cryptidcircusco · 1 month
Haven’t said this at all yet but 👁️ fucking can’t stand Alex. He’s a pain in my ass and 👁️ don’t want him near me.
So of course we’re both in front together.
Thank gods we have Rogers as a buffer.
👁️ don’t like looking at him, 👁️ don’t like hearing him, he is my least favorite LVL 1 of them all.
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stargazerssociety · 2 months
One of our earliest alters simply goes by Alone.
I still remember the first time I spoke with it. I was 6 years old, camping out in my room to hide away from her.
I was crying. [Alone. Nox.]
‘What? Where are you?’
‘I’m here with you. Don’t worry.’
*sniffling slowly begins to cease.* ’Who are you..?’
‘I’m alone… What’s wrong..?’
‘… I’m alone.’
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theb00mbitches · 1 year
How do kids work
Toms and our online sister are both little so im having to big brother mode them both, god this bring back memories
Toms is as chaotic as he was as a kid and our mate is like tubbo so its nice to see them bond so easily
Although I did drop toms on his head insys so oops -Revivebur
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the-hadal-zone-sys · 3 days
Happy pride month to insystem couples & polycules btw.
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thenightsystem · 6 months
There are times I love being a system. And then there are times that are super fucking shitty.
There are times when other people are controlling your body and you just have to sit back and watch them do dumb shit.
And there’s nothing you can do about it if they refuse to stop
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hangsawoman · 1 year
i would love if the antler queen isn’t any of them but also all of them, like it’s an entity in the woods who takes on different faces and forms. it’s a girl, it’s a cabin, it’s a pine tree, a bird, a rotten antler, another girl again ... shape shifting in all these different forms to keep the girls alive? together? and maybe it’s not even an entity but the personification of all their wishes and wants and fears. maybe it’s up to us to pick a personal antler queen, to guess which girl you would trust most and who you would wish would save you. who do you wish would tell you how to live? 
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goodnews-diary · 2 months
In system relationships can be very beautiful and healing, but most of the time it leaves me yearning for a person whose warmth I'll never get to know. It's like long distance but worse.
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cynicalundead · 8 months
real ones ship vuzi honestly. it's a top tier ship there needs to be more art
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heres a positivity post for those in in-system relationships! hope you enjoy!!!
divider by @/cafekitsune
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— shoutout to alters who've known each other for years, whos bond runs deep.
— shoutout to alters who just met recently and thought dating might be a fun thing to give a try.
— shoutout to alters who've spent months or years with feelings for another alter they havent voiced.
— shoutout to alters who know their time out is limited and so confessed quickly- maybe even earlier than they would have liked, so they didn't run out of time.
— heres to alters who just cant shut up about their in-sys partner. to alters who everyone knows is with someone. (pt: someone)
— heres to alters who cant ever talk about their in-sys relationship, no matter how much they want to.
— heres to alters who can only express their relationship through art or fandom, but can't genuinely discuss it with others, as their real relationship. (pt: genuinely)
— heres to introjects in in-sys relationships who use fandom to express that relationship, whether it be through selfshipping, ocxcanon, fanfiction, fanart, reblogging every post about you and your partner you can find, etc.
— heres to partners of introjects who like their partners source, or hate it but love them. to the alters who selfship with their partners source. to the alters who have to see their partner being shipped with someone else All The Time.
— heres to non-introjects in in-sys relationships, who cant really use fandom as an excuse to talk about it.
— shoutout to introjects dating introjects! whether from different sources or the same one. heres to alters in relationships completely different than their source. and heres to ones whos relationship looks exactly the same as it did there.
— shout out for people who are going to marry their insys partners or already have!
— shoutout to the alters who have just started dating.
— shoutout to the alters dating multiple people in their system.
— heres to the alters who have relationships both in and out of their system!
— heres to the alters in complicated relationships with each other.
— heres to the alters whos relationships may be judged because of preconceived notions about the alters involved, whether its based on an alters appearance, species, source... i hope youre well!
— shoutout to nonhuman alters dating other alters!
— heres to alters in queer relationships! to lesbian alters, gay alters, bi alters, aro alters who partner with others, etc!
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in-system relationships are so beautiful, to me. i wish they weren't ridiculed so much. for us; they have been essential to healing and learning to care for ourselves.
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insilanar · 3 months
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Lestappen | 1.9k | a raceday in karting (Max's POV) | Rated G
by @insilanar
Hi dear friends! I am hereby posting my first ever fic(let). This is probably a bit unexpected, haha! Hope you enjoy. 🧡
You can read the full fic on AO3 here.
“You here to see Verstappen?” she asked, her eyes sparkling with mischief. 
I sighed and turned my back. “The bloke’s over there.” she said and pointed vaguely my way. After a polite “thank you.” the figure turned and started walking over. 
“Try not to get into a fight!” Victoria called after him. 
“Well I won't.” I could hear the smile in his voice. He stopped behind me, so I asked him: “What do you want, Charles?”
OR: Max's day goes wrong wherever it can. Except in the end it doesn't matter.
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tommyssupercoolblog · 4 months
TODAY i was really mad about something and i was rambling to seán about it, so mad i couldn't even contain it in our head i was like out loud in meatspeace complaining and I was SO PISSED like rambling and pacing and then i turn to him and i'm like "I don't know how you can be so calm!!! You're always calm..! And soothing and relaxing and like, so cool...." and then i wasn't even mad anymore I was just gay as fuck and appreciative of the peace of mind he gives me when hes around
love wins
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butchdykenormallen · 2 months
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wow. wowzers even
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wxrmeaterz · 14 days
shoutout to mspec lesbians n contradictory label havers i love u
u get a lil platonic smooch <3
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gebo4482 · 1 year
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Little Jimmy's Gift
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tankmansteve · 7 months
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Behold, our new intro/meet the artist! Being mask-off about the DID thing is intimidating but I just really want to? LOL
Hi, I'm Wright, and I'm the host of the Zodiac system. I hope you like our stupid art.
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whoreiaki-kakyoin · 6 months
Being brainwashed into a sweet, silly doll who gets pampered and doted on sounds so so so much better than being a regular person. Sure, being conditioned til my mind is silly mush and I barely remember or just don’t care about my old life is maybe not the nicest or most ethical thing in the world, and yet…. Maybe I should just be allowed to sleep and cuddle and be told I’m pretty…. Have my neediness rewarded with love bites and kisses and countless orgasms pulled from me by their fingers… Being a soft, silly plaything who genuinely loves and wants that life, doesn’t even remember I ever wanted anything different…. Now that’s the dream.
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