#i dont think my father is abusive but i equally dont think hes a good parent
k0kichiimagines · 1 year
this probably needs a cw but idk what exactly just like cw your stereotypical anger issues father's behaviour to his wife?
anyways LMAOO its like out of a movie my father being on the phone while going on his screaming and threatening match at my mum as usual and is now freaking out because obv everyone heard him, lol just shows he knows its shitty because if he didnt why would he be so worried about everyone hearing him ? lol im so happy his friends will all know what hes like behind closed doors this is great news, i just hope he doesnt take it out on my mum or me in return lol
one thing i am worried about like growing up i was just scared of him and scared of men and in turn scared of ever being in any relationship with men because i assumed theyd treat me like my dad, what im worried about with my brothers if at the other end they'll grow up thinking this is how to treat their s/os in reverse yk? sure he's slightly less extreme but like not by that much lol, but the boys still get spoilt favourite-ism for being boys so they adore him and like im just worried they'll grow up and even if they don't do it they'll just shrug it off when they see other people do it
but all in all wake up embarrassment call for him having a great day today ❤️❤️
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mikeellee · 4 months
Hi 👋
What are your opinions about mitsuki bakugo and what makes you think that she is a better mother than inko. I agree with you when it comes to this and I think shiggy had the best mum but I do just want you to go into deeper detail about it
Hi @bibibbon
First things first, I'm on my job right now (waiting instructions. I'm on my grace period) but I do have an answer for you.
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I want to be clear I don't like the whole trope "slap on his head" even if is 100% harmless and comical. That being said, Mitsuki didn't slap on her son here bc she is EVIL and ABUSIVE. Bk was acting like an ass and she discipline him.
Yes, in real life such action would make people frown but like mha is not real. Plus, Asian moms can be like that. Hell, hispanic mom too.
"Behave or I'll use my sandals/chinelo on you"
I'm latina. I've seen rude kids being threaten by this to behave...hate or love, this alone is not indication of abuse. Its a way to make the kids not act rudely...in my time, there was spooky stories too. "If you do this, the monster will get you" you know? It's a tool. Not expert on motherhood but a mom disciplining her son is not always equal to ABUSE.
Also look at the image I shared...people are hanging up on hating Mitsuki for this panel but like ...her son is threating to beat her up. Look, BK has show to be rude with his mom (if he was being abuse...he wouldn't have provoked her)
*He calls her hag. What mom likes to be called that?
* I remember a short where Bk asks his father why he married his mom and then at the end he said "so you couldn't get rid of her" haha hilarious isnt it?😒 I think this one is in smash. I think.
Also...let's imagine this: IF she was abusing her son...what this adds to the story? Many fics use this trope to justify BK. "His mom was abusive" ok...and what about Izu? Is he not allowed to be angry? Is "Mitsuki is abusive" free jail card?
Also the fics NEVER gave us a reason as why this woman would abuse her son. "Abuse doesnt need to have a reason" I agree in parts, its just if you are to do a story like that usually has a trigger "she lost her job/lost her hubby/was abused as well"
Mitsuki has none of this.
"Why you think she is better than Inko?" Well, she does parenting! As much people may not like "the slap on his head" it's something. Inko does nothing!!!!
On the war arc 2 the eletrical bangaloo...Mitsuki is seen worried for her son "oh no. Its raining you know our son's quirk dont fare well under the rain"
Does Inko knows anything about her son's quirk? Nah. She just weeps and does nothing.
Like Inko is such shitty mom that she lives in an extreme scale. Either fics shows her as LE BEST MOM EVER (read a fic where Inko was OP and her son is still abused and still asks for her to not hurt "kaachan"😒) or the worst mom ever. (One where she was happy her son got a quirk so now she can gave a life. She is going out and is barely at home, in essence abandoning her son, bk calls her auntie and still abuses Izu)
Nao is the best mom. No questions here. I dont like how all the Shimuras arent important.
Also she and Mitsuki are good moms.
The mc ...is saddle with his abuser and a pretty neglectful mom.
Not of the implication "Inko was thin but thanks to Izu being quirkless she got fat"
I dont think Inko has maturity to be a mom...but I see her as a lonely person who wanted to have a family.
She is a pathetic and sad character.
But hey this is a fandom where people say "Shig is so deep" and sigh...what can we do?
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please please please talk about your jjk fics
and any other hcs you have
please 🥺
So i did write down some of my jjk fic ideas in this post (though I've come up with more since then. I have. problems) and I do kinda want to sit on a lot of the actual details so they won't be spoiled if I ever end up writing them. that being said, I'm well aware I have nowhere near the time to write most of them and have a lot of ideas that i find delightful that will never otherwise get out there, and I like sharing them. They give me delight and I hope they give you delight as well. So below the cut are a random assortment of details from various fic ideas that may, but probably won’t, see the light of day. Avoid the cut if you want to avoid all potential spoilers from fics that may happen in the future (but again probably won’t).
Megumi and the worlds most inconvenient custody battle au:
There’s more details in the linked post above, but in short, this one involves middle school megumi making a desperate binding vow with Geto suguru to give cult life a whirl in exchange for him sparing the lives of Megumi’s classmates, because Geto had to pick his school to commit domestic terrorism in.
Anyway it’s a huge inconvenience and results in a lot of his now traumatized classmates finding out that Fushiguro Megumi, resident delinquent, was an Actual Boy Wizard all along. As well as a lot of really personal and embarrassing life tragedies (you know minor things like “I was sold in childhood" and "i dont think i'm going to make it to 20" and new smash hits like "What do you mean gojo killed my father" and "what do you MEAN my abusive bio family is obsessed with me because my technique is supposed to be gojo's equal") he was sort of planning to die with that instead came out because Geto suguru does not stop fucking monologuing apparently.
Also the last time they saw him he was being knocked unconscious and carried away by this theatre kid terrorist to ensure their collective continued survival. It’s just. Shits embarrassing. He has to call time of death on that entire situation. Wash his hands of that place. Never look back.
So he does the only rational thing in this situation and simply never goes back to his old middle school.
He ghosts them. Never speaks to anyone from that place ever again. Some days are just so horrifically embarrassing that you just have to keep walking in the opposite direction forever. They can't make him face his problems if he walks quickly enough away from them.
There are two issues with that:
Because he never came back, a lot of them think he Actually Died for them
The Yasohachi bridge incident happens and he does apparently have to go back to that place. Fuck.
They don’t tell him where the mission is until he’s already in the car and attempting to throw himself out of a moving car raises suspicions. So instead it goes:
Nobara: what the hell did you do to these idiots
Megumi, sweating: … I beat them up
Idiot A, crying a little: He SAVED our LIVES
Megumi: *sweating harder*
The issue is that the official cover story was tragic gas leak and explosion but a lot of the survivors of Geto's attack didn't buy that and know what they saw. They just know no one else will ever believe it. some of them tried to say the truth on the internet and it got waved away as gas hallucinations. now, a good deal of them also left that school forever and ever never to look back. But some of them stayed. And they? They remember Fushiguro Megumi, that one delinquent who sacrificed himself for their lives even after stating out loud that he didn’t even like any of them all that much. The principal cries and tries to hug him when he sees him. There’s one of those little memorials that you put up for students who tragically passed for him.
Yuuji's simply aghast. So when Fushiguro lets everyone think he's dead, it's okay and normal but when he, itadori yuuji--
Fushiguro maintains he was alive when they last saw him and never told anyone he died so it’s on them for making assumptions.
more random facts from this universe:
There's a Lot that Gojo never told him that was revealed in the worst way possible when Megumi was in Forcible Cult Time and megumi tries to be like "look it's fine whatever reason you did it you kept me from the zenin so like. whatever. you had political reasons or something. we don't have to pretend this is more than it is we can be honest about it" and this derails immediately because Gojo, who has spent the last month terrified that he lost megumi forever, launches into an emotional speech about how he thinks of megumi as his little boy and how megumi's grown up into a beautiful young man who he’s so so proud of and megumi is like "yeah we don't need to be that honest" but it's Too Late
All of the second years are watching this happen like :o
See even if I wrote this universe one day (unlikely) I probably would stop it after jjk0 so we’d never get to the first years, making this an extra level of “never gonna happen.” That being said, when the first years start, nobara and yuuji are like “why is gojo sensei always hugging you and ruffling your hair and checking in on you after missions” and Megumi’s just sweating because he does NOT want to admit that gojo raised him and their relationship was harpooned when his high school ex kidnapped Megumi for like a month and told him that Gojo apparently killed his fucking dad and now Gojo’s trying to “rebuild” and “be more open and parental” or whatever
The Zenin are even more fucking annoying than ever because Geto was an infuriatingly good teacher and excellent at challenging Megumi’s mindset because he was framing everything as a secret that had been kept from him rather than trying to inspire him to believe in himself so Megumi sort of leveled up a bit in cult life. Also they’re acting like Megumi was finally broken from Gojo’s deceitful hold when really this is more of a “they need family counseling” situation. So they won’t stop showing up and hounding him to take his place with the rest of the clan. This is a non issue because Megumi sort of leveled up a bit in cult life and wow. He can just tell them to fuck off and back that up with his own power now. Huh. So that’s what that feels like.
Tsumiki spends the entire fic just. feral. Losing her mind. She was not at all fucking okay with her baby brother joining a fucking cult (without her) for a month and she's SUPER not okay with a lot of the information that was revealed. When Gojo shows up on scene after megumi gets taken assistants are trying to Physically Carry her into a car and she's straight up biting people. She does not shake this energy for the duration of the fic.
Sea glass gardens:
See I talk about this a lot already and what I don't talk about is because it's probably going to actually be written one day. But if you are interested in something from this universe, here's something that will definitely never happen:
So, whenever I start getting really into one of my little universes, I always have some very self-indulgent parallel storylines that i would never actually write because they're just not the most narratively satisfying direction to take the story, but they're just fun to think about. They are crackish and live only in my head.
I have sort of a time travelish one (not to be confused with the time travel au, which is my favorite JJK story i have and will happen one day hopefully) that's basically based on the idea of sea glass gardens proceeding into canon without change and Yuuta time traveling from the disaster that is canon back to immediately after he fucks up Geto and rushing to fix everything. But the catch is that Uraume also travels back in time and the conflict is whether Yuuta can save everyone before Uraume launches one of sukuna's fingers down Yuuji/Megumi's throat. Why did they both go back in time? I dunno. This is my self-indulgent fun story. I never bothered to figure out how to make it work. i cannot emphasize enough that this fic will never ever happen.
yuuta is. vibrating.
Yuuta does the only rational thing and decides to put everyone he has ever loved into one room where he can keep everyone safe until he can fuck up that little freak of a monk and save his loved ones.
The first thing he does upon waking up in the school's wreckage is to fucking sprint to heal geto, not out of any love for geto, but because his sensei's gay love got them into this and he's not fucking risking it again. geto's going to stay alive, sit down, and shut up so no body hopping whore can take him over and ruin everything. Yuuta's very aggressive about this point. He's going 2-0 with geto and he will make it 3-0. does geto want to lose the other arm? shut the fuck up.
The really difficult thing for him is that he has to go get megumi last.
He knows for a fact that the Zenin have megumi right now. And the last time he saw megumi, Sukuna had taken him over and completely destroyed him. He is absolutely desperate to see Megumi again and keep him safe and whole. And it's torture knowing that Megumi is being actively hurt in a scenario that legitimately devastated him the first time around, that he could go straight there and just stop it, and it wouldn't have had to have happened in the same way.
He also knows that Megumi would never forgive him if he didn't save his sister or his friends first.
Megumi, in a weird sort of way, is the safest out of anyone when Yuuta time travels back. First off, he was legitimately kidnapped from where he was supposed to be, so Uraume's going to have a lot of trouble actually finding him. Secondly, he's currently in the hands of an entire clan of powerful and trained jujutsu sorcerers who are utterly obsessed with him, who have him under constant guard, and who would kill to keep him. Out of everyone, Uraume has the least chance of getting near Megumi.
Yuuji doesn't even know jujutsu sorcery is real right now. Yuuta has to go get him first.
He and Gojo split up to rush around getting everyone before uraume can get to them. Gojo gets Tsumiki and Nobara and the Kyoto crew. Yuuta gets Yuuji and his grandfather. and then fucking books it to the zenin compound.
without dropping them off first.
This has been a very weird day for Yuuji.
It honestly took less explaining than Yuuta thought it would because apparently Yuuji's grandpa has just been sitting on the fact that before yuuji was born his mom died and came back to life one million times more of a fucking freak and was very very obviously possessed and his dad was just. fine. with that. still hit that. he's learning a lot about his parents right now. Whatever. they're on the level.
It also helps that some weird little freak shows up and gets in a fucking duel with Yuuta over Yuuji. Yeah sure. let's go to wizard school for his own safety. what do you mean they need to make a stop to pick up his future best friend (and maybe boyfriend yuuta really was never clear on whether they were like together or together) from the people currently torturing him. what do you mean yuuta needs yuuji to carry him while he fucks up his bio family. what is this.
Yuuta. Has. Really had a day and a half. Completely emotionally unstable right now. exuding an Energy. killed naoya and brought him back to life as a warning shot and it wasn't even the most terrifying thing he had done that day.
Tsumiki, was frantic about trying to find her brother, suddenly has him back with the news that in the future he gets possessed and kills her, confused as to why his time traveling upperclassman hugged her for five unbroken minutes and cried a little
Megumi, so fucked up, like SO fucked up. Mostly unconscious right now but very confused when he's awake. Who are ANY of these people. why is this pink haired stranger tenderly holding his hand. where is he. Not so much on the team as the person the team is protecting. he's too unconscious to be on the team. sort of going through it right now.
Yuuji, has had a Long Day, already murderously protective of megumi, who is apparently his future bestie. he's one first meeting deep and it mostly involved manfully cradling megumi in his arms while his future senpai fucked up his blood relations. he knows this will be friendship for the ages. thinks yuuta is great and is not jealous of him in the slightest. why would he be jealous. it's weird that you asked that actually.
Yuuji's grandpa, weirdly on board with everything and firmly advocating to solve problems with violence. Actually may be the most violent one there. suggests a car bomb as a problem solving strategy at one point. he kind of scares yuuta.
Nobara, wasn't really doing anything else today, has a passion for violence and is down to hit people with hammers. also there's a lot of beautiful and violent women in this room. is hoping something lgbtq will happen to her.
Gojo, offended by the continued implications that he cannot handle this solo, also wants to just put his kids in a single room for a while where they can be safe and where no one can possess either of them ever.
Shoko and nanami, constantly reminding him that he cannot handle this solo and to sit down and shut up before they lose megumi to sukuna, because Megumi is physically incapable of protecting himself right now.
Geto, only here because Yuuta has threatened to cut off his fucking head and burn the body if he moves a single fucking inch because yuuta is not dealing with his whore ass getting possessed again. he does word it exactly like that too. geto doesn't know how to feel about being called a whore by this deranged sixteen year old with a sword. he doesn't push back though because there's more than one way to solve this problem and yuuta's an inch from picking the permanent one. also here because apparently his daughters are killed by sukuna and he doesn't want that to happen. constantly bullied by every child in the room.
The Zenin, weirdly, who witnessed Yuuta v. Uraume round two when Yuuta came to save Megumi from them and absolutely refuse to lose the ten shadows to fucking Ryomen Sukuna of all people. Their most treasured technique cannot be tainted by Sukuna's putrid legacy. It would be what Kamo Noritoshi did to the Kamo clan all over again but worse because Sukuna's worse than Noritoshi ever was. They'd never recover as a clan. Anyone seeking to implant sukuna's consciousness in the ten shadow's body must die.
Maki (and the rest of the second years), ride or die, thinks they should use the Zenin as canon fodder. Yuuta agrees with this plan.
The Kyoto crew, does not know why they're here, mostly forced to stay in a different room so they'll be safe but like. not really part of the planning process. sorry. yuuta doesn't know or like them all that well. thanks.
From that point on it's mostly Yuuta & Co going after Kenjaku and Uraume and the rest of the special grade curses like Wile E. Coyote going after roadrunner. At one point he hires the creepy jujutsu sorcerer assassin to bring back Toji Fushiguro to help implement one of his plans. Neither Gojo nor Geto are okay with this idea. Yuuta vetoes them both. Yes he has veto power now okay Gojo and Geto's irredeemable homosexuality for each other left him with dealing with this fucking mess. He's going to kill absolutely everyone in this room and then himself if His Boy is not safe within a week.
Instagram Influencer AU:
Explained in more detail at the linked post above but the concept is that nobara is trying to launch her instagram influencer career and keeps accidentally making everyone else instagram famous except for herself.
Megumi and Maki are a family duo because they're both ridiculously attractive people of indeterminate familial relationship who Nobara posts videos of sword fighting. Megumi wants her to stop doing this. She will not.
When Megumi's not appearing with Maki on Nobara, she's posting candids of him with Yuuji. The entire internet thinks they're dating. He wants her to stop doing this. She will not.
Nanami did not want any of this to happen to him specifically.
Nobara posted a video of Nanami explaining how he thinks that baker should be the highest paid position in society and how work is shit and how he hates capitalist grind culture and the internet became simply obsessed with him. bread companies keep trying to sponsor him which is the only good thing that came from this.
Gojo did want this to happen to him specifically and very purposefully strolled into Nobara's live and flashed his eyes at the camera. Now he won't stop threatening the higher ups with leaving jujutsu sorcery forever to sign with one of the many modeling agencies begging him to join their brand. Yaga wants her to stop doing this. she will not.
Yuuji is an enthusiastic participant who is having a great time. Half of his old school is in the comment section asking what the fuck happened to him because he straight up disappeared one day and now he appears to be a fitness influencer on the internet?? He does not answer them. It fuels quite a bit of internet drama.
Inumaki finds this all hilarious and wants this to happen to him to. She refuses to aid him. This was supposed to happen to her. He aggressively photobombs at every opportunity and she finds exceedingly creative ways to crop him out.
Panda also finds this hilarious and keeps begging Nobara to post glamor shots of him that he and inumaki took on a flip phone camera and she cannot put in strong enough words why she will never ever do that
Nanami/Gojo Fake Fiancees no curses au:
Again, explained in more detail in the linked post above. No curses au where Nanami is Yuuji's adoptive dad and Gojo is Megumi and Tsumiki's adoptive dad and Gojo needs a fake fiancee because his ex just joined the same school district with his twin daughters and Nanami's trying to get through a custody battle with Yuuji's terrible older brother, Sukuna, who just crawled out of whatever abyss he's been in the last decade to challenge his custody.
Nanami was Yuuji and his grandpa's next door neighbor who was completely burned out as a salaryman and whose life revolved around work until a very tiny Yuuji knocked on his door and asked him to help him cut up some fruit because he wasn't allowed to use the knives by himself but his grandpa was sick and needed the fruit to get better. He loved Yuuji like his own from that day forward. Yuuji and his grandpa became his family and he was genuinely devastated when Yuuji's grandpa died. He took in Yuuji without a thought and never looked back.
Gojo was coming off of a bad breakup with his committed boyfriend, Geto, following them falling apart when Gojo's little sister Riko died tragically in front of Geto. Gojo then decided it was his slut era and had the terrible decision to include Toji in that era.
Apparently fucking jacked but amoral men as a purely sexual thing does lead to finding out that he has Entire Children he's left living alone when he gets the phone notification that the power company finally shut off their electricity because toji forgot to turn on autopay. is this a panic attack? this feels like a panic attack.
Toji honestly doesn't know what happened in that relationship because he couldn't have even knocked gojo up but he still somehow saddled gojo with his kids. unmitigated success.
Gojo just sort of freaks out, goes over to Toji's kid's house, takes them home with him so they have a place with electricity, and just... never can bring himself to let them go again. the next time he saw toji, he handed him the papers to transfer guardianship and told him that they'd never need anything from him so please, don't call. He just sort of dove into single fatherhood from then on out and never looked back.
Sukuna's attorney for the custody battle is Mahito.
The jujutsu kaisen world is a manga that Yuuji, Megumi, and Nobara are cocreating (with the main trio as some obvious self inserts), with Megumi doing the writing, Yuuji doing the drawing, and Nobara doing the coloring and layout design. Yuuji is very convinced that it will one day make them all famous.
Gojo finds out the most powerful character is based off of him and cries for like three days
Nanami: You mean the most annoying
Gojo, still crying to him on the phone: you can't take this from me
Megumi still has his divine dogs just as actual dogs. they're a pair of "puppies" he found and took in before Gojo adopted him who he loves dearly and refuses to be parted with.
They're not puppies. they're wolves. those are fucking wolves. where did five year old megumi get fucking wolves. what the fuck. gojo is terrified of them.
I have others but this is already kinda long so we're gonna cut this off here
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l-resonant-l · 3 months
I don’t know if you’ll see this. I don’t really think it’s for you to see.
I don’t actually think of you much at all anymore, but I was scrolling through my old messages looking for a contact and I saw our messages.
Saw how we said goodbye.
Maybe saying I don’t think of you sounds defensive, but I saw your name and didn’t recognize it for a moment. It made me a bit sad.
I read all our messages back as if it were the first time,
I felt my mind go back through that time machine,
But this time I saw everything you didn’t know you said.
I’ve grown so much more in these years than I thought possible in two years.
To be honest, despite how sure I acted that I knew what I was doing, I wasn’t.
I wasn’t sure at all.
But that’s what I wanted. I was so tired of living my whole life based on the opinions of those around me, so sure they knew what and how to think, things I’d never know.
I wanted something for the first time in as long as I can remember. It was dangerous, and stupid, and possibly not even real, but I wanted it. So I took hold of them with every fiber of my being and refused to let go.
I wasn’t sure, but
If you don’t trust me how can you see me as an equal?
Very easily? I don't have to trust anyone with everything. Not trusting you doesn't mean I'm going to try control you. I trust you with my freindship, I trust you with secrets, I trust you with a lot. But I don't trust you to get your homework done, or that you will get a job, or that youll remember commitments, and you don't trust yourself with that either. I don't trust your judgment but I do respect it.
I have a chronic illness it turns out. I won’t heal, but I can think now, now that I have treatment. I can move. I can sleep. I can exist with manageable pain. I can work I can live, I do things.
It’s a strange I don’t miss you, but I mourn the faith I had in you.
But that’s what all our relationships with you were. You surrounded yourself with hurt people, and supported them, unless they actually gained confidence. Then you poke holes in their newborn ego.
Dont treat me like one of your abusive family members that you're realizing is toxic. If you can admit your judgment is sometimes incorrect (like idk, multiple abusive boyfriends?) then you can understand how I may not 100% trust your judgement. That is very different from controlling you or not respecting you
I don’t know
Maybe I’m wrong
Maybe I’m wrong
Or maybe-
I asked if I could make the caramelized carrots my dad never got to have on his last thanksgiving before he died, you told me no one would eat them so there’s no point. You took a knife out of my hand and said you didn’t trust me to cut vegetables. I told you my life and you used it like a weapon to make me doubt myself.
Maybe it doesn’t matter
My friend and I laugh as we cooked and drank together.
Maybe they like me
My housemate thanks me for setting up the system of jobs and chores for the household.
Maybe I’m good at some things
My boyfriend buzzes about how we could program the map and weather generator for my dnd world.
Maybe someone cares about my interests
My partner hugs me, and says they don’t know how they got so lucky.
Maybe I’m worthy of love
My father in law gushes about the ring set I chose, with a million year old meteorite embedded.
Maybe I can be
My child asks me to play before bed time as we discuss the dog we want to get in the next home. They come to me after they have a nightmare. I sit beside their bed and as their breathing slows I hear them mumble softly “I love you,” and I whisper back “I love you too sweetheart”
I am happy
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yuridovewing · 4 months
actually…. now that im having thoughts on clear sky in my au as an overarching antagonist… i wanted to put a dotc character in the dark forest that is there solely for unfair reasons that clear sky can harp on throughout the series as this manipulative disgusting person who is satan incarnate, and everyone buys it bc of the propaganda throughout the decades, only for oots to reveal this character to be like… not a good person, sure, but someone whos just been broken and forced into that position for years. someone who just wants to stop existing entirely now but cant because their memory lives on for all the wrong reasons. and its like… a revelation for ivyleaf that the dark forest is full of despicable evil people, yes, but its also a symptom of a corrupt system that enables a cycle of suffering.
and i was torn on who exactly this cat would be. like, i think gray wing is an obvious and tragic candidate, but i kinda want to keep his status as this “wise sage” who is respected throughout the years but in reality was just a cruel enabler and stickler for the tragedy his brother created. while its cool to rewrite him into the tragic figure people want him to be, i dont think thats where i want to go with him. i was thinking bumble too, but honestly… her story is just SO awful that i really want to give her a happy ending where after shes left for dead, shes found by a nice twoleg who lets her be a bookstore cat. shes used as a fearmongering story for the clans, but she had a peaceful death and was happily put through the reincarnation cycle. one eye is also a good candidate as someone who was basically created to make clear sky look less bad, so i was leaning more towards him…
but the more i think about it, the more i actually think star flower fits the role the best. like, she is treated like dogshit in canon and her “crime” of letting her dad know hes gonna get assassinated is treated as equal to or worse than clear skys war crimes. even in the fandom, while i know its not at all meant as an insult, shes seen as a manipulative villain who has horrible intentions and wants to cause chaos. when in reality, shes also a victim of clear sky.
i dont think she has his kits in this au, nor is there gonna be a father/son love triangle plot, but she is still romantically involved with clear sky in a fucked up cycle of abuse way. and i think what happens is that she takes away some of his lives, maybe even his last, when she finally reaches her limit and assassinates him, to avenge herself and her father. shes placed in the dark forest and this story is rewritten as a cautionary tale against letting outsiders into the clan- theyll manipulate their way to the top, and try to rot the clan from within.
her name may be something different in the dark forest, something correlating to “rot”. like “rotting flower” or something.
i realize i did a little tangent about not wanting bumbles suffering to be dragged out while… kinda doing that to star flower instead. but like ok at least star flower will get some W’s i think. i’ll let her double kill thistleclaw as a treat or something.
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margle · 1 year
just watched the episode. thoughts I have so many thoughts here is a list of them in no order
undefined queer dennis canon!!!! my favourite type of queer rep honestly because me too dennis, me too
also I looooove how unsanitised mac's sexuality is. like yesss frank representing people who are fine with some aspects of queerness but rejects the bits they dont understand
funny that dee got the 'engage physically bit' and mac didnt. mac has had anal beads in his arse before he will kiss a man. honestly good for him
dennis is pretending to hate mac again??? this man is incapable of emotional intimacy without like 50 constructed rituals
both of them are now equally delusional with mac not getting that he was in love with dennis the whole time and dennis putting anal beads in his arse because he 'wanted soft shell crab'. sure. sure.
I hope they both implode
mac's date was so funny especially the lebron comment. dee was great as usual but a bit under-utilised maybe
dee still giving side character vibes this season which is annoying but whatever this episode was too insane for me to care too much
and we also got more lore on her attitude towards banging men. which is very. very. fucked.
I am kissing glenn for all his little expressions this ep. so mischievous
canonical macdennis penetration?!
all the roofie stuff was uncomfortable but also not really ooc. they are genuinely so tragic. none of them can see what is so violating about that.
the scene with dennis controlling frank was maybe made to imply that dennis was only controlling mac for the power trip but that doesnt make any fucking sense considering the texting, making him fall in love and HIS EXPRESSIONS. so idk why they did that. I guess to just show that dennis can still be arch? just for some cut away humour? idk im going to have to think about that. like the inclusion of frank feels purposeful
also making dennis put anal beads in his fathers arsehole was insane and disgusting and very sunny
the uncle jack stuff just wasnt funny. it is only funny when his creepiness is implied and absurd - like the hands. just straight up child abuse isnt funny. unless it wasnt meant to be funny?? I feel like his character needs to go somewhere this season otherwise his constant presence feels a bit unnecessary. honestly im hoping he dies.
charlie weakly saying 'disgusting' is just sad.
the patrick guy seemed really nice MAC WHAT ARE YOU DOING
I now understand why that reviewer called him a hopeless romantic
im still reeling
there was just so much in this episode
oh and the end sequence was really funny with frank slobbering everywhere
yeah overall this is definitely going to become a legendary episode
it airing directly after the macdennis break up podcast is really funny
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hellhoundlair · 11 months
Happy DFF! Would the dynamic between Sam and Dean Jr be similar to the one between John and Dean or is it something entirely different?
hiiii happy friday! thank you for the ask!
this is a really good question. i think they both have the same heart to it (of course with dean conflating dean with mary and sam conflating dean jr with dean) i think they would be set apart slightly because of course the backdrop and circumstances of their relationships are different but at their core they follow the same rhythm. also im going to mostly go into this in a non-sexual abuse way because i want to go into the more broad dynamics these relationships have and that goes so much further than sexual aspects. so im sorry for the lack of dadfucking. instead u get psychoanalysis. fun.
i feel like john and deans relationship has a lot to do with how john parentified dean, relied on him emotionally, relied on him as a hunter, to take care of their his kid, to mediate, to be his right hand man, all that shit. dean filled so many different roles for john and dean did it all because dean was isolated and john was all he knew. i dont think john intended to fuck dean up like that but he sure made all the decisions that lead to the environment that dean grew up in.
things with sam and dean jr are much different. i feel like the two schools of dad sam thought are either sam very consciously telling himself "im not going to be like my father" while making decisions involving his son OR sam unintentionally spiraling into john like behavior. i personally -- despite loving angst and bad endings or whatever -- am a fan of the first one mostly for the sake of mixing up dynamics (but also sam can still slip into classic john treating his son like his dean partner every now and then before realizing to his horror what hes doing. as a treat.)
which would really set sam and deanjrs relationship apart from dean and johns. there is no isolation to the level of sam and deans upbringing, or treating dean jr like an equal when he should be treating him like his 13 year old son. but i do think sam falls into obsession with dean jr.
like dean jr is a normal kid with a normal life but when his friends ask if he can have come over for a sleepover on friday dean jrs like sorry i cant my dad doesnt like me being out of his sight for more than 12 hours at a time otherwise he has a breakdown and also he and i are going on our monthly trips where we drive around aimlessly while he talks about his glory days and about my uncle dean and how perfect and wonderful and great he was and he'll eventually slip into talking to me like im not his son and it's a little weird but i like it because he treats me like an adult and it feels good to have that sort of respect even if its not because he respects me its just because he projects his brother onto me because he physically cannot grieve properly from a loss that big though it does kinda suck because now i feel like i have to live up to the infallible legend of this man ive never met and i feel like i have to do everything right because i dont want to disappoint him but id do anything to make him love me the way he loved his brother.
so sam - even in all his attempts to give his son a normal life - has basically achieved a "normal life" version of john and deans dynamic. i will say i do think sam is a good parent outside of this. like he tries, but its just not going to be possible for him to be normal and just move on after losing dean. its always going to haunt him and his relationships no matter what.
u probably asked this in regards to sexual abuse bc of the tags i left on a post abt that. im fine with talking abt that. i dont usually tend to because i dont want to be indelicate on the topic because. its fucked up! but this is ur warning if ur sensitive to those topics bc im going to touch on it.
again, i think the core of john and deans abuse - as well as sam and dean jrs abuse - is the conflation of their child with their lover. and this can also manifest sexually too. i wouldnt think sam and dean jr would have anything frequent going on. not like johndeans relationship which i tend to imagine as being more similar to them being lovers, almost like fucked up husband and wife type shit where they are lovey dovey behind closed doors and dean embraces being johns wife. i think with sam and dean jr it would be something more. casual? not the right word, but i mean stuff like casual nudity, or physical contact that seems atypical for a father and son that r mostly are explained away by a lack of physical boundaries set between them, until you remember that sams brother lover and how sam gets into these mindsets where he treats dean jr more like a brother than a son and thats what causes alarm bells to go off.
i dont know if dean jr would know that his father was in love with and fucking the brother that dean jr lives in the shadow of. i dont think he'd find out about that until he was older. but i think things would all start to line up and make all too much horrifying sense after he realised it.
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theteasetwrites · 2 years
Readers mommy issues 🤝 daryls daddy issues
✨ spoiling thier daughter with utmost care cause they dont wanna be like their parents✨
STOP I AM SO GLAD YOU PICKED UP ON THAT (and now you got me talking about my series again lol so here we go)
I definitely did that on purpose lol. I like to delve into both of them struggling to be better parents, and comparing themselves to their own parents (reader to her mother, Daryl to his father). Reader is luckier than Daryl, though, in that she at least has her father to look up to, since he was actually a good parent to her and Aaron, but Daryl? His mother died when he was like five or something. He barely knew her, so all he has to reference is his father and Merle (not the best role models).
I think Daryl is kind of just winging it when it comes to being a dad tbh. He doesn't know exactly what he's doing, but he's trying really hard, and he's actually great at it (I mean, I like to write Robin as though she loves both of her parents equally, and she definitely does, but let's be real—she's a daddy's girl at heart). All he knows is that he would never hurt her like his father did to him, and he is always there for her, unlike his father and Merle who both left him alone throughout his childhood. Robin is never, ever alone. She has a huge support system (literally the entire community of Alexandria lmao), and honestly I think she has a pretty darn good life for a kid growing up in the literal zombie apocalypse.
And don't even get me started on Baby Dixon #2. I don't wanna reveal TOO much about what I have planned with him, but just know that Daryl's gonna have an emotional time with that kid. As in, he's a little boy... Daryl was once a little boy... Daryl's a man... That little boy is gonna be a man someday... Yada yada yada... You know he's gonna be extra sensitive with that boy. He does NOT want to make the same mistakes his own father did with raising his sons, and I think Daryl is going to have a lot on his plate with the second baby (let's just say, Princess wasn't entirely wrong with her predictions...)
And then with the reader character... Ooo, boy. Her mom kinda sucked ass. She wasn't physically abusive like Daryl's father, but she was emotionally abusive for sure, and also homophobic and just generally terrible in her views (poor Aaron omg). I think her big struggle is making sure she's not projecting onto her child(ren) or trying to impose her will on them. Her mother expected a lot from her, and wanted her to turn out a certain way, and she just doesn't want to do that to her kids. She wants them to have the freedom to do what they want to do and to be who they want to be, even in the world they live in now. I also come back to her experience dealing with the morality of having a child in the apocalypse. She grappled with that for a bit in season 9, and I think I am going to re-address that in oneshots that take place during the season 9 time jump as well. She compares herself to her mother a lot during that time, as she wonders if she's being selfish by having a child now. Very interesting stuff I like to play with a little bit to make the characters more interesting and to add more depth to the story.
Um ANYWAY... yeah they're not perfect parents but they're trying so hard it's adorable. I love them so much. They're both my babies. Even tho reader is I guess technically me (all of us?) but tbh she's really just an OC in disguise at this point lmao I am gonna rewrite the whole thing in third person one day and give her a name and everything, but I just wanted to do it in reader/second person perspective cuz idk it's more fun that way but yeah she's an OC let's be real lol
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content warning for grooming and incest
i think my older brother was grooming me when i was younger
i apparently am not knowledgable about what grooming is, because ive described traumatic situations regarding other toxic/abusive people in my life without thinking they were groomers but the people ive been talking to about it told me that it was all grooming behavior, like showing me porn (sometimes literal csem) when they knew how young i was and telling me that i was special or something along those lines.
so about my older brother, there was definitely emotional incest happening but i dont know if thats the same thing as grooming. i remember him being really attached to me in a way that made me incredibly uncomfortable. my family in general has a codependency issue and i grew up thinking that feeling suffocated by them was symptomatic of my selfishness so i dismissed my feelings as just me being selfish.
my older brother dumped his emotional problems on me (we have a 5 yr age gap jsyk) and told me that i was the only person in the family that he could trust. i dont want to say "i took care of him" but i always protected him from my abusive father and i was afraid of making my brother upset in some way. not necessarily because i was "afraid" of him but because he pressured me to, with all the trauma dumping and stuff he was doing and telling me i was the only person he could rely on. so like id do his chores for him when he slept in or id cover his tracks whenever he did something stupid. all of this had my father call us twins and he compared our relationship to a married couple on tv.... it made me feel sick to say the least.
skip forward a few years and my brother started to fucking stalk me. i entered high school by the time he graduated and i guess because he couldnt watch me in person he resorted to texting people from my school on instagram and he asked them about me. btw he was creepy with them too, one of them was a friend of mine and you can guess what happened to our friendship. not only did he do this but he randomly accused me of whoring around and texting boys instead of texting *him* like i was cheating or something. and when he did that i was furious but i was like "omg i would never ignore you i promise im not talking to boys..." just so he could shut up. he continued accusing me of this btw and it made me feel disgusting.
i also have these other memories... theres the times he asked me to move in with him (keeping in mind his obsessive behavior towards me) and theres this other time he showed me a song he wrote with his friend that mentioned how good of a sister i was or whatever. i also have this random memory of him getting mad at me because i didnt want to sit on his lap.
writing all of this was triggering but its been on my mind. if youre curious about our relationship now i practically cut him off. i committed the crime of calling out his toxic behavior and ever since then hes been aggressive towards me and talking constant shit about me to his equally as disgusting wife. hes always been obsessed with me and behaving in strange ways but i wonder if it was more than emotional incest... like grooming. what he'd groom me for i dont know but its like he wanted to be the only boy in my life, like he wanted to be my boyfriend. for a very long time i thought i was being selfish for finding him uncomfortable but now that im a little older and able to articulate my feelings better he was and still is a clearly abusive person. btw if any of this sounds familiar its because i sent anons to agirldying before, im just summarizing all of this again and adding new info so i can give valid reasons for why i believe he might have been grooming me since i was 10 to age 16.
Hi 💔,
I'm (again) so sorry about what you've been going through.
I'm honestly not too sure where the line is between grooming and emotional incest but I can definitely see how there could be some overlap, or how emotional incest could be a foot in the door to grooming, or vice versa. I know a lot of people tend to think that grooming can only be done by adults, I know even just by experience that kids can do it too, though unfortunately there's very little out there explaining it in that context.
Although it's about adult relationships, I still found this article that April wrote helpful in context of my COCSA, so I'm wondering if this could be helpful for you as well. It essentially spells out each step of grooming: targeting the victim, gaining trust, filling a need, isolation, abuse, and maintaining the relationship. You may be able to identify how your experience aligns with that structure.
I also just want to say, you don't have to explain yourself, you know? This string of traumatic experiences are distressing for you, and while it's perfectly okay to talk about it as much as you want, I think it's also important to acknowledge how much space you're allowing your trauma to take up. You don't have to prove anything to anyone. We believe you, no matter how much or how little you explain what happened.
I hope I could help. Please let us know if you need anything.
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neverending--ending · 2 months
Someone ate too much and feels too sad, so now he yaps pessimistically about love.
Love seems like a lie. A distraction, delusion, hallucination, redirection from the truth that life consists of suffering and we all exist to use and get used; life is the thesis of the ever deeper honesty. Perhaps my opinion is invalid for I have never "loved" nor been "loved". All of my "crushes" lasted less than one week and sprung up after a stranger asked if I was okay during my lowest in depressive episodes, and I would never think of them that way once I went back to baseline depression.
I've never seen proper love either. While I do believe my father loves my mother, his language is through gift giving. And I do not believe my mother loves my father, but tolerates him. They are not "married because they love each other" but "not divorced because they tolerate each other." My mother "loves" him when he does nice things, and bitches about him every time he passes by, wishing he was gone, when he is not.
I also lack a good first impression. My mother told me to never date, for pregnancy equaled homelessness. Then, she told me to never marry, for marriage is a lie. Then, she told me to never date masculine women. Then, she gave me permission to date whatever girl I want, but any aspect of the relationship must be kept to myself and any trouble I have with the relationship must be kept to myself, for she did not care nor want to hear it. Thus, I learned that it would be problematic to develop feelings. I would be treated as a nuisance. If she was abusive, or broke up with me, I would have a plethora of feelings to force down for those would render me a nuisance.
And while I never actively thought this until now, I subconsciously knew this, and it has manifested through aroacity. [Made up term for aroace] I've concluded its aromanticism because it is egosyntonic; it doesn't bother me. Now, I dont think all aspec people have some lore or reasoning for their aroacity, I dont think many do. And if they do, its still valid. If anything, I'm only bothered when I feel excluded from the group for not having a relationship, or I'm judged for never having feelings. Though that may be because I don't plan on living long. Part of me wonders if I'd be upset if I could see myself living until 70. But I can live a good 20-25 more years, pernamently alone, before I have my first and last kiss with a GF00. I am unsure if i am passive or active, or on that borderline wherein a bit more access would make me active. But also, I'm terribly lazy, and I'll probably keep delaying it until I die of some common health condition.
This is also because I have seen "real" love, and it honestly makes people annoying. The blushing, the obsession, the stupidity one degrades to when suffering the illness of "love". Why would I be in love when I have seen love make a friend annoying? Irrational? Prone to accepting abuse? Willing to die for someone they just met, and likely wont remain with, especially if I think back to high-school. Love makes people weak. I don't hate lovers, I just hate what love can do to people. The definition of love also seems quite weak. By the most common explanations, I'm in love with many, so many that I know it's none of them.
Besides, I'm already in "love" with my ed, based on the way normal people treat their crushes. Everyone says personifying it is annoying, but it's quite comforting. I'll never make any posts treating my ed as a person though. This is just an imaginary lover. That I'd be stupid for. That I'd die for. That I'll take abuse from. That I'll be irrational for. And frankly, it's all I need.
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aliensunflower-fics · 3 years
Everything You Deserve [Major Adrien Salt Ahead]
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[ I don’t believe in writing salt for the sake of salt but I figured this was a challenge so I went with a version of Adrien thats become so desperate, insecure, and paranoid that he makes the decision to use the wish and grant himself a good life only it doesn't work so well for him. ]
It all starts when Ladybug approaches Chat Noir one night after a patrol, shes excited and eager to share what shes learned as Guardian, the big news? She learned rather horrifically that the Miraculous jewellery are prisons keeping the Kwami contained and enslaved and after learning such an awful truth, she scoured the texts for anyway to break the imprisonment and finally after months SHE FOUND IT! A way to free the Kwami! And better yet when they are free they can pick there own holders merge with them and be even stronger! No more time limits no more weird nonsensical powers and rules but also no more commands or abuse only free will and true equal partnership!
Ladybug of course wants to free the Kwami ASAP and that includes Plagg and Tikki in fact, Plagg is vital for the whole thing as his power of destruction is needed to free the others with his own Miraculous being the last to be destroyed. Chat Noir on the other hand... Isn't so eager.
In his mind Adrien is panicking his whole life unraveling in front of him. With the Kwami freed they could all go out and pick there own heroes meaning no more just Ladybug and Chat Noir, no more partnership between just the two of THEM he’d be replaced by who knows who. With the Kwami freed Plagg could easily say 'no thanks' and refuse not only Adrien as his holder but refuse to transform anyone at all! With the Kwami freed he’d lose his one and only source of freedom and joy hed probably lose the only love of his life Ladybug no more jumping from rooftops no more escaping his father and his empty shell of a house and family. It wasn’t fair! It just wasn’t he had no guarantee Plagg would pick him or stay with him it would all be over! He DESERVED his miraculous and sure it sucked that the Miraculi were prisons but it wasn't like HE abused Plagg he wasn't Hawkmoth after all he was a nice guy?! So wasn't it okay to just leave things as they were?!
Ladybug took a step forward obvlious to his inner turmoil a soft smile on her face as asked him to hand over Plagg ‘just for a little while’ on instinct as if fearing she’d rip it off Chat Noir leapt away only barely hiding his expression of anger and fear. He needed time to think and fast as Ladybug looked at him with shock, then distrust and anger, he just needed to cover his tracks and luckily thanks to his father he had years of practice and he knows just what buttons to push on his precious Bugaboo. He quickly lifts his and in surrender plasters a pitiable look on his face and says that they need to THINK about this.
"Obviously freeing the Kwami is the right move my lady, but if were not careful Hawkmoth could do some serious damage dont you think?" The look of confusion and uncertainty on her face is all the opportunity he needs.
"Just think, this is a very complicated sounding spell your telling me about surely its going to take awhile right?" she bites her lip he can see the seed of doubt hes planted blooming into a sprout.
"Why if you take too long imagine the destruction the DEATH Hawkmoth could do to the city? And we NEVER know when hes planning his next attack. Can you stop that spell in the middle to save Paris?" He sees her frown her pretty little face scrunching up and he cant help the grin that appears shes SO easy to guilt because she always CARES so much for all the little people of Paris. Her sense of duty and responsibility always weighing her down. Its what he loves about her but gosh does he wish she’d just relax and let it go for once just for HIM.
He pauses a clawed finger carefully placed on his chin as he scrunches his face as in deep careful thought to her it may look like he trying to come up with a solution to there current dilemma but really his mind is scrambling for a plan. Adrenaline is rushing through his veins and hes scared and anxious. He just knew Plagg would abandon him the second he was free he KNEW it would be over his freedom ripped away his relationship with Ladybug shot before he could convince her to just admit her love he worked so hard he tried so much didnt he deserve a life better than this- Wait... Yes... Yes he did deserve better than this, better than his father, better than losing his freedom and fun, better then this dead end loveless relationship with a stubborn girl and he knew there was one way to get it. With perfectly practiced ease he lets out a light gasp leaving as if hes just thought of a BRILLIANT idea.
"What IF you gave the Ladybug Miraculous to ME? I can patrol as Mr.Bug and make sure the Akumas are taken care of and no damage is done while YOU have Plagg and do your fancy little spell to free the Kwami?" He smiles a bit too brightly and when Ladybug frowns and tries to protest and doubt he has his parry ready easily rooting and poking at her insecurities and doubts and fears does she really want to just leave Paris UNGUARDED while she does her spell? Is she really so careless and selfish???
Its just for a day or two surely she TRUSTS her PARTNER enough to trade Miraculi for that LITTLE bit of time surely she believes HE can handle stuff while she does the oh so important spell RIGHT? He sees the guilt and doubt fill her eyes and watches as she caves under his words, he knows its cruel and he hates to see her frown and feel so down but really hes doing this for HER just as much as himself she has no idea what kind of mistakes shes been making between thinking of FREEING a bunch of chaotic destructive gods who were likely imprisoned for a good reason anyway. I mean what does she think the Temple and the Order are bad guys or something? psh silly Bugaboo always coming up with crazy theories like the time she thought his dad was Hawkmoth.
No this will be better for everyone he just knows it! Even if his desires SOUND selfish but hes sure that his pure intentions will guide the magic to give everyone, a better life a life where everything is perfect. Shooting Ladybug a signature cat grin as she agrees to his plan he jumps behind the nearby chimney uttering his de-transformation phrase and promising to send over Plagg with the ring once she sends over Tikki with the earrings. Ladybug hesitates but with her body hidden behind the chimney she agrees, his heart rate elevates as he hears her say her de-transforming words and though the mild temptation to peek is there he knows he just needs to be patient as the spotted Kwami rounds the corner holding her earrings Adrien smiles, while they dont know it this is the last Marinette see or hear of her red spotted Kwami friend again for a long time.
The moment Tikki is within Adriens grasp he doesn't even hesitate, he snatches Tikki and unifies the miraculous ignoring the shocked cries of the Kwami and of Ladybug and hes enveloped in white light. It only took a second for everything to change. Adrien had secretly ALWAYS thought about the wish since he learned about it from Fu. At first he thought he’d wish his mother back, then he thought about wishing for Ladybug to love him, for his life to be better, for his dad to finally give him attention, to never have to do photo-shoots again, to continue getting to transform with the Miraculous for as long as he wanted so he could keep having fun. But even when he was tempted there was no real REASON to take his ladies Miraculous not when things were good enough, not when she was still there, and he could transform whenever to escape. But now with the RISK the slightest CHANCE that Plagg might say 'no' he decides its time to change things up to reward himself for  all the things hes put up with. So Adrien doesn't just wish for one thing no, he has a list of demands for his new perfect reality and when the white void around him pulses and fades black he feels excitement run through his bones at what awaits him in his new perfect world. The world that he truly DESERVES.
I want to be able to transform whenever I want so I can have Fun.
I Want Ladybug to be my loving devoted doting girlfriend.
I Want my mother back and for her and father to be my perfect parents.
I want to stop doing photo-shoots and instead get to do whatever I want.
I want to get everything I worked so hard to deserve.
When he awakes everything seems normal. Hes in his room and it looks more or less the same but perhaps its a little more... empty? Of course he also notices the odd disappearance of all his Ladybug memorabilia 'oh well' he thinks, he can always just BUY back everything hes missing, hes rich after all so he can have whatever he wants.The second thing he notices is the lack of weight on his ring finger. Plagg's ring is MISSING, now that is far more cause for concern then some Ladybug merch.
With a bit of fear and annoyance he scours his room only stopping once he finds a jewellery box on his desk, opening it he fully expects Plagg to pop out hissing and scratching but instead he sees a Peacock Broach and the Kwami that emerges is subdued and quiet. Adrien feels a twinge of rage as already this new perfect universe has gotten things WRONG one of his demands was to be able to transform whenever he wanted so he could keep having fun... But he does suppose he failed to specify in his demand that he wanted to keep the ring. Oh well its not destruction but he supposes riding around on his very own sentimonster servant could be fun too, besides if the wish got all his other demands right then Ladybug will be his madly in love girlfriend and she will surely just GIVE him Plagg's ring if he asks for it!
As he gets dressed and attaches the peacock pin to his shirt he hears a knock, its Nathalie informing him that his PARENTS are downstairs waiting to have breakfast with him! Joy and excitement replace any lingering annoyance and the quiet somber Kwami doesn't even mind hiding in his pocket. Rushing down the stairs Adrien has to hold back tears as he leaps into his mothers arms. His father is there as well smiling kindly as he ushers Adrien into the dining room for a big family breakfast. No photoshoot schedule is presented to him, instead hes told he has plans to have fun all day with his friends and that his weekly allowance deposited in his bank so he can buy himself and his friends lunch. Finally he thinks THIS is what he deserved.
After breakfast Adrien goes out with his class all of them still there, he gets to goof off and say whatever he wants with no consequences or annoying parental 'rules' holding him back. Hes gleeful when he notices that he doesn't need to look out for paparazzi or fan girls. He doesn't notice the fact that Marinette and Alya aren't a part of the class or how his friends sigh impatiently as he AGAIN tells them what THEY are going to do ignoring there own input and desires. His day goes by smoothly and easily and PERFECTLY and finally as the sun dips below the horizon he decides its time to transform and see his precious Bugaboo hes waited SO long for her to love him, to show him willingly who she is and what better way to finish the day then finally get the sweetest reward of them all.
Riding his sentimonster through the city he ignores any accidental damage its just because hes not use to controlling the Sentimonsters yet besides its not HIS job to fix it, its Ladybugs and hes so SURE she wont mind repairing his little damages. After awhile of wandering he sees a flash of red on the rooftops excitement fills him as he calls out for his bugaboo he sees the red figure pause and begin to move his way 'finally' he thinks 'finally she is going to give me what the love I deserve! That I worked for! Finally I wont be alone EVER again!!!'. The red figure swings up dramatically and then drops down with an impressive twirl. But as she moves to stand Adrien feels his blood run cold as instead of the distinctive dark twin tails the hair on this Ladybug is bright blonde. She looks at him and her eyes are icey blue nothing like HIS Ladies eyes at all.
"Oh my SWEET Adrikens! I missed you soooo much while you were with those IDIOT classmates of ours ALL day!" Adrien feels his stomach churn violently at these words a wave of hot suddenly burning his skin as shock setting in everything about this new world suddenly feels WRONG from the colour of the sky to the texture of his new Peacock suits leathery gloves. THIS Ladybug is so obviously Chloe that much is painfully easy to see but worst of all she KNOWS his identity behind his new peacock mask.
"Sooo what are we destroying tonight my little birdy? I was thinking maybe we rob some more museums like last time! The look on those stupid heroes faces when you dropped those diamonds in the Seine was HILARIOUS! Seriously these dates are the most fun Ive EVER had!"  With quick painful realization Adrien catches on to Ladybu- no Chloe's words.
She knows his identity, they have been robbing and destroying things in the city of Paris together, these are 'dates' which means he finally did it... He really is dating Ladybug only its not HIS Bugaboo its Chloe! Wearing HER spots, using HER name. And worse of all if Chloe is telling the truth... Then there are heroes that have come to stop them... And if there are heroes trying to stop THEM then that means that he, Adrien, formerly Chat Noir... Is the villain?
No... No that cant be right. HE is suppose to be hero? Hes supposed to be loved and praised! Hes supposed to get the girl! He cant be the villain he cant be dating ugh CHLOE of all people. Disgust fills him and he wants to scream and rage he wants to blame Chloe its probably all her fault it was ALWAYS her fault before but she never roped HIM into her stupid schemes she never ruined HIS reputation or hurt HIM it always just... She always just... Went after everyone else...
The sound of feet landing on the roof behind him draws his eye yet he feels stiff and shell shocked. He turns registering the familiar pair of green cat eyes. Those eyes are locked on to him filled with fury and disgust, the long dark braid, outfit and the oh so familiar staff he knew that look from the brief time they swapped Miraculi. Standing before him as the new Cat was the original Ladybug and if the sneer on her face, the new aura of confidence, power and security was anything to go by he was in serious trouble.
The next day Adrien hardly remembers how he and Chloe escaped from Ladybu- no from Chat du Lune. But he does remember that as they were fleeing Chloe was laughing like it was just a fun game of tag. As he turns on his tv in bed he frowns as his Peacock transformation is broadcast on the news being called a 'villain' and a 'monster' all while the destruction he so casually caused while riding his fun new sentimonster around the city looking for his bugaboo is broadcast shown followed by footage of past incidents he and Chloe had apparently caused together yet that he cannot remember. He watches himself steal, destroy and laugh taunting about the fun hes having as he knocks over someones home with his massive sentimonster, they show Chloe as well but somehow shes not nearly in as many videos as himself and she never does nearly as much damage as him he supposed it was hard knocking down a building when you had a Yoyo, instead Chloe or ‘ladybug’ was blamed for robberies from museums to banks, jewellery stores and high end fashion boutiques what she does with the loot is a mystery according to the the tv host, Adriens sure that Chloe propbably has all the loot stashed in her room at the Grande Paris. As he watches more footage of himself riding through the city destroying things in his path a part of him agrees that it looks fun that he kinda wants to do that, but another part is angry he isn't SUPPOSE to be the villain he isn't suppose to be dating Chloe! His perfect world is so ruined MESS.
But maybe... Maybe he can fix it? All he needs is the cat miraculous... Sure Chat du Lune would NEVER give it up willingly but maybe... Maybe there was 1 way. After all he had Chloe with her Ladybug all he needed to do cause enough mayhem enough destruction, In videos shown on tv and online he saw Chloe as Ladybug use her Miraculous Cure to undo the major damage caused after they were done having there ‘fun’ but... If he convinced her to stop they could hold the city hostage and force Chat du Lune to hand over the ring then he would get his ‘loving and devoted girlfriend’ Chloebug to hand over the earrings and he’d get another chance at the wish he could fix everything keep the good parts and fix the bad! It had to be possible it just HAD to he deserved to be hero he deserved to keep his parents this reality wasnt right so didnt he deserve the chance to fix it? Sure if he did this hed be a true villain but it was just for a little while! He knew HIS bugaboo after all no way she’d leave the people of Paris to suffer she always cared so much for all those little people.
As Adrien got out of bed and headed down to breakfast with his family his mind made up he’d do it hed make the world into what it should have been from the start.
‘Isnt it what I deserve after all my suffering?’
I want to be able to transform whenever I want so I can have Fun.
 He’d just start with demolishing a few houses that looked ready to topple over anyway, Chloe seemed hesitant not to use her Miraculous Cure when they were done having the ‘date’ but all it took was for him to say he ‘loved’ her and shed do anything she said. Besides he was sure this was all it would take to make Chat du Lune crack she was so caring after all.
But she didn't break at that so they had to start destroying a bit more, soon he found himself scheming and in heated battles with not only Chat du Lune but other heroes she had at her side. It made him furious to see HIS partner HIS lady fighting with other people it was suppose to be HIM at her side. And so if he destroyed a few more things then originally planned it was an accident he was just angry at seeing himself get replaced that was all he was ALLOWED to be emotional.
Soon he had to admit it was sort of fun breaking stuff every-time he felt angry at his perfect world at the wish hed made at himself for making it hed just command his sentimonster to crush and break and destroy. This world had more flaws then he originally saw he started to see his perfectly families flaws, he noticed how his friends didn't always treat him how he expected, he noticed how Marinette and Alya were missing apparently off at some fancy new school on scholarships instead of spending time with him and comforting him! Nothing was right everything was a mess so who cared if he destroyed things it felt good and besides the moment he got his wish hed fix it who CARED who it hurt now!
I Want Ladybug to be my loving devoted doting girlfriend.
Knowing that Chat du Lune is the old Ladybug is torture, worse still with Chloe parading as Ladybug, he needs Chloe for his plan so he cant break up with her but he loathes the way she dotes on him cares for him always worrying about him and touching him trying to kiss him in the middle of battle when hes busy! Worse still she sabotages any chance he has of flirting with his REAL lady Chat du Lune, he misses touching HIS lady and the cute way she'd get SO mad and beg him to stop flirting and get serious the one chance he got to touch her he brushed his hands against her pretty face while they were fighting. Sure she broke his fingers and he had to order Chloe to heal it with her cure but it was worth it to be close to his sweet Bugaboo.
But worse still Chloe isn't just his girlfriend in the mask. At school and at home shes there clinging to him like some leech sure she does whatever Adrien asks for fear that he will abandon her just like her mother did but that doesn't change the fact that she isn't his sweet darling little Bugaboo.Even though she says she cares Adrien doesn't believe her shes just like his fangirls only interested in him for his looks and money. He starts finding himself slapping away her hands when she reaches for him with furrowed brows telling him shes so ‘worried’ about him. If she was so WORRIED she’d just shut up already and do what he asked without question. He’s been stuck in this awful reality months now and nothing is right about it NOTHING!
Besides he just KNOWS hes in this situation because of HER she probably ropped him into being a villain so the least she can do is fix it for him! But instead she’s trying to turn around and act like she ‘cares’ about people now? Acting like she doesnt agree with him destroying the city! Say’s the girl who nearly crashed a train her first time out as a ‘hero’ in the old reality’ Say’s the girl who still bullies her classmates!
As further desperation to ‘fix’ his crumbling perfect reality sets in Adrien doesn't see how his destruction anger and temper pushes even Chloe  of all people away his complete ignorance and lack of care for her feelings is all too familiar to her mother and Chloe or ‘ladybug’ starts to miss out on Adrien’s sentimonster rage induced city wide tantrums.
I Want my mother back and for her and father to be my perfect parents.
His mother is cheating... And with NATHALIE of all people. As if the reality he was stuck in wasnt terrible enough his parents and there marriage was LIE. He overheard them one night his mother and father arguing, father knew that mother was cheating and he didnt care they were only together to keep a strong public image and to raise Adrien the SECOND he was done with school his mother planned to divorce Gabriel and be with Nathalie openly.
It was all wrong. His mother was suppose to LOVE his father they were suppose to be a perfect family he DEMANDED it when he was making the wish so WHY why didnt they LOVE EACH OTHER! Sure they were perfect Parents they gave him whatever he asked for they loved him and encouraged him and never yelled they were patient made him homemade lunches showed up for parent teacher meetings but what did it matter if they didnt really love each other!
Adrien didnt want to see how his father was overly focused on work how he treated his mother as more of an object to ogle and decorate then as a living person with needs and feelings to consider he didnt want to see how his mother was desperately lonely how she felt trapped and frustrated living with someone who ignored everything she said and saw her as second place to his bussiness.
It was Nathalie’s fault obviously he’d get rid of her next time he’d fix his parents relationship hed make sure they loved each other he needed them to love each other he needed his family to be perfect he didnt want them to be divocrced and he didnt care why they would nothing was wrong between them nothing at all!
I want to stop doing photo-shoots and instead get to do whatever I want.
It had been so nice, no one chased him no one stalked him no fangirls. No having to work or doing photoshoots. But then he realized... No one RECOGNIZED him. The first time he saw Marinette had been a shock, she was there at the park when the class was sketching a new design while Alya typed away on a small laptop. Adrien watched them shocked to see the two girls that had been mysteriously missing from the class, when Marinette’s phone went off she glanced at it before showing Alya the reporter closed her laptop and the two got up to leave Adrien placed himself in there paths waiting for well... Something but Marinette didn’t spare him a glance only walking around him with annoyance. When Adrien spoke to Nino about it later the boy looked at him with confusion.
“Why would she recognize you dude? Its not like your famous or anything.”
And that hurt somehow. He didnt know why the idea of Marinette’s room being empty of all his photos bothered him but it did. He missed Marinette he wanted her to rejoin there class to help makes things ‘correct’ but Marinette didn’t stop to speak or even look at him, and when he looked her up later he learned she was perfectly happy maybe even happier then she was, she was working hard toward her dreams of being a Fashion Designer, she had many new friends including some old friendly faces like Kagami, Alya, Luka and others. He also saw that she was apparently dating though he didnt dig to find out who he didnt want to know just the idea of her dating someone angered him almost as much as his bugaboo replacing him with all those new teammates.
After that he started to notice certain things. Without his face on billboards no one felt the need to let him jump ahead in lines, no one spoke about him or complimented him, sure he could go out when he wanted and had no responsibilities but he started to feel lost. His classmates were growing learning and trying to figure out who they were they were trying out different career options, they were winning awards, trying and failing at different options but Adrien...
What did he want? He just wanted everything to be perfect, he just wanted the life he deserved. But aside from this single mind consuming goal he had nothing no one recognized him he WASNT famous anymore, he didnt care about his dads bussiness or his mothers acting he didnt have any other dreams or goals all he had was his dream his goal of a perfect world and it consumed him.
And as he got more desperate more possessed with his one and only goal as he allowed himself to lose and break all his own morals as he did whatever he wanted whenever he wanted his friends started to notice. Before being consumed by his goal of a perfect world Adrien had been perhaps a bit pushy he would guilt you into doing what he wanted sometime but now, now he was unhinged. Even Chloe his loving girlfriend and the class bully had pulled away and gotten quiet fearfull of making a wrong move and having Adrien abandon her like her mother, Nino and the boys found themselves pulling away for other reasons. Nothing they said was ever met with a positive response Adrien didnt care for there accomplishments and sometimes hed get upset when they didn’t do what Adrien ‘expected’.
For instance when Marc and Nathaniel’s sci-fi comic won an award and Adrien got angry that they hadn’t made a comic about the heroes and villains of Paris instead. Or when Nino got an internship working in the music video bussiness and Adrien interrogated him on why he wasn’t working on his music. Adrien seemed to see his classmates at playing the wrong roles in some twisted play that was his life. He was obsessed with how things were ‘suppose’ to be and no one wanted to be around him anymore.
I want to get everything I worked so hard to deserve.
But it all got so much worse after one specific battle with Chat du Lune and her team. He had finally FINALLY gotten the uper hand and finally he would rip the Ring off her finger but when he reached for it... It wasn’t there.
There was no ring, no earings, no bracelet or charm or anything. Chat du Lune didn’t have jewlewry, in fact.. Not ONE of Chat du Lune’s teamates had a piece of jewlewry on them. It didn’t make sense where were the Miraculi? They HAD to have Miraculi... Unless.
His lady had wanted to free the Kwami and with Plagg at her side she would have been able to. But that meant that Plagg had been CHOOSING to stay by her side he had chosen her instead of coming back to Adrien, didnt Plagg know he regretted the wish didnt Plagg WANT him to fix everything? Why did his Kwami his friend betray him... But then he KNEW Plagg would betray him didnt he that was why he made the wish in the first place wasn’t it?
But if Plagg’s miraculi had been destroyed then there was nothing left. He couldn’t steal the ring couldn’t unify it with the earings and could not fix everything he was stuck in this dead end world, he had become a true villain in the desperate process to try and fix everything.
And now it was over?
... Or was it?
Surely he could find some way to force Plagg back? Surely he could fix it? He needed to fix it.
He deserve it. He had worked so hard, so didn’t he deserve it?
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Absolution - Chapter 1/4 (Will Ransome/OC)
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Will Ransome finds himself infactuated with Aldwinters newest arival, she plagues his thoughts and dreams. But theres something about her that he cant quite put his finger on.
This fic is mostly porn, demon/priest porn. Enjoy. Thank you to @jana-banana-fana for helping out with this part
Warnings: Sinful thoughts, Implied murder, Demon stuff, Religious stuff, Corruption kink, Priest kink
Chapter 1
Aldwinter was a small quiet town where nothing of interest happened. At least until the earthquake. Now rumours were spreading about some kind of sea creature that would eat the locals if they went in the river. And those rumours continued to spiral, some say it was just a beast, some say it was the devil. Both theories were wrong, however. Lucifer wouldn’t worry himself about a small religious town. That’s why he’d sent me in his place. I was a master at corrupting the hearts of men, spreading sin like a plague.
There had been a small cottage for rent a few months ago, which I’d snapped up before anyone else had the chance. And I’d done a pretty good job so far at fitting in, most of the town had been welcoming and there wasn’t too much suspicion around me. Well, none that related to the ‘serpent’ anyway. More of why I was here.
I mean, I understood the suspicion, a pretty, young woman who’s single and chooses to live in a dead-end town. What was her story? Was she a runaway bride, lying low until the search ceased? Was she running from an abusive husband or father? Most women nowadays were running from some kind of man in their lives, so I could understand those rumours circulating. But the truth was, I was here for one man in particular.
Will Ransome. The town’s pastor. For a pastor, he sure was handsome. If you lined up the entire town, Will stuck out like a sore thumb for his good looks. Somehow it just made him not seem to fit in with them, like he could be elsewhere doing something better. I’d targeted and tormented priests before, but this one was different. There was a kindness about him that was uncommon in men. He looked at me like I was an equal instead of just another fragile woman that needed to be shielded from the horrors of the world.
I’d never desired a mortal before, especially not a holy man. But this one I wanted all to myself. And I would have him, eventually. I would have him break his vows for me, vows he took with his wife and vows he took with his lord. He would be mine.
Knocking on the door of the Ransome household, I waited for someone to answer. I knew at this time of the day Will would be at church, or at least being helpful around the town. Stella, his wife, and I had grown quite close. She was easy to get along with, as were their two children, Jo and John. Stella was rarely seen out of the house, only to go to church for her husband’s sake. Jo answered the door this afternoon, having finished school for the day.
“Come in,” she greeted warmly.
“How was school, Jo?” I asked.
“Everyone was talking about the serpent; people are becoming more worried about Gracie. She hasn’t been seen for two days now.”
“I’m sure she’ll turn up, probably just out with a boy.”
The truth was, she would eventually turn up. On the riverbank, cold, bloated and covered in mud. She’d wanted to atone for her sins in the river, thinking God would cleanse her. I’d gotten her first, however.
Stella appeared in the hallway, smiling kindly.
“Lily, how was London?” She asked.
Lily was my alias to avoid further suspicion. And London was to cover my absence after taking Gracie. But with a little black magic, I had gifts to cover myself further. Plus, it would get me even more in their good graces.
“Wonderful. I got you all a little something,” I replied.
“You didn’t have to do that.”
“Nonsense, Stella. You deserve the finer things in life as much as anyone else.”
“Make yourself comfortable. I’ll get some tea.”
Jo and I headed to the living room, taking a seat on the couch. After five minutes, Stella came back with a tray of tea, handing me my cup. The three of us drank tea and talked about London. Because Stella never got out of the house, she loved to hear about my ‘travels’.
First, I handed Jo her gift, wrapped in brown paper. After thanking me, she tore the paper off and opened the box. Inside were a pair of new shiny black leather boots, which Jo eagerly tried on. She thanked me once again before I handed Stella her gift. Stella carefully unwrapped the paper to reveal a green silk scarf. She glanced at me in disbelief at my generosity, something like that would have been expensive. But what she didn’t know wouldn’t hurt her.
“Lily, this is beautiful. I can’t-“ Stella began.
“I insist you keep it. The green brings out your eyes.”
“Then I insist you at least stay for dinner. So that I can show you my gratitude.”
“Dinner sounds delightful. Will, Will be joining us? I wanted to give him his gift.”
“He shouldn’t be much longer, but we both know how terrible he is at keeping track of time,” Stella joked.
“We do,” I replied with a short laugh.
A few minutes later, John came in from the back garden, removing his shoes before he could track mud into the house. I gave him his gift, a shark’s tooth encased in glass, which could also double as a paperweight. He’d recently taken a big interest in sharks, claiming it was the only thing that made science lessons bearable.
I helped set the table, insisting on making myself useful before Stella could scold me. Within half an hour, Will finally arrived home, hanging up his coat and removing his shoes before joining us in the dining room.
“Lily, what a pleasant surprise. How was London?” He asked, looking pleased to see me.
“It was great. But I’m glad to be back home.”
“Are you staying for dinner?”
“Stella said it was alright, unless I’d be getting in the way.”
Jo and John came in to greet their father, the moment now passed. Stella came in with dinner, exchanging a chaste kiss with her husband. I wondered how his lips would feel against mine, how soft they would be, how hesitant he would be. The five of us sat around the table, Will saying a prayer before we ate. He didn’t mind that I had no faith, nor did he force me to join in with their traditions. It was rare to come across such a respectful man, more so a respectful priest.
“No. Not at all. You know you’re always welcome.”
I smiled at him, meeting his gaze shyly. There was a moment of silence between us, both of us unable to look away from each other. This wasn’t the first moment we’d shared together. Many a time had I caught him starting, that we’d shared so many unspoken words. But he was a married man of God, I knew I had to be the one to make the first move. But in that time, I could plant plenty of seeds so he wouldn’t resist me when I finally made my move.
Will asked more questions about London, genuinely interested. Most conversations around a dinner table were to fill the silent void, forcing such trivial topics like the weather. Perhaps I was more interesting to talk to than his wife. Although Stella herself seemed happy for the conversation, glancing at her husband with a smile.
“You have no idea how good it is to hear him talk about something other than the church. Promise you won’t leave again anytime soon and you’ll always be welcome for dinner to loosen him up a little, you know how rigid he is,” Stella teased.
Eventually, the conversation turned to the serpent. Jo was still understandably anxious and sought reassurance from her father. Will seemed anxious to talk about it himself, as if the mere existence of it questioned everything he had previously believed. He didn’t know if to think it was the devil like everyone else, and the implications of what that meant terrified him more. If the devil were here, how would he protect them?
I couldn’t help but smirk, meeting Will’s gaze across the table.
“Oh, I’ve been told I’m great at relieving tension,” I replied, not taking my eyes off him.
Will swallowed, only able to hold my gaze a few seconds more before guilt filled his eyes. Lately there had been a lot of guilt in them, I could only imagine the thoughts he had about me, each one more sinful than the last. I wonder if he dreamt of me, dreamt of the things he’d like to do with me with his sleeping innocent wife only centimetres from him. I could imagine him waking in the night, ashamed of his arousal and desperate to hide it from her.
After dinner, Will excused himself to his study, likely to determine what verses he would read tomorrow morning at mass. I gave it half an hour before knocking on the door to announce my presence. Will smiled kindly, giving me the go ahead to come in. I closed the door behind us, so we could truly be alone uninterrupted.
“I got you a little something,” I mentioned.
“Stella mentioned you’d gotten us all gifts; you really didn’t have too.”
“I wanted to. You’ve all been so kind and welcoming, especially you.”
I handed him his gift, his fingers brushing against mine as he went to take it. But instead, his touch lingered for a few moments longer than necessary. We shared another glance, wondering if the other would make a move. Now wasn’t quite the time yet, even if we were alone in his study. Finally, he pulled away, unwrapping his gift. Will smiled at the sight of another leather-bound book to add to his many stacked shelves.
“Thank you, Lily. This was very thoughtful of you,” Will said.
“I would have brought you more, but it wouldn’t have been fair on the children,” I teased.
“Nor would it have been good to play favourites.”
“Oh, I don’t know about that.”
Will fell silent at the implication of my words, unsure how to respond. Smiling softly, I knew not to press it any further tonight.
“I’m going to head home before it gets too dark, but I’ll see you tomorrow?” I mentioned.
“Yes, of course. Do you need me to walk you home?”
I smiled; the offer was tempting. It may even have sped things along between us. But perhaps another night. Right now, I was enjoying the tension too much.
The night air was cold, but not unpleasant. Everything seemed calm, not even a breeze disturbing the trees or grass. During the walk home, there wasn’t a single person I passed. Not even a child playing outside before bed. They were all too afraid of the serpent, thinking their homes would protect them. They would. For now.
“I’ll be alright. Goodnight, Will,” I replied.
Turning, I headed for the door. I couldn’t help but glance behind me as I opened it, finding him watching me leave. His gaze lingered, and he offered me another smile. Returning the gesture, I left his study and said goodnight to the rest of his family before heading home.
Taglist: @jana-banana-fana, @fictionalnerdery, @clairered-25, @lady-rose-moon, @volatileviolentviolet​, @justwanted2dance, @post-facto
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sxfik · 3 years
Why is hanseok considered the greater evil, and vincenzo the lesser evil?? I genuinely dont understand, can you explain it to me please??
hiii thank you so much for sending me an ask!! i'm not going to lie, i saw this ask a long while ago when you originally sent it but it took me a long while to answer it because i really had to think about it and also it's kind of a hard question for me to answer. but, i will attempt my best to kinda give my thoughts on why we consider vincenzo as the "lesser evil."
first, i need to say that both vincenzo nor han seok are good people and i am not saying that either of them are good people. i am simply comparing their evil levels and explaining why we as viewers often find vincenzo to be the lesser evil than han seok.
second, we need to define what evil means in this context (which is kinda hard because it depends on each person's perception but aaa) if we're considering someone evil for purely their actions, excluding motivations, then both vincenzo and han seok are the same level of evil. han seok brutally murders, and psychologically and physically abuses people. vincenzo's actions (aka setting people on fire, abusing and murdering people, torturing people, etc.) also makes him evil.
BUT if you define evil through motivation, then vincenzo and han seok are still evil but not on the same level of evil. yes, both characters commit bad actions but their motivations are different. vincenzo kills only when given a reason to. for example, we know that a robber killed his foster parents so when he joined the mafia he both psychologically and physically tortured him for almost a year (now whether the method of killing is a justifiable or an equal punishment for the crime is an entirely different question and i just won't be able to answer that because it's just so hard and complex of a question.) he sets the warehouse on fire to get revenge on behalf of the victims of the drug produced in said factory. he kills the two people who killed cha young's father and he kills the people who set up the family of the dead researchers to look like a suicide. he only kills or tortures people who have done a wrong against him or the people he cares about.
on the other hand, han seok kills and tortures for his own amusement and gain. he kills the prosecutor with the hockey stick because he didn't get his way and they annoyed him. he allows and gives the resources to choi myung hee to kill or maim anyone that gets in the way of his plans. han seok murdered his classmates for no reason other than he didn't get what he wanted. and most of all, he tortured and abused han seo just for his amusement. han seo was his punching bag, where he would belittle and abuse him in order for han seok to get his anger out. he does bad actions without a given or justifiable reason. he would play with han seo and keep him on the edge at all times, because he got a power rush from it. so when you compare vincenzo and han seok's motivations for their actions, i don't think you can say that vincenzo is the same level of evil as han seok.
we also don't see vincenzo attacking someone beloved to the person who has done wrong in order to get revenge. for example, in order to hurt vincenzo, han seok kills vin's mother, who has not done anything wrong this situation. but with vincenzo, we never see that happening. even though we see vincenzo hanging out with prosecutor jung's family after he betrays them, there's not a moment that he actively threatens or attacks prosecutor jung's family. he doesn't threaten prosecutor jung or tell him he will kill his family because in his mind, it's not justifiable to take the life on another person who hasn't done wrongdoing in order to hurt the person who has. for han seok this is not true, he has killed or attacked innocent people to make his enemy hurt.
another reason we are bound to consider vincenzo 'a lesser evil' is because of remorse. despite vincenzo's motivations or actions, he displays remorse and regret for the killing he has done. han seok, on the other hand, does not. Vincenzo is haunted by the killings he has done, by the blood he has spilled and we don't ever see that ending even when he gains a family and gains love. even if he can justify his actions, he is still regretful of what he had to do. han seok does not show the same remorse as him, only feeling bad when it is his life that's under threat in the very last scene. not to mention that he brags about killing, he gets power and happiness from his killings both when he killed his classmates as well as when he killed the prosecutor. han seok takes pleasure in his actions, as he is shown dancing and being gleeful as he kills vincenzo's mother and many others. he has no regret or shame in what he has done.
in so many law and crime shows we see a "morally" good hero who "spares" the villain in the end because it is the "right thing to do" despite a) killing all their side minions that helped the villain and b) all of the villains evil actions and harm they have caused the victims. we, as viewers, often aren't satisfied at the end because we're not seeing the punishment match up to the crime. this show's main thesis is showing that han seok is so evil that no law or justice system can properly punish him for the pain and abuse he has inflicted on his victims AND because this system that is supposed to punish him is just as cruel and corrupt as he is. it's highlighting the injustice to the victims of babel as a corporation, victims of the justice and law system and victims of han seok himself. vincenzo is showing that he is the best punishment for han seok because vincenzo is a mirror to him and han seok in the end is getting a taste of his own medicine.
all of this is why that last monologue of the show is important. we, as viewers, are watching a show that frames vincenzo as the main protagonist. his actions and him are framed in a way to make us root for him, with the music and the cinematography. but we're also given small reminders of who he actually is throughout the show: through the nightmares he faces, through mr. tak telling him not to change into a lighter person, through the scene where he faces han seok in jail. and finally, that ending monologue is showing that no, he is still a bad person. he is still an evil person who is committing bad actions and us rooting for him to punish the villains in this show does not change the badness of his actions. really, that last line in vincenzo is making us question whether his actions are justifiable and can we actually root for him.
feel free to disagree with me or start a conversation below because i feel like this is a really interesting question but the answer to this changes based on each person's perception of morality and what constitutes a good person and a bad person. i feel like this is such a deep question and there's so many ways and angles that you can look at this from so i don't think i've done a great job in explaining everything but this was just what i came up with for today. there's also every chance that my line of reasoning or logic is flawed so i'm open to any criticisms to this so i can acknowledge and correct it!
(also if you want a good kdrama that asks these same questions and has that same energy as vincenzo then please watch taxi driver! it’s a great show and it really makes you think about the earlier questions of “does the punishment given out by vigilante justice match the crime committed by these people? to what extent is vigilante justice justifiable? where does the law draw the line between giving the victims of brutal crime justice vs protecting the criminal from cruel and unusual punishments?”)
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andy-deer · 2 years
Redemption in characters like Belos and shadoweaver is suicide most of the time. I like to think redemption irl happens a lot more, people has bigger growth potential and learning mechanisms than characters.
But lets be honest people are stupid af, more often than not they think redemption must be an equal recieved dmg, and they fail to aknowledge what an "inprove" is or how to be "at peace" at all.
I dont blame them, is not easy
Aknowledging the extent of the dmg is hard enough, with profesionals, training and a perfect comunication there aare still biases of interpretation
More often than not we will hurt people not noticing the dmg at all, firends, family. Blinded by your own way of thinking or by the objective fo the time being.
Im getting philosophical, King Andrias self exiled working the land as a self imposed punishment, and thats an acceptable redemption(?)
I think once dmg is done, its done. there is no going back and you can change and all you want, but its to late. And its interesting the kind of characters that go redeem with OTHER characters and then meet the abused in a now reformed state, but didnt give closure to the previous abused ones.
Like shadoweaver going allie and Catra meeting her
Oh the feelings the drama
Sorry for the long ask
Definitely a punch in the gut, to meet someone who neglected you or abused you, you know that scene of the Good place where Eleanor finds about her mom changing to live a better, honest life with a new family? " If Donna Shellstrop has truly changed, then that means she was always capable of change. But I just wasn't worth changing for." It's definitely an interesting dramatic and sad scene to have in your story.
And yes, the problem with today is that we look at redemption like that, equal punishment, when it's not, i don't want people who hurt me to go through pain I want them to recover. As much as I hate that person, because it means no other person has to go through what i did, that's redemption, actual change in future actions, the regret is not enough. (But we've been doing this since always and that idea is too knotted into our society, just look at prisons)
Also personally, I think redemption irl is not common, and less in people that are you know too far gone in their own self righteous way of living. It might be pessimistic but I don't think most want, or can afford to get help from a professional in today's political climate. My dad, my mom and me we should all get therapy but we can only afford mine. Which sucks because my father really REALLY needs it, and it doesn't help that he's overworked and does not want to be therapized because God knows why. I've known friend's parents who are addicts and misstreated everyone around them and refuse to change or even take two minutes for self reflection, who will cover their ears when their children points out their mistakes because they see every conversation as a fight instead of a possible introspective experience. (Which reminds me a TikTok of a psychologist talking about how speaking with a narcissist will make you feel crazy because the tactics they use is to specifically win the conversation and have more resources for later damage)
My point is I have that perspective of people not being able to change for the better because I think it's quite exclusive to being lucky and privileged. Too many personal experiences against it. (Not saying people can't change, just saying it's difficult and most adults don't, heck most adults don't even know what's going on with them because we're taught the emotional intelligence of a brick.)
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If you use the word "abused" to describe Snape's behavior, then it's only fair to use the harshest vocabulary for Remus Lupin's behavior too. We don't get the last words of a bystander bully who grew into a coward adult who walked out on his wife and unborn baby. No one cares he gave some kids chocolate since he let a believed mass-murderer run around the school. #soloving
*sits up* *cracks knuckles* ok let’s do this
No, Lupin isnt perfect, obviously no one is. Abandoning his family in the deathly hallows made me realize that, and I lost a lot of respect for him then. But is he a coward?
After Harry yelled at him for abandoning tonks and teddy, something he shouldn’t have to had done as a 17 year old, he came back to them.
And the thing is, he wasn’t a deadbeat afraid of failing as a father or something like that, he was afraid his being a werewolf would bring serious harm to his wife and baby, and they might be hunted down for it. He genuinely—and wrongly—believed they would be better off without him.
Coming back DOESNT erases the fact that you left at all, and let’s admit that was a fault. But is lupin. A coward.????
I think not. He fought in the battle of hogwarts and was a hero that died that night. (Along with tonks Rest In Peace u two) he died on the battle field fighting for his family, friends, freedom and rights. He was never afraid for himself, but for his friends.(Unlike Snape who died in The Whomping Willow with his last wish to see Harry’s eyes because even though he treated Harry like scum because he looked like his father who he hated, he was obsessed with Lily Evans and that makes up for it.)
And before that, Lupin went underground working with werewolf connections including ones who must have worked with Fenir Greyback, the monster who turned him as a child. Because Dumbledore told him to. He was hurt, worn, and tired, but he didn’t complain. He wanted to do good in the world.
So if Lupin isn’t a coward, you must think, why did he never tell anyone vital information about Sirius Black being able to turn into a dog while everyone believed he was a mass murderer?
I think we both know considering he resigned himself and everything he did for the Order, it wasn’t so he could keep his job. It was because he loved Sirius, his closest friend. James and Peter (to his knowledge) were both dead, and Sirius, traitor and all, was all he had left. He didn’t want Sirius to get his soul destroyed by a Dementor’s kiss. He thought, oh, turning into a dog isn’t that much of a threat, I’m protecting Harry anyway…
And yes it was so shitty of him to do, to basically choose the safety of his dead best friend’s innocent 13 year old son over the safety of…well, a murderer. The guy responsible for his dead best friend’s death. And that’s why Lupin resigned.
He felt like the worst kind of monster because of that, and I won’t call him one, but it was a horrible thing that happened because of his choice.
(If this was a hate essay on Snape, I would point out that Snape, a death eater who had worked with Peter Pettigrew, knew Peter was the traitor and not Sirius and yet he never told dumbledore this information...and let Sirius go to Azkaban…because of a school grudge... But this is not a hate essay on snape so let’s get back to lupin)
Do you think Lupin is a bad person? I’m genuinely curious, and i would love to know your opinion on snape too.
Look—there IS NO ADULT IN HARRY POTTER THAT HAS NOT COMPLETELY LET US DOWN AT SOME POINT. name any adult, any, and I will explain how horribly they failed the kids.
But flawed doesn’t equal bad person.
Hagrid, McGonagall, Sirius—they were some of the best hp adults, flaws considered.
How many flaws does it take to become a bad person? I don’t know. But I do know snape has so many more flaws than virtues.
I dont think being a death eater necessarily means being a bad person, becuase many people who “fought with Voldemort” were there becuase their fate had already been decided. They had to stick with their families. Look at Draco Malfoy. In the chapter malfoy manor, you can really see how dark and terrifying living with the death eaters are. So much pressure to give everything you can to being a bigot and serving Voldemort. If draco didn’t, his parents and him would be killed by Voldemort, already on the end of his tether. (And yet he still helped Harry but that’s another essay)
Being a good person means how you treat people, and how you fix your mistakes when you fk up. And look how snape treated people.
Admittedly when I was comparing lupin and snape in the original post, I wasn’t talking about the deeper parts of if they were good people or not, though I know it’s not white and black.
I was comparing their professor ways. How they treated children, from a 13 year old’s perspective. I was thinking, hey, I’m as old as Harry was in the prisoner of Azkaban, and if I had to face snape on a regular basis, I would break down.
But yes, they are so much more deeper than who they were as professors. And giving out chocolate doesn’t make you a good person x
But I really do think flaws included, despite his flaws Lupin was a good person. And yes, I should have pointed out his flaws in the op post, so I’m pointing them out now. He is one of my favorite characters, so I hope you understand. I admit he isn’t perfect though, he’s flawed and messed up, but still to me, a good man on more or less.
oh ps— I’m not an anti. When I used to love Snape I was attacked by many people in a comment section for “defending snape” and now I am called an anti. There will always be criticism so let me make something clear.
No, I don’t like snape. But I’m not blocking others from liking him.
I will never let the fact that I don’t like snape make me drag you if you love him. I respect that. I hope you can respect me too!
Anyway thanks for sending this I never get asks, and hope you have a good day!! ♥️ 😆
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nexyra · 3 years
James Ironwood, for character ask? 👀
Aaaa thank you so much for the ask ♡ More rambling incoming !! Sorry for the wait btw, I've been both pretty busy and tired ;;
If you hate James Ironwood and don't wanna hear one good thing about him tap out now please ღ
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My fav ship(s) for the character
I am not a super big shipper when it comes to James, but there are still some I like more than others soo here goes :
I think Ironwitch is a pretty good one. It's not necessarily a ship I'd search content for but I think these two would work well together ! Glynda is stern and honest and a no-nonsense kind of woman. She has the strenght to stand up to James when he slips or gets too stubborn when faced with the high stakes. At the same time, we've been shown that she cares for him and she knows he's only trying to do what's best for people. She has faith in him but also the ability to stand at his side as an equal. She seems to be the more steadfast of Ozpin's circle : loyal, you know you can trust her, and she will not crumble. This is the kind of personnality that I think James both admire and feel safe with. And the other way around, I think James is a good match for Glynda too. On a day to day basis, he's serious enough to not annoy here, but he's also a softie in some aspects and that's a nice combination to smooth out Glynda's edges.
Ironqrow is a completely different dynamic. The "we're annoying each other" dynamic is not one I'm particularly interested in usually xD But these two certainly had strong & interesting moments so it's a pretty valid ship !! Despite how they might butt heads because of the difference in their upbringing they (prior to V8) clearly trusted each other with their life. Even if Qrow jokes about shooting himself if he had to be one of James' man, when everything goes to shit there is no doubt in his mind that James wasn't responsible. Similarly, while James talks of shooting Qrow for his misbehaviour, when push comes to shove and we meet a tired Ironwood, run ragged by the pressure he's under... the only thing he does is hug him and reiterates how glad he is to see him. So again, they clearly have a lot of faith and trust in the other, and that's solid ground for a relationship.
My least favorite ship(s) for the character
Same spiel as always, shipping kids and adults is a big no from me; so any ships between Ironwood and RWBYJNOR can qualify here. That said, among the less uncomfortable ones, here are those I don't really like
This one is again because I love their relationship but platonically only, I'm talking of Winter Soldier. The reading I like best is not that Ironwood is Winter's Jacques 2.0, nor that he groomed her; but that he was an important father figure in her life. Protective and caring, who tried to help her escape with what he knew. I don't see James recruiting Winter as a way to gain a strong ally. But rather that Winter wanted to detach herself from her family name, and make something worthwhile of herself all on her own. And that the military is what Ironwood knows and understand, so naturally it's a career he'd see as a good path. Just like Winter then proposed it to Weiss. I like to think they care about each other a LOT and they're their own tight family in between the lines, even if professionalism might throw a wrench into it. For short I love them together but not romantically please =)
I don't know if there's a ship name for this, but Salem x James Ironwood would be a big nope from me too... In general, let's just assume I ship Salem with nobody because abuse.
My fav & least fav platonic relationship(s) for the character
Fav platonic relationship would be (have been because we dont talk about V8?) with Winter. Fooor the reasons I've explained above I suppose x) I (again) love the trust they had in one another and the quiet support.
There was also his relationship with Oscar that I really liked during V7, although it has been soured a bit by the (valid) reading from some people that Ironwood sought out Ozpin a lot through Oscar, and given his identity issues it is not ground for a greatly healthy relationship. Their interactions were still very intersting though ♡ I consider Oscar to be the kid who went at trying to appease James' fear or make him reconsider his decisions the best way. There was true understanding and hope for a working relationship here. I do feel that Oscar put in more work than James however (emotionally) and I wish there had been pay-back instead of a gunshot.
For my least fav relationship ? Probably Robyn or Watts ? Robyn was always very antagonistic toward Ironwood since their priorities are so different. And I overall just don't really like her after V7 so there are very few relationships with her I'm interested in (the exception is her ship with Fiona I think it's cute). Meanwhile, Watts is just a petty asshole hell bent on ruining Ironwood because he didn't pick his project. I'm not very interested in hate relationships, and since theirs wasn't deeply explored anyway, it's even more the case here. Their fight was great though, one of my favorite RWBY fights !
My favorite thing about the character
Well this was completely proven wrong by V8 buuut as of V7 I liked that he was a deconstruction of the military general (dictator) trope. Sooo you can guess how i feel about V8 X) In general among RWBY, several of my fav are fav BECAUSE they look like one trope but also have key differences that from the get go make the character stray away from said trope. For example I'm not a fan of the princess tsundere archetype at all, but I loooved Weiss in V1 BECAUSE she was extra-willing to listen and change her mind, and you could very easily tell that it was her upbringing speaking more than herself in most occasions.
Similarly, I wasn't a big fan of Ironwood before V7. I didn't hate him you know and he wasn't lower than most characters in my Tier list but I also didn't particularly care. But you know what ? I've aaaalways had a really soft spot for the "angsty angry traumatized teen". And RWBY made the mistake of extending that soft spot to "tired adults trying their best" (only to repeatedly beat them up/make them villains after making me care about them but what can you do uh)
Soo in general, I loved that Ironwood was trying so hard. I loved that he was tired and in over his head but learning and listening and trying to do good and be better despite his fears. I liked that he told his entourage about Salem and was loyal. I liked that he cared about helping the people above his own image and the way people perceived him. I liked that you could tell this was a terrible situation all around, and his decisions WERE questionnable but we could SEE that he meant WELL and was genuinely trying so hard despite how scared and tired he was.
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My biggest criticism for the character
Well this won't be a surprise but in general I just wished he had stayed a morally grey character we were allowed to feel for instead of a cartoon black villain. I didn't need James to be THE Hero or anything like this despite some accusations levelled at those who like him. Him becoming one of RWBY's antagonist is honestly fine by me ! It is interesting. But I'd have preferred they kept him ambiguous and trying in his own way. (And smart because V8 Ironwood was dumb af)
I can be a tad overprotective of his character since he's just... so despised, so I think that I have inadvertently distanced myself from any of his flaws... somehow like "people are already yelling all of them so I don't need to add to this shit show" you know ? skjfkd But I KNOW he has them and it would still have been good to develop his flaws, just... not like that
But yea I'd have liked it if V8 Ironwood DID diverge from RWBYJNORQ and became an antagonist but not an iredeemable villain. LIKE,, we redeemed Hazel and Emerald and IRONWOOD is where the writers draw the line by saying "nope this one is rotten" ?? What ?
When was their writing at the peak according to me (ex : best season)
V7 definitely ! Ironwood carried V7 so hard haha. His character was fleshed out and given nuance and made to struggle and evolve and I loved him in that volume.
A song I think fits them & why
Hunger • Monsters & Men Human • Rag'n'Bone Man Way down we go • Kaleo Beekeeper • Keaton Henson Thistle and weeds • Mumford and Sons Castle of Glass • Linkin Park It's all so incredibly loud • Glass Animals
A headcanon to make up about them
His metal parts impact his metabolism so Ironwood is terrible at holding his alcohool and very little manages to knock him out. He's a workaholic. His low tolerence for alcohool is a great tool whn friends need to put him to sleep.
His joints crack and hurt in the cold, his metal parts as well and they are an hassle in the sand. James like to keep his room temperature warmer than the average atlasian because of this, otherwise he has to spend 30 min every morning simply unwiding muscles to move around efficiently.
He's not a good singer but has a nice low voice for telling stories. If he had kids, he'd probably avoid lullabies but compensate with bedtimes stories.
What I would change about them if I was making a re-write
As always, I'm kind of reflecting along the way as I write this, and one thing I'm thinking right now is... Doesn't it take away from the atlas arc message ITSELF to just pile up so many "standard bad guy" stuff on Ironwood ? Like, I wanna ask... why do we hate him ? Is he an antagonist because he lets fear get the best of him ? Because he's a classist who doesn't care about Mantle like some fans argue ? Because he's too stubborn and wants to be THE hero ? Because he doesn't listen to others ? Because he abandonned Mantle ? Because he kills peopke left and right ? Because he wanted to bomb a city ? I think you might see where I'm going with this : his status as villain is kind of messy. V8 just kept piling-up flaws and villainous actions onto Ironwood with no concern for whether this was a lenght he would go to (using the certainty that he would go to any lenghts to enact his plans), ,or whether these were one of the initial flaws/failings that led to his "fall" as an antagonist. What lesson is Ironwood supposed to learn ? Personally the very first time I yelled at my screen "No ! Why would the writers choose that ?" is when Ironwood shot Oscar. When answering criticism against medias, many people tend to look at it only through the lense of "well it makes sense in universe" or as if there were no other ways for the story to devolve. But at the end of the way, everything in a story is a choice from the writer even if it is influenced by the characters' personnalities. If I took the scene where Ironwood shoots Oscar, someone might tell me "he's crippled by his PTSD, he COULD do this." Maybe, that's a reading I can somewhat understand at least. But the writers have the power to NOT put his character in such a position. When I saw the wreck that was V7 finale, I ranted to my bestfriend about it and at no point did i say "why did Ironwood do that", I said "why did the writers make him shoot Oscar, the only point narratively would be to make irredeemable" Aaaand that's what they went for and I obviously didn't care for it. So if I had to rewrite it; I would have kept Ironwood's "mistakes" more focused. If he's wrong because he wants to abandon Mantle, because he's (understandably) scared and doesn't want to take risks; then stay focused on that. It's what makes RWBY leave, and out of all his V8 actions that's really the only thing RWBY needed to tell the whole world he wasn't an ally anymore apparently. - Don't make him shoot Oscar point blank, instead Oscar can simply fall because he flinches away from Ironwood's outburst; and a distraught/guilty Ironwood can decide that he doesn't have the time or capacity to help because of the tense situation. (Killing and not saving someone don't hold the same moral weight at all). - Don't make him kill people left and right or bomb cities, maintain the flaw of Ironwood struggling with his PTSD and his fear and not being able to take risks. - Don't paint him as a black villain, and eventually write V8 in such a way that RWBYJNORQ show taking risks might lead to a bigger victory, which was the volume's theme anyway. For example, following Oscar's destruction of the whale, a growth can occur that would bring back together the two anti-Salem factions : Oscar's risk put Atlas out of harm's way, which leads to Ironwood seeing that maybe there WAS a way to save Mantle as well as Atlas despite Salem's presence and he might have jumped the gun too quickly because of his fears. I'm not sure, I haven't thought about this extensively honestly but I hope you see what I mean. I think it would have been more focused & more in-character to focus Ironwood's failings on his fear; and the fact that he cares for the people and the greater good sometimes at the cost of the individuals. The idea that by sacrificing individuals too much you forget the people you're fighting for in the first place, could have been interesting to dig deeper into. Keep to the idea that Ironwood is somewhat disensitized to the individuals suffering for the sake of the greater good, instead of making him just
callous & uncaring.
My guess for their MBTI/Enneagram
I think pre-V8 Ironwood was an unconventionnal ENFJ. Aka, the type of character no one would type ENFJ because they go by stereotypes and Fe stereotypes are just enneagram 2 everywhere (aka nice, kind, helpful) whereas Ironwood has an enneagram tritype very common among xxTJs so that's what he looks/behaves like, but the way he thinks (what's best for the people, ethical values derived from an Atlasian upbringing) align more with Fe cognitively I think I'm going with ENFJ 6w5 1w2 3w4
Starting from V8 though, Ironwood veered clearly into ENTJ territory (types aren't supposed to change but I wouldn't say RWBY is the most consistent media when it comes to characters' personnalities)
One aspect that I think would be nice to delve deeper into ?
I understand why they didn't care to, but it'd have been interesting to get a few backstory hints for Ironwood. How did he lose half his body ? How did Oz recruit him ? Or some pieces about his upbringing ?
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