#innocent act facts
lightvixxen · 2 years
Innocent act!Eddie facts!/ facts abt IA
Otherwise known as: canonical facts within my older!Eddie au innocent act!
Light NSFW ahead, minors dni
I gift yall with this as a thanks for 300 <3
Older!eddie has twin kids named: Ozzy and Aurora. They were born october 1991, when he was 25. (Yes i’m finalizing the time era of IA which is 1996.) he has split custody and the mother is someone he accidentally knocked up. They don’t have a relationship outside of her dropping the kids off during the weekends. Eddie has surprisingly kept this a secret from you.
Eddie works as a mechanic but he also has a certification as a tattoo artist, he has a few tattoos that he’s done himself. He offered to tattoo you for free when you turned 18, (this was a strictly platonic offer)
Contradicting myself from the first part of IA here but Eddie only started thinking about you in a sexual/romantic way 2 months or so before your first encounter (we’re just gonna pretend what he said originally was a heat of the moment thing bc I absolutely hate it)
Eddie has a hair pulling kink…it’s gonna be expanded on later but its there, he likes both getting his hair pulled and pulling your hair.
Eddie doesn’t actually own his house, your father does he just rents it extremely cheap because your dad owed him. He can do whatever the fuck he wants to it tho bc in all terms except legally its his.
Eddies house is a 3 bedroom 2 bath house. One of the rooms is his kid’s, the other is a little studio (where once the twins get to the age they don’t wanna share a room anymore will be one of theirs.” And his room.
Hellfire is still running after years. Eddie still has original faded hellfire shirt, he meets with the hellfire club every Thursday.
Vecna and everything DID happen, but everyone lives
Eddies hair is longer than in the show, he never cut it. It reaches to his mid back, he rarely bothers to cut it, other than that he basically looks the same.
Eddie has a slight muscle definition from working as a mechanic, but its not a lot.
Eddie has a criminal record from selling drugs and has ran from your father multiple times before he hit 26. Which is when he decided to turn his life around.
Literally spoils u, like mf is buying lingerie, stuffed animals and jewelry for you ON THE REGULAR.
Still smokes weed, just more secretly and when his kids are away + your dad isn’t home.
Hates + loves it when you smoke, he hates it bc a pretty girl like you shouldn’t be harming ur pretty lungs. Loves it bc fuck if your not hot doing it.
Corruption kink oh my god, act innocent and ur getting absolutely ruined.
Brat tamer no other explanation needed.
Absolutely has multiple bookshelves of just straight fantasy books in his living room.
Eddie is flexible, like more than you would expect. Once on Halloween he did a backbend then proceeded to chase you like that.
Can and will pick u tf up. Ur his princess
Eddie got his demobat scars tattooed over, they’re noticeable but only when u look close enough. And he’s usually wearing a shirt or your too…distracted to notice them.
God he has such a thing for mirror sex its unbelievable
Also possessive asf, he’s constantly making sure you are properly marked, and even though you two aren’t dating. He makes it clear u belong to him
Also big on knife play and thinks knives are both pretty+would look great against your skin.
Also he has an oral fixation + voice kink ;)
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honeybcj · 1 month
bringing back the discussion of mtf regulus because i cannot stop thinking about her wearing one of those renaissance corset tops and some billowy, ruffled-hem maxi skirts. she’s got the cuntiest glasses perched on the bridge of her nose, lowering them down when she sees The Man james fleamont potter walking out with an iced, almond milk latte from the café in which she is at. lounging in the sun, little freckles poking out. purposefully shakes her curls loose from her little butterfly shaped claw clip. she’s methodically tapping the toe of her $875 pair of givenchy loafers against the pavement just In Awe as she tries to pay more attention to her lavender honey oat milk latte than the Ungodly man chasing the straw with his mouth, but it’s to no avail because james Sees Her and proceeds to jab the straw straight into his gums, nearly running into a light post because isn’t regulus just the prettiest girl to ever exist, hmm???
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roseofcards90 · 6 months
The fact that people were so willing to completely dismiss what happened in After Pain and Harrow after they saw It's Not My Fault and Deep Cover paint Mu and Kotoko in a worse light really shows that some people don't have literary comprehension 😭
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antianakin · 4 months
Satine fans: She would DIE for her beliefs.
Me: She'd also send innocent people to JAIL for her beliefs, so that doesn't really mean much, does it?
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kazbiter · 11 months
kavinsky's death is actually the closing arc in a great tragedy to me bc his actions throughout the story are mostly just him practically begging for someone to be on his side, to care about him, to even just look at him. his father tried to kill him, his mother is completely uninterested. he can dream himself as many people as he wants, but they will only ever think of him because he made them to do so. the dream pack are just physical manifestations of his desire to not be alone in the world, to have someone, anyone, connected to him. he so desperately tries to draw some sort of emotion out of ronan, good bad or ugly, because the intense similarities they share mean that he's the only person who might be willing to look long enough to see him. and when it doesn't work, when he realizes it can't, that this world is not for him and he is not going to be a part of it in a way that involves anyone else, he decides that everyone is going to look at least this once. they will all see the finale if nothing else. genuinely doomed from the start. and how truly devastating that is in comparison to the core group the story focuses on, characters that even at their lowest and darkest and meanest and absolute worst have others there with them. characters that always have someone looking for them. dying is a boring side of a life that has nothing inside of it.
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nothing is funnier to me than the concept of Leon and Merlin meeting now, it’s so entertaining …
Leon bumps into Merlin while fishing and just bolts. Hell no he’s not dealing with whatever Merlin’s got going on it doesn’t matter how long it’s been.
Leon working at customer service and getting a call from a very old (and very angry) sounding man who reminds him of Merlin then realising it is Merlin and having war flashbacks to the sass king.
Merlin deciding to be an absolute menace and cause pure chaos (because if Arthur won’t turn up on his own Merlin will gladly help). Then Leon turning up as a firefighter and instead of helping Merlin off the top of the burning building he just waterboards him from below, sighing and shaking his head.
Honestly of course I look forward to the Merthur reunion but the crackfic energy between Leon and Merlin is unmatched and they would be terrifying with access to technology.
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kingofmyborrowedheart · 7 months
I’m sorry but you can’t cry “human rights violation!!!!” when you are actively carrying out a campaign of genocide.
#sorry but it doesn’t work like that!#you can’t decry humans rights violations of a group that doesn’t even represent a majority of innocent people (by the way)…#…if you are actively carrying out a genocide under the thinly veiled guise of going after that group#Genocide which is y’know one of the greatest violations of human rights since it seeks to completely eradicate one group of people.#like there are innocent people being caught in the crosshairs on both sides#not everyone living in Israel or who is Jewish supports the Israel government’s bombings of Gaza#not every Palestinian supports Hamas or condones their brutal attacks on innocent civilians#but to try and conflate the actions of a militant group to represent the thinking of all of the citizens and be an excuse to destroy them…#…isn’t right and deserves to be held accountable#also stop acting like there is not a massive power imbalance present#Israel has the Iron Dome and their own military forces and funding from the U.S.#Hamas has missels and stock piled resources from funding from Iran#Israel controls the food water fuel and medicine access to those that have been forced to live in Gaza#they are not in any way shape or form on equal footing which doesn’t make this a ‘war’#I can’t wrap my head around the fact that one of the groups persecuted in one of the most horrifying genocides is currently conducting…#…a genocide on another group of people#the rhetoric of gov’t officials from Israel dehumanizing innocent civilians points to the fact that this isn’t about retribution#but to conduct a genocide#if you don’t think that the current actions of the Israeli government aren’t wrong and are supporting it you can unfollow and block me!#like it’s not black and white but the actions that are currently happening are not acceptable
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cosmics-beings · 8 months
being a starscream fan is always difficult because you have to navigate interacting with people who completely pacify him and excuse all his actions and paint him as a innocent person who can't be held accountable for the shit he does. and going as far as saying you excuse abuse if you try to hold him accountable for how he treats others. nevermind the fact that u yourself are an abuse victim and you wanna look at him multifaceted and you know, not excuse his abusive actions toward others.
but at the same time, you also have to navigate people who absolutely HATE him, and will act like they don't and claim they just see him critically, when most of their content is bashing him for his abuse, excusing it, saying he's an awful person and getting mad at people for seeing him as a victim or wanting him to have better. literally saying he deserves what happens to him. ike a lot of people will flat out slander him, while uplifting characters who are worse than him, will say that starscream doesn't deserve redemption, or saying that anyone who wants better for him is excusing him or worse, going out of their way just to be extremely unfair and critical to him.
it's difficult because i love starscream and i do see him critically. but it's hard being around people who will just pacify his actions, and then try to go to someone so you can have indepth convos about him only to realize that 'oh, this person actually hates starscream, they haven't said anything remotely positive about him'.
#esp like in tfp#then yeah i do get why people tend to be protective of the character#and i wa slike that at a point too#especially in prime and idw#but when i found myself excusing how starscream treated others -especially knockout#then i had to take a step back#and then in earthspark people got mad when you pointed out how poorly he treated others#and even in idw - he treats bumblebee and windblade like absolute shit and people just brush over it and also only care about bumblbee in#a sense where bumblebee only exists to take care of starscream and his problems and he can treat him anyway#the same thing happened with starscream and knockout#and when people just constantly excuse that and use the excuse that he has trauma#and that we can't hold him accountable then yeah that sucks#on the flip side you have people who only call out his flaws and are extremely hateful toward him and even blame him for his abuse#like yeah you have people who rightfully call out how shitty he treats others and are very keen to make sure that we know he isn't this inn#innocent person#but that is where it stops and they continue to hate on him#they get mad at him for his abuse and not u know mad at the person who is abusing him in fact many times they stan and defend that person#and all their content surrounded or focuses on starscream is extremely critcal and unfair#and only focuses on how bad he is and gives him absolutely no nuance or empathy#a lot of 'critical fans' of starscream really just care about shitting on him and slandering him and acting like he's the worst possible#person who deserves the abuse and the hate he got#and anyone trying to offer a nuance perspective and wanting him to be treated better is accused of 'woobifying him' when we're just saying#want him to be treated better#and it's like starscream is very complex and nuance and if you're going out of your way to slander him while uplifting other decepticons#if you are going out of your way to absolutely shit on him and give him no empathy or anything and shit on him and downplay what he went th#then you don't like the character and that's my issue#i haven't been able to find a really good balance#of fans akdjfl;afja#like it's either on one side or the other
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dahllaz · 6 months
There are so many reasons that Barba defending Wheatley was a dumb ass choice for the show.
But. One that really, really bugs me is his doing it to protect Olivia. And while it's so paternalistic and annoying it's not what really gets my goat.
No. It's the fact that we're supposed to believe that Rafael Barba did not prepare and plan for the eventuality that a defense attorney would question her credibility waaay back in 2014 when her confession press conference first aired.
Or at least once she was not indicted and was back on the job.
There is NO WAY he did not run thru this possibility with Liv at the time. No way he did not come up with strategies. No way he didn't fucking grill her on handling these questions, getting comfortable with some verbal tap dancing to avoid committing further perjury but not actual admit to the perjury committed at the Lewis trial.
NO WAY he just crossed his fingers that it would never come up during a trial.
Also, we're expected to believe that no defense attorney went after her about this on cross? For what, 8 fucking years? That the first time any of the various defense attorneys brought it up was because...Richard Wheatley was the defendant?
Not any of the high powered or connected defendants that have been tried in the past 8 years? Just an attorney for Wheatley would play that card.
Yeah fucking right. Bullshit. Complete and utter bullshit.
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natsubun · 1 year
Happy almost anni! He haunts me every day
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niishi · 8 months
"I only knew my friend didn't like lawlu through a random conversation. Just goes to show those who hate it seek it out just to screech about it" usually, I'd agree.... but I have the entire law and lawlu tag blocked bc y'all love a 30yro law paired with a 5yro Luffy(physically and mentally). And I LIKE law AND lawlu. I just will not associate with you guys bc 98% of you are freaks and it's completely unavoidable unless I block the tag and block the accounts posting it. Don't act like ppl are skeeved out by you for no reason. It's super weird how much y'all love the content where Luffy is drawn and portrayed as a child.
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captaincolorblob · 2 years
I wish people included the Caseys in their 2012 x Rise crossovers more, like imagine just the comedic potential of the 2012 turtles and co immediately thinking Junior is the Casey of that dimension, cause he looks the most similar to their Casey, but then they meet Cassandra and her personality and realize “That’s a Casey Jones if I’ve ever seen one”
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chaosandwolves · 3 months
I'm honestly so disappointed that she gets to return to the show, especially by being a partner to one of the most beloved characters
I won't be able to disconnect Marisol from her and her transphobic bs
I really am so tired of things like this
This show has such a large queer fanbase and it just pisses me off
This show is my safe haven I don't want a fucking transphobe on it
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tovaicas · 26 days
some of the threads probably could've been handled better but as a whole I love alphinaud's HW character arc so much
#saint.txt#spoilers#major spoilers#ishgardposting#long post#in tags#the reason him being the mouthpiece for ish.gard at zenith annoys me so much is not just bc he robs esti.nien of a much-needed moment#but also bc alphi.naud should not be seeing himself in the ishg.ardians. he should be seeing himself in the *vault.*#HW spends most of its runtime explicitly forcing alphi.naud to see for himself the real actual cost of war after an entire series#of patches where he has played with soldier's lives like they're distant toys or tools and even then doesn't fully conceptualize it#until esti.nien extremely bluntly tells him he's sending someone he cares about into mortal peril like he's asking them to go to the store#as much as I hate it HW through sohm al directly challenges him bc he just blindly follows the ishg.ardian assumption that all#drav.anians are vicious and violent monsters hellbent on destroying poor innocent ish.gard and in his own complacency#he has directly participated in perpetuating the violence and war crimes committed against the drav.anians.#I don't want alphi.naud standing in for esti.nien to relay how badly the vault has betrayed its people#I want alphi.naud's threads to line up and for him to have a genuine realization that he has done a horrific act of violence to an innocent#party and have to struggle with what this means for his sense of self. He killed dragons in sohm al and justified it as self-defense.#alphi.naud should stand there at zenith and for all his conviction realize that he sees himself in the vault. bc he has directly sent#soldiers and friends who trusted him directly to their deaths with a flick of his wrist while he sat nice and safe from on high#nice and safe and protected from the realities of his violence / and perpetuated a great act of evil bc of his own complacency.#that he treats someone he cares abt more like a tool and never considers there is a real chance that for every battle he sends them into#they might never walk out of again - just as the vault sends scores of dragoons and knights to die needless deaths against dragons#and he only realizes this fact once someone else very well-acquainted with the cost of war points it out to him#HW's threads of 'you do not need to be intentionally evil or an asshole to perpetuate evil acts' is so good
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birdmenmanga · 1 year
"suletta's too cute to be a gundam pilot" well clearly you're not ready for the new era of women's wrongs that g-witch is ushering in
#just thinking thoughts...#g-witch#the witch from mercury#cuteness and womanhood doesn't absolve you of sin <3 !#I think THAT'S a huge thing I appreciate about g-witch.#there's a lot of chatter about how fatness is a neutral trait which men AND women in g-witch can have#but I think even more importantly than PHYSICAL traits being gender-neutral is the fact that MORAL traits are ALSO independent of gender#in the prologue it really follows the sort of classic trope of Men In Charge of War (delling)#Slaughters Innocent Civilians Such As Women and Children#but I think the way that it builds up to the Actually Women Are Capable of Evil Too at the end of S1 is really gorgeous#Suletta's mom FEELS like the best parent out of all the adults in g-witch. she's the only parent whose child actually likes her#she's LIKEABLE on the surface while she's manipulating suletta and you don't QUITE know how to feel about her#like girl!! she is so sus!! but also suletta trusts her. and you want to trust suletta too. you want prospera to end up being good#and like mother like daughter how do you feel about suletta now? are you a suletta apologist?#I think the dichotomy that exists between suletta and miorine at the end of s1 is really great#cute and likeable girl whose morals are revealed to be massively malleable by her mom now has committed horrifying and reprehensible acts#versus an insufferable and unapproachable girl whose morals remain sharply intact*#I think in Suletta HAD to have that kind of personality#or else people wouldn't feel conflicted about her killing people#like I think if she had a different personality it would have been very easy for the audience to turn on her#to say oh well she was a villain anyways. we didn't like her from the start. and condemn her really effortlessly#but I think the team did a great job of making her feel relatable— that bit about her social anxiety was awesome! we really felt for her!#like this is just SUCH a good example of going from :D recognition of the self in the other to oh.. would *I* be okay with killing a man ?#I LOVE the way it highlights the difference between one's ACTIONS and one's DEMEANOR#*complicated by the fact that miorine is horrified by small-scale violence such as murder#but seems okay with participating in the larger military industrial complex#anyways I'm very excited to see where the series goes
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lord-squiggletits · 11 months
I think one of my least favorite takes on Optimus annexing Earth is the surprisingly common opinion "he should've just left Earth alone and minded his own business because they didn't ask for help," not because it doesn't have truth in it but because it's a massive oversimplification of the whole situation and seems to pretend that Optimus annexing Earth was just completely stupid and had no reasoning whatsoever.
Like, it just bothers me when people talk about it as if Optimus leaving Earth alone would've been the not-bad-guy thing to do despite the fact that the Decepticons were literally about to try colonizing Earth again under the command of a guy who was literally from the Golden Age generation that made colonizing and genociding organics popular, Galvatron. I mean Galvatron was literally there saying "so when are we going to kill these fleshlings" and even being a Functionist asshole to Soundwave's cassettes. The last time the Decepticons invaded Earth in All Hail Megatron they killed literally a billion human beings. Are there seriously people in this fandom that are out there believing with their whole ass that "Optimus should've just ignored the openly genocidal Decepticons returning to a place they had already tried to colonize just a few years ago because it's none of his business and the humans can handle themselves" like what.
#squiggposting#and this isn't even getting into the fact that like there was that one titan buried under earth's surface#or the enigma of combination being there#are we not going to talk about how bad of an idea it is for cybertronian technology to just be left in the hands of other civilizations#with no supervision or input from cybertron whatsoever#there was an entire fucking tyrest accord made specifically to ban cybertronians from sharing their tech with other races#which megatron broke btw when he spread mind controlling guns across earth specifically to cause chaos#like i'm not saying that the sentiment of 'they didn't ask for help to be forced upon them' isn't valid#but i feel like saying 'lol optimus should've just not gotten involved' is incredibly naive at best and stupid at worst#ppl will be like 'noooo idw op is evil because he annexed earth he's not a real OP he's shittily written'#bro optimus was following one of his most core personality traits which is trying to protect innocent lives#from the imperialistic factions of his own species. the fuck do you people mean that idw op sucks#is it bc one of his positive character traits was turned into a double edged sword that also makes him flawed and make mistakes#and you just wanted OP to be your unproblematic g1 daddy who never does anything wrong?#i need to do a reread of barber's side of phase 2 to cement my opinion and remember the exact sequence of events#but mfs act as if optimus doing that had no reasons behind it whatsoever and as if he had any good choices in that scenario#(then there is the sub faction of idw op haters who kiss idw megs' ass simultaneously but that's a rant for another day lol)#mostly what gets me isn't the fact that people don't like optimus' decision#but the fact that so many ppl completely disregard and refuse to consider the context around that decision#and they just go 'oh he just sucks' as if that's the end of the story lol
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