#israel is the new nazis
tomi4i · 2 months
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I fought back
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mysharona1987 · 2 months
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wanderrnest · 6 months
I don't get this. People were barbarically slaughtered, families were erased, children saw their parents murdered, and were taken hostage. Women were raped and bodies were desecrated. No life was spared. It was one of the ugliest, scariest exhibitions of the pure evil humans are capable of. This is not resistance.
And all they do in this video is a memorial ceremony, that's all. Just plain human pain and grief. What kind of messed-up belief system makes a person stand next to it, yelling it was justified? Do these people think they are somehow moral? What is this.
Please make sure your support of the Palestinian people does not blind you to the celebration and glorification of murder on your side. Because you are playing perfectly into the hands of a terror organization.
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shesalittlelost · 1 month
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From "we would never bomb a hospital and anyone accusing us of it is antisemitic!!" to bragging about destroying a hospital, executing doctors and little babies. Behold the world's most moral army!
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lets-make-light-now · 27 days
The Secret and Explicit Goals and Deeds of the Zionists : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Get it while you can.
Reblog Reblog RE Reblog
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unforth · 6 months
I'm giving up on my belief in the continued existence of Israel as a state being right and appropriate.
I know to many people on Tumblr, this seems like a no-brainer, but I am a 40 year old Jewish USAdian, raised by my Poppop - a lower east side child of immigrants, whose unit in WW2 helped liberate Dachau - and by parents who were both born before the end of the war. I was raised that Israel existed as a place of safety for us, a place I could always have a home. I've always supported a two-state solution, always wanted safety and security for Palestinians, always wanted a co-existence that took into account the many challenges caused by history and recent events. Even as the Israeli government has grown more conservative, I've separated the current politics from the national existence and hoped for more liberal regimes and real change. I didn't want to let go of the pipe dream, didn't want to believe that Jews, with our history, could behave like this.
Giving up on Israel hurts.
But not as much as seeing the parade of dead Palestian children does.
If what's happening in Gaza is the cost for Israel's existence, then that cost is far, FAR too high.
If Palestian lives are the cost of Israel's existence, then Israel shouldn't exist.
I've said it, typed it with tears in my eyes.
I'm done.
This needs to end. Israel needs to end.
(If for some reason someone wants to reblog this, you may.)
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Friendly reminder that supporting Palestine is NOT an excuse to be antisemitic and attack Jewish people who have nothing to do with Israel.
And to those of you who have been graffitiing Jewish homes and businesses with a bunch of antisemitic symbols: acting like a fucking Nazi does nothing to help support Palestinian civilians.
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yumemiyas-wips · 6 months
"Both sides are suffering." Oh really?
Go into an Israeli house. Any house, really. Just pick a random place. Go into said house, to the kitchen or nearest bathroom. Open the tap. Is there water flowing out? Is the water not brown?
Go to a store, any store, in Israel. Preferably a grocery store. Are the lights on? What about the shelves, are they stocked?
Find a hospital. A big one, a small one, it doesn't matter. Go inside. Did you trip on a corpse? Are they resorting to treating infections with vinegar? Is the hospital intact, once you're done with your visit?
Go to a graveyard. Any graveyard. Look for a fresh grave. Is it a single grave or a mass grave? Or do they burn the dead, with fuel that they can afford to spare?
Finally, once you've done your rounds, are you not dead? Has there not been a bomb that came down and blasted you to pieces? Can you hop on a flight and get out of there? What about going out to the sea? What about just driving through the border to Egypt? You can do all of that, right?
Well, Palestinians can't.
Israel isn't suffering shit. Now get the fuck out of my face.
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i-am-aprl · 4 months
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rhodoforwinter · 7 months
Many people don't pay much mind to the massacres in "foreign countries."
It's too sad; it's too stressful. Or it's too complicated.
Well. If you listen for just a moment, I'll go and make one case simpler.
Israel is an apartheid state.
If that offends you: people in South Africa whom lived under Apartheid (Desmond Tutu; Winnie Madikizela-Mandela; Farid Esack) have repeatedly compared the situations.
In 2011, Desmond Tutu (Nobel Peace Prize) of the African National Congress dubbed the Palestinian situation worse than Apartheid.
In 2023, the African National Congress released a statement:
"The ANC is against the AU granting apartheid Israel any observer status. Africa’s colonial history and apartheid Israel’s present oppressive nature towards Palestine demands that all pressures be applied for the sake of all Palestinian people, including women, children and families."
The Nakba is the term given to the ethnic cleanse of 1947: the forced relocation of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, destruction of settlements and cultural sites, massacres of thousands of people by militias, and dissolution of the Palestinian state.
The State of Israel later passed laws (guided by Zionism) that revoked Palestinian citizenship, "leased" Palestinian land to Israel, and placed the Arab-occupied area of West Jerusalem under martial law.
Please take note now:
Anti-Zionism is not antisemitism.
Antisemitism is the specific form of racism and xenophobia propagated against Jewish people.
Anti-Zionism is the opposition to Jewish ethnonationalism, under which the State of Israel was founded.
Almost half of all national condemnations passed by the UNHRC (United Nations Human Rights Council) involved Israel.
The UNHRC was founded in 2006.
The concept of Israel as an exclusive ethnostate—under which genocide is perpetrated—cannot be allowed to continue.
The State of Israel considers me Jewish under the Law of Return, although traditional halakha law does not.
I do not see this as a question of actions from an ethnicity.
What occurs in Israel is a case of genocide perpetrated and sanctioned by an ethnonationalist government.
This has happened many, many times before. It's still happening:
We cannot be "neutral" when this happens every day.
I understand that the world is stressful. Everyone feels like they can't do anything.
And so nothing gets done.
And more blood is spilled.
And we forget.
But please remember: Even solidarity is resistance.
And would you rather be quiet or be right?
Free Palestine.
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I am very pro-Palestine (as someone who grew up in the Middle East) and while I think there are valid criticisms of how large movie studios are treating actors like Jenna Ortega who speak out in solidarity with Palestine, what is not cool or valid are people saying this is proof that “Jews run Hollywood”
Now let me be clear, this is mostly white Leftists who have no direct connection to this conflict saying this
But let me explain why Jewish Americans have such a prevalence in Hollywood
1. During the late 1800s and early 1900s, prior to the rise of the Nazis, antisemitism was still prevalent, particularly in France, Germany, and the Austro Hungarian empire. Jewish people in many places were barred from traditional jobs, with one job they were allowed to do being banking (since in the Bible, it says Christians couldn’t loan money to other Christians but it didn’t say anything about Jews loaning money and hey people need to borrow money. A similar thing happened in majority muslim countries with Christians). Because when filmmaking when to Europe after being pioneered in USA it was an unregulated market, many Jewish Austro Hungarians or Jewish Germans worked in this industry because hey, being an accountant FUCKING SUCKS AND NOT EVERYONE WANTS TO DO IT
2. As restrictions both on cinema as well as antisemitic laws became more prevalent in Europe, many of these Jewish filmmakers immigrated to the nation of immigrants USA, and, due to how immigration flows from Europe transpired, they landed in the Northeast of the USA, where the American filmmaking market was headquartered and thus were able to quickly continue their craft, especially as filmmaking was still seen as a underclass job
3. Funny Gene
4. If you aren’t a WASP in the USA, that is to say, you aren’t privileged, you’re more likely to have a drive do better and actually create talent. This extends to all minorities including Jews. And because Hollywood was still racist, minorities who were white passing enough — like Jews, the Irish, and Italians (think about how many Italian directors and actors you know of) — inevitably rose to the top
I think this scene from South Park says it all:
Kyle: My message is, we can't control what people say, so we have to be smart about what we choose to believe. If one idiot says that a certain group "runs Hollywood", look into it. With very minimal effort, you will find that "Hollywood" is a multi-tiered industry run by tens of thousands of people from all over the world. In the past, Jews were shut out of most professions, so they came to dominate vaudeville, which back then was considered too low-brow for good Christians. Those Jews eventually moved West and started the first movie studios when movies were also considered work for the underclass, and their descendents are now a decent percentage of the thousands of people of all races that make Hollywood run.
Fuck Antisemitism. Free Palestine
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tomi4i · 1 month
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Pro at playing victim.
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mysharona1987 · 5 months
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wanderrnest · 6 months
I'm jealous of people denying the massacre of israeli people by hamas.
Imagine living in a world where these horrifying acts didn't happen. Thousands of armed terrorists won't just storm civilized areas and break into your family home and kill, slaughter, and burn everyone in there. They won't rape women and kidnap children and murder babies and elderly people. They won't molest and parade with dead bodies. Such a safe little world you've got there, where there's only one good and one bad, no need for complex thought, no need for cognitive dissonance, no need for fear, no need for extra compassion. Everything is so easy! Ignorance IS bliss. happy for you for being able to live in this world. some people don't. some people are right here having to deal with those horrors. all you do is being no better than a common holocaust denier neo nazi.
Caring about innocent Palestinians doesn't have to go hand in hand with denying the worst and most brutal massacre of Jewish people since the Holocaust. I'm not going to sit and listen to your human rights rants when despite every proof shown otherwise you still choose to believe an actual isis-like terror organization that intentionally does the worst things imaginable to other human beings and lives on murder, propagenda and incitement. that's fucked up. and the absolute evil and ignorance that people have in them to tell someone who's whole family murdered right in front of them that it just didn't happen is beyond me.
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katenotbishop · 6 months
once again a citizen of the united states side hoe pretend country claims their genocidal settler state represents an entire culture/religion. you're very intent on being a racist genocide apologist so i'm not going to waste further breath and leave you with this: you ain't gonna win
fine, hate israel, be antisemetic and decide the only jewish country in the world needs to be eradicated.
but c'mon dude they're TERRORISTS. if you wish them to finish us than don't be fucking surprised when they come after you later.
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hufflpuffin · 6 months
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Rep. Ryan Zinke (R-MT) introduced the Safeguarding Americans from Extremism Act on Thursday, seeking to prevent “Palestinian terrorists” from entering the country by halting the Department of Homeland Security from issuing visas or granting asylum to individuals seeking to enter the country with a Palestinian Authority passport. The bill would also expel any immigrants who were granted visas or entered the country on or after Oct. 1. The bill has 10 co-sponsors, including Reps. Andy Harris (R-MD), Aaron Bean (R-FL), Ralph Norman (R-SC), Scott DesJarlais (R-TN), Clay Higgins (R-LA), Ronny Jackson (R-TX), Bill Posey (R-FL), Barry Moore (R-AL), Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), and Andy Biggs (R-AZ).
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