#in which shane is very very digital
koushirouizumi · 11 months
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs 02 + O.C.s
Ken, wiping away a Single (very fake) tear: Today we lost our dear friend Shane. SHANE (Hiding if not actually Stuck in Digital form): STOP Telling everyone I'm dEAD--- DAISUKE (Confuse?): Sometimes I still hear Shane's voice...? SHANE: SHANE: I'm not playing games with you two tonight. DAISUKE, DISTRESSED: Oh cOME ON-----
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I don't want to hijack anyone's post so I'm putting my two cents about media piracy/preservation here.
As someone who literally grew up in the era of "Keep Circulating Those Tapes", I have this thing about keeping things. About "owning" them.
If I like something, be it a fanfic or a tv show or even a yt video, I save it. I literally pay money for a yearly subscription to one of the best stream ripping programs out there because I'm obsessive about this. Before that, it was ripping websites. Before that? P2P. Before that it was literally copying and pasting text into a MS Works document and printing it out.
I have fanfictions still printed out from 20 years ago. Catherine Semerjain, one of the biggest authors of Shane McMahon fanfiction in the 90s... I have her stories printed out and saved in little books. Encyclopedia Xenaica, a proto-version of a fan wiki, I have printed out and saved in it's ENTIRETY from before it was taken down.
Yes, I printed a WIKI. This was 2000, the internet was small back then.
This behavior has never stopped.
It has, however, transformed.
So damn many data discs. SO MANY. I have volumes upon volumes of data discs of media that I saved because you literally never know when or where shit will vanish. Somewhere, I have a full series burn (absolute potato) of "You Can't Do That On Television" because that series evaporated for decades until someone uploaded the converted tapes, only for it to vanish again.
But it is preserved. I have it. On disc. On file. On backup.
My backups have backups.
I have FIVE external hard drives, the smallest of which is 3 TB. That's also the oldest and everything on there is backed up at least one other place.
The point I'm making is that I am obsessive about hard copies of things and I have even more digitally.
And it's all because I remember the 90s.
I remember before the internet, before there was streaming, before TV on DVD. Back when if you liked a show you damn sure better have your VHS running when it was on because you might not get a second chance. (I'm looking at you 90s Shanie who accidentally taped over the original broadcast of Xena's banned episode). I have been hardwired to distrust the internet as an archive because I've gotten hurt so many times.
Listen to me closely.
Streaming has never been a savior.
If it's on the internet it is, by definition, temporary. They say "the internet is forever" but that's a lie. Very few things on the internet are truly forever. Everything ends, everything fades, and if you don't preserve these streaming shows while they're around you're gonna find yourself empty handed the moment that the winds change and the mood shifts. Seriously, there's tutorials out there on how to do piracy right. Read them. Learn them. Love them.
Then start doing it.
Because it's been made very clear that corporations don't give a shit about preserving media. It's up to us.
It's always been up to us.
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ananimice · 2 months
I have a headache, but this is all anyone's talking about, so let's talk about it.
Watcher TV. No matter where you stand, I think it's safe to say you love Shane, Steven, and Ryan. If you only love one or two of them over the others, I think it's safe to say your opinion doesn't really matter because you're blinded by your own biases. Frankly, it appears like a lot of the fandom was secretly harboring some pretty hateful thoughts about them, which is arguably more disappointing than the whole situation put together.
Yeah, when it was announced, I was bummed. I know people who had caught on to the idea of it before the announcement who stated they would be bummed too. We worried about the accessibility of their content and the availability, the impact it would have on such a small and young company, but y'know what? We all had the same concerns when Watcher was first founded. We worried about BuzzFeed Unsolved and how they'd ever have such a popular show, wondered if they'd still grow or if they'd have trouble finding a fan base on their own. When covid hit in full force, I think it those concerns grew ten fold with content becoming completely digital and distance based. But we made it through. That first episode of Too Many Spirits, with them all outside under the stars and that beautiful fire lighting them up - that was like a beacon of hope in itself. Things were going to be okay, no matter what.
I guess what I'm trying to say is... Just give it a chance. Put your irrational fears behind you and trust that these three guys have it under control. I guarantee Ryan and Steven at the very least have gone over every angle of their business model and came to this as the best solution for them. If you can't afford it, find a friend or two and split it. If you don't have a digital payment method, go buy a visa gift card. Support your favorite creators.
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lucy-the-demon · 7 months
Lucy goes on a ramble about character designs and how Harveys character design sucks in comparison to others
Hear me out.
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The best character designs in my opinion are designs that tell you something about the character, very few times deviating from that actually work
Let's start by comparing Raymond to Harvey Both work in an office of some sort, they're similar looking, but Raymond has more personality and looks way better then Harvey (in my opinion)
Raymond is a smug villager from animal crossing, they're charismatic, snarky and full of themselves.
Harvey Is there.. but let's talk about what little personality i can see with him. He's anxious, he's quiet but he's apparently kind and extremely patient
Theirs a reason why people were in love with Raymond in 2020, overrated or not the character is well designed.
When i look at Harvey, I see a serial killer or a creep, intimidating perhaps, not an anxious guy who's sweet and extremely patient with everyone. His older designs looked more like that than the final design.
When I look at Raymond, I see a snarky charismatic, office worker. Which is exactly what he is
And Sdv has great character designs,
Like Shane he looks disheveled, he looks tired, his hoodie has holes in it and it's stretched out implying it needs to be replaced, it's been overused. his hair is oily, it implies that hes messy and doesn't care about himself which is exactly what he is. It's amazing character design, it's absolutely fantastic and it makes me absolutely go feral
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Sam is another great example, his collar stands up, showing he's rebellious, his clothes look like something a rock star would wear, but his color palette is bright and welcoming which makes him look friendly and approachable, charismatic even, which is exactly who he is, he's very friendly to everyone he meets it seems.
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I could go on forever about all the great Stardew valley character designs (Elliott, Sebastian, Maru, etc..) but we dont have all day.
I'm very passionate about character design if you can't tell.
But Harvey's character design says nothing that explains his personality, it says nothing, it shows the opposite of kind, patient and friendly, he looks intimidating to me, I don't think that's what concerned ape was going for when he made him as I said his older designs portrayed that anxious patient and sweet personality more than his final design does.
This really is a shit post and a half but I don't know what to say really, i just wanted to talk about character design and how Harvey's character design isn't very good. In my opinion at least
Even though I don't like Harvey, I won't shame you for liking him as a character, I like to poke fun at fans of Harvey but that's just it, just poking fun. It's a joke, I like to make jokes but whether they're funny or not is up to you, but this is a genuine thing I feel, that his character design doesn't reflect him as a character and it doesn't make him feel approachable or friendly to me, he freaks me out really and scares me away. His character design poorly reflects his personality to me at least.
The artists of this fandom do better work reflecting his character with than the game itself does despite the poor design he was given, but that's just the magic of art style and expression it's probably hard to reflect his personality despite the design he has. It can be done, I've seen people do it very well but sadly the game did him dirty I'd say at least in the design category. No offense to concerned ape though, most of this game is very well done and absolutely beautiful, honestly i could never do pixel art as well as he can and i won't even attempt it honestly, I'll stick to my mechanical pencils and paper to sketch and my tablet to digitalize it.
But that's all really I gotta say here, I'll see ya later..
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ectonurites · 8 months
This is sooo not anything but I think it's funny to see a red streak in (SPOILERS) SB:MOT on his evil clone guy man and then see pics on tumblr of him with the shitty red dye in That backup... Queue buzzfeed unsolved Shane and Ryan: "I've connected the dots" "you haven't connected shit"
LMAO YEAH. i got another ask bringing that up the other day right when the issue had dropped too:
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And like. it's funny! it really is funny to try to think of an in-universe rationale for why that would happen. but honestly, truthfully, i think this happening speaks to the greater problem here which is that DC editorial is not communicating well between teams/books and it is glaringly obvious and insanely fucking frustrating.
To have two books released the same week physically (Superboy: The Man of Tomorrow #6 did get digital release a week earlier, but still, it and Action Comics #1057 both hit the brick & mortar comic shops the same release day) where in one Kon goes up in a big intense fight against a clone of himself with a red streak in his hair (that he GLADLY BEATS THE SHIT OUT OF FOR CATHARSIS) and in the other Kon suddenly bleaches & dyes a streak of his hair red out of nowhere...
Yet there is NO acknowledgment of this very specific similarity???
Like, the writer of the AC #1057 Kon backup mentioned that the artist initially tried blue but it blended in too much so they went with red—so it pretty clearly wasn't intentionally a reference to the situation with Travv to begin with—hence no acknowledgement. It genuinely seems like just a random coincidence.
I've been mulling it over in my head a little bit this week and it clicked to me that... the one direct reference AC #1057's Kon backup makes to SB:MOT—to Pa saying 'you just need to find your Metropolis'—is something that was literally part of the 10-page Round Robin preview for the book before it even won the vote. It's from issue one. Nothing else from the mini is directly referenced and frankly characterization, character development, and costume changes from the rest of it were flat-out ignored...
And I just personally find it really really fucking hard to believe that an editor—someone whose job is supposed to include making continuity at least sort of make sense between books—would actually read SB:MOT #5-6 (in which the Travv inhabiting the clone of Kon situation occurred) and see NOTHING weird/off about having Kon then go dye his hair nearly the exact same way...
So I really am starting to think they (team behind AC #1057 Kon backup) may have just... read the SB:MOT Round Robin preview and maybe the rest of #1, figured they got the gist of the mini from that, and didn't look at the rest/discuss what was happening in the rest of the book with the team making it.
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blueskygelato · 4 months
Fancuries FYC, Heck Yeah!
Hi, folks! I hope you all are doing well. I’m InfiStudios, friendly neighborhood jumping spider and fanseries fanatic, and I’m so, so excited for this year’s Fancuries. I always love seeing everyone’s amazing creativity, and because this year is the first where I’m actually participating, I finally have a chance to babble about my own fanseries. 
Speaking of my own work, the bulk of it is my Halloween fanseries. They’re an annual tradition for me, and I consider them my main fanseries. 
Horroriffic is the first of the Halloween fanseries. Its motifs are classic monsters, light, and Victorian/gaslamp aesthetics, and its core themes are power, connection, and legacy.
It has an info doc that’s very much under construction here if you’d like to read more about it!
The second of the Halloween fanseries, Horrorshow has films as its core motif and draws a lot on 1950s aesthetics as well, and its themes are treating others and yourself with kindness. It follows Ethel Bleak, a horribly anxious star student who works part-time at the Caligari Film Library…a job that gets far too interesting when an accident sends the malevolent spirits housed within cursed films on a destructive rampage through the city of Hitchworth. Luckily, there’s a solution to this. Using the power of the three remaining Curses, Ethel and two of her co-workers - annoying, cruel know-it-all Cebe Wood and laid-back, sarcastic Shane Tamboli - can transform into warriors called Pretty Cure and fight back against the monsters. 
Its characters have toyhou.se pages here.
The third of the Halloween fanseries, Monstrosity’s core motif is monsters under the bed, and its core themes are the bonds between people and the idea of community. 
Pellinore Valiente Denton was only six when the tip of Mount Etna exploded, sending a brilliant beam of light into the sky and calling the monsters out of the shadows. She’s lived her whole life in a strange world, a world lit every waking moment by fluorescent lights and constant, thrumming fear. In the midst of all this, her parents have moved back to their hometown of Huerta, TX in order to work on some sort of project, which Pellinore isn’t over the moon about - she’s tired of having to say goodbye to every friend she’s ever made. Fortunately for her, though, she’s about to make another one. Not two days into their stay there, Huerta throws off its sleepy small-town guise. In the middle of a celebration of Dia de los Muertos, the lake the community borders erupts in exactly the same way Mt. Etna did. It showers the community in a strange light, brings a rainstorm that lasts for days on end, and rockets the populace into a new state of terror - terror that turns out to be well-founded, because soon after the town is attacked by a bizarre monster that can walk in the light and resembles a member of the community. Pellinore is terrified, but somehow, she knows she can help fight it. Drawing on her love of magical girls and a new kind of power, she transforms into a warrior known as Cure Weaver. 
The only catch? Her powers called a monster to her - Aracan, a cocky smart-aleck who’s Pellinore’s opposite in every way…and also, apparently, her partner as a Pretty Cure. Now, Pellinore finds herself under new pressure - not only must she succeed as a student and make new friends, she must hide Aracan from the populace, deal with the monsters, and unravel the mysteries of Huerta. 
Its characters have a work-in-progress toyhou.se page here. 
I also draw! I'm a traditional artist (digital art scares me), and I really love it. Here are some examples of my work!
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Horroriffic's vampiric team leader, Ifiok/Cure Rise
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Her teammate, Cure Whirlpool...
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...and Whirlpool's successor, Cure Abyss!
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The members of Team Horrorshow! From left to right, Cures Haunting, Abduction, and Verdant
Thank you so much for your time; I so appreciate it! I'm so excited to see what this year's Fancuries have to offer, and I hope you have a lovely day!
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autisticdreamdrop · 2 years
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they're all autistic kiddos!!
autism has no look.
autism is a spectrum.
there is no one way to be autistic.
being an undiagnosed autistic child was very hard on us. shout out to the autistic kids, teens and adults.
we were born autsitic, and we will die autistic.
oh and *whisper* the child on the right is nonbinary..
art - drawn by Shane and Theo
art account - @germcore
🎭 - The Dreamdrop System
image description : a digital art drawing of 3 children. left to right there is a boy stimming, a girl sitting patiently, and a nonbinary child stimming by rubbing their rabbit plushie. top text: which child is autsitic? bottom text: answer: they all are! autism has no look. end ID
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jacketrepresents · 6 months
i have been Tagged by @dare-g - thanks :D
last song i listened to: nick cave’s performance of a rainy night in soho at shane macgowan’s funeral
last movie i watched: the talented mr. ripley - what a picture! for some reason i didn’t think i would like it at first, on some level i am suspicious of matt damon even though by now i’ve really liked him in a few things. and i was totally wrong, very cool movie. in a way…. we are all the talented mr. ripley #godbless
currently watching: six feet under with my mom, we always have some network tv show we’re working on, usually one she wants to revisit that i’ve never seen before. this one isn’t really my thing but that’s life. frances conroy slays though & my late uncle plays a homophobic deacon in a couple episodes, i always love seeing him pop up in things :)
other things i’ve watched this year: oh god, so much. as far as tv goes, my favorites have been peep show, veep, succession season 4 (the prior two are both succession writers’ projects as well lol) and a rewatch of (most of) search party. vis à vis movies… oh man. i’ll do an end of year list soon (the year is ending soon????) because there have been so many i’ve absolutely loved
currently reading: well. not much. :/ though for some reason the past few years i’ve found that i’m able to focus on reading better when i’m away from this house (who knows what’s going on there) so hopefully i can get a book or two in when i’m dog sitting in a couple weeks, fingers crossed!
currently listening to: i have been in screamales mode since the breakup a couple days ago
currently working on: a final paper about nēhiyawēwin, the Plains Cree language, which has been very interesting to learn about
current obsession: an end to western hegemony within our lifetime
i never know whether to tag or not to tag with these things so feel free to do it or not!!! but here goes @wickedbitchin @digital-bitch @dinosaurbitingyoubitingyou @unrealityofhere @gaspard-de-la-nuit @polarorangedry @lesbianjonimitchell @lamplightjuniper @multisockdrifting @indominusalex
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cryptidhusband · 10 months
I apologize in advance for the long F/O list. I have a very big heart and a lot of love to go around.
As stated in my abt me post, my main is @r3d4rmy and is where the majority of my non-F/O content gets reblogged, this includes just normal art of F/Os. However the tagging system for characters will be the same over there as it is her!
Reminder; I love interacting with people who share F/Os with me! :D
List goes alphabetical by series name then name.
[Name] | [Source] | [Tag]
Updated as of; 01/22/24
F/O count: 56 (Oh lawrt x.x)
btw not all of my F/Os will be listed, only my carrd (which I choose not to share) has all of them. Instead I am just gonna list the ranks I think are important. I split my carrd up by 5 ranks; mains, brainrot, major, minor, and the backrooms. The backrooms are the only rank not listed and not included in the F/O count. Some F/Os from other ranks are also not included for personal reasons.
Simon "Ghost" Riley // Call of Duty Modern Warefare // 💀Ghost
Danny "Ghostface" Johnson // Dead by Daylight // 🔪Ghostie
Tord // Eddsworld // 🔫Tord
Alhaitham // Genshin Impact // 📖Alhaitham
Zhongli // Genshin Impact // 🧡Zhongli
Ingo // Pokemon // 🖤Ingo
Sergent John Captain "Tankman" // Tankmen (FNF) // 🔫Captain
Astarion // Baldur's Gate 3 // 🩸Astarion
Keegan P. Russ // Call of Duty Ghosts // 💀Keegan
Michael Afton // Five Nights at Freddy's // 🔦Mikey
Kaeya Alberich // Genshin Impact // ❄️Kaeya
Tartaglia "Childe" // Genshin Impact // 🌊Childe
Gepard Landau // Honkai Star Rail // ❄️Gepard
Deimos // Madness Combat // 💻Deimos
Ruv // Mid-Fight Masses // 💜Ruv
Red // Pokemon // ❤️Red
Peter B. Parker // The Spiderverse Movies // 🕷️Peter B
König // Call of Duty Modern Warfare // 👑König
Simon Henriksson // Cry of Fear // 🔦Simon
Rory Williams // Doctor Who // 🌠Rory
Tom // Eddsworld // 🍺Tom
Mike Schmidt // Five Nights at Freddy's movie // 🔦Mikey-Movie
Scaramouche "Wanderer" // Genshin Impact // 🌌Scara
Sodo // Ghost // 🎸Sodo
Dirk Strider // Homestuck // 🧢Dirk
Glitchy Red // Hypno's Lullaby (Creepypasta) // ❤️Glitchy
Sasara Nurude // Hypnosis Mic // 💚Sasara
Reigen Aratake // Mob Psycho 100 // 👻Reigen
The Batter // OFF // ⚾Batter
Angela "Mercy" Ziegler // Overwatch // 🕊️Mercy
Hanzo Shimada // Overwatch // 🐉Hanzo
Ethan Winters // Resident Evil // 🍄Ethan
Leon S. Kennedy // Resident Evil // 🔫Leon
Bandit Heeler // Bluey // 💙Bandit
Chilli Heeler // Bluey // 🧡Chilli
Cole // Blush Blush // 🔍Cole
Red Velvet Cookie // Cookie Run Kingdom // 🍰Velvet
Frank "Legion" Morrison // Dead by Daylight // 🔪Frank
Daycare Attendant // Five Nights at Freddy's // 🌑DCA
Dave Strider // Homestuck // 💿Dave
Gentaro Yumeno // Hypnosis Mic // 💜Gentaro
Hifumi Izanami // Hypnosis Mic // 💛Hifumi
Dan Heng // Honkai Star Rail // 🍃Dan Heng
Hank J. Wimbleton // Madness Combat // 🔫Hank
Coco Pommel // MLP FIM // 🧵Coco
Nurse Redheart // MLP FIM // 💊Redheart
Jumin Han // Mystic Messenger // 📱Jumin
Cole Cassidy // Overwatch // ☀️Cassidy
Pico // Pico's School (Friday Night Funkin) // 🔫Pico
Loid "Twilight" Forger // Spy x Family // 🔍Loid
Shane // Stardew Valley // 🌶️Shane
Jax // The Amazing Digital Circus // 🐇Jax
Hizen Tadahiro // Touken Ranbu // ⚔️Hizen
Wally Darling // Welcome Home // 🎨Wally
Notable Crushes ;
Shadowheart // Baldur's Gate 3
Gary "Roach" Sanderson // Call of Duty Modern Warfare
John Ward // FAITH
Jonesy // Fortnite
Meow Skulls // Fortnite
Johnny Cage // Mortal Kombat
HUNK // Resident Evil
Ramona Flowers // Scott Pilgrim
Notable QPPs ;
Renee "Wraith" Blasey // Apex Legends
John Price // Call of Duty Modern Warfare
Johnny "Soap" MavTavish // Call of Duty Modern Warfare
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick // Call of Duty Modern Warfare
Dr. Spencer Reid // Criminal Minds
Tori // Eddsworld (Ellsworld)
Notable Familial ;
Bingo Heeler // Bluey
Bluey Heeler // Bluey
Derek Morgan // Criminal Minds
Noelle // Genshin Impact
Bobby Singer // Supernatural
flower // Vocaloid
Notable Platonic ;
Coco // Animal Crossing
Foxy // Five Nights at Freddy's
Toy Bonnie // Five Nights at Freddy's
Derpy // MLP FIM
Ethan // Pokemon
Dewey Riley // Scream
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nauticallyhypnotical · 2 months
Sunflower Fields (work in progress)
Read more here
It was the thunder that boomed overhead that roused Penny Baxter from her slumber. She rubbed at her eyes as she sat up, ignoring the ache of exhaustion as she swung her legs over the side of her twin-sized bed. The small digital clock on her bedside table was blinking, indicating that the trailer she shared with her mother, Pam, had, at some point in the night, lost power; this was a common occurrence during storms.
Groggy, Penny shuffled first to her table to switch on the lamp. Now squinting from the offensive light, she moved towards her desk, picking up a comb and working at the knots in her copper-colored hair. For now, the only sound throughout the trailer was the echoing pitter-patter of raindrops against the tin roof. Penny cherished peace and quiet whenever it was given to her – her relationship with her mother was turbulent, to say the least, and avoiding conflict meant avoiding Pam completely. Unfortunately for Penny, ever since Pam lost her job as cashier at Joja Mart, if she wasn’t drinking at the saloon, she was home picking fights.
Deep down, she knew she loved her mother. That was her mom, after all. They were all they had left after her dad walked out on them. Penny never understood how it was so easy for him to leave. She knew Pam was difficult, but for him to just throw her away, like she meant nothing to him was worse than anything her mom had done to her. But just because she loved her mother, that didn’t mean she liked her or liked being near her. It was quite a conundrum.
Penny sighed deeply as she began to plait her hair, manipulating the braids into two buns that rested against her neck. She walked over to her small wardrobe and picked out a modest yellow dress, seemingly unfit for the weather that raged outdoors. However, she loved dresses, no matter the occasion. In fact, she loved them even better in the rain—it was a secret pleasure of hers to go in the middle of Cindersap forest on rainy days and twirl around as the skies cried over her. Of course, it often left her shivering, but she always felt free doing so. She felt like the protagonist in her favorite novel Siren’s Call, Lily Adams.
In Siren’s Call, Lily gains the courage to break free from the bonds holding her back from a life of happiness. Penny felt she could relate to some of Lily’s struggles, and only wished her inspiration gave her the same courage.
Penny listened as the rain slowed until it only dripped, dripped, dripped outside. Carefully, she opened her bedroom door and peered out, looking for any trace of Pam. Satisfied when she found none, she stepped into the kitchen and quickly out the front door. The cool morning air kissed her cheeks as a gust of wind blew past her, and she inhaled the fresh petrichor. It often rained in the valley during the spring season, as Pelican Town sat along the coast of the Gem Sea.
Pelican Town itself wasn’t very large, but the surrounding wilderness enclosing the town stretched on for miles. The closest city, Zuzu City, was over an hour away. It didn’t seem like much to outsiders, which were few and far in-between, but to Penny, it has always been home. She had lived at 2 River Road her whole life and had taken up the role of teacher to two incredibly smart second graders, Jas and Vincent. She felt sad for Jas’ home life; her guardian, Shane, spent more nights at the Stardrop Saloon than he did with the girl, and Penny knew all too well the effects an alcoholic parent can have on a child. She was thankful she at least had Marnie, the kind older rancher that lived just west of the town, in Cindersap Forest.
At 1 River Road lived one of her oldest friend, Alex Mullner. The Mullners, Evelyn and George, were an old married couple who took in their grandson when Penny was eight. Alex was only a couple years older, she would later find out. Penny never met their daughter, Alex’s mother, as she had gotten sick and died when he was a child. His father was a cruel man who currently sat behind bars for drug possession charges. Alex didn’t like talking about him, but when Penny’s dad left and things got worse with her mom, he opened up to her about his childhood.
Penny had always loved the Mullners, spending quite a bit of time with the couple even apart from Alex. She often helped Evelyn maintain the flowers in town, and the older woman taught her how to bake and sew her clothes. The yellow dress she had on was one of the first ones she made on her own. George was a bit rough around the edges at first, but eventually he’d tell Penny stories about when he was younger, when he and Evie (as he’d lovingly call his wife) first got married and moved here after their honeymoon. He’d told her about his job working in the now-shut down Joja mines back in the day, and how he’d lost the use of his legs after an incident involving the collapse of one of the mine shafts. He was lucky to only lose his legs, he’d say, but he still lives with pain from the accident. Others that day weren’t so lucky.
Alex was outside stretching when he saw Penny sauntering over to him. He greeted her with a smile as he took out one of his earbuds, and as he did so she could faintly hear the beat of rock music emanating from the device.
“Hey, Penny,” he said as she got closer. The cool air had already begun to cause her porcelain skin to flush, a rose hue dusting across the tip of her nose and her cheeks, accentuated by her red hair.
“Hi, Alex,” she says cheerfully, “going for a run?” The brunet man nods. It had been his dream, as long as Penny had known him, to one day become a professional gridball player. He was always fiercely dedicated to his passion and was always seen running around the town or tossing a gridball for practice.
“I’m running laps around the mountain today,” he says. He brings an arm up to scratch at the back of his neck awkwardly.
“I just hope I don’t run into that weird goth kid up there, gives me the creeps,” he was talking about Sebastian, the elder child of Robin Carter, the local carpenter. Penny knew Sebastian a little bit, having been friends with his younger half-sister, Maru; she’d been to their house many times throughout the years.
“He’s not weird,” Penny said defensively, “you just don’t know him.” Alex smirked and held up his hands in defeat.
“Right, sorry to talk about your boyfriend like that,” he teased. Penny blushed with embarrassment. Though she didn’t mind the man, she could never imagine being with Sebastian of all people. In fact, the person she admired was already standing in front of her. Alas, he cared more about gridball and Haley Anderson than he was interested in her.
Sure, Haley was beautiful. She had thick blonde curls that cascaded over her shoulders, was never without glossy lips and she always smelled like coconuts when she walked past. But she had a heart of stone, and, for as long as she knew her, referred to Penny as “Pocket Change”. Penny would never understand how someone as nice as Alex could fall for someone so wicked.
“It’s not like that!” Penny exclaimed, “I just know him enough to know he’s misunderstood.” Alex’s grin got wider.
“Right,” he says, drawn out with sarcasm.
“Anyways, what are you doing out and about? Got anything planned for the day?” He asks her. She shakes her head.
“No, I’m just going for a walk to clear my head. Been thinking about a lot recently,” she says, looking up at a bird’s nest in the tree beside the Mullners’ house. Three little baby robins were crying out, asking for food from their mother who had just flown in.
“Oh, yeah?” Alex asks. “What about?”
“Well,” Penny starts, “if a certain gridball player were to go pro, who would keep her majesty Haley Anderson entertained and away from me?” Alex just laughs and reaches a hand out to pat her endearingly on the head.
“You know, I actually think you two would get along,” he says. “You just gotta give her a chance.” Penny scoffs. Her? And Haley? Friends ? Pigs would sooner be flying.
“Yeah, right,” she says. “Go on your run, maybe you’ll clear your head, too, and stop saying such crazy things.” Alex’s toothy grin doesn’t falter as he shakes his head and puts his earbud back in his ear. He turns to jog up the mountain and Penny heads in the opposite direction, going west of the town towards the old, abandoned farm. Penny heard stories from Granny Evelyn about the farm in its prime, back when the old farmer McGuckin was young and full of life. She’d wished she could have seen it in all its glory, before the land was reclaimed by weeds. Years of neglect were unkind to the cabin that sat at the northern most part of the property, several of the windows had been broken and the roof was in various states of disrepair. It was hard to believe, seeing the state it was in now, that anything beautiful had grown here at all.
Just as she had reached the bus stop, she heard several voices talking over each other. She got closer to the sound and saw Robin, the mayor Lewis Mitchell, and a third figure she didn’t recognize. He was a bigger man with black hair and glasses, wearing a navy-blue suit.
“This land will be perfect for further Joja Co expansion,” the bigger man said. Robin immediately started to argue.
“Mayor Lewis, you cannot let him take more of the town! He already wants the community center, how long until he pushes us all out of our homes?” she pleads. The suited man scoffs.
“Oh my, we would never push anybody out of their homes! That would be bad for business,” he chuckles nervously. Mayor Lewis tugs at his collar anxiously.
“Well, Robin, McGuckin never willed the farm to anyone in his family, and no one else is going to do anything to the land. This could be good for the economy,” he tries to reason. Penny couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Before she could think, her body moved on its own, her voice surprising her as she calls out “you can’t do that!”
Suddenly three pairs of eyes are on her. Penny tries not to sink into herself as she once again says, “you can’t give him this land.” Robin looks from her back to the mayor.
“See? That’s two against two. If you’re so concerned, why don’t we have a vote?” She spoke.
“Mayor Lewis, how much is the old farm?” Penny says, voice shaking slightly. She couldn’t believe what she was thinking of doing. She had a little bit of money saved from doing a few substitute teacher gigs in Zuzu, money she had to keep hidden from Pam lest she drink it all away. She just hoped it was enough, please let it be enough...
“50.000g,” the mayor says after a moment of hesitation. Penny’s shoulders sink. She was about fifteen short.
“H-how about a down payment? I can give you everything I have, and once I get the farm cleaned up, I can pay you more?” Tears threaten to spill from her eyes as she looks down, hands clenching the skirt of her dress. Mayor Lewis ponders for a moment before he sighs.
“Penny, are you sure you can handle it?” He asks. She looks up at him, determination lighting up her green eyes.
“I know I can,” she says, and a huge grin spreads across Robin’s face behind the mayor. He looks between her and the suited man before reaching over and grabbing Penny’s right hand, shaking it.
“Well, Miss Baxter, come by to my house later and we can sign some paperwork, but for now you have yourself a deal.” Penny couldn’t believe it. She was about to be a homeowner. She was about to be a farmer.
She still had to tell her mother.
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dollycas · 2 months
Cozy Wednesday featuring The Witless Protection Program (A Catering Hall Mystery) by Maria DiRico #Review / #Giveaway - @KensingtonBooks @CateringHallMysteries #greatescapesbooktours
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Welcome to Cozy Wednesday! I am thrilled to share my thoughts with you today about The Witless Protection Program! The Witless Protection Program (A Catering Hall Mystery) by Maria DiRico About The Witless Protection Program  The Witless Protection Program (A Catering Hall Mystery) Cozy Mystery 5th in Series Setting - New York Kensington Cozies (March 26, 2024) Mass Market Paperback ‏ : ‎ 304 pages ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1496744624 ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1496744623 Digital ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0C9W8W668 Mia Carina has steered her Italian-American family’s Astoria, Queens, catering hall, Belle View Banquet Manor, into becoming the borough’s premiere party site, and nothing could make her happier—except her boyfriend proposing. There’s just one presumed-dead obstacle in the way . . . A strong, independent woman and respected entrepreneur, Mia never imagined she’d pine for a marriage proposal. Yet lately, with her beloved Shane, she’s on tenterhooks. It’s especially surprising, considering Mia’s first husband, Adam, was a philandering grifter, assumed lost-at-sea after a boating disaster. But everyone knows what happens when you assume . . . While working a huge wedding expo in Manhattan, Mia is shocked to spot the man who nearly destroyed her life. The one who’s supposed to be sleeping with the fishes. But she loses him in the crowd. And when it happens again the next day, it’s time for an emergency meeting with the family—and the Family. Because if Adam is alive, Mia is still married . . . Everyone wants Adam dead. Everyone except Mia. She’s dealt with enough police for a lifetime. Mia needs to be a divorcée, not a widow. But someone out there disagrees, and if Mia doesn’t discover who, she may never be free to marry Shane—or anyone else . . . Italian recipes included! Dollycas's Thoughts The Belle View Banquet Manor has become the top party place in Astoria, Queens, thanks to Mia Carina. Nothing would make Mia happier than to have her own wedding there, that is if her boyfriend Shane would propose. After the trainwreck of her first marriage, she never thought she would want to get married again but Shane is definitely the man for her. Then while promoting Belle View at a wedding expo in Manhattan Mia sees someone she thought she would never see again. A man that everyone had presumed dead. A man who almost ruined her life. Her husband, Adam who was supposed to have died in a boating accident. He disappeared before she could get close to him. Then the next day she saw him again at the Dodger game at Citi Field. This is not good. This can't be happening. If Adam is still alive that means she is still married! Mia calls a meeting with her family and "The Family". She needs to find Adam now and get a divorce as quickly as possible. Everyone else wants Adam dead. Now that she isn't a widow all she wants is to be a divorcée so she can marry Shane. Sadly someone didn't get the message. Adam is dead and Mia and Shane top the suspect list. Will they ever get married? or will one of them go down for murder? _____ I hate to write this, but The Witless Protection Program, is the 5th and final Catering Hall Mystery. It hurts because I am invested in these characters. Mia is a strong determined woman who took on the big job of making the Belle View Banquet Manor legit and she has done an amazing job. She has fallen hard for Shane and he for her. They make a wonderful couple. Elisabetta gives Mia and Shane a very interesting gift and she and Mia's mom Gia have another plan in the works for Mia too. Cammie is acting super responsible which is downright scary but she is still spending Pete's money faster than he can make it. These are just a few of the extraordinary characters Ms. DiRico has created and developed in this series. It will be hard to let them go. But, she has written a heck of a finale for them. The mystery of Adam's death takes Shane and Mia on a cross-country journey to find out how many enemies he raked up while he was supposed to be dead. There ended up being several suspects and Mia kept working the case, putting forth theories, following the clues, until one detail helped put everything in perspective. I enjoyed that Mia went to Pete with her final theory and her idea to flush out the killer. There was a sensational showdown and our girl Mia, WOW. The excitement didn't stop there. I highlighted the entire last chapter on my Kindle. It was fantastic! I laughed, then I laughed some more and ended up with a huge smile on my face. No spoilers. Just know, that this is now my favorite book in the series. Ms. DiRico topped herself and ended this series better than anyone could have imagined. The Witless Protection Program was more than a Perfect Escape, it was A Trip to Paradise! A Best Read of 2024! Thank you, Maria DiRico for taking us on Mia's journey. It was a wonderful ride. I recommend reading this series from the start for maximum enjoyment. Your Escape Into A Good Book Travel Agent About Maria DiRico Maria DiRico is the pseudonym for Ellen Byron, author of the award-winning, USA Today bestselling Cajun Country Mysteries. Born in Queens, New York, she is a first-generation Italian-American on her mother's side and the granddaughter of a low-level Jewish mobster on her father's side. She grew up visiting the Astoria Manor and Grand Bay Marina catering halls, which were run by her Italian mother's family in Queens and have become the inspiration for her Catering Hall Mystery Series. DiRico has been a writer-producer for hit television series like Wings and Just Shoot Me, and her first play, Graceland, appears in the Best Short Plays collection. She's a freelance journalist, with over 200 articles published in national magazines, and previously worked as a cater-waiter for Martha Stewart, a credit she never tires of sharing. A native New Yorker who attended Tulane University, Ellen lives in Los Angeles with her husband, daughter, and two rescue dogs. Author Links – Website – Chicks on the Case – Facebook –  Twitter – Purchase Links – Amazon – B&N – Kobo –Bookshop.org – Kensington –  Written as Ellen Byron Great Escapes Praise for The Witless Protection Program (A Catering Hall Mystery) by Maria DiRico As soon as I start reading, I immediately fall into the story and setting and don’t want to leave. I love The Catering Hall Mystery series so much, and book five might just be my very favorite of all. ~Sarah Can't Stop Reading Books I absolutely adore the Catering Hall series and THE WITLESS PROTECTION PROGRAM makes a fantastic series finale. Throughout the book there were several small references to things that occurred in previous books in the series. I love that little footnotes were included noting which book the incident took place, in case you want to read more-and believe me, if you haven't read them you should! ~Cozy Up With Kathy I am giving five stars to The Witless Protection Program by Maria DiRico and recommend it to anyone who loves a good, cozy culinary mystery. ~Baroness' Book Trove An endearing cast of characters, humorous situations, and plot twists abound as she pursues the truth making for a very enjoyable read. ~Cassidy's Bookshelves TOUR PARTICIPANTS - Please visit all the stops. March 25 – Mystery, Thrillers, and Suspense – SPOTLIGHT March 25 – Elicia's Book Haven – AUTHOR GUEST POST March 25 – Christa Reads and Writes – SPOTLIGHT March 26 – The Mystery of Writing – CHARACTER GUEST POST March 26 – Maureen's Musings – SPOTLIGHT March 26 – Sapphyria's Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT March 27 – Sarah Can’t Stop Reading – REVIEW   March 27 – #BRVL Book Review Virginia Lee – SPOTLIGHT March 28 – Literary Gold – AUTHOR INTERVIEW March 28 – Elizabeth McKenna - Author – SPOTLIGHT March 29 – Books to the Ceiling – PODCAST – SPOTLIGHT- EXCERPT March 29 – Christy's Cozy Corners – CHARACTER GUEST POST March 30 – FUONLYKNEW – SPOTLIGHT WITH EXCERPT March 30 – MJB Reviewer - SPOTLIGHT March 31 - Cozy Up With Kathy – REVIEW March 31 - Boys' Mom Reads! – SPOTLIGHT WITH EXCERPT April 1 – Baroness Book Trove – REVIEW April 1 – Read Your Writes Book Reviews – CHARACTER INTERVIEW  April 2 – Ascroft, eh? – AUTHOR GUEST POST April 2 – Cassidy's Bookshelves – REVIEW April 3 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – REVIEW April 3 – The Plain-Spoken Pen – REVIEW – EXCERPT a Rafflecopter giveaway Have you signed up to be a Tour Host? Click Here to Find Details and Sign Up Today! Want to Book a Tour? Click Here   Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. Receiving a complimentary copy in no way reflected my review of this book. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.” Read the full article
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs O.C. Shane [...and some other 02 O.C.s]
Sometime before the initial "battle" with a strong enemy involving their friend, O.C. Shane is Drifting in Digital Limbo when...: GoldVmon: Oh, wow! There's another HUMAN here! SHANE: SHANE'S MON: GoldVmon: Wow, I thought I was truly a goner! Hey, you two, do you know how I can get back to my Partner?? Her name is "Hikaru"-- S H A N E: SHANE: YOU know Hikaru?? (I knew she had a 'Mon similar to this but I didn't see him up close...) *You're* her Par--?? GoldVmon interrupting: YUP!! But I can't talk now, there's a SUPER HUGE FIGHT going on and I NEED to GET BACK There *before* Hikaru gets hurt--!! SHANE, LOOKING at Shane's Mon: (DO SOMETHING) SHANE'S MON: I said before, this is akin to "Limbo", even if Not Quite... SHANE: (UGH) GoldVmon: ...Huh?? We can't get back from here--? Wait, how do YOU know Hikaru--? (*BLINK*) Wait. GoldVmon: (*BLINKING*) NO WAY S H A N E: GoldVmon: SHANE?!?? Shane: (He finally 'recognized' me.) {Somewhat...} GoldVmon: Huh?? Shane? But we last saw you way back at Hikaru's old place before she moved to Odaiba!! And you were... (*looks Shane up & down*) Not like THIS then?? (I didn't actually get to Talk to Shane much, and me and SilVmon only really noticed him *near the end*, but!!) SHANE, FLOATING IN PLACE: Shane: ... Uhhh, a lot of Things happened. Shane: (He doesn't Know I Was part 'Digital' That Time, Too, And I Was Just Posing *As If I Was* Physical because I wanted to Mess With "Daisuke" A Little.) Shane: Anyway, how did YOU Get... here...?? GoldVmon: ..Uhhhh, I kinda got deleted, I think--?? SHANE & SHANE'S MON: Shane: You got KILLED?? By who?!?? GoldVmon: It doesn't matter, he didn't mean it! He's Hikaru's friend on our team, but it wasn't his fault--!! (*attempting in vain to Explain while Heated & Genuinely Emotional*) SHANE: ... ... ("HE"??) Shane's Mon: (Another boy Hikaru knows, hmm...) SHANE, Glowering: . .I'm gonna--- GoldVmon, realizing mistake in Telling: Wait, no!! Shane's Mon: You're going to 'what', Exactly? You're completely Digital yourself right now, with absolutely no (major) control over your own movements except "drift forward" (continuously) or "backward" (unexpectedly) and "pause while floating in place". S H A N E: ...You don't have to be THAT Specific... GoldVmon, Confuse: ...What happened to YOU, anyway?! We thought your group was *back at* Hikaru's old place! Shane: (How Do I Explain I Vanished Years Prior---) Shane's Mon: (This is going to Take a While.) SHANE: (...) (Wait.) S H A N E: (If *THIS ONE* is Here, and got KILLED, actually Killed then that means *I*---???) Shane's Mon: (A long, long while...)
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biographytribune-com · 9 months
The story of Garrett Watts, who is an online influencer
Internet influencers make an impact on adults due to their outstanding skills. Moreover, they inspire them in various ways to become successful in life. Garret is an online personality who became famous for his YouTube and Vine videos. He earned more subscribers for his videos, which helped him build some reasonable wealth. Those who want to earn money online can follow Garret because they can get more ideas easily. Another thing is that they can focus more on other things that help them get name and fame.
The early life and education of Garrett
Garret is an American citizen who was born in Memphis, Tennessee, USA, on June 15, 1989, and the details of her parents are unknown. He grew up with his brother Andrew when his family moved to Mesa, Arizona, and attended a local school. Later, he enrolled at the University of California, Los Angeles, to study for a degree in filmmaking.
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Garret’s career
Garret began working as a casting coordinator for a film in 2011 after being hired by the Nigel Lythgoe Productions Company. It is his first work after completing his degree, and he was on the project for one year. Garrett Watts turned his attention online as he was gaining popularity on the social media app Vine. He soon launched his YouTube channel on May 30, 2012, and uploaded various videos with creativity when Vine closed down. Furthermore, he collaborated with another YouTube personality, Shane Dawson, to create videos for his channel.
His YouTube channel currently has over 3 million subscribers and more than 92 million views. He gained a high reputation among the viewers, which increased his popularity. In 2014, Garret started to work as a digital content creator after joining the website Funny or Die, which is well-known for its contributions from other popular celebrities.
The personal life and net worth of Garrett Watts
Garret openly said he is gay, and he is in a relationship with his YouTube collaborator Shane Dawson. He has formed friendships with various YouTube personalities who have featured in his videos. Also, he is very active on social media platforms, and his Instagram account has more than 2 million followers. His net worth is around $800,000, and he earned money after building a strong online presence. If he continues his current efforts, then his wealth will likely increase in the future. He is an inspiration to adults who want to build their fame online. For more details visit: https://biographytribune.com/garrett-watts-wiki-age-height-net-worth-gay-boyfriend-family/
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longslow · 2 years
Public enemies cast
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#Public enemies cast how to
#Public enemies cast movie
#Public enemies cast manual
Starring: Johnny Depp, Christian Bale, Marion Cotillard. The exhibit will feature Department of Correction files, mug shots, investigative documents and information about the jail escape. John Dillinger, Baby Face Nelson and Pretty Boy Floyd ride the Depression-era crime wave with FBI Agent Melvin Purvis hot on their trail.
#Public enemies cast movie
At the Indiana State Library in Indianapolis, the Indiana State Archives and others are putting on "Dillinger! Forging a Hoosier Legend" after the movie opens.She is an actress, known for The Kings Man (2021), Black Cat, White Cat (1998) and Public Enemies (2009). Simply copy it to the References page as is. Branka Katic was born on Januin Belgrade, Serbia, Yugoslavia.
#Public enemies cast manual
Formatted according to the APA Publication Manual 7 th edition.
#Public enemies cast how to
Also, the old sheriff's house and jail, one of the film's locations, will be open for tours this summer. How to cite Public Enemies (movie) APA citation. where Dillinger broke out of jail in Mais featuring films that star "Public Enemies" cast members during its "Movies In the Park" series this summer. Edgar Hoover, with Sweeney Todd star Depp set to portray gangster John Dillinger. Universal had about 20 of there own cars and there were. There were several huge outside scenes cut from the movie, great car shots, all lost to the cutting room floor. Most of 150 were all original cars, used only one day about 50 cars had repeat performances. David Slutes, entertainment director at Hotel Congress, said the hotel is having a Dillinger renactment, drink specials, a band and a tour of the hotel the day the movie opens. According to Variety, Crudup has been cast as divisive former FBI director J. Desperate to capture the elusive outlaw, Hoover makes Dillinger his first Public Enemy Number One and assigns his top agent, Melvin Purvis, the task of bringing. There were over 800 background cars considered for the movie around 150 were used. They reportedly paid firefighters to get their guns and money but firefighters recognized them. 22, 1934, after a fire at the Hotel Congress in Tucson, Ariz. Dillinger and others were arrested Jan. Learn more about the full cast of Public Enemies with news, photos, videos and more at TV Guide.Dillinger was watching the film on July 22, 1934, at the Biograph before he walked out and FBI agents shot him to death. Find out where you can watch or stream this Action film in English on DIgit Binge. Spokesman Jay Kelly said they hope to run 1934's "Manhattan Melodrama" around the time "Public Enemies" opens. Superman/Batman: Public Enemies Movie online with release date, trailer, cast and songs. The Biograph Theater in Chicago is now a live theater called Victory Gardens Biograph Theater. Once you select Rent youll have 14 days to start watching the movie and 48 hours to finish it.Shooting begins on location in Chicago in just a few weeks’ time, with the film set for release sometime next year. He’ll play Baby Face Nelson, the infamous bank robber who showed up briefly in the Coen Bros.' O Brother, Where Art Thou? The cast for Michael Mann’s latest, Public Enemies, has already been filling out very nicely, with the likes of Johnny Depp, Christian Bale, Channing Tatum, Marion Cotillard, Giovanni Ribisi and Stephen Dorff on board the period cops’n’robbers thriller, which details the efforts of Bale’s FBI guy, Melvin Purvis, to catch the notorious gangster, John Dillinger (Depp).Īnd it just added two more quality actors today, with David Wenham – Faramir in Lord Of The Rings, in case you somehow weren’t aware – joining the cast as Pete Pierpont, a member of Dillinger’s crew who has a violent and hostile reaction to all forms of authority.Īnd we’re particularly pleased to see that the British actor Stephen Graham – so good in Shane Meadows’ This Is England – is getting a shot at a bigger movie, too.
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nahaslow · 2 years
Chocolate factory album cover imagery
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the candy man,” also known as “the candy man can,” was written by leslie bricusse and anthony newley for the 1971 film from willy wonka and the chocolate factory. geek music actor singer and composer anthony newley and composer leslie bricusse wrote pure imagination for the 1971 film ~ willy 1971's "willy wonka and the chocolate factory" a funk cover of pure imagination from willy wonka & the chocolate factory, written by leslie bricusse and anthony newley let me know what song i should cover next in the comments.it is a song from the 1971 film willy provided to by symphonic distribution pure imagination (from " willy wonka & the chocolate factory") this beautiful version of the song is from an out of print this video is a rehearsal of an arrangement for trombone and piano of pure imagination. Old Skool Tagalog Reggae Classics Songs 2019 Chocolate Factory ,Tropical Depression, BlakdyakOld Skool Tagalog Reggae Classics Songs 2019 Chocolate Factory ,Tropical Depression, BlakdyakOld. Recording sessions took place mainly at Rockland Studios and Chicago Recording Company in Chicago, Illinois, and the album was primarily written, arranged, and produced by R. music by anthony newley, lyrics by leslie bricusse. Chocolate Factory is the fifth solo album by American recording artist R. An alternative cover edition for this book can be.Charlie and the Chocolate Factory book. vocal gene wilder ~ pure imagination this is one of my favorite songs from willy wonka. Read 79 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. The posts also debuted Fine Line's cover art, which features a fish-eye view of the 25-year-old popstar standing in front of a pink and blue backdrop while striking a major pose in those aforementioned white pants and a fuchsia top cut down to there.įWIW, there's also a gloved hand reaching out to him from the bottom right corner.Leslie Bricusse And Anthony Newley Pure Imagination HdĬomposed by leslie bricusse and anthony newley. Ex-Creedence Clearwater Revival frontman John Fogerty‘s Fogerty’s Factory album, which was issued on CD and digitally in November, gets its vinyl release today.The 12-track collection features mostly of new versions of CCR tunes and Fogerty solo songs that John recorded with his three youngest children sons Shane and Tyler, and daughter Kelsy. The former 1Der revealed on Twitter and Instagram that this new outing will be released on Dec. 4 to announce that his second solo album, called Fine Line, will be coming out before Christmas. He said of the album, I didn’t really feel like recording for eighty per cent of the record.
It was too mechanical and recorded after too many sessions on very little sleep. Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory movie clips: BUY THE MOVIE: Don’t miss the HOTTEST NEW TRAILERS: CLIP DESCRIPTION:Willy Wonka (Gene Wilder) guides the group into a dark tunnel full of strange. To cool the chocolate, the factory had two ice machines that made 4,000 kilos of. Later Prince said that For You didn’t reflect him as a person. Published on the back cover of the magazine D’Ac i d’All, in 1934. OK, so Styles - who dropped his self-titled debut solo album in May 2017 - hit up social media on Nov. Prince’s first album For You was released by Warner in 1978 and got stuck at 163 on Billboard’s Pop Chart. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (film) For. 13 seriously cannot get here fast enough. Chocolate Cosmos The cover of the second tankbon volume of Chocolate Cosmos as published by Shueisha. As in, Daddy, I want Harry's 'Fine Line' album, now! Harry Styles is looking a little like a fierce Oompa Loopa in flowy white pants on the cover and fans are digging it. Harry Styles' 'Fine Line' album cover just dropped and it is giving off some major Charlie & The Chocolate Factory vibes. The video’s description offers that the album’s title and first single are coming soon and that the imagery was designed by Francesco Artusato, who metal fans might know as the guitarist of Light the Torch and ex-All. Stop whatever it is you're doing, because this is big, fam. After months of teasing, Fear Factory have finally released another teaser for their upcoming album, this one a video showing off a section of the cover artwork.
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roberson26abernathy · 2 years
Internet Marketing Tips - Protecting Your Graphics
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