#frywen writes
frywen-bumbles · 3 years
Thanks to my friends in discord enabling me in this, have a small romance novel writer!Jaskier modern AU. @jaskierswolf @endrega23
Content warning: horny on main, talking about bad p*rn.
Geralt eyed the words on the screen as he scrolled through the document. Word combinations like 'throbing length' and 'sacred flower' he thought he'd never have to read went past his eyes and he pinched the bridge of his nose.
"What do you think? Three words or less!" Jaskier asked him, eyes sparking with excitement.
Geralt scrolled back up at the start of the document to stare at the words 'Bride of Kaer Morhen'.
"Why?" was all he could ask.
"Why, he asks!" Jaskier scoffed and slammed his laptop shut. "It pays the bills, that's why! And don't you dare to judge people who enjoy a bit of romantic stories."
"I'm sure the, how was it..." Geralt lift the lid of Jaskier's laptop so he could find the right sentence, "'He pushed his throbbing length into her wet heat, and she moaned as he breached her final barrier, making her feel things she had never felt before' is very romantic."
"Well I can't just write he pushed his dick in her pussy and they both came, it's not romantic! You're right, I'll sent this to Yennefer, at least she gives proper critique!"
"It's her job, she's your editor." Geralt held a break to think his words over. "It's not the story I dislike. But why did you make me the main character in this... romantic novel?"
"Of course it's not you!" Jaskier exclaimed as if offended.
"He has white long hair, 'muscles like he was a statue made of marble' and his name is Geralt," Geralt said pointedly.
Jaskier had the decency to blush.
"It's a first draft, all will be changed later!" he defended himself.
"That's good. Keep working, don't make Yen angry again." He leant in to give Jaskier a kiss. "I'll go make you a cup of coffee but it'll be last for today or you won't sleep at night."
"Yeah, yeah, thank you, I love you..." Jaskier waved him away as he focused back on his work.
Three months later, Jaskier showed him victoriously a paperback where silver haired man was fiercely embracing a blonde woman on the cover, titled 'Bride of Kaer Morhen'.
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frywen-babbles · 4 years
Sounds of Silence pt14
TW: Minor character death
Part1 | Part2 | Part3 | Part4 | Part5 | Part6 | Part7 | Part8 | Part9 | Part10 | Part11 | Part12 | Part13
"We were just about to call you. She fell out of the bed and had to go to surgery again to stop the bleeding. Everything should be fine now, you can see her in a couple of hours."
A couple of hours turned into several more. Hideyoshi went home and came back, but Mitsunari stayed and waited. Waited alone, his thoughts in a turmoil which turned worse and worse every passing hour.
Hideyoshi nudged his shoulder, "Look, one of the nurses came back, maybe she knows something."
Mitsunari got up and walked to the nurses' station like a zombie.
"What-" His voice broke and he had to stop and start again, "What happened?"
"We don't know yet, but rest assured we are doing everything we can to save her life and treat all of her injuries. We'll notify you as soon as we know something. I was just about to call her husband too to let him know her situation has changed since he visited."
Mitsunari stared at the nurse dumbstruck.
"...call... her husband...?" he repeated the words like saying them aloud would make more sense.
"We checked her info for relatives to let them know and found her husband's number. Is there a problem?"
"He... they're separated," was all he managed to come up with. Every single word the nurse said filled him with more and more dread, his blood turning into ice in his veins.
"Oh, her husband didn't say anything when he came to visit. Are you sure?"
"Yes, I'm sure. She's living with me and my roommate at the moment." He tried to keep his tone calm, but his usual bite seeped through because of the sheer idiocy of the nurse's question.
"...Okay. I'll make a note." The nurse didn't sound convinced but typed something on the computer anyway. "I'll let you know as soon as we know something. You really should go home to sleep, you must be exhausted."
Mitsunari didn't reply anything. He just turned around and returned to Hideyoshi.
"...What did the nurse say?" Hideyoshi asked quietly after a short silence. Mitsunari lifted his head and stared at the wall.
"Her ex was here."
Hideyoshi didn't say a word. They just sat in silence, waiting for any news to come.
Mitsunari tried to think. Tried to come up with anything he could do.
He was so tired.
He dug out his phone and stepped away from Hideyoshi to call the only person he could think of.
"Yes?" a woman answered the phone.
"Raven?" he asked to make sure he had received the correct number.
"Fox! Why did you call?"
"Her ex found her. He was here earlier."
"What did he do?"
"I... I don't know. The nurse said she fell out of the bed but..."
"...Shit. I'll be in touch." Matsuko hung up before he could reply.
Mitsunari walked back to Hideyoshi and slumped back to his chair.
"... Who did you call?" Hideyoshi asked after a short silence.
"... Okay."
They sat in silence until Matsuko arrived an hour later. She took one look at him before she sat down.
"You need to go home and sleep. And change clothes. Take a shower. Have you been at home at all since the first time your friend here forced you to go home?"
Mitsunari shook his head. Matsuko turned to Hideyoshi with her plea, "Back me up on this, will you?"
"...She's right you know. You need to go home and sleep properly."
"No, I need to stay."
"If you don't go, I'll throw you out myself," Matsuko threatened and pushed some money on his hand. "Go grab a taxi, there's no way you'll get home on a bus."
Mitsunari stared at the money in his hand. "I'll pay you back..." he said and stuffed the money in his pocket.
"Pfffft, with what money, kiddo? Just go. And don't come back before morning." Matsuko laughed at his face and turned him towards the exit giving him a firm push on the back.
He barely made his way back to the hospital after a short restless sleep, when his phone rang.
"I'm sorry to inform you your mother passed away early this morning. She went into heart failure. We did everything we could, but it was impossible to save her. I'm sorry for your loss."
Mitsunari had no words. The phone dropped from his hand as surely as he felt the world crumble around him.
This was not happening.
This couldn't be real.
He faintly registered Hideyoshi shaking his shoulder, but he just turned around and walked away.
He needed to get out. Away from here, from this, from everything. He was suffocating.
He didn't even realise where he had walked to until he heard a gentle voice talk to him.
"Mitsunari? Why are you huddled in the children's reading corner?"
He lifted his head to find Mr Otani crouched next to him, a gentle, kind smile on his face.
"...sorry..." he mumbled and averted his gaze, burying his head on his knees again.
"Want to go for a cup of tea for old times sake? Remember when you used to come here and I lured you out with the promise of tea and sweets?"
“I’m not a child.”
“Then it’s settled, come on now.” Mr Otani stood up and looked at him waiting for him to follow. Mitsunari had no energy to argue so he stood up and followed Mr Otani to the librarians' break room.
He sat on the familiar chair and watched Mr Otani's back as he prepared the tea. He placed the cup in front of him and sat down holding his cup of tea.
Mitsunari just stared at the cup sitting at the table. At the warm liquid swirling slowly to a standstill. At the steam rising from the tea until it cooled down.
"Mother... died..." Mitsunari whispered as if saying it aloud would finally make it true. "She... died... and... I wasn't there..."
"I'm so sorry for your loss. Is there anything I can do to help?"
"I-... I don't know... I don't know..." Mitsunari pulled his legs up on the chair and buried his face on his knees to hide his tears. It was too much.
Everything was too much.
"Do you want me to contact our lovely storyteller so she could come to get you? I don't think you should be alone now."
"She... she might die... It's my fault she might die...!" Saying it aloud finally made it a reality.
He felt his world shatter around him like there was a void ready to suck him in and there was nothing he could hold on onto.
There was no meaning in any of this.
Just when he felt like he really might lose himself, he felt a tug on his arm and he was engulfed in a warm gentle hug.
"It's okay. You are not alone. You will get through this. You're not alone."
Nothing had ever felt as comforting as those gently murmured words at that moment.
Mitsunari didn't know how long they sat there, but when Mr Otani finally let go he felt much calmer.
"Have you gone to see your mother?" Mr Otani asked as he offered Mitsunari another tissue.
"Do you want to?"
"Come on then. You tell me where we're going and I'll drive. You can talk to me on the way if you want to."
Somehow, Mitsunari managed to remember the correct hospital. He stared out of the window without saying a word the whole way.
His mother looked so calm.
He sat by her bed and took her hand in his.
"I'm...I'm sorry, mother. I'm sorry I wasn't here. I'm sorry I couldn't do more for you." Tears fell from his eyes in an endless stream and he buried his face on the bed.
What was he going to do without his mother?
How would he even continue after something like this?
"Mitsunari. Mitsunari? We need to go now." He woke up when he heard someone call his name. He didn't want to be awake. The massive headache pounding behind his eyes didn't help, it only made it harder to think anything sensible.
The only two things he could feel. Think. And he felt, felt so hard it was hard to breathe. It was hard to breathe and he was drowning, drowning so fast he didn't even realise he was crying until he felt the teardrops fall on his hands.
Someone put a hand on his shoulder and somehow it grounded him to the present, to the hospital room.
"Mitsunari." Mr Otani said, handing him a tissue. "We need to go."
Mitsunari stood up and touched his mother's hand for the last time, stroking it gently. He leant down to press a kiss on her forehead.
"I love you, mother. Goodbye," he whispered, quiet enough not to be heard by anyone else.
Mr Otani escorted him out of the room and all the way back to his car.
"Where do you want me to take you?" Mr Otani broke the silence after they had sat in the car for, Mitsunari didn't even know how long. He felt so empty, time just seemed to slip away from him like an endless stream running through his fingers.
When they reached the hospital a part of him wanted to run away. Run away, and not know what had happened with her.
But not knowing was worse than knowing. With information, he could form a plan of action and proceed accordingly.
At least he hoped he would.
Mr Otani followed him to the room she was supposed to be at. But no one was there, not even a sight of Hideyoshi or Matsuko.
He walked to the nurses' station like in a trance and asked after her.
"She was moved to neuro. We tried to reach you earlier to tell you, but your friend answered your phone."
Relief flooded him with such strength tears welled in his eyes and fell to his cheeks. And for the second time that day he was engulfed in a firm hug. This time he didn't just stay still. This time he buried his face in Mr Otani's shoulder and wrapped his arms around him, grasping his jacket so hard his knuckles turned white.
Why was he so weak?
Why did he fail so hard?
All he had wanted to do was to see his mother happy and her safe. And he had failed in both of them.
When he finally mustered the strength to lift his head, Mr Otani ruffled his hair and offered him a smile and a tissue. He led them to another part of the hospital, where he asked after her from the nurses.
Mitsunari stood still and listened. He didn't have the energy to do else, he just concentrated on pushing his feelings down so he could face her.
Mr Otani escorted him to the door of the correct room and opened it up for him, encouraging him to step in.
Mitsunari faintly registered Hideyoshi sitting in the room, Kiyomasa next to him, the laters face hidden by a book. All of his attention was focused on her.
She looked pale and frail, covered in bruises and bandages, half of her head shaven clean.
Her eyes opened and she blinked a couple of times before she looked at the door.
As soon as she saw him her eyes grew as big as saucers and she struggled to sit up, only to get Hideyoshi to jump next to her bed to push her down.
“No! Do. Not. Get. Up.”
Her eyes didn’t stay at Hideyoshi to see his words, instead, they were glued on Mitsunari as she struggled against Hideyoshi’s hands on her shoulders.
Her eyes welled with tears and she hid her face with her hands finally staying still.
Mitsunari didn’t know what to do. What to say. He stood still at the doorway staring at her as if that would give him the answers he wanted.
Hideyoshi turned around and strode to him. He took a hold of his shoulders and shook him like he was a ragdoll.
“What the fuck is wrong with you? Where the hell were you? How dare you just leave your phone and disappear?! Do you have any idea how scared she has been? Every time someone has walked through that door you haven’t seen the dejected look she’s had on her face when it hasn’t been you! How dare you leave like that, huh?!”
No one tried to stop Hideyoshi as he screamed at Mitsunari. Not even he did. He just stood still as Hideyoshi shook him his face a calm mask.
“I think that’s enough for now.” Mr Otani put his hand on Hideyoshi’s shoulder a gentle smile on his face. “We were to see Mitsunari’s mother. She passed away last night.”
"Oh." Hideyoshi let go of Mitsunari's shoulders. "I just..." He stepped away and snatched the book lying on Kiyomasa's face and gently slapped him with it. "We're going." Kiyomasa scrambled after Hideyoshi, still half asleep.
"I'll be just outside." Mr Otani put his hand on Mitsunari's shoulder and squeezed before he followed Kiyomasa and Hideyoshi out of the door.
She had her face covered with her hands, but her breath was even. He took her bandaged, plaster covered hand on his so he could see her face. She was asleep, tears still clinging to her eyelashes.
"...I'm so sorry..." Mitsunari knew she couldn't see him, but he needed to say it. If just for himself.
@honeybeelily    @you-mass-effect-my-dragon-age    @han-pan    @masamunesmistress    @dreamfar628 @enchantress96 
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tibby2305 · 3 years
rules: write the latest line(s) from your WIP and tag as many people as there are words in the (last) line. make a new post, don’t reblog.
Thank you @cuculine-nelipot for tagging me 💕 like a fortnight ago
This is from a witcher!Jaskier fic that will hopefully see the light of day sometime this century
“I thought you said your name was Julian?” Ciri squinted at the bottom of her bowl, pushing the dregs of her porridge around.
I’m just going to tag the last person in my notes which is @frywen-bumbles and anyone else who sees this and wants to do it
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stonecoldsilly · 4 years
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous.
Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and interests you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it!
Got tagged by @dhwty-writes AND @a-broken-but-valuable-human AND @leviosally468 so I am giving the people what they want 😂
Posted WIPS:
1) Deep Calls Unto Deep
2) Sorrow Twines Her Thorns Unceasing
3) Thirty Days of Transience
4) In the Cold, Cold Night
5) Domestic Bliss
6) Euphoria
Unposted WIPS:
*takes deep breath*
7) Part 1/6 of the Filmarillion
8) Stagecoach for Lou’s Birthday
9) Five Times Geralt Listened In
10) The Scarlet Pimpernel - Jaskier
11) Geralt Memory Loss
12) Rose By Any Other Name II
13) special permission Merlin inspired somno fic
14) Countess & Jaskier fic
15) Airport Lounge Love
16) Sibling Rivalry 3: Jaskier Fucks Valdo Up
17) Sad Notebook Fic
18) How to Keep The Bard
19) Strip gwent fic based on that one fic with Hermione, you know the one
20) Eskel hears about Blaviken
21) Megan’s Birthday Piss
22) darling wibbly’s bottom jaskier
23) tentacles for franz
24) kinkbingo smutty scribbles
Original Fiction:
25) The Witches of Tuppington-Basset
26) Casimir & the Prince of Thorns
tagging @frywen-babbles and @writterings ❤️
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lesdemonium · 4 years
Happy belated birthday! I hope you had a great day and will continue to have a great year! I always love seeing you on my dash and I absolutely adore your writing. I hope you have time and energy to write more and more ❤❤❤ /-frywen-bumbles
no worries, not belated!! it’s only noon in my timezone!! still plenty of birthday left c;
i adore YOU. you were one of the first people to seek me out to give me feedback on choiceless hope and i’m a little embarrassed to admit this but the fact that you intentionally set out to message me about it made me tear up and i was riding that high for the rest of the day. like, clearly it made an impression, bc i remember that feeling now like three months later. i love your blog, i love your face, thank you for being the wonderful human you are
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thanatosbanshee · 5 years
Surprise! Chapter Fifteen and Chapter Sixteen of Lingering Scars is now up on Ao3! Masamune Date/MC Modern Au. The reunion everyone has been waiting for and more! Someone please get Tohru some water.
Midday sunshine in the winter made the world seem a little more severe; sunlight shining off the ice stuck to tree branches and making the snow sparkle in a way that felt so clean. It was different than the muffled rain showers in spring or the sleepy warmth of summer. Even the fall didn't feel like it was so startlingly in focus as winter.
Taking a deep breath of the cold air Masamune stuffed his hands in the pockets of his jacket. As much as he might enjoy the slow, roundabout way to return to work from a coffee run his fingers didn't appreciate being stiff from the cold.
"And I told her that the bunny had it out for Genya but she didn't believe me. Steak likes me just fine. I think it's because he stole her sleeping spot once. Are you paying attention?"
He was but he wasn't about to let Shigezane know that.
Tagging the baes! @that-otome-potato ~ @moonchildupintheclouds ~ @sonicloudbat ~ @frywen-babbles ~ @pseudofaux ~ @dany-ryujin ~ @enchantress96 ~ @brokenpearl81 ~ @selenecrawford ~ @serenity-writes ~ @space-romantic ~ @umbralaperture
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pendingreply · 5 years
Idk yall. I think abt otome characters so dang much but havent felt the inclination to write fanfic in many a year. Havent really had the spoons for it either, as its not high on the priority list.
But today i happened to have a pen and a notebook and actually wrote out a scene for modern slbp au ghosthunter!kojuro checkin out spooky happenings at his rich friend's party. And it was feckin fun. I forgot how fun it could be.
It just had me thinkn abt all these awesome writers around here sharing the stories theyve been working on. Writing and coming back to this outlet wouldnt even have occured to me if i hadnt already been admiring the other folks inspiring me w their awesome shit, makn me sentimental abt fanfic.
Sooo thanks, fandom. And you guys in particular @tentori21 @pseudofaux @otonymous @frywen-babbles @rubyleeray
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frywen-bumbles · 4 years
The Way to a Man's Heart Goes Through His... Cat? Ch1
Fandoms: The Witcher
Relationships: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion, Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon & Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon & Jaskier | Dandelion, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia & Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg
Word count:  1545
Chapters: 1/? 
More tags in AO3
DAY 1: Jaskier meets the biggest and meanest cat he's ever seen
Jaskier looks at the house and checks he has the right number again before approaching. The house is nice, not as nice as some of the others he has been in, but a regular two-storey house in a nice neighbourhood. Nothing remarkable which makes the secrecy of the gig more baffling.
Some people liked their privacy Jaskier guesses as he tries to spot a flowerpot without looking too suspicious. The flowers have almost wilted but Jaskier doesn't reserve them a second glance as he fishes out the spare key under the pot.
He checks the notes from the owner again from his phone.
<Use what you need in the kitchen. Clean sheets on the bed. No guests, second floor off-limits.>
<Roach hates people>
He could deal with cats who hate people. Animals love him, he just has to be patient and offer peace and love. And food. Food is very important.
He opens the door carefully, not sure if Roach is the type of a cat to try to squeeze her way to freedom every chance possible. He slips through, his bag in front of his leg to protect his pants in an event of a clawed attacker but, to his relief, there is no cat in sight.
He leaves his shoes and bag at the entryway and makes his way to inspect the house. The ground floor consists mostly of an open plan kitchen and living room, the backdoor in the kitchen leading into a small yard.
The living room looks like it's from a magazine, only the small decorative items usually on display are stuffed haphazardly in a cabinet, and by the looks of it, forgotten there. But what draws Jaskier's attention isn't the fine furniture. No, it's the gigantic cat tree in front of the window facing to the street. Jaskier eyes the cat tree warily. Either the owner is very enthusiastic about their cat (Jaskier has seen those, usually ladies in their middle ages or older) or the cat is a giant. No normal cat requires a cat tree that large.
He ventures further into the house, phone in hand and selects his best friends number.
"Hi, Essi, it's me. I arrived safely, there are no axe murders in sight. Yet."
"One of the days there will be and then I can tell you I told you so," Essi's voice is amused despite her admonishing words but she turns serious as Jaskier walks up the stairs, trying to find the bedroom, "You need to call me every day. If you won't I'll come storming over with Priscilla and that won't end pretty."
"Yeah, yeah, Little Eye. I got this, don't worry." The first floor seems as devoid of a cat as the ground floor. There are three doors Jaskier guesses lead to two bedrooms and a bathroom. All doors are ajar so he peeks through the first. A study. A boring one at that. Bookshelves line all the walls, and two decent sized monitors sit on the desk. No laptop.
It doesn't surprise him, the owner said he had to leave for work for at least two months. But why did it have to be so boring?
He glances at the bookshelves expecting to find more boring stuff.
What he finds are two enormous golden eyes staring down at him.
He would deny shrieking like a little child to his dying day.
"Jaskier?! Julek?! Are you okay?! What is it?" Essi screams at him.
"Fuck, fuck, cock, bloody Melitele, fuck, that is the biggest fucking cat I have ever seen, is that even a fucking cat, what the fuck?"
"Jaskier what the fuck? You can't just scare me like that, what the fuck are you talking about?"
"That thing is not a cat. No cat is that big. Nope. Exotic pets weren't in the deal I'm not having this, no."
The long-haired tabby stares at him and waves it's tail in irritation, hitting it against the bookshelf with a series of thuds.  
"Um, yeah... goooood kitty, I'll just... go..." Jaskier runs from the room all while listening to the wheezing laughter of Essi from the other end of the line.
"Are you sure it's not a Maine Coon or something?" Essi laughs.
"Do you think I haven't seen Maine Coons? That cat is a monster!" Jaskier hisses while keeping a keen eye on the door of the study.
"You know for a fact there are monsters in the world and you're scared of a little cat? Sure, catboy. Have fun with your monster cat."
The cat (Roach, Jaskier's brain helpfully supplies) walks out of the study and stares at him unimpressed. Now, on a reasonable height, it clearly is just a very large cat. Sure, it's by far the biggest cat Jaskier has ever seen, but a normal longhaired cat none the less.
"Please, don't tell Pricilla about this," Jaskier beggs as he eyes the cat and blinks slowly in hopes of gaining the enormous cat's trust.
"Yeah, of course, I won't, why would I do that?"
"You're telling her as soon as this call ends aren't you?"
"Oh, don't worry about it, I already texted her," Essi mocks him gleefully.
"Traitor!" Jaskier hisses.
"Love you too! Call me tomorrow!"
"I will," Jaskier admits defeated, "bye."
He stuffs his phone in his pocket and looks at Roach, "I guess it's just you and me then, girl."
Roach screams at him.
"Umm, yeah, you're going to have to be a bit more specific than that."
Roach screams again.
"You could meow like a normal cat, you know?"
Jaskier has never seen a cat look as unimpressed with him as Roach is at the moment. She gives him a wide berth as she heads for the stairs to the second floor. And screams.
"Sorry, that's off-limits for me, you're on your own." Roach looks him up and down before she heads upstairs. He can hear her digging around and meowing pitifully. Something crashes to the floor.
Still, off-limits, he reminds himself and turns to investigate the rest of the house. Bathroom, bedroom. Both void of any personal belongings.
It's all fairly boring, all personality stripped, no pictures in sight. There's a sort of detachment to the whole thing Jaskier finds unsettling.
He steps to the back yard, making sure that firstly the door is unlocked and secondly Roach is nowhere in sight. He looks up after closing the door and blinks in surprise.
The whole yard is one giant catio, reaching all the way to the first-floor windows. The windows are connected with planks, leading to a wooden ladder. In the yard is a small vegetable garden and a shack Jaskier guesses contain the gardening tools.
"Well then... I guess I don't have to worry about leaving the back door open." He eyes the garden again and makes a vow to try to remember water the vegetables. He's not sure he'll succeed.
By dinnertime, Jaskier has settled down, unpacked his belongings in the bedroom and claimed a space on the desk in the study. He's putting his shopping away in the fridge (where all he found was cheap beer and snacks clearly meant for a child, thanks for the hospitality) when a demanding meow sounds from the other side of the kitchen.
"Oh, hello Roach. Is it time for your dinner?"
Another meow.
Roach walks in front of a cabinet and screams, as demanding as before.
"Is that where your food is? I'll be right with you, sweetie, just wait a moment..."
Another scream.
"Yeah, yeah..." Jaskier mutters as he tries to find some logic to where everything is in the kitchen. Like it was organised by some crazy witch who never cooked other than their evil potions.
A loud metallic bang makes Jaskier jump in the air and hit his head on a cabinet door.
"Roach?! What the fuck was that?" He looks at the cat who sits next to her empty bowl which sits upside down on the floor, a good half a metre from her tray.
"Yeah, okay, food! You'll eat me soon if I don't feed you..." he mumbles and goes digging the cabinet Roach pointed to him.
Roach trills and screams and attacks the cup as soon as Jaskier puts it on the floor. Roach doesn't eat, she just keeps her head in her bowl and stares at Jaskier, a low growl rising from her throat.
"Right, of course, I can't watch you eat. Don't worry, I don't want to steal your food." Jaskier takes a step back. Roach eyes him warily, but apparently, he's far enough she starts to eat her food, selecting carefully the tastiest bits first.
Jaskier digs his phone from his pocket and snaps a selfie of himself, Roach happily munching away in the background. Or so he thought, as soon as he looks at the picture more closely he can see the cat staring at him like it wants to eat him instead.
He picks up the right conversation in WhatsApp and hits send before he turns back to Roach.
"You know, you have to start to trust me soon, I have to brush you so you don't get tangles and mats in that gorgeous hair of yours."
Roach doesn't look impressed.
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frywen-babbles · 4 years
Sounds of Silence pt11
Part1 | Part2 | Part3 | Part4 | Part5 | Part6 | Part7 | Part8 | Part9 | Part10
A/N: Thank you for the patience! Sorry for leaving you to suffer for so long ^^
He tried to study but failed spectacularly. None of the things he read stuck to him and he couldn't write even one word to the essay he was supposed to work on. He laid his head on his books, wailing in his misery when he heard the door open. He rushed to his door and swung it open.
"Hideyoshi!" he cried out before his door was even fully open, only to be greeted by baffled Hideyoshi and his booty call. "Oh, it's you," he dismissed the woman before he turned to Hideyoshi, "I need to talk to you."
"Okay, I'll just..."  Hideyoshi shot an apologetic look to his booty call and whispered something in her ear. She agreed to whatever he said and pulled him to a kiss Mitsunari thought would never end.
"Don't choke each other," he said surly, ready to be rid of the damn woman. She gave him the finger over Hideyoshi's shoulder before she let him go and smiled.
"I'll call you. Bye." She left as fast as she had the previous morning. Hideyoshi let out a disappointed sigh before he turned to Mitsunari.
"What do you need to talk about?"
"I kissed her!"
"Finally!" Hideyoshi exclaimed, only to earn a glare from Mitsunari.
"She pushed me away and said she's too old for me."
"Oh, please, she's what? Like a year older than you?" Hideyoshi laughed and walked to the kitchen to get a drink.
"No." Mitsunari shot back, annoyed Hideyoshi didn't seem to understand. He told Hideyoshi how old she had told him she was.
Hideyoshi spat out the water and coughed until he managed to wheeze, "What? She's how old? What the hell?"
Mitsunari slumped on a chair and covered his face. "I know..." he mumbled in his hands.
"What?" Hideyoshi asked when he managed to steady his breath.
"I said I know! How am I supposed to fix this?"
"Okay, okay." Hideyoshi sat down and took a deep breath before he levelled his gaze at Mitsunari, "I need to know you're absolutely sure about this. I care about her too and I'm not going to lift a finger if you're not serious."
"I..." Mitsunari fell silent. He had been so desperate to sort things out with her, to make sure she didn't hate him it never occurred him to think about what he wanted from their relationship. Did he want them to be friends? Lovers? He thought about it over and over again until he came to a conclusion.
"I think I'm in love with her..." he finally managed to say, his gaze firmly fixed on the table. He wanted to be her friend. But he couldn't help but want the sort of intimacy with her you only get with a lover.
"Okay," Hideyoshi said, his voice soft. Mitsunari looked up and saw his gentle smile turn into a mischevious one, "I'll try my best, but no promises!"
It was awkward at home, to put it mildly. Mitsunari busied himself with his studies, staying after classes to write reports in the university library, exhausting himself in the dojo.
She didn't come to sleep next to him. Not until one night when he was woken up by the sound of the television from the living room. He opened his door to see her sitting on the sofa buried under blankets, staring at the television.
"Oh!" She noticed him with a start and reached for the remote, "Was the sound on? I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to wake up anyone..."
"If you can't sleep, you should come sleep next to me," Mitsunari offered, certain she'd refuse him. Her face softened in a smile and she nodded.
"Okay. I'd like that." She followed him to his room and curled on his bed next to him. He placed his arm around her like many nights before and felt all the tension drain from her body.
After that, things sort of returned to normal. But there was a distance between them that hadn't been there before and every time Mitsunari saw her with one of their friends, jealousy ate him alive. It shouldn't have. He had no right to feel jealous and yet he did and he hated himself for it.
Especially because the person she seemed to spend the most time with was Hideyoshi.
He heard her giggle in the living room and threw himself harder at studying to drown out the voices. It didn't help, he still heard her laugh and it stabbed him straight into his heart.
"Okay! You won!" she laughed when she said it and he couldn't help thinking about what they were playing. "Just one." She had started to speak to aloud to Hideyoshi every now and then and he absolutely hated hearing her sound so delighted when talking to somebody else.
His door opened and she called him from the door, "Mitsun?" She looked bashful, slight pink tinting her cheeks, but a bright smile pushed through, "Monkey talked me into it. One date. We'll see how it goes, okay?"
He stared at her for a moment, all thoughts frozen in his head. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. She actually agreed to go on a date with him. A date date? Like a real romantic date? With him?
"Manju-boy?" she asked, clearly confused. He realised he had been staring and stood up, taking a few hasty steps to close the distance between them.
"Yes!" he nodded solemnly and she smiled at him again,
"Great! I have the next Saturday off, is that okay?"
She had wanted to get ready in her apartment and Masanori had dropped her off. Mitsunari tried to focus on studying but all he could think about were the movie tickets he had already bought, about the museum he wanted to take her if she was interested, about the cafes and restaurants he had looked into that had had good reviews, about her smile, about seeing her all dolled up just for him and he found out he couldn't focus at all.
They had agreed he'd pick her up from her apartment, but he was there way too early. He stood in front of her apartment building, eyeing at the for once quiet European cafe debating if he should go in there or head for her apartment. He had almost reached her door, when it flung open and she dashed out, the door slamming to the wall. She crashed onto him full force sending him stumbling, but he managed to catch her in her arms, steadying them both.
It took only one look at her face to know something was wrong.
Horribly, horribly wrong.
@honeybeelily    @you-mass-effect-my-dragon-age    @han-pan    @masamunesmistress    @dreamfar628 @enchantress96 
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mandakatt · 4 years
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous.
Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and interests you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it!
I was tagged by @frywen-bumbles ! Thanks much for the tag Doll! ♥
I guess this proves that I’m still writing and creating things...right? (Or, I’m trying to anyway.)
My WIP Titles are:
lullabies - Geralt x Jaskier
You know nothing about witchers - Witcher Whump
Glaive Mom - Titus
Kinktober 2020
Inner Demons - Vergil’s chapter (chapter 4)
Dedue Birthday Smut
Cor and Mama Cat
Dedue/Lorenz - Leather and Lace
Dimitri/Dedue - I worship you
Open on a not so good day
The Marshal and the Outlaw
NSFW Alphabet Cor Leonis
Ravus Drabble
We gotcha!
How I see you 
Tagging: @silverdriftdragon @zacklover24 @mtraki @prowlingthunder and anyone else that wants to do this!
I have so many WIPS. THE HECK ?!? and jeez, that’s so many different fandoms...geh.
Will I get them done? 
......gods I hope so XD
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tamaraswift3-blog · 5 years
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I'm thrilled to announce the arrival of a new realm. Novus is a modern day realm, still filled with the characters you have followed from the Sengoku Visions Series but in a modern day setting.
Intrinsically linked to The Sanctuary and all manner of magic and creatures, it follows the reincarnations of three of the most powerful clan Lords, Takeda Harunobu (Lord Shingen), Oda Nobunaga (!) and Captain Uesugi Kensi (A female version of Lord Kenshin), along with many new characters.
Tamara Swift and her beloved Zane (Lord Nobuzane) find themselves at Snake Mountain Reservation in North America, which also turns out to be a hot spot for dragons and immortals such as Zachary "Bod" Knight, Ryssa, Izanis and Azuriah, and come directly under the scrutiny of a CIA special task force based in Langley.
Kensi plies the oceans on The Star of Echigo, a marine research vessel which is part of The Planet Project, funded by Takeda Corp, but what exactly is the research behind the noble cause?
Nobunaga, the CEO of Oda Industries also is the Director of The Iga Farm, an underground training centre for the darkest of shadows, run by the Tengu demon brothers Akuyrō and Akumu, whilst their third sibling, Akujin, has settled in New York, a prestigious art dealer with some black market jewel smuggling on the side.
At The Sanctuary, it has been almost 250 years since the battle with Kōshi Tsuzo, who recovers hidden in the Arioch Mountains, Shai, The Lady of Time continues to mend the damaged time threads, Kalanar is still clearing rift space from Kōshi Tsuzo's creatures, and Lord Erynion has much to heal within Parvale Forest, as almost a third of the Great Tree Spirit's presence was devasted in the battle, the elves still mourning, along with their beloved Great Red.
Peaceful? Idyllic? Pfft, hardly...
With the emergence of an Avak resonance stone, Kōshi Tsuzo is drawn along the timeline to find its power, and fully recovered, he's more than ready to take on those who would try to stop him... It will take both the human realm and The Sanctuary working together, but spread across the globe, can they manage to before he makes the modern timeline his own?
Novus is a global collaboration project between writers and role players with the view to publishing a series of books. You can find us on Twitter, and we will soon be offering a Novus platform to the public on other platforms, as well as our closed Facebook group, Sanctus Novus where we offer help and support to those writers and role players looking to publish away from fanfiction with their original characters.
At present, most of our writing is in dm locations, although we are offering "Timeline Scenes" for you to get to know the characters, which welcome comments at the end. Pop by and meet us! Over the next few weeks I'll be posting some of the character's stats here too!
@kitty-kat-ty @my-funandgames @ladysamuraikim5 @dorianhellfire @nikkipet @frywen-babbles @psychara @rubyleeray @rose-of-yonezawa @rubycomments @lady-inahime
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dear-mrs-otome · 5 years
5 Lists of 5 Things
Tagged by the beautiful, luminous, stellar @otomelin <3
5 Things in my Bag:
1. A zip pouch with at least four kinds of lipstick
2. Sikkim Girls solid perfume by Lush, because it takes me to a happy place
3. Destiny Hunter-shell Ghost keychain
4. A spare pull-up and wipes, because potty-training is hard :|
5. Approximately thirteen Dutch Bros. Coffee Company gift cards with less than $1 left on them I keep forgetting to use
5 Things in my Room:
1. Antique birds-eye maple vanity
2. Wedding portraits
3. Sequined and feathered Minnie Mouse ears, from the last Disneyland trip
4. A Catalan language book
5. An unopened bottle of Nuka-Cola Quantum, day-glo blue in my windowsill
5 of my Favorite Things:
1. Oolong tea (the 2nd brewing especially)
2. Watching the sun set from atop the sand dunes, the sand rail’s hot engine pinging a strange little song as it cools in the wind off the Pacific
3. My huge corner jacuzzi tub
4. My son singing the ABC song, but every set of letters has been replaced by ‘Mommy Mommy MOOMMMY MOM’
5. Late night drives on a winding road in my little turbo hatch, music wailing and windows down
5 Things I’m Currently Into:
1. Anthem (thanks for this new fresh hell Bioware)
2. Ikemen Vampire (I’d gladly die for Mozart and Theo and Jeanne)
3. Planning for a trip to Barcelona in a few weeks
4. Learning how to add beads to my knitting
5. Kronos Quartet
5 Things on my To-Do List:
1. Clean
2. Clean
3. Clean
4. Clean (No seriously. It’s been neglected too long.)
5. Write
Tagging... @that-otome-potato , @han-pan , @yoolee , @frywen-babbles , @ravenhaired-mc and anyone else that wants to join in!
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thanatosbanshee · 5 years
Chapter Nine of Lingering Scars is now up on AO3! SLBP Masamune/Oc MC Tohru, Modern Au! We've got Tohru's back story and maybe some feeeeeelings in this chapter!
There are several reasons that there has never been a man inside her house. Number one, the person who built the small cabin was a buff old lady. Number two, Beefy Grandma was an old cat lady, no husband in sight. Three, Kaiya was basically Tohru’s only friend. Four, Kokoro was a raccoon and didn't count. And last, number five, every single time Tohru had been put in a situation where she was alone with a man her internal dialog consisted of panicked screaming.
Like now for instance.
Being comfortable with Mr. Date at work was a far cry away from not panicking over having him in her living room. As much as Tohru tried to tell herself that this was the same man who was extraordinarily kind to her, her brain was stuck on ‘there's a human in your comfort zone.’
And Kokoro was suspiciously absent. Which meant the little asshole was plotting something.
Tagging the baes! @that-otome-potato ~ @notsafefortum-blr ~ @pendingreply ~ @mandyinwonderland ~ @moonchildupintheclouds ~ @frywen-babbles ~ @space-romantic ~ @pseudofaux ~ @serenity-writes ~@a-passing-passerby
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otome0heart · 6 years
[Fanfic] SLBP - At Dawn (Mitsuhide)
This is my first fanfic for SLBP so I hope you like it  I’ve never written for games before (all my experience is in originals, manga and anime) so I was a bit unsure about characterisation but the lovely @masamunbae was so kind as to beta-read it :)
There will be more to come since it’s been a great experience and a different approach to writing  (Kojuro’s birthday is tomorrow and I hope to finish what I’m writing for him) ^^
Tagging @serenity-writes and @frywen-babbles
The sun had barely started to rise on the horizon when Mitsuhide’s eyes opened slowly. He took a deep breath and blinked a few times to chase away the remnants of sleep that still clouded his sight. The room was bathed in a grey light that barely allowed him to outline the furniture or distinguish its colours. As every morning since they had arrived to Sakamoto Castle, everything seemed unfamiliar for a few moments after his awakening, making his body tense slightly with that sharp alertness that years of service under Oda Nobunaga and war had given him, only to relax when he remembered that he was the lord of his own castle now.
As he became aware of his surroundings and the light became more intense by the minute, he realised that his wife was still in his arms, sleeping soundly in the same position they had fallen asleep the night before. Her bare skin was warm against his and he relished in the happiness it gave him every single time, feeling that he could spend the whole day, his whole life, in that futon with her, shut in that room away from the rest of the world. However, he knew that she would not be pleased with that thought, especially after the argument they had had the day before when he had asked her to rest for a while and she had snapped at him about all the things they still had to do before the castle could be properly called their home.
She was the most hard-working woman he had ever met but he also knew that she was as human as any other and that she had to be exhausted. Especially since, once they had retired for the night, their apologies had turned into kisses and those into something more intense and passionate. And though he had told her he could stop if she was too tired, she had tempted him further fisting her hands on his bedclothes and nesting him between her legs. He hid the smile he could not stop appearing on his lips in her hair, caressing her back gently. So, even at the risk of having yet another fight for not waking her up early, he was going to let her rest as much as possible that day.
She stirred lightly, a soft moan leaving her slightly parted lips as she moved closer to him, if that was even possible, searching for his warmth. Feeling guilty for unconsciously doing the opposite of what he was thinking, Mitsuhide sneaked his arm under the covers, pulling them over her exposed shoulder and back, and then wrapped it around her again. His wife sighed, contented, and nuzzled at his collarbone before her breath became even again.
A smile drew across his lips as a wave of possessiveness surged in his heart. He loved those two words. His wife. Mitsuhide savoured the word in his tongue. Not much had changed between them from their life before the marriage ceremony, as they had been sharing everything except chambers, but since that moment, he had felt that something had been born, that their bond had got stronger and deeper. He still could not understand it well himself, since he had sensed almost from the beginning that they were connected in a special way, something he had never experimented with anyone before. However, it felt as if once he became her husband, their love was invincible, unbreakable. Maybe it was the result of all they had gone through to be together, incluiding the Echizen affair just days before their wedding, when the idea of living without her had been so real and agonising that he thought he would die. He pushed those memories away, not wanting to relieve that pain, and focused on the bliss of belonging to her forever and having her there with him, enjoying those little moments of peace.
He sighed.
Peace… Such a fantasy sometimes… All his life, he had been searching for stability and somewhere to settle down and call his own in a world where children could laugh and play, and men and women enjoyed their lives freely. He had found his dream in his lord’s ambition and Divine Rule, and he had devoted himself to his cause, but years later, the country was still broken and people cried and fought.
However, the gods had given him the most precious treasure of all, one he had never expected to come upon: a caring, loving and extremely brave woman. Her smiles had captured his heart without him realising and he had had the immense luck of her sharing his feelings.
By her side, he had found the peace the world could not give him. And he knew that, even if Hell were to unleash on Earth, even if all he believed in were to disappear and leave him with nothing, she still would be there, offering him her love and, in her embrace, a place to call home.
The sun had already risen and Mitsuhide could then see the colour of her hair, a rich shade of brown flowing freely on the pillow and sheets, and he could not help burying his hand in it, feeling its silky texture, sliding a lock between his fingers and bringing it to his lips to kiss it reverently, noticing the slight smell of sweets and flowers that belonged to her only, which for him was like the most valuable and seductive perfume in the world.
In that moment, his wife flexed her elbow, her hand travelling slowly from his side to his chest, her fingers curling just under her chin, and took a deep breath that told him she was starting to arise. She stretched her legs, a faint groan leaving her lips as she buried her face in the curve of his shoulder, not really wanting to wake up. He chuckled softly, brushing the top of her head with his lips.
“Morning already…?” she mumbled with a slightly rough voice.
“Yes” he replied in a tone equally low, watching her unsuccessful attempts to fight her drowsiness.
She stirred again, using him as support, her body moving upwards in a slow unconsciously sensual caress, which he was fortunately already used to, though it still provoked a pleasing sensation in him, until the bones in her back made a small sound and she relaxed against him, her hands circling his waist. He felt the fluttering of her eyelashes on his skin and when she moved her head to look at him, he kissed her forehead tenderly.
“Good morning, my darling” he murmured basking in her slightly clouded eyes and small smile. “Did you sleep well?”
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