#ig i could copy and paste but that’s no fun
avakining · 2 days
spoilers(?) for the end of game changer s6 e8 "the ratfish" (and some related thoughts on Dirty Laundry)
kinda a ramble/rant that i copy-pasted from discord and like. idk you probably shouldn't read it. this was written just after i finished the episode on monday
hm kinda disappointed by the "reveal" at the end
I've never heard of the person who was supposed to be a shock reveal and tbh i think that kinda killed the momentum a bit. Was hoping it'd be Sam or some like. Someone I'd at least heard of.
Like obv i knew they weren't revealing who "Steven" was and i knew dropout wouldn't use "ai" or other stupid stuff. but like. idk. if Eric Wareheim had been on dropout before and was a known quantity I'd get it but like. who is this guy? why should i care about him being a surprise?
This is kinda the same problem i had with a lot of dirty laundry -- a lot of it feels v targeted to who people in LA and actively going to a lot of standup in LA. But at least in dirty laundry it's still fun to hear wild stories
And ig he was (according to wikipedia) a guest voice on the simpsons and has a netflix special but like. that kinda comes with the territory of being a white guy
Anyway, I was thinking Steven could be played by multiple Dropout ppl, like as a committee or just passing it around or smth.
And they've gotten actually famous ppl on game changer/make some noise before! Tony Hawk, a bunch of ppl in Game Changer: Battle Royale (tho even then i hadn't heard of most of them), and Wayne Brady. Idk I'm just disappointed they went with someone who is clearly a character in their own right but not like. famous enough (or dropout-related enough) that everyone watching would know them
Anyway. I thought the majority of the episode was 10/10 but the last like 30 seconds kinda killed it. overall I'd give this episode 7/10
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smokin-corn · 7 months
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Underverse redraw:D!!
Oh how I love crossy he is my favorite
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atthebell · 5 months
how to clip (redneck ash atthebell edition aka not the most efficient necessarily)
my best methods for clipping & posting to tumblr
tl;dr use clipr for downloading clips from twitch, other methods vary by mileage
Clip on Twitch & Download using Clipr
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IMO, this is the best method for posting clips. Twitch clips don't always display properly on Firefox, and it also means that if the clip ceases to exist on Twitch for whatever reason, it's still uploaded to Tumblr. You can also guarantee the quality you're downloading in, which is usually 1080p unless the streamer has for some reason lowered their stream quality (happens by accident sometimes).
Downsides: 1) You have to be able to download the clip to your computer, and doesn't work on mobile. Well, it could, but it would be way more difficult and I don't know why you would do that to yourself. 2) If the moment you want to clip is longer than 60 seconds, you have to use another method. Twitch only lets you clip something that long. I bemoan this fact every day.
Screen capture on your computer
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The pros of this method are that you aren't limited to 60 seconds, and if you're trying to clip something from a YouTube video, it's easier than trying to download a YouTube clip (have never been able to successfully do this myself) or downloading the entire video and then editing it down to the moment you want to clip.
The cons are that you have to make sure you're not screen capturing sensitive shit from your own computer, and you have to turn off all other audio and make sure your volume levels & video quality are at appropriate levels (aka don't have your volume super low, don't have the video on 480p if possible). If you're clipping off YouTube, you have to deal with having the channel's watermark in the corner, but otherwise it's great for when you want to just clip something from Twitch but it's longer than 60 seconds.
How to do this (on Windows):
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Remember to put your computer on DND (Discord as well) and put the video on highest quality and decent volume levels. Press Windows key + G (if that's your configuration) and select "Start Recording" on the capture window. Remember to give time for the scrub bar and shit from YouTube or Twitch (or whatever) to go away, so go back a little bit before where you want the clip to start. Record until you've got what you want, then open it in whatever video editing software pleases you. You can find the recording in Captures on your computer (usually in some folder chain in Users) or by just pressing Windows key + G again, it'll let you open the recording in file location. I use Microsoft Clipchamp to edit because Windows Media Player crashes my computer and I'm not going to pay for nice editing software rn. Anyway, edit out the bits with you moving your mouse around and the video player UI and get it to whatever length you like. Save or redownload to your computer, upload to Tumblr.
Downloading off Twitter
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Use twittervideodownloader or twdown. Copy the video address from the video and paste it, then download in whatever quality you'd like. Please attribute said clips, particularly if they went through the trouble of adding subtitles or you're using their translation (or just to let people know where they came from-- i.e. is this from a cc's own IG story, or is it a random fan recording them; the latter means you maybe shouldn't be reposting this video). Translation itself is often a thankless project so it's very appreciated to acknowledge translators. Also if someone else went through the trouble of clipping something, it's just nice to acknowledge them for it. Preferably include a link to the original tweet. This method is best for just needing stuff off Twitter, for IG stories that someone else already screen captured, or if the only clip you can find is on Twitter and the original vod/video is gone for whatever reason.
Extra fun tips:
If you are a frequent clipper, get in the habit of naming your files! If you're keeping them all on your computer, for organization's sake, it will save you SO much time and energy if you just have names on your files. It doesn't have to be anything crazy formal; for example, my format is just "oct 12 cellbit scared by sign tts;" date followed by a very short description.
Similar to the above, it also helps to include some amount of context to clips when you're posting them, particularly if you're not liveblogging. Sometimes people rb clips onto my dash and start freaking out about some kind of lore going on and it's like dude this clip is from two months ago, calm down. Please turn on timestamps also for the love of fuck.
You can download videos straight off Tumblr! If someone else already posted a clip you like and want to have on your computer, you can download it off the dash or off their blog and just have it, no extension or screen capture or website needed. One of the very cool things about this website!
Related, if you really want to find a clip that you know was already posted to Tumblr by someone else, use people's archives. They're also one of the actually functional parts of this website. You can filter by post type, month, and tags, which can usually get you closer to finding what you're looking for than searching will.
RoyalArchivist tends to post and reblog a lot of clips, so they're a good resource alongside myself, pix pixiecaps, and jay cellgatinbo, all of whom clip like maniacs. I also just reblog a lot of things and have a pretty extensive tagging system. RA also has a timestamp archive for QSMP with notes about lore and things-- please check that out if you're interested in helping document events or looking to find a certain moment.
MCYT Archive Project has public vods spreadsheets for QSMP as well as other MCYT projects that are incredibly extensive, so if you're looking for a moment and you remember the date, you should be able to find the vod on the sheet. You can also use the vod archives in junction with wiki articles to figure out exactly or approximately when something happened (the QSMP Miraheze wiki includes citations in their articles, which is a massive help for this kind of thing).
Finally, I am a lunatic who figured this all out through trial and error. There are probably other, somewhat more efficient methods, like I said at the start. If you know of any, please (politely) add onto the post.
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quanticq · 8 months
Hey Q! Sorry for bothering you, but for some reason I can no longer find any of your tik tok accounts 😭 Did they get deleted or something?
Hi this is Q! I’m coming out of the woodwork to address this, since I did went radio silent out of the blue so it’s not a bother at all
The short answer is Yes, I deleted my tiktok
Yes delete not deactivate, I’m not coming back to That app or IG or Twt, I deleted my socials except here and YouTube, I honestly felt so overwhelmed with everything, I realized I’m not even posting for myself anymore there. A lots of people crossed my boundaries time and time again I felt so helpless, bitter with myself. I guess I was just overwhelmed with the attention I got; both positive and negatives ones.
Im done and I want to start over so that’s why I’m here and on YouTube, I already posted some of these on my community tab on YT but here’s what I have in mind for the future of the content I want to create: more detail under the cut, and also;
CW: very brief mention of spiraling, harm inflict oneself or others, paranoia, etc
•Long-form content: my attention span is a bit messed up from consuming and making short-form content to the point where I can’t focus in university. I want to create something meaningful. It’s not that my previous content was not meaningful, no. I had fun and no time is wasted when I have fun, it was warm… but as I mentioned earlier, I just felt this lingering bitterness the longer I stayed making those short-form content. It really felt like I was on the verge of losing it. Especially with how the bigger following I have the less people think of me as a person than just another content creator you see on the internet,
I want to create long-form content, I’m so tired of forcing myself to generate 15 second content. On tiktok it just feels like I’m just creating and not really connecting. I want to try something new, maybe create an open space for meaningful discussion in the comments. I don’t think I can stand another copy-paste tiktok comment anymore. You know what I meant if you’re frequent on that app.
•Art Content with Commentary: and don’t worry this won’t be those petty artist drama issue, but I will still cover anything serious
it could be love letters or video essays ranging from fan fictions, fandom culture, the art scene and so much more. I may even share a bit of my personal life, this will be self indulgent after all! I want to make it fun for myself and as well to those who comes across my channel. I really REALLY want to create a genuine following.
On tiktok it’s so easy to gain following but not so easy to retain them, it’s mostly because of the algorithm and the FYP feature there.
On Tiktok most content that would get featured as an artist there would be creative work has to be either; more than exceptional which is pressuring enough already to consistent posters, straight up suggestive content shown to minors (tiktok doesn’t really have a blocked keywords feature but it’s so disheartening to see these creators intentionally not using the sensitive warning since it could limit their reach significantly) oh yes we can’t forget the negativity surrounding beginner artists or “art lore”
All of this cesspool of negativity, it’s a whole can of worms but it will be one of my prominent topics that I wish to discuss in my future art commentaries. I hope you guys are looking forward to those! I might bring in a few people or so to talk about it with me
and finally;
•Streaming: I used to do a lot of streams during the weekends on the clock app and it was super fun! I want to bring that back but that would have to wait since I’m unfamiliar with some features on YouTube, and I’m aware that YT does not have a discoverable feature for stream but that’s alright, I want to start something small first.
In short; I’ll figure it out! just need some baby steps before I start streaming again.
I apologize for deleting everything out of the blue, if I’m gonna be honest it was partially planned because I’ve been thinking about deleting my tiktok, twitter and Instagram for a while now but how it happened? In my breakdown I realized that I don’t want anyone to see me spiral, especially now that I realized how young my audience are, I’m not sure how that happened but I guess posting fandom contents does attract the young ones somehow inevitably, even though my content is nowhere near as suggestive, but I do talk about serious topics from time to time… but I digress, its not fair for them to deal with me if they see me spiral publicly,
it is especially not fair to them to console me. When I was younger than 14, I’ve been in a position where I have to talk down someone who was older, maybe 4-5 years older than me, from harming themselves or anyone, it was traumatizing and unpleasant. I don’t wish for anyone to go through that, it’s very painful.
It’s been… hard for me to ground myself. Ive been seeing things through a kaleidoscope of emotions; I was trying to focus on everything but it’s just too overwhelming so eventually I cracked. But please don’t worry I’ve been doing better now, after some time away from my online persona, and of course spending time with my beloved girlfriend, I see things much more clearly now.
Thank you to anyone who read this and much so appreciate those who understand where I’m coming from
Also now that I think of it can my stuff be considered as lost media now? Amazing! But please don’t be sad the fun I had was genuine!
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Thank you again to those who genuinely enjoyed my content on tiktok but it’s time for me to try my hand at something new, I will still be dwelling in my creative headspace just.. away from public for now,
if you’re looking forward for my future post, make sure to check out my YouTube! I still have a lot I need to cook hehe, this is one of the few!
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More post soon, Bye bye! -Q
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cowboyfromh3ll · 8 months
Hi there! I’m a big fan. I saw your request for something besides Arthur. Not sure if this qualifies, but it’s an idea I had.
What if reader is fairly new to the gang, or new barmaid in town, and both Charles and Arthur are interested in them. They both have this ongoing competition to try to win reader’s affections. Reader, of course, is oblivious. Up to you who wins.
This is an idea I had noodling around, but not sure if/when I’d write it. I’m curious to see your spin. If you’re not feeling it, that’s ok, I totally understand
Genius Of Love
(Arthur Morgan x Fem!Reader x Charles Smith)
I had fun writing reader as a contemptuous woman. She’s so silly. Also I made it so there’s no winner, you can decide that for yourself based on what they say. Ambiguity is fun. 
Warnings: uhh mentions of stabbings, drinking ig
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You began your first day as a barmaid in anticipatory apprehensiveness. Your anxiety-laden first day, following your release from jail, provided you with a small sense of stability and normalcy. You were given minimal training, the job feeling more like a test of logic and wit to gauge your competence. While sitting in your holding cell, you’d imagine the first thing you would do once you got out was to have some sort of nasty fun, but your more adult-like sense insisted you try and start your life again. So instead of walking into the saloon with intentions of a weekend long bender, you found yourself acquiring a job instead of a hangover. 
Within the first hour of your job, a man had gotten blackout drunk and put his hand on your ass shortly before vomiting next to his stool. You found the thud of his body crashing into the mud outside the saloon steps to be satisfactory, having to heave his unconscious body outside was not very fun on the other hand. Many of the men made a show of watching your ass as you walked past, leaning back on their seats for far too long before they came crashing down as well. The entire day was made up of small tests for your patience, seeing just how rehabilitory jail had been for you after you stabbed a man superficially for brushing up against you lasciviously.  You knew you were on thin ice after the incident, so so much as slapping a man could probably land you back in the slammer. Though, after remerging yourself into this god-awfully virile town, part of you wished the wound had been fatal. 
You found it to sometimes be a relief to act outwardly vicious, to confirm that you were deeply flawed and not at all lady like so many others expected you to be. People were often startled by the contentious inflection in your voice; because you’re pretty they assume you’ll be docile and submissive. It was odd to men that it appeared as though you were one of them, just as it would’ve startled them to find out you fight like one of them too. Occasionally in your teen years, some boys from the road you lived on would pick on you and subsequently get pulverized by you, their sense of consternation leaving you deeply gratified. With their staggering stature over you and their forming muscles and wide set shoulders it was easy to imagine them overpowering you in a fight, but you had a face that denied violence. 
With the passing hours of the day, the faces of various men seemed to blur into one blob of amalgamation. They were nearly indistinguishable, all possessing the same incipient beards and tired, wrinkled faces. Looking down at your glasses and pouring drinks helped you temporarily evade the vulgar angles at which their stubbled jaws would protrude as they dished out their best attempts at flirting with you, the moist smacks of tongue as they masticated whatever food you served up to them. You shuddered whenever you watched another carbon copy of your previous patron walk into the saloon, adopting the same flirtatious saunter and libidinous attitude. Though the only things you could focus on as they spoke was the thought of their tongues leaving a bitter film of saliva upon your skin that made you want to gag. 
You soon found yourself serving a pair of men who were passing through the bar for a quick drink. It was a pleasant surprise to not see a men in there who didn’t look like decrepit souls who just crawled out of a mine. You thought to yourself how they would perhaps be the most entertaining thing about your day, brandishing a satisfied smirk as you greeted them. 
“How may I help you today, boys.” You placed your palms on the counter and leaned slightly, studying their features. They certainly didn’t possess the same wide, flapping jaws of the men who yammered away about how much they could pleasure you. They had a modest, humble air to them that you liked. Not to mention their faces were absolute eye candy, their voices as smooth as the whisky you had poured so many times that way. 
“We’ll have some of your best whisky.” One said, stroking his stubble as he looked at you. The other one said nothing but nodded. 
“Right away, men.” You turned your back, letting loose a breath you hadn’t realized you’d been holding. Unbeknownst to you, the two men behind you were looking at each other as if they were sizing one another up. There was a playfulness to the way they glared at each other, as if they were challenging each other to some sort of competition. 
You turned back to face them, serving them their shots. 
“Anything else?” You half hoped one of them would say “yes, you” but it was wishful thinking. You nearly snorted to yourself. 
“Yes actually, another shot.” The other man said. His blue eyed companion looked at him speculatively while you poured. You were about to slide it to him until he raised his hand up, shaking his head. You offered a confused and slightly irritated look. 
“For you, I insist.” 
In unison, you and his companion laughed; his partner in disbelief and you from shock, contented that something interesting was happening. 
“Ohhh I don’t know. I’m not really allowed to drink on the job…” you laughed ineptly; though in reality you had contemplated downing the entire bottle before smashing it over someone’s head the entire day. You looked around at the room of inebriated men, a feeling of pegunance overcoming you like a cresting wave. 
“Oh, who the hell cares.” You concluded before throwing the shot back, hissing at the sting. The two of you laughed together, and you briefly thanked him for the shot. His friend looked on in contempt as he threw his own shot back, narrowing his eyes once again. 
“I’m Charles by the way,” He began, before looking slyly to his right. “And that’s Arthur.”
As if on cue, Arthur slammed a couple of bills on the table while glaring at Charles, turning to face you with a gracious smile. 
“A cognac for the lady.” He said smoothly. You smiled, turning around once again to retrieve the bottle of brandy. You certainly took no issue with men when they bought you drinks, especially when they were easy to abandon afterwards. But something about these two made you hope they’d stick around a little longer.
You poured yourself a generous cup of cognac as the man watched, downing the drink like your life depended on it. 
“You sure can handle your liquor.” Arthur commented, impressed by your ability. You giggled once again, nodding in agreement. 
“Certainly can. It’s a virtue if I’m gonna be working in a place like this.” You joked, cleaning the empty glasses up. The two of them were amused by your candor, exchanging competitive looks once again. 
“So what are you two doing in a town like this?” You asked, wiping a glass down. “Certainly don’t look like you’re from around here.”
“We’re just passing through. We could ask you the same thing. What’s a pretty young thing like you doing working here?” Charles asked, making you wave your hand at him and giggle. 
“I just got out of jail yesterday.” The true test would see how they reacted to the revelation; whether they were scared off or drawn in, you’d be relieved either way. But contrary to what you thought they’d believe, they looked curious. 
“What for?” Arthur asked. 
“Stabbed a man for trying to touch me. Real shallow but enough to inflict some good damage.” You spoke of the instance casually, glancing at them to see their reactions. They appeared faintly impressed, perhaps one could say they were even more intrigued by you at this point. 
“Some men can be complete idiots when handling themselves around a fine young woman.” Arthur commented, to which you narrowed your eyes at him playfully. 
“Mhmmm, I’m certainly not opposed to the act even after jail though.” Your catty remark had just enough bite that it made Arthur want more. And it unknowingly drew Charles in even more as well. 
“Well I certainly don’t hope I end up like that fool, I know a thing or two about handling myself around such a fine woman as yourself.” You audibly groaned at Arthur’s insertion of his foretold skills with the ladies, but you weren’t opposed to finding out just how skilled he was.
“So what are you doing after work?” Charles asked suddenly, surprising you. Even you didn’t know the answer. 
“Oh uhm, I’m not sure yet…” You trailed off, becoming a bit nervous. Not out of fear, but by the possibility that one of these two men could accompany you somewhere. 
“Hopefully somewhere that isn’t a bar, I’m sure you’re already tired of these. I know some spots.” Charles' face blossomed into a smirk as he sipped the drink you had poured for him, catching you off guard once again and causing you to blush lightly. 
“I actually know a few places where you can watch a show. In Saint Denis of course.” Arthur butted in. Your face lit up at the mention of the city. 
“Oh goodness Saint Denis?! I’ve wanted to go there for so long!” You gasped, feeling genuine excitement at the possibility of going. 
The two men continued back and forth, attempting to one up each other by using various different tactics. You were so good at being alone and feeling a deep seated antipathy for men, until you remembered how much fun it was to get attention from them, finding their desperate attempts to be flattering. And then you discovered a new found ache.
Genius Of Love - Talking Heads/Tom Tom Club
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tacagen · 1 year
did you know that negaduck from darkwing duck was based off reverse-flash? yeah, that doesnt even BEGIN to describe what's actually been going on between their character histories..
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first, negaduck wasnt just inspired by or a reverse-flash parody. he's a literal copy-paste of silver age thawne with a very few changes of origin place from future to parallel universe and identity from some random future guy to main hero's evil twin, because originally eobard was fixated on being a Criminal and not particularly flash's nemesis. back in the day, thawne constantly mentions how much he loves his criminal life. half of his lines are negaduck-worthy purely because the rest is related to being a speedster scientist. my personal favorite as an example:
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he passes the speed limit law in central city so that barry couldnt use superspeed without breaking it but thawne still could because he is 'a hardened criminal'. he invents rays that turn everything inflicted evil (something even negaduck has never done (ig solely because megavolt's already done it in the negaduck episode where he accidentally splits darkwing into good dw (posiduck) and bad dw(negaduck, with a black and gray color scheme), and while yellow negaduck is a different character this is basically how the idea of him was born and the writers just decided to keep him in a different form bc the gray one merged back into normal dw at the end which is super funny. imagine coming up with a duck villain and going 'oh this guy actually reminds me a lot of reverse-flash with all that opposite/negative thing. LET'S PAINT HIM IN THOSE COLORS AND GIVE HIM THE SAME PERSONALITY AND SIMILAR ORIGIN THIS TIME'), altho he DOES test the power gem on a cat in jail bird like thawne did with evil rays). he repeatedly tries to get poor former dr alchemy back to crime just because 'crime fun. why cant you see that. im doing it for your own good' and negaduck tried something like that with morgana in feb 14th episode my valentine ghoul (+that brief scene with gos from 2016 comics run where he believes she must be bad deep down inside out of comparsion to nega!gosalyn). negaduck also travels from a whole other world just to fuck around here for fun (there was this bronze age flash issue called flashback where thawne gets lost in the timestream because barry pushed the wrong buttons in his time capsule which is almost exact negaduck's fate in life, the negaverse and everything) and one of another few differences related is that negaduck is shown to be a dictator of his universe's St. Canard who is bored to live somewhere he already has all the power so he travels to another universe to cause problems on purpose.
second. dc's new52. eobard is rewritten again, now he and zoom are kind of one character. but guess what else is new in this version that never happend neither in zoom or professor zoom's lives? thawne is a fucking dictator in his own time. and people tried to fight his rule in flash's name just like friendly four needed darkwing as inspiration to finally fight back for their world.
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he gets his own team, acolytes of zoom (i wish i could call them local fearsome 4 but there are 5 of them, making it more of a sinister 6 if you count thawne) which he trains for centuries to fight the flash and betrays later by trying to steal their powers just like negaduck stole f4's in jail bird to become mega-negaduck and if all that wasnt enough, without the mask he straight up looks like negaduck humanization. look at him. this mf is only missing a hat and a cape.
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also these sudden black parts in his new speedster suit design? either it is some absolute fucking bonkers of a coincidence or someone on the flash writing team really went 'hey guys you know what would be real funny? lets base new thawne off negaduck. like he was originally based off thawne. i swear no one will notice' and everyone went with that. (i could also mention he has the same dumb motivation for being evil (having shitty childhood/being deep down sad about mistreatment and loneliness) as 2011 dwd comics run negaduck but imo that's too far of a stretch to actually be included)
third. yall know the deal of the first season of cw's the flash? yeah, what if i told you the whole thawne messes with the particle accelerator and causes barry to gain superspeed thing already fucking happend in darkwing duck, episode going nowhere fast?
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(the way i lost my mind over this back in the day when i decided to watch dwd just because negaduck reminded me of thawne(i didnt even know he was a direct rip-off, i just went 'oh wait dt universe has this evil fuck that wears the same color scheme as reverse-flash? girl i AM checking the whole thing out just to see if he's anything like thawne'.) and first watched the episode... priceless, still haunts me to this very day. how the hell was that written in 1991. did cw writers just take the idea from dwd too. honestly i cant be sure about anything anymore).
and remember in the duck knight returns (2011 comics run arc) flashbacks there was a super funny thing with negaduck not knowing dw's secret identity and being so proud he cracked the case? remember cw!og!thawne looking for flash's time period and not knowing his identity in 2nd season cameo episode? what the hell was even up with that!!! like guys. guys one of you is the most devoted flash fan from the future and there is NO way none of that kind of information was left a CENTURY after (i mean come on dude couldntve you just asked gideon. she literally had that 2024 newspaper about vanishing and thats at the very least not mentioning she was created by barry) and another is straight up the same fucking person as the hero with the same fucking relatives and enemies. idk take a wild guess??? ((i really wonder if anybody on the wirting team of 2011 dwd run saw not just life, the negaverse and everything but any episode featuring negaduck at all. not only do they ignore the existence of nega!gos in the 'oh he mean bc alone :(' approach, they ignore the very definition of negaduck's character which is literally evil drake mallard. i mean sure hes dumb and may miss obvious clues because of being the same dw just evil but come on, such a comedic situation and never addressed by drake whos literally been in the negaverse and knows they are the same person or by anyone else he coluldve told that? oh well unless drake is also dumb af and thought there never was any drake mallard in the negaverse in the first place and that negaduck is some other guy. which is a real probability i suppose))
also. negaduck's death by being split on billions of evil particles in crisis on infinite darkwings and thawne, being 'exorcised' from nash's body in a form of a negative speed force stream with sparks in 6x15 of cw's the flash.
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fourth! yall did watch ducktales 2017 reboot, right? specifically the duck knight returns episode? they introduce a whole new version of negaduck there! and guess what. jim starling, an old darkwing duck (in-universe 90s tv series) actor obsessed with his role, goes fucking nuts because there is a new darkwing duck actor in a new movie and he didnt even know. because he feels forgotten. because no one remembers neither him nor original series (objectievely not true bc obviously launchpad and drake but to jim they just dont count bc reasons. he seems to count only children but calls lp his fan when anthagonizes drake for taking even that from him in the end). because he was replaced and no one even bothered to tell him. he causes a fire on the set, almost kills drake but does have a change of heart at the end after launchpad's speech about what darkwing duck stands for and seemingly sacrifices himself to save drake and lp from the explosion. then they have the worst idea they could have in relation to jim's character ever: for drake to be a real life darkwing duck to honor jim's sacrifice. so naturally he hears that from the sewers or wherever he was hiding to see their reactions(look i am. 100% sure that this is what happened bc that makes so much more sense than jim getting brain damage or whatever from that explosion and waking up to choose violence again for no other reason). he gets hit with the being replacable and forgotten thing once again and renders back to negaduck tendencies, for all we know for good this time as his darkwing suit changes to the yellow-red one. yk who else went on a rampage because he felt forgotten and replaced? you guessed it! the return of barry allen, a 90s classic where thawne goes to 21st century for the first time, thinks he's barry (original-ish flash) because dissociation from trauma of seeing himself being killed by his hero and acts exactly like starling, having the same issues as motivation aka him/barry being forgotten and replaced by wally. he implies wally taking on the flash mantle is most disrespectful to barry. he rants about how he's the only flash and threatens to destroy not only the flash family but the whole central city for forgetting that. he and wally have a conflict of legacy similar to jim and drake's conflict in dt17. he is The starling blueprint only a lot more mentally ill. also we've heard something like the duck knight returns in running scared (this one is less reminiscent of jim but still features some things that werent in the return of barry allen). it's a rebirth arc that introduces another new origin of reverse-flash. now, he's been hyperfixated on barry allen his whole life (on a whole new level i mean) and there was the first meeting in 25th century where they Connected like thawne always believed they would. that day ended up in a fight and thawne's imprisonment because he set up casualties to get attention and praise for being the flash of 25th century but unlike all other versions this thawne has a change of heart after the fight, too. he promises to 'fix everything' including himself, he even goes to therapy afterwards. then he goes to the 21st century to tell barry how much he accomplished since they last met and then sees barry saying to wally one meaningful phrase he said to thawne that perfect day. like it wasnt something special only barry and eobard shared. like the day they met never happened. like he forgot thawne ever existed. like he was replaced as barry's speedster partner/friend/whatever he thought they were after that day by wally. and that shatters thawne so much he runs back to 25th and just decides to become the reverse-flash and make barry suffer until he gives him attention and recognition he deserved. frank angones, i am inside your walls. you CANT deny you based your versions of dw and nd off flash comics and thawne particularly. and more, you legit made reverse!eobarry au and put it in dt in duck forms. i have been losing my mind about it for 3 years now. i am exposing you and there is nothing you can do to escape that.
fifth(ish). yeah, and btw about friendly four from life, the negaverse and everything. did you think they actually escaped being mirrored in the flash? ha. i present to you reverse-rogues from the 25th century aka the renegades, carefully created by zoom and thawne himself, thinking it would somehow be funny.
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cant believe hunter once saw it on tv put 2 and 2 together and went 'eobard my dude we need to go full negaverse with the 25th century. we need a friendly four to your negaduck. i swear it'll be Hilarious'. god the only thing they lack at this point is nega!gosalyn (i mean. hunter actually did try something like that with inertia, saving him from the museum and trying to teach him how to torture flashfam into improving them but thad was more of a nega!honker and reverted hunter to crippled powerless state just because. love that kid)
and that's all i have so far, if anyone here also into both yellow-red mfs with no life feel free to comment or even add more because there sure is or at least will be more and no one has the power to stop it.
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in-pleasant-company · 4 months
Hello new friend,
I'm a 41-year-old white queer femme who has just recently retrieved my three AG dolls from the attic where I put them away before I went to college. I have Kirsten, and the original release Felicity and Addy. I brought them out to clean up and give to my daughter, but have found they have released a great deal of stored up energy, and I have been deep diving into the world of AG since I put it down in 2001. I have been working my way backwards in your Tumblr, and am in 2020 now. I want to thank you for your clear love of and dedication to American Girl, and I really appreciate your various thoughtful perspectives, especially as it relates to the historical PC and current Mattel relationship with race and ethnicity. As an Elder Millennial, I don't really know how to Tumblr, but you can find me on IG as quiltereina (my public account), so you can see that I'm not a total weirdo-in-a-bad-way - just a domesticated rebel with grandma hobbies living in a hippie suburb of my hometown of Washington, D.C.
I found my dolls, but not their clothes or accessories yet, which is a devastating. I received the dolls as gifts, but I earned all of their clothes through chores. I have already sewed more clothes for my girls (plus the three new ones I have purchased since Jan 1) than I had the entirety of my childhood, having leaned to sew in the intervening years. I am balancing the desire to recreate all of the clothes I had, using time-period appropriate prints and patterns, but in my own preferred color schemes (mostly pinks and purples), a sort of alternative history recreation for my own inner child, plus the desire to make fun and frilly costumes for my five-year-old's enjoyment. In these pursuits, I have not only saved the Pretty Dresses PDF from AGPlaythings, but have been searching for patterns that will as closely as possible replicate the Meet outfits for my girls; I have found Addy's from doll-princesse, and think I can wing Kirsten's from her school dress, but Felicity? Still searching.
So I have one very specific question - a woman in a 18" doll facebook sewing group claims that there was 1992 Pleasant Company book of patterns released, which included Felicity's Meet Dress. I have searched the ends of the internet; she is not referring to the PC Pretty Dresses Patterns; there is no record in the AG Wiki or in the Library of Congress for this book. She said someone on Etsy was selling copies of the book and the FB poster got blocked for harassing the Etsy seller for selling a book still under copyright, but I cannot find the like on Etsy or Ebay. Have you ever heard of such a book? Or is _someone_ -lying- on the internet? And if you have any other deep-dive pattern suggestions (I've seen everything on Etsy, PixieFaire, Pemberly, etc), I'd be grateful, and also happy to compensate pattern makers/recreators.
If you've made it this far, thanks for your time reading this, and again for your insightful and informative Tumblr-blog.
Hi, welcome! It's wonderful that you're giving some love to these old dolls once again!
As for the book with Felicity's pattern, it sounds fascinating. I will keep a lookout for it. It's possible the book was an internal, company only creation that was meant for creating the mockups before the doll clothes went into production in West Germany (and later in China). I will say that there was a set of doll patterns (or possibly multiple sets?) that were briefly available from Colonial Williamsburg that the person may have been remembering as Felicity patterns. It could also have been a pattern that was made available for special events at places like the Madison Children's Museum. I know of a pattern for Felicity's Bedding that is associated with the Madison Children's Museum.
The patterns available from Colonial Williamsburg were from Past Crafts patterns (labelled Evoking Period Style for Dolls), and I'm almost positive that there was a set of doll clothes patterns designed by someone who worked in the textiles department of Colonial Williamsburg, but I haven't been successful in tracking them down.
Edit: Could it be they were talking about the GIRL sized pattern for Felicity's Meet Outfit? It wasn't in a book but a paper envelope like commercial patterns.
Edit 2: I reached out on the AG Playthings message board and got some answers. Yes, the pattern does exist but it was never available for sale from Pleasant Company. I imagine it was an internal document that was somehow leaked/stolen. Mystery solved!
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chaisshitposts · 8 months
What is your stronger side? I am very curius about psychk. I love this rabbit hole!
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me rn bc you've induced some major brain vomit from me about this particular subject and I'm about infodump like a mf ^^^
aHHHH ME TOO!!! I'm hyperfixatin' on it 🕵️ I believe my stronger side is my right side, which presumably controls the left hemisphere of my brain aka the more logical side, which is BABIES because I'm a very creative, think outside of the triangle kinda person so I'd think I'm more of a right brainer. but it also kinda makes sense that I'm a lil' stronger in my right side since it's my dominant side and I do like to overanalyze & overthink things in a logical way (I need to change that belief as a matter of fact) 🤔 hoWevEr I have heard that it's important to use both sides of yer body to keep yer brain strong and lessens the chances of gettin' Alzheimer's and dementia (which I'm manifestin' a cure for both bc hell nah that shit is wack)
heads up, im about to ramble.
when I was readin' up on psych-k and the whole brain state, I stumbled across this new idea that's like 'brain gym' and I didn't think much of it until YESTERDAY when I was like... hm, are there other ways to make both sides of the brain work simultaneously while I'm awake??? cause psych-k is workin' for me and all but I'm sure there are other ways to communicate with both sides of my brain simultaneously to make affirmations stick in a much more efficient manner. when ya have both sides of yer brain workin' in harmony while affirmin' ya get like this deeper level of saturatin' yer mind aNd I wanted more of that bc it gives my brain the t i n g l e s. should also be mentioned that workin' yer entire brain is also a form of what can be referred to as 'super learnin' isn't that fuckin' gnarly??? i think it is. lIke could ya imagine that with this information now ya could literally just sit down and study somethin' with the utmost efficiency and whole brain thinkin' just by crossin' your damn ankles???????? wish I knew this shit when I was still in school--- wait nvm I'm still doin' classes.
there's this weird lil' exercise which is BASICALLY psych-k but ya stand up and do actual movements (super weird but also kinda fun for my monkey brain) iTs cALlEd the cross-crawl and there's a whole bunch of benefits for it (imma copy paste them below) this is all from this website I tried it for a few seconds yesterday and it was weird and cringey so I stopped but imma try it out again today for science 🧍
• Build your core strength
• Release stress and tension
• Enhance whole-brain thinking (get your left and right hemispheres to work together)
• Calm your mind
• Energize your body
it's pretty much a lil' funny dance where ya march side to side— its an actual exercise so y'know
ANYWAYS, it should be known that I am an avid method hopper because all methods work for me and I can do anything I want and it still works, sO I was thinkin' of a crazy ass combination of methods that involves psych-k, cross-crawling, and reverse psychology from @/charmedreincarnation which they described in detail in this post
this sounds insane and all over the place, I know, but I can't help it its because of how my brain chemistry works 😭 im like a mad scientist with manifestation methods at this point
also... why did I find another brain synchronization exercise video... I need to slow my road. but here it is anyways
I had no idea Tai Chi was a form of brain synchronization exercise holy shit???? but ig that makes sense since it is a state of meditation
i could have infodumped WAY more but I forgot most of the other things I wanted to say... 🤡 TY FOR ASKIN' THIS QUESTION!!! ask me more questions if ya want me to info dump again, I'll try to keep my thoughts organized
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my-castles-crumbling · 5 months
Dancer anon advice
Hi all! Someone wrote me about some advice, I'm just copy and pasting it here so I can add a 'read more' line and format it a bit differently than usual so I can keep my thoughts in order!
Italics is their writing
Bold is mine
i noticed ppl were using this blog to ask about stuff, so here goes ig?
(also im sorry this was going to be me asking about gender stuff but now its just kinda my life story 😭 if you dont want to answer this, you can just write a post saying like. dancer anon i dont feel comfortable answering this or whatever)
Ahhhh, you all need to stop apologizing! I never mind helping!
im afab, and i feel like i never really fit in with gender? like, i would always be so jealous of my feminine friends but i didnt feel good when dressing feminine myself
i also take dance classes (i started at around 6/7) and i felt like i had to wear all the skirts and shit because i wanted to be pretty like the other dancers, and i felt really terrible after a few years of that, because i hated how i looked in them and how i looked when i danced
(i also used to have a dance teacher whos hands were always cold and thats all i can remember about him but i really hated dancing with him and would get relieved when classes were over. ive hated dancing with boys/men ever since)
and it got like. really bad. i believe? (my memory is actually terrible. i cant remember anything for the life of me, so it could be my mind overexaggerating, but anyways.)
i would always ask for me and my teacher to just do stretching because i hated how i looked when i danced because i hated the skirts and everything because i hate my legs and how they look when bare. i hated attending dance classes because people would see me and see my legs and see how i looked and i felt terrible all the time (i think i was around 9 or 10 at this age?)
so one day i had a whole crying fit and my dance teacher told me that i dont have to wear skirts or whatever, i can wear pants and shit (i was so fucking relieved. istg. i now wear skirts to dance only like. couple times a year maybe)
and then soon enough covid happened! (also keep in mind that i grew up like. really sheltered. i did not know what gay people/transgender people were until i read fanfiction about warrior cats 😭)
and i was so delighted! because on distance learning, no one would see me and be able to judge me for how i dress or whatever
at around this time, my fear of everyone masculine really grew. its still there. im fucking terrified of all men. i cant help it. like every boy man masculine person. i get so scared. i hate it. i hate it so much
but then covid came to a halt, yk, school started again .-. i felt like shit, honestly. i didnt have ANY clothes i felt comfortable in. my hair felt too long and "feminine" and i wanted to cut it for the longest time. my clothes made me feel terrible. i hated how the leggings would wear on my legs and how my sweaters would show my body shape and how my butt looked (i still really hate how it looks. why is it big. i dont want it to be i hate it so much)
yeah so there i am, feeling dysphoric as shit (i did not know what that was, back then, by the way, but i believe thats what i was feeling)
didnt help that my only friend was a toxic, lying, manipulating bitch who led people on for fun and always expected everyone to worship at her feet
after a while, i discovered different labels! (bisexual was the first label i had for myself. i felt good with it, ig?)
and then i got to the gender situation. i used so many girl alligned terms because i was so scared of being percieved as the very thing i am terrified of (masculine ppl). i went through demigirl, girlflux, genderfae, genderfluid, i beleive, maybe somethign else too, because i wanted to stay connected to being a girl.
Okay so here, I want to ask, what's the reason to wanting to say connected with being a girl? Is it feeling like you are partially a girl? Not wanting to be connected to masculinity? Not wanting to let go of the 'girlhood' that you grew up with? None of these reasons are bad but I think thinking about this more might help you figure out your gender.
around this time i started doing leader steps for dance. the euphoria i felt. please.
ahhhhh wait! I do ballroom, too! I'm a follower, though. what's your favorite? I LOVE tango. Okay, sorry, I got distracted.
found out i was a lesbian, used nonbinary but with she/they pronouns and felt like shit whenever anyone called me she but didnt want to make a big deal about using they
ooo, okay here- asking for your correct pronouns isn't 'making a big deal.' it's asking for what you need and asking for respect.
found out i was aroace because "people actually find video game characters attractive?" 😭
thought i might feel better as a boy? cut my hair. i loved it so much (i still do) (that was may of last year) got baggy clothes. covered up my figure. did leader steps for dance.
over the summer i started using labels such as agender? which i feel like fits me?
anyway, thats the life story part, now for the part about what the fuck am i
i feel like shit whenever im called a girl or refered to with feminine terms. im not sure if it would classify as dysphoria or not, becuase i dont feel /that/ bad about it, but it still ruins my mood and kinda makes me want to cry.
okay so here's the thing. not 'feeling THAT bad' doesn't mean anything. Dysphoria is dysphoria. and this is dysphoria. Just because you're not throwing up in a corner doesn't mean your feelings aren't valid.
if my grandma calles me granddaughter, girl, whatever in russian, it automatically ruins my mood. makes me feel terrible. i hate it.
i dont feel as bad when my sister calls me her sister, though, for some reason.
Okay! So for me, I hate being called a lady, but I don't mind my wife calling me her wife. Again, this is all completely valid <3
when i get called by she/her i hate it so much. i dont want to make a big deal about asking for they/them - sometimes my friends remeber, sometimes they dont.
ive never tried he pronouns, dont think i want to.
they/them pronouns dont give me that much euphoria either, its just like. ok
Okay! Have you tried neopronouns? If you're not interesting in those, it could just be that they/them is what feels best. And that's okay, too!
another thing. my friend has another nonbinary friend. she always genders them correctly, but almost never me. it makes me feel like shit, like she cares more about getting their pronouns than mine, even though i know that thats not a good mindset and shit.
*loud buzzer sound* wrong. Your friend should be gendering everyone correctly, not just some people. Good friends care about making their friends feel comfortable, and this friend is making you uncomfortable. Would you feel comfortable talking to them about it?
also, heres some more on my fear of men because who doesnt love being scared out of their wits irrationally :D
my dance teacher had to leave to go back to where she lives, so they gave me a male teacher (i tend to only have female ones.)
i would be in tears every lesson. i felt like shit. (also i hate the sound of peoples voices and he would always be talking and i hate it so much because his voice, amongst others, is one of the ones that hurts my ears the most.) i even went to my mom to ask her for a change which helped ig? my new teacher is really nice and i love her so,,, yeah
Okay, I want to stop here to say- a lot of this has to do with gender, right? But this particular response seems to be rooted in trauma. Without prying too much, I am wondering if there is something that happened with a man or masculine-presenting person or people? You do NOT have to share with me, but this might be something to explore with a trusted person in your life. I mean, there is a chance it's gender-related, but in the most loving way, there seems to be something deeper going on here.
anyway, you dont have to answer this, i was going to just ask for help with labels and feeling like theres no correct label for me (i use agender now, for simplicity, because i dont feel connected to having a gender at all)
So I guess my question is, how do you feel about the agender label? When I looked up the definition, it seems to be defined as exactly what you described- someone not having a gender at all.
Also, remember that your gender identity and expression are two different things! You can identify as agender (or any of the other things you mentioned) and still choose to dress however feels most comfortable and use whatever pronouns feel most comfortable. There are no set rules except: do what feels most genuine and comfortable!
if you do want to answer this but dont want to use this large of an ask on your blog, just call me dancer anon, i will see and understand 👍
again, sorry for dumping all of this on you
ahhhhhhh don't be sorry, you are a wonderful human!
have a wonderful day
you, too! please message me if you want to talk more! <3
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necrogfie · 16 days
i need to get a physical copy of the torah ... i really want to have one in between my hands + it could make the reading of it way more fun but ig im settling for reading it online for now
also kinda sad but a few years back i got like a lil bag of charms and all to make jewelery and all and there was like a little magen david (and like a cross or smth) but i threw them bcuz i was like 'i dont wanna do cultural appropriation ^_^' and uhrm punching past me right now
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that-bl-bitch · 2 years
if you were thinking about whether or not you should watch She Makes My Heart Flutter, I'm here to tell you DO IT DO IT DO IT NOW OMG DROP EVERYTHING WATCH IT NOW!!!! GUUUUYYSS!!!! I'm only on the first episode but they had me the SECOND (let me say it again) THE SECOND I started it I was immediately impressed just aesthetic alone it is so bright and colorful and you can tell they put so much work into the details of the set design and then it's filmed so well and honestly I didn't know what to expect when it came to production value cause you never know, it can go either way and ig it was nice to see like a good one (not that I would have checked out if it seemed lower) plus there are some simple BUT LOVELY shots and then we meet one of the main characters (idk remember anyone names cause that's ep 2 business) and right off the back HILARIOUS I love her so much she so chaotic and funny I want to be her when I grow up, when we meet all the other characters it is also SO FUN cause all the characters are so DIFFERENT AND DYNAMIC which is so refreshing cause sometimes I feel like when we do get groups of girls (in bls specifically) they just kinda feel like all the same character just copy and paste with maybe slight changes or like a hbic and lackeys but in SMMHF every girl in the group is so different, so funny, and they all seem on the same level like it has an actual friend group vibe and again throughout all this STILL SO FUNNY like I'm actually laughing out loud, look if you guys crave gls as HARD as I crave good gls you gotta watch it, it's Korean, it's on YouTube, its well made, the characters are so good, the acting is good, what more could you ask for. I've seen quite a few gls but you know a decent amount and I really think korea does it best (so far at least, we have a couple of gls bout to be coming out and I'm really excited about that Japanese one and GAP so we'll see but I just love the vibe of Korean show put with girls love) and I really think that will continue so give me korea give me gl I'm at the very least checking it out the only "con" is that its short but also that's to be expected and obviously length/ runtime doesnt dictate whether a show is good or bad cause I watched plenty of short bls that have blown me away (Old Fashion Cupcake, itsay, WBL to name a few) and I feel like this is gonna be one of the ones where I don't think it matter how long it is cause its so good you're not even thinking about that
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2-wuv · 8 months
Pls info dump about your system. I saw in your tag that you want to so consider this a free pass to do so I want to know all that ya want to share
ok SO the headspace changes DRASTICALLY like every few months or few weeks or so. Just a week ago it was a copy of the house we currently live in. We like,,, grew up in this house so it was Also our headspace for years as a kid and we had the vibe tht it was. The exact headspace frlm back then too bUT WE never did get to find out bc it changed AGAIN like a few days ago. smh. Now i think we're just above & outside of The Cave™™™™™ tht was discovered here earlier this year. WHICH IS REALLY FUCKING COOL! BECAUSE THAT MEANS:
The headspace survived the nuclear winter!!*
HOYL SHIT WE'RE IN THE MAIN HEADSPACE AGAIN LET'S GOOOOO <= has been stuck in Harry's headspace for the past half yearIEJFKDKFMC
[*Sometimes it just fucking gets Destroyed. Like... Semi permanently. As in, if it gets destroyed there is Very Little Chance we'll see that variation of our headspace AgainFHDJDKFKFJ and last we uhhjj Talked to anyone in the Main System, bc we are... TECHNICALLY A SUBSYSTEM! FJDJFJ, they were like Yeah no everything is fucking Destroyed <3. But that's not the case snymore ig???????]
SO w all this information actually if we rlly wanted we could probably make a decent map of the area. cuz if We jave this headspace back then we have Everythingggg it had in it back too & everything that it was connected to THAT'S NEAT WE MIGHT DO THAT!!
uhhjjj waht else. HMMM. i thuink our current front roster is neat TBH there's some guys active rn that we'd have never expected. like HI PHYS! WYD WHY R U HERE RN <3 QJAIWOSKSKDNCXN but it's fun !!!! i hope everyone innn our subsystem will fromt here at lEast once bc I Am Lov Collecting Informatión On Everyone <= Primarily fills out everyone's PK & Simply Plural descriptions. actually I think maybe everyone has fronted a sufficiently long enough time EXCEPT FOR HAND/EYE LIKE S I R GET YOUR ASS UP HERE TELL ME ABT YOURSELF BASTARD !! GJCJCKCKF all ik abt him is that He enjoys making Pokeblocks On Pokefarm. that is IT and that's NOT ENOUGH INFORMATION MY GUY but anyways.
i also think us Existing Here is so funny in itself like our asses rlly just got Possibly permanently isekai'd huh. like. like. Genuinely I don't know if our past mains r coming back at this point but that's FINE we already did the whole 96 stages of grief shit about it IF that be the case then SO be it Whatever there's pros to this life ig. like THIS body isn't on the verge of SUDDENLY DYING FOR NO REASON and also We have a cat. we have a cat!!!!! and a dog!!!!!! whaddahell!!!!!!!
there's lotsa fun shit here But there r also the Horrors. Like I PERSONALLY WOULD LOOVE TO EXIST with Out the Constant Paranoia And Delusions but IT *IS* PREFERABLE! OVER WHSTEVER THE FUCK WAS WRONG WITH HARRY <3 AJSJDJF
I will say tho. When we uhhhhhhh All popped in & all we Just assumed we'd be Gone & dormant MONTHS AGO but ummmm . well. apparently not! sO the things we wanted 2 Experience have a High probability Of Happening,! Like PT is excited for Halloween and UNLESS those pirate fucks completely take over the roster within the next like week [0f.md s2 on the 5th babey!!! holy shit!!] then it's. Probably gonna happwn!!! which is so cool we don't actually... hey did Halloween exist in (source game)
man and speaking of. Memories Of The Past as we call source memories. It's a collective sys-wide trait thing All our fictives from aNY source rlly enjoy piecing together what they remember from their canons & all It's like enrichment for us. BUT we've been kinda piecing together a rough timeline of when We all formed in our canon That's our biggest Thought Project™ rn. No estimated time 4 when it'll be Complete tho probs never tbh. and w that in mind u may or may not believe who harry's first sysmate was According 2 what we've put togetherJTJEDKFKDJS
ok that's liek 5 trillion words Whoops. we r so talkatives <3 I am going to stop there it's like 5 am JFJDDKCKF we gotta go back to bedddd -E-Chem
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astralm00ns · 10 months
did you also know i run a fandub for another au of mine
i present midnight x wrongdoings x starfall!! (or abbreviated to mxwxs)
main premise is spy / phantom thief with two main teams
first is daybreak starfall, consisting of l/n, harushizu, toyahane, and kanaena. (oh yeah let me mention no ships are canon i’m just grouping them to make it easier) a spy organization started by saki, she did this since tsukasa had gone supposedly missing after an argument that the tenmas had with one another. saki wants to bring tsukasa back as she misses him dearly, and the two both have their regrets over what happened that day. over time a total of 9 others also being reported as such. also there’s been a lot of crime going on recently..like way way more than usual, typically left with signs from our second group here which i’ll mention in a bit. this only strengthened saki’s reasoning to recruit people she knew to help out.
now the group causing all these problems is known as midnight x moonlight, a group of phantom thieves. each missing person? yeah they’re right here. wxs, minoai, akian, and mafumizu. commuting a whole bunch of crimes and generally making life a little more i convenient for the people around them.
now regarding its formation, mxm has more depth than ds but that’s mostly since it was partially because of mxm that ds even formed in the first place, anyways getting into that
tsukasa hasn’t exactly been the best lately, like his method actor thing isn’t going as well as it once was, like he just can’t remember shit when it comes to more dynamic roles that he’s been receiving as of recent, he’s had a lot more circumstances of facing his inferiority to certain things, not even just acting, overall just not really having it. and lately the tenmas have been a bit more distant, each trying to be more focused on the things going on between their units. though tsukasa one day blinded by his emotions, snaps at saki after she tries to check on him and see if he needs help. he ends up running away not wanting to even look saki in the face anymore after what he did, and then yeah. a new hatsune miku right in his phone, not wxs miku, entirely new one. basically because of the passions breaking the sekais broke along with them. and now with these new feelings and goals each for the tenmas, two new sekais have formed for their respective groups. so this miku would be the one for mxm talking to tsukasa. she’s a little piss boy and tries guilting him into believing that "y’know you really are cool and people should know that you know…give them a reason to know you heheherre"
at first he’s really against it and really, really contemplative, and even after he forms it he still debates it, but he has fun with it ig over time, but even then he still isn’t sure whether or not he could have found a different resolve
anyways regarding the dub itself,
with me in specific i’m the director, tsukasa va, also an artist and writer for it
va positions are all taken but staff positions are open, also understudies might open depending on certain vas
our staff roles are artists, writers, editors, and composers
so if you’d like to join, y’know, uh….
https://discord.gg/KYQrMrbFfq (just copy/paste it tumblr isn’t letting me use the link thing cueueue..)
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^ very simplified doodle of tsukasa in the au
anyways gn starting school tmr
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ostrigjpg · 5 months
curiosity always gets the green mountain goose, so here goes :
What’s your sexual orientation?
What are you obsessed with right now?
Describe your dream home.
If you could teleport anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?
What are three places you want to travel?
Describe your perfect Friday night.
What’s your favorite season?
If you could live in a fictional world, what world would you pick?
What’s your coffee order?
Do you have a crush on anyone?
What’s your guilty pleasure?
How many people do you follow?
Describe your ideal partner.
Who do you text the most?
What’s your favorite kind of weather?
oh god i can't copy paste this on mobile why'd you take out the numbers. im going to just answer them in order ig.
Title Pending™️ (im working on it. and by working on it i mean offloading the work onto future me)
nothing really. just finished exams so until recently that was the only thing allowed in my mind. I'll see what occupies it.
for my dream home, idk. big bedroom. gaming room. a good amount of guest bedrooms. a living room with every board game and card game in existence. kitchen that won't burn. maybe a bathroom while we're at it. and a big ass room that i can run around in and maybe climb stuff. that'd be fun.
depends on the conditions of the teleport. if its just a "you're now here" kind of teleport then I'd go home so i can skip the train ride and jump straight into my bed. if I'll be safe and am guaranteed a way back? somewhere cool. a really tall mountain. or maybe antartica i bet there's some cool views over there.
hmm. i want to go back to France (went once but i was tiny) and England (went once but was with school) as for a new place. idk.
Gaming. Something i can enjoy usually. then falling asleep to tv/youtube/whatever while buried in blankets.
Autumm. It's colder and wetter than summer. Winter's too dark. Spring makes me sneeze.
i can't think of a fictional world. idk.
im not much of a coffee drinker. idk names and stuff. whatever the person next to me orders probably.
im not sure. it's complicated. but if i do im not in a position to do anything about it so there's that.
snacks. and anything sweet. If left unsupervised ill eat all of the tasty in the world. and then some.
according to tumblr, i follow 152 blogs. i dont interact that much tho. its a bit scary
they like me. i have low standards.
these days, you! :3
rainy. if i have to go out, just a small drizzle. if i dont, then i better hear the downpour and the lightning and the thunder and all of the noises. very good noises in storms. (but they are a bit mean sometimes :c )
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samthecookielord · 1 year
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That funky instagram oc thing i mentioned at some point woo
I wanted to play around with the colouring :]
Copying and pasting the desc from IG under the cut
For Round 1 of Top OC, we had to make a cover for a song using two words from a word pool! I used Lost and Sweet to make the title Lost In The Sweetness :]
As Team Jazz Pizzazz, obviously they're going to make something jazzy - right up Maggie's alley!
With Bethica on the piano, Maggie on her trusty cello, and both on vocals, there was nothing that could stop these two from making the perfect song!... That is, until they realized they couldn't get it to sound how they wanted.
Bethica wasn't exactly an expert at piano, and Maggie was nervous without the help of her closest musician buddy back at home.
Eventually they took a break. During this break however, they started jokingly improvising a song together about the snacks they were having, not worrying at all about the quality, and just had a lot of fun! It wasn't until after they were done that the two found out the recording was still going! And watching it back, they realized how good it was -- and thus Lost In The Sweetness was made!
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mimithealpaca · 5 months
i prefer girls ft. emily x noreem (OCs)
i gave in. i drew my fave sapphic ship. meme sourced from here~
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emily is the lady in the white dress. noreem is nonbinary, and they are the one lying down.
copy-paste infodump from ig:
more about the OCs in here! they're from a very angsty story i outlined (to an extent) in 2014. the woman in the white dress is named emily and she is the best friend of the main character noreem, who is the one lying down. noreem has secret feelings for emily that are complicated by their gender dysphoria and family situation, but before they could even confront any of these things, they get isekai'd to a fantasy world… it was really fun to depict these two! i think i have actually drawn them a total of twice (including the past 2 days where i was working on this) from 2014 to 2024 so… they're pretty neglected OCs… moreover, it was so fun to experiment with the colors in this piece! i didn't have such an analogous color scheme to begin with but look, i love dramatic yuri, and that is what you're gonna get.
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