#im tired but i like to hear from u and what content ur thinking abt
theloveinc · 2 years
...going thru my box and there’s so many nice asks i didn’t reply to.... i’d feel weird answering the non-content ones now, but i still want to say thank u guys for sending them! i hope u know i’m eternally grateful and am aiming for a better a better response time now that i’m settling into my new routine <3 
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qtboni · 11 months
hai bonni <33 this is my first reqs 4u and im sry in advance if it's kinda of cringe 😭 (i came here from yr simon fic btw nd i luv ur writinggg) wht do u think abt simon being tired as hell coming back home from his mission and literally melts into reader's arms?
HELLO DEAR ANON ! thanks for requesting and no, it's not cringe dw i LOVE it. also ty for loving my writing that literally made my day sm >< enjoy this!
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PAIRING: Simon 'Ghost' Riley X Reader
OVERVIEW: Simon melting into your arms after a rough day at work <//3
C/W: Entirely fluff + kisses
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Simon had a long day at work and was feeling tired and stressed. He started his car and drove home, feeling the tension in his shoulders and back. As he pulled into his driveway, he saw you standing on the porch, waiting for him.
You smiled and walked towards him, your arms outstretched. Simon stumbled out of his car and into your arms, letting out a deep sigh of relief. He felt the tension in his body melt away as you held him close, your warmth and comfort surrounding him.
"Welcome home, Simon," you whispered, resting your head on his chest.
"Thanks." Simon replied, wrapping his arms around you and taking a deep breath.
The warmth of your body against his, your breathing against his ear, all of it was like a balm for his soul. He let go of the tension in his muscles and let himself melt into you. Your warmth and love surrounded him, making him feel safe and protected.
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, feeling you hug him tightly.
"I missed you," he breathed, his voice barely audible. "Missed you so much."
"I missed you too, Si'," you replied, your voice full of love.
For a moment, nothing else mattered but your embrace and the love that you shared. The weight of the world seemed to fade away, replaced by a sense of peace and contentment. And in that moment, he knew that everything was going to be alright.
"Hey," you said, leading him towards the house. "Let's go inside, okay?"
You helped him inside, guiding him to the couch, where you could hear him release another deep sigh.
"Is there anything I can do for you?" you asked, sitting beside him. "Food? Um, what about some tea? I think that will help you loosen u-"
Simon reached for your hand and gently squeezed it. "Just you being here is enough, love." he replied.
"I'm always here for you, Simon," you said, giving his hand a squeeze back.
You leaned into his embrace, pressing a soft kiss against his stubble-roughened cheek. The gesture was gentle, yet full of meaning. Simon felt a warmth spreading from his cheek to the rest of his body, your love surrounding him like a blanket.
He closed his eyes and savored the moment, letting himself be fully present in your embrace. He could hear your heartbeat against his chest, and the sensation was soothing and calming.
You reached out and pulled his balaclava up, revealing his mouth. A quick peck and his face lit up with a smile, his eyes sparkling with joy.
You watched as he became more and more beaming, his mouth turning into a grin as you removed the balaclava. "There he is," you said softly, your voice filled with affection. You giggled, teasing him as you added, "My little baby soldier."
Simon's eyes were fixed on you, filled with a sense of pure adoration and love. He was grateful to have someone who accepted him for who he was, especially coming home from a long and difficult mission.
"Baby soldier?" He asked.
"Yeah, well, aren't you one, my love?"
"I am so not a baby soldier."
"Oh, damn you're right." You replied with faux surprise. You leaned into him, cupping his cheeks and squeezing them together.
Then you added, whispering as you do so, "You're my little baby lieutenant, aren't you, Si'?"
You feel Simon inhale and see him averting his gaze. You giggled at him and kissed both of his cheeks.
Simon cannot bring himself to retort any longer as he completely melts into your kisses and embrace. If you said he's a little baby lieutenant, then for god's sake, he is.
It was a moment of pure serenity, of pure love. And Simon knew that he would always cherish it, a beacon of solace in the midst of the chaos of the world.
And then, as if driven by an instinctive need to express the depth of his emotions, he pulled you closer, holding you in his arms, his touch firm and passionate.
"I love you," he murmured, his voice low and hoarse. But there was no question about the sincerity of his words, the longing in his eyes as he looked at you. You could feel his heart pounding against your chest, could feel the warmth of his breath against your skin.
"I love you too," you replied, your own voice just as genuine. And with those words, Simon knew that everything was going to be alright.
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yuriachu · 1 year
just saw ur c!rainduo post n that’s so true :/ tired of Niki being reduced whenever Wilbur is mentioned
I would LOVEE to hear ur rainduo thoughts tho ^_^
you get it nonnie. crying sobbing etc.. they have such a interesting dynamic and i wish it could be explored properly w/o people treating one of them WEIRD !!!!!!!!!! they are not just side characters to the others development or a single personality trait. my blorbos deserve better. ANYWAY thank u for giving me a excuse to autism ramble abt them im doing that now :3
rlly ive just been thinking about how people usually look/talk about c!rainduo from how one has effected the other after everything went down but not really about what the friendship they had was really like. what made their friendship (or lack thereof) after wilbur died/revived so impactful (to me at least) was the fact that they both were so close with each other before!!! the reason i care so much about how things turned out and niki spiraling and wilbur apologizing etc etc was Because of how close they used to be and somehow i like never see anyone talk about that or make content of that era.
like.. wilbur, who's still healing from the betrayal of someone he thought he could trust inviting niki, whos just a few years older then tommy and still figuring who she wants to be out but so eager to help and fight for this new group of people, onto the server and them jumping into fighting together and FOR each other and teaching the other new skills like baking or how to fight... all of the times they would help and defend each other (like niki protesting when wilbur and tommy are exiled from manburg, or wilbur offering to replace the things she has stolen because of 'taxes').. all the silly moments and gifts they shared.. that makes me so insane. early l'manburg and manberg rainduo makes me insane. they were both so strong and determined to make a better future for all of their friends in their own ways... i wish there was more content of them being friends before any of the copious amounts of trauma and heartbreak because the streams from that era are sooo good and i hold them to my heart i loved seeing them bond and develop that friendship
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prettyboykatsuki · 3 years
NO BUT FR I get so fucking tired of degradation and impact play and DADDY KINK showing up with absolutely no goddamn warning like. Tag ur shit pls dear god 😭😭😭 AND IT FEELS LIKE HALF THE TIME WHEN PEOPLE TAG PRAISE KINK ITS JOINED WITH UNTAGGED DEGRADATION AND IM JUST LIKE🧍I DONT WANT THISSSS literally when I see praise kink and no degradation tag I do NOT wanna be called a slut I am expecting absolute worship
This is probably a silly complaint but personally I’m a SUPER vanilla person and its almost disheartening to me to not be able to find vanilla smut??? Like ik writing vanilla pwp probably gets suuuuuper boring eventually, plus fiction obvi is a great way to just mess around and have fun and so I totally understand why kinky stuff is far more prevalent among smut blogs but like. It’s concerning to see degradation n stuff so normalized? Esp bc the vast majority of fics don’t go into discussions abt safewords and hard limits etc beforehand or aftercare on the tail end both of which are. Super fucking important with that shit (again, I get why, people writing & reading pwp don’t rlly wanna halt the action for that stuff and it’s fiction so it doesn’t really matter but it’s still important!). I just think abt people who r starting to explore their sexuality through smut and all they find is fucking. Degradation and hardcore impact play and power imbalances, all largely untagged bc it’s so prevalent and apparently the fandom thinks that’s what vanilla is
(And for the record, I’m not just a reader complaining abt this shit, I write what I wanna read and that’s. 10k words of buildup to sweet romantic sex at the very end KFBFKSBD I’m doing my part not just bitching abt others not catering to my whims dw) But I absolutely understand how many authors who focus on pwp end up like. Relying on kinkiness to have more variety esp when it’s smut blogs that churn out quality content daily. I just wish people would understand that tagging is rlly sooooo important even if u don’t see other authors tagging a specific thing
Anyway all that aside absolutely do post ur femdom stuff here! It’s ur blog and we’re all here bc we like ur writing yanno. It’s rlly awful that people give u shit for it but like. Ultimately u should be writing what u want. Block those dickheads and move on yanno?
i’ve gone on so many rants about this in the past so i simply will not go onto another tangent but esentially - i think there are a few reasons it gets super normalized outside of it being popular but in general it’s just one of those things that happens and you deal with as you’re online. 
honestly, a lot of tumblrs kink writing boils down to the greater issue of what i like to call “internet kink” which is so deeply far removed from actually bdsm LMAO and i understand it more n the context of writing fiction but broadly speaking like.. the internet has a truly odd idea of what sex constitutes i think and it can be p damaging to never address 
writer what you want! enjoy what you want! im literally a sadist and i spend so much of my day reading hentai comics it’s insane. but like idk.. there’s something to be said about the normalization of hard degradation and heavy kink play with no aftercare in online spaces. like no tags just raw-dog right there in the world lmao.  as a psa to anyone who is a virgin or really anyone inexperienced who needs to hear it again 
it’s completely okay if you have no interest in kinky content or sex. it’s normal to be vanilla and you shouldn’t feel any shame for that. you’re not boring. sex is fun because of your chemistry with your partner and you do not need any extra bells and whistles if you don’t want them. 
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kvgehiras · 3 years
waaaa i'm sure whatever you have typed up is great!! if you ever decide to post it, i'll look forward to it ♡
cough cough SO UM,,, ik this is oddly specific but i hope you don't mind aha .. a character of your choice with someone who has some important exams coming up soon, maybe?? i've like ... procrastinated like all of my work and slept through the entire few weeks before,, so i'm currently on the brink of eternal sleep (my fault, wholly, really) i don't mind who, just pick your favourite/s!!
thank you in advance!! qwq
hello again anon!! THANK U AAAA i might post it after the current event ends bcs im busy grinding lately lol but i will post it soon so i hope u like it ehe ;; as for ur schedule PLS SLEEP !!!! i do know the feeling off not doing any of ur work nd just resting but sometimes it's ok anon! studying when ur not feeling like it will only feel like a chore nd u probably wont be able to retain any of it. so study when u want to, bcs while exams r important, so r u hehe <3 anyways here r the charas!! wrote a lil scenario for mika, leo, nd rei!! hope u like it <3
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
• mika overworks himself alot, mainly bcs he just wants to prove, to himself and others, that he is worthy of being a part of valkyrie
• but he still likes being a lil spoon when yall r cuddling (o˘◡˘o)
• while he is a powerful artist when hes on stage, he just melts when hes in ur arms yk!!!!
• so he doesnt mind it when lately u seem to be slacking off a bit more than usual bcs he gets more cuddles from u !!!!! #mika1stwin
• but when u suddenly stop out of nowhere nd even refuse to come out of ur room at times bcs uve procrastinated ur work too much nd if u do not finish going through ur material then ur doomed to fail nd oh lord-
• "(y/n)?"
• u look up at ur bf nd hes standing beside u- w his stuff in his hands.....?
• "ah ya see.....ya've been lookin' a lil stressed lately so i thought abt.....helpin' u like this! idk what is troublin' ya, but im here to always listen! :D"
• u break into a grin, one mika had missed so much, nd grab his cheeks to plant a kiss on his cheek
• nd still keeping ur hands where they are, u pull away to look at his bright red face
• "thank u mika... ill always be here for u too, ok?"
• nd he quickly nods, scared to meet ur eyes, esp bcs of the close proximity of ur faces rn
• what a lil baby
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
• leo is honestly the last person u want to see when ur trying to finish learning ur material,,,that too in a rush
• like!!!!! u love him u rlly do but this bitch will start doodling abt his inspiration nd all nd ur brain just cant focus yk
• that, nd also that if u dont give him Any attention At All he will literally wither away nd basically refuse to sleep nd WILL stare at u till u give him kissies (nd he alrdy doesnt sleep enough........ sigh)
• so when he wakes up in the middle of the night (the one night u managed to somehow get him to bed) nd doesnt see u in the room a part of him panics
• he quickly calls out for u nd when he hears u respond from the study room, he opens the door to see u slowly turn around from ur chair, tired, shoulders slumped over
• immediately rushing over, leo tightly wraps u in a hug, a hand running through ur hair
• "(Y/N)!!!!!!!!! WHERE WERE U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I THOUGHT THE ALIENS KIDNAPPED U!!!!?!!???!!!!!!! DONT LEAVE ME AGAINNNNNN 。・゚゚*(>д<)*゚゚・。!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
• "leo it's 2 am.......nd also i didn't leave u, u know? im right here!"
• the exhaustion was very evident in ur voice, so much so that leo pulled away only to squint his eyes at u nd go "r u not ok? u sound tired ...... gasp r u DYING????????? NOOOOO U CANT DIE UR MY INSPIRATION!!!!!!!!"
• "leo thats v sweet nd while yes i Am dying im not leaving u it's ok"
• leo smiles, which turns into a grin, nd then he suddenly gasps again nd oh lord what idea is it this time
• "(y/n)!!!!! how abt i sleep here????????"
• ".....huh?"
• "YEA!!!!!! didn't u leave that room so u wouldn't disturb me?????? but im lonely so......ill just sleep on ur lap then, ok? ok! good nightttt!!!!!!!!"
• nd then he places his head on ur lap, the other half on his body relying on the chair he was previously sitting on for support
• while he isnt wrong abt the disturbance part.....he does look content here.......nd he does feel lonely so ......
• mayb u just gotta learn today what u can wing everything at this point...... it's gonna be ok . probably....?
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
• unlike the other two, rei wouldn't even have to guess that ur not doing ok, he would just Know
• nd what does he do to help? flirt w u nd get u to let him teach u obv!
• he Knows it's not rlly teaching, nd so do u, but what can u do when he looks at u w those puppy eyes of his, nd says that he'll do anything nd everything in his power to always help u
• so when he does take in whatever u have to study he..... he realises he's Also bad at this
• good job rei rlly helps out a ton!
• anyways to make up for it, nd also stick w his promise to help u, he tells u to go through the material, nd explain it to him! he heard somewhere that it works bcs it forces u to rlly understand the concept instead of memorising it nd u think it should work
• but oh god how is it supposed to work when rei keeps looking at u w stars in his eyes, nd his hand suddenly grabs urs nd he circles his thumb on the back of ur hand nd IS HE FLIRTING IN THE MIDDLE OF A STUDY SESSION
• rei playfully quirks an eyebrow when he sees u get flustered nd just . lay ur head on the table w sigh nd just whine
• "REIIIIIIIII I HAVE TO STUDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
• he chuckles bcs he does realise what hes doing to u nd honestly he loves ur reactions so he keeps doing it
• "fufufu.....sorry love, i'll be quiet now. go on, do ur thing." (liar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ur too flirty for a study session!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
• tip : never keep him in the same room as u when u have work to do . keeps flirting . too much distraction .
• ratings : 200/10 . the additional 200 points is bcs hes too cute to say no....... god he rlly has u wrapped around his finger huh
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straighttohellbuddy · 3 years
World building is the best tbh. I’m forever world building and now I have several worlds to play in and my neurodivergent brain cannot stay still enough to focus on one lmao. SLOWBURN ROMANCES ARE MY LITERAL JAM LIKE PLS!!! I LOVE THEM!! Also!!!! Concepts!!!! Pls share!!!! I love learning about the worlds of my fave fics and I can hands down say right now that this fic will literally shoot to the top of my list of favourites which means you’ll occupy the top three spots. Sorry to hear that ur feeling rough, so am sending u the biggest hug. I’m not okay but I’m taking care of myself today so that I will be 🧡-🐈‍⬛
alsjfsldkjf i have too many worlds TBH, literally one of the best parts of my 2020 was writing for the classic rock fandom and writing one of my good friend’s ocs alongside mine, like there’s so many different worlds that our two characters have now, i’m like 26k deep into a high school au that i need to get back to at some point, and then i wrote a oneshot abt the high school au but they’re adults, and then there’s also the original timeline, and then there’s the present day in the original timeline where they have kids and i probably care too much about people who aren’t real...... hahaha
yes i have a playlist for each, if you wanna hear how i interpret the vibes of the songs. if you interpret them differently, thats awesome!! i’d love to hear y’all’s opinions on them!!
testing one two - the first ep they release, the song titles are mostly themed (fast forward, press play, pause, rewind), but are mostly things y/n has been working on for a while but never got around to finishing, things they are rather proud of. i see you shiver with... is the first song they wrote specifically for the album, and it’s the last song on the EP because it’s a Rocky Horror reference; i see you shiver with...
a n t i c i p a t i o n - first full album!! the vibe is Hopeful But Hesitant it has all the songs from the ep, plus some new ones!! collabs with youtube musicians troye and dodie, and y/n’s label sets up a collab that turns into a genuine friendship. the breakout dance hit is what else is there to say ft. Troye Sivan, which is about not knowing what to make content about when it feels like you’ve already told the world everything. it featured the prechorus and hook
You, know, ev-ery-thing about me / gave it all for free / my life in HD / So, let’s dance, let me see your hips sway / we’re gonna be okay / what else is there to say?
So say that you love me, say that you love me, say that you love me / let’s die hand in hand. / I’ll tell you I love you, tell you I love you, tell you I love you / supply and demand. 
personally, i also conceptually enjoy srs bsns which is a really upbeat song about how they don’t care if people don’t take them seriously because they know in their heart that what they’re doing is good
hyperfocus - 2nd EP, a pretty substantial departure from their usual style, but also happens to quietly be Corpse’s favourite, and is actually y/n’s most polarising, because it has both the Grammy award winning HEARTBURN and the o brother where art thou which was written partially as a joke to capture a fond moment of them and 5SOS dicking around together in a hotel. written while on tour wit 5SOS, im writing the reader as having ADHD (because I have ADHD and i can do what i want), and the backstory is that they’d changed the medication/dosage they were taking, and as it’s their first full tour, they were under a lot of stress and were in a weird place mentally and emotionally, and hyperfocus is the result of that. i’m going through some stuff has HUGE agoraphobic vibes. 
HEARTBURN has the same vibes as Florence + The Machines’ Howl. It’s about being a demon without saying that or directly implying that unless you know demons real well. This is when the pressure for them to confirm their identity got real bad, and it was their way of working through those emotions.
tear in existence in the shape of a person / when i’m seeing clearly i can’t see myself / world can’t swallow what it can’t get it’s teeth into / got everything i wanted but i ain’t got my health
Got heart-burn--- / I’ll tear me apart / I’ll tear you apart / I’ll tear me apart. 
SCREAM gets rereleased as a remixed single featuring Fall Out Boy the following year. It won the MTV music award for best collaboration in 2018. 
In the time between hyperfocus and working on it, Y/N releases several singles, including a cover of Tell Him by The Exciters to be featured in To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before. They also take time to sort out their health, do a little bit more YT stuff, and travel internationally to do festivals. 
working on it - is kind of a middle ground between their original stuff, and hyperfocus, like pop-punk meets horror-pop meets whatever you’d classify halsey as. the first three songs were mostly written before the fic starts, so before they’re getting back to YT, but the last three, nightmare scenario, designed to hurt (touch me), and not scared were all written after they’d started hanging out with sykkuno and corpse. 
in-universe, imposter syndrome was originally something else, along the same lines of tired that they’re hiding that they’re a demon, but after meeting corpse nd sykkuno and having people who know, and lowkey being influenced by corpse’s music, the song changes directions, and YO OKAY YO::
I literally am so fucking flattered, my darling friend @bingusmode​ wrote lyrics for imposter syndrome and I’ve been yELLING about them ever since i’ve read them!! (also bunnie is fantastic and lovely in general 10/10)
if you thought you saw me 
i’d think about it twice
cuz while i know i’m naughty
everybody thinks i’m nice
cutest giggles get me
places that i long to be
but it’s not long before
everybody hates me
when you figure out i’m fucked up
you’ll probably think that can’t be right
but babe my image runs to save me
cuz i’m ugly day and night
nothing good about me
not the angel that i seem
cuz i’m a piece of shit
and i’ll ruin your fuckin dreams
i’m an impostor babe
you better run for your life
cuz there’s a bloodlust runnin through me
and you’re dripping off my knife
there’s no one here to save you
cuz you ate up all my lies
so beg me while you can
and draft up all your goodbyes 
if any of y’all are inspired by anything i put out, feel free to take it and run!! you have my blessing!! i am so overwhelmingly flattered by people who like my stuff enough to create because of it, directly or indirectly! lyrics, art, songs, anything!! legit! I love you!!
okay so designed to hurt (touch me) has big House of Memories by Panic! At The Disco vibes, and YES it’s about Corpse. YES it sends mixed messages. YES it has greek myth imagery and YES that imagery is confusing. not sure if any of these sets of lyrics actually go after each other but also idk??
will my fall from grace be graceful / as each move i see you make? / propped up on pedestals side by side / beneath our feet they shake / i’m the only one to hear you ask  / “What have they done to me?” / My boy, your wax throne is sun-drenched / you’ll fall in the name of your legacy.
eyes like yours watched rome burn / while hands like mine lit the pyre / we both heard me say we’d go down in flames / now you’re turning me into a liar / since you smile like that, like you can’t feel the sting / and we both know i can’t feel the fire
been telling myself i’m designed to hurt / but, baby, aren’t we a sight? /
check your reflection, your angles, apollo / you’re icarus in the right light /
we’re on the edge, i’m not scared to fall / we’ll take refuge in the night /
been telling yourself you’re designed to hurt / but, baby, doesn’t this feel right?
also, albumtouralbumtour is a reference to Bohemian Rhapsody.
n o s t a l g i a - the album the reader’s working on during the fic.
literally as i was writing this, bunnie sent through some FIRE lyrics for how the light gets in, (@bingusmode) i am going to be thinking about these on REPEAT for the next MONTH BRUV
little bit of darkness, treat me like a toy 
i got my hopes up and got them destroyed
bitter taste of regret sitting heavy on my tongue
can’t believe i let you convince me that you were the one
sitting here in silence, fabric running thin
petals burning in my lungs and stealing oxygen
embers from a cigarette falling to the floor
god i can’t take anymore
so i stumble to the window and pull the shades
and the moon pours in like you threw a grenade
i can’t understand why
i keep trying
cuz i never seem to win
but having any hope is how the light gets in 
from there, moment before impact ft. Billie Eilish is a club anthem along the lines of bad guy or COPYCAT, bass heavy with a drop that’s out of this world.
powdered pain, i’m in your veins / i’m the sting, the drip, the thing / you’re craving, but you hate to see me misbehaving / i heard my breakdown got you high / it’s true, but baby i can’t lie / i never got that rush, that burn / that makes you feel alive, i had to learn / to pick the slippery slope down which i fell / plan my pitstops on the way to hell / to pick my padding before i spiral / so if i break it’ll be in style
watch my misdirect, now freeze, / notice you can’t see the forest for the trees / you’re so desperate for my demise / but baby, i’ll make you watch me rise.
this is the moment before impact
controlled chaos, crash land / take a breath, trust the plan / i know you hope i’m not okay / you get off on my audio misery
controlled chaos, crash land / take a breath, trust the plan / i need you to know i want it this way / my breakdown won me a grammy
and this is the moment before impact
ur my favourite - interlude ft. sykkuno is probably one of my favourites, it’s just really soft, just a snippet of a conversation between the reader and sykkuno, maybe one of them told a joke and they both just sound real happy and sweet. its nice. it’s a nice moment.
means something is also for sykkuno!! it’s about how good-strange it is to be open and honest with friends, and how they usually aren’t but they’re glad they can be open and honest with him!!
meanwhile, i don’t think about u - interlude ft. CORPSE is a phonecall between corpse & the reader right after they announce they’re going to feature on acting like that, where corpse asks if they do this sort of thing to spite him, to which the reader responds ‘do i consider you when i’m making decisions about my career? no, corpse, actually i don’t think about you at all’ which then directly contrasts the song that ends the album, which is (how it feels to be) beautiful fireworks, which is essentially ‘i know how hard it is to exist like this, to be the centre of attention, to give off light and bring people joy, even when you’re in pain. i’m here for you. i love you.’
okay, i swear im done now, i’ll get back to writing the fic! (also i cannot BELIVE i managed to figure out how to embed those playlists but im so happy) edit: it didn’t actually work when i posted the ask, so anyways im sorry but y’all are abt to be spammed with playlists because i care too much abt this fic
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gryphsdeadbones · 4 years
hey from one nd person to another the comic where fm gordon says a slur seems kind of in poor taste. ik ur not intentionally making light of it and tht occurring in fm should be criticized but while you dont make it out to be a good thing making jokes about it and calling him a "slurboy" is kind of questionable? it makes it seem more like a plotpoint and angst rather than the creator of fm genuinely fucking up in the past (and having moved on from it)! i think exploring fm coming to terms with being nd is a good idea but this isnt the best way to do it. if you want me to explain my point more lmk if/when u post this and i will! someone already made a post abt it but it was kinda strongly worded and i wanted to approach you more calmly because i genuinely dont want to call you out or start drama or anything ;-;
first off thank you for being civil and patient with me i appreciate this ask a lot- also this got long- im not in a flying rage or anything when i bold or emphasis text, i just needed it also for my own readability and since im not the best at wording- hopefully this hellsite works and my response is under the cut
i would like to know how is it in poor taste when freemind explicitly gets clocked at the very end for saying it. the entire point of the comic was to show that saying the r slur has existed in his source and is bad
im not sure how much more direct i can get, with the disclaimer/warning list growing longer and longer and out there for a huge sign that says “this au can get dark as fuck and these subject matters are treated seriously/not something to mess around with.” Like yes, there are some jokes in the asks and other comics, but that specific comic is not supposed to be “haha thats funny”. it has a serious tone using a rough sketch style bc i was super tired and wanted to vent
was it just the direct reference to it that just made people uncomfortable? because thats 100% understandable, and i made sure i tagged it appropriately (although admittedly, a little bit late since i thought the filter would catch at least the main thing)
i think what some people somehow got from it is “exploring sensitive content = endorsing said content” which! that is not the intent! i absolutely do not want people saying that word! I don’t want people thinking that is any way okay for this character to say
its more of a damned if i do address it, damned if i dont.
if it never comes up, people are gonna assume that ‘oh this character says slurs and is shit, surely the creator or fan-creator MUST be okay with it and woobifies freemind and absolves him of any mistakes’ or something like that. no. this asshole has an arc and i want to do it right. its serious and i think it shouldn’t be shoved under the rug
and people just. dont want to read for context for whatever reason. theyll start watching it and get taken aback by the slur and start blaming me ‘hey you never warned for this’ when very early on i keep mentioning over and over ‘you dont have to watch it if you dont want to! This has slurs and 2000s internet brand humor/style’ You really dont, I’m not forcing you to watch it- Literally all you need to know is either canon half life or hl/vrai. thats it. fm mostly follows hl1 with very slight changes.
so i had to make something that:
1. warns people who arent aware and dont want to go through my asks or about/warning pages (for whatever reason) and just want to see the art
2. also NOT downplay freemind’s canon assholery. listen, i kinda despise writing mean and cruel characters, theyre hard to do, and a lot of people get shit for doing it wrong or people going “character = author”
i’ve also considered leaving the bubbles blank, but then people could fill it with whatever they want, then blame me for being vague. or they’d fill it in with a different kind of slur that freemind has never used, even if he MIGHT be the type to do that. I needed to explicitly mention that it is ableist slur. There are shitty racist and other problematic jokes, but never those kinds of extreme racial slurs to my knowledge.
Although I do see your point that maybe joking about it outside of the serious stuff might not be the best route. The slurboy jokes are getting stale, and I will try a better way to remind people.
The thing that gets to me is that it feels people are more than ready to defend either Ross Scott or Gordon Freeman the fictonal character himself. I don’t??? really care for Ross Scott, so I don’t know if he’s ever brought it up specifically. I’m not really calling him out or cancelling him. Idc for some white man’s feelings, im only bringing the timeframe of That era and reworking it to fit in This current era.
And I hate to break it to people: Gordon Freeman is a blank slate character, you can project whatever the hell you want on him as long as it’s not freakshit illegal garbage. The machinimas (fm, hl/vrai) do have SOME characterization that I want to nail down. It fucking sucks when characters are ooc, and I’m trying not to do that, even if it means sacrificing some comfort. But still mostly staying in my comfort zone if that makes sense
Now about the callout that I do not want to engage with the op directly:
Honestly im very surprised the comic was called out when i just. thought my stuff is relatively tame on exploring the bad shit canon freemind does. ive seen him in fancontent where they really dont hold back and its still played off as ‘kinda funny’ tone.
I really don’t know if people just want any reason to hate me for whatever reason. That’s fine I guess, I can’t please everyone and they dont have to like me.
But like. isn’t it so much easier for the op of that to block me and the post and move on. Why kick up such a fuss. I can see that thinly veiled death threat of a vague. That’s pretty fucked up- Like holy fucking god, you do not have to like my stuff. I’m not holding you at knifepoint to like my stuff. I’ve specifically made two different tags (one general au, one specific au) if anyone wants to blacklist it for their own reasons I do not need to know. I don’t want to know.
You’re allowed to be uncomfortable. You’re allowed to unfollow/blacklist/block.
However you just don’t go ranting about it for something you horribly misinterpreted. If it bothers you so badly, literally just. drop me a message to clarify. thats it. or save yourself the time and block me.
I’ve blocked the op for both our sakes, but if anyone wants to send this post to them, then thats fine. I don’t want anything to do with them.
I don’t want to link the post and blow it up. I just want shit clarified, dropped and we can move the fuck on with our lives. 
If you’re reading this and don’t know what the post is, please don’t bother. I do not want people going after the op with threats, please keep it civil, I’d prefer if you don’t engage with the post at all on my behalf.
Despite this huge wall of text, I do not want this to be a big deal, so please don’t ask me about the details.
As for anon, feel free to dm me either on here or. Maybe on discord if you’d still like to suggest or have something more cleared up. I’m still willing to hear any kind of feedback, and i want to thank you again for being reasonable about this
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revivebook · 3 years
hello! sorry for the later anon again tonight, I have been very tired all day :( but its okay! I'll make up my rest this weekend!
how has your day been, though? for me aside from the underlining sleepiness ive had a good one! gettin ready for my first final of my finals season Monday and the preparation is actually going quite well so I'm very happy about that!!
then not to mention the content today!! it was a lot but all still very good and I am both terrified and very excited to see where everything goes! if I do not get more protective ranboo I'm going to riot, just so everyone's aware
and to acknowledge ur ranboo kin assignment, ur right i am a ranboo kinnie! i feel like its pretty obvious by the fact I started doing this soft anon thing to begin with lmao. and trust me i love seeing ur responses! when i send in late night asks I stay up an extra 30 mins to see if u replied just because knowing ur smiling makes me :]
and who knows ram, maybe I was going for a one sided love simon au
as ramble-y as ever - soft anon
You goofball. You Absolute Buffoon no apologizing necessary ever ever, never feel obligated to send anything okay?? I care abt you So Very Much and I miss u when I don’t hear from you for a bit because I am Clingy but YOUR ENERGY IS PRIORITY DAMN U !! You have absolutely nothing to make up for but. If you did wanna send stuff oh the weekends,, peepoShy :D
My days been.. honestly way better than I was expecting?? The date itself can be a lik rough but oh my god I Love My Friends So Fucking Much Okay. I want to literally shout it from the rooftops I’m so lucky I stg. And for you—okay mr (? :O) hotshot look at you go being all prepared for finals season leave some for the rest of us smhhh. BUT SERIOUSLY IM PROUD IF U AND SO GLAD ITS GOING GOOD FUCK YEAH!!! you’ve literally got this in the bag :DD
And oh my god. The Content Today o(-(. The fnaf stream fuckin LORE and then one of the sweetest ebs streams we have had in literal weeks I am So. sobs into hands what did we do to deserve this oh my god (/pos) I’m so hyped I cannot WAIT. And softy softy absolutely same hat protective Ranboo makes me CRY ok holyshit my heart I just. Yearns
And u bastard you can’t just leave me with those final two lines I’m going to be thinking about that until I fall asleep how could you do this to me. u r so very cruel. this is endearment bullying softy I hope you know
And all of your responses and the things you say are perfect don’t you even start. Since your late night rambles are You I wouldn’t want them any other way :D
—love, ram :]
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llazyneiph · 5 years
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its been a busy fuckin week for this mod my ladz!!! i thought i would just give an end of week run down how everything is going, everything added so far and my to do list! also discord!!! and patreon!!! but i’ll talk abt that after this!! a general run down if u dnt know what this wip mod is:
The Royalty Mod gives your sims the opportunity to being the reigning Monarch of your game. They have the chance to become a Beloved Ruler or a Despised Tyrant (and will be treated as such!) They will be completely in control of a custom tax system, will the be benevolent and keep the taxes low or be greedy and fill their coffers with their subject’s simoleans? Be careful though, your actions will affect your citizens and their views of you! Your Monarch will be the most important piece of the puzzle, as they will be able to give titles to family and friends... or even a random street vendor. Having your Monarch bestow titles such as Crown Royals, Royal Partners, Servants, Court Wizards and more, keeps you out of CAS and IN your game! No more stopping and starting your gameplay!
A general overview of everything included so far:
Monarch: - A custom Heir system: Your Monarch can choose anyone bestowed with the title of Crown Royal or Royal Partner to become the next in line to the throne! And if they decide they made a mistake, the Heir can be disowned :((( sad lyfe As soon as the Monarch passes away, the Heir will automatically claim the throne! - If your Monarch dies before they get a chance to name an heir, then any Crown Royal or Royal Partner can vie for the throne. Whoever the people choose (gets to reputation level 6 - very good) first, will become the next Monarch! - Teens and up can become the Monarch, (lookin at u edward the 6th) - Custom tax system! Raise taxes to get more money instantly and in your weekly tax collection, but incur the ire of your subjects! Lower taxes and you will lose money and earn less each week but your subjects will love you! - Your Monarch will draw a crowd wherever they go! Even with no fame points they’ll attract a mass of adoring onlookers. (But no paparazzi for my historical players) - Make world-wide decrees - Listen to your subjects pressing concerns by telling your Trusted Advisor that you will hold a hearing, get that gud gud karma!! - Make anyone a Crown Royal! - Make the land celebrate your own birthday with a new Monarch’s Birthday tradition, with custom goals to be met! - Don’t walk like the rest of these peasants, make sure to enable your royal stride to royally stand out from the crowd. Not enough? Enable your regal glow to really drive home that you’re better than everyone else! - Royal greetings! - Allow your subjects to commence Sunday trading on a lot with the Market lot trait! Townies will come and man the stalls every sunday 9-3 and the royal family can peruse and purchase to their hearts content! -probably more that im forgetting!!!
Heirs, Crown Royals & Royal Partners: - Titles are bestowed by the monarch, crown royals & heirs can be titled at birth and Royal Partners can be titled after marriage! - Both can be named as Heir, and both can vie for the throne if the Monarch dies unexpectedly! - Your Monarch can make anyone a Crown Royal, so if you gameplayed that your Monarch adopted a poor orphan kid, then they can have a shot at the throne too! - All have multiple different social and skill modifiers, so they can make new friends fast and be better at everything than them! - Also all have their own socials - ALSO all can be completely banished from the royal family - u can defo marry into the royal family if u wanted, and make ur peasant family the next gen of royals ;))) - loads more but im so tired
Trusted Advisor: - Your Monarch will choose their trusted advisor! they advice! u on stuff! so choose wisely! - everything about taxes, beginning situations, domestic affair (and planning to add LOADS more) goes thru ur advisor, just like it does in real life and by real life i mean i think i just made that up - way more 2 come bros
- brand spankin new custom animations!!!!!!!!!!
Planned to Add (p much the same as last post): - unlockable interactions based on skills such as charisma - bad monarch reputation and tyrant trait to have the possibility of triggering a revolt??? - Custom situations to trigger weekly events such as royal hearings, banquets ect. - custom situations to trigger a bunch of npc servants (big maybe) - Mass Excitement over royal babies - Mass Mourning over passed over Monarchs - Mass Excitement over new Monarch - Options for crown royals to steal the throne - Sentence to death - Way more custom socials - looking into craftables - Perhaps more of a focus on the working class - more magicky type interactions for court wizards - just like. so much more. but its 1:30am and my brain has stopped working
ok now i wrote this out it rlly doesn’t look like a lot but i have so many gatdamn plans for shit i still gotta add. plus i will probably end up making hair and a few clothes and objects too. also omg guys im totally gonna make one of those fancy fuckin trailers for youtube :))))))))))) also was i on fiverr lookin at voice actors to narrate it...? maybe bitch
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anyway i said i would talk abt patreon so here it is!!!
first things first, let me just say that no, i absolutely do not think i am entitled to a single cent of anyone’s money!!! I would/will still put 110% into this mod and my future mods because I absolutely love doing this. At the moment I’m currently working on this mod about 8-10 hours a day, 5 days a week (animations bruh), which is kinda insane. but I want this to be everything everyone’s wanted from EA for years.
I made a Patreon for those who would like to support me. If you do decide to become a Patron I am endlessly thankful for that, not just the monetary value of it but the fact that you believe in me enough to do that.
Every cent of any pledge goes towards my saving fund for my course next year, which for those of who don’t know, I’m currently a first year Game Design student!!! In complete clarity, I’m looking at a $15,000 loan atm, so literally anything helps if u do decide to pledge!
Tiers start at $1 and all tiers have access to a private patrons channel in my discord! u can go read what u get with the tiers over on my page! I’ve offered as much as I can, but since im super not down with exclusives, pls let me know if u think there’s anythin more i can offer u guys!!!
Tier 2 does include a one week early access to my content. I feel like this is the most I’m comfortable offering, and I will always stick to or under EA’s rules when it comes to Patreon.
Tier 2 also offers first picks for Beta Testing, but depending on how many (if any) tier 2 patrons I get, it may work on a rotational system as I still want to include people from tumblr in the beta testing. I don’t want anyone who can’t afford patreon to feel left out, so I would still offer some beta testing spots here and it’ll be first come first served like normal! i don’t want it to feel like i’m gatekeeping my cc. i hope this is okay with you guys! For those who aren’t in a place where they can become a patron, but still want to stay included in everything related to this mod, I now have a Discord Server that anyone can join! speaking of >>>>
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we have a discord ladzzzz!!!!!!!!!
If u wanna stay up to date on everything I’m doing regarding the mod, or u have a question or suggestion, or there's something wrong with one of my mods that u need fixed, or tbh if u just wanna hang out with some cool dudeeees n chill n chat n have a jolly time then com join the discord!!!!!!!!
i’m going to be posting updates and screenshots of the mod process much more frequently there (probs like a few times a day tbh lmao) and it’s much easier to get a hold of me there if u have any suggestions.
and tbh we just gonna have a chill time and i want a metric fuckton of memes and gifs. if that doesn’t sway u, we have a whole channel dedicated to only pics of guy fieri. u will be banned if u post anything else there. u were warned.
ok god im so sorry this is literally 10 years long but i just had a lOT to say but like, mods goin good lads. i just want to make something that gives the game more play ability and keeps u in game and out of CAS. its excitin stuff. thanks for listenin.
                              PATREON | DISCORD SEVER
                    see all royalty mod updates on my tumblr here
also im v sorry if u join the discord like right after this is posted bc i am most definately fuckin asleeeeeeep
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ryollie · 4 years
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update post, gonna put under a read more. its gonna be rambly and honest abt how i feel on certain things, why i’ve been gone and what im gonna do from now on etc. tw for mental illness !
i’ve been inactive for a month, almost 2 i think? its kind of painful to evaluate everything to be honest. i’ve had my blog for half a year. i really loved and had fun in the hphm fandom and ive met great people. people come and go, and im alright with that. when i first joined, i never expected so many people would enjoy ollie, my first ever mc. i was just so so happy and wanted to draw and share more of my oc stories and creations with everybody. as time gone on, i started feeling isolated, and slowly started getting more hate for various reasons and i felt very overwhelmed. 
i’ve always tried my best to be kind to everybody and understand things from different perspectives but i realise that there are some people you can just never see eye to eye with no matter how hard u try. my mistake was trying too hard to get along with everybody. it rlly sucks when you find leaked convos of ppl you thought u were friends with insulting you, ppl you drew for and thought you had fun with talking smack behind ur back. its alright to not like me or my content ! i just dont see why ppl would interact positively with me and act a different way once my back is turned. i think its pretty...ugly, to be honest. if u rlly had an issue with me, dm me and lets talk it out civilly. i dont shy away from an honest conversation; if i truly did anything wrong i will admit to my mistakes, apologize and hopefully change for the better. we are all human, its normal to fuck up and theres always room for change.
its easy to say just ignore the hate and move on, and believe me thats exactly what i tried to do. it was really uncomfortable and i felt like i was just putting on a mask to remain positive, sociable and welcoming to everybody i interacted with. i did that for 3 months and overtime, it just crumbled. i felt really paranoid everytime i had an interaction, because i saw so much negativity about me that i wish i did not that i started to doubt every interaction i had. i didnt know if someone was pretending to be kind to me, i started to think what if they had heard bad things about me from others and were judging me etc, its a lot to handle. im a paranoid scizophrenic and feelings of paranoia manifest into auditory hallucinations for me. these feelings arent just a bad gut feeling. i hear people talking about me and how theyre going to hurt me because they hate me etc. its honestly really exhausting and its hard to tell whats real and fake and it makes me disassociate.
people believe what they want to believe. there’s always two sides to a story. i’m tired of being painted as somebody bad because of petty gossip, i’m tired of always needing to defend myself. once you’re on someone’s bad side, you’re judged and nitpicked for every single minor detail. its awful. if others vent, its alright because everyone has their problems and deserve to be heard! if i vent, its me being whiny and playing a victim card. people can easily twist your words to suit their narrative. words can hurt like a bitch, you know. i wish more people realised there’s weight in their words. 
and to address this if its unclear; i’m no longer in a relationship and i ended it myself. i just dont feel like im in a good place mentally to sustain a rs for a very, very long time. i would also appreciate it if people can stop associating me with my previous partner. i do not want anything to do with them. i wont disclose any details out of respect but please respect how i feel on this.
to sum up i’m sorry if i’ve ever hurt anybody. i’m just tired of the negativity and the indirects. people who know me, know me. i always try to be kind but i have my limits too. i disappeared for two months because i couldnt cope with it, but I'm willing to try again. i’ll be very cautious with who i interact from now on, and i hope you can understand why. im just protecting myself. i want to have fun drawing and creating content for me and my friends and not for the sake of others, as it should have been from the very start. i just want to have fun again and to slowly learn to trust people. thank you if you read this to the very end, it was just an honest and long ramble of how i’ve been feeling. i hope i can share more of ollie and my other ocs with everybody and that with time, i can let go of the painful things i’ve experienced before. 
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sunwritten · 4 years
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hi guys  😁  i am ur girl mimi  ( she/her, mst, 22 )  and all u have to know about me is that i do nothing but keysmash , cry , listen to redvelvet and arianagrande, talk spanglish since spanish is my first language AND that i love sonic the hedgehog . now let me introduce to u to my boy  😁
̗̀   ✰   ― 〔  cha  eunwoo,  cis  male,  he/him  )―  ❝  have  you  seen  mason  choi  walking  around  the  town  square  in  the  afternoon  ?  if  you’re  close  enough  you  might  even  be  able  to  hear  in  your  eyes  by  the  weeknd  blasting  through  their  headphones.  they’re  twenty-four  and  are  currently  working  as  a  piano instructor  /  songwriter.  once  you  get  to  know  them,  you’ll  be  able  to  find  out  that  they’re  very  candid  and  reserved,  but  also  can  be  very  lackadaisical  and  blunt.
statistics .
name: mun-hee “mason” choi .
age: 24 .
dob: january 1st , 1996 .
gender + pronouns: cis male , he/him .
zodiac: capricorn sun , libra moon , pisces raising .
orientation: bisexual , biromantic . 
religion: heavily raised under catholic influences . he doesn’t care , though .
hometown: olympia , washington .
residence: novan , south carolina .
occupation: piano instructor, but he can be a tutor for anything if he does some investigation the night prior. singer and songwriter in hopes to make it big one day. streamer and influencer on twitch, youtube and instagram. 
about .
THE JACK OF ALL TRADES: a person who is not content learning about just one thing only , developing a sense to learn something efficiently so they can be good enough at whatever they choose . raised under a strict household , mason craved to learn and experience more than what was taught under the roof of his house and church . spent most of his life reaching out ( sometimes suceeding , sometimes not ) to everything to have some kind of experience under his belt: some of these being both noticed by his parents and some others not ( and for the better ) . a quick learner and adaptable , and when he knows how to approach new skills properly , no mountain is too high for him .
the only child to a priest and a lawyer . mun-hee , eventually introducing himself as mason because he was tired of repeating his name over and over , was brought up in a wealthy and strictly catholic household in olympia , washington . he was forbidden from doing anything out of the ordinary since he could remember ; from dirtying up his sunday clothes to not attending his best friend's birthday party because his parents had the suspicion that substances were going to be involved at the party , and they didn't want him to fall into that hole . if only they knew .
was pushed into the church's choir against his own will when he turned eight , weeks later he was not only praised by his voice , but he fell in love with music . he learned how to play the piano and guitar by himself , and he was later taught by his parent's friends on how to play the violin , the flute , the drums and even the saxophone . he is currently learning how to play the cello and the harp . he specializes on piano , guitar and drums only while the others are one of his multiple , but not so developed , skills .
wrote his very first song when he was eleven ( something that got him the first place at his school's talent show ) , since then he has been writing and creating his own music . he’s currently working on trying to produce something good enough to put out one day . his passion on music caused some tension between him and his parents because , although they didn't disown him or anything , they didn't approve of it---- mostly because they had plans of having him replace his father's position at their church . this caused mason to simply not talk about music with them . it was when he graduated high school when he decided to move out to new york to attend columbia as a mathematics major with a minor on creative writing . after graduation , he moved to novan at the age of 21 because he wanted a new change of scenery .
jason has his own youtube channel , filled with vlogs about literally everything: archives of his past gaming streams on twitch , guitar/piano/bass/song covers that have gone viral on twitter and instagram time to time so he has somewhat of a following fanbase .
tidbits .
despite that i know nothing about mason so im going full force on development with him LKSJKLSJSLKJSLKJS
a himbo . he’s a really nice guy ... kinda dense .. kinda slutty ....... but at the same time he’s v reserved and doesn’t speak until someone is speaking to him bc that’s juss how he was raised U know
he’s not as religious as his parents think he is . he doesn’t... really care but that’s the religion he was raised with so . but that won’t stop him from wearing this sexc necklace with a golden cross bc he thinks he looks hot with it Mwah .
mason has a good relationship with his parents actually !!!! something that is sexc despite of the lil music tension because not only he adores them and they adore him , but he’s lowkey living off their money but at the same time he has gotten a bunch of MONIESSSS because rich people keep giving him money so he can teach their kids to play ( insert musical instrument here ) hehe .
u kno on parasite how the kim family started to do the things the park family wanted or whatever..... kinda like that . sometimes uses his skill of being a quick learner to come up with something quick and make it believable and get the monies KJKLSJSJS
a piano , guitar and drums prodigy . sings like an angel and has the voice of my man’s baekhyun with some lil justin bieber undertones u kno.....  probably v popular at karaoke bars . and he’s a songwriter too and produces and mixes his own music and AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
he wants to put out music sometime but for now....... he just makes random covers on his youtube channel , a channel that became popular bc oooooooooooooo cute boy who can sing and play the piano and is funny on his videogame streams . lets subscribe and tip him ten dollars so he can sing a song to me on his next stream <3 !
has gone viral time to time bc of his covers and bc hes really funny on twitter ngl . but if someone recognizes him he gets rather shy LSKJSLKSJKSLJ 
fucks around with alcohol and some drugs but it’s nothing too wild . he has been toying w these habits since high school and he still thanks god that they never found out about this ldjldkjdkldjd 
idk what else to say
he knows how to do card and skateboard tricks but please dont ask him to do wild things on the skateboard please he just can do the basics and doesn’t fancy the idea of getting his nose broken again LKJLSKJSLKSJLKSJ
a whole ass gamer when he’s not scratching his head trying to come up with the perfect sound for a new song . will ignore phone calls and messages until he’s done . he is also one of those bitches who will make u cum and then will get up to continue his game SLKJKLSJSKLJSKLSJ
he has a white cat and a cocker spaniel: phat and kiwi! aka the loves of his life 
a hopeless romantic who has like 289739873 failed relationships . he was a puppy heartbreaker when he was in college ngl
wanted connections.
best friend or someone he’s super close with ever since he moved in
unlikely friendship
partying buddies
maybe he can be a cornerstone to someone just kno he’s not good with advice LKSJLKSJSLKJSKLSJ
maybe someone he teaches piano??? or maybe he taught them something else IDK
maybe a muse... someone who gives him so much inspo for his music/poems mmmmm this could be multiple because he finds inspo on everyone basically
exes ( good / bad terms ) kinda want three exes so he could say ONE TAUGHT ME LOVE , ONE TAUGHT ME PATIENCE AND ONE TAUGHT ME PAIN !!!!!
one sided crush ( them @ him or him @ them )
MUTUAL CRUSH ???????????????????
someone he spoils just bc ( this should be talked abt i guess )
mutual annoyance
maybe someone who joins him on his vlogs u kno..... like when they r together his followers (or theirs if there’s someone out there who was a youtube channel too) are like o shit hell yeah
fwb(s) because he’s a slut  -________-
bad / good influences are also good
one night stands 
pokemon go buddies 
neighbors? he lives in an apartment complex and his apartment is sexc ngl 
i like to brainstorm tho
please plot with me thanks
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frywen-babbles · 5 years
Sounds of Silence pt6
"They shouldn't send you messages like that. You've done nothing wrong."
"It's okay. It'll die out soon enough when they realise I won't make any of this public. I just want to move on with my life." She shoved some cake into her mouth before she continued. "Enough about me. How have you been?"
"Studying," he replied before he thought of something. "I'll visit mother tomorrow... I thought... maybe you'd..."
"I'd love to come. Just tell me when and where and I'll be there."
He nodded in response and took a sip of his tea. Why was the situation suddenly so... awkward. What did people talk about in dates... non-dates anyway?
"Um... What's the new job you got?"
"The same old. Shelving in a grocery store, just in a different one than before."
"That must be... interesting."
"Please, it's boring as fuck. But it's a job."
Mitsunari regarded her carefully. Once she had talked about wanting to become a teacher and he couldn't but wonder what had become of those dreams. Now she seemed content at working in a grocery store, her dreams seemingly forgotten. Not that there was anything wrong with that, but he remembered how fondly she had talked about her dream. Had she given up on it completely? She wouldn't, would she? He worked so hard to achieve his dream and proving himself it seemed almost unthinkable someone would just give up.
"Earth to Manju-boy, are you even paying attention to me?" Mitsunari was woken from his thoughts when she tapped his arm gently.
"Just thinking about my studies."
"How are they going anyways?"
Miraculously, their non-date had ended well and way less awkwardly than he had feared. They had ended up talking about his studies for way longer than he had planned, but she hadn't seemed to mind.
He was just about to go to sleep when his phone blinged with a message.
<i wntd 2 apologise> <i hd no rght 2 b that mean 2 u>    <What do you mean?> <thse mssgs i swd u> <i thgt ud say th same> <thnk u> <it rly mns a lot ur on my side>    <Of course I am.>
She didn't reply so he put his phone down and closed his eyes ready to sleep. But just as he had drifted off his phone blinged with a new message waking him up.
<it tk me 2 long 2 admit wht ws gng on. nd aftr thn i wnted 2 stay bc i lved him. i blievd it ws nly once. twice. i thght if id jst chnge myslf he didnt hve any rson 2 gt angry at me. i trd so hrd 2 be the prfct wife i feel like i lost myself. Ths isnt how I thght my life wld be.> <im scred> <i have no1 I cn rely on> <im sorry im blathering u must be thinking abt ur mom> <i shldnt cmplain evrythng is fine im sry>    <No, it's okay. It's understandable to be scared.> <sry> <im jst so lost> <nd scard> <all of ths is nw 2 me> <we gt mrried whn i finishd hgh school. i rlied 2 hm on evrthng> <nd nw its jst all gne> <sry 2 nght evrthng jist cmes rshing dwn> <ill go 2 bed now night>    <Don't apologise. Being scared of the unknown is part of human nature.>    <Good night.>
The next day he waited for her in front of the hospital. He had come way too early so his thoughts turned into the previous day and to his... non-date. She had looked very pretty. Beautiful. He looked at his watch when he felt a light tap on his arm and turned around to find her standing next to him.
"Are you sure you want to come?" he asked.
"Of course! I wouldn't have said yes if I didn't want to."
Mitsunari sneaked into the first bathroom in the ward and a moment later when he emerged he expected her to laugh or... something. Instead, she looked at him earnestly, her expression serious.
"Are you ready?" she asked before she reached to straighten out a hair on his wig. He gave a firm nod before he headed out towards his mother's room.
"Mitsunari!" He stopped when he heard his name and sighed before he turned around to greet one of the nurses. "I see you brought your girlfriend today, how nice of you. Why haven't you told us before you have a girlfriend?" the nurse winked at him and he resisted the urge to either roll his eyes or facepalm.
"We're friends," he said at the same time she bowed.
"Thank you for taking care of Mitsunari," she said aloud. It was the first time Mitsunari had heard her speak. He missed completely when she introduced herself, his mind focused only on the sound of her voice, on the way she slowly pronounced each word, on the melody of her voice and he couldn't help but want to hear her voice again and again. He wanted to hear what she sounded like when she was happy, when she was excited, when she was sad. He felt selfish in his want, but still, he wanted her to show all sides of herself to him.
Mitsunari tugged on her arm and bowed to the nurse, repeating his earlier words of them being just friends, but it didn't wipe the knowing smile from the nurse's lips.
Just when he was about to knock on the door of his mother's room, he felt her take a hold of his hand and give it a firm squeeze. He held her hand a bit tighter too and knocked on the door.
"Mother? It's me, Saki."
"Saki! My beautiful, darling Saki!" He heard her voice before he saw her.
"Mother, I brought a friend with me." He stepped inside and gently pulled her in with him and introduced her.
"It is nice to meet you, Mrs Ishida." She bowed and his mother beamed at them. He didn't even remember when he had seen her looking so happy.
"I'm so happy Saki brought a friend with her! Come here, sit." His mother patted the bed beside her. She glanced at him and when he nodded she sat beside her.
"Thank you."
She paid close attention to his mother, turning every now and then to him for clarification. He felt like his mother recited every embarrassing thing he had ever done, his face burning hot with embarrassment under the makeup. A small (well, a big) consolation was hearing her laugh aloud, something he hadn't heard since the day after he had rescued her from her ex.
When his mother started to look tired he got up and nudged her arm.
"I think we should go now, mother. I'll come back soon."
"Please bring your lovely friend again too! It warms my heart to know you have such a good friend."
"I'll have to ask her..." he mumbled giving his mother a hug.
When he took her hand to lead her outside he could feel her hand tremble. He glanced at her, but her expression was a calm, calculated mask. As soon as they were outside of the door he let go of her hand.
"Your hands are trembling."
"You're imagining things," she replied with a smile which didn't quite reach her eyes.
"But-" he started, but was cut off when she turned away from him.
"Excuse me..." she hurried to the nearest bathroom leaving him to stare after her. He was still staring at the door when she emerged a moment later her eyes red and puffy.
“Sorry...” she forced a smile and as much as he wanted to ask, he decided not to pry was probably the best option.
“I’ll go change. We could... You could come for tea... if you want.” How did people ask others to hang out? It was apparent he was terrible at it.
“I’d love to.” This time the smile she gave him was genuine.
Their trip at his place was mostly filled with comfortable silence. She leaned against his shoulder on the train, dozing off every now and then. He concluded she must be tired but didn’t want to pry the reason why. She would tell him if she wanted to.
When they reached his apartment, Hideyoshi was already there, half asleep watching YouTube videos in the living room.
“Oh, heeey... I didn’t think you’d be back yet, you okay?” he mumbled waving his hand at his general direction without turning around.
“We came to make some food.”
“We? I thought you went to- oh hi!” Hideyoshi turned around to look at them and as soon as he saw her he waved at them awkwardly.
He laid over the handrest of the sofa looking at them while they unloaded the groceries and prepared the food.
Mitsunari sighed and turned to look at Hideyoshi, who had a bright smile on his lips as soon as he looked at him. “Do you want something? If you don’t, stop staring like a starved puppy. The mutt next door does a good enough job on that already without your help.”
"I thought you'd never ask me to join! It smells so good."
Hideyoshi made the table and they sat down to eat.
"So, what were you up today?" Hideyoshi asked filling his bowl with food.
"None of your business."
"So it was a secret date!"
Mitsunari was just about to reply when she coughed and reached for a glass of water her face starting to turn an adorable shade of red.
"Are you okay?" he asked her when she managed to gulp down some water her face still bright red.
"Why does Monkey think we went on a secret date?"
Mitsunari felt his cheeks start to burn out of embarrassment too, her embarrassment only increasing his own.
"I don't know! Stop inventing stupid nicknames to my friends."
"Shut it Manju-boy! You better tell Monkey-boy he has it all wrong. We are friends, nothing else."
Mitsunari translated her words to Hideyoshi who had been grinning knowingly at their mutual blushing, but he couldn't help the pang in his heart at her flat out refusal of them being on a date.
It must be so terrible to her to even think him as a man after what she had seen of him today. After all, she knew of him.
She would never see him in any other way than as a friend and realising that hurt way more than he thought it would. It hurt so much for a while he couldn't even think straight, yet alone be a part of the conversation.
"Mitsunari, did you hear what I said?" Hideyoshi's words brought him back to himself and when he glanced at her, even she was staring at him with a small frown between her (very beautiful) brows.
"No, my mind was elsewhere."
"In the gutter, I imagine?" Hideyoshi winked at him but all he could do was roll his eyes.
"You had *something* to say, so spit it out."
"Um, yeah, Nobu wants us to go play Wii next Sunday, why don't you two come too?"
"And he expects us just happily spend a Sunday dealing with utter torture?"
"There will be free food! Nothing beats free food."
"Fine..." he grumbled and turned to her, but her eyes were already sparkling. "A friend of ours wants us to go play Wii at his place on Sunday. Do you want to come?"
"Only if I get the promised free food you were talking about!"
The next Sunday they found themselves in front of a grand downtown building where Nobunaga's personal apartment was. She was staring at it her mouth agape.
"Your friend lives here?"
She held onto his sleeve when they entered the building, her eyes wide at the sight of the doorman and the security.
When the doors opened at the top floor she was stunned. He had to nearly drag her forward to meet their host.
Not that that went any better. As soon as she saw Nobunaga, she yanked at his sleeve until he was sure it would rip off.
"That's- that's O-da No-bu-na-ga!"
"I know. Now stop pulling my sleeve!"
"But... how?"
"Blame Hi-de-yo-shi, he always wants to drag me along..."
"Wait how does Monkey know him?"
He was about to reply when Nobunaga seemed to get bored of not being a part of the conversation.
"The least you could do was to introduce her."
As soon has he had managed to introduce her, Hideyoshi, who had come at the same time with them leant towards Nobunaga with a conspirational grin.
"You know, she's Mitsunari's 'special friend'"
"Oh, is she now?" Nobunaga had an amused smile on his lips when he eyed her.
"Stop making it sound so dirty," he huffed at them and took her hand to lead her away from the two men determined to misunderstand their relationship.
They found Hanbei huddled at a corner already, his nose deep in a book. He didn't pay any attention to them so they sat on the sofa next to him. She was tense, eying her surroundings like a caged animal before she turned to him.
"Just... how? You do know he's very famous, right?"
"Yes. But Hi-de-yo-shi keeps dragging me along every time..."
"You're playing Wii with the famous O-da No-bu-na-ga..." she repeated it to herself as if to make sure she understood correctly. Suddenly, she lifted her head and grasped his arm. "How did he know who I was?"
"It was him who offered to let you stay in the guestroom in the house. It's only used when someone in the Oda family has important guests over."
"Wait what? I thought that was where miss Oichi lives?"
"No, she was just staying over so you wouldn't have to be alone."
She buried her head in her hands for a while before she looked at him again, a hints of despair in her expression.
"How can I ever repay them?"
"You don't have to. Everyone wanted to help."
“Are you sure?”
Even though it ate him alive he’d had to ask for their help there was no way he would tell her that. He would repay them as soon as possible.
The atmosphere relaxed as more people showed up. She didn’t leave his side until her gaze shifted to all of the snacks Nobunaga had brought out.
"What a nasty little piggy you have found for yourself."
There were people he’d be glad if he never had to see ever again. Tokugawa Ieyasu was one of them. Even the existence of him made Mitsunari’s skin crawl with disgust, let alone hearing whatever hideous thing he had to say. Why Nobunaga kept inviting the man was beyond him.
"Shut your mouth, filthy tanuki!" he spat back at Ieyasu, his eyes on her. She kept happily showing a snack after snack into her mouth until she glanced at him.
She froze, her eyes travelling from him to Hideyoshi and back at him.
"What happened?"
"It's nothing."
"Why won't you tell me?" She looked around the room, at everyone staring at them and she shrank back, averting her eyes to the floor. She made a quick bow and fled the room.
He followed her to the entrance hall, where she was desperately hitting the button to call the elevator, her face turned away from him so he couldn't see her expression. She cast a quick glance at him before she averted her eyes again and dug out her phone.
<i dnt blong hre ill jst go> <tll evry1 im sry>
The doors slid open and she took a step towards the elevator, but he took a hold of her arm to stop her. He needed... wanted to know what was wrong with her. Why did she suddenly decide to run away from him.
She froze, standing completely still. He slowly let go of her arm and she quickly hugged herself. He was at loss at what to do. He followed her to the elevator, but she kept her eyes on the door, completely ignoring his presence.
Had he done something wrong? If he had, he had no idea what it might be or why had she reacted the way she had.
When they reached the ground floor he followed her out of the elevator but reached for her arm again, this time just to gently touch her. She turned to look at him, tears glistening on her cheeks, but she quickly wiped them away, her lips pursed to stop the quiver of her lower lip.
"What happened?" he asked. She took her phone and fiddled with it for a moment and soon he heard his phone alert him of a new message.
<i dnt blng>
She turned around to walk out of the door, but he reached for her again.
"What do you mean? Explain." She was just about to look at her phone again when he tapped on her arm again. "Talk to me."
She turned her head away from him and he was just about to reach for her arm again when the security guard interrupted them.
"Is everything alrigh, miss?" he asked. She jumped a bit and looked at his face, a small frown between her brows.
"...sorry...?" she whispered.
"Is everything alright, miss? Is this man bothering you? Do you need a taxi to get you home?"
"Thank you, we're fine," Mitsunari interrupted.
"I was talking to the young lady, sir." The security guard gave him a stern look. She looked from him to the security guard, her expression guarded.
"...fine... no... taxi..." she mumbled.
"Could we talk somewhere a bit more private?" Mitsunari asked the security guard, who pointed them at a bench at the side of the entrance hall, hidden from the view by a large plant. He guided her to sit down and sat next to her touching her hand gently to get her to look at him.
"Talk to me, please?"
"This... everything was a bad idea. I should have listened to Yoshi, I’ll never fit in..."
@masamunesmistress @han-pan @you-mass-effect-my-dragon-age @honeybeelily @dreamfar628
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soledadcatalina · 5 years
this is very much ill block u if u rb kinda deal
and this is also a personal point of expression, if ur white u can like but i dont want to hear any fucking “hot takes” from this
im very very fortunate abt the fact that like eff is a tiny tiny fanbase here on tumblr bc god knows everthing im abt to say would be even worse but at the risk of sounding too egotistical, i really wish i wasnt the only active, or at least vocal fan on here whose not white. like literally i know two ppl whose read the series and is not white and one of them includes my brother and he doesnt even give a shit abt the series anymore lol 
and its like, i know this series front to back and i know very well where the narrative fails to bring its justice to the themes of racism & anti-blackness associated with incarceration that it draws from and the tropes gordon writes into the story - unintentional or not - and like. im not gonna push that onto anybody whose tired of seeing it so often, but its nice to actually address it, be it to tear this writing a new one, or to talk meta that actually offers perspective yknow. 
and like!! god i want to talk about characters and headcanons like i do with every story i enjoy in this light!!! i want to share what i see and how unambiguous colour adds on to the foundations of characterizations in canon and meet halfway with someone who really really gets it!!
like, sometimes i sit and do feel weird about the fact that if i didnt decide to draw my hc of alex being biracial, there wouldnt be any fanart of him being brown at all. and seeing alex mixed is just an act of seeing my life thru mixed lens.
i sit and feel weird about the fact ppl have gone on here with serious arguments to why theyre allowed to read donovan white and depict him as such. the fact that there exists so much white washed fanart in the first place, some of which has been praised by gordon himself with the excuse of “i know i originally created this character as black this entire time but why not be open to all interpretation :)” 
even not having to do with eff itself, but as much i joke abt “kinning” night and that im her, i cant fully commit to the joke bc i respect and refuse to overlook that she’s mexican, and as someone who is constantly seen as ethnically ambiguous & wanting to ppl to stop doubting me when i tell them im filipino - it just makes ME feel weird!!! even if i make the joke!!
and i DEFINITELY sit and feel straight up ill over the fact that warden cross and his blacksuits are a weirdly fixated upon aspect of fan content that goes out of their way to make him and them as comic relief and not like, the straight up unsympathetic n*zi that he literally, LITERALLY is. and if you have been following me, or even just this post up to this point and dont understand why this is unacceptable you are clown, and a fool, and a rat bastard and you better think long and hard if defending a fictional n*zi is a hill to die on when u type a rebuttal in my ask, knowing exactly who ur talking to   
idk man. for the most part, yall are nice and dont give me shit for speaking honestly abt this shit as i do, but man looking at the overwhelming whiteness of the fanbase on here makes me feel a little bit like a token on principle
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woozi · 3 years
henlo yza <3 ,
hdjdkd i don't really have much knowledge abt different techniques & kind of dances so when the steps match the lyrics i'm like '!!! wow yes i love it' fhdjdjskks also bc i've grown up watching these kind of dances only so my that's what i tend to notice first hdjdjddk it is also one of the reason why i decided to stan svt dwc, oh my, thanks & our dawn is hotter than day's choreo details really impressed me.
maybe vincenzo is your svt club & ur so valid for that <3 hddjdjekek also pls don't say sorry!! you can talk abt it as much as you want i like knowing what you think. i'll let you know how was it for me when i complete it. & no homecha hasn't ended yet (idk if there are 16 or 14 eps i haven't checked) it does come on weekends, counting this sunday's ep, we're at 12th rn.
i get that fjdjdkkd i used to be the same 😭 always waiting for dramas to end so i can binge watch because not knowing what happens next would kill me. but idk when this happened, my will to watch anything died down bc the eps are just there, available for me to watch anytime. im like 'i'll watch it next time' but next time never comes 💀. this year i've watched no-air ones only hdjssj very surprising for me ( also my wack memory & svt content supports me by forgetting abt it after weekend ends dhdjdkkd) anyway i'm very excited to see how you like homecha!
CHURCH BOY JOSH HDHDJDDKKSLSDJ church boy josh, cringe domestic boy, joshua numbers. we've come up with so many nicknames for him in few asks only 😭😭 dbdjksksk deserve actually. BUT SO TRUE I STILL HAVE NO WORDS FOR HIM. THAT WAS- JUST- WOW OKAY WE SEE YOU 😭😭and dino lip piercing and hoshi eyebrow slit..... so sexy of them. cb concept pictures haven't come out yet & they're already shinning!! love to see that. also now we have gyu and hoshi's wedding reception pictures & cottagecore hannie (with that collarbone picture right in middle >:( wth mister but also hbd ig <3) being added in the equation.
IM CRYINGGGGGG THEY LOOK SO CUTE THEY ARE SO CUTE NOO 😭😭💔 HOW HAVE I NEVER SEEN THESE COVERS WTH (being the ex-directioner and all dhdjkdsksk). I SMILED SO WIDE WATCHING THEM <///3 it's been so long since i heard one thing wow lol. but! this means they know who zayn is. thank you for this jdjssk this is going to keep me happy for some time hdjdke. SUNDAY MORNING EHJEJEKE 😭 thank you <3 dndjdj
IKR???? IM SO EXCITED FOR THIS CB I'M ALSO EXCITED TO EXPERIENCE IT WITH YOU. agreee truly bless svt for helping keeping us from losing it over life (by making us lose it over them) tbh sometimes it worries me too with the way contents keep dropping but just now in these unit interviews being released, perf unit shared how they have ppl who encourage them to be okay with their tiredness. things like that put me at ease. hope they rest well from time to time too. honestly just looking at their tour schedules i used to get tired because these dudes used to have more shows and less day offs and some of them being used to just move from one city to another. i hope in coming years pledis changes that lol.
sameee for the poster release hdjdkeek. also even though there was scheduler, i forgot abt the concept trailer 😭 it was raining & bcoz of that power was out as well & i don't use data dhdjdkdk. i think 5 minutes after 12 kst power came back (you can say joshu's sparkler brought it back hdjdjdks) it literally left me speechless. yk that meme ' everyone remembers what they were doing & where they were when it happened ' that's me & you with this cb hfjdkd honestly that's everyone with this cb me thinks.
seventeenies bringing the grass to you w their posts djdjkd ( btw you can always tell me if silly little jokes get out of hand i wouldn't ever like to make you uncomfy) but seriously i hope uni doesn't give you hard time. don't worry much just keep moving forward, at some point whatever is making you feel stuck will move away eventually.
is it that obvious? 😭😭😭😭 no i don't like rain at all dhjddk (i actually didn't dislike it as much during teens) mostly because road drainage system sucks here & we live in lower area so even moderate rain causes water logging. i'd give you some rain but this one's bad so i won't </3 ( as if i could if it were the good one 💀) stay hydrated!!! drink two sips of water everytime you hear dino laugh, i hope it cools a little soon.
that's what being on tumblr since 2012 does to you 😭 ALSO UR SO FUNNY PLS, SO ARE THE MEMES YOU USE FOR ASKS DJDJDKD. *hands you bunny headband dino* it's dangerous outside take this, you too stay safe out there 😭😭😭😭 love you too <3 and thank YOU for hanging out w me hehe :3, also dw tbh these asks have become one of the highlights for me now & i'm only using my free time excluding resting time, i hope you are too, no pressure at all! dw about being late - 🪂
ps - did i tell you i actually followed your svt blog around the time everyone was guessing your biases hddjkddj i sent mingyu & jeonghan dhdjdj that was my first ask :3 - 🪂
henlo, 🪂!! <3 <3 <3
honestly it doesnt matter to me tbh <3 if people enjoy the dance its all that matters!! and omg i can see that!! i love the svteenies always bring something fresh to the table
omg that means you're near the end 😭😭😭 i keep seeing gifs of it on my dash and it makes me feel a lil lovesick ngl HJFHJFHD why is it so TENDER????????????????
ok but that's so valid too bc that's me rn with in the soop.... i literally have not watched the 6th ep yet 😭 and i'm getting the feeling youre mentioning w swf now because i literally always look forward to tuesdays just for the next ep HJDHJDS also i am dumb what are no-airs HJDHJDHHD and ur not alone tbh <3 i have also been super forgetful lately and that is not like me fdhjdfjhdfhjdfhj we're rotting in this hellsite ig
love bullying him i just wanna know how he'd react if he gets upset <3 i dont think we've ever seen angry josh and i wanna make him angry sm HSDHJSDJ im glossing over dino lip piercing to directly go over hOSHI EYEBROW SLIT BC HELLO??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ive never really liked eyebrow slits but he makes them look so- i want him to hurt me HJDSHJDHJDS ALSO THE LATEST SET OF PHOTOS OH MY GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD they're giving me what i've been asking for i love being here sm <3 soonyoung's so chummy w everyone have u seen his photos w jihoon last night 😭 he's literally tamed the actual tiger icb this. and no oh my god i do not Know what Collarbone Jeonghan is i have erased him from my memories thank u
HDSHDSJDSHJDS the ex-directioner is so funny to me 😭 i think we have all been there one way or another <3 and ofc omg <3 i'm glad my core svt memories make u happy HSDJHJDFHJHJDSF
they literally said escapism hELP ME 😭😭😭😭😭 i think they're also just workaholics in general. i would be too if i actually enjoyed what i did for a living 😭 and are we even gonna get tours in the near future.... this is so sad i havent even seen them irl </3
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OMG that's terrible, i hope u guys were okay though :/ AND NOT THE JOSH SPARKLER FDDHJFHDFHJFDHFDH now i have to think about him oh my god i think i passed out a little when eyebrow piercing josh came on screen and just full on blacked out when the match scene came on tbh 😭 JKSDJKDSKDS ITS LIKE THE PANDEMIC!!!!!!! WE WILL RMB!!!!!!!!!
ALSOO NOOO OMG i dont feel uncomf at all and u should also tell me if i do make u feel so <3 thank u for even mentioning that!! also love that they're Doing It All for us we dont even have to go out to touch grass anymore HJDSHJSDJ i've actually been v happy w uni omg!! just that i often feel stressed bc they give us sm things to do </3 thank u for ur kind words!!
that's the price of being an adult JDJSJKD now we gotta think of things like.. idk the effects of rain 😭😭😭 i used to even love it when it flooded as a kid HJDSHJSDHJ now i get anxious too!! i love all kinds of rain though so i wont mind JKKSDKJSDKJD just that other people might be affected </3 wish i had my own rain cloud on some kind of leash lmao. ALSO IF I DRINK WATER EVERY TIME I HEAR DINO LAUGH FDHFDHJDFHD gonna be bloated but hydrated af ngl
oh my gOD YOU WERE HERE SINCE 2012???? we're literally sick bestie <3 i genuinely think tumblr has changed something fundamental in me and my way of thinking has not been The Same as idk.. regular people ig JDSHJSDHJSD THE OFFLINE PEOPLE!! smth about tumblr is so <3 sick but also i love this hellsite so 😗 AND NOOO NOT THE MEMES FDHDFHJDF its my broken sense of humor and inability to convey emotions properly HHSDHJDSHJ
BUNNY HEADBAND DINO?????????????????????????????????????? honestly he'd bring me more harm than protection i'll say that much 😭
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 that genuinely made me feel so warm & fuzzy, i always look forward to your messages too <3 <3 <3 i hope u always have good days u deserve it for being such a sweetheart
WAIT HELLO???????????????????????? YOU'VE BEEN HERE FOR SO LONG THEN 😭😭😭😭😭 and im so impressed you didnt get weeded out ngl HFDHJFDHJFD icb you've been witnessing me going more ill everyday <3 ur a soldier
and u are partially correct abt mingyu & jh <3 at least during the time JSDJDSJKSDJK i think i've been desensitized to mingyu now but i still love him sm <3 he's just so cute and cutesy boys kinda infuriate me in an affectionate way so HJSDHJDSHJDSH
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bipolyjack · 7 years
Please tell me more about why you like sheith, I'm very curious to hear the rest of it.
(alright luckily i had the beginning of this saved elsewhere when tumblr just randomly sent it early so imma just begin by pasting. also spoilers for voltron s4 obv) 
the original ask was something like “curious why u like sheith? ive thought abt it and i think i prefer klance”
rubs hands 2gether Thank U for Asking
first of all, thats chill! if klance is ur thing, fuckin go for itmy dude, have a great time with that shit. the fandom’s huge andtheres tons of content. im all for ppl shippin what they want and imnot here to tell someone to ship or not ship something. if u do trulywant to know why im a sheith tho, buckle the fuck up cause im awashin sheith feelings at every moment and i got Things 2 say
alright so the main thing with sheith is that it feels realhealthy and good. (well it did. things are weird this season bc shiromay or may not be a clone but up until his disappearance at least.)they’re rly good abt checking in with each other to see how theother one’s doing and feeling, and they lean on each other a lotfor support. they also treat each other as equals and respect each other’s choices (again, with minor exceptions in the current season). they got that good good hidden backstory together. they got that good good star crossed lovers thing goin on where the universe keeps ripping them apart, fucking them over and tossing them back together more fucked up than before and my dude i Eat That Shit UP. also that good good height difference.the show gives them lots of moments where they’re either alone in a room together havin a private moment or havin an equally private moment in front of the whole fuckin team where fuckin everybody can see them (like the first Hug tm). they’re openly physically intimate with each other (which keith is not with anyone else) and they’re not like. ashamed of that. there’s so much canon content i cry daily. 
here lemme break it down
we know they knew each other in the garrison, and not just like in passing, like acquaintances, but enough that keith was the only person there to see shiro off when the kerberos mission launched. in s1ep1 lance says of shiro “omg that guys my hero” and of keith “you’re my rival” but neither shiro nor keith know who lance even fuckin is. bc presumably they didnt hang out. everyone in the garrison knows who keith and shiro are but they - keith especially it seems like - dont keep track of the other students. also theres this whole fanon thing where shiro and matt were best friends in the garrison and hung out all the time before kerberos, but in s4 when matt greets shiro hes incredibly stiff and awkward and calls him sir and shiro just goes “pidge never gave up on u buddy” which i guess could be a clone thing but could also be him bein like “i totally did give up on u tho, whatever” (and i can totally buy that considering how pidge’s whole personal arc this whole time has been looking for matt and their dad, and while shiro has been supportive of that, he’s also been like hey dude that’s not our top priority as a team). so from that i infer that matt and shiro werent best buds in the garrison, and that he must have spent a lot more of his time with keith bc in s2ep1 keith makes it clear that shiro made a significant impact on his life and that he still thinks about things shiro said to him before kerberos. which we havent seen. bc theyre hiding the pre-kerberos backstory from us and i cry. also their flashbacks in s1ep2 (i think, i dont exactly remember which ep but i think its that one) when they all put on the headsets and we see their fondest memories, shiro’s is the day they were separated and keith’s is the day they found each other again like jesus.
then there’s keith’s first scene in the show. the first thing we see him doing is kicking the shit out of like three garrison guys to rescue shiro. we get that close up of him touching shiro’s unconscious fuckin face and his first line in the whole show is him saying shiro’s name. like shit dude how am i supposed 2 not ship that. the first time keith and lance interact, its lance butting in on that moment and keith being like “who the fuck are u” and its. uncomfortable. we also know that keith has been livin alone in the desert and obsessing over these lion carvings bc he got kicked out of the garrison for basically insubordination sometime after shiro went missing. we get that scene in the shack where keith talks abt feeling lost until shiro showed up and everyone else in the room looking all confused and uncomfortable as these two dudes who clearly already know each other well and have been separated for like a year just stare into each other’s eyes or what the fuck ever. also the scene outside the shack where keith comes and finds shiro and puts a hand on his shoulder and asks him how hes doing - theyre alone for that part. also worth mentioning is that keith has no hesitation touching shiro’s galra tech arm, whereas lance hesitates before shaking his hand. we see a bunch of times that keith is touch averse with almost everyone except shiro, in a way that indicates a degree of prior familiarity and a good understanding of boundaries that keith hasnt had the time or inclination to set up with lance, hunk, pidge, allura, coran etc. also the one time he holds lance when sendack attacks the castle and lance is unconscious, lance sort of blows it off later and basically goes “no homo” when keith brings it up so that was a bummer
i also love some of the Pauses they put into shiro and keith’s dialogue, some of them are just. so choice. like when keith proposes a crazy plan that puts him in danger and shiro just takes a sec, closes his eyes, then goes “alright i’ll back u up, do what u gotta do” like!!!! boi!!!!!! thats good shit. also in s2ep9 during the blade of marmora trial when keith is basically having this nightmare about shiro rejecting him because of his connection to the galra, (which real actual shiro can see because this whole ep was a fuckin fanfiction) and he does that same thing where hes like “shiro... *pause, close eyes for Just a sec* you’re like a brother to me” which! by the way!! i have said the same thing!! to a friend i had a crush on!!! who was straight!!!! and i was a little baby who didnt know i was into girls yet and we used to say we were like sisters bc i? didnt know i?? was gay???? we shared her bed whenever i stayed over and she really did see me as a sister and i would just lie next to her and daydream about touching her boobs,, anyway keith is so relatable there i could yell forever but continuing on,
can we, real quick, talk abt the first time keith flies the black lion? bc in s2ep1 hes not the black paladin yet. real shiro is still around. and keith legit goes up to black, puts a hand on her big ole nose and goes “ur boi is in trouble, we gotta help him” and she goes “yeah dude hop in” like?????????????? thats some fanfic shit again! black Knows! also dont even talk to me abt how many times keith and shiro yell each others names in that ep its unreal. also the trope (that i eat the fuck up every time) of one member of the otp lying trapped and injured somewhere and talking to the other member of the otp thru a helmet comm or whatever and they cant see each other but they can hear each others voices, so they have to keep talking to like reassure each other they’re both still alive and okay?!!! im such a sucker for that shit!!!! ummmmm the fact that shiro keeps reassuring keith that hes fine when theres a gaping glowing wound in his side and hes like visibly in pain, clenching his teeth, eyes closed, groaning, sweat beading on his forehead, the whole fuckin thing?? and josh knocked it outta the park with shiro’s voice in that ep making him sound like he was trying not to sound hurt and exhausted so that keith wouldn’t worry too much like Fuck me up!! smiling thru the pain when keith talks abt how much shiro changed his life and made him a better person??? boi!!!!!
then there are the times when shiro talks abt something happening to him and keith taking over as voltron’s leader, and keith gets all panicked about it like he cant stand the thought of losing shiro again (this happens a bunch of times but the ones that are coming to mind are s2ep1 and s2ep9 bc. again. those are the fanfic episodes). and then he Does lose him again and he’s so clearly grieving, lashing out at the rest of the team, super obviously feeling shiro’s loss more than the others (and lance is a real dick about it a bunch of times which really rubbed me wrong), going out to look for him over and over bc he wants to believe so bad that shiro’s out there somewhere. omg the “please no” when the black lion accepts him that shit Fucked me right up!! he wants to honor shiro’s wishes!! but some part of him knows that’s like admitting that shiro’s gone and isn’t coming back. and then!!!!!! when they find kuron and its just the red lion and the galra ship floating alone in space just like. gently drifting toward each other. keith’s little tired smile there. fuck me up. and then we find out in the next scene that keith has been the only one in shiro (kuron)’s room while he’s recovering and shiro (kuron) hasnt bothered to shave or cut his hair or get dressed yet and he lets keith see him like that and not the rest of the team. fuck. keith looks Exhausted in that scene. hes got bags under his eyes, hes kinda hunched in on himself, arms crossed, like something in him Knows this isnt his boi but he wants to believe it’s him so bad and its. god. its a lot. and Then when hes turning to leave and kuron is like “how many times will u have to save me before this is over” and keith’s face just relaxes into this legitimately genuine smile when he says “as many times as it takes” like!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fuck me
this is where it starts gettin awkward with them bc kuron isnt shiro and he doesnt treat keith the way shiro would but he Tries, like after keith fucks up that one mission and kuron comes and finds him (again, in private) to touch his shoulder and be like “im proud of u boi” when keith clearly Did Not Do A Good Job and keith just looks bummed like “thats. thats not tru” and it Hurts me bc we know real shiro doesnt do fake praise. also kuron orders keith to put himself in danger more than once and doesnt give a shit that keith and the others get hurt because of it which also real shiro would never do - we’ve seen him react when his teammates take hits before, but especially keith, like during the bom trial. then theres s4ep1 where keith sort of drifts away from team voltron in order to do more stuff with the blade of marmora and everyone’s pissed at him but then as hes walking out kuron’s like “you know we’re here for you if you need us” and keith gets that soft smile again like “i know and i cant tell you how much that means to me” and then they do that good good hand clasp that turns into a hug which by the way is a stark contrast to when other people hug keith and they just kinda grab him and he goes all stiff and it takes him a sec or three to put his arms around them if he even does that at all - with shiro they do the hand clasp first and then walk into the hug together and keith buries his face in shiro’s fuckin shoulder and smiles and closes his eyes and i wanna die. and theyve done this twice now which makes me think they probs did it before kerberos too and that also hurts me. 
then theres s4ep6 where keith has gone the whole season feeling like he was a bad leader. it seems like voltron doesnt rly need him and his friends dont need him and shiro doesnt need him and hes been hanging with the bom who have their whole philosophy of not going back to rescue their own guys if it means putting the mission or the rest of the team in danger (which keith already was saying when allura was captured - how very galra of him) and now keith’s having to readjust to that mindset after being part of such a close knit team. so when he sees a way to take that shield down, he just fuckin goes for it. hes started to see himself as expendable. when shiro thinks hes about to die, we get all kinds of flashbacks, the first of which is him and keith alone outside the shack. there are no flashbacks with keith. he just closes his eyes. and shiro (kuron) congratulates him. like obv its before he knows what keith was about to do, but still, thats some fucked up shit. 
now this wasnt rly part of ur question, ie u didnt ask me how i felt abt klance, but i feel like i gotta say: lance just grates on me. im sorry i know lots of people who love him but he just. isnt my cup of tea. and i do think the relationship shown in the show between keith and shiro is a lot more mature and healthy than the one shown between lance and keith. lance has some good moments! but canon lance and fanon lance seem like two entirely different people to me a lot of the time and thats all cool and fine if ur lookin for that, again im not here to stop ppl from having fun, but there are so many good sheith moments in the show and im just glad to see the relationship between two dudes depicted that way regardless of whether it becomes canon or not. also lance in the show is only shown being attracted to girls, and in kinda a skeevy way - like ive met guys who treat me like that and been Very off-put by that kind of behavior. and it would put me off if after all that they got him together with keith. like hes just superficially interested in all these hot girls but keith, who he has very few heartfelt intimate moments with onscreen, is his True Love? like thats,, not good bi rep. i Do rly like the bond hes been building with allura since they switched lions, that seems like its going in a direction that could turn out to be very wholesome and sweet. but again, if klance is ur thing, by all means have a ball.
k that was a lot but tl:dr i like 2 cry and sheith provides me with lots of opportunities to do that,, if u read it all then thank u deeply and truly for ur attention, u probs Understand me as a person a bit better than before lol
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jungnoir · 7 years
11 (x3) questions tag!
tagged by: helloooooO! I was tagged by these three angels @sugacrackers @sunnysidewrites and @mansaeboysbe! so instead of having eleven questions to answer I actually have,,, thirty-three sdviushfei so i will be putting this under a read more! thank u for tagging me lovelies
sugacracker’s q’s
 If you could only eat one food forever, what would it be? POTATOES. in any shape or form
 What is your ideal date? hehehe, uhhhhhh i dunno!! tbh! i think maybe something where we’re both doing stuff together? like playing video games or bowling or what have you. when i get competitive, i loosen up and i show more of my inner personality. it breaks my shy barrier pretty easily
 How are you doing? i’m doing mighty fine, thank you :)
 What do you want your career to be? rich housewife or something nice where i’m surrounded by friendly people and doing things I love. I have no real set career I want to enter
 Any song recommendations? peek-a-boo by red velvet, iffy by sik-k, ph-1, and jay park, le tourbillon de la vie by jeanne moreau, bad blood by nao, world goes round by (this is not the singer btw) taisei iwasaki, red sun by hangzoo, and where do we go from here by g.soul
 Who is your favorite youtuber? I don’t really have one these days. I do watch a lot of buzzfeed unsolved, and I try to tune into lee suhyun’s makeup channel every once in a while!! cause she’s so cute and even tho i don’t know what tf she is talking abt bc i don’t do makeup im still :)))) the whole time
 How would you describe yourself in three words? creative, lonely, thoughtful
 Who is one person you want to be friends with on tumblr? i’m not gonna @ them bc i know their blog is kinda personal but there’s this v funny person on here who i relate to? and idk. i’d love to be their friend but we’ve never interacted but that’s gucci
 Which group is your favorite underrated kpop group? currently! golden child!!! they really got me from their debut and i think they’re really great. check out their debut mv damdadi!
 What is your favorite dessert? sweet potato pie or anything with strawberries
 What is your favorite place? in m’dreams
sunny’s q’s
What is your ideal day? getting to sleep in on a rainy, cold weekday home alone. having lots of food in the house and lots of content to watch, read, and listen to. i’m undisturbed by anyone the whole day
What’s a song that resonated with you and why? ahhh, dear no one by tori kelly. i relate to the lyrics a lot... i’ve kind of watched people in my life talk about their wins and losses in love for a long time... i’ve been belittled by people i trusted because “if you don’t like my s/o, you must be jealous” and growing up it was really frustrating for me? because on the one hand I could be completely fine with having no experience but then like someone just mentions being in love or the things you can do with ur s/o and it would break my self-esteem really bad. and hearing “you’ll find someone someday” is true, maybe but it’s not comforting when you’re upset and lonely. so i want to find some contentment with where I am right now, and this song is something I relate that contentment to
What would you be as a trope in a story? rivals to lovers au ok ok
Between your top 3 biases, who would be the groom/bride, the honor attendant, and the one who would crash the wedding? efjhsoiefises ok.... the groom is taeyong bc let’s be honest if i have to get on my own knee to marry that boy i will, the honor attendant is probably namjoon cause he’s sweet and would understand, and the one crashing the wedding would be,,,,, taehyung (of which i would kill him for but also be flattered abt on the lowest of keys)
Anything you wanna say to me? i love u,,, bitch,,, i ain’t never gonna stop loving u,,,, bitch! (pls tell me u know that vine)
What would be the one food you had to eat for the rest of your life? potatoes!!! like the answer to q1 of sugacracker’s questions hahaha
What would you be as a pick up line? girl, you’ve already activated my particle barrier
What are your aesthetics? pink-y neutrals, blunt haircuts, dewy clear skin, nose rings, tons and tons of flowers, a ceiling painted navy and dotted with yellow for stars
What’s a color that suits you? army green or tangerine!
What’s a deal-breaker for you in a relationship? cheating and physical/verbal abuse. I abhor both so fucking much
What are some distinct things you always say? “ya’ll” “JESUS” “i wanna die” “this/she/he is so cute” “i need to use the bathroom” “have you ever watched voltron?” “i’m tired”
mansaeboysbe’s q’s
If you could create your own group like produce 101 or the unit, what would it look like? Who would be in it? dude i have no idea,,, it’d be chaos LOL
What are the five weirdest songs you listen to? i don’t have five songs but i have this... one song.... from an anime i’ve tabled to watch.... and it’s just... here
What’s your favorite cover a kpop idol or group has done? SEVENTEEN’S COVER OF WILD EYES
Favorite kpop choreography? it’s either seventeen’s aju nice or astro’s baby
Anything you wanna say to me? when you!!! smile!!! i’m also!!!! happy!!!!
What are three things you would put in a time capsule? a letter fake-signed by the government that the people living in the world in the future have passed into an alternate reality and everything that went wrong in that world went right in ours, a usb with all my favorite songs on it, and a list of all the people i’ve killed (another fake but they won’t know)
What is something you always carry with you? i always always carry chapstick
If your life was a Disney (or Pixar or Dreamworks) movie, which one would it be? big hero 6!! this is like based on what i want it to be and not what it is currently right?
Ballads or dance songs? dance songs!!
What’s the weirdest survival tip/life hack you know? probably not that weird but i know u gotta punch a shark in the eye so it won’t eat you
If you could go back anywhere in time, where would you go and what would you do? i’d go back to my birth and do everything differently just to see what would happen tbh
now here’s my 11 questions!
If you had to assemble a team of kpop idols to survive the apocalypse with, who would you pick and why would you pick them?
If there was no chance of dying, what life-threatening activity would you partake in?
A fictional character you relate to?
Write a short letter to someone anonymous to anyone else reading your letter. What do you want to say to this unnamed person?
Are you the one who leaves people on read, or the one who is left on read?
Is there any job you still want to have that you wanted to have when you were a kid (i.e. a superhero, a princess, etc.)?
What’s the first thing that pops into your mind when I say the word “nostalgia”?
Favorite scent?
Is there an idol you think is like your twin?
Do you like to talk about yourself?
If you could do something you’ve been meaning to do for a while, what would be that thing?
I’ll be tagging: @@yongceo @calemiel @joshpup @haodycowboy @daegusoftboys anddddd yeh!!! lemme kno if u wanna don’t wanna be tagged in this or not!!
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