#incredible that they live in a world with no consequences and treat people like less than human for their amusement
tvugly · 7 months
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I'm kinda curious about your view on vil and your thoughts on the trauma he possibly or could have inflicted on Yuu during book 5.
I have this headcannon inspired by this one shot by uniquethingtastemaker
The headcannon: Basically Yuu (who is female for this) hides the fact that she's a girl for safety reasons (I mean not only is Yuu magic less in another world, she's also in a all boy school. Yeah that doesn't scream good idea). The only who knows are the teachers, Crowley, Grim and later Ace and Deuce when she's comfortable enough to tell them. At some point before book 5, Yuu is allowed a small vacation out of NRC for the crap she had to deal with jamil in the previous book; during her vacation goes out as herself and runs into neige. They become friends and stay in touch with one another. Yuu made Neige promise not to say anything about her actually gender as a few know in NRC.
*Also have a headcannon where Yuu is a school idol like love live and secretly helps Neige and the dwarfs write a song and dance that works for them for VDC. Yuu and Neige were already writing a song together just for fun since Yuu missed being a school idol and hasn't written a song since coming to twisted wonderland 😅
Plus it's something she has a choice in and would fun doing with a friend. During book 5, Crowley literally forced Yuu's hand by threatening their plumbing and Vil just dub them the manager without asking if it was okay with them. There's also how forceful he was being. . . .
There's no rule that has she can't and she's not even in the group.
Sorry for rambling 😅
So I've written about my thoughts on Vil before and honestly he's kind of one of my - if not my most - least favourite character(s).
I've cut this up for length:
I know that he has a lot of trauma and that he's a character that lots of people can mischaracterize and hate irrationally but he just rubs me the wrong way - and I'm saying this as a former gifted child and as someone who has witnessed people go through burn out both in Primary and Secondary school. I feel sorry for him and I understand that the pressure of perfection can be an incredible burden to bear but the way he treats others is just so grating that I can't say I like him that much.
Honestly, Book 5 is my least favourite book (then it's 3 then 4) and I have so much to say for everything; the blackmail, Vil's behaviour, Vil cursing our food without telling us, having to share a dorm with Jamil when he used Yuu and endangered them for his own gain (and then Kalim for sweeping it under the rug), Vil almost making Deuce cry, the Neige hate, Vil facing absolutely no consequences for trying to murder someone and then nearly killing everyone and destroying a building.
Yes, I agree that Epel has a mindset of toxic masculinity and yes, it should be addressed and challenged. But Vil's military dictator training and forcing him to do things that he hates (and even making him hide his accent - something that connects him to the home and family he loves) is not how you do it. I don't despise feminine things like he does, but even I would hate to live up to Vil's standards every single day (especially when Vil degrades far more times than he praises).
Something I really really hate about the twst fandom is how lots of people put down Neige or make him the butt of a joke just to make Vil better. I've seen so many jokes or fanfics or imagines where Neige gets rejected or laughed at or treated terribly just so that Vil can be seen as superior and as someone who actually really likes Neige and has Snow White as their favourite princess ever since they were in reception, I just can't stand the Neige hate. Especially when he was almost a victim of a poisoning plot - as in Vil literally tried to kill him for absolutely no reason at all (before he then tried to kill us for 'seeing an ugly side of him' which we are supposed to forgive because of course we are)
I really loved that Neige story and I actually do headcanon that Neige and Yuu are really close friends and they text each other 24/7 (and also with Prince Rielle). I did make a #JusticeForYuu post where I said that I wanted Yuu to just send the entirety of NRC (minus Ace and Deuce) to coventry and not give them the time of day so I thought it would be just delicious if Neige is the one that helps Yuu with all things fashion related since he's just as famous (if not more so) than Vil with his own line of clothing and make up and would have access to things they would need.
And I think you somehow managed to read my mind because I have this Yuu that's a theatre kid (this is not relevant at all but this fem!Yuu was also Christine Daaé in her theatre's performance of Phantom of the Opera) with the voice of an angel that's best friends with Neige and the two of them totally duet together - I did kind of toy with the idea of Neige hyping her up to sing something for VDC as a closing performance and her blowing everyone away but I digress...
You know what? I am actually against the headcanon that RSA is filled with snooty, condescending, stuck up rich kids with a holier-than-thou attitude - I'm under the firm belief that the RSA students are actual sweethearts who are kind and caring and aren't the type of people who would inflict trauma on an innocent magicless teenager. The only reason why I don't want Yuu to transfer to RSA is because they'd have to leave Ace and Deuce behind (as well as the Ramshackle ghosts) and those boys are literally everything to me so I like to think that Yuu likes to go to RSA like once a week or something to spend time with people who don't try to manipulate or mistreat them.
I do have a lot more things to say but my brain has gone to mush and I can't think of anything so here
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khaotunng · 1 year
(a short analysis on Uk in season 2)
I was talking to a friend here about AoS s2 and how Uk being basically overpowered meant the stakes weren't that high during the action scenes (the opposite of s1, where he was learning and growing and the underdog in every nail biting duel), when I realised why this aspect of s2 didn't bother me that much, if at all. Sure, we saw Uk grow into the mage he is in s1, so we feel a lot of pride and our hearts break seeing him so powerful yet lonely, but it's not only that. The entire season deals with the consequences of Uk being so powerful, continuing the storyline started in s1 of Uk being, basically, a Very Messy Chosen One, weird conception included. We remember how in s1, he was treated like shit because he should not fulfil his destiny and come into his powers, he was a Bad Thing Waiting to Happen. Therefore Uk has always been the trigger, in s2 he is also the nuke.
Season 2 answers the questions: What can you do if you're basically a god? How would people react? Can you really come home if you're not who you were before?
And again, it's a perfect continuation of season 1. I saw posts I loved saying s1 shows a perfect asshole/asshole main pairing, describing Uk as self-centred, and they're kinda right. Episode 1 season 1: we see Uk help a wanted assassin escape her fate at the hands of his friends and adoptive family basically, because he needs her. He was never ready to fight for the world, only for himself AND the few he loves (Naksu, Maidservant Kim, his childhood friends). Take this kind of person... and give him the power to not only be a magical overpowered prodigy and incredible warrior, but also a (technically rightful) king. On top of that, make him heartbroken because the only person he loved and wholly trusted killed him. It's a disaster.
This is how we meet Uk in s2, struggling to and outright avoiding answering these questions. He lives as a husk of himself, separated from society, using his powers in a very limited way. Inaction is the only way, he thinks, to avoid war. He is kinda right: the moment he starts wanting things again, the moment he acts again (the moment Cho Yeong is back in his life), he becomes an enemy. His existence is the reason why Jin Mu manages to turn so many to his cause: if power like this exists and walks among us, why should we settle for anything less?
In the end, Uk has to grimly embody Jin Mu's ideals: someone so powerful can amass even more power and do basically whatever he wants, even burn the representatives of 8 main families alive. He is also, again, the Chosen One of the Bad, Terrible News: the awakening of the fire bird could not be stopped, even if it is one of the main quests of 'normal people' throughout s2.
The shift in Uk in season 1 was spectacular, satisfying, hard won, flashy: from a ridiculed pampered noble to one of the most powerful mages of the country. The shift in season 2 is just as important, but internal. It's Uk choosing to do what's right –killing the soul shifters, even if it's Naksu, even if it means not killing Jin Mu himself–, and choosing to do what's right for the world, even if said world can't accept him in full. Uk giving his golden medallion to the Crown Prince isn't just the culmination of the two finally reaching an understanding, but Uk knowing he, powerful as he is, can decide the shape of the future of the country. Without his approval, the Crown Prince could never have become the king.
Finally, of course, the reason why Uk can grow is the same in both seasons, his bond with Cho Yeong. First she is his master, bringing him to full powers, helping him face his destiny, then she is his true companion, the only person who can stand beside him and help him find his rightful place in the world. Season 2 is very different from season 1, but all the good elements are there, and without it, season 1 would not end properly. I understand why some people say season 2 felt unnecessarily fanservice-y (there are standard moments of badassery on Uk's part and romance tropes abound), but actually season 2 is more profound and thought-out than one may think. Or maybe I just love Uk too much and this is just a long and unnecessary tumblr post.
alternative title of the series: uk and the very bad, terrible prophecies where he becomes a god
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transmutationisms · 10 months
can you really chose to engage with a moralizing force without the values of that force having an effect on your decision? conversion therapy is an easier example to talk about because its more commonly understood as normative more than anything else (how could one choose conversion therapy without that normative pressure?). but honestly i think this is a feature of advice in general
totally fair question & for the record, this is a huge part of the reason i have more or less taken myself 'off the psychiatric grid' so to speak lol. there are basically two main reasons i'm still cautious about making a blanket judgment about the potential for therapy / other interventions to ever be useful as anything other than a normalising / moralising force.
first, it's just hard to sweep all of these things into one category with comparable consequences. even if we stick to 'drugs prescribed by a psychiatrist that you take on your own time at home', there's a world of difference between, say, stimulants and antipsychotics. both are prescribed because the psych is trying to make you 'normal' and 'functional' (able to work, compliant, &c) but stimulants are, like, fun, and for most people and usage patterns are relatively safe. i know lots of people who get them prescribed and then use them to various non-sanctioned ends; i have also done that extensively and have zero regrets. antipsychotics, on the other hand, come with a raft of incredibly harmful effects and long-term health damage, and don't even produce any kind of comparable pleasurable state. it's hard to imagine anyone actually freely choosing antipsychotics in a situation where they genuinely have no social or economic pressure to do so, and are given full knowledge of the risks they're taking on. like, it's hard to come up with literally any reason for these drugs to exist, or be prescribed or taken, besides violent efforts to make people 'act normal' and be employable and obedient. i think the analysis here always has to take into account these types of specificities—and again, all of this is still limited to the relatively optimistic case in which someone is prescribed a drug and is taking it at home, on their own time; a situation where someone is being eg forcibly injected in an institutional setting calls for a different analysis, and obviously psychiatry has lots of other methods of coercion and force at its disposal. when it comes to placing eg talk therapy into this sort of framework, it's also tricky because i do think this depends heavily on the individual practitioner. like, you raise a fair point that "person who gives you advice and guidance on your life and problems" is a position that inherently involves moralising elements—i think that's right. i guess my hesitation here is like, is there any possibility for a situation in which, in a radically transformed social context, certain talk therapy methods could be removed from the imbalanced doctor-patient relationship; used by choice of the suffering person; and aimed not at achieving a socially-defined state of 'normality' but as a way of giving both the person and their social support network the tools and communication base to live in whatever way the individual defines as best for them? it is possible that at this point i'm getting so speculative that this is not even a useful answer to the question!
second, and this is related to what i'm getting at in the last few sentences, i'm kind of working here off a comparison to any other medical speciality. medicine generally has immense power to do harm, & is frequently deployed explicitly as a way of defining, moralising, and enforcing 'biological normality' (canguilhem &c &c). yet, at the same time, it is true that people experience pain and disease and so forth, and that i firmly believe everyone should have free and full access to what health care exists to treat such problems. the challenge here is how we as communists ruthlessly critique the existing power structures and transform the provision of health care into a way of actually caring for people, prioritising their autonomy and their values for how they live their own lives, as opposed to enforcing a notion of 'good' bodies as a method of population management. i don't mean to suggest that there's no difference between psychiatry and other medical specialties; there is. yet it is also true that affective suffering is real, and although i think much of it is worsened or directly caused by living in a world that actively saps human life-activity for the sake of reproducing capital, i also think that in a full communist utopia people would still experience mental pain and distress sometimes. my position here is that we need to 1) ruthlessly criticise psychiatry and psychiatric care as it currently exists, 2) determine which—if any!—of its tools and methods can be radically transformed into ways of actually caring for one another, without force or coercion or the imposition of externally defined and moralised ideals, and 3) either way, find ways to ensure we are capable of providing care for one another when we are in need and want it. i am not sure whether something that looks like talk therapy will ever be part of this, and my sense is that, if it were, a lot of this work would become something that friends and social supports are capable of engaging in (it is a leetle fucked up imo that we currently offload this onto a provider–client relationship! like, that says a lot about the world). again, though, i don't think any such care is actually 'care' as long as it's aimed at enforcing an external standard of normalcy, functionality, profitability, &c. what i'm interested in is how we ensure that people are able to define their own happiness and flourishing, and how, given that human life is social and collaborative, those around them can be (when wanted) part of a person's effort to live their best possible and most preferred life.
sorry if this is just a really waffling answer lmao. i guess the tl;dr is: yeah i also worry about this and i don't know!
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johnny-chaos · 10 months
Gordon is notably characterized by his obnoxious and deeply uncool behavior but he's also defined by an incredible earnestness and desire for things to be taken seriously . And Benrey, on the other hand, is obnoxious too but for the exact opposite reasons-- devaluing things that, by Gordon's standards, should be taken seriously (such as murder) while playing up the absurdity and inconsistent application of rules in general (and also acting like a fucking third grader).
In that way the two of them have a lot in common, but with that one major caveat of seriousness . Really, they're both pretty earnest, and they both just wanna make jokes n have fun-- Gordon wants to be a justin.tv streamer and he talks to himself like an anime protagonist (GORDON SPRINT!!) and Benrey's whole thing is having his day ruined bc he couldn't play games with his friends . But Benrey also knows treating the game like it's real is idiotic, while Gordon can't help but treat it as if it were (and Scorpy Socpens n Wayne R. TV use this for some extremely good comedy).
In addition to THAT, you have Coomer, who, over the course of the webseries, realizes his life is a lie and his world is fake - subsequently becoming more lucid, serious, and aloof. His character arc brings up the question of What Does It Truly Mean, To Be Alive? (a tried and true story point !) They're all functioning on different understandings of their world-- they all understand nothing matters, but Coomer is just now realizing, and Benrey's always known it, and Gordon method acts so hard that he almost forgets it.
With that context HLVRAI becomes an argument on existential nihilism -- Coomer presents the question "nothing is real so is living this life valuable?" and Benry's response is essentially "no- if nothing matters then why care ? Do whatever you want forever ." And Gordon's is "of COURSE it's valuable, fuck you, this may not matter but I can care and try and hope and LIVE, BABY!!! leave me and my magmar plush OUTTA THIS!!" Quite a 4chan vs Tumblr argume(I am shot and killed)
But even though I describe Gordon as v earnest and sincere, it's not enitrely accurate, bc while he has a lot of Genuine Expressions of Emotion, he also seems to use anger to mask laughter ("if i had a knife i would gut you" said with an audible smile). Makes him seem less genuine and more like he's playing up the reactivity, but you still get a rly potent feeling that these are people he enjoys being around, and I'm sure that's also just Wayne R. TV playing gmod with his friends bleeding through .
Coomer's obviously the MOST sincere, he has literally the only lines that are SUPPOSED to be taken seriously. And Benrey may not be very sincere, but he IS (in Wayne R TV's words) the most sentimental, which is REALLY weird. He's constantly talking bullshit, but Scorpy Socpens still gives him these moments where it seems like he might actually care ("we should turn back.. we're going further . into HELL" and "why are we here? ..what happened to your arm?!") LIKE!! he and the others are all entertainers, they're all supposed to make you laugh (except for Dr. Coomer at one point), but Benrey especially, as he's this manifestation of insincerity and irony and absurdity--and yet?? some semblance of motivation??
If hlvrai is an argument on nihilism, then it's ALSO about how what makes life worth living is the people around you actually . Because of benrey's "nothing matters" mentality he gains Gordon's ire and subsequently becomes the antagonist as his stupid shenanigans are reframed as actively hindering the group (even though yeah EVERYONE gets in the way of everything all the time). Thus he becomes the Big Bad even though he's really just, not cut out for it . he knows his actions don't have meaningful consequences, but that sentimentality inevitably slips out, and yeah, his whole purpose is to be funny. you can't be funny to yourself now that's just embarrassing. he has the powers to shapeshift and time travel but he only does it when it's relevant to Gordon. i am constantly thinking about how he says "it replenishes your electronics" in this calm, mellow voice like he's got nothing to worry about and is just enjoying the moment . he just wants to play games with people, man!!!
and even though Gordon is so SO fucking uncool, he's allowed to be because he actually gives a shit!! even though they're both annoying, Benrey is the one who becomes the villain because of how detached he is. Gordon can stumble over his words and be clumsy as hell but he cares so deeply-- about the others, about putting on a show-- that his embarrassing attempts at being the hotshot hero of the story don't detract from his value. yeah this world isn't real but my friends are. yeah nothing matters but we can still try to help each other out. you are supposed to care!!! bitch
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orcasarepeople · 10 months
Do you truly believe that orcas deserve personhood status? Yes, they are incredibly smart and complex animals, but to grant them the title of “person” is something completely different.
It brings me back to the debate of “Because of orcas’ intelligence, do orcas deserve the same treatment under the law as humans?” “Do they understand wrong and right?”
Obviously, the answer would be no. Orcas are complex, yes, but they are not people, and their thought processes do not match that of a human on the basis of our moral understandings. Their concepts of bad and good; if they do have it at all, considering it is a man made concept, are not the same as ours. They are still animals, and we should treat them as such- Neutrally, and without anthropomorphic in them to the point it becomes a negative consequence of their intelligence (Example; assuming that they know that it is evil to attack boats when it is just a trend/assuming they are evil because they hunt to survive).
I don’t send this with any hateful intentions, in the case I came off that way. I am just a person who really loves to research orcas. I’d like to hear your thoughts. Thank you!
The issue here stems with conflating what "personhood" means. "Personhood" doesn't mean "this thing is like a human being and should be subject to all laws applicable to us", it means "this creature is a conscious being with its own thoughts and emotions, and it is inherently entitled to rights applicable to its needs."
Personhood status being applied to nature isn't a new idea. People are fighting to give the missippi river Personhood status in order to grant it rights to stop pollution and other harmful activities done on it. Other natural places have also been given person status before as well, New Zealand recognizes one of its former national parks as a legal person, along with a river. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environmental_personhood#:~:text=Environmental%20personhood%20or%20juridic%20personhood,liability%20of%20a%20legal%20personality.
Orcas are thinking creatures the same as us, with their own language, cultures, and individuality. Giving them personhood status helps further remove our harmful, human centric views of reality in order to further establish the fact that we share this planet, and we should be better stewards for the creatures less capable of influence the world as us. It also gives legal power to them, which assists people and governments to better protect them and the ecosystems they live in.
While orcas are animals, we also have to remember that we are also animals. We simply have a better ability to manipulate the world.
I appreciate your questions, and I'll be happy to answer anything further! With better understanding comes a better world.
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magnorious · 3 months
Review: The Last Airbender Episodes 2 & 3
I still need to watch this show in a pitch-black room to see anything on screen during night scenes. Did you not learn from Game of Thrones?
Jet’s here! He shouldn’t be, but he is! Teo’s here! He shouldn’t be, but he is! And they’re both fantastic. Azula, Ozai, Mai, and Ty Lee are here! Wait a second….
Something I didn’t touch too much on the last episode that I’m going to now: This crippling addiction Hollywood has to ~reimagining~ beloved cartoons in live action consistently has the same flaw: It’s so *boring*. 
On the one hand, yes, I love the live action costumes. I love all the detail that can now be added since it doesn’t take tediously intricate details drawn frame by frame. However, cartoons, especially anime-inspired cartoons, take full advantage of the medium and frequently don’t draw *realistic* humans, they emphasize the features that matter like caricature.
ALTA not only uses caricature but the slapstick, rubbery physics of a cartoon world to hand-wave away the consequences of elemental fisticuffs. The expressions the characters make, their peak character designs, the exactness of every frame, even the less-detailed background shots of little gummy people with undefined details, these define the show.
So while the casting has been great so far, Gyatso, Iroh, Bumi, Zuko, Sokka, Gran Gran, through no fault of their own or the fault of the medium, lack the cartoonishness of the original characters. The cartoonishness that makes this show so beloved so the live action scenes feel… lesser. 
Also, because it’s anime-inspired, the fight scenes storyboarded and drawn in anime are incredibly dynamic. The way the camera sits and follows the action is beholden to no real-world physics because it’s all drawn and anime is particularly good at making spectacular, intense fight scenes. This show’s fight scenes, while well-choreographed, aren’t filmed like a live-action anime, and that also makes it feel lesser.
I can’t be the only one disappointed that every episode doesn’t begin with Katara’s narration, can I? They went through the trouble of CGI-ing the whole thing, so why not?
I was holding out hope that they’d still find the avatar statue room, because it was so well-animated and hauntingly beautiful with the buildup and all the eyes glowing. They kept tiny versions of the statues, it just lacked the oomph.
Or the foamy-mouth guy and all the kids enamored with Aang on Kyoshi Island, and Aang reveling in the praise and attention. That dude has become his own meme. He’s hilarious.
Still not satisfied with Iroh’s voice (not the actor’s fault), or Zuko’s, for that matter. He doesn’t quite hit the “I’m an angsty 16 year old stuck with an uncle whom I do not respect or take seriously in any way and refuse to admit that I care about” vibe. Zhao also doesn’t sound intimidating (though he tries and his physical acting is great). When casting all these roles, I wish they would have paid as much attention to the voices of the live-action actors, as much as their faces. There’s zero grit in anyone’s voices, even Gran Gran’s. Zhao sounds his best when his voice lowers as he narrates his letter to Ozai.
Humor-wise, this show sits in a weird spot where it’s trying to be funny only with one-liners (like Marvel) and zero situational humor. Sokka is the best attempt the show makes at being funny and sometimes it lands, I just wish there was more of it. It’s like this show is afraid to lose its “gritty” badge if any scene dares to be legitimately funny.
I do like the nod to the cartoon’s title sequence with Aang air-scootering into that statue. That’s the situational humor I’m talking about.
Kyoshi island (and their costumes) was good, lacking humor and giant koi notwithstanding. Kyoshi herself making an appearance giving Aang some sagely wisdom 50-odd episodes early is a treat, even if he’s suddenly excellent at handling the Spirit World with zero effort. They didn’t turn the Kyoshi warriors into insufferable girlbosses, remaining incredibly competent warriors that happen to be women.
In attempt to make it more adult, they’re starting to fudge some backstories and motivations, like Aang now having too much power to the point where the other kids were afraid of him, and the Sokka/Suki romance being far less subtle, and a lot more physical. It’s less sweet and more “wow, these teenagers are horny”. Katara did not witness Kya getting burned alive, her mother would never have let that happen. She’d left the tent to find her dad, and by the time she came back, Kya was already gone. It was tragic already, why make it worse?
**Side note, Momo is a lemure, not a monkey, please don’t give him generic monkey noises. They already gave you plenty of sound design for Momo, just use it.
Aang fumbling around in the Spirit World at the worst possible moment is so true to form, it would be hilarious if it wasn’t so serious. Him ending that trip by manifesting into Kyoshi totally kneecaps the moment during the Winter Solstice where he becomes Roku, even if it looked cool.
The Ozai reveal, though. Why? Just why? Did Daniel Dae Kim have X amount of minutes contractually obligated? Ozai wasn’t revealed for two entire seasons, not his face. They waited and waited and waited, leaving him silhouetted by flames and shadows, only drawing him from behind or from the neck down. This was a *reveal* because we didn’t know what to expect. Would he be as ugly as his soul? Handsome? Pretty? Scarred himself, like his son?
Oh. Azula’s here, too.
The writers of this show and Percy Jackson went to the same school of “Mystery be damned, let’s shoot our load right f’ing now!”
Also, Mr. Kim should have been Zhao, not Ozai. He would have made a fantastic Zhao.
The more Ozai is on screen, even if his scenes are good, misses the whole point of why he was barely a character. I’m trying not to use “the cartoon did X better” too much, but the cartoon did it better and here’s why:
Ozai is basically a non-character. Who *he* is doesn’t matter, he’s a bad guy doing bad things because he’s an evil narcissist. His actions and his orders are felt across the globe, though. So the Gaang doesn’t meet him (some ever) until the finale, but they still feel the impact of his actions the entire series.
Who’s Ozai? The guy who burned and banished his son and sent him on a wild goose chase.The guy who’s admiral murdered the moon spirit. Who continues to lay siege to the Earth Kingdom and whose daughter orchestrates its downfall. We don’t need to see who he is for him to be one scary dude. He doesn’t need all these extra scenes to prove how terrifying he is.
The original perfected “less is more” and Ozai (and Azula, and Mai and Ty Lee) just don’t need to be here. Not yet.
With that said, Azula’s great, what little we see of her. Ozai is great. They really seem to be having fun with their roles.
Episode three leaves me curious if all the kids watched the original and wanted so badly to make this show funny, and all the adults told them to tone it down. They’re trying so hard. Props to everyone doing their best with an IP as beloved as this one, and the massive shoes they all have to fill.
More missing humor: Bonzu Pipinpadaloxicopolis! But at least they kept the cabbage merchant.
Episode three decided to combine the Northern Air Temple with Omashu and Jet for reasons. These were two entirely separate plots and locations, but Teo and the Mechanist are incredibly entertaining even if they’re early. They filmed only eight episodes and I feel like a broken record when I say: If you hadn’t given us the wrong filler, you could have properly adapted the missing content. You can skip the Great Divide, though. I hope you skip the Great Divide.
The filler is entertaining. I like the easter egg of the Yu Yan archers training in the background with Azula, implying that she’s as good as they are. I don’t think Azula would bother mastering archery when she’s a firebending prodigy, but the scene is nice. The original Omashu and Northern Air Temple would have been nicer.
Can’t say I miss the original Jet episode and the second I saw this scruffy boy with emo hair in his eyes on that wagon, I thought, “This is Jet, right? It’s gotta be Jet. He’d make a perfect Jet.”
And I was right!
Wrong time, wrong place, but this is the first character who, upon seeing them completely out of their episode, even if he looks nothing like his cartoon version, he fits that character’s vibe perfectly. Excellent casting.
“Omashu” is so far divorced from the original, it might as well be its own thing and it’s buckwild, but it combines elements from three independent episodes and it works incredibly well, even if the plots still feel disjointed from each other, each stays their welcome as long as they need to.
The freedom fighters are amazing. Their costumes are amazing. As each one showed up on screen I was grinning from ear-to-ear. My only detractor is the slight-fanservicey nature of it all once Jet starts naming his team. No notes on Jet dropping his disguise and the slow-mo of the reveal of his hook-swords. One more re-write and it would have been flawless. Can’t wait to see this guy ambiguously pass away beneath Lake Laogai. He’ll be great.
I’m liking Iroh less and less every time I see him. He’s just not Iroh. He doesn’t act like him, doesn’t talk like him, doesn’t wax poetic like him, which is a shame because, behind Zuko, I’m pretty sure Iroh is the fan-favorite character. He was an entire generation’s mentor and this just isn’t him.
Zuko’s dickishness was also tempered by him being an awkward turtleduck. Here he’s just aggressive with zero moments for second-hand embarrassment. He doesn’t get bullied by Sokka in the premier, doesn’t bicker with Iroh, he just yells and screams. He’s not endearing in the slightest.
The VFX as well – I know the underpaid and overworked artists did their best but it’s very distracting when they’re so obviously standing in front of a greenscreen.
This show still does not need to exist, make no mistake, and I can see why the original writers left. There’s scenes I’ve legit fast-forwarded through because they just won’t end and I am bored – the massacre of the Air Nomads? Skipped.
With that said, it’s not the worst adaptation in the world, and everyone still showed up to do their best with the script they were given. Does every line land? Heck no. Are the fight scenes cool? Ehhhh, kind of? Is it funny? No, not really, not compared to the original. Is it for kids? I think no less than 20 people have been burned alive at this point so, no, not really. Not like the original was for all ages.
Once again we have a “but was it better than the first attempt?” bar two feet into the topsoil. Yes, so far, it is. At least it’s not like that other horrible adaptation that forgot it was an action-adventure story.
But Jet was awesome. If he carries this review solely on how awesome he was, so be it.
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aronarchy · 1 year
If your primary goal is to get off scott free of consequences, to triangulate back, to “win” or secure for yourself power and standing then this piece is not for you, and I gotta tell you, attempting to pretend and follow along is probably not going to go well for you in the long run. But if you’re compassionate and altruistic, if your primary goal is to do right by everyone, to leave the world better off, then there’s gonna be some sacrifices. Also—and this is important—you’re not going to be the one to determine how much. Personal consequences are not a price that you’re haggling.
Other people have a lot of rights that you have no say in. One of those rights is to stop being friends with you. Another is the right of people to tell their personal experience, forever. Even if you disagree with it. Even if it’s “objectively wrong.”
The loss of a friend, nevermind a partner or an entire community, is an incredible unbelievable pain. Our monkey brains are unfortunately wired to treat it as worse than the loss of a limb. But if you truly care about other people as people, rather than sources of pleasure or comfort for you, then you care about their freedom. And if they don’t have the freedom to disassociate or speak their story they have no freedom at all.
These are not freedoms that you can contractually negotiate with them, they are not freedoms that you should ever try to pressure against. Letting other people have agency is sometimes quite painful. They will sometimes make choices that hurt you or are misguided. That is our burden to bear. Ethics is not a game of legalistic “fairness,” ethics is about stepping up and shouldering certain burdens, certain unbelievable pains, so that everyone can be free.
It is of course important to also self-advocate. Compassion and goodwill can be taken advantage of. Intentional abusers can and will find those who are particularly empathetic and try to take advantage of them. Sometimes accusations of abuse will be projected to cover worse abuse. In some communities where abuse is treated seriously there can be a strategic “first-accuser advantage.” Some of these effective strategies can be adopted and replicated by abusers even without their conscious awareness of that.
There are also some clearcut situations where the power dynamic is overwhelming and obvious, like where one party controls an overwhelming degree of the other person’s life. A parent accusing a child of abuse, a prison guard accusing an inmate of abuse, a partner who entirely controls their partner’s finances and social life, doesn’t let them out, etc, accusing them of abuse. We have to use our eyes and common sense when a person with intense power accuses another. The parent, prison guard, or materially controlling partner may indeed feel pain, may indeed sincerely suffer emotionally, but that does not invalidate the very real and pressing power they wield.
You do not have an obligation to weigh the perspective of your accuser more heavily than your own perspective. You are certainly not obliged to let them cut you off from objective reality.
But it is important to err on the side of altruism.
This does not mean a “little concession” or a “little pain” from you, sometimes it can mean a fucking lot. Erring on the side of altruism can mean considering a world where the other person isn’t a total liar or brainwashed patsy trying to get you. And then oh shit.
This is not a negotiation where each person’s discomfort is weighed against the other’s. Sometimes to get things right you may have to undergo a lot more discomfort than you caused.
Accountability is lifelong. This is what our lives are about. Being accountable for our actions. Anarchism means infinite responsibility, not less.
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magnoliamyrrh · 1 year
When it comes to prison abolition I wish people would focus on specific crimes or types of crimes instead of this binary approach. There seems to be no space for nuance in western leftist thought these days, you have to go all the way in one go or it isn't worth doing.
Okay the current system isn't perfect but it's better than letting pedos, rapists and sex traffickers get away with continuing to abuse women and girls. Domestic violence too, there's just so many areas where justice already doesn't exist for victims. Until abolitionists can provide a good answer for those crimes they should admit that their theory doesn't yet work in every scenario.
Let's go back to focusing on drugs, theft and other crimes against corporations, the imprisonment of those suffering from severe mental illnesses and general anti social behaviour. Crimes where imprisonment does unjustly impact people's lives and we do already have noncustodial solutions we can implement.
"there seems to be no space for nuance in western leftits though" youre certainly right abt that and its annoying as all hell. there are prison reformers who hold more nuance on this generally, but many prison abolitionists act like they're almost traitors for not being fully on board
and it bothers me that the keep treating this part of the issue as some sort of annoyance, thing we can think abt afterwards, or minor issue. or on the other side they wanna treat rapists the same way theyd treat some poor person who stole food,,,,,,like no, all of these things are actually incredibly common, and sadism and predatory actions are not same at all as many crimes. as far as im concerned theyre much less explicable than even many cases of murder and i will 100% vouch for the reform of a murderer than a rapist, particularly a pedo. and my conclusion frankly is i dont think these ppl rly care abt the saftey of children, girls, or women much
like, as you said. ill admit any day the system is fucked too. and yes the system is the consequence in america of colonialism and slavery, and in many parts of the world the prison system implemented by imperialists has been a tool of opression. and yes the system puts at a disadvantage and targets certain kinds of people and for certain kinds of offenses it makes no damn sense. like i think were all on board with this part of things??? and clearly countries like the semi-socialist northern euro ones have shown that better, more humaine systems can be implemented. im all on board for reform when it comes to 98% types of offenses, and generally i think prison reformists make very good, grounded points which seem feasible. and they suggest changes which we may actually see in our lifetimes
but then prison abolitions want to take it to such...... levels that it stops making sense. to an extent i get it, like i definitely get wanting to abolish the system and implement something new, the issue is that that "something new" makes little sense when you hear them speak. because they define annny form of incarceration or being restricted in movement as prison essentially, and we must get rid of that. so, frankly, by their own logic i dont even know if they could force rapists and pedophiles into """"recovery programs""" for any period of time - maybe theyd just let them go immediately and theyd have to voluntarly show up our of their own good will 🥺 (im sure thats gonna happen) - because anything else would be taking away their bodily autonomy.. ...really, truly, even though these ppl call themselves leftists this is such a ??? western individualistic opinion to hold?? like putting individual bodily autonomy and "rights" in any damn case, no matter how dangerous, above the wellbeing of society at large strikes me v v much as western individulism taken to an extreme
.. they dont have answers. they just dont. its either deflection, minimizing the issue, acting like youre the crazy one for asking, or some completely unrealistic bullshit abt making these men see the light - as if they dont already understand they should rape or beat women and children - or reintegrating them into the same communities that they traumatized. prison abolitionists wont admit that they have no real damn solution because, like western leftits in general in most cases, they a)dont actually care abt feminism b)dont have a fully understanding of what theyre talking about and are just screaming slogans and saying what sounds good to be right and woke and make themselves feel good and enlightened c)are allergic to actual nuance and discussion or being challenged
it also pisses me off too because ive seen a lot of them pull that woke version of noble savage shit, in which they pretend like the nonwestern world or the world pre-colonialization was this lovely perfect place with no issues no violence and everyone sat in a field and braided flowers in each others hair and talked abt their feelings. or something. when in fact, the concept of punishment for certain things has Definitely existed pre colonialization??? for gods sake even chimps, apes, several other animals have a concept of "actions have consequences" and they punish, either physically or through social exile, members of their species who have crossed a line. Several native american tribes had quite physically harsh and borderline torturous forms of physical punishment for what they deemed to be crimes, or would exile ppl (which in certain cases, like in winter, may as well have been a death sentence for some). In phillipines before colonialization for certain communities the punishment for rape was death. For gods sake islam too,,,, like,,, have these ppl never read qur'an and seen that physical punishment is one of the forms of punishment prescribed for certain offenses which are seen as affecting community negativity? Theres obviously a million other examples out there. I dont know what these people are smoking to think that the concept of "actions have consequences" was invented by the white man or whatever
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marthaskane · 1 year
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my bestie @holly-mckenzie tagged me to post 8 shows to get to know me. 
tagging: @justabritishmusicallover , @gothamstreetcat, @brvceselina, @apple-grass-and-smiles, @sonyarebecchi, @kaz-breker, @jennortegas, @mike-el , @gaffney, and @charlieconwayy
(please note: this is in no particular order)
stranger things (2016-) - i’ve been obsessed with this show since the start really, there’s just something about it, particularly those first two seasons, that just keeps me coming back. there’s fun characters that i enjoy watching and it has an awesome soundtrack!
gotham (2014-2019) - truthfully this was the first piece of media that really connected me to batman and that world. i’d seen movies before but i never felt connected to the character. but something about watching this kid grow up and earn the cowl, especially with all the choices he made that eventually led to him becoming batman had me rooting for him. and honestly, every single cast member on this show is so perfectly cast - particularly RLT as oswald. they’re the gold standard for me now. and i loved how everything fit together in this retelling.
primeval (2007-2011) this show has always been that show that has felt like mine, you know? i have so many fond memories of watching this growing up and it has always stuck with me without it ever being repeated on tv or having a large fanbase that regularly makes content long after the show is over. no, the show has just always stayed with me all through its own merit of having lovable characters and a really great storyline that i will always be upset was never allowed to be completed.
dark (2017-2020) - admittedly, i was super late to this party having only watched it earlier this year but WOW what a show. i think i can honestly say that this may be the best written and conceived show of all time - certainly of the shows i’ve watched. i have literally no complaints about it. the fact that most, if not all, the story seems to have been planned from the beginning is obvious with the number of twists and turns and strong character development/story arcs and it just makes it all the better when you can rewatch and spot even more each time. this show is incredible! i really can’t say enough about it and if i keep going here, i’ll never stop.
stargirl (2020-2022) - stargirl my beloved you were taken from me far too soon. i’ll be honest and say that i wasn’t expecting to love this show as much as i do when i decided to give it a shot. but it was so utterly charming with truly likeable characters - whether they’re heroes or villains - that you can genuinely enjoy watching. and it has a strangely nostalgic feel/tone despite its modern day setting that just adds to its likeability. 
rtd era! whoniverse (2005-2011) - this is probably cheating but just including doctor who in general felt wrong when it is this era (main show and spinoffs) that i cherish the most and i couldn’t include one without the others. maybe its the nostalgia idk but this was when the series felt the most grounded to me and despite its issues i still adore it as an era of this show’s history. the shows worked great side by side, targeting different audiences, with characters that felt real. in the case of the main show, you really felt that the companions were real people, with real lives who were plucked out of them to go travel with the doctor and it really dealt with the consequences of that which has been seriously lacking in recent years. for torchwood, the characters were allowed to be messy, truly truly messy and just plain human. they made mistakes, there wasn’t always some magical fix for them, they were on earth with limited resources just doing the best they can and sometimes it might not be the ‘right way’ but they still try and it’s beautiful. for sja, they’re just kids but they’re still real kids and they were never treated as less than their adult counterparts, they were given room to grow but never in a way that seemed patronising. there’s a magic in this specific era that i will love my whole life.
roswell (1999-2002) - i’ve always adored the balance that this show managed to get between the typical early 00s teen drama side and the sci-fi/fantasty elements. while in a lot of teen sci-fi fantasy shows these days focus on that rather than character dynamics/growth, this one really excelled at giving each character a compelling arc throughout the show, while developing a strong individual dynamic between every possible pairing of its main cast which is amazing compared to some of its contemporaries where there’s always characters who never interact outside the group setting. as such, you really get to see why these characters are putting themselves on the line for each other time and time again. they’re really a family and it’s shown consistently through the show (rather than characters just saying it without any development or actions to back it up) and it’s incredibly endearing.
the originals (2013-2018) - what can i say? i love this disfunctional “frankenstein family”. the show has its ups and downs but they’re all a mess and i love them. how many times can a group of people stab each other in the back? plenty and i truly love every second of it. morally grey characters / villain protagonists and such an interesting concept because there are barely any “good” guys to root for, it’s just a case of season by season, and sometimes episode by episode, deciding which ones are right this time, if any of them are.
other faves include:
all creatures great and small (2020-)
swamp thing
the tracy beaker franchise
waterloo road (2006-2015)
get even
on my block
nowhere boys
we are lady parts
one of us is lying
teen wolf (specifically s1-4)
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
I think that you will be pleased to note that the lady who trained Maui in magic through herself into it so hard that she didn't allow herself time to adjust to the power she was channelling and it ended up nearly killing her and she has been left as someone who /cannot/ heal on her own and with snow white hair because her body has to conserve the pigments and her eyes are now perminantly glowing blood red. She has two personal healers next to her throne whose jobs it is to keep her alive and healthy. She is reckless and bloodthirsty and rules her kingdom with an iron fist and her name is whispered around the land in fear. She was NOT a good influence on the already traumatised and reckless Maui.
Also I'm thinking about more consequences of magic and I'm thinking about the logistics of "Healers need to focus a lot more on chenneling because it's a very intensive process and they need a lot of power, to do this they close their eyes. The most powerful and dedicated healers' eyelids have fused with their face and they can no longer see, only sense objects around them that contain the life force"
And thinking more about that sensing thing, if you are dedicated enough you can learn it, but only really shabbily if you want to keep your sight. So like, you're pushing it if you want to sense trees. If Maui knows how to do this, /theoretically/ he can get around his house. In practice, though, this means he walks straight into anything plastic/metal/rock/dirt without living matter in it. Maui does not know how to do this
Heathen you are incredibly right I am pleased to know this!! Not that she was nearly killed and now needs to have two personal healers dedicated to keeping her alive at all times, but that you went full in on the "magic has consequences" route for your characters!! That part is always so so satisfying to me like yes there are stakes and everything has to be measured in terms of what you're willing to give and if you're not careful it'll end up taking from you instead. It puts magic into the same category as nature as this beautiful yet harsh and unforgiving thing, if that makes sense.
Also loving this Maui lore...how does he feel about this iron-fisted feared woman ruling the land? How did he even end up under her care? Did he enjoy his time there? Was his education sufficient? Does he appreciate and use what he learned or was he being used? I have very little context except that this lady was willing to give her all to him, which indicates a pretty intense bond--positive or negative, I don't know, but it sounds intense. I suppose a lot of this also depends on what kind of ruler she is--why is she feared? Is she good to her people? Is there love within that fear or is it hatred? So many questions....
The concept for the healers sounds fascinating as well, though I'm curious about channeling. Sounds like something with specific connotations in the world you've created so I don't know the extent of what it means, but it sounds important. That'd also introduce another interesting conundrum of injuries and conditions that are assessed based on sight. Bruises and other discoloration, rashes, lacerations, cuts, marks, etc. Because those can be very important medically and yet they would be unable to assess in those ways, either needing to rely on someone less committed to look over those details or relying on some other magical component to treat injuries. There's also the matter of objects that don't contain life force. Because it will only help to an extent, but that won't guide you around inanimate objects or structures...hmm, many ways to go with this one, I like it!!
also just realized that's what you mentioned in the last paragraph (I started responding to the second to last before reading it). I do think the mental image of Maui running into things is funny but simply because I only imagine it happening at full force. There's no caution or hesitation he just goes for it and then boom wall. he goes splat. he does not learn. he does it again.
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thesunisoutagain · 2 months
Journal 5 - Pachamama Alliance - Awakening the Dreamer Project 
Journal activities:
Section One: Where are we now? Hunger and poverty are decreasing, violent deaths are decreasing, people are living longer lives, and technology has effectively connected the whole planet. There are all undeniably good things. However, unfortunately, to get to those objectives there have been many sacrifices that have had extremely negative consequences on our Earth. Sustainability has become a secondary priority, sadly. Humans as a whole have continuously increased demands for resources, and on average we are using 50 percent more resources than what nature can provide. With how much we are taking, we might as well be adding in our own downfall since no civilization has ever survived the complete depletion and destruction of its natural support. Another sustainability issue is the rampant poverty that affects our Earth. As it goes now, the rich are getting increasingly richer and the poor are getting poorer. Billions of women around the world are denied educational and financial opportunities, and racism is engrained in many parts of society. Our increased time on technology has left less time for real human connection, causing a spike in mental illnesses, like anxiety and depression. These injustices plague our society and are intertwined with sustainability issues.
b. Section Two: How did we get here? When looking at any issue, it is important to find the root of the problem. Otherwise, you are just treating the symptoms and not the actual cause. Because of our culture, we like to find quick fixes for things, even with problems as serious as these ones. One of the biggest problems is that we have given all the rights to humans and none to the natural world. To us, we believe we are acting rationally and justly because we have been under the trance of the "modern world." One example given is how many people believe that polluting the environment is an inevitable part of human existence, when in reality there was a long period of time when it was not. Every day, people make assumptions to justify wasteful behavior because it is what we are used to.
c. Section Three: What is possible now? Giving up hope is the worst thing we can do for our planet. We forget how quickly things can change, both for the better and worse. Now more than ever, there is a surge in citizen activism since the growing state of our world situation has become too hard to ignore. Many nations, states, and cities are holding themselves accountable for our crisis, evoking groundbreaking research and initiatives. Implementing environmental solutions is essential in the fight for a sustainable world. Even the business world, one notorious for being profit-centric, has acknowledged the importance of our Earth and is working to redefine success in terms of sustainability as an essential factor. Something that was incredibly impactful in this section is the fact that, according to experts, we already have the resources and technology to solve most environmental problems. And, on top of that, we know what to do to fix them. Once again, the point that everything is connected was reiterated, and its importance in understanding is paramount. Overall, the quote "transform dark yesterday's into bright tomorrow," really stood out to me.
d. Where do we go from here? It is important to know and believe that an environmentally and socially sustainable future is possible and not out of reach. Many people are realizing the damage that is done and are striving to help create a more sustainable future. The speaker of this segment said "Life is no brief candle to me. It is a sort of splendid torch, which I have got to hold for a moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations." This quote is the essence of this lesson. Especially in America, individualism is a priority over the community, and that has caused us to turn away from each other and the Earth for our own selfish gains. In reality, our life is not just about us, but instead everyone around us and everyone who comes after us. It is our responsibility and duty to ensure we are continuously striving to make changes so our lights shine brighter. Everyone has a role to play, and it is important to learn what it is for you personally and play it. There is hope, and there will always be hope, but actions are essential for any progress to be made. As highlighted it is important to stay awake and in action by staying informed, going deeper, being a part of a community, and acting on projects that will make a difference.
2. What was your wow moment from the course? The idea that we have given all the rights to people and none to the natural world was a "wow" moment for me. I had never thought of it way before, and it being bluntly said was very impactful. I think everyone knows that nature is a living thing, but giving it its own autonomy is difficult because them we can't exploit it as we have. People are afraid of giving the natural world rights because it could damage their personal lifestyle and luxuries.
3. What is your overall reflection of the AWAKENING THE DREAMER online course? One of my favorite parts about this course is how it prompts you to reflect on how you are feeling and is very clear to only consume the content if you are feeling emotionally ok to. I appreciate this greatly since lots of times talking about environmental problems can be incredibly stressful and damaging to a person. Sometimes, when spreading information about the declining state of our environment, it can feel like fear-mongering because of how graphic it is displayed. This can have a horrid effect on someone's mental health, and usually has the opposite effect of its intentions. One can only help the environment if they first help themselves, after all, and I appreciate Awakening The Dreamer attention to that detail. The reflections were also super helpful in discovering ways I can specifically help the fight for sustainability. Many times with environmental issues, it can feel so helpless being just a single person when the majority of the damages are being done by major corporations and governments. That mentality, however, will help no one, and even the smallest of changes can have incredible effects.
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vegi1 · 1 year
Can Vegans Eat Insects?
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In many parts of the world, insects have been a major food source for centuries. Insects are considered a delicacy in places like Thailand, Mexico, and Africa. They are fried, seasoned, and served on a plate garnished with vegetables or pilaf.
I remember the first time I heard about people eating insects – I was like, “Eww, gross!” But the more I learned about it, the more fascinated I became.
People have been snacking on crunchy grasshoppers in Mexico, chewing on fried silkworm pupae in Korea, and savoring roasted ants in Africa for generations.
In fact, entomophagy (the practice of eating insects) is estimated to be a part of the traditional diets of at least 2 billion people worldwide.
For many, the idea of snacking on crickets or mealworms still seems out there.
However, with the rise of sustainable eating and a growing interest in alternative protein sources, insects are making their way onto more plates.
Lately, there’s been a lot of buzz around alternative protein sources, like insects. With the increasing demand for sustainable food options, people are exploring new ways of incorporating protein into their diets without relying on meat. There are conflicting opinions regarding the benefits and risks of incorporating insects into a vegetarian diet. One argument is that insects could be a sustainable protein option, reducing our reliance on resource-intensive livestock. They see it as an opportunity to address global food needs without harming the environment.
In a world where climate change is a significant concern, finding sustainable protein sources is more important than ever. Insects require far fewer resources to raise than traditional livestock and produce far fewer greenhouse gases.
Conversely, there are also ethical concerns surrounding the consumption of insects.
Vegans believe that insects are sentient beings capable of feeling pain and suffering and should not be exploited for food.
But, Some people argue that it’s impossible to know for sure whether insects are capable of experiencing pain and that their simplicity of nervous systems means they are less likely to suffer than more complex animals like cows or pigs.
Personally, I believe insects, too, have their place in the delicate balance of our ecosystem, and it’s important to treat all living beings with respect and compassion, whether they’re cows or crickets.
One of the main concerns with consuming insects is the risk of contamination. Insects can carry harmful bacteria and viruses, such as salmonella and E. coli, that can cause food poisoning and other health problems. Since insects are often collected from the wild or bred in uncontrolled environments, there is a higher risk of contamination than conventional livestock.
Additionally, there is a risk of allergic reactions to insect proteins. Some people may have a pre-existing allergy to certain types of insects, which can cause severe reactions. It’s important to note that insect allergies are not as widely studied as other food allergies. So, the risk is not well understood.
Another concern with consuming insects is the potential dangers associated with harvesting them. Some methods of insect collection, such as using pesticides or collecting from contaminated areas, can introduce harmful chemicals into the food chain. These chemicals can accumulate in the insects and risk human health.
Another ethical consideration is the impact that mass insect farming could have on the environment.
While insects are incredibly sustainable and require far fewer resources to raise than traditional livestock, it’s important to consider the potential negative consequences of large-scale insect farming.
From an environmental standpoint, insects might have a smaller carbon footprint than traditional livestock. However, let’s remember that plenty of plant-based protein options can meet our nutritional needs without compromising our vegetarian values. We can fuel our bodies and nourish our souls while staying true to our commitment to animal rights.
So, my fellow herbivores, let’s stick to our greens, beans, and tofu delights! By embracing a vegetarian diet, we’re positively impacting the world. We’re reducing animal suffering, minimizing our ecological footprint, and showing the world that compassion can be truly delicious.
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capsteam9 · 2 years
Not known Incorrect Statements About Pin on Fibromyalgia Recovery
Fibromyalgia Recovery Stories: Patient Fibromyalgia Stories along with a variation! When chatting concerning how to gotten rid of a debilitating pain, you may listen to even more concerning how to be on a greater or lesser dosage because of the raised risk for brittle bones. But one-third of all people who possess osteoporosis possess signs of it, and a lot of of those individuals who are not utilizing it understand they can receive another disorder as effectively, say the authors. Patient Fibromyalgia Stories along with a distinction! When chatting about patients along with Fibromyalgia, a great deal is possibly going to be mentioned pertaining to the impacts these illnesses possess on their physical bodies. If you've ever invested any kind of opportunity at an inpatient or outpatient center, you'll see that patients along with higher blood stream tension, shared complications, and queasiness regularly experience painful pain, specifically in the hips and the lower back.
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Being sick with an 'incurable' ailment such as Fibromyalgia may be incredibly lonely, so inevitably people find fibromyalgia tales to discover what it is is like for others to be residing with fibromyalgia, but regrettably, there are not enough fibromyalgia rehabilitation tales being discussed on the world wide web. It helps make sense that not all fibromyalgia recovery accounts will come coming from people along with fibromyalgia. These web pages shares fibromyalgia stories along with a variation. The stories are about all styles of fibromyalgia instances and there aren't a whole lot of various tales. Our understanding is that what we experience has to perform along with how a condition is treated at the end of a pattern. What are Fibromyalgia Signs? Fibromyalgia indicators are described as: a high-grade clinical depression or ache in the lower legs or buttocks. These stories don't only concentrate on what it is like to live along with fibromyalgia, how individuals adapt along with the problems, the lack of understanding coming from household, close friends and also wellness experts, but it focusses on how people discovered their 'fibromyalgia remedy' to bounce back their health. In specific, individuals who suffer from fibromyalgia who are in simple fact living along with the debilitating physical symptoms that can easily happen along with the disorder who are frequently being forced to live along with it. So every fibromyalgia account listed here, is in truth a fibromyalgia rehabilitation tale and every story is different. But what is Check For Updates about a fibromyalgia recovery is the tale goes back and forth. The story has actually a much more sensible appearance and there is actually an simpler appeal. The concentration of the story is much less regarding the story and even more concerning how and why our physical body responds in different ways to our fibromyalgia. During my disease, one of the very most collapsing things was not listening to other folks bounce back from Fibromyalgia, so I assumed it wasn't feasible. It's not possible that my life would be the very same if I hadn't listened to regarding it and not gotten the help in a means that created sense. One-time, uncomfortable disease It's hard to point out how severe my problem was. I was laid up for a 12-day duration of six full weeks. (because we all understand there is actuallyn't a one suits all treatment for fibromyalgia!). In this blog post, we'll look into the techniques we can easily assist those of us experiencing these ailments acquire the treatment they need. In some ways, our individual take ins have been special. Yet our struggles remain our accounts. The very most effectively understood is the constant, compulsive condition. The individual is constantly trying to get a diagnosis, also to this day. Consequently one of the factors I really preferred to do was pick up and share Fibromyalgia Recovery Stories to offer hope to folks still suffering along with this sickness. I've acquired a wealth of stories regarding other people experiencing coming from Fibromyalgia (some through various other heirs!). and likewise discussed it below along with a wonderful follower. It's a wonderful place to acquire the stories you need to have to know and share them along with others after being identified. I truly hope this assortment of tales will definitely inspire even more folks to take it seriously.
If you know someone who has recuperated from fibromyalgia, please talk to them to call me to discuss their story or if you yourself have recuperated from Fibromyalgia, please get in touch with me directly right here. If you have possessed this disorder, please phone her, inform her your story regarding the discomfort and the relief, you are going to shed a great deal of body weight and you are probably going to experience much better, and you are incredibly relaxed along with your rehabilitation and you will experience much better. Besides Fibromyalgia recovery accounts, I likewise discuss accounts of rehabilitation coming from ME/CFS, PVFS, POTS, MCS and various other similar syndromes. My experience in this area of my recuperation has enhanced considerably due to some new research study. There is a fantastic offer of historical documentation of enhancement. My counselor, Dr. Paul G. Fagan, MD, is one of the primary professionals in the progression of ME/CFS. You can find the complete list of recovery interviews and recuperation stories. Bouncing back from an injury Some folks recuperate through being literally rehabilitated, whether it be training, rehabilitation, or just re-doing a rehab session once more. The recovery from an accident is similar to how lots of of us can go on to the next difficulty. It might be time to start presuming regarding how to improve. Best want, Dan RECOVERY STORIES DISCLAIMER: RECOVERY Accounts Please note: Please note that the folks sharing their tales right here have gone through their personal adventure of healing coming from Fibromyalgia individually from the author of this website and related material. They supply their opinions or info coming from a different point of view to reflect that of their visitors. Readers might determine to click on on the unsubscribe button beneath to inform them of any kind of improvements in their health and wellness or way of living.
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Liberty CBD Gummies:- Liberty CBD Gummies are made with full-spectrum hemp extract, that is non-psychoactive since it does not consist of THC. The producer uses non-GM elements inclusive of sunflower oil and citric acid, as well as malic acid. They're additionally the various most delicious CBD-infused gummies on the market, with appealing tastes like strawberry lemonade and green apple, in addition to gluten-loose and vegan alternatives.
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Liberty CBD Gummies Reviews:-
CBD oils have skyrocketed in reputation due to the fact they provide same consequences as CBD does, which is why people started taking them. It's been stated that CBD improves the oil's capability to paintings quick, ensuing in much less time spent with bone soreness. Doctors have taken a liking to and supported CBD for its scientific programs, which is why it's been dubbed "miracle" medication.
All we will consider in recent times on the subject of ache is eating CBD gummies. Now that there are so many awesome oils available on the market, choosing one is probably tough, and most effective Liberty CBD Gummies can offer what you need. The CBD gummies are a incredible training based totally on selected and processed herbs and their pure extracts that may be used to treat ache.
What Are Liberty CBD Gummies?
Liberty CBD Gummies are made with full-spectrum hemp extract, that's non-psychoactive because it does not encompass THC. The producer makes use of non-GM ingredients including sunflower oil and citric acid, in addition to malic acid. They're also most of the most scrumptious CBD-infused gummies on the market, with attractive tastes like strawberry lemonade and inexperienced apple, in addition to gluten-free and vegan options.
All of Joy Organics' merchandise are subjected to an unbiased, 1/3-birthday celebration inspection to make certain that they may be secure and effective. You'll experience relaxed within the expertise that those CBD Gummies have not been tampered with, so you can begin the usage of them.
Each batch of these CBD gummy bears is identified by using a completely unique batch number on the manufacturer's website, which corresponds to the lab consequences from trying out. It has the entirety you need to recognise, consisting of the whole efficiency of the gummy. CBD Gummies are a amazing manner to unwind after an extended day at paintings or reduce your pressure tiers.
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Why choose Liberty CBD Gummies?
CBD gummies are a first-rate option for a spread of motives, no longer the least of that is their comfort. Many of those drugs are natural and are used to remedy a extensive range of illnesses adequately and efficiently. CBD gummies are very popular everywhere in the world and end up a success after performing on Shark Tank shows. The extensive majority of people in many countries are the usage of CBD edibles to improve their health and reduce pressure with out spending plenty time.
Liberty CBD Gummies are fantastic gadgets that can help humans gain a wholesome, properly-toned frame.
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CBD Oil: It is derived from the extraction of only a unmarried particular stress containing Liberty CBD Gummies, and earlier than it may be used in gummy form, it became subjected to rigorous testing.
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Liberty CBD Gummies Benefits:-
These gummies are supposed to be very beneficial nutritional dietary supplements that may help with a number of intellectual and bodily issues, in keeping with the manufacturer. The first-rate aspect approximately this fitness supplement is that it is natural, secure, and freed from any dangerous side outcomes. The following are more than one the product's benefits.
Anxiety and tension comfort: One of the primary functions of this complement is to lessen anxiety and anxiety. These gummies undergo the body and nourish the brain. CBD has been proven in research to help with anxiety and melancholy by way of going through the body after ingestion.
Provides ache and soreness alleviation: This supplement might help you sense higher with the aid of lowering bodily pains and aches.
Improves Focus and Clarity: These gummies can assist with concentration and clarity. It's less difficult to attention when someone is in a good mood.
Restful sleep: Because many individuals suffer from sleeplessness, CBD may additionally help them conquer it by using making them feel calmer.
Inflammation is decreased: The candies encompass anti-inflammatory compounds which can help to lessen inflammation. The gummy may aid within the discount of irritation and help you live a more fit life.
Stop smoking: It is claimed to assist the person in quitting smoking.
Are there any facet effects of Liberty CBD Gummies?
The one component human beings wanted to realize changed into about protection, and it is a pleasure to tell them that Liberty CBD Gummies may be trusted for ache relief and don't have any bad aspect consequences. It is a reality that Liberty CBD Gummies include a medical warranty. This fitness supplement is the best in every way. Even a short length of pain is excruciating, and people are desperate for instant consequences from any pain alleviation medicine they use. Getting that is the most disheartening aspect, and with Liberty CBD Gummies' arrival, human beings's dread of having it has passed. Prepare to be ache-loose without any opportunity of damaging results.
What Are The Pros Of The Liberty CBD Gummies?
Somaesthesia reduction the use of epidemic paralysis
Temper cramps and panic assaults are prevented.
Neurogenesis and reminiscence are aided by this diet.
The requirement of a nutrition or connection among neurons​
What Are The Cons Of The Liberty CBD Gummies?
Shopping for objects at the net is getting extra hard.
Offline purchases aren't possible.
It's not suggested for pregnant girls.
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How does it paintings?
These gummies are made from amazing organic additives, which is right for individuals who want to get the most out of these gummies while not having to devour greater. There are numerous methods to apply these gummies, and they come with a slew of advantages.
It's truly easy to take this supplement. The company offers designated commands on the way to use the product for splendid consequences. According to the company's authentic website, those gummies have to be fed on regularly. There is not any threat in using them, and that they do no longer create addictions. They are completely safe to eat each day.
Customer Reviews and comments about this:
The information that offer the maximum inference reveals a regular growth in Liberty CBD Gummies CBD Gummy income. The reviews also display how individuals are the usage of the product for pain alleviation on a ordinary or growing foundation. The originality and authenticity of the product have been diagnosed, in addition to the changes that its utilization has added to human beings's lives. The quickest collection of outcomes became the best because every person agreed.
Liberty CBD Gummies Pricing:
The following are the reductions available at the website:
One bottle of Liberty CBD Gummies fee at $60.04+$9.95 delivery
Two bottles of Liberty CBD Gummies rate at $fifty three.33+loose transport
Three bottles of Liberty CBD Gummies fee at $39.99+loose delivery
Refund and money-again guarantee
The gummies are included by a one-month product assure. If a customer is unhappy with the product's performance, the manufacturer will supply a complete refund. Check the website for any updates in phrases and conditions of rate alternatives to make sure that no scams broaden as the brand grows in recognition over the next few months.
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Where to Buy Liberty CBD Gummies?
Liberty CBD Gummies are without problems accessible via the organisation's number one internet site. It's a three-step process that you could go through in seconds. To start, you must whole a form. Second, you must well recognize and practice. Finally, you should pay for the object. After that, the corporation will begin delivery.
Liberty CBD Gummies Conclusion:
The CBD Gummies are a strong aggregate of natural additives. The attraction of these CBD sweets is self-glaring. This recipe is nicely-acquired by using users, despite their hectic schedules. Users can also consume those meals at the cross or at work to present them a touch greater energy. The gummies' flavors range from bitter apple and pomegranate to lemon meringue. Each dice has 10 milligrams of CBD, tapioca, and cane sugar. The sweets are gluten and vegan-friendly. They're safe to eat given that they do not include any TGC. Strawberry and green apple flavored goodies are among the maximum popular in the marketplace.
Liberty CBD Gummies offer the proper amount of CBD per serving as advocated via researchers for sooner or later's usage. The gummies are THC-unfastened, making them non-psychoactive. They're additionally one of the most excellent CBD edibles you'll ever attempt! Cannabis has each THC and CBD, cannabinoids that mimic the ECS's manufacturing of endocannabinoids. One manner to avoid the legitimacy problem is to make it less complicated for traders to discover who owns what. This will assist conventional currencies maintain their validity and prevent future possession transfers from transferring around.
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ildre · 2 years
Billy Hargrove Is a Secret Nerd
For a long time I've been wondering why the ‘Billy Hargrove is a secret nerd’ trope is so popular in the harringrove fandom.
Obviously, there is some circumstantial evidence. First of all, it’s his uncanny power of observation. But it is explained easily by his being from a dysfunctional family: he has to be an observant kid to survive. It's really important with a father like Neil.
Besides, it is his ability to be focused. But it is not convincing enough. A lot of disadvantaged children can be really focused on some special interest to get distracted from their real life. It's a kind of escapism.
It’s his aspiration to be the best in the things he likes whether it’s basketball or bodybuilding or drinking games. Partly, it's a direct consequence of his concentration skills, partly it's an influence of his very patriarchal and hierarchical environment, especially of his father. He has to be the best of the best to make a reputation and earn some respect, and, as the final result, to survive in the very unhealthy and aggressive society he lives in.
It's his ability to spot the cause of trouble and word it out in a matter of seconds. Actually, in my thinking, that looks more promising than each of the things named above because it tells us he is not only an observant guy but also he has a skill to analyse situations and put his thoughts into words. But he isn't really good at communicating because he talks with people the way he is used to being talked to. He communicates at the level 'I see the goal, I see no obstacles' and while talking to his peers, he couldn’t care less about being polite or amiable.
Finally, it is his taste in music. He's a fan of Metallica in autumn 1984 when the band had hardly released their second album and by that time only real fans of heavy metal managed to dig them.
But all of it is just circumstantial evidence. The best proof of his nerdiness is his preference in literature. Besides, that is an interesting and unobvious parallel with Will Byers because the book we can see on Billy's vanity is 'My Life and Hard Times' by James Thurber, the great American satirist artist of his time and also a writer, the author of ‘The Secret Life of Walter Mitty’. I guess it should be an iconic story to each and every dreamer of the world.
Actually we know a bit about who Billy really is and what he really wants and what he really dreams about. But finding that book, I’d say he is a smart kid who is into art but he has to disguise it because he doesn't want to be abused by his father and his classmates. Billy has no mother who would stand by him and shield him from jeering, as Joyce has been doing for Will. So he has to hide it. Billy is really good at hiding, and so is Will, though the former seeks shelter in his mind palace while the latter has to use a mundane hovel.
Billy is so good at hiding that eventually his mask adheres to his face and becomes a part of his personality. After reading 'Runaway Max', we can see that staying impervious and elusive is an important part of his rhetoric, and it definitely leaves an imprint on his demeanour.
Maybe Billy used to dream of becoming a hero to protect himself and his friends but now he is so scared of being discovered that he treats Max like garbage instead. I guess he thinks he is teaching her for her own good but he is obviously wrong.
I wonder what James Thurber is to Billy. Is he a source of inspiration? A role model? Or just a piece of a dream that will never come true? Who knows.
Well, anyway I admire the way the magic of cinema works. It's such a little thing. The book appears on the screen for a split second and that's enough for creating an image of a street-smart kid in fandom's mind. It’s incredible.
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