#is the name for now
sleephyuns · 1 year
Nayeon and Momo had been married for a good two years by now, shockingly young for two women who were only 26 and 25 respectively.
This came after three years of dating and one year of engagement. Of ups and downs, lows and highs, and several breaks in between. Typical of dating at such ripe ages.
Even when they were engaged, they nearly called it off. The trouble only lasted a week, but Nayeon would say it was one of the scariest points in her life. Momo would too. The thought of losing someone who you had spent so much time with and dedicated your life to…
But in the end, everything led back to Nayeon and Momo. They could never be apart for too long.
Of course they still had disagreements. Nayeon working too many hours, the possibility of getting another pet. but for the most part they had sorted their shit out, and now had a marriage that made it near impossible to tell they had once been on such shaky ground.
But there lied the problem with Nayeon. The very problem that had been a source of many a disagreement and many falling outs.
You see, Nayeon’s sexual appetite was only satisfied by multiple people.
And funnily enough, Momo functioned the same way.
It took them a long time to realize that they weren’t inherently bad people for it. And even longer to realize they could come to an agreement and set boundaries for their activities.
That being said, you would think the big shocker, the issue that almost brought their marriage to a crashing end would be related to cheating. Yet neither of them have ever done such a thing.
It’s not to say they didn’t both have thoughts, or wandering eyes. But those thoughts remained deeply repressed for both of them. It lead to times where they thought they were bored of each other, or that they had fallen in love with other women, but no. That was never the case.
Nayeon loved Momo and Momo loved Nayeon. Romantically, they only had eyes for each other.
But sexually? Well…
To put a long story short, it took them a whole weeks worth of discussions to finally put that bit in order and another week of working it out for the engagement to be back on. And by the time they finally said their “i do’s” they had a new look on life and their relationship.
It should be noted that on their slightly-delayed honeymoon, a month later, they’d invited Jeongyeon. And of course they’d taken her to bed nearly every night of their stay.
Insatiable. That’s what you could call them.
So here they were, 2 years in and happy, with Nayeon cooking dinner for a change while she waited for Momo to come back from her little “excursion.”
She was glad Momo had taught her some tips and tricks for the kitchen. Her newfound love of cooking was something she never thought she’d unlock. But once she didn’t have to worry about setting the kitchen ablaze every five minutes, it became relaxing. She could zone out, destress, and just have a little time to herself.
She had just finished up skimming the top of the boiling pot of beef curry when the door knob started to jangle.
Kookeu scampered away from her feet, currently more interested in his other mother’s return than the delicious smell wafting through the kitchen.
“That smells so good…”
She heard Momo before she saw her,
and could only imagine the pleased look om her face. When she rounded the corner into the kitchen, she was proven right (with Kookeu nearly tripping her up in the process).
She licked her lips, and Nayeon couldn’t help but notice the little bounce of energy in her step, the way she practically glowed, and how her hair that was in a neat pony tail when she left was now down and tussled up.
She must’ve had a great time out.
“Hi sweetheart,” Nayeon set the mesh ladle down carefully onto the tray, “How was Mina?”
She opened her arms for Momo’s impending hug, which came so easily, her wife slipping so perfectly into her embrace.
“The usual,” Momo gave Nayeon a quick kiss, “Good, but a little pent up from work.”
“I’m sure you helped her with that,” Nayeon laughed, turning back to the pot. She set the lid on top of it to let it continue cooking as Momo practically skipped over to the couch.
“Of course,” she singsonged, plopping herself down on the chair of their small dining room a few steps away, “And now you have me all to yourself.”
“For now,” Nayeon scoffed, wiping her hands on her apron. Though they both knew there was no bite to it. Just a harmless joke at the absurdity of their self-imposed circumstances.
That aside, Nayeon wasn’t expecting to get the response she got next.
“For a while, actually.”
Nayeon’s hands stopped at the implication of those words. She snapped her head up, looking at Momo curiously. “Oh?”
In a second, she stood next to where Momo sat, eager for the details. Of course, Momo continued.
“Sana’s staying with Jeongyeon and Jihyo for a bit. Trying to… ,” she flicked her wrist, gesturing in the air towards nothing in particular, “work things out I guess.”
Which meant Jeongyeon and Jihyo were most likely off the table for Nayeon too.
“Is that so… well. Good luck to those three.”
“Good luck is right,” Momo agreed, cuddling into her wife the moment she sat down next to her.
There was more to it, that they both wanted to say. But it’d be a but unfair to call judgement so early. It’s not their business… but it also kind of is. So they let that unspoken discussion go for another time.
Don’t get them wrong, they knew their relationship had its kinks (the pun fully intended), but those three had much more to work out. While Nayeon and Momo were only romantically involved with each other, Jeongyeon, Jihyo and Sana were not, with Jihyo being a sort of middle man for the other two. Jeongyeon and Sana barely knew each other, which wasn’t shocking. Nayeon only knew her well because of how long she’s been friends with Momo.
She’d started out as just “Momo’s best fuckbuddy friend” a year ago, and slowly worked her way into the friend group, and then into Jihyo’s heart.
Now they didn’t hook up nearly as often because that was a whole situation on its own. But there was nothing they could do except hope for the best between everyone.
There was a purposeful lilt to Nayeon’s vocalization, one that begged for Momo to acknowledge it.
“Hm?” Momo took the bait so easily.
“If they’re still trying to figure things out by the end of the week, do you want to hit up that club in the city?” Nayeon smiled so cutely. All teeth, as if the prospect of what she was asking for was normal.
Well, it was their version of normal.
“The usual one for…?”
Nayeon nodded before Momo could even finish the question.
“For a little one time thing, yeah. Only if you feel up to it.”
Momo shook her head, but still pulled her wife in for a tender kiss on the forehead. “You’re restless this week.”
“Says the one who just got back from screwing Mina.”
“Ok, ok,” Momo knew she had her there, “I’ll let you know, but the answer as of right now is a yes.”
“Oh I knew it would be,” Nayeon laughed. After all, she knew her wife too well. She could deny it, but they both knew she was never one to turn down an opportunity to have fun with Nayeon. On her own, or with others, sure. But when it came to her wife, there was no one she’d rather do it with more, as crazy as that might have sounded out loud.
She just hoped that getting lucky would come quick and easy that weekend, if that was what they had to look forward to instead of having Jeongyeon over.
Patience was never one of her virtues.
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annabelle--cane · 2 months
vampirism poses the question "what if there was a fundamental, horrible, unending well of want in your soul that, if truly satisfied, would lead to great pain for all those you hold closest and, in turn, their absolute and total revilement of you?" and naturally as a person with no problems I don't relate to this in any way at all.
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thedisablednaturalist · 5 months
Im fucking sobbing looking at the new black footed cat at Utah's Hogle zoo
Shes just a fucking baby
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Baby with a 60% successful kill rate
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kiryuing · 1 month
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mylittleredgirl · 3 months
that moment when you cross the point of no return with a character should be accompanied by a specific chime i think. like 🔔 congratulations! this one has been installed in the Permanent Collection and you will never stop thinking about them as long as you live
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kirnet · 6 months
LOVE when a video game protag is called a title. The Warden, the Watcher, the Exile…. Yessss be defined by a concept greater than yourself that will ultimately overtake your life
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seagiri · 2 months
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very sleep deprived doodles of whatever’s going on inside my brain
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narrie · 7 months
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jewishvoiceforpeace: This is what genocide looks like. These are the 2913 Palestinian children killed by the Israeli military this month, as of Thursday, October 26. As the Israeli airstrikes on Gaza intensify, we recognize with horror and grief that this death toll is already inaccurate.
We demand a ceasefire now to save lives. To stop a genocide. The Israeli military has already erased 47 entire Palestinian families from Gaza's population registry; all members of the family, from all generations, are dead. This is loss beyond measure.
The U.S. is also responsible for this horror. 80% of the bombs that the Israeli military drops on Gaza, that are used to kill these children, are American-made. We are called to do everything we can to stop this genocide.
As we continue to demand a ceasefire and fight for a future where everyone is free and equal and safe, we refuse to forget these lives. We will always affirm that every life is precious.
Every single one of these deaths was preventable. When we say Never Again-for anyone, this is who we mean. Never Again is right now.
Source: Gaza Ministry of Health
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mstrchu · 3 months
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girl help my friends keep trying to do things that will definitely make them insane
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synapple · 9 months
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I spent like three hours making this
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tittyinfinity · 2 months
I was hanging out at the karaoke bar, chatting with a beautiful woman, and we were really hitting it off. I threw a couple of flirtatious comments her way. She giggled nervously, but abruptly stopped and looked at the floor.
She told me that she was too nervous to hit on people because she's trans and worries that people will view her as a predator and that she might get hurt.
My heart sank. I let her know that she could hit on me in whatever way she wanted and I would LOVE it. We spent the rest of the night hanging out and flirting. We ended up making out. It was great.
But I can't stop thinking about how that wasn't the first time a trans woman has said that to me. About how unsafe it is for some women that they feel the need to give out fucking disclaimers to have normal interactions with people.
We have GOT to make the world a safer place for trans women. It pisses me off that there are men at the bar who are openly predatory towards me without fear of consequence, yet a trans woman is too scared to even fucking call me pretty. And that's because she IS more likely to face worse consequences for lesser things! Like what the fuck!
You need to always check on your internalized biases. Being queer yourself doesn't absolve you of transmisogynistic thoughts and behaviors. Being bi/pansexual doesn't mean you don't hold those biases either! If you feel differently about a trans woman hitting on you than you feel about a cis woman or a man hitting on you, you need to evaluate that.
Trans women, I love you so fucking much. You should be able to express attraction and love as freely as everyone else. I hope you can always feel safe around me. And I'll never stop fighting until you can feel safe period.
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stargirl230 · 4 months
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thanks for the light
I was just trying to figure out how procreate works but then the op brainworms got to me and 35 hours later here we are! can you tell I miss home-cooked meals :')
(no reposts; reblogs appreciated)
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beldaroot · 1 month
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there has been more moments than i can count in the past seven months where i felt destroyed by all the death and carnage i've seen due to the colonialism and imperialism of the world. but there was something in particular about hind's death that made me think the world would stop turning bc how could anything continue given how gruesome and inhumane her death was? and yet, the world did not stop. and i thought we were once again left to remember her story only in our minds as she became another number, as her murderers went on killing unpunished, and as her mother grieved with rage when all she wanted was to keep her daughter warm and as safe as she could manage in this man-made hell on earth.
however, hind, a girl who only got to experience her kindergarten graduation, is now being immortalized in universities across the nation. her story did resonate to the masses and we will not let her be forgotten nor forgive those complicit in her death. real justice would be having hind alive, but these students are showing that they will stop the world and burn the status quo it upholds to the ground if it means her people can truly be liberated.
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kiwi · 3 months
everybodys gotta get back into the practice of using pseudonyms online... i remember the time of screen names where u never ever told anyone ur real name and that was just understood as basic internet safety. plus having a screen name is fun because sometimes it sticks so well that it becomes part of ur identity that u can use in whatever facet of ur life you choose. it rocks to pick your own name
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Ghosts Tell Me
Ghosts gather near the place where something bad is going to happen,
Danny with his ghost sense tends to notice before anyone else and tends to react outwardly before the danger even happens, gaining a reputation of seeing the future,
Ghosts also tell Danny things, causing Danny to know more about situations and the people around him, it comes of as suspicious.
Danny pulling away a snack from his coworker: "Careful your allergic to these ingredients!"
Coworker: "How the hell...I've never mentioned that to anyone."
Danny on a phone call with his friends while doing his nightly walks in Gotham: "Yeah so apparently the second Robin who is now Red Hood has very personal beef with the clown here cuz he got killed by him after being sold out by his bio mom, which really sucks for the poor guy."
Oracle who has been keeping an Eye on Danny cuz he's very suspicious from an outsiders pov: "Hey B, I think we have a problem."
Danny notices that the ghost in Gotham tends to gather where something bad is going to happen, the more they are the worse the situation will be: *glowing smoke leaves from his mouth* "Yikes! Very bad vibes here, nope!"
Gothamites who at this point recognize him and know the drill and quickly pack up their things to leave:
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Just an Idea
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jay-wasstuff · 1 year
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Source: Screen Rant
Phillip makes bread (get it?) for trophy husband Benoit
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