#immigrant artist program
hilite-head · 5 months
Platteforum & the show that never was
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mobilize · 2 years
Are you an immigrant artist working in the Visual or Multidisciplinary Arts? There is still time to apply to be part of the Immigrant Artist Mentoring Program! Deadline: Friday, October 7 ⁠ http://ow.ly/j1EV50KvOaJ
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Coffees, Plural
Colt Seavers (The Fall Guy 2024) x Reader
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the characters in this story except for Sheila and the reader insert!
Author’s Notes: Reader uses she/her pronouns and is AFAB; reader has an immigrant mother, however where her mother is from is unspecified. The plot of the movie hath been screwed with, basically just imagine the movie with no *SPOILERRR* murdering by our dear leading man, that Jody and Colt are just friends and Colt never had his accident. While I don’t like erasing big plots it was hard to work around it with the timeframe of both the movie and the fic, hopefully the writing makes up for it 🙃 Jody and reader are friends from college, Colt and reader meet on the set of Metalstorm. If you like the story, a comment would be super appreciated! Part two will be out shortly!
Content/Content Warning: Nothing crazy, this is just the meet cute!
If you had asked me what I thought I’d be doing with my life ten years ago, me-from-ten-years-ago would have told you something along the lines of “I don’t know,” “teacher,” or perhaps “nomad.”
That would’ve been her (me-from-ten-years-ago’s) third year of college, where she was newly 21, burnt out, sick of the education program, and just about ready to drop out.
Then she discovered makeup. Fun, out of the box makeup. Her immigrant mother, who really did mean well, had given her a graphic liner palette for Christmas- “Oh honey, I thought this was the makeup you wanted!” And sure, it wasn’t what she had wanted… at first… but then, the week before exams in a fit of stress, she tried it out. Five hours later she discovered a talent she never knew she had, and had created a look that had astounded both her and her roommate, Jody Moreno.
She’d always been good at the basics- rarely did a day pass without getting a compliment on her eyeliner wing or her ombré eyeshadow, but this graphic liner? This was where it was at. It challenged her and made her smile, and she finally found what she wanted to do in her life. Makeup-more specifically the out of the box makeup- had been what spoke to her after years of not knowing what it was that she truly loved.
She- I- dropped out the day before my exam. A couple years later, after some practice and online beauty school, I had a steady gig going with weddings, senior pictures and other fancy clientele. My mom wasn’t super hyped about the idea of a makeup artist daughter at first, but once she saw the bank I was making within half a year of working her mind was changed.
Now listen. I wasn’t actively looking to be this restless soul who wouldn’t stop until she found “the perfect gig.”
But quite frankly, the makeup that pays the best is usually the most boring in composition. I could do these plain, “natural” looks in my sleep. But the thing was, nothing was giving me the same rush as when I ventured out of “normalcy” with that graphic liner years ago. Sure, in my free time I’d practice the cool graphic stuff, even venturing into more VFX style stuff, like wicked scars and things, but my free time was few and far between.
About a year ago, that same Jody Moreno, my old roommate reached out. As far as careers go she definitely had a straighter path than me. For as long as she could remember she wanted to be a director, she’d tell me. We both went to community college, but for her it was for her undergraduate so she would have a fall back if her film degree didn’t end up taking her anywhere.
Film ended up working out for her, and though we lost touch after community college, from what I’d seen on her Instagram she was doing pretty freaking well for herself, and I was happy for her.
Her producer finally gave her a shot at directing her own film last year, a movie called “Metalstorm.” Some sort of space opera with a cowboy of all things, starring world-famous actor Tom Ryder.
Now, I’m not personally too big on Tom Ryder movies- he comes off as a douche and his acting is… a choice, to say the least.
However, when your old roommate reaches out with a job proposition to be a part of a Tom Ryder movie, you don’t say no.
I couldn’t have said yes faster to Jody’s offer. I remember gawking at the screen when I read her message-
“Hey, y/n!
I know it’s been a long while, and I’m sorry for that!
To make up for it, I was wondering if you’d like to work as makeup artist on this movie I’m directing? It’s sort of a space opera with a cowboy- I know, it sounds random- and the producer’s letting me do some of my own hires if I’d like.
Anyway, if you’re interested, I’ll provide you with more details. We’ll be shooting in Australia, and I’ll get you your own trailer on set. Just let me know!
X Jody Moreno”
I could barely register how adorable it was that she still signed off with an X after all these years because of how shocked I was.
First was the fact that she had gotten her own movie- it wasn’t so much shocking as incredible, and super exciting.
Second was the fact that she was offering me a job, and that she remembered me when she got big in the industry. I had told her before I dropped out to remember me when she was famous, as a joke, but I guess she took it seriously which was extremely endearing.
I replied with an enthusiastic “yes!” and the next thing I knew I was in Australia.
I’ve gotten to do all sorts of weird makeup things since I’ve been here, including funky scars and alien makeup. It’s the dream, and it’s a blast!
I have even been trusted to do Tom Ryder’s looks, which thankfully don’t take too much effort or time because as I suspected, he is in fact a massive douche with an ego the size of Mars. I was able to get him passed over to Sheila, our executive makeup artist who takes no nonsense, and who cuts him off by busting into song- usually an eighties hit- any time he tries to speak. She has a great voice, so both the lack of his asshole words and the presence of her beautiful voice are very much welcomed.
Sheila liked the work I was doing for the Space Cowboy scars though, so she gave me Douchebag’s main stuntman to work on.
Enter Colt Seavers. Six feet of pure muscle and a well filled out frame, blue eyes with an energy that can only be described as “puppy-like,” brown hair that’s dyed blonde on the tips to match Douchebag, and a rogue-ish beard. He’s undeniably attractive, and he’s got a sarcastic sense of humor to match.
Basically, he’s what Tom Ryder is played out to be, but better. 
When I had first met him, it took me a hot minute to pick my jaw up off the floor. It was a Monday morning, three months into my time on the filming site. I’d over slept that morning, and made it to the makeup trailer ten minutes late, worried that my new client would be wondering where I was. In my defense, 6 in the morning is too early to be doing anything.
I had breathed out a huge sigh of relief when I found out that he was apparently also running late, and grabbed a grape soda from the mini fridge in the trailer. We had every flavor- from cherry to pickle- but I was most fond of grape.
Sheila, who was my main friend in the makeup crew as well as being my most direct boss, didn’t have to come in for another hour because Tom Ryder was always (at least!!) an hour and a half late to every appointment. I didn’t really know the other artists at the time, so I just sat in my chair waiting for my client as the others worked on the early clients. They were working on the extras who played humans in the upcoming scene, making sure everyone had a unique futuristic look.
Ten minutes later I decided I was sick of waiting and pulled out my graphic liner, the same pallet from ten years ago. It was a little worse for wear, about half the colors missing and the others not far off. But it reminded me of my roots and why I was where I was, and I couldn’t bear to part with it- even if I was in dire need of pink. Kidding. I love the thing, so, so much.
I ended up doing something elaborate with purple, green and blue arches. It sort of looked like the northern lights, if the northern lights were a dramatic eyeliner wing.
I was nearly done with the touch ups, too locked in on the look to notice on the figure that appeared behind me somewhere between the second swipe of purple and the subtle yellow accent.
“Hi! You must be y/n, sorry I’m late-” came a soft, low voice that had a slight gravel to it. Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t exactly focusing on the exact tone of his voice when I jumped with a slight squeak and dragged yellow down the side of my face. Real nice.
“Oof, sorry!” he said. He was holding two cups of coffee, and he looked very unsure of what to do.
If wiping yellow eyeliner down the side of my face hadn’t been embarrassing enough, I just had to look up. I caught his blue-eyed gaze in the mirror, took in all six feet of him and was basically, to put it as elegantly as possible, completely taken aback by his hotness.
I promise I’m not a superficial person, by the way. Colt Seavers is just really this pretty. I’ve never been one to notice the “intensity of the blue hue of [one’s] eyes,” or any romance novel cliche like that, but Colt Seavers was a very different story.
Remember how I mentioned that my jaw had been on the floor when I met him? When I stopped mentally drooling over him in his dirty white Space Cowboy costume with all its latches and gold accents I realized that my mouth was actually open. Oops. Really great first impression.
“I’m so sorry. Let’s try this again. I’m y/n, and you’re-“
“Colt Seavers- stuntman, and guy who scares makeup artists when he’s a half hour late. Sorry I startled you,” he apologized genuinely.
“It’s all good,” I said, standing up. His chest is eye level, and I don’t really know how to feel about that. “I’ll tell you what- how about you take a seat and just give me a minute to wash this off,” I suggest.
“Yeah of course, please, take your time!”
“No worries, it’ll be just a minute. You can set your coffees, plural, on the counter in front of the chair,” I told him.
“My coffees, plural, and I are grateful for your kindness,” he teased. I shook my head and smiled, and then walked into the bathroom of the trailer to fix my face. About a minute it was off- thankfully my old pallet wasn’t the most top notch makeup. I returned back to my little booth of sorts, where Colt sat comfortably, his leg bouncing up and down.
“Are your coffees, plural, comfortable?” I asked by way of greeting.
“Why yes they are, thank you,” he chuckled.
“I’m going to get started on the scarring in your face, if that’s alright?”
“Of course.”
“So… the coffees?” I tried to make conversation as I pulled a couple of pallets out from the drawer in the booth.
“They’re my life force,” he says dramatically.
“Oh yeah?” I first grab an alcohol wipe, and gently wipe his face.
“Yep- and also the reason I was late. Sorry again, by the way.”
“No worries- I was late too. Only ten minutes though,” I start applying primer with a fluffy brush.
“We can’t all be a half hour late,” he conceded as if it were an accomplishment. I liked his humor right off the bat.
“That is true…” I agree as I finish applying the powder. “Alright, we’re going to let that sit a minute. Care to tell me how your coffees- plural- made you late?”
His ears turn red. Man, he’s cute.
“Er- I have an affinity- not an addiction!- for coffee, if you couldn’t already tell.”
“An affinity?” I raised an eyebrow, trying to emulate The Rock in my stare.
“Yes, an affinity,” there was that little laugh again. It’s sort of a giggle, and definitely unexpected from this guy who looks like a walking action hero. I liked it. “Anyway, I drank a cup-or two-before getting into this costume, thinking that if I had to, er, piss, I could get out of it easily. It took a half hour to get into all of these damn buckles, and by the end of that half hour, guess who had to piss?”
“The costume designer?” I joked. That got a laugh out of him, again.
“Yes, the costume designer, obviously. But yeah, apparently a side effect of my coffee addic-affinity is perpetual lateness.”
“Huh, I’ll have to keep that in mind,” I noted as I reached for one of my pallets. “I’m going to start on the scarring on your face, there’s one that goes on your left cheek and another where your hair’s parted.”
“Okay, sounds good.” It’s quiet for a little bit, but not necessarily in an awkward way. I’m about halfway done with the scarring on his cheek, the one that’s supposed to look like a fresh wound.
“So, how’d you get into makeup?” Colt asked, careful not to move his mouth too much.
“Oh, that’s a bit of a long story,” I told him, adding highlights to the scar.
“I’ve got time,” he said, the corner of his mouth quirked up.
“If you say so…” I mumbled, before telling him the abridged version of how I got into makeup.
“I have to say, I’m really glad your mom bought you the wrong pallet,” he commented at the end of my story.
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah, you’re really good at what you do,” he complimented, sincerity in his voice as he checked himself out in mirror. By that point I had finished his face, and stepped behind him so he could see himself. We both smiled, eyes meeting in the glass.
“Thanks,” I said, trying not to cringe at the light blush that had appeared on my face.
Looking back on it, I think my crush on Colt Seavers really did develop on day one. But little did I know, it’d only get stronger.
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matan4il · 4 months
Daily update post:
Today, once more we had Palestinian terrorists shooting at the houses of kibbutz Meirav in the Gilboa mountains. No injuries have been reported. The more grave news are that, for the second day in a row, Hezbollah managed to hit a city in Israel, this time Tzfat (in English: Safed), one of the 4 holy cities in Judaism. Hezbollah's rocket barrage caused the death of a young Israeli woman, and wounded 8, one of which is in a critical state.
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Meanwhile, we got some good news, too. The mother and teenage son who were seriously hurt by Hezbollah's fire yesterday (see link above) have regained consciousness. Also, Luis Har and Fernando Merman, who had been rescued by the IDF from Hamas captivity in the Gazan city of Rafah, are being released from the hospital today. They obviously have a rehabilitation process to go through still, but this is a good sign.
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The IDF has released footage it found of the leader of Hamas in Gaza, Yahya Sinwar, walking down a terror tunnel. The footage is from early in the war, CCTV from Oct 7, as he was evacuating from the northern part of Gaza, exploiting the humanitarian warning given to civilians to move to the south. He's seen with a woman and kids in that tunnel, presumably his wife and his own children. While the footage is older, the IDF got it recently, which shows that the Israeli presence in Gaza allows for the gathering of more and more intel on Hamas.
Speaking of Sinwar, the IDF also got to the bedroom that he, his wife and kids used underground, and among other things, they found there an insne amount of cash, as well as some luxury items like perfumes, which he prepared there, while he forced the people of Gaza to be evacuated into tents:
While South Africa is asking the International Court of Justice to tighten its provisional measures against Israel in light of a future ground operation in Rafah (I've mentioned that only those who are interested in saving Hamas and keeping the Israeli hostages as its assets, have a real reason to try and stop Israel from entering Rafah and destroying Hamas' last 4 regiments), the families of Israeli hostages have landed in Hague today, asking to file a complaint against Hamas and its crimes against humanity.
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The Israeli health ministry is preparing for 20,000 people with disabilities due to injuries caused in the line of serving in the IDF by the end of 2024. I don't know how to put into words what this number, out of all able bodied young people fighting in this war, means in terms of our challenges as a soceity for years to come, but if you know something of the social crisis at the end of WWI, when so many young men returned from the war with injuries, amputations and the psychological harm that comes with them and the battles, and that there was a whole artistic movement (expressionism) changed and conveying this distress, then you have an idea of what this means. I'm even more grateful for programs such as the one I wrote about yesterday.
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This is 25 years old Ionatan Dean Chaim.
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He was born in the US to a Christian family, but fell in love with Judaism, and converted to it. He then chose to make aliyah to Israel all alone, while his family remains across the ocean. Immigration is always a difficult step, even more so if the person is alone, but he chose to do that. And even though he didn't have to, he decided to enter the Israeli army, to serve the state and the people which he chose to join. He was 3 weeks away from his discharge date, and his friends say he was already planning his post-army life, which he was killed by explosives that Hamas placed in a mosque in Gaza. His service is a testament to how much he loved and respected his chosen religion. The way he was killed is a testament to how much Hamas doesn't respect the religion in whose name they kill. Ionatan's friends said he was incredibly kind, and it was a privilege to know him. Even the city he lived in during his too short stay in Israel, Ramat Gan, published an official statement mourning his death. He chose to be one of us, and to pay a heavy price for it, and we choose to embrace him right back, even after he's gone. Ionatan is and always will be a part of us, flesh of our flesh.
May his memory be a blessing.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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ciricegh0st · 4 months
I feel like this is important to know
This saturday SanRemo was held in Italy. It's the biggest and most prestigious song contest in the country with a massive amount of watchers every year; it's stage welcomed artists such as Queen and Bowie. But Italy has turned more and more fascist in the last years.
Two singers competing (Ghali; Dargen D'Amico) openly called for a ceasefire during their stages gathering massive applauses from the public.
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however the biggest news outlets (on every channel) immediately demonised both of them, actively calling them terrorists-sympathisers and bashing them on national TV, helped by the Israeli ambassador publishing a vile letter accusing them of anti-Semitism.
But what's worse is that during the after show, which is equally popular amongst watchers, every other singer had at least 10mins to talk about their experience while Ghali and D'Amico had barely 5. Moreover, they were cut from the promotional videos. During these minutes, both of them renewed their messages for a crease (again with full support of the public in the studio) with intelligent remarks and extreme kindness. D'Amico also talked about the awful Italian immigration policy.
Disgustingly enough Mara Venier, the host of the show, quickly tried to stop them saying that the show was about fun and music, evidently forgetting how "moved" and "touched" she felt last when during the same contest a singer performed a song in favour of Ukraine.
The fascist RAI had then the guts to concluded the program making the presenter read a half assed, embarrassingly tear jerking letter expressing their full support to Israel. With their entire fucking chest. Btw, all this happened while Rafah was being bombed 40 times.
Italy is in an uproar at the moment, there are protests in front of RAI's headquarters in multiple cities, other well known singers are siding with Palestine publicly calling out fascists, people are flooding the internet with rage. I have never seen someone like this in my own country in 23 years.
Please listen to both their songs, read the translation and never stop being vocal.
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rockislandadultreads · 4 months
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Black History Month: Nonfiction Picks
Black AF History by Michael Harriot
It should come as no surprise that the dominant narrative of American history is blighted with errors and oversights - after all, history books were written by white men with their perspectives at the forefront. In this volume, Michael Harriot presents a more accurate version of American history. Combining unapologetically provocative storytelling with meticulous research based on primary sources, as well as the work of pioneering Black historians, scholars, and journalists, Harriot removes the white sugarcoating from the American story, placing Black people squarely at the center.
Caste by Isabel Wilkerson
Beyond race, class, or other factors, there is a powerful caste system that influences people’s lives and behavior and the nation’s fate. Linking the caste systems of America, India, and Nazi Germany, Wilkerson considers eight pillars that underlie caste systems across civilizations. Using riveting stories about real people - including Martin Luther King, Jr., baseball’s Satchel Paige, a single father and his toddler son, and Wilkerson herself - this volume shows the ways in which the insidious undertow of caste is experienced every day. 
I Take My Coffee Black by Tyler Merritt
In this volume, Tyler Merritt tells hilarious stories from his own life as a black man in America. He talks about growing up in a multi-cultural community and realizing that he wasn't always welcome, how he quit sports for musical theater (that's where the girls were), to how Jesus barged in uninvited and changed his life forever, to how he ended up at a small Bible college in Santa Cruz because he thought they had a great theater program (they didn't). Throughout his stories, he also teaches readers about the history of encoded racism that still undergirds our society today.
South to America by Imani Perry
In this volume, Imani Perry shows that the meaning of American is inextricably linked with the South, and that our understanding of its history and culture is the key to understanding the nation as a whole. This is the story of a Black woman and native Alabaman returning to the region she has always called home and considering it with fresh eyes. Her journey is full of detours, deep dives, and surprising encounters with places and people. Weaving together stories of immigrant communities, contemporary artists, exploitative opportunists, enslaved peoples, unsung heroes, her own ancestors, and her lived experiences, Perry crafts a tapestry unlike any other.
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justplainwhump · 9 months
Don't mind me, thinking about "voluntarily" acquisitions.
Content: BBU setting, blackmail, threat of deportation, abuse of office, implied dubcon.
The man sitting across from her in the tiny interrogation room frowns at her, a look filled with grave seriosity. It's ridiculous. The only reason that Morva doesn't break into laughter is that she's a better actor than him. She is, in fact, fantastic.
It's not her skill who has brought them here; it's fucking Eddie's failure. It's not the first time she needs to get out of somebody else's mess. Morva will manage. She always does.
And step one is, do not laugh in the face of a small officer in a too large suit, who pretends to give a shit.
"I've looked into your files, Ms Gholamali. It doesn't look good."
She raises an eyebrow, a hint of amusement that she doesn't feel. He's not supposed to know that name. "I am sorry," she says. "There must be a mix up. My name is Mary Ann Ellis. I'm American."
"No, you're not." There's a smugness in his smile, and this time, he's dropped the act.
Well. Fuck.
"Morvarid Gholamali. It was your birthday yesterday. 20 years old. Quite the impressive criminal record, given how short you've been in the US. Illegally."
She doesn't flinch. Just tiredly rolls her eyes and lifts her cuffed hands. "Sir," she says with a bored voice. "That's ridiculous. I'm from Maine. I don't even know how to pronounce that name you just said. Where is it even from?"
"Iran." The man gives a thin lipped smile. "You'll hear the proper pronounciation of that name soon enough. Regardless of what you say, paperwork is being processed right now. You'll be deported."
"I don't-"
"Ms Gholamali", he interrupts her.
"Ms Ellis," she corrects automatically. His Persian proununciation is a nightmare. Still, she'll prefer hearing it from him than from an Iranian border officer. Fuck. This is taking a turn she does not appreciate.
The man goes on, unimpressed. "You're a criminal. A plain boring little thief. I bet you call yourself con artist, somewhere in your head, because you fucked your victims before robbing them, but you're not special in any way. You're a criminal, you're an illegal immigrant, and we don't want you here."
Behind her fake, confused smile, Morva grits her teeth. That asshole didn't talk about the fucking part by chance, she's sure of it. Her toolbox is a lot larger than that. If he mentions sex, he wants to get somewhere with it.
Fine. She's fucked men for way less than her own fucking chance at freedom.
"I'm American," she insists, still. "You can't deport me."
"You know.... An American would have other options," he says slowly. Almost thoughtful. Almost like he didn't plan this thing from the fucking start. "Do you know WRU?"
This does catch her off guard. "WRU? The... The pet distributors?"
"They have a program for people facing jail time to sign up, as part of their sentence." The man smiles. She hates that for a second, she doesn't even want to punch him. She wants to hear him out. He nods. "They could stay here, be reeducated, do a service to society again, in a way. Get assigned an owner, live with them, be-"
"Be a pet."
"Be in America."
She swallows, as he holds her gaze and goes on talking.
"So... Hypothetically. If I were to believe you, disregard all the talk about Ms Gholamali - would the American national Ms Mary Ann Ellis take this option?"
Her mind is racing. It can't be that bad now, can it?
She's been acting all her life, she's degraded herself so often to play a role, seduced men to get into their homes and wallets. She could become a pet, sure. She'd find a way to get out of it on the other side. She could, here. She couldn't, back home.
"Ms Ellis would certainly consider it," Morva says softly, looking down at her handcuffs and back at him through her lashes. "If only you were to believe her identity."
He smirks and raises an eyebrow, gaze wandering down her body slowly. "Interesting."
It's almost a relief. This is something she understands. A game she's played hundreds of times. Never as desperate. But always successful.
She can do this.
"Is... Is there something I could do to convince you?" She bites her lip. "Sir?"
"You know what?" He chuckles and leans in, loosens his tie with his free hand. "I think there is."
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linisiane · 1 year
Been thinking about a Modern!Babel AU centered around colleges aimed around Silicon Valley
Immigrant kids being funneled into CS because it’s the field where the money is (linguistics? Where’s the money in that? You want to starve?).
International students coming to America because all the Big Programming Languages and their documentation are in English, because translations of documentation is to err and to betray, because English is the programming lingua franca, because if you don’t know English then you’ll be “trailing edge.” Source
“As an American and native English-speaker myself, I have previously been reluctant to suggest this, lest it be taken as a sort of cultural imperialism. But several native speakers of other languages have urged me to point out that English is the working language of the hacker culture and the Internet, and that you will need to know it to function in the hacker community.” Source
So they come to America to improve their English because you have to be fluent to be taken seriously. Or maybe they’re born in America and can feel the rot of their native tongue as they grow up, even as they learn more and more programming languages.
Java, C++, Ruby, XML, Python, Swift, PHP, etc.
It’s funny, but programmers, even as they’ve decided on English as the one true language, they create more and more programming languages to suit their needs/problem solving efficiency:
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[ID: XKCD comic that is titled "How Standards Proliferate (See: A/C chargers, character encodings, instant messaging, etc.)" It reads,
Situation: There are 14 competing standards. Cueball (stick figure): 14?! Ridiculous! We need to develop one universal standard that covers everyone's use cases. Ponytail (other stick figure): Yeah! Soon: Situation: There are 15 competing standards.
End ID]
(transcript taken from the ExplainXKCD wiki)
And of course, the students from countries on the Indian subcontinent are acutely aware of the unbalanced nature of the work they do, the way they’re expected to do export IT work, despite the digital divide in India, Bengal, Pakistan, etc. Especially since it’s a sign of being well-educated (wealthy) to speak English fluently thanks to the history of British Imperialism on the subcontinent.
Chinese IT students sink or swim thanks Mandarin monolinguism making it difficult to learn English. Americans programmers struggle not to link choppy English with choppy code, even while being monolingual themselves!
Not to mention the heavy sexism in the IT field! Female programmers taking on nicknames on emails and resumes to pretend to be men, so they’ll be taken seriously. Despite the history of women like Ada Lovelace being foundational to computers.
And of course we gotta bring up the ethics of AI, how it’s a march towards the inevitable that only Luddites would oppose. Despite the millions who’d lose their jobs once implemented into the workplace.
Commercial transportation sector lost to self-driving cars.
Digital artists lost to DALL-E.
Manufacturers automated.
But can’t they tell that progress is inevitable? That this is the future and to try to stop it is foolish?
As Anand Giridharadas put it in Winners Take All:
“In [Silicon] Valley, prediction has become a popular way of fighting for a particular future while claiming merely to be describing what has yet to occur”
Elon Musk is a genius. Bill Gates is so charitable. Bezos is customer obsessed, and they’re the future, don’t you see? Infinite growth forever and ever.
Tower of Babel? Valley of Silicon.
Unfortunately I suck at STEM, and I’m an uncultured Asian American, so I don’t know programming languages well, nor do I know enough about other cultures to do Ramy, Victoire, Robin, or Letty justice. Just the bare bones to see the structure of this AU and put it out in the world to see if anybody would like to play with it or add on.
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iirulancorrino · 1 year
Everywhere I went, I felt as if I had to beg some little god to have mercy on my family. I began to hate this country and its myriad of systems and courtrooms and departments, which existed, it seemed, solely to exploit or ignore the most overworked and underprivileged members of our society.
“Labor is invisible,” a professor once told me, years later. He pointed out the window of our classroom, toward the green quad. “You see those clipped trees. That perfectly cut lawn. You walk past them every day. But who shapes the trees? Who cuts the lawn? And why do you never see them? Everywhere you go, you are surrounded by the products of labor. Every clean sidewalk, every polished hallway, every blade of cut grass. Our world cannot function without them, and yet the laborer remains unseen and unheard. Why is that? What is it about our national culture, or our economic structures, that necessitates this invisibility? Why is it that America turns its laborers into spectres?”
I thought of my father waking before dawn, driving hours through the cool morning mist, to cut grass, to spray and inhale chemicals—to become a spectre. He had done everything right. He worked like an animal for his employers. He had no criminal record. His credit was great. He didn’t drink or do drugs. He went quietly to work every morning and came quietly home every evening. He obeyed his bosses and won employee of the year multiple times. He paid his taxes and mowed his lawn and met with his children’s teachers. He was the ideal immigrant. The American Dream personified. And yet, the moment his broken body could no longer be exploited for its labor, he was doubted and ignored and humiliated. Everywhere he turned for help—workers’ compensation or welfare or Social Security or Medi-Cal or the court system itself—he was treated like a scam artist. A crook. The bureaucracy inherent to these programs turned him into a stack of documents. A list of ailments. He was dismissed and forgotten. Just another spectre in America.
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psalm22-6 · 9 months
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Program for Les Misérables: Une Tempête Sous Un Crane (1934) at the Paramount Theater, 2 Boulevard des Capucines, Paris. On the cover is Harry Baur as Jean Valjean, drawn by David Olère. More on Olère and Baur below the cut [tw: discussion of the Holocaust]
Olère was a Polish Jew who immigrated to France and became a French citizen. This image is a good example of the pre-war art he made while employed by Paramount. However, he was arrested in 1943 and sent to Auschwitz, where he was made to work in the Sonderkommando due to his skills as an artist and his fluency in several languages. Today he is remembered for his drawings of Auschwitz, made both during his imprisonment and after, which provide documentary information about the death camp and how it operated.
With regards to Baur, he was one of French cinema's great stars and his film career was initially able to continue despite the war. However, due to his pro-French statements and suspicions that he was Jewish, he and his wife Rika Radifé were arrested by the Gestapo in 1942 (Radifé, who was Jewish, was accused of espionage). Baur was imprisoned for four months and shortly after his release, he died under suspicious circumstances. So while this is a beautiful piece of Les Mis memorabilia, it has very sad associations.
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lynariadne · 1 year
Imagine all our demigods being demigods, BUT, they’re also world-wide stars.
Percy is known to the mortal public as “The Hero” because he is named after Perseus. Girls and boys love his delinquent smirk, the way he sings with his heart and soul and seems so sad when he is on stage. He is a solo singer, but he often makes feats with Piper McLean, also a singer and a model, and from their instagram stories, they seem to be best friends. But the press is on about something else on him, his criminal record. Even though he is always acquitted or the case is abandoned, he was still the famous 2005 hunted kid who got kidnapped, had a rifle duel with his kidnapper. And was rumoured to have blown up the St.Louis Arch and made a fire in his High school. But the conspirators on the twitter and 4chan find plot holes in his story.
The public knows Percy is dating famous choreographer and dancer Annabeth Chase, who also got kidnapped along with him. She also makes appearances on multiple TV series along with famous Artist and actress Hazel Levesque. But hold on ! Doesn’t Hazel Levesque look a lot like this girl from the 40s ? And they share the same last name ? Is she a descendant of hers ?
And The public and press notices that she is close to another famous person, Jason Grace. The winner of the Fencing summer Olympics. But hold on ! Doesn’t he also seem familiar ? Wait, isn’t he the son of famous Hollywood singer and actress, Beryl Grace ? Also known as Beryl Disgrace ? People start calling him Jason Disgrace after he fails a duel, he begs them on twitter to stop because he feels uncomfortable. Is he actually her son ? If so, where is his older sister, Thalia Grace, who was known to be the cutest child model for America ? Why did they disappear so suddenly, and why, did they not come to their mother’s public funeral ? Were they that shielded from the public ?
Jason Disgrace is seen a lot with Percy Jackson and Frank Zhang. Frank, who is a The winner of the Weightlifting Olympics, and participated in the Archery olympics, he is also known to be Hazel’s partner. How do so many known and famous people be mutual best friends ? But wait, there’s more…
Both Hazel Levesque and Jason Grace and their friends seem to be friends with two other people. Nico Dii Angelo and Will Solace. Let’s start with the easy one, Will Solace, a.k.a, Wilhem Andrew Solace. He won the the Archery Olympics, where he participated with Frank Zhang, who seems to also be his friend. But outside of that, he was spotted at Columbia University, where he apparently studies PhDs in Biomedical Sciences program. He posts multiple photos with his best friends, especially one in particular ; Nico Dii Angelo.
Nico Dii Angelo is a mystery to the public, he never posts anything on his instagram except for puppy pictures and McDonald’s menues and food. Multiple people have spotted him on multiple trains or boats, sometimes even on the same day, but in places too far to travel in in just one day. So how does he do it ? Wait, hold up, is he another time traveler ? Niccolo Dii Angelo, an Italian young boy who lived in America after immigrating from Italy in the 40’s, has a striking resemblance to Nico Dii Angelo, from a screenshot taken from a McDonald’s security camera when he was 11. Why is he so known ? Well, Niccolo Dii Angelo, was apparently the son of a mafia family, which might be the reason they might have fled to America. Even though it is not confirmed, there might be a liaison between Niccolo Dii Angelo and Nico Greco, Nico Greco being a fake name to hide his new identity.
Niccolo Dii Angelo and The Levesque girl are both from the 40s, coincidence ? At multiple times Hazel Levesque and Nico Dii Angelo call each other siblings, even though they look nothing alike.
Adding onto this, there is also an 8th member to this conspiracy, Leo Valdez. He has more ran away more than 3 times from foster homes, which he got in because his mother died during a fire due to a problem with a malfunctioning machine. He is seen on the backstage of both Piper’s and Percy’s concerts, fiddling with a broken machine. Sometimes he steps up on stage to fix a technical problem, and laugh along with the public. He is also seen with Jason Grace, helping with equipments in the Olympics. He can also be spotted on some famous series stage where Hazel or Annabeth play. He is also quiet present on all of these people’s instagram and twitter accounts, where he can be seen close to fire or machinery, in plus of his own twitter account.
So, How does Percy Jackson, a kidnapped kid and now singer and model for top brands, date Annabeth Chase, a prodessional Choreographer, dancer and actress, and also a kidnapped kid ? How are they both friends with Piper McLean, Daughter of World wide known star Tristan McLean, and known singer and Model ? And how are these three both friends with Jason Grace, that some thought was dead ? And do they all know the time travellers Hazel Levesque and Nico Dii Angelo ? And how is Gloomy Nico Dii Angelo dating sunshine boy Will Solace ? And Hazel Levesque dating Frank Zhang who is friend with all of them. And who is Leo Valdez ? Is he just an Npc with a backstory or just a friend ?
Are they all interconnected ? What are the dots left to connect all of this ? What is this mess ?
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popolitiko · 1 year
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Barbara May Cameron's 69th Birthday May 22, 2023
Barbara May Cameron (May 22, 1954 – February 12, 2002) was a Native American photographer, poet, writer, and human rights activist in the fields of lesbian/gay rights, women's rights, and Native American rights.
Today’s Doodle celebrates Barbara May Cameron, a Native American photographer, poet, writer, and human rights activist. The Doodle artwork is illustrated by queer Mexican and Chitimachan artist Sienna Gonzales. On this day in 1954, Barbara Cameron was born in Fort Yates, North Dakota.
Cameron was born a member of the Hunkpapa group, one of the seven council fires of the Lakota tribe, and raised on the Standing Rock Reservation by her grandparents. After graduating high school, she studied photography and film at the American Indian Art Institute in Santa Fe, New Mexico. It was here that Cameron began winning awards in theater and media arts.
After coming out as a lesbian, Cameron moved to San Francisco in 1973 and advocated for LGBTQIA+ acceptance in the Native American community and addressed racism in queer spaces. In 1975, she co-founded Gay American Indians — the first ever dedicated Native American LGBTQIA+ group — with her friend and fellow activist Randy Burns. 
Cameron took part in various programs to promote human welfare. From 1980 through 1985, she organized the Lesbian Gay Freedom Day Parade and Celebration. She also co-led a lawsuit against the Immigration & Naturalization Service which had a policy of turning away gay people. The case went before the Supreme Court and ruled in favor of Barbara and her co-plaintiffs who made persuasive arguments for change. 
A few years later, she became an executive director at Community United Against Violence, where she supported people affected by hate crimes and domestic violence. The San Francisco Mayor appointed Cameron to both the Citizens Committee on Community Development and the San Francisco Human Rights Commission in 1988, and the next mayor appointed her to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women.
HIV/AIDS disproportionately impacted Native people in the early 1990s, so Cameron stepped up to lead the charge. She was active within the San Francisco AIDS Foundation, the American Indian AIDS Institute, and served as a consultant to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the Centers for Disease Control, helping with AIDS and childhood immunization programs.
Cameron is remembered for her passionate writing and speeches, many of which are housed at the San Francisco Public Library. Her words live on through her essay, No Apologies: A Lakota Lesbian Perspective which is featured in Our Right To Love: A Lesbian Resource Book.
Happy birthday Barbara May Cameron, thank you for working tirelessly to improve human rights and for giving queer Indigenous people a place to feel safe and belong.
Native American Standing Rock Sioux Tribe
Barbara May Cameron was a Hunkpapa Lakota from the Fort Yates band of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe in Fort Yates, North Dakota. She grew up on the Standing Rock Indian Reservation, North Dakota, raised by her grandparents. Completing her early education and high schooling on the reservation, she went on to further her education in photography and film at the Institute of American Indian Arts in Santa Fe, New Mexico. In 1973 Cameron moved to San Francisco to attend the San Francisco Art Institute.
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mariacallous · 8 months
(New York Jewish Week) — On Friday evening, several dozen people huddled underneath umbrellas and raincoats in a new sukkah in Brooklyn that had survived the day’s record-setting rainstorm. 
The sukkah, created by queer textile artist Hilla Shapira, was unharmed: Its light purple walls were made of ripstop, a lightweight and water-resistant fabric. Its soft and pillowy decorations — which included Jewish symbols like hamsas as well as depictions of the four species — were made of dacron, a durable, polyester batting that held up in the deluge as well. 
Shapira said the project — titled Lavender Diaspora — was meant to channel her identities as a queer person who grew up in a religious household in Israel, and also as an immigrant in the United States, where she studied art in Michigan before moving to Brooklyn.
“I try to find parallel relationships between what it is to be queer and Jewish, and to be a person from Israel,” Shapira, 33, told the New York Jewish Week. “It’s especially relevant when we’re talking about Sukkot, which is a holiday that the Jewish people were celebrating in the in-between space, between Egypt and Israel — they were on the way somewhere, but in something that is temporary and stuck in this kind of forever nomadism.” 
Speaking at a Shabbat dinner hosted by The Neighborhood: An Urban Center for Jewish Life, the Brooklyn-based organization that commissioned the sukkah, Shapira said she had designed her structure to celebrate communities that find themselves on the outskirts of society. 
She was speaking on the first night of Sukkot, the weeklong holiday in which Jews build a temporary structure called a sukkah, meant to commemorate in part the structures that the Israelites lived in as they wandered through the desert from Egypt to Israel. Throughout the holiday, which ends at sundown on Saturday, Jews eat, pray and even sleep in the sukkah. 
The Neighborhood has partnered with 12 other Jewish communities and organizations to celebrate and host events in the unique sukkah, including Romemu Brooklyn, Lab/Shul, Jews of Color Initiative and the Prospect Heights Shul. 
“We were really excited to think about not just a sukkah as an art object, but really also as a place to bring different communities and groups of people together in this temporary structure,” Rebecca Guber, the founding director of The Neighborhood, told the New York Jewish Week. 
“We also thought about what were some different perspectives that we could bring into this stuff,” she added. “We wanted something that brings in young families, that would be comfortable if you’re a more observant Jew and that also feels kind of wild.”
Located in the courtyard of Luria Academy, a Jewish day school in Prospect Heights, students will use the sukkah for their meals and programming during the day. In the evenings and on the weekend, The Neighborhood will use the sukkah for its own programming, which includes the launch of a Sukkot zine in partnership with Ayin Press, a family-friendly music jam, a dance event and more. 
As a queer woman who grew up in an Orthodox home in Israel — as well as an immigrant to the United States — Shapira said she’s often searched for a sense of belonging. “The sukkah I tried to create is a space that is offering an alternative, or making a suggestion for a communal space for all the ‘shoulders’ of society,” she said. 
Lavender, the color of the walls of the sukkah, is a symbol of LGBTQ resistance and activism. The other half of the title, Diaspora, refers to both the dispersion of the Jewish people as well as the feeling of marginalization experienced by Jews, LBGTQ people and other minorities — the sukkah is meant to be a temporary space that alleviates that feeling.
The Neighborhood is a community hub that primarily partners with other Jewish organizations to create innovative Jewish cultural and spiritual events for Jewish life. The Lavender Diaspora sukkah was funded by UJA-Federation New York. (UJA-Federation is also a funder of 70 Faces Media, the parent company of the New York Jewish Week.)
“What really resonates for us is the way that this sukkah welcomes everyone in — whatever position you feel you occupy in the Jewish community — maybe some people feel like insiders, other feel like outsiders, we really hope this can be a place where many different people can feel welcomed, and that their perspectives and identities are being honored,” Guber said.
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scenefromthesidewalk · 10 months
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by Imagine
The meditative work of Nepali artist Sneha Shrestha, aka Imagine, "meshes the aesthetics of Sanskrit scriptures with graffiti influences." A passionate supporter of Asian art Imagine established Nepal's first Children's Art Museum, and at Harvard where she earned a Master's Degree she works as a program manager for the South Asia Institute. In St Pete, Florida in 2022 for the annual Shine Mural Festival Imagine dedicated this piece to her mother. Devi is her mother's middle name and also means goddess in Sanskrit. For this work Imagine stacked the names of her last three immigration forms, grateful to have inherited a share of the fierce energy of her mother that helped her get through the arduous process. 
LOCATION: 240 Dr MLK Jr St N, St Petersburg, FL 33705
IG: @imagine876   @shineonstpete
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needsmoreresearch · 2 months
get 2 know me meme
tagged by @thatswhatsushesaid
tagging: whoever feels like doing this, i lose track of who has or hasn't done one recently! please please consider yourself invited
Do you make your bed?
Yes--my husband is motivated, so we both do it.
What’s your favorite number?
Hm. Probably 2. 20 and 21 also have good vibes.
What is your job?
i'm a program coordinator at a little neighborhood community center for refugees and immigrants. i do a bit of everything, including substituting when any of the english teachers can't come. i really love it.
If you could go back to school, would you?
ugh i think about it, but there just isn't a degree program nearby that hits what i want to learn/do more than what i'm already doing. at this point it turns into a question of investment--will the time and money and annoyance turn directly into work that i want to do? it's tricky because the world of adult English/literacy/basic education, which is what i really love, doesn't have a lot of defined certifications/requirements in new york (unlike K-12 public education), so it's hard to say if any given master's program would really translate usefully into a clearer career path than i have now. there are certainly things i'd like to learn more about (many!) but also i'm lazy and going back to school a few years ago kind of sucked. i'm too old for homework. fuck homework.
Can you parallel park?
um. i mean. i have done it once or twice. i avoid it whenever possible.
A job you had that would surprise people?
i used to make tiny glass needles and poke cells to read their electrical currents! also i worked in a liquor store for a while, which sometimes makes people get a funny look
Do you think aliens are real?
is there, has there been, will there be, something that you can call life somewhere else in the universe? seems quite possible. are they zooming around looking at us right now? i doubt it.
Can you drive a manual car?
no. i've had a couple of sessions working on it in a parking lot.
What’s your guilty pleasure?
all pleasure is guilty, we must atone
nah, there isn't anything i really want on me
Favorite color?
deep reds, all kinds of blue, earth tones
Favorite type of music?
my spotify playlist is really heavy on the 30s - 70s, mostly 60s. folk, rock, motown, johnny cash, linda ronstadt, blues, some gospel
Do you like puzzles?
i love jigsaw puzzles! i can't have them Because Cats
Any phobias?
Favorite childhood sport?
Do you talk to yourself?
What movies do you adore?
um um um okay some top favorites. Seven Samurai. After Life (the 1998 Japanese movie). Star Trek IV: the One with the Whales. Master and Commander. Bedazzled (original 1967). Spirited Away.
Coffee or tea?
tea. i am too weak for coffee.
First thing you wanted to be growing up?
artist, teacher, naturalist, veterinarian
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mangonatural · 9 months
Rules: Make a 24 hour poll with the names of your WIPs, let it run, then work for 10 minutes for every vote the winner receives.
Thank you for the tag, @angelcasendgame!!!!! I am not sure I will be able to work on anything very soon just because life came after me again, and turns out I'm gonna be moving over the next month or so, but I really do hope I can find time!!
None of these have names yet lol. I put the SPN ones first, but technically I've been trying to break my writer's block by returning to The Great Gatsby (It's all Nick/Gatsby btw, just realized that might not be immediately evident) with limited success. It's always come easier for me. But all of this is stuff I do actively want to work on.
Ohh I don't know who to tag. I'm sure everyone in this circle has been tagged already, and most of the people I talk to regularly enough to know about their projects have more or less left Tumblr... I do absolutely want to pass this your way though, @antique-ro-man!! (It's Wes, btw!) I also wanna tag @heyfagbutt! And then anyone else who sees this and wants to participate, I also encourage it!! This is such a cool idea :D !!
Long, rambling explanations down here ⬇⬇
I think the name is pretty explanatory? The gist of it is they go after the same guy and become pseudo-enemies but they keep bumping into each other like this and decide to work together after a while 👍 this is a really bad hook LMAO. Anyway, I'm trying to build on the idea that they work REALLY well together when they do it intentionally but fail comically when they don't.
Pretty much what it says on the tin as well. No Supernatural AU. Dean goes to a community college to get a certification to help with his work elsewhere, but Cas, a figure drawing model, catches him drawing (which Dean's been doing on and off as a hobby) and tries to get him to sign up for the arts program.
I technically only have a summary of this, and I'm not entirely sure if I will write it all out, but I do want to at least put more time into the development before I dedicate to giving up on it bc of scope lol. I just have SUCH a soft spot for fake relationship AUs. Also, I just found out that while I have FINALLY aged into independent FAFSA eligibility, I am once again tax bracketed out. Anyway, financial abuse is real and I want to project my suffering onto Dean. Also immigrant Cas, but I haven't decided where I want him to be from yet. I think this has a lot of potential for some pretty hefty character redesigns too so it's also compelling to me from that angle. I guess I could also write it for TGG, but I did initially think of it for Destiel, so.
I don't know how to explain this one very well except that I had unhelpfully written "poolboy au" in my notes and then proceeded to forget what the hell I meant. This fic was an attempt to resurrect that but ended up being a funky modern West Coast re-imagining where Gatsby can't even "make it" as much as he wants to, and Nick can't find a place to live except for a less-than-legally rented pool house. It's not meant to be a full rewrite or anything though.
Uhhh yeah, I'm keeping the details private for this one ahaha but that's just because it wasn't supposed to be a big deal and I told a friend she would see what it was when it was done...like oh god probably a month ago at this point... My original scope for this was quite small, but research for it, indecision, and a nasty case of writer's block that I've had for nearly a year now have kept development a bit slow. Hopefully, I'll finish it before the year comes to a close.
I also don't know how to explain this one well other than "after being rejected by Daisy (Canon Divergent), Gatsby attempts to buy his way into a bewildered Nick's heart. Though the fic is from Nick's POV, Gatsby's just had his worldview shattered and is in a bit of denial, but instead of pursuing Daisy harder, he channels all of that energy into Nick (though he's not really sure why he's doing it at first). I wasn't sure what to put up at the top because I absolutely don't want my code name for this public at least until it's done LMAO.
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