#dilf!Eddie munson
queenimmadolla · 3 months
𝐄𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐲 𝐁𝐢𝐫𝐝
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Summary: A glimpse into Eddie’s morning as a first time and young dad with his baby. Oh, and you’re there, too.
Warnings: allusions to sexy stuff, descriptions of breastfeeding (it’s natural—suck it up), and fluff.
a/n: pulled this one out of the vault for you guys, written last July. hope you like it!
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Eddie’s up before you and surprised to see it’s light outside, a sight he hasn’t woken up to in the last couple of months. Two, to be exact.
  That’s when the two of you had brought Penny home.
  Eddie yawned, impressively loud before he slapped a hand over his mouth, gaze flickering to you but you were still asleep; on your stomach with your face partially hidden in your pillow. You’d successfully kicked the sheets off yourself in your sleep, leaving your legs bare and your top half covered with one of Eddie’s larger shirts. 
  One of your legs was bent at the knee and raised up near your elbow.
  God, you always looked so fucking delectable. All he’d have to do is rouse you with some kisses pressed to your neck, settle himself behind you, pull his boxers down and move your panties to the side and he could just—
  Eddie inhaled sharply, tearing his gaze away from your body before his blood could rush off to an area he didn’t have the time to acknowledge, as the very reason he couldn’t partake in his little fantasy cooed from her crib. 
  She’d been the result of a very similar event.
  He took a couple of moments to calm himself, squeezing his eyes shut as he promised, soon.
  Then he got out of bed, snagging a band t-shirt from the dresser as he walked to the crib on the other end of the room.
  Eddie yanked on the shirt—only briefly struggling with the arm holes—before he was peering into the crib, mouth breaking out in a megawatt grin.
  Penny was awake alright, big brown eyed stare focused on a sticker that had been plastered to the wall of his room long before she was even conceived. You’d swaddled her before putting her to bed last night, so she looked like an adorable, content burrito.
  Once she realized Eddie was hovering over her, the sticker lost her attention and those big beautiful eyes were on him, sparkling as her mouth parted in a gummy smile big enough to rival his own. 
  Daddy came to rescue her from confinement. 
  “Hi, baby, good morning!” Eddie cooed, trying his best to excitedly whisper so as to not disturb you, but he couldn’t help it. He was still so thrilled—and fucking terrified—to be a dad, to have that cute face peering up at him every morning and waiting for him when he got home from work. She always looked at him like he was the greatest thing to walk the earth, always so delighted to see her daddy.
  Even though she’d start crying for you the moment you came into view—but you had an advantage he lacked, you always had her food on you. Her walking meal ticket.
  And Eddie couldn’t even blame her, he was a huge fan of your boobs and he’d even bet he appreciated them more than Penny. 
  Eddie reached into the crib, tugging the tucked in corner of the blanket out and as the blanket around her loosened, Penny’s arms shot up near her head, her tiny body arching as she stretched for a comically long period of time. Eddie chuckled, using it to his advantage, he slipped an arm behind her back and head with the other supporting her bottom as he picked her up, pressing a kiss to her head (and giving her hair a secret little sniff to get a whiff of that baby scent of hers).
  “Did you sleep good, honey?” He cradled her in one arm, tucked close to his chest as he carried her out of the room to start on breakfast. 
  Penny obviously didn’t answer, head resting against his collarbone.
  “Heard you woke up mom last night—well, early this morning, I guess—with boobie demands.”
  Eddie pulled the fridge open, hovering in front of it as he debated on its contents before selecting the cartridge of eggs.
  He didn’t want to put Penny down, happy to have her curled up in his arms, so a simple breakfast would have to do. A pan was pulled out, so was a little bit of cooking oil and soon Eddie was breaking the eggs out of the shell—angling his body to the side so Penny wasn’t at risk of possible oil splash back—and letting them cook.
  “You like eggs?” Eddie asked, stepping a little ways from the stove as he hitched her higher on his chest and held the eggshells out for her to see.
  She kicked her legs, a roll covered arm shakily reaching out towards the shells but Eddie kept them out of her reach.
  “Uh-uh, no sticky fingers for you, young lady.”
  The shells were tossed in the trash can but Penny didn’t care, twisting her upper so her chest was pressed to his. She gripped his shirt loosely in her chunky fist as she leaned forward and mouthed at his shoulder, effectively soaking the area with her drool before she began to suckle.
  “Jesus, you act like we starve you.” Eddie chuckled, reaching for a recently washed pacifier to pop into her mouth.
  She seemed to prefer it over his shirt, doing a full body sigh once she was suckling on it, with her need partially sated (eddie knew he had about fifteen minutes to wrap up breakfast before she realized nothing was coming from it and would start crying), Penny went back to cuddling into his chest. 
  She was starting to be a little more active—not sleeping as much as she did this time last month but for the most part, her movements were still unstable. She had good neck control (you’d had to pin Eddie down to keep him from picking her up when she’d immediately cry upon being put down for tummy time), she liked to kick her legs like she was about to take off for a marathon, but she still couldn’t quite hold things for long (unless it was hair or fingers) and had yet to roll over without you cheating and nudging her the rest of the way.
  Speaking of making Penny do things…
  Eddie lost to his intrusive thought, rearranging his hold on Penny so he was gently grasping her sides as he placed her feet on the counter. Immediately, she popped down to squat before shooting up again. And then she did it once more, getting comfortable with using her legs.
  She didn’t even seem to wonder why Eddie was making her stand, she was more focused on staring intensely at her own feet.
  Then Eddie made her jump, lifted her up and down and up and down, and when that got her smiling wide enough for her pacifier to fall out of her mouth, Eddie moved onto the cabinets.
  “Go, baby, go!” He turned her on her side, miming the motions of her chunky legs running over the top cabinets like some baby ninja and laughing at how big her smile managed to keep getting, her big eyes squinting with it.
  “What are you doing to my baby?” You asked as you emerged from the bedroom, rubbing sleep from your eyes.
  “She’s gonna be the next Karate Ki—hello.”
  Eddie couldn’t help himself, dark gaze trailing over your figure as you stood there, hair a wreck, no pants, oversized t-shirt—ooh, and a leaking nipple. 
  Eddie’s favorite. Yum.
  You followed his gaze, scoffing at the dark stain growing over your left boob, hand pressing against it to stop it as if you were applying pressure to a wound.
  “It heard her,” You pouted, lip stuck out and wobbling at him as you referenced your body’s response to the sound of your baby. Crying, giggling, whimpering—didn’t matter, your milk ducts went into overdrive, aware that your baby was conscious and could need a feeding. Her baby noises were like a trigger sequence.
  Eddie lifted Penny to his face, pressing fervent kisses into the chub of her cheeks, “Score for you, babe!”
  You rolled your eyes, completely, utterly fond and smitten over the interaction. He briefly abandoned the kitchen to hand her to you after you’d made yourself comfortable on the couch, ready to fall to his knees in adoration.
  You pulled the shirt over your breast, and despite trying to place your nipple in her mouth for her, Penny struggled to find it, mouthing greedily at your boob, her little head turning this way and that way but always missing the peak. 
  “Girl, it’s right there.” You laughed. Penny gave it like four more seconds of trying before her whimpers kicked in and you hurriedly managed to get her to latch, stopping the outburst.
  And just like that, Penny was content, making satisfied little squeaks as she nursed and stared up at you, pretending like she hadn’t been moments away from screaming her lungs out.
  And Eddie was distracted, solely focused on the two of you and how he wanted to roll around on the carpet because the cuteness aggression was almost unbearable. If this was how he would be spending every work-free morning for the rest of his life, he was ready to convert to being a morning person.
  Especially if those big sparkly eyes and that gummy smile would be staring up at him. GOD-she was so stinking cute. He wanted to smother her in his affection, but she was growing annoyed with Eddie all up in her face and squishing the chub she was accumulating. She even cried if he faked chewed on her chunky cheeks for too long.
  “What’s that smell?” You asked, snapping him out of his love stupor as you sniffed loudly.
  “FUCK!” Eddie bolted back to the kitchen, smoke surrounding the pan and what had once been edible eggs, “Hey, honey, what’s your opinion on extra crispy eggs? You a risk taker?”
“The answer to that is hurting my nipple right now.”
“Valid. That was a very fun risk.”
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divider ℗ cafekitsune ♡
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oneforthemunny · 1 year
older!eddie calls you ‘bunny’. 18+.
what seems to be an affectionate, sweet, cutesy little nickname actually came from a rather filthy night the two of you had.
you’d been bouncing on his cock for what felt like hours, climbed on top and riding him, hips swirling, slamming against his hairy thighs. your fingers raked over his soft tummy, coated with a smattering of hair that went to his base, coarse hair providing friction for you to grind your clit into.
“god, I love it when you bounce on my cock like this, sweetheart.” eddie grunted, calloused hands gripping your hips, lazily thrusting up into you. “you just bounce and bounce and bounce.” he grinned, hearing your little whines and mewls, face pinched in pleasure.
“you’re just like a little rabbit, aren’t ya? hoppin’ all over my dick?” eddie purred. you clamped around him, hips lifting and dropping deeper, harder. “fuck- you’re just my little bunny, aren’t ya?”
you nodded, whimpers tumbling out of your mouth as he thrusted into you, meeting your hips. “say it for me, baby.” eddie rasped, cigarette stained lungs from years of smoking making his voice huskier, sexier. “say you’re my little, bunny.”
“I-I’m- oh, fuck- I’m your little bunny.” you whimpered, nails digging in harder, grinding your hips in slow circles.
eddie chuckled, fingers reaching around to rub your clit, sending shockwaves up your spine, deep, pornographic moans ripping out of your throat.  he liked you like this. so fucked out and desperate you’d do anything he said, say anything he wanted.
“again.” eddie said, fingers pressing into your clit, tight circles rubbing against your sensitive button.
the coil in your stomach was threatening to snap, so close you were practically seeing stars already. eddie knew it. he thrusted up into you, fingers rubbing you as you gasped, head leaning back tipping towards the ceiling.
“i’m your bunny, i’m your little bunny, eddie. oh my fuck-“ chest heaving, you fell forward, head spinning and resting in the crook of his inked neck.
later, eddie’s limbs were tangled with yours, sheets sprawled over the two of you. he had a cigarette lit between his lips, blowing the smoke away from you while you cling to his chest. you were always clingy after sex, pliant and needy; he loved it.
“you fallin’ asleep on me, bunny?” eddie grumbled, grinning down at you as your eyelids fluttered.
you snorted. “that nicknames sticking?” you asked, cheeky smile hidden in his chest.
eddie grinned, bumming the cigarette and turning, kissing you deep. soft pillowy lips catching yours, the faint taste of nicotine on his tongue. his beard ticked your top lip, nose rubbing against yours. you scrunched yours up, giggling as he grinned at you.
“g’night, my little bunny.”
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eddiesxangel · 8 days
Baby Makes Three | older!Eddie Munson x PlusSize!Reader
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2K request celebration
Requested by @alastorssimp
Summary: you and Eddie find out some very shocking news.
Cw: f!reader, unexpected pregnancy, age gap, older!Eddie, a reader in their late 20’s, a plus-size reader, Eddie is divorced, oral, protected and unprotected p in v, light choking, praise, happy ending. 3k words
An: Older!Eddie is the loml can’t believe we are having his baby 🤭
As the evening unfolds, you find yourself at a lively bar, celebrating your friend's farewell to her twenties. Although you've grown somewhat weary of late-night revelry, your friend insisted that you join her, believing that the celebration wouldn't be complete without you. As you step into the dimly lit bar, your gaze is immediately drawn to a captivating figure.
Amidst a group of older men, he sits on a bar stool, exuding an aura of distinctiveness. His cascading locks and adorned fingers, embellished with silver rings, capture your attention, except the finger where a wedding band would typically reside. Despite his smile, his deep brown eyes betray a hint of melancholy. In that moment, you feel an unwavering resolve to brighten his spirits.
As you observed him from across the room, you couldn't help but feel drawn to him. Although he didn't fit your usual preferences, there was something about him that intrigued you. He was an older man, rough around the edges, tall, dark, and handsome; what's not to like? The more you studied him, the more you estimated his age to be in his late 40s, perhaps 50.
Emboldened by a few drinks, you finally mustered the courage to approach him.
“Hi,” you smile.
“Hi,” you hear another handsome man turn to you, but he isn’t the one you were speaking to.
“I’m Y/N,” you reach your hand so he can shake it.
“Steve.” He smiles.
“Hi Steve, who’s your friend.” You turn to the man you’ve been eyeing all night.
“This here.” He pats his friend on the back, breaking him out of his conversation with another friend. " Is Eddie?” He smiles, and Eddie turns to his friend, confused as to why his name is being spoken.
“What?” He swallowed his beer.
“This is Y/N.” Steve smiles.
“Eddie.” He nods.
“What brings you here, Eddie?” Your voice is so sickly sweet, laced with desire.
“I don’t think you wanna know, Sugar.”
Normally, the name would deter you, but coming from him, it made your heart flutter.
“Try me?” You lean forward on the high-top table, emphasizing your breasts.
Eddie began to shy away, but Steve stepped in once again, “celebrating his divorce.” He claps Eddie’s back again. Clearly, they’ve been here a while.
“Oh well, that’s good news for me then.” You absentmindedly start to twirl your hair.
“And why’s that, Sweetheart?”
“Maybe you’ll find out later.” You wink and turn to go back to your friends.
“What was that?” Eddie was stunned.
“Dude, you gotta go after her! She was totally flirting with you.”
“Nah.” No way Eddie believed that… no way this sexy younger girl who looks like God's gift to earth wants to flirt with him.
“Um, yes, she wants you, man.”
“I could be her father.” Eddie scoffs.
“Hasn’t stopped me.” Steve laughs.
Eddie rolls his eyes at Steve. How would something as hot as you go for a guy like him?
“If you don’t, I will.”
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Eddie eventually gave in to Steve’s nagging and found you twenty minutes later. He offered to buy you a drink, and you gladly accepted.
You “awe” when they tell you he’s newly single and touch his arm while giving him a fake pout. Your pink lipgloss captures the light, and Edie can't stop staring at your mouth.
Eddie tried so hard to keep eye contact, but your body was so full and voluptuous that he couldn’t help but scan you a time or two.
“You wanna get out of here?” You ask after you finish your second drink with him. Your friends are who knows where, and you’re so horny you think your pussy might just explode.
“Yea, yea, let’s um, go.” Eddie couldn't hold back his smile. He was buzzing he was so excited.
You rested your hand on his upper thigh on the short car ride back to his home. His other leg bounced in anticipation, trying not to get hard already. But the simplest touch from you had him realizing. Your manicured fingers looked so good resting on his leg like that.
He pulled up to his small three-bedroom bungalow, which was enough for him and his two kids, who he had with his ex.
It was seriously a bachelor pad. He was not expecting company, so the place was disorganized, but you didn’t care to notice because your lips were attached to his neck the second he closed the door.
“Holy shit” he lets slip because is this really happening? Yes it is.
“Oh baby,” You hear Eddie moan again as your hands slip up his thighs to where his hard-on is starting to take form.
“You should relax; let me help you,” you say, hooking your fingers under his leather jacket and pushing it off his shoulders. Your eyes widen when you see the vast number of tattoos covering every inch of his bare arms.
“You wanna help me relax, baby girl?”
“Mmmmm, I do. You deserve it after all you've been through.” You nod your head, giving him your best puppy dog eyes. God, you're laying it on thick.
Eddie smirks and brushes your loose hair behind your ear, sending a chill up your spine. You watch him lean down to take your lips on his. Needy, passionate kisses were shared before you broke away and found his neck.
“Let’s take this into the bedroom,” he says, pushing you back towards the hallway. You giggle as the man handles you.
Eddie still can’t believe this is happening, but he’s going to take advantage of every second of it. He watches your tiny skirt ride up as you walk towards his bedroom. He can’t help but grab a handful of it, and you squeak.
Finding more confidence in himself, he tosses you on the bed, and you land with a giggle. You’re not used to being so manhandled, but you liked it. Eddie was much stronger than he looked, which only turned you on more.
You watch him as he removes his shirt before he lunges towards you. He has you naked and on your knees for him within minutes of entering the bedroom.
Your nimble fingers unbuckle his belt as you kneel before him. He thinks he will cum right then and there. The image of you looking up at him, your tick thighs pressed together, trying so hard to create some sort of friction for yourself, is so fucking hot to him.
“Fuck you’re big” Your jaw hangs slack in shock as his hard cock springs from the confines of his pants.
“I’m sure you can take it.”
Challenge accepted.
Eddie hadn’t had sex in a very long time. No way he was last if you keep this up. He thinks you’re about to suck the soul out of his body as your hot, warm mouth envelops him wholly.
“Fuck baby girl, your mouth is so perfect, I can’t wait for your pussy.”
“I’m right here, yours for the taking,” you smirk up at him, reeling from the fact he hadn’t touched you yet.
He once again surprised you as his strong arms lifted you with ease to toss you onto the bed. He spreads your legs without a second thought and dives into your needy cunt.
“You’ve been hiding this from me?” His eyes roll back as he tastes you. You mewl as his mouth takes over all of your senses.
“I know, baby, you need me to fuck you, don't you?”
“Needy little thing, just need a man to take care of you?”
You nod your head as your fingers lace themselves through his chocolate waves.
“I promise I'm going to take care of you and make you feel good.” And he is making you feel so good.
His face between your legs feels like you've ascended into euphoria.
“Oh god!” You clench down as your orgasm washes through you.
“That’s a good girl.” He laps at your juices before he fumbles for the condoms he thankfully just bought. He quickly rips open the box as you come down from your high. Condoms are scattered across the bed, and Eddie hears you giggle at his eagerness, and it only makes him want you more.
Eddie has the condom on in seconds and is gliding himself through your wet folds before he pushes himself inside.
“Oh, Eddie!” You scream when he bottoms out.
Eddie lets himself close his eyes as his tounge traced your nipple. He hummed into your skin only sending more waves of pleasure through your body. His large hands squeezed your other breast as he sucked and flicked your nipple with this mouth. Teeth teases as his fingers played, nothing would stop him from having your perfect tits in his mouth and his cock buried deep inside you.
His hips are rocking into you so good, he’s pounding into you, you can’t think. You’re so fucking happy you chose to come home with him, never have you had sex this good. How did his wife give this up? You don’t know,; but you’re sure glad because you will get to experience him now.
“Eddie, please!” He loved hearing his name fall from your lips. He wasn’t even sure you remembered it; he’s having trouble remembering yours if he’s being honest, but he didn’t care. Your pussy was magic.
“Fuck baby girl, this pussy is so tight, so good” You feel his hand gently wrap around your throat, holding you in place as he watches your tits bounce with each thrust. His cock disappears between your plush thighs; he can’t get enough as your pussy is getting tighter and tighter. He can feel your orgasm creeping up on you. He needs you to cum before him; he is damned if he comes first.
“Come on baby girl, cum on my cock…. That’s it; you’re taking me so well. I knew your pussy would be so fucking good.” The praises falling from his lips have you clenching down on his cock, so hard Eddie thinks he sees stars.
Eddie can finally let go. His cum fills the condom as he continues to fuck into you until he’s satisfied.
Once you’ve both caught your breath, you get up to leave, Eddie feels sad when you start getting dressed, but you insist he gives you his phone band. Maybe you can do it again sometime.
When he saw the text from the unsaved number with your name attached, his stomach did a little summersault, and he didn’t think he would ever forget your name again.
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It’s been weeks, and your and Eddie’s schedules have yet to coordinate. He had his kids on the weekends, and you’re always busy. You never give a reason; you’re just busy.
So when Eddie entered the restaurant to get his pick-up order, he was a little surprised when he saw you sitting at the booth with a guy. A guy who was about your age, with his arm wrapped around you.
Who even sits on the same side of the booth anyway?
He gave the host a fake smile as his skin started to crawl as he continued to watch the blonde hair blue eyed Chad-looking fucker lean in and whisper something in your ear that made you laugh.
So this is why you’re “busy.”
“Your food will be out in a minute, sir.” The hostess smiled and walked away.
This gave Eddie the opportunity to walk over.
“Fancy seeing you here, Sugar.” Eddie smiled, but you could tell by the look in his eyes it was not a happy one.
You almost choked on your drink as his deep baritone voice filled your ears.
“Eddie, um, hi.” You try and keep your cool.
No, you weren’t avoiding him. This date had been planned for weeks, and you didn’t have the heart to cancel.
“Hey man,” the douche nods to Eddie, and he can’t help but roll his eyes. How on earth did his girl go for this chump?
Eddie completely ignored him.
“Who’s this baby?” Your date turns to you. “Your dad or something?”
You almost choked again, and Eddie sneered as the smug look graced your date's face.
“Can you give us a minute?” You turn to him.
“I don’t think— "
"Listen to the lady." Eddie glared, and he looked so hot while doing it.
"I'll give you ten minutes."
"I’m sure that's the longest you'd ever need," Eddie mumbled under his breath, and you giggled.
Eddie stuck out his hand, and you take it, and he leads you around the corner to the alcove by the bathrooms.
“So….” You start awkwardly.
“I see why you’re always busy. If you have a boyfriend just tell me I’ll stop waisting my time.” He scoffs.
“Hes not my boyfriend.”
“But that’s your type, huh? Thought you wanted a more mature man? Someone rough around the edges, someone who knows how to please you” He raises his brows.
“I-I mean…”
“What is it, baby girl? He fuck you as good as I did?” He tucks a price of loose hair behind your ear. “I don’t think so.”
“How dare you!”
“You need to be reminded?”
The way your pussy clenched as his tone was a betrayal of your own. You missed his touch, but he was being such as asshole you didn’t want to give in.
“Fuck you”
“Gladly,” he leaned in and kissed you deeply.
You let a moan slip, and you feel Eddie smirk against you.
Eddie dragged you into the bathroom and locked the door behind him.
“Eddie,” you moan, completely forgetting you were on a date with another man.
Eddie can’t get enough of you; he’s been thinking about you every moment of every day since that first night you hooked up, and hearing your name slip past your lips only makes this moment all that much sweeter for him.
“Need this tight pussy to remember who she belongs to.” He flips you towards the sink so you face the mirror. You watch intently as his hands wrap around your waist to unbutton your pants and pull them down. “Need to remind you who made you cum so hard you were begging for more.”
You couldn’t form words, only needy mewls left your throat as you wiggle your bare ass at him before his fingers run up your already wet slit. It didn’t take much for you to get ready when Eddie was around.
“So wet f’me already”
“Only you.”
“Yea, only me? Not that Ken doll out there?”
“No, Eddie, you! Only you!”
“That’s right, baby girl. You’re mine, pretty.”
You hear the jingle of his belt, and soon after, his hard tip brushes through your folds.
“Eyes on me,” he guides your chin to keep looking at him through the mirror as he plunges inside of you.
Your mouth falls slack as he fucks into you; his hand moves lower, holding your throat in place as each brush of his cock feels so deep inside of you.
His grip on your hip is tight, his hand slinks down from your throat to your breasts, and he squeezes it over and over again.
“Can’t get enough of you, pussy is like a fuckin drug.”
“So big,” you slur. His cock brushing that sport so deep inside you your body is shaking with pleasure.
Your orgasm hits you quickly, and Eddie is coming shortly after.
You feel a light smack on your bare ass before he helps pull your panties back up.
“Holy shit” you try and catch your breath.
“Now, you’ll only be thinking of me dripping down your leg while you finish this date.” He gives your ass another squeeze before slipping out the door without another word.
You take a minute to catch your breath and exit the bathroom to see Eddie, with a takeout bag, heading out the door. You say a quick goodbye to your date, making up some lame excuse about not feeling well and chase after Eddie while he still leaks out of you.
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A one-night stand turned into running into him while on another date, and he fucked you in the bathroom so good you ditched your date, and now you’ve been hooking up ever since.
You didn’t speak to one another about what you were, but after that day in the bathroom, you knew you didn’t want to be with anyone else. It was understood after he ran into you on a date - you would be committed to one another only.
You liked Eddie, and yes, he was older by about seventeen years, but he treated you well. He always made sure to take care of you and look after your needs, and when you were both finished, he always wanted to talk and cuddle.
You knew you wanted more with him, to go out with him, to be with him, but you were too scared to overstep. He had just gotten out of a poor relationship a month and a half ago, but your feelings for him started blooming, and you couldn't stop.
You’re falling quick and hard for Eddie and that’s scary. It’s so new and what if a baby is added to the equation? That could end things in an instant. Dread was the only thing to fill your mind as your mind spiralled.
Your phone startles you out of your thoughts, and you answer it right away, don't even see who it is on the other end.
"Hey, baby girl. You getting ready to go out?"
Tonight, you were to go out with your friends to dance. You loved having a drink and some good music, but as you were getting ready, a wave of nausea hit, and you knew that wasn't a good sign.
You were late. It's been a little over two weeks late, but you're scared to take a test. No way you wanted this to be real. You had been so careful.
"No, um, actually. I'm not feeling well." You try and swallow the lump in your throat. You don't need to worry about the unknown.
"Oh baby, do you need some soup? I can pick you up some and bring it over."
“No, no I just — Oh god, the bathroom!”
It hit you; you didn’t use a condom that time.
"You wanna hang up to do that or…?"
"No, Eddie, no I need you to get something for me."
"Whatever you need."
You pace back and forth as the longest 3 minutes of your life pass by.
Eddie couldn't believe you were asking him to get you a pregnancy test at nine-thirty on a Saturday night, but here he was, anxiously waiting.
Eddie loved being a dad, and he would be thrilled to have another baby, especially with you. Sure, the relationship was newer, but he knew in his soul how good of a person you were and how good of a mom you would be.
Fantasies of you and your swollen belly played in repeated in his head until he heard you gasp. He sees your face, and you're in shock, unable to move beside your shaking hand. Holding the test, he sees the blue plus symbol clear as day.
"Your boy has still got it!" He grabs the test from your hand and makes a fist pump in the air.
"Aren't you scared?" Tears formed in your eyes. Would you be ready? Would you be a good mother? Would he want to leave, and you would be stuck being a single mom?
"No, because I know you'll be an awesome mom. I can't imagine a more perfect woman to have my baby." He leaned in to kiss you, and a tear fell down your cheek.
My baby. Something g you and Eddie made together.
"I'm going to be a mom." Eddie's words start to make you feel better, and you start to smile.
"You're going to be the sexiest mom." He wiggles his brows suggestively.
"And the kindest, most caring, thoughtful mom to ever exist. This baby will be so loved."
"So loved," You repeat.
Tagging some mooties (feel free to ignore): @paybacksawitch @xxbimbobunnyxx @strangerstilinski @taintedcigs @munson-blurbs @littlexdeaths @onegirlmanytales
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lightvixxen · 2 years
Innocent act pt2, don't be a brat.
Ahh!! Thank u all for your love on innocent act!! Also, there will be a pt3 after this!! Read pt1 here , read pt3!
Word count: 2k
Reblogs, comments, and likes absolutely make my day and are encouraged!
WARNINGS: age gap- Eddie is 30, the reader is 18+ Language, arguments, Eddie tells reader she’s acting like a child, pet names, dom!Eddie, Sub!reader, readers dad is a cop, spanking, fingering, face fucking, edging + over stimulation, degradation, degradation kink, praise kink, Eddie punishes reader for being a brat
Summary: after a fight with your dad, your brought over to Eddies house, where you end up arguing. Somehow the argument ends when Eddie decides he needs to do something about your bratty attitude.
Taglist: @thefreakofhawkins86 , @yaspillz
You sat on Eddie's couch pouting as he talked to your father at the door, you and your father had gotten into an argument only a few minutes ago.
“Make sure she doesn’t get out, she had a fake ID no telling what else she’s done.” You heard your father say from the door, “sad I can’t trust my daughter.” He yelled from the doorway.
“Don’t worry! I’ll watch her like a hawk, you and your wife go have fun tonight. It's deserved.” Eddie covered your father's view of you on the couch. A few more minutes go by and you hear the door almost slam shut.
“So, you wanna tell me what happened? Why you were escorted to my door at…” Eddie checked his watch “8 pm” you sigh, “I accidentally left my fake ID on the counter, and when I realized daddy had already found it.” you stood up, walking over to Eddie. “Then we fought…”
Your father had busted into your room, demanding to know why your ID said 21 and not 18. “Because daddy! I wanted to get into the hideout to watch Eddie perform! They don't let eighteen-year-olds in!” Your father sighed loudly.
“You’re grounded” you stood from your bed quickly after hearing this “you can’t ground me! I’m eighteen! Almost nineteen! I’m a legal adult!” You almost yelled, stomping your foot down onto the Carpeted floor, almost in disbelief he would try and ground you!
“You still live under my roof, young lady! My word is law in this household, and I say you're grounded!” His voice raised to match yours, a screaming match bubbling to the surface “Now, your mother and I have a date, you can either walk yourself to Munsons or I can cuff, and escort you.”
“And now I'm here…” halfway through your recount of the fight, you ended up in Eddie's lap on the couch. Legs were thrown over his, and head resting against his shoulder. “God, he's such an asshole. I turn 19 in a month! He can't ground me!”
Eddie makes a sound of disagreement, “technically, he can, I got grounded by cops all the time as a teenager.” you rolled your eyes, almost scoffing. “You mean arrested and put in jail.” Eddie grins, “same difference, doll.” you moved off his lap, standing in front of him. “You don’t agree with him, do you?” You questioned, Eddie hasn’t exactly stated which side he’s on.
“Do I think he’s overreacting? Yes, but mainly because I was doing way worse than using a fake ID at your age. Do I get where he's coming from? Also yes.” you groaned “you so agree with him!” “Hey now, I didn't say that.” “you implied it!” Eddie sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Sweetheart-” you crossed your arms, raising your voice as anger bubbled up slowly. “No! Don't you sweetheart me!”
Eddie stared at you, almost surprised by your sudden outburst. “You complain about being treated like a child then decide to act like one, you're not helping yourself.”, you huffed “maybe I wouldn't act like a child if I wasn't treated like one! Both of you still treat me like one!” Eddie had to laugh at that, between the first time you had sex with each other and now, he doubts he's treated you like a kid.
“So by your definition, me treating you like a child is me fucking you stupid for months?” You stuttered slightly “w-well- that’s not what I meant and you know it!” Eddie grabbed your hips, pulling you between his legs, the smell of weed, tobacco, and cologne filled your senses. “Then give me an example of me treating you like a child.” You really couldn’t, you had only said it in the heat of the moment. Anger blinded you and now you’ve backed yourself into a corner.
So of course, you did the only logical thing you could, “fuck you” you mumbled quietly, praying he didn't hear you. Eddie could be fucking ruthless when he wanted to be. “I'm sorry what?” the grip on your hips tightened, and the cold metal of his rings dug into the skin exposed by your crop top. “I didn't quite catch that baby, what did you say?” you sighed, mentally preparing yourself for the punishment that will ensue. but since you decide to be a brat, might as well commit to the act.
“Fuck you, old man” you internally smirked at yourself, Eddie wasn’t that old, but his reactions, whenever you called him old, were priceless. Though right now, it’s going to earn a punishment. Eddie’s voice lowered, “Alright, just remembered you asked for this” Eddie pulled you in, maneuvering you to lay across his lap on your stomach, his hands pulling down the thin cotton of your pajama shorts and underwear. Eddie's jeans are rough against your bare thighs, he must’ve been getting ready for a show. You thought. Eddie's hand rubs the flesh of your ass slowly,
“Can't wait to see this cute ass all bruised up…” he talked darkly, Eddie loved making things difficult for you. He loved making it hard for you to sit, let alone walk. The first strike came down hard, making you yelp and jump slightly, he hadn’t bothered to take off the rings that adorned his fingers. “count.” Eddie said sternly, “one,” you said weakly. You would be a liar if you said, Eddie wasn't hot like this, you fucking loved when Eddie was mean and rough with you.
“Two!” you yelped, as Eddie's hand came down on your ass again, the strike was just as hard as the first. Eddie's hand soothed the soft flesh of your butt. “Look at you baby, actin all tough until I get you like this. A spoiled brat who just needed attention.” you could feel how wet you got at his words, maybe you are a little bit of a masochist because you definitely shouldn't have been getting off on this.
“Your bein mean, sir! M, not a brat!” you know you really shouldn't talk back, give him any more reasons to punish you but you couldn't help it. You were addicted to Eddie when he was like this. Eddie growled, giving your ass another smack “Oh no sweetheart, I’m being nice I could be a hell of a lot meaner and get my belt. spank you with that, make pretty little welts on your ass.”
Eddie gave you a total of 15 strikes. By the end, you were a sobbing, moaning mess, subconsciously grinding your bare pussy onto Eddie’s jean-clad thigh. “Pathetic slut…I’m trying to punish you, and getting off on it.” His fingers found their way to your pussy, pushing in slowly “your soaked doll, you enjoy being spanked that much?” He asked, slowly pushing his fingers in and out. You moaned and nodded, rocking back onto his finger, which surprisingly, Eddie didn't stop you. “Words pretty girl, words,” he told you, his fingers working in and out of you, the cold press of his rings against your cunt made you shiver.
“Yes! Love it when you spank me, sir,” you whined, praying he would let you off easy. Your back arched, you were quickly approaching your orgasm, his fingers found your G-spot quickly, zeroing in on it. “Yeah, all you needed was some attention, huh doll? Acting out because you just wanted me. There are better ways to get my attention doll.” Eddie dragged you close to the edge before ripping his fingers away from your leaking cunt. You whined at the loss, “Now I have to punish you, can't have my good girl thinking she can be bad.”
Eddie's finger delved back into your cunt again. This felt like it went on forever, being taken to the edge only to be ripped away again. Every so often Eddie would smack your ass lightly, your wetness on his fingers only added to the sting.
You cried the last time he pulled his fingers out.
“Think you can kneel, sweetheart?” you nodded, moving out of his lap and onto the floor.
Eddie spread his legs, giving you room to move in between them, you palmed at his erection, earning a groan from him. Your hands slowly unbuckled his belt, before quickly undoing his jeans and pushing them down just enough to free his cock. Wrapping a hand around his shaft you pumped your hand up and down slowly, thumb swiping against the head of his cock, smearing pre-cum over his length. His dick barely fit into your small hands. Eddie was big and thick, his size was a little intimidating if you were being honest.
But you pressed kisses to the head of his cock, and down his shaft, giving him small kitten licks when you could. Eddie's hand tangled in your hair, “c’mon baby, don't be a brat and tease, suck me off.” you kept eye contact as you took him into your mouth. You took him as far as you could without gagging, tongue swirling around the tip of his cock. Eddie groaned above you, praises falling from his lips as his grip tightens in your hair, guiding you to bob up and down on his cock. “Mmm, fuck just like that sweetheart, always feel so good on me.” He moaned.
“Wanna fuck that pretty little mouth of yours-” a sharp inhale left him as your tongue traced around a vein, “you gonna let me? Make you choke and gag on my cock, Maybe then you'll learn something.” you made a sound of approval, sending vibrations through his dick. “Fuck sweetheart- you still remember the safe word?” you nodded to the best of your ability and sent another round of vibrations to say you knew and remembered. One tap to slow down, two to stop.
“Goodgirl” was the only warning you got before Eddie snapped his hips into your mouth, keeping a firm grip on your hair to keep you in place. Eddie roughly thrusted into your mouth. “Shit,
Always a whore for me, letting me use you like my personal fleshlight- Fuck!” he groaned loudly, warmth and a bitter taste filling your mouth. You whined, pulling off his cock and opening your mouth. You had hoped he would've lost his control and cum inside of you, like always did. “Swallow, slut.” you closed your mouth and swallowed his cum. Hoping listening to his commands would earn you at least one orgasm.
“C'mere pretty girl.” he pulled you back up into his lap, capturing you in a needy kiss, his tongue slipped into yours while wandering hands found their way to your already bruised butt. A light smack to the sore skin had you moaning into the kiss. Eddie kneaded the flesh there, almost sorry for the bruises that'll sprout there. Almost. Eddie moved down to your neck, biting and sucking at the almost completely faded love bites. Creating more for you to cover up later. “I think you earned a reward, what do you think doll?” you nodded slowly “please sir, been s’good for you” You wish you could’ve seen the mischievous look on Eddie's face or the glint in his eyes.
Eddie moved you to straddle one of his thighs, “here's the deal sweetheart, you ride my thigh and you get to cum” you whined again, disappointment evident. “Brats don't get to cum on my cock, think about this the next time you decide to act up. Now you gonna ride my thigh and cum, or are you going to bed pent up?” when your hips moved slowly he chuckled darkly, the noise being sent straight to your pussy. “That's what I fuckin thought.”
Your clit rubbed harshly against his jeans. You looked down to where you had been kneeling and noticed a wet spot, you could already feel the bruises forming on your knees. You whined, tucking your face into Eddie's neck as you chased your orgasm. Feeling a damp spot starting to form under you from where your pussy was leaking. You were wetter than you had been before, Eddie was just so fucking hot when he was pissed off at you. Your hips fell into a steady rhythm as you quickly approached the edge, it didn't take long to build yourself up.
“Oh fuck- gonna cum Eds, please, please, let me come!” you moaned pathetically. Eddie shushed you “it's alright pretty girl you can come now.” His permission sent you straight over the Edge, your orgasm racking through your body, and a loud moan- practically a scream left you. Your hips stuttered to a stop, you were completely fucked out. “Did I say stop?” Eddie asked you “wha- what?” Eddie's hands wrapped around your hips, starting your rhythm back up again. “Oh did I not mention? You get to come over and over again!” Eddie exclaimed like that wasn't one of the most horrifying sentences you've heard tonight.
“Get ready sweetheart, you're not walking outta here tomorrow,” he mumbled as he gave you your second orgasm of the night. Which was only the beginning of the 6 more orgasms he would rip out of you
4K notes · View notes
What makes a man
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A/N : This is the second piece into the angiverse or my dad Eddie series of blurbs. A series of Fathers Days throughout Eddies life. One Where his father wasn't so kind, another when he surprised Wayne, and one more where you surprise him. I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it.
P.s Photo in header are all from google straight up not gonna lie to yall have no idea who edited the Eddie and Wayne photo but its phenomenal.
P.p.s update : the photo of Eddie and Wayne was created by user @fefemunson on Pinterest and insta 💕💕🖤
Dividers by @cafekitsune
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem reader
WC: 4K
TW: Angst ( Al - need I say more...) Fluff ( Wayne's gift, doting husband, baby girl Munson) Smut ( Breeding kink, F receiving, fingering, unprotected PIV, dirty talk, multiple orgasms, accidental edging, squirting) If y'all see anything I missed please let me know. Not really edited all that much.
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Sweat rolled down the side of Eddie's face as he sat crouched behind a car in the packed lot of a junkyard, a few towns over from Hawkins. The sun had set but the heat waves, in the middle of June 1975,  had become almost stifling as he kept an eye on his surroundings. Al had promised that if Eddie just kept watch this one last time, while he took care of some business, then he could get him the guitar strings he had his eye on.
It had only been two seconds, two seconds Eddie let himself get distracted as he watched the fireflies light up the darkening sky in swirling patterns. Two seconds and Eddie had missed how a tall figure made its way over to the door in which he watched his father disappear behind. Two seconds and he was too late to let out his crow call to let Al know there was someone coming. 
“Run.” A gunshot and a flash of his father was all Eddie heard and saw before his limbs were weaving in and out of old abandoned things that people no longer needed. Things that people no longer wanted. Losing traction as the rain from the night before made the clay and mud beneath his feet slide. He had caught up to Al, Eddie had never been an athlete but when it came to running for his life, he had more practice then one should at his age.
“Stupid, How could you be so fucking Stupid?” Al was catching his breath as he slowed, pretty sure that the men he was stealing from had given up at least for now. “I mean I ask you to do one thing and you can't even do that right.” Eddie walks beside his father and he’s heard the spiel time and time again. “If you think I’m getting you those guitar strings after this, You can forget it.”  Eddie knew he was never getting those strings, and if he was being honest with himself he knew this was the only time he was going to get with his father. That's all he ever wanted , to feel like he was needed and if that meant he would have to sit through some words that hurt, then that's exactly what he would do. 
He thought to two days ago. Hawkins Elementary had fathers day arts and crafts sweep through the halls and through classrooms as the day approached within the upcoming weekend. He decided that he was going to draw what he knew best. Eddie had drawn a dragon, large and fierce , one only a brave man could face. Sword in hand and threatening he had drawn his father slaying the dragon that plagued the princess’s  nightmares around the realm. He was so excited to present it to his father but as he sat and heard the words his father was saying the longer the picture sat in his backpack until it littered the bottom of it at the end of the year. 
Eddie would never give the picture to Al, in fact he would grow to forget about it. 
It took only a few months as the fall leaves began to change colors and fall to the ground, Al would find himself behind bars. Life without parole for numerous crimes that would leave Eddie with nothing but his mother and His uncle. It would be a very very long time before He would even hear the sound of his voice again. 
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June 1985 had become as hot as Eddie thought it possibly could within the trailer. Wayne was currently out shopping for two new units, one for the living room and one for Eddie. As the men of the house could no longer stand having their hair drip sweat in their eyes and slick down the back of their knees. So they counted couch change and broke open piggy banks for the luxury of air flow. 
Eddie had found himself trying to pry the window that had been painted shut open in his room. A small one across from where his bed sat, and it took all of his strength and an hour of his time, but he had finally been able to crack it. Sweet relief had started to settle around him as a breeze picked up and his curtains swayed in as he took a look around his room. Clothes scattered and books in a pile, a few cups on his desk and sheets of paper askew, Eddie decided to start cleaning his room.
 A half clean floor surprised Wayne as he looks in on Eddie as he arrives home with the new units. Almost not wanting to say anything at all to stop Eddie in his task, but he curses himself as the words leave his mouth. 
“Come help me unload this truck boy.”  Eddie slips on a pair or worn out sneaker and trudges through the inferno only to be met with a realization. It was colder outside then it was in the trailer and he stood on the shared porch in disbelief. 
“How is it cooler out here than inside?” 
“Not for long If i can help it, Now come one and give me a hand before I melt out here.” 
Eddie helps Wayne take both units into the house and he holds them up as Wayne takes his time to install them, making sure that he eases the process as much as he can for his uncle.
 Eddie Holds his breath as Wayne plugs in the unit in his bedroom and the second the small little green light pops on and revs the A/C Unit to life, That breath leaves his lungs in a huffed out laugh as he jumps up and down in joy. A laugh from Wayne as he pats Eddie's shoulder as he leaves the room. “Glad you like it. I’m hitting the hay so keep it down here okay?” Eddie nods his head towards his uncle as he lifts his shirt up over his head and just basks in the cool air hitting his skin for what feels like the first time ever. 
Eddie opens his closet to hang a few stray long sleeve shirts he had  found scattered across the floor. Giving each the smell test before grabbing hangers. Who needs a long sleeve tee in this heat anyway, he thinks to himself. He stops and bends to find an old shoebox that had fallen from the top shelf and somehow landed upside down. Small trinkets from his past had toppled out and onto the floor, a few movie stubs, from trips to the cinema across town. His first DND Handbook , a small pick-me-up Wayne had brought home from a thrift store for him one day after finding out he had the flu.
 Then a small folded up piece of paper caught his eye. A Knight in shining armor depicted as slaying a dragon, one with a tail that could take out entire cities and claws like daggers. A sword through its skull as he shields himself from the bloodshed,but the face of the knight confused him. He remembered drawing the picture for his father , his rounded features and brudish stance, but the more he looked in on the knight he realized the picture he had drawn was not rounded but more sharp. The knight was more gentle as if it hurt to even have to slay the dragon but for his princess he would do anything. He had drawn Wayne, not his father. 
The picture would continue to lay in the box , and Eddie would put the box back in its rightful place on a shelf in his closet , but Eddie would always know that Wayne would slay his dragon. In fact he realized Wayne had been slaying them for years all in the sake of his protection. This brought a smile to his face as he left his room and made himself some dinner, making Wayne a plate to leave in the fridge so he would have something to eat before having to go to work. Tomorrow he wouldn't wait for the phone call from his father that would never come, instead he would spend it with his dad, a man who took him in and loved him for all that he was. 
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An Early Morning of June 1988, Eddie paced by the phone for what seemed like hours. He started off his day by sitting , but the nervous bile that would rise in his throat had him up and down. His mind was set on hearing disappointment but you reassured him he would hear nothing of the sort. Finding himself sitting, knee bouncing as if it had a live wire in it, you start to separate things off the stove into their own spots on the kitchen aisle. A breakfast fit for a king, sausage and eggs , bacon and pancakes. All that was missing was Coffee. 
The night before you and Eddie had gone to Waynes for dinner leaving a small gift that he wasn’t supposed to open until this morning. You were sure he would open it as soon as you left but the line had stayed silent and Eddie knew for a fact he would call if he did. Given the gift he was receiving you had hoped the phone would ring sooner rather than later simply for the fact that you wanted Eddie to have peace of mind. Each second that passed you saw in Eddie’s features that he was going to the dark and weathered places. 
You and Eddie had given Wayne a mug. A small pink mug that when Wayne opened it reminded him of a diner he had not far from his house when he lived in Tennessee as a child. As Wayne poured his coffee into the mug he noticed that when he went to take a sip his hand caressed within it perfectly, a new favorite he would have to keep by the sink. As his last few sips drained the cup he saw an inscription on the bottom of the inside.
‘Pa Pa needs Coffee first’ 
A shrill ring from the telephone made you and Eddie nearly jump out of your skin. He picked up the phone and held it to his ear but before the word “hello” could leave his mouth Wayne had already started.
“Are you serious? Don’t be playing no games with me boy, cause if i have a heart attack then i'm taking your scrawny ass with me! You better be telling the truth or so help me -” 
Eddie's sniffles match Waynes as he just nods his head as if the man on the other end of the line can see him.
“I’m telling the truth, we’re having a baby girl, Uncle Wayne.”  Eddie turns as he hears a small sob leave you . You had been watching the man in front of you tell the most important person in his life the news of having your first child. It broke you in the best way.
 Eddie motioned for you to come over to him as he couldn't pull the cord far enough to reach you. He wrapped both of his arms around your neck as he held the phone to his ear letting Wayne rattle on his congratulations while you let the tears fall and land on his shirt. Eddie hoped this would be one of those moments you never forget. One that even when you were sitting next to him old and gray , he hoped this would be a memory he could always reach out for.
 Eddie hung up the phone and still having you wrapped up in his arms led you backwards. He stopped next to the fridge and opened it opting for orange juice instead of coffee. He had told you about a week or so ago that anything you couldn't do, he wouldn't do, and It was becoming a challenge. Coffee and a cigarette had been his daily routine for as long as he could remember, but having you struggle was something he was not going to let you do alone. So this morning he poured you a glass of juice along with his own and you both sat and ate the breakfast of champions, a slight Happy Father's Day on the tip of your tongue. 
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Summer on the cusp of beginning in June of 1991 had bees buzzing and roses blooming . A cranky tot had been an alarm clock for you and Eddie for the past three weeks. Not only had your daughter reached the terrible twos but the heat was something she didn't like in the slightest. A stressful few months of Eddie working non stop and you finishing rotation on night shift had left you no time alone together. That would all end tonight. 
Wayne had agreed to take Angie for the weekend while you and Eddie had finally convinced your jobs to give you the time off. A rushed drive to Waynes gave you that pit feeling in your stomach and the tears that stained Angies face at your absence gave you tears to shed of your own. Mom guilt was always something you would struggle with. How could you not? Eddie squeezed your knee as he drove, peaking at you every so often to sooth the pit, he felt it too, but you deserve this. Eddie Deserved this. 
An early check-in to the hotel you had booked gave you enough time to get dressed and listen to Eddie complain about the restaurant you were taking him to having a dress code. You packed him a black blazer and a maroon button up ,but the man refused to wear slacks. Absolutely threw a fit about it, so he compromised and wore black jeans that you had to inspect for rips. While you wore a black dress that fit snugly against your soft tummy, coming up short against your thighs. If you bent over the entire place would be getting a show but you were saving that for your husband. God your husband, you loved the sound it rang through your brain, an earworm the word had become since you married. Husband, the father of your child, the man you gave your everything to and he gave you back all of himself in return. 
The dim light of the room made you squint at the incredibly small print of the menu in your hands and as you look across the table you see Eddie doing the same. 
“You see a burger here anywhere?” you roll your eyes. 
“Eddie, we did not drive an hour into the city for you to order a burger from a five star restaurant.”
“Why not?” you could see the slight slip of the corner of his mouth. You smile and turn your focus back on figuring out what to eat before the waiter comes back. The pasta sounds nice, the steak on a table across the way looks divine. You settle on a Caesar salad , Eddie orders steak and fettuccine. A beer in front of Eddie pairs with your glass of white as his hand comes across waiting for you to take hold. You indulge him as you pick up your glass with your other hand. Soft circles across your knuckles have you leaning into the table.
“Have i told you how incredible you look tonight?” Heat rushes through you at his tone, seep sultry, dark. A twist in where he laces your fingers with his own and a gleam in his eye. You know exactly what he wants to hear.
“Oh yeah? Me? What about you over there?” You return the look as the waiter sits your food in front of you interrupting whatever he was going to say.
 A tight smile is all he gives as he picks up his beer and takes a sip. He picks up his knife and you watch as he tries to cut into his steak, lifting your glass and taking a long sip you take the edge of your heels and slide it up his leg. He nearly drops his fork on the ground at the unexpected touch. Eddie stares wide eyed as he brings his food to his mouth slowly taking the bite.
You look away as if your heel isn't still making its way to his knee and sliding in between his thighs, placing your shoe right against his groin. You can see the way his body stiffens and instantly his hand is slammed against the table. It gets the attention of your waiter as if the sound was a call of his name. When he asks if you are enjoying your food and if you need anything Eddie rushes to get the words out.
“Yes! Good! Everything is delicious! Can we get the check please?” he obliges as he walks to grab the tab for the two of you. Giggling as you take in the wild look Eddie is giving you.
"You done already babe?"
"You are going to be the absolute death of me, woman.”  you pay for dinner as a treat for Fathers day, shit this whole weekend was for Fathers day. Eddie gave you hell for paying but the bruising grip on your hip as you walked through the restaurant had you knowing he was going to pay you back tenfold. 
Barely making it through the door to your hotel room Eddie had already shed the blazer you had made him wear. Lips catching between teeth and struggling to undo buttons has you both breathless and frustrated. Eddie pulls the shirt up and over his head yelling fuck it as it soars across the room. The rattle of his belt buckle sends a shiver down your spine as you sit and struggle to undo the clasp of your heels. Eddie kicks the denim that pooled around his ankles to the side as he jumps up onto the bed. His knees against the sheets, he takes one of your heels in his hands and leans it against his chest as he undoes the clasp for you. He throws the heel behind him and does the same to the other leaning over you as his hair falls around your face.
“Mhmm, I've been thinking ‘bout this all day.” your lips crash into his, a hungry, feral feeling overcomes you as you wrap your legs around his waist. His lips begin their journey down your neck and across your chest, sucking small spots and leaving small bruises, as if leading breadcrumbs to find his way back home. He reaches the hem of your dress as he nips at your thighs pushing the fabrics up so it bunches at your waist. 
“Isn't it Fathers Day, shouldn't I be the one going down on you?“ He catches your eyes as you look down and shakes his head. 
“Nope. Like you said, it's Fathers Day and that means I get whatever I want baby,  and I didn't get to have dessert.” He takes the lace between his teeth and lets it snap back in place listening as you let out a small whine from beneath him. 
“Mmm so sweet” He slips the thong along your thighs and down your legs as you let them spread for his immediate return. Except it’s not immediate, he takes his time. “So good to me, aren’t you sweetheart?” He takes his time kissing his way down your thighs to your dripping core. He drapes your legs over his shoulders as he slips his tongue through your folds and around your clit. Sucking hard as he lets the slick of your arousal coat his taste buds. Kissing your cunt as if he can’t live without its breath in his lungs. He slips his tongue into you as he lets his nose stimulate your clit. You wonder if he can breathe but the thought is lost as he slips a finger into you instead coming back to focus on that bundle of nerves. Your hands wrap themselves around his curls and grip hard, earning a moan from him that vibrates against your core as he adds another finger and a gasping moan sounding from deep within you as you chase that lightning through your core. Shaking thunderous moans of His name leave you as you give in to your husband. He slows the curl of his fingers and lets you ride out your high letting himself pant against your thigh as your grip in his hair loosens. 
Laughs from Eddie send you into a fit of your own giggles and the loving look he gives you as he hovers over you letting you taste yourself off his lips. Slow and needy you reach down and grasp Eddie's length through his boxers and a groan is made from the back of his throat.
“Eddie.” The soft moan of his name is all it takes for him to give you anything you ever wanted. Some Days it’s your laugh, other days it’s the way you take care of his daughter, but right now in this moment it’s the way you're sighing at his touch. 
You sit up pushing his shoulders back until his head hits the pillows,straddling his waist and sliding up and down his cock a few times, coating him in your slick. Lining him up with your entrance and sitting slowly until his entire length is buried inside you. A deep moan from within the both of you. You lift yourself off of him leaning back resting your hands on his thighs as the angle lets him hit that sweet spot inside of you with every drop back into his lap. The way his cock slides against your walls has you throwing your head back ,eyes closed in ecstasy.
“Uh uh , Look at me , Let me see you baby.”  your chest heaves with each thrust he sends upwards into you, unable to form words. A sudden flip has you separated from Eddie right as you were on the cusp.
“I said look at me Baby, Come on. What ? dick so good you’ve gone dumb?”  He slams into you and the sounds of his skin slapping yours, as he fucks you into the mattress, echoes off the walls.” God you’re so tight. Squeezin the fuck outta me.” You whine as he lifts you so your chest is flush with his own. “Look so good underneath me ,gonna fuck you full baby.” 
“Yes , god yes Fuck Eddie, fill me up.” you moan through each thrust, right against his ear. You reach your climax gushing around Eddie a small spray reaching his abdomen and wetting the sheets beneath you. Nail marks scratching down his back send him into his own orgasm as he coats the walls within you thick, falling forward with you under him. A weight you would always welcome. Both of you lay in utter bliss for what feels like forever before he slips out of you. You hiss at the empty feeling but welcome the warm rag Eddie drags across your center. A glass of water is given to you as you lay tangled in the sheets bringing them to your chest as you gulp down every drop. A small smile on Eddie's face has you feeling like you did the first time you saw him. Unbelievably awestruck. 
“What's on your mind Honey?” He thinks for a second but gives you an answer far from what you expect. 
“I think we just made our second child.” loud and blissfully you laugh. 
“One not enough? “ His dimples practically touch each other as he purses his lips, letting his tongue glide over the bottom.
“One is plenty, but I just can't help but want a little more of you in the world.” you sit up on your knees as you bring Eddies face down to your own, sliding a hand across his cheek as your lips meet.
"I wouldn’t mind a little more of you out there either.” 
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emsgoodthinkin · 1 year
the band-aid to my wounds
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Older!Eddie Munson x naive!Fem reader - eventual twins Steve Harrington x reader x Kurt Kunckle series| pt 1 | pt 2 | pt 3 … TBC
Summary: After stumbling into an old barn after being stranded by your freshly new ex boyfriend, you wake up strangely in a room..that isn't yours..
warnings: talks of cheating, abuse, angst, slight stockholm syndrome at a glance, anxiety, childhood trauma, parent problems; daddy issues, eventual smut, cursing, drinking, smoking, perviness, slight dub-con, miscommunications, blood mention
word count: idk? 1k?
June 12th, 1988 the roads were closed off.
I have no idea why im still together with this asshole, why am i so stupid? oh because id do anything for people to love and not leave me. Looking at him now..hands beating the steering wheel, veins popping through his temples..not to mention his breath. Ashton my oh so loving, narcissist, no good boyfriend. We've been together for 6 years, basically high school sweethearts. Went from flirty glaces, to lab partners, to collage students with an alcohol addiction. Mainly his addiction...he got me started on it.
Ashton basically took me in with his fatherly like protectiveness when we first got together. He was walking me to my front door after a bowling date he asked me out to my sophomore year, of course i said yes.; until the front door opened. Uh oh, dads home; Bill. The moment the door opened i watched my father tackle Ashton to the ground without so much as a reason screaming words like "get off my property, boys like you should be dead in a gutter, ill kill you"...
Lets just say that date night was a bit too eventful for my liking.
My dad always had a problem with Ashton because he went to highschool with his father. Ashtons dad was a bully back in the day, made my dads life a living hell.. took everything away from him. the girl, the looks, the job..
Dave, Ashtons father, was caught making out with Shannon, my dads ex lover but also first love. Dave knew he had the upper hand when it came to getting the things he wanted. Hell, Shannon seduced him into it. Shannon was only with my dad for the money. Got knocked up but gave him the baby and ran away to be with his dad. As you can see I am that baby now today.
I made a promise to Ashton after sneaking him to my bedroom window that same night cleaning his wounds; that it was me and him against the world. He knew about me and my parents relationship. How my step-mother only has good things to say about me in a room full of people, but how she degrades me behind closed doors. How my dads drinking problem gave him alcohol poisoning, twice' and about his anger problems. You'd think being in a household that is always loud would help you shape up to loud sounds in the future. Boy was that theory proven wrong.
anytime someone yells or raises their tone, you're immediately in fight or flight response. tense..anxious. You hate going to basketball games just for that reason. Its uncomfortable.. and he knew that, but apparently in this moment, he didn't give a fuck-
"Did you hear me??" Ashton says impatiently. "No im sorry, i cant hear when you mumble.." you reply
you also hated when people uttered things under their breath.
dad does that shit.
"Don't be smart with me y/n, ill leave you right here,right now in the middle of the fucking road
"Yeah whatever Ashton, just stop talking to me and drive" feeling the breaks pull forward and in a flash he was out of the drivers seat, and already pulling you out of the passenger-
"WHAT THE FUCK" i yell- what the fuck are you doing Ashton?”
“Shut up!” he smacks me. Your eyes widen in more shock than fear over anything. “Did you j-just hit me?” i ask with a scratched voice--
“I told you more than once not to back talk me didnt i?”
“i didn’t.. it was once and i stopped ashton”-
-“You’ve done it all goddamn night, accusing me of cheating, clinging onto me when i ran into Tommy, i told you to give me some fucking space --i interrupt him.
“YOU did cheat on me you asshole!! That bitch was fucking bragging about it in the bathroom”—
“Do you really think after what 4 years-“6 actually“ i say pissing him off further. he looks at you angrily
He sighs. “Do you really think after years of being together, i would do that to you?” he say looking down at the ground sadly; making you instatly regret your words
“..no-no of course not i just thou”-
-“You thought wrong! he snaps-I would never do that to you baby..y/n?” he says letting go of the grip on my arms, caressing my cheek-“..I know you get a little confused sometimes, its okay come here” he says pulling you into a deep hug
“..im sorry ash”-
“shh” he coos.
“I really thought—what the fuck is that?” you shove him away
“Y-you piece of shit!!” you pull around back collar piece of his shirt up to his face; showing him the peach colored lipstick stain
“Are you fucking serious Ashton?” his eyes widen and stomach drops when he sees the prominent evidence of his past events—
“B-baby look-“
“No! fuck you were done!”
He grabs me closer, “No we fucking arent- ive gave you everything! he starts shouting making you flinch
P-please stop yelling at me! you plea tears rolling down your face
“Just—here” he opens the car door “just get back in and ill explain on the way”—
“No.” you shove past him running and crying
“Y/N come back here!. its too dark—
“ i dont care leave me alone!”
“Y/n theres crazy people out here..!”
you stop in your tracks, turning back to say- “You’re the crazy person!”
he laughs. “Oh im crazy? Ill show you fuckin crazy”—he says marching over to the drivers side of the car starting it back up—mumbling ill show you a fucking crazy person babe—and he spees off
you cant believe he actually just left you.. standing here.
“ASSHOLE!” you shout regulardess if hes still there or not, turning back around to walk down the cold empty road
are you fuckig kidding me?
wow he fooled me
how didnt i see this before
did he love me?
he says he does
then why did he leave me..
fucking jerk!!
The long 7 mile walk with a head full of shitty thoughts walk you to a sun burnt orange barn.
you're exhausted. your hearts broken. your feet hurt. its too dark to keep walking
"I mean i could crash here right?" you say already walking towards the musky building
hay bells, chickens, tools. looks already owned
you dont care you just need a place to rest you head for a bit.
stinks in here. muttering to yourself, opening and shutting the barn door behind you.
perfect you say spotting an old rocking chair..and yard sale signs?
does somebody live here?
you're too exhausted to think any more tonight
this'll do. taking your jacket off to use as a prop pillow, climbing into the chair almost immediately drifting off.
whats that smell? smells like bacon?
bacon? your eyes are still shut but you can sense a different environment around you. Fluttering your eyes open.. a clock? pictures? what?-jumping up at the sound of a shoe
"WHO ARE YOU?" your already in flight or fight mode
"Whoa whoa its okay, im the owner of the barn i found you in”.
is he lying?
"YOU'RE LYING!" you look around in a panic
"Sweetheart if i was lying, how come i specifically found you in my rocking chair, you must of been tired, i got my buddy who also runs the farm to scoop you up and bring you to our guest bedroom, couldn't just leave a woman out in the open like that.. especially at night"
your stomach knots when he calls you sweetheart.
okay maybe he harmless, just very kindly harmless?
"Here" he throws his arm out, "I'm Eddie, Eddie Munson."
- - is this interesting so far? lmk- -
reblogs appreciated:>
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ohwowimlonley · 11 months
Can we please for a moment think about older!mechanic!eddie munson?
Let me set the scene…
You’ve been sitting in Eddie’s office all morning, watching him through the single glazed windows as he works on car after car, hands becoming increasingly stained with grease. By the time lunchtime rolls around, his hair is tied back into a messy bun and there's a small smudge of grease on his forehead and you’re trying your absolute hardest not to leak wetness all over his best office chair. You’re already on your knees before Eddie is through the doorway to his office, hands resting on your knees as you wait for him to give you instructions.
“Up,” he curls his pointer finger in a come hither motion, and extends his other hand to help you rise to your feet, deft fingers curling gently around your palm and tugging you into his arms. You crash into his chest with a grunt, chin slamming onto his sternum but you pay no mind to the pain, keeping your eyes locked onto his and mouth shut - just the way he taught you to, “turn around and bend yourself over the desk for me, angel,”
Again, you comply without complaint, taking the time to shift the stacks of papers out of the way, before stretching yourself across the oak wood. Eddie wastes no time flipping your skirt up to expose your ass, before unceremoniously tearing your panties from your body. He presses himself up close to your backside, groaning at the feeling of his clothed erection bumping against your wet lips.
“Want you to be loud for me, angel, can you do that?” You can just tell he’s smirking even without looking back at him. In response, you let out a warbling moan at the sensation of his work overalls scraping against your clit. This seems to satisfy him enough, because he brings a hand down to grasp at your exposed hip, pulling you back to meet his rough grinding.
“Ed- Eddie, please,” you pout, fingers tightening over the edge of the desk. He knows what you want, you know he knows, but he won’t give in yet, not until you’re begging so loud that it echoes throughout the garage.
“Ah, ah, pretty angel,” his nose brushes against the skin of your neck, “I told you to be loud for me,”
“B-but what if-” you cut yourself off with a whine, taken by surprise when a set of teeth latch onto your neck and nibble softly on the skin, sure to leave behind evidence of his torture for later.
“If someone hears you, then they’ll know just how good daddy treats his baby,”
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love-toxin · 1 year
ooohh!! could you do smut alphabet with dilf!eddie? maybe,,, even perv!dilf!eddie? <333
sure! <33
pervy dilf!eddie munson (a-z)
(cws: age gap (20s-40s), perv!dilf!eddie, lots of kinks including somnophilia, cnc, bondage, daddy kink, alcohol, spanking, etc, just general filth.)
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A = Aftercare
Loves loves loves it. It's not a chore for him, and he's never too tired for it--aftercare is just another way for him to care for and dote on his lovely little angel. He usually starts by wiping you off with a cloth or his shirt to keep you from getting too sticky, and then he lifts you up and takes you to the bathroom to really wash you down. He takes such great care of you, he's so gentle as he cleans his cum out of you and smoothes over any bruises or aching bites he left in your skin, and he gives each one a kiss before the water runs cold and he towels you off before bringing you back to lay you down on warm, clean sheets.
B = Bondage
It's always been a special interest of his, hence the cuffs he always seems to have within reach. He likes to bind your wrists most often just to keep your hands from hiding yourself when he strips you down, but sometimes he'll get a little more intense with some of the stuff he's learned and he'll strap a spreader bar to your ankles, making it just wide enough that he can squeeze between your legs and go absolutely wild on you as much as he likes.
C = Cum
Whereas it was a bit thinner and stringier when he was in his prime, now it's thick and it comes out in these huge globs that just leave a dripping, creamy varnish over whatever it lands on. If he knows you have to go somewhere, he might shoot off a load in your underwear before you get dressed just so he can enjoy the shock on your face when you slide them on. Even better if you get embarrassed but you wear them to work anyways just so you can feel him down there all day.
D = Dirty Secret
He likes it when you call him daddy. He can't help it, you're young and cute and he likes taking care of you, and you just make him feel so warm inside when you beg daddy for something special with those big, bright eyes. If you let him run with it though, he might get to the point that he encourages you to call him that out in public, even if it's just a whisper in his ear as you ask daddy if he can take you to the bathroom while you're out to dinner with your friends. You can't focus so well with his fingers inside you under the table, not when you need to cum so bad you're willing to let your older boyfriend plow you in the bathroom stall of a shitty little diner.
E = Experience
Lots of experience, clearly. He's older than you but he's also still got that charm that people tend to appreciate more as they mature--and he's fucked plenty of passionate groupies on the few small tours he's done with the band, but it's all behind him when he's with you. You're the only fan he could ever want in his bed.
F = Favourite Position
Doggy for sure. He loves getting to the point where you're so shaky and incoherent from cumming that you just fall all the way forward, your face buried in the sheets while he gets that extra bit of leverage and just lays into you hard. That's also when he's the loudest and most vocal about how good it feels inside you and when you have neighbors banging on your door for you to shut the fuck up.
G = Gloat
He can be mean if he wants to be, his method of choice is spanking if he decides you haven't been as well-behaved as he would've liked you to be. And he mocks you for it the whole time, talks over those loud thwacks of his rings coming down on your ass with "You're so fucking wet/hard, you like getting punished, huh? Want daddy to make it hurt more? Beg a little more for me sweetheart, you're taking it so well so far, daddy's gonna make you cum if you take three more for me. Promise."
H = Hair
Lots of curly, untamed bush that he barely trims because he both forgets and doesn't care (change my mind? you simply can't <3) he likes being a little hairy cause it's even hotter when you work that pretty mouth around him.
I = Intoxication
He doesn't get drunk drunk too often, but when he does all doors are opened. Not only is he absolutely fine with having sex when you're both wasted (even though he abstains when you're the only drunk one), but he actively encourages you to fuck him when you're sober and he's not. Hearing you say you don't want to take advantage of him is just so cute--you couldn't, you seriously couldn't. Because he knows how filthy he is for wanting to have some blurred half-memory of you bouncing on his cock and making fun of him for getting hard while he's too trashed to speak, and he's so willing to indulge that fantasy because it turns him on so much he can't help but hope it comes true.
J = Jack off
Even with your active sex life, Eddie jerks it a good amount. Usually when you're gone, or when he's at work and can't settle down, and he whips out the little card holder full of polaroids he's taken of you so he can pick one and bust a load all over the glossy finish. He likes it tight, rough, and fast, he doesn't waste time when he's not with you and he usually has to be quick before he gets caught doing it.
K = Kiss
Obviously kisses everywhere, all the time, he's a kiss-stealing fiend! But kissing your neck is a little different. He kisses you there purely for the adrenaline of feeling you tense up as you anticipate a bite right into your throat--just like he likes to do as he fucks you, right before he makes you cum.
L = Lazy
If he's feeling a little too worn out to jump into something intense, he likes a little cockwarming while you sit on the couch together. Loves feeling that sweet hole squeeze and clench around him when he moves to get comfy, or if you're watching something scary and a killer jumps at the screen for you to yelp and cling to him. More often than not he slowly starts humping you the more you lay there, and the more you start whining and moving back on him to meet those short thrusts, the more likely it is that he'll feel a surge of energy and throw you back against the cushions to just pound away until he bloats you full with a thick creampie he's got all saved up.
M = Marking
100% tries to make your hickies spell out his name, or at least a big "E" or an "M" that he can snap a polaroid of for later. If he can't make it work he settles for a ring of bruises around your throat just high enough to be nearly impossible to cover up, just how he likes it to be.
It's not a need but it's fun if you're cool with trying it out. He likes playing out a scene where he gives you a ride in his van to get you somewhere but starts rubbing your thigh while he drives, making comments here and there that slowly get lewder and lewder. And when you try to tug on the door handle when you know it's locked, he pulls off and parks somewhere secluded so he can push you into the back and force your tight little holes open for his cock to ruin. That's a good outlet for some mockery too, for him to tease you about knowing he'd wanna fuck you looking like that, and murmuring into your ear that "You like fucking an older man, huh sweetheart? Did you wait around just hoping I'd pick you up and slut you out? Sh, sh, stay quiet, sweetie--don't want the cops ruining our fun, right? Not gonna let em take away my new fucktoy before I break you in."
O = Oral
Clearly he likes getting his cock sucked, but he likes giving you head even more. Loves spreading you out and seeing how warm and tight you are as he pushes a finger in, testing how much you can take before he starts helping you along with his tongue. As much as he likes the control of having you on your back while he does it, he comes apart a lot faster when you sit yourself on his face instead--he loves the cum dripping down his chin and the way you just totally smother him with your heat and your scent, it drives him crazy and if you turn it into a 69 position Eddie literally won't stop licking you to orgasm until you wrench your lower half off him yourself. He's just insatiable.
P = Panties
Total panty thief, but not in the traditional sense. He steals panties off of you more than anything; when you get home from work or being out and about, he'll be waiting patiently to hold out his hand with a "panties, please" and a grin, until you pull them down your legs and hand them over for Eddie to get a deep whiff of. Call him a pervert for it, and you'll be right--but you'll also be getting them bundled up and shoved in your mouth as he bends you back and fucks that 'tude right out of you.
Q = Quickie
He's definitely a fan, they happen most often when you come visit him at the record shop to help out. He owns it after all, so nobody's gonna fire him for getting caught--and in those off hours when he barely has anybody coming in and he kills time by re-winding the cassettes, it's the perfect opportunity for him to pull you into the back and plow you over the repair counter when you come to bring your boyfriend his well-deserved lunch.
R = Risk
Despite insisting that he's probably too old to crank one out anyways, Eddie's so risky when it comes to protection. Slipping his bare cock in and cumming inside you raw is his specialty, and it's much like a drug--once you do it once, it's hard to stop. Pair that with the fact that Eddie's dirty talk often slips into the thought of breeding you, and you've got a recipe for some little curly-haired gremlins running around if you're not careful.
S = Spit
Generally he likes to keep any spitting for when he's lubing himself up or getting you wet for him to finger you, but sometimes when he's in a more dominant mood he likes spitting on your face when you give him lip. It makes you look so much filthier when you're pinned underneath him, or he's also known for spitting in his hand and wiping it on the tip of his dick before he demands that you lick it off. And you both know it's just gonna end up with him pressing on the back of your head until he's nestled all snug and deep in your throat, but you do it anyways and Eddie loves how obedient you are when you do.
T = Toys
Definitely not afraid to use them, although he's not so familiar and needs some guidance on how to use them. He's a quick learner though and good with his hands, so he'll thoroughly enjoy getting plenty of reactions out of you when he holds a vibrator to your nipples as he fucks you, or pumps a dildo just a touch bigger than his own size inside you while you drool around his cock that he's rammed down your throat.
U = Unfair
He's a total tease, but he's not totally unfair--he likes it both ways, when he's teasing you and when you're teasing him. He's kind of a switch so he likes moving the power from one of you to the other, and if you start teasing him while you're working him up or grinding on his lap Eddie will just melt and fall apart in your hands for you to do whatever you want with him.
V = Volume
Most of the time he can stay relatively quiet, but when he's loud he's loud. And he likes being loud, especially if he wants to piss someone off that he thinks is getting a little too friendly with you. Or when his neighbors are arguing too loud or cranking up their tv to max in the next trailer over, then it's volume purely out of spite.
W = Wildcard
He doesn't know he's into ball worship but he absolutely is. Whenever you put your tongue on his balls or pull them into your mouth, it's game over--you can get pretty much whatever you want just by sucking on his sack, and if you wanna make him cum, you could do so without even touching his cock. And he doesn't realize just how sensitive they are, but he does know that he loves it when you play with them and he could watch you push your face between his legs all damn day.
X = X-Ray
Thick, heavy, got a nice curve and big veins that pop out and feel so nice and ridged when he rubs his shaft against your thigh or your belly. Plus his balls just weigh him down so heavy when he hasn't cum in a while, he's sensitive there so he's bound to moan a touch too loud when you fondle them in your warm palms.
Y = Yearning
There's few things that turn him on as much as feeling that you want him just as much as he wants you. He knows he's dirty and kinda gross and that people probably look at you strangely for your age difference, but when you want to kiss him or cuddle or you cling to him like you're just gonna die if he doesn't touch you, it lights something inside him that just wants to keep you under his arm and call you his forever.
Z = Zzz
As long as you give him the go-ahead beforehand, he's a menace for getting on top of you while you're sleeping. Often he'll just go right ahead and fuck a load so deep inside you that it's still leaking out when you wake up, but sometimes he likes to edge by humping your sleeping body through his boxers and leaving a dark, wet stain on your underwear when he makes such a mess it leaks right through the fabric.
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corrodedcoffins-blog · 4 months
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older!rockstar!eddie, Leo, and Isla moodboard
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queenimmadolla · 4 months
𝐘𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐎𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐈 𝐊𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐨𝐧 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞
(dad!eddie x mom!reader)
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Summary: Eddie has to shower before he can hold his impatient baby. She's having none of it.
a/n: i was attacked by yet ANOTHER cute baby tiktok so here we are with a little bit of grease monkey!eddie and another little drabble. set in the early days of the pennyverse. and yes, i've used this gif before but he's dead so i'm running out of them. mistakes might be fixed later, i dont know :)
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“Are these your little fingers?” You asked your baby, tone saturated in honey and affection as you held the chunky palm in question, lips pressed to her pudgy fingertips. 
  Despite your aversion to it prior to your pregnancy, you’d inevitably developed a baby voice when Penny had come into the world and you couldn’t be blamed. Not when she was all squish, delicate cheeks holding so much chub they bulged, and rolls decorated her little limbs. She was a glutton, always demanding your milk and you couldn’t deny her; those big, gorgeous eyes she’d inherited from her father made it nearly impossible to, even when the wetness welling up in them were completely alligator tears. And those curls. 
  Regardless of taming them with some water, a brush and maybe some vaseline, they ended up wild, flying about or mussed and matted to her head with sweat because your baby was a little heater when she slept and napped. Just like her daddy.
  Your smile widened in size when you heard the sound of keys slotting into place at the front door, the lock mechanism giving away. It tripled when you realized your baby also recognized the sound, head turning to stare at the door as she bobbed in place, thick legs squatting and then popping back up as you held her by her waist with your other hand, assisting her with standing.
  The moment Eddie opened the door and came into view she began cooing and squealing in excitement, mouth parting in a wide smile as drool raced down from the corner of her mouth.
You laughed, and so did Eddie as he heard his baby welcoming him home.
  “You excited to see me, sweet pea?” He cooed right back, walking over to squat in front of the two of you, eyes raking over you momentarily in appreciation before focusing on the little one in your arms. 
  She let out another long coo that ended on an airy sigh, pulling her hand from your grasp to reach both of her pudgy ones out to him, practically begging him to hold her as she began wiggling in your arms.
  Eddie’s head tilted, lips curling into the most tender smile as he stared down at her with nothing but love swimming in those eyes he’d shared with her. 
  “Daddy missed you and mommy so much.” He whispered, a hand reaching out, almost close enough to caress her soft cheek but it hesitated before he could touch her. His rough, grease covered finger was a stark contrast to her clean, smooth skin. Clearly, you’d given her a bath before he got home because her mouth and cheeks were usually covered in the food you were starting to offer her (sometimes baby food, but mostly bits of your food because she wouldn’t accept any offerings of mushed up veggies and fruits if there was something else on your plate, hence why your diet had been pretty bland and not at all a result of the tight budget your maternity leave left you on).
The rest of his hands were no better, palms stained, streaks all over his arms as a result of shucking the top half of the monkey suit and rolling up his sleeves at the garage. 
  There were even a few streaks of grease and maybe oil on his face and neck. Your husband smelled more so of tires than he had the spicy cologne that surrounded you when he’d kissed you goodbye in bed this morning. 
  And he knew it.
  Penny didn’t let that stop her, still eagerly reaching out for him as she grunted to try and provoke him in swooping her up into his embrace.
  “As soon as daddy’s clean, okay? I’ll pick you up and my sweet girl can give me all the cuddles she wants.” He promised, hands on his knees before he stood back up, leaning over her to give you a sweaty, greasy oh so sweet and firm press of the lips kiss before he swiveled around and disappeared into the small bathroom as quickly as he could to be out of hearing range when Penny began whimpering at his absence. 
  You heard the shower start running at the exact moment she began to cry and you offered a sympathetic whine of your own as you adjusted your grip on her, bringing Penny up to your chest, your cheek smushed against her more plump one.
  “Shhh…it’s okay, my love. Daddy’s just showering. He’ll be back.” You stood up, hitching Penny on your hip as you walked to the entrance of the small hallway so the bathroom door was visible to her. Eddie’s humming floated out from underneath the crack of it. 
  Penny was Eddie’s daughter, alright, full of dramatics as her breathing remained heavy, chest rising and falling quickly with the hitches in her breath as a chunky fist gripped onto your blouse, lower lip curling out and wobbling. She didn’t seem satisfied with your explanation but that didn’t worry you. If Penny was awake when Eddie left for work in the morning, she’d start bawling. 
  The first couple of times she’d started reacting to his departure, he’d ended up full of guilt and late to work. It still wasn’t easy for him, even after you’d finally convinced him she’d have the same reaction whether he left in the morning, afternoon, or evening. Regardless of the time, she was going to be upset that she wouldn’t be able to see her daddy, probably convinced in her little baby mind that he’d abandoned her (he’d nearly quit the shop when you’d phrased it like that) but he’d always come home to her—and you—and that’s what mattered.
  You were positive she’d start yelling and shrieking when it came time for you to go back to work, too. She was just a baby, so she was being a baby.
  You carried your huffing and puffing daughter back to the living room, placing her down on the carpet in front of some toys she had been playing with earlier in the day. Maybe they’d distract her.
  She sat on the carpet, chunky legs strewn out for just a few seconds before she was moving forward onto her belly and propping herself up. Then she was off, crawling as fast as she could towards the hallway while breathing heavily with exhilaration. You trailed after her, amused at how stubborn she was when she stopped directly in front of the bathroom door, propping herself up on her bottom.
  You watched Penny reach out with shaky palms, pressing them gently against the door. It looked like they were feeling around it before she began slapping them against it as hard as she could as she yelled her baby babble, no doubt demanding her daddy open the door, pick her up and love her right now.
  Giggles were muffled into your palm, as she kept up with it. 
  Eventually, maybe when she realized that wasn’t working, Penny leaned over, wiggling around until she was on her tummy and the side of her head was resting on the carpet. You realized she was trying to look under the door for him and your heart clenched, hand flying over your chest as if you could grasp the organ.
  You expected her to sit back up and go back to smacking the door but she remained there, a stubby finger absentmindedly trailing through the carpet as she stared through the thin crack, warm bathroom light and Eddie’s voice flooding out from underneath to comfort her as she waited.
  Picking her up had crossed your mind, and so did the idea of how loudly she’d probably start screaming and crying if you did. 
  The two of you didn’t have to wait for long, the shower shut off and you could hear the sounds of the shower curtain rings scraping against the rod as Eddie pulled them back. 
  Panic briefly filled your chest as you realized Eddie probably wasn’t expecting his baby to be lying on the floor directly outside of the bathroom—he’d step on her, so you called out, “Heads up, Eddie, you’ve got a visitor.”
  You didn’t hear a response, but a few moments later, the door opened to reveal your husband. Water droplets slipped down his neck and chest. He had one towel—that had definitely seen better days—wrapped around his waist and another (yours) he was using to scrunch up his sopping wet curls to dry them.
  Eddie had heard you, shooting you a smirk before he addressed the baby beaming up at him, “Shower’s free if you wanna hop in, stinky.”
  Penny had no idea what he was saying, it didn’t matter anyways because he said it in the same voice he used when he gave her kisses and held her to his chest so she was reaching up for him and he finally reached down—with clean hands—grasping her sides before she was hoisted into his arms. Penny wasted no time, mouth parting wide to mouth aggressively at his face and chin while she shook her head and wiggled about.
  She was giving him kisses.
  Or trying to eat him, she had little bursts of energy where she’d do that—attack you out of nowhere while you held her causing the both of you to break out laughing.
  Eddie let her get it all out, and when she cooed, resting her cheek on his shoulder, he retaliated. Her cheeks and little neck rolls were smattered in his smacking kisses as she squealed and shrieked and wiggled but there was no escaping her daddy’s clutches now that she was finally in them. 
  When every inch of her available to him had been kissed, he turned towards you and you suddenly found yourself victim to two sets of identical crinkly brown eyes. A deep chuckle rumbled from Eddie as he padded over to where you stood, mischievous smirk making another appearance.
  “Mommy’s turn.”
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oneforthemunny · 2 months
what is and what should never be (remastered) |older!dilf!eddie munson x reader| II
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prompt: you agree to go on a date with mr. munson- eddie.
part 2 of the older!eddie x reader series, remastered version lol!
contains: age gap (eddie is early forties, reader is late twenties early thirties, all consensual), language, drinking, smoking, p in v sex, oral (fem and male). mentions of divorce & eddie was previously married. 18+ minors DNI I'm so serious.
Your knee bounced underneath the table, freshly polished nails tapping against the faux-leather lined menu in your hand. You couldn’t will yourself to look over at Mr. Mun-  
Eddie. You had to remind yourself, cheeks heating at the playful reminder he’d given you earlier.
“Mr. Munson? Makes me feel old, sweetheart.” He had teased you when he picked you up. 
He’d held the door open for you and everything, a bundle of red roses in the passenger seat.  "Told you I was old school, sweet thing." Eddie purred, sending you a wink that made your thighs clench together, hoping he couldn’t see the way you’d squirmed in blistering heat under his gaze.
 Eddie sat across from you, an envious kind of calm in his demeanor that you desperately hoped you could channel. He was so collected, a painstaking reminder of his seniority over you. It made your heart flutter and jump every time his eyes would meet yours, peek over the menu at you.  
“So,” Eddie placed his menu down, breaking the silence that fell between the two of you. “Brielle tells me you went away for college?” 
“Yeah,” You squeaked, swallowing your beating heart with a slight cringe. “I mean, yes, I did.” Your eyes met his, the low light of the art deco lamp shining in them. 
“What did you study?” Eddie pressed, tongue rolling on the inside of his cheek. 
“Don’t laugh,” You gave him a soft glare, lips curling in a playful grin. “I majored in Art History.” 
“Art History?” Eddie’s lips spread in a smile that matched yours. You noticed the creasing in his stubbled cheeks, dimples peeking through. “You know I gotta ask the question now.” 
“Oh, please don’t.” You groaned, shaking your head. 
“I’ve got to.” Eddie shrugged. “What are you going to do with that degree?” 
“C’mon,” You laughed, lips pursing, lashes batting at him flirtatiously, satisfied at how his brows raised. “Uh, you know… I thought I would be like Charlotte York, y’know?” 
Eddie blinked at you. “From Sex and the City?” You blinked back. 
“Is that… A movie?” 
“No.” You gasped playfully. “You don’t know Sex and the City? The show? I mean, there’s movies too, but it’s a show. The best show.” 
“Sounds like a good one.” Eddie purred, a seductive tone in his humor that had your tummy flipping, rushing with exciting heat. 
“Um, so, I-I wanted to buy and sell art. Work in a museum, do the whole thing.” You tilted your head slightly. “Didn’t exactly work out.” 
“You’ve got time.” Eddie hummed. 
You rolled your eyes lightly. “I don’t know. I feel like it’s probably unrealistic. Probably will end up being the part time art teacher at the elementary school for life. Maybe even work up to a full time spot.” You giggled, crossing your fingers playfully in the air. 
“Is that what you do now?” Eddie asked. 
“Yeah, that and the barista thing. It’s easy. Both of them are.” Nerves bubbled in your chest under his gaze. You knew you were rambling, fuck you were rambling, but how could you not? When he was looking at you so calmly, when he was looking right through you. 
“The, uh, the district can’t pay a full time art teacher, so I come every other week.” Your nails tapped against your thighs to keep your fidgeting hands from ringing under the table. 
“Yeah? That’s cool. Bet it’s fun.” Eddie grinned softly. “I always liked when Brielle was little, and she’d come home with some creation.” Your heart swelled at how he beamed, how he lit up when he talked about Brielle. 
“Especially after my- well, my divorce.” Eddie smiled shyly, and through the dim lights of the restaurant, you swore you could see a blush. “I was living in this shitty little apartment. I had nothing on the walls, didn’t even really unpack because it was like, what’s the point, y’know? Brielle would always bring me drawings and stuff she made in art class to hang on the walls. She told me it made it look less boring.” 
Your giggles mixed with his own soft laughter, shoulders relaxing for the first time, tension finally breaking. The waiter came with your glasses of wine, a gentle break from the affection blooming between the two of you. 
“So,” You swirled the riesling around in your own crystal glass, looking at him over the rim. “Now I have to ask the question.” 
Eddie’s right lip tugged in a smirk, one he tried to hide with a roll of his tongue. “Lay it on me, sweetheart.” 
Your cheeks tingled with prickling heat, taking a steadying breath to soothe your jittering nerves. “You’re divorced?” 
“Yeah.” Eddie snorted lightly. “You think I’d be here if I wasn’t?” 
“No, I didn’t,” You shook your head, chin ducking to hide your burning face. 
“I’m kidding.” Eddie soothed, knee brushing against yours under the table playfully. “What do you want to know? I’m an open book.” 
“When’d you get divorced?” You said into the crystal of your glass, voice echoing before you swallowed your wine. 
“When Brielle was eight.” Eddie continued, fingers drumming against the wood of the table. “We were married eight years, together almost a year before that. Gina- my ex- she got pregnant, and… I don’t want it to sound like that. Brielle, she’s the best thing that ever happened to me-” 
“-No, I get that.” You nodded. “I get what you’re saying.” 
“I thought it was the right thing to do. We were really young and- honestly? We were scared shitless at the time. Figured we should do it together, and…” Eddie trailed off with a sigh, shoulders slumping in defeat. 
“And?” You pressed, the alcohol in your system already, loosening up your nerves. 
Eddie’s lips twitched, a small huff blowing through his nostrils in soft amusement. “And when your seven year old asks Santa for her parents to stop fighting for Christmas, you have to make difficult choices.” 
“Oh,” Your brows creased gently. “Yeah, I guess that would do it. You two fought a lot?” You couldn’t stop the question from coming out, tumbling past your lips in curiosity. 
“Yeah, we did.” Eddie said with a small laugh. “It… We just weren’t good together. We hated each other- well, I shouldn’t say that. I didn’t hate her. We just couldn’t get along. Couldn’t get aligned no matter how hard we tried to, and when you’re raising a kid? You need to be aligned.” 
You nodded, an iron grip on your wine glass as you took another sip. Your brain raced with the urgency to fill the uncomfortable silence, coming up blank and void of anything. 
“What about you?” Eddie broke the silence. “Your parents divorced?” 
“No they’re not.” You shook your head. “Still together.” 
“That’s nice.” He nodded. “You’re from Hawkins?” 
“Pretty much. Moved here when I was in second grade.” 
“So not that long ago.” Eddie’s lips curled in a wicked grin, eyes lighting with something so exciting. Filled you with rushing heat from head to toe. 
"Ha-ha." You deadpanned sarcastically, lips rolling to try and bite back your own grin. 
Eddie held his hands up in mock defense. "I'm just trying to address the elephant in the room, sweetheart.” 
“What elephant?” Your eyes rounded innocently, feigning confusion. It was adorable, Eddie’s heart skipped at it. This was fun- you were fun. 
“C’mon,” Eddie faltered, a breathy laugh slipping out. “I mean, it’s not a secret I’m a little bit older than you.” He pressed his pointer finger and thumb together, and for a moment, you got to see the etchings on them.
“What’s wrong with that?” You were shocked at your own boldness. Eddie certainly was too, brows lifting before his lips spread in a wolfish grin. “I’m having a good time.” 
“Yeah?” Eddie’s eyes lit up. “Me too. Between me and you, this is the first date I’ve enjoyed in a while.” 
You pressed your lips together, fighting back your own giggly grin threatening to show. "Oh, this is a date?I thought this was just a thank you dinner, Mr. Munson?" You challenged, playfully raising a brow. 
You smirked when you saw his cheeks flush underneath the light, lips twitching and twisting into a smug smile. "If that's all you want it to be, that's all it'll be." Eddie said, fingers tapping on the table. "But I really am having a good time talkin' to you. Enjoying your company."
"It's been nice talking to you, too." You agreed with a breathy sigh. "It’s been really nive, actually. The last few times I've been on a date it's been..." You cringed at the memory. "This is way better, let's just say that."
"So it is a date?" Eddie teased, raising a brow playfully. The wrinkles in his forehead deepened as did the small ones by his eyes, a grit to his look that left you feeling flustered.
The waiter returned with a refill, saving you from a response. Your body burned when Eddie nodded, motioning for your glass to be refilled. 
Eddie lifted his whiskey out to you in a toast. "To you. A thank you for the other night, and tonight." You smiled bashfully, clinking your glass delicately against his, a familiar giddy rush of heat you hadn’t felt in a long time returning to the pit of your belly. 
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You weren’t entirely sure how it happened. 
If it was the wine, or the countless stories Eddie told you exaggeratedly that left you laughing so hard your sides ached. Maybe it was the dimples, how they’d crease in a wicked grin when he’d say something that made you blush. How he’d catch his tongue between his teeth, eyes darkening in the most exciting way. 
Maybe the wine was to blame. Two glasses turned to three, you’d slipped beside Eddie in the booth after the waiter filled your fourth glass. Gone was any apprehension about the night, nerves disappearing with every wine soaked giggle. 
You’d shut the place down, the last two lingering in the same booth as the staff cleaned up, loudly stacked chairs and passive aggressive sweeps under your table until Eddie finally paid the bill. “Let’s get outta here.” 
He wrapped an arm around your shoulders on the way to the car, smitten at the way you leaned into his side. Eddie had opened the door for you, not at all ready for you to fist his shirt, pulling him in for a sloppy kiss. The strong scent of his spicy aftershave overtook your senses, blended perfectly with a hint of cigarette smoke. You could taste the whiskey from before on his tongue, mixing with the remnants of the wine left on yours, a perfect collision that left your head spinning deliciously. 
Your hands found his hair, tangling your fingers through his curls, pulling him deeper and deeper into you until you found yourself here- pressed in the backseat of his truck, his weight pressing you into the leather seats. Forearms planted on either side of your head to keep himself above you, Eddie’s lips moved against yours expertly. You thought he’d be a lousy kisser, too old to be good at it- it was a pleasant surprise that he was quite the opposite, clearly with years of experience that perfected his craft. 
You were beneath him, writhing and grinding into his thigh, feet sliding the length of his calf. Insatiable- needy, even. 
"Sweetheart, hold on." Eddie breathed, pulling apart so he hovered above you. “Wait.” He laughed, pushing away when you clawed at him, desperately trying to pull him back to you.
 His curly tendrils fell onto your cheeks, ticking them when he looked down at you through thick, dark lashes. Your eyes rounded so sweetly up at him, lips swollen and kiss bitten. 
Eddie sighed gently, a content yet sharp exhale you could feel, your chest still on his. "This is great. Really great, but..."
The hummingbird beat of your heart stilled entirely, taking a sharp breath in. You knew it was coming. The inevitable 'I can't do this with you'. The fall, the crash back to reality. It was too good to be true, too odd to work anyways. You cursed yourself for letting him get you this far. You were stupid to think this was going to work. You knew better.
"I just,” Eddie huffed, smacking a hand against the headrest, pushing up. Your legs tightened around his hips frantically, one last desperate attempt to stop him. 
“Hang on. I gotta move. My back is killing me." Eddie sighed, shaking his head as he adjusted so he knelt awkwardly between your legs, still hunched in the back of the car.
You blinked. "What?"
Eddie scoffed lightly, grinning, face still inches from your own. "C’mon, I'm not young like you, baby. Can’t do the backseat as easy anymore. Not as good as I once was." He smiled, tossing you a wink that had your body screaming with excitement. 
You smiled shyly, scooting back into the seat to make room for him, mumbling a quiet apology. "No, it’s not- I wanna do this. I just-I gotta go somewhere where I'm not so cramped. If you wanna do this.” Eddie added the last part quickly, eyes scanning your features carefully. 
“Yeah, of course.” You giggled, lip tucking between your teeth. 
“Back to my place?” Eddie grunted, fumbling to find the door handle. You nodded, pulling to adjust your clothing. 
The two of you stumbled through the front door, limbs clinging and grabbing the other, fisting and shoving clothes off in between feverish kisses. A trail of clothing following the two of you to the living room. You dropped to your knees before he could pull you into the room, stopping in the entrance, his hands planted on the door frame above you.
Your hands shook with excitement, fumbling with his belt. “Easy,” Eddie rasped, looking down at you through lidded lashes. “Take your time, baby. No need to rush. ‘M not goin’ anywhere.” 
Your thighs squeezed, rubbing together for friction, his hands finding your hair as you licked his tip. One hand gripping the back of his thigh to keep you steady, and the other cupping his balls, squeezing as you rolled them, smug at the grunts and hushed moans of pleasure spilling from his lips.
"Fuuuck, baby." Eddie groaned, stilling his hips. "Just like that. All the way. Good girl." He groaned, looking down at you through half-lidded eyes. You felt another trembling gush of excited wetness flood your panties, clenching around nothing but an aching desire to be filled, taking him deeper.
You swallowed him as far as you could, only gagging when he pushed past your throat. "C’mon, you got it. You can do it. Do it f’me? Ah, yeah, just like that.” Eddie panted, head tipping back when he touched the back of your throat. “Atta girl, good girl. Such a good girl for me, aren't you, baby?" Your nose brushed against his coarse hair at the base of him, eyes pricking with tears.
He pulled out of you unexpectedly, a small whimper leaving your lips. "That's a good girl." Eddie cooed, calloused fingers wiping the wetness from under your eyes. "Someone's gotta take care of you, huh? Your turn now, hm?"
Eddie led you to the couch, hands gripping your waist, baring you for him. Your body trembled at the way his eyes darkened, looking at your puffy, slick lips with a hungry, nearly predatory look. Legs over his shoulders, your nails digging into the cushions behind you as your hips bucked, held into place by his steady grip until you were crying out his name. He was a pro, that much was for certain.
You told him that, body still shaking with after shocks of pleasure that left  your mind spacey from your second orgasm. He'd simply laughed. "Years of practice, baby doll." Throwing you a wink, smooching the inside of your thigh sloppily before letting his fingers run through your slick, sensitive folds.
He'd finally got you into his bed, stumbling down the hallway, before you propped yourself on all fours near the edge of the bed. He'd fucked you, hard. The squelch of your pussy being filled with him echoing off the walls, mixed with whimpers and groans from the both of you, a sinful melody that neither one of you wanted to end.
You'd pushed him on the bed, climbing on top before you sank down on his cock. It was a thank you for the dinner, you decided, and for everything afterwards. Nails digging into his tattooed chest as you sank down, brows pinched and eyes shining taking- feeling every single inch of him inside of you. You felt so full of him. It was overwhelming, dizzying the way he felt inside of you. The head of his cock bumped, teasing the sensitive spot that made you gush, leaving your body burning and aching for him.
Eddie's hands dug into the meat of your hips and ass, a low grunt falling from his chest. Your hips swiveled, sucking him in with ever pleasure filled gallop on top of him.
"You close? Y'gonna cum for me, sweet thing?" Eddie whispered, your whiny response making his cock twitch, groaning at the squeeze of your walls around his length. "Doin’ so good. Shit- feel so good. Go ahead. Cum f’me, baby." His fingers traveled up your body, flicking and twisting your pebbled nipples.
You clenched, rhythm stuttering, sitting fully and grinding against his base for friction. "Oh, fuck," You whined, high and nasally. "I-I’m really close- oh!” Your body stuttered when his calloused thumb pressed to your clit, circling it and sending you spiraling into pleasure.
Your brain blanked, eyes rolling back as you clamped down on him, leaning forward for support as he held you up. Eddie smirked, moving you so you were on your back, still buried inside of you.
"'M gonna finish up, alright? I'm close." Eddie whispered, pressing lazy kisses up and down your neck, breath ghosting over your collarbones leaving you shuddering. You nodded dumbly, sensitive and starry eyed still as he thrusted in you.
"You're such a pretty thing, you know that? Beautiful, baby." Eddie teased, nipping and sucking at your neck. The stubble of his beard rubbed against your skin, leaving it raw and chafed in its wake, not that you minded. He collapsed on top of you after he finished, chest slick against yours. You could feel every stuttering, ragged breath. 
Your thighs were trembling, still covered in a sticky sheen of sweat, dizzy as your body slowly settled. Melting into the mattress, the realization of it all came flooding back into your mind. Your eyes cut to Eddie sheepishly, anticipating a look that would send you into another deep wave of shame. Instead, he lit a cigarette next to you, jimmying the window open just barely, letting the smoke pass through. 
He looked over, handing it over as an offering, which you shook your head. "Good," Eddie's gruff voice said, blowing smoke in the opposite direction. "Nasty habit. Don’t start it, you’ll never be able to stop." He grinned.
You felt a blush coming on, one that never quite made it. Your own body too exhausted, heavy with sleep, the effects of the wine finally settling in your system. "Thanks for takin' me out tonight." You sighed, cheek pressed to the cool linen of the pillow. "'M glad you asked me out."
"Anytime, sweetheart." Eddie said through a cloud of smoke that fell from his lips. “Had a good time too. Let’s do it again.” That same wicked grin spread across his lips, devious and daring. Your body tingled with excitement, nose pressing into the pillow to hide your sleepy smile.
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munsonsfairy · 6 months
i think dilf!eddie munson has muscles and purposely wears tight shirts to have you drooling. his tattoos only make you fuzzy. he knows the affect he has on you. also my dilf!eddie has short hair. i don’t see him keeping it.
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eddiesxangel · 11 months
I love that as a collective we all think Eddie is a girl dad™️
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emsgoodthinkin · 1 year
the band-aid to my wounds
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Older!Eddie Munson x naive!Fem!reader - eventual twins Steve Harrington x reader x Kurt Kunckle series| pt 1 | pt 2 | pt 3.. TBC
Summary: After stumbling into an old barn after being stranded by your freshly new ex boyfriend, you wake up strangely in a room..that isn't yours..
warnings: talks of cheating, abuse, angst, slight stockholm syndrome at a glance, anxiety, childhood trauma, parent problems; daddy issues, eventual smut, cursing, drinking, smoking, perviness, slight dub-con, miscommunications, blood mention
word count: idk? 1.5k?
previously: 'your stomach knots when he calls you sweetheart.
okay maybe he harmless, just very kindly harmless?
"Here" he throws his arm out, "I'm Eddie, Eddie Munson."
You look down at his hands
Looking back up at him with a tight lipped smile, taking his hand to shake it aggressively, "y/n."
"Wow y/n, gotta grip there, im assuming somebody properly taught you to shake hands with a someone?"
how did he know that
its probably a common thing to be taught
"Uh yeah thanks.. my dad actually taught me, said it would make me look knowledgeable at job interviews"
He chuckles throwing his head back slightly, "well i dont know about that but definitely does look impressive to some"
I nod not knowing what to say
my stomach growls loudly
he looks down with wide eyes
"Sheesh, are ya in the mood for some breakfast? We actually made quite a lot of and have left overs i can rewarm for ya--
"whos we?"
He smiles softly "Here" -he walks to the door frame turning back to say," ill introduce you to my farm workin family"
family? ok.. that makes me feel a little better to know im not alone
"Sure" i say walking out of the bedroom door with him
getting to the bottom of the stairs--
damn i was carried up these things?
Spotting a blond and a read head; why are they dressed the same?
probably like close or something, ive done that with my best friend
Eddies voice breaking you from your thoughts
"So.. y/n this is Chrissy and Sarah.”
"Hi.." I say quietly but still politely
"Wow! the blonde says getting up to touch my hair; I flinch slightly but let her continue."Your hair looks so soft.. its full too, Sarah come feel-
Now watching the red head scoot on over to me, also having a feel of my hair "oh yeah, your hair reminds me of my mamas, it was also so healthy like this-
"Oh, where is she ? you ask
"She left me."
I swallow automatically feeling horrible "o-oh, im sorry about that
"Eh, that's okay Sarah says surprisingly not sad, " I found a better family being here on the farm"
"wait what do you--
I get interrupted.
At the corner of your eyes, hearing a new male voice, spotting him
damn whos that?
ive never seen such hair on a dude that looks so.. healthy?
"Steve!!" Chrissy yells making you jump ,"come feel y/ns hair its just bout as soft as yours, if not softer"
you look at her with wide eyes saying "Oh thats ok"-
by the time you’ve finished your sentence Steves making it all the way over to you
"Ooh this is soft, very very soft actually."
you look up to him immediately taking in his features
moles, pretty eyes…wow his hair does look good.. i kinda wanna touch it--
NO! dumbass
snapping out of it, you hear steves voice again but his mouths not moving
am i having a stroke?
“Kurt, Kurtie come meet y/n”
who the hell is kur—
I look over seeing the same face as Steve’s
oh fuck theres another one?
“Hi y/n im Kurt, Steves twin brother”, he grabs your hand to shake and you’re just standing there with amazement not replying
he looks.. the exact same as Steve but something is different..
his hair.. a bit more flat..unwashed maybe?
damn he looks good though
feeling a hand graze your back, forgetting to breathe
“Miss y/n ya feelin alright?”
It’s Eddies voice, and hand that clears your head
“ Oh..uh yeah, sorry guess I was a bit stunned to see that uh Kurt? and Steve look exactly alike” I say slightly chuckling and finally turning around to look at Eddie
its much brighter in here
Eddie. so this is what he looks like
his hair in a low ponytail, tanktop covefred by a flannel..tattoos? dirty overalls and are those buny slippers?
he catches your gaze to the floor and the confusion on you face
he laughs. “Oh these are Chrissy’s bedroom shoes, havent put my boots on yet and our dog chewed mine all to hell” he smiles widely
looking back at him, “Oh no it looks fine to me..”
you melt at the warmth of his smile
are those dimples. damnit thats my weakness
“ I got your food warmed up for you”
“oh cool, t-thank you” i say following him to the kitchen table, i turn back to give a slight wave to rest of the house then back to following Eddie
“She seems nice, dosent she? Sarah says outloud
“Yeah and so pretty too, kinda jelous of her hair” Chrissy states
“Now dear—, Kurt starts “you know jelously is never good for the heart”
“ I know” Chrissy says “i dont mean it as a bad thing..its like i want her hair type of thing i promise and besides, Steve you felt her hair, its soft like yours wouldnt ya say?”
“Yes, its real soft honey” he replies licking his lips as he looks in your direction from the livingroom. “..real soft he mumbles to himself heading to the sink
After sitting down to with Eddie looking down at my plate theres a biscuit, eggs, bacon and fresh cut fruit
“Looks good” i say glacing at him with a small smile
“Thanks” he grins, watching you eat lookin around to see if anyones around
“Now i wont push, but do you wanna tell me why and how i found you in my barn asleep?”
I swallow hard on my strawbeery a bit too harshly coughing, grabbig the water that was also placed on the table, sipping it
clearing your throat looking nervously. he notices.
“Its okay, i wont tell the others if you would like this to be private.. but it is my farm and i just need to know whata young lady like you was cuddling up in my barn
nodding understaningly “yeah no, i totally understand, a few miles after walking”—
—“you walked here?” he asks worried
“Yeah, it was fine ive walked in the dark plenty of times. It doesn’t scare me” he nods for you to continue. “Me and my probably now ex boyfried got into a big fight, found out he cheated he called me crazy when the proof was physically all over his neck,—“ you dont notice you’re just rambiling now—
—and he wanted to be a dick and leave me on the street and just.. left! can you belive that shit..asshole”
—oh shit sorry” i cover my mouth
“Thats okat sweetheart i cuss all the time”
theres that gut wrenching twist from that name again.
“Uh, may i ask, you said "probably" broke up? are you not certain?”
“Oh no i am, i dont stay with cheaters no matter how long we’ve been together”
“ And how long is that?”
“6 years..”
his eyes widen and shakes his head dissaprovingly, “Thats alot time hun, I am sorry about that”
“Eh, his actions over the years start to make sense to me now.. its honestly not surprising he did cheat..makes me wonder how many times he truly has..” you say pushing your food around shrugging
“Eddie reaches over placing his hand over yours soothingly, catching your line
I get chills from the warmth and rough feeling of his hand, finally looking at his face in full—
how did i not see those before? asking myself
his..his eyes their so beauifu—
“Hey yn/!”
both Eddie and you separate hands, jumping back at Chrissy’s sudden surpise
“Y-yes?” you say slighlty annoyed
i kinda miss the warmth of his hand
bitch, calm down you have a boyfeind
no the fuck i dont
“What can i do for you Chrissy?”
“..well, i wanted to ask if you could braid?” she say sitting down at the table beside you
“Yeah, i can why do you ask?”
she sighs, “nobody in the house knows how to braid but Eddie, and his dry hands yank my baby hairs too much”—
“Hey! its not my fault” Eddie interjects
“ I gave you lotion for it ya know”
“Yeah you did, and i keep forgetting to use it” you chuckle causing them both to smile at each other and then at you
“was wondering when you’re done and if you wouldn’t mind..if you could braid my hair?”
i mean.. shes harmless its just hair
“Yes, I was just finsihing up anyways”
“Chris? what do we say when we ask for somethig?” Eddie arches his brow at her
“Sorry.. please?”
your eyes slighly scrunch, “thats okay I was going to anyways” i say back to Eddie
“ I know hun, just know its good to have manners is all” I nod at is reply turning to braid the back of her hair, seeing Eddie at the corner of your eye, to take your cleared plate. you stop him
“Oh i could have taken that for you “ saying looking up at him walk to the kicten
“Thats alright, i was headed this way anyway” he says winking at you before clearing the room
Walking back to the sink Eddie spots the twins, emptying your plate turning to make conversation. “So what do you think Ed?” Steve asks “Yeah, whats your thoughs on y/n?” Kurt adds—“she looks nice,—and very sweet too” Steve says looking at Eddie, then all 3 of them look back at you, admirng you braid Chrissy’s hair
“Yeah, she is a sweet one isn’t she?” real..sweet thinks Eddie snapping out of stare
“Hey, aren’t yall suppsoed to be rollin them hay bells we got extra from Rick yesterday, its gonna storm I’m pretty sure, and i dont need them gettin all soggy”
Both Kurt and Steve groan, nodding heading out the door grabbing their hats on their way out.
After finishing Chrissy’s hair and her thankinng you with a hug, skipping out, I make my way over to the kitchen spotting a phone, then Eddie beside it,
“Can i use your phone?, I think it was about time i get out of your hair and find a way home”
“Sure darlin, but it may not work, the service out here is very poor”
you nod and he moves letting you continue with your task
dialing the only person you can think to call.
1 dial, 2 dial, 3 times trying his phone you exhale agitated
maybe he can take me home?
“Mr. Eddie?”
going to find where he went seeing him standing and turning up the weather channel hearing:
Today the forcast shows severe thunderstorms and hail later today at 2pm–
I glance at the clock on the wall reading 1:55pm
-and 2 tornado watches. There hasn’t been a tornado in Hawkins in 6 years, the dry weather must be causing this it. the woman jokes on the televishon, while you trun around to go look outside at the clouds.
Eddie watches and follows along, trying not to scare you, walking out of the backdoor also
“By the looks on your face im assuming nobody answered huh?”
“hm? looking back from the sky to him, —“oh no.. he didn’t of course he didn’t, prick i utter.
“ I’m assuming your ex boyfriend?”
“Ashton yeah, called 3 times probably out fucking another whore” you say spit vomiting cuss words
“Gosh, sorry! I know i have anasty mouth”
his cheeks flush at your statement, “no, its quite alright sweetheart , im not judging you”
you nod giving a tight lipped smile, looking at the ground not knowing what do now—
“ I can try and take ya home? you have anyone else who can”—
interrupting him, knowing hes probably talking about your parents
—“my parents? yeah no thats a joke..”
He comes up closer with a hand on your shoudler, which you eye subtlely “May i ask what happend with them? if you dont mind?”
“Its fine, my dads an abusive drunk and my step mom.. shes every bad word I could think of right now”—
“Wheres your real mom?”
damn so may questions
you shift your eyes uncomfortably he notices hes gone too far
“ I-im sorry, I keep just a nit picking arent i..?”
“No, its a funny story..shes actually married to my boyfriends father”
“Oh” he says in actual shock
“ I know right” reading his face. “ it’s a crazy story, maybe another time”—
so you want another time too? He thinks
—“and by looks at the sky”—
both jumping at the sound of rumbled thunder and instant rain and hail falling out if th sky
“Jesus Christ!”
I hear from afar turing to see both Steve and Kurt holing ass back to the house with soaked shirts
oh god
making way for them to get inside along with Eddie and you—
“Well.. sorry miss y/n i dont think its too safe to attempt to drive you home right now”
my heart pangs with a odd feeling. “Thats alright its safer to wait, right?”
“..Right, welp, just you make yourself at home until then and let me know if you need anything okay sweetheart?”
“Y-yes, I will thank you mr Eddie”
“Just Eddie” he smiles at the name walking off, leaving you here standing by yourself, taking in a real look at the house, spotting the girls, choosing to go take a seat with them on the couch
what the hell am i supposed to do!?
arguing with myself glancing to the right, spotting the twins with Eddie working on some door frame; catching him smile deeply at you
I gulp giving him a quick smile then turning my attention back to whatever’s on the tv screen, in silence.
Reblogs appreciated :>
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love-toxin · 1 year
nasty below the cut <33
dilf!eddie is definitely the "grab your legs and straight up drag you down the bed so he can shove his face between them after a hard day" kind of dom 💅 doesn't shave his stubble beforehand either. just grazes that prickly chin over your squishy, slick flesh cause he knows it gives you butterflies by the way your hips jump--and he can tell you're trying to hump his face harder after he does it, you're not as smooth as you think you are. but you're cute and he likes it when you show him you feel good, so he'll let you get away with doing it without permission <3 especially since you make such pretty noises when you cum on his mouth, and especially when they get even louder when he keeps licking you through it <3
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dylanmunson · 2 years
baby parker - fifthteen
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Eddie parks the car outside the hospital and helps me through the moving doors of the building, the smell of anti bac and just general hospital smell hits my nose and i cringe slightly. The last time i was here pushing a child out i was alone, physically and mentally. 
"Hi, my girlfriends in labour" he chuckles to the nurse at the front desk. Biting my lip, holding back a sob she nods "oh sweetheart" she smiles softly, "let me get a wheelchair and we'll get you to a room ok" she smiles, placing her hand on top of mine before walking off. 
"Eds it fucking hurts" i sob, clenching my thighs together. "I know hun i know" he sighs softly as the nurse comes back and helps to sit me in the chair before taking me to the birthing area. "Right mum" she chuckles "lets get you changed huh" she smiles helping me to sit on the bed. "dont leave" i sob at eddie, he nods holding my hand "not going anywhere baby" he mumbles against my head. "I'll leave you to get changed then we'll check you over ok" the nurse smiles, before walking out the room, i groan at the pain in my lower tummy looking at eddie. 
"let me help sweet" he says softly, helping me strip of my clothes and get into the hospital gown, "eds help" i groan wiggling off my underwear, he chuckles "should you not keep them on?" i shake my head "their wet and urg" i sigh. He chuckles and nods, hooking his fingers in the waist band and helping me slide off my underwear. "hold on to me sweet" he chuckles placing a his hands on my waist and helping me to the bed. 
Placing his forehead to mine, he closes his eyes. "close ya eyes hun" he mumbles, i nod softly closing my eyes "now breathe with me kay?" he says softly, i do as told and copy his breathing, my hands still on his upper arms and his on my waist. "doing so good" he mumbles placing a kiss on my forehead. "Keep following me yeah?" i hum in agreement. 
"y/n, eddie hows my favourite alternative couple doing" my midwife says walking in with a folder in her hands. i groan as the slight relaxing atmosphere is now gone. "working on our breathing arent we hun" eddie says keeping his forehead on mine, stroking my waist. "wonderful, good stuff" she smiles. "Mum could you lay back while i just check you over?" i sigh softly and move back, letting go of eddie, but he stays close. 
"Is it to late to have a water birth?" i sigh, she shakes her head, checking over baby munson and myself, "your only 2cm, we can start filling the tub, would that make you feel a bit better?" i nod softly, looking at eddie who just smiles. 
"Babies fine, mums ok?" she questions, "just in a bit of pain" i mumble, she nods "as to be expected" she chuckles, "i'll go get the birthing room ready" she smiles "we're not staying in here?" eddie says, she shakes her head. "Just a waiting area for mums to be" she chuckles, he nods "let me go get your room ready" she smiles. thank you chief hopper for working your magic with the hospital staff. 
After about an hour im sat back in the wheelchair going to the birthing room, the lights are dim, and theres a small tub in the corner of the room being filled. "alright mumma, can i check you again" the nurse smiles i nod as eddie helps me onto the bed, moving my legs into position for her to check me over. "still only 2cm my love" she smiles softly, "try get some rest for the time being okay?" she smiles before leaving the room, i sigh softly leaning my head back on the pillows, eddie sitting beside me. 
He plays with my hair and smiles "hey sweetheart" he grins, "hi" i mumble, "can you tell your son to hurry up and stop hurting me" i chuckle lightly,, eddie grins laughing placing a hand ontop of my tummy "hey little man" he grins. My tummy now feeling harder than before, i groan trying to put my hair up, eddie catches me and grins, "sit up hun" he smiles moving slightly behind me "eds you don" "shut up" he mumbles, running a hand through my hair to detangle it slightly before sectioning it into two. He begins plaiting one side then the next "thankyou" i mumble leaning my back against his front, he nods placing his chin on my shoulder. "love you" he mumbles placing a wet kiss to my cheek, i groan. "sorry sorry" he chuckles i shake my head "not you, him" i mumble, putting a hand on my tummy again. 
"Getting closer huh?" i nod sighing laying back down, "try have a nap sweet" he mumbles kissing my forehead, i sigh biting my lip. "i know i know" he mumbles as i chew my lip. "i know it hurts baby" he sighs "if i could take the pain away i would" he sighs, placing a hand on my tummy, his other hand coming to cup my jaw. "hey breathe with me kay?" he says, we begin doing the breathing thing again as i start to feel slightly sleepy. "there we go pretty girl" he mumbles helping me to lay down. "nooo" i mumble, he chuckles "not going anywhere" he mumbles, taking my hand into his. 
Its now midnight, 30th october, and im only 5cm along, luckily i had managed to nap, eddies sat next to me on the chair, sleeping. 
Sighing softly i get up from the bed and sit on the big exercise ball and begin bouncing, I grab my walkman and put the headphones on. Placing the walkman on the bed as i bounce, my arms out reached to balance myself on the ball, fingers barely touching the side of the bed. I keep this up for another 10minutes until i feel another gush of liquid between my thighs. I groan and move the headphones from my head to around my neck.
The nurse coming in smiling softly, helping me up and moving the ball out the way. "Lay down sweet" she smiles checking me over "good news, 6cm" she smiles i nod softly sighing. "just get comfy hun, he'll be here soon" she smiles i nod sighing softly. 
midday, on the 30th october, still no baby, still only 6cm. 
Full on sobbing now, its not pain, its just stupidly uncomfortable. 
5pm - we finally hit 7cm. Nothing changes till 11pm that night when we finally hit 8cm. 
Its now 3am on october 31st, we havent moved past 8cm. 
Now in the tub with eddie in front of me holding my hands i sob softly, as my body gets ready to hopefully soon push baby boy out. 
5:30am and we've made it to 9cm, in and out of the tub, i'm finally staying put in the tub, Eddie smiles as he sits beside me in a loose tee and swimming shorts, the mans ready to jump in if need be. 
5:40am, and we've hit 10cm, "you ready to start pushing hun" the nurse smiles, i nod softly, gripping eddies hand. "i cant do it" i sob, eddie nods "sweetheart, move forward my love" he mumbles, i sob quietly as eddie moves in behind me, his arms going around my waist holding my tummy, "squeeze as hard as you need to hun" he mumbles kissing my shoulder. 
"Doing so well" he mumbles, repeating encouraging words in my ear kissing over the same spot on my shoulder. 
6:06am, "fuck fuck fuck" i groan, as my body twitches "you did it" eddie mumbles, resting his forehead against my shoulder "baby boys here" the nurse smiles placing the crying baby to my chest. I try to catch my breathe as i let out a sob holding my son in my arms, "hes here" i sob, eddie nods looking over my shoulder, "he's here baby" he smiles placing a dozen kisses to my shoulder. "so so proud of you" he sobs, looking at our son. 
The nurse brings over a soft baby towel and begins wiping at his skin to remove all the gunk and body fluids on his little body, "does dad wanna cut the umbilical cord?" the nurse smiles handing eddie the tool "its not gonna hurt them is it?" she shakes her head holding the cord to show him where to cut. Once done, she takes baby boy to get him checked over as i slowly get out of the tub, eddie wrapping a towel around my body before helping me to the bed. 
"eds?" he hums "can, can you just go check on him?" i mumble he nods kissing my head before walking over to the nurses to watch over the, i get comfy in bed and feel my eyes get heavy as sleep starts to take over. 
"Do you have a name?" i hum looking at eddie, "Ozzy Munson" i mumble grinning at eddie. "really?" i nod smiling at the man. "Ozzy Joseph Munson" i smile. 
Munson Taglist 
@alicefallsintotherabbithole @tenderhornynihilist @itsyouimagines @witchsbitchestime @kyomiite @girl-with-an-orange-cat @flatoust11 @udontcarethisshit @chloepricerk800 @kellysimagines @caitfrogs @get-me-to-wonderland @bdpst-massacre @lagataprrr @goldenharrysworld @oo0lady-mad0oo @presidential-facts @qu7nn @pleasantlycrazyworld @ladyapplejackdnd @meaganjm @dixontardis @megsrose @chaos-incorp @sourbutcalm143 @lieblingsmenzch @kbakery @stcastwh00re @greatfandomsgalore @eddies-gf-86 @mariar597 @lothiriel9 @lesliemcawesome @chrisevansmarvelmcu @zdarie @notbeforelong @jayy-sins @dessmxsworld @brxkenartt @bonkynsteeb @ches-86 @qardasngan @authorlovers @dessmxsworld @madsthetyper
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