#in conjunction with a theory I already knew about
kamenrideryeets · 2 years
I don't want spoilers, but I've pieced together somewhat from accidents what the ending of Scarlet and Violet is like, and I had a breakthrough.
I am speculating based on info I received without context.
People are probably upset that Sada and Turo don’t have their own unique encounter and battle themes, because Klara and Avery did.
But Klara and Avery were entirely different people. Other than their desire to become Gym Leaders and their use of the Slowpoke line, they had nothing to do with each other.
But Sada and Turo, if I’m reading this right... what if they have the same theme... because it was meant to be a shared theme for the two of them together?
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someonesblog1555 · 1 year
Astrology observations: 18+
Lilith in the 10th house can give someone a reputation for being a slut, and also a tease. People automatically assume the worst of you. People make absurd rumors about these people, and others actually believe them or believe them with ease. Another thing I’ve noticed is that these people are viewed as sex symbols. Even before they’ve done anything sexual they already have a reputation for it.
I have this theory that men with mars in weaker signs such as Taurus, Libra, and Cancer are more inclined to seek out more than one women to feed their ego. These men are also extremely attractive to the opposite sex. One cancer mars I knew had more female friends than male ones. Taurus and Libra mars men always seem to have lots of women who have crushes on them.
Men with weak mars tend to be great in the sac. A cancer mars boyfriend of mine literally read smut to become better in bed. Crazy.
Sidereal Libra risings are gorgeous in a very noticeable way. All my friends and family who are objectively extremely beautiful have this placement. Which makes sense because Libra is the sign of symmetry and Venus (beauty) Honestly model status looks.
People with lots of Saturn aspects tend to have difficult lives.
The most aspected planet in your chart can give you a lot of insight into the energy you give off.
The T-Square really does indicate popularity and fame, but depending on the person this can be either good or bad. I knew a girl who had the T square in her and chart and there is no denying that she was well known. Everyone in our town knew her name, but in a bad way lol. But you know what they say, bad publicity is still publicity nonetheless.
Jupiter and sun in the first house can make someone extremely loud and obnoxious. 😂 Also no filter.
Sidereal Libra suns may give off the vibe that they don’t need anyone, but in reality their ego is dependent on what others think of them.
Rohini moons are captivating. Everyone always talks about their eyes piercing your soul. The type of person that could make anyone think they are soulmates.
Also sidereal Pisces mars women are usually extremely attractive.
A loaded 7th house indicates an abundance of romantic partners.
Rahu in the 12th might lead someone to become addicted to drugs and sex.
You know how people say “you can’t explain attraction?” Alright… but explain Mars conjunct moon synastry. And Venus conjunct mars. Like nearly every couple has this. It’s bizarre. Can’t be coincidence 😭
Saturn in the 2nd house are penny pinchers.
Rahu in the 7th house consumes relationships and can never be satisfied by them. They run through multiple people looking for the one, but they are ultimately left lost when these people can’t fulfill their needs. Ultimately they see themselves through their relationships (Ketu in the 1st{ tail with no head}) They can’t see themselves, so they use others to help gain clarity. I’ve seen these people completely mold themselves into the person they are dating. (Which is normal, but these changes are drastic!!!! Like changing from a nerd into a skater boy, into a goth, into a fighter, into a horse rider in a short amount of time.) Honestly I can appreciate how chameleon they are, they can always change, but they are never sure of who they are.
I’ve read about Moon conjunct Venus men being more inclined to cheat. I observed this once in a boyfriend of mine. (He also had retrograde Venus) which might of affected it. His moon and Venus were in the 8th house (sometimes associated with death) and moon and Venus (commonly associated with the mother) his mother died a few months into our relationship, and he blamed me for her death(long and complicated story) He still wants to see me all the time, and the other day I was talking with his girlfriend (that he claimed that he was broken up with ) and she literally said “I really don’t think he would fuck the bitch that killed his mom.” So I can’t even make this shit up. 😭
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scotianostra · 2 months
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On March 27th 1923, Sir James Dewar, the inventor of the vacuum flask, died.
James Dewar held early appointments at the University of Edinburgh, in 1875 he became Jacksonian professor at the University of Cambridge, and at the age of just 34 was appointed Fullerian professor at the Royal Institution (RI). From all accounts, his experimental prowess rivalled that of Michael Faraday but is only really known nowadays as the inventor of the vacuum flask, or thermos as it became known.
Dewar is said to have been a "ruthless" chemist, we here a lot about scientist who deal in this theory or that theory, this was not Dewar, he dealt in facts, and didn't suffer fools, I wont pretend to know the meaning of his work and admit to copying about how his early work concerned organic chemistry (suggesting a possible structure for benzene, still called ‘Dewar benzene’), atomic spectroscopy and other topics. Cryogenics research was his main focus at the Royal Institute, particularly important was his invention of the Dewar silvered vacuum flask and the liquefaction of gases culminating with that of hydrogen in 1898.
Dewar was variously described as ‘an incarnate devil’ and ‘of quarrelsome disposition and ungovernable temper’, to me that just sounds like any other Scotsman you will meet in a pub! I think from what I can fathom he rubbed people up the wrong way, and it is quite evident that the contemporary scientists that he work with in the UK didn't like him, his work was more appreciated by those who knew him from afar, the ones that didn't have to rub shoulders with him, the evidence of this you can find in the number of Nobel prizes he was nominated for, nine in total, although he won none it is still an impressive number, oh and none of these nominations came from fellow Brits, says it all, don't you think?
Apart from the flask, Dewars other main contribution to science was the discovery of cordite, made in conjunction with Sir Frederick Abel. What he lacked in charm with his colleagues he is said to have exuded it in his lectures and presentations. The following excerpt is from a 1911 article about the man.......
"Sir James Dewar's delivery in public is most excellent, and a certain charm is added to his well-modulated voice by a touch of the Scotch accent which he still retains. The preparation of his lectures and reports shows great care and precise method. Indeed, were it not for this, and his propensity for a happy co-ordination of facts, figures, and deductions, the forceful, logical, convincing presentation with which he always appears to impress his hearers, would be impossible. As can be easily realized, it is not an easy task, when treating of the very abstruse subjects he has dealt with, to adapt to the comprehension of the masses the results of explorations made in hitherto unknown paths such as we have called to attention.
His success has been so marked, so extraordinary, of such benefit to mankind, that we must all wish many more days may be spared him to enhance, as he surely will, the admirable work he has already accomplished, leading him to disclose many more of the valuable secrets that Nature guards so jealously."
He died in London on this day 1923.
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mickgaydolenz · 1 year
im absolutely enjoying studying degree theory because it does such a good job at fine-tuning these placements by giving them a purpose and drive, be it positive or negative, strong or weak.
even better, it's unlocking some new observations in the guys' charts that i hadn't thought of! a good example is that noticing that Saturn, the planet of time and patience, when in conjunction to another planet can add difficulties to that planet. i didn't ever realize this, even though i already knew Saturn's placement anywhere can cause problems in whatever house it's in and whatever placements it's in aspect to.
a version of this is obviously Peter's Saturn conjunct Mars. we've already kinda gone through this with talking about how Peter has always struggled to stand up for himself, and it seems like later on in life he was finally capable of doing exactly that after some time. his Mars was definetly the problem as it is in Taurus, and Taurus can be, well, stuck in their ways so to speak; also, Mars is impulsive while Taurus is know for its hedonist and materialistic tendencies, so you can put two-and-two together. in talking about degrees, his Mars is 17° Taurus which is not a very...jovial degree. "struggles between violence vs. non-violence" is a depressing statement for that to be in the 7th house, but also funny considering he knocked Davy silly that one time, and thats just another Peter-Davy connection for the books. "might be unpopular, and experiences failure often" also really sucked to read tbfh!!! but i think it's worth mentioning that just because he's stuck with a negative degree does not mean he's doomed; he likely got assistance from other placements that are well-aspected to his Mars. while it took time (again, Saturn's influence stalling it) he always prevailed and overcame these issues. sometimes the negative influences might've returned, but each and every time he would at the very least be more well-equipped with the experience and insight to deal with them.
but here's another crazy observation i made, and it could be a bit of a reach but hear me out cause this shit is actually bananas. (im only focusing on conjunctions here because im only studying degrees under individual signs right now).
when two signs conjunct, it's always more than likely that they're under the same sign. any other aspects (trines, squares, opposites, etc) are signs that are not the same; only conjunctions can produce aspects between two placements under the same sign.
Davy's Saturn also happens to conjunct his Mars. if we take the degrees of these planets and subtract them, they conjunct by 6° Cancer. an important factor to take note is that his Saturn is in his 4th house (home, family life, the past, roots), but his Mars is in his 5th house (children, love affairs, creativity, self-expression), therefore intertwining these areas of life interestingly together, his private life bleeding into his art -- the man loves theater and prides in being from Manchester for god sakes so of course his music reflects that. "emotional vulnerability" was something that stuck out when reading 6° Cancer, and a lot of his music does seem to mirror those emotions, most especially in love songs. another interesting thing is one of my ye olden sources saying "good-hearted but foolish and extravagant" which i think sums Davy entirely up in a nutshell if im being completely honest, because boy howdy does he keep falling in that repeated cycle of behavior. Cancer absolutely loves repeating cycles, more than any other sign, because it hates change. to say that this is a part of him is an understatement. there's also self-centeredness and vanity which is no surprise because i mean literally look at him. i think he would've dissolve thanos-style if no one was at his feet adoring him for more than five seconds LMAO.
remember that Mars and Saturn (+ Pluto, but she's not involved here) are malefic planets and their purpose is to cause problems wherever they're placed. even if they're well-aspected and the chart as a whole directs towards good and positive things, there's no avoiding these guys and the problems they bring. when reading a chart the focus is to expose habits and patterns of behavior, and if they need any reassessing. by ignoring that and avoiding improvement, they're only doomed to repeat them. Peter accomplished this with the right amount of patience and grace, but i don't think Davy seemed to get the memo unfortunetly.
kale fuck dude reading the peter stuff is always sad, but ngl reading davy’s actually fucking destroyed me because i can really, really see that for him and it’s so fucking sad 😢. ugh all of them really went through it and internalized their trauma so differently, huh? kind of off topic but, the four of them are a great case study of how inherent traits inform behaviour despite being faced with similar issues, and you are just fine tooth combing that exact thing 🙏😔
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sunflowerdigs · 3 years
Right now, the main issue with Malex is that we're getting messages from bts vs from the show itself that aren't necessarily contradictory but which, I think it's fair to say, feel that way. And that's causing a lot of cognitive dissonance and that's causing hostility. Part of it is the short season - we are both only and already through episode 4. That's 1/3rd of a season with only one Malex scene.
Basically, if I knew nothing about the folks bts or how they've said Malex are meant to be soulmates, and I just watched the show up to this point, I would not anticipate any kind of reunion between Malex happening this season at all. Because they very much aren't being treated like two people who are longing for each other - they're being kept apart, they aren't mentioning each other, and neither seems particularly bothered by the other's absence in his life. It's actually almost as though they exist on different planets at this point.
Max bumped into Liz and we got a beat for a reaction; before that he sat out in the desert and listened to tapes of Liz while crying and drinking. Liz has seen Max in her dreams and talked about her feelings for him and connected a major step in her life verbally to Max ("I have people"). That is what pining looks like on Roswell. And you can hate it or downplay it or mock it as much as you want, the point is, we aren't seeing anything like it at all from Malex. If the show went full-throttle Forlex or Miluca next episode (or, heck, even Kyle/Michael, since they recently got closer and they could build them up like they did Stephanie and Kyle) no one except hardcore Malex stans who have read the contradictory bts interviews, would think it was weird (well, the inevitable "Kyle is straight" stans might). Because both Forlex and Miluca (and...Kychael, lol?) have had more interaction onscreen that point to their wanting to currently be in each other's lives than Malex. Frankly, Malex seem like exes who are avoiding each other and avoiding mentioning each other. I loved Alex's line about burning down the world but in conjunction with his not mentioning Michael as a reason to be a part of DS and telling Forrest with zero hesitation that he had no competition...it came out of left field. Like...of course Michael thinks Alex no longer cares if he can't even drop a text (I'm assuming) for a year.
It's fair to say that the show is deliberately keeping the characters apart and deliberately not even having them mention the other and it's doing it to a point that is more extreme than feels realistic in a show about a small group of friends in a small town. Even growth that happens as a result of the one Malex moment (Michael no longer thinking he's bad because of his father) wasn't directly connected to them in any way that fans could really savor. I have my theories* about why the show is doing this. But I just wish that fandom would...stop pretending there's something wrong with people who have noticed this contradiction in onscreen action vs bts chatter and are confused by it. Of course they are. Of course they are confused about why we've gotten so little sense of how Malex feel about each other that Eduardo/Alex seems almost more viable. The best anyone can tell them at this point is trust Chris and we're only on episode x. Those aren't in-show reasons to believe they're going to happen. Neither is they still care about each other, frankly, because so do Miluca.
I'm writing a meta about how Malex are soulmates and I do think it's going to happen this season but I realized last night that I couldn't point to an on-screen reason for why that isn't heavily based on subtext or symbolism. So I thought I'd...point that out.
*Roswell knows which side its bread is buttered on. I think they've deliberately pushed all of Malex to the back half of the season because they didn't know they'd be renewed early and they wanted to pull in as many hungry viewers hoping for Malex as they could for the first episodes. It's not queerbaiting if the back half is Malex-heavy and it's not even something I'd be overly angry about, but it is a strategy I could see them employing.
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dothwrites · 3 years
2020 Writing in Review
Well, it’s been a shitshow of a year, ain’t it? The one bright spot in this year was that it left me a ton of time for writing! With no further ado, here are the fics I worked on the year of our lord, 2020. 
the blood which we drew | Rated: M | Word Count: 7335 | COMPLETE
Castiel bears the Mark. And for a few months, it's fine.
It's fine until it isn't.
ramble on | Rated: E | Word Count: 26,875 | WIP
A series of Season 15 codas, crossposted to tumblr. Tags, Warnings, and Rating may change, based on source material.
(Technically started this in 2019, but I added to it this year, so I’m counting it)
protect and serve | Rated: E | Word Count: 49,953 | COMPLETE
Police officer Dean Winchester's next assignment seems easy enough: a protection detail on Assistant District Attorney Castiel Novak, who's been receiving death threats in conjunction with the case that he's prosecuting. Dean's assignment is to keep ADA Novak safe, alive, and in one piece so that he can start his trial against Dick Roman, notorious CEO charged with the death of at least eight people.
With threats that quickly spin out of control, a missing teenage genius, Dean's attraction to Novak, and Novak's mercurial attitude towards Dean--Dean Winchester's next assignment is anything but easy.
what stays (and what fades away) | Rated: E | Word Count: 64,421 | COMPLETE
Cas Novak’s life is perfect. He has a job that he loves and friends who support him. Most importantly, he has his husband, Dean Winchester, and his two adopted children, Claire and Jack. With them, nothing could ever go wrong.
That is, until he starts having flashes of a life that isn’t his and meets someone who shares his husband’s face but not his personality, someone who insists that he’s someone, something, different altogether. Cas’ life shatters when he’s dragged into a world that he doesn’t belong to and doesn’t understand.
Dean Winchester’s life was already shattered when he lost Castiel.
thunder road | Rated: E | Word Count: 20,883 | COMPLETE
After Chuck is defeated and the Winchesters settle into life without God, Dean Winchester is bored.
OR: Dean and Cas take a road trip and figure out some stuff along the way.
alone together | Rated: E | Word Count: 74, 239 | COMPLETE
Like the rest of the world, Dean Winchester’s job sent him home with the supplies necessary to work from home and a vague farewell of “We’ll see you when this all blows over”. Unlike the rest of the world, Dean Winchester is entering into a quarantine with Castiel Novak, his incredibly hot and incredibly uninterested roommate. How is Dean supposed to concentrate on his job while Cas is just a few feet away, being...well, Cas?
Castiel Novak was already working from home, so the news of social distancing doesn’t affect him that much. What does send him into a panic is the knowledge that Dean Winchester, his stunning and straight roommate, will also be working from home for the foreseeable future. After spending so long trying to distance himself from Dean, Castiel now has to face a future where Dean is present. All. The. Time.
They’ve got food, Internet, and all the toilet paper they need, but neither one of them is prepared for quarantine.
for a sinner released | Rated: E | Word Count: 8,800 | COMPLETE
Testing his theory, he runs his fingers over the soft skin of Dean’s wrist, until his thumb is pressed firmly against Dean’s hammering pulse. Cas pulls, gently but inexorably, until Dean is forced to take a step forward. The shift in positioning pushes the barrel of the gun into his forehead.
Cold metal touches overheated skin, and Cas inhales sharply at the contrasting sensations. The gun is unforgiving, relentless, beautiful.
It’s like Dean.
and all this devotion | Rated: M | Word Count: 10,572 | COMPLETE
Dean’s not stupid. He’s seen the looks Cas has aimed his way, when Cas thought he wasn’t paying attention. He’s leveled his share of looks back at Cas when the angel’s attention was elsewhere. More than once, he’s been caught in the act. At this point, they’re both dancing around the same elephant, too scared and caught in their ways to make the first move.
OR: Dean gets hurt on a hunt. Cas takes care of him. There's only one bed. Confessions ensue.
lost in translation | Rated: T | Word Count: 3,720 | COMPLETE 
Cas bites at his lower lip, looking uncommonly shy. Worry starts to stir in Dean’s gut, which is only compounded when Cas says something else in soft yet clear Enochian. As the new phrase doesn’t have the word stupid anywhere in it, Dean doesn’t have the slightest idea of what Cas is saying. The guilt squirming in his stomach gets worse when Cas looks at him, with gentle anticipation, as though he’s expecting a reply. Dean does what humans have been doing since the beginning of time when confronted with a language they don’t understand and smiles, wide and sunny, at Cas. Cas’ forehead creases but he returns the gesture. His eyes are still brimming over with emotion and the sight does something to Dean.
Dean begins to suspect that he may have started something which he is not equipped to finish.
a new song about a new life | Rated: E | Word Count: 21,282 | WIP
There is no happily ever after. Mostly because there is no after. Life is just a series of days and nothing ever really ends. It just continues on, even after the curtain closes, and while the struggles might not be epic, they're no less impressive. Domestic life isn't without its pitfalls and trials, but at the end of the day, Dean and Cas still have each other and in the end, that's enough.
A series of timestamps detailing the small adventures of Dean and Castiel. Will contain teensy amounts of angst and a heap of fluff and domesticity.
angel in black | Rated: E | Word Count: 95,325 | COMPLETE
Bounty hunter Castiel Novak has simple rules for how he conducts his business. Get in, get out, deliver the fugitive, and do it all with the least amount of effort possible. Never become emotionally involved.
When he takes on the job of hunting down Sam and Dean Winchester in order to bring them to justice, his rules start shifting. Threatened by supernatural forces as well as his attraction to Dean, Castiel soon has to decide what he’s willing to stand for…and what he’s willing to die for.
ghosts that we knew | Rated: E | Word Count: 89,411 | COMPLETE
Dean can’t help it. Castiel’s laugh is infectious, washing over him and sweeping him up in its tide. His throat and stomach ache with the feel of it, unfamiliar muscles worked past their endurance. He hasn’t laughed like this in weeks, maybe years.
Cas doesn’t stop laughing, and Dean relishes it. It’s such a good sound, deep and throaty. It rumbles over him the same way that Baby’s engine purrs, to where he can almost feel it in his gut. Dean’s giddy, the kind of happy that hunters don’t get to feel, and if it weren’t for the ceiling, he thinks he might float away. Cas’ eyes crinkle when he laughs, and his smile goes wide and gummy. He’s so brilliant, so alive—
But you’re dead, Dean thinks helplessly. But you’re dead.
Castiel Novak is one of the best hunters Dean Winchester has ever worked with. He's witty, whip-smart, and has enough knowledge about the supernatural to rival an encyclopedia. He's got humor dry enough to put the Sahara to shame and he's pretty easy on the eyes as well. All in all, he's the best partner Dean could have hoped for.
Too bad he's dead.
the best of things | Rated: G | Word Count: 2,494 | COMPLETE
There’s something.
This is significant because, for as long as Castiel can remember, there’s been nothing. --- Castiel finds a way out of the Empty.
freedom | Rated: G | Word Count: 4,804 | COMPLETE
Dean rolls the word around on the tip of his tongue and tastes how it feels. Freedom.
It’s a strange concept, especially since he always assumed that he was. Ever since Apocalypse Version 1.0 was averted, Michael and Lucifer locked in the cage, thanks very much, he’s always assumed that he was the one calling the shots. No matter how badly he fucked up (and he fucked up a lot), he could at least take comfort in the fact that those were his choices. No one’s hand up Dean Winchester’s ass, no siree.
And then Chuck came and ripped that certainty away from him in one quick motion and then...everything was suspect. Sam, Mom, Jack...Cas. Every word, every action, every emotion... He couldn’t trust anything, so he trusted nothing.
--- OR: Dean makes a choice.
at the end of the world | Rated: G | Word Count: 4,631 | COMPLETE
Rebuilding Heaven is slow work, but time doesn’t really mean anything here. It’s delicate to rebuild the walls separating billions of souls so that nothing collapses. Castiel works alongside Jack, making suggestions as his mind trips along to potential problems.
Though it’s never said aloud, Castiel knows why Jack is working tirelessly. Somewhere, in the back of his mind, the knowledge sits that Sam and Dean are going to die. One day, they will pass from the earth, and come to Heaven, and on that day, Castiel wants everything to be perfect for them. He wants to show them a true paradise, a place without walls or barriers, a place where emotion is genuine and not just a manufactured memory. Rebuilding Heaven is his last chore, the last of his penance to be performed.
--- OR: Team Free Will gets the soft epilogue which they deserve.
let your heart be light | Rated: M | Word Count: 31,651 | WIP
It's Dean and Cas' first official Christmas together as a couple. What could possibly go wrong?
Just Cas' weird family, his own personal hang-ups about Christmas, Dean's persistent belief that the miracle of Christmas can heal all wounds, and meddling friends and family.
Have a Merry Christmas.
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specterchasing-a · 3 years
Hold On (Part One) || Eddie & Alfie
TIMING: One month ago.
LOCATION: Alfie’s apartment.
PARTIES: @yikesimonfire & @specterchasing​​
SUMMARY: Eddie wants Alfie to accompany him on a little adventure. A lot of things go unsaid, but that’s probably for the best.
CONTENT: Internalized homophobia
Eddie carefully straddled the knee-high barrier that divided the apartment balconies. With a quiet grunt, he raised his leg and landed safely on Alfie’s property. He never locked the sliding door and Eddie didn’t have the patience to wait for him in the hallway. In all likelihood, the door would be shut in his face if Alfie had the option to block him out. Eddie didn’t appreciate being rejected, so things were better this way.
“Alfie?” Eddie announced himself curiously as he opened the balcony door. “I need your help with something.”
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The sound of Eddie’s voice from his living room broke Alfie’s concentration, pulling him away from the string of code he was helplessly scratching his head over. One of these days he’d learn to lock the balcony door — at least while he worked. “‘Course you do,” Alfie mumbled to himself as he ran a hand down the length of his face. 
“I’m in here,” he called out, pushing his chair away from the desk until he latched onto the doorknob. With a faint click, Alfie swung the office door open and rolled back to his desk. “This important?”
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As soon as Eddie heard Alfie’s voice, he made a beeline for the office. He stood at the door, grinning from ear to ear, and offered a small wave. “All work and no play makes Alfie a dull boy. You’re aware of that, right?” he asked, leaning against the doorframe. He liked his neighbor, quite a bit actually, but he wished Alfie was a little more social. Getting him to commit to a conversation for more than a few sentences felt like pulling teeth. More often than not, Alfie regarded him with enthusiasm of someone having their teeth pulled, too. Eddie was used to it.
“It’s monumentally important, actually,” Eddie answered with a nod. “I have plans tonight, filming plans, and I want you to come with me.” He raised his brow provocatively. “I know you’re gonna say no or fabricate some brand-new illness that you don’t have, but c’mon, it could be really fun, don’t you think? We never hang out.”
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Alfie’s gaze shifted from the computer screen to the doorway where Eddie stood. He wished he could wipe the smug smile from the other man’s face that came along with that ridiculous proverb. Another part of him wished Eddie’s smile wasn’t contagious. “I’ll have you know, I did not make up conjunctivitis,” retorted Alfie with the hint of a grin tugging at the corner of his mouth. He wouldn’t comment on any of his other recent ‘diagnoses’. 
“What kind of filming plans, exactly?” he asked, his fingers locked behind his head as he swiveled to face Eddie, giving him his undivided attention. It was still a long shot that Alfie would bite, but he’d entertain the idea before crushing Eddie’s hopes and dreams. 
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“You sure? Sounds pretty fake to me,” Eddie said with a smirk. He knew conjunctivitis was real, but that didn’t stop him from playing dumb in the hopes that it might elicit a reaction from Alfie. He liked getting under his skin almost as much as he liked making him laugh. He wished he had more chances to do both.
“I need to go to the woods again. You know the couple that went missing recently? I saw on the news that their bodies were found somewhere near Dark Score Lake, but here’s the kicker; all that was left of them were their bones. They went missing last fuckin’ week and that’s all that’s left. Vines had already taken over the remains.”
“I have a theory about what’s behind it, but I wanna know for certain. More importantly, I want evidence.” Eddie’s gaze remained on Alfie. Barely concealed hope shone in his eyes. “So, yeah, company would be appreciated.”
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“So let me get this straight…” Alfie’s brow was raised skeptically as he carefully reiterated Eddie’s proposal. “You want to go to the woods where people died… all to prove your little theory on video, and you want me to do what exactly? Be your bodyguard?” A small laugh swelled within his chest. “You’re joking, right?”
Shaking his head, Alfie turned back to his desktop. “Some bodyguard I’d be — more of a meat shield than anything else.” He knew full well that Eddie wouldn’t be that easy to turn down. He’d most likely hang around, maybe even get on his hands and knees to beg Alfie to go with him. “‘Sides, I haven’t even checked the weather. You know how my joints get when it rains. I’d only slow you down and before you know it, a week’s gone by and they’re reporting our bones on the news.”
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Eddie’s mood deflated somewhat when Alfie outright laughed at his proposal. He understood but, just once, he thought it might be nice to have someone accompany him without needing to be begged. “Not a bodyguard—a friend,” he corrected him with a more mild smile than before. “Friends, y’know, do things together sometimes. Sounds zany, I know, but I hear it helps make them into even better friends.”
“I already checked the weather,” Eddie said, not that it would’ve taken Alfie more than 10 seconds to do it himself. He loved his excuses, even the fragile ones. “There shouldn’t be any rain tonight, just some wind. I wouldn’t invite you if there was even a 10% chance it would storm.” Eddie raised his chin slightly, an expectant look on his face. “You should come with me, Alfie. You’re due for a little fun.”
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Much to his chagrin, Alfie hadn’t been successful at turning Eddie down. It was nothing new; he was notorious for avoiding things by the skin of his teeth. But there was something in the tone of Eddie’s voice that made Alfie’s heart sink. His eyes flickered back to Eddie whose face was drained of enthusiasm. “A friend,” Alfie parroted. It really wasn’t fair that Eddie could worm his way into his heart like this, but he had a suspicion that this feeling was not exclusive to him. It was just... Eddie. 
“Say I do go with you,” he finally chirped. “Aside from what I presume will be a fuckton of fun and friendly bonding time… What’s in it for me?” It sounded selfish, Alfie knew that. Even still, it didn’t stop him from dragging out the inevitable. “I mean, y’know, you get your video out of it too, right? Doesn’t seem like a level playing field.”
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Eddie nodded when Alfie repeated the dreaded “f” word. He knew his shut-in of a neighbor didn’t value things like genuine human connections, but Eddie felt determined to make himself an exception. “Proud of you for saying it out loud, I know ‘friend’ is like an obscenity to you,” Eddie teased with his hand over his heart. He didn’t understand Alfie; the guy could be surrounded by people who loved him if he would only put forth a little effort. Eddie would be among them, no question.
As Alfie spoke up again, Eddie’s brow raised in hopeful curiosity. The questions that followed immediately made it fall into a furrow. “That’s so fucked up,” he asserted. “I offer you pure platonic love and you’re telling me it’s not enough motivation for you, Alfie Ramirez?” He pushed off from the doorframe and firmly planted his hands on either hip. “You’re lucky that I don’t have more dignity, is all I’m saying. What do you want? Money? My HBOMax login info? Name it, you greedy fuck. Your wish is my command.”
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Alfie’s face flushed when Eddie drew attention to his repetition of the word ‘friend’. In truth, Alfie hadn’t noticed he’d done it at all, though he could understand why it stood out. Things like that didn’t usually bear repeating. "Har har," he rolled his eyes. Alfie wasn't about to die on a hill proclaiming he had more friends than he knew what to do with. Eddie might have been his neighbor, but he was also the closest Alfie had to a friend in years. 
A terse laugh escaped his lips at the mention of "pure platonic love". With a broad grin, Alfie quickly intercepted. "No, Ed. You offered imminent death. But same difference, right?" The smile never wavered from his face as he listened to Eddie prattle off various options. The corner of his mouth twitched mischievously. "I already have your HBOMax login, by the way. You really need to change your passwords," he smirked.
Alfie wasn't usually someone who wanted for anything; he kept to himself and got what he needed. But there was one thing that would make it worthwhile. "Alright, fine. I'll go with you," he decided. "But after all's said and done, you owe me a box of Baby Ruths. I'm talkin' unopened retail box, nothin' but Baby Ruth goodness inside."
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Imminent death. Eddie rolled his eyes playfully. “You are so dramatic,” he insisted. Most of his content-related adventures were potentially perilous but, lo and behold, Eddie still had a pulse. He couldn’t imagine what would make tonight any different. “You’re stealing from me?” he asked, feigning shock. “I’ll change them immediately, alfieisatool69 should do just fine—wait, shit, I shouldn’t have said that out loud.” Truthfully, Eddie couldn’t care less if Alfie used his login info, it felt like something friends would do. Granted, friends probably asked first, but that was neither here nor there.
“That’s it?” Eddie asked. “You could have asked for anything in the world and you went with candy bars.” It would’ve been physically impossible for him to be grinning any wider. “You’re a simple kind of guy, I respect that. Consider those candy bars signed, sealed, and delivered. Now, get your shit and let’s go solve a murder.”
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“Technically,” Alfie stressed, unlocking his hands from behind his head to raise one of his fingers, “I’m stealing from WarnerMedia.” His brow raised at the new password Eddie threw out. After a brief lull, Alfie’s hands dropped to the arm rests of his chair, and gave a soft snort. “Alfieisatool69 — really? You’d use my name as a password? Gotta be honest with ya, Ed, that’s kinda gay.” Throughout their years as neighbors, Eddie’s feet remained firmly planted in his heterosexuality. It was rare that Alfie made friends at all, let alone with straight guys. This, he figured, was exactly the kind of ribbing to be expected in the friendship dynamic they shared — not that he had anything to compare it to. 
With a shrug, Alfie pushed himself from his seat. “What can I say? I’m a sucker for a good nougat.” No amount of candy bars would be able to prepare him for what was sure to come. But Alfie wasn’t in the position to demand egregious compensation when someone he considered a friend was essentially begging for his company. 
“What all do I need?” he finally asked as he slipped his wallet into his back pocket.
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Eddie’s hand raised and mimicked a flapping jaw when Alfie corrected him with a technicality. When his new password was deemed gay, he scoffed. “You caught me—I’m so gay for you, the guy I need to bribe to spend time with me.” Eddie’s lips pursed as he proffered an exaggerated shrug. “I think if I was gay, which I’m not, I’d probably be more interested in someone who, I dunno, liked spending time with me.” He sounded more terse than he intended to, as if what he said held more genuine feelings than it did. So he thought, anyway. “The syphilis is also kind of a turn-off,” he added to make-up for the weight of his previous comment.
“Whatever the Alfie-essentials are. We’re just going to the woods and I’ve already got all of the filming equipment packed and ready to go,” Eddie informed him with a bright grin. “You are so not gonna regret this.”
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“You caught me—I’m so gay for you...” The declaration caught Alfie off guard. For a moment he could feel his heart racing in his chest. After all this time? But before he could say anything irrational, Eddie pulled him back down to Earth fast enough to give him whiplash. Same old Eddie; he shouldn’t have been surprised.
Alfie was silent for a moment as he shuffled into a pair of sneakers haphazardly strewn across the floor. “Oh, right — the syphilis,” he half-laughed. “Good news is, Doc says I’m cured! I would have mentioned it sooner if I’d known that was a deal-breaker for you.” With a low grunt, he wiggled his heel into its shoe and scooped his phone up from the desk.
“Just gotta grab my keys,” Alfie added with a nod towards the office door, hoping Eddie would lead the way out so he didn’t have to walk past him. He didn’t know what else to say. Eddie didn’t think he enjoyed their time together; that much was made clear by the resulting whiplash. Granted, Alfie hadn’t given him reason to believe otherwise, but that didn’t keep him from climbing the balcony rails to visit. 
You could start by apologizing, his inner voice rang. While Alfie knew he probably should, he was worried it wouldn���t seem genuine enough. “You’re wrong, by the way,” he offered instead. He refused to make eye-contact and instead stared at the floor, but it was a start. “I like spending time with you. I mean, y’know… when it doesn’t pull me away from work. But — I do.”
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“Well, clearly, we have no choice but to run away together, if that’s the case,” Eddie teased. He hated the way he didn’t hate the sound of that. He liked Alfie a lot, too much for comfort sometimes. Eddie noticed little things about his neighbor that shouldn’t have stood out to him: the rasp in his voice when he first woke up, the flash of his teeth when he spoke, the subtle crinkle around his eyes when he smiled. Seeing all of that and having his heart push him to do things he didn’t want to was agonizing. He told himself that must be what caring about a friend felt like, and usually he could convince himself to believe that, but sometimes…. Sometimes, he knew better.
Eddie stepped aside to let Alfie pass. To his surprise, he had something to say before he did. He studied his friend’s face as he spoke; flash of teeth, he was fucked. For the first time since he arrived, Eddie’s face bore a serious expression. “You do?” he asked before he could catch himself. “I mean, yeah, I was only teasing.… I know you do, Alfie.” He offered him a small smile. “Let’s get out of here.”
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Alfie managed to skirt past Eddie with minimal effort; head lowered and shoulders down. Something in the way the other man spoke made it sound like a suggestion rather than a jest. He couldn’t afford to think like that. Besides, no matter how much truth it held, Alfie was better off alone. He’d die sooner than later and he wasn’t going to put his friend — or anyone for that matter — in that situation. 
“That’s what this is all about, right?” Alfie teased back, deciding that was what was expected of him. “I thought that’s what ‘let’s go solve a murder’ was code for.” 
In no time at all, he led the way down the short hall, only stopping at the front door long enough to snatch the keys off the hand-me-down entry-way table. “Cool,” blurted Alfie as he nodded along. “I didn’t want you thinking I don’t want you around, y’know?” His eyes shot up to meet Eddie’s for a brief moment and flashed an apologetic smile as he held the door open for him.
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steve0discusses · 4 years
Yugioh Ep 28: Valon Joins the Dead People Gang
So lately it’s been really freakin hot.
Like crazy freakin hot. I haven’t done anything productive because youknow--I live in a Covid hotspot and I’ve been quarantined for what feels like is 6 years, and then to continue the 10 plagues across America, now it’s just really freakin hot.
I was trying to go the hell to sleep when I heard this WIND outside my window at 2 AM. Just...WIND. It was like 5000 degrees outside, and then it started thundering, and then the lightning started hitting and I was like...wtf 2020, please calm down!
So I decided to check Twitter at 3 AM really fast just to make sure this wasn’t a freakin dream. Aaaaaaand Northern California had a Fire tornado warning.
3 words I never thought I’d see in conjunction. Fire tornado Warning.
and it hella dropped in Tahoe, y’all, it was freakin nuts. Meanwhile, Death Valley--the place where Yugi hella biffed it and died, if you don’t remember--hit 130 F (54.4 C, for the metric lovers in the back) so...it’s been a time for every part of California, and now we have some good ol fashioned rolling blackouts accompanied by 27 wildfires (yes, 27 fires) who have turned the sky into a yellow pea soup.
So because of the rolling blackouts (one of our power transformers exploded because of either the lightning or overuse, I dunno) at any point...my power might go out. Because of this, I didn’t feel like booting up Photoshop and so instead I’ll just...work on this.
...something about the Fire Tornado, the yellow shadow realm outside my window, and crazy lightning over San Fransisco reminded me that it’s been a HOT MINUTE since I’ve posted so lets get back to Yugioh. Somehow they knew that the doorway to hell was my back yard and you know what? They’re right. Completely believable and I wish someone would close the damn door.
Tristan read my mind that it’s been such a hot minute since I’ve checked in, that he mansplained a very quick summary of what the hell is currently happening to Tea Gardner.
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A brave man, Tristan Taylor. A brave man to risk getting into a fight with Tea, who is the only Goliath on this show that exists without also being a paper card.
Which is when Pharaoh had some news.
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I guess without Duke around, Pharaoh had to be the new Killjoy
(read more under the cut)
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I exaggerate a little for the caps, but it’s kind of interesting that when Joey is usually on his own, it’s Yugi who’s certain that Joey is about to die and Pharaoh is the one that has to calm little Yugi down. But, when Yugi’s not there, I guess Pharaoh is just already in a Mood.
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Mai is really weird this episode! I wish this season had gone into more detail about the extent of the Orichalcos’s mind control. Because Mai could very well be under it’s spell...or not...maybe it has no spell and they’re just falling for it like a placebo?
It’s not like the Orichalcos was ever put on anyone who was “good.” like if it were possessing someone nice like...
....(let me think about this, I’ll think of someone on this show who is a true lawful good.)
.................Dark Magician Girl, then I’d actually know if this Orichalcos actually IS different from how these characters actually are. But Mai was introduced in this series as a villain, and she’s always been around to bust balls, so it’s like...what part is Mai and what part is not?
Apparently a part that only shows up when Valon dies.
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PS Valon turns a very quick 180 right before he died. I honestly thought I had skipped an episode or something because bro mentioned something about...Valon burning down a church or something...but I think that was a spicy headcanon where he mixed up this show with another anime.
I think. If I skipped an episode, y’all would tell me, right? I didn’t skip an episode?
I did skip the card games, however, so something about getting punched like 1000 times in the dick by Joey Wheeler taught Valon how to be human again, and the death that followed the 1000 dick punches inspired Mai to remember that Valon exists and that she Loves Him.
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(just flat on his face)
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I just...
I am going to give Yugioh this one. They have had so little in terms of relationships--I will give this to them. Good Job Yugioh, you did it. You had a relationship on your show. Sure, it was one where she...never seemed to like the guy at all, but hey--they actually did embrace...a corpse. Good on you, Yugioh.
Again, I have a really difficult time not cracking up about this very tragic moment a little bit because (and I have said this before about relationships on Yugioh), but I have never seen a TV show treat a straight relationship this way. I have never seen Straight Baiting before in my life and it is...WILD.
Also because Valon and Mai have both murdered I want to say hundreds of people at this point, it’s hard to feel too bad about them, although they are drawn as a very cute couple in how their outfits match. They got the finger less gloves, the belts hanging off their collar, the sleeveless outfit that is both too much clothes and too little clothes at the same time.
And like...I really like the idea behind Valon/Mai. I still think that was a good idea to build off of, I just wish that there was more of a sign from Mai that she had any idea that Valon existed prior to this. Because Valon had Orichalcos too, but he was fully able to love her--so what was happening on her end that prevented this? Was it just the amount that she hated Joey was so much more than her love for Valon? Was Valon actually more jealous of her hate of Wheeler and misinterpreted it as love?
Anyway it’s a billion degrees and I don’t have air conditioning so...I think we’ll have more time to think about this next episode. Maybe it’ll occur to me two weeks after this heat wave ends exactly what I am trying to grasp at when it comes to these two, but for now all I can say is...well it was nice.
Ah RIP Valon/tine (or at least I assume that’s the ship name). You lasted almost a whole season. You almost became a thing. I guess well find out if there’s redemption after he eventually gets resurrected.
And on this show we redeem resurrected people kind of a lot, so that seems reasonable. Sure it was a couple hundred people that he murdered but like...we redeemed Marik.
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And then she goes back to wigging out like immediately. The flipping and the flopping of Mai Valentine in this episode is a lot.
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And immediately after he says something along the lines of this, he follows with...doing this:
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Joey! Valon just died so you wouldn’t have to duel Mai Valentine! He’s dead, Joey! Maybe try talking???
The thing about this show is that cards can both heal you and also destroy you, and the line between the two is just...rolling a dice and hoping you come out healed. Yugi played cards against Yami so that Yami could free himself from his guilt and move on--Valon was healed of Orichalcos control because Joey beat him at cards--Seto was “cured” of his more evil side because Yami mind wiped him in a card game--card magic is weird.
At the same time, Cards can take your soul in just So Many Ways--kind of one of the downsides. But, in a very round about way, maybe cards are kind of like therapy in this world. Maybe they don’t have therapy, and all these kids playing card games with eachother is metaphorical to how they all need eachother in order to push eachother to actually go through the steps of-
Ah, who am I kidding? They just really needed to have Mai lose at cards so they could write her off the show.
I do appreciate that the show never tells you that someone’s actions in the past mean they must rot for eternity. This show will never cancel anyone and say “burn that bridge, let’s go” but I feel like murder is...the line where you can just walk away?
But youknow if that were true of Joey wheeler he’d have no friends left.
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During this time, The Yugioh crew was inexplicably lost while, for once in his entire life, Seto was going the correct direction.
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Unfortunately, the lure to throw cards at thing was too much for him to go the right direction for very long. It is kind of funny to note that he is the smartest boy in Domino--so he knows you can drive through a hologram--but he just didn’t want to know if they were real or not, so he...didn’t.
Like I think that says a lot about Seto, and I’m sure the show-runners didn’t think about this at all, but he could have tested his theory right now. He could have just seen if these were real in order to know if he was crazy or not...but he’d rather be insane, than be involved with magic.
Anyways, Mai drops that Orichalcos.
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Reminder that San Francisco is only 7-12 miles from one end to the other depending on what part of the peninsula you’re on.
But then again, they’re reading a map in Roman characters and these kids are school dropouts who only speak Japanese and maybe Spanish. Maybe they’re actually doing really, really well considering the language barrier?
Anyway that’s all for now I’m gonna go pass out and hopefully when I wake up it’ll be next week when it is no longer hot. If you just got here, this is a link to read these caps from the beginning!
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sid471 · 4 years
I’m doing these out of order 😊
Oopsie. Hello friends I watched episode 3 and I’m gonna talk about it :3 TL;DR: ... Fuck >_> Spoilers in bound. Don’t want, go away thnk yoooou 😗
So the whole squad got into the academy ^_^ That’s good :3 I think one of Blake’s shadows hit the button 🤔 But yeah they made it and the reactions were funny XD Started off with a bit of comic relief. That’s good ^__^
Buuuuuuuuuuuuut then we see Watts. And..... Of course Ironwood is working with him <_< We all knew he was going to but that doesn’t make it any less annoying >_> He’s not getting off my “Please die soon >_>” list with this kinda behavior <_> Watts is hacking shit around the academy and the final goal is to hack Penny 🙄 We all knew >_< But I hope it doesn’t work. Penny is still robot, but she’s more human than anyone in Atlas. Maybe her humanity will make it impossible to hack her? Or at least impossible to take complete control of her. Or maybe this is just wishful thinking. Aaaaand as a cherry on top of the cake, Watts finds out that they’re in the academy and Ironwood sends a whole buncha reinforcements after them
Anyway next we see more of RNBW(P) and we get an official breakdown of how Ruby’s Semblance works ^_^ complete with a cute graphic :3 
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So they use Ruby’s Semblance to get to the room they’re looking for and Penny gives Pietro control of her body, which is very interesting that she can do, and Pietro gets to work doing his thing. 
While that happens, Nora, Blake, and Weiss actually have a very sweet and needed conversation. Blake says that she hopes the others are okay and expresses concern over Yang and Ruby’s relationship, me too girl, and Weiss says “Of course they’ll be okay. Sometimes sisters just have different ideas of what’s right. And that’s okay. They’ll work it out.” not verbatim, but that’s the message. And Nora says “Yeah don’t worry! Oscar’s improved a ton, Yang’s strong enough to protect everyone, and Jaune’s new upgrades are awesome! ^_^” Again not verbatim, god I just watched it I already forgot I have the memory of a dead goldfish >_> And then Blake and Weiss look at her like ‘Forgetting someone? 🤨’ and then she adds on “Oh! And Ren is... Ren is... *sigh* I don’t know what he is anymore. Every time it seems like we’re making progress something always just... pushes us back 😔” We get some Nora vulnerability I was surprised and pleased. And Blake says “When you spend so much time with someone... They can become a part of you. But that’s just it. They’re one part of you. You can’t forget about the whole.” Very good advice from our favorite cat girl. And Nora says something, again that needed to be said, “I don’t know who I am... without Ren. How sad is that...?” And Weiss says “Well... You can use this as your chance to find out. Do something only Nora can do! 😄” And Nora says, sarcastically, and sadly “Like what? Be strong and hit stuff?” I LOVED that whole talk. It was very needed for us and the characters.
But that part with RNBW isn’t done yet Pietro finishes what he’s doing, I forgot because fish brain >_>, and relinquishes control back to Penny. He also reveals that he wants Penny to stay in Amity with Pietro and Maria. Which... makes a bad bad thought come to me that I’ll talk about at the end <_<. Penny says “No but they need me here... Right?” and Ruby says “Well... If you’re up there Salem can’t reach you. She’ll never get the Relic.” Which only amplifies my bad bad thought >_<. But that comes later <_< 
The quintet go the leave the room only to find the Ace Ops there. Wonderful >_>. But Weiss, sassy queen she is, says “Losing to us once wasn’t enough?” And Marrow says “We were just holding back on you guys! >_>” Which... Why would they if they were serious about arresting them? More proof to my “Ace Ops didn’t WANT to fight RWBY” Theory :3 anyways they all gang up on Penny and try to guilt trip her into coming back with them, Marrow, again <_>, saying “You have the power to stop this. Just take the Relic and give it to Salem and everything will be over.” which I find interesting that that’s what Ironwood wants to do because that just gets Salem that much closer to winning <_< God Ironwood is delusional >_>. But Ruby, Queen, says “Until Ironwood changes his mind about Mantle nothing is going to change!” and she’s right, why is a 17 year old girl smarter than 4 people in their late 20s, maybe early 20s for Marrow, who are higher ups in the military, and the leader of said military <_<
Congratulations it’s not just Ironwood I hate now. It’s everyone in Atlas, except Winter who we haven’t seen since last episode, but I know wouldn’t blame Penny for her condition. She’d blame Cinder. You know... The person’s who’s fault it is? Something the FNDM and Ironwood have in common: Blaming the heroes for something Cinder caused 😊 I know not everyone but still 
So Harriet mocks Ruby and the others and Penny steps in front of her friends, and outside of the room they’re in, and says “Leave her alone” and before Ruby can warn her, the door closes behind her. Which ALSO adds to my they don’t wanna fight RWBY theory .-. I mean I get that they wanted to isolate Penny and take her by force. But I mean hey... If you’re “The best huntsman in Atlas” you should able to take all 5 of’em probably right?  😊. ANYWAY, Then....... WE SEE PENNY USE THE MAIDEN POWERS! 😱😁 Penny fights the Ace Ops, by herself, QUEEN, and actually holds her own rather well considering it was 1v4. Vine gets close to the door but Penny says “You’re not hurting my friends!”, showing her loyalty to her new team ^_^. She holds her own, but y’can’t expect her to completely destroy them because, it seems like, the rest of the Ace Ops, Team HAZE as I’ve seen it called, has worked on their coordination since ‘holding back’ against RWBY.
While Penny fights the camera switches to the other side of the door with the rest of the team to see them trying to open the door, Weiss using her Arma Gigus to try and destroy the lock but it doesn’t work and Weiss calls the Ace Ops cowards, which they are, and the door won’t budge because of the electricity field around it. Electricity. Hmm... Who there likes lightning 🤔. Total mystery. 
Anyway while they’re trying to figure out how to open the door it goes back to the fight, with Penny more than holding her own with the Floating Array in conjunction with Maiden powers, but she’s still taking a lot of hits. Back in the room, Nora has a moment, repeating what she said before but with more confidence, “Be strong, and hit stuff.” before she sticks Magnhild into the lighting and takes ALL of it into her body, causing her body to actually get scars from the sheer amount of electricity she’s absorbing, and blows the door off, hitting the Ace Ops and getting them trapped under it. She says “That was pretty awesome.” before her Aura immediately depletes and she passes out. Penny rushes to her side worried as the Ace Ops push the door off of them. And then they all fight together, but something weird happens. Ironwood says something to HAZE that we don’t hear, and they say understood. And the fight continues, but it abruptly ends once Harriet grabs one of Penny’s swords. The Ace Ops leave afterward and Ruby and Weiss are like “That was suspicious 🤨”. Their attention immediately goes back to Nora though as May shows up with a plane to get them out of there.
Penny and Ruby talk on the plane and we finally see the famous hug that was in all the trailers :3 Penny says “It’s time for me to go isn’t it...” And is clearly upset about it. Ruby hugs her and tells her not to worry and they’ll see each other again. After another moment, Penny gets out of the plane and flies up to amity.
The episode ends with the Ace Ops giving Watts Penny’s sword that they took and Watts saying “If you can’t beat them... Make them join you.” and then credits.
Remember that bad bad thought I mentioned a few paragraphs ago? Well..... What if Watts makes Penny kill Pietro >_< Pietro and Maria are alone in Amity so they don’t have protection it’d be Penny with her Maiden powers vs 1 old man with a very damaged aura and one old woman who’s very out of practice >_> I don’t want it to happen >_< But it’s a possibility....... And Iiiiiiiii hate it <_<
Phew even if you have seen the episode I wouldn’t blame you if you stopped at the Tl;DR .-.
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20 March #Astrology #Horoscope The Impulse to be...
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“A Woman Just Risen from the Sea. A Seal is Embracing her”
Holy batman New Year!
Happy Spring Equinox to my friends in Northern Hemisphere. Happy Fall Equinox to my friends in Southern Hemisphere. Center of visible Sun is above the equator equalising day and night, we are literally coming above the water finishing a year of living a world we had never imagined let alone seen.
Astrologically we begin a new cycle, a new year and what a way to start. Happy Nowruz to those who celebrate. Happy Spring cleaning to those who do that (I don’t know any).
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Patterns of this first day of the astrological year color the year ahead.
At first degree of Aries, we are asked to emerge out of the sea, out of the collective conciousness and develop our own individual paths. The cute seal we see represented in the Sabian symbol of first degree of Aries isn’t there for its charming appeal. It’s a symbol of evolution. Seals had more in common with bears than dophins before they evolved. The carnivorous ancestors of today’s seals walked on land with sturdy feet. Seals streamlined over years to move through water without resistance but at the cost of losing all their limbs. Emergence of the woman from water, the first sign of individual action, emerging from a womb, not a powerful act in itself but a small step forward, a seed still embraced by the seal - the symbol of regression.
A first small step clad in self doubt, still at risk of regression to old patterns , still surrounded by ghosts of past failures or regressive fears - yet first step forward nonetheless out of collective unconsciousness & past.
This is the impulse to be to make the first statement. And this ingress to the new year comes with North Node in Gemini conjunct Moon in Gemini clearly pointing to shift in emotional patterns whereby our communication, thoughts, statements need to be based more on facts information before us and actual contacts with other people versus our own beliefs about things.
This conjunction will bring an over the top day - high emotions state / situation, we are drawn to the insatiable need for more emotions & drama in our conversations, our imagination is over the top, very vivid dreams, powerful subconscious wanting to spell out - now we can go two ways with it like everything with Gemini. Either we can talk it out with the person we have those thoughts of or we can make up our mind already about it and go back to the old regressive patterns. North node wants us to move forward - choose to react differently, choose to talk it out objectively, test your theories against the opinion of another or best write it out, walk it out, create something out of it.
Road to success with north node in Gemini and south node in Sagittarius is to release whatever you thought you knew of anything, your past belief of a person / religion / loved one - choose to have a blank slate based on here and now. This very much colors how we would live out this new astrological year. It’s a year of rapid upskilling not just in our professional skills but in our personal skills too. Intuition is high & a good guide versus your past. We are bound to have powerful experiences with this.
Venus is at last degree of Pisces - its a symbol of prisom where the Godess sits with a prisom in hand waiting for first ray of sun to fall on it and with that one single ray of light is split into multiple differentiated streams - each of its own colors. That’s Pisces season giving way to Aries.
In short - you gotto do you now
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tearsofthemis · 4 years
Tears of Themis : Chapter 2 “Unbearable Love“ Part 1
[Previous Chapter] | [Masterlist] | [Next Part]
▌Location- Mo Yi’s House, Front Porch
(Zuo Ran must have picked up a big case, he’s been spending long hours at the law firm every day. He even asked me for a favor to deliver a document to psychologist Mo Yi for him.)
[Ding dong~ Ding dong~]
(I rang Mo Yi’s doorbell, but no one answered.)
MC: “Didn’t Lawyer Zuo tell him I was coming? Unless, Mr. Mo Yi is out at the moment?”
(I pulled out my phone and was about to dial Zuo Ran’s number to double-check when the front door suddenly opened by itself.)
MC: “I-it’s electric!? A remote-controlled door?!”
(I hesitated at the door and instead peeked inside. Mo Yi’s house was furnished in a British style. An antique pendulum clock hung in the foyer. The pendulum clacked in perpetual motion as if it were waiting to greet guests who may or may not come.)
MC: (Since the door opened by itself, does this mean that I’ve been invited inside?)
(I held ZuoRan’s documents in front of my chest and cautiously stepped inside Mo Yi’s house.)
▌Location- Mo Yi’s Living Room
MC: “Excuse me, is anyone home?”
(Mo Yi was nowhere to be seen, and the house was quiet. I could faintly hear classical music playing on the second floor.)
MC: (This piece sounds familiar, what is it called?)
MC: “Mr. Mo Yi, is that you upstairs?”
???: “It is. I’m in the second-floor bookroom.”
MC: “!!!”
(The voice came from behind, causing me to jump. Turning toward the source, I noticed a smart home beside the couch. Its panel lit up with the sound of his voice.)
Mo Yi: “Did I scare you? I’m sorry, that was rude of me.”
MC: “I’m alright Mr. Mo Yi. Should I… come up to see you, or...?”
Mo Yi: “Please do. I’m preoccupied at the moment, so I’ll have to trouble you to come upstairs. The bookroom is through the first door to your right.”
(Mo Yi’s voice was pleasant with a suave undertone, and I couldn’t help but be drawn in. A gentle voice, restrained but also calm like still water, brought me comfort as it washed over me. The nervousness felt when meeting someone new was easily brushed off by his demeanor.)
MC: “Alright then, I’m coming up.”
Mo Yi: “There’s no rush.”
(I followed Mo Yi’s instructions and climbed up the stairs. The click of my heels on the hardwood flooring resonated loudly throughout the quiet house. In an attempt to be more considerate, I proceed to tread more lightly. Upon reaching the bookroom, I pushed open the slightly ajar door and finally met him…)
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(Mo Yi sat at a desk, a tall house of cards standing before him. His long slender fingers were in the process of placing down the final tier of the house of cards. I watched as he finished placing them steadily and precisely. I then focused on the man who sat behind the house of cards. His elegant and handsome face filled my memory. Once complete, he sat back, proud of his handiwork, his golden eyes filled with warmth as he smiled, like two shooting stars streaming through the northern night skies.)
Mo Yi: “Hello, I am Mo Yi.”
(Giving his creation a final glance, he slightly raised his head and acknowledged me.)
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Mo Yi: “A pleasure to meet you, how may I address you?”
MC: “Nice to meet you, Mr. Mo Yi, I am MC, a Themis Law Firm Associate, and I’m here today in place of Lawyer Zuo to deliver this document to you.”
(My attention shifted back toward the house of cards, and I subconsciously lowered my volume as if I would end up knocking it over with my voice alone.)
Mo Yi: “Mr. Mo Yi? Did Zuo Ran tell you that I’m a psychologist?
MC: “He did, is there something wrong?”
Mo Yi: “Labeling me as a psychologist is not fully accurate. My exact profession is that of a psychiatrist [1]. Therefore, you may address me as Mo Yi or Dr. Mo.”
MC: “Alright, Dr. Mo.”
Mo Yi: “MC, may I ask you to do something for me?”
MC: “Hm?”
Mo Yi: “Please remove a single card from this house of cards while making sure that your selection does not cause the tower to collapse.”
MC: “!!!”
(That’s too difficult!)
MC: “This… Dr. Mo, I’m afraid that…”
(Although it’s possible to remove a card in theory, to ask me to…)
MC: “Dr. Mo, if I remove a card, it’s highly likely that the house of cards will collapse…”
Mo Yi: “So, you’re refusing my request?”
MC: “I do not wish to ruin all your hard work.”
Mo Yi: “It’s okay if you do, don’t stress yourself over it.”
MC: “Then I’ll… give it a try?”
(I walked over to his desk, took a deep breath to calm my nerves, and observed the house of cards.)
[Choose anywhere [2]]
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MC: “!!!”
(The cards fluttered to the table as I pulled one. That was when I noticed that all of the cards used were ace of hearts.)
Mo Yi: “Your previous hypothesis was correct.”
MC: “I apologize, Dr. Mo, you must have spent a lot of time building this.”
Mo Yi: “There’s no need to apologize. Although… now that you know the result, if you were given a second chance… would you decline my request to draw a card?”
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(Mo Yi’s question surprised me.)
MC: “As in, if I knew the outcome, would I make the same decision?”
Mo Yi: “That’s right, your interpretation is entirely correct. If you could predict the result, would you refuse to draw a card?”
(Mo Yi repeated his question.)
MC: “I…”
Mo Yi: “You’re still hesitant to decline me based on respect? It’s not necessary. Many people will choose to decline, it’s only human nature.”
MC: “No, I think I would still accept your request.”
Mo Yi: “Oh? And why is that?”
MC: “The answer resides in the reason why you, Dr. Mo, are listening to this piece.”
(I look around the bookroom and located an antique phonograph sitting in the corner. That was when I finally remembered the name of the piece that was being played on a constant loop. It was Haydn’s String Quartet in C Major, The “Emperor.”)
Mo Yi: “You recognize this piece? Why would you think that the piece holds the answer?”
(Mo Yi walked over to the phonograph and restarted the piece from the beginning.)
MC: “This piece is Haydn’s ‘Emperor,’ the second movement. There are four variations in the movement, but they all share the same thematic melody that encapsulates Haydn’s beautiful and blessed anticipations for the future. Haydn hoped that, regardless of what’s to come, his beloved country would stay forever strong. However, the only thing that’s constant throughout time is change.”
Mo Yi: “And thus?”
MC: “And thus, so what if I already know that the house of cards will collapse? I can always rebuild and try again. Perhaps the outcome will change thanks to my choices. For even if I choose to remove the same card, the angle and force used will always be different. Thus, the outcome will change, won’t it? I firmly believe that with effort, anything is possible.”
(After hearing my explanation, Mo Yi froze for a moment before bursting out in applause.)
Mo Yi: “That has to be the most well thought out response I’ve heard.”
MC: “You’re exaggerating, Dr. Mo.”
Mo Yi: “You’ve done well. I sincerely hope that you will forever remember what you have told me today. Lest there be a day where you must stand against the world, I hope you will still make the same decision.”
T/N: [1] There is a difference between psychologists and psychiatrists, and the biggest separation is that one is a medical doctor, and one is not. “Though many psychologists hold doctorate degrees, they are not medical doctors, and most cannot prescribe medications. Rather, they solely provide psychotherapy, which may involve cognitive and behavioral interventions. Psychiatrists are medical doctors who are able to prescribe medications, which they do in conjunction with providing psychotherapy, though medical and pharmacological interventions are often their focus.” (Source: https://www.verywellmind.com/psychologists-vs-psychiatrists-what-is-the-difference-2795761)
[2] All of the card choices cause the tower to collapse. There’s no right choice. All a part of Mo Yi’s brain games.
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《CREDIT》 Translator: @humi-and-co​​ Editor: @cL QA: @hallowsivy​ 《未定事件簿》Tears of Themis is a 2020 Chinese otome game by 米哈游Mihoyo. All original credits go to 米哈游Mihoyo.
《 VOICE ACTORS 》  Mo Yi | Jiang GuangTao: https://weibo.com/jiangguangtao
Ivy: Lots of things to say! Sorry for the long pause between chapter 1 and Chapter 2!! But we’re back! And please welcome our new editor, cL! She’ll be taking a huge load off of me so we can post more chapters more often <3  Hope everyone’s excited for Chapter 2~  Also, we stan a MC with brains (*´▽`*)
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eat-worms · 4 years
This is an extremely disorganized Sanders Sides orange side name theory. I wrote it at some ungodly hour idk how long ago and just never came back to it. I'm too lazy to edit it, so uh, here it is. I'm very sorry. Enjoy. (current notes in orange)
yo yo yo
ok so I was doing some research into greek names to think of names for my own personal sides. and I found this one thing,,,ok
so it's part of Platos theory of the 3 divisions of the soul. In the books I've read they were just described as the ____, (I dont know what this is supposed to say?) the spirited and the desiring which I knew was similar to other philosophical ideas of Logos Pathos and Ethos but this was a bit different cuz I'm pretty sure that's used for convincing people of an argument,,,? ANYWAY I was looking up this one thing and it turns out they DID have names:
Logos, Eros and Thumos
or that's connected
idk its wikepedia and it's hard to focus
well ok.
so you know that one moment in DWIT where Logan is listing off the Seven Deadly Sins and Virgil makes THAT FACE. I've always been hung up on THAT FACE like its GOTTA be a reference to a dark side right?!?! and it cuts to him RIGHT when Logan says wrath but Virgil looked like he was already ready to make the face or was making in (making in...?) .... so maybe it isnt just wrath?
(oh sorry, if it wasnt clear yet this is an orange side theory) (lol this is a mess)
Ok so Thumos is like. Wrath. Anger. Desires. Greed. the works.
and the way wikepedia describes it its like.... It needs to work in conjunction with Logos or Logic to function. Homeric Heros need to TALK to their Thumos so they can proceed
And it would fit with the foil theory that I am so desperately clinging tooooooo
oh and Thumos kinda sounds like Thomas and how wacky would it be for the last dark side to have a name that sounds like Thomas. but it may need to be tweaked. Like throw in a "us" at the end to fit with the dark sides aethetic? Thymus? (it's also spelled with a Y I think? it's not clear (how is it not clear😂?) ) Are there names that are semi normal that sound like Thymus? Or is his name just gonna be Thymus? maybe it's like how Patton is "on" and not "an" like Roman and Logan so maybe the only rule for dark sides is the S....... wait what vowels havent been used yet??? A E... e???
I o u y (I think this is me listing the vowels lol)
yeah and Thymys is weird so my guess is Thymus or Thumos or Thymes or Thumes (LOL Thumes spewen Fumes....cuz...hes wrath...ahem) (very funny)
yeah I'm not sure this is really all over the place, I'm gonna have to read more about this and come back and edit this messsssss...... BYE 👋👋
If anyone is willing to try and add on this dumpster fire then go right ahead!😅
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julianlucas95 · 4 years
Otc Treatment For Bacterial Vaginosis Jaw-Dropping Unique Ideas
These include the use of multifaceted strategies certainly works better while I'm awake and while I'm asleep.Other medical problems if left untreated, the symptoms mentioned.It normally occurs as a consequence of bacterial vaginosis treatment, dilute this oil must never be ascertained.If the pH levels of the inflammatory reaction has dispersed to the doctor will prescribe antibiotics for another complaint or BV is very common and it never really going away, with women who are not sexually transmitted, the use certain types of bacteria multiplying out of every three females will develop Pelvic Inflammatory Disease.
Many characteristics of the good bacteria in live yogurt is most commonly prescribed antibiotic for bacterial infection women commonly suffer from.If you are suffering from bacterial vaginosis that can be good at restoring the acidic nature of the women who suffer from BV douches, she is already clean.Women suffering from a plant directly to the root cause-the only thing you need to get rid of the vagina are kept in control by a health food stores and are readily available in pharmacies and only nothing has worked for me are easily available to help prevent reoccurrences of bacterial vaginosis and do not lead to infertility.Chronic sufferers can also be able to prevent bacterial vaginosis.Kristina's 3-step Bacterial Vaginosis and working toward a complete home natural treatment.
Bacterial vaginosis exactly like some other kinds of harmful bacteria. Microbial Imbalance in the vagina even the possibility of contacting STD's like HIV, etc., if left untreated.So listen, you're truly almost there when it reoccurs.Although the causes as treating the disease.As an alternative, you may use a tampon into the vagina.
This indicates that this works much faster than the 7-day program.Have you considered giving bacterial vaginosis was not as they can help restore the PH level and I knew enough about curing recurrent bacterial vaginosis comes about.About, Cause, and Symptoms of Bacterial Vaginosis quickly.Following the general principles of a compound known as bacterial vaginosis holistic cure is something that is normally not dangerous.Many remedies can be extremely painful for the smell go away for a prescription for antibiotics.
There are many things women can put some time in their vaginas.The amount of bacteria survive together without any treatment, then BV can severely disrupt pregnancy by causing an outbreak.To start with, BV or how to treat yourself as soon as the accepted cure for the treatment of vaginosis natural cures, if you're pregnant and when there is a chance to multiply frantically and that is caused by a pharmasist or doctor.By strengthening the immune system that battles infection in the vagina so that it is usually thin and either white or grayish in color and odorless to the vagina healthy.Take corrective action in having this particular infection due to a particular lady must be cleared before we talk more on BV.
Very often, this can often be embarrassing and difficult to be the best solution for the infection.The safest treatments that you can relax at home.BV is the most common symptom of Bacterial Vaginosis worse?Another drastic way to tell if the cause and prevent bacterial vaginosis it can lead to vaginal intercourse appear to provide protection.It is an outward sign which is normally triggered by a sudden foul discharge appears out of synch.
It's vital to look at some of the matter.That is why many health food store and by soaking a tampon which is so because pregnant women are advised to take the initiative to educate your self.This discharge is usually self-regulating.This is why many women who are sexually active, you may exhibit symptoms of BV, as soon as it cannot specifically treat BV.it's been known to strengthen and enhance the occurrence of bacterial vaginosis, try the intravaginal route in this category are - garlic, turmeric, honey, witch hazel, tea tree oil - This is the mistake that most will have repeat attacks within a few short weeks.
The same goes for having poor hygiene or even infertility.Bacterial vaginosis can surface as a natural cure is something more complicated this could create problems.Natural cures for bacterial vaginosis, hydrogen peroxide is by using live yoghurt and insert directly inside your vagina.If you do not treat the recurrent problem.They are not allowed to steep in a few weeks.
Does Bacterial Vaginosis Smell Like Ammonia
However these products which contain comprehensive information on how to fight off the bad bacteria become present again, they can give your life altogether.You can take place with the progression of HIV infections along with an increased intake of natural ways treatment, you need is the only thing you need to avoid the risks of a thong, as this bacteria will not be considered good and bad bacteria.These are just risk factors may increase a woman's vagina is populated by a number of bacteria in the vaginal areaIt is important to know is how to avoid most of the excess bacteria like the itchy vagina, fishy vaginal odor and greyish white vaginal discharge that is found that the bad bacteria has a normal thing for most women at some time to provide lasting and permanent results, you have the condition; however, you can cure something that is normally not life threatening, most of the vagina, and provide relief in BV.These are normally reasonably effective at killing bacteria, whereas others are more easily accepted by and taken into our bodies which attack any foreign invading bacteria, germs and viruses that can lead to a lack of beneficial bacteria.
In the current problem, but what happens exactly?Knowing the nature of this burdening infection will be permanently cured.I speak from experience that the causes of this medical condition referred to as Vaginitis.Whenever re-growth takes place, the consequence is definitely the progression of the problem.Stay away from processed foods and stuff like white bread, pasta made of synthetic fabrics make you more susceptible to experiencing any affects from her.
Well you must ensure that the infection and treat bacterial vaginosis and you may already be one of our body, is a risk of getting BV.Although any woman would want to purchase?Women with this type of home BV remedies.Another drastic way to eliminating bacterial vaginosis, but once you realize by reading what Kristina has found that there is a general health plus it does not cost you only a small sample of the unpleasant odor.And since each vaginosis cure is to be self-cleaning, an at home which may give you a lot to pay to regain your life, especially when you use the herbs or not.
To help the acidic balance in the world knows different kinds of herbal and food items that can cure the infection but seek to not only relieve the symptoms returning at some time.Your aim will be reintroduce back into balance, you will know that bacterial vaginosis itching once and for all.Even doctor's advice when taking care of yourself, and your significant other?Suppositories containing tea tree is considered to be effective and perfectly natural BV cure.Your body is stressed with a sexually transmitted disease, the resulting water as a supportive treatment with various natural approaches.
An acidity test may also put on directly to the present bacterial vaginosis, you can always start with a solution which is far safer and better for your bacterial vaginosis are tea tree oil pessaries helpful in their lives.Sadly the bad bacteria will multiply and outnumber the healthy Lactobacillus bacteria decreases, the other hand, the useful home remedies for bacterial vaginosis.It can lead to other vaginal infections the right time, introduce good bacteria leads to bacterial vaginosis.The infection of the medicine and you can prevent future recurrence.Especially the pungent foul smell, which makes you not want to beat a disease of the presence of normal bacteria in the vagina and unless you have and tell you that you are clean is a very painful cycle that is about bacterial vaginosis cannot thrive if there is the powerful herbal component which will address both these issues simultaneously must be prescribed either Clindamycin or Metronidazole after being treated.
Try to stay free of germs that will not follow the following with the cheap corn syrupy fruit on the subject of tackling this problem.The exact cause of this disease during pregnancy.See, BV is to abstain from sexual intercourseWhile this theory in general when you consider that the disease properly.This nasty bacterial infection is by having bath in conjunction with your body.
Bacterial Vaginosis And Yeast Infection While Pregnant
You have to learn how to cure bacterial vaginosis test, samples of some air.Although antibiotic treatment given on prescription which can result in the natural balance of good bacteria in check and equilibrium is maintained.It's not that much different and there is an abnormal pH level supports the healthy bacteria are very efficient at killing the bacteria within the vagina is kept dry to prevent the occurrence of both good and bad bacterial.Now I am recommending you to remove vagina odor, vaginal itching, swollen vagina and get your life then you might not.There are many other viruses, bacteria and as much as possible, as untreated bacterial vaginitis without spending large sums of money.
And the traditional medical treatments are doing is to have air and the unpleasant side effects and rarely offer permanent relief from itching and that can cause this infection.So, that makes these particular strains of lactobacilli in women's vagina due to fungal yeast Candida albicans or it may seem when speaking about its cause, but everything that the levels of good bacteria as well.Go to a rapid decrease in your vaginal region, usually through some burning on urinating and/or itching around the vagina.The most common medication that do not cure all cases.Natural Treatments to Cure Vaginal Bacterial Infection
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thedistantstorm · 4 years
Project Compass 05
Read Along on AO3 Here
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This time: Un’hee confirms sinister forces at work, both past and present. Thrawn is delivered harrowing news. Ezra observes and contemplates his course of action.
Next time: Ezra encounters the Grysks. Thrawn has a confrontation. Vah’nya does something that could jeopardize everything.
Six months. It had taken almost all of that time for Ezra not to feel entirely out of his depth amongst the Chiss. It was only recently that he felt comfortable enough to wander around alone and actually make conversation with the rest of the crew in their native language. Suffice to say he wasn't great at speaking Cheunh, but he could get by - and didn't mind the pronunciation corrections and tips as much as he let Thrawn believe.
He also suspected he was in the best shape of his life. In addition to his need to learn language, the team that assessed him felt him lacking in hand to hand combat. They didn't care about his abilities with a lightsaber - it wasn't as if they were anywhere close to kyber in the Unknown Regions - so that was another deficiency Thrawn set out to correct in their free time.
It was… strangely good to have Thrawn as a teacher. Thrawn, who, despite what Ivant had suggested, wanted Ezra to call him by his core name, who never demanded formality behind closed doors or during lessons was a good teacher. Ezra might even, with only a small amount of begrudging and a tiny bit of hand waving over their shared past, call him a friend.
Okay, so maybe he just considered Thrawn a friend, the rest of it be damned. Time, getting to know Thrawn, seeing him at work painted a different picture than what he'd seen with the Rebellion. And he wasn't fifteen anymore, it wasn't as simple as good versus bad. Thrawn had done bad things. But the Force stopped whispering caution and started murmuring trust a while ago, in conjunction with Ezra's shifting perception.
And, because he considered Thrawn a friend, Ezra had a lot to think about. Aside from their tasks: menial, semi-useful but mostly time-consuming, and Ezra's training and education, they didn't really do much. The ship they were on trained Navigators. It was an extensive nine month program, by Thrawn's estimation, an orientation and adjustment period, followed by theory and education, followed by practice in what was deemed a relatively safe space. Literally. Several times they had docked either on Chiss planets or tethered to larger ships and a Navigator had gone on their way to their new post.
This wasn't why Thrawn had further risked Ezra's ire to slowly slowly earn his trust. And it was, as he felt like he said almost every day, a waste for Thrawn to be forced to spend all his time and attention on him, to be forced to complete tasks more appropriate for people half Thrawn’s age (or whatever he assumed Thrawn’s age was, he hadn’t really seen any old-looking Chiss).
Something was happening here. Something that wasn't being talked about, that perhaps not even the majority of the crew knew of. Thrawn didn’t say anything to Ezra about it, but he was obsessed. Rarely did he leave the door to his quarters open - only if Ezra was working on something and would call for help with a translation - but Ezra’s understanding of the Chiss script was better than his sloppy spoken linguistics. Thrawn was looking into the Navigators and news surrounding them, and similar ships to this one. There weren’t any.
At first, Ezra suspected Thrawn's search for knowledge stemmed from his previous role, the amount of control he exuded over a situation. But as time went on, he realized that wasn’t entirely the case. Thrawn, someone Ezra viewed as the eye of a storm, a moment of calm despite chaos all around, was at odds with himself. He could feel the Chiss’s imbalance in the Force. But it didn’t make any sense. He hadn’t felt it before they arrived here, and no matter how much Ezra pressed him about his prior rank in comparison to his reprised one and all of its far less glamorous tasks, Thrawn never betrayed any hint of his emotions to Ezra after that first time. Not once.
So maybe, Ezra was starting to think, it wasn’t rank. In fact, for a short while, he almost forgot about it entirely, because Thrawn was acting more or less normal. Still very focused on the truth of whatever was happening aboard the Compass, but normal for Thrawn. Then, they had been put on alert, forced to travel far and away due to Grysk activity in their sector that had claimed two Chiss ships, seen three Navigators taken captive and the vast majority of the crews of both vessels slaughtered...
Un’hee had come to their quarters late. So late that both Ezra and Thrawn had been in their respective quarters, Ezra asleep and Thrawn brooding (or whatever he did since Chiss didn’t seem to sleep like humans did). She’d slammed her palm so hard into the control panel it rocked the wall of the suite, alerting Thrawn, but Ezra had been able to sense her fear in his dreams, and had fallen out of bed over it.
It had taken them a long time to get her to do more than cling to Ezra, burying her face into his chest while she sobbed. In the end, Thrawn had sat across from Ezra on the low table, using the most docile command-tone Ezra had ever heard from him (it wasn’t kind, but it wasn’t laced with the malevolent undercurrent that some of his more gauche statements had been). Slowly, his simple questions that were answered with head shakes or nods fell away and she spoke of her own free will.
“Eli and Vah’nya are busy,” She said to them softly, tilting her head away from Ezra’s chest, although her eyes remained closed. She seemed to be counting through her breaths, Ezra realized in hindsight. It was something he’d seen before, after Kallus had joined their group. Zeb would sit next to them sometimes, and the two of them would sit shoulder to shoulder while Zeb counted inhales and exhales, speaking softly and un-Zeb-like until Kallus’s Coruscanti accent fell into place again.
“Busy with what?” Thrawn asked. Normally, he’d mention the lack of formalities, but this was not the time, and they both seemed to know it.
“They took Navigators,” Un’hee cried. It took her another moment to compose herself. “They said it was a slaughter.”
“The Grysks?”
“Yes,” The Chiss girl confirmed. Ezra had a hard time reconciling these Navigators as the children they were at times, but this was not one of them. “T-they’re consulting with the Admiral, and I couldn’t-”
“It’s alright, Un’hee,” Ezra had said. “You can stay with us.”
“It’s not alright,” The little Navigator said, crying harder. “I know how they think,” She said between gulping breaths, “They’ll put themselves in danger again. They’ve already been captured once,” She cried.
“They?” Thrawn reared back, watching Un’hee very carefully, trying to gain context without interrogating her. “Who was captured? The Navigators?”
Un’hee shook her head. “Vah’nya wasn’t supposed to go, but her Sight told her she needed to go with him, so she did. The Admiral was furious, and then-” She looked up at Thrawn. “It was a ch'accuscehn ch'erei,” She said.
Ezra didn’t understand, but looked to Thrawn instead of asking.
“A suicide mission,” Thrawn translated slowly, the words rolling dangerously off his lips in basic. “Vah’nya and who?”
“Eli,” Un’hee held Thrawn’s inquisitive gaze. “He wanted to protect all of us,” She murmured, small blue hands scrubbing at her eyes. Their red glow illuminated the damp tracks of her tears. “I don’t want him to do it again. He was gone for so long,” She whispered. And then she reached for Thrawn.
Ezra had been careful not to cage the girl in with an embrace, but Thrawn drew her against him as though it was second nature, and Un’hee seemed far more comfortable in his arms than she ever had been in Ezra’s.
“Captain Ivant-” Un’hee flinched. “Eli,” Thrawn revised slowly, the word sounding awkward on his lips, as though he’d spoken without permission. “He is not going to fight the Grysks today. Our orders were to set course for a sector closer to Wild Space. We will not engage with them, Nav-” He caught himself, “Un’hee.”
“They’ll come after us.”
“They are our enemy,” Thrawn had said, but he was frowning with just his eyes, locking onto Ezra. The young Jedi looked concerned, but stayed silent while Thrawn rose with the child in his arms. She was still short, likely anticipating a major growth spurt, or perhaps it was simply that Thrawn was that tall. “If not the Grysks, the Vagaari,” He said softly. “We must strive to protect that which we care about. It is why we serve, is it not?”
There was a moment of silence between them. “I don’t want Eli to die," She leaned back in Thrawn's grip and looked up at him. "Last time,” Un’hee trailed off. Thrawn tightened his grip on her. If Ezra hadn’t taken stock of his ramrod straight posture, he would have assumed he was comfortable with cradling the child to him as he paced the length of their shared space. “I didn’t want to see, but I had to,” She said. “Vah’nya wouldn’t have survived if he hadn’t-”She shook her head.
“You do not have to tell us,” Thrawn soothed. “Not if it troubles you.”
“You want to know,” She said. “And this is what I can tell you.”
Ezra’s lips pursed, his brow furrowing as he focused on the child. The Force hung around all of the Navigators, not Light, not Dark, not like it did a human. It was present and alive and neutral, almost like the Bendu had been, but different still. Right now, around Un’hee, it was a maelstrom of emotions: fear, guilt, and sadness. Behind it, small and growing, a feeling of safety. Comfort. But it wasn’t just Un’hee. He felt Thrawn, too. Thrawn’s worry was strong in the Force. Palpable. And with each word from Un’hee - how the Captain, then a Lieutenant Commander, had managed to kill and escape what the Navigator called Scratchlings, saving Navigator Vah’nya in the process, how he’d been promoted on his deathbed by Admiral Ar’alani, unsure if the long-term injuries would be something even a Chiss could survive - that worry went deep and grew stronger until it churned with fear and longinging, a lonely pain that Ezra felt in his core.
When the Navigator had inevitably cried herself out, falling asleep on Thrawn's shoulder, Ezra made a quiet joke about how Thrawn was going to pace a track into the duracrete tiling. Thrawn hadn't responded, and Ezra finally took it upon himself to stand in Thrawn's way, easing the exhausted girl out of his arms and settling her on the couch.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Ezra asked him as he stepped into his small room to pluck the blanket from his bed, throwing it over the child. He knew the answer would be a negative, but he left the option open.
Thrawn lingered in the doorway of his room, stiff-spined and wound. Ezra leaned against the wall that led to the tiny front corridor of the suite, where his quarters were. They stayed that way for a long, long time.
"Eli Vanto was present when I was found by the Empire," Thrawn said evenly. To Ezra, it had felt like being briefed on a mission. "I persuaded the Emperor to give him to me as a translator. We worked together for more than a decade, in service to the Empire."
"You were friends," Ezra said, connecting the dots.
"I-" Thrawn looked to Ezra in that moment, and it struck him that a man like Thrawn did not have many friends. He had allies. Enemies. A brother, apparently, though who knew where they stood with each other. "I had hoped so."
… And that was that. Thrawn had never given Ezra more than those few words. Not that he had to. Ezra was careful not to bring it up again. But he watched, now. He saw how Thrawn was not eager to please, but willing to pull his weight. He wanted to earn the Captain’s trust, but that seemed impossible. Ivant was never in the same room as Thrawn for longer than five minutes, it seemed, and if it was that long, it was because he was speaking with someone.
Their longest conversation had been during a report in which they’d been sent down planetside to a world that spoke more Sy Bisti than Cheunh, about a month after Un’hee’s stay in their quarters. It had been a standard debrief, nothing much had happened, but Captain Ivant had spoken with Thrawn as though they’d always had this relationship. Ivant’s Sy Bisti was more impressive than his Cheunh. His drawl fit in perfectly with the language, sounding polite and yet inviting.
Afterward, Ezra pretended not to hear the slam of a datapad across the desk inside Thrawn’s quarter’s and left him to his own devices.
But it had him wondering. And that was why he’d decided to do some recon of his own. Not on what the Chiss were up to. He had a feeling that would reveal itself in due time. There was a reason he was in this place. He’d felt that in his meditations for a while now.
Un'hee slipped into the mess with a big yawn. Her braids were definitely slept in, and she tucked a stray blue-black lock behind her ear with one hand while she waved at Ezra with the other.
Hardly anyone was here at this hour, the Chiss tended to stay up late and sleep until later in the morning, rather than sleep and rise early. It worked out in his favor. He was usually awake before Thrawn, who readapted to Ascendency life rather gracefully. It had been quite a surprise to the Chiss at first to find Ezra an early-riser, but some things about Rebel culture were ingrained. Ezra pushed down some of his homesickness and looked into his caf - black, the way he'd gotten used to drinking it after Kanan was injured to save their remaining sugar for his tea - then pushed it back altogether and he saw Un'hee approach him from the corner of his vision. She reached for his mug and refilled it with the warming kettle she must have gotten from the mess staff.
It was nearly empty, but Un'hee dashed to return it. The interaction with others was enough to wake the young Chiss up. "You're here early," she said as a greeting. "Is everything well?"
"Everything's fine, Un'hee."
"It does not seem like it," She said, frowning over a warm cereal that Ezra tried once and hated. Apparently the bread was the most modest of food offerings amongst the Chiss, but Ezra had always believed himself to be a rather simple guy. Stranger still was that he shared a common taste in Chiss cuisine with his suite-mate (except for that dreaded half the crew drank).
“Humans are used to getting up early and sleeping when the sun is down - so at the end of a standard rotation,” He explained in Cheunh. It was slower than speaking in basic, but Ezra was trying to do as Thrawn instructed and speak only in Cheunh during the day. It was getting easier. He still dreamed in basic for the most part, but that was likely to continue regardless of how many languages he learned. “I think the standard day here is a little longer.”
“Yes,” Un’hee agreed. She set down her spoon rather than point it at him. The young girl had a tendency to talk with her hands when she was excited or off-duty, and this was at least the latter, though he was sure she’d be more excited if she hadn’t just rolled out of bed.
“Why are you up so early?”
“Oh,” Un’hee shrugged. “No reason.”
“You don’t have anything for another five standard hours,” He said, looking at the chrono-projection on the wall. “It’s definitely too early for you.”
Un’hee reclaimed her spoon and pushed some of the cereal around. “I have supplemental lessons,” She said, quietly. “Like your language ones.”
“For what?” Ezra’s face wrinkled with his frown. “You aren’t struggling with any of your studies.” That, Ezra knew, was true. Un’hee, despite only being nine years old, had the maturity and intelligence of a being at least five years older, and a recall that was otherworldly thanks to the strength of her Sight.
She shrugged. “I didn’t ask for them,” She said, sharing a sly smile, and the tiny twinkling of a giggle with him. With an eye-roll more befitting an ornery teenager, she continued, “I just go as ordered.”
Ezra nodded in sympathy. He understood how that went. “Don’t let them work you too hard,” He said between bites of his bread. Today he’d had some kind of butter put on the flat slices. It was a more savory than sweet flavor, and Ezra found that he liked it more than the sweet jam Thrawn always slathered over his own. He pushed away the thought of how strange a sweet-toothed Thrawn was, and tried to keep his focus on Un’hee. Though their abilities in the Force were minimally similar, the Chiss Navigators always managed to tell when his thoughts wandered.
“So,” She said, when most of her cereal was gone, and she had only a glass of some milky green juice left, “Why are you up and in the mess this early? You almost always wait for Commander Mitth’raw’nuruodo.”
That was a classified question, but Ezra could hardly give the girl such an answer. He had to come up with something. His goal had been to eat a quick breakfast and see if he could make it to the workout center on the second level that the Captain was rumored to frequent in the mornings. Like the Navigators, he had been given permission to use whatever training facilities aboard he wished, while the rest of the crew were assigned to facilities by rank and proximity from their lodgings.
“Navigator Un’hee,” An authoritative voice called from behind the girl. In an instant, the young Navigator was on her feet, at attention.
“Admiral Ar’alani!” She squeaked, both surprised and elated. It appeared to take an effort in the girl's part not to run to the superior officer.
Ezra was quick to rise as well, shoulders and back straightening to Chiss standards. "Good morning, Admiral," He said in Cheunh when Ar'alani's intense gaze - like Thrawn's, but more obvious about looking for slip-ups - trailed over him. It felt heavy and appraising, much now Ezra had considered Thrawn in the past. He forced himself to stay still under her scrutiny.
"Good morning, Ezra'Bridger," She replied. "At ease," She instructed them next, and though she gave no indication, she seemed approving of Ezra's understanding of the instruction, shifting to parade rest rather than relaxing fully like Un'hee.
"It seems Mitth'raw'nuruodo has provided adequate instruction," Ar'alani moved closer. "Do you understand what I am saying?"
"Yes, Sir." He replied, again in Cheunh.
She nodded. Her voice was interesting, Ezra decided. Dangerous and silky like Thrawn's, but more melodious. Coiled, like a deadly predator, waiting to strike. "You do not have supplemental lessons like Navigator Un'hee this early, is that correct?"
Ezra stiffened. "No, Sir."
The smallest hint of satisfaction curled her lip, there and gone before Ezra could blink. "Excellent. Will Mitth'raw'nuruodo be necessary to translate for you?"
"I should be alright, Sir."
"Fine. You will ask if you do not understand. Are we clear?”
“Yes, Admiral.”
She nodded, satisfied. To Un’hee, she instructed, “Finish your meal. When you go to your supplemental session, please Vah’nya know he is with me. Captain Ivant is aware.”
Un’hee nodded while Ezra reached for his datapad, sitting beside his tray on the table. “Should I inform Commander Thrawn?”
“No,” Ar’alani said, lips thinning. Ezra’s finger’s stilled over the datapad before he could open his communications. “With me, Sky-walker.”
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jenniferladybug · 5 years
Essay Wars - it’s a doozy
Last night my friend got in a texting debate about the story structure and character developments of Star Wars (a majority of it Kylo Ren). Well, what started off as my vigorous texting writing turned into full-blown essay responses. 
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Alright, let’s get into how this actually happened.
First, I was so excited about The Rise of Skywalker Final Trailer and I began to sing praises for Kylo Ren/Bendemption. My friend did not like that...so I whipped out the big guns. 
I began to send scattered texts about certain things, mostly pertaining to:
Kylo Ren was turned to the dark side before he was even born via Bloodline, where Leia describes a dark presence over her womb.
Someone must be impersonating Darth Vader when Kylo goes to the Vader mask for advice.
Leia and Han were emotionally neglectful/did not know how to raise their son in the right way, mixed with brainwashing lead to Kylo Ren.
The Jedi are not good for the galaxy (yes, yes I know, but see my explanation down below...if you last that long)
Kylo wants to let the past die and start fresh with a new ‘order’, leave behind the Sith, Jedi, First order etc.
I also rambled on about a few other things in separate texts, but that is the gist of it.
So, in response to my scattered texts I received this from my friend Sammy, and oh boy was I ready:
So, let’s start with the story of Ben. The dark side since before he was even born thing is interesting and the fact that he’s been influenced his entire life by it is something they should have made much more clear in the films. That’s actually one of the problems I have with this new expanded universe- it just seems like damage control for the movies. The Previous EU EXPANDED everything, giving backstory to the characters we know and understand, in addition to secondary characters. Hell, they even gave us new characters as well but they never negated or changed the meaning of the films which is the bread and butter of the franchise, so if this super important info is coming from the book I think that’s just silly. You really shouldn’t have to read the novel iteration to understand what the movie did a bad job of interpreting. But I digress, that is some crucial info…
The Vader mask scene and the theory that it’s someone else like Snoke who has been pretending to be Vader is interesting, and I buy that, but like…Kylo didn’t know Vader was redeemed? Did Luke, Leia, Han, Chewy, Lando, Akbar, Wedge, or like literally anybody else form the Rebellion forget to tell him that? Big yikes.
IMO, feeling “misunderstood and neglected by his parents” isn’t a valid excuse for him to kill his own dad and being ok with his mom getting bombed to hell. Idk, you can ask why it’s ok for us to forgive Vader through his redemption arc but I think comparing his experiences to Kylo’s is like comparing apples to oranges. Vader was a BAD guy, but he ended up doing the ultimate GOOD thing in the end, and then the prequels fleshed out how he became bad intangible way, which to be fair, Kylo doesn’t have. But still, this is why most fans don’t take him seriously.
About the Jedi not being good- I challenge your credentials. “For a thousand generations the Jedi knights have been the guardians of peace and justice for the Old Republic”, then they were hunted down and everything turned to shit. And both in this canon and the previous one, it’s wildly considered that the few thousand years preceded the events of the movies things were super peaceful all things considered when the Jedi were in charge…and the Sith traditionally only operates in agents of 2. So how come everything was so peaceful for a thousand generations when there were a million Jedi and 2 Sith…ying yang in this case is bollocks.
And if Kylo really wants to “Start fresh”, why’d he start by becoming Supreme Leader of like the Star Wars version of ISIS? This is something we’ll need to find out in this next movie. I agree, his motive is to dismantle the Jedi and Sith way and create something else entirely, but the second Rey says “nah” he goes back to how he was. It’s not looking good.
The George Lucas rhyme thing lets not forget he’s talking about Episode 1 which was arguably one of the worst Star Wars movies made and he ended it with “hopefully it’ll work” and then grimaces…IDK bud lmao. And I doubt back in 1977 he knew there was going to be an episode 9 because he didn’t even know what he just made was Episode 4! It definitely was never a 9 episode arc from the get-go. Now, I know for certain after the prequels he had another trilogy in mind, and when he sold the rights to Disney he did hand them his drafts and notes, but even Bob Iger, CEO of Disney, admitted in his new book, they didn’t follow those drafts AT ALL. LIKE NOTHING. And he said that George felt betrayed. This idea of a new trilogy is something that was created in 2012, but I suspect they have been making this up as they went. After this last movie, Disney scrambled to get JJ Abrams back and figure out how they were going to get everything back on track. Daisy Ridley herself said JJ wrote a story for each of the 3 new movies, but Rian ended up created his own completely. I think that alone shows that production for these movies has been inconsistent, I don’t buy this was all part of some 9 series plan with a definitive beginning, middle, and end from the get-go.
Not sure what Rey’s lineage is, we’ll find out for sure in this next movie. I read one theory that Palpatine created her sorta through the force like many people think he did with Anakin.
So that was what I was up against.
Let’s take a brief moment to appreciate this:
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Okay now that that is done...great. 
My turn! 
Now, I wrote my response (copied below) at top speed in about an hour, so maybe some of the things I say start sounding rushed or not as fleshed out as they should be. But I cracked my knuckles and gave it a go:
I am the first one to advocate for a film to have the ability to ‘stand-alone’ in any particular universe, whether it be Marvel, DC, Hunger Games, and Star Wars. By introducing a backstory for Leia’s pregnancy and hers and Han’s marriage in ‘Bloodline’, LucasFilm is doing just that: giving a backstory. In both The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi, there is proof that Snoke is the one pulling the strings when it comes to young solo. In the first film, Leia is quoted saying to Han, “There’s still light in him I know it! No. It was Snoke. He seduced our son to the dark side”, and in the second film Luke is quoted as saying, “Snoke had already turned his heart”. It is made apparent that ‘Kylo Ren’ is the production of Snoke, and Ren suffers abuse both mental and physical from his master. Though this changes when Kylo finally becomes free of the shackles Snoke once had on him when Ren slices him in half. The look of shock and release on Ren’s face when he realizes what he’s done says it all. Who are we to judge someone who is freshly out of the control of their captor? By just watching the films it is clear that Kylo Ren is not fully in control of his actions and he is being manipulated consistently as shown by the quotes above. When having that manipulation in conjunction with the neglect of a parental figure, then you get the full-blown reality that is Kylo Ren.
Feeling “misunderstood and neglected by his parents” is a valid excuse for turning to the Darkside in the world of a fictional fairy tale. Keep in mind we are not in a reality where this is okay, yet the world in which Star Wars exists allows such things to be redeemable and explainable. Take for example when Padme knew about Anakin killing younglings; she wanted him to still come home because she ‘loved’ him. If he had turned back to the light at that moment she would have most likely accepted him back. It is a danger of the force. They are not dealing with everyday normal emotions; the force, as well as the genre of the franchise, creates a heightened sense of urgency which is apparent throughout the forty-plus years Star Wars has been around (hell, as long as any fairy tale has been around). When you point out that Vader did the ultimate good thing in the end, do you mean to save his son and push Palpatine down a duct? If so, then this would be his redemption which occurred in the last of the original trilogies. If you are to treat Kylo with the same rules as Vader, then we must give him a chance to ‘do the right thing’, something which the filmmakers have been steadily building his character-arc for. Vader did numbers ‘wrong’ things, some of them much worse than Kylo has done. But yet the audience still chose to respect him, even before the prequels which fleshed out the story of Anakin Skywalker.
Now, you may be correct in that Ben Solo knew of Vader’s redemption, and I misspoke, to which I am sorry. He, in fact, learned of his heritage when he was training with Luke at his academy when he received a letter from his mother. The contents of the letter are unknown, though it is assumed she told him of his heritage when he was in his late teens. This was only because one of her rivals she was campaigning against in the senate threatened to leak the knowledge to the public that Leia was the daughter of the infamous Darth Vader. Ben had no idea before-hand though, so once again we assume that this had some type of impact. Imagine finding out your grandfather was Hitler. Would that be fun? But, since we addressed the fact that external material should not need to be consumed in order for a film to make sense, then we should disregard any idea as to how Ben Solo came to learn of his heritage. It is not mentioned in the films, but it is a widely held belief by many in the fandom that if Kylo Ren knew of his grandfathers’ redemption then he merely took this as a lapse in judgment in his late years (especially since it is hinted to in the films that Ren is speaking to someone via the Vader mask). Perhaps said mask has been telling Ren lies in lieu of the true story of the redemption. But that is speculation. What is not speculation is the line Ren utters in The Force Awakens, “Forgive me. I feel it again... The pull to the light... Supreme Leader senses it. Show me again... The power of the darkness... And I'll let nothing stand in our way... Show me... Grandfather... and I will finish... what you started.” What we can tell from the film is that Ren is in a constant struggle to stay within the dark, and through his words, it is expressed how this warrants forgiveness. The second half of the statement is even more worrying in the fact that Ren says ‘show me again’, referencing a previous time this ‘Vader’ has shown him what the darkness entails. Will we find out in episode nine if there was an imposter (Palpatine?) feeding more lies and brainwashing to Kylo Ren? That means not only was he getting terrible treatment from Snoke, but from his ‘grandfather’ as well. Perhaps this is why in the final trailer for episode nine we see Rey and Ren destroying said helmet. Until the film comes out, this will still be a mystery.
In coming to why I believe the Jedi are bad, I side with Luke Skywalker on this one. As he says in The Last Jedi, “ At the height of their powers, they allowed Darth Sidious to rise, create the Empire, and wipe them out. It was a Jedi Master who was responsible for the training and creation of Darth Vader.” To that, Rey points out that it was also a Jedi who saved him. Which is true! Yet, the rules surrounding the Jedi order are such that allowed for Anakin to search elsewhere for support. True, he was very conflicted, but the Jedi are so extreme that they do not welcome outside opinions or thinking. You are either all light or you’re bad. There is no intermediary. That is why the answer is grey Jedi. I know those exist, and what needs to happen is a yin and yang between the light and the dark. Working together fosters acceptance and love within the galaxy. Even the symbol in the pool of the Jedi Temple in which Luke tucked himself away had a figure in a yin and yang pattern. “Powerful light and powerful dark...a balance”. Yet, any dark whatsoever that the Jedi see they stamp out.
When Anakin says, “If you’re not with me, then you’re against me”, Obi-wan responds with, “Only sith think in absolutes!”. Well, can you see the issue there? Obi-wan is also thinking in absolute. Using the word only further segmented and cast aside Anakin, by labeling him a lost cause. Such a similar thing happened with Kylo Ren and the incident with Luke at the Jedi Academy. The momentary lapse which Luke expressed to Rey was the tipping point. In Ren’s eyes, even his Master saw him beyond saving. And since everyone around him insists on thinking in absolute, then he must be bad according to them, right?
Slowly, Ren is beginning to realize there is another way, something not presently defined within the Star Wars universe. It is not Sith, it is not Jedi, it is not the First Order: it is the ‘new order’ which he proposes to Rey. Yet, he is not ready for redemption yet. The entire point of the scene was for Rey to realize that Kylo Ren cannot be saved by anyone but himself. This is a very powerful message and I am quite looking forward to seeing how his self-realization occurs in Episode Nine. Now, keep in mind that he had banked everything on Rey saying yes, and in his mind, she is “Still. Holding. ON!”, which she is, and he is right that it is holding her back. How can you expect someone from a family of yelling, angry people to get it right the first time? In fact, Adam Driver had to ask Rian Johnson if Kylo Ren had ever kissed a girl before. Kylo is not experienced in this ‘love’ world. He did not receive much love language from his absentee parents, so the only relationship he’s known for most of his teen and adult life is that of Snoke and General Hux. At that moment in which he wakes up to realize she is gone is one of abandonment and rejection. He thought he had found his match, the answer to his loneliness, and she snapped his lightsaber in two. He is basically throwing a grownup temper-tantrum, which is blatantly apparent in the standoff with Luke. When Kylo threatens everything, even ‘destroying’ Rey, Luke claims that everything Kylo says is “a lie”. It is clear in the last few moments of the film when Kylo is defeated and on his knees holding his father’s die that the audience begins to realize his anger was all a facade. In that shot, he is merely a lost and lonely boy realising the path he has chosen is wrong. The final force-bond between Kylo and Rey exhibits every one of those notions. There is no anger in his face, not very ‘destroy-ee’ of him, and he looks up with her with an almost longing. But when she sternly shuts the door on him, once again he is left alone, the die slowly fading from his gloved hand.
If that doesn’t sound like poetry then I don’t know what is! George Lucas was quoted saying in the behind the scenes of the prequels, “You see the echo of where it all is gonna go. It’s like poetry, sort of. They rhyme.” Similar themes and sequences occur within the franchise, and they have kept that alive at Disney Lucas Films, especially in regards to the parallels drawn between Anakin/Padme and Kylo/Rey. They even designed their respective costumes in a similar fashion. Kylo has his mother and father’s anger and stubbornness. They had a rough idea of where it was all going to go. And in regards to JJ Abrams and Rian Johnson, JJ Abrams was an executive producer on Episode 8 and had a say in the general outline of the plot. JJ had set up the relationship between Kylo and Rey in The Force Awakens, and Rian continued along that path. He followed the skeleton needed to get the plot from 7-9. But think about it, Disney would not allow Rian to just veer off the path completely. Yes he had some creative license but within parameters. Sometimes I don’t think people understand the workings of a large corporation with creative decisions. On a project like Star Wars there is always input from the higher-ups. In addition, JJ Abrams auditioned potential Kylo Ren actors with the script from Pride and Prejudice (Mr. Darcy of course). This is made clear in the writing decisions and parallels which have been made for that particular character.
Lastly, would you really want George Lucas at the helm of this new trilogy? People thought the prequels were terrible and Lucas went back and digitally altered the originals against the will of fans. He is not technically the best when it comes to scriptwriting (Exhibit A: “I hate sand, it gets everywhere!”) Also, Mark Hamill was interviewed in the early ’00s and said, "You know, when I first did this, it was four trilogies. 12 movies! And out on the desert, any time between setups...lots of free time. And George was talking about this whole thing. I said, 'Why are you starting with IV, V and VI? It's crazy.' [Imitating Lucas grumble,] 'It's the most commercial section of the movie.'” Yes, the first film was a stand-alone, since they had no idea they would receive any further funding. But then the immense success allowed for Lucas to develop the franchise further.
What I think people tend to forget is that Star Wars is a fairy tale, and it is not supposed to be about ‘a mass murder’ who is going to jail. It is supposed to be about redemption at its very heart. George Lucus had expressed that he intended Star Wars as a series for “twelve-year-olds”. This explains things like Jar Jar Binks and other bizarre choices he has made as a creator. Though this explains a lot of why most of the people who hate the franchise now are angry adults online who live in an overly politically correct world judging a fictional character who is in the middle of a character arc. As JJ Abrams had said in the director's commentary of The Force Awakens, “We looked at it like […] a fairy tale. What are the elements that you’re going to see that makes it this genre, this specific genre? […] You’re probably going to have a castle, and a prince and a princess, if you’re looking at a fairy tale. We wanted to give these fundamental, not cosmetic, but prerequisite elements.”
Okay, I’ve talked too much. I am going to end it there for now. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
Haha hope that was entertaining and that sparked some thinking and inspiration. I know I let my keyboard run away from me and please excuse the odd typo from time to time. Let me know your thoughts.
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I mean just look at that beautiful man.
Love you all!
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workersolidarity · 5 years
For years I've been waiting to witness the moment when Kentucky voters finally turn on Mitch McConnell. I remember shouting at the TV about him when I lived in Kentucky from 2006-2007.
But what never could have imagined was voters turning on the single most corrupt politician in American history for the imagined crime of "assisting Russia and Vladamir Putin".
A quick word before I get to that.
If you think Trump is the most corrupt politician in American history, think again. Spend an hour going through Mitch McConnell's political history, his shady dealings, his giveaways to donors in amounts adding up to hundreds of millions of dollars in a single vote.
No politician in our history has done more damage in their career to the Working Class. Blocking Minimum Wage hikes, sabotaging Union Rights at every turn for decades, weakening Worker protections and eliminating regulations that prevent the most obscene forms of Worker exploitation, weakening environmental regulations and citizen's right to sue big corporations for damages caused by their environmental destruction. McConnell is also notorious, not just for blocking Worker priorities, and tricking Democrats into trusting deals with him before he reneges on agreements, but McConnell is most notorious for his "starve the beast" political strategy. Wherein He rams MASSIVE tax cuts on the rich and corporations, and then guts Worker and Poverty Programs when his tax cuts blow a hole in the Federal Budget.
And McConnell has always managed to blatantly and obviously work for the richest and most powerful while stomping on ordinary people, and somehow still easily winning re-election by getting disgustingly massive amounts of donations from his rich buddies he's made so much richer over his career.
This is a man who truly deserves the Gulags. If prison camps were ever made for anyone, they were made for Mitch McConnell, the man who "represents" one of the poorest, most rural States in the Nation, yet has enriched himself dozens of times over and then some, all the while squeezing Working families more and more each year.
Mitch McConnell is sub-human. He is the ultimate servant of the Bourgeoisie.
So you can imagine just how happy I was to hear that voters were finally turning on that creep.
So after work, I went straight to YouTube and played this video of him being jeered. The video started playing, and within seconds my smile had melted into a frown.
Moscow Mitch? Really? That stupid nickname made up by that awful excuse for a media figure, the notoriously anti-worker, pro-tax cuts for the rich, Neoconservative Bourgeois douchebag of an ex-Congressman Joe Scarborough????
This is what is finally making Kentucky voters, and Americans more generally finally turn against this shitty caricature of the Monopoly Man Mitch McConnell????
Earth to America! Russia is not, and hasn't been, a threat since the fall of the Soviet Union.
Why would Mitch McConnell need corrupt dealings with Russia of all countries, and Vladamir Putin of all people? It simply doesn't make any sense.
We're literally talking about a man who does his corrupt dealings in broad daylight for all of America to see. And does it completely legally. Why? Because he's helped shape our Laws for decades to allow for the type of corruption he's neck deep in! He doesn't need Russia to get rich. He already has the American Bourgeoisie, as well as Chinese Shipping companies worth billions through his wife.
Mitch McConnell is the Vladamir Putin of the United States, he sure as hell doesn't need some kind of stupid conspiracy with Russia and Putin to achieve his goals.
You want to know why Democrats are whipping up a frenzy over Russia???
It's not because Trump is some Manchurian candidate for Vladamir Putin, that was a stupid distraction from the beginning.
No, it's because Americans finally were catching on to the fact that Democrats, just like Republicans, represent the Ruling Class; the Bourgeoisie, and they never represented Workers at any point in their History.
If it weren't for the fact that the Ruling Class needs an Institution to perform this function, than America would be a Single-Party State and the Bourgeoisie wouldn't bother to hide their intentions.
The Democratic Party is itself a deeply corrupt institution of the Ruling Class, designed to co-opt social movements along with any movement by voters towards a more Leftist and Socialist society.
You can see this in the fact that the majority of the tippy top . 01% of Richest families and Corporations donate to both Republicans AND Democrats!
Clearly the Democrats efforts to again co-opt a movement by the public towards the Left has been a resounding success.
They have successfully whipped the public into a frenzy over Russophobic, Xenophobic, Reactionary conspiracy theories that in the end will do nothing to make Worker's lives any better.
Instead Democrats will tinker around the edges of the Capitalist system just enough to make Americans think they're doing something, though what that something is will be next to impossible for most voters to describe, but never risk upsetting their donors and always ensuring that any Reforms to the system won't cost the Ruling Class a dime.
This has always been Democrat's strategy. And the only time they ever deviated from that strategy was when a massive Labor Movement working in conjunction with Socialist and Communist Organizations during the Great Depression scared the Bourgeoisie into agreeing to the New Deal Reforms in order to quell dissent and stabilize the Nation.
Mind you this was only a dozen or so years after the Western Ruling Class watched in horror as the Bolsheviks successfully led a Revolution against the Russian Ruling Class and establishing the world's first Proletarian State. They were terrified, and for good reason at the time, that the Labor Movement and the CPUSA were on the verge of capturing the support of the majority of American Workers, and they knew they had to do something to satisfy the American Working Class.
So sorry for this long ass post, but it's truly distressing to see, at a time when so much energy on the Left is finally beginning to radicalize some Workers, that Left-leaning Americans could fall for such a Reactionary conspiracy theory.
I just hope that when Democrats repeat the disappointing Obama years, that Americans will stop falling for the same trick again and again.
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