#im going to be so fucking guilty if when i finally get out this house it gets worse for my mum
k0kichiimagines · 1 year
this probably needs a cw but idk what exactly just like cw your stereotypical anger issues father's behaviour to his wife?
anyways LMAOO its like out of a movie my father being on the phone while going on his screaming and threatening match at my mum as usual and is now freaking out because obv everyone heard him, lol just shows he knows its shitty because if he didnt why would he be so worried about everyone hearing him ? lol im so happy his friends will all know what hes like behind closed doors this is great news, i just hope he doesnt take it out on my mum or me in return lol
one thing i am worried about like growing up i was just scared of him and scared of men and in turn scared of ever being in any relationship with men because i assumed theyd treat me like my dad, what im worried about with my brothers if at the other end they'll grow up thinking this is how to treat their s/os in reverse yk? sure he's slightly less extreme but like not by that much lol, but the boys still get spoilt favourite-ism for being boys so they adore him and like im just worried they'll grow up and even if they don't do it they'll just shrug it off when they see other people do it
but all in all wake up embarrassment call for him having a great day today ❤️❤️
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n1nicou · 3 months
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Loves wound, loves cure
pairings: dallas winston x reader
summary: dallas winston is a stubborn man, causing a fight between the two of you. but when you come to him all beaten, it seems like the fight has long left his mind, his only concern being you.
a.n: sorry i haven’t posted in three months, i had mid years and school is really eating my ass right now!!! 😀😀🤩🤩 (math and science can go fuck themselves!!!) anyway eat this up yall cause lord knows when im posting a new fic 😭
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"fine! don’t want me to talk?" you shouted at dallas with an angry tone before getting up from the couch and making your way to your front door.
"where ya goin'?!" dallas said as he immediately shot up from the couch, seeing you move to the front door.
"we’ll talk when i feel like talkin'!" you said as you looked back at dallas with your eyebrows furrowed together. your was blood boiling with anger, but you couldn't ignore the hint of sadness deep inside your chest.
fights between you and dallas weren’t uncommon. when you did fight, it would always be over something stupid that would end with the both of you making up. dallas never said sorry, not with his pride and ego he did, but he found other ways to apologize to you. more subtle, but obvious enough for you to pick up on. however, tonight was a different story. you and dallas had been going on and on about something he had done.
you and dallas had been at the dingo all night, which was fun for the first few hours until some broad thought it was a good idea to try and sweet talk dallas, which you obviously did not enjoy. dallas, in his end, didn’t seem to mind the lousy and annoying flirtatious comments the girl made. not that he condoned to the girl's advances or try to flirt back with her, but the occasional smirk would appear on his face which only encouraged the girl to continue.
you watched as the scene unfolded, your eyebrows furrowed together when you noticed that dallas wasn't rejecting her advances. you knew dallas liked to have his fun, tease and bother girls, but not initiating anything as you were his first real girlfriend, which was strange for him. so when you both came back to your place, after ignoring him the whole rest of the night and finally blowing up on him after he profusely kept asking you why you were acting like this, he didn’t really understand why you were so upset. to dallas, it was just harmless fun, he wouldn’t do anything with her.
so there you two were, arguing back and forth for a while before dallas’s anger got a hold of him and he yelled at you to shut up.
and this is exactly the way you found yourself in this situation, walking out of your house as you just weren't able to deal with dallas right now. as much as dallas protested, you ignored his words, your mind filled with anger and disappointment.
dallas laid down on the flimsy couch of the curtis home, a cigarette between his fingers. he tried his best to be mad at you, wondering what your damn problem was, but in the end, he couldn't help but feel the tiniest bit guilty.
the image of your angry but sad and upset face plaged dallas's mind, making him wonder if maybe he was too harsh with you. however, dallas's deep thinking was suddenly stopped when he heard the door of the curtis house slam open. dallas sat up from the couch and turned his head to the front door, expecting to see johnny coming to find refuge from his own house or a guy from the gang.
there you were, your lip busted open, your nose bleeding. open cuts and gashes trailed down from your forehead to your jaw. you were shaking violently as tears rolled down your cheeks, the saltiness burning your open wounds and broken sobs leaving your bleeding lips. with your blurry vision, you were able to see dallas, who you hadn’t expected to see at the curtis house.
dallas wasn’t sure who came up to whom first. whether you rushed to dallas first or he rushed to you first, it didn’t really matter, as dallas was now right in front of you, looking down at you with concern.
“jesus christ, the hell happened to you, y/n?!” dallas asked with an impatient and angry tone. despite his angry demeanor, dallas’s fingers reached to gently cup your chin.
you were in too much shock to even utter a single word. you looked up at dallas, eyes full of fear, as tears ran down you cheeks. you opened your mouth to try and speak, but all that came out were a few broken sobs and his name.
“d-dally…” you croaked out in a shaky voice. dallas felt his heart break at your pained voice. he soon understood that he wasn’t going to get anything out of you unless you calmed down first. dallas gently picked you up in his arms before placing you down on the flimsy leather couch. your hand tightly gripped his forearm, tears still running down your bruised and cut cheeks.
dallas thought that if he made one wrong move, you would shatter like glass. his rough and calloused hand gently cupped your cheek, looking right down at you.
"'s alright, dally's here... relax, sweet girl, i got you..." dallas whispered in a soft and gentle tone, such a gentle tone. the kind of tone he had never ever used on a single soul, not even on you before this. the kind of tone he wouldn't be caught dead using on anyone, anyone but you right now. he simply kept rubbing your cheek with his thumb, hoping that it would calm you down, as he didn't really know how to comfort someone in this situation. to be fair, dallas never really comforted many people in his life, so he tried to keep his approach gentle, not wanting to overwhelm you.
with the help of dallas's soft rubs on your cheek and gentle words, your adrenaline slowly started to dissipate. now, you could really feel all the pain from each and every bruise, gash and cut that was inflicted on you. your breaths slowed down and you slowly became more conscious of your surroundings.
"tell me what happened, sweet girl." dallas got straight to the point as soon as he noticed that you were more aware of everything now. he was itching to know who or what decided it was a good idea to hurt his girl like this.
it took you a few moments to collect your thoughts before you spoke up in a shaky tone. "i-i was walkin outside after our fight and-and this white mustang started tailing me..." dallas felt his stomach drop at your words. he didn’t need to hear the rest to get a clear thought in his head of what had happened, but he let you talk.
“i tried running or-or sum’ but they caught up to me… and i…” you tried to keep talking, but you felt as if a thorn bush was stuck in your throat, anything else other than sobs being unable to leave your mouth.
“shh, easy, y/n… ‘s alright… did they hurt you, sweet girl?” dallas asked. he already knew the answer, but he thought that maybe it would be easier if he helped you say it. you nodded your head yes before looking down at your lap, tears dripping down onto your jeans.
"fuckin' socs..." dallas felt his blood boil as you confirmed his suspicions. his fists clenched, knuckles turning white and nails digging into his palms as a strong feeling of rage took over his mind. he would kill whoever touched you, his girl, which he had made pretty clear to everyone.
but he held back, his only priority right now being you. he would deal with the unfortunate socs who thought it was a good idea to hurt you, later.
“i-im sorry, if i hadn’t been such a stubborn idiot, if i had just shut my trap like you said, none of this woulda happened…” you spoke up in your quiet and broken voice as you kept staring down at your lap. dallas immediately stopped you, tilting your head up so his eyes met yours. the guilt hit dallas like a truck. harder than ever now that were blaming yourself and excusing his behavior.
“that don’t matter anymore. it ain’t your fault, doll” the last thing on dallas’s mind was the fight you two had earlier and he didn’t want you thinking about it, nor did he want you blaming yourself for something someone else did to you. his rough fingers kept stroking your damp cheeks, feeling your whole body shake underneath his gentle touch.
"dal-dal, i'm so scared..." you croaked out as your grip on his forearm tightened. you were still in a lot of shock and pain, your body violently shaking.
dallas couldn't handle it anymore. he pulled you into his arms, bracing you with a gentle hug, afraid that if he held you any tighter, you would collapse. you tensed up in his arms, surprised at his actions, but you soon melted into his touch and buried your head into the side of his neck.
"shhh... you're safe, those fuckin' idiots are gone... s’alright sweet girl.." dallas tried to say in the most gentle tone possible, but you heard his anger slip through his comforting words.
nonetheless, you were shocked.
dallas winston, the dallas winston had you wrapped up in his arms, in a hold so so gentle as he shushed you softly. the words he said were comforting, sweet. something no single soul, not even yourself, had ever heard from this tuff, mean, violent greaser. the man who couldn't love anything, no one, was afraid to break you as he held you so delicately. slowly but surely, you felt your fear disappear. a sense of safety washed over you as he held you.
you knew you would be okay.
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melissa-titanium · 3 months
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do you think that like, her being at school let her have some escape from her home and her revenge plans, like in this picture she is smiling and it looks way more like a happy smile than here
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its like shes getting worse from the kills, in her house there was enough oil for her to not kill any other drones, yet her plan had to work, but it didnt, and only let her feeling more guilty
i havent actually thought this much about this. i personally think her in the pilot vs her in promening was like. not really a Whole big difference but like...the fact that lizzy now has access to v set her off. shes always been a little unsettling, a little fucking deranged but maybe something happened between ep 1 and 3 thatr was like. lizzy came to her like... hey, one of the disassembly drones came by my bunk the other day. was this the one? (shows doll a pic) and doll just FUcking Loses it . i think she was actively vengeful during the pilot too but YES like ur saying its almost a .grounding thing. everyone here is real and alive. and then at the end of the day she has to go back and face dozens upon dozens upon dozens of corpses that are there because of HER and its liike. idk i imagine shes 18-22 . shes young as hell. and that FUCKS WITH YOU. this is doll to me:
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they know damn well her parents are dead but she's just under being eerie enough that no one really suspects her for anything going on. she's relatively normal around lizzy & not aggressive but not outgoing with other students. like to everyone, shes just a normal kid who lost her parents. plenty of kids have lost their parents, considering the murder drones lurking *right outside the bunker.*
i think she would get tired. yeah. she held onto the all consuming debilitating hatred for these genocidal war machines that killed her parents and countless others. then heartbeat happens, and suddenly people are Okay with them??? that would fucking set her OFF. so long, so fucking long shes been holding onto her anger and not being able to do anything about it . BUT NOW SHE CAN. ough ok but then theres those conflicting feelings bcos of uzi. u can see in promening she has SOME sense of... for lack of a better word, humanity in how she treats uzi (hell even tossing lizzy out of the way when she started killing people.) i think she picks and choses who she cares about and then is usually consistent in how she treats them. basically; dont get on her bad side. she's conflicted at the end of ep3 after learning uzi has the solver; but uzi is siding with the murder drones and thats HER loss for being SCHTUPIDDDDDDDD!!!! but then again, she finally has someone who understands what shes going through... but also AUGH..! i have to kill v i HAVE to kill v ive gotten so far i cant give up now FUCK!!!! FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!! i think there would be so much of her being conflicted between uzi knows what i feel. but also uzi is siding with the bitch who killed my fucking parents. i think she would just spiral and spiral until dead end comes along and she has a decision to make. and she makes it. and uzi is Fucked and v is Fucked and n and tessa are FUCKEd AND OK TYHIS IS GETTING LONG IM DONE
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doll jumpscare
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rottenblur · 9 months
study break|part three|J.MILLER|
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Summary:When Sarah suggested you and the Millers should go to brunch together, it seemed like a good idea, a fun one. Then one of the miller brothers decides to get his dessert early, upsetting the other. Someone’s gotta pay for that, it just happens, poor you is burdened of the payment.
WARNINGS: Dirty talking (tommy and joel) angry joel, choking, slapping, degrading names, public touching. Dark!joel DARK JOEL. He’s mean in this yall my apologies im not sorry. Pining tommy. Over panties touching.drunk joel texting you apologizing (pathetic) POSSESSIVE JOEL
“Are you really that much of a dumb fucking slut? It’s me or fucking no one.”
It was Sarah’s idea, going out for brunch, the four of you. “If you’re gonna be staying here for two weeks, may as well get comfortable with my family!” She said that with the most genuine smile.
It filled you with a little bit of guilt, for the things you had done with her dear father the night before, guilty for the way her uncle craves you.
Even though she wouldn’t realize what was going on, even if it was right in her. Sarah only thought the best of people especially her father, so of course she wouldn’t think the miller brothers would be drooling over you.
All of you cram into joel’s navy pickup truck, it was big and clearly one of his most prized possessions. Still has that “New car” scent. “I swear he would fuck his truck if he could, spends fifty bucks every week getting it washed at some fancy place, its so anal.”
Sarah says after she heard your gasp after jumping into it.
You pull your seatbelt over your chest, clicking it into place. The warm black leather sticking to your bare legs. You decided to dress up for lunch, throwing on the only dress you packed a.k.a the only one you owned.
Sarah is talking your ear off about boys, shopping and what colour she should get her nails done next.
You hear the sound of the door slam, Joel strolls out of the house, dressed in his nicest flannel, buttoned up. A patch of the grey t-shirt he was wearing underneath, exposed. The way he had his sleeved rolled up mid arm had you drooling.
“He wears that god damn shirt to every fancy event, I swear he doesn’t have any formal clothes.” She says pointing to his washed out jeans as he approaches the car, you laugh, but really you couldn’t take your eyes off, how good those jeans shaped his ass.
He opens the car door, Tommy yells out from the door way, with one shoe being pulled on “Joel slow the fuck down, i’m coming with y’all.”
Joel scrunches his face up, shaking his head. “Fine, you’re paying for yourself.” Sarah looks at you with a confused look, you guess Tommy never comes to restaurants with them. Maybe he was coming for you?
He gets into the truck, starts the engine letting out a sigh. You look at the back of his head, he adjusts the rear mirror right on you, your eyes catching his.
You clear your throat and go back to listening to Sarah until Tommy gets into the car, with a stupid fucking smile.
“Everyone sleep okay?” He asked as if he wasn’t dead fucking asleep, while joel was in your room making you believe in heaven.
Joel lets out a small laugh, you both were thinking the same thing. Sarah replies to him and starts talking about her night.
“Can you believe he wouldn’t go through a drive thru for me? Who denies a drunk person fast food?” She says like its the worst thing ever.
“Who almost throws up in someone’s car because they couldn’t handle their liquor? Wanna answer that hun?” Oh hes sassy. Sarah was sending you videos all night, yet you only looked at them this morning due you being…slightly busy when she sent them.
It’s a long drive of you and joel stealing glances, looking away awkwardly when even the sight of him is bringing back memories of last night.
Finally, Joel pulls into the parking lot. You look around, it’s a decently nice place, one of those “insta worthy” places were girls take pictures of their food, it was overpriced for a reason it’s “aesthetic”.
Sarah loves it. Sarah was one of those girls that posted on her instagram every day, anything and everything.
She posted Joel a good few times before you came, not realizing he was her father.
More like one of those hot teachers in high school, that you beg to take a picture with on the last day of school.
He was good looking, he didn’t look his age at all. Never would you guess her dad would be THAT attractive.
He hops out, letting out a deep sigh and clearing his throat.
You undo your seatbelt, pick up your phone, you reach to open the door but Tommy is already there, with begging eyes he opens it.
“After you.”
He waves his hand, leaning on the door as you and Sarah hop out.
Adjusting your dress as you walk towards the door, Sarah’s arm interlinked with yours.
You can feel their eyes on you, the wind blows the bottom of your dress up, exposing patches of your thighs.
You look back, joel is sizing up the place seeing if it’s even decent, Tommy is well, um being Tommy. Devouring you with his eyes, it makes you nervous.
It takes him a good couple seconds to realize you caught him staring, peeling his eyes off your legs and smiling.
The fresh conditioned air gives you goosebumps as you step into the door.
A girl that looks like she spends way too much time on social media, about a couple years older greets you.
“Ya’ got a reservation sweetheart?”
God, you forgot that literally everyone around here got a pet name for strangers. Fucking texans.
Sarah pipes in.
“Yeah! Miller, four of us.”
She smiles and looks down at her reservation book.
“I’ll bring y’all to your table.”
She steps out from behind the cash and walks the bunch of you to a table on the deck, over looking the ocean.
You sit down in your seat, Joel sitting in front of you sarah attached at his hip.
Meaning, you’re stuck sitting neck to tommy. For fucks sake.
She smiles at joel, practically drooling.
“I can get your drink orders if y’all are ready.”
Sarah skims over the drink menu then smirks.
“Two mimosas for me and the lady.”
Joel shakes his head.
“You didn’t drink enough last night?” He huffs out.
You try to hold back a laugh but it’s uncontrollable.
“Just a coffee for me.” He hands the drink menu off to her.
“You want cream or sugar?” She asks, accepting the menu.
He shakes his head.
She hasn’t took her eyes off him since he walked in, fucking desperate.
“Water for me.”
She doesn’t even look at tommy when he orders. Why were you so upset over this, he’s beautiful you should know you’re not the only person that thinks that.
She nods her head and practically skips away.
You whip out your phone, placing your elbows on the table. Opening your messages skimming through to find sarah.
You: Staring problem much.-12:37pm
Her phone dings, she checks the notification and smiles. Typing back instantly.
Sarah m.: i thought she was gonna crawl on the table and harass him right then and there :0-12:37
You read her text and start laughing, you look at her and nod. Joel catches this, he leans over and tries to get a peek.
You: It’s definitely his “fancy” shirt. SHE WAS DROOLING.-12:38
She laughs and joel reads it, taking her phone and typing back.
Sarah m.: it is fucking fancy, thank u.-12:38
He huffs in unison with her, she tucks her phone back into her phone pocket and the lady returns.
With a fucking smile.
You look at sarah and roll your eyes as she lays down the drinks. Joel’s first, obviously.
She asks for your order then walks away.
You’re sipping on your drink, staring at the view, what were you thinking wearing a dress, wasn’t even hot out?
You get goosebumps and shiver, tommy catches it while sarah and joel are deep in conversation, about something stupid, whatever they could debate about, they would.
“You cold honey?”
He places a hand on your knee, rubbing circles with his thumb.
Oh god.
You shake your head. “Probably shouldn’t have worn a dress, bad idea.” Adding a nervous giggle.
He smiles, leaning in closer and whispering into your ear. “That’s right. Should have worn nothing.”
He pulls his hand further up, resting on the hem of your dress. Sitting comfortably on your upper thigh.
He rubs slow circles on your inner thigh, you squirm in your seat.
You finish off your drink, Tommy moves his hand up, grazing your clit through your panties. Your breath hitches. Joel looks at you, you look back.
He looks at Tommy then furrows his brows.
Fuck. Oh my FUCK.
You were caught.
You knew how much Tommy’s pining for you bothered him yet, you still let him touch you.
You’d say you were bothered by it too but the way your panties are wet right now says differently.
You clear your throat and stand up. “I’m gonna use the bathroom, ill be back.”
You almost trip over your own feet walking to the bathroom.
Fuck. Fuck. FUCK.
Does this mean you’ve lost Joel?
Maybe you’d get some nice rough angry sex out of this, finally feel him.
You stare in the mirror taking deep breaths trying to figure what the fuck to do.
Back at the table, Joel’s clawing at himself to have control, it’s nothing just some stupid fucking flirting, you didn’t resist though.
Fuck it.
He taps his jeans pocket and sighs. Interrupting Sarah and Tommy’s discourse on the latest movie they watched. They both look to him. “I forget my phone in the truck, imma get it.”
Sarah shrugs her shoulders as if she didn’t need to know that and goes back to her conversation.
He gets up, walks towards the exit and when he’s far enough for them to not see him, he stomps over to the bathroom.
You’re finished practically water boarding yourself to feel better, wiping off the “waterproof” mascara that ran down your face .
You open the door and are met with the hard chest of a taller man.
“Oh i’m sorry sir-“ You look up.
He pushes you back into the bathroom with a grip on your neck. Thank god for private bathrooms.
You thought it was just gonna be some steamy, kinky, public sex cause of him choking you. The way he was looking down at you, his grip tightening tells you different. He was fuming.
“Ah i-“ It’s hard to speak with the way his hand is engulfing your neck.
“Did ya like it?” He loosens his grip just enough for you to speak, pushing you against the bathroom wall by your neck.
The other hand encaging you above your head. He was leaning so close to you, it seemed like you could change his mind and it WOULD turn into sex.
He tilts his head waiting for an answer.
“Like what Joel?”
He tongues his teeth and shakes his head at this.
“Uh uh don’t you fucking dare-“ He retightened his grip. “-play the dumb slut with me, thought you were the smart one darlin’?”
You nod, choking out a response. “I’m sorry joel—really. I didn’t.”
He lets out a groan, slapping your face, a burning feeling races through your cheek, then he was spreading your legs.
“So you’re telling me, if i check right now, you won’t be soaking for tommy” He gets up in your face.
“Don’t like you lying to me darlin’”
He reaches down, hand still on your throat for dear life.
He feels your panties. They are fucking soaked. From him or Tommy, you have no clue.
“Just what i thought. Ya think you can just go ‘round picking and choosing what miller you want as your fuck toy?—” He tightened his grip, you can barely breathe.
“—Think i wouldn’t know? Think i don’t recognize that cute little face you make, when someone’s touching ya’?”
You choke on your own spit.
“Are you really that much of a dumb fucking slut? It’s me or fucking no one.”
He takes his hand off your throat. You cough as the air slowly refills your lungs. “I’m yours okay? Please i’m sorry.”
He grins, grabs your cheeks and gives you a quick kiss.
“Oh i know baby, you’re sorry now.”
He leaves the bathroom, leaving you to wipe the fresh mascara stains off your cheeks. You fix your hair and clear your throat.
When you come back to the table, Sarah is digging into a bowl of vanilla ice cream.
You sit down, Tommy smiles at you. Joel is wiping the pink lipgloss you stained him with off, before anyone notices.
“Hey! Are you okay? You were in there a while.” Sarah says with a mouthful of ice cream dripping past her lips.
You try to come up with an excuse.
“Got kinda lost trying to find it.”
Joel huffs. Tommy can’t keep himself off you. It’s like he’s trying to get you in trouble.
He leans in again, nothing good comes from this.
“Too bad I already had dessert, ice cream looks pretty darn good.”
God just touching you was his dessert? You’d blush if it wouldn’t get you put in your place again. He tries to touch you again.
You swipe his hand away. It hurt him, he frowns and mutters a sorry.
The car ride home was quiet. Sarah showing you pictures of the dinner on her phone.
Both millers were staring right at you in each picture, it’s like they weren’t even trying to hide it.
The only interaction with Joel for the rest of the night was those few glances through the rearview mirror on the way home.
It was cruel trying to sleep. You kept tracing the spots on your neck where he squeezed the hardest, honestly you thought u deserved it.
That one kiss through all the pain, it kept you up.
How was that the softest he had kissed you before, yet the most aggressive he treated you.
It made you question everything you knew about him.
You fell asleep looking at Sarah’s instagram, the pictures of him.
Too bad you were too dead asleep cause he was blowing up your phone.
3 missed calls from J.Miller-11:30pm
Hey can i talk to ya?-11:37pm
Sorry if i scared ya, just cant handle anyone else having u-11:37pm
Sweet dreams sugar.-11:46pm
masterlist (check out the rest of the series there:))
part four: here
AN!!! Hey long time no see yawl😪 i started writing this like last week and write 90% of it in like three hours sooo idk how to feel bout it ANGST??? DARK JOEL??? TOMMY MAKING A MOVE??? Lots going on in this. @cuntyjoel was my supportive writer bestie that actually convinced me to finish this go check em out and my bottom joel fic IM BEGGING YAWL its linked so is my master list with part one and two to study break. Love yall.
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pacifymebby · 2 years
Looking After You When You're Drunk // Peaky Blinders
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🌿Youre probably drinking because of him
🌿You argued and you got so upset and pissed off at him, so the girls took you out for a drink to get away from "bloody men"
🌿But you drank quicker than you realised. Thats the problem with drinking for melancholy and spite, you lose yourself
🌿So in the end Ada takes you back to the house, youre crying on her shoulder in the back of the car, you tell her you hate her brother and shes comforting you, "aye love, dont we all..."
🌿 When Tommy sees you hes annoyed but he feels immediate guilt. He knows hes the reason youre so upset.
🌿"Cmere angel ive got you," he says with a sigh taking you from Ada's arms. "Can you walk? No, alright then, here we go," he says as he lifts you up bridal style in his arms to carry you upstairs to bed.
🌿 If youre sick he sits with you in the bathroom, holding your hair back, rubbing your back and reassuring you.
🌿"s'alright little angel you're alright, get it all up yeah and then we'll go to bed,"
🌿Doesnt let you go to bed dirty. Undressed you carefuly, sits you in the bath and washes you gently with warm water and a soft cloth.
🌿Youre still tearful and upset, and the kinder he is to you the more upset you are. Youre feeling embarrassed for being so childish and getting yourself in such a state.
🌿"m'sorry tommy" between hiccups. Him telling you not to apologise, you insisting that you have to. Him finally giving in, "alright, alright angel if it means so much to you, i forgive you... Calm down now though eh? No more tears?"
🌿 He helps you out of the tub and towels you dry, his big hands holding your waist, being gentle and tender with you as he dries you off.
🌿Lets you drunk cry into his shirt, hold you and shushes you, hes tired but hes being patient with you because he knows hes guilty of causing you this pain.
🌿"You're alright y/n, you and me we're alright eh? Was only a little fight, no more tears now?"
🌿"Atta girl" or "theres a good girl," when you finally hush and dry your eyes. He'll dry them for you with his thumbs and ask for a smile.
🌿Carries you to bed and lays you down very gently, opens his arms up for you to crawl into so that he can hold you to his chest and stroke your hair til you fall asleep.
🌿He knows its his fault you were upset but he still feels the need to talk to you about what happened, how you need to look after yourself, not drink too much.
🐻"Listen right, my ziskeit, i dont mind you drinkin away your troubles from time to time and getting well, look at you ey, youre absolutely fucked, i dont mind that not one bit... I'm a modern man me, I know you young ladies drink just as much as the men these days but... I really wish you wouldn't spend your hard earned money yeah... On that shite,"
🐻 Because youre drunk on Shelby gin.
🐻 "Look at you yeah? The gin - and im not surprised by this one bit right cause you and me both know what gins all about - has gone and made you fuckin miserable and now... Me here, your adoring old man, I'm gonna have to cheer you up."
🐻He feigns frustration and impatience, puts on his grumpy old man act, but really hes pleased its him who gets to look after you. Hed rather him than any other bastard.
🐻 Hes gentle with you when you inevitably start to cry. "Sorry Alfie, please don't hate me," youre very upset because you think you have actually pissed him off.
🐻 He chuckles and softens, holds you in his arms, your head fitting perfectly in the palms of his big hands. He strokes his fingers through your hair and kisses your forehead.
🐻 "Hate you? Is that all its sposed to take is it? To hate you? You listen here alright treacle, you listen to me now alright, i - thats me here yeah, this grumpy old, heartless man - i could never hate you, thats just ridiculous... It could never happen... You know why?"
🐻 "Cause right, and this might come as a shock to you yeah so just you brace yourself little one, cause i love you" points his pointer right to the tip of your nose, makes drunk you go cross eyed which he thinks is very cute. "and love and hate yeah, well i reckon they just dont work together, those are what you and i, would call opposites..."
🐻 He carries on with this speech whilst he helps you undress, he makes you sit down on the edge of the bed and gets you a glass of water to drink slowly. "Slow sips remember lovely, we dont want you making yourself sick..."
🐻 Mentioning sick was probably a mistake, he sees that when your eyes waver and you wobble a little. Luckily hes got a bucket to hand for this very eventuality.
🐻 Affectionately tells you youre a mess, "what am i gonna do with you ey flower, what ever am i going to do with you..."
🐻 Washes your face with a warm cloth and makes sure you have finished your water. Pours another glass because he knows you don't sleep well when youre drunk so youll definitely wake up thirsty in the night.
🐻 He also wants to have you sleep on his chest so that he can stroke your hair and continue to take care of you. But its also because if youre sleeping on his chest, he'll better be able to tell if you need him.
🐻 He puts a record on playing quietly, and hums softly along to it whilst playing with your hair. He's waiting to make sure you fall asleep first so that he can be there if you need him.
🐻 You don't get a lecture the next day, but he does make you promise that next time you'll drink his rum instead.
🍂 Ever since you started seeing Arthur youve been getting worse and worse when it comes to getting intoxicated.
🍂Hes a bad influence on you that much is certain. Its his snow you get fucked up on, you drink his alcohol in his bars...
🍂 But he wouldnt have you drink and get fucked up anywhere else, anywhere he couldn't keep an eye on you.
🍂Youve most likely been partying together so hes probably pretty drunk too.
🍂Stumbling home together, falling into the back of a cab and then falling back out of it again when you get to his house. Him struggling with the key in the lock, gets frustrated tries to kick his own front door in, until you step in and help.
🍂You both get pretty needy when youre drunk and you can't keep your hands off eachother, but when Arthur sees your eyes roll back into your head before youve even made it upstairs he decides thats enough fun for now. Occasionally hes capable of being responsible.
🍂"Alright now love alright... Got to get you to bed yeah, thats right, got to get you nice and snug tucked up in your bed..."
🍂Has to hold you up, probably has to carry you up the stairs. Sits you on the counter by the bathroom sink and takes your clothes off as carefully as he can.
🍂 Tries to get you in your slip but because youre drunk you just giggle and laugh and play with him.
🍂 "Whatre you tryin get me dressed for? Silly Arthur youre so silly..."
🍂 He knows theres no point trying to talk sense into you so he gives in. He helps you brush your teeth which is also very difficult because you think the whole thing is hilarious.
🍂 You are so giggly and adorable that it is hard for him to stay mad at you, even when you are frustrating him by not letting him take care of you.
🍂 Hes exhausted by the time he finally gets you to bed. Collapses onto the bed with you, spoons you and talks to you.
🍂 "Arthur," you also get really whiny when youre drunk, "Arthur the rooms spinning,"
🍂 "No, its not sweetheart, the rooms not spinning,youre alright," be he knows you wont be able to sleep lying down because itll make you sick, so he sits himself up and pulls you up into his arms, has you sitting in his lap, head leaning on his shoulder which is where you fall asleep.
🍂 Him dozing off eventually, waking up with a stiff neck. Luckily youve woken up feeling much better and have cooked him breakfast. Its your turn to take care of him now.
🌼Doesnt like it when you get too drunk so you are in trouble.
🌼You try to hide it from him but its impossible, especially when not 2 minutes after excusing yourself to go to the bathroom are you being violently unwell.
🌼Johns frustrated you got yourself into such a state and he'll be having firm words with Ada and Lizzie about being bad influences on you.
🌼But as annoyed as he might be, when he hears you being sick he feels sorry for you and rushes to help you.
🌼 Will sit with you, holding your hair back, will put a towel between you and the toilet edge to stop you from hurting yourself.
🌼 Will tell you ten times minimum "I dont feel sorry for you you know love," but he does, and the more he says that the more you know its true,he does.
🌼Worries about you when you get this drunk because he worries youll get into some kind of trouble and not be able to help yourself.
🌼 If you get emotional he isnt going to let you stay sad, he's going to bundle you up in his arms and carry you to bed, probably smothering you with kisses, kissing you all over until youre giggling and half heartedly trying to fight him off.
🌼 When youre feeling better hes going to have to think of how to punish you for being so bad
🌼 But for now hes going to make sure he looks after you as best he can.
🌼 Makes you tea and tells you to drink it, has to help you hold the mug because you're half asleep.
🌼 You know youre in trouble so you try to be sweet to him to get him to forgive you, "know how much i love you john?" "thissssss much" holding your hands as far apart as they'll reach like a child. He has to admit you are very cute.
🌼 Struggles to get you to settle down at first, but once hes got you into bed, wrapped up in his arms, you pass out instantly.
🍀Really wishes you wouldn't try to keep up with the older lads when you drink. Youre so small it hits you twice as hard and this isnt the first time youve wound up needing carried home.
🍀Hes over protective of you too, when Isaiah or Michael tries to offer to help you home Bonnie won't let them. Hes the one who is going to look after you. Youre his girl.
🍀Youre much smaller than him so its easy to lift you up off your feet and get you back to the wagons.
🍀 You probably fall in and out of sleep when hes walking you back home, you make a fist in his shirt with your hand and nuzzle right into his neck. It tickles but he just smiles and kisses your hair.
🍀When he gets you back to the vardo hes trying to be extra careful not to wake you, he also doesnt want to wake anyone else at the settlement up because if your father sees you like this he'll blame Bonnie for not looking after you and then he'll find himself in real trouble.
🍀When you do wake up he whispers for you to hush, youre all apologetic and embarassed because you realise whats happened... You promised him he wouldnt have to carry you back home again and now look...
🍀 "Shhh little dove its alright, never you mind now, just get you into bed eh?" he kisses your cheek/temple /hair and helps you out of your clothes and into your jammies.
🍀 But then you start to feel unwell and you lurch up to run outside, youre not exactly capable of that right now though so you end up almost tumbling down the steps of the vardo into the grass.
🍀"Dove whatre you doing come back?" "Sleep outside case m'sick"
🍀 "No flower, you canny sleep outside tonight its too cold, come on now, inside..." you argue with him for ages, you drunk and mumbling, him trying to whisper and coax you back inside.
🍀"Please little dove, let me look after you,"
🍀 Makes you tea and gives you bread which you argue about eating because you feel sick. You take a lot of convincing but eventually you understand that he knows best and so you let him break the bread into little pieces and feed them to you.
🍀 You wont sleep unless he holds you in his lap and lets you rest against his chest. He has to sing quietly to you to keep you feeling centered or else the "earth will start tipping again"
🍀Rocks you gently so that you dont feel out of control, hushes you to sleep. Youre lucky because the next morning instead of lecturing you for getting so drunk he gently teases you about your hangover, but takes care of you all day too.
🐀Again, his fault youre so drunk
🐀He wasnt paying attention to how much you were drinking, didnt realise you were trying to keep up with him.
🐀Hes drunk too but nowhere near as much as you. He realises its home time when your head hits the table and you pass out.
🐀Has to bundle you up in his jacket and into the back of a cab. Feels bad he didnt notice how gone you were, feels annoyed too, its embarrassing that he failed to look after his woman.
🐀So with that in mind hes extra determined to take care of you when you get back to his house.
🐀"Bloody hell love next time you think about drinkin the bar dry give me a warning first..."
🐀You havent got clothes at his so he has to undress you and put you in one of his shirts. Itd be sexy on you if you werent unconscious.
🐀Hes careful about lying you down, putting you on your side so that you dont choke in your sleep. Not that he'll be able to go to sleep until hes certain youll be safe.
🐀He sits up for a little while stroking your hair, he knows youre probably going to wake up soon. When you do you dont really notice where you are and you stumble out of bed to the bathroom only to get lost.
🐀Luckily Isaiah followed you, comes up behind you speaking gently, "you're alright love, this way remember, youre at my house not yours," guides you to the bathroom.
🐀When you tell him to go away because you dont want him to see you being sick, he just shakes his head at you and stays put.
🐀"Shoulda thought about that before you went and got yourself hammered eh? Stuck with me now sweetheart am not going anywhere," holds your hair back and soothes you as much as youll allow him, just chuckles when you tell him to go away.
🐀Cleans you up afterwards, washes your face with a cloth, helps you brush your teeth. Gets you water to drink and sits with you until you feel better.
🐀Youre shivering and freezing so he takes you back to bed, wraps you up in the covers and wraps his whole body around yours, rubbing your arms and thighs to warm you up.
🐀Is evil to you the next day teasing you about your hangover, calling you names and laughing at how wound up you get.
☘️Socially embarrassing to have his wife this drunk in public so yes, youre in trouble.
☘️You probably argue about it on the way home, him telling you off for drinking so much, you telling him its his fault you were drunk. He left you on your own at the party, you got bored!
☘️He gets very frustrated with you but seeing how drunk you are and knowing how any second now you'll start crying, questioning whether he even loves you - which he does btw, hes just not always so good at showing it - he ends up sighing and giving in.
☘️"enough now y/n we'll talk about it in the morning,"
☘️Has to help you down from the car, holds you with his arm around your waist, steering you as you struggle to walk to the front door.
☘️Makes you tea and toast to try and sober you up.
☘️When you burst into tears at the kitchen table he rolls his eyes but is gentle with you in his own way.
☘️"Now whats the matter ey y/n why are you crying?" just as he suspected you start to talk about how he doesnt really love you, how he was embarrassed by you, how hes angry at you now...
☘️ "y/n, y/n, y/n, what am i gonna do with you? You know just as well as i do that none of thats true, i love you very much alright?" when you dont answer he sighs, he wants to hear you say you understand.
☘️ "Sweetheart i asked you a question? I said i love you very much... Do you understand that?" you sniffle and nod your head, trying to wipe your eyes with your sleeves.
☘️"Think id like you to use your words and tell me again alright love?" he takes your hands away from your eyes, hes being firm with you but not sharp, you dont feel like youre in trouble anymore.
☘️ "i understand michael, love you too," "There we are, thats better... Wasnt so hard now was it?"
☘️When youve finished your tea and toast he helps you upstairs. He undresses you and runs you a bath. He knows you wont be able to sleep whilst youre this drunk so he may as well take his time with you
☘️Gets in the bath with you and spends half an hour just relaxing with you, you let him wash you and then you try to wash him too but its difficult when youre so drunk.
☘️So he helps you, his hand over your hand guiding your cloth over his body.
☘️Wraps you in a towel when youre done, dries you off and then bundles you up into bed with him naked.
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chososdiscordkitten · 2 months
life update:
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im still in a rut, recently there's been a lot of construction in mai house so I haven't been getting that much sleep :( added with the horrid smokers/tuburculosis cough I had, and still having to go to work, I have been completely drained of my energy, inspiration, and money.
it has been a week since Ive last posted, and I have no fucking clue when ill post again (im so so so sorry)
it also doesn't help that people have been very mean in my inbox, and I put my life on hold to maintain this account- only to not see much progress in growth (im such an attention whore, I know) and to get back such negative marks on my writing.
by no means am I saying I am leaving this account- no. I just need a lil sabbatical where I have the opportunity to go outside on my days off, and not stay home for the sheer reason of, "I have to write." because I felt guilty for spending my free time not writing.
and I think that's why I have been so drained- ive spent allll my weekends since November saying, "no I cant go out today- I have to finish this piece before tommorrow."
people have taken advantage of my eagerness to please- being so demanding of free content and not giving me feedback on it- why spend days in my inbox asking for a req and when I finally post it- not even a reblog or a comment? whatever.
this has turned into a rant I didn't mean for it to, SORRRRYYY
anyway. I am grateful for the people who are active in my inbox and my comments, I see y'all and I love y'all for making me feel like my writing isnt some lower quality version of another author on here.
because, yes ive been told that, that I am a less talented version of a popular author on here.
and me thinks, from how much effort ive put into my fics, time, sleep, ignoring my physical needs just because I didn't wanna disappoint strangers on the internet, isnt worth it if im just gonna be compared to others on here.
I chose this- I know I did. and I will continue to choose it. I love the lil community ive built with people who I fucking appreciate sooooo very much for how much they've offered to me.
I will be back, I promise I will. my brain just hasn't been braining recently.
ive said it before- I will never fully leave this acc because I love it sooooo much, so I wont. but just for a lil bit.
if u wanna keep interacting w/ me, I have a twt where I spam shit, here it is :D
if you've read this far- KISS ME. ty for supporting me nd reading my 'lesser' writing lmaoooo
from a sad cowboy who misses choso,
(p.s) I hate my new shower head :(
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dckweed · 2 years
Hey! So I thought of something a little different.. could you do a billy Hargrove x female! hopper reader (Byers/hopper family dynamic hopper and Joyce are together) where the reader has been feeling a little bit guilty for losing her virginity to billy so she’s been very down lately. While having family dinner, el and Jonathan have been sensing that something might be wrong with the reader and ask her if she’s fine and ofc she just snaps at them, but hopper honestly just thinks it’s teenage angst which just makes the reader more upset so she abruptly leaves the dinner table, then Joyce comes to talk to the reader and she tells her how she’s feeling, what happened and they have a heart to heart.
ahhhhh anything for my favorite requester! hope this is what you wanted, mwah!
p.s. im sorry if this gets really dark/heavy im in a really sad mood, someone called me a bad mom today and that bothers me in ways that no one can understand.
p.p.s did i open myself up for a part? probably. let me know in the comments if y'all want a second part to this lmao
warnings: SEX IS MENTIONED but safe to read for all ages as no actual smut is depicted. mama byers, clueless papa hop, sad reader, guilty reader, depressed reader? not too sure on that bc i write this before i even write the request lmao.pregnancy mention.
'..I JUST FEEL SO STUPID..' billy hargrove x hopper!reader, ft mama byers.
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You made your way slowly down the halls of school, your head down, eyes averted like they had been for the past couple of weeks. You couldn't bring yourself to look at your fellow peers, feeling as if everyone knew your dirty little secret, especially when said secret so openly smirked and winked at you whenever he managed to make eye contact.
You don't really remember what possessed you to go and do it, maybe it was just how sweet he was to you when you were alone together, or how charming he could be when he really wanted something, and he had really wanted something, you. Or maybe it was his hair, or the abs..or the way his goddamn ass looked so sinfully delicious in those tight, tight jeans he liked to wear, fuck maybe it was just because his hand wandering your body felt so fucking refreshing and satisfying, or maybe you were tipsier than you thought.
Whatever it was didn't matter you supposed, because either way you had gone and lost your virginity to Billy fucking Hargrove of all the boys in the world that you could lose it to, you had honestly always imagined that it would have been Steve, the two of you had had a somewhat flirting relationship since he and Nancy had stopped seeing each other, and you always assumed it would lead to more, but Steve hadn't been at that party, nor had he asked you out when you had so desperately hinted that you were going to be bored and alone over the weekend.
Fuck, did you do it to spite him somehow?
No, that was stupid even for you.
That night haunted you still, the way that you had felt so fucking good during it, so blissfully turned on, satisfied like you never knew you could be, barely noticing the pain of his large, thick cock sliding in and out of you as he focused your minds on other things.
But you felt so used afterwards, so dirty and broken. Billy had spent a while buttering you up too, making you putty in his hands when he was finally ready and you hadn't even noticed it, the week he has spent finding every excuse to compliment or be alone with you, to flirt so unashamedly in front of everyone who could see, with you of all people.
And when he finally got what he wanted, his own personal gratification of conquering his next victim, he kicked you out of his car and sped off, leaving you stranded at the party that he had asked you too, and leaving you too drunk to walk, let alone drive.
Your father hadn't known where you were, and you couldnt remember anyone else's number at the time, so you called the Byers' house, hoping that Joyce wouldn't tell your father. Thankfully, Jonathan had answered, and he heard your voice, you were slurring your words so horribly that he knew he had to come get you before you could even speak.
He found you slumped on the front porch, throwing up in the bushes as you had started drinking heavier than you ever had while waiting for Jonathan, you had decided to drink away the night, hoping that your somewhat brother wouldn't notice your sadness, your disgust for your own self.
He hadn't, but he has figured that something was wrong. You passed out in the car, and the next morning you woke up in the living room, blanket over your head and an empty trash bin next to you. You didn't remember him coming to get you, you didn't remember anything past your third cup of tequila after Billy had kicked you out of his car.
God, it was all you could think about, Jonathan had come to make breakfast and saw the look on your face immediately. He furrowed his eyebrows, looking at you as he poured coffee. "Did something happen last night?" He asks, handing you a mug as you shuffled to the kitchen, he had let you wear one of his tshirts and a pair of his sweat pants.
You look up quickly, forgetting your migraine. "What? No. Why would you ask that?" You ask almost defensive about the question.
He shrugs, leaning against the counter, trying not to let you know that he definitely knew something was wrong now. "Because you were blacked out drunk when i came to get you, and i could barely understand a word you said on the phone." He says. "That's not like you, Y/N..'
You just shrug, taking your mug and heading back to the couch. This was pretty much your second home now. "Yeah, well, maybe i just can't handle my tequila."
He knew that that wasn't true, and for a couple weeks he watched you continue to be withdrawn and awkward, sad and tired looking, like you hadn't been sleeping. He knew something was eating at you, and as your somewhat brother, he was concerned.
He looked at you as he drove you home from school, you looked like you had lost weight too. He wondered if there was something physically wrong with you, because what could be affecting so badly mentally that you were losing weight?
You glanced at him as he drove, wondering what the hell he was doing. "The fuck are you staring at?" And then there was that, god you'd been so mean lately, towards everyone, especially your dad and Joyce.
You didn't know why you were so angry, so sad all at the same time. Was it the fact that he wouldnt even look at you unless it was to tease you with those stupid fucking eyes of his? Or maybe the fact that he wouldn't even speak to you anymore? Acting like you didn't fucking exist, like you were just some fucking random hookup in the big ole city of Los Angeles, despite the fact that this was fucking Hawkins, Indiana.
Jonathan shakes his head quickly, turning to look at the road. "Nothing..nothing.." He says, turning into the driveway of his house. You were all having a family dinner together tonight, there was no need for you to go home just to turn around again a couple hours later and drive across town.
You get out of the car, slamming the door before stomping up the porch, opening the door and flinging your bag and yourself into the couch.
Joyce peeks her head out form the kitchen, eyebrows knitted together. She cocks her head towards you when she sees Jonathan and the boy just shrugs, shaking his head as he walks into the kitchen to grab something to drink.
"No clue, she's been like this for weeks." He says, before sucking out and heading towards his room to get started on homework.
He didn't come out again for a while, but he could hear his mom cooking in the kitchen, it smelled good whatever it was and he couldnt wait to sit down and eat. It wasn't long before he heard Jim's truck pulling up, and a few moments later he heard the front door open.
"Hey, Y/N, how's was school?" Jim asks, looking at you as he shrugs his coat off, it was starting to get cool outside these days.
You don't even look up at your father, ignoring him completely as you finish up some of your school work, quietly hoping that nobody would try to ask you anything at dinner. You hated that Jonathan was being so nosey, but you knew he meant well.
"What's with her?" You heard him whisper to Joyce, you don't hear her respond but you hear a beer can crack open and you roll your eyes. You thought it was funny how Jonathan had asked you what was wrong more times than anyone, your father barely saying two words to you the last couple weeks. You assumed that he probably thought it was your period.
God, he could be clueless.
Not more than half an hour later, Joyce was calling everyone for dinner and Eleven and Will were walking through the door, Mike's mom having dropped them off. You gave your little sister a half assed smile and ruffled Will's hair before sitting down across from the boys, next to Joyce and Eleven.
Dinner starts off quiet for a bit, and you push your food around in silence, taking a couple bites here and there, keeping your head down, not even paying attention to the conversation. You didn't notice anyone had spoken to you until Joyce nudged your knee with her own, giving you a concerned smile when you looked up startled, a quiet "huh?" escaping your mouth.
"Sweetie, are you okay? You've barely touched your dinner." She asks, glancing down at your plate. Her voice was gentle, sweet even and you felt so horrible for not eating her food because god it smelled good, but you just couldnt bring yourself to, so intensely upset with yourself that everything made you throw up if you ate more than a few bites, though you were starting to wonder if you were pregnant because you couldn't remember if Billy had used a condom or not, and you had thrown up a couple mornings in a row after a fitful couple of nights of sleep. "Y/N?"
You snap out of it, and nod your head, giving her the best smile you could manage. "Yeah, im okay Joyce," You say, looking at everyone to make it believable. "I've just been really side tracked these past couple of weeks, busy at school, ive been stressed and not really hungry.."
Jonathan scoffs from across the table, and you snap your head to his direction, glaring at him as hard as you could muster, putting all of your anger as of late in to it. If it scares him, he doesn't show it because he opens his mouth to speak and you damn near vault across the table to maul him. "If side tracked is moping and flat out ignoring everyone then sure, she's been busy at school."
You see Eleven nod, and you turn your gaze to her. "You have been really sad lately, i heard you crying the other night." She says, looking at Jim and you. "I just assumed it was your period.."
Will nodded. "Me too, Mike says Nancy gets really mean when she's on her period too." He says in agreeance, rubbing his shoulder as Jonathan reaches out to punch it lightly.
"that's my girlfriend you're talking about!" He says defensively, though he wasn't too far from the truth. She did get a little mean, but he knew that that wasn't what was happening with you.
Your father clears his throat. And you turn to look at him. "Yes, well, im sure she'd like to deal with her period without us asking about it so.." He quietly goes back to eating his food and you glare some more, feeling the familiar sting of tears welling in your eyes as you realized that your father didn't even care enough to ask if it was true or not.
You stand up from the table, your chair falling over as you slam your hands down onto the tablecloth, your plate and silverware rattling in response as everyone turns to look at you. "Gee dad, thanks for caring enough to ask if anything is really even wrong, how fucking stellar of you!" You yell, your voice thick with tears. He looks up with you with wide eyes, his mustache twitching as he starts to speak but you beat him to it, your gaze on the boy across from you. "And screw you Jonathan for even bringing it up in the first place, mind your own damn business because it didn't fucking concern you!"
You leave, taking off briskly down the hallway, opening the door to Joyce's room and throwing yourself face first onto the bed as you cry, overcome with emotions that you didn't even realize you still had.
Everyone looks after you in shock, and Joyce clears her throat, giving Hopper a dirty look. "Shame on you for not trying to talk to her about it, she's clearly been upset for a while now.." She says, before turning her eyes to her son. "And shame on you for just putting her on the spot like that."
She stands from the table and follows you, she had seen you slam the door to her room. She hesitates at first, heading you crying. She wants to knock but she figured you'd tell her to go away so quietly she opens the door, closing it and locking it behind her so no one would interupt. She had a feeling you needed a mom right then, and a mom is what she wanted to be for you.
She walks to the bed, sitting on the edge of it tentatively. "Y/N.." She says, her voice soft, calm and gentle. It was almost soothing and you sniffle, trying to wipe your eyes. You weren't facing her, but you weren't going to tell her to leave, she was the only one who seemed genuinely concerned and not just wondering why you were being mean. "sweetheart, you can tell me what's going on, whatever it is..it will stay between us girls if that's what you need okay?"
and damn it if your walls don't break immediately.
You roll over to face her, a fresh set of tears streaming from your eyes as you speak, some of it sounding completely like gibberish as you tell her about Billy and how he had essentially fucked you and dumped you. "I should have seen it coming and i just feel so fucking stupid because how could i let that happen to myself?" You ask her, your voice calmed, the tears slowed. You feel her reach out and wipe them from your cheeks, caressing them softly. You subconsciously move your head into her lap. "Why am I so upset about it? It's Billy fucking Hargrove for Christ sake.."
She continues to caress your face, smoothing your hair as she listens to you speak. No wonder you had kept it so pent up for so long, there was no way your father was equipped for this without breaking down into to tears himself, and Jonathan was just as clueless.
"Sweetie, i am so sorry that he did that to you, that was absolutely awful of him," She says, trying to muster the best motherly advice that she could think of as she looked down at you, giving you the softest smile she could. "Boys your age are complete and utter menaces, they're clueless to the hurt that they cause others, and even more clueless about other people's feelings, and Billy Hargrove is no exception, except from what I've heard, he's the type of boy that sets out to intentionally hurt people, he just doesn't realize how bad that hurt can touch someone."
You sniffle again, letting out a shakey breath as you listen to her, her words washing over you as you cling to her pants, relaxing at the feel of her hands in your hair. Where was your mom when you needed her, huh?
"And I learned a long time ago that the best way to get back at them, is to make them think that they haven't hurt you as much as they have, make them think that they didn't hurt you at all, because that's what's going to get under a boy like that's skin." Joyce continues, looking down at you matter of fact ly. "He expects to see you, and every other girl he messes with like this, it's part of the game because he knows that you eventually confront him, wanting his approval and then he'll get more out of you, and maybe if you're lucky he'll treat you like a queen for a while, until he gets bored and moves to the next girl.."
"You think?" You ask, rolling into your back to look up at her, a few stray tears still rolling from your eyes. "I didn't think about that..Dana Watson was the girl he was with before..i know they went out once..and she seemed down for a bit until one day they started coming to school together, acting like a..couple..oh my god he's doing the same thing to me!" You sit up, your sadness wiped away, replaced with the tiniest twinge of anger. Your voice is still thick with tears.
Joyce hums. "There's always going to be that one boy, Y/N, and there's always going to be the next girl..and there's always going to be some kind of heart ache caused by his hands and those smooth talking, pretty words of his." She says, looking at you with the tiniest smirk. "The only way to beat him at his own game is to act like he doesn't bother you, act like you were the one using him..walk into that school on Monday and act like he's nothing but the dirt beneath your shoe..guys eat that shit up, you'll have his full attention, and he'll chase you, begging you to give in..but you won't, because by that point, you're so over him that you couldnt even begin to care about it anymore."
You smile a little, wiping your puffy eyes. "You sound like you've been through this before." You says, looking at her. She shrugs.
"I've had my share of teenage dirtbags back in my day.." She says, and you can't help but chuckle, already feeling infinitely better about the situation, until your stomach lurches a little and you remember the other thing that you had been upset about.
"Um.. Joyce?" You asks, your cheeks flushing almost in embarrassment. "That's..that's not um..i feel even more stupid about something else actually.."
She looks at you, eyebrows furrowed. "What, sweetie?" She asks, her voice still gentle. You knew out of everyone she was the one you could trust to keep it a secret, to help you through it if it was what you thought.
"Um, okay..you can't tell my dad yet until i know for sure but..i think..i think i might be pregnant.." You say, and her eyes go wide, her face pale. You give her a nervous smile. "Told you that there was something more stupid.."
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bunnakit · 6 months
what shows are you currently watching? (shows that are airing weekly rn, no older shows)
for each one, list two things that you love about them and one thing you would like to see in future episodes!
ohohoo what a treat (finally getting to some of your amazing prompts anon, i assume its the same person but i apologize if im wrong)
Bake Me Please - I absolutely love the aesthetics of this show. They show off some of the most beautiful cakes and pastries and it's just gorgeous. I also love the way each person in the show is broken in one way or another; generational trauma, childhood trauma, dreams that feel out of reach, etc.
After my rant today I think we all know the one thing I want, NEED, to see is Shin apologize to Peach. I cannot stand the idea of Peach bearing all the emotional work for this relationship.
Cherry Magic 30 - So I'm coming at this from a place of knowing nothing about the originals. I'm really enjoying Karan just in general, his thoughtfulness, his care, all of it. He reminds me of a quote from episode 3 of The Last of Us: "Paying attention to things is how we show love." I'm also really enjoying the importance the show is putting on consent as well as Achi's care to make sure he isn't taking advantage.
I'm really going into this right now with no opinions, no theories, I'm just along for the ride. I hope we see some more cat thoughts, I guess.
Cooking Crush - I really wasn't sure if I was going to stick this one out. It's a little too goofy for my tastes but OffGun's chemistry is doing a lot of heavy lifting for me, so that's one of the things I'm enjoying. I'm also enjoying the playfulness of Ten and Prem and this cute courtship they have going on.
I hope Fire's mom explodes.
Last Twilight - You guys have seen my meta posts. I could wax poetic about this show all day long. Thus far I ADORE how they're treating Day's disability and showing how important him maintaining his agency is. I'm also really enjoying Mhok's perspective as a caretaker and the way he adapts and learns every day. I've been both - I'm currently disabled and I was a caretaker for five years. This show is so near and dear to my heart already.
I really hope we see what the hell is going on between Night and Day. Like, we have to, right?
Pit Babe - I'm an omegaverse bitch. I'm sorry, it's my guilty pleasure. One of the first things I do when I get the brainrot for something is go see if there are any good omegaverse fics (I'm very picky, we don't like misogyny or thinly veiled transphobia in this house, no thanks.) I'm enjoying seeing the worldbuilding of this show so far as well as each of the characters and their personalities. Everyone, even North and Sonic, feel like fully fleshed out people and I'm very much enjoying that.
I hope Way explodes - No, I hope we see them build more on the omegaverse aspect of things. I wanna see a man get pregnant. I also want to see a woman, just one woman, just a single one. Where are the women?
Playboyy - BOY HOWDY. Listen, I'm mostly watching this to avoid FOMO. I'm asexual, the sex is doing nothing for me really. The wet noises make me scream and throw my headphones off. I AM enjoying the mystery aspect of the plot a lot, I'm very curious where that is going. I'm also very much enjoying the exploration of different sexualities, like the hints that Soong and Zouey might be demisexual.
Obviously I want to know what the fuck happened to Nant, but I also just want to see more Prom. Also wanna see Aob become soft for Puen.
The Sign - My absolute beloved. I'm obsessed, I'm going to be obsessed forever I fear. The mythology is just fucking superb, the yearning is incredible, the action is great, the friendships phenomenal. I could go on and on about everything I love about this show. It's everything to me and I know I'm going to be a WRECK when it inevitably ends.
I can't wait for Phaya and Tharn to fuck, sure, but I can't wait for them to be in love. I can't wait to see them hold each other gently, look for reassurances in each other, and I hope they each regain at least some memories of their past selves and maybe how much they loved each other.
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amber-michaelson · 2 years
Your gonna miss me when im gone
yandere Katsuki bakugo x reader x yandere Izuku midoriya
Summary: they bored of you and they learn to regret it
Read at own risk
Warning: swearing, surprise
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yn pov
im tired, tired of being ignored, they did this to me they kidnapped me, tortured me to become their perfect play thing and now their ignoring me it started a few months ago katsuki started pushing me away when i wanted to cuddle him, izuku stopped caring if i took care of myself and im tired of it i just want to leave if they don’t care about me then they wouldn’t care if i left.... right?.
i wondered around the house looking to see if they left, they have ‘they didn’t even say goodbye’ i went back into the bedroom and pulled out from under the bed my already packed bag i sighed and put it over my shoulder “i guess this is goodbye” i whispered placing my written note onto deku’s office door as i walked past it wasn’t hard to leave for weeks now they ‘forgot’ to lock the doors and windows i silently walked outside and got into a taxi “the air port please” i murmured and watched as the house fade into the distance ‘im finally free’.
izuku pov
i smiled as i walked into the house i did a good job today and couldn’t wait for katsuki to get home ‘why is it so quiet’ my smile turned into a frown, yn normally greeted me by the door with open arms ‘maybe she’s asleep’ i wonder into the bedroom but nothing she wasn’t there "yn" I yelled I was starting to panic I ran past my office and noticed a not 'what the heck' I picked it up and mentally screamed as I read it
'Dear izuku and katsuki, 
 I am really sorry, I'm boring or plain I don't know what I did wrong or if you don't want me anymore, I left to make your life easier and I am sorry I wasn't here to tell you in person that I'm pregnant and I don't want to see the disappointment in your face if I told you, this is goodbye and I hope that you'll forgive me. 
 I love both of you, goodbye'
I frantically looked noticing all of her things are gone "katsuki, she's gone" "izuku what the fuck are you talking about" my cries turned into sobs and i slowly dropped to my knees, "she left, yn she's gone" it's our fault we pushed her away and now shes gone “im on my way” katsuki muttered and hung up, i sat cradling our anniversary photo, it was the first time she was out in public after we kidnapped her 3 years prior “im sorry, im so so sorry” i cried and started breathing heavily “deku” kacchan yelled as he ran to me and kneeled down beside me “sh-she l-left us kac-kacchan” i sobbed leaning my head against the wall “deku breathe we’ll find her”.
i believed him but after the months turned into years, i lost all hope.
▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎6 years later▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎
yn pov
i stood in-front i spent years being locked in “why are we here mommy” i quietly shushed my sons before knocking on the door “coming” i heard a groggy voice on the other side of the door “who is it” i knew who it was “its me izu” i murmured “yn” he shout throwing the door open and hugged me “mommy hes squishing me” tanaka squealed, izuku pulled away and stared at him “izu this is your son and daughter” i murmured putting them down and gently pushed them forward “this is tanaka your son and zulashi your daughter” i smiled “we missed you so much come in” he moved aside “come in but don’t touch anything” i said sternly i walked in side and my heart felt guilty everything was cover in a layer of dust and it looks like the curtains haven’t been open in years “it kinda got-” i turned around and hugged him tightly “i didn’t know it would be this bad” i murmured i shouldn’t have left “yn its not your fault its ours, we pushed you away” his voice broke and my shirt was starting to get wet with his tears “wheres kat” i said pulling away “he’s upstairs, he hasn’t been sleeping well” he murmured worryingly “ill help him and you, im home now and i promise im never going to leave” my hand brushed  away his tears “now go play with your children they’ve heard so much about you” i smiled and watched as he went to go with them ‘please don’t be as bad as i think you are’ i slowly made my way to our room “katsuki” i said and slowly opened the door there wasn’t a response i slowly crept to him and layed beside him “im home” i whispered grazing my hand up his arm “hmm yn” he mumbled sleepily “its me kat” i said kissing his forehead “yn” i yelled jerking awake, he stared at me “are you real” i nodded my head eagerly “what else would i be” i smiled and kissed his lips, i could feel him relax, i squealed as he pulled me on top of him “i missed you so much” he yelled “i did too now come on met your kids” i giggled “my what”. 
check out my other works
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italiansteebie · 1 year
steddie week day three: first kiss @steddie-week
if Steve was being honest with himself, he'd always thought about what it would feel like to kiss a guy. would it be different than kissing a girl? softer? more intense? maybe he wouldn't have to take charge for the first time in his life.
that sounded nice.
and if he was going to be completely candid, the weed he and Eddie were smoking, currently rolled up into a joint that was being passed back and forth between the two of them, was only making it worse.
"I've never kissed a guy."
Eddie looked over at Steve and snorted, "Uh, duh. You're like super straight," and Steve shrugged. "does thinking about other guys' lips constantly fall under the category of straight?" and Eddie turned to look at him, really look at him. "Wha- Steve. you're high." and Steve only shrugged, once more. he smacked him lightly, "dude, if that's your fucked up way of trying to 'connect' with me or whatever, it's not funny."
Steve finally looked back at him, "Why would I joke about that," his eyes shined with hurt, and Eddie felt a little guilty, but laughed anyways. "I dunno. I just, you're king Steve. you aren't- you don't like guys." Steve scoffed, "don't tell me who I like, eds, that's not fair. and I haven't been king Steve in a long long time," and his tone was confessional, and suddenly the room felt a whole lot warmer.
Steve shifted so they were face to face.
"y'know. I am sorry, for what ever I did in high school. I wasn't a cool guy," Steve said, tone soft, and Eddie shrugged, "I kinda forgave you after you saved my life." and somehow it felt like a vulnerable confession. Eddie passed the burning joint back to Steve in hopes it would create some normalcy again.
Steve took it, taking in a long drag, eyes glazed over, "this is probably the wrong time to tell you this but- I've. I'm like, majorly in love with you, Eddie. and I- yeah I'm high but like, I don't have any inhibitions and I want you to know before the feeling swallows me whole and I die. sorry. I just- needed to tell you, it felt like I was keeping a secret and I don't wanna have secrets from you."
"do you always do that?"
"do what?"
"apologize for having feelings."
"oh. yeah, I guess I do."
"because I'm scare that if i'm not sorry, or I'm too honest, people will run away."
"im still here, aren't I?"
and Steve let a hazy smile form on his face, "yeah, you are."
their faces were closer now, noses almost touching. "I like you too, Steve. I've fallen victim to the Harrington charm, and I don't want anyone to save me." Steve giggled at eddies theatrics, "was that a line?" Eddie shrugged, "if you want it to be," and Steve nodded, "I really, really do."
"It's not just the weed talking, is it?"
"No. it just, gave me some blind confidence."
"Good, good. I'm going to kiss you now. is that okay?"
"yes, please, now."
and Eddie closed the ever shrinking gap, finally, lips meeting each others. there were no sparks, or fireworks, or anything like that. it felt like coming home, after a long day. it felt like the comfort of a warm shower, or the softness of a quiet morning. it was love, pure love. Eddie sighed into the kiss, placing his hands around steve's waist, pulling him closer. Steve whimpered as Eddie deepened this kiss, hands grabbing at his shirt, trying to get as much contact as he could.
he only whined a little bit when Eddie pulled away, "sorry, needed to breath," and that broke the tenderness as they both fell into a fit of comfortable laughter. "I wanna take you on a date." Steve said, still giggling, Eddie pulled him back into a cuddle, "oh yeah, where we goin' baby?"
"we can go to Enzo's, and then back to my house, and I'll make you dessert."
"aww, all that for little ol' me,"
"everything, always for you, eds."
"I'm looking forward to it," Eddie said, placing a kiss on Steve's forehead, stubbing out the long forgotten joint, pulling him in even closer. "There's nothing like a first kiss." Eddie sighed, "Only if I'm the last one," Steve said, grabbing Eddie's hand.
And there was no doubt in his mind that Steve would be.
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yyxandere · 2 years
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✧.* gender/pronouns ─ 'You' pronouns
✧.* prompt ─ Yandere Kiryu Kazuma Headcanons
✩.* TRIGGER WARNINGS ─ Unhealthy Thinking, Unhealthy Action, Obsessiveness, Kidnapping, Violence, Cursing and SPOILERS FOR YAKUZA KIWAMI 2 TO 7
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• Kiryu is Obsessive in nature as a Yakuza, he grew up learning and knowing what are the risk for being a Yakuza and he knows along the way he's going to lose people close to him and he's ready to accept it, but if it includes you dying, never. He will never ever let you die or put you at risk, so most of the time he's keeping a low profile around you, yet he still manage to learn alot about you. 
• Kiryu changes up whenever you're around him, like he can go to serious, dangerous Yakuza who can beat up an entire clan, to an extremely awkward person that doesn't know how to flirt with you, but beware if your a random person teasing him, he will one-hundred percent will give you a death stare. 
• If Kiryu ever saw someone flirt with you, Kiryu will talk to them first in a calm (almost ) manner, of course that's enough for them to back off, of course who wouldn't, who even want to mess with The Legendary Dragon Of Dojima, no one of course so most of the time they will back off at you, but if they were feeling courageous to take on a dragon and ignore his warnings, then they should probably write their will to their family and friends because Kiryu will beat the absolutely shit out of them 'till they're clinging to their life and a fucked up face. 
• Kiryu is extremely self sacrificing, let's say you got into trouble that got no connection to him so whatever, that mam won't even hesitate to jump in to your defense.
• Kiryu would never kidnap you, but when you're in serious danger like being caught up to a Yakuza mess or something like that, yea just expect yourself to be in a bed that isn't yours. 
• Let's get one thing straight. Kiryu will never ever raise a hand on you, he knows how strong he is, so most of the time he tries to keep his distance from you so he can try to prevent you from even accidentally hitting you. 
• Kiryu will treat you with absolute caution, whenever he's touching you to wipe out your tears he does it so softly that you might even forget that he's the man that kidnapped you. 
• Kiryu is extremely guilty when he kidnaps you, so whenever he sees you cry, flinch or scream at him each second of doing so he feels much more guiltier, but in the back of his mind he keeps saying that he's doing this for your own good. So with that he's extremely patient with you, he knows that what he did was very stressful for you so he lets you wail in his arms, kicking and screaming he knows it's just a way to cope. 
• Whenever you're finally adapting to your circumstances, he'll let you go outside, maybe a walk from the city or a walk from the beach whenever he is. 
• If you tried to escape, Kiryu will be furious and disappointed at himself for not taking care of you better or making you feel comfortable, He just drags himself saying that it's all his fault, but no matter what he'll get you back, may it be using the Tojo clan to help him search all of Kamurocho, or going to the purgatory to ask for The Florist of Sai to track whenever you are and , but when you're both in Okinawa it's much more easier to track you, it's a small city and most residence of Okinawa are very much comfortable with Kiryu, so they well tell you were you went or the last time they saw you. 
• So when Kiryu finally brought you back to both of your house or the Orphanage, he's gonna keep you locked up, no matter what he will do, just to keep you safe. 
[♡]ー ꒱・"Can't you see, I'm doing this all for you. So please. . . try to understand me here, let me be your protector and your lover."
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damnitiloveyou · 6 months
for some reason none of the dozens of websites i use have ep 7 yet, and im leaving for work soon and dying at being unable to see the episode until late tonight, can you please spoil under the cut for me what happens with tim and hawk? thanks.
Oh anon. It was a lot so I will try to do it justice in a summary
It's 1978 and Tim and Frankie are working together in San Francisco. Hawks' son, Jackson (sweet poet boy) has passed away from an accidental heroin overdose and Hawk has turned to alcohol and drugs to, in true Hawk fashion, try to numb his pain. He's been drunkenly calling Tim and begging to see him so Tim breaks down and calls Lucy to basically ask her permission to see him (🤧) Their daughter starts asking questions about who Tim is and what her dad's relationship is to him (I really thought that conversation would be present day)
Lucy tells Tim she doesn't know where he is but Hawk has sent Tim a post card letting him know he's in Fire Island. Because it's Skippy he of course shows up at Hawks house (apparently he owns property on Fire Island because of course he does) and there are a few other men staying in the house with him, including his boy toy, Craig (I hate Craig, as will you. Everyone will hate Craig). We learn that Tim has started seeing a man named Arthur who is a poet (sweet sweet Timmy). Tim wants to talk but Hawk just wants to drink, do drugs and fuck around. After attempting to talk about Jackson leads to a fight, Tim drops it and he and Hawk spend the day doing all the things you do on Fire Island. Tim indulges in the lifestyle as well which leads to an interlude between them and Craig (and yes that kind of interlude) but during the deed Hawk discovers a picture of his son that Craig was looking at and loses his mind. He threatens to kill Craig and, thankfully, Craig shows himself out after that. Cue the crying Hawk scene we saw in the episode preview.
It leads to a beautiful Tim and Hawk poolside conversation about Jackson and how worthless and guilty Hawk feels. Tim is Tim and it's beautiful and perfect and gives a very brief glimmer of hope for them. Hawk ruins it the very next morning by taking drugs again. Tim feels like an idiot for once again having more faith in Hawk than he should and tells him he's through with him and finally free of him. Hawk begs him not to leave him but Tim leaves anyway and Hawk immediately gets rid of the drugs and then we get a scene of him calling his daughter and telling her that he's coming home.
There are some really good Marcus and Frankie scenes as well. Their storyline takes place in San Francisco in the immediate aftermath of the Harvey Milk murder trial verdict. It's powerful stuff and definitely needs to be seen.
The final scene is set in the 80's and it's Hawk at Tim's apartment picking up some things to take to the hospital for him. We find out that Tim has kept the postcard Hawk sent him from Fire Island all those years ago (rip us all 🤧) and when Hawk arrives back at the hospital he is informed that Tim suffered another seizure and it ends with Hawk kissing him on the forehead and holding vigil at his bedside 😭😭 (we all know what's coming but it's going to kill us all)
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wayward-persephone · 2 years
im seeing so many asks on your account about the corrupting ernst thing i sent so im gonna keep it going for the people: obviously you’re both head over heels for another and completely oblivious. and what if one day, ernst pulls you aside after sunday service and asks you to stop by later that evening because he has something he’d like to discuss with you. and you, being clueless, think maybe he’s gonna ask for extra help next week at mass or something, but either way you agree and show up back at the church that night. you’re knocking on the door of ernst’s little attachment house and he answers it and he nearly knocks the air out of your lungs bc he’s got on just black pants and a black tshirt, and it almost makes you feel guilty seeing him in anything other than his clerics clothes. he invites you in and offers you a drink of water and you can see he’s kinda on edge and awkward and he just beats around the bush for a while, making pointless small talk bc he doesnt have the guts to tell you why he actually asked you over. but the guilt of his sin is eating him alive and he chokes down the fear and just says it
“i’m afraid that, while i have certainly enjoyed your company and help around the church all this time, it has… lead me to develop certain feelings… for you. feelings that shouldn’t be there. and i know that even though you’ve not known about my feelings, i felt that i had to… sincerely apologize to you for my…. sins.”
you cant even comprehend what he says at first. it doesnt even register. and when you dont say anything, ernst gets scared that he really fucked up by telling you. maybe he should have kept his mouth shut, at least you wouldn’t know that he’s been longing after you. and he starts to scramble to apologize, to make some excuse as to why he said what he said. but you cut him off with a quiet “reverend.” and he stops dead. and your face feels like it’s on fire. “i need to confess my sins too. i’ve had the same…. feelings. i uh… i’ve thought about you in a way someone shouldn’t think about their pastor. and i need to apologize for it as well.” and poor ernst, he cant believe what he just heard. and after he takes a second to understand, he starts to ramble about why neither of you can act on those feelings, why it’s sinful, why you’ll probably have to spend less time together. but the whole time he’s talking, you find yourselves moving closer to each other, almost like you have no control over your feet. and you stop just inches from one another and ernst has started trailing off, not really sure what he’s saying. you both start leaning in towards each other and hes towering over you, looking right into your eyes and he’s whispering, “we cant do this..” and you whisper back “no we cant” right as he’s finally, finally kissing you hard like you’ve been thinking about ever since you first saw him. and one thing leads to another and that’s how you find yourself thrown onto his bed with his head between your thighs and you whispering his name through tears
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Y E S 😤👌
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polycharismas · 3 months
oakay Hey haunt what is an ''iohse' ^_^?
KILLS MYSELF SO VIOLENTLY IN FRONT OF YOU sorry . sorry . so . iohse is a ship . composed of iori motohashi and ohse minato . the charisma of obedience and the charisma of self-punishment respectively . you would Think the self deprecating nature of their charismas would make them besties but as it turns out its quite the contrary . they hate each other . they have very similar views of themselves but they go about them in ways so different it makes the other mad . i think thats quite hilarious . the hate these two have for each other i think transcends any of the other dynamics inside the house and i think this is also the part that makes me so crazy about them as a Couple . can you imagine the millions of trials they would have to go through to fully get to understand the other . you know . the one thing required in a relationship . isnt it crazy to think about how they would even get feelings for one another . do you think they would feel guilty . because in a way loving someone goes against their different but still quite similar values about themselves and others . isnt it beautiful to think about how despite it all they would still be able to confess to each other . despite the pain the heartbreak the agony it surely made them feel . because im sure it hurt i know because the one true love is the one that hurts the most to experience but at the same time its always the most rewarding when you come to terms with everything that loving someone else carries . i think they would be hesitant about affection at first but very slowly start warming up to it . i think ohse cried the first time iori called him a petname . i dont want to think about petnames they would call each other because i legitimately would start sobbing . i think once ohse gets used to it he can end up being the most romantic of the two of them by complete accident . i think its kinda cute to think about the guy with the most self deprecating issues to love others at such deep levels . he does that with the other charismas of fucking course but the way he ends up doing it with iori is just so different . such warmth coming from someone who has felt cold and alone for the longest time . isnt that beautiful . it would still take iori a while until he got to that point but he still felt so happy when ohse finally started to express it more . i think ohse drew iori a whole bunch of times purely by memory when they werent together but after they did he tried to draw iori once again but while having iori as a model . i think it would be an specially nice thing for them both to do together . just peacefulness . just the sound of ohse's various art tools while painting the one reason he looks at life so brightly now . iori smiling to himself when realizing how much ohse is concentrated on perfectly portraying the beauty he sees in iori . perhaps even iori getting worried when ohse looks specially frustrated and then comforting him . isnt that a beautiful thought to have . i think they suck . i think they suck so bad . guy that dont play about the ship from the most mid media project of all time . what fucking even ever .
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jamtoasties3316 · 9 months
i apologise in advance for my non-existent writing skills,but i’ve got an idea for max’s destiny. His second pup turns out to be an omega. a male omega. this is so outrageous to helmut that he just straight out kicks max out,doesn’t even bother to sell him because “he’s too lose since the second birth”. Max going to Toto? Dan? Charles? Idk you chose,and they offer to take care of max. The problem is that in these years he’s been with helmut,he developed a bond with him,so after a week (or even less) away,he starts to miss him,to search him,and maybe even tries to come back. Dan or who you’ll chose as “saviour” to save max has by only choice to fuck and bite him,to break the old bond and create a new one. He would feel so guilty because max of course won’t give his consent,but he knows that is the right thing to do.
Oh my god ok im done i hope what i just wrote can be understood. This way we would have a happy ending but at the same time angst for both max and an alpha 🥺
Oh I like that!
Max having a second pup and Helmut is furious its a little Omega boy. He kicks Max out, tells him he isn't even good enough to sell. Max has his two little kids, one who is barely a 2 months old.and the other almost 2, and he has nothing, no way to care for them. He walks all the way to where he knows Dan is staying and begs the Alpha for some help, maybe for some money in exchange for a blowjob so he can feed his kids...
Dan ofcourse takes him in and the kids too and Max is relieved and tried to be good, helps in the house and cooks and cleans and alwsys asks Dan if he is sure he doesn't want max to help relieve pressure becsuse that's all he ever felt useful at..
Max starting to struggle after a week as the bond is breaking and he ks aching for his Alpha and needs him back! He tries to escape yo find Helmut and its getting dangerous and Dan knows there is only one thing he can do...
He would feel awful, bringing the pups to someone else to watch and then locking himself in the bedroom with Max, who is so scared and his instincts make.him act out. Max cries when Dan fucks him, even when Dan tries to be gentle and whispers sweet nothings, promises Max will be treasured now. Max whining when Dan bites him, claiming him as his own and Max goes limp as Dan licks the blood away, tries to soothe the new bond as Max tries to breathe through the ache of the bond eith Helmut breaking. Dan absolutely losing it then, sobbing and apologising against the mark until Max finally moves, soft hands on his head to tilt it to the side snd bite down to make the bond mutual, something he has dreamed of for so long!
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suburbanlegnd · 11 months
Call Out My Name
“abel im home!!!!! where are u sugar nipples?????” leland tyler wayne says as he walks into the appartment 
“LEAVE ME ALONE METRO BOOMIN.” abel tesfaye yells while crying. 
leland looks hurt. abel only uses his stage name when theyre performing. or when hes angry with him. and right now he seems angry AND sad. 
“I KNOW WHAT YOU DID WITH DRAKE.” abel screams, crying even more. 
“WE DIDNT DO ANYTHING I SWEAR!!!” leland lies. 
“I SAW THE VIDEO. YOU LEFT THE SECURITY CAMERAS IN THE STUDIO ON. I SAW EVERYTHING.” abel screams again, storming off and slamming the door to his and leland’s bedroom and sliding down the wall.
leland follows him up the stairs and knocks on the door. “abel?? abel im really sorry…” 
“abel please. just one chance. i promise i’ll make it up to you.” leland says, tearing up. he knew he fucked up, badly. but he didnt think things would end like this.
“NO. GO FUCK DRAKE AGAIN. SEE IF I CARE. FUCK YOU, METRO BOOMIN.” abel gets a box and starts packing leland’s things in it. 
“ABEL, BABANUGGET PLEASE.” leland screams, sobbing. 
leland is heartbroken. he knows this is all his fault. he knows. and he hates to think about it. he hates knowing he’s ruined everything he had. he hates knowing he’s broken abel’s heart. 
he knows what he has to do. 
he makes sure that he remembers drake’s address. and then he grabs a knife.
he has to kill drake. 
he runs out to the car and drives to drake's house. on his way he thinks about all the times with abel. he feels so guilty. he has to fix this. he has to kill drake. its the only way. 
he's finally there. finally at drake’s house. so, he walks to the door and knocks. 
drake opens the door.
“hello icing dick, what do you need today?” he asks, smiling.
but leland doesn't smile. 
“i’m sorry.” he says, stabbing drake in the neck. 
drake falls to the ground, and leland runs back to the car. then he speeds home. 
“KILL YOURSELF.” abel screams from the bathroom. he’s crying in the shower. 
leland walks to the bathroom. “abel, can i come in??? i have something to say to you.” he asks.
“fine. but then LEAVE.” abel replies.
he walks in, and abel turns off the shower so he can hear what leland has to say. 
“abel, i have something to tell you.” 
“i killed drake. i stabbed him and now he’s dead. i regret cheating on you. this is how i wanted to make it up to you. d-do you forgive me?” leland says, tearing up.
“did you really?” abel asks.
“i wouldn’t lie to you again, abel.” 
“then i do forgive you, leland.” abel says, smiling a little. 
and then they all lived happily ever after in a world without drake <33
the end 🩷🩷🩷
damn the script of the new episode of the idol just got leaked
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