of being a parent in a fictional context, especially if it’s like being a parental figure to fictional children who’s fictional parents didn’t treat them well. Additionally, the idea of a character you love telling you that you’d make a great parent is also really assuring and weirdly affirming. I’m not sure how to further explain it, but it’s just a really comforting thing to me personally.
but having kids in real life? Yeah no, that’s off the table. I have so many reasons why and most of said reasons are out of my control (ie: the climate is fucked) - but mostly it’s because of my medical condition which leaves me really tired a lot and taking care of myself is already hard enough as it is. Raising a whole human being while tired? YEAH NO, that’s not going to happen. But yeah I’m sorry about this ask/2 cents but your post was really relatable.
Yes totallyyy like I like thinking about telling my f/os they're gonna be dads and stuff, I think that's super cute but even then I feel like it's more about me and them and us than the baby itself HAHAHA... Just imagining little contained scenarios like that is enough for me, and it's not even in my ship lore or anything. Great for higher stakes drama and angst though. Plus I lose interest in imagining anything past uhm... delivery and the first 24 hours....uh uh no thank you. selfship inner mind theatre over. once that baby starts impeding on our relationship (jk)
I think it makes perfect sense to enjoy it only in a fantasy way because well... if you do it in real life you get an actual real baby you have to centre around and it won't even be C.able's from d.eadpool 2 ☹🙁😬😬(L)
I agree with what you said about a character telling you you're gonna be a great parent- I think this hits the part of the brain that's like yesssss f/o picked me they picked MEEEEE im going to be their little broodmare for all time :) cuz they just like me sooooo much :)) - which I am all about almost pathologically. It feels kinda gross and biological but I guess i still have that switch that says find the best genes out there and make sure you snatch them up so they get deposited into you and create offspring. ig my f/os are my brain's idea of "THE BEST GENES" so I want them to br**d me for not only sexual reasons. it's like I don't want to actually be a mother but I still want you to want to if I wanted to idk... it's nice to be ASKED ig 🙄😤😤
when I was a kid I just assumed I would have kids at some vague future date, like it was an inevitable thing coming towards me I couldn't prevent. but when I got into my 20s I realised i literally didn't have to and it's crazy that that blew my mind HAHA. I was like wait... this idea never excited me and I never really cared about it or fantasised about babies it wasn't a part of any dream future type plans. I would always wanna rp as the pregnant mother when we played house tho ig that's the only part I liked the idea of HAHAHAHA and still to this day... but hell no i don't want to take care of the doll and tote it around and pretend to feed it. this explains everything
I also agree with your climate change reason for not having kids. That's one of my personal things too- call me a doomer or whatever but I just feel like I'm doing them a disservice, when I myself am already concerned about what the rest of my life will involve with weather messing up food supplies, plastic pollution, extreme temps etc- plus the environmental impact of one more person when in all likelihood I KNOW I wouldn't really enjoy being a mother. The cons far far far outweigh the pros for me (I can only think- my partner may really want kids? but then why are they with me lol. also i feel this is a quick trip to resentment and regret because you only did it for someone else- and as a woman statistically most of the child rearing would be on me too). i also am a bit weird in the brain (menthol illness that i think emotionally stunts me and takes a lot to manage- i need a lot of time to myself to decompress) and a lot of that is coincidentally due to my own mothering experience (bad and scary) + having no positive modelling of motherhood (hence never developing the instincts? behaviours? maternal warmth who?) so it seems like a real surreal nightmare situation to have my own children.
it's ok tho I hc C.able as infertile due to the virus 😎✌
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nagasakidivision · 2 years
Okay, this is a complicated answer.
Conceptually, no. I make characters very slowly but when I do get that inspiration, I usually wait to actually write them until I've already planned out a ridiculous amount of their history and psychology so that very, very little ever ends up changing once I've actually settled on making them. I guess it might be because I tend to think and write in very abstract/symbolic ways and branch out from there instead of being inspired by wanting to write a specific type of character...?
...But also Haruto is the only one who was specifically designed as a Hypmic OC. I spent a lot of time in the Dangan Ronpa RP community. You can tell I came in during the pre-translation era because I don't write it as Danganronpa and I have to stop and think for a few seconds before using "Ultimate [x]" instead of "SHSL [x]." That said, very little ended up changing other than I ended up going with the more wild backstory options for Damien that I was afraid would be seen as too bizarre for GMs. Their childhoods are basically the same and their character direction isn't...that far off what would have happened.
(I mean, Shirou went off the rails in his game, sort of, his character development was horizontal in the sense he got better in some respects because he no longer thinks he's damned and he now has a friend, the friend is a robot, it makes sense in comparison and this game happened before DRV3 was a thing so having a robot was way more bizarre, but also he killed someone in an arson-murder and he thinks it's fine because he killed the game's Monobear equivalent and they weren't human, they just looked like one despite the fact they were fully sapient and a former HPA student, also the robot helped, it was a huge botch job that destroyed part of the map and it wasn't even supposed to be an arson-murder, it's just he can't read Japanese well and didn't know he was using an anesthetic that was highly flammable, also once he gets home he joins a gang that's trying to start an insurrection against the government and he stole a bunch of magical artifacts because the game was taking place in an alternate universe where magic and yokai and things are real which is why he had to exorcise the mascot's evil dad who was trying to possess him due in part to how pure his soul was due in part to his devout faith, again this makes sense in context, and so now he's convinced that God wanted him to go through a trials-of-Job style experience and that God wants him to be a virtuous gentleman criminal trying to make a better future, and that's why in the game setting there's now a bunch of magic using anarchist furries and the company that was the first to successfully make a sapient robot for the purposes of doing menial labor has to deal with the fact their prototype they sent off to learn about humanity has learned a lot and decided to become a criminal and also hero-worships said anarchist furries.
This is the short version, that game was an adventure in the best possible way and I think DRRP and mutual killing game RP is best when you just let everyone go off their shit. The point is I did not think he would actually kill someone and especially not do it in such a premeditated manner.)
ANYWAY. The general idea is their childhoods are nearly identical to their DRRP iterations and the way they progress as adults is...roughly what I would have expected them to do if left to their own devices. I think the one thing I changed from one of Shirou's earliest iterations is that I alived his dad (in his original backstory he died in part from overworking himself) because honestly Shirou had enough bad things happen to him and I think his positive relationship with his family is fun.
With Haruto....yeah, he's stayed almost exactly the same from what I was originally expecting. Biggest change is to his character design. I was going to give him more street style fashion and a face mask with like...some kind of monstery/animal face on it, but I remembered that mori boy fashion exists and I love mori boy, plus I think it suits him, so I went with that.
Basically once I have an idea for a character, which happens maybe once every few months, I tend to stick with my concepts, so hopefully that wasn't a boring answer. :,>
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lighthouseborna · 1 year
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Name: Hannah
Pronouns:  she/her
Preference  of  communication:  I'm not sure I have one, just.. as long as communication can take place? Really communication needs to be possible, more than attached to any one medium. Oh and patience is very important, I am not fast s;lkfjgs;dlfgj. IMs are fine, askbox is fine, replying to posts is fine! I have dis.cor.d and I'm generally happy to share it with mutuals, though the fallout of a couple of uncomfy situations have made me slightly more reluctant about handing it out
Name  of  muse(s):  ​Henry and @talesgolden are my only .. "active" blogs rn. If I was going to return to any of my older ones without remaking it would be @voleuxe
Experience/how  long  (months/years?):  uhhhhh I dunno man. longer than a decade. It seems unimportant to me idk
Platforms  you’ve  used: mmmm imvu, dA, facebook, twitter/tweetdeck, here, a couple of homebrew forums, wire, kik, a little bit of discord stuff but I don't like writing long form stuff there it feels weird
Best  experience: ...hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. They've all had positives and negatives in a lot of very exaggerated ways. It would be really hard for me to say any one 'phase' of my rping has been better or worse? Like the one I might pick, because it gave me a couple of really good friends I've had for a long time, is also the one where I had a handful of really big falling outs and some really nasty bullying take place, too, y'know? In general I think my 'bests' are all finding my way to people I really like knowing, and my worsts almost always come down to 'there was someone who intentionally misunderstood me and was unkind' but that has happened.... basically in every place I've rp'd. All of them have bests and worsts, I will be copping out in this fashion, yes.
RP  pet  peeves  /  dealbreakers: I think all of my rp pet peeves are also like, internet 'culture' pet peeves? and mostly culminates in like... genuinely and with every intended kindness, get out of your house more & learn conflict resolution. My dealbreakers -other than like, hateful behavior- mostly circle around communication and like... dismissive behavior. People who count themselves out and then get upset because they counted out and/or people who repeatedly put down or trivialize the things other people find meaning in. I'm not going to keep reassuring or comforting you, or compromising for you, when it's clear those things have no value to you and I'm not being met at the effort, because that's wildly unfair and I also simply refuse. The communication thing goes back to that I need it to be possible, and I need it to be a mutual effort. If I don't feel like it's possible I'll just move on, and if I feel like it's been repeatedly obstructed or dismissed entirely, I'll block and then move on. Both of them really it's like... You have to try, too.
Fluff,  angst,  or  smut: I actually end up with a lot of... philosophy? and slice of life. Conversations, really, that explore a character's thinking. I think that's more of where my focus tends to sit than any particular genre? I'm more into looking how and why and the consequences of things that happen between characters than them happening just because, if that makes sense? Fluff, angst, whatever, I like figuring out how it got there and what they're going to do about it. Sidenote I always find it interesting "action" isn't a presented option with memes like this, I've know of groups etc. based entirely around action and fighting it's weird how that seems to have mostly died out? (At least on tumblr anyway.)
Plots  or  memes:  ...pppplots? In the sense of I like having a general vibe or starting place to put context to things, but that can 100% come from like three or four words of "I thought they might x" and then we can just roll along and see what sticks, you know? I like to plot vibes more than specific situations+outcomes- generally if I try to plot like, threads?, I end up feeling like we already talked through the series of events and the threading isn't as rewarding? Whereas plotting the relationship or general vibes then lets us have the idea of what we're doing and all the little details get to come out while we're running and that's the fun rewarding part you know? "What if they met here" > "what if they specifically did this thing and had this reaction" basically. Also though if you are like me and don't always like to talk first I love to take something and run you can give me no context and I'll wing it that's fine too ♥ Character vibes can absolutely grow organically and then the plotting becomes retroactive it's so funny, 10/10
Long  or  short  replies: Maybe kind of middle? Too short with threads makes them...tedious almost? They feel a little going-through-the-motions and don't really leave room for the exploring I like to do, y'know? And too long gets a little unwieldy. Oh you know what: flexibility in replies. I vastly prefer feeling like I can let them change and vary- sometimes the same thread can get a five paragraph reply, sometimes only one, y'know? And I think the idea of length matching is ..a bit performative. It, like a lot of other adopted rp niceties tbh, started in a good place but usually only ends up putting unnecessary pressure on people.
Best  time  to  write: It used to be early morning and that's probably still true but mostly it's just like, whenever I can find the space and motivation for it.
Are  you  like  your  muse(s):  There are a couple on the multi who are decidedly more Me-adjacent, to varying degrees of intentionally being like me. If my inner teen strongly identified with Luke Patterson that's my business! Henry doesn't strike me as particularly like me, but there are many things we would/do agree on, I think. Personalities and methods of operation and energy levels quite different but philosophies alike in a fair number of ways.
tagged  by : @tiderider ♥ tagging : @irrfahrer @bprdmyers @comicbookcreature @streetslost @cour4geous uhhh. that's my top of head "people I feel like I don't know very well yet" but as always feel free to lift this & tag me I would love to see it!
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sincerely-krp · 8 days
gnosis feels so divided with their cliques and the admin friends even after just two weeks....hello, please provide proof, or else this ask will be taken down in 24 hours! // what evidence do you expect without doxxing the admins or the members that are doing it? isn't that what your rules are trying to avoid? youve been extremely biased to this rp but never cared about others this much
hello! if anyone, including an admin team, reaches out to us about a topic, we allow them the chance to provide proof to deter baseless claims, or to take down claims that are baseless. if they do that, and when we review the proof we can be sure that the claim is indeed baseless, then we do not post any of the conversation in our inbox that continues to spread misinformation. we also remove the posts that are spreading misinformation. for a large portion of the gnosis posts taken down, we allowed a full 24 hours for both sides to come forwards. from the parties that did, it was extremely clear that the claims were baseless.
if a situation is explained to us but we don't think that the explanation negates the content of an ask from being able to be posted, we add admin context to the situation. this was also seen in this situation. if you feel strongly that our decision was wrong, you have always been free to (and still are encouraged to) reach out to us with your proof for us to evaluate.
bias would be us not giving both sides the same opportunities, but it is very clear that in this case there was an equal opportunity for both sides of the conversation to speak with us. this is not bias, this is us fulfilling the whole point of our blog, which was to try and stop baseless hate! we had more information given to us, so we were able to do more. it is also not just gnosis whom we have acted this way with, but the fact that you weren't aware of the other ones means that this method is helpful for curbing misinformation behind the scenes!
as for proof, in the past the most common form of proof is screenshots of the members in the krp itself in ooc chats or dms, evidence of bubble krping, evidence of isolating members in public krp spaces, etc, sent to us in dms. we don't post proof to the blog unless the proof submitter would like us to, and even then we've refused submissions and other such proof if they aren't substantial. this is because a lot of times proof given to us is identifying information and it should not be placed on our blog, but the context is important for us to make sense of a situation. even so, we never ask for identifying material, and will make sure the other party is aware they don't need to send us anything they aren't comfortable with.
the less specific the information, the less likely it is that a claim can be considered confidently baseless, so we usually ask for the other side to submit something if they have it in 24 hours, to see if we can compare both sides. when this doesn't happen, the claim is considered baseless and is taken down because that's more harm reducing than risking keeping it up. our method isn't perfect, but we're trying to make sure that we make the best use out of the information given to us, without the need for doxxing.
if you are uncomfortable providing that information, then it's best that we take the ask down, especially given that the other side is willing to submit proof to the contrary (that we can't accept without having the other side to compare it to, hence us asking for it, and then taking it down if that is not received)! if anyone submits proof before an anon in the future about the matter, we would allow the conversation to continue, however, nothing would be posted to the blog without that proof in advance.
contrary to your statement, we have asked for proof about things like this, especially with au krps! a lot of times the ask is then taken down because proof is shared to us against the claim, or sometimes proof is shared that proves the claim and we take our notice down. we asked for proof on a similar topic for a gen krp sometime in the last week. for other krps (mainly gen), proof was shared to us about this matter with this krp or these several krps a long time ago, so it isn't baseless and isn't restricted on our blog.
this was a long response, but we hope that we are being helpful with explaining our actions by using this detail!
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