#in weird ways I relate to her. I don’t agree with what she’s done at any point but like
sad0nion · 1 month
This episode really took my feelings about Kipperlilly form “wow she sucks I hate her” to “wow she sucks I hate her but she is also a deeply interesting character from concept to execution and I can’t wait to know more”
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madebyrolo · 4 months
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See you then ᡣ𐭩
Rafe Cameron x reader
y/n and Rafes first date.
Pouge princess (pt.1)
hints of dark Rafe, mainly soft Rafe
✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩
It was 4:30pm, y/n and jjs 7 hour shift was done and soon her parents arrived and took over for the night shift.
“Hey how was your guys shift ?” Y/n dad asked while putting on his apron.
“It was fine, pretty hectic towards noon, the tips were amazballs ! I got $48, y/n though…” jj started side eyeing her.
“I got $50 alone from Rafe Cameron.” Y/n said blushing.
“Wards son?” Y/n dad questioned
“That was so sweet of him did you thank him!?” Her mom chimed in
“Yea I did, it was kinda out it the blue”
“Yea that was pretty nice of him..” y/n dad said suspicious
“Ugh handsome and a gentleman. Y/n you thinking what I’m thinking?” She joked with her while she blushed
“Uh no thank you. Hes just one of our finest customers.” Her dad said
“Yea I agree with your dad” jj scoffed
“I don’t need my daughter going off dating a that kind of kook.” He scowled
“Tell me about it” Jj said under his breath
“Hey don’t be mean Rafe isn’t that bad-”
“Y/n he hates pouges. Him and topper always is getting into trouble with John b and I and his fight with pope-”
“Jj that’s enough let’s go. Bye guys I’m headed to John bs see you later” y/n said interrupting jj trying not to create non existent drama between her dad and Rafe
As they walk to her car jj keeps complaining about the boys.
“I don’t see why you can’t just accept the fact he’s a bad guy y/n. All of them are the scum of the kook.” Jj complained
“Just because you and Rafe have problems doesn’t mean we do jay” she said opening the driver side door. She gets in and sits, taking a deep breath from her shift and jjs bickering.
As jj enters the car he opens the glove department grabbing his juul and cart, taking a deep hit. He isn’t an allowed to do it in or around the truck because they don’t want that bad image.
“You’ve seen the after maths of our fights y/n. the amount off times you had to clean me up in john b bathroom can make you a certified emt!?”
“Okay he’s bad jj whatever you say” she said somewhat agreeing. It’s true, she had cleaned up the boy more than 5 times. So much that you had 2 first aide kits. One in your car and under John bs sink.
“But it’s weird though that he tipped $50 was it out of pity?” he said taking another hit
“Yeah a little but I’m not complaining” y/n said starting her car. Jj grabs the aux playing his playlist, the song “Cinderella” by Mac Miller plays. She begins pulling out the parking lot headed towards John bs house.
“I mean from what I noticed, him and topper are there like practically everyday. Like I know I’m only there like 2 times a week or the weekends but everytime I work they’re always there”
“Jj they’re just loyal customers-”
“Yea but don’t get me wrong your foods good, like I would always eat there compared to what I have at home but wouldn’t they get tired of it? They have money they can get like expensive stuff like sushi or whatever” there silence in the car. Y/n sat thinking that he had a point. she’s practically there everyday in the summer and they’re always there.
“Yea you’re onto something” she agreed
“What if they’re spying on us? What if they know about the royal merchant?” Jj squinted looking suspicious
“Jj when have we ever talked about the money or anything related to that at work”
“Yeah you’re right…”
“But that still doesn’t explain why they’re always there” jj soon gasped
“What if your mom was right? What if they have the hots for you? Your things are always out” he said motioning to her breasts .
He said quickly turning towards the girl.
“Jj come on -”
“Nah it couldn’t be that. They hate us and beside they wouldn’t touch, let alone date a pouge” he said with a laugh. For a minute y/n felt offended that he said that.
“Jj what do you mean? Like I wouldn’t even have a chance with him ?” Y/n scoffed rolling her eyes.
“In a way. Like it’s totally not about you but he wouldn’t even step foot in the cut. We’re too poor for him.” He said calmly
“Well I hope you know i can get any guy I want” she said cockily
“Y/n it’s not about you. Your personality, looks or anything. He probably just wants to date someone with a trust fund or a matching black card.” Jj say defending himself
“Let’s just drop it alright”
“They would be lucky you bag you y/n” he said taking a hit and hitting her shoulder.
After a couple minutes they reached John bs chateau. She parked in his makeshift driveway and they went inside to the back porch finding them all there.
“What up” Jj say before crashing down on the only empty chair.
“Hey guys how was your shift?” Kiara asked
“Busy but money is money so” y/n said sitting in the arm chair of the couch beside John b
“Rafe and topper were there again.” Jj complained
“Again? Don’t you get tired of complaining ever jay?” Y/n throwing her head back.
“Guys y/n thinks Rafe isn’t a bad guy”
“Who would ever think that” Sarah said walking in. Y/n gets off the arm chair letting her sit in John bs lap.
“Me” y/n said with a flat smile
“If Sarah his own sister for crying out loud, would agree why wouldn’t you?” Jj argued
“I don’t know, like I get the sibling hatred and your guys drama but I’ve never met him. I wouldn’t want to stick him to what other people say. What if people did that about us ?”
“They do y/n” Pope said.
“Yeah so you know how it feels. I want to at least have an interaction with him before I put a label on. Let’s just stop alright I’ve had this argument already.” and with that they just put on a movie ignoring the tension between the two.
Halfway through the movie she got a notification on her phone. She pulls it out to check and sees it’s from a random number. She ignores it knowing it’s probably spam but then there’s another ding. She takes it out and opens up the messages.
“I’ve been waiting for you to text me pouge princess.”
“How’d you get my number?”
“I have my ways.”
Weird. The only contact she had were the pouges, parents and Sarah. He must’ve looked through her phone.
“Kinda weird but I like it”
she texted back with a small giggle.
“Who you texting y/n” pope asked
“Oh it’s just my dad. He sent a stupid meme” she said rolling her eyes playfully. She looked back the screen reading his reply
“You love crazy or what?”
“Yes it’s hot”
she replied knowing she would regret it later.
“Well you’re in for a ride. Wanna hang out tn? I’ll pick you up.”
“Yes I’ll love too.”
“Your place 7:00 See you then princess”
With the clock reading 6:22 she got up from the floor and got her bag.
“Uh my dad needs me at the truck so I gotta go. Text me what we’re doing tomorrow. Bye guys” she said pacing to the front door while they yelled their goodbyes.
She gets in her car and heads home. By the time she got there it was 6:45. She quickly headed inside and went straight to her room. She looked though her closet because all she had was on was of John bs shirt she put on after jj spilled cheese on hers. She was nervous on what to wear, this was her first date in a while. Sure she had her little situation ships but she felt nervous. She decided on a black denim mini skirt and blue tube top with her black adidas superstars. She quickly fixed her hair fluffing it and put her favorite scent on. Soon she got a text from Rafe
“I’m outside”
She quickly grabbed her bag and put on her lipgloss and went out the door. She saw his truck in her drive way then she walked to the passenger door. Before she could open it Rafe leaned over the center console and opened it for her from inside.
“Ah thank you Rafe. Such a gentlemen.” Y/n joked
“Chivalry isn’t dead princess” Rafe replied
“So what are we gonna do?” She asked
“Um I don’t sure I didn’t really have a plan. I was just hoping to hang out” he said with a small smile
“What about froyo ?” Y/n offered
“Yea sure I’m down. Here’s the aux, your tonight’s dj” he handed her the aux and started backing out her driveway. She plugged it in and Tyler the creator started playing.
“Is this a boy is a gun?” Rafe asked
“Yea, are you a Tyler fan?”
“Um yes. His Igor album was good I have it on vinyl. I don’t have a player but I keep it for the ‘aesthetic’ ” he joked
“Yeah I love his music though his old stuff is a little more scary in a way”
“I guess but his goblin album is iconic. ‘She’ I have on repeat and ‘Goblin’ has to be my favorite on that album and ‘tron cat’. thought my favorite song has to be New magic wand.” Rafe said
“Oh well yea I agree with ‘She’ it’s good but I don’t know the albums a little dark for me, I like ‘flower boy’ it’s more, happier you know ? and ‘cherry bomb’ ”
She couldn’t lie he was weird he liked that album. “True Tyler fans” wouldn’t mind it but it had to many vulgar topics for her. Soon the songs “feel no ways” by Drake, thankful for the somewhat mood change.
“See Drake is so good like he’s been around for so long and still can’t seem to miss” y/n commented
“Yea Drakes nice, I’ve been listening to him since middle school this has to be my favorite album.”
Couple minutes past with small talk and singing along in the car. They soon arrived to the froyo place. They walk in rafe grabbing him a medium cup and y/n the same.
They fill it up to the limit of their dreams and putting whatever toppings would fit. Rafe went for a more fruity taste with strawberry shortcake frozen yogurt with chocolate toppings, y/n with a the birthday cake and adding fruit and candy. He pulled out his infamous black card and paid for the both of them, they sat outside on the patio watching the sunset.
“So Rafe, what do you like to do?” Y/n asked trying to spark a convo
“Well I like going to the country club and hitting the golf course with topper and Kelce. I’m helping my dad with the Cameron development and learning real estate with him and Rose, it’s somewhat interesting and fun when he doesn’t get too mad” he said with a laugh “what about you?”
“Well when I’m not working I’m hanging out with jj and the others. I also love volunteering at the animal shelter. I love learning to work on my car with my dad and I love going off roading even though my poor Edward can’t handle it” she said with a frown
“Wait did you make your car? And named it Edward ?” he laughed
“Yes it’s me and him against the world. I named him after the vampire from twilight.” she said proudly.
“Honestly twilight would’ve been a better name.”
“Oh shush!” She said playfully hitting him.
They finished their dessert and head to the car. They’re just talking while Rafe drives around anywhere and everywhere. The soon make it on the beach. Rafe parks not too far and they walk hand in hand.
“How did you know where I lived? I never gave you my address” she finally asked
“Rose sold you your house. I work with her and my dad remember?” He told her squeezing her hand for reassurance.
“Oh yeah that adds up I guess” she hummed even though it didn’t. They bought the house before Rafe was born and he was older than the girl.
They continued to walk along the coast just talking and getting to know eachother. Everything the pouges said about him didn’t add up. He was sweet, charming and funny. He wasn’t the money hungry asshole, he was the 19 helping with family business guy who loved hip hop and chocolate. His favorite animal is a shark and favorite color is blue. He doesn’t take anyone’s shit and he’s potent in a way.
“Hey Rafe, you know I’ve heard many stories about you.”
“Oh really ? Like what” he asked concered
“You know, you’re the frat playboy. The bad boy that doesn’t play by the rules, who gets in and trouble and party’s like crazy” y/n explained
“jj always told me you were the bad guy. You wouldn’t even breathe the same air as a pouge. But you’re not the monster they play you out to be” she said looking at him. He turns the same way and they’re looking eachother in the eyes. It’s silence, it’s like they’re reading each other, look deep down into their souls something connecting in them.
“Y/n I know you want to think I’m perfect but I’m not. I really do get in fights, you seen them with jj. I don’t really mean harm or anything bad. I don’t let people disrespect me or my family like that. Jj knows how to push my buttons and he does it freely thinking he can get away with it”
“Yea I can’t argue with that.” She said with a grin
“I don’t understand how you can be friends with them. Mainly jj, he’s deep into this mindset aching like the words against him and that goes well with some pouges. But you, you’re different. You know hard work, your whole family does. You don’t take shit from anyone you see strong indepents-”
“Rafe please dont bring kook vs pouge talk into this.”
“Your right I’m sorry” he said caressing her cheek.
“I just think you deserve more. You deserve all the happiness in the world. You deserve peace. I want to make you feel that way. I want you to live the fullest you can. I wanna help you touch the stars” he said looking into her eyes, his free hand pulling her closer, hand against her lower back.
“I wanna give you everything.” Rafe whispered out to her before pulling her into a kiss.
The kiss was soft yet rough. The way their lips fit perfectly together. They way they melted in each others arms. The taste of chocolate lingering in Rafe mouths mixed with a candy taste of y/n. The kiss was intoxicating, they wouldn’t back out and the only reason they did was for y/n to catch her breath although the hungry look in Rafe eyes made it seem he wouldn’t have.
The only source of living being admitted was the moon, the way it shined against Rafes skin and his perfectly chiseled facial features made him look beautiful like a diamond. His ice blue like blue sky she always look at hoping for a chance of change. The way the 2 pieces of his hair perfectly failing in front of his face after what they just did.
“Let’s head back” y/n said with their foreheads together, their breathing getting back to normal.
They walk to the car, y/n leaning on Rafes shoulder as he had his arm wrapped around her. He opened the car door for her letting he get in and buckling her up. She connects her phone and plays frank ocean as he gets the car started. One hand on the wheel the other tangled up with her hand. The ride was peaceful and euphoric vibes filled the car. They shared small little childhood stories and embarrassing memories to each other. The 20 minute commute from the beach to y/n house felt like 5. Once Rafe Parked in her driveway they shared another deep kiss.
“Goodnight Rafe, I’ll text you tomorrow morning, drive safe”
“Good my princess” he said pulling her into one last kiss not wanting to part.
She gets out and shuts the car door, walking to her home. Rafe doesn’t drive off until she’s shuts the door behind her. It’s around 9:45pm her parents are still working the night shift. She grabs a clean pairs of clothes and heads to the bathroom. Soon shes in bed thinking about her date with Rafe. The pouges were wrong about him, he was literally the boy she dreamed, almost picture perfect. They 100% never saw the side of Rafe she did but she also didn’t see what they saw.
As Rafe drives home, he thinks about y/n. y/n is the girl of his dreams, the girl he wants, craves, needs. Once he get home he sends her a quick text.
“I made it home. I had a really great time today, thank you for letting me take you out y/n. I really hope we can do this again. Good night my princess.”
Y/n got the ding and immediately responded back
“Glad you made it home safe! Thank you for asking me out if not I wouldn’t have met the real Rafe. I’m glad I got to share this night with you. Good night and sweet dreams <3”
Y/n feel into a deep sleep after the most magical night of her life. She wished for more nights like these with Rafe without knowing what he had in stored for her.
Like the imfmouse Tyler the creator lyric said:
“My plan was to stick my toe in to check the temperature but next thing you know, I’m drowning.”
𓇼 ⋆。˚ 𓆝⋆。˚ 𓇼
Tags: @soberbabes
Happy Valentine’s Day 💌🎀
I know we all wished we had our man today bu I hope my pt.2 helps 🤭
*no edited/proof read
Lmk what you guys think !!
Feel free to dm to talk about a pt.3 or continuing my story plot 🌟
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ofbreathandflame · 8 months
Don’t even get me started on the I am a Feyre Stan first🤓👆🏻community.
hi anon!!!
i got this a couple days ago and i earnestly laughed because of the 10/10 emoji use.
but to your point, i would say something similar (i got the other anon and will prob post a response by the end of the week...hopefully hehe)
in short "feyre first' or "feyre shooter" = rhys stan. i wouldn't pay any mind to it, you'll just be getting 'pro rhys' propaganda.
its just....its never actually true. like first, we should established what it even means to like feyre 'first.' if you're saying that you're a feyre fan first and foremost....where's the outcry? where are the metas? we can comb through the anti rhys/rhys critical tag from the past 2-3 years since the book was released and you'll see none of those 'feyre first' accounts doing the leg work to actually decry the injustice done to her character. allllllllllllll the way back in 2021 we talked about how sjm's obsession with rhys was a detriment to feyre's character. and its only gotten worse. in the last interview, sjm gushed abt rhys...how much was said about feyre in relation?
she described rhys as 'glorious night' and feyre was just...there.
rhys sat there and read out those items while feyre sat back and cried. rhys literally laughed and joked about fucking feyre when he was called out for...consistently undermining her. he lied to her about her own body, he locked her in a shield, withheld the reality of her pregnancy and then mandated that everyone...including her own doctor not tell her anything about it. in that same book he ONLY takes said shield off in the MOST DANGEROUS part of his territory (which defeated the purpose of the shield as a safety precaution, but reinforced the objectivity of the shield; feyre is rhys's possession). yeah the baby might kill her, but he has no problem parading her around in little more than scraps, and removing his shield so EVERYBODY knows he fucked her. that's actually insanity.
like this is...abuse. it just is. even if feyre was 'happy' or 'agreed' these are still abusive behaviors. abuse is a reflection of the abuser, not just culmination of an expected response. feyre 'agreed' relcutantly to tamlin and his controlling behaviors. she was even happy during some of those moments...he was still an abuser.
literally after silver flames was released those accounts flocked to justify the behavior instead of yknow....defending the person who was quite literally the biggest victim of the entire book. they enabled the behavior of rhys and his shield and his violence by constantly justifying it.
as i said in the initial post, if you are a feyre stan and you'd had these exact concerns, even in the back of your mind, this is not for you. this specifically for those who use a weird sense of 'faux' feminism (if we can call it that) to deflect from the role rhys plays in the abuse of feyre.
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miahxrrington-blog · 8 months
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I miss, you
⋆ ˚。⋆౨ৎ ⋆ ˚。⋆
steve Harrington x henderson reader
warnings- angst (and un prof read work promise I’ll do it later I’m just really tired
also feel free to leave feed back this is my first time writing anything like this and feed back would be great fully appreciated practice makes perfect!
summary: steve and reader had broken up they now have to fight these supernatural beings together what happens when dustin confronts steve while y/n’s in the car and asks him about how he basically threw himself at nancy
I had broken up with steve a month ago its not that i didn’t love him still. it’s more that i knew he didn’t love me. his heart belonged to someone else. and i was foolish to think that someone was me.
because how could steve harrington ever love me. when he still not over his first love. at first I thought it was in my head. but i see the way they look at each other. the stolen glances here and there. and who was i to deny him the person he truly wants to be with.
so i had to let him go. because i loved him. and he loved her. he always has and always will.
it was the spring of 86 and once again we had gotten sucked into fighting the supernatural once again.
we had just been in the shed that eddie was staying in when we started hearing sirens with confused glances towards each other we look outside and see a bunch of police cruisers. we quickly tell eddie to hide under the tarp while we go investigate.
we all get in steve’s car and I get into the front seat while robin and the kids sit in the back. dustin and max look shaken up.
“hey it’s gonna be okay.” I console them turning around to look at them.
once we get to the scene, we quickly recognize a familiar face. nance. what was she doing there? I wondered. she gives steve a little wave and nods at him.
which steve returns.
we all make our way to the trailer park in which most of these events have taken place. we all sit at a picnic table I take a seat by steve being as thats the only seat that was left. I smile at him and then return to the conversation at hand. it doesn’t have to be awkward.
“so you’re saying this thing that killed fred and chrissy is from the upside down?” asks nancy
“if the shoe fits.” mentions steve
“our working theory is that he attacks with a spell or a curse. and whether or not he’s doing the bidding of the mindflayer or just love killing teens, we don’t know. ” dustin says trying his best to fill her in.
“all we know is that this is something different. something new” I mention.
“this doesn’t make any sense.” said a confused nancy
“it’s only a theory” reassures my brother
“no fred and chrissy don’t make sense. I mean why why them.” said nancy trying to figure out what the connection was.
“maybe they were just in the wrong place.” I answered
“they were both at the game”
“and near the trailer park” said dustin and max listing things on how this could all be related
“were at the trailer park. should we maybe not be here?” asks a concerned steve
“fred started acting weird the second we got here” said nancy
“acting weird as in??” asked robin
“scared, on edge, upset.”
“max said chrissy was upset too.” said my brother
“yea but not here. she was crying in the bathroom at school” adds max
“serial killers stalk there pray before they strike right? so maybe fred and chrissy say this vecman ” asks robin
“vecna” corrects my brother.
“i dont know about you guys but if I saw some freaky wizard monster, I would mention it to someone.” says steve I nodded agreeing with him
“maybe they did. I saw chrissy leaving ms. kelly’s office. if you saw a monster you wouldn’t go to the police they’d never believe you. but you might go to your.”
“your shrink” I said finishing max’s sentence
once we were all done talking we headed to steve’s car. nancy clearly taking a different direction. i started opening the car door when i heard a
concerned steve yell over at nance
“whoa. whoa, nance, nance! where you going.” he asks. ouch. i try not to let this affect me. I mean isn’t this what I wanted. and more importantly what he wanted. I ignore the pain in my chest.
“something I wanna check on first” she answers
“something you wanna share with us?” asks my brother
“I mean yea I thought we were all in this together.” I say
“I don’t wanna waste your time, it’s a real shot in the dark.”
“yea, okay are you out of your mind? flying solo with this vecna creep on the loose no it’s too dangerous, you need, you need some to” steve tried to think of something
robin stares at me and clearly sees my discomfort.
steve then tosses his keys to robin.
“here. I’ll stick with nance, you guys take the car, check out the shrink.” if only he was that persistent when we broke up. I thought rolling my eyes at his behavior.
“I don’t think u want me driving your car” says robin
“why?” asks steve
“I don’t have my license.”
“why don’t you have a liscense”
“because im poor.”
“I can drive” says max
“no, no, no never again. please. anybody but you no.” said steve persistently
“alright just give the keys to henderson.” my brother raises his eyebrows and reachers for the keys.
“no obviously not you dipshit your sister”
“I mean yea I could drive but I don’t necessarily have my license either. are you sure you want to trust me with your car?”
“you’ve driven my car plenty of times I trust you.” said steve reminiscing those times he would teach you how to drive when you were first considering getting your license.
robin then stares at me obviously noticing I didn’t want him to leave with her. robin didnt really understand steve and how so clearly he could’ve chosen you the girl he loves but he keeps doing stupid shit like this.
“alright this is stupid.” said robin grabbing dustins walkie to insure we have communication she smiles and winks at me.
“us ladies will stick together. unless you think we need you to protect us.” I snort which then causes steve to glare at me they both make there ways to nancys station wagon.
my heart aches.
“be careful.” steve yells
ouch. see I was okay with them being together but them rubbing it in my face like this hurt. and maybe it wasn’t intentional all I knew is I never wanted to see this again.
“your just gonna stand there and gawk harrington.” noticing the same thing i noticed
“shut up.” answers steve
I enter the front steve of the car while dustin and max head for the back. I roll my eyes.
“why don’t we go okay?”
“shut up and get in the car and wipe your feet.”
“on the outside not the inside.” says steve in a disappointed mom tone I laugh
steve eventually get in the car.
“always the babysitter. always goddamn babysitter!” he hits the steering wheel.
we arrive at ms. kellys house and we watch from the car as she goes inside
“okay. she’s in”
“we can see that. im missing collarbones not my eyes.”
“so…. dustin continues. we gonna talk about it?”
“im sorry talk about what?” asks steve
“your temporary insanity earlier today when you basically threw yourself at nance.”
i snort.
“that’s not what happened.” steve mutters
“pretty sure that’s what happened it was pretty public. there were a lot of witnesses including my sister.”
“don’t bring me into this.” I say
“are you implying I have a thing for nance?” asked steve
“no im not implying. im stating as it relates to your steadfast refusal to get back together with my sister it’s pretty much the only logical explanation.”
“no way your the one putting these ideas in your sisters head henderson? that im still into fucking nancy”
“I don’t know steve you tell me”
“why are we talking about this situation as if I’m not here.” You mention
“no because you and your brother seem have this stupid idea that im still in love with nancy when so clearly the only person i care for is u.”
“steve can we not do this while my brothers in the car. please.” you pleaded tears threatening to fall out of my eyes
“alright so get out and cover your ears henderson. the adults need to speak ” he rolled his eyes looking out the window
“steve i promise we’ll speak later can we just focus on max.” I asked he nodded and we continued on our journey.
later in the day we made to nancys house we all had to keep an eye on max after everything we had just found out.
once all the kids were sleeping and only me and steve were awake he dragged me to the bathroom and locked the door.
“ we’re talking and I swear to god if henderson is putting ideas into your head that I’m in love with nancy-“
“steve it’s not dustin it’s everyone, we all notice the way you look at her you never look at me that. ever.”
“I don’t want to be in the middle of that you deserve better.”
“baby…..” steve whispers holding my face as he sees the tears I push him off.
“no steve i can’t keep dating someone who is still in love with someone else. I mean look crazy you got back at the trailer park”
“because she’s a friend and I care about her. I don’t see a future with her y/n I see it with you.”
“steve you can’t say things like that.”
“y/n im serious I see you being mrs. harrington one day and carrying my babies. I don’t see that with nancy I see it with you. and im tired of fighting because I miss you. and im sorry if I haven’t been verbal about how much you mean to me y/n but your my entire world..” I stare at him letting him console my cheek while starring into my eyes
“not nancy. you henderson. and I’d kill my self before I’d ever let anything happen to you.”
“im sorry…”
“it’s okay baby it’s, okay just come here.” he says pulling me in for a hug.
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daenerysies · 3 months
To consider one character more interesting than another is not sexism. Yes, Aegon has done nothing to prove that he is worthy of the throne - no one disputes that. This does not prevent the greens from supporting him in any way, because - you know, these are imaginary characters, not real elections of the future ruler. It's not about "she's a woman" or "she's unworthy of the tone" - it's just that she's not interesting to everyone as a character. If Rhaenyra were a more interesting character for me, I would support her. No one cares who is worthy and who is unworthy, you just choose a character that you like and support him. The blacks take it all too seriously, really.
another green stan finding something to complain about, i see? what a shocker. you’re coming up with excuses that i’ve heard a million times before. nothing about my posts mentions anything to do with finding a character more interesting. nothing about my posts mentions anything about worthiness besides saying that aegon isn’t (which he HIMSELF agrees with, as you all like to butt in with). so why are you here, in my inbox, taking it so seriously? aegon isn’t real. he’s not going to smite you for not telling yet another team black member that he’s the most interesting character ever. ‘it’s never that serious’ until you can’t leave someone alone who tagged their post properly. if i wanted to deal with aegon’s questionable fanbase i wouldn’t have put the anti tag in front of anything green related.
i could not give less of a fuck if you think aegon is a more enjoyable character, or if you find team green to be the pinnacle of fiction. it’s all subjective at the end of the day. i didn’t just call the other anon (unless you’re the same, you’re delusion is making me think so) sexist (and actually, the only thing i called sexist was the talking point, so why are your panties in such a twist?) for no reason. this is a song of ice and fire, a book series that deals with very real, very serious topics that happened throughout history. rape isn’t something to make light about. gendered violence isn’t something to make light about. that og talking point is sexist, whether you want to admit it or not. one doesn’t just go around pointing out every single minuscule negative detail about a woman and turn around to praise a man for the exact same reasons and come out not being referred to in a way that they deserve.
if you view aegon as more interesting, good for you! once again, i don’t care. stop anonymously going after people for points that you’re pulling out of your ass to be mad about. really weird that THAT was the comparison needed to make all greens get up in arms. yet they still can’t properly debate over it because they continuously fall into the ‘what about- *insert an entirely different topic*.’ it’s honestly such a shame, really. i kind of enjoy telling you guys to find a hobby.
anons are off until you and your entourage of weirdos learn how to behave like normal people with basic media literacy skills.
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angelmichelangelo · 9 months
so i just want to talk about the whole donnie and april thing from the 2012 series since i have a lot of thoughts on them both and need somewhere to just. get it out my system.
so off the bat im gonna say i’m pretty neutral about the april/donnie ship. i.. don’t really care for it but if it’s there it’s not gonna overly bother me. i’m pretty much on the fence for most things tmnt ship related (though, big exception for woodyangelo just cus. lol) that being said i do have some thoughts about how it was handled in the 2012 show.
as most people might agree, the writing for these two wasn’t great. i think, just in my humble opinion, that the writers kinda ping ponged back and forth depending on fandom criticism of the ship. one minute the relationship seemed to be slowly developing, a nice easy slow burn and then it’d take a sharp turn and it was back to a lot of uncomfortable pining and uncertainty as to where they would both end up. i think the writers wanted to appease both ends of the fandom here by making it somewhat ambiguous but it kinda blew up in their faces. big time.
so then you have the people who put all the blame on april for this. “she’s leading donnie on!” “she’s playing with both donnie and casey!” “she just wants the attention!” and, yeah. maybe. but here’s my defence: (bad writing aside for a moment, let’s pretend that all of this was done on purpose) april doesn’t know what she wants. when we meet april in the show it’s evident that she’s a little dorky and uncool and she doesn’t have ANY friends. she has irma but it seems to be one of those friendships built out of pure convenience. “oh you don’t have friends, i don’t have friends. cool. let’s hang out.” in every scene they have together it’s awkward and weird because they don’t really seem to click. april has like, as little social skills as the turtles. she doesn’t have friends let alone have TWO guys show her any appreciation and affection. how is she supposed to know how to deal with all that? she’s a teenage girl, feelings are complicated.
and some people might blame donnie. “he kept persisting even when she gave clear hints” “he was being a weirdo about it” “he made her uncomfortable” donnie is a teenage boy who happens to be a mutant. a mutant that lives underground and had never even MET a girl until they saved april. donnie’s only point of reference for romance is what he’s most likely seen on tv or in books. it’s that really cheesy affectionate stuff that might work in movies, but in real life is just strange. donnie has even less social skills that april. he’s only ever had his brothers and dad to talk to. he doesn’t know how to communicate his feelings properly because up until he met april, he probably never even knew what it was to have a crush on somebody
my headcanon for these two is that donnie is clearly autistic. he’s very overly empathetic towards april but can’t understand why his efforts aren’t paying off like he thinks they will. i think april being a young teenage girl with a lot on her plate, might not recognise why donnie is acting this way. ive seen a lot of people also headcanon that april is aromantic which i totally 100% love and agree with. i don’t think she recognises this in the way donnie recognises his own autism. it causes them to clash, and neither of them really understand why that is, and can’t quite communicate it to the other until they’ve figured themselves out.
a lot of people say that 2012 ruined the donnie and april friendship that was pretty strong throughout the franchise but honestly, even the 2003 show had pepperings of donnie’s slight crush on april, even back then. it’s not as obvious but it was definitely there. obviously it never got brought up, which imo is a little heartbreaking to think of poor don harbouring these secret feelings for his friend and then having to just. get over it when she marries casey but i think their friendship is still pretty special to them both that it eventually stops becoming an issue for him.
2012 donnie was a social wreck. he had no clue what he was doing and i think the writers could have done waaaay better in making that less of a fault and more of just. idk. just something that made people hate him a little less. it’s in the same vein as mikey’s adhd. i think the writing was a product of its time and that’s why mutant mayhem tackles those issues way way better than 2012 ever did.
it could also be said that donnie and april don’t even really have a lot in common, like some iterations. she’s smart but she’s not a scientist, and donnie’s crush is first of all born out of just physical looks, meaning that maybe donnie just happened to latch onto her because he felt a teeny glimpse of normality (“i could love a girl and she could love me back”) and kinda just held onto that. any of the other girls in the show, donnie doesn’t really draw himself towards but that’s because the other girls are mostly his brothers love interests and donnie is a firm believing in sticking to the bro code lmao (although maybe just from mikey’s perspective, but donnie does seem quite friendly with renet but that might have just been a 2003 callback perhaps, but they have more in common than her and mikey do)
all in all, the donnie/april thing could have been handled way better, especially with casey thrown into the mix. but is there one person solely responsible for the way their relationship played out? absolutely not. they both crossed some boundaries and both made some mistakes that backfired but like i said, they are far from perfect and looking back on their arc together, it’s a little heartbreaking to see how.. unsure they both are, of themselves and of each other. but that’s just my two cent on the whole thing.
i don’t think female characters were the 2012 writers strong point sadly and april suffered as a result but i genuinely think in her good moments, she shines. and donnie isn’t a creep, he’s just a good kid that wants to find his own happiness, even if he looks in the wrong places, both their intentions are good, i believe.
okay rant over sound off in the tags/replies what you think of the donnie/april dynamic in 2012 😎
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bronx-bomber87 · 8 months
Happy weekend Fandom :) Per usual we have a few high content eps then the next is a little lower. Still a good ep to be had though. Seeing a softer side to Tim for Angela. What a good friendship they have. And the continued reasons to dislike Lucy’s parents so much. I go off on her mom so be prepared. They spend this episode apart which always makes me sad. But it’s a great episode regardless. Let’s get this started.
3x10 Man Of Honor
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We start off the ep with some flashbacks to the academy. At first I thought my clip was shaky, then I realized its Nolan's shoddy camera skills not mine LOL This is the one moment I wanted to highlight out of the academy shots. Lucy’s reason for becoming a cop. It’s prominent for later in this episode. Especially with her bloody mom….Her feeling adrift since college and not knowing where she belonged. That when she stepped into the LAPD It finally clicked.
Saying she didn’t feel the time she spent before this was a wasted effort. Which is amazing most people regret the wasted time. To me I agree with her. It’s that time before you find your thing that eventually leads you to it. That need to want to protect others from harm as part of her reason. Fantastic and very Lucy. I do love her finding her place as a cop. It’s why she fights tooth and nail at everything she does with this job. What Tim saw in her from day one. That fire and drive to succeed. Love our girl.
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The scene in roll call is hilarious. Jackson’s dad told him when he got P2 he got bottle of whiskey. That he was called up to the front and given this. They are both operating under this assumption when Grey mentions them. It’s too damn funny. I love their friendship so much. It truly one of the best parts of this episode. Jackson gets tongue tied so Lucy steps in for them both. Telling Grey it's their first day as P2's all exicited.
He asks them if they want flowers? Cupcakes? It's why Grey asks Lucy what the reward is for making P2 above. They’re insanely embarrassed by the time Grey is done with them. They get to ride together which is the highlight after all that. It’s so weird to have roll call without Tim there though. I feel his absence but I guess even T.O.’s get days off. Boo.
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We catch Jackson and Lucy in their shop. Jackson keeps getting ‘Congratulations’ texts from his family. You can see the slight jealously on Lucy’s face. I totally get it. For the most part I relate to Tim. When it comes to poopy unsupportive parents I'm right there with Lucy. She and I are alike where I too have tried on a lot of hats. Just trying to find myself as well. My parents being judgy unsupportive jerks the entire way.
Lucy has finally found what her calling is and just wants her parents to be proud of her. Makes me wanna cry just writing that out. Because even when you don’t have good relationship, there is still a part of you craves that approval. When really is should be the other way around. They should be vying to be in your life.
Jackson invites her to his family tradition dinner. So sweet he really takes care of her so much. Lucy declines because her parents are supposed to come over for dinner. She thinks they’re finally coming around to her being a cop. Jackson is so excited for her and says that’s great. I love this scene. They’re so excited to be riding together it’s adorable. Getting to use ac and listen to music haha It's precious.
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We cut to Tim on his day off. Yelling at Kojo to move when he’s given up on their walk LOL It's the way Tim whines at Kojo that makes me laugh so hard. Kojo refusing to get up even though they are close to the house. That dog clearly runs that relationship and it makes me giddy to no end. I adore any scene we get with Tim and his dog. Ovary explosion for me. I’m a huge animal lover. To have a dog and Tim in a scene? Phew lord. Gimme. Tim gets a text from Angela saying she needs him ASAP. He finally gets Kojo to move by asking him if he wants a steak? Lmao Spoiled Fur-baby.
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Tim gets to the address and it’s a wedding dress shop. He enters hesitantly wondering what is going on... He asks the employee where she is? They tell him she is currently in the changing suite. She’s gone through half their tissue supply. Aww poor thing. Tim sighs and makes his way to her. Once inside asks what’s wrong? Is she going into labor? Lmao No love. Nothing like that. He is straight with her when she asks if she looks fat. I love how he tells her like it is while also being sweet about it. The Tim Bradford special. Telling her who cares what her stupid friend thinks. If she's not ashamed of her baby bump then screw everyone else.
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Angela is still upset she can’t hide her belly in her dress. Then we get to see protective/supportive Tim come out. Mmm one of my fav flavors. Asking her ’Who said you have to hide your belly?’ Angela tells him her bridesmaids did. The dress she’s in was supposed to camouflage it the best and its not doing that.
I adore him building her up when she’s down. Look at him taking the skills he learned from Lucy. Using them in this scenario. I love it sfm. Tells her to show off her baby belly. To be proud not ashamed. To wear what she feels confident in. Ugh my heart Timothy. He’s doing exactly what she needed. This is why she texted him. To be that emotional support friend. Her face says it all in that gif above.
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What I love about this scene we get to see another side of him. Not just work Tim. A supportive and thoughtful friend. If Lucy could see him right now she would be dying haha He asks her what her dream dress is? Angela tells him what she wants. He says he’ll go get the dress lady and they’ll start there.
I love this man so much. It’s insane. She looks so at ease and taken care by the end of their scene. What a good bestie does. Can only hope we can have scenes like this when Tim marries Lucy. Angela helping him out but giving him crap in a loving way baha Good man right here. Already loved him before this but this only adds to it. Like a sundae that was already delicious and adding on more yummy toppings. Only makes it even better.
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Angela is trying on more dresses. Tim asking her if she’s doing ok? I’m loving this soft version of Tim. If he’s this sweet and supportive with Angela. Can only imagine how he would be with Lucy and their plans when they get there. Angela says hard to get dress on over her bowling ball. Naww Tim’s face when she finally comes out is so cute. Once again all I can think of is his face when he sees Lucy in hers someday. I'm sorry I can’t help it LOL My brain is wired to go there now with them together.
Tells her ‘Whoa.’ building up her confidence even more. It’s so sweet. Angela agrees it’s perfect and thanks Tim for doing this with her. He does the sweetest smirk and lets her know ‘Of course’. A crash interrupts their little moment. Two ladies are fighting over a dress. Tim and Angela come out to see the fight. The dress lady says she’s called the police. Not to worry. Tim starts to film it in case they need it for evidence.
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Then his future wife and her bestie show up on the scene. Tim couldn’t be more delighted to watch her and Jackson handle this. Lucy is distracted the minute they enter the scene. Tim Is in a dress shop for one and two with Angela. Her reaction couldn’t be more pure and adorable. Asking if he’s there to help her pick out a dress? Just the thought of it is making her so happy and proud of him. The immediate joy on her face.
The thought of him doing this makes Lucy so damn giddy. Jackson doesn’t have time for her work flirt and goes after the suspects LOL Tim’s reply is classic Tim. God forbid she get to see another soft side of him. Which is exactly why she’s so giddy BTW. Tim replying to her question 'All he’s doing right now is watching her not do her job.' Ha God Tim you could’ve at least said hello. She gets nervous and side steps before helping Jackson. It's adorable. She's totally lost her place in her excitement and is clearly distracted by it.
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The more the situation escalates the more Tim and Angela enjoy themselves. Angela commenting ‘They grow up so fast don’t they?’ One of them tries to take off with the dress. Tim helps Lucy out cause he can’t help himself. Sticks out his leg tripping the suspect. He could not be enjoying himself more if he tried. Just being a proud hubby filming her arrest and making comments along the way hehe Lucy's face while he does this. She is not amused at all. I’m cracking up. God I love these two idiots so much. Act more married please. You are fooling no one.
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Her dinner will her parents Or really parent has arrived. Lucy being a wonderful daughter her mother doesn’t deserve. She's made lotus root soup which is her favorite for their evening Trying to curry favor with her before their dinner even begins. I get it. Her mom shows up solo…. Congratulates Jackson before he leaves. She is nicer and more of a supportive parent to Jackson than her own daughter… ugh been there…Lucy asks her where her father is?
Her mom says off handedly like it’s no big deal he’s at his book club. Like this dinner meant nothing to him. Her face kills me. Trying to just shake off the hurt. Melissa crushes this scene btw. My heart breaks for her over and over. Lucy continues to brush it off and say they can have a girls night to celebrate then. Her mom drops the hammer very early. Doesn’t even try to pretend to be happy about her graduating to P2. Says she isn't there to celebrate.
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Saying how they need to talk about this whole police thing. Like it’s just been some random hobby the last year or so for her. Even gives a sarcastic 'Brava.' Like she didn’t almost friggin die from this 'hobby' last year. Telling her to do something meaningful with her life. To get a real profession. The emotional abuse happening in this scene hurts to watch. It gets under my skin as the hits keep coming. Basically saying what she’s doing doesn’t mean anything. Once again Melissa is wonderful in this scene. Watching how it slowly escalates and her body language through out. Trying to take what her mother is telling her and not let it affect her. It works for a little bit but not long...
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States she wants Lucy to do something she’s proud of. One of the rudest things to tear your child down with. To only think of yourself and how their decisions make YOU look. Pisses me off so much. Just because my parents are the same damn way. To only think of themselves and not of their child. Such a narcissistic way to view Lucy and what she’s done with her life. How her career embarrasses them and they'd prefer her to just leave the last year or so behind. Just because it doesn't puff them up around their friends.
My parent's are obsessed with status as well. If I'm not using my degree (which I only got for them BTW) for a job it's not something to be proud of. Even though the job I currently have gives me independence to live on my own with no roommates (which is not cheap these days), pay all my own bills, and take care of me and my dogs with no help. But since it's not what they consider a profession to be proud of they aren't proud of me. So I relate painfully so to Lucy in this scene. Also the school thing such a boomer answer. My parent's are the same way.
To think school is the only answer to everything. That obsession with status and only wanting your kids to do their approved career choices. What makes them look good and smell good in front their social circle. Instead of thinking hey my kid is happy, they’re providing for themselves, they love what they do. They’re independent. No they only think how it negatively impacts them. I'm so mad for Lucy because I’ve lived this. The heartbreaking way she asks ‘Can’t you just support me?' Thinking why is this such a big ask?
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This is why the support she gets from Tim is EVERYTHING to her. Why she lives and breathes for it. When you’re torn down your entire life it’s hard to have self esteem. Hard to believe you’ll ever be good at something. Even if you are you don't truly believe you are until someone tells you repeatedly. Emotional abuse growing up leaves lasting scars. You can see where it all stems from for Lucy in this one scene with her mother.
Her mom goes on to tell her to find a career that really helps people. Like a doctor. Uh she has. You just don’t like it. Says she doesn't mean to be blunt, but really she does. If her mom would take her head out of her ass for two seconds. She would see Lucy already has all the things she’s harping on her to achieve. I want to hug Lucy so much while her mom berates her. Giving me flashbacks to my own mother. The pot shots leave wounds that are hard to heal.
The way she says ‘They'll always love her but’ and there’s the emotional manipulation. Basically saying our love has a price tag and that tag is the job of OUR choice. Not the one that makes you happy but the one that is socially acceptable for them. The way she cringes and moves away from her mother's touch. Knowing it’s manipulative. Hurts my soul to watch. Last thing she wants right now is fake affection.
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I do need to commend her for having the backbone to tell her mom to give her space. I've never had the guts to stand up to my mom. I just avoid her like the plague these days. Rarely interact with her. Easy when she lives on the other side of the country. All the way in Alaska and can stay there. So huge props to Lucy for being overwhelmed and setting a boundary in this moment.
That if she’s done expressing what a disappointment she is that she can just leave. Her mom doesn’t fight her in the least really. She does a little stomp trying to exude some power over her. It doesn't work. Then Lucy yells at her to go and she finally takes off. Phew. Hard scene to watch. The shot that pans out of Lucy is a great one but a heartbreaking one. Makes me so emotional to watch this scene. This scene resonates with me so much in the worst way. I wanna hug her so badly in that last gif. Wishing Jackson was there to do it for me.
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The cuteness continues for Tim and Angela while they taste test cakes. This is a much needed contrast to Lucy's SL atm. Angela sighs and says this is stupid. That no matter what she picks Patrice will overrule her. Tim is sitting there all arms crossed. Has become one of my fav poses for him. Yum Tum. Says all authoritatively ‘Don’t let her.’
What I’m loving about theses scenes is we’re getting background on Tim. Which I always love getting. Why am I not surprised his dad got drunk and ruined his wedding? That his whole family seems like one giant disaster zone? (Other than Genny) I love him taking his past experience to help guide Angela with her wedding. Such growth. Saying a million things like what his wedding had you can’t control. But this she can. So to pick what she really wants.
Angela says she wants a Tres Leches cake, but Patrice will think it's too ethnic. SMH ..Tim goes into protect mode once again. I love it sfm. Letting her know ‘Screw Patrice. If she has a problem with Tres leches or anything else for that matter she can answer to him.’ Side note anytime Eric says any Spanish word I wanna climb him like a tree. He says it with the right inflection and it’s sexy af. You know he learned all that from his wife and I love it. Feral Caitlin will cool down now but hot damn. Protective Tim and a slight accent with a Spanish word? Lord help me. Also in the black hoodie? He’s trying to kill me.
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Angela replies really? Tim nods his head and says 'Hell yeah.' Then proposes to him with a cookie to be her man of honor baha I love this episode for them. He tells man of honor isn’t a thing...She says yes it is. Lets him know he’s only person who’s made her feel sane. That she needs him to get through this wedding. He caves and says fine hehe Angela tells him his first duty is to fire her current made of honor Gretchen LMAO His reply ‘What?! ‘ I’m rolling. I love this man so much.
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We catch Lucy and Jackson at the station next day getting their war bags loaded. Lucy saying he got in late must’ve had a good time. He shows her the necklace they gave him. St. Michael. Patron saint of cops. Lucy looks jealous and asks if his parents will adopt her? Jackson immediately sensing something is wrong. He asks if she had trouble with her folks? Picking up on Tim’s habit of being a lying liar who lies. She isn’t truthful with him and he can see right through it. The concern written all over his face.
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Angela invites Gretchen to the station to be fired by Tim. It’s too funny. Tim asks why she can’t fire her? She says she’s working a case and has to go. Tim calls her a coward when he see’s Gretchen arrive lol. Another fun piece of history for Tim. He was at Angela’s nieces quinceanera. It’s how he introduces himself to Gretchen seeing as they met there before. Love them being close enough friends for him to attend that.
Gretchen is legit eyeing him the entire scene. Her eyes checking him out up and down. Can’t blame her look at the man. He is a sight to behold. Low key hits on him asking him if wants to make a little extra cash as the stripper? LMAO Too bad Lucy isn’t around to see this interaction. He always gets so flustered when someone does. I swear he doesn’t know the gorgeous creature he is when they do this.
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Tim tells her she’s been fired from MOH. His cute little look when he says Angela picked him to be her man of honor. He’s happy to do it for her but doesn’t want anyone to hear it....lol You think she’s gonna be mad. Nope just relieved. Telling Tim it’s been a nightmare. Pulls out this massive book of ‘Patrice’s picks’ and the anti-anxiety meds that come with it. My god. Also the phone just for wedding needs. Tim’s face is hilarious he looks so very overwhelmed.
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Lucy and Jackson get to end their day on a high note. They were able to link up with Nolan/Harper on their OP. Rescued a little girl and got her safely back to her mom. This scene is so validating for Lucy. Reminding her despite what her parents think this is her calling. That this is the right path for her and she’s helping people like she wanted to. May not be the way her parents approve but she is. Grey telling them that little girl wouldn't be here without their hard work. They're being put up for an award too from Grey as well. That is the icing on the cake for her in this scene. She needed this after that horrible fight with her mother.
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We find Tim and Angela on the rooftop walking toward something. She asks him what he’s doing? He tells her ‘Being your man of honor.’ They walk up to a trashcan that has the 'Patrice picks' book in it. He tells her he has one job. Give her the wedding she wants. He douses it all in the lighter fluid. Hands her the lighter and asks if she cares to do the honors? Then Angela praises him and calls him amazing.
He could not be cuter when she says this to him. Being Tim he deflects it with sarcasm saying ‘All the time.’ Ha! It’s much different than the smile we get out of him in 5x13 when Lucy calls him amazing. But it is different when the love of your life calls you that vs your bestie. Still I love this for him. The Patrice phone rings and Angela tosses it in the fire. Tim has them step back cause the battery in it is gonna explode LOL Such a damn cute episode for Tim I can not stand it.
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Best part of the episode for Lucy is this next scene. I love Jackson so very much for his loyal and loving friendship. Also for how he handles this whole thing. Knowing something is off with her. He called her mom and was told what her mom said. Tells Lucy he told her mom if she didn’t apologize to her she wasn’t going to set foot in their apartment again. Such a good friend. That’s a true blue bestie right there.
Then he follows it up with something even sweeter. Handing her a jewelry case saying this was from the West family. To remind her there are people out there who are proud of her. Proud of what she’s accomplished. I’m melting this is so damn sweet. I might get a cavity. He helps her put it on. Then tells her he’s taking her to dinner. For baseball steaks. She asks if they can do sushi instead? LOL Jackson easily concedes and says ‘Deal.’ He'll do whatever she wants.
Jackson takes care of Lucy so well. Filling that role until Tim is ready to step in and take his place. He would’ve been SO SO happy for her and Tim. To see Lucy be taken care of and treated like a Queen. Which she so very much deserves. To see her properly loved and happy. Makes me emotional thinking he’ll never get to see how happy Tim has made her.
Such a good episode even though Chenford were apart their SL’s separately were so good. What makes them so great. Can have amazing SL’s even when apart. Although I prefer them together heh.
Side notes-Non chenford
Getting to see Capt Anderson in their graduation flash back. My heart. I miss her.
The flashbacks to them at school were every cute. Lucy kicking ass in their combat classes. Of course she did. Nolan even commenting 'Think twice before taking on recruit Chen’ Obviously.
Nolan had a SL but I didn’t care about it until it involved Jackson and Lucy 😂
Thank you as always to those to like, comment, reblog and support these reviews. They’ve helped me a lot getting through this extended hiatus. I hope they’ve been helping you all as well. Shall see you in 3x11 :)
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alphinias · 4 months
That bridgerton sneak peak had some good chemistry they might make me tune in idk, I usually agree with you on most things ship related but I have a problem with this specific ship, Colin is the least interesting of the siblings so far but that's okay I didn't care for anthony either before his season, my bigger problem is Penelope, I think they tried to go for the drama and the twists too much and made her seem kind of awful? They're trying to pretend racism doesn't exist in that era but the way she outed Marina in s1 ( who was not doing a good thing at all but I don't she had much of a choice given her other option was abject poverty) and the way she talks about her friends in her column and outs everyone's shit, things that have really serious consequences on people's lives. The writers literally called her a villain which???? They're doing something I feel a lot of shows have a problem with lately, trying to girlboss women doing shitty things, same with their brand of white feminism for Eloise who spends all her scenes lamenting her fate and being "quirky" with no actual depth or confronting her privilege or trying to help other women or really anything at all, all she does is talk like a "not like other girls" girlie circa Tumblr 2012 and they're thinking omg we're being such feminists right now 🤣😅🤣
Girllll you better tune in anyway so we can get more seasons and other ships you might like better! PRESERVE OUR LIMITED ROMANCE GENRE.
In all seriousness, I totally get where you’re coming from! I personally love polin and I’m very excited for them, but I don’t think the writing has always been the best. Obviously a lot of polin fans don’t agree with me, but I still think this season not being Benedict’s is so strange and a mistake. The general audience adores him and I think both Colin and Penelope could’ve done with another season of personal growth (and slow burn) to help them win over the rest of the audience more. I like Colin and I think he’s actually really funny when they give him a chance, but he’s done nothing to scream leading man like Benedict has yet. I guess S3 will tell us how much is on the writing so far vs Luke Newton. I want him to be so amazing, but I get the doubts because I still have some nerves about it too. I think the sneak peek looked great and is a great start so I’m gonna go in with optimism and positive thoughts!
Gotta defend Eloise because I think her thinking she’s ranting and valid but actually being more out of touch than she realizes is mostly purposeful! I like that as a character flaw and I think it’s realistic for someone in her position. Or maybe I just love Eloise lol. Penelope is a bit of a more… complex case. I see why people hate her, although I personally mostly like her even though I think she sucks for what she did to the Bridgertons. She’s just treated so polarizing one way or the other by the fandom and the producers are obsessed with her and I think that’s part of the problem.
I have doubts any of the Bridgerton ships will beat kathony for me but overall this fandom is so weird! I don’t get the ship wars amongst the ships because they are all canon and they’re all meant to have their spotlight and be enjoyed. I don’t mean you anon when I say this btw, I mean more the hardcore Bridgerton fandom. It’s why I don’t engage with them a lot lol. I just want to enjoy a cute ship every season.
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Top 10 "13 Reasons Why" Characters
I am focusing mainly on the main cast and characters that I feel made a big enough impact on the show as a whole. Where I rank them isn’t solely based on how much I like them. Some instances will also be based on how well I feel the actor portrays them. However controversial that might be at times.
1. Tony Padilla
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Tony just oozes cool, to me. I loved him from the moment I saw him. His car, awesome. His leather jacket, also awesome. His hair and style, great. His humor and overall characterization were great to me as well. I think we can all agree, we need a friend like Tony in our lives! I was always rooting for my boy!
2. Justin Foley
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This one is a weird one. I spent most of season one thinking Justin was such a jerk. His friends were jerks, his actions that led to his tape also made him a jerk. But, by the time the series ended, I absolutely loved the guy! My heart hurt for him, man. He was done so wrong!
3. Clay Jensen
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Clay was an interesting character. I can’t quite place it but, I have love/hate feelings towards him. Especially as the series progresses. Yes, dude went through some seriously terrible stuff in his young life. But he turned into a bit of a douche. I was glad to see him seemingly riding off into a happier life, though. Sadly, his demons will always be with him.
4. Hannah Baker
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Hannah’s story was just sad altogether. But we all know that already. In terms of character, I liked her. I could relate in some ways. Being a former victim of immense bullying, I totally understood her thought process. Though I didn’t have exactly what happened to her, happen to me, I was certainly a victim of harsh rumors like she was. It takes a huge toll on a young girl’s mind. The tape thing was a little much, though...
Sadly, we didn't get enough time with her for me to truly grow with her, so I put her lower on this list than I wanted to.
5. Bryce Walker
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Say what you will about Bryce the character, but the actor did such an amazing job at portraying such a despicable, yet somewhat understandable character. Especially as the series progresses. At times I found myself questioning if I should hate him, or feel bad for him. He was definitely NOT a good guy in any sense of the word. But I give Justin Prentice all the credit on this one! I like a good 'heel".
6. Alex Standall
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Alex is awkward and quiet. And he definitely struggled a lot in the show. 13 Reasons Why never shied away from dark themes and Alex was just one of many that got hurt a lot. My really felt for him. Especially early on.
7. Jessica Davis
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I have never really been able to decide what exactly it is that I feel about Jessica. I liked her, but also found her to be a bit too uptight and bratty at times. In season one especially. But, that's the point. She was the spoiled daddy’s girl type. I began to sympathize with her more as the show progressed, though.
8. Zach Dempsey
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I didn’t think much one way or another about Zach. For much of the show he was the jock stereotype. I liked seeing his more sensitive sides, though. And I especially love the slight bromance he and Clay would later have.
9. Tyler Down
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We’ve all known someone like Tyler. Someone really on the outside of every group in high school. Someone you’d see off on their own, and usually the target of many of the jock’s attacks. Seeing how this would impact Tyler throughout the show just broke my heart into a million pieces. I particularly loved how the actor portrayed him in the later seasons. He got really real, and really raw. His talent showed in his performance.
10. Ani Achola
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I just don’t have a clue what I think of Ani. I didn’t feel she was needed really. I mean, I guess they needed someone to come in and humanize Bryce a bit and give Clay a new love interest. But her and Clay just didn[‘t do it for me. They had some cute moments together. And I have nothing against the character per se. I just couldn’t connect with her as much.
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do you know how much the way certain fans feel this sense of ownership of celebrities they love and relate to pisses me off and has for years?
like I’ve been a young teen in the days one direction was big. I’ve made mistakes and said things I don’t morally agree with to fit in when I’ve been asked about celebrity crushes, artists I like etc. I learned not to trust fanfics with celebrities in them because I’ve read enough that have made me uncomfortable often in hindsight even if I enjoyed them at the time (not saying we can’t do ethical fics, but this is just an area I don’t engage with and so I’m not an expert in). I’ve had to see the same thing happen, in smaller ways, to people I love who were successful at something or attractive or whatever and as a result the people around them didn’t grant them the freedom they deserve and have a right to.
if I think too hard about it I reflect on the fact I might’ve lost the closest person I knew to a soulmate to this: they left the toxic environment I knew them from, and I knew at the time even that I was a reminder of that time of them, I had to let them go. What I’m saying I guess is this is personal, I do know something of what it’s like, I’m not trying to make it impossible to be a fan.
because I also understand the feeling of ‘no one gets me but X, I’m alive because of X, I find solace in their music or other art form and I’d die for a chance to meet them and I know I’m obsessed as a trauma reaction I can’t just stop’
like all you have to do is remember they’re a person with trauma too. and they’re baring themselves to share that, an incredibly vulnerable thing, they’re trusting us to take care of them. millions of us often who get it and are strengthened because of it as we get through whatever we’re going through. the impact is profound. and this goes both ways.
I remember when Taylor released red and I remember that it was the lucky one that made me realise the way celebrity worship culture had infiltrated into my high school. I remember even then, the emotions of the song convincing me I’d support her if she did disappear from the spotlight. That penny dropped so long ago I can’t remember it but. It’s not easy to be vulnerable with people who go crazy over you and unless you’re real intentional about it and have great boundaries, it’s not sustainable. At all. And this is where it’s our responsibility like it is with the way we tread lightly (or need to, badly) on our planet: we need to adopt the same attitude for our celebrities. Especially the ones we love.
because can you imagine being thrust into that world when you yourself are a teenager, too young to know what boundaries even are? When you’re a teenager who’s from a background of obscurity and struggling to fit in as it is, hungry for love and validation and already used to working hard and beating yourself up at everything bad that happens that you may or may not have had any control over?
I can’t speak for the background of most celebrities but I do know what it’s like to grow up in western sydney in the early 2000s, creative and sensitive and likely neurodivergent in a world that doesn’t know what that is, in a world where we don’t think of ourselves as special or deserving of any sort of thing we might need, in a world where we survive by pleasing people and working hard. It makes for the most humble successful people you’ll ever meet who know how to have empathy and care and will probably work themselves—I know because I’ve done it—into the ground at any chance to have a meaningful difference in someone’s life.
and this is a trend that happens regardless of gender. women are objectified all the time, and as a society we’re starting to call that out. Good. If you’re trans people are weird and predatory all the time, and we’re starting to have conversations where we realise that. Good. And shaming people who are so horrible to such a vulnerable population. But if you’re a man, it doesn’t mean you’re immune to it. Especially if you’re good looking.
being a teenager in the 2010s means being part of a world and generation that was insane over boy bands and when you’re a teenager going through the things and finding comfort in music, you’re not all that powerful, just a vulnerable child. But we grew up, we’re in our 20s now, and we’re adults with power and we have to be conscious of that. Stalking is predatory behaviour, thinking back to the wedding people crowded outside of a month or so back. Recording someone in their private dressing room is predatory behaviour. These are things that if they happened to you, you would call the police, and if it continued, you would get a restraining order. Celebrities aren’t any different to you in that, except for the fact that this is normal fan behaviour to many apparently.
this needs to stop. If we want celebrities we can connect with to continue existing publicly we have to remember that they’re humans first. And go a step further: think about the fact that private jets are causing so much environmental damage and we have to do something about them. But celebrities can’t be normal people commuting where they have to go. They’re constantly on display and if you want to come across as a good person you have to be friendly to every fan. Even if you’re neurotypical, and many of our most talented are not, this is exhausting. Trust me when I say the best thing you can do for the environment, for the celebrities you love, for the music industry, anything, is treat them as normal people and connect with people who find comfort in their art like you do so you don’t feel alone: rather than thinking celebrities are yours to own in any way because of the impact they’ve had on you, and then being weird and gatekeepy at other fans.
this applies to any fandom really, but especially to those for celebrities who do decide to be vulnerable in their art. who tend to be kind with a tendency to people pleasing and possibly overwork too. who capture our hearts in so many ways and yes maybe their looks might play a part in it. who we’ve grown up with and maybe that means they started as kids too, had to learn boundaries the hard way and probably have still active trauma from that experience that’s impacting them and their personal lives because that’s what trauma does. who still decide to say nice things about how much they appreciate their fans all the time instead of ever taking it out on us.
but we can see their trauma in their songs when they are being vulnerable, and their success means that there are some of us who get it. A youth that was stolen and filled with mistakes/I turned all around look for someone to blame/but I’m over dramatic and drenched in my pain. I know I’m not the only one who that hit home for. So use your heads. You say you care and yet you turn people who care for you as much as they physically can when their fan base is in the millions into objects who exist for your own pleasure without thought to whether it’s hurting them. we need to do better.
(thank you @confusionmeisss for inspiring this rant)
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gunnerkriggcritical · 2 years
I’ll share my personal story here in condensed form. I started reading the comic about 10 years ago and quickly became obsessed. I’d say at this point I’ve reread the entire thing… I don’t know, let’s say 5 or 6 times. At its peak, no other webcomic can match Gunnerkrigg for art, for story, or for character. What a stunning, spooky, subtle, complex, and deeply moving comic—and at times hilarious as well. All centered around Annie, one of the most heartbreakingly relatable characters I’ve ever encountered.
My personal turning point was The Tree. I feel like this is where some other fans would put their turning points, too. Anthony’s return brought the comic to a point I feel like it still hasn’t recovered from. Something happened at that point which slowly but surely made GKC a chore to read and keep up with, rather than a pleasure. The story now proceeds in awkward leaps and lurches rather than the patient, unfolding pace we were accustomed to for the first decade. 
Nowadays, there’s no slow, careful unfolding of story. Major plot threads get resolved—or introduced and then immediately resolved (see the two Annies)—in ways that feel nowhere near satisfying or even coherent. New arcs are introduced that feel weird and tacked-on and, at worst, annoyingly unwelcome (Loup, who has never quite felt integrated into the story of the comic). The story is telling rather than showing 99.9% of the time. It’s ALL exposition. It’s like Tom is racing at full tilt towards the finish line so he can start working on something else he’s more passionate about. And worst of all, Annie Carver herself now feels like a side character in her own story. She displays few moments of autonomy or personality. She’s just kind of “girl who is there.” I don’t feel like we know her anymore. And for such an incredibly nuanced protagonist, that’s the worst crime of all. 
But I might still be reading if not for two particular incidents. I usually can stay loyal to something I’ve loved despite its declining quality, but I never quite came back from the chapter where Tom seems to address reader criticism of Tony, Annie’s deadbeat-at-best dad, by having an entire chapter dedicated to how Tony is excused from being a deadbeat, actually, because he has an ambiguous mental illness of some sort, and ending with Annie looking directly at the viewer to tell us she doesn’t care and loves him anyway and she’s fine and we should all stop worrying, and then having Jones, the literal impartial observer character, agree with her. 
That was my last straw. The comic was done for me after that. All my goodwill was gone. I’m honestly still enraged even though this happened more than a year ago; I could talk about it for paragraphs in another post, and I probably will. But for whatever reason I kept reading, morbid curiosity I guess? 
Until I reached the point where Lana is almost sexually assaulted by elf kids. I couldn’t believe what I was reading, for so many reasons. GKC has gone so very far off the rails. I realized I was actively dreading each new page and I didn’t want to read at all anymore. I’m done, and I’ve only periodically checked in with the comic since then, each time discovering it’s gone even further off the rails than before. 
It really feels like the author has clocked out. The art is no longer stunning (IMO), and the story no longer has any passion in it. It’s not unique or charming or heartbreaking or funny the way it once was. It’s just… random stuff happening. A story about robots, told robotically. At turns, unfortunately, it’s even actively offensive and bad. And for a comic that was once so special, that sucks especially much. 
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luverofralts · 9 months
Arkhelios Adventures
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“I think I can kinda feel something working. It’s stronger now that Ewan’s around. Can you feel it too?”
Theo rocked back on his feet and placed another cupcake in his mouth. Things were going slowly so far-too slowly. At this rate, they would never find out if Ewan was related to Adam and Remy. He’d be at home in bed for the night before any signal got back to his stalkers.
“Your dad makes the best cupcakes. Like seriously, these are amazing.”
After their encounter with Roman in the kitchen, Theo had “accidentally” liberated a plate of cupcakes intended for the dinner. The frosting was intricate, homemade and incredibly addicting. Adam would ask for the recipe if he thought there was an actual chance of him replicating the delicious treats, but only Roman it seemed had the skill to pull them off. Saturnia might learn it in time given her skill set, but for now, Roman was the only way to access the desserts he had become known for. Stealing a whole plate of them was so amazing a find that it almost overshadowed their important work. 
Once they’d found a tea set stocked with expensive tea in the queen’s old rooms, the two boys began to relax. This clandestine operation was on track so far and aside from some slow magic slowing them down, things were going okay.
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“So these were the rooms of Queen Celeste? The witch who tried to kill Death along with the Strangetown cult...er, I mean coven? This is an amazing suite! I wonder what else she had stored around here?”
Adam lowered his eyes to the floor, obviously distracted by Theo’s words. Far too late, Theo realized that he was speaking dismissively about the “restructuring” the Strangetown coven had had to undergo. The coven his mother was single-handedly keeping together because of her brother’s actions.
“Shit, I’m sorry, Adam,” Theo said quickly. “I wasn’t thinking. Are you okay being here where one of the leaders of the coven lived? I just assumed that because it was empty, we could-”
“It’s fine, Theo,” Adam reassured his boyfriend. He sipped his tea quietly for a moment. “That all happened before I was born. I never knew any of them, but my mom was devastated when they died. I still catch her crying sometimes when she thinks she’s alone. She probably couldn’t be here in this room, but it doesn’t really bother me. Well, actually no. It makes me sad. Sad and angry that my uncle and her friends could do that to her. The world can be a really horrible place sometimes.”
“You’re telling me,” Theo laughed awkwardly. “I get it. Thank god my grandmother is dead, or whatever did happen to her. At least I don’t have to spend the rest of my life looking over my shoulder for her in dark, secret corners. Having some closure makes things easier for your mom, I’d imagine.”
“Yeah, that definitely helps.”
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After a long pause, Theo asked the question that had been plaguing him for a while.
“So what happens if this guy is your long lost brother? Does anything change?”
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“I guess Winterfest plans change,” Adam sighed, picturing having to spend an extended period of time with the annoying Ewan. “We see him on family dinner night maybe? I don’t know. My dad’s not that hard to get a hold of, Theo. If his mom really wanted to let my dad know she was pregnant, then I can’t see why she couldn’t have done that. I mean, even Queen Claudia can be reached reliably through the right channels and my dad isn’t anywhere near as important as she is. This whole thing felts weird.”
“Ewan feels weird,” Theo agreed. “Can you sense some of what I’m feeling when he’s nearby? It’s like he’s empty, magically just nothing. I’ve never met someone like that before.”
“Hmmm, I can maybe feel a little bit of what you’re feeling, yes. It’s not as intense as I thought it would be.”
Theo nodded in agreement.
“Yeah, my parents always acted like blood connections were this horrible, dangerous thing,” Theo confided. “I think probably because their connection was so damaged and warped by the end that it was dangerous for them. If anything, this pact is barely a magical trickle of energy. It’s boring and ineffective. Next time we try a harder spell.”
“There’s going to be a next time?”
Adam chuckled while Theo flushed with embarrassment.
“Yeah, I mean maybe, if you want to...I’m not really expecting- well that is-”
“Relax Theo, I’m teasing you,” Adam laughed, easing Theo’s anxiety. “Maybe there will be a next time, maybe there won’t. I’m okay with either if everything is safe. We make a good team.”
Theo poked at the crystal that they’d brought with them and a suspicious amount of salt he’d taken from the kitchen when his father was distracted by the mystery of his missing cupcakes. Adam was obsessed with crystals, probably more than even a practicing member of the Crystal Cove coven was. He had an anxiety soothing crystal (which Theo thought was a scam for how useful it was at soothing Adam’s worries), a crystal to relieve headaches during exams, a crystal to find missing items in their dorm, a crystal he used to predict pop quizzes (which Theo was also skeptical of) and a crystal for enhancing spells. There were probably many other crystals that Theo had yet to find, along with stones from their many walks in the forest that he insisted were “special”. This crystal was supposedly going to enhance the blood pact and kick it into gear so they could finally get a clear answer about Ewan...if it worked.
“Well, here goes nothing.”
Theo flipped to a certain passage in his text book and read the latin inside, calling for their blood connection to be increased to solve the question their pact was formed to answer.
For a minute, nothing happened and Theo poked once more at the crystal in front of him angrily.
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“Do you see anything? I think maybe I do. Is the room getting more blue to you? The walls look blue now.”
Theo paused to consider Adam’s words. The walls maybe did look oddly coloured all of a sudden. He could feel a strong pounding noise echo through his head. Almost like a drumbeat urging him into action.
“I have to go find Ewan,” he exclaimed, standing too quickly and faltering. “This is working, or at least I hope it is. Something is happening. I have to go!”
Adam stared nervously as Theo bolted from the room. His head did feel a little funny, but nothing like Theo was describing. If he were to write a paper on the experience for class, he would have to assume the pact was working as intended. Theo was using the spell on himself while receiving information on the bloodline that Adam was broadcasting, so it was reassuring that Theo was having the stronger reaction. If Adam had been as driven as his boyfriend to go find an answer to their question, he would have to assume that the connection made between them was faulty and that he and Theo had merged incorrectly. Not only did this information make him worry less about their spell work, but he was also incredibly proud of his boyfriend. Very few people could do blood magic and even fewer could do it correctly. Theo was going to be one of the standout students in their age bracket without any doubt.
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“Can I have a pink one? I really like the pink kind.”
Victoriana stared at the collection of treats before her, her eyes lighting up at every selection. Roman had outdone himself, likely to impress the ruling monarch of the largest country and her family. Well, Victoriana was very impressed. She had already tried two different pastries and licked the spoons in the frosting mixing bowl clean, clearing a path to the cupcakes. Each one was a work of art with dazzling designs and specially designed toppings and if she’d been left unsupervised in the room, they would have all been eaten long before her mother had joined them.
“You don’t want to ruin your dinner,” Roman chided softly. “I worked hard on that too and I think you’re going to like it.”
“Does it have peas in it? I don’t like peas. I could just skip the peas and eat a cupcake now. I can’t spoil something I’m not going to eat.”
Roman smiled at the preteen, seeing so much of Theo and his girls in the young princess. If he had a dollar for every bargain Theo had tried to make to avoid eating vegetables, he wouldn’t be worrying about supporting his restaurant like he was.
“Sorry princess, but your mom’s the boss and she says no skipping dinner for cupcakes. You can help me start the cake icing if you want though. It should be- oh, goddamn it!”
Roman swore far too loudly for a dignified palace when he stumbled and watched the cupcake in his hands fly through the air, ruining a solid twenty minutes of work.
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Theo ran down the stairs, not even hiding the fact that he was running from within the forbidden area of the castle.
“Remy! Remy!”
Remy looked irritably at Theo as he stormed into the room, thankfully sparing her the need to think of something mundane to talk about with their target.
“Theo, thank god. What took you so long? Were you and Adam making out somewhere when you know that you had a prior commitment? I can’t stand this anymore. It’s not even possible that I’m related to this guy, he’s an asshole.”
Ewan didn’t look surprised to hear Remy’s frustrated confession and ordinarily, that would have sent Theo spiraling to think up a new story. But now?
His heartbeat thundered in his temple as he tried to make sense of the scene before him. Remy and Ewan sat on a couch, barely hiding their disdain for each other. He blinked and saw an entirely different scene before him, one he could hardly fathom.
Blood pulsed through their veins and Theo could feel Remy and Ewan’s heartbeats as strongly as his own. Remy’s blood pressure was rising with her anger. She was born in Pleasantview, he could see her ties to the land, where she’d began. Her paternal great-grandmother’s name was Remy and they both had black hair and the same freckles. He could see both Remy’s in his mind as clearly as if they were standing side by side before him. Her maternal great-grandfather Adam Thompson stepped into view as well as her paternal great-grandfather Prince Adam Walter. Their names seeped out of them, ebbing into Theo’s mind. The two Adams joined hands and pointed at Theo’s now glowing hand that had been linked to Adam Darktide and suddenly an image of his own Adam stepped into view. Blood called to blood and names called to names; everything was connected.
He turned his eyes to Ewan, who was still eerily staring at him. His name was Ewan MacLeod and he’d been born in Pleasantview to Lynette MacLeod. Two Remys and three Adams turned to welcome him into Theo’s sight. 
“Ewan.” Theo whispered the word into life and watched several new lights spark into existence like tiny beacons of flames. Prince Ewan and Ewan Jr Goldman appeared, but Theo looked past them. That wasn’t the branch of the Maricourt-Darktide  family tree he was interested in. No, he wanted Ewan G Lind Maricourt, Adam and Remy’s father. 
The Maricourts were a secretive family and several members had just a single G hung in their name, seemingly just to frustrate those who sought out their true names. If Theo concentrated, using his connection to Adam, he could get a sense of the vague shape of the G starting name, but nothing came clearly into vision. It was an interesting tactic for self defense, one that Theo envied. Adam didn’t know the name either, which just raised more questions for the teen. Did the children named with the mysterious G name know what it stood for? Did they learn it before they passed on the name to their children or had the true name been lost to the centuries? Was just “G” accurate enough to provide protection against blood magic if no one knew the actual true name or did “G” become the true name if no one remembered what it stood for? This was a question Theo vowed to raise with his teachers later on. There was so much to see and learn with blood magic and he’d barely scratched the surface of his abilities. Why had he never tried practicing his spells on this scale before? Surely this must be how Life and Death saw the universe, each little spark igniting a chain reaction until the entire universe revealed its secrets.
Theo somehow pulled himself away from the Maricourt naming dilemma to the Maricourt family dilemma. It wasn’t easy. He could stare at the interconnections in his world for centuries and still not learn it all.
He watched as Ewan G Lind Maricourt settled back into view, holding his hand out towards the burning brilliance of Adam and Remy. A spark floated by them echoing Miruna’s name and Theo let it pass. He was getting closer. His own voice called out to him, repeating the name he’d used to create the pact in the first place.
“Ewan, uh, Maricourt?”
It wasn’t exact. Every Ewan in Adam’s family tree rose again to obscure his view. He squeezed his eyes shut, focused as hard as he could and repeated the name. The blood in his veins boiled as the magic rebelled against him. A sharp pain burned its way into his mind, but it was becoming clearer. His target was Ewan MacLeod, child of Pleasantview, child of Lynette and child of Ewan G Lind Maricourt.
Theo gasped at the strength of the connections before him. Ewan MacLeod blazed beside his siblings with the intensity of a star. He had been telling the truth all along; he was Adam’s brother.
His teachers would tell him to stop there now that he had his answer, but Theo was hooked on the revelations before him. Curious, he turned his attention inward. He might never get another chance to see himself like this, or at least not until he was almost graduating school. It was eerie seeing his own existence stretched out before him.
Theodosius Ulysses Bellamy, born in Arkhelios in a small section of land surrounded by dark churning water. Darkness surrounded him. He could feel the weight of the curse he had been born with just as intensely as he remembered it. It tied him to Abraham Helios Sr and the death that awaited him by a demon’s hand, to the curse seared into the flesh of Romanus Bellamy. Death and hatred surrounded Theo, clouding his vision. He felt the slow burning hatred of his ancestors, ancestors who harboured this hatred for Theo as well. They wanted him dead. He was supposed to be dead.
“Theo? Are you okay? You’re kind of creeping me out here.”
Remy’s words of concern faded into the background, irritating the young teen but not penetrating the haze he found himself in. There was something strong pulling to him and he needed to follow it with every molecule in his body, safety be damned. An image of his great-uncle Hunter Bellamy floated towards him, slowing him down. Hunter had been born Theo Helios and Theo himself had been named to honour this fact. He never really saw Hunter Bellamy due to his terrible relationship with Roman, but Theo could still sense his connection to the man. Their true names were both Theo which joined them both in blood and by name. Theo didn’t know the first thing about Hunter or his life, but the connection between them was strong.
He could feel the warmth of his father’s light burning in the castle down the hall, calling to him. Just as Ewan and Adam and Remy circled their father, Theo was called to his. Pain jolted through him as the memory of his curse wrapped around his body, seeking re-entry. This wasn’t right, the curse had been broken years ago, or so he’d believed. This all consuming darkness hadn’t left him. It called to every part of him, longing to be reunited. He had developed as a fetus with the darkness pressing itself into his very being; he could feel the inevitability of its return in his very soul. It had been a part of him that was amputated, but a still a part of him all the same.
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Theo removed himself from the room somehow, whether by walking or teleporting or even just magically floating away from the Darktide family, he couldn’t be sure. He could hear laughter calling to him even stronger.
The princess was laughing at his father, who now had cupcake smeared along the edge of his coat and a frustrated expression.
The words Romanus Bellamy called to him, intertwining with the brilliant light standing beside him that spelled Victoriana. Victoriana had many names and many titles, but she was young and unguarded enough for Theo to see past those, far closer to her true name than he should ever be. Through Adam’s connection to his newly discovered half-brother, Theo had learned more about Ewan’s identity. He had a devastating suspicion about why he could see through the titles of the crown princess of Pleasantview. Of why she shone so brilliantly next to his father. He had gone searching for an answer to Adam’s family mystery and revealed a crushing answer of his own by accident. Just when he thought that his respect for his father couldn’t get any lower.
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Theo was the half-brother of the future monarch of Pleasantview. His father had been hiding this secret all this time; hiding this shame. When was Theo going to find out about this? Was his father ever planning to tell him? Did his other father know?
He could feel the darkness that surrounded him pull him closer. It brushed against his eyes, swirling in his nostrils as he inhaled the anger and hurt and fear he had been made for. Perhaps this was why his teachers urged him to not actively practice blood magic until he was older. He remembered vividly being overwhelmed as a child when he ran away from home and tried practicing blood magic untrained. He had almost died back then. Maybe the curse he’d spent his entire life running away from would kill him now. It didn’t matter, not really. 
Theo could faintly hear the sound of his father’s voice call to him, but it was too late. He was underwater, drifting away into the comforting embrace of the curse that had been custom made just for him. He couldn’t feel the anger anymore; he couldn’t feel anything really. The last thing he remembered before losing consciousness was the sound of Adam’s voice, calling him desperately back to safety.
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nerd-chocolate · 26 days
A bunch of Unpopular opinions related to Zoé (a character that has grown a lot on me):
1- She isn’t a bad character. She was just screwed up by the writers.
2- She should have been introduced in early season 2. Back then, the fandom had so many theories about Chloe having a twin sister back then. One of Astruc’s friend even made an art for her. Amber Bourgeois (who never ended up being canon). If she was introduced back then, the fandom wouldn’t have hated her as much, and it would have given her more time to be developed before getting a miraculous.
3- She shouldn’t be a foil to Chloe. Besides it being unnecessary (cause we already have characters like Marinette, Adrien and Sabrina. That have parallels, and at the same time, are opposites), it was what lead her into being hated by many on the fandom.
4- She actually works better (in my opinion, at least), as a foil to Lila. Both the girls had similar backstories (well, until the writers said “screw continuity” and completely changed what we knew about Lila). Both used lies to gain friends, but, while one did it to be accepted and liked, the other did it for power. If the writers actually noticed and expanded on that, it could have lead to an interesting arc and interactions.
5- The bee miraculous doesn’t fit her. The concept of subjection has nothing to do with her, and the concept of action is so broad that anyone could use it. I think that the Fox (illusion), Dog (Adoration), or Rooster (the power of sublimation reminds me of how actors can have many different roles) would have made a better match.
Sorry ^^' I just had a lot to say.
First of all, do not apologize because I love these takes so much about Zoé since like you, she’s grown on me as well. And the more the merrier in my opinion.
1. 10, I fully agree with this take of the most. The writers clearly didn’t give two shits about Zoé and just wanted to rush her character out!
2. 7, I’m fine with what season Zoé got introduced in since in some shows do have characters be introduced much later while still being interesting and well written characters. But I do see where you coming from because if Zoé had been introduced earlier, I think the fandom would be this conflict about and gotten used to her. I don’t know on the other hand, she would benefit from being introduced earlier but on the other hand, the writers could easily done her debut better.
3. 10, the best the writers could muster up for them was that Zoé is nice and Chloé is mean at least from I remember. But, yeah just because they are related doesn’t mean they’re foils to each other.
4. 10, I agree and I think it a shame that we never saw the two interact with each other like at all. Because the writers barely utilized Zoé’s acting skills to further her character, instead using it for the love square because fucking course. The only time I feel like they were doing that was probably in Queen Banana, where Zoé had to get Chloé to wear the magical charm, so she says a line from the movie they did and lie to Chloé that Audrey gave her a necklace so Chloé would wear it, which work. Which made me think that she is kinda manipulative in a way that used for good for the better of others than her own like Lila does. Which is an interesting parallel in itself but it never gets brought up. And another thing, the writers never made the two interact is because they knew it would be weird that Zoé decided to believe Lila for no reason and couldn’t come up with anything else!
5. 8, I think her getting the bee was fine but I do get what you’re coming from and her either getting any of the miraculous you mentioned sounds like good options for her. If it was up for me, I probably picked the snake since they symbolize rebirth and her living in Paris could be seen as a way to start a new life, I don’t know.
These were excellent takes and I’m glad to be answering them!
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Reaction #12: Password is related to their Ex
You weren’t breaking into his computer without his permission. You had asked, to use his computer for something and he agreed.  You typed in the number code quickly.  Day - Month - Year…It was only after you typed in the numbers he had given you did they remind you of something.  You’ve been together for three years now, and you remembered last year he had given you flowers on this day.  You couldn’t remember why you remembered until he had written an anniversary card with it.  The day, the flowers, and the card clicked in your mind.  
His password to open up his laptop was his ex’s anniversary date.  Your fingers hovered over the keys looking at the open screen, eyes on the post it note.  You’ve been together for three years and he still hasn’t changed it.  
“Hun? You okay?”  Baekhyun called from the couch.  He looked over to see your frozen face.   Blinking, you gave a smile, closing the laptop quickly.  
“Yeah. I just remembered, "I have something else I need to do first.”  You stood up, heading to the chair to grab your jacket.  
“I’ll call you later okay?”  You wave goodbye quickly running out of his apartment, allowing yourself to cry only when you get to your car.  
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“I got it, don’t sweat it.”  You told Jongin over the phone when you opened up his tablet.  “I’ll send it right over okay.” 
“Thanks, you’re the best.” 
“I know I am.”  You smile into the phone.  Plugging into the tablet, you tried using the code he had for his phone, the same number for your birthday.  It didn’t work.  You tried the four digit date of your anniversary, nothing.  You tried his birthday, yet still nothing.  Sending a quick text about what number was his tablet, he responded just as quickly.  You stared at the four digits, hands slightly shaking when you used them and it opened.  You knew whose birthday that was.  Your ex-friend and his girlfriend from high school.  She had cheated on him, and after college you two had reconnected.  It had taken up all your courage to finally ask him out on a real date, and he said yes.  Taking a screenshot of the data he needed you sent it over in a text message real quick before closing the ipad.  You know it shouldn’t hurt you, that he still uses his ipad everyday, typing in her number but it does.  Despite being with you, you always felt he compared you to her in some way.  A comparison you never have been able to stand up with.
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You were going through his mom’s calendar to try and figure out a good day for everyone to get together.  You were heading to August, when you noticed a small note on July 8th.  Minseok’s ex-fiance's birthday was staring up at you.  0708.  You had known both of them, when they were together.  You knew his family would compare you both, never to your face, but still.  Sometimes when his mom looks at you, you see her eyes, maybe thinking how his ex could have done it better.  
“___?”  His mother called from the other room.  Minseok had been helping her get lunch ready.  “Yeah, I’m just looking.  Minseok, do you mind if I check your phone’s calendar?”  You, hoping they wouldn’t come out and see you panic.  
“Go ahead.”  He called out, with your hands shaking you clicked his screen on, typing in the password you had in the past so absent mindedly done.  0-7-0-8.  The phone unlocked, with just a simple click, and a small tear in your own heart.   
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He always called you peaches.  Yixing had said the way you smelled reminded him of the fruit he loved growing up.  It was a weird habit that he would relate people to food, yet he was a pastry chef, so it made sense in your mind.  In fact you were trying one of his strawberry tarts.  He stood behind the counter, helping customers and smiling with his chef hat.  In fact you looked around to see most of the delicacies he served were strawberries.  You even knew his password to get into the system was strawberry.  It was a weird thing you just started noticing after running into his ex the previous month.  A week ago, she had contacted you asking to meet as well.  Where she made a reference to her own fruit nickname.  
“I ate so many strawberries when we were together, I even have earrings with it.  I guess it’s an ongoing joke, I grew up on a strawberry farm you know.”  
Now you realized, everything pointed back to her.  Your eyes went to the small tray of mini peach pies in the corner of the display.  They were the only peaches he was selling currently, sad little treats that were still full from this morning.  No one had bought any.  You looked around gazing at the signs, to see if there were peaches anywhere, but in the fruit display decorations you had helped put up, there were no peaches.  
“Peach?”  Yixing asked, standing next to your table.  “You okay?”  He looked at you concerned.  For a second you thought about telling him, thought about asking, but you knew the moment you did, your relationship might end.  The woman he had lost, the one whose nickname decorated his life so elegantly no longer had any obstacles in her path.  The only one now was you.  But looking up at your boyfriend of two years, you didn’t want to let him go.  He was the first one who made you feel loved, even if it seemed artificial.  
“Yeah, it’s just a little too tart for me today.”  You gave a smile, hoping he wouldn’t see the sadness brewing.  You didn’t know how long you were going to be able to be with him, but you were going to enjoy it while it lasted.  
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Reaction Masterlist
Liked Yixing's? So did I, I got an entire one shot stuck in my head.
In The Way is out Now!
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p5x-theories · 1 month
How would a "full deck" of Social Links work?
If they actually did decide to go for a plan of having a huge cast themed around the entire Tarot deck it would probably make the most sense for the Major Arcana to be reserved for the important story characters, while the Phantom Idol/Confidant-only characters would use the Minor Arcana.  This would make the distinction between main and side content clear.
Having 20 story party members might seem like a lot, but this is a live service game that ideally will keep going for years, and I’ve theorized that instead of wrapping up in winter the story will keep going.  If the plan is to fully cover Wonder’s final two years of high school 20 party members seems about right or maybe a little bit short (time to break out the alternative decks?)
It would also be neat to follow the Fool’s Journey more closely than in previous games and have the numbers of the Arcana be the introduction order of the characters.  I don’t know if they’d actually do this or if they’ve even planned that far ahead, but it would be cool to watch unfold if they did pull it off.
If they wanted to make it clear that some Confidants are more important than others will still firmly being part of the supporting cast instead of the main cast they could use the court cards (Kings/Queens/Knights/Pages) for them.
(Not part of the theory but also worth noting: P5’s Major Arcana is patterned after the Tarot de Marseilles, but P5X’s Minor Arcana seems to be based on the Thoth Tarot.)
Boring but More Likely Theory: Major Arcana and the Large Cast
So how are they going to handle the Arcana if Wonder has more Confidants than Tarot has Major Arcana?  Pulling cards from alternate decks has precedent, but it’s usually more of a spin-off/rerelease thing and there are only so many unless you go really obscure.  Minor Arcana links would be fun, but it hasn’t been done before.  And I really hope they don’t get rid of the Tarot theming altogether.
But maybe the most likely solution is taking a different path: Not limiting the game to only having one character per Arcana.  Maybe Wonder has the ability to meet multiple Magicians, High Priestesses, etc.
This may not be the most interesting option, but it’s the simplest that doesn’t involve discarding the Arcana.
And this way if they do take the option of making Social Link Idols they don’t stand out against the P5X characters.  If Wonder’s Confidants are using increasingly obscure cards it’s a bit weird for random school and job friends of previous protagonists to show up rocking the familiar and iconic ones.  But if it’s standard for everyone to just be assigned a Major Arcana it’s business as usual.  Players brand new to the series won’t even ask about P4 having multiple Strength and Sun representatives, or P3 having both story Persona users and random side characters for some slots.
I’m combining both halves of this theory into one post in order to keep them together!
Having multiple characters per Arcana would make some sense, though I’d argue it’s a little different from previous games having multiple options for some Arcana, because in that case, the protagonist themselves still only picks one of those characters to form a bond with, who then represents that Arcana for them. I do agree it sets the precedent that could make this possible, I just wanted to clarify my thoughts on that because I can’t tell if you were equating that as 1:1 or just saying what I’m saying here in a shorter way, haha. Still, definitely better than not having Arcana at all!
I could also see them using minor Arcana for the Phantom Idols, although that would get a little strange too, since the minor Arcana are also used as items to power up teammates. I suppose there’s really no reason the cards couldn’t have multiple ways they’re featured in-game- Chihaya obviously uses tarot cards for her readings, and what she draws isn’t typically meant to be taken as relating to the characters who represent those Arcana- but it does feel relevant to the discussion here.
That said, I think you’re right that multiple characters per Arcana is probably the easiest way to go about it, especially as they continue to expand the cast. It’s certainly preferable to not having Arcana at all, hah.
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Yes, I’m still talking about Komos
Potential Monster high live action spoilers (i have not seen the movie so please don’t add any info about details in the movie that might relate to this)
Now that it’s been confirmed that Komos is the villain, i’ve started to think about how MH actually expects me to see him as a villain. Yes i know i’m the ghoul who keeps saying that she wants Komos to be evil cause she thinks its funny and will make a good story but now that I know his motivation, ive really started to think about it .
So Komos’ motivation is that his father, Hyde, was shunned by everyone in the monster world and human world, the monsters wrongfully accused him of crimes and kicked him out of the school and the humans hunted him down in hopes of killing him. Komos’ plan is to take revenge on the monster realm, specifically it seems, Monster high, by destroying the school.
And i’m supposed to hope they defeat this guy? 
No I don’t want to see Monster high go up in flames, but Hyde should get some justice. 
Jekly and Hyde and Komos are clearly a parallel to Clawdeen’s story. showing what could have happend to her. But what i really don’t want this movie to do is slap Komos with the evil label and defeat him. Monster high did something wrong. The monsters hold blame here, they treated Hyde like crap and that transferred to his son. what I want this movie to do I address that, both parties are in the wrong here. Komos should not destroy the school and take revenge on all monster and human kind, But Monster high shouldn’t have treated his father like that. 
I saw someone talking about how this movie seems like its trying to do this big metaphor on what its like being a mixed person and how hard it is being stuck between two worlds but that they’re going about it in such a weird way and missed the mark (Mixed person speaking here)  and I have to say that I agree. Making the son of a guy who was ostracized his whole life and is just trying to get some justice for his father the villain is really weird. And i’m not even going to get into the Clawdeen stuff
I also hope that maybe they don’t slap the one and done sticker on him. maybe he can come back in the animated series have a sort of redemption arch where he gets a cool nephew(s) and gets to see his family finally be accepted.
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