#ig stort
leveloneandup · 4 months
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Adult Dinner 💯🤩🙌🏼👍🏼👏🏼
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myhughniverse · 1 year
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Norwegian Bokmål for Total Beginners (January 2024 Crash Course)
21. Common Adjectives
Welcome to another day of Norwegian! I hope your studies are going well. Today we're looking at some basic adjectives:
ung/ungt/unge - young
gammel/gammelt/gamle - old
ny/nytt/nye - new
fin/fint/fine - nice, fine
god/godt/gode, bra - good
dårlig/dårlige - bad
lang/langt/lange - long
kort/korte - short (distance)
høy/høyt/høye - high, tall (height)
lav/lavt/lave - low, short (height)
liten/lita/lite/små/lille - small, little
stor/stort/store - big
Grammar: Declining Adjectives
We've talked about grammatical gender before and how adjectives are affected by this:
en gammel mann (an old man)
et nytt tog (a new train)
store lastebiler (big lorries)
For a recap, have a look at day 8's Colours lesson.
Unfortunately, there is no "one size fits all" rule for declining adjectives. As with everything, you'll get a feel for it as you go along, so don't panic if you don't get it all today. Here are a few rules:
To make an adjective neuter, add -t. To make it plural, add -e
Adjectives ending in -sk and -ig don't add -t in the neuter form. But they do add -e in the plural form.
Adjectives that end in consonant + t/d don't get an extra -t in the neuter form
Adjectives ending in -el, -er or -en lose the e in the plural form (gammel -> gamle)
^Adjectives with a double consonant before -el, -er or -en also lose one of those consonants
Short adjectives that don't end in 'e' usually add -tt in the neuter (blå -> blått, grå -> grått, ny -> nytt). With the exception of ny, you don't normally add 'e' in the plural form with these adjectives (you can, but it's mor common not to)
Adjectives ending in -a or -e often don't change forms (rosa, bra, oransje, ekte)
There are a couple of other rules, but we can look at them later when you learn more adjectives. If you're ever unsure, go to ordbøkene.no and look up the word, then click on 'vis bøyning' to check the declension.
Liten is an irregular adjective in many ways. It's one of very few adjectives that has a separate feminine form, as well as a totally different plural form and a totally different definite form. These are as follows:
Masculine: liten (en liten bil = a small car)
Feminine: lita (ei lita gulrot = a small carrot)
Neuter: lite (et lite hus = a small house) [rarely: smått]
Plural: små (små sykler = small bicyles)
Definite: lille (den lille flaska = the small bottle) [rarely: vesle]
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gyunetwork · 2 years
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[IG Stort, 221007] min9yu_k
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"Johanne Milland is to move home with 29-year-old Alex Høgh Andersen. This is what the couple tells BILLED-BLADET, where they reveal the happy news with a big smile.
- She's moving in in a week. We have to fix an apartment tomorrow, says the "Vikings" star with a big smile."
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It is sad she didn't get to go to the show's premiere tonight, but she is the lead in Askepot! But her message on IG to him and about the show was very sweet. They're such a lovely supportive couple. 😊😊😊💖💖💖 and they look great. I've said it before but I love the facial hair on him! And she's so beautiful! 😊😊
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steel--fairy · 2 months
me then: ive finally got chryssas team done!! no more editing!!
me now: hm. might need to edit her team
the problem is that, as ive realized while finishing up hoenn fic, it's difficult to write large pokemon teams and give everyone decent characterization. like poor blaziken really got shafted in arc 3 and i feel bad for only just noticing as i was finishing the very last chapter.
meanwhile chryssa doesnt have 6 pokemon but 10. then theres also lucas and his 4 pokemon to deal with as well. if i have to, i can take out rampardos and bronzong. i dont have any stort beats and no noticeable personalities for either so theyre easily cuttable compared to the rest. buuuut i really don't want to : c. idk ill see what happens as I write ig
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withnive · 3 months
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240129 니브(NIve)_ChapterM IG stort update
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thelasttime · 11 months
To your anon asking about ig story viewers, I've been doing an embarrassing amount of stort viewer tracking lately 🫣 and actually it does seem to be chronological (bottom is first, top is most recent) WITH THE EXCEPTION of the people who liked it. Once they like it, they're permanently stuck up top and the newest slip in underneath the last person listed who liked your story.
oh interesting!! i'm not going to read into why you're into story-viewer tracking but that's extremely relatable LOL
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maelkevejen · 1 year
Bare fordi, jeg nogle gange bliver forvirret og rådvild, betyder det altså ikke, at jeg ikke kan klare noget selv. Du må gerne hjælpe, når det sker (hvis du kan og vil), men det er ikke dit ansvar. Lige ige så meget, jeg sætter pris på dit initiativ til at smøre min madpakke, så jeg ikke bliver alt for forsinket, lige sådan sætter jeg ikke særligt meget pris på at blive direkte modsagt, når jeg har fået fodfæste igen og siger, at jeg godt kan tage over, eller klare det selv nu. Jeg er ikke en baby. Jeg vil ikke gøres til mere invalid, end jeg i virkeligheden er eller selv synes jeg er. Og i hvert fald ikke på den måde. I et vist omfang er det jo egentlig mig, der ved bedst. Det betyder ikke, at du aldrig må hjælpe, når du kan se, jeg har brug for det, men lige den her situation er jo ikke vigtig? Så jeg forstår ikke, hvorfor min vished om min egen formåen skal overtrumfes på den måde. Og heller ikke hvorfor det bagefter virkede som om, jeg havde pålagt dig et stort ansvar, som du lod til at lide under (forstået på din måde, at det i høj grad lod til påvirke dit humør og din sindsstemning i en negativ retning). Nu ved jeg godt, at jeg ikke ved noget med sikkerhed ift. hvordan du har det, og at mine teorier om, hvad du tænker og føler ikke altid stemmer overens med, hvordan du i virkeligheden har det - ligesom det også gælder den anden vej rundt. Men jeg kunne se, at noget generede dig, mærkede en tilbageholdenhed ift. at kysse mig farvel, og jeg forlod lejligheden med en følelse af at blive pålagt en uberettiget dårlig samvittighed over at være en belastning for nogen, der har taget et hensyn til mig, som jeg egentlig frasagde mig. Og det synes jeg ikke er fair. Så jeg håber, det ikke afspejler virkeligheden.
Det er ikke dit ansvar, at jeg kommer afsted til tiden. Jeg tænker nogle gange på, om du tror, jeg ikke kan tage vare på mig selv. Den tanke er ganske modbydelig og ydmygende.
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thecrusher007 · 2 years
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🎉🎉🎉🎉 Take Three IG glitch!!! If you commented before those are gone try again! Today is my favorite day of the year. The day where I get to celebrate the greatest person I know. To my favorite person on earth. My best friend, inspiration and protector. My hero and yours. The King. The Wizard. The Magician. The Professor. Mr Tomas Haake!!! He is going to be so mad at me for doing this so late but I just couldn't stop myself from making sure you all help me (s)wish him a stort grattis på födelsedagen (a big happy birthday). We are a little down that we can't be together today for the first time in 7 years. I want you to know that this man literally gives his blood, sweat and Tears to his art and pushed through some difficult circumstances with the most eloquent Grace and ease I've ever seen. He has given me love support and inspiration like no other person I've ever known. He is truly the greatest of all time. Happy Birthday my love. 📷 #1 @claire.alaxandra Royal Albert Hall London 2022 #2 🤷🏽‍♀️ Roselland Ballroom NYC 2013 #3 me Sandhamn 2022 #födelsedag #teamhaake #allhaakeeverything #kärlek #ouroboros #jagälskardig @meshuggah https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf90xDsuH23/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dans-queer-ass · 6 years
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ilikedetectives · 2 years
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Melissanthi Mahut's IG stort omgggggg. Ok I hope this is either Kassandra coming back again or Melissanthi voicing Diana in the upcoming Wonder Woman game. I am crossing all of my fingers rn!!!
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snailbutters · 3 years
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Um I’m not exactly happy with this one but I still think it’s an okay comic to post. I messed up a couple of times but it’s whatever rn. I was fighting with my art program and it exported the colors weird and so on. I’m also not very happy with how Brick turned out after the first panel, but nonetheless I hope y’all enjoy. Also it was either panel 3 or 4 that has the colors exported weird from the others, and I apologize for that.
I took inspiration from Citiesville (I believe is what the city is called that the girls go to in the original show and they have a no powers or superhero rule). Anyways, I wanted to dabble in some comic ideas I had for these characters and test it out.
This one is basically the girls are off to college, and in their place the boys, mainly Brick, took over the girls’ roles in their short absences. So in this comic they were asked by Blossom and the Mayors of Townsville and Citiesville to come help out with one major issue Citiesville couldn’t get under control. However, since there’s a no powers rule there the boys had to do this job without their powers. So in result it took them longer to fix the issue. By the time they fixed the issue a new string of and AB virus broke out but this time it made it to Citiesville. So now the boys are here in Citiesville banned on going home for now.
Brick has been having to book motel rooms in the meantime until they can get back home. They’re stuck at a train station trying to switch to another motel. Already Brick’s annoyed that they aren’t allowed to fly, but on top of that he expresses his worry about his depleting supply of currency. Butch points out that their brother, whom for some reason has struggled to fall asleep in this new area, had actually dozed off. So they do a very rare thing, and snap a photo of the moment to alleviate some stress when looking back on this experience. The last panel is Boomer looking at it through IG.
Idk it was a little idea I had.
For mit danske publikum:
Denne her er grundlæggende pigerne på college, og i deres sted overtog drengene, hovedsagelig Brick pigernes roller i deres korte fravær. Så i denne tegneserie blev de bedt af Blossom og borgmestrene i Townsville og Citiesville om at komme med et stort problem, Citiesville ikke kunne få styr på. Men da der ikke er nogen magt, måtte drengene dog gøre dette job uden deres beføjelser. Det tog dem derfor længere tid at løse problemet. Da de lavede det, brød en ny tråd af og en virus ud, men denne gang kom det til Citiesville. Så nu er drengene her i Citiesville forbudt at tage hjem nu.
Brick har været nødt til at booke motelværelser i mellemtiden indtil de kan komme hjem. De sidder fast på en togstation, der prøver at skifte til et andet motel. Brick er allerede irriteret over, at de ikke må flyve, men oven i købet udtrykker han sin bekymring over, at han har mistet valutaen. Butch påpeger, at deres bror, som af en eller anden grund har kæmpet for at falde i søvn i dette nye område, faktisk var dømt af. Så de gør noget sjældent, og tager et billede af øjeblikket for at lindre lidt stress, når de ser tilbage på denne oplevelse. Det sidste panel er Boomer, der kigger på det gennem Instagram.
Trods det er simpelt håber jeg også, at I nyder det. Jeg undskylder også, at mit danske er ikke så godt, det er et minut siden, jeg har brugt det til at forklare en tegneserie idé.
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You might want to check Eric's IG stort. He said "Sporting rights" and I think he did it for you especially, to heal the pain Jan's transfer caused 💔
I saw that and I want to be clear: I’m no longer blaming Eric Dier for the J*n fiasco.
It’s not his fault. Sporting till we die 💚
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combatwarrior · 4 years
2020 08 13 Sae’s IG stort
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a---fire---inside · 4 years
So che magari non ne hai voglia ma a me mancano molto le tue analisi, quindi tentare non costa nulla. Ti andrebbe di analizzare ciò che è successo l'altra sera tra Ermal e Fab?
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Voglia ne avrei anche (per quanto riguarda gli eventi di sabato), specialmente se il fandom non fosse così com'è, per i vari motivi su cui mi sono già dilungata fin troppo. E non vorrei che il concetto di analizzare venisse percepito come robe complottistiche o offese agli individui in questione, ma ci provo lo stesso e speriamo bene. Specificando che parlerò di 'rapporto' in modo generico, e mi aspetto che nessuno mi rompa le palle, nè accusandomi di vedere cose, né chiedendomi cose troppo specifiche.
Prima la foto, in cui entrambi sorridono con la bocca e soprattutto, con gli occhi (cosa non accade sempre). Entrambi sembrano esprimere tanta felicità, Fabrizio sembra tenere sotto controllo le emozioni, ma comunque il suo sorriso è molto calmo, ed Ermal è raggiante. Mi vengono in mente tante altre foto come quelle della vittoria  Sanremo, o a Trento. E mi piace che Ermal sia rivolto con testa e corpo verso Fabri, dopo tanto tempo in cui, metaforicamente, è stato rivolto ad altri (progetti). E mi piace anche perché mi ricorda l'Ermal geloso, fisico e possessivo di Lisbona, che toccava Fab continuamente, e gli stava sempre appiccicato guardando storte le tipe che gli giravano intorno ecc.
Tra l'altro mi è piaciuto che sia stato Ermal a postare la loro foto, e mi è piaciuta la caption sia su ig che tw, con le quali secondo me ha un po' giocato sul vecchio 'non sparire' e le battute che aveva fatto tempo fa su Fab che non rispondeva alle sue chiamate e che erano ovviamente scherzi. E mi è sembrato che 'marcasse il territorio' lol, come a ribadire che tra lui e Bizio c'è un rapporto speciale. Un po' come tante cosine che ha fatto sui social, tipo quella del giallo e del blu (dove quello che conta è il poi ti spiego, che fa capire che tra loro c'è un rapporto che va oltre i social).
E sempre restando in tema Lisbona, le loro storie mi hanno riportato a quei tempi e quell'atmosfera, quella felicità, quel godere della compagnia dell'altro e quel divertimento...in pratica nella ig story non dicono niente, si parlano addosso, cazzeggiano senza senso, si prendono in giro simpaticamente, il tutto con Fabrizio che tiene il braccio intorno alla schiena di Ermal come faceva sempre quando per esempio scendevano dal palco, ed Ermal che si muove, prende Fabrizio per il braccio o il gomito, e straparla.
Perché davvero, non dicono assolutamente nulla ed è bellissimo...la battuta sul bagno delle donne mi è sembrata la versione 2020 della slovena lol, tanto perché fa ridere nominare delle donne a caso. Ermal che 'ho trovato Bizio' come se si fossero incontrati in mezzo ad una tempesta di neve, Fab che normalmente parla piano e invece urla senza motivo plausibile, come un ragazzino in gita con gli amici, che si sono rincontrati...e poi il nulla, ed è ovvio che non gliene frega niente di dire qualcosa che abbia senso, si stanno divertendo e solo quello conta. Gita al liceo parte 2, insomma.
(bonus: lo sguardo di Ermal che al momento del morobacettoTM si rabbuia per un nanosecondo= jealous!Ermal confirmed again)
E Fabrizio si direbbe più calmo di Ermal, come sempre, a parte quell'iniziale momento euforico, lascia straparlare Ermal, si lascia afferrare e scherzare come a Lisbona e non solo, e si diverte tantissimo. 
Entrambi lo fanno, hanno entrambi dei sorrisi bellissimi che non hanno sempre e non hanno con altri (e non sto pensando a nessuno in particolare quindi non mettetemi in bocca cose).  
Perché in fondo non erano obbligati a postare storie avendo postato la foto. (apro una parentesi per dire che teoricamente non erano obbligati nemmeno a postare una foto, dato che il loro rapporto si svolge fuori dai social) e invece sia uno che l'altro l'ha postata, sia uno che l'altro hanno mostrato quanto sono felici insieme, perché "la felicità brilla, non la puoi nascondere. La felicità si vede" (cit) e loro hanno voluto condividerla con i loro fans.
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